-;'":i tV f;v, --hh " y -vt-rv nv-vr t'"y rtj!,iJy?j'iif - -tv - m j- THE SCRANTON TIUBUNE-FBTDAY, JUNE 7, 1901. l 0?(T TOOOOOOOOOOOCi & Tin: Mortens llAttmvAnn atons loo Cream Making Id an My t .1 !: II joii lira .1 S!I!:P .WW? J.lfll'TS'IS'O r'H:i:y.l:il. Vou r.-n S''l i'i"in li'ioj till sl.-c.. Foote & Shear Co. Jj IJ9N. Washington Ave JXXXXXXXXXXX THE ORIENTAL. Wadding Presents A rather dlllk'tllt problem sometimes to make ii s'dootion tluit (Its your tnst" and ic hiiiivcji, Isn't It? Kive iiinutps spent here will do mure to settle the question Hum a. wi'i'k of con .iitr wr nt home. Irimh t;tp '""liini, In .u'ts or srpir.ite ncfi'. A tine il'n.r.ilul tclciy n.iy 11 f th, Ijc.imlml C Tis W.lll' " -'' I ut IJla- in inmnnci.tMi' inpcs ami ilc naiw, I'm 1 .i, IVpp.Ts mil Zilit- .-.i.t.-, mpiIIiik ,-ihcr Tnp .. M-C Vli'iM I liinu )trnr,niil C'hoiilirr .mm. .'!'.aA-. !'.V. .'.w v.: . ! I1: .T $ . -3 5 Vi.-t a stigupstlon nr tuo: Htmdrds of handsome, appro priate and inexpensive ubjeets iilll reward you:1 c.ill on Gruener & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. .Ax.wxxiasmsfxuxisri (mztmsmms&smmM The Peeress Ironing Board For ironing- LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS and children'? cloth inp;. every mother knows how difficult it is to properly iron Bnbief' Caps, Guimpcs, Sleeves and Yokes. This Board is labor-saving. I Th? Baby Bazaar, L- 510 Spruce Street. TWS3522StmifflSESMa?mmSa Telephone r.r mill us a iin-t.i to r.ill at your lining anil iU'te prn 0 on lauti'lpiiui any nullity 01 Mwl of I.nc or m-h cuit.un-. llcuUs guai UllKcrl. 1 ACKAWAN! fj THE" Laundry ia 00000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &fosip 00000000000000000 William Kiist and Miss Katie llilde lirand -e nnltrd in marriage yester day afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Hick ory Street i'losbyterlan church by the nstor, Kov. "v. A. Xordt. The interior ot the cliuich was beautifully decor ated for the occasion, and tho coro lr.ony was witnessed by u largo num ber of f rh wis and relatives. The bride was attired in a handsome gown, and ci tried a shower bouquet of bridal uses, TIip bridesmaid, who Is a sister of the Kroom. Miss Katie Kirst, carried si bouquet of pink roses, Tho groom was .minded by li, S-hunI. The. ushers weio rjeorge Wlrth, Jo Fiph llehkgel. Frank UessiiiKer and Jacob I'mmlg. After tho ceremony tlii-re was a icceptlnn at the homo of the groom, en t'lPdur avenue, after which 11 bridal supper was served and congratulations extended to the happy couple. The out-of-town pue.st.s were Mr, and Mrs. John Pchanls and daugh ter, ('race, of Sutlicrford, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob lfildobiniid, of Taylor; Jibs Anna Hode, of irnnesdule; I'at liek Mullrn, of Taylor; .Mr. and Mrs. I'lorey Uehiegel. of Carlisle, Pa,; Mrs, Cintllcti Vrrt and daughter, TCsthor, of Madison, l'u.; Mrs. John Nothaeker, of Klmdale, V..: Air. and Mrs. '.humor, of New Yoik. Mr. and Mis. Klrst will begin housekeeping at lil Cedar live- A cheeiy company of relatives nnd fi lends assembled at tho resldeneo of Mr. and Mrs. C'hailep Unison, of .Scott streel, JJiakely, Wednesday, to witness tht niarrltigo of Miss Olit istlunn Hut Fon to Tl'.omas I.ulrd, jr., of North f-'crantoii. Miss flrnce Pettigrew began the wedding march nt S.:;o, nnd a mo mtnt later David Iahd nnd Mary Uut-t-on, groomsman find maid of honor, led the way to tho placo assigned, and tho marriage, tervlco of tho Methodist h'plscnpal chinch was performed by It. v (J"orst) A. Cure, After an hour, delightful with refreshment nnd social plint, tho company dispersed, the new ly wedded couplo If ailing tho Scranton delegation back to the city, where they hticl provider, and furnished rooms at i"0 I'm her street. The following are Bfimo of the guests: Mr, and Mrs. Julm 't'ciiaiy, John Mtlsivv atnl jinilj, of lll.il.elj Mr. Jciiiilc .M.i;uit uinl fam lly nml Vr. and Mm. IMw.ml Kuijliton, ijf l)l.v plil.t Aill13.11 I'lupiK'H ami Mis'. Helm l.onli, cf Will r.