ribiitte. Till- ONLY SCKANTON PAPIiR RECEIVING ni INCOMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OP TUB SSOClATBD PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN rHE WORLD. two cunts, twelve: rages SCR ANTON, lA., SATURDAY I()RN,N(J, .Jt'NK S. 1001. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. 1 PROMOTERS ARE ON HAND Goiuircssman Focrdererand Others Alter the Street Rail road fTdiirtitee. WANTS FIVE COMPANIES Will Cover a Total Mileage of 120 Mile? in Fhilndclphtn Sticct Rail way Piomoteis fiom Flushing, Reading. Scinnton, Pottstown, Johnstown and Other Laigp Cities Piepaied to Take Out Chattels as Soon as the Bills Aie Appioved. H lteltidtp W ii fr, in Hit tttoc atptl Pif. Phlladi Iphla. June 7. Tnngiessmau ftob.ii leoeieleiei, .m oiiip Ulleil 1) set -01. il heis, who ,mp be-llt-tod tu lit" 1 1 t'i".ttd 111 tin- hum iiiiiiiliriii nl iipw . .Ih,i ( ninpniiles, imcli'i toe nit" of tiip gem ial assemblt p.issl'iI thl. week, li ' tonight nn Hun Ishuig. It h stld in ihiiI antlim it th it tin- gnieninr v III 'mum mw sign boil tin Turin lilll, 1 ' idiu Im tlu Im oipmatln ot undci !i uiiul ,iinl Pit . i tMl i .iltw i ami the I .i i liill iinii'Ildlllg tilt pieseiit i.ill- i laws . t ii cl tli.fl Mi Tooideiet will n mi diat'dt in Up nut (1p chuteis, 'I'lii' nanus nf thp new (onip.mlps will In tile Nni Hum n linpld Tianslt i iiin p.iiit Ixtsipin 1 : i i i . I Tianslt inmpanv, tin- Wc-d"iii I; iplil Tianslt ciiinp.inv "nulhoin II.iplil "I". n t .i t nnipant .mil 11k i'i'MIi.iI l!.ipM l"t .iif-lt eonipaiiv Tin li imiip.im 'W i I' In- sepaiati and 'IMImt riinn tin (illii'i Thp tol.it nillt. uc ill slui'is winch tlu li imii pinb wll' i n i wwfB.iti. un mil)"-. mil tin- i.ipit.ill.ititin will lio SlOOlifin ,, mill hi 1 J win nun im the ri v . eom li mips I lio i nnipanii's will lip (1poIpi1 t r snil.iii. milttiits ,iii(l will licit cm Iiiii" ip.il(il mills Otlir t inompoi atots iiipiiiluiipil besides li TiipiiIpipi fin .Inlili M M.uk Miili.ii'l Mlliphv mil ('Inn in p Wolff It is v.ilii Hun fiHIl pl.ltl(l 1 lillllllls will also be im oi pni.iti il unilfi Hip T' h lit Pill 'I'iu'sc inutos xv ill lip .ileum: Miiktt stiii t. Tmiiii stieet, Ti i ilk fm 1 ,t i hup .mil Itldge .i film Piomotera Auive lit 1 1 isliuic him. 7 Suppt i a llw.it pimiiot -is .no Ik ip tonight limn F'liilu- li'lplil.i Pitlslung, llmiling. Si .niton, Poiisniwii Ioliiismn .mil otlipi huge I'ltil's pli ptlpll tn t llP mil I ll.ll t( IS lis sil il lis tl p iils ,u ,!!,,, , I'nitpll slates .-. ii, itni 'mi mailed Iipipp.uIv lis npnin fiom Washington and is -nt lug villi ttiitiintii Stone ltor iet (! nci il Tlkln and Insm.mi, Toiu n is-iuiii i I im li.mi ai. ,ihii gnosis of tin i;o i i mi' I nlli d Stiles sii i.iitni' I'lllinsp run,! pssin in ltnliPlt Topi d.i'i Clan m p W'nlft and lamps 1' All -Nil hoi of PI iladplpliia hiImiMkii at II n'llnil, mil lolni'il ilip int al tin en lithe niinsinii Willi ilipin ,i 'I In. mas S nim low i Pilisiiuii, tapl tallst mil stipcl ialht.it magnate (iPincpT Mllti'l ol Pitl-butg li ai lu-d In ip 1 1 oin il ut i it soon a II pi1 tin ai -iltalol t lio ii.il 1 1 mil PI Hath lphli to atlPiid tlio i onipiPiii ps at Hip g.iic noi 's liomp All To-'idi'iii J.ild tli.it Hip stato nii'iit which lip issued tod. iv In Phila delphia wis eon. it. -incl that Iip had nothlns: to add Thp enngiessm.m Mill In his s iti'iiii tit tli.it npplli atlon will lip filpd toi iiiuow h lilinsolf, Mi. "Wolff and otlnis im phiitPis loi flp now lapld tiansii i iinip.iiiti s In Plillailtl plll.i, TIip total mllpij," of stiPPts wlileli tl.p fl i onii.ililc will enter ncgiogates 1-0 miles and tin- i.ipitnl Iration will Iip $10n iiCltl i mile W.I P.on.tin.ui W. I. Mc.Miillln uul C. V. riioinpsoii, PIltslmiR papltaliP, aiP Itmp for the piuiiosp, It Is l)ollped, of tpKIni; out a ehaitPi tm in uudpi Kinmiil lallwav in the Snniliv i'lii. V. .Tinlup stadlni, of C ulisio who pimnotpil tieillpv' i mils In WllliPs-liai ip, (Iippiis tiuic and otlii'i Im alltips' In P"iuisl vanla. Inn-- ho n lu II ml-lniisr Im i -p.il elis and it Is thoimlit he will take rilt i ll.ll I'M st lo lililld a toad III the r'linilieilni.d alli lr. oilvor m th ptl I mm PIHsIiiuh: In tliP pih.itn piu "lluimaiv" of (p Pie'sent Chailps i: PiikIi of thp TVniisvhiiiiln i.illmad Willi lillil wpio Ills InotliPi. flfiiM W OlhM pv-I.Ipii- i trimnt fioxoinnr 'Wnlli'i 1 vou t'hailp'c K MpKpp Miid nil haul li. iuav. of rittilniiK. 'I'liev lll KH fimu Iipip to PmiPPral. haneaslpi pouut loinm lenv. 1o ho Hip Riipst-i of p-Tnlli'd Hlaics ! fienntor Canicioii MBS. M'KINLEY'S CONDITION No Change as Compared with the Morning Bulletins, D E";il.ilP Wire f out Hie AsiOiulfd Press, Wnslilllffton, Juno 7 Hi, ltipy at in;P.O n't luck tn-nUlit niiiiln this .tnti mPitt as liu li'lt Hip AVliltP 1 1 mi to ".Mis. .Mcllnlc Is now tosUnr,' cuin fnrt.ibly. Hit iiinilliinn .shows no chnnk'P a8 enpip u oil with the tltua tlon anniiuiuod In thN uiiiiiiIiik'k Iml lotln. "She has not lost any sioiiud, nni on the otlUT hand linn thoip lii'on au pcrceptlblP InipinvfiiiPlit Klip Is just thei name as wboit we a IT i tblt. tnoinlnj?." Golf Player ExonaiatBil. Bt txcluito Wiif 'inn flic s.oilaidi I'ii-j, S oik, ) utie 7 V wnllil of not uillly returned l. I lio juit .il nk. i dm uiul Pirjimiii Villi."