. ri tt t i (' THIS SCR ANTON THIBUNE-FRIDAY, .JUNK 7, 1001". ' WEST SCRANTON FUNERAL OF EVAN DAVIS BURIED WITH HONORS DUE A WORTHY CITIZEN. Membeis of Robcit Moiris Lodge Nominnto Officers Pioernmmo of tho Minstrel Show to Bo Given by St. Brenden Council, Y. M. I. Thomas T. Lnrkln Awnrdcd Fhst Prize In Oiatoilcnl Contest Small The in a Bnin on Ninth Street. Other New3 Notes. nominated the following olllccis for the mining loim: "'let-lib-iit, Tnlllo M. I'vuns; vice piosldont. AV. llovvlnnd Diivlesi con ductor, Daniel .Juy tlccso; stevviud, I.oiiIp A. Howell; lnldo gunid, AVitt kln Williams: outside gunid, John It. I'dwaids, C. I. D.tnlcK John JI. Phil lips. M. (!. Hoildno; i root dttirr societal y, David ,T. Davis; financial societaiy, Piihncr Williams; ticnsuier, 111 Hur rK ' Several other mutton peilalnlng to the lodfio weie passed on, antl tho an nual summer outing was discussed, hut no action was taken. The Wi Mi Baptist chinch was ctnwdod yostorduv altoiuoon liv the fill nils iinrl lolutlvos 01 the late 1'vnn J. Dalos, who gatheicd to attend the fiinetal '"i vices. The funeinl was one of the lingesi eer "eon In West Soinu tun. Tlnep oloigvinon "poke (luting the soivke. Tlle "ie Hev. V. D. Hop kins p.isini of Hi" iiniiiii: Hev. II. If. llmiK 'f the Calv.uv ThiptM i lunch, Tnlor. ind Hev. W. f. f)avle. of the Xmth Si rnntoii I'.npllst chin ill. The llinal offeilngs wne imusuallv In isc and betokened tin. esteem In whli h ili'ieasi'd was held. In addition to the in my i lunch people at the lunei.il, llieie "io huso delegations lioni the Knights of Malta, and the Diamond Mine Accidental fund, of whlili deceased w.is n meinbei. A iin.iitett" under the dliection of Piof. AVIIIIam l.vntis lul the singing and theio vvnic s active and six honoi- 111 V p lll-b'MtCls. Those who John T. Williams T!ee!P A Phlllliis. John I,. Jenkins. Hdwaid I.'. Thomas, 1 m ill . .Mnig.in, Kvnn J. Davis. AVIIII.mi .'atkins, Thnnins IlowolK i:v.in W. Hvnns Ohod Jen kins. John Mm guns and James A. Kvans. Inteinient was m.ule In the J)L'innoio einielei. His Biothei-in-Law Killed. Itev. Dald Jones, pastor of the Welsh Congiegationnl chinch, tooelved a letter fioni the old eountiy jestei div. infoiming him that ills biothei-in-lau. John T. i;.ins, was killed bv an explosion in the mines at Sen Shonvdil. South Wales, on Mav 'li. Doieasi'iT w.is a hie boss in the niines, and a lingo number nf men wcie killed at the same time. Nominntion ot Offlceis. The lioboit Mouis lodgr., oilier of Ameiiian 'i'l lie I mites, held a l cgtil.tr meeting in then tooins last evening and WiltiniM. Polkming HUYLER'S SCOTCH Kl! ion t.ALi: at G. W. JENKINS, Y. M. I. MlnstrolB. The Y. M. I. Shirt Waist Mlnstlels, under the dhectlnn of Piofossor John T. Watklns, will he glum In Meuis' halt next Tuesday evening, tom inenc'lng at s:lS o'clock. The partlel pants and featuies of the perfolin ance aie as follows: Inlrrlnuitu-V. .1, I itz fiiMinti ( nincdlilw (kne (Vvjimi, IninM ('11111111111-"!, Iliilntil I on. 1 1; 1 11. I ilwinl M(( lain, llmlrl I nu ll 111. lliilurt Pn(T, M. I, lliirkc, f.co t rt"ln. m ilMd l-iK.iril nlli, limn Milluisli, lime Mi ihIilh, Hut .lohmnn, 1 VotiMon, H1.1i' suvan. pviir r-riHsT 1 111 nos. Inlroilmton. "Vw it Ocrrtuti'" M.i Hip Whole tlul". Imluilinc Un.' Siimbirs: " I ilt Ir- llrmw ('.it " llnnr aiiii 1aniboc "Willi spl, n,or llrijit." "Vnvil hor ' W.lll s,,ntf, "Villi." "Ill ink Smiif " "Vh Diinlv riKticllc." "sIcIrIiIiik CIioiiis " WIiiiIIiiij: anil lliiinmint: Inlritmli C non lloliiin, "ltnlnili Siirmilo." 1'iinlt to (Untiiro, Pnncs ami latnboc. sfc('OM) 1.1)11 IOV. fl ill nl, "J in't 1(11 Whj I loic You," .lame? Mi Vntlrcw I ml S.111,-, ",erj Parlio.i Ma? n ltu(,hn On," l.io l'r-in II ill til, "Plimlii!" II iim Sulllnn Itis-i solo, "liip In Hip Dorp" ..Will jinMon I ml son?, "Vinus oil Vre M. Snittbuit," Janus riiniininji Bill.ul, "Micelc O'Connor" timei Mcllimli I'nil souk, "VI.i III ow v fl ibc" ....