The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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2$c $imtn $ri8tme
riSbtlsSfd'Dillr; Uxctpt fiimeUj. nr The Ttlb.
line Publishing Company, at Utt) IcnH i Month.
1.IVV 8 HICHAM), I'.lllnr.
0. .'. llY.XIH.i:, llnilnns Mincer.
Kc York Ofllccl 150 Xiin . v) f VSM)
Sole Ajjcnl lor VorolAn Advertising.
Knlcrcel l (he PolnlTko nl fcmnlon, Pa , as
Second Clnsi Mull Mailer.
H'lifti np-iee llt permit, The Tribune l ntM
phil lo print lmrt loltrta (mm lt filrml '
iiiK on oirirnt topic, lint IN Mile l llnl In"'
tiit lie nljjnctl, lor puMltntlnn, bj I"'1 writer a
fral nimc! and the innillllon pircetlenl lei nt
ie plain e I tint all lontrlbullom tlull be subject
In editorial revision.
Tim ki,at n.vii: t-oit Anvnuiivn.
The follow Inu tahto linus the prlro lur Ineb
each Insertion, nice to be til within om' jear:
)i thin 500 Inches
mp ln lies ,
lsntl "
."mi "
I'or e-mls ol (limits, resolutions of innilotrnro
mnl plnilhr mntrltiiitlnns In the niltire ol ad.
vcitMnj; Iho lilbunc mikes I dilute ol 5 cints
a line
HhIos for Plawlfled A'hcrlltlni! fnrnblii'el on
SCtiANTON', .Il'N'tJ S, V.M,
Thr appointment nf Jlmk K. IMr.u
:m tlm tpcfii dot's pi I vn tp "oeictnty It
eminently lit. All. IMrhi lint hud the
lipnelit of thn )Cst Kind (if ti.ilnlnir
for this plntp nntl hl ictuin to thp
rity will l)p wpIkuiipiI Iiv nil who ic
nipinhpr his e mn tc-si.v nnd ollklcniy
when '(.inltiR theio bofoip.
Let Us Have Peace.
THKHE IS i on son to IipIIpvp Hip snmo wp,iiinns oC
tiinnoll which tho peoplp of
Sri.iiiton fplt with ip
R.utl to tlip i It v ropi iiniprit ob
tains with loXptPiKc to tlm local Ineius
trlnl .situation. An pi a of notation
and of stiilut, has piovallpi! for up
wnrd of a vf.ii, with lossps to the
ronimunlty agKicK.ittnK Into the mil
lions, and tlm chhmm withe, thinking
rlcnient, whcthci winking nipn or oin
pIopis, has Kiown kk of It nnd Ioiibs
It is foitunatp that with nil thp tin
iest that has pipallpd thoip has been
llttlo public (IIsokIpi. Thp sti Ik
ois, with but fpu et options
have been law -abiding and 01
dcilj, and thev will lPinaln so
Jloie than that, thp niKe hipf-lovlng,
haiiKitiff-em tl.iss which habitually sp
lccts .stiiku .spnsons as tlmps for mak
ing tioublo will now hc.sltalp to lopp.nt
thp stpnos of anaichv which attPiidpil
thp In lef stipot car stiikp. Mianton's
lPCPiitlv in(iiiud nnteniotv as a hot
bid of l.iboi tinuhlps and a place
whcio pntcipusp is blacklisted will
sppedilv disappp.ii because, in thp Hist
pltic, it is iininst, nnd bnansp, spc
nntll.v, thp piotculon of piopeitv and
f,ood mill i will ho piifoitcd lmpai
tlalh. Put it is timet, for thp poncc
ln iiiK sentiment of the omninnitv to
assei t itself TIipip has bppn loo mm h
industiial stilfe and iIIsloiiI The in
tPicsts of all tall loi haimony and
goorl w ill.
Pcianton's best mpotinss to I'.nffaln
Bill He is a giand oung old m in who
deceives thcTn.
Back to First Principles.
crU'TI.N'Y of our e liangps
shows a diss.itis-
"fiutlon with tb" results ob
tained in itcent public si liool
education. In many localities thoie is
animated u hit Km and while mm h of
tt niav denote the unbi idgeable dlifoi
ente lvtuecn the Ideal and teal, some
of It ieitaliil, has toot In lusiicp
To lite an ilhlstiation. a lite Kstio
of the Tot (into (llobe, opeiiPd at i.iu
ilinii, lontnlned a p.tR of let lei s ob
3eillnp: to ni Ions teatmrs In Ihe woik
of the setnndaiv schools In that i It v
and piiiNini e 1 idelllly pail ol a
piolonRed ilKiussion. One lotioi in
pmlliulai inteiestid us. It was i It
ten 1 I!e . Y, I. liinnl n 1'pper
Canada ioIIcrp and pottlnns ol It lit
Siianton pitKel, I'oi' Instance, "one
undoiibtid ilefpi I in our system," lie
aspens, ' lias been Its inei-aniet to
lileasp peivbod. The man In the fa
ble wlio In the ininaRPment of Ills nss
onileaoud to i. in) nut tho wKIips ot
the sin rpsslnu of well-me.inlllK fnddists
whom In met did not make nun h pin.