-, iiuihIki nf llu ln'iiil "( r'lucation of (hit IiIjic, on Iht iluri of lohl Inc the liw In il mir sill on snmUi i licit no liiHito a In die l.nl. Injt iuuni lor Adams aij,iicil tli.it t Iiv. 4iu.-t u.i, ih.hIl inula jii elk'clrto Iju Took Acid for Whiskey, Bi Exiluihe M'lie from Tlio t-ot-ialfil Cum. Isnin(r. Midi , Jimo 7 Muli ifl S Dojlo, a rcprr-vnuilii lioni I'llon duiniv, In tlie lower hour oi tlio Iruidilmi, iliul dil morning In tkt looin of lilidi llinikis, 4 linlil il niirstH . ti Ihf rcult .1 Uhinj 4 iloiL ol imljolk tin. I, vhlrli lla viunuu tuiji ' -isc him In iniiUUt tat whu'ie, il u (9 yun ol (. NEW STEEL COMPANY. Scheme to Combine the Plants at Conomaugh B Ktilmlie Wire 'rem The vortilfil PrMi Plllliidplphlu, .Illlic 7 Tin- I.pdttPf w 111 say loinnnnw . "I'iiii tit iillv tlicip l no ihiuisi'1 to In tinted In 1 ln situation with li'nld to thp vm hill" stpol ( oinpaulea .vlioip siippimed Intputlons lui f b-'Plt wldph (lsctii'i ipipiitl.. PublaMtliiii" iuiiiIp yuMti'idiix aftpi noon aniuiiliicpd that a liuitpr that It to In1 nppllp.l Im riti luh 1 ut Ifniilshuipr h lo bilng tin Tiiliiln ln,l'piiu ImiiiIii, IlPtliloht'in and utile i oinpiinlc-t liifiPlliLU until I a iipw mii poiatlon. 'I'IiIm liifpipiiip I" not nnlv not wiiiiaiiti'd In tlu fiippc. hut llio'ip In position . to do so dlstlneflv ili'liy that a union of the P.ptlili'lipm ami I'piiiii.n halila ( oinp iiiIpi m thus lo ho pllpcti'd. A ikw ioniianv with tin' title of the I'niiPin.itiKli rftool i oinpanv, will Iip (haiti'ii'il and U plactkallv aliuoih the Tiinibi la, but lliW nppiiillon' iitipais to bp ( IiIpIIv In the natuip of a ( oiivpiiIpik c In which to she tllijCam In la (oiiii:ii. an lueicasp ol i.ipltal li i mii spiiiiM Mil io $".o,nnii,ouii, and it is llinilKht pioliahli' Hint when tllP tlans ai tlon Is eomplptp tlin i oi pot atlon will lip .iK-iln known as the- C'amliilit SIppI i iimp.iir.. LABOR SITUATION STLL UNSETTLED Constitutes ft Reason for Hesitation in Sonio Industries Trade, How ever, Is Encouraged by Other Conditions. Hi Ivlutw. Wm fu in Hit '.voiiitcil Pic Xni Vnik'. .Iiiuo 7 It l! nun A. e'n s winlih lippw ot 'I'l.ulp to nun - low w Ul a . Thp l.i lint siliiallon In tiiativ ii.ut; of Hip (Oiiuir Is si'iiolisly uiispttlpd .mil constitutps a icasoii lot hesita tinn ill siuiii. Industi ics, disi oiiiaj,diiK new opi'i ttloiis which s.itisl.u ten v mii (illions would othoiwisp stilllll 1 in In the iiiL.iiillniP ti.nle Is pit M)Uiai,iil 1) icpoits of a s.itisfae loiv Mindltlon of w Intel wheal uu ,i liie poi linn of the tnuntii l.ilioi (dlltl o uisies liap biionip the Lie tm ot KM.itpsi impni tain p In the le niliis- iii.iiitil.tc tin tut, inilustiies (.'nuiitin pi i haps, upon the in gem ol okIpis and hp.it lossps which would ho xiistalm (I liv einplotPis in (asp of suspension, the ui.ie liinists made what weie cnnsidcipil un ip.isouihlp demands pinplcitpis at m.inv points, who hate taken a detPi -niliieil staiiei and annouined that the sliikeis pliu ps will 1jp filled b- non union nfa on .londa If tho fall to ip-ninic woik Aloic (inlet conditions in the mtiiket and fe( new eontiatts m ike this aitinn possible. As a i ule 111 inilf.K ttneis tae not souslit busi ness bi'Mind julv 1 uiul It looks as thouxli thPt had been picpailin; tor thp i outlli 1 Pl4 lion Is PMiemelt dull, not a ale ot hpssi met IipIiik; U'lioited iluiiiiK the ieek at Pittsbui;?. and qiiot itions ai e nominal l.am'r eon 1 1 in ts toi nils and fiuislad strel dr -lit eiles iniiiinue lip.it t ISshliunent'" of faun mat liint'it alliaet much at ti lilloii while lui.lgp bllililliiBs, new psspIs and title U eletation pietPiit diilliipss in stiiiituial inalciial. lalioptaii iiop .up fnlltiiK below e n'( tatiniiu .uul tiueiKii lain liases coii tilllle lif.it t 'I'he total cpoit inn (inert tot the wiek, cmIiisp oi (.'anadlan pen ts, was ,1ki.'iri7 bushels asalnst "i.vislfil l.ct teat and J.7IS ln7 in Hip .same Wtek or lS't'i COMPLIMENTS OF THE SULTAN OF MOROCCO Aie Extended King Edward VII by Special Embassy Headed by, Kaid El Moherti, Minister of War. lit Ivilnsiic Wile Imm 11k oiilul l'if London, .Tiiiip 7. A special embassy li om the sultan of Muioiui lie.iiliu; ( (iiiKialulatlous to Khu Tdwiud on his aici'ssiuu lo tin tliione ai lived tod.U". The einbassv, luadul li- Kaid HI Meliedi LI Menebehl, the liilntstcr of wai. iiuiubeis ii nts-nlup peisous, n ( hiding, the ainbaisndoi,s two whes The iPieiilInn at the Poitsinoiith plpf