(Jpiip C'oi;rnM llalhil. "Inl for t'mlaj" 1M ml W1M1 llin snlo, "hinir ot Hip WimN" ....tint .lolinon I ml soiic, "DoitiK M.t Doolj Onti" llkliinl Ioncit'Tn (ti mil I'm lie. "IrKPml of Ibr Ui'lN "' ("ChiniM of .Nniiniml'.") INrmVIKslON, l'Mtr II. Mc iifilncui. lobii McNully llnbltli Dill i-iion-. Miimi il skcti.li . .VImm-i, C'liiniiiinc? aiul rrn-.sin llmlr-qup The entue compauv will meet for diess icheaisal in Meals' hall .Sunday evening. Army bai racks on Prke street, un der tho dltcctlon of Staff Captain No ble, divisional officer of tho Pattlmoic and 1'nnl PoniiBylvnnla district. The public is invited to intend. Awnided First Prize, Thomas I. Lai kin, of West Lacka wanna avenue, ti student at Niagara unlveislty, was aw aided llist prle In an oniloilcal contest at the college locently. Tho itvvnid was nutde by lit. Itev. Itlshop (llllgloy, of tho Ifllffalo tllntese. Mr. t.aikln Is well known hero nnd Ills inaiiv ft lends will he pleased to leain of his success, lie has appealed lu public hero oil vailous occasions. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Events of This Evening. The tJle.iiieis' society of the Simp son Methodist I'piscupal chunk will condiiu an enlet t.iinment and lie cieam social this evening. The St. Maik's Mission band will hold a serial on the chinch lawn this evening, coiner of Washburn ana Pom teenth snoots. An indoor moonlight daiue will be Kiven In Meais' halt this evening tin tier the nusphc-s of the icgul.tr 1'ii dny night class. Special setvites at the Salvation A Short Story on Fashionable Neckwear For Ladies. It's summer time, with many warm days. Neckwear is really the dressiest thing about My Lady's street apparel this season, and there are so many sorts that are positively uncomfortable when the mercury bobs up and down between the eighty and ninety marks in the shade, that Dame Fashion has had to come to the rescue with new ideas and pretty fancies that fill the bill perfectly as to style, while they afford the wearer all the coolness and comfort that one could wish for. That's Surely Good News For every woman of fashion, but If you want to fully realize the boon that is now offered, you'll have to come to the store and look the latest line over for yourself, as we can't begin to tell you about it. The New Trimmed Stocks, with Buckle Attachment, are a sensible novelty ' that rarely fails to win favor, while Automobile Ties, with fancy edge, are also popular. Then There's the Lovely Wash Neckwear In Piques, Crash, Lawns, (all colors), Fancy Lawn Ties, with polka dots, etc. In fact there is no limit to the assortment of new Wash Neckwear, while all tht favorites shown earlier in the season may still be had. i Specials for Saturday : Fancy and Plain Sheer Tuckings, 29c 'x Fancy and Lace Stripe Tuckings, 50c Both are worth at least one-third more. The lenulns nf the lute .Incob l"nuin felker vveio brought here yesteiday fioni fame- ami aie now at tho home ol Mahlon I'ltiunfclkcr, l'.M North Bioniley avenue. The f uncial will take place this aftc-inoon at ".'ISO n't lock. tlairy fJnll. of T. 1. Pi lee'n bin her .shop, was called to his home in Voik, fa., yesteiday, by the death of his father. Matthew fhnmcrschlod, of T:.',' Hampton stieet, lccelve wind yestei day that IiIh team and butcher wagon was stunk by a sttect car at .May field and thq ill Ivor was .slightly lu jtlicd. The alaini of flic from Hnv :!1 yes teiday afternoon was caused by a .slight bhte on Ninth stieet, near .fackfcim, In an old bain. The dam age was slight. In lespoiiding to the the. tile Coluniblu's team became un manageable on Main avenue and the dilver had till ho t mild