The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 07, 1901, Image 1

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S Ap' t
MV 'A1-
pv-rj t VJ
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He Favors the Establishment ol
Glvil Rule In the Philip
pine Islands.
Indications That the Gcneial and
Tudge Taft Will Collabointe Ad
mit ably Latter Innugumting
Civil Govornmont in Cavito Prov
ince Apprehension in Islands
Over Insular Decisions Delicit in
Revenues Eeaicd.
By Ixilmiic Nile frmn J li smlitrri "n-
M.mllti, Juno h - Coininlssionots
Tint, light and Ido an .it t'.n Hi
ln-cl!i establishing .i ti r im inl gov -t
i unit ill Thev upip tm in. ills wel
mniiil In I'nlniK 1 liniidioll mill till'
llll .l lllrSllllllli. s In
Indue Tn ft spoke,
thp town hull,
outlining tlio coin-
mission's 1 1 1 . i n
iloni'ial X'hafloe
KipiindPiil it till
liifiiinipil I lie mi
Assnii.itlil I'll"-'.
111 it, while he was nut -mo of tin1
OliPllt.lls' gllll'l.ll i.ipultv lot self
rinvi inmoiil, lie l.mnpil tile estab
lishment .it tlip cm Hi t pl.u tli able
iiioiiirnt o ill II ontuil He was full
of s-i mpiitlij fin Hip commission'.
pi ills, fit native pdm.itloii ,ind luisl
III s. advallc'MllPUt. because thp Cuittd
Mates' intciosts mil native inteiests
Ik in tin- same line It seems iiit.iii!
lb it tindoi ,i plain division ol tlic
ilvil and niilit.iiv .nit hoi it Judge
'tail mi1 Coneial I'li.ilfcc will (oll.iboi
atp adiuiiahl.i.
The and bis staff weio urn
vevod diiott to the .in in palate,
m-dii, whole n pilvale ioiiIpipihp
In iu opii him ami AlcAithut
took iil.iio.
Cause for Apprehension
I'l icpnits ol t 111" I'm tn
l'uaii decisions have i.iiisid appie
lii'iision that lliPip will bp sin b n de
li t It III the I'lllllppllip iPMiilK's that
iiinqipss will iipi (I to make III .ippi ti
ll liltinil to meet II, I'pais aie also
pnpsscd as to ho iPsiill ol Hip a p.
pllt iitinn o juiv uials mid iithei fo.t
tuits ol ilip I'nlttil States i .institu
tion not suitpd to tin t tniditions or
tlip l'liilippliu s
i ii attotint, it is lppoitnl ol Hip do
i isitnis tlip I'nlti d Matis Philippine
loiiimissioiipM ,iip Im IIiipiI to post
pone thin piopos(d nnithoin tour
The .up siinipwhat liiiuplussoil o or
tlip in itiii autl .up anxious o leceivp
.nliiiis fi .im Washington
llllpOltCIS lie pitpillllR llllllls fol
p ipfunilln. of tlip duties paid
( 'apt iln A. I. (JnloKP and his aide
hap In i n Ki lit tl In Whu's toininanil
at HpuspI Alhinv piovlnio llelllv's
ti.ittoi has s.iiied t t the t'nitptl
St iIps on tilt- tialispoit I'.ikllng
liui" ChalfiP will sail on tlip
tianspou Mluida,v tm it toili "I the
Chaiged with Attempting to Euin
the Town Hall of Ailington.
n.i Ivcliidto Wire fiom lie sociateil Piest
l lint i , Mis-, 1 1 1 nc I In i.iiimi Hun uilh
tli ii hii . f Ml I Him ti milt ei mil juit for its
liuu Mttin.?, ulutli mi, mull in In, it li.t inn
Ki otwi Mill iln slmilii if U 1 in I 11 sn in,
toriurilt iliil. of the tnun nf iliiulnn, uho uis
nntritil, tliiikiil llli llio I in cm if 'iil frmn
iln Inwn, Im hn ii IihiihI In In innri linn s.,imiiii
si in h ini Hi ilnl ill in iltuiiii In Iniin 111
I iMi I ill -i vi ill wiik- iu'ii in t lit- nu'lii ulun
till lllUll lit MIS Mil! Ill Mill III, 111.1111-, WHO
I iklll
s. nil" if lie linol,-, ii'ihuihU wire fi nml in
Iln nn it su iii'i, Ihii-i in. I i her- in llu
liun lull uirt, in ir vvlii ii' lli tin' i ii ii il
II. In Im fi nml in Iniin liiiinl vim-i sit in
ri i'J i iitnits ill. uiii,- I in in su,in piiuio
kiillit lulu, mil. II III II tl "I I I tin lINllIlt
.11 Im lift, Ills hill I- illlll IX il In sj, iuki
Ctamp-Vickois Conbolidation Will
Be Made in a Tow Days.
Pi r v In lie Wlir (nil) I lie .-mulnl I'roa
Sen lllK, linn i Iho Mill in, I I vprcii
' Il is ispdlni i i nlliiiil inniiniiiiiiii nl "f
thi l'i imp ii ku liiilniililniK iiiii-'lnl ilii n will
In in nil- wllliln i low iIjv, llinlain iilniii lint
Hi. .il.-i'lpliin n Iln Hi lhl Im i Kinl ttiut lis
Hi!.-, 1011-11II1I11I..11 s isiiimilt pn.lulili li t'
hji fiirlliu Ilnl Iln i I ilii ii- IhIwhii tin mi
lull IVniMlt Hilt lnl puplr ilnl I 1' Mniu II
,. (lllllpllll 110 11 llllli'llluil- mil pin In in will
In im iinili.l tni Minimi t.f iln li ilili him
Ameiicnn Piotestant Association
Maps Out a Line of Wotk.
nj Kxiliisiie Wlie doin 'llin A,ioiiatci I'm
Itrailinir, .lime . Hip (a mil ludp nf Hie
Alllfrll III I'mltal lilt IISSIKillilin llljOllllltll line
tills iifleiiinoii S ii-olnlii.n is ulnpttil Im the
apioiiiliiiiiil nf ,i iniilinillie ul lilt, uhlili U lu
nptiiti' with iniiiiiiltliibuf nllu)' pilriolU or
(.unii.tlions, uhuu dull it "ill he to nppu-c liiui-e
u pio nallons loi tttUiian piupoei
'i lie uertlij inultr, (SiuikC Hn.ici, nf I'liili.
ilelplila, U lu .ippolnt I he coiiiinlin i' at his
Move to Ptevent Petty Sttikes.