-lljri c ; .Mlid Anna llioun, of J)unuioii; Mr nn.l Slu. AHIIiini Wl.n, Mr. and .Mi. Mur-rl-i PtoHii, Mr. anil Mi. Pobprt l'altcfon, Mr. ami His. P.ivld I'Jttrison, William luviilton, M'. '1jci:12s I.alrd, -lulin I..1I11!, f).til I.jIm, Alice Laird, Jamrs baitd, WillUm I.aitd, Hubert l.alril and Jlaiy J.alrd. Dr, J, ?, Ford ham has Issued Invi tations to the marriage of his daugh ter, Sarah, and Evan Stanley Blxler, tho. ceremony to take placo at his home, 1531 rapouse avenue, Thursday afternoon, June 20th. Miss Gertrude Miles Davis, of this city, and Alvoyd Henry Smyth, of New York, were innrrled In tho latter city on May 1 by the pastor of tho Lexington Avenue Hantlat church. They wilt loslile nt O'th street, New York city. Mi's. Smyth was formerly employed by J-'iU'a Allyll, of the Mo.'U'M building. .Tolin M. Itttuhi's and Miss' Josephine llealuy, of Oi nmnrc, went, to Havvey'H lake ycsleiibiy aflornnrjli, where tll'y W'ore ni.i tried by Uv. M, 11. Donlnti, ptiitnr of SI. Mary's church, who Is rm a retreat there. They will be at home nl'ier today at Tlio Holland, on AdnntH nv.'HUe. Mr. Hutthes Is Insurance sur veyor of the Mlddl-' department, with headiitlnr'els In tills city. , In HI. reler'H rathodrat, Wednesday afternoon, Miss Katharine Cuinmlncs was married to James (lllksplc by Hev. J. J, tlrllllti. Miss Mary t'umnilngs was bildesmaid, and .lames J. Padden gronmsma'i. Following the ceremnny n leeetitlon was held at Mr. Cilllcsplo'a home on Wyoming avenue. Mrs. Hugh nonn-lly. of Drinker sticet, has Issued cards for the mar riage of her daughter. Florence, to Floyd Sehoonover, of Cherry street, on Wednesday, Juno 10th. FERS0NAL llpvtrr V. I'rllnw, the prf.' airnt of Hie nulniln Dill WJIil rl Show, nriHed In tlio rlly h(t niclit fioni l:.'ilon. Mr.. I,. X. Connor and iliuzhtrr. nf n'1 r'ojtcllo fPiirf, liiiic irtmiird from a I'll with dirndl at 1'hll.iiJclplii.r.inil All.itiHc City. -. - -. . THE TKIENNIAD CONCLAVE. Arrangements Thnt Are Bcinc; Made nt Louisville for Event. The trietiiial conclave nf Knights Templar, to be held at Louisville, Ky., in August, promises In bo tho largest gathering of the kind ever held. Con tracts for the accommodation of thou sands of visitors have already been entered into, and tho attendance; will be drawn I'ror.i ivery section of tho L'nlteil States. Plenty of room remains, however, for the accommodation of those who lmvc not yet applied, nnd suitable quiii'let'S are assured by the Louisville neople to all in houses at the disposal of Knight Templars. In a leci'iit report submitted to the conclave executive committee by the hotels and accommodations committee on the number of persons already sup plied witli quarters, It was shown that contracts have been entered into by thirty four grand eoinmandcries, out of a total of forty-three in tho Unltod Slates. The remaining nine grand com niandfi'les will undoubtedly bo located In due time. These contracts have been made for four days' attendance 011 the celebra tion. Insuring ample time for all to sen Louisville thoroughly. A total of one hundred subordinate coininauderies have already closed contracts for ac commodations. The state nf Illinois heads tho list with nineteen bodies, outside the (irand commandery. Indi ana is next with n total of eleven, and Ohio and Missouii each have seven comnianderles already emailed for at tendance. The total number of sir knights and their frieniW represented in the con tracts already closed is nearly 10,0(10, but this number does not begin to rep lesent the total number of vistors that will be In Louisville during tho con clave. An illustrated booklet containing the Itlneraryand other information regard ing the trip will be issued in tills city in a few days, and it will be one of the prettiest souvenirs of the trip. WE HAVE IT AT LAST. The Coyne Provides tho Much. Needed Hoof Garden. Tho Coyne lias established what Scrantonlans have long been looking for: what the hearts of the people have lonsocl tor; what they will ever be thankful for a roof garden. Tho balcony along the Pour, avenue side of the hotel has been converted into one