do to keep them from 1 mining nunv, The St. l'aill'H Pioneer cotps lesuuied (billing In St. David's hall last even ing, under the dltcctlon of Captain .John Mm ray. Then- was a huge at tendance. The Ladles Aid t ha liter of St. David's lpl"copal cliuiih met yestei day afternoon and listened to an atl dicss liv Mis. Kveiett on the fund be ing l.tlsed for the purpose of extending home mission woik In the diocese. A jniing son of Mi. and Mis. Peter l.aisou of Washburn hUoet, had his leg caught In a wagon wheel on Wed nesday and the member wus badlv In j ti led. Dr. D. .1. .Tonkins, of Jackson stieet, is atctndlng lilni. Divld If. l'vnns, of Academy stieet, .sailed f i om Now Yotk on Wednesday for a tiip to the old country. Patmlmnn Klah Peters resumed his duties jchteiday, after a ten davs' vaiatlon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Long, corner of Tether place, gave a pattv Wed nesd.tv afternoon In honor of their daughters lirth blttliday aniilvm- s.,11 v. Thomas s. .lones, William E .lohns, 'William Maish and Albeit Lewis havn lotuincd home fioni a successful fish ing ti lp. c'hlldie.i's day eseicises will be held in the Waslihuin stieet Piesbvteiian chui ih .Sunday, June nth. Special music by oichcbtra morning and ov oil ing. 'I he .iunioi eluistlan L'ndcavor so lielv of the Pl.vmouth Congies.ttional dim ih will lepeat the (antala of "Lit tle l!ed Hiding Hood" at tho dmich nel Tuesilav evening. An lie cie.tm mh1.iI will lie held alter tho pctfoim ance. An infant iblld of Mi. and .Mis Thomas Mel'iavv, of I'rtJJ Pi Ink sheet, died vesleida.v ami will be bin led this afternoon in the Cathedial cometeiy. An nnjnvable social session was held last evening at the looms ol the Young .Men's Cluistian association on South Main avenue. William Lewis was held in $1,1)00 ball -estoida.v bv Police Magistiate Davios, on chaiges of assault and battel-, tlueats, , ti , piefened by his wile. Owing lo the failme nf the oflkeis to put in an appeaiaiue last night, theio was no meeting of the West Side Cenlial Hepubln.au club Patiolmaii .fames tl.tit shot and killed a mad dug on Washbtiin stieet jesleidav, which caused con sideiable excitement. JONAS LONG'S SONS. QREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALE. JUNE 7, WOt. FAY THE BIG ARRAY of specials that we have spread out before you on this page for today's selling represents I as gooa a programme as we nave ever oeen aDie to gainer tor Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales There is not an item in the lot that does not represent a reduction of less than 15 per cent. Some reductions are a quarter of regular price. Some are as high as a third off. If you have never availed yourself of these great op portunities, do so today. 1 Sale No. 1 IRfea J '"HI Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. In Basement The unmatched opportunities offered in our Houselurnisujng Goods Depart ment during our Friday afternoon s.ile makes it possible to buy the most wanted lines of goods at prices at least 25 per cent, below what you will pay at any other time. Read carefully today's unusual list: CLOTIU'S LINI'.S Made of" the best qual ity ot cotton. Ill ml v hialdcil mill well lln islied, ,)0 leet long. You (.in buy' them .it any other time at 10c. Fiiday, for one hour 5c CLOTtftlS PINS' The kind that ou buv In laige quantities evcty day at twice what we charge dining this sale. Fiiday, for one houi, 100 foi Snlc No. 2 Begins Promptly nt 3 O'clock. 