Dj liilusiie Mic from Tlic AMorUtcil I'rcM.
Shaiiiokin, line ( - In ouler to proem i ic
inrrinte uf pell tiiken, ulihli lun nimirtil
laifcelt bIikc tie ktiuul lle-np uf I lit .Mir. Jii
fiunliie Kiiniiiltlie w a tho-in 1 Hie tin
ili'oi. nf the t mm on tullicrj ldit nllit tn line
aflrr irlllu tiiei intis Willi Hie iiiiplo.icr, to
Hut ixniluv nc-oljiciiis I lie nui.itlon uill not
lie hilt like miiiiiilllri uill lie rleileil .it
nrr.i mlliirj in Ihe Mnlli Culled Mine'
ilUtii't is K"n js i(i.jlblo
Geneial Attotney for Lackawanna.
Hi l,lniie Wire tiuin I lie AssoiUted I'roi
Niti Vik, lime I, -Wiillti W. Ilo.-,,, uf ( lilt a
to, n teen uppulnttil Miitul Jtluine.i for the
luik.iu.inia ullioiil, ini'l uill lute liis lu nl
.u.iilii in Hit. ,imul unite uf Hut lumpauy in
-f iirt, iil.
ritst Move in Ptospectivo Stiuggle
for Stteet Railway Franchises.
tly i:clmiip Wire from The Woitittd l'ri
I'lilliidelphlii, .luiie Tlio llltt liniM'
In the pioipeetho HtltlKKlo for itieet
nillwnv fiimi'lilspM In tills city Hlni'c
the Km-hl mid llineiy lilllt wimp Intio
tliltpil In the stnto loKjiliittuo will
niiido ttitliij when tiioinu O. Wldeliei,
pieildeiit of the Weil Philadelphia
PiiKitiiKei Jtiillwny (iiiiipuny applied
tfi illy uitliiuIN for poiinliilDii to lay
tliicKs nn nil the tnalll Mtltets III Weil
Phlliidflphln, tho M'i'tlnii of tlio eltv
west ol Sihulllll lher not oti'tipled
by car llni"J.
Tlio appllcatloti bcius the ditto of
June (1, mid iciltps that the piKiloKO
Is imkpil lot iindpr the ait of Apill
tw. iind tlinl the pMipnsod extensions
niPlitloiiPd In the iippllentloit mo to
be built under and Mibjeet to the oily
oidlinilKp of Apill I, 1VH. The iip
plkatlon was iclenod to the (oiiiiiilt
loe on stieet tallwios wlthutlt ion'
li u t.
They Complain of Unjust Tieatment
fiom the Big Coal Cat ty
ing Roads.
tly Fxelulie Wire 'rem The Avoeiated Pimi
Wllkos-Haiie, June 6 Some of the
inilU lo.i1 opeiatois nt the an
tlii.ulte icwlim mo complaining of un
just tieatinetit at Hie hands of the
bip toil i.iiiiitiK loads. They say
when the hip: Illinois' sti Ike was set
tled last fall mid It was decided to
Klu the mlnois a lu poi lent, ineicase
lu wiifros, the e.ui.Nliiir lonipanles
.iKieod to coiiiponsnte the iiidl
opeiatois fin the r.dilltlotuil pxpo'ises
im in ltd.
ITmlei the old roiili.ii.ts BO pel tent,
ol the sellliipr pi it p ot .it lid'j
walii was Kinii to piodi pis, and
when the Inoreaso wa kInoii the
Illinois It was undei stood, ,il least It
is mo iilkKcd bv some ot the tiidhidual
opeiatois Hint tlio t-olliiif;: pi it o toi iu
(iilduiil opeiatois was to bo U' pi r
lent. This .iKicomoiiL has nol boon
Kept tsouio of the individual opei 't
tois also Loiuplain Hint they .no now
tiki il to sisu tontiacts foi the lire
of tltoli iiiine . lleietofoio .In v li.uc
siRiiod voailj (initial ts with tlio i ai -iiiiK
ioikN. Alany ot the indis idtml
opuatois looV i.pni tins inoi. as an
attempt to ill .ve llio.n out of the fiis"
W. K. Vandeibilt Has Been Elected
a Dhector of the Not thorn
Pacific Railway.
fli tiluiip Win from The i-(uhterl l'i . -."
Xi H Yuik, .Mine fi Tlio Pipsss tn
iiioiiow will s,tj
"W. i. Vninlei lilll in a lupuspntn
tio ol the .Ntw Vol It I'oiuial s sfpiii
will bo elei ted a dii oi tor id tlio Ntutli
oi ii P.ullii i.iilwnv, and Samuel Alt -1'iea,
a it p-ucsidont of the PpuusjI
anlii iiiiiipaiis, -v ill piiIpi tlio diiiitor-alw-
of Hip Att bison, Topcka and Santa
1V i.iilio.itl '
These I'haliRis eoiiic supplemoiitliiK
tlio iltttioii ol oiip of ,f. Ploipont Mnr
K.i'i's piiilneis as a ineiiibei of Hie
nlipt liu.ttc ol tho Atililson iniiipauv,
anil the old lion ol W. II, Mooio, an
assodale ol Mi. Moik.iii, as a diioitor
ol iho limit Island. They Indicate
Kinipleto 'li.iiiiiouiation" of the im
1 oil. mi liiilioad Intoiists of tho mini.