of the prettiest, coolest and most attractive resorts that Scranton pos sesses. Canvas canopy and side curtains ob scure the patron from the curious g.i.e of the multitudes on the avenues be low. A perfect retreat quiet and cozy. Air circulating freely will make it a cool place during the hot sunny days of slimmer. Palms and flowers give it a tropical appearance that makes a man's heart glad and enables him to feel that he is enjoying sylvan shades of nature's foresfs. Tables are carefully arranged where regular meals will be served, also all kinds of liquid refreshments. No more Inviting placo can he found in this part of the slate than the garden. Band concerts will be given occasion ally during tho summer, and every ef fort made for the pleasure ami com fort nf visitors. MRS. EOCHE SELECTED. Chosen for the Position of Depart ment President, Mrs. Casslo Koehe, 'of this city, wn.i yestor lay elected department presi dent of the Ladles of tho (I, A. IJ., at tho convention held in Oettysburg. Mrs. Hooho's jurisdiction will extend over tho state. ( Sho is the daughter of Captain P. DeLacy, nf Capouso avenue, and for several years has been prominent In tho work of the l.tdies of the CI. A. It, of the state, Her choice for tho high onion of department president Is a fitting recognition of tho work In the past, DON'T MISS TODAY'S DIG HORSE SALE. Wnldron lia arrlvrd again with two car loads of horses for today's big sale. Among tho lot are a grand col lection of coal blacks for undertakers' use, In matched pairs and singles; also a number of good mailers, a fine lot of business chunks and draughters, This drove should bo seen by all lov ers nf horses, as they outclass all pre vious shipments to this market. Sale begins promptly at 1 o'clock at Cu Bick's stables, this afternoon. DAVID THOMAS IS DEAD. Man Who Is Charged with Killing Him Is in County Jail, Pavld Thomas, the young man who was hit in tho head by a pick In tlni hunds of Anthony Thomnsaskl In tho Archbald mine Wednesday, died early yesterday morning at the homo of his pareuis In FolUvlllo. Coroner lloberts performed a post mortem yesteiday and found that the pick bad crushed through Thomas's skull and caused a blood clot on tho brain as big as a hen's egg. An In quest will be held later. Tnomasaski Is in the county jail. M0IR OUT ; C0NNELL IN (fentliiilfil (rntn Paste 1.1 When the governor remarked that It was for tlio bent that the hearing had been made unnecessary, Mr. Ktnrgea tisstti'd the governor that the commit tee would have had nothing to present against Mr. Molr excepting the charge thnt he had made hlhHolf Incompetent for tlie ofllce of recorder by his notion In tho Hitchcock matter. A few minutes were pursed In n chat on iienoral rubjeeln, nnd tho committee I retired. The visit did not occupy moio than slv or ncvcn minutes. Committee's Statement. Bofora returning home, tho commit tee gnvo 1110 tho following statement, In response to a request for an expres sion on the events of the day: 'Hie main iilijcct of the Imuuc win tn convince tlie public and futtiro nllkl.its that IIIiicm for of Hie r.innot (in Scr.intnn at Ic.iil), he i.nii' for rcmoul tlieicliom. AfMliwt .tames Molr, peisonslly, Hie league would have made 110 lompl.iliit. l'or hl many misfortune ho has the shote sympathy nf ll members, lie meant to o.wribo the laws when elected and mule seer.il miln-equcnl ft.irU in that direction, but he nerni" tn li.it g larked tlii' neiie to keep iljrlit on or w.ia badly adtheil when he desired to to do. Mho league would have piei'tilrd no "(aoillo son" as a candidate. If aked, IN tepie-entatived might have meaiMed Colonel llllehiock ai the loulial Miieetsor to Kri order Moil'. The coiernor would hale shown moie rnmtry and mine Uei li.nl he iiu.lilnl the Intrnh'W, tn which lie had Mitu.illy hulled the league icpieHiiilatlMH, befoie iraklne the appointment. 