-"M nwr.ij y WTVJ t'rttTMlsS-' t l-"1ti(A m'W''-13RV' TjT?35r!;S?v'1'Jt " VSH.-ffJjtlW '-54 p.,M.'M).'- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SAT LRDAY, JUNE & 1001. i II 4 Religious. Thr SltnillKV cclllMil (if lllllt'p I-'.IIK liah Millionm fluiivli (ppiiontl KViimt etniicr tit .Mndliinn nvcntip itml Aliil- llt'l'I'.V Mtl'POtH, Will IlltW It (.'lllltll'l'll'w llliy .ci'l't'll I'M lll-IIUIITIIW (!-llllllll.Vl iiioniiiiR i'l IH:".o. The iniiKt'Hiiuuc: 'The I'leiiKlllv.s nf l'llllse," vtirnl iliiet. liy AIImsi'M Harriet Kline and 1-ynnlu liiiliniiiijii; responsive serl lure toyi-oii: priiyer; "Tti-ilny We ('dine 'ltlt .ShiRlim." liyinn by tlie coiiKIPfriitliin; KieetlllK by Air. .linnet .Mutter; ' ioil In Wisdom, Hod Is l.nvp," hymn by the t'onuroBiitlnii; "Tlie Hlo-.lnrr of Service for Others." rctdiiiK liy AIIkh Anna ti.illirallh: The I'.p.'ct We Have," roadlliK by Mrs. AVaritiR; "The Manner ol the (.Toss." llMiiii liy the eiinmeBatlcin; "(bid's 1,0 hit; Care," an acrostic, by Hymn AVilcnx, Km iik Zimmerman, Irene Slebecker, Klsit Is'llne. Harry Yohe, Klincr Ktiiirinnn, Mlllc Koss, Marian lln-Uimilii, Alary Yohe, liny Mnkcr, ("i'VirKe C'nrcy, Krcdillc liordnn, Irene I.nronz and I'Mnrcnce Nlcholsnn; "Our N'clshbnis," i-nadlliK ly Alls ilariiet Kline; exercises and souk by the pi Unary class, under Airs. H. (!. "Will on; "The I'ruiif or I-ellslon," icidhiK by Allss I''lorence Irving: Who Will Cio," hymn by the rotmre K.itlon; "The Knur Nessons ol' Lire," lis .Janet Sunday, Klsit Kline, Kmina t-(iltl, Helen I'ettlt and LIIIIp Kiish; "There's a Call To'day," hymn by the cr ncipsiition: "The Church's Duty to the Orphan," address by I). I.. Klekes, Ksci ; "t'lty the Needy Poor," solo b Helen I'ettlt: "We'll Send Our Girts." i citation by Allss Alaiule Aloser; nf ferinp; lor Trcssler Orphan Home, at l.oyalville. I'a.: ".Ii-sus is a Krlend Alust tliacloiis." hymn by the ciiiiki'c sation. benediction, Itev. I.utliur Hess Wariir,'. pastor and suiipi'illtondi'iil.' MRs Harriet Kline, tirfrstnisl. Tun serlces or special interest and atluictiveness will charaeteil.e the Sabbath tumuiinw hi the I'lovldence I'resbyterinn church. 'Children's Day" service at 10,:;o a. m. and an'antheins lirnli-p service at 7:20 o'clock liy tlie li'rpe cnnlr assisted by Allss I.oni?, violinist end W. A. Roberts. Itev. Dr. l.uilrl will rIvo a brief address at each service. The decorations of the church will be by the K lux's Daughters. Pro M'nninie of musk-: jioiixiMi M:i!Vici:. i i in liil- in (i llitisti- Oiu.in nllriti.t. "I'lnwM Sing" Tnli..ni (hsui iitliiili' in r Cl.uk ( lion - -'Pi.ii-p v (lie F.iIIh-i" t.titiiit.il i:vi:mn; -fiivici:. t'm.in and 'i"lin "Spting'.s Awakening" li ii h ilt.s (Inn Lciiu, -v i--. Will i;. MilMn.iltl. An'licni I'.ili'inlii, "I'ii 'Hire, Connli'.v" Fii'hheif I luiii. Am Ik in llineiile Aniin.i .Me.t, in M.iinur.i liii-uti alius ami lull i ) u. MU. ilili'.-.itii .y sS I'lmi-lii. i;, '-iiiIIK HlTenot.i -Violin .ui'l (licaii "Thr Vilgin'ii IVner" M.iss.iuet Ah ilflll -"liiw I nln t llf l.nnl" . ...Il.tilley ItlRk (.'land CI. male .mil I'lisue. ."'Mpuiirt Siln "'Iiii.i in tin, l.nnl" 1 1 .1 in t, I ir. fimi. Mil' relelu ili'il Largo. Miss I'I.ipiIii' r -milli. i.iiin iilillsntn liy li-s Lung. II,-, -..In 1 1..- I mil i-: My Light." Mr. W. A. Ilnlults. 1 nhn in i iinip.iiiiiii.'iit liy li-s t.nii!;. IJmi In-piiiM' .iini lli'.iirr of I'i.iiii." M I'limlie II. Sinilh. Mr. I'I.i.mI lldiirliiiL-. Piii.lnr vir. Cluilci, I'. Wliilliiiniic. Ki'V. A. .1. Van Cleft, bavins' com pleied the post Kiiiduale course of study pi escribed by Solllle cnllcse, ol' Dode City, Kansas, lias been granted the ilcKi'ec- of Jh. D. (Doctor of I'hll osiiph ). Doelor Van Cleft is well known in our city, having been pas tor nf the I'rovidence church, and tin lil this last conl'ereiico Tif the Dun niore Alethodlst Kpiscopal church he has llllcd some of the best pulpits of the Wyoming ( oiil'ereiue. having been twice presiding elder and also agent of the Preachers' Aid society. Ho is i uw paMor at Ashley. Notices about Sunday church ser vices and items for the religious de partment of the Saturday Tribune hhould reach this office not later than Thursday night to insure inser tion. Persons havinp,' communica tions of the above nature wll kindly fcce that they roach this office in time. Ediglras News Notes. Children's dnv exercises will lie held In tic Washbuin Street Presbyterian church, Sunday, .lii'ie 0. Special music, by orchestra morning and evening. Itev. AI. It. ThoinpM'iii will lead a 6 coirm sense 99 Is the motto of the modern woman. The thick soled shoe and the rainy day skirt are witnesses to the wise applica tion of the motto in matters of dress, hit there is no (..munon sense in neglecting woman ly diseases or in experimenting with other medi cines when it is a matter of common knowledge that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regu larity, dries enfee bling drains, heals intlainmation and ulceration and cures female weak ucss. It is not common sense to seek med ical advice of those who are not phy sicians when Dr, Pierce, not only a doctor, but a specialist in he treatment and cure of diseases of woman, offers a consultation by letter ice. Write to Dr. Pierce, Huffalo, N.Y, M had falling of internal organ and had to iri to licit cverv month : had irrrcttl.ir montlfiv period which would bnuietimrs lat ten or twelve days." writes Airs. I., .pring: Street, Ptiiontowu, I'e ,. ll(MIUl.'f, UI WUIJI I'enna. "Had also Indigestion so bad that I could not cat nnytnlnff hardly. IJr I'lerce'i 1'avonte rrescnpiion aim 'Golden Medical Discovery ' cured me. I took r I'ierce'i favorite J'rescriptlon and three bottles of the favorite