7c LAWN MOWI'IIS- You've boon waiting foi an nppoi luiiity to buy good Lawn Mow ets at tedtued pikes. It has eonie at last This lawn mowei is woitli regulatly $!00. li is tuny guaranteed, niieiy lliiished and a good cutting machine. Fiiday, one hour 2.19 A COMHINATION SALI Ol CHINA PLATi:?" A laige assotlment nf China Plates, I'l nits and stands; some aie C.uls- bad, otheisate the noted Fiench make. The pi Ices range lrom 10c. to L'.'ic. e.u h. Friday, for one hour, each 8c ANOTHtnt COMBINATION SALH On one of our spei lal Bingaln Tables will be found a vaiietv of linos including Howls, Nappk s, Vinegar and Oil Cruets, Sjiup Pitiheis, Tias, Vases. Cake Stands, Footed Howl Plats, etc.. not an article in the lot wotth less than 1.1c, some as much a.s 20i. Fiida.v, lor one hour 10c Globe Warehouse NORTH SCRANTON. Net hiindav mot nlng a mission will be begun In the Holy Rosaiy chinch by the Domiuklan Fatheis of New Yivk city. The mission will be held for tvo weeks, the (list week for thc woinen and the seiond week for the men, with aw ctia mission for tho (hildien. The following aie the wock'h masses: On Mimday at the usual hmiip, dining tile week da.vs mission masse? ai .". o'dock ami aft'ei the losaty, which will stall at S n't lock. Short Institutions held after B o'clock mas., and shoit .senium. Hosaiy and sofinon at 7.1ft p. in. Sat in day evening nn seimon will he held. The houi.s for confession in the moi n Iiik fioni to T and fl to 1J; In the af ternoon at '!:'.0 to b, and In tho evening 7:::o to 10, A benelicinl sodety known as the Catholic Relief Is boliiR oiganled in tills .section of tho city by OiganUei L.uigan, ol .South Sciantnn. Hev. N. .1. M( Manns, of tiio Holy Hos.uy chinch, hits given the society bl.s eiu iluLscment and It Is eiected that a huge number of the young men of this p.ut of the city will hcioinn chaitei lncmbei.s, I.oial union No. 1 107. Hunnei.s ami Oilvci.s, will inn their (list annual OM'Ub.slou to Luke Loiloie next Tluus-da. The PiovldeiK'o Pie.sbytoilan people nnd their filend.s will this evening ha the gucsth of the ladles of tho Aid Micl i ty The ie( option w ill be lu the .social looms, and ii veiy lingo attendant p is nutldpated. Tho oictihlon in a ttllctly hoclal functioii and Includes dtvei.sllleil ftatuiesi, such ns a .spicy hlstmy nf thu twcnty-oiic jcais of (ho Aid .society, by Mi.s, J. It, Peck; taking our picture while jou wait, by Ptof. Shad O. (Iinphci'i tilnimlng ladles' hats and bnnnetu, b tho young gentlemen, and a lliht pilsp attached; Inhtiiuueiital and vocal selections, Including a hung by Hui i y Hinlth, and the boning of ill Urate icfieshinents- Tho leceptlou Is fioni S to II o'dock. Tho picsident uf tho soiiety Is Mis.. J K. Smith. The Koralgu Mlsaloimiy society of me i-iehiiyieiian (lunch meets this nf ifiiiooii wun mi. Thomas S. Moi ot. Chinch avenue. COFf'Hf: MILLS If ou knew how much moie delk Ions coffee is when boiled lust after gi hiding ou would not be without a C'olTfo inn five minutes. The one we aie going to sell on Fiiday Is the Holland Heautv. The coffee pot is all metal except tlie boaid that fastens against the wall; nothing to get out ot oulei and tan be ad justed to guild coate or line. The canis- tei will hold one pound. Fiiday, for one hour 19c ri.orn, jo.vas loncs sons' rhst it Is not niton that nu i.in huj the best flour made at -. pei tent, below Its legular value For one hum on Iiida j mi will have that oppoi lunlt.v. .lust to intioduee our icte biated Minnesota ll.iidvvhe.il Flour we wilt sell a tvvent-llve pound .sack foi, each 47c Main Floor HHUSS CiOODS A combination sale In light weight Hi ess OooiK Tmpoited all wool Challlcs in pink, light blue, nival, (Irani, caidlual and lavender, ifcgular file, value, also an all wool with satin stripe, blue and white, led, black and laVendei. All wool Slilpul Albatross especially for waists, ted and while niivy, and white, castot and white, and gieen and white. The goods In tills ll.it ate woitli up to "2f-r T.'c. Fiiday lor one hour OVC Second Floor AVALKINC, OH P.A1NY DAY SKIRTS Hemembet tho last we sold two weeks ago; well, these aie the same stj le. 