The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    .w.,wyW,-.v .,-,.($- tvffV" "ivwi'tjf ju fsiifwuOTW'?('wr ,wrvKMm ",
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- V T&
Pleasant Event at the Elks Those
Who Attended the Banquet Offi
cials of the Rapid Transit Railway
Company Say the Strike Is Brok
enPresent Status of the Nino
Hour Strike Having Circulars
Printed Make-up of the D,, L. &
W. Board for Today.
Members, of Iho Mnson Contractors'
association and Hip Journeymen Hilrk
laycrs' union enjoyed u banquet tt'ert
npurlny nlKbt. at the Kilts' ball, on
Franklin avenue, which was a jolly and
cnjoyobln event.
Present were Contractors Conrad
Schroder. K. H. WllllnniH, John Colll
Rti. Mnthlns Stlpp, Harry It. S.vkce,
Herman W'oelltors. John Sykcs, Potcr
Sllpp. M. . Ktuitly, Henry He.llmun.
and their secretary. It, F. UukIIk. and
the following members of the Brick
laycr.M' union, No, IS, of Scrunton:
President Michael Nolan, Vlcc-Prosl-rfent
Frank ( Schroudcr, Arthur .lohn
on and William Perry, members of
the conference committee, and "N. .1.
Hlncer, M. I.. Duchler. Charles Roftley,
Vroct K. Hykes, John U Bamimn, John
t.onsdorf, Thnmas Moraii, I.. Noll,
K F. Shlffer, T. J. l.nfttis. tinnier V.
I'.eese, .1. T. Sledlcr, Harvey 'olc M.
McDoiioiiKh, "'. "W. Knu'llck. William
Hurley. Frank P.ritjRS. Jr.mcs Kblffer,
Kdward Koftley, William Lewis, John
Hawks. Frank Pnlt. Adam Schroeder,
Charier A'lt, K. O. Wells, F. Kraellek,
Thonmn Omniell. Joseph Heller, irn,
Newton. T. F. Morris, F. J. Noll, Jacob
Kunz. jr., G. Scattso. (ieorse A. Lewis,
John iRler, Charles Holer, W. H. Khei
rvun, l.milo T. Htlpp. Klljnb Sniffer,
Henry Bellman, jr., Patrick Welsh, and
others. ,
After the substantial part of the ban
quet had been nrrcfully considered, K.
. Williams was elected toastmastcr,
nnd called trpoir Conrad Schroeder to
make the opi-ninir aildress. U was in
thf nature of a welcome to those pres
ent, and was happily responded to by
William Perry, of the conference com
mittee of the Bricklayers. He ex
pressed the hope that (he banquet
would become an annual affair. John
Hawks, a veteran bricklayer, respond
ed to a toast on "Strikes." In ills
speech he said lv believed in banquet
strikes. Ho related bow lieka wanna
nvinue was first fenced with a stump
fence, built by Mr. notice, the strimn
pnller, when he lirst commenced to lay
brick in Hcrnnlon. Jt was listened to
villi interest.
Bricklayer 'Jomer P. Ki-e.e favored
the banqueters with a solo. Contractor
John Collifran responded to a toast on
"Contractors In the Past." and Arthur
Johnson, secretary of the Bricklayers'
union, responded to n toast on "How
Lockouts and Strikes Can Be Averted."
In his speech he said that lockouts
jukI strikes can be averted by confer
ence committees, with full power to
net, chosen from both sides. He said
that such committees are more power
ful for pood than strikes ever have
been or ever will be. He stated that
ibinriRlr It and the agreement entered
nto between the Mason Contractor
ind Journeymen Bricklayers, the past
year had been a prolltalile one to the
bricklayers, that all had moved on har
moniously and that a new usrceinent
had been entered Into by the two
bodies f.,r two years, which provides
that all disputes and differences be
settled by a conference committee from
both sides. He hoped that at the end
of the two years a now agreement
would bo entered into.
Homer I. Beose responded to a toast
on "Arbitration." He said he was
proud to tee the contractors and brick
layers work side by side, as well as
hanquet in tiro same hall: that this hail
come by arbitration and organization.
Ho also stated that the only way to
arbitrate and avert ti strike is to ho
Michael Nolan, the bricklayer, re
sponded to ji toast on "Organization,"
which was listened to with interest.
John I.onsdorf gave a solo, entitled
"The Father-Land." Contractor Peter
t?tlpp responded to a toast on "Con
tractors and Building in the Present."
