The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    h ' ' rrovw
&fit-3ttcinto ri8une
uMl-hnl IiiIIj-. Vpp1 Sunday. Iy The "Tr'h.
ruhlll.liiK L'oniiunj, nl Kilt) cnti a Month.
1 IV V 8. 111! IIAIIII. I'llllor.
O. V, llWIII.i:, liinlmm MaiiMcf.
Nit ork omccl 150 N1 . VI;.,ANDt
' bole Ascnl for 1'oirljn .'ilctlWns.
Ll.lcrcil nt Hip I'u.lotl.ii nl 'eritnlon, t'a ,
Siurul flu- Mill Milter.
Mirn niarp III penult. The Irllmno l nln
(.Iml I" print .linrt tiltm hum IU likntlj '"
Inz on nitiint topic, lint ll title l Hint tlii'i"
miit Ik lijiutl. lor pi'Mii itlim. I" I""1 ,l,' ..
real mine; ind the nimllllmi pn c nleiit ,"'
rplarnr li that nil lontrlluilluiK "hilt lif mlK
to rrJItorlil reil'lon.
mi: ii. vr nn
KOIt .lVi:ilTI"IN'l.
.l...... Hut nrlee nor InMi
llu? follow Inn Inhlc
rath liwrtlnn, pite t
n In mod ullliiii one iciin
I linn IM llltllM
mi iihIim . .
100 " ,,
'mil " , .
(ft) " ,,
I oi rinh of lhm't,
ranlntl'iia of ronili'teu"
MhI ultnllir i mtrlliiit
tirlMna I ln lilhime
a line
Ihllea f. r f'lllfloil
loti In (ho tiiliiro nl mi
ni ikei 1 ihiriro "I "m!)
1rrli-lnc tuinldiril on
Pt'i.ANTti.V. .MWI. r,, moi.
Hiinnl'in iMiitiot nffniil to nveilnnk
tip ii"i" I nf linnir lint ' .i"-ot luti'il at
flint i. ui t me ii III ili'lenllnn fm
I'lllfliin niii'sit'I npd fiminilttpil In niul ihit fm i iNlnif funiK
l'i p the kiiIiii It " f pioliution nllli i'ix,
tn hi npiH Inlnl in Hit' now Itnonllc
i llitltn ItinKliis nrtor .wilinj,' oflrudiMs
and -.i-lnt; them lioni tu-i timing riinil
unl mi mlit'is til Mit loty.
The Best Way Out.
-Trr-vu: i.r.Mm: i:.tnniir
I Alnlr t nnti'inpliiti'x Utu'xtull-
jfe. hifr tin Munliipil Iimi;iic by
tt'lKiiliiH: Is iiiirtinllinioil,
lull it. -ui;sr-ts .1 h.ippi t'slt Horn nn
union ililt f rt i Then; l iiaon
tn Iji'limn Cipl il'i Mni must ko
in -(iino uny, mil .1 nlu11t 11 v nMln
ment would iritunl. I"' pifti'i nlili tn
a M.iiiKhti'i. l'mlti nn i ii t uiii-l.ri( 1 -c
111 hr ikni-t ,m i-llVi tli' li.iis fm a
i.imp.tijin nf 111.11 1 1 !ti".i. After lnuilh
lif i.itltiK thr rlpp' In Mplili'iilv sumiK
oei with I'litlu.- 1 :u to IH Mippm 1.
nut! within u tinmtli' two
rMliliitlitu- nf lipping pint ll ltli'4
Should In now lie htii-t with liK own
I', li'U will wninlt'i .t ml mint will
inntii 11,
ItciDiilir Mnlr 1,111 h"-Ikii without In-niii'-l'-tiMit
y. II11 W tin 101 mil In the
HitthttiiK with it'i tininit-iiilliif; n
losln.iliiiii insii'iiil nf tho .it: .iml
wlm t w.i. In liS IntlKini'iit KDiiil fm m
sulim iliniitf w hti, lie .illOBt'il, Ki"W "
tllst I.Slt'flll tl "till pOWPlS lit,"
OIlRllt iitl.ilnlv. uiiiIpi tho s.HIlP til
t,iinist,mi (", In he i'iit,illy kiioiI fm tht'
chief. I.iistIi, ti Ip sine, noi heoti
one tif the letmilei's stldllK pnlnts;
hut sitnu'ihiiiK Is still t)w Iiik tn the
puty. niul the quit Kesl w.iv nut is tho
best u.ij.
Ni ii Mow 11. P.i , tnpiyeis ltne
lrtiUotl .1. r.inefiie'.s "Kilt limse" In
tlleilliilllll .11 (I ilti not liKe It Tlli ll.lP
a-ki tl limn t In touit nn miler to ie
fti.iln tin si html 1m, ml fn ni atteptiiiK:
fimn the li'ii.m -fnun llnu niillti-inll-linniiitp
thr miiu nt S".ii,iinii im- a fie"
lib!. 11. , with the inndltlmis I'lipnseil by
For a Jacksonville Fund.
Till'. TltlHl'Ni; 1ms 1 oi eh oil
fnun a, who leqncsts
lint tn have hor name inon
tinneil, iip tlnll. us fm ,1
.T.ltKsnu llle Illinl, This Is t iileullj In
IP'-P'in-e to leiniiiili'i s this p.ipei has
j;in tin publit of the Immense
aniniint nf ilisttesis imw esthiR: In the
unfm tunatc nt, ami Unit with the
rainy sp.tMin'si lonilnj; it will be woift.
Tt H pie.itly to be Meshed that the
boat d of tiatle slioulil I'mpnwei Its
PieMilent or suietuv to iPtelve anil
f u w ml Mibst tiptiiiiis, litr;e ami saiall
alike for a fund lopieseatiiiK th..
wl-nle tity. The 1 pi tm of Ht l.ukp's
lips 1 otllletl his own people of his reuil-liei-s
in 11, t us their iiKent in tills ,mtl
pioliahh otht'l pT-tni'i woulil tin the
t 1 111 ". lint a public siihst 1 iptinn fiiml
open to all. 1 Ii h mill pom mlults ami
tllllilliil, wiiuli) liuihmbtetll.v be Wil
I'liiie to many pr twins who woulil like
to 1I0 s-tiii i-thliiK for the Jui'UsonUllp
Plitfi iiii. Iiut ait at a hiss how to tin
Fii, Unt belli),' pn'nlietl to fmw.'llil their
Klfts to any ol the luier Utlei that
nie tmlet!.in,f luniis.