h Admlial Ablilili ti ml fieneial Mr Hlkci lillssell was alii llltlf Speiup(l lo allow the ladles i lotel) telled to jiiss down 'he KUIK pl.lllk to the siiiupiiiims special tialn, all Tuiopeaus bcliu; obllrSPd to lotlip meanwhile llllilllh the dlltP In iot.il (ai.ilaps fiom t'litmia stniinn, till, city the ladles weie also (iiiefully se( ludeil, thpi tiuilai ntlondnuts ami otheis luin Init theli biuks while Hie ladles Piiteiei and left their tehli Ip The ambasHailoi of .Moioico IuJiihs ICiiik IMtt.ml two line lint mnuittaiii lippp. twpul.t Aiablan hoises and Iweuly iiiiiIps. The olllclul tPteptlon will titke place M inula;,, THE REVOLVER WAS LOADED. Mrs, Maiy Lynch Accidentally Shot by Her Sister-iu-Law. Hi ItiltHiit. tir fitim 'Hip sci i tiptt I'rtjut, Suvlmtu W V.i , liino 7 -Mink .tliin0' on i Inn, nidi Iki luli.t im hoi l.i 1 1 Mi M irj lentil tl l In- ,1 1, t , i, in lit. m lilt di.it .ni.l lilltil ltl(iilal lit Iter ltt l In j. Ml-t Itlitlt iS'il I ui, ilitjlilii oi llittulnit I tiuli Hit jiiiii.' lull i, eliiiiiiu .ml a liiiiun iliniti vtlitn .-Hi' ntliil 1 1 i letiihir 'lliitiklni. it too lot liiiilttl, die poiiliil l al Mi. I. tmli ,s.ni 'llou tJil I iniilil ,luil ton" lit ipmiIui i, nut ot tlio tilf.iilii.ii I'llKIll Jlnl tin slitdit liiMiir oaii-iii il In no , ti, llu' Imllti i'ii i , 1 1 nu Mm. I tiuli', in it) uul kilbiu Im Ill-llllll) Fatal Boiler Explosion, ll,i l(ln-lve Wire bum I Iip toiat tl I'ni-t foltilo, II, I inio 7 H) llu ttili.lnn nf .i poll iljlt Ijiiu nviue. Hit kiiiltlliu uttiiiltil In Hit Ikinl su,,t t,.iiii.in, tit alt t in juiUnlnii li inuihliitie, up. wiriLnl, jihI urn nun, limit l.li'irtriiian. ui.t.1 ii jfii, mimaule.l, ulio a.i lit 1 1 i.i i St of Iht hoik I, U.K. klllltj. Corpotations Chartered. ill lltoludif ,Wlrc from lh Asweiateil I'icm lliiiUliu, liino 7 lliuilii vent .iinl ? li.lli'U. l.nlji la im s itt ill iMilimiit llu hi led I'outlri i"inDii), I Uiul, (nj.lul. ., (, Mil nice UlUL cvnipjn:, l'Htaljur.-, LpUil, 4J,0OU. HOPE FOR CUBA ENTERTAINED The Insular Situations Are Dis cussed at a Cabinet Meetinu Held Yesterdaij. LETTER FROM GEN. WOOD Insphos a Hopeful Feeling That the Soreness in Cuba Will Soon Pass Away and That the Convention Will Sec the Wisdom of Accepting the Piatt Amendment A Pro gtammo Looking to the Establish ment of a Civil Government in the Philippines. lb kxilii-np Wire fiom I lie tMi i ilni Pie.. Washington, Ilinu 7 The cabinet was In sexslon oter two hotns tndav dlscuxshiB the Cub in mid Philippine filiations. A ( oiiuuuiib atlon has In en ippeltpd fiom Uovpi nni npiiPi.il Wood iPK.iidlnK Hip puisppi l leu the iiik oliilltlonal .lie ppt.uue of the Piatt aiiiptiilnipiit, but its (.onleiils hip not made public. It can be stated, how -cm I, that tlieie lu a hopeful Ipelliifv in ailmlnlstiatlon (Inles ihit artei the Hist smpiipss Meats nil tlie e out tuition will s( i the wls-eloiu of ndoptlllR the t'lins ol the aineiulniPiit. The answer to (le'ipial Wood Is to Iip sent and tin laiiKiiaKi of that t euniuunli atlon wis uiHiPi discussion tndav Meantime Hip PMstlni; stntus in Cuba Is to bp main tained No ai tlon looking to Hip i.ill ln of auothei routenllon Is In nin tfinplillou if tin pipsent e onvpiition sluiuld dei line to iikpiIp to our tpnn. Thp piosiammp looking to the estab llsliiiient ol pit II sotpinment in the Plillipplnps Is heliiH foimulitpd in the shape of an older which I to be pio mulsulPil shoith. It Is said th.it thpro 1 no definite conclusion as to whether the powt'ls ol Hie i it il idinluislrntion will be ePK Ised iimlei tllP freneial t ir pnwpis of the iiesldent oi the authoi Itv tcted in bun bv the Spooner unieiuliupiit. That, howetpi, is consld Picd m.ittPr ol det ill. The mill! point i that Hip civil adiiiinistiatlori, which will he eontiiiPd l.nitrelt to Hie iniinn I pilltles will be tested 111 the head of the Tafl coiuinlssiou and siuli other olllei.ils as m iv he clesljjniitpd, and thai thev will eoi(lsp theii functions sublfLt lo the diip(t aiuboiltv of the teptpt.il v of tt.ir, to whom all lepoils will be made Oh il ailiniulsti.itlon un dei inlllt u y sitppitisiou in li as ts ponteinplateil, Is said not to be iiiioma lenis and the pit II Kiit pi linn nt in New Jlftii ti and the southern states dining the eaih stages of the 1 1 1 cmsn in lion p. i ioil aie pointiil to as belli, snh si.intlallv analogous lo what is pin linseil in the Philippines Seiietaiv Hoot lias been in i onuiiu nli.itiou with (ieiniti! Wood leKaidlnpr the situation In Cuba, and was able to infoi m the cabinet today Muueiniiur Hip linpiessloiis which lieiici.il Wood II ic ol the teeliliu of Hie dPleati s to the constitutional contention. AVhlle no new impositions, luite jet been siiliinltled, It is piobible that the rnn tentlcili will not accept the Piatt amendment without iiualineatlou lie fine HiPie can he an eliuiKe in thp status of