He related bow modern contracting
differs from that of thirty years ago.
Buildings then completed in twelve
months are now expected to bo' occu
pied in twelve weeks, Their strikes
and lockouts were the means of set
tling disputes -which are today settled
by conference committees,
Bricklayer Fred K. Kykes responded
to a toast on "Benefits Derived by
Meeting Frequently," He said it means
bencllt In general, for both the brick
layer and contractors, It means higher
wages for the bricklayer, and that It
'buries the hatchet" In many ways.
Bricklayer Thomas (icmmell favored
the banqueters with a solo, Fred
Kraellek responded to a toast on "The
Herman Bileklayers," In his speech
be said that the Herman and the
SVotch differed very little. He stated
that the only w i.v to have harmony
and avert strikes was to settle differ
rni cs by a conference committee.
Contractor Herman Woelkers re.
.-pended to a toast on "The Hood Be
lived ill the Hunks of the Union." j,i
stated that he had passed the ranks of
appteutlco and Bricklayers' union to
the ranki: of contractor and builder,
Hn said that there Is good In each of
them, Bricklayer .Michael Nolan ren
dered a solo. Contractor Muthlas Stlpp
responded to a toast on "The dm true
tors' and Builders' Bepiitutlon." In his
speech ho taid that tho alMinportant
part of tho contractor mid bulkier is,
Hko n building of a foundation for a
substantial building, to build a snort
Bricklayer Thomas fiemmcll respond
ed to a toast on "Political Brick Jobs,"
Contractor M, J, Buddy lesponded to u
twiht on "Stonecutters," in his speech
he said on account of tho stonecutters'
strike and personal pride, ho was
dilven to conti acting.
Bricklayer Samuel o, A ells respond,
cd to a toast on "Tho Foremen." Ho
said that ho believed, as a foreman,
that friendship should cease at 7
Vclock In the nioinlng and begin at 5
Vclock at night, and that any brick
layer who did not do his duty, whether
largo or small, should ho called down,
Contractor Harry P.. Sykes respond
ed to tho toast "Masonry." He stated
that thero were two kinds of masonry
and that both dated back to the build
ing of Solomon's temple, etc.
Bricklayer Kdward Softlcy responded
to a toast "Tho Bricklayer of the Past
ps Compared with the Present." Ha
tald that whllo time was moving along
and, Edison was busy with his inven
tions, he has failed to invent a brick--vcr
machine and would ilnd it a
puzzle. He stated Hint the bricklayers'
tinu'e was good for years to come.
Bricklayer John Hawks sang a solo,
entitled "Tho Bricklayer." Bricklayer
William Perry and tho union boys then
rendered a solo and chorus.
On motion It was unanimously agreed
that the present occasion be made an
annual one, after which the banquet
ers arose and sang "Auld Lang Syne
nndAnicrlca," after which tho banquet
Williams Will Resign.
Last Saturday The Tribune an
nounced that Mine Inspector O. M.
Williams, of the Fourth Anthracite
district, would resign to accept tho
position or general manger of .tho
Kingston Coal company. Tho lato
Hon. Daniel Kdwards, the president at
the company, combined with the presi
dency tho duties of general manager.
Yesterday Mr. Williams admitted that
he will go with tho Kingston company.
He said:
"Yes, It Is true that I have decided
to accept tho management of tho
Kingston Coal company's collieries
and have so notified the otllclals. I
will tender my resignation as initio In
spector to Governor Stone at the oint
of the week and will cuter upon tho
full discharge of my new duties as
soon, as my successor is appointed,
and will take partial charge somo time
during next week."
Mr. Williams was born In Ystrad
gynlals, Brcconshlrc, South Wales,
Aug. 11, 1S41, and was a son of Morgan
and Margaret Williams. He attended
school In his native town until he was
11 years of age, when ho left school
and began work In tho mines as n
door boy. Ho conic to tills country in
March, IS,")!), and located at Beaver
Meadow. He secured employment as
a driver boy at the Batellff and John
son mine, Coloralne, and continued at
that work until ho was IS years of ago
when, dissatisfied with the wages ho
was earning, ho gave up that position
and secured work at mining. He con
tinued at that work for fourteen years,
being employed at Jcunesvllle, Kber
valo and Seranton.