N mli tllv .-p. aUlnis, tlm (.'on.slltutloh
ft ,'iwi (I tin hll illiliali.
A Universal LnnKtiaRe.
UNDM'NTIJI) by the late of
" olapiik" a iniiKiesi or
lonvi'iilion of Muants in
lluiopo lmi ilKillll been pin
posliiR "the Lteatlou of 11 unlvi't.sal
lttHKiuipi" for uuo In tllplomiuy ami
imiiinttp. l.nnKiuiKt'H kio, when
llPt'iletl, TllO.V tllllliol I'C fOUHltl teil
! (ItUiiilly, PMcpt oil the 11111 lowest
llihh, as VolnpuK mis imiHtiiu led.
Whim they iiiu constitieteil tho win Id
has no uso fur llioni, enii as toj.s, For
illplmnacy and itimnieiio nmnt! exist
unt Iuhkimkc tluit has Kinun, not has
liecn "imiHtim ted," tualiPM itn lltupss
felt and 1 nines to bo accepted, Once,
thut lani;il,iKt' as tho (iieek, tineo It
was l.alhi, 1 itei It wan Fieni'h, loiluy
(hn lhiKllith iiiiiKitu Is provliiK Itself
the lltlost and Is tapldly becoming' the
tioiiiltiant urn.',
In thh loiuieitlon whnt the London
Clu'oullle hits Just been telling Its lead
ers Is ot Intei est. Hays that paper:
"It may bo news to many to hear that
Knellr-U H the lauBiuiRe. of tho Jnpan
esa foielsu nllke In Its Intercom sa
with foielsu illplonmt's and even In Its
tt'leginphic loiii'spondenco with Its
own topreyentuthes abioad. All tela
grams fnun To Mo to tho fotelgn
nRcnts of Jupiii art wiltten and
I'lpherctl In lJiiBllhh ami icplled to In
the same maimer, thouKh, If tho for
eign nilnlMer has oicaslon to scud a
wiltten tlUpalth, tills, lib a iulc, Is In
Japanese, which muy be balti to be a
Cipher In Itself."
Theie aie few places In the civilized
"or'' fiowi'tiMt r be.nHlvlll.jea unes,
llun ol Ulillmxiiii
I'ipir Hi iditu!
2i .27.1
,2il .2J
.K, .17.
IV. .17
.If. .If.'.
for thitl itinttcr, whete the American
or liiiRllsh traveler will not find nomo
one leiuly to speak the EiibIIsIi tonRite,
tisiiitlly with nueiif.v, and with every
HiiLTcedliiK year the IntiRtniRc1 room on
lt way to show an "attlflclal" one to
be simply n folly,
The explosion of n his trunk nt
Atlnnllt IIIkIiIihuIs the other ilny,
tlciltly t'nililnit Ijte tleitth of the me'i
hiiulliiR the li. will no doubt font ,1
bleiMltiR to the tine!lnR iuhlk. The
pinMblllty that an Innoecnl-looklnR
1 1 unk may be loaded will probably
niiilfM the. averiiRL' baKKiiBesmaiher
h'ducntlonal Overwork.
Al'lttil'o;-' of what we have
had occasion to note of the
eiiitntnliiK melhntls of ptln
iittlon III the public schools.
W'e an Rind In Rive space to 11 ti'MUiH'
of the tepml, to the lecent "National
t'oiiKtess of Mutlp'i." by MNs,
rhnlinian of Its fomnilttee on etlttca
llnti. l'i Is posslnlv well to teinark
one moic, tecallliiR some newspapei's
leiiiutkable clTotls at wlttlelsms on the
tnnKips.s, that, as a matter of rtiursp,
It includes women lenchets In Its
ineinbetnhli, niul wclcmne'-) fiithets,
also edlieatots of bntll spes, to Its
mi etliiRH and tllscusslmis. In other
wotils, it leeoRiilrPM that nioih'is ate
not. and cannot be, the only luilnei
of the luimiin tacp,
The it pmt then of Miss Mntsh dealt
imiinl.i Willi the iltt'stlmi whether the
Anieilinn people aie over woikhtR the
chllflieii, fiotn the MntleiRatton ln
cliHlie. In the effmt to edttcato them.
In her paper, as condensed by a
tapnbl" itpoitei, she lieinn by suylntf
thill "the need of tlie.d.iy lu Iho itbllltv
o nppietlatf thp eiltlcatlnnal value of That Is ivcesniy to ph.scal
will-belnR I well uihIpi. stood, but few
ittmjnip Its relation to niornl and In
tellpctuul stienRth.
"When the babv entetF the pilmaiy
st htiol ho Is leqtllied lo use his p p
cmistantlv at a much iloei kiiirp than
that to which he has hlthcito been nc-tu'-lomel,
and this, too, nt an orp
w lien they aie ii.'eeos'iilly untialnetl
ami iimnatuie. That some chlltlicn
sufler In this staRe of development I'
be;, mid the t omptohenslon of the adult.
"The Indications ate sometimes seen
In the pale face, puny limbs, doubled
'loop, the untoiitlii d breakfast; but In
most Instances these slRnals aie un
heeded, end the .sTctlllce rops meiillv
on, a fad which assumes deep .slRtillle
up e when It is teniembeitd tint man's
eolut!oti Is nit et cnmpkle, and that
the pjp fninc'lln see objects at 11 dis
tant e !s not fully piepnrcd to do thp
Immense amount of woik at shoit
i.uiKe now n(ulied bv tho schools,
"'e hac Rone beyond the limits of
common sense In cm edutatlonil 7tal.