PrcscriottQU ' and one of the ' Golden Medical T)lcover.' For 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex. pense of mailing only yon can get free a piper covered copy of Dr. iro.e' Common Sense Medical Adyiicr. Tha book contains iooS pages.. Address Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. & 1 4) paper at Hie Hapllsl pastors' confer ence .Monday at lotiln on "What Would Jesus Do If lie were it Present Day Pastor'.''1 Itev. Dr. ,1, IS. Sweet, of Oneiinta, will be n visitor to Scmutou on Tues day. Airs. Sweet and daughter are visiting frleitd.M on Short n venue A ehlldien'H service will be held at the P.ellevtio Welsh t'alvlnlstle Aletho dlst church tomorrow evening at t) o'clock. It will be In the Kngllsh latt miaRc. An excellent programme Iiiih been prepared, All are cordially Invited to n I ten!. The Sunday evening Illustrated tem perance sermon at tlie Penn Avenue llaptlst chin eh lo-nioriow evening will be based on that familiar story, "liny Vour own Cherries." It will bo given by Dr. Pierce by special re iltiost. He will use Illustrations or other temperance lessons also. The Itev. William Davles, pastor or the liellevue Welsh Calvlnlstlo- .Metho dist church, will exchange pulpits with the Itev. Hugh Da vies, pastor or the Hyde Park Welsh Citlvlnlstlc Aletho dlst chllrdi, for the service at 10 o'clock tomoirow morning. Tlie ser vices In both churches will bu In the Welsh language. on Tuesday evening there will be the lirsl of a series of educational socials given at the Penn Avenue llaptlst church. The exercises will be ol' an interesting and Instructive character. The programme will con sist of music, lecture, social and re fieshinents. lie v. Dr. Pierce will give a lecture on "Tlie Wonders of the World." Illustrated by llfty beauti ful views. No tickets will he sold. A silver offering will bo rocelvml at tlie door. Tlie exercises in the audi torium of the church will close promptly at !) o'clock, after which will follow the social hour. During the social hour the young ladles will have ice cream on sale. An effort will be made to combine entertainment of a very high order, furnished at a nominal sum, with a cordial social fellowship in the church. Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Klin I'.ak L'luif t-li Pi .i er and pr.iUp -m i' i' nl !i:.:n a. in. AI 1:SH llio Children'', ihy i'ei-iM1- will lie In.ld. H.iptim of inf.tnls at iIiin mm lie. Dpuuilli l.i'iBiii' at (l:"0 p. m. At ": i. in., IIhmi' will he a 1'I.ik smiie, liy the p.i loij tnpii, "Wh.it Hie Anieiii.iii l'l. tic M;iihI I'm." .Ml .'lie in ili.ll I - imitrd In attend the Miiic iluiinir the i.iy. Snnp-nn Mclhii(lit I. pivop.il C'liuifh, llev. 11. (', Mi lleini'ill, p.i-lni-At li:::n a, ni. will urcur Hie .iiiim.il ('liildien's ikiy cxeteiM, A line pio Bi.innne in In piep.ii.ilinii. Tlieie will al.-o lie li.ipli.m nf ihihlien. At l!:.".n p. in. Ilieie will I.e n union nieeliiiK ef Hie Kpunith and .Inni'M' Ie.ine.-. The pallor will pie.nh n 7:"!). Spei'i.il nniir. Se.iN 1'iee. -lnny M. i:. ("Iniiih, (f.iner Mousey and llel.iw.ne Mieel, Itev. W. (!. sinipfon, I). P., i.iloi HeMilion.il niei'liiii; of Ihe Kintlii ihoo.l of St. I'.nil at H:::0 a. in.; pieailiini; .it Iil::in p. in.: "iilijeil, "Ili'Knici.ilion;" Munl.iv silmol at ...... i I'lii-..!. I ..- ..i i:!ii .. ... ....... ., ..... ,..l ....... .i. ... ....... , .11. . pre.uliln: at 7:::il p. in.: snlijeel, "Vi-i'nle Power and KlleiK of ChrMianil ;" placer ineiMinc w eiiinu.iy ai , :.vt p. in.; unnn mi etinir t -Jjit lliotlirr hood of St. Paul on the siioml ami fourth Tued.is of eath inouth at 7:::n p. ni. Seats fne ami all welroine. Ilauiploii SI i i'ii MelhoilNt KpKinp.iI I linn h, lle. .Lanes Itemii'itfer, pa-loi-'l'lie annual Clill ilieii'i day MMvi'-e at llll.'.O; tin Sunday Hehool in Ihe afternoon; rpwoilh L.'Ju'iic at (:"0; cmmi ink' p.e.H'liinc Miviie at "::!(!. Cedar Aenue .M. II. thunh, K, I". Doty, pallor serviee .hine i, I'Hll: ( 'liilihen dat MM-xiies at pi:.:n a. ni.; no Sunday mIioo! to-day; Junior Kpwoilli l.eauue al .'l;.':n p. in,; Kpwoith League inert inc nt il:.!fl p. in.; eMMiini; worfhip ami Hfitnon -it i ::.) p. in. All coiiltally iniiUil anil M-h.otueil. A-.li N I eit Melhodi-l Lpi.Mop.il (hiiuh, Itev. '. It u-iin, p.itnr I'leailiitiK senite at Wr.'O; ll.i-i nieitini; at ll:!0 a. in., (1. W. ( IniHi, le.nlei ; sund.i.v n l.ool al C p. in., i:. W. fclnne, MipHinteniliMit; .lunlnnr League ,u ;; p. in,, Mi.'i Katie ll.iitiu.iu, superintenileut; lpwoilh l.e.muo al i,: i.'i p. in., Mi-", William Uldnrr, lead, r: eeniiic pKaihins: s-'nko al 7:-:il; sermon Ly 'lie Itev. A. II. CoiifPi: f'la-s n.eetiiie on l-'iiday eeninc, M. II. I'ine, leader; pia.ur lueelhu; :. l'liilay iM'iiins All welicnie. Na Auk Mellmdiit J'.piAiopal Cliuuli, J!ev. .1. It. Aii-liii. pa'toi Sunday nhool al i:"J p. in., l'l. ink lalnauK iipeiliilriident ; Ua- iiiceliiiK at nin'l p. m, W, M. N'ixnn, leadei; eveniiv pte.ii l.int; senile at T::i(l; pia.MM1 ineetinu; on Tliuisilay evniiu;. A tiiidl.il well nine to all. I'ii-t (I'eiin.iu Mitlmdit Lpl-eopil i Inm-lt, Adiui-i .iM-liue .mil Vine sliefl-(,. llohilin, p.i5-mi- I'li.iihiiiu' suiie.-i at 10:.'!o a. in. and i'.!i) p ;n., siiliji'il ill tin1 iiioi'iIhk, "I'he Sililiilli llow shall W'f Spend It:" Sunday siliool al noon ami at 'J i.Mot'i p. ni. at tin- Tajlor Aienue l'l ipel. I'pwoilh I.eaijiiL' nireilni: at 0:15 p. in. Plain- ineetlne on Tlnn-div eMMiini;. A. M. i: ("I, null, llowaul I'laie, Pr. t, P. Ihnile.i, p.iloi 1'ie.Hiiiiu al ln.-Mi a. in.; miIi in I, "An Aildie-s id VonlliV" .':"D p. in., i.i . r.... i-.. ft. I . .1... -.m .. sptii.n pii-Kiininii.