'I he failure to do m taken in connection wllh a leeline of insecurity that has arisen since .Indue Carpenter (who will probably be the tnaildiic candidate for Judge) tailed to rebuke the jury that gale the lemaik able verdict In the lliiior cave ncraln-t Henry Uallhci, will piobably rc-ull In Colonel llltih coik's candidacy for Iho common pleas Judso tlii. Of the appointment of .Recorder Council the representatives of the league had nothing to say, furthor than if the laws are enforced, ap pointments arc nimlu nf good men to .'III all otllcos under his control, and the order and good name of tlie. city maintained, Kecorder Council wilt have no stronger supporters than tho Municipal league. Colonel Poles continued on to New York. Messrs. St urges and Lansing returned home on tho 4 o'clock p. m. train. T. J. Duffy. THE COMMISSION RECEIVED. Handed to New Recorder by Con gressman Connell. Congressman Connell, accompanied by his private secretary, John IJ. AVil llams. ai rived Irom Harrisburg at 5 o'clock last evening, bearing Kecor der Council's commission. They re paired tit once to the Connell building. where the. now recorder was found In bis otllce, and he was presented with the governor's message. There were present at tho time, S. W. Kdgar, Hon. Alex T. Council, (ieueral Manager S. :. Wajland, of the Lackawanna Telephone company, and Marls K. Kdgar, private secro .tary to W, L. Connell. While dis cussing tlie matter of taking the oath, it was suggested that S. W. Kdgar was a notary public and forthwith Mr. Kd gar administered tlio oath of ollicc to the new chief executive. The new recorder would say noth ing of bis future course further than that Mark K. Kdgar would succeed II. C. llnttnn as recorder's secretary. When questioned as to tin; truth of a statement in an afternoon paper that ex-cliief W. T. Simpson would be bis superintendent of police, Ke corder Connell said that the young man who wrote tlio stoiy was ro mancing. At hist night's meeting of select council, (lie commission and oath of tillioc of tlie now recorder were pre sented and read. "It gives me great pleasure to move that they be ac cepted," said Mr. Clcmmons, -with, a broad grin that betokened a gratify ing contemplation of things. The new recorder will enter upon his duties to-day. WHAT MOlPv SAID. Kx-Roeordor Molr, when seen yester day nfternoon In his nflice in the municipal building in the brief Interval between a conference behind closed doors with John O. MeAsklo nnd an other witli City Solicitor Watson, was not inclined to bo very tnlkative. "My reasons for resigning," said he, "are fully set forth .11 my letter of tes Ignation. I did It for tho sake of M10 party, I realized that liovernor Stone had been asked by certain influential persons to remove me, and to relievo him of any embarrassment, 1 resigned, "I realized also that as long as I held the olllce there would be continual strife and a generally unsettled condi tion of affairs, simply because l would never be entirely in harmony with tho powers that b. Therefore, 1 consid ei oil It to be tho very best thing I could do to resign, I showed that I favored this plan when things came to a crisis by my request to Colonel Hitchcock that he resign. "I know that I will bo ciltlclaed for not permitting myself to bn removed, but I think that such criticism is an swered sutllclently by my letter to th" governor. 1 did not icslgn because 1 felt that I had done something 1 should lot have done, as sonio may say, but simply and solely for the host inlcr ists of the Republican party." MAY DK A CANDIPATK. The recorder would not say directly whether or not he would be a candldato for the nomination for recorder in 1903, lie intimated, however, that ho might run at that time, "You know," said he, "that I might bo taken with small-pot, or pneumonia, or something before that Summer Shirts for Men And stylish ones, too. Kach shirt demonstrated our good Judgment In buying, and each being stamppd with 11 trado-mnrk that is syn onymous with everything thnt is correct in modern shlrt-maklng. Among our largo variety nro found Shirts with cuffs attached; plaited bosoms, soino with two pair of cult's, ?1,S0 unit $i!.uo, In our ONK DOLLAR lino wo also show a splendid assortment of plaited fronts; White Negligee, with cuffs to match, and an un usual assortment of Madras Shirts, with cuffs to match. time, tt'fl 11 little too enrly to tstlli about that just now." . Ho seemed to be In high glee tn think Hint he had successfully forestalled the Municipal league committee1. Which went down tn Harrlsburg yesterday morning to nppenr berore the governor with n request for his removal, "I say," said he, "you might make u good Joks nut of tlml. The committee had their trip for nothing. 