Mis-s on his loiiinc), ami without
pushing tlie i amp 11 Kon ton fai It
.seems i Idem lllllt of lute Mais we
have hull n cniiROilcs o attempts to
pli ise i"-ivbod, latket than tin 01
f.iinUed s sic m, plnnned and uitiiiolled
li euitV
Agnill' "The louisii taken Iiv the
Hl.tjui lt ot boj-. In "III lll'lll ,sc liools
K n i oni,ionilse of a ei, iuis stom
ptii kliid, With no :nleitmu dKci Ini
ilUitlou of ionises, i liao Hied t"
plcrdui" ttaihei.s, to piodiue stholais
to r(o piaitlial Instiiictlnii to the fat
n (i and to the lutdness man. The ie.
Full i uiiMilKfin toi) A Rood ileal
of attention Wis been paid lo ioiiiiiipi
c'al eliuf-es, which have pttugKlcil In
nin foi n i osltlon of smlal euuallty
with the moid lltnaiy couises, .mil
wish It lime lu innseiieno ln'i taught
ill n iKllant Uiaiilli bv the rnmmei
i lal maste)s and linlf-lifaiiedh iy
tbiso win. luue iiiilo.iiii(il to teaih
lltctatuie, Thus, op the one hand mir
hi ys hne been able to rpi a Utile
Latin mid less Ciicck, ol, on the nihil,
to get a niodiiiim of ilieoietlml book,
keeping and mmmeielal ailtbnietlc;
nita'ijwlill" KiirIIsIi llteintuie mid
lhiKljli ioiniio"illoii hao been to a
gftat e,tent negltn eil. (Jur ioy.s lead
the pportlng pappis, mid got iheie.
finin a iiiplous, f peeiilint, voiubulai)
they lead plenty of nniels, mid uf
jnagnzlnes good and bad; but (hey mo
not eaiefully and sslomiillnilly In.
tirduied to the gieat woikh of the
Ritatesi Itteiatuio In the wnrld. Thus,
we me In danger of tinning out a me
w)ikh K nut culluied, nnd which,
lliinigh lull uf business shicuilnebs, is
imt well up in the I luce it's, ii nation
(if bad spelleta mid oibi wiltcts,
while nt the iiinic lime wj ute tettalu.
ly not piodiiclug scholium"
ly the MibJ"it of pvuiuiiiatl'uis I lev.
ili.Gtiit.liad this tu iay: "Uamln.
rtun ot wiillnRon
I'iptr IteadlnR
.2- T2TJ
W .2J
in IT.
.If.-. .17
.15 .lfii
rttlons ns n rough lest of plllclency me
In mnny subjects n neicstly! exnmln
ntlpns ns the polo, nnd niilv Itst of met It
hip dendnnlng In Iho evtirine! by mnk
Ing I hem so Me have ndded lt the
nil, fur the puplN lime nniUinlly put
Iheli lluie mid ineigy I'lileflv upon
Ihii'p subject lii Uilth evmnlnatltins
me Pt, tiliil Upon those pnits of lliom
Whtili nip most likely to flgtlie In Hip
pMinilnatlon. Smn "ytrm bv which
tiolh the lepuit of the lew her on tho
tlns work of the pupil nnd n written
evmnlnntlnn bv unpieilludlcetl nutlint
ItleH wnultl cni'li have their due weight
would b of gient value."
The leinidy foi thee ills Is not hid
den tt U to get bitelt In, sehool wot It
n" close ns possible to flist principles!
to give the bovs mid gills n substantial
fouiidntlnu of Insti notion lu the
elenientmy .studies, with nnttlie study
and hand tialnlng added: mid In the
ninjoilty of eases to let It go nt that.
Now Is the (line for pi nt tlcnl appieeK
atlon of Ihe Thhtcelith leglinent and
of Its splendid new minors' Let eerv
Sc imilotilan do .something to make the
iledlcatotv lull n giand success.
The Juvenile Court Law.
Till: PttOVCstONS of lb"
UlMlille imilt law weif
.'iven detail nnd explanation
foi the leading public In the
newpapoi i rpnrts of Tuedav of the
meeting he Id on Monday by the Phil
adelphia bonid of bulges, a meeting
tlnxntPfl to discussing the best metilods
of putting Into effect the ptovKlous
of the law. Pending the icpoit of a
committee appointed nt that meeting
and consisting of the live piesldent
bulges and such othets as thev might
select, the itidgis now sitting in the
quaitpi 'esslons point In Philadelphia
wcie empowpiF'il to act m nnv ease In
that c It v demanding Immediate at
tention undei th" statue.