The Ameiltan t hiltl needs lelsuie .
leisuie to (lip.nii, lie fallow, to ml! In
the dht, to make acquuinlam e with Ills
humble lelations in the animal wniltl;
leiMiie to think out his own thotiRhts,
to ihaw his own conclusions; leisure
to do nolbliiR but exist,"
When the ideal or healthful
tleM'lopnii nt of body and mind to
Rethei, whltb Miss M.ush had in mind
in wiitins that paper, tomes to be
btttei ieoRi.led It will make a swift
end of the tianimitiR mcthoiKs that
have been fmted upon the public
si hoids and of the wiitten examination
iPtlch m Idol, (is ,1 cotoll.ny and com
ponent pan of the w 01. ship of which
the oammliiR method has tome to Its
piesent evolution.
Theie is cettalnly nothliiR slow about
the i.ipid tiansit leRislatlon.
A Tempest in a Teapot.
p HKItli seems to be a need
I less amount of affliction ex--
piessed by some of our
tontr mpotailes over Mrs.
llliabeth t'acly Stanton's alilliR of her
pet thetuv of "ail pxptu Rated Hlhlo"
at the pi sent nitctinR of the Nationul
Women's riuffniRe associ.itinn. due
newspaper annoilliics ".she has
nisi 1 uustil the chinch meinbei.lilp
nt the toiiiitij" by this ilemand fur a
; Sibil "wth .ill deioRalmy tcfeicnc's
to W'.ti'pn ieli nut of the text.'" Her
'demand" Is nothing new, and the
"1 Inn h nienibeiship of the countiy"
ni'lv ' uli lecalls as a fact of past
liistot that .Mi,' Utanlnn, a nuuihei
of veils 'i), nut only "demaiided"
Imt isoied mi I'dltioil nf the I'.lble
Will leiMln (t Ms ill the lllllll chlip
lei of fieiKsis ami s-nme in latei books
.if Holy Wilt "levised" by liei.self.
i-o far as has been known, liowepr,
"tho Woman'.- Mlhle," as Mis, SI1111
tmi calletl it, neither "nnised the
t lunch memliei.ship of tlie inuutty,"
nor 'iipeiMletl In eeu the smallest
tlnlo the Authoiled, the l!e Iseil, the
l)nua, or any other mmMoii or tians
latioii i.f .Scilpttiie, The newspaper
wtiieis Who hae riowii excited over
aiivthliiR Mis, sianton may ha said
Ibis past week .should taliu their per
tmbitl spiiits, When lho, (uiet down
si'lllcieiulv to look .1 1 oiinil ihein ihey
will tlml 'the 1 Inn eh memboi.slilp ot
'he ioiinti" attendliiR to Its duties
Ulldisluibeil cllhei bv Mis, .Stanton's
iniiaiksoi tho lepmtmial cm Iteniuiu
OM'I them,
It Is feaied thai Mr. Patnesle has
contiacted the habit of leiullim Miss
Mutldu Gonne's essays,
New'Jeraey's Forest Report,
THAT the question of Mate
owneishlp ot till tin
lands within Its bin dm. s
lias been one of tho pluns
under ronsldontlon in New .husey in
order to tao both foiests and water
supply, has Lien oiuo nnlod In llieso
columns. Tho latest annual lepmt
fiom the State Ooo1orIc.iI suiey
which, In 1891, was directed by tho
lORislatiiie to iniiko a suivoy of tho
f m t st hnds in the state and nscoitain
tho "atlvontiiRes as icg.iids tlmboit
supply, water supply, sceneiy nnd
climate, whlih would acctuo fiom tho
ccnseivatlon of existing foiests," Is
Just Issued. An abstiact of the Ronoial
lecommendiitlons made by the incni
bus of the suivey based on Its invcstl
Rations thioiigli the eaia fiom Ibilt,
(u)s thty "includd f 01 out and Ramu
piemen os in the IliRhbinds and Kltiu
tlnny momitrtlns, and In tho pines of
buuthern New Jersey and elsewheie,
all uiulvi an adeiiuutg sstem of lliu
ptotoctlon," The Hist essential Is pto
tcalion nRitlnst flic, says the leport,
"A limit fid per lent. of tlie llie," It hii,
"are caused by lotomotlve spaiks,
Itallioad loinpiitili's .should bo com
pelled to coiistiuet lanes uIoiir their
hacks and tito aiieslets on their
engines. Townships idiuiild be obllRed
to loiiPtitlcl similar lanes akuiR nil
public toads,"
New Jim-iv has been, so far, be
bind smii" otlii'f stutcs, uotnblv l'enn
sylvanla whhh has been moused tn
liiu action It bus ut hit'1 yeats bcRtiii
In forest ty, by Its InilefatlRiiblo mid
wlso Fotesliy CoiinnlssUmer, Br.
Ilothrock. Mitt appatetilly our nelRh
bor commonwealth Is about to stir
Itself to take .some decided steps. In
this picrsiiiR mailer of conservlnR
what i"inalns of the mice intiRulflcetit
finest wealth of the countiy. The
h.vlein of rotestry tcsirves thus
nconiiiiPiidctl by the rtooloi?lenl Hui
ty with Its iclnlod plans for their
piolectlnti, their sllperlson and use,
will be embodied In an nut, to bo lu
ll odllied at the next moetlUR of tins
ItRlslnttitc by Senator Kdwatd V.
Stokes, and It Is umlei .stood, say the
dispatches which embody the salient
points of the Sin ev icpoit, that
t'liivcinor Vooilp'cs, who is sttmiRly In
favor ot state action for tho pieser
vatloli of tho foiests, will recommend
such action In his next annual mes-
It Is a satisfaction to llnd another
stnte thus piepailtiR lo wheel Into
lln In a ni.itltr so piotoundly afleel
Iiir tin wellaie of the whole oouutry
as the ichabilltatluR ami consoivlnt; of
the woodland wtallh. Water supply,
timber supply, climate, ciops, sanl
taililnis to xvc II lo and icstoie health
to multitudes of the victims of tho
national disease consumption, tlie pi 0
servatlon of prame the ptoteitiou of
the bluls that me the launeis' best
friends, all these thliiRs, tn say noth
iliR of the icMouitlon and piesciva
tlon of stpnciy, and of the people's
iitodful pi. It cm for lecieutlon Mich as
only the woodlands can furnish. le
pi nil nn adeiiuate action by all of tho
stales ami by the rciicliI government.
In wekomlnR New Jeistn's awakening
to the vital Impoi lancD of state finest
icsenes and fmest piotection,
Pennsylvania 111.1v both take pride In
tills coimiinnweallh's letont piogiess
on these lines ami look sipinolv In
the face the fact that fuithei advanie
is nreded.