1 can' Im agine the members walking Into the ptcfencc of Covernor Slone and b-dng dismissed With n wave ot his hand and informed that they cnnio too late. Heally, It must In vi! been dcllclously funny." There are some who are mean enough to say that ex-Recorder Molr did not give out the news of his resignation on Wednesday night, for the express purpose of sending the Municipal league committee on the long, tiresome Journey to Hnrrlsburg. He spent a considerable part of yes terday afternoon In winding up his nf fiilrs In city hall and In settling his piillco tine account. Ho stated to The Tribune man that when he leaves the nfllco ho will not owe the city one cent. He pltowed a statement of the police fines collected during the fiscal year lflflO-lfioi, amounting to $7,::as. I.'. This ntnount will bo paid Into the city treas urer In full by this morning, ho said. He further stated that he would re linquish all claim to the ofllce of 10 corder just as soon as he received ofll clnl notification thnt his resignation had been accepted and as soon as Ills successor presented himself with his commission. THE BIG MILITARY BALL. Interest in the Event All Over This Part of tho State Is Con stantly Growing. Tlie presence In this city today of Colonel William Cody, more widely known as "Kul'fnln Hill." may bo of considerable importance as far as the securing of tho presence of Lieutenant C.oneral Nelson A. Miles at the Thir teenth regiment's military ball is con cerned. Colonel Cody, who has a lar ger acquaintance among the military celebrities of tlio nation than any other living man, Is a warm, personal friend of General .Miles, having scout ed for him on tho plains of tho West through many a hard fought Indian campaign, nnd it is almost certain that If Cody took it upon himself to make an appeal to General Miles to be present at the armory opening the latter would come, no matter what barrier presented itself. Colonel L. A. Watres and Captain D. U. Alherton have already made ar rangements to have a, talk with Col onel Cody when he comes to the city with his rough riders this morning, and will endeavor to Interest him in tho armory opening project to the ex tent of having him write to General Miles. As has been stated In previous Issues of this paper, .Miles promised the invitation committee that he would attend tho ball if such a thing were possible, but Colonel Wat res is deter mined to make assurance doubly sure and will take this method to do it. Yesterday afternoon, John M. Mc- Court, press agent for tho executive committee, returned from Kaston, af ter having completed an extensive tour among tlio cities and towns of North eastern Pennsylvania in tho interest of tho armory opening. In. Kaston, where Company I nf the Thirteenth regiment is located, the Interest In the coming ball is nearly as high as It la In Scranton. Tlio company is com posed of the society young men of lias ton, their olllcers being the social lead ers of that city, and parties, aggregat ing nearly n hundred people are be ing organized to attend the ball. In Wllkes-Harre and Plttston the officers of tlie Ninth regiment arc taking care of Serantoii's great social event. Yesterday morning a force of men from Williams & McAnulty's store be gan the laying of tlie carpet in tho oflicers' and companies' rooms of the new armory. The carpets are of tho best Brussels in pretty flowered pat terns and do credit to tho taste of the. details of men from tho various com panies who selected it. Tho senior of ficers of the regiment, whoso rooms In tlie new armory all adjoin each other, have selected the same pattern of car pot for their quarters. The request which tlie executive committee made last week to have the order of running the Croon Ridge street cars reversed on tho evening of the ball so as to nccommodato per sons unable to sectiro carriages that night was yesterday granted by Gen eral Manager SUlimnn in tho following letter; W.iltir ):, r.'uiMcr, Secretary l.'