H .
'I'hi i lash between linpiii laiit baiik
Iiih; Intoiohts lias ended in a (onipio
inlsp, and Im IiuU il In tlio i nmpi utilise
Is the intioduoiioii of boih the New
Yoik ('eiitial mid Poniisyhania tutor
ehls Into the lines opoiatliif,' fiom t'hl
iiikii to the I'.k Hie i oast,
'I'lie eleotloiis or dlieetoi.s which h.iP
taken pl.uo and those in piospett In
wislein linos nieiol.N aie .steps towaid
taiijinir out -i ki.uiiI mIioiho of i nn
Holldition. Moip inipoitimt, of i mil so,
imiontr thi-e details Is iho pmbablo
(li'itlon ol W K, Vimilf i hilt in a lep
lesentiithf ot the Viindoi hilt Inleiests
lo tile I'lKetoiate of the Xoitlieiu Pa.
Young Gill Held for Thieving.
P.i iMliisiie Mu from llie lfnniilc.1 I'mi
S(illuiiiilmi, Mki, I II MK, M iln ju
rime linn nf llihl.-ili n, S I, .1 utu'liU i nf ,i
liinmiiiini I mill nf tint pine, u is mi nim In
Hn ilUlilil null Imli.i nn IIii-iIiii.i nf Ihe In
1 1 n nl i illnimiiil in I iiili.i rhi'. Hie niitt
nl i .-Huh in il si, iln, tnlli'i, dun) .it si.nmi,
mil i-iinis nt ilium i .iu''ii.'.iliiu- s,vm iililiiinnii
fi. lit i niiii'. Iiiilinl-. it Hut lii-lllnlliiii sl0
pit nliil kiiill.i iiinl iii, liilil in il.iHi limiiis 1 1 ii
lh ti mil jinj. In ilifiult xlie u is I ikrn tn j ill.
llu I'liinu me isi'iilnl hue lulu
Governor Has Tiansit Bills,
II) Km Wlie from Hie As.neiilnl Presi
II iiii-liin, linn I', I he I hum ami tin lit
uipiil hills wen iniu-uell InliuMinnrMniic
ami il U iiuliihle tint both uill he tlcnul li.
fiie llu ili..-i' uf llu unk Nn ilnitiii. for inn
ili ipiiininl nml tin ilnl nilluji luiiipiiiies uill
lit i-ni(l h,i the dili (kjrlniiiit iinlil a tl i r
Mtmiii litnuil I Ikln ilnl Siuilaii nf the
riiimionui illli liiitsi halt net.rlbt il a foim nil
ulikli in nuke jpiiiion fur null tlurltr,
II) rxolnilie Wire from 'I he ssnclaled Press.
(ainiltn, ,N J, linn1 U -runner Jiiile ,
in. in iiinl it liis lion-e no ir litre to.lji of I)
pliuiil futr liuUi ioom u.u lu t ira of ai;e,
I iklit Jens a.n liouumi Wnl appointed lilin
JiuLt ot iiiiiitiiin toiiiilj, he In Inn one uf the men Hut tier tilled that (indlton
Siu oik, lime il - Ucur,si W ( innbeilaiul,
ltiuiun In Ihe niiriiaii tiuc an (.tciiee
'IIiuiiiimii, "lalhti nf the I Iks," Is iltail in
lliuokbu fruin hloi il pol-uiinK fullnulni; un opsr
al Inn upon his liaiul lie ujs hoin In New iiik
in Ml He i Mill to haie fouiuliil the oiilrr
il I Iks Ihlil.i tlic .t.ais iu, lieiumlni; lirn exalt.
ul inlir of Ntu nlk loil.-t, .No, I, in 1SH.-.,
IIjiiiIIIuii. N ! , lime ( I'lofeor Milan M dieil todji, Ji;til TJ. He u u Krailu
u let! fli'lil (ulzale ami MnlUnu iinlierrllles. He
luiimltil tin Hamilton I tmale miiiIiui), uheu he
Uuulil for tuinlj Ihe jear-. He il .unluil b) a
ulilou an I one Kin, sniKiiiitiinUm I nuls A.
(, vt I'Jlirjun, N. J,
Ministers Have Ceased to Hold
Meetings While Making Inquiries
to Home Governments.
The Withdiawal of Waldoisee Kc
gnided with Suspicion Sittings of
tho Ministeis Suspended Ponding
Institutions fiom Homo Govern
ments Tito Anglo-French Affiays
at? Tien-Tsin Endeavoiing to Pie
vent Further Filction Indemnity
tl.i r.Tcluslie Wire from Ine oilalcd Pre
Pckln, June 5 Tlio mliistets hno
(eased to hold nieetiiiKs, while inakliiR
IikiuIiIps as to the doslios ot their le
speetlvo Boointiipnts. The nitijoiltv
hold that Oeiinany should bine told
the Chinese that all the powois would
.iKi oo lo nn indemnity of l"f onO.OOf)
tucls at I per i out. intoicit. Tliov nlso
think that tho withdiawal ol fount
nn Waldoisee and tho tici man tioops
shows a dosho to foite the poweis to
acquiesce to tlciniiiuj's. doinands,
which they .up not Im lined to do
Tiouble between Biltisl) and Fiench
soldlcis at Tlon-Tsln continues Ri Ik
adioi Cipnctal Lot no Campbell, in coni
lnaud of the Biitlsh troops, and tho
French commander will use their ut
most elide.uois to picciit author
WasliliiKton, Jiyio t The miiliassa
dois fi mil niosl of the Kuiopean coun
Itios eio lu eonfoieiue with Sccic
taiy Hay today, mainly because it
was diplomatic da. An opportunity
was nffoided for dWi iissini; tlio state
of the Chinese negotiations.