- i.'i . ninoni- .i.i,,. i.i.i p. HI., pir.KliInu", sul'jivl. "Ill" Inn i li, the llltl'i pi IK' 111 IOUII'4 .ll.lllll'l.lll, . l-UIUl.II IVCHUIll? i -li'liileil. Baptist. I'i mi Am luie Itipli.t iliunli, IVun airinie, lie- I. .... -ii smnri. no. I l.lnili.M hlrii-lfi Pi, n liin" .--.... ... n.oiniiu t 10..MI and eirninit al 7.:,H li.v Ihe pailor, net. noneii t. i. 1'ieue, u. n, .ipitnini; pia.ieis In the lower temple .it f. n. Tlieme o( the inoiuiuK siMinoii, "sciisalioii.il Pieailiini and JIi'llgliiiH JIlillnoililHii." Minday silioul at Ihe home ilinuli at '- nMmk and at I lie Aiueinian ...t..l.-... .1 .'I ::il ti in nonrr P. mill.' .n. ti-i i' of ChilMian i:udeiMii' al li.l.fl. 'Ilil will he tcitt ni.iine eunini: al (tic iliurih, The palor will u.-e strieopliioii views' to illu-itiatioii the sloiy nf "liny Vour Own C'heirles" and other tcinpri- ailie seiriiiuu-, I'iisl ll.uili.-i. Cliiuili, South Main aienite, Itev. L ,. ,...!..... ...I.M l'l.rt .......I ...l .1. I' r. . .,,ll III,, s, ,'a'. . in li.-', , c.livi.l .-..,' I li.ith iiininiiii and eu'iiln; lli.'O a. in., and T:.'iO p. in., in tlio lusciurnt of the Welsh HaplUt ( luiiili; holiday xliool, 2 p, in,, Pl.Hiiotitli Cliuuli, Dr. Ileddor, iiirrililcndenti (1. Y, P. 1'. , . -i i. .ii. ......t .a i.. si'iiitc, ii;n p. in. ai iioiiiu ii.iii, ivKioai nui,i pi.ijrr niei'lliu;, "!:M p. in. Widiiosday, All are weUouie. .lai-k-nn i-lnct lti pt Ut I hui'ih- Morniuc prayer uieetini; at V.'M, fliotlKr Win. I'roilicioe, lender. At Hl;..0 Ihe pator, Itev. Thnnia de tiiueli, . 1L, will pie a 111 topic, "The Sunny hide of Our Denomination, or 1 lie h'chois from the Mjy MectiiiRS," 'I lie IxiritV Supper will he .ulinliiU (eicd at tlie chrtc nf tlie service. The Sunday sdiool will lip held at a o'cloik, f'liailej Holrm, siiieiintriideiit, The ciriihn; senile at " shaip. Till U the people's scrUir. r.'ond sinsini; by the choir and ronKirtratlnu; short sermon hy ihe pastor; lopk-, "What Will 1 Do with One Tal flit i" ou will And IhU teniie IiiIrIu, md ihcerlul, All are lonllall) invited to come. Presbyterian. I'iist l'r(elileilan iliurdi-Seniles, 10..;0 a. in., 7.M) p, in. 'I ho second .Sunday ot June has been set upait by Ihe ceneial asseinlily nf the I'rcsli teiian iluiuli an ( lilldun's iljy and their iet oniuieiidjlion will he can led nut. Dr. Mel.end will preach iiioruiii; jud evening, Tlie en lament of liaptisin will be adininisttred to ihildien. Oieeit Iliilitc DaptUt ilinuli Srrmoin by the pjilor at 1(1.50 and 7.sa. Subject in the moriilnc, "The Message ol Amw"i in Ihe ornlng, "Tin; Power ol the L'huith"; Sunday school at II. IV, merlins of Ihe Junior aoiicly at 3.u0; prajer meetlutr of the Senior society at b.00. The S'Ciond l'irrhtviiaii t huuh--Senicei at 10:11(1 a. in. tut! 7.M u. m. ; Children's djj' tcr- Suoddv School " Lesson Jesus Appears to Paul. j. e. Libert, d.d JO" ii.a vvii. A-I A Secretary of American tma o ACtS XXil. O-IO, Society of Hellgiotu June y. njucaiion. IM'linlU'lTIII.V. I'or a lime niter Ihe iirrn. tlon I lie apiKtle.i li.nl (.nnip.ii.ilHo ipilct In the (liy of .liiuy.ilin:. On the day of I'uiliio-t fol lowlnir the i.iilpouiliiit of the Holy splilt they teslllled ol ihIM iltid llmilvlliili wrte added In Hip iliunli. Sirtii, Inweirr, the pirlt of pei.e. cntlon nioie. I'elci mid .lohu weie bioiiahl he. lore Hie mum II and iIi.hkhI not In rpcuk .my more In tin' name nf .li -mm. Hut they (ontlmicd, rn did nlliri., with meal l.nlih.rM. Miheipnhlly .1 ileleriniiud ellnrt w.n made to rxllip.ite tlito Hew hiie.y. Slrphrn w.u stoned and many ol Ihe hrlleiert lied for nalely In oilier title". Pur suit wa made Willi I In- pulpnse. If pos-iblc, to pill lo ileal li nil who fohowiil t'lnht. A .Miting li lianird .Snil, who had been well Imlnietnl In Ihe .lewUli tellslon, win iniiiiiiiolntieil In ttn In D.im.isciH and In hiliit; Ihrme men and women, Ztaloli", llitlueiill.il mid talinleil, he W.H w dl adapled to sm li senile, and thlew lilmelf into It with Kieat riKiilutloii. .lllti:STi:il (VeiM'H (I and ',).- Saul w,n pie lenled by dliecl liiteipinition fmni reulliie bis iuiinr. Moie than Iwenly jeat" atteiwaid he told to n Jenii.ilciu inoli Ihe slory of that won. ileilul eient whUh fonm our Icsmiii todai. lie had neatly le.uheil liauunciH, the iaplt.il of Sjria, l.iliur one hui'died miles nnitli of .leiina lein (Ail" 1: :i). It was probably on Ihe old (.iihiiiii mad along whiih i,is-n the mei I'li.ml men ot lluw and inrller iIiikk, Sudddily a sitp'i. li.ittit.it liulil spiead mrr Ihe ealth, cMeeillur fMMi Ihe luillKiiiiy of Ihe nooii-day Mill, not mi like that which appeared to the shephiuli on the plains of HclliMiciii (Luke ii:!i). It was a burst ('f he.nettly sloiy illiiititn.it Inc the eailh. Oicr tcme with lear or with the tienou.4 Inlluiuie, or ptobably by some power eertcd upon lihu, Saul fell to tlie ealth. lie was under anc.-t hi his timer a" a peisruitor. t'p to that lime he h.nl nileil niiniditur tu lilt pleasure, (liluMim he was iIoIiib (Jod senile (:i Tim. 1: II), Now lie was helpless, l.iintr on Ihe mourn!. Thru (.line a oii-p explaining this pheiiomeuiiii, "Why petHcule-t thou me.'" IMJIIIIKD (Vet.e S and !i). What Mike wan it that. sukc. Some have suppoied that il was the loiie of lou-cieni e. As Saul had witnessed the stonlns of Mtplten (Ails til: ft-,), to wlilcli lie lelened in his lalei liiini-lir (Acts xli: 'JO), Il is thouuht 1 li.it the peaceful death nf thai holy man had greatly lmpre-ed him, Ir.idlni; lo many (piestions toniTinliiK the power that had sup. polled the lnarljr. Seietal willeis have ile.si ilbed at (oniderabli! lenclh th" pioliahh' relict limn as Saul p.iv.ed on his journey, rc-uhiiur a ion. vicllon that he was vvioiil". W hile all this doulit. less ok mini, it is eviilcnl tint he believed wimp