Now that the Pennsylvania State
lMltoilal association has .started
upon its annual extittslon, all doubts
of the an hat of summer me dispelled.
America at Glasgow.
TI1H Pan-American exposition
has of coinso attacted tin
chief attention of T'nlted
Stales' mnnufditiiicis and
exlilblto" s Ibis j ear, to the Reneial
ciowdlng out nf sight and thought ot
f.hi'-ROM's Intel national exhibition, also
open to the woild lliis summer. Theie
hae been a good many plaints fiom
Amei leans abioid oei "the neglect
of this oppoi liinity to In lug the
lesults of Ameik'.in Knowledge and
indiiMiy to nuitipean conipiehenslon
In islbla shape."
V'e may 1 email: in passing that
fit eat Hi it. iln and the whole ot Iluinpe
appear at the piesont lime to be eiv
well Infoi mod about the aihame of
Aim lit an manulaituied pioduets, the
enlpipiisp and the sun ess of Ameiican
films in competition with lktiope.m
ones in almost eeiv dliectlon In
fact, till1' knowledge on the put of
Ijiuopeans is piecisely whit has led to
so much foolish willing in soma
foitlRn papeis about "an Kutopean
t nomination, and tommei
tial, against the t'nlted St Ues " It Is
foolish because the icsult of any such
combination v oultl be tin Mnivlng of
Em ope.
Iiut It appeals that nl i!lagow, not
wilhstaiitllng the United Slates bus no
separate section In the exposition. Its
exhibits do ntcupv a laige In tln
mm hint 1 y building, which is in reality
the nif,sl Inipoitant poition nl the cx
lilbltlnn so fai as this countiy is con
cerned. It Is an inleiestlng announcement
that tomes from Cilnsgow that, next to
( Pi Ulan, Russia Is the laigest
exhibitor theie.
.Oliflin? SUidies
0? fiiiman Nafiire
"Dick!" Ciied the Young Woman.
mIo, imuiiul miiiu tn in ulu
,1-t it In b nl juu k'"l up 'own a muo III nt
llliis, Ihi tl ih 'I it Mull-on itiiiut 1 ir 111 Iml'
mi niul '.lot I tin ctliu iiiIiiii'kii iml sit ihu
tinv.k' .1 pi el l.l Mil, IP 1 mini 1 III',' tit U
Miniiil 1 In,: h nl im linn, niul hi ippinntl)
llilii'l imtlii Hit '.III until In' hi I It niul Iml,
In his itui 11 1 in jlnir. Ih In.' mull 1 hid
'1 lu 11 inh ho Ml npiLliI 11. '.1 1 11 oi'l I01K11I
1 III tic .1I1111111I. hit 1 nun who is not Mil.' il
hlili-i If nil. 1 tin- . i-lmi. hi litii In .1 nii'iii'til,
Iiomimi, Hit 1I11111 is rnn', ,im lie .-.liiul a
lii r in ,1 i) thai nhiilnliil juu nt a tliil.-IJ
111 in iliinKitu iv.ilil
Iho uli I n'iililn'1 In 111 Iml del liN i 10, iml
liiinul Im ins tn him fi'hllii .iml thin hioKnl
nihllt on. mill' hIkkI "I inli'l h'iMil Hi
tin- oiiii.' nun's 1 link, llun hi fcimlul 1 10!
I i niul it ntliiiinl In tii( nl I lie ,1111111.' uiiiiiin
Willi mi unit li fiiini tli it hht liiulli liiriml lor
fm pm oil hint .ij!ii mIIIi i lit t lu Hilt of in
pill IIIU'.
I ho .miiiiii; nun, up'iiiiiill.t, ui ipillo 1.I1111H
li.-s. lit' nut hi l 1 .M Mpiiulj, Shi hmiitil
Ihtni .mil In '.111 tn lo.iK him nti'i ultli 1IWI1I11,
Hi liiiL'luil .11; 1I11, IimiIi-IiIv. X. oh iivriij;iia
jsti.iw 1 ii Hut tln.i sli irnl the .Mum,' uoiinnV In
illnutlon h this tlnii', hut In i u mhIi ,1
m .11 I'll mi nt n pun llnl Hull u uiiili r u ii pit
hlll.1 ntll.ll.l I lh in Hull illUII.
'llu' niiiii.- uuiiuii'-i i,in Irothtl wlllnilii.h
fpnil Ida hiail In Ills fill, .mil llun fluliil nil
llu ntiirn join ii lliiio i mi liiiiiiuia umii
I.UkIiIIhi.' t a liu-llil llun lhl I lie -1 in
Him luUiltil umii r llu' !.ia 1 1 1 I lil'l Iih lilllH
ncniHisli 011 liN Kiui's,
On 1 nv nf tin- hnuiis ul tin' lift hiinl in.
J lllll'illill I lllx 'I Colli llll. II Ml ! 1""'
lint il hil.ul Hi, if ll Mimhl sun K fill ml lull
I ho mine mill 1 hohl Ins Ilium, il iuiiu.iiil
'llu' I Ins i.iii.'Ii 1 1 . il' 1114 in pi-siiu', 111 1
Hit 1)14 11 I'll nul ulilii.l.i. tlun llishul linm llu
rln.' In llu .1111111.' pun 4 hu Hid Iml. .i'iIii
'llu' fiJiiiinu Miiilnl mill mm, (unlUhli, Imt
Hull was 1 1 111 I'iIii lul't in Ills i.ii. 'I hi. puiii
u'lrl piul tm tin loot jut Inn. hU (Jie csailli
ds hr nul I. ,11 .'ilin: ul lur.
"Pukl" tjhl the pretty clrl.
It mxilil ukf log many loluiinis to tell all
111 IUI'I ill Hit UOIll, lull I'll'Ull 11 u u ipmc
out rlu Js sltllo.- Pulilo him ,111 1 luil (he
IuikI Willi llu lili.' on it. flu' liH of Hit! pJ
unuirii ili'ln'l uin In tuuiit.