.wcutue Commit tee. Pe.ir Sir: 1 bet: to siy in answer tn your ie iin.t of iho Ift Inst., with refeience to tlie run run:; of tan on Aduua aiciuir mi the night nf the nimoiy ball, .luno I lib, that we will be '.ciy Rli'l to do this if it will be rm aivniiimoi.iliun P. tlio.e Inning ihau'e of tliu ball and lo tlw Jicipli.' uin;,' and cniuing. Vny truly jours, l'rank Mllinun, Jr., (iintial Manager, SELKOPKE UNDER ARREST. Pound Hidden in a Garret at Austin Heights. William Sclkapke, of Austin Heights, who has been wanted for s.01110 tfnio for a criminal assault on a twelve-year-old girl, who lives at tho heights, was found yesterday by Special Ofllcer Jior lis hidden away in tho Barret of his home, He was turned over to the burgess of Old Forge, who committed him to tho county jail, Books for Graduating Gifts. nt Norton's, opposite Hotel Jormyn. W5S5$3Wft ? THE FIRST SIX GAIN ALL OF THEM INCREASE THET.R. POINTS IN THE CONTEST. Lewis, Miles and Anderson All Gain on Schwcnker Kemmaver and Drunner Also Strengthen Their Positions Tho Last Six of the Leaders Remain Stationary New Contestants Should Start Soon. X Standing of the : I Leading Contestants f Point. f 1. Meyer Lewis, Scran- T X ton 143 x 2. Henry Schwenker, South Scranton... 123 3. William Miles, Hyde Tark ... ..' 107 f 4. J. Garfield Ander- son, Carbondale. . . 88 5. August Brunnor, jr., T Carbondale 44 -f 4. G. Frank Kemmerer, "f Factoryville 35 f 7. Miss Norma Mere- . 4- dith, Hyde Park.. 31 8. Miss Wilhelmina 4 Griffin Providence. 31 4. 0. W. H. Harris, Hyde Park 23 10. Bay Buckingham, . Elmhurst 17 4. 11. Miss Vida Pedrick, 4- Clark's Summit. . . 0 4. 4- 12. David 0. Emery, 4- Wimmers, Pa. ... 74 444444444t44 Yesterday tho first six leaders turned in points in tho Tribune's Educational Contest. Lewis, who shot up to first place yesterday morning, Increased his lead over Schwenker an additional point, while Miles, now In third place, crept eight points nearer Schwenker and Is now hut seventeen behind him, Garlleld Anderson, of Carbondale, also was much In evidence and is one point nearer Miles than he was yesterday. Frank Kemmerer, of Factoryville, gained two points on the Misses Mere dith and Griffin, who are now tied for seventh place. There are new applicants for the bonks of subscription blanks almost dally, they seeming to realize that there are nearly three months left for them in which to better them selves and that they have fully as good a chance yet as those who have already recorded points. Read tlio advertisement on the fourth page of this morning's Tribune. It contains much additional informa tion about the contest. If you would like to secure a handsomely illus trated booklet descriptive of the scholarships, or would like to obtain a book of subscription blanks, address "Editor Educational Contest, Scran ton Tribune, Scranton, Pa." Lace Curtains Cleaned. We make a specialty of cleaning fine lace curtains and blankets. Davis Steam Dyo Works, IU9 Penn .avenue. Cereal Breakfast Foods Bought of us are always fresh, coming direct from tho producer. Ralston Breakfast Food Ralston Barley Food Ralston Oat Flakes Ralston Wheat Meal for bread. Granose Flakes 15c Farinose, 13c, 2 for 25c Yuco, 13c, 2 for 25c Malt Breakfast Food, 13c, 2 for. 25c Rice Flake, 13c, 2 for 25c Rolled Avena (oats) or steel-cut oatmeal, 0 lbs 25c 10 lbs. entire Wheat 35c E. G. Coursen l '20 Lackawanna Ave. FOR THE NEXT 00 DAYS Gas Ranges On Sale at Our Office at Cost. We put them in your kitchen ready for uso. All connections FREE, on first floor. Double Oven Ranges, 9.75 and up Scranton Gas & Water Co 115 Wyoming Avenue. MAY l. I90t, Wedding Invitations