heavenly pei-on had -pokeu In him. for he died out, "Who art thou, l.oulV" an.sious lo know who it was that bad come to him.. The ansuvr was piompt and lull. It was Jesus of Naateth who stood between this violent man and the (hit ciples nf Diiu.istiH, who lonsldered their persecn. lion the Mine as due In Him (Matt. .tv: -II)), That was the time piobably when he saw aVus as lie aftciward ilcilaied il Cor. : S), CITIIIMI (Veises ID ami 11). "What -hall I do.''' exclaimed aul, or, a the eailicr naiialive has il, "What wilt l lion have me dor" (Ails l: li). He rishtly juducd that siu-h a suililen in nifeieme with his plans indicated iinothct- mi--sion, lie did not imagine that he was nieiely called lo cease his woik of tiuel opposition to Ihe ( hii-ti.uis. but that snine other wink was to he laid upon lit in. He was n man of deeds and pin posed not to he idle. Heme he was ever afler callid Paul, the woikii-. Saul did not sel .m immediate an-wir to his itic-.tioii. it was better that he should have time to ton-ider ami be made le.uly. nd when the an-wi-r vv.i.s (,-iven it hum lie by one of (hose whom he had soitsht 1o de stin.v. The iliieiliou was that lie should go into Damascus and li.nu what .li-.-ns wanted of him. Hut, hcliold, hi- sinht was pine, as the elicit of Ihe brisht liuht, and he was unal.le lo find his way. Ills (omp.iuion.s theieroic lid him b.v the hand. Thus the pei.set utor was niadc halm-les-s. lie was ohli-'ed lo aicept ".uidatue into Ihe very tity wheie he had piopnsed to .u t as the ppy and oflitcr of th-j .leiu.-iteri (ouiiiit. IXsTltl'CTr.P (Veises 1 and 1!!). Anivliitf iu Damns! us, Saul was thtee di.vs and tlnee nights willioul siirht, or food or diluk, w.iitini; and inedilalinir. Then the l.onl sent him unto Ana nias, who was at fiist leluctant lo en, Imvinir hcaul of the evil deeds done by Ihe pei.-ci iitor, hut who consented on le.unimr Ihe ilianuc wiousht iu him (AlLi i; ti-ll). An. ml. is was a devout follower ol .lesus, known and loud liy the Jews of the illy. And so it i .into to pa-s ill. it one whom 1m had been sent to aiic-i and him! and In intr to .lerii-alem stood befoie the blind and now inquiring man. Tlie relations of the two vii es 111 the tuoiiiiiig with sliott seiinon limn the pastor. Dr. Iloliinsoii will pieaih in tlie eiening on "What I'-illi in Jieus Christ Will Do." All are oonlially hiviled. J'l'ovideme I'lesb.Mcrian Chun It, pastor, llev. Geotge i:. (itiild. D. I), -Children's day service it lu::iO a. iu. ; 1011-ei ration service of Lndeavor Society nt ii.M p. in. At 7:"J) p. in. theie will be an anthem ptai-e ."Civile liy the large hor, as.sl.stcd by Miss Long, violinist, and -Mr. W. A. Unbelts, bas-o. Th. public invited. (been llidge Presb.vteri.ni lliuuli, Itev. I. J. Lansing, pastor ; Itev. L. It. ro-ter, assistant -I0::.n, seiviie ot vvoiship Willi sermon by the pasioi ; siibjiit, "ReliuluiM Doubt ami Ibunl Ml-ioniluit"; 1J in., Ilihle siliool; ti.1.1, (litis, tioti llndeavor; 7.1.1, evening vvoi-hip with ser mon liy the pa-toi; siibicil, "A lleiu.iik.ilde Ceiiainty," A weliome d all. Wa-libuin Sttcet Ptcslij leiian Chuiih, Itev. John P. Moflat, D. II., pa-tor; Win. P. Ituri.ill, siip(riiilemlenl of Sunday ihool lllaborale ( hil dicii's day serviics will take tlio pl.ue of Ihe usual o::;ii a, ni, and 7;:.n p. in. services, The pa slur will give a rhnit addie-s at c.u h senile, Pull oiihostia iiniler le.uleisliip of Mr. (beige W'ntci", jr., at eaih service. Tim thoir will a lo sing at cub si'iviie for boird of Sabliatli sihuol work, Young People's C. II, at iV-in p, ni, subjeii, "How to Pnler Christ's i'atuily," leiiibr, Miss Jcs-ie Long. Smiirs nett vvei-1; prcpaiatoiy to iiniiiuunlon on the following Sib. bath, Wednesday, 'lliuisd.iy and I'riday cv til ings. All welt-ume. Miinnrr Avenue Piebieii.in (Iniiih, coiner Sumner avenue and Ptlie street- Seniles Sunday inoining. insil; Sunday m-IiooI, 2 p, in.; evening seiviie, (i p. in., inhhwrek pi'JJtr Hireling, Wed nesday evening, 7.1.1. Capouse Chapel (Presbjlnianl Pienliing at 10:" liy the p.i-tnr, llev. I,. It. Poster; 7;."., thlldlfn'.s dty seniles; Sundiy si hnol at ;t p. in,: Senior Ludeavor, HS'di Junior I'.ndcavnr, .Monday evining; pra.ver inn ling, 7:10 Thiii.-day iveuiiiK. The m lament ol (lie l.ord'a supper will be ad niinistiMid ai the inoining feivue. All wcl uinie. Adams Avenue cliapd, Xevv Votk slieel -Cliib dicii's dij irlebralionsi Morning senbe it ltl;;i(l; an addifss by tint Tic v. Jaiuc-v llugiiei on "A Cheerful Cnuntcnan'c." In Ihe afternoon at :t o'cloik Ihe ihildien of tlie Sunday Mhoo! will rIvu irritations and sing sevcial li.vmns pre piird for the ona-ilon, and Ihe oiihcslra will assist. Mr. duiullcr will preside. Iu the evin ing at 7:11 addrieies will be lUllvcrrd b.v Mcn, .1. A. I..in-liig, J. II. T'ortey, fleorge W", Phillips, I'll. P.. Cluiles cliiiiillcr and James Hughes, etc., all of vvlih li will have reference to Sunday sihnoj woik and the training of Ihe young. The finis Han llndeavor fociely will meet at 7 p. in. All arc toiilially inv licit to attend these civi(es, Episcopnl, St. Luke's I'jiUIi, Itev, llogeii hrael, I), lb. rriioi; Itev. II. J. Il.iiisht.-u, tenlor tuuie; Itev, Sir. It. rush, junior filiate Kiril Sunday alter Tilnlly: St. Luke's Chuitli Jr'Jl a. ni., holy com iiiuiiir.it; I0;:;0 a, iu., nioniltig pujir, litany and aiMinoii; 7:U0 p. in., evening pia.ver and sciiuon; U:l"i a. lit., Sunday siliool and Ilihlo tlasses. St. Mark's, Duninoie S a, m., holy cniiimun ion; 10;.';o a, in., seiuion and holy rnniiiiimloii; 7;::il p. in., evening pra.ver and seiinou; a p. in., Sunday mIiihiI and Iliblc fUs-cs, K.il Pud Mission, Piesiott avenue -:-'-0 p. m., Sunday Khool and Hiliit iliisis; U:W p. in., (veiling pra.nr and senium. Soulli Side .Mission, I'ig utieet 3:S0 p. m., bunday school and Ilihle ila-i. St. (Icerge'. Obplunt 2:M p. m., Sunday rcl.ool and ilihle iIj.