Now, as Magistrate Atlllii has es
peclall) called to the altcntlon of the
Ketanton pnlill". iheie me cases in this
city at this eiv moment (leinandlng
sue Ii immediate attention The liw.
in Its f,iious clauses, iclalrs to "de
pendent" rhildien, "neglected" children,
"delliuiuent" i hlldien this thlid class
compilsing t hlldien under sixteen
)e'ais of ege who by bunking laws or
ordinances lender themsfhrs subjects
of an est. tt Is of tin se, th" thlldieii
foi whom Alagistiate Mill.n lias made
his forcible appeal to the people uf
this city for a lit plai o of detention
while awaiting, i place where
thev shall not be in contact and as
sociation with older mid liaulened
ciiminals, tint we again speak, lleie
is the resume of the Imenlle mint
law's pi o talons as to thelt auest and
"Dellneiuent children, when attested,
ina be taken dliectH Into the juve
nile couit. If ghen a heating befoie
a magKtiatp. the case must be tians
feiied to the ttlbunnl No child under
1.' ol age. the act sas, shall be
loniinitted to the state lefoim.itoM
oi house of icfuge, not child undei
It eais of age to n jail ot police
station If such a child is unable to
senile bail, it is to be placed under
the laie of the shot Iff. policeman or
liobatlon ofllcei, who shall place it in
a .suitable pl.u e piol.led foi such
children. If the oiithful offender Is
senlene-Ml lo tonflnement, it must be
kept .sepiiate fiom adult convicts or
in I'oneis "
Now will the (Oimcils, the c bin dies,
the entue people of Si i.inton. please
take a sense of that paiagiaph, those
clauses of the law.' WIipip Is that
"suitable plai e piovlded foi such
ehildion's iletention," and now impel -alhol)
oicleied b the act as eeiy
pel son knows, a ihlng that should
hne been bith oideied and enfoiced
long befoie this lime, in the Inteiests
alike of the childien and of the entlie
The papeis piofane a hoh wonl when
thev c ill the mntUe ot shooting af 'love." The man who shoots his
sweeibe.nt is not a ictim of luxe but
of lun.u'v.
The June Industrial Congress.
MANri'AOTrP.INi; Penn
s)lanla. IndustiHl Penn
shania, cannot do olhei
wlse than lime an Inter
est lu ihe coming of the Southern In
di.stilal coinentinn ncl week lo the
chief clt) of the Keystone suit. That
any point neuth of Mason's and DKon's
line shriild have been i liospn 'o- the
Missions of this lepiesentathe mfei
eme of soiithein men K In itself epiite
as slRitltlinnl as was the enlistment of
(It noi nl Joseph Wheeler and mail) of
his old associates of Ihe ('oiifodeiato
aimv iindn the flag of a leunlted
coiinlt) foi Mi!io lu the win with
Spi.iu, That the plate i lui'-eii Is the
nicliopolls ol oiu own .stale, Its chief
loiuiiieiclnl pint, ihe site of the gieat,
and iiMllvimhiue Common lal Aluseunis
and that of the Intcinatlmi il Com.
menial espcslllon of lr.n, makes the
i onilng eoinonilon doiibl) 'i inattei of
lull test in nil Penns.vhmilans who take
a healthful initio in theli own slate,
Its pit spoilt) and Its lesouiees
As has b"ei stated, "the south will
si tui to the ininentlou its lending men,
Including geneinoi.s of Mutes, maois
of piogipssho titles, if piosrntatlvcs
of eoniiiieichil oiganliitlons, suuessfui
iiianufiiciuiPi.s, oneigetli business men,
incniheiri of congiess, mul odiliatnis
who me doing iiiiewsaiv woik lu aliK
lug the lemaikahb stildes in aiHtinee
which the south Is now making," Thoio
nic a number of nien of niHionil tepti.
tnllon on the list of speakeis vho will
discuss special wtbjf e Is Hon, lloko
Smith, uf the Atlantic Jmiinal, nnd a
mt'iuhei of t'ipsdent i'leel'ind'n cabi
net, will deliver an add) ess on the "Fte
MiuiceH of the South'" and "Popular
IMucation tilt Pnwei uf Piogiess" Is
the theme of nno to be given by Hoheit
O Ogden, piesident of Ihe Snuthein
IMucation il lonfeienie, one who has
wi night so faithfully foi (lie ailvamt.
ment of induytilnl ediie atlon In the
south, Tho 'Illness mlnlstei, u Ting,
fang, will also be tlioie and will spenk
on "Anieiltnn Tiade In the Oilent."
Tho I 'lilted States is one nation. The
development of Us Intci state, inter,
sectional, lesoiiiie.s, and the aupmint.
mice by the people of one state tn teo.
lion with tho people and the icsouues
of every ttliei poition, mo licconilng
uuittuis of iniiio vital moment every
ytur for the welfaie uf the v.'hole. Tho
sessions ot the convention will bo held
June It tn II Inclusive, mid It Is to b2
hoped that tlmvwlll tltnw ninny m onli
ne nt lotiteseiitntlvo inen ftoni ovciy
pint of tho slate. If they mo wise In
their day nnd genei atlon not a low ot
lliom will bo thoio.
The dune Initio Is with Us In nil her
beauty. Tho June rose Is a llttlo Into
this .vent In nl living In "ploinloi, but It
inny bo expected to blossom out legally
nbotit tho same time with the sweet
gill qiadlialp's taking of Iter diploma
after listening ciltlcallv lo her brother
eliissiimto'a otiitlon. All In good time.