'i'liev come in medium mey, 0foul and black; they ate the "-goto stvle with stiap seams. At'lHIO thev i lie (onsldeied gieat value. " A Fikkty for one hour Z'"t" Hain Floor LACHS The mete mention of the fait that we aie going to have a lace sale on I'tl dav siitllies to (limit the tables long befoir the bell i lugs.. This time it is Point do Pails, Cieam and White Oilental L.ues tanging in width fioni .. to ti inches. Fiiday for one hour KID CLOVl'S In 2-clasp and l-biitton stvle alt shades and oveiy size except "'"i theie ate slightlv soiled values up to sl.OO. Fiiday for one houi Second Floor COItSIWS Vrui might iall them .i sum mer coi-t bciaue they aie so light nnd like. They aie made ot good qualitv. uiiiiii in pniK, iiiuo ami while, ami .ue shot t over the hips, Fiench pat teins. Fiiday tor one houi Alain Floor RATH TOWKLS Mado of the best qua' itv nieached Tuikisli Toweling, it is exti.t luge, nn asm es 11 by Ti, and under milln- ai loudilious they would be che.ti. at isi . each. Fiiday, one houi TOII.l'T SOAP An exti.toi dinai y oppoi -ttiuity. Hutteimilk Soap at ic. a cake It's ilic genuine and never sells at anv time lor les-, t'l.in ic thcie ,ne thiee cakes in a hot and on Fndav we ate going to sell them foi one hour, the cake OLYCHItlNi: hOAP One laige double cuke of Hose Beauty iMjcctine Soap, never sells foi less than Scents. Fiiday tor olio lour IinSIHPvY AND HNDHUWHAH Combi nation t.alo L idles' lilue, pink and white esls likely tiiinmed with lai e with tapi neik, value l."jc. Ladicb' latiiy hose in llg iii ed and veitical stilpes alwajs sell for 1'c. pall. Ftidav, for one houi, our i hoii o foi the vest oi hose Snlo No. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. 9c 39c 39c 39c t qua'- . exti.t milln- 12c ppm -'-It's io lor l hot 5c ouble nuver 6c mibi wlilte tapi i Hg-i- He. 9c Second Floor HOYS' SUITS Ho.vs' Vestec and Dotihle fhoastod Suits; vesteo st.vle, open front, doublc-biea.sted vest, !! to S .veins, 8 to 15 yens, lcgutar dnuhlo-biensled two-piece style. The suits aie made of all-wool cheviot In neat elfccls, colois aie plain blue, in own and gicy, also plaids nnd chocks, 111 medium, light and il.uk colins. To close the entile Hue of Jl.Tfi, $ nn and l:i. Will hell them for one hour -t f on Fiidny for Y 0" Main Floor Slllin' WAISTS-Ladles' Sliltt Waists made of pel wiles and Inuev l.-wns with the new style cntsli collar, In light, medium and dark (oloi.s. Not a shirt waist in the lot woitli less than i'Dc. Fiiday foi one hour Second Floor SIIHSt!CKIH SKIHTS Mado of good quality of socisuiker with unibiolla rutflo and two additional small i tidies, good widths and all length. Friday, for one j? gj hour OuC lain Floor fHBBONS It would .seem as though the ilbbon selling duilng the past few weeks had (cnteied at the Client Stoic. We've been do ing so much of it lately. Fiiday's offering (onsl'ts ot All Silk, Satin and C.tos Gtalli Hlbbon in a huge vatloly of colois. The widths aie Nos. VI, 10 and fio, and the tegu lar values -Oc, i'c. and .tjc. Fiiday lot one hout Third Floor W'ALN PAPfUt We've ananged a special combination sale of "Wall Papet for Fridyy. Theie's 4 lolls lor tho side, .! lolls for (oil ing and is .vat ds ol bonier. On Fiiday we'll sell the combination for one LC-, hour lor OUC Main Floor SllOHS For Dfie. the pair, for tho boy, the gill or oui.sel In the lot will be found Ovfoid Tics in all .stjles and sUcs; In values that tango lrom $1 J" up to $1")0. All to go for one hour on Fiiday lot INFANTS' SIIOI'.S In black and tan, boft sole, in button st'lo only, Fiiday tm one hour Fourth Floor HOCKHHS We never get tiled helling lockeis; vvhv should wo when wo have siieh good tilings to offer. A neat and elabouitc cobbler bottom pntlor toikcr, lu genuine orvk and