-scj; ;i:.'X) p. in, evening pra.vcr and srrinon. ( I liristS Chinch, (oilier Waihiiigipn avenue J'-d Paik -tieel Mrvlira Jt li)::i a, in., 3:xfi 7: in ind iiUU p. m. Mr. S, Cohb will conduvl the had been lomplelely ilntmed. Hatted had ih patted lioin tun' and fear from the other. They li.nl accepted thu same M.i-lor, ami the older dlsilple was, sent In llil not Ihe icw- i-atullil.ite. It was a beautiful -aultiillnti that Ati.iuhis k.ivo, "lliollur Saul," iled.trlnir the new fraternity, mid llieu nildina what Is leioideil elewlieie (Ads li 17), ".lesus halli eiil me." Ihe.v laine. loKcllnr, Iheiefoie, hy Ihe .ippoltiltnent of thelt tcmiuoii laud. ( II(M:V (Vilse II).- Iliuneill.ilely wales fell Horn Saul's e.ves awl he looked up and Mtv for the lit t. lime his .in w . ( 1 1 H 1 1 . 1 1 litother mid filrnd, whose limur hid heeit impi o.s-it upon lihu 111 his hllnilness (Ai'l l: ), "'Ihe lii.il of our f.ilhei" halli iho.cn thee," hcjriiii All ini.i", tn niitly pieveiilllut t lie .ItvvUlt ntiitlii nl bulb, .tin aiieallliu; to that ll.lllou Irellnj whiih lb is .i.i" le.-ipoiiilcil .villi rlillin-l.i'hi (Ails I: Ui. Ilcie was a taw ino-agc, utnl said luml have fell Dial his life woik was about open to Mm, that he was Dili" to ohlalii an answer to his nui'.slloti as to duly. Then e.inic Hut for whltli he was ihu-rli - Hnl he uiiuhl know Hie will o! (lod- vvliil a Vniius i'haii-ee lie ileheil abnvii all else to know (A'ls wvll ,"i); that he inlsth' see (I,,, ,u,i Hue, u name applied lo .le-us only lout' limes by Hie iipolle.s (James v: ti), ,nn.l that, lie should hear or leielve Hie iuesai;o of Jesns (I Coi, xl: '.'.I). Ibis was ipiite ihe same as lo .iiinoiiine that Saul hnl been (hosen an apostle of Jesus Chiisl, as he iiflcivvard icKanlcd hiiiisilf (Horn I: 1. COMMIS-ilOMIl) (Vei'-e 1.1),-I'lillnvvitn: tids illclii-iiie of the Divine niliid which had been piciiously nude lo Ananias (Aits K; 1.1) t'nete came a sl.iletnenl of llu-vvoik In be done, line It. was abbievialiil, but it was vpandril iu the llrt dellverv, Saul was to be a witness, nol it student or .nlvn-ate, not a defender and sup. poll, although In a measure, he was nil these. Mill his ihbf filiation was In bear testimony to what he had seen and hoatd he mut telatp tils eipeileiKc. This was n apixlolie function (I John i: I). Bill his witness was unlike that ol the oilier aposlle.s. 'I hey kicw Jesus In the tlc-h and weie somewhat limited theieby In their ou irpllous. Saul knew llim afler the cloi ideation. His ministry on this .inmitit was to be moie extended. 'I hey wen; sent to I ho world, but especially tn the i iiiiiiucl-eil; while Saul was BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. From Author's Notes in "The Snnd;iy School Lesson Illustrator," PtihlKheJ hy F. H. Revel & Co., Uiicaco. III. Jim, 'l Je-'is appeals to T. it- ll piM.-oiis lii.i.i, not In manner as Paul, but ail Paul. Acts 22: C HI (i. Ill l!l. (minuted in the same lu.i.v be (onveiteii wmi Hilly ilesiie it. ami who will be obedient to the tcvclation of tnith to their iic.tit.-s. Salvation will stive us a new name (Clirislian); it will give us new powers, new life, new ai.d ut.iiulimr jovs. When the griat light shone at midday upon tlie Dim.isius road, Slid the aven gi t was aircsit-il, louviilcd and lonvcttcd, and Paul ihe Apostle was boiu. The svi-oul of -l.illuhl rr vv.i sheathed -inil Ihe swoid ol the Spitit became mighty in the hand ni Ihe soldier ol the i-i.s. Saul liter for self ami the gloty of ins people; but Paul lived fur Jesus Christ and found his rhiel joy in glontving his h!c-ed Lord and Saviour.. "In the iioss of Cbii-l I glgiy. Toweling o'er the wiccks of time; All Ihe light of sailed sloiy Catliets iinind its lie.nl siililime." a----"..-- "erviies in the abseiue of llev. P. S. nilleutine, the rcilvir. All seats lice. All welcome. Keformed Episcopal. (Han llefoimeil Kpisi.op.il iliunli, Wyoming avinuc, below Mulbeiiy sltcet -Itev. d'coige L. -Mi i li, pastor. Pia.ier and piai-c servile at fi.."U a. in.: divine woiship nt 10.:;0 a, m, nl d 7.WI p. in., prcaihing by Hie pastor, A, in., "Our ( Ilicn-hip," Phil, :;: .'0 21; p, tn,, "Abel -a Tvpe of Christ," l.en. I: I. Scats ale fiee. Sliaugcis imdially imlted. sabbath si hnol at 13 m.; V. P. S. C, II. .at n.nil p. in. Itilile i lass lor lesson study on Werlne-day evcnitig at 7.nil, followed liy the tegular piajer inciting at S o'cloik. All .lie ui koine. , Evangelical Lutheran. Lv.iiigeliial l.iilhrr.in (iospel, Luke 10; PJ-Jil; epi-llc, John I: bl-31. M, Mark's, W'.ishbutn and I'oiiuceiilh -tictts llev. A. L. It.imcr, Ph. I)., pa-loi. Senilis, Kl.iiO a. in., 7,.'!0 p, iu.; Luther leagued ii.::n p. in.; Sunday siliool, 13 in. Mmiilng sublet t, "'Ihe Destiny of I. lie"; cunlng subject, "llewaro nf CllM'lollUf.-e." Holy Ti hilly, Adams avenue and Mulbeiiy sited -llev. C. (i. Spleker, pa-tor. Seivices, 1II..H) a, in., 7. "il p. m ; Liilher league, ti.."0 p. in.; Sunday school, 13 in. St. Paul's-, shoit avenue Itev, W. C. L. Lane", pastor. Seniles, ln,;a) a. in,, 7...H p. iu. ; Sunday sibool, 2.::n p. in.; I.ulhet' league, W'cdiiesdtv, 7.:il p. in. .ion's, .Mllflln avenue Itev, P, I", .ielni.inn, pistor. Senilis, pi."0 a. in.; Sunday school, 3 li, iu. ( Inht ihiuih, Ccdsr avenue and lllrch sltcet Itev. James Wllkc, pa-lor, Scrviics, l(i.(1 a. Ill,; Sunday school, n a, in. M. Petei's, Pivsioii avduie -It'V, John ll.i'i dolph, paslor. Senilis, 10,,'.0 a, in., 7."