Cuba. DnilllK the conteience between Isec lelaiy V.oot and the rubiiii oiiimisslon the seiiPtatv wiote :i lettei lo St'lllltoi" Piatt, of Connecticut, who Intiodueed the Piatt amendment ask lip, fot his views lelalite to Intel t Pillion as men tioned in the thlid clause of the amend ment, Senutot Piatt lepliciil and his letter was furnished the commission i oiifltlPiitlally by the societal y ol war ami was infill pointed into and mnile a It.it t of Hip aicppt.mce of Ihe Piatt amendment hv the cnustltutlcili.il i (in tuition. The leltet, liowetri, aiioai ed In a Hat ana pipei, ami tod.it was in ide iiublio bv the wni ilpp.u tmeiit. The lettei stated that the aniPlidineiit was caielillly piep.ueil with the object of atoidliuf au possible Idea Hint bv lis acceptlliue the coustlllltloillil coll- tPiition would llieipby istabllsii a pm tcttntate in siii lallltj oi in imv uiat lei tthutHoetei eouipiomlsp the inde pendent p en soeelj;iil,t of Cuba. KEENE'S WINNINGS GO TO CHARITY III I Ml tllP Wile fom Ihe V-n lllpil Pnsl Nttt t.itl,, hint 7 I niie II K. . nt inn. mm i il lull! ll.ll llll Oik l lle Won III llll Ivllll sMl.li. nni it in I ii,l in I will hi tlMrlhnlnil ilium ; iiitin (hinliii, Ihe un mm It .'! ni, j imlinili It Un li. n tit i nit kip tti imliiili. the Ik Mid itt film), sI.ikki h, Minnie lli-li nir fniiil l,ihm: llu- Ihe I'nliils Mlsdon, -. I , Ml I , si Inlm's (lull. I, si.tinn iht lulli.ili. iliiiiin Ktliini s-'.imij, tin I'niii -Uul iliilini jtiini, v trn ml ih Ililinn slnliiinij tim wniiii, smi (me lulf nf l lie n.,,111 i 1, in I . ,l.ll 1 I11I in I liU (timilri, ami i.m lnl( in I i'li.-ti .1 nl II. - Bills Approved by Governor, lit lutllldto Wire fimil lie -" ill.il I'll'. II iiiiiOnii;. Imp 7 Hip i.illoivii) hilL utre i iiniiil luiljt hi l.ntPiiui sion llitnihu' li Ifllii" f..i im 1L-1 nf puhlii iul (I llllllllU Of rilit kitnl tt.l lllllllltl HIIiOt I'nniilin lor lit. nun 1 nl ililtiilhm t.l .n 1. -Mi'lHl lliieM- limi.lii .itul pkki il.rl. 1. 111. lit iilniir in ,1 .-ii.pii Urn, iniiinei In piihlit . n 1 . Ih'iiililni: pt mill i In ten. ml 1 j-s uii, In nui-iti 11ml u 1 litriet. 11ll11 llfini iiiii lalb ij u iiiuiilp.t tn un pliil - ifi ja I iiiliirirtu tiillioilln,' llie cuimnldoiii'i of l!i-t ill". t.-,inliiu. 11 jiiipiou stiet'U .un I lii.'hvtit. nili ill I lie limit-, of the Itntifhlps m the pirip. 1 ilf , litiulitpil llepfilini; the nt of tnil II, I 7, .nilli.iil.in. Ill pluliiui of J ll ailtllliond 1.11J'' ilinu m sin lllllUHIH llll-llip, l)illlllill lUlllll.t Lawson's Yacht Out. Ilv I'xiliteitc Mire from llie Ueccialctl l're.3. Np Vnk, Itinu T -llioiiu. IV I 1 tai ii'i taiht, thp linki. nilinee, will not In jdowcil In ininife in the til.il laus imllinliMij 10 tin. 1.1111 101 tht. tniciiiu't. mii, 111 lu', hi .lull lp ilurlertil la ...nit 11 lulu 1 ul the Vw n, V 1. lit tin', whi nih enter her Hi .uili ouil-i a. .he in! 1. qUiliUid to UU m lu. DIED ON HIS WEDDINGTOUR Hugh Levis, of San Franclso, Ex plies nt Yokohomn. Ir Ittlutlti Wlie fiimi 'Ihe tv.oilnleip'm. Helltil I Hie 7. Toiinei 001.111111 Hasler. of WtgiiiliiR. iccelved n nhle Kiain imliif linm his datiithier, .Mt. JI114I1 I.etls, now nt Yolmliiiiiu an notllielmr Hint h"i hush uul is dead The .en hlpgi 1111 kiiVp no p.titUilnis Miss foinniiii ri.iMer was 111 111 Id to llllk'h Letls, of San Ti.iiulsco, sirpuil wpeks 111,0 in California. They tiled for Yokohama on their linnet mum mill', .Mi. Letls sifiihil with his In I1I1 mi 11 lour or Hie woild two dats ntcr Ihrlr inaiilaire, tt lite li tml" place nt San I'i.mihIsm) on Apill ll). HeVii.il letl"is hid lieeu leeched fiom Mr. aid JIl. Lptli since llieil depm tine, line of which ftate 11 nf hint of Illness. ihp table m tin iteelted b.t Cnteinni H. tei slmpl.t sit id. "HiikIi dead. 1!'tuiii lo San Tim cloco .IM'IP Jl " Mis. Le u whs f(llie;ilei p P n I , and fliot met .Ml. Letls while ibioal. flip 111t1.lt In 1 ih Inn In Dentei l.ut te.11, and at tint a became a. Kiel li.ti 1 lie Han Ti.lticlsco, .Tune 7. Illluh Let ll mi" Ihe seMinel son ol Llotd Let'I, ol this (Itv, and oni- of the hells to lliu tnst eti.ilp left hf that inultl-inillloii-11 li . He was fin iv teats of 'irc nut-Ins- Ills (oIIpup ilntu mi 11 ntaid, while I .11 Hclpalll'!7 In .1 tulle fiKH-i ipp. lip e- II ltd himself to sin h an e:tent as lo Inline his lie.11 1 nt tlon. This, ll Is snp I osed wax the pilmaiv causp of death. Litis was a iii"inber of Hie lpadlnn i uhs Iicip. and his loiuantlc nnulaije to Ml'' I!.!p' leienllt ratlsiil 11 'tjr III Callfni nl.'i and Colouido soilet- Lp Is' Hist wife died -(tPt.il teats asrn A daiiKhtti of nine yerus stn t hi s. SHERIFF MERRILL GUARDS HIS MAN A Mob That Bleaks Into Jail at Car- lollton to Lynch a Negro Meets with a Warm Reception. llv I iliiiu Wire In m Hie tssoentpil Pits. Canrilltc ti la , .June 7 A mob of WO while men bioke into Hip kill heie this .1 f 1 