imitation mahogany lluish, closely spindled baclc ami .inns, siil) siantlal undoistoik, treats have genuine k.itlier botliini either lluish. On Friday tor one hour 10c 96c in, soft 17c 1.59 JONAS LONG'S SONS. Ii allium!; of Ilic turn, iutriil ot ru'hli, illi .in flttiniiirirr nov ut ", huln t. Milln, nf Caron I!;'Il,"c niiiit, '.l.i lus Ik in (hlft link for Nipi rliitrmlciit kli ', "f Hip l.liklnllini, In-, 1 1 'll itniilnliil In tin n.i. ticii et i"lfl ml inliii n( tin fulelit iloHit. ni-sit in Sir,intini. llo I. (', II llu'cr Ins iiiic ti ( lulnti spiliiss fi r a -li"it l i.i. Mis fimc Hints U nini-li ill 1 1 1 1 inllnn niitnr i i inn ili-iu it in i In me nn H i If Mlut, .liniM Ihulirs nf soutii Mikih linl, i.liu mis m rioul. liuiniil iri SU,tLii niitto un Milt tin lut, i Renin; linns mid; 'Ilic I aili"s' Viil mill ol tin' I'ii li,i irrian iliiiuli imt it Mm. i, s. i rn's tmliv Mi-s Hiiiinn' I'ovki, if i licri sii lull tl" W itllliWMI, . , i 11 IlKSlllJ Jll IXllllllllI i-it ui.li l"llll ll 10. for Hulialo to visit tho Pan-Ameiiian ipositiou. on theii tetiiin they will ictaido in South Sctanton. el, nil! to inal i' GREEN RIDGE. Mi Minnie llllv, of I iioun iiniuo, is hnnm finni IUliniiliiiipi' MMiiiini lur I lie Milium r i mill n Pr .1 vinriU I nullum, nf s-.xu , moili i, vim !, s.oii'litiir tin1 iiiiiinir line Ml jiilmlij fni .i lui ill.,' -w, ultli Iriuuls .11 l.aatnn, I'rimiinii mil I'lilluMplili, III nnlir In iinniri.'O Ilic ilisun lilni nt (iiuii Iliiltro IiiIm'. No. ''Vl, linicii mlrnt Dnlir I't Dili) IiIIiim-, lu llll lllllllll plnllililin, ; 'I. I Hill III'. Ijllllul I plil III In' .Itt.lllllll ll It .ill wliiili i-, iliililul In u ininpilcnt jiulkT nr iriiiiniitic in Ih tin must pcifut In unikln tiie dlffrrrnt ilrgu i s if Hint nnlri, llh Vlnuiui III s U r. vv bo his Hip cuo-t nf (.inn IIIiIki' fiUnik, lift (.-liiiii fm liri' hone III I'atlbli SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. 'Ilio ilitril minimi mil rnih whli Ii is In lip liolil Mi nil iv nlk'lil fm tlio lirmlil uf In.-i h Kitkiii will lie in llih Un lull, nut J I .NnUM' lull, a fl itrd in 3iiiIj I liliuni' 'I l.o iiu'inlnii nf tho nimril Cunt ((niiiinii'li'ri, Sn. 'Jin, hnicliw if Malm, will imoi at II lit-nun'.-, lull tlii- iiniliie. 'flip .IiiiiKir vUiniurdior "ill mrit for rdnainil 1 Ii 1 citiunK in (iiniunli hall Pea Coil 91,50 a Ton Delivered, to South Side, icuttal city nnd cential Hyde P.nk, Addroiss nidois to J, T, Shaikoy, I'Jli L'eduj avenue, 'Phone bfaSJ. FEDERAL COURT NOTES. lieoigo SI. .M.itti-on, of f mulct spot t, was adjudged a bankiupt .vesteiday in the Ulstik I Fedeial ( (mi t loiut and lili i.tso ictcind to Hcfcicu in i'ank uipUy Alon::o I . "dome. The bond ol the Kiist Xation il bank, Helli'l'ontc, was Ilk d jesteiday with Clcik f:. li. W. Soaile of tlie Dlsti k t Policial com t. The tiualit'.ing bond Is $10,000. of 10 Stone avenue, died ostoi(iny at hoi home. The f uncial aitangoments have not et been made. COLD TRUTHS FOR HICKMAN. OBITUARY. AN AGED COUPLE WED. sun, DUNMORE. Ill II 0 aicnnj't ,f t,c l,lil(is ,1 ,P tll!0 I "Jul ill Wriiiipi.li)' pippr an irror ids mailc in Ilic nuinlur ininllol in he toimiirrt fj ill pJitiiuiil, It tliuul.l luip oul lift. nine .it Ilic THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON i well as (he liaiulMimct, ami other aio liivlliuf lo tall un any ilriwlst jml git fico a trijl lioltlo vt Kii!i(' Ujkjui lor llu lliroat anU Lun, a icnicd lhat U ifuaranticj to euro and rcllcic all tlnonic ami Aiulc t'uuihs, Ajthini, Urvndillb anil Cuwuinptiuii. 