On July 1, 1S7S, ho was made fore
man of the Oxford nnd Bellevue col
lieries of tho Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Railroad company in this
city, nnd remained In that position un
til Juno .10, 18S0. when he tendered his
resignation to become mine inspector,
having been appointed to that position
by ftovernor Hoyt. He assumed his
duties as Inspector July 1!), 1SS0, and
has continued In tho same position
ever since, having been re-appointed
five times. Mr. Williams now resides
at Wllkes-Barre.
Trolley Strike Broken.
It was yesterday announced by local
officials of tho Rapid Transit Railway
company that the strike inaugurated
among the laborers Tuesday was at
an end, and that a full complement of
men was at work. A largo number of
the strikers were dismissed from the
company's employ ami other men se
cured to fill their places.
A big guard of special oflioers noted
as custodians of the workers yester
day, and tho foremen being sworn in
as deputies. There was no Interfer
ence with the men at work or any dis
turbance whatsoever during the day.
Status of Strike.
There were no developments in the
nine-hour day strike yesterday. No
meeting was held by the striking car
builders, and their headquarters wen;
deserted during tho greater part of tho
day. The machinists ao now having
printed n large number of circulars
which will he sent to Holioken.
They placed in big typo the existing
conditions here, nnd are calculated to
make tho importation of hands from
Hoboken n rather difficult proceeding.
The Federal Labor union will moot at
It) o'clock this morning In Keouomy
hall, and transact business of import
ance. D., I. & W. Board for Today.
The following Is the make-up of the
D., L. and W. board for (oday:
Si'iantnn, .lime 7, unit.
TlllinSDAV. ,11'Ni: fi.
Willi Cats, Kast s p. m., ,1, .1. Coalcllu; in .
in., J. llu-h.
1'ltlPAV, JL'Xi: 7.
Wild Cits, 12.K0 a. ill.. .1. W. Ileiiip;
.1 a. in., II, (iillix.m; 5 .1. in., .1. Mniei; ,s ,i. in.,
I', li.illrl; II) n. ill., .). It. Mn-leis; II :i. in.,
1", I'. SIcm-iis; 1 1 1. in., tl, ,1, lirkiii; 'J p. iu
('. W. Dunn; 5 p. in., I.atliiiicr, with II. IMlin.
t.Cii new; 6 p. in., Killiy.
S-iininiils, i:tc. -.1 .1, in.,, M, .1, HonniiMii;
S a. in., west, IV, II. iliokniii'w; li p. in., c.i I,
,1. Can-lfx; p. "".. ''. W. II. N'iilmls 7
p. in., rst finm Nay Aiiir, II. MiAllislii ; 7
p. m., west fioin (.'ajuca, McLiiip; 7 p. m., wet
fiom Cowta, Tlionip.-on.
Pullers -10 a. m., I". I'.. Krcnr.
I'mhru S a, in., I!. Hoiiicrj 10 i. m., S
Finnorily; ll.:0 a. in., Mnran; 7 p. in,. Murphy;
11 p. in,, LainpiliKi 10 p. in,, A, H'Menor,
PaMciiRrr IIiiBinct " a, in., OafTnry; 7 a, t,i
bincrr; ")')" p. in,, Slaiilnn; 7 p, m., Miliovirii.
Willi Cits WiM S a. in., ).'. K. Dully; H a.
in,, .Mm Il.ntu; 1) a. m,, it, C.w; II a, iu
.1. Ilurkliart ; 1 p. m C, KinKili'.r; 2 p. in., T,
MiCarlliy; I p. in., M, farinoily; 3 p. in., .1. b.
lloiit'id; a p. m., A. )'. Miilliii.
llukiiu.ui M. ('Hitler will ko out Willi I'nkriK
mi Nil. il, .linio Ttli,
llinkiinan Mania Stanton will ko out with I',
CillikMIl nost dip,
lli.kiiu.iii Hay Marunry will call at ti.iltiiuis.
I it's uflkT.
He Is Charged with Using the Mails
to Defraud.
Deputy United Htates Marshal J. W.
Snyder made an Important, arrest yes
terday when ho served a warrant upon
Heorgc P. Mahle, at Wllkcs-Barrc.aiul
later arraigned him before Commis
sioner llulin on tho charge of using
tho malls for fraudulent purposes.
Mohlo was held In $1,000 bail for a
hearing this afternoon,
Ho only recently loft tho Western
penitentiary at Allegheny, where ho
served a sixteen months' sentence for
practically tho Identical offense of
which ho is now licensed. On the for
mer occasion also, he conducted ills
operations in Wllkes-Barre, His game
consisted in writing two largo busl.
ness houses in the eastern states, and
making big orders, representing him
self to bo a man of wealth.