The success In the house of the bill
cr.nveitlng 1 ackitwannii hospital Into
a stale Institution mid tippiopt luting
$"0,000 for Its enlaigempnt and "tippott
Justifies the hope that the bill will now
have fall sailing. It N it mrasuto whoso
et,nclni"lH will tlo the legislature cieilll.
The cltlens of Ntnilstovvn me pie
paied to go to law If necessaiy to
pi event Ml. cm tingle fiom picsentlng
a llbiaiy to theli town. It Is possi
ble that Air. Carneglu has made a
mistake In not offeiliig to piovldu
Nonlstown with a basy ball "olitb.
"EcJuc.itiotial Contest" Ciicola
tion Advertising: .
MA XV I'lIOI'l.r: have been wondci
ing, and have opcitlv asked the
iiucstlon, how tan The Tilbuno
nflonl to oiler over $"000 as lew.iids
foi lontestanls in its ' IMui.itlouiil
I'ontestV' It Is mil sin pi King tlial
sui h a iuollim should bo asked, as
J.oihj s a lot of monev to be offeied in
this way, but The Tilhune believes
that when it seems advisable to take
some chant is In investing money In
any new entetpiKo, It should be In
vested In a vva) that will at least do
somebody some good. If Tile Tilbuno
fails lo get value lecclvcd for the
huge amount of mnnov expended in
this c tiniest, It will at least have the
silKinetion of knowing th it some
vvoithv .vourrg people lu Xoi theastein
Pennsvlvanla have been helped to sq
tuie advanced educations, than which
Iheie me none bettet In the tounti).
Subscribers Are Aiding:, Too.
The Tilbuno, bowevei, will not be
entitled to all the ciedlt in this ic-spect
Kveiy new subuiboi who em nils on
The Ttibtine's books tluoiigh some
contestant, will have bis shaie in aid
ing some .voting man or woman to ,in
honoied plate among the iKing gon
ei Ulon Thev do this without mak
ing any contiibutlon to cither the con
testant oi The Tilbune, loi thev get
the full value of theli monev in the
dallv visit of the paper to theli homo,
vv hit Ii The Tilbuno hopes will be so
hlglilv nppit e lated that continued vis
its will become a necessitv.
The Number of New Subsciibeis.
Dining Hie past four weeks with
the eonteH ciul) laiilv opened, -'Ifi new
subscilbPis have luen added to The
Ti Ibune's list, and in the Iwelve weeks
which leniiln piobiblv seveial liun
tlietl otheis will be In ought in These
new Mibsci ibeis, n most cases, aie
people who hive not been accustomed
to leading The Tnbune and natuiallv
give inoio than passing Titenlion to
pv pi) thing In Its columns, .ulvei tislng
and all Thus, atlvei tKeis who take
advantage of the opptu utilities width
this contest offeis, will not onlv le
eeive the benellt of The Ti Ibune's
legulai constituency, but will le.uh
these niitnv new subsciibeis and be
able to Iniptoss them nieue than ot
ilinai ily
Peimnnent Subsciibeis Fennnnent
The Tilhuno hopes to letain the sub
sciibeis that .no obtained tlnougli Its
I'diu atlon il (.'tiniest toi manv mouths
and vcars at tot the tnntest c losis a
vei) huge peicent.iRe of the sub-cilb-eis
setuitd last ve.u In fact, a much
laigei peieentagp than was untie
etl aie still taking The Tilbuno
While The Tilhune Is thus gaining
new antl peimanent subsiiibeis, the
rneiehant who takes advantage of this
nppni tunitv will he gaining new and
peimanent eustonieis. This K a .sug
gestion weutli pondeiiiig ovei. Of
ionise, The Tilbuno tan be actusid of
speaking fiom a selfish motive, but
the men hunt who tonslilets the condi
tions must admit the Uiithfiiluess of
the argument
Wheie the Flnt Hate Applies,
It Is lii lust such inses as above de
scilbed that The Ti Ibune's tates
per hull tor atlvei tislng aie an ad
vantage lo the ailvei tKei, A new ud
vertKoi can insoit his ndvet tislng In
any spate he fleshes, to cover the ctn
i out ihiee monihs without being
obllgetl lo pay an eoibit.ini late, lie
can use a huge spate one day, smaller
spac es on oiliei tla.vs, oi omit entliely
If hi' deshes, lie tail e linage his ad.