1 tlitinti. In an lttempt to secuie a mum n lined Williams In nont of tlie uesio's (ell 1I10 moll was i onlionte d b Sheillf Me 1 illl. 1 itoltei in hand. A IlKht ensiled ill tt hie ll the shei llf sliot and killed nuilil Hennett.wif lids (llv Tieileilck Wold f ttllet of the nemo's tiillui, was badlv woiindid and two nihil ineribeis nl the mob wne t;iten lb -li wniinds The mob ll'etl oil the she tiff, lull Iip w is not hit alllioui,! one bulb I p issetl tin 01iL.l1 1 is hat The moli dispiised without nettiny: the iH'Sio AVIlll.inis was to hae been hantreil todut feu the muidei of John Woid, bill the eec 11H011 was postponed ottlnR to an ippeal made tills mmniliK' The lindeis ,,f tin' mob hate (ele phriiied lo Temiile and A'dl 1 file a for aid to sei me the net;i n Hhetiii Mi 11 ill has swnin In all Hip deputies h" (.111 summon hut theie are not eiioiiKh nuns to ro mound DETROIT JOURNAL SOLD. Has Been Pin chased by a Syndicate of Local Capitalists. Hi Holt. Mieh. .Tune 7 The Dftlnlt .I0111n.il of which William LhliiRstnn has been edltoi and ptopiietm sjm o IS'ij, has beeu puitihased In a tomp.iuv of loial i.ipllallsts. and the pinpeity was ttansfei led to them .testeidny. The new owueis aie as follows Piesldciit, i: D Stall, the well known t licit lie ll IlltlUUKt'l, tlie-piesl-dPIlt, llemv Hteteiis; spciet.ll V-tieas-111 ei, Tluiiles 11. Sealms nt.d V. ' An ili"ws. Hi. .1, IC Hook and A L Slov ens. 'I'lipy will take iliaiKi of the plant alt"! tomoi low's 1 aper has In en Is sued, and will pilnt their llit number Moudat. Ileniy P ITelhei linjton, pies ent city edltm nf the Join nil and one of the best known newspapei men In the (Itv will become nun iirIiib editor, Theie will be no inniked t hauue in the pape Ts pnllr v. SENTENCED FOR BURGLARY, Rutledge and Rice Are Given Twenty-one Years, Ri I plii-to Wire fi-mi Hit Wou-ilul 1'rett, Im. lite, .lull" T,- llnlliil.e uul line, lOnvlititl nf i.'l.liin- llie p.isi ili . 1111. 1 1 piltJK 1. 1 nl. il tm. 'i 1 wpio tml it Mintiiittl lo iwentt one Mil-, In kin-'-li ti p nlli mi nt. I1111111 dt.ilt It nl' Iiiw.iiiU diet win ill. 1 11 lu puliie nmit ml 1l111.nl Willi the iminhi nf lintUhli 11 ml en I in -ilit itiliin, lei, win n tint, Willi 'lliiimi. I. mii-, dllinipkil I pi llt'in 1I1POII11111 whili In ll' 11 lll-li III ll flt.lll Ihe unlit In jiil Huh men pli 11I11J ma lanlit uul ih In mo. i, pu-l poi nt Im 1 WM k, Ihe llnie im 11 tine Imnijil l.ie fiom ( lil li.u In lin-iljt lll.lll 1 ilfili lout -. in. .hi uiul Iik line 1II1. 1 1 1 fin hi. Iiijinh. Whin llmltil.'i in Minimi In III' Jul hi li.,nil ntri lie 1 illlus in! s, ihe mil id. n tml t. new in j iblnn' 1 mi Hilt. 11 - - Steamship Anivals, lit I vtlll-lle Wile Him II" t-letntftl Pile i oik, lime 7 -11I11P lii 11 Hiltlti"', II mil. 111.-, Ilnnli.ni .nni I'lwitniiih, llfiit-ihl nni, lininiiliiii. .it linn. I inula, ,iiipii; I'h'l.in, Uul n'nii tit lloulo.iu ; tiihoih, (lljnu, I'liinli llinilnii." II inc- ViiHul I 1 llitliKut t i . oik V iple-t-siii.il: llnlipiiiilleiii (lion, i.tii.u) Neu tml, Mntille sj,, .,iiiijn limn dli-sim. Not toil, souiluniplon -sdhil iit,tisi Mi it. ill, fiom II mil un,, Nut tt.il l,i 'iiii-luiMi tllivul I lit 1111 1. New toil, l"r I imp nl (ml 1n1111ul.il II ji In he-,. I -Pas-til : It.'.ili nl 1111 Itelieiil 1111, m St a Mil. Mr, Flinn Retiies. fit I i lii'lt-' t 110 fit ill Ine tt-oiUled 1'ifH I'll I. hiiur. kino 7 t lis it.uUi uiePlliii: of lie Itipiililltuii tilt 1 uiiiniiilii Inui.ln I (I II111WI1. llilttiloi ul pilhln fJklt. ,l 1 lei in, I 1 1: 111111 111 lo mi uul siiutm William 1 linn won lu. In 1.1 llie mil. 1 lil llfliin 'rait smalm I linn, wh.i iioiiiinilnl Piietloi flinwii 101 Iht nlliit. .lit) ho hail horn In lliu liirntM It'll. I I ouuli tint unit til o letiip u tatoi nf Mi Hum 11, who bail Lull lilt Hi ull'lulil Im limit ,trj-. Passed Counteifeit Nickels. liuliiiupnlif, liino '.-Ill llu' fuleril toiiri to ilij lh" Ipi. William Waile, wlio continued ie ILIinii iiiiiliii. while in kill lieu, w.u ei lu nil In mit ul iuiprUmmcul Jl) I Haul l ik) toi cuilui,- tounUrdit nkkils. LAST RIPPER LACKS VOTES The Senate Bill Siiiipleiiientarij to the Pittshuru Measure Falls on Final Passage. DEBATE OUT OF SESSION Chief Cleilt Gaivin and Seveial Rep lesentatives Indulge in a Heated Debate Over the Scianton Hospi tal Mr. Coiay Accuses the Cleilt of Having Padded the Roll Pi 0 vibions of the Scianton Hospital Bill Mensmes Passed Tinally. lit I, xilucito Win from I lie ts-ot IjIp.1 I'ipii lliu 1 'shins, June 7. The senate bill supplemontiiiy to Ihe PlttsbuiR- "llip pp " bill was lppoited linm the iiiuill clp.il teiipoi illons coliiniltlce. The tote on the II1111I ii.iss.njo of the lust npuiiipi lation bill showel Hip ab sence of a cjiinrmu. Hpeakct Mai 'hall dlieeted the (loots o lie dosed and einleieil the cleik lo .lK.'iln cull th loll. Phe tote show pel the piesenee