The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1901, Image 1

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taroc Growds Witness the Final
Move ol tlie FoGht and
Emcru Bills.
riio Bills Aro Carried by a Voto of
31 to 0 Measures Introduced In
Senate and House Matters in the
Houso The Bill to Pay the Elec
tion Contest Expenses oi Mr.
Squior of Tunlchannock Fails.
tx i:cIulxo Wire Ironi 'Ilie Assrelntod Trp
llrm Ishuig, .Iiiiip 5. The sennlo
lIiiiiiiIioi was otowded with spectators
tonlghl In wllne-s the lilinl legisla
tive niriM' nf tlio Foeht mid I'mcr.v
iillls which hud passed tin1 hnu-e
'lining the ilny with amendments-. Tin?
Ml ciinc bolnto tho lenato fur It1
nun hi I fine in the amendments In--i
i ted by the house.
I'.nlh ntensuios weie taken shot My
nll'r the -"unto was rom eneil, mid
Hie itmcildmclits cii enlieillleil lis,
I'hotlt dl-c il Inn. The Mite mi eiieh
Mil was ,'lt j ens to II n.ivs, n- fnl
Inw -:
Vi i- It. i l.ili it h. Howl, l'.uol,e, I'laxxfnnl.
limn, I'l-liti, I linn, I'm nt. l'o, limit, c.i.iu--Inl
I him-. Id nil, Lilian. lliCL'lli-. I.n Vltlxic.
MiI-oii Mn lilliiiiniiii, ivli, -mil. -is-
".11 -lltilol, -(lie, -limtlllll, -t'.lill, Vale,
Vnulitu, W.i-litituu, illi mi-. WnniN-'l
n. I.ilini-ln i, lliili