eveiy inspitlon If lie ileems It advis
able ami It will tost him no 111010
than a fixed spato in some olisiuie
ituiiei, jiiovidliu, he dues not use lu
t)ii aggiegate a laigei uutubet of
Th" iiRiilai advettKi'i aKo tan
iliauge his ailvei tislng lietiucutly
oi can u-e osttn sp ice at In
tel vals dm lug the contest with
out paying linn e than his pin lata
pike per huh And It he has ton
tiatteel to use 1,000 inches timing the
S on t ami llnds that he has used '1,000
In that time, ho w lecelve a icbato
In cash for the dlfteiento In The Tilli
une's i.ito fop the laiger intmhci of
(liuliii V Vluiduik, in liiiuv,l"ii
No iuetvs diMivti tho mine if il in ,nn ij
Uk-i ns n aiilioo I
Ii mi) Iu luitir tu di him' tmtcss thin to it
liln il
'In tin I'Vtuit lint the lu id Hi"- ire militated
tin linnet- loi mimi- lit Iikh.imiI
V tlittiinliiid will is tin fne inula the holler
without nhltli tin Kai tn-liu' K ilmlt.s
lo,P'ul u l -Kte in e- oltiii ilUtimo luilllilt
lie who lu n ml fin his iluths .Hid uion
blli II i 1 1. is imtimonl) itcordeil liis lik'llt
'lu lie iih lined lo wink is thu ili-grjie of tho
VII nun .iii'iiinl in the iiiti.t ftntlil iutk
nidi- i Jill c in do III.-, 1 C-.L
Pilfiiliuia of lot or of i ml ra me nt aie the
neits'ai, tiiiulltioiis of t'vbtcnti, audi bhtuhl ex
cite milher Hit) nor lilllt rti-v
self contiol is the flist I'm-: on the lidler of
lie win' dm not one llmu- miiiuikIi will is
fpued tlie, nettll) cf cluint miin thln.s Imlil
ftlintl). Il U will to hujl. out fin iMio't tall, tint Uttu
to remiintirr tint there ill' ol hi I
lie wlni Imji.j when he 1 aide to t'e.ll
when he iniia,
In he UUIi il is ijiiuiroui tu In. i It j lulled
h ruinous
t'onfldiiue Imtlr iiiiic, nnd thcelfnlne'fl tM
'Ihe nt, tor hettrr or woine, Ii luirlcil In
tlnncler! tho piotciil U to lie met veltli lour
auej Ihe future tieur urlir.
ImlliloiH ell-toiileiit U the ttinnlng imtc ol
t eg re M.
lie who Ii is plnclc tin 1 hot will (or luck.
Summary oi the
Latest Game Lau)
IV M)ti:rlllS(l Iikp -n wonU Ihe leMituie
tf IViiiKvlimili Ins iiiinti liw iIiIIii.jIoim
f Riiine flli nml fond tlslii nnd picirlhed
how nnd wltn one nnv cnjiiy Iblilini In tll
lilc, tinier the Inw liw Hie" Rime tldi .ire
s ilmnii. htook limit, link i, cum or Oiweco
ln, iliplde, riiks ni Miiwheitv 1 I-", while
his, roih Iiks, litu tdke, pa li Ii. SiiiiiIiiiiiii
nlrnoti, will eied pike, pike pliktrel, niinlHi
rnd must illonui'. 'Ihe Inml llh are -Ind, wldti'
iMi, like hen In.:, Iirirlnit, elen lurrltiir. iihwlft',
stuiirion, Kttlped m oi lock fldi.
(I mi" fidi mu lie e nijclit with mil, hook iiul
tine, oi with Ii mil lint hot liivltu more thei
lime Inml, i t'lifid mil Ik l.ikin with nuv
Jellie nut fpiillieilK piohlhlled. Ihe liu
tlnnv't In the si inns UIclIs ln Mid iim-i lb
lonti' II liliiu, Itiook tlo'it line In imulit fuiii
pid l"i to .tub 'II' like nr ulnion liinil from
I mil il) l to Nptiiilliir I: In;-, peuh, pike,
ulnion, "iinlWi nnd inn t ilh lite linie 1ri to I eh
nut) , One mii-l Mil t it i Ii whip, link, clip
pie tr (si iti lns h-s thin 11m on his loin:, nor
Mlincn, willivnl pike, mK pike, ptckrul or
hum ill miii lens thin nine nnln tine pi r
mii lull not e itch oi I III mure linn lift) hunk
oi ti ktd liout In oiu id)
I'or e itchinj in prion fish In iiiniiin nlhei llim
illnmil In liw or dr I ikiu.- to, mnll i flli
irt'ioiniuv of them the pi u ilti Is sill f r even
fih m I il i ii or i uutil I 1 1 ot in ie tie iit d in
w iteis lint Inhlhllnl In tlnill ( lip, inlll-li, ids
nnd Miiknt line lee In d p nit', tn witiM
when- Il lire no tintil, in Miuli, Vpiil VI it
H tuber, Nnvrnibii iiul Diccmhn oi olh i llh
i uuht niuil Ik iittninil llln tn the w Met
iinild I en ill if sli Ii r t u h li-li kepi. I t k
in Is lint Ik lived while thin ne no limir m
Mmti, pill, Vli.t, Oilnliri Nneiulicr mil D
cnnticr, mil in witns Inliihilnl l,t -li lit in
Mmh, Vpnl nnd Vlit, hm nutt e U, i up, e it
fl-h nnd Mickei3 ion lu i nuht. Iln peinln he.