"lunu rt, Sdii ruiiiUin, hit iurl. Tilf'l
a turpriM. IP. pilal at t'.nitc, liiillu in Iho
ihrtt J nd title, No Hiue In trighlcnlni; the
hmllj." '
"Dltk!" snlil Hie prctlv clrl. tht1 tuntJoiicil
1 1 lomluttor niul Rchcil tho iitcrro' lilB
"Only two c.irs-atiil jou Iml forRotlcn. Von
Mill "
Aiul tin cur unit on runt lift tlitni .il ui'lliig
on tlm iitwdiiir,- .Xiw Sink Sun,
Up Against 0-u-g-h.
A I'lfiitlimin thliMltut lor llimiiNlfe wiper
Milh riitnlly lifKin 11 mime ol t.nglkli Ikioih
u llli ti I111I11 r of Iiiuiiieii. Atlir lolllm; ion
tuii nl loul.i Hnoimli n (.mid mini iriili, Hit.
fulhmllii; 1111104110 hihiitn tho pupil ntn 111'
in nit r 111 1 1 hr trait
"I U111I llu I'lmlltl: u n illilli nil," umpliliKil
llu rieiitliiiun. "How ilo uu piotiuume
"Il U luoiioimiril 'luf,' "
"Hi, lilili, 'lliir,' 'Miuir,' then, Il pclt
) 11 ii 11 g h, 1 It noli"
"Oh, imi 'umiit' In ptlt s n 11 (T. M i inittor
tf fitt, ttiitik iiiilltii; in ii 11 Ii na vmicwhit
"I u i 11 npiili linmuiirl I' n 11 k Ii l-i 'lull'
iiiul tii'iiirli U 'mil,' I hue 11 oi.v l"il
ii'lT "
"Vn: II U 'toft,' not 'rulT,' "
"ir Mill, uilf, lulT niul toll, Ami il mm Ii
N Mull,' ilif"
"No. not ' itufT.' "
" 'llnir,' Iheli."
"No. Miili.' "
"Will. I in 11, wliit nhonl ti n tm Ii?"
Th 1 1 Ii proiiiuiiiuil Imi I,."
"Ilntkl MIipii I nio pop Hu Hilnc Iho firmer
ne, llu p.l 0 u b Ii, l, 'plult,' or Ii It 'pluiL' or
'plo'f I'lne Iiiibiiihi 'pin ' "
"X'o, nn; It U pronoiiiitul 'ploii '"
"I slnll Minn mitir I inill-li, I mil "lire. Ileie
we mi 'I'lmt, 'lull,' 'liiuk.' niul now lieu l
iiiiiitlnr, rn-imti! Hut is '1011,' I "iippi'e"
Mill, no, tnj fih ml, iliil'a) 'nil!' 141I11."
" iul b o ii tr Ii l InilU' "
"Xn, Hut h ippem in lip 'how.' "
"ct, wondiiriil Iiiuiiiiitp. And I Imp Jmt
e 11 n u k Ii of It, tint 'puoii,' is II not l"
Xn, Viinir.' "-si'ifflehl Mprklj NfiK,
Points from a New Boaitler.
llu 11 tin tuw luiiiilir wont Into Iho 1II11I1 1
mini iml Ml down thero n onh onp oilier
ii-oii it tho I ihle. 'I hr lidi lioudir hid
1 kind In irt, iml thotuht
"I '-p iso lon'ip I iiiided
Ijmi " lu -Jld tu Hie nllur
lip Mould he il
hrre for srmc
"lii IJiillt a wliili."
"How It II! Am (.noil t"
"ii, pr.tti fill. I hup in
llllkl "
"I null nil treat 1011 ilecent'"
"Will, plllllps I OIIBl't to'
toiiiplilnl to
iml thru ho
'(Hi, neu r mini, old mm," ihl Ihe nei
hfirdir. . "Hut's ill rluht. I'm on. Hut
sn, intl.l.i' ion hptir Iriul thiitkliiir her nndi r
the i hin otui in 1 while. rl Ii it's Hu w 11 to m't
111 Willi 'nn. 1 111 u r hid t Ini'lliil) Hut didn't
tn it nn' l lei. Il'i ill In Hip w iv jou liimlle
'tin. ('ill '1 111 '-i-Iii,' an' clip 'cm 10ft, 11 in
I ilk ihoiil llu 11 looks 'lint's Hip w iv lo Mill
'nn I'll hit I 1,111 Hip hup foi 1 month rljit
now without In in' ikul fm 1 unt, W.1I1I1 tin
ntuUo hei when t-he tomes In It lore this time
tonioiiow she'll he tellm' 1111 her fiinlli- lil
tni.t. Poor old mil! Shp Im.ks in if ulu'il Iml
llolll.les I'll cut (nil ui lo some Inlin
Umii who wis nhoul mm inoiisli to slion
1 hit kills out nf the j ml, ind Hut's ill Mi
ll inn's lliul.oti Tit's 'te, t huen't liciril lour's,
hue 1?"
"X no, I In Iicip ii"t Hut It iliii-n't miller,
I 111 ju-t Hie lindlnh'-, liti-lnnd " tliiugn
'liini. Hiuhl.
Wanted to Know.
llepievnlitiip M illiu-j., of Milium, his l'i'"
npiililitn, wrile. V. I". Curti., of luuiif .ililo
to turn 1 101111 quii ker tlun inv otlur )oliliiiin
In the s.uit,, iu, 1 (iilitnil sum. r. mil is
in Iliiii for him, hut hi fnun 1 hmi.elf in 1 leri
1 h -i' iniiier the i.thti do II s htppMiPil Hut
1 i.iiillimm lhin: in one of the uiot prouiimiit
town-. 111 si tilings' ili-tint unt on tin ti 1111
fm W i.hiiutt 11 one fine moiniiu (o 'u' ihoiit
Ihe ipioiutuuiit 1. potnu-lir whith stillms
hid piomi-'d Ii mi 'In his ph'i.iito, lu found
.mot In r prouiiiunt uliin nf Hut pi lie 1 filh.n
in ui-ii. Hi fm. llu, i hid it mini lift v nuh .
u iitiilt mis wui iMluiutd. mil thei ili.inurul.