." p. in.; Siunliy silimij, 3 p. in. Iliu.imiel (iiiiu.iii'Piihsh I .nt Ik i .i it ihuiih, llic-c Htcel Itev. l'cidiii.inil s.itlclmcler, pistor. Pleaching iu tin- Polish language at PI a, in. ; Sundry fclmol, 3 p. in. (Irani llngll-ll Lulhufaii cliuuli ((leuetal S.vnnd), i (liner Maillsou aveliue and Jlulbcny street- llev. Luther llo-i Wiling, palm.n.:.i) a, iu., sumlay siliool; 0.,".t) a, in., I'liil'llc'li's il.ty seniles ly Ihe Sumlay school; 7 p. in., Y. P. S, f. L. ; 7.1.1 p. iu., divine wnislilp, sulijed nf sennou, "Lesson? hum .un.thoiijn." The public is cor dially milled. Miscellaneous, Zinn lliilcd Pva'igclic.il (Inirtli, IIJO ('apou.0 - Pleaching at Ws.fi) by llio pastor, llev, J. . Messciigci; Mitipt t, "Lessons flout lh Child Jcsiii;" T:l0, ( Idldicn's day ptogiainiiie, "'llm ( liililrcn'.l l'lic'lidl" Sllloljv- siliool at (I :S1 ; .Inn ior endeavor at I p. in.; senior llndeaior nt tin'H; pu.Mr incrtllig, i":.l'l Wcdlii'sday evening. A'l c-ealc, ftce ami eveibody welroine. All Souls' I'nivrrsalisl Cliuuh on Pine slteet, in nr ilaius aviutie Suvke at d::tO a. ni., con ducted by Mr. A. J. Donley; stiblcit. "The J.ug"r Hope." Suiidj) silmol at 11:11 J. iu. I'alvaiy llilnriued Clutiib, Momne avenue and Olh-oii ktuet. llev, Marlon L. I'lror, pastoi Senilis at Pi;."(i a. ni. and i::l p. m. ; Suud-iy school at 11:11 a. Hi.; '. K. al 7 p. IU. Morning subject, "Dives and l.azar.i;" evening Milij.'i., "Xoali." Kinuse's Cold Cure for cnltlu n the lirml, chest, thioat nr any port Ion nf the body, hroaks up h cold iu o hnurs without interruption tn work. Will prevent colds If taken when (list symptoms appcur. Price '.'of. PoM by all ihUBSliits. illieiled In all mm, tie was p.irllnil.nly In seek the (lenlllo (Hal. Hi 7), It thus appeals that while this piottil Pharisee vv.i.s hie.lthlnif nut id.iuahlcr icain-l the iliunli (cs li t) II n had deleimhieil In lee lilm a an lnti tininit for Ills Rloiy .11110111; the heathen, IIAPTIZI.I) (Vei.c hi). Ananias was o Hmr. nimbly i-onvlliced of S.itll'a lulssion Hint be lirued nil liiniKill.ile nneptance In II, Theie was no need uf deliy, W'lieu Hod call mail might to ie. spotlit. Stoat eirntst fouls do yield thrtnelvr.s In every clear cprr-slnn of (lod's will. Ilesl lalion Indiditcs vi',tkiie-it ll KIiirs will: 21 1. Hut there Is no cninpiiMnu, lliery man Is floe tn tltqnso and then tn ft. Nine but tlio-i who ihnise are ncieplahle wmkliien (Joh. ,lv: l.l. 'Ihcie was but one way for Saul to acicpt what (lod had iippnitiltil for Mm-In miil be bap. Iled. Hy tli.it leieinony he Would be Indiicled Into ofllit. Aniidas vvoiihl ofllci.ile. In thai way ho would be hruiiiitil icsiilarly nnd .iiilhoiltallve ly Into Ihe limit It. Ills baptism mn! be nl ((nihil by pra.vcr and confession of fallh, and would tie marked by the washing nvvay of his sins. It may nuprlse some that thus early the i hut eh had Inttoduieil tills nulei', whiih mav have been boirovved fmin Ihe Jews (Lev. Iv: f) mid may li.ne been hy apostolic sanillon or with out II. " ((NCLfsiriV. When Saul pereculeil Ihe ills ciples he whs envetned by Ihe ileliHlon that JesiM nf Nazareth hail been fulfilled ns ii melefi tnr mid bl.iplieiuer, that he had lemained In the power of death, and that His fnllowcis perp" tiated an Imposition and a hand in clalniiiis Ills Tesiinecllon, Hut .leu", who appeared to him personally, by the llclil .mil (he wnnK as well ns by tint inleilor vision, Kave positive knowledge that He was alive. 'Ih.it was Ihe fund nttic ntill titith of Ihe Clulslliu tellgiou, that Je-iH lives, .Men have lint a Saviour who k.h, but one who now- is. 'this tnith, of which Saul was fully cntivini nl in this most iein.irk.ibte man ner, completely i hnnced his thought mid purpn.e and Hie. As before he was teady lo oppose the lollonei.s ot ( Inl-t he titivv becime one of them, lejolciiu; in tint piiviligi! even at gloat peril of declaring his in w faith In others. Theteatter he devoted bis splendid talents to Ihe caue whiih lie had espoii-eil and became one of the nio-t zealous and fflcitile woikcis. The application of Ihe ta-on to-day should he a praitiial one to eai h member of the s.,nnl, The sinful heatt must have the saving touch of Ihe I.oid Chiisl, if its d.iikiii-s and death shall be taken away. 'I his little phlure may suggest the hand of our Lord rcino.-iiig the sinful heait. nnd leaving in its stead the pine white lie.ilt, imlit.iHvc of a vitalised life." Dear .le-us, I long tn be jK.leetly whole; 1 want Tliee foiever to live in my soul. Bieak down every idol. (.1st out every foe; Now wash me and I shall he whiter than snovv. l.nnl Jesus, Tlmu seest I palienlly wait ; Come now and within me a new- heart create; To those who have sought Thee, thou never fi.iid'st Xo, Xnvv wa-h me and I shall be whiter (hail snow. ( olor Idtil". Make the heait white; male the coveting, whiih is being lemovcd, scarlet, with a white outline. Siranlon, Pa. KgfasHlB Paul H Hnnrlilir' SM BHIiSUSHUt)! r istH lttttttttttatAAAAAAASA.A.. FATE OF CARIBBEE ISLANDS. How These Beautiful Islnnds Are Buined and Their People Starved by Absentee Landlords and Wicked Laws. Horn the t'hle.go Tiibiuie. Tlio fl.nin of mull Islands strotch Inpr In n srmrrfiil ctirvo frnm I'nrto Ulco to VonoziiPhi, "llko a hcadod nci'klaco across the throat of the Cnr llilioan sou," friims the stthjoct of a sail article liy llohort 'P. Hill in the May Century. The tropica! lioatttlps of those Islands are- lit Htrantvo con triiHt to the ruin and poverty under which the people are slowly heins! cii!sheil.,In tlio ni'ltlsh. French and Danish Islands alike, the visitor sees ruined snuar mills, decaying houses', and crowds of people of all races hoRsriiiK pitifully fop alms, Knelt year the tropical .IuukIo creeps fur ther down the hillsides and covers inore of the