of 11101" Minn 10! niumbcis ami a tolf was or leietl to be taken on the final iins isp tt the bill. Less than Iwo-lhltd' of Die ineiubeis voting for the hill It lell Ut mit lie ol the spoaket th1 hnicp dspensed with the 1 oiwitlei.itiou ot a ipioin latlou bills leiiuliliiK- ,1 two 11 lids tote and took up I'm Until pis s iu;e such meisiues as teiiulie onlt a mijoilty tote The follow Ins bills parsed flnallt .lppioiiintiliff $.'fiil(ini) to the state utimial schools. riteitlns: the state tlP.isuiei to p.lV the tiusteps ut the Jt'hti Mann Itust -".!!, eiioneouslt paid the common wealth A 1 pi opt latins M.'inn to the Pennsjl tanla e ninmisdotiPis foi pioniolltm uiiiftinutv of legislation In the Tnlted Stale- PklUHuk: foi Hip aiceptanie lit Hi I omm intt p.tlth of the Lai k.ut aun.i hospital, ol r-( l.intou. to be used at a slate hospital and appinpi iiilitiK $'W -fllnl lot the lepair and linptotenieni of the lmildiiii: Debate Out ot Session. A healed aiqument between Ciiief Plei k ri.11 tin and setcial lepiespnt -lites 01 (lined 011 the flooi ot the lions' II lei adjournment ot ei the tote at to dat's session on llie Seiaiiton hospital hill When the nieasuic was uml.v 1 onsldei atlon 011 thlid leailiug it was opposed bt Mi. foi at, of Luei ne and e liampinnecl bv Messis Hliss. of Ueli tt.ue. and Seheuei, ol Laikawanna. The tote on the final i),iss,iK,. ()t the bill sliotteil lu) to J2 attei .1 public t ei IfU atlou ol tlie loll, and when the it suit was anuouiM ed bv Hpeakei .Mai shall 110 objection was otieied After the house adiomned Mi. Co in v accused the ( lei k of having piddod the mil ami hot winds passed between them Messis Cieasj, of Columbia, and Paul, of Phil nlelphia, defended theli colleague ami insisted tli.it tlio bill hud not leeched the iccpilsite 101 totis ueiissaiy to final passage. Mr. (but In denied (hat the loll had been padded and said die lcsult as an noilliMil bt the speakip ttas Milled II Is piobable that the 1 oil will be In testlgateel at .M011d.lt nlKllt's session The bill pint Ides foi the .noeptaiUP bv Hip Mininionttpaltli ol the Lacka wanna hospital, of Heianlon, to be used as a state institution and appio pilatts $(i)0()i) to icpaii and impiote the hiiildlim. RUSH FOR CHARTERS. Many Applications for Street Rail way Privileges Expected from Pittsburg and Philadelphia. fit r.icluslte Wlte fiom Ihe tvoiialed l'icJ. llniilsliuiK, .lime 7. 'I'heic will piob.ibh be ,1 iiish to take out eh.il teisaf the state depai Inient lor sinet lalhta.ts In Plill.idelphla and Pltts buiK ufter Hot pi nor .Slope has signed the Kmei.t and Km lit i.ipid tuinslt bills. 'Phe gut ei nor went ot ei the bills (iiietull.t tills tt 1 1 t'l ilex 111 uiul when he left his olllce or the dn.t he took them with him lo the pxecuthe mansion Tweiitv-llte othei bilks aie awaiting eei nihil ai Hon and it Is thought he will wall until lo-ilat to apptotp ihe Lipid tunisit legislation The state tlep 11 Imoilt will 1 ct cite 110 appllia t lull's o di.iiteis llildtU' these hills unil .ii ttr thev hate been appioted. It s I t'lnil It'll heie to-lllglll that II p.utt 01 Phlludelphia i.iiltall.sts, lleaildl bt I'oiifiiessinaii Toeideier, will make' application tn-miit tow lot (hiuteis tor lit it new stieet iiilhtny (iimp.inles to opeiate In that tiiy. litem il the bills aie signed ami Hie applications Hied tu-iuoiiou, the chat teis would hai dlt Issue bofoie .Mon day tm the le.isou tiat iindei Ihe lilies nl the dep.il tllieut no 1 Inn lei. s aie Issued on Ha tut da Tiolley Bills Signed. ll wai lepoiled fit 1 o'i Im k this uioilillig that the hills had been Mciied at inldnlslu uiul dated as of to-dtiv, The pNci mite man-slou and dep.ut nients wpip 1 losed and 1 mild not be it at lied hv telephone At tills (oiii it It, beleed thai If the bills hat J not been signed diet will be when ihe ropiiioi goes to Up oiiUe this morning. ATTACKING THE CHARTER. Action Brought Against the Scian ton Railway Company. The following dl.sp.uih tint, leeched lapt night b 'Phe 'Pilhune ll.iirUlimif, linn ; -lul.e Uii,. .lunlul 111 altt-rimtlti uunilunui on ttimiitt i.m'iil I Iklu imlat In ..how 1.111M win iln 1 until .,t iht su.itittn Jtjilwut tninpiit .liuul I 111,1 1 1 ni,k-. Hit custi will he jrifutil on Jum I.' . TIIK NEWS THIS MORNIN-fi Wtnther lndlctlon Todit t PAtTLY CLOUOY. I llpnri ll Clonic trrs Mln Trollei I rtmlil'i Ainnltaii Mnllull ttnitl llluit WJiitt I'.inlifli llriloreil In tin turn, 'llie ( 'nl. in sllniilnti llu Sip.piipnlJit Cilttliurc'lllppei llll" i (liiu'iiil ruliouihlp lli'liilllmlil 3 (.(liiul I Icilrlill In sontli Calolllia t'otlnn Mill. ( I1.1t Willi Hull lio Itlll. 4 Itlilmlil. nto iiml t'ntiiniiiil, fi 1 ne Jl "mid uul I'ei.onal, " ' line Woinin'd liw SlPlltltl' Slil C, Innil-So tenlkt III Hit Clllhitl Mimlcr Ci-e Ni tt. nf thp (inn. kiln 11 7 Ine tl-Mam l'..iiil s(ntpil In the I tl 11 itlnul ( onlr! nn111l MiiIIiir nf lli t W r t s 1 ni tl Wp-I s,r mimi "in.l siihiiiki 1 'J (e-lli'llll -Ninth, ivlpill Cillh'jl. I'll 1. 