It is undei stood that the middle
Kiouiid in modus lendl, as it is bc
ItiK 1 1 foiled to, couioinitiR the fnini of
pajliiK the Indemnity, Is likely to be
settled by a joint and seseial Kimi
aut. That will bo In accoid with tho
Amoihnn Ipw, that tlipio Miould lie
no joint Kiiaiaiitco, in the sense of
binding: cai h ro eminent to sisuilnp
the pajuiPlit of the entile $ I JT.OOO.OOO.
It will bo joint, bowetu, Jn thij loimal
aspect ol being executed bv all of the
powois jointly, at tho same time and
piobably by the s.nuo Instrumoiit,
whlili doubtless, -v 111 includo a pioU
sion by whii h o.u h rooi ninont Is to
assume no liability hexnud the .iniount
of its own slime ot the indemnity.
In the case of the Untied States thai
it, limited to $J"i,O()0 OtiO
In answei to liis imiuiiy. Special
Commissioner lloi khill at Pckln has
been infoi mod tliat the X'nited States
KOei ninont lias not taken any steps
K(ontl looking towaid the abatement
of its i laiins by one-hall, iCKiudhss
of tlic at Hon of other poweis. Some
time ago the government pioposod,
thiougli Mi. Ptiit khill, that all of the
powois scale their claims f,n per tout ,
so as to tiling tlio total indcinnltlf s
within China's ability to pay. Though
tliat pioposltlon failed of accept. Hue,
Washington Instituted Mi Itoi khill
to lose no oppoi Utility to obtain a ic
duition, but it lias never hignlilod a
disposition to tefiie to accept tho full
amount of our Indemnity legmdloss of
the notion of tlic other powois,
The Fiesident, However, Continues
Hi 1 a ln-lte Wire from Ihe A-smnleii 1'n-i
W i hliuli ii, lime ft Ihe president Innlalit
tnnllimin Ik pi fid nf I hi' outtomt. Mure 111 I ii
Hiis ilium Im Mill Ihnc his limn in hellntk
Im me Hie ill, I lit likiui-( un iin One
fiinulile cin imi-t line Is Ilnl M t . MiKinlt)
tuiitintii'ft tn tr i tn iiinii. snrp thin hhe uas .ihle
In Ml iii the ( irliu M n.ts . f Im Mine ami lu
nula ii -Uil fiiil; tiiniloilahli,
Ihe piihiili lit lulu, lliinii.'h Snrrtirj C-mlel
.ion, fol in illy nntllltil Ihe llnirdn rirj-illiiii mm.
ikimtiit Hut lie mi ulil not lie ilili to itti nd lie
evpt-lliiii nn the 1 (Hi IiiM , ,ii hid In ill pliunisl,
lull iiililtd Hill lie Ii ipeil In lie alile In do so
at wiiin hill ilile Ilnl inn he ilruiui ilul
M tin' uhitc liim-e nnn,lit i vri.lllillu' is lili
iisinll) qiilit, 'Hum uue nn iilltrs ulm mv
tin ned(liiit with Hie tviepllin nf suri,poii liui.'
(Ill sirrnluit; nnl Pi, Hive), Iln) pusliknt
spot (in hour (IriiinK this iflirnnnn
Embitteied Discussion of tho Policy
of the War Office.
II) Iviludiu Win from Tho .WUituI I'reci.
Loudon, .linn ii Atlor a long and
witni'Wliiit oinbltteiod usslnn uf tho
polity nt tlio wm ciillio lu buying
hoisch for use In South Afiltn tlio
house of inmmoiiH tonight, by a otn
of ir.o to go votetptim hum ot ir.,770,ooo
pounds foi tianspoits ami le-mniiuts.
Sir Jlliiudell Maple, i oiihoi vative, as
hoited that HiltlHh otllteis wlio had
boon wont to Ilungaiy and Atistila,
had luiiiluibcd biokeii-ilnwii aniiiials
at eMiinagaut ptlios and divided with
the selloiH the pi Ice chaigetl tlio Hilt
sh goveiniueilt above the netilill tost.
Ilo iloiuiiutlotl tlio appointment of a
cmniuUlco ot linjiiliy.
I.oi d Stanley, Himneliil heeiotaiy of
the war olllie, Hiild an Inquiiy would
be iiiude Into the mutter and ho be
lleved that the acun-ationn 0f eniiup.
Hon In ought against Iltltlsh oflkeis
would ho dlsupptoveil.
Fiie nt Pabst Bioweiy,
lly l.itludii. Wire from Hip Vnctlalnl I'rt&i.
Mlluaukte, lime fi - Ike I'alnl lluuliifr torn
pain ktirTtrnl a lis h) fire uuiinht lo I lie eUmt
uf Leluiui $lin,000 and ilXiniKI, full) cuitrtd Ii)
liiiuiame, Jthu i-niith, a (opptrMiillh, illtd ilnl
Int; the lire from injuries biislaiiuil hi falling
four ttoiiiu
Pensions Gianted.
U) Fxclusiio Hltc from The Aisodatcd l'rc.
Waslilnetin. June U. Jaiub lio.lir, uf .Sji li
cuki, has hten euntnl a puisluu uf ?U a inoiilli,
ami Ijiihs I. bliuur, ul Ha'ktun, one uf I7 a
ii mill
Mis. Stallion and Her Sons Claim to
Have Killed Alice Stallion.
It) Puludio Mtc from Ihe Aoeltril I'rew.
Am oi a, Mo., Jittip (.A tolephoiio
message fiom tlalonn, Stone county,
tweiitv-lho miles oft' tho tallroad,
nays that Mis. .lohn Slallloit and her
two sons bv a fainter tnarilage, .Ihiiioh
and Will Cut hli pp. have confessed to
tho tutu dor nt Alke .Stallion, tho
piottv sIxIcpii-j oar-old stop daughter
of the woman. Acioidlng to the eon
r. sslon tho boys held Alice while tho
mother liioke her Hlttill with n poker.
The bmlv was then tin own Into the
.lames ilvoi. Thote Is gloat oeito
mont as a lostilt of the confessions
and a Ivtu hlng may icstilt.