rich plantations that once yielded In rue sutrar crops and save the Inhabitants eniiiloyinenl. Hut the root of the evil lies deeper than the sttKai' question, To some extent II Is found iu the helpless Inck of Initiative In the people themselves. Still more Is the cause of decay found In the form of government nnd iu the absentee ownership of tlio land. A few acres will support a peasant family, yet the vast black- population of these Islands Is compelled to lie III idleness In the towns because the land l' owned by nvu iu Kurnpe, The son Inhabitants of narbuda are herded in a village rovprlncr ope acre. Law prohibits their KatlicrliiK: a piece of wreckaqn on llio slime or catch Iiibt a tlsli In the adjacent waters, while the leuialnliiK' broad acres, owned by it citizen of KdinbiitKli, lie Idle and untllleil, Since the planta tions are not prolltuble, the owners will no lnn(,or till the land, nor will they allow thn Inhabitants it do so for tlnnnselvrs. 9 i AN ECCENTHIC COUNTESS. I'roni the Jlalllmoit Sim, Koiuo of lite eccrillrlcltles of the Into Cointcsso do CasiixlitiiiP have come out, Al tlio tlino of her iluatli sho bad iiu fower tliaii live Mats In different parts nf Paris, four of which were cliiefly used for siorlui? litre- furniture and other objects. She lived In the Ilftb, the slret't beurliiff her name. It con tained many roughly made deal boxes and basket tiunks packed with rich laces, furs, fans, scent bottles and Jeweled knick-knacks. Tbeio weio llfty fans of the Bicatest beauty. A summary history of eaih. and on what occasion it was used, was written on a docket. A Rivut iittaiitlty nf plate was found In the box in an other nf the Hats, with a tea service In m.issivo carved silver of sreat value. Her collection of Venetian rose am! other Italian guliiuies Is said to lie of prlceley.s worth. The parasols and cartel) ate not le.-ts reiuurkublu, Oanca THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER HEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER jp, COMPLEXION SPECIALIST. tfn The most imitated woman in the world The Discoverer MME. A. '"-Jst. til v RiW ace oleach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. ::::;: Does not cover up but removes the blemish.. BRIfinTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES Hie COMPLEXION It Improves a. Good Skin and Works Wonders tvilh a Bad One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. clbsolutety Harmless and cAliuays Successful. Drop In and auk lo have Mrat. Ruprcrt's Face Bleach .shown to you. and have Its merits, manner of using and uonderfitl results explained, so you will be satisfied It Is hat you need (or your complexion. We always carrv a full line of Mint. A. I.nppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Call nucl have) their infilts rvpl'tlueil to tiiii. Ask for Mine Rupperfn book, " HOW tq g BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Meet Dec. 2. 1000. South I.ci.e Stunton lor .Vow V'oik nt 1.40, ."..CIO 0.S0. S.00 and 10 0.i a. m.: 12.C5, 3..i:i p. in. For IMilladclpliia nt S.00 and 10.05 a. m.; 12. v; ami S.llS p. in. -'"or Stroinlslimj; at 0.10 p. in. Milk nrroininnclatloii nt :t.4(l p. in. .rrivc .it Hoijokdi ut fi.:io. 7.ts, in. as, i2.os, s.15, 4. is. 7. 10 i. in. Arrice at I'liilaildpltU at i.ou, :;.itt 0.00 anil S.22 p. m. Airiic lium New- Voile nt 1.10, 0.32 owl 10.it a. in.: 1.00. 1.52, 0.11, s, ancl ll."0 p. in. I'i cm Mioiulslntrg at S.Oj a. Norlh I.ihvp Sn-anlun for RiifTalo nnd inlet-, nidlialf fitalii'tis ut 1.15, 11.35 ami 0.00 a. m : 1.65, 5.43 and 11. 3 p. m. I'nr 0-nrKo iiihI Svrarusi at C.S5 a. m. anil 1.33 p. m. r L'lica at 1.10 a. m. and l.5 p. in. lor lion trosp at 0.110 a in; 1.05 and 5.4S p. m. .'ur Niiliolsnt' nt 100 ami 0.1.1 p. in. I'm- nins. hainlon nt 10.20 a. in. Airlvc in Pi'mnlnii Irom liutT.iln at 1.21, -'' 3.4.1 and 10.00 a. m.; :t.::o and ROO p. in. Ii O-iM'go and Syrani-p at !i.H a. in.: 12.5 "ml i.-W P m Tiom Htiiu at 2.53 a. in. i 12.3S and n.,10 p. m. lioin Nicholson at 7.60 a. m. and 0.00 p. ,n. l-',,jm Jlunlrof-i' at 10.00 a. tn.; 3.20 and 8.00 p. m. lllooim-luirc I'liii-sinn-l.tam Scrantun for NortliMiiilieilJinl. at 0.13, 10.05 a. in.; i.;,j .-,., 6.50 p. m. l'or I'lymoulli at 1,05, 3.40, S..10 p. in. I'or Kingston at 8.10 a. in. Ariivp at Norlliuinlierlancl at 0.35 a. in.; 1. 10, 5.00 ,( s..,,-, p. in. Arrive at Kingston at 8.52 a. in. Arrive nt l'lMiioulli nt '.'.OO. 4.32, H.4.5 p. m. Auiip in Siranlon fioin NorlhumhcrlJiid at 0.12 a. in.; 12.3.1, 4.30 and 8.45 p. in. 1'iotn Kingston .it II. IM a. ni. 1'ioni l'lynioiith at 7.53 a. tit.; 3.20 and 6.35 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. South Ixai" Scranton at 1.10, 3.00, 5.50, 10.01 p. m.: 3.33 nnd 3.10 p. ni. Norlh Leave Scranton at 1,15, 0.33 a. in.: 1.5.1, 5. IS and 11.83 p. in. Hloomslniii; Division Leave Scranton at 10.03 a, in, and 5.50 p. in. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In l.llnt Juno 2, Itsil. Ti.iius l.r.iw S i.iiiIiiii: For Philadelphia and New York vli D. .v. II. It. It., at 0.4.1 and '.'.'j a. m .nni 2. Is, i.-j; (niaik Di.inuiiid U.xpic.si), and 11.30 p. in. Sun dais, I), k II. n. It.. 1.5S, 8.27 p. in For While Haven, Itiilelon ami prinelp.il point! In Uw coil legions, via I). K II. II. It., 0 II, j. if, ami 1.27 p. m. I'd' I'otl.ville, li.15 a. in., , IS p. III. For llethleliem. i:.istf.n. Heading, ll.iiri-lnirg nnd prlniipal iiiteiiui'dl.ite stations via I), ic II. It II., U. 15. 0.3 a. in.; J.lf, 1.27 (lllaik lli.i inoiiil IMui'ss), ll.3ii p. in. .Sinil.ij.il, II. I! It I!., 0..l" a. m. . I-3". --'7 p. in. For 'ninklianiifitU, Tow.ind.i, t:iiniij, llhica, Geneva and pilncipil iiiteimcdlate stations, m.i 1)., li. i W. It. It., h.OS a. in.; 1,03 and 3.10 For (leneva, ltni.hc"ter, Hultaln, Xliigan Falls, Chkago and all points wist, vli I). & II, It. I!., 7 H, 11.51 a. m ''-' ""'' tl'lai'k DlaiiHiiid i'. p'te-s), 7.I-. 