tn their 111 llun ith 11, lint holh uin I. iiind oil
the viiiiu tu mil s illm.'s hid piouu-ed the
pii-lotlup to Imtli of them ilurnu Hie 1 i-t 1.1m
piiun, mil ti 1 il told (In m to tome to i-h-in.'oii
slioiih 1 1 fiio Hip term of Hip pn -put in
iiiiiihint eiiul M tu-l tlui imp uiilluul to
t it 1 11 luik hnuii, hut itti r di-iu loir the suhjtit
1 wliile diet iiiui hull il thiL Hut would n nn
In M i-liins'lon md unfiiul sdiHd with his
'I in 1 illiinl .ill 1LI1I, .mil the npt uinrn
'111. 1 1M11I up 11 Hull lon.rts-ni 111 it his hop I
lie itumil tlietu iiudiilli. wi. tint 1 hit tills
ti ittd, mil when Pith lu turn tiuiiuiled hhu ot
hi- piouil-e lo mike him i.o-luu.tir St iIIIuks
tlippul his hiiul iii)ii hi., loned witn
litulilu, md -ml, "lints, 1 uikon out of ou
mis 11111-t he lilnj;, md 1 wi-h Juu'tl tell
uhiili it i "
An Absent-Minded Secretary.
llu ln-t hhIiiiic of -inilir i.l'- niiipii
limn is Ihe lut Hut he I. i'im ti llm slnin .
i.tinlii, in Ihe ih.ik in 111, one ol Mi. i-l's
inlliiiii. in txhlhilioti of nli-i tit mindiil
lu-, uhiili 111 ith 1 10 Hu Miv-oiiii .initoi 111
im nl. -lit lllllll hiipuiil 11 hi- st Hi.
"I wis .it .1 111 1-.- im 1 1 ti-r 1 111 1 upon ttinie,'
nid Mi. Vi-t, "when we 111-1 ii.-ul 1 ii-oliiilou
of fouu- kind ir nth r f u seei il I10111. I mill.i
one if tin 1I1 It. iti. hi. in 1 -.puili wliili win
ihiul .ill our tuition sump one inn iinpli d
lien with tin 11 111 11U llul lu mUil lu t online
his itm aks to iho it - ilutiou
"t-,' Mid liul.i Phillips, who wis pnsid
lu.', 'Ihe 1,1 nil' in in iiui-l n ik In tin l'i -ii-lutlon.'
"Ill lis hue the n-uliitlnn lenl,' sii.'i.Vi.t"l
koine one lu Hie inn 1111.-.
"ImUi I'lilllip- -liopul ilnwn mil ulii-pn I
tn Hu ili-tnl mindiil miiiIii.i, 'Hi ul tin 11
luiiou,' he r 11 1
' ' 1 1 'ill,' illilltll llu Mllllll.l, W iKills" ip
'Wlul n-iiliiiliiit'
' 'Ilo one we Imi hem di.,i U--I11'.- (or eciu il
Iniiil-,,' itpliul lml:e 1'hlllip
"llu ii-oliitjoii w.ii huiitid foi md low
hut toidd not hi. li.itu I llu llu -uiitnv's il
Hi ip wis 1 lilt it iinl Iiut lio'.ul ,ls 11 1
Iml Inn iiihl.lul In u ni"ii.-e. P wis ill ll
liuiiluril of llu iisohilinii 'Ihe .1I1-1 nt 11111 Imi
n'tieuij I1.11I mini llui lis!,"- W i-hin. 1
It X'ooled the Horse.
. Oil tun, liolli ilili I, .till.- nul Hue, 1
luius Hu i' iiinls in 1 In It 1 1 Im. b In- 11 n
Willi llui lilullrlls liu the I i .III) Hi Hi 1 1
I'nller piuiliii lion 01 (miili j, "I ieli 1 Inn I In, '
Inn mis llu md if Hip iiluiisil puul M
I'luhiiuii und Mi I'ntiir wue, 'in no im u
in Hi mull 11 lln ii'ni-1, wliile' Mi,"
noil Mi, I. his, llu ' in .11111, Mill Ml( linli ul
in,' lililliu on the uli.i. II wis iluiin.
kiuue Mine, lilun I'litl , I'nttu 1 .llul mi
lu Mi II li""
"-jj, liuhl, Hut wutiriiill nt lh. link will
linlf lo 101111' nul,"
"Hh.ilN III- nwltii wlh il " .iskul Hi li-.-"It
tlJii't look like I it iti if. II il ill." i'
I'olltr "Xn one 1 011I1I poo-lhli ini-lil, It fm
Hod re he iinild tini-li llu i lit ill e llu h 1
rn u hit li lit nn lo) ll.iiis udii up llu 111 niul 1 .1
ipihll) w dkul mil m Iho witiifill .ml md
pi 1I1I11I- ll. Allots niul tu in iv u und illol"
nlll.e iiurcil Willi liuu-hlii, Put, aluitc all, 1 nn
j Hot ini ii'ta tolin Mjhm
"till, 1 nun 1. 1,110.1, run, it Mill! in Mill 1
hoi-t "
'I he M.lli lllll hi md li It w H willinul 1I110
N. . I'm. lluilu.-tii II iiioii it md I linuni
Itoyalty Had to Be Imiuesstd.
(IIIU, lllllll lilt HilllllU llllllll Wll II I' 1
Ilili ill Ills olll'l.l, .-lis ,1 IPlllll IIUII p III hi
lu iiuih. .ml i unit luilse niul tlill.i o
hull, Jlnl oil Ill-llliU" Up-UllS tu mi' hi 11'
01 Ihe tumuli Im IdiuiiI tin I intiii 1 in t p m
liu Hu,: Prime llul lilt, niul wlun he uk I
1,11 .111 1 pl iiuli'in, the I'iihiii l'i luu iillni 1 I
pioildl) : "I Iul woii'l liulUi lint I .1111 1'ini 11
l'i 1111 c if (,11111111,1 md I 1011 11 Pilnie of I'lti
i.i," In whlih 1 .inie lln Immuliili Cin 11
pli, "Well, I niiit tilth ict, Hut I mil tin
ptior of tiiiuuii) and Klin: of l'uu,u," aui
lliert-upon the ,uniii- nun uulud a kuhI
lliiashln. ,
Sam Lewis Helps a Poor Aitist.