Tile gill wax to have boon mat tied
soon. Mis. Stallion was, It Is staid,
lealotM of her Htep-daugliter because
ot hoi beauty and populmlty.
The Lawson Yacht Meets with Her
Fhst Accident in Second Sail.
ft) I clude Wire funi The A-oelit(d l'rc
Iloslon, Juno fi The I.awlon yacht
Independence, In her .sou ml sill tiial
tndnv. mot with her flisl aci Idcnt, a
not. veiv set Ions Jamming of the steel
ing geir, but stillli lent to stop the tilal
nflet nn hour and a half of splendid
sailing, dining wnlcli she attained a
spted on a lp.uh of n little ovet tin oo
miles of tbiitecn and a I alf nautical
miles an hour.
The .undent led veiy unexpectedly
to a most thoiough test ot the yacht's
ilgging and hot big stool mast and
the lesiilt .showed that It would take
a pietty sovoic blow to dismast tho
Jioston yael't
P'cvlmis lo the anldent and subse
quent to gihlng the y ai lit was given a
most thoiough test under full sail hi
i .sluing bicpp and showed hetselt
lo bo a wondoiful boat, especially in
bor ability to urn with shoots stalled.
No New Bills to Be Introduced After
Tuesday Fox Bill Has Passed
Second Reading.
Oi rxclmlip Wire from The Associated Press.
H.uilsbtiig, V.i , .Itino fi Tho senate
mot at S.O o't lot k this moining and
i em. lined in .si'ssiini only twenty min
utes attei w hlih adjournment was
taken until next Monday night at 9
0 t lock
The .Mm lilbionnei bill amending' tlio
ait gov pining seinnd-i lass cities,
popul.uly known as the I'ittsbuif?
"Itippei" law, was passed finally.
A losolution picsenled bv Mi. Uiailv.
01 Philndelplii i, pt milling tliat after
Tm sday next no now bills shall bo lu
ll minted in tlic senate, was adopted.
Alter thp i.ilpndai had been eleaied of
bills on Iii st leading, tlio senate ad
journed Tln Pox- (apllol bill passi d second
nailing todnv in tli. house, aftoi it laid
born amended so ns to appiopilato ?!,
nnnfiilfl. instead of y, 0.(10,000. to (Oinplete
tlio building. The bill as it passed tlio
MMi.itP"s "i,tn 10,1100 and eu
atrs a lommission of live, one ot whom
shall bo a Demon at, to bo appointed
by (lovoinoi Stone. The house Donio
ii. its tio oppose I to niinoiity icpie
sontation on the coinniltslon, and on
million of Mi. lluag, of Schuylkill, the
i laitsp piovlding for the appointment
ot a IleniiK i, it was stilckcn out.
A number of appiopriation bills
passed Dually at the aftoinoon session,
in. no of whii h wcio ten institutions lu
tho iioithonMoin section of tho state.
The Solicitor bill, appiopriating $10,
000 to tho Lai kaw anna hospital, pa.ssoil
set ond leading In the house today. Tho
bill nppuopiiatlng $10,000 tn tho Kah
ili uiiiiin hospital passed tlilid loading
lu the homo, and went ovei to the sen
Mcmbeis of tho Lcgislatuie Aie
Guests of the City,
lit Ixilii-iie Wire (iniu Ihe Vssoeiiteil I'rc.
II iiiisliurir, tunc h M ite ofliiiiN ami nipiiihern
nf tin. Kisl ilure uue ti mined li l)iiiiinl In Hie
t illens nt Iliiusli irir tunlUit it the hoanl rf
linte iinlitiirliiui Our .Mil Mie-ls uue iuimiiI,
luniiviiii in Oliu-Uil, nl II niNlnir-, uas toit.
nil-lil. 'Hie IM nf liii-l.s fillows.
' He fi inmoiiui illli," fiouiuni V, Snue;
"Iln Sinale," I'itsl.1. nt I'm Inn W. I' Suuler;
"I ln limes'." S,ikrr W I. WirOull; "Ihe
I 111 l.-lde," (nnrse Xn Mitjin, snieinnr
nf llie lili.hliin ('iiiie-pnniltiit-,' 1--01 1 illmi,
"llie t'di nf lliiikhuri:," Mr spciier O. I!il.
lull; "lliiiri-lnir i It Was ami U Xou," lion,
II I'. Mitis.
Tho Alleged Despoiado Makes No
Ante Moitem Statement.
Ilv I'veloslie Wire fiom llio Aisoilaled Pre,
Inionlu, lime il Illinois Join.-, wlm, uiili
lllu mil lliitlnlk'e, ntli inpiul in i-sape from llio
iimsl.ibks Tm tilat nii,ht and In the aim,
n.ipsdtitini; unpin it t n, illtd loilj), lie mule
no lute mortt in t-tat'iutnt,
'Ihe ainst nf Miss Mm Seipv his led lo he
ill-ioiciv uf i imiiiliir of kttei ml a idlp of
piptr ciie tlie aiMiPsS nf ltite, one nf tlio mil
ikied luirislir, ns "lln l.'l, riiiiiipiiKti, HI"
n ipiio.s iidlpt uis ibo fniin 1 dmuimr that
a panel nine li Toionlo leiintl) fmni Chiec'i,
'Ihe pollie llirni) Is Hut Ihe panel lonUlllCil
Ihe uiuliens Ihrnuii into llie uli
Yaid Conductor Held foi Murder,
0) Kulualin Wire from Hie AsoUated I'rrss.
Mlanla, lu , June II (i II Puntoii, a )jnl
loiidiKlnr in Hie rmplo) of (lie froiillurn lailua),
ujs liouml oitr llils eiiulin: uitliout tail to the
Suprrioi loiut un Hie iliaruc uf iiiunier IM
ilciue heanl at Hie piriliulnar) trial lemlcil to
hnu lint Piiiitun uas on the nWtili einsliio
uhlili un riitMlai rui into the Maton pjssenver
trjlu on the oiithein railun), killing thne per.
a. A. R.'s 0 fficets.