1 illlliel.ll Jllil (V1nn1enl.1l 10 sion-'-iinip 1 i, " 11 1 ot ll Hi lllll'iilt p if Ihe V .ek sinnlit sihonl I ph'iiii In I'.itumuitt. IJ lOi ll Imlli-lll ll 1 In I l.ll il I HliN for Nut s, Imiilt tn lliuli CARNEGIE MAKES THE TRANSFER He Signs the Deeds Setting Aside $10,000,000 in Five Per Cent. Bonds for Scotch Universities. Bv i limit e Who fiom The t io n I p.l CreiM Loniloll, June 7 Andiew CamegiP sirjiipel m tlped toda.t tiausfei 1 lug $10- 000 OnO in dtp pei lent Tnlted States Htcol cot potation bonds to tiusteps im tll"liP110fIt eif the Ulllteisllies ol H(() l.m.l. The iniotint beconiei iniiiKdl ntth iitnilable 'Phe ne.l Inst.iliiHiit of Intel et 1.111 be used foi the Ot tober tei .11 The miMees .n,-. u. nm Is of Klgln and Itosebeit Louis Halloui ol Hui lelgh (chief seeiPl.ut foi Siotland), Keltin, Iteut ,u Klnniai, Sli Hcniv I'.unpliell-Hauiii iiuaii, A .1 Halfour, Jiunes Ili.tte John Mm lev, s,p itobeit Pull 11, Sir llemv K I'oseoe, Thomas Shaw. M P. Hie haul 1! Lane M. P. The lends piotost of Tdinbuig and (ilisgow, Ihe piotost ol Uunfi iline and one tiuslpe fiom e.u h Scottish iinltoi- sltt. The deed eoniaius 1 pie.tinble sating that Mr. ("iinegle hitiiiR lellied 1 10111 .11 the hiisini ss, deems it lo be his duiv ami one nt his highest pi Mioses to adniln!lei the wetltb tt hie ii has conic to him as a titistep in bell.. It of otheis entei tlllnlna the eonfldeltl beliet that one of Hie best means ul .lis( hailing that tiusl Is ptotlding liuds feu Itn pi oting ami eie:iding the nppnitiin IHes foi si ieiititlc lescaieli of Ihe mil tfisltles of Hi nil mil, his natite land, ami bt leudeilng Hie ittendaut e easier A constitution, as il I, tailed, is at tached to Ihe deed, dlieiting Hill half the ine eiiiio be demited to Im leasing the taeilities tor the tlliilt of sclenee. medicine, modem languages, histi.iv and Knglish llteialut The othei half is lo pav fees ami nsslsl students In other wilts, ifganlless of se, and In aid of pipp.u itoi t si Ik ols, etening classes ami othei means of educition outside Hie unit ei s, s FEDERAL COURT TO MEET. First Cases in Mtddla District Will BeHeaid Next Week. The middle distilit Tnlted States 1 0111 1 will content, ai W'illianispoi t Mop.dat alteinoou, and be in session theie the giealer p.ut of the week Woik tas hiis. cseidav lu Hie olllce of Cleik Se.llle, ilei.lllllg pining foi tin pint ceilings A uuinbii of Inleiesllng 1 ases ale on the i(i( k"t, and muling llieni will be the tilnls of lipoige P. .Mnllle, ai n sled al Wilkes. Pane Thllisdat oil the iltaige of using the malls tm liaiiililleut pill - pi IsPS, On the lli-n iage of the minute books of the Scianton, llaiilsbuig mid Wllllnmspnit 1 units will be plated ,1 pietuie suit, iblt lliscilhed of Judge It, W An Itbalil, Hie pie.sldlug otlleei or the dlstiiei. The likeness s a Ml ikltlg plclllie, tip' woik o Cn tello, of this ilt.t, ami the insci Ip Hoil leads, 'OpeiiiiiK ol the Plstlltl coiti t of the Tuitid States of middle dlstiiit o 1'i'iiiis hanla bt Hop. Itobeit Wootliow Atchhald, jiiiIki of hald 1 nlllt, on the llllll da of June llil'l, being the seiond .Mm11l.1v Iheieof Ciiiiil met piiisiiuut loan ait of nni- giess, apiuotetl the setnnil dii ol .Mai ch. A 1). Pun, Itelow this uie Kit en Ihe names of tlio ollltt'ls of the Milllt, lion. I! W AlChblld llldgi of the middle (lis 1 1 let. Hun Tiedeilck ('. Lioiililel. Tiu'.cil Mines 111,11 slut I . Hon Samuel If MtCaiiPlI Tnlted Slates aijoiney, Hon J J. It. W Heinle ilelk or the null I, John Y lloseuiiiiid, ,isssiiut cleik: Henjainlll ,M liieell, (lid Theie will also he Insetted In the ll.illh blllg inluille hunk phttllis o Hon .1 T Weiss and Hun .1 W. Slnionton, judges of the Dauphin eOiilHt inlllt, and 01 linn Mniius W, Ati hcsiiu, Juilgp of the tin nil toui 1 - KUNDE WAS FINED, Alleged Leader oi Sttikeis Adjudged Guilty by Alderman Kasson. A homing in the case of Tluiiles Kunde William .MU'iiuib .lames llai -iImiii J.imiIi I (U lei and J0I111 Il.it is who ate 1 lunged b.t Ihe nlllt tills of the new heiiiiitou and N01 Hie.isipi n lull load (oiiipin.t with im lliug the sti ik ing (inpliitps ut the ctiiiipaiit to 1 lol hiHt Wcdnesd.i was hold estiiday aflPiiinim b.'luip Mdciniau Kasson Attninc J11I111 .1 Muiph.t appealed lol Hie iletelld.Ults, ttlille Allot lie1, Joseph O'lJiltn Ciit'si uteii the 1 0111 pin.t Kiimlt was Hie nub man who 1011I1I be posjtltel.t lileiilllle.l b.t Toic mail Nli liuls as hating beeu among the put which ItiHinl 1 itd lint It il l.i it-- w ho "it at w mk He un 11 led ?la mid units The othei tun iiie't 'Ai'le i!i.