'I ho million.- lift Pi .sun .iul, ihe in'toil'm,
1 1 udon ll-ini-, .md Ihe ll' lis llul
ionic tu light Inn lii, death toiillimi lu he 1
nine diio" uniulir .iiumu lilt Ji'iiilnt iniei In
London, nUtu Ihe ( lilijju I luonlile. (!:
gliu.iiii hU wrier Ji IH1.11C Under toiuiau
tlicly lute niul ty lmmlil lie nude money
ultli tnmieloii Mildlty,
i)np roiiaoii (or till? tun II11I he nfrrr lnl
met, in Inn lt nn, pun ,t' llit (tmninsr lildi",
wlun li" wi ilelliihliil In lake hi Iiiui. lo
die ionr piople wlm lutnlatilli npplloil In lilei
for li'hl'i. In' rrptlul lli.1t 11 poor )tr
fill miilil pm iil'oul In lioiioit. An itill.t not
hni? Hjto pild n illl lu Hie llmnilrr mil told
liiu ilori ntrr the 1 In ir niul ulis of wine whlili
Sim taul Ind ntuiu nl hind Ihe ,iillt
ti'ipte'l, H1 il moik'st line lie wanted unit JVIW.
"I lould Put nil old In letul ll In luu." dill
Ihe primp of mtin v "Iml I tlm't niltul ak
lint .lour nn i plniup ol It"- md he liituleil the
lltniil.hid apptli.uit il J. "ill ti'ile,
'Ihe Moi.i, whlili (he lulinlor toiitlie tor,
frftn to hollo III" iK-Pilinn llleli tnailp llul
111 sjoi l.pwl' tite milt "Hip ilcnl hnnd" lilt
pltlnl Willi iaeloin nn whlili tlie lltitiK
Iillni openul iicur,
Nover Left the Itontl.
An old tieitri) lu ,1 nelelil'orltiu louti moe In
pii.trr iiierllne ind nlili "lllullnln and nltlerln,
I In en n iiiIrIiI.v mean nliottr in 1111 lime. 1 hid
a help ir up nnd down -'pei lill.t ilotin
.Inn I JI1111I do tliiiuh. I stoirtl t lilt ken nnd
w ttrr inllllii, I 1 iniid, I not drunk, I lio trip-i,
I lihcil oildir tooiifl whl tin ronr, 1111' I on
rr lot er udder thltiirs, Iml, Until, the eooiI bawd,
liteihlirln iml lliiln, I neter jet lout my
tillKloii."-lltnp llltlui (CSi ) Pint.
Money Article, Headed
"The Financial Situation
published each Monday, has for 15
years' been looked for with the great
est interest in banks nnd counting
100ms and among nil financial men,
nnd has been respected as perhaps
tho most intelligent review of the
money market nnd stock mnrkot. In
this niticle, Monday, June 3, the
Sun in the coutse of a review of the
business and condition of the South
western Railway systems says: "An
other potent influence nffcctingAtch
inson foi good is the oil discoveries.
People heie have not paid as much
attention to this matter as they
'should. The general tendency has
been to scout it as a craze. But
there is no longer any doubt that it
lepresents a permnnent nnd almost
incalculable increase of wealth to the
Southwestern territory, and hence,
inevitably) to the Atchinson, South
ern Pacific and other railroads in that
section. These railroads will gain
much by tho additional business
geneially growing out of the new de
velopment, but their chief product
will be in the astonishing saving
rendered possible to them in the cost
of fuel. A ton of coal in oil does not
cost over $1, whereas the coal used
by the Southern Pacific nnd Atchin
son lailroads last year cost between
$3 and S4 a ton. As the expendi
ture for this purpose is neaily 25
per cent of the total cost of trans
poitation on the roads, the import
ance of the new found economy is
apparent. It means millions of dol
lais to these lailroad properties."
This article fairly represents the
trend of thought toward the oil in
clustiy among capitalists generally.
The magnitude of the industry and
its importance ns a source of wealth
is perhaps not yet appreciated by the
general public, but the leaders in
finance recognize fully that oil and
its numerous by-pioducts is to cut a
great and constantly growing Ag
in e in our domestic and export trade,
the extent of which is already colos
sal. To make money in oil it is only
necessary to discriminate carefully
and invest in stock of companies
that are under piactical and respon
sible management and have large
holdings of oil lands secured at low
coiporation and this stock offers the
best oppoitunity to investors of any
now before the public. The company
LOS ANGELES, CAL. You can buy
the stock now for 20c. PER SHARE.
The price is subject to advance with
out notice at any time. It will sell
for 40c. very soon and is fahly
worth 40c. now.
lute. In. tin Inn it wllli ponllileneo bei.111-0
Hie i llup of the nnipmi's hntiiiucs ind thp eh ir
ulir ami clilhl.t of il? nnn.icns anil iliieetnis
.up r-talili-heil llui it while it id cheap, lor
all p irtii ul us uppl.i to the
Room 1, Dime Bank Building,
Scranton, Pa.
A Revolution
in Furniture....
It is furniture made
in over three hun
dred original styles
and designs.
Hill & Coiinell
Are showing Praiiie
Grass Furniture in
Call at 1 24 Washing
ton avenue and look
over this very artis
tic and useful line,
Merchant Tailor,
319 Lackawanna Avenue,
Our Oxfords
Low In cut. r.tnv In pilcp. nigh hi
quality, l.iullfx' ft nut 7oo. up. flon
tlctucn's fiom fl.LT. up.
Lewis & Reilly,
Wholesale nnd Retail.
j5S&zil '&'
People's Bank,
Alenrs Building,
Court House Square.
Capital Stock, $100,000
Surplus, - - - 25,000
Savings and Business Accounts
Vice Pies.
- C. D. Jones
G. P. Reynolds
- H. M. Ives
f. P. Jones,
0. K. Itijnohls,
Thoinis ipi iiruc,
Arthur Dunn,
C. S Wooliioith,
W. G. Hilton,
liu hud O'l.rien,
M. V. Tirter,
Muniel "-miter,
T. I'. on fetm ch,
A II Wiiiiun,
M. J. IK ihj.
. r. tt It K. o; V. V. It V K
I Clocks Best I
Union Hade
H A Good Smoke or Chew.