It) Jjdudic Wire fiom llie Woiiated I'rpsJ.
i;cll)-liin-, June li lie (I II Hale ton
untlim Ihii muiniiii; clultil llie folloului; olli
ills, la-ii t.. Mit'ault), of WiM I hulcr, ilo
i,iilimnl luimiuiiiltr, icnior Wit lomiiiaiukr,
1 siCt en.., sUaiilon; Jiiuim llu eoiimutidir,
lilni Milkvliis, Mtomu, iiinllnl ilireiloi, Hi.
M II Halt', t'nlmuhla, tluplalli, l!u, John W
.sj)iu, l'lillailelphia. Dekitatcn to the national
un jniiinuit vine ultU iliustn.
Weather Indication Today t
I Heneral Mnlr Out, Connrll In.
l'oucm Dlsnppiuvo nf (Itrmiii)'it Course In
( liln.i,
(icnenl tluffcc I'ltnr rlill kiile in t'hlllR;
'1 (knci il Cirliomlile llipiitmtnt.
.1 1 oeit lestiinony for Difen.c In tlic Ullllall
Cilnilnd Court I'roecnlirifH.
I r.lllnriil.
.Xuli" nml (Vimnient.
5 Iieil Moir Out; tjinnell In (Conelurleil),
Cnnleslnnti ill l.duiatlonil Contest fciorc Mane
II I nt il -il Sii inlon niiil
7 fitiiu il -Xnrllit ilcrn Penn)lt ml i,
I in mt inl ilnl Lniimieiclid
I null Illiei lor Wninivr
luiliistil d and I ilmr.
-kcil lo l.vpbin
Disastrous Results Follow an
Explosion of Gas in
Pancoast Mine.
Five men wete seriously- binned yes
teiday afternoon at the Pancoast col
Heiy, at TJnoop. by an explosion of gas
In the new shaft which Is being sunk
theie bv tlie company. Tho gas was
ignited by the flames from their naked
lamps. Tho Injuied mon are:
IWIls t Mini.X, of Xorlli strmton, lnilh
Imrntd fiom u ii-t up ami Miout hinds anil Ine
(II liltCi: NOItl'll'r, nf Iriietmrg; neiiouj
liiiins about fiie, Inmls ind taisl.
Wild, IIVPslOX, nf lhrnop, liiirns nbout Inrdj
iiinl fti
I.I OIK.K SllOltr, nf llnnnp, hums ihniit 'mils
and fate
,fMI.S flMIAUIIIdl, nt Thinop, liurni about
litmls mil ftie
IKIIII HI' ItMXItltlllt.r, Poker Mu rt j fue and
hauls huiiiul
fVMISIIItW, Jliiilnc nvimie, flu -nil liiiuls
The last tluec wete palnftillv, but
not seiiously binned, only Cat den anil
Xmth'ip loielvlng buins which neces
sitated their being taken to the hos
pital. They woie lemoved to tlie
Lackawanna and while It Is thought
that they will both locover, still it
will bo a long time befoio tliov aie
fully tciovoicd fiom tho effects ot the
The aicidcnt ocuniod about 2
n't look Tho now shaft whlth Is being
sunk is about fout bundled and fifty
fool below the surface and the shaft
slnkeis woie making their first tiip
ol the aftoinoon. Four had loft the
btitkpf, but Caiden and N'm thttp weio
still in it when tho explosion nc cut tod.
Theie was a sudden ten Hie eiash and
a gtoat wall of flame huist fnitb. Tho
two men in the bucket leteivtd tho
full e'ftoi t of the blaze wlilih accom
panied tno explosion, Tlio bucket
was heattd to such an intense tlegioe
tliat it i aiiscd bums on them pvou
innio paiiilul than the piiniaiy ones
Tho six men woie biought to the
suiface, all oxiept Coiden and
Noithup being able to help them
selves. Hadston, who was the foie
man, leeolved scveial slight hums
anil one mcmbci of the gang escaped
with a singing of the huh. All the
otbois weio binned, as told above.
Or. N'. U. Now bin y was summoned
and gave the men piompt assistance,
after wlilih thev weio lemoved to
their homes and later t'aidon and
Noithup woie taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital,
Will Collect fiom Estate of the Man
Who Attempted to Kill Him.
D) 1'xelusiic Wire from The Associated Prrai.
Wonilliiiri, X', 1 , lime II Tlie jury in die c ie
nf llerlurt I. Clement, a fanner nf lids pi lie,
nzilliM Hi njiiiiln It llittle, an rxmilor r Hie
eslite nf piniel llittle, his filhti, lo lulnir
S.'iiiiui) (liiuncis for pirsoiul injuries, tmln nn
ilueil i ii idii I iii funi of Ihe pldntill, .mini
iii' tliniriu s.i,vm Hie jury u is out elghtun
lluentli (Inn ul Hid Diuiil lliltle qiuiiettil
ntu the l kill nf u u uljoliiiuir their nun-. Dm
nn; Hie .ilttrt itiou llittle t-lmt Clemtnt uid ot
liiuniils loimulUeil Miiililo in Jill I pm Ins
iriuttr) I linn nl hmuudil -nil i iiinl the llillle
ol di, Jiilk't' Mvnn, III (linuliiq: llu jiut, Mid
theie u is no Jn-lilli ilinn fn the .-linullli.-,
Machinists Not Allowed to Interfere
with Men Willing to Woik.
Di Fulusive Wire fiom Tlie otiittd 1'rrvi,
Vnrl., .bine il An injunction vsas granted tn.
ilai li) bulge Sttniil. ri-lr.ilniiu- about All)
slilkini; union iniclilni-ls doin iiri.tlii Into if.
fut a pueial con-pliae) alleurd to hate In in
formed hi the ilefciulauU foi the purpo-i of in
Jurinc tlic lubiin-s of the Hnk M inufattiiiiiiK
u nip hi)
'Ihe loiupiii) In Its pi'lilinn illeitci tint the
klrikem line platid pitkets ihout Ha khop unl
hue linn liitiifuini: uith iml lutiiiilnK Its pits,
int and iiilunlliig unikmui.