Inj n Imi' of s.'l iti, nf,.iuit ot Ihe uern
(up e itfl-h, ii N mil -in ui in it In i iut,ht
il int llmi ttlih -iloe mis lu tt ttei nit m
Inblted In Unit, hut the nit mm if mi It net
limit cite bond in ihe -uni of smi to ielnu
nliti olhci ll-li likin, undei piniltv if i line
ef spH) ml Mine months m j ul llullim . um
bo ti-nl foi ciindi, nl-, i irp in I -uekris fimn
sun-el to Hiniie Onlt. elwmis of dims lu nteis
mil -trt mis mu-l euet ll-hwns undei i p"inllt
of -ill for etei) inonlli i,f mjileil-lo do 'i
iflcr mi nuler finin tin lih tonunK-l"n rs Wlure
duns now ovlt Ihe cit cf cuitinj the II liwui
Is tn Ie paid tit I lie O-h inmiui-Mi'ncis IV
sons operating ruettits ir lliiuii s in stieuus
nn -t pllee a sriini it tin uppir t nd, nnd i
leniltt of s-( . r n onth I i-lm us niii-t nit
Ik ol-trucled with uel- iimlcr pen ill v of n
llu eT-on f ii Inn in-, ilewife, 'hid, tiipnl
liis in.l -liir' on is fu in liinmv 1 to tune -I
V pin lilt nt -JO is fheil fi l iitilmu touu.' tin.
ctnn nit tit at .piwn In nun: i-i tnin r
find nniiet be nhl evitpt il iruig the period
ifiililinu' mil for m diti-Ihneifter, undi i pen
illi if 'ID fne Ihe pun hue or mIc of I ie
t nut i- intiult pinhilitnl it ill times, inp'
lint li-h In. il irlillciilit nil In -old fi
locling pnipo-i- A line of -Iml I-, piothUil for
int pci-oii fount L'lilltt of pi inline (.oiniiii nip
in int witcr. if the stitc, V -iiiiilir line, with
"i iienths in I lit. iltnlns to Ihe U-e of evplo
-lies for h-htiii: pi ipo-. s
On. inlf if1 ill tlm, hits ,, il inf nii"r,
tie uln Inlf to tin -lili 1 i-li uinliii. hi i
other ollice l - lute pittir I i -i ie mil de-l ot
til ilhd ti-lmu ilitin Itulti ll-h wild in
ire In In ippnintfl bt Uii In ml if li li loinuiis
-uln- I hi t in ithitt -i! uli- .iiul in ill m
inn foi ein-i- tine wild n, iln i hti f, will
lino in otlue it lln ipilid m linn-bin., in I
the ullur II will pub Inn i di-trut in tin -tile
in theli to infone tii 1 it - fi i Ihe pi-u
t ition mil pinpi.. tin u if lml mil crime fl-h
Money Aiticle, Headed
Trie Flnsanclal Situation
published each Monday, has foi 15
yeais been looked for with the giertt
cst inteiest in banks and counting
looms and among all financial men,
antl has been lespected as pel haps
the most intelligent tevievv of the
money maiket antl stock niaiket. In
this aiticle, Mondny, June 3, the
Sun in the couise of n leviovv of the
business and condition of the South
western Hail way systems sayt: "An
othei potent influence nffectlngAtch
inson for good is the oil dibcoveiies.
People heie hnve not paid as much
attention to this matter as they
should. The goneial tendency has
been to scout it as a ciae. But
theie is no longer any doubt that it
lepiesents a peimnnent and almost
incalculable inciease of wealth to the
Southwestein tenitoiy, and heivce,
inevitably, to the Atcbinson, Soiith
ein Pacific.ruid othei laihoads in that
section. These laihoads will gain
much by tho additionnl biibiness
geneially giowing out of tho new de
velopment, but theii chief pioduct
will be in the nstonishlng saving
lendeied possible to them in tho cost
of fuel. A ton ot coal in oil does not
cost ovei ijl, wheiens the coal used
by the Southern Pacific anil Atchin
son laihoads last year cost between
S3 nnd S4 a ton. As the expendi
tuie for this puipone is nenily 25
per cent of tho total cost of tians
pottntiou on the loads, the impoit
nnco of the new found economy is
nppaient. It menus millions of dol
lms to these rnilionel piopeities."
This nitlcle iniily lepiesents tho
tiend of thought towmtl the oil in
dustiy among capitnlist& geneially.
The magnitude of tho industiy antl
its impoitnnco ns a souice of wealth
is peihnps not yet nppiecinted by the
genetnl public, but tho lenclois in
finance lecognlzo fully that oil nnd
its niuneious by-pioductb is to cut n
gieat antl constantly giowing fig
me in our domestic and expoit tiade,
the extent of which is ahcntly colos
sal. , To make money in oil it is only
necessaiy to disci iminote cniofully
and invest in stock of companies
that aie under pinctical nnd lespon
siblo management and have laige
holdings of oil lands seemed at low
coi potation and this stock oft'eis the
best oppoitunity to Investois of any
now befoie the public, The company
LOS ANGELES, CAL. You con buy
the stock now tor 20c. PER SHARE.