Are you interested In this particu lar lino'' And have you seen our now line of Whitney's Wedding Papers, in all tlio new sizes? REYNOLDS BROS,, t 1 Oils, Paints a Maloney Oil & MantifacUmng Company, 141-149 Meridian Strest, ; TELEPHONE 62-2. W m CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Juno fi, loot. A number of men In Knhkle uni forms and white cork helmets left by the P., L. & W. ltnllroad at 12:55 for New York, enroute. for Patucit, Hon duras, Central America, where they have Invested In fruit plantations, and are going under contract to work for the Pntueii Plantation company, build ing wharf1), saw mills, sugar mill and canning factory. They were a hearty lot of colonists, and will no doubt do credit to Scranton In their now under taking. m ii. Buy Your Hammocks At Coursen's. special prices. Handsomest llne- Whitlng's Line of Fine Stntionery at Norton's, opposite Hotel Jcrmyn. Smoke the Pocono 5c cigar. Ask for Kelly's union crackers. The Worry of Buying A bat and the fear of not getting style and value is all taken away when you come to us. Our hats lead in beauty of design and reasonable prices. Two lines of ''Made" hats for today. I Made of fine fancy straw and chiffon and trimmed with dainty flowers, at " A f each T'F II Pretty lace straw and chiffon were used in making these hats, for trimming beautiful summer f Qfi foliage. Each I VO Clarke Bros Shifting Responsibility Is always exct,. " when It may be done conscientiously. ' Every owner ot real estate carries responsibilities that do not appear In his accounts, yet, they are imperatively important. Tho opinion of an attorney upon the security of your land titles must bo backed by your own assets. P.y tho payment of ti reasonable fee you may shift this liability on tho Title Guaranty and Trust Company Of Scranton, Penna. 512 Spruce Street. I,. A, W.ilrrs, Itlicit. ,11. A. Kn.ipp, WPrcs. A. II, JkOllnlntk, llalph S. Hull, Vii'C'iuMiilerit.l Trut Officer. ALL WOOL Men's Suits lo oulcr, 15 ami up. I'juU, $7.j0, ALL WOOL Ladies' Suits to nnlcr, SIH..W auj up. hMiu, Sn.tti ami up. Kinjr Miller, Merchant Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. STATIUMRRS AM) UM1RAVERS, end Varnish SS9 STOP We are very anxious to make you acquainted with our goods. Of course, we don't expect you to gratify our wishes Just because we want you to do so, but there Is no argument half so convincing as the evidence of your own taste. Our Green Valley Rye Will be a revelation to you . "T Loul Arthur Wntreoi President T Orlando S. Johnson, Vlco Prs. Arthur Hi Christy, Cashier Capitnl, $100,000 Surplus, $100,000 f 4- f f f jon SPRUCE STREET. Court House Square, 5CBANTON, FA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounls f A tlTIIOIllXKP Iiy Hi Charter to accept 4. all manner of Trusts; to act as a. Keceitcr, Tiustcc, Uuaiillan, Admlnlstra. i a tor or Kxci-iitor. T TTIIH VAULTS ot tills Bank are protect- 4. x, ed by tho Holmes Elcctrlo Alarm T T Sstem. " T DIRECTORS L. A. Watres, O. S. Johnson J Wm. F. ttallstcad E. P. Klnirshury "T Everett Warren Aug. Robinson T Joseph O'Brien flfpunb Look all around the town if you will you cannot find as good quali ties in Negligee Shirts (or 50c and $1.00 as are to be had here. Conrad, "A Gentleman's Furnishing Store." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-327 Penn Avenue, 1 Our Reputation For Making Things Good 13 so generally known and so sonorously maintained that every day wo hoar somo cus tomor fay: "We'd rather buy of you." There aro other reasons why It Is to your inter est to do your trading hot-p. Without nuestlon wo show In all departments the larsest stock and most certainly our prices are not discounted by any store in this city or any other city. Occasionally, of course, some store will make n specialty of some few Items at special prices, but when you take our prices from start to finish, we. are right when we claim them as the low est. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! 221-223.225.227 WYOMING AVENTJB. Jill- t,r " s Clover i 8 m (jjfrw 'i&y-$nvi -t -x.