Steamship Atilvnls.
tl) l.xelnsiie Wiie bum Hie Assoeialed l're
Xcu oik, lime 0. Vrrlvcil : H. ut-tlilaiul,
IIiiiiIiiiii.' shIpiI- ituruUdu, llu nn ii via
( hrrliouiKi I i t liainpJUiie, Ilure; I'ui.t IIU
Hunk, via I'ltninutli nnl I liPihourR eipunl .
irluil I'uliiniliii, Xeu erk, luutoiili, Seu
ork Niilfd: Otianit, Xeu- Vnk llolieiilani
siili'il: llotttrilam, 11111101,110 and .Xcu imk
irbedl mtriiljii, Xeu urk l.lzunl-l'a-odi
la llrclJtne, .Sew inrk, tor Dane.
Suicide Follows a Fine,
Ojr Fieludie Wire from The isocljted Press
Lluiihsiille, O, Iiiik (I I. I', Ian), a leid
1 111; liu-lnrss man, uhn lij'l hull tiutd fin vlnlat
Inu an onliiuiKP, toilj) entripil the m.i.un'i, nl
Hie ami lliuatened to kill yiaim lltril .mil
lltallli Oflltrr Mil oil 1111. Ilolli tlul and (aie)
tiirnetl liU reiulur nn liim-ilf ullli fatal illul
Monument to Mis. Johnson,
Pe I vclmlic Wiic funi 'Ihe s-otialetl l'rc3.
Ilaltlmoie, Juno A tin unliuoitli) fialuie u
Hit (onfnleiato day tvuiUs at l.ouiion
Park lemiler) iodi) uas the iinuiliui; nl a hand
tcnu grjlille inoiiumint to Mir. Hi idle) I John.
on, itlfv uf llrljatlkr (I'uiual lliadli) 1. Julm
Former Mayor (Named as City Recorder by Gov
ernor W. A. Stone Enters Upon the
Duties of His Office Today.
iff y-i'-f J jf $
(i m
As forecast in yesterday's Tribune, Recorder James Moir has re
signed his oflice and the governor lias named Hon. W. L Connell,
nephew of Congressman William Connell, and a former mayor of this
city, as his successor. The recorder's resignation was placed in the
hands of the governor about midnight on Wednesday and yesterday
morning Mr. Connell was named.
His commission was delivered to him late yesterday alternoon by
Congressman Connell, and the new recorder was sworn in a few min
utes later. Last night his commission was read in Select council and
this morning the new recorder will assume the duties of his office. He
has appointed Mark K. Hdgar as his private secret.iry. Mr. Edgar filled
that position when Mr. Connell was mayoi.
It Was Received by the Governor
and Accepted.
Sprt nl from i Slift ( nire-pou iuit
II.ii lisliiup, Juno fi. Hot ween 11 and
1" o'clock last iiIrIiI, lioveinor Stout
leeolved the leslcuiatiou of Iteioidci
James .Mob. of Soianton. It was Inn no
to him bv huiitaiy Many C. Mattou.
This morulas; the kouihoi appointed
ix-Muvnr V. la Connell lo stinted
Captain Molr. CouKiessinan William
Connell and his piivato .snietiuv,
John It. Williams, left hoip at II. I'J
be.uliiK Itecnider Council's ooninils
islon. Colonel 11. AT. Holes, i;. 11. .sIiiikos
and ,1. A. LautdnK, tlie oouiinittie of
the Municipal league hont down fiom
rii lanioii to picss tho lenstu's iieli
tlnu for Caplnill .Moll's leuinvul
icnclicd II.11 1 lMnuf; ust us tho tialit
boaiiiiK Ucioulei Couiirll's oiiiiuls-i-lon
was ste.iiuliu? out. 'I bev uoio
eonslili i.ibly ihaKtlned to liaiu they
had niiido tlie tuosonii. Ihiiiiipv un
nocessiullv. The) iipvimIIu less w.iltetl
nn Ills Mxcollomy to "pay their 10-t-jiet
Tho lOsc,na(in nf Keioider .Mult
vvaw coiiehed in these tonus.
s. liilnu, l'i , Iiiiii "1 I iill
linn. W llll 1111 stum , (,innn ir f I'tnii-i It 1111 1
Ileal Sir. (In M111I1 7, fill, I Iml llu lion 1
lu ho nppnlnlid In tun 1 li In "l'i' I' nl Hn 1 II v
nl s,r nn, ,u tun), 1 Hie in u ilinlil, iml uhlh
1 line I ihor d lione-Hi 11 d stimuli in Hit di
ihirue nl nil ilnl It s iml for Iho lii-l llilin-l-,
of Ihe till, I 11 lllul, h.iuetu, llu ful llul
I uis mil in .itiiiril ullh 1 itrliln (lunuil an
... 4 1 1011 nf nur pull, mil 111 unlu tn mine 111 I
111 ilnl iln llul tiiuiiiluilt) (f plrll m lib li ! Id
tlinai liiie fin) uell (.uiiiueil iiiimu Ipiliit,
mil to riliiie ton fium )M iinl'iii is.niuii. I
then fore phie in jour lumls mt rei,,iuUiiii
i- 1II1 leiunlei Mi nihil ill Ibis hi- h 1 11
pininpleil enllieb l) pill) inn-hlirith ns s
o the JUiou nf 111I1111 uill un mJiu' puplo
uhn lute lu-n luluu' In miiuliiu ilni-n un
liar lo all ill in nil uilli uhn-e null"!
I luiclit lint alu.ijs hue uuul, I lute inllinis'
In hi I haie nmr sliiuiik from fill. houit
nnnl) irilltiMii xi lift mil ulmns line l 11
mi opin hook In lll lilt foi the lit II1I1I
)r.l.s Ihe (.lulu nnl in 1 nf 1111 fill m
illlms in me mis fulli miiimiI 11 Hn lit
immlilpd iliillnii, iml I 1n.1t iiliiii 111 Hu'
fulure serk llidr unlu tmenl l'.iilinu' nn di
II Hon nml luialll In 1 if piini l l ami point
if Hit paitj to uhicli ue In on,-, md lli'iix
iUK )0ll for III! I illliil llltl lipo-nl iml Imll'IS
u 1 fuinl mi me, I mm n.
Von mo t nlii iln nl mt llll,
I unit- Moll
CoiiKioshiuan Connell wan Hummonol
tn the exieiillve 1 lianiticr eaily this
iiioiiiIiir and Infoi mod ut tho teielpt
of Captain .Moll's lettei. When the
loiiBiessnian left the gov ei nor, ho
bnio with lilm the loiiiiulssloii of ex
Ala) or Cnliliell
Made His Little Joke.
It was lepottod hoio to-night that
tho soitotaty atioiullng the jiiosentu
tlon of Aloli's le.slgnatlon was not ul.
together puiposolcus. chut the ox-ie-eoidcr
gave hlmwlt up In a littlo joke
on tlie Municipal league ilelogute.
Mo wanted that his leslgiuitioii
should Kinely be In the hands nf the
gov ot 1101 boliuo tlio houi M't for tlic
healing m tho league petition, and
ho ftuthoi dished thai llio losigna
tiiin hliuuld not be publli piupoity un
til after the league's delegation was
enioute for the otpltol On no other
thpoty, as et ad anted, cuu u plaubl-
ble expl.lll itlon be ln.ide of the mid
night mnvp of heiictaiv llnlton and
his quiet 1et1e.1t on an t.ulv nioin
lug ti.iln
'Ihe league delegates felt
that tlio pin pose, of dispatching- Mutton
with the lettei of losiguatloii was, to
111 lke sine ol Its delivil) ill tinio in
tmoslall the he.u iug and piovcnt them
In in eiijiit 1 11 iinv Hi onse lo ( I ilni "We
did it." Thev did iml suspnt that tho
t apt. llu had been hiving .1 little good
n.ituicd fun ut Iheh exptiiso.
Mi. iiluies, upon Itainliig that tlio
' irt Idc nl was tlnsnl," said tlie 10111
nilttt'o was s,itisKi 1 1 mu iho .storv In
The Tiililllie ami lllloi Illation iiiinlllg
fimn .1 pi h, lie Miiine 1 1111 1 Mull bud
willltn his wslgu itlnn "We weien'l;
taking am ihaiues, howevet, that Im
scut It," di'i lai ed .Mi MuifTos. "liven
il I s.ivv It in tin pnstolllii, I wnuldn'L foi giimled Illlll In would not
withtliaw II. i. have had some ix
ptiieiue with Mi .Moll's vn allioi-i nt k
pint III lib s "
Win 11 Mi Minges jn l,insnganl
Cidonel I ados got olf the tl.illl hole,
Mil. ilni V.iui.hiiii was 1 pt mutton d on
tin si, iilni, idiiiio'iii II ni iln 111 of
what hid happen, d Tin v 1 onsiilteil
loi awhile us 10 wh it wiih lilting to do,
mid dot Idiil thai iln v bud in uppolnt
uieut witli llu-gov nun lnionli'i alinur.
tilt Iti'ioulii Moh, that 1 li
govt'iuoi had 1101 1 am olli 1! ih" iitpnlnt
treiit, aiul thai liiiisiniu li ns ihej weio
theie thev would plotted In keep llio
uppolntnii ul Hi" Im II. ulun, voiu tm
lesi'ondeiil ai 1 iiiupunli d the t nmmltti n
10 t-t t lib 1 si t Hi in v
Went to tho Governor.
Without wilting m "bnisli up," tho
tiiivoleis upilii'd t Hi t to tlie govu
11111 V ihaiuliei, ami iteic leeolved nfter
11 viiv few minutes' wait Attorney
Criieial I dm I. Mlklu mid liisuiaui.i
l'i lUliil'siom 1 I.sinel V Pm hum weio
Willi llio governor when the paitv Pii
leiul. lun ul iir intiodiii tkins ami .t
lew itiuiinoiipliit ei, wlthdioiv.
Colonel Iti les appioiiilud the subject
at baud with tho 1 1 111.11 k t lint the nini
liilttee had just liiunod ol iln eveius
ot the iiiiiinliig ami legii'itnl Unit It
hail made Its leuiiiej linueei ssai y,
"Hnwcvtl," the (oliuiel added, "we aiv
pieas-eil 111 be with von gov ci 1101, and
to know Unit the pm lb ttlni puiposo of
tan 1 oiiilng luih Im 11 ui'i oniplWlied,"
The gov 01 nor oxpiesseil himself asj
gialille.l thai events had shaped tliein-siivts-
as tliov did, and Unit lie had not
briii put to tin tusk 01 passing on tlio
i,ue.stiou ot 1 eiuoviug Mi. Mon.
t iiiiuuiil on ',it 1 )
lo, d ilil 1 for lime n, I'mii
lliliii iiiiii" i.iliue , f dear 0
liutl ttiiiptiaturi , , HI dtjreej
Jtelalltt' lluiulilit) j
s a 111 Tl per crni,
Sim ss per trm.
I ittipitjln 11, .'l hours . n.ii ! s p in , Ouj luih,
U.i.,liliiulin. lime
4 till l'tuiL-)t im 1
sv- ih) s,i 1
1. loreia-t for Put- 4
I air and ijokr V'ri- -t
i.iu. iimIi v, cstctly -f
4- uiiils.
-f-f---f t-f f'f-f-f-f'f-t--f-t-
sU.Kacuf. M't ! ,
- i k
-JJJBtf, -J- jus