The piite is subject to advance with
out notice at any time, It will sell
fot 40c. veiy boon and is taiily
woith 40c, now,
Inti'it l tin but it Willi toiilihnii hie iii-l
the value of the ciupiu,t' lioluin.s .iiul iliociui
j' til md bllil) of in in. in 1,1 1'is
.ne tsljldl-liiil lln) it while il Is ihi.ip mi
all piitkul ii iippl.t to llio
Room 1, Dime Bank Building,
Scianton, Pa.
$3,000 in Special Rewards.
THE SCRAN TON TKIBUNI- has inaiiRtir.itei, its second EJu
Ciitiotiiil CoiUes.t which, like the first, is open to every ambi
tious person, not onlv in Scranton, but throughout Lacka
wanna ami other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
This contest will be even greater in magnitude than It3 predeces
sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and
will be carried out in sttlct accordance with the i tiles of fairness
nnd justice.
The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read
ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage
ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de
cided to repeat it.
Tills year the special rewaids are limited lo those of an edu
cational character, eight scholaiships being olfered to the very
best educational institutions in the state.
The Special Rewards.
Scholarship in Lnfnyotto Collogo $1,00C
Scholarship in Swiirthmoro College 1,000
Scliolm ship in Stroudsbui-g Normal School 075
Throe Scholarships in Scranton Business College,
$00 Each 180
Two Scholni ships in Scranton Conservatory of Music.
S75 Each ISO
Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards
will be given ten (to) percent, of all the money he or she turns in.
N II- riie ftrl two clioliiliipt do nol Imbnl meil, but liu conh-lnnls euuln;
thee will in- .Inn tin (III) pi cent of uil the inont he or idie tuins in to Iho
Irllunc, lo ulst lu pi.tuu tliU ovpuis'.
Rules of the Contest.
The special iru,nn, will he clien to Pie
percns hiituliu; the lii2el iiiimbci ol
Points will lw (icdlted to i nnlit nits el in
Inj nut Mills, i it cis to tin. Si iinton lilhuie
.is follows'
One Month's Silnerlptlnn 4 V 1
I lure Miiith' Nllwliplioil . I i 1
Mv Months' Sih., riptlon -! i t'
Hoi Vin's s-iiIkci tptn n 3 Oil 1
Ihe cnnti-tiul with the hichisl iinmbi I
of pints will be zhrn i choice fiom tie
li-t uf spuhi lotuds, tie cintLsiml with
the sri ond huju-t niunbei of points will be
Ritcn a tlioiin of lln icniiiuini; iiitiul-,
and mi nn IhioiiJi tin li-t
Hih coutestiint fil in to -nine l spitlil
ltwiiil md lis,, ilnso vlio -ileit the fh-t
two schol nslilpk, will le siten ten jici ecnr.
oi in nion"i lie or flic tuina in
Fill! na:tlriil.ii will h tin nisln
r " ..w. .swivoes.-. , itiv.ieieiin.1 ute
of the winners last year with the number of noints tliey secured.
Tnbune, Scianton, Pa.
Our Oxfords
Low In cut. Low In pi ico Ilinii in
iiialit. Laelics fi nni Toe. up (Jcii
llenicn'b fiom $1 J.I up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale and Retail.
People's Bank,
Alears Buildinp;,
Court House Square.
Capital Stdck, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings and Business Accounts
Piesident -Vice
Pies. -Cashier
- -
- C. D. Jones
G. r. Reynolds
- H. M. Ives
('. I) lours,
(! P. Iti.tnnl'K
.Vilhui lluiin,
( h Mnoluoitli,
. (i lullon,
Ibehiid O'lliini,
VI. I' Cinlci,
t-inim 1 i-imlrr,
1' (' Vim t-lnitli,
A H Will nun,
M J, lle.llit.
f Clock's Best?
Union flnde
A Good Smoke oi Chew.
A Tlial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaianteed.
The Clock Tobacco Co,
644-46.48 Wyoming Ave.
Scianton, Pa,
Allis-Chalmers Co
Suiiesboi.s to Machine Hutincia nr
DleKMin Manutat,tiiiiiff Co, bci anion
unil WllUes-lSani', I'.i.
Htatliuiiiry l.'nslnos, liollcis, Mlnlns
Jluthlneiy, I'umps,
All suli-i liplloii. miisl be pihl In iliiinic.
Ouli 'ion siib-eiilins will he countrt
Ituieuds bt pnsnus who-e niiiiis weie on
our siih-nipiinn list tui r lo M n I! will int
ho iiidileil I lie I nl. nn will intnti-'ito
rii h -ub-uipilon ml If found In lii'ji II
nut w it n-citis lb iilit lo rcjict II.