1'iiii. , and NK Cotemony Was Peifoimed nt Holy Cioss Chuicli, Joliu P.idden, aged seventy ycatsi. nf South Sci anion, and Catheiinc .Mct C.ibe, ugtd slty-flvo eas, of Hall load avenue, wcie united in muiiiige at 5 o'clock Wednesday afteiuoon at Holy Cioas chinch by Hev, John Dunne. The cot'plc wcie attended by Palikk Malmn and Hlliithcth lllggliiy, both old people. Tim nuptials tutued inmh in tciest In Hellevue, itud thoio with ,a l.nge uttcniiniKu to see tho nuptial knot tied. After the icicinouy the pnty took dinner a( the .Sciaulon Iioubc, and later enjoyed a dilve around l.ako Hcianlon. At midnight Mr. und Mis. l'addcn left t.oi'is nhn'iv.i.ih:. t.ouis Keui- ler, ot Philadelphia, aged 1.' youi.s, died osteiday at the home ol his Msler, Mih. Diiliiu, of rvnn aveiuie, whom he ctiino to visit only bust Sunday, He was taken suddenly ill on Vediiesda night and though .sevoial ph.vsclans vveio mininioiKii, nothing lould lie dune in .save lib, II lo. The luiieial will be hold Sunday afuiuoou ai .'..'0 nVIm k, with iiitctmcnt In roie.-t Hill leinotoiy. .MltS A.VNt: ltOWA.V-.MiH. Anno Itinvau, wito ol Patilik Hoivtin, ile ccanod, ami mother of P, T, Howan, Hie well known painter, died Wednes day altei noun, rimeial fioni the ics Idoiue, ."it" I.u.euic stieet, at ti o'clock Saturday morning, mm vices ut Holy Cioss chinch, Hellevue, Intel liiout ill L'ulheilial ccMiiotei), THOMAS C'O.VHOY. Thomas Ciin- loy, of :'-s Huiloi' stieet. Duiimoie, and tmnieily of Olyphunt. died jostei day, utlcr speial wookh' IIIucsh. e s Miivlvcd l.y a wife and a number of ihlldion. The fuuoial will bo held m inoiiow nun plug at fl o'clcik fimu St, Maiy'.s chui ih, Duiimoie, Ants A.ArtfiAitHT ni:i,Mi;s.-MiH. Maigait lli'lmi's r.led yebtoiday tit tho Inline of hoi daughtoi, Mis-, lloniy Till nor, of VI", Sundei.sou avenue, aged St eai&. Funeial fimn llio house Sat in day att unooit at l.JJ o'i loi k. Imoi mcut :u 1'oie.st Hill. MISS SAHAH STISOTHHHS. Mls-i Saiab Stiothei.s, aged f.S c.us, died on Wednesday at the Lackawanna hoi,, pltul, afier a. lulef llliu.s.s Tim tcmaliis wcio t ikon to Wilkes-Ham, iiuin whcic tho tuueial will be hekl. .MI'S. .loil.V HOWA.V-.Mij.. John Howan died je.stei.la at liet home. 5.'J Mciidkni stieet. Deietsed Is Mil v lied by hop hush ind and four ehlldion. Tho tiilici.il will bo announced luci. MHS. Tl.'HUSA CON.VOH.S. Mis. Teicsa Connois, wlfo of Peter Connoro, The Indian Secictniy Tells Him Why Ameiican Eirms Get Oideis. A T.nndiiii ioi lespondent ot tho Now Voik Tnbiiio wiites. I.otd ckmi Ilainlltdii. the Indian hocietai.v, wlio wan not piesont lu the house of i om inous when Sir Allied Hiikmau, lou setvalive. and foimer picsident of tho Hiltish li on Ttado ansoi iation, on May 1', attacked Ahum ban built locomo tives and biidgcs, has teplled lu a lot tci lo Sir Alfietl Hickman. In p.ut It is as tollow.s: No piactlial engineer who lias vNlt eii Ameiiian woikshops and lu'-peited their methods of ptodiictlou and niaii i.l'ailuic would for ti moment eiulotse oiir assuniptlous, Their i oiiipoiltliin Is dangeioiiH because they aie eiul iinpiovlng tlicli pioducis, both in iiual ily mid pike It alwajs Iuih been the piuclko ot the boaid.s of iiianage meiit ut tlie Indian i.tihoadH lo givo pieliteme in all t licit lontiactK to lliillsh iiitiiiiit.il tiiioi, ami that policy has so piovalled tliftt up lo tho gtcat Hi out cnglneeilng xtilke no hi tier lot a i.illway loiouuitivo. win. ovci given oulhldc of (bout Hi Until. Slum thou, owing to llio lliltlsh woikshops being blocked Willi woik, ccitaiu ol tho lu illau i.tllway boauls loiinil it iiiick h.ny, as loiomnlivcs nmlil pot be ob tained hole, to plum a lew limited in del s in Allioiku, I am icady to gho all thu available kmkiiI.s com eiiilnsr j vv Diking, (onsiunptliiu of fuel mid load mailing puwet ot inese loemuoiives, Tho o.nllor lopmts wimo uufiivmalile, but when their wniklng was better iindoi .stood, mid altuiations wcie made to Milt the local fuel, a nuiikcd lin piovcnioiu was nolle eil.ho much mi that ouo couipaiiv wishes to obtain moio engines nf hlmilai' tnusiiuctlon, That Ameiican lociiiiioiivi's obtaliiod a foot lug in India was duo to tho strike I lefeiH'd io. Hut it, ns I hope, Hiltish ()( (midlives aie In Hie ftituie to legaln their uiouopol) iu that vast sjmciii of laltways Hiltish ciigiuccis must piollt b tho hints and suggestions thco icpotts lonvo. Concei ulng tho liohtcih vl.tdiut in Iiiiiinah. 