In numerous Instances his letters
contained offers of exchanging one
kind of merchandise for another,
mostly of a produce nature. Ho re
ferred all parties to Wllkes-Barre
banks and In some Instances is known
to have sent out worthless checks on
the hanks. The return of these and
the discovery that they were valueless
resulted in an investigation being In
stituted, and Wednesday a warrant
was Issued for his arrest.
After the hearing he was taken to
the Luzerne county Jail, In default of
$1,000 ball, and this afternoon at '1
o'clock full testimony will be heard
In the case,
Tho Director of Public Safety B,o
quested to Furnish Select Council
with His Henson for Awarding
Contracts to Highest Bidders.
Committee Appointed to Investi
gate Certain Actions of Controller
Howell Sewer Contract Awarded.
Other Important Business.
The select council wants to know
why Director of Public Hatcty Worm
see nnd ox-ltocorder Molr awarded the
recent contracts for a. flro engine and
for flro hose to the highest, Instead of
to tlie lowest responsible bidders.
President Chittenden Introduced a
resolution nt last night's meeting di
recting Director Wormsor to give coun
cils bis reasons for this action, and also
reqtiest'ng him to furnish to councils
tho names of tho agentB present In tho
Interests of the successful bidders, Tho
resolution was passed unanimously,
without discussion.
Council also decided to appoint a
conunltt'je of three to Investigate tho
alleged neglect of Controller Howell In
not furnishing a statement of all de
ficiencies to tlie councils at the begin
ning of tho fiscal year and his action
In refusing to oby tho couuciltnaiilo
resolution dliectlng him not to coun
tersign warrants for any bills not ap
proved by Hie auditing committee.
Chairman Chittenden appointed as
members of this committee three of
tlie controller's outspoken opponents,
Messrs. Vaiiglinn, ('lemons and Oliver,
The matter was brought up by tho
reading of several communications
from tho controller. One of these set
forth that the amount of unexpended
balances not subject to he merged re
maining on bis books from last year
amounted to $l,Gl:!.:!:t. Another com
munication set forth that there are
now on file In tho controller's ofllco de
ficiency bills remaining unpaid to the
amount of $!,7f)4.l.", this In addition to
the $15,000 worth of deficiency bills
piovided for In tills year's general ap
propriation ordinance.
Mr. Vaughiin claimed that the con
troller had a knowledge of a large
number of these bills when the esti
mates committee was meeting and he
censured him for not sending them in
at Hint time. It was finally decided
to refer this matter and still another
communication in which Hie con
troller signified liis intention of con
tersigning warrants for bills upon tho
approval of the head of tlie proper
department only, to tlie above men
tioned special committee for investi
gation. In this connection it is interesting to
note a resolution offered by Mr. Mer
rliiian. One ,of tlie warrants recently
countersigned by tlie controller upon
the mere approval of the head of the
proper department was a warrant for
$40 drawn In favor of Dr. AV. K. Allen,
superintendent of the bureau of health,
tlie money to be used by him in pay
ing parties who bury dead dogs.
After setting forth these facts and
noting that the payment of this money
to Dr. Allen was Illegal because it was
an advance payment, Mr. Merrinian's
resolution directs the doctor to pay
back the money into tlie city treasury
and further directs tho controller not
to certify any such warrants in the
future. It was passed unanimously.
Council also awarded a contract, tlie
first awarded by any but the heads
of departments since the "ripper" hill
went into force. This contract was
for the construction of a sewer on
Broadway, Moran court. Fourth
avenue, etc., and was awarded to
Donolnie & O'Hoylc, whoso hid of
$l.til per lineal foot was the only one
received. The bids for this were
asked for some time ago by coun
Mr. Cosgrove introduced the license
tax ordinance prepared by City Ho
licltor Watson, tinder tho direction of
ox-Recorder Molr, a resume of which
appeared in the Tribune some weeks
ago. It was referred to the license
committee without comment.