10.11. 11.30 p. in. Minilajf, IJ. i II. It, It., 11.51. s-'-7 P- m. Pullman pallor and sleeping nr l.eliigh V.ill-y pailoi.s ears on all trains lieturrn Wilkes-llnie and New York, I'lilladelphia, llullalo uml Sus pension Ilrldge lUlI.I.IN II. Wlt.llUn, flcn. hupt., 2d Cortlaml ftieel. New Yoik. L'UAItl.l'.S S. I.I.I!, lien. I'an. Atst., 28 Cortland btieet. New York, A W NONSMMAC'lllIlt, Div. I'as. Aat Suih nelhleheui, I'a, .... For tickets anil Pullman reservations apply to roo l.ai-kartanna aiwiuc, Seranton, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. In Flliil Slay 10, VJtil. Train lor Cailminlali' Ie.no biunton at 1' 1 SOU, h.5-1. 10.13 a. in.; I2.i, 1.20, 2.11, J.j'.' 0"'J 11.23, 7.57, 0.10. 1110 p. in.; i.l'i .1. III. 'For lluiii'sdalo-0.20. 10.11. a. in.; -Ml ami 5,::-j P'"r' Wllkc-llarto -0-13, 7. IS, KII.ti.3S, 10.1;, 11.6.. a, in.i 1.3. 2.IS. il.JJ. t.37, 0.10,7.P, 10 It. ''i'or'il. "'.' It. It- pniiila U.I5, 11.05 a. 111. 2.U, 4.27 uml II. :0 p. m. For 1'ciilitjlwina 11. It. I'oiJit 0. 1j, U.3S a. 111.: 2.1b and 1.27 p. m. For Alhany and all pninls noith-c1.20 a. m. and 3.52 ! 111. ami 1 SLNAV tii.vixs. For ('jitiomlale-y.Wi, 11.33 a. in.; ?.ll, 3.53, 0.17, 10.32 p. in. . , ,. For WilkwH-rrc 0.3S, 11.53 a. m. 1.5?, Vi 6.27, b.27 p. in. For Allianv and points noilh-3.5:! p. in. For lluni'sdalc 0.1KI a, 111. and 3..1J p. in. l.owut 1 -Hi's 1 "Il point In United Slate" a"a Wiu-itnini. j. .'. A., .MiM-iy. N. Y, II. W. CIIOSS, ). 1'. A., Sirantnn, i'a. cniiio liiiu fiiKltlcin for IiicIIps Just lioforo Him ictlicil t'fcini tlio wot'ltl to limy Itt-r-.solf nllvc us 11 rei'lusi In tin very ln-ait of IMils. TIiom ititli.lc.s Jen In iliemsolvoH nl mom n I'tii'tiini'. 'I'lle canilii'lii lintly IniPii In of niiLflloviililo (lnoncsi. 'I'licro hid iilsn tninl-s filled Willi snn.Tlill'.s nf llio TuI'oiIps, whii'lt iho intinloss fratli cred In the ruins of that jialui'i. 1'awn tii'lifts hnvci been found fur siiiiim .iinoiintltiB to lRO.oofl fin pes. O110 of tliftn ccivci's a i'liinon.s ui-cUliicc nf pcails that was nils.nj, tliousjli nho nii'iitlnncd It In her will. It Is worth Ll'.',ni.io. Hlic iavnod It for a trill') rr.ntii.irod with its leal value. Tim licit' of tlio lato rcitinlcsj is a djutaut ccusln, who lives In Genoa. ; ..Fof thirty '' years a '' successful V career of Pace Bleach RUPPERTS RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSmANJF RAIlBflfti) Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 n. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parl6r car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts vllle. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hnzlcton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia nnd Pittsburg. .1 II. IIITI'IIIN.-ON. lien. Mzr. .1. II. WOOD. Cen. I'.i-s. Agt. Central Bailroad of Now Jersey. Station In New Vork-Foot ot Lilicity eliest, N. II. , nnd Smith Felly. 'iimi; TAiti.i: in ixi'ixt .may 10, mi. Trains Icatc Siranlon for New Votk, Newiik, Fli.aliclli, Philadelphia. i:.i-tun, lli'ihlehem, Al linlimn, Mainh lliimk .mil White llaien, at 31 .1. 111.: I'M'"''"'. l-u uxpiese, l.frl p. ni. Sun. da.is, 2.1.1 p. ' , Fur I'illclnii ami ilke-lliiie, ,..r, n. in.; l.tt) ami 1.00 P. i- miiiiI,i-s, 2.1.1 p. 1,1. Fur llaltlmoic ll"1 "mhiiistnn and paints sicnilh and Wot i.i Iteilile.'ieni. i.51 a. ni., I. Pi and I l. in. Mind.11-. 2.1.1 P- m. For Long l.iainli. ih'i Ciou', ee ,n f.j, 1 1 in i in and 1.10 P. in- For Iteaillng. Ulianon anil llnnl.sliuij, via Al Icntimn, I-.53 a. "' md 1. 10 p. ni. Sundae,, ".15 p. ni. I'nr I'liit-illl''. ""' " ' 1-1" I'. "i. Fur .tloiniMiii I'ail. f.H a. m., 1.10 .nnj 4.1I1 '''Thiough li'kets In all pninls east, ninth and went at lowest rates at llio i-l.itlnn. C M. Ill IIT. lii 11 I'a-s. A;t, .1. II. OI.IIAFSKN, tten. Supt. Erie Rnilroad, Wyoming Division, Time Tahle in Illicit Sept. 17, MOO. Tiaim for lliivlry and loial pmnw, mnnr't. lug at llawlry Willi line lallmad lor New Voir, Neiiluiig and Iiiteiniidl.ilc! points, lcaie Hii.ui. tim at 7.03 a. 111. and 2.2.1 p, 111. Tialua aulici at stiautuii at 10.0 a. m, and p. 10 p. in. Time Cnrd In tffeet nee, aoth, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION. IBJ7. K 1 SOll STATIONS i0 a-11 M WSljgA PM 7 10 Ar. N.V..V.M St, r.T. U PM . .10 IV 10SAI-. ... C'ailosla . I.v .1010 .1031 .1031 .9 68 a s 4 81 .llaliooeL 1 .HtarliKlit. . " 1 .Plitijli l'urk. " . AVInviooil.., ' ...I'oyultllf... ' 1 Orton...., , I'leamit Ml, " .. I'ntundatn. . " Kori't City.. " Cm bou dale Yd " , I'arbonilala . " ,Whlta llrldifc, " . JlaylliliJ Yil . 1010 locnnio aniiii ni aioiltt iiiiiilii l-JJIU'-'i tlllU'l 9I0IK0, ao; j 0.1 1 1 11 90111 II H6SII oa H.Vtll 01' K&Olt Oli tieiOM MJIOM i.imoti. MI0 I'i! a a-' 10 1.1 .. PU .9(0 .8911 ..BB1 . 6S-: .629 . 3iaynin. Jeriujn. . Ari'libuld. . Wlnlon.. . IVikitlli) Dlyiiliant . I'lk-vliiirg ,. Throup ..I'riivlileiK-f: an lti a 6 .609 603 9K rait-rmce (Wtoioi.v. . Scrauton Ar. ; PJ IM it Additional tuliialttie Cirtond-le fnr HitBtlj Tirif &I5 inn on'i;t Kinula,inil7Upmi;uBdiiriIy,iria aiMatlul4 rardTtUl'Uiaoita.oOrm. AJ.lilmn-llrolniltitf Irtatoint700rm8ond: tenpins at ill ilatloui to ritimnnilr, nitlna at 7r-ii, and inlo lnvfi lliyli.M i tot c trbfaJiJi tttbam dltl,ltriflnsattitCioadteil.Jtoi. Hates '4 centi per mile, Loiteat Kates tu all rolnta Welts J. c. r.NocnsoN. v. t. wcitu, ai'irrr Ant. T'-t. Aunt, ht'i Vor. Oly, tri3Wa. fv 1 ' fiTTTiiT TTiiV' " i i) 09 soa ii-IBI '.'.' ifitttv. " IT MS ill ta). "I7 "i Mil-. " 7 ml Itiii.. 1 IK i?a ta lOjstUu.. in pji t