1,01(1 tlenigo Hainlltou s.ijs lho older was plaied with a Phllndel. plila company bciauso im Hiltish lb ins had mi thing like the h.tiiie cs puicliee. In this dns.s ot coiistiui tlon. The Ainci leans bid a lcss pike and quicker time than .mi tompetttot. Tho chingc in. nlo bj the lute supei visor of thu louMiuctloii ot the viaduct that the livetlng was detective was In no wa hiippoitcd by a Mutcblng Inspec tion. "The Bin malt Hallway Hoaiil," ho adds, "composed of tho most com petent jallvvuy cxpcits, uie ssalUIKd I that the bildgo Is sound and i citable. " l.md Cieoigo Hamilton also says that If he .seotns to combat Sir Alfred Ilk kmau's contention, it is not be tause ho does not hen tily appioclato ills object. They both wish to assist in maintaining the snpiemacy of Bilt ish ongiiioeis and woikshops against foiolgn (ontiactois, He adds: "Vou seem to think Hint oidet.s havo onlv gone abtoail beuttise those who gave them did not uudei itiiiul their Luslness. I wish it weie sn The com petition we have to lace is touiiilod on something much moie lot inidable and mine Mibsliiutl.il, Chemkal lcseaich, tho i mil eiitiatlon ot i npltal, titnioiigh toclmlcal iMlucatlou and Impioved in dustilal oigaul.atious have made lu iwent veins a Rioaloi advance lu Anini Icit than heie It Is with the ptn duct of those ( ombliiatlons, nnd not with the assumed stupidity ot tho In dian oflk ials, that the Hiltish engineer has to lonteml So lar as I am i on us tied 1 i an iindcilnke that piefcr OIKO, unless tlie dllloioiice til pi Ice, quality and delivciv Is oiy substan tial, will always be given to Mulish in ins, .May I not as; jnu, as u lead her of the gieat stool Industry of this eountiy, to (o-opoiate with mo by I in piesslug on jour assoelatos tho neces sity of mooting competition hi thn fill me so as to ensiiti. that pike and time of deliveiy vv it lie on the sklo of lliltlsh piodiictlnn'."' Chailes Hlottoiman Hlliolt, gnueiul inanuger of the Capo (lovcnimeut iall was, who aulvod .vcsleidny fioni Cape Town at Southampton, vvlieio ho was lutcivlcwcil by a icpiesontatlvo of tho Dally Mall innicinlng his mission, which is to piu (base uiateiial for Smith wfikitu iallwa.vs, said he would lomaiii lu Hngland for seveial wooks and then go to tho Continent und thn United Stales, He said; "I shall devote special attention to tho (iiulpmoiit of linn ow -gauge mads, and, wliilo In tho Pulled States, to tho electiic lighting s.vsteins. shall pie. top to give Mritlsh inaniifactuiois the ptoicionto If Ihclr tiMins and inatoilala aio satlsiactmy, hut we must havo tho best und (heapest equipment it Is pos siblo tn obtain." Collateinl. On I'.uk I i.K i infill rub inniiilii.- nip m(,lil mil u, i pun of i Mill. Ullll liuulllillL (.1 it III i vkiiiiih uie- nut dun piitiiipint,, in luil m lined in liiip il I in t I'iciil, ml I la' 'f the lljilj lurul rcoplo iim rif$nil. ulut oic. I lo tht iiiiiipinli nf lho 1 UnlillliL' 1.1II0US fi'4. in. in, iilmi mil nution til 11 tt l ennli im.,1 i n llu li.nl In in ii I III. Mill III III, l: ImiKi in Willi. "IV iluiin.i. lut ilu Hiiiifm lufnl Mrrloui 'li.un ill-. In ill iiuliijei pi ii jnu j,,,. JW ,ja pitjiltcr il nn Inlil up ilal 'nllii-lc' and put it in Ins pnikctV Nn ih ill. I ilut m'cii jou jit' ma ttdft llnlH llllll'ril, ilut V, llOIKI (" "Huh! ile n-ailur lie done do il tt ilii benln cau.'i ihc iitowl him oil." ejj her hone. (Jin. ciuiMti Lu'iuitu.