" A Trial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
tt Thp r.inn' Tnhflrnn O.n
xum v.ivu ivtavui uvi
644-46-48 Wyoming Ave.
Scranton, Pa.
u a it a 4 it m at it 'a 'a it a s a - a
Allis-Chalniers Co
SueeoHois to Machine Miislncss of
Dickson M.inut.NJtuiing Co., Su.inton
and Wilkes-li.ute, P.i. Mnfrlnes, Iiullots, Minim;
Machineiy, Pumps.
.'A! Ml I ir Ihilldui.- Pnloi . pm 'I .ml J
'lliiin.dii .ml -tliiii'.i itrntn.-i
flenei il Imtli l r, lliiii.iir md 11 il.r m
lliilhlnu 'in im. in. i. ii iiiim ' P
lUllJ 111 l'lll'll -i i
lift, i U t i n-'l n i li te
HA414al U4M .
wa-vna--'otr'fini.Mi.i., ,iALEX. HAY.
,,, 11 I I. I.i'i mo i ni in Iiiiiiiij. 0 l'i " C-U5C SiaVANC.
wiiMi.ii- iii -o i- nil im a. i f . j Hr2?'nint''
the i-piint -i i-""
Hi mil. til l.ini u p
i i I - ill
j, p. I ' .-oil I" 'll oil llieiy
lilo w ii i .ml ii ' I d"' '"i I"
uu lioni t any otlun.
II. mfolllic .0.. Vi Meji, lluihlni.. 11411.411, i
.iiiui muni 114 in I in nu.iui - i iiuiiiii u'
.lu iaU d I'iiinli4iiii
MHWWWT."1""1'"1"'1 I.. .W.WI
lluUi lltlblil I "' '" i-H'l I'UrJ.i! S"f'3'
I'tatiu inn M . tun. j
fiiwmiiMiiiwx immr-T 'f -' -f f " ""--"
smplo liionile-i and I'loniiont full liiia
ol lJlUbll9, in , mould Jjtl.l
III.' )4tion Mien .'in Wjuuins tt
Calls lij li'lrphouc Uciiltc I'lompt Attention
Exhibit of Gradu
ation and Evening
Dress Materials
Wo aie slinwlnrr thp numt complete
Kloek ot llRht-wrlKht tain leu
thut It Is pntslblu to llnd nnywhcie;
I'VPtj thlni? lioni a L'holfi. of beautiful
white niiituilnls fur tho "S-Jweet Olil
(.iiadtinte," to tin i'MIUIhIIc lubiks In
pM'IiIiik rolma fur patty and ball
d i hns, alio the many little ncccsioi Iph
in thp way of TtliiunltiKH, Luces, Tics,
(HiiNef, Ulbbuni, llniiilkoiclilrtt, cW
Unit aid to cuiupleto the ntliuutlvt
w oni. in.
Crepe De Chines
The Inctitupiiuiblc tnateiliils fm cvon
Iiik wpiii, w hk It adapt tlicmsches so
inimitably to stjlc nnd llmiio, uome-t In
whltt- and all the suit, delicate colou.
Other Graduation
and Evening Materials
i hir will tint allow a rleulle-t
rlt"-iiiitltin of li f.ihilt in pitieular,
ntil5 by wnv ot a soneral outline. We
mention the matcil.iN and titate that
iif.iily .ill ate .shown In drum, White,
Ill.iLk and evenlnrr bliatlen.
Peau de Soic, Libeity Satins,
Panne Satins, Silk Sublime,
Lansdowne. Satin Duchesso,
Pailette de Soie, Soft Taffet Silk,
Embioideied and Silk Stiiped
Wool Etamines,
Plain and Boidciod Nuns' Veiling,
Mouseline de Soic,
Embioideied Silk Lnen,
Point D'Espiit, Silk Mull,
Wash Chiffon, Teisian Lawn,
Fine Batiste, Lace Diosses,
Oigandies, Satin Foulat'tls,
anil many other m.itpiials that ths
ldhlilous of this tleinund.
Lackawanna Ave
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
1 Hnil li I. Il.ts t... I lllllll lliltl-c--. I. lllllll lIUU-il
i . 'I.. tutu t Itiiu Link After an 1 i
Iiiauie PlouU 'Hid lliill'liu.s
Jl runs 1 Jiid i lluir Huildm;.
wwntnurrinnwfr "irT"
i i rt i rvm r f
rMiii I cznr
jiun PRPFn nauai'R vpi ui BPfffff
I I h llil ii - I' ii I "oil. Pi." te, Ida
; -11111,1 pm 1 1 Dim tin md ii kii'
J 0 nul iii s. ii , ii . -i unt in, Pi
It - he home supply co.
.4fc,M. I. .. ..,.
IlitiiH liiiuiiui. in Mm. j in I ituor louiinja
lot iu-li ut iilu li - tl. ti at
... ... w..ii imw. !... ' p. pp.,
ii . i- ii ti. lh. Hunt A IV i in II I'd, in tin
1.1)1 .hut III. Hull 411 I -rlllllitloil irtull
tiiiuii , up lira .ii 'I tmii ul III, nork u
-lnultj No ll I 1. 1, in nun it i nn e.
PUI. Ul MM. .'. .IIIM,I0S- AMAUi;
i( lm, (u.n.i,.- an I llcrlnUluns
(iiioli ..i Pd hu .md Uillicrcd.
'IiIpiiIuuu loiuiiilioii
wolf s
WENZEL Plumbers,
'liiiiuis jnd ll-ikht
tu. Mirnatra 4 N
I 1 1 t i Itt-p-Jlrln?
I loniptl don, 2(
,il4in an,, bcr4ii
Inn, Pa
14 In nihle latlur IlloUl Ictiioii Iluildini:),
i." lllll ktlCfl, .CI4llt01l, l'4, i-iliU pieocd,
,., 1 tin. 141114 prr-i'd. 10 icnU L'lothlnj ti
pjiitd lallcd for 4iul tlclitcieii New I'hone. inlj
Plunilmi;. 'linnins and ileatlnsf. Sols ient
for lloxwid turnair. IIU 617 Undrrt trrt.
Wki ll if iMfl'j- ij AtJ5t
M1 sLi J..' UtplA 1