No lini'Iii i in be nnd' iflLi tinlit liu
oi it' t ecu ,irn
Vll sub-uipi mi- md the ci-h to pit for
sinie, must lc bin b il In nt I h- lilhuna
"fHn within the link in will li th t me m
Line ti ii tint pipeis mii be nut lo the
Mib-eiibns .il nn
'uli-tiiptlons iiiusl lis wntirn on blink'
it huh tin be -eiiueil it I he Inbuilt ulltee,
or will In fcnl I j mill
Tin' ii Tilt -t will el i-e pnuuplli itso'eljtk
bituuli.t cveuii.i, iiRiiit II, Pull
- ei .ill mlms.,,.! mrliulu,,, , i;,
Have you tiled our Special 10c
Linen Collnis? "We have them in all
the latest shapes.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
i i
UV, !) Vll IH llllllillll,'. I'lllois cll Vlillll),
lliuixtl ii nil Mtuiilii ncnliis
ii, in nl ( i.nii Htm. Ilnllilu mil Diulu ni
lliiililni "-I 'in l ni mu V l till ni i
liillj. Iilili"m .'jiu'
Dilin -n i lini.tmi nt inn
c. tuocrn ml- i i t-.
rnr ill I ,uki uini " ii in nun i mm
Mile- Mull" uf all kniiU, lull I'l'l I t't
llm iiln,' mi-'jii He. link' 'H I'""1 ' I' ""
HltllH, tit
Ills nn "Ii .'noil I" wenk nir I fiy
tljlc i n ui'l i' I" 'lit' tlm I'll t-4
int. loir linn ai ntlitr
lluinu iitBit, Jtii.M) Mens lliilliluu, lian-utu .1
Sfllfinl Imllelin. nml lu 111 lilbilll-n tliioulioul
I liu .mo nl Pinnolwnii
Mmcs luUlit, liiiniliit imi lli,,.ii', -itu,
I'lanus ami Mulihu'l
blaplc (licciiln ami I'iovMoik A full H119
uf r0italilcai, it, , uisliiil il-t It J .
punsrau offccrs.-.,
III.' Jail- on Murl Sitt M.MIiiin: u
l alls I' telephone 1! vine I'lonH't vttciition
Now Unit "titiuncr Is note. Wash
(Jcndi mill IIrIU 1)1 est M.itciluln be
tonif tho liiiptiitiiiit foatufoi of warm
vvctitlu'i- VMiiiltobo. Wo vvcic never In
bottci Rliiipo to itipply t ho Rieat de
I inuii'il ten these elellRhtfttlly tool and
i bcniitlful ilit'SH fronds. Our countcrsi
mill jsltchct nvoiilow with tho most
popiilni' fulu Its of the unsun. Gcma
ol dainty iiiIoiIub; nml piintlnt," In cx-epil'-lto
nnd plnbniatc iIcsIriis; alho tha
neat tie iiilj pattcino. Aiiiciir' the? many
nctt in I hnls i niistiiliMv bchiK aelelcel tu
tin tilit'.iilv mitii minis stntls of Sunt'
met Pii-ss (leiotis, the following ar
ntvv mu toi in Is.
Satin Stripe liattste,
lad lie Dc Sole,
Mercerized Dimities,
Dotted Swisses
Silk ( iiamliray.
In Stilpe"., Dots ami riain Colors.
silk Finished Foulards.
Silk Finished Pongees,
Scotch (Jinghaim.
In Lace Stiljiei Lffocts.
Uonscline dc Sole,
In nil the Latest Shades and Color
Black Novelty Wash UooiK
In Hu ipes. Chocks and brocade flg
ui cs.
Belfast Dimities
French Organdies,
IMaln and Figured Lawn?
Fine Percales.
Lackawanna Ave
A Second-Class
City. with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
I liml Irnints for I niptv Holla, Kiniity Housci
foi 1 e ii nil-, lulled Knits, Louk Alter in I
Iiijiiii- I'miHily imi lliiiMini,!.
Itmim I ami 5 Burr Rulldln;
gun pgpFRHANafR 321 HULtfRnr
liiaiiliiicxx, I'uio I'tioil, I'olltc Attrnlinn, llc
muiiIiIl I'liiis, Open il ly mi'l nlh'ht,
till nml JJil hpiiier Mint, birantmi, I'a
Itilallt (iiiiilluii, leilillncr ami floor L0cnn;i
fui al wli'iliMle (utics at
NniesMii In tin Hunt ,V l.'i'iiicll in, in tin
1. nl ahul in.til Hulk anil H'litll .Hun Carlun
liuiMiiK, liHIH Jill Kimiil til, nnrk a
Kiiiiill) Su li I ul.-iu.llilia aunuc
PALI, HI..MII, '.,'7 "IIIMilOS I.Nt'K
ami l'n lull lln I Ir.inln,- ami HcHnlsliinj
tiuuls eallcil 11 .mil tlclbcrul.
Iilttiliiiue mum it ion
wolf a
Piaitlial I'lumliert,
'I jinn -s ami (..nn1
ters. Iiirnaiit a sje
I I a I I 1 1 c j 3 1 r i n 5t
I ioniitl,e tlone, 2(0
ilini aie, hcuii
ton, I'a
VtMi liable 'tailors (Until Jeinyii lluiltlinx)
.ii biiuu' sinii .SniiIdii, I'j bult prevssii
J1 linn, iMiils piia eil, ID irnli ( lollilnc re
luiieil, calleil fm ami tliliiernl ,Ne I'hone, illi
riumMn,-. liniiln.' an I lleatln;. Sile ctnt
fir llowanl rurnive,
lilriiliim I li -)17 I Mm (trret
I ,