-t luil;cil THE CANTEEN IS ENDORSED American MedlGal Association Adorns a Report Favoring Its Re-establlsliment. DUE TO CAREFUL STUDY Observation by the Medical Depart ment vtthe United States Army Is Concthted in by Commanding Ofticers-The Canteen Intended to Coiroct Serious Abuses Under tho Presont Laws Tho Action of Con giess in Abolishing the Canteen Is Deploied. Ur I'ti limit !lie fimu Ihe i-oiiiIp. Crt." M I' ml, June 7 Hi unanimous tole although wiih small attend. iiim. the Ann lit .111 Medlinl assoi latlou this iiltei noun .ulnpted .1 ieioit ciiilni sln t In mot emeiit Im t lie tc-cstahllsli-liKMil of the .11 lilt post (.uilei'li 'Phe tonnulll'e on legsutliiu. Ihloilgh the 1 I1.1I1 111.111. Hi II. I. I: Johnson, pie seuted a if pott lulling Ihe lesolu llous ailiipttil bt llu inlllt n. t sui gpous list week ami iimtlnillng "We hate eaiefully eonsl'deied the lesiiliiHiins pinpnsed iiml dpi I. lie it tn In wise and piopeu and nf hnpoi tanee to etcit iltlell ol the iipublii. 'The 11 solution is thp oiitgiowlh 11'' i.iieftil sindt and olisei t atlon In tins III. 1II1 il ilep 11 tllieut nl tin t'lllti t Slati s aunt, is conciuicd in by the lonmumdlng olllttis ai the scvci.il posis mil Is iutt'iide d lo coiiPiL seilous abuses 11 nili 1 the pieseui law tthlch lesuli 111 di iinkennt ss, ilpsei linii, liisiilii.i ilin.it inn (llshoiiiuable dls ehaige, 11 line poteitt, apiinlling In e lease in disease mid Intalidisni aiming the soldleis ol the Tuitid Slates unit "We lllid tli.it Ihe tpellemo of fen elsin got eininents mint ides with that of the national association of milltaiy suigeons In the ni'Mssltv for the aim post pMhange 01 tanteen "We leiomineiid tli.it the Amciicfln Metllial association adopt the tesolii tlon pinposed and that It petition th- (ongiess of the TnitPil StatPs to le- I e.il at the i.ulicst luoinent the ob- ee Unliable Intt which piohlblls unit post." 'Phe assoi latlou then adopted tln the Indenting icsoluilun. ' (('suited, that" this bodv deploies the at lion nt eougitss in abolishing the aunt post pmIuium 01 tanteen, ami In the inleiesl nf ill-, ipllno, 11101 alltt and sanitation 1 et iiminenils Us le-eslalilishment al the o.ullest pos sible date" Di. lieoige M Kobpi ol Washing ton, lead an addiess mi htgleiii and . 111it.it Inn Ii JiiiNon Delanil, nf Phil. id. Iphl 1, was appointed a dele gate to lopieseiil the Alliei linn .Medl (.111 assoiiaiiou.it Hie win Id's tniigiPs-s on tubeii nlosls at Loudon, lu Julv. I'esolutioiis weie adoileil PNpiPsslilg thanks to John 1). Hot kefellpi fin his gift lot siiiiullli itseaith or $J00, flnu. TAKEN SIGHT SEEING. Sttpeuntendeuts of the Correspond ence Schools Entertained. 'Phe siipeilnli nilents of Ihe Intel 111 lliilial t'oilesponileui e Si liuols foi I lio (llfteieni distill is Mitel lug the (lltlu Tnlted Slat s ami Cimitla. in seswnn in tills i itt Im the past I. tt dats, is tusiig )liiis Im tin. nel p,u'i bii'-l- I ess, wen lal en 011 .1 slgnl-seelnp e iilislon ,es(idat The Hip Im hided T.i 1 boii'liile, p'oiesl ('itv and Hoiips rinh, which s a model Tiiiuai I'enn st I mi nia dlsti ii t III e h ugi ol Sol It I tm -Collei leu I I.ixl.iiii. ol Tm liniidale 'Pin ti Ip was ma de lu a spM lal cu a tine hi d to Hie sun Deliw ne uul Hudson liain. 'Ihe 1.11 I1.1l Iniei iiailonal Cm lespond fiue Schools h.inniis tin I.piI on llie s'de ami a uliiei mil seteinl assist ant -t lip iil-ltt d leliesiiinents 101 Ihn pm It These Mimposlug llie )i,ult weie: Plfsd nt T J. Toslei, e.Pieslip lit It, .1, Ttisei, T I WnodwolUl, asss. imt manager in thaige or Meld woik, lllid Hllpelllelll Ills I," J I lunik", lliiiifiinl 1 'null i'ii, ihm is I'.luii, Sin Tiainlsio, ("nl I 11 Cenk. Sen tile. Wash 11 P I'lmpm in, W'asliliigion, It T T Hiincoik Philadelphia, l'.t Noiiniiii Tostei, llullalo .N v., .1 M Tostet, Timlniiatl, o i: T. Khler, I'm Hand, Mi fluilge Ki.uiior, Pllisbnig Pa c 1," LiiwieiiM Stia IUM..V Y' I. A l.itei e. i'iiii iign. Ul ; II M Lnt eis m 1 o'uls Mn , II f It illicit, Hotiin Muns. i: oz, Toionto. Out, Tin id 1: ft It Stone-, Ni W Villi. N llllll' Jopes, TlPt - land, o T s miii. 1 . iii'iiiil iig'pt, P.liigh.inuun, X Y J II Tolei unit A. T Slokes, lepieseinlng Hie unit i il Mes-Mm-ci. the ofl'i ial It Id oinal of llu oigaiil. itiiui The p.u ly Iniendeit In sloji it I ike LndiUf loi 11 lew lioips' iccie.itlon, hue owing to the Im lenient t ol the tti atlior ihls P'ut of the piogi.uiinip was I lllllleil Pensions Gianted. Rl Ivliioito Win limn Ihe txcu.il tl Cif't. t t-l. 1 1 11 liini' " lu ifiin 11 lii li'cri i.iaiiit.1 W1III.1111 11 II lupp. ol s, union YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I 11 jl IhI 1 In Iiim 7 Hi'i . Ill.ii- t lllpilllllll . ... II lit ClPPt .t..i limp 1. 1111, tVI iIpsipp III I un iltuill.lllt 4 in . , ...!'' per tpiit, s p hi i. per un), pmipii num. 'I In. un u.l.il p 111 , oi) null, - -t- WEATHER I'OUrCAST. V Wadiiiuli n him luil foi l'nt -f V 11 l'.iu.'biij I'nili ili-uili MPir - Ut 1 Libit h.it'i . suii'lit, fif.li wptl - nli ttlmt, li.'iniii tnulili -f tttttt,HHftt HH