Other resolutions Introduced and
passed were as follows:
I I.v Mr. Jlrl in Pi muling for Ilic p.nciuont nf
a jmitinii nf Sprmc Mrrct, lietwi'cn Franklin
ami I Vnn .ui'iiucs at tin' oNpi'iio o( I ho cily anil
the pinprity iiwnorc, each I" pay half,
lb Mr. Silinolilir-llimtlng thr iliiodnr nf
pulilli' wurk.'. In lui" a tin' hvilr.inl. ririinl at Iho
inriirr of Oi'dh shirt .nul Slniuni nriiu.'f
Hy Mr. OliM'i Diirrtiir.' tho lily aur.i to
lllo wllh Iho iniiiiiinn rniini 11 liofcno .Inly 1 an
in m.ito list of the minihcr nt t.ix.ihhs ill rath
Ily Mr. I'loiiuiiii -I'r.airlinu a pavement
ho l.ihl mi Smith Wa-.hlnxlitl avrnui' lu'lwi'fn
liika.iiim awutit' ami tho l..n kau'.inn.i car
t.icp.- ritrntliiu; Ihr lime limit fur tho iiiiMine.
linn nf (In1 ".I'HiT 111 Hi'ilinn A, Truth sower ills.
tilit sixty ilajs; ilirirlinu the city innliiillcr to
iiiiintdBluu .1 waiiant for Iho piirtliai nf the
(Kiu.itniy lot up'ui the inrlpl nf a irilifnato
from tho illy snlliitur filling fmlh that tho
Lackawanna Iron .im! M(r loiupauy lias ili'livcuvl
to a irlrH'C of cruiuid ront pinporly i'i.
intiil. ,
The following new ordinances were
Ily Mr. Clrnmin I'roWillnif for Iho gi.uBng
nf Taylor awnuo lutwoni Mulhi'iiy ami Vine
Ily Mr. Vaiitth.iu -I'rovlilliiB for Iho rini-l ruo.
linn vt a in Iho swi'iitronth sowor ilistrlit,
Ily Mr. llriiiiiun-l'iiiviiliiig win, and ii'Kiila.
limis fur tho Komninuit ot the tinUm; fuml
l'l lllllliN.ulKT.
Ily Mr. Siluioliloi''irini; fnmls for the
puipii,o nf pinHillin; an iippiopiiallon for print
Iiik ami for iiicliUntalj fur the ilopjilmcnt of
public .i(cty,
Ily Mr, IIi-kmii I'rnviilinc for .111 ndditioiul Kale,
mail at I he Clin strrct iioiui: of tho Jnoy
Ciiitial railioaii.
When tho ordinance providing for a
sewer on Railroad alley, to relieve tho
Lackawanna avenua sewer, came up on
second reading, President Chittenden
took the floor and succeeded In having
it referred buck to comniittco in con
junction with the director of public
works, ilulming that the sewer was
entirely unnecessary.
Tho following ordinances were passed
on third rending; Providing for n pave
ment on Carbon street, between Penn
nvcnuo and .tho Lackawanna river;
awarding tho water contract to t)io
Kcruntoti Has and Water company at
$12,000 a year: providing for a lateral
sower on both sides of Alder street;
providing for a lateral sewer on Penn
avenue, and Larch street, In tho Thir
teenth ward.
Mr. Finn Xiad a little jokt at the
end of the meeting, when ho offered a
icsolutlou providing for the printing of
a, supplement to the city engineer's re
port, said supplement' to contain an
up-to-dato list of city otllclals, tho list
appearing in tha report having been
1 ' f ' r 1
Jhe Buyers
On whom all merchants
depend, demand a good dol
lar's worth for a good dollar,
and that condition is a reality
here always. Our Bamboo
Porch Shades are priced so
low it's like finding money
to buy them.
Size Inside Outside
Meat Bark
75c $1.85
1.00 2.00
1.25 2.40
Foote & Fuller Co
Hears Building.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Kffcct Dec. 2. 1000.
South Leave Scranlon for New Vork at. 1.40,
3.00 5.50, 8.00 and 10.03 a. in.; 12.55, 3.33 p. m.
for Philadelphia ot 8.00 ami 10.05 a. in.; 11.55
anil 3.S3 p. m. For Stroudsburi? at 0.10 p. in.
Milk accommodation at 3.10 p. m. Arrive .it
Hoboken at 0.30, 7.13, iu.-3, iz.09, 3.15. MS,
7.19 p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia at 1.0(1, 3.41,
6.00 anil 8.22 p. m, Arrive fiom .New York at
1.10, 6.32 and 10.23 a. m.: 1.00. 1.52, 5.43, 5.43
and 11.30 p. m. Fruni Ktioudsburg at 8.05 a.
'North Leave Seranton for Buffalo and inter
mediate stations at 1.15, 6.35 and 9.00 a. m.;
1.55. 6.43 and 11.35 p. m. For Oswego and
Svracuse at 0.35 .1. in. and 1.55 p. m. i,r
Utlca at 1.10 a. m. nnd 1.53 p. m. i0r ilon
troe at 0.C0 a m; 1.05 and 6.48 p. m. Tor
Nicholson at 400 and 6.13 p. m. For Hinj;
hiinton at 10.20 a. m. Arrive in Scrantnn from
lliiffiilo at 1.2'i, 2.55, 5.43 and 10.00 a. m.j 3.30
and 8.00 p. m. From Osncgo and Syracuse at
2.53 a. m.; 12.33 Riirt 8.00 p. m From Ulicr
at 2.65 a. m.; 12.3S and 3.30 p. m. From
Nicholson at 7.50 a. m. and 0.00 p. m. From
Montrose at 10.00 a. in.; 3.20 and 8.00 p. m.
Bloomstnirg Division Leave Scrantnn for
Northumberland, at 0.15, 10.03 a. m.; 1.55 a:ij
6.50 p. m. For l'ljmoutli at 1.05, 3.40, 8.50 p.
m. For Kingston ut 8.10 a. m. Arrive at
Northumberland at 0.35 a. in.; 1.10, 5.00 anil S.I5
p. m. Arrive at KinRston at 8.52 a. m. Arrive
at Plwnouth at 2.00. 1.32. 9.45 p. m. Arrhe
in Scranlon from Northumberland nt 0.42 a. in.;
12.35, 4.50 and 8.15 p. m. From Kinsslon at
11.00 a. 111. From I'ljmouth at 7.55 a. m. ; 3.20
and 6.33 p. in.
South Leave Si-r.inton at 1.10, 3.00, 0.50, 10.03
p. m.: 3.33 and 3.10 p. 111.
North Leave Scranlon at 1.13, C.33 a. m.;
1.55. 5.1S nnd 11.35 p. m.
Ulaonistmi'i! Division l,cao Seranton at 10.03
a. m. and 5.50 p. m.
Central Bailroad of Nrw Jersey.
Stations in New Yoik Foot o Libcily bticc
N 11., and South Feiry.
TISli: TAIlLi: IN LITIXJT .MAY 19, 1001.
Trains leae Seranton foi New Yoik,,
Elizabeth, Philadelphia. K.nlon, licthlehcm, Al
Icntnwn, Mamli t'limik and While llacn. at X.53
n. m.; express, 1,10;, 4.00 p. m. Sun.
days. 2.13 p. m.
For PitMnn and ilkr-.-il.iriP. S..,., a. m. ; 1.10
and 4.00 l. in. Siinil..j, 2.13 i. in.
For Baltimore and vtaMiiiigfiui and points
Smith and W! iJ Bethlehem. S.53 a. m., 1,10
uml I p. " Sunday. 2.15 p. 111.
Fur I-i'iil; limmli. Ui-C"" (lime, ele., at 8,35
a m. and 1.10 1. 111.
'For ltcadins, Lebanon and llarri.-,lmrs, via Al.
lentonn, S.53 a. 111. and 1.10 p. m. Sundays,
ir. n. m.
"'For Poltsil1c, 8.55 a. m., 1.10 p. m.
For .Mountain Park, S.35 a, m., 1,10 and 4. 00
1. in-
Through tickets to all points east, south and
west at lowest rate at tho station.
('. M. Bt'ltT. Cen. Pa.-s. Al-1.
J. II. OLHAUSKN, (Jen. hupt.
Delaware and Hudson.
Ill Hflci-t Hay 19, 1901.
Trains for Carbondale leave Seranton at 6.20,
8.00, h.53, 10.13 a. in.; 12.n0, 1.20, 2.11, J.5'J
6.29, 6.25, 7.57, 9.13, 11.15 p. m. ; 1,16 a. 111.
For Iloncsdale 0.20, 10.13 a. m,; 2.11 and 5.29
PYor' Wilkes-BaiTc-0.43, 7.IS, S. II. 9.3-i, 10.1),
11.65 a. m.i 1.23, 2.18, 3.3J, 4.27, 0.10,7.13, 10.11,
11.30 p. m.
For L. V. B. It. points 6.45, 11.35 a. m.; 2.13,
4.27 and ll.M p. in.
For Pennsylvania It. It. points 6.13, 9.3S a.
m.; 2.18 and 1.27 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m.
and 3.62 p. m.
For Carbondale-9.00, 11.33 a. m.; ?.ll, 3.32,
6.47, 10.52 p. m.
For vvilhcs-narrc v.aa, 11.00 a. m. j 1.U5, ,i.n,
C.27. 8.27 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3.52 p. m.
For lloncMlalc D.00 .1. 111. and 3.32 p. 111.
Lowest rates to all points in United Statci
and Canada.
.1. II. ni'IlDICK, 0. P. A Albany, N. Y.
II. W. CltOSS. I). P. A,, Suinnton, Pa
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Time Table in HfTrct Sept. 17, looo.
Trains for Hivvlcy and loral poinln, conneft.
InK at lliwley with Frio railroad for New Yoilr
Ncvvhura. and intermediate points, leave Scran,
ton at 7.05 a, in. and 2.23 p. in.
Trains anlvc at Scranlon at 10.30 a, m. and
P.10 p. m.
Time Card ti rfftrt Vtc, ,1011,, tOOO,
. 7 10 Ar.N.V..W.KilM.l.T
, ..,'0V lOSAr
...101018 M "
. .,.'1031 il IS "
lojiiasi '
10 16 14 2S "
, 1M DU
, Cadosia ,,.I.v.
. ,llani'oi-k .. '
...Kiarlltilit. . "
.Prclun Park, "
, .U'lnwootJ.., "
M.l'oynlt'lle.., "
Orson...., "
. I'li-anant JU. "
.. Uiilondale., H
..Foirtt City.. "
CartioiulaleYd "
. fuiboiidole . "
,Whiia llrlilae. "
, Majnelit Yd. "
Slayileld... "
.Jeru)ii... '
.Aielilalil... "
. .Win Inn "
Kvktllle "
auuuiaiu "
OlWIIto "
9.011 "
9 3JIU'. "
vhum: "
ItllKI, "
oiou sol "
1 PM
.,..6 36
8 U.I 1 1 II1 "
00011 111 "
8 Ml 1 1 0 "
lUIIOt1 "
8 301101' "
gift n; .
II41I0M "
,'.'.'. a on
... 800
8 311 10 41 "
8 3il0 13
8 ?0 10 10 I.v
. I'rov lilcmv. "
I'tilk I'liu-e "
. .tlcuiiluu. ,Ar,
A.tdltlontl trolr.ikaro Ctrbondilt for illvlitl.l Yiid
..'"" ,'f,"' S,ui"ly "d 7.60pm Suudty oalv, nrlvluj
.VJdllionjllriihii U no MTDlont7tt)pni Sunday only,, ,n. a Cirliondalr, inltlugM 7(5 rill
m iralnletvci M.Uitld V.rd for Cirbimdtlu otClitm
dlly,rrlirinjt(.'rui, "
Rate 'A centi vr mile.
Loneit Hates tu hII Points West.
i. C. r-NDtRSON,
cw Vork City.
J. . WUSH,
'Im, Aifot,
Srr&ntoa. V.
compiled tlireo weeks iibo and IifIiib
therefore Ineon-ect. Someono said tlmt
It nilb'Ut 1h! nilvlsalile to wait fur an
other week or two, but the resolution
passed, notwithstanding.
I'ouiicll adjourned to meet uguln next
Thursday nlglit.
1(03 Kh m
.....a ost so
.. h 114 8J
... 84 1!.
... 28)4 Ei
... 8 415 CS.
... 8606 14
... 8686 23
... 8086 80,
... 8 005 81
.. 3 196 43
7 003 8)5 64 ,
7 0.1 . . .
7M3 416 68.
7 Oil 136 01
7 MS 166 C3..
7 133 618 D8.
7 183 646)2 .
7 t.1.1 MR ill
" 7 r, 036 SI
7 aa i 07 e sl .
7 31 4 10 6 87
J.13i 14 0 31
7 176 KS-.
7 404 PUBS'.
.III tt
Have you tiled our Special 10c
Linen CollarsP We have them In all
the latest Bhapcs.
Btoms 1 and 2, Com'Ith B'l'd'g.
lining and Blasting
Mnsto svt Moosto nd RushlsJs Worlu.
Btetrla Bsttsrlss. Elsatrlo Rrplodsri
xplodlng blasts. Safaty ITuas ani
Repauno Gharoica! Co.'s hxploIVve.
Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901.
Trains leave Seranton:
6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pitts
burg and the West.
9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays
1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West. Por Hazleton, week
days only.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury.
Hazleton, Pottsvillo, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
J. B. WOOD, Cen. Pass. ARt.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In I'.fleit .lime ', umi.
Ti.iiiw Si-r.iiitnii:
For Philadelphia aii'l New York via D. .: II,
II. I!., at li. I." uml '.MIS a. in., ,nu l.5, 1,7
(Illack Diamond li.xprcss), ami 11. U0 p. m. Sun.
dajs, D. k II. n. U., 1.3d, 8.a7 p. in
For White Haven, Hulelon ami principal pointi
in the coal resion, via I), k II. li. R,, u 15,
'.'.IS 11ml 1.27 p. m. I'm- PotliWIle, O.l.i a. ni.,
2.IS p. 111.
For ncthlehcm, i:.isli.n. Heading;, HairUbnrg
ami principal station-, ia u. & n.
It. It., li.lj, ."S 11. 111.; 'J.IN 1.27 (lllaUc Ilia,
iiioml Kxpicts), Il.HO p. 111. Similars, 1). & 11.
It. It., H.3S a. in.: Lis, S-.27 1
For TunkliannotK, Towanila. i:iinir.i, Itluca,
Oeneva anil principal intermediate stations. ia
I)., L. & W. It. It., 8.03 a. in.; 1.05 and 3.10
p. m.
For ficnevs, Itoeliostcr, Duflalo, Niagara Fall?,
Chkaso and all points vit, via D. II. It. It.,
7. K ll.M .1. in. 1.2S, K.SI (lllulv Dlanmnil K-pir.-s),
7.IS, lii.ll, 1I.0 p. m. Sundays, I), fc H,
II. II., II..V1, .27 p. 111.
Pullman parlor and sioepiiiK or Lrliieh Valley
pirlors ears on all trains lietneen Wllkes-Harie
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and sus
pension Bridse
ltOI.I.IN II. WH.ISUn, Clcn. Supt., 20 Cortland
Flieet, New York.
CHAIII.KS S. l.KHi Hen. Pass. Ast., 28 Cortiand
slieet, New Yolk.
A V. NONNi:.MACIli:n, Div. Pass. Agt., South
Petlilelieni, Pa.
For ticket and Pullman reservations apply to
S00 Lackawanna avenue, Scranlon, Pa.
.II -,"N
m m j
Watch our next advortlsemont.
In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive
list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article
which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by
simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed
packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold),
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
i.- j- i-4- .1 "1 ii i
. mis acusuu, 19 uuw uuuipicic uuu cuiuurfica ait
the new novelties in
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
I -
Fibre Carpets
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies
4 Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. 2
4 4
; . Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. J
444444444444444444444 44
1 50,000 ROLLS.
Ccmprising many carloads. Extraordinary bargains
will be given to early purchasers.
50c Papers for 25c and 35c per roll
25c Papers for 15c per roll
15c Papers for 10c per roll
10c Papers for 5c per roll
Entire output of this season's patterns of one of the
largest manufacturers in the country.
Jacobs Sc FasoldL
209 Washington Avenue, Opposite Court House.
mm m
Manufacturers or
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call. 2:133.
rhllftrlelntilft. Pa. Dilr (itraiM HnwlilUt In
Aiuerir1iuarftntefalornr lKtb mat! 1'rltate
lilFMMtt f-trciftH, Abuiti, lilood roIoB. timom.
i llrbllltj,i.oil ninBOoa(iimroMi6?niriiuiTtnuT
IrultlnK). UmlrfplonaitnU Je Shrunkra Orinnf
reh m rnrti 4 to 10 dayi. i(l yrr prarttral 11 jfmt
(tipltal iprrlonfp la (irrmany. Hml ftir honk "Trutb"ail
ohlnc cftrr mrdlfalA alf rlrlral fraud. lUnllon thU papeM
pHE lion does picket duty for you
1 and prevents adulteration and
impurity from ontering into your pack
age of
When you buy an unbroken package
of LION COFFEE you havo coffee that
is absolutely pure, strong and invigor
ating. A singlo pound makes 40 cups,
No other coffee will go so far. You
will never know what it is like till you
try it. LION COFFEE is not a glazed
compound, but a puro coffeo and noth
ing but coffee.
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003.
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
ixgs accounts, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Conni-i.i., President
Henry Belin, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. Peck, Cashier.
General Agent for the Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Mining, nia-tinir, Sportins, Fmokelevi and tha
Ilep.niiui Chemical Company's
Safety fuse. Caps nnd Kxnloilcra. Itcom 401 Com'
ncll Iluildin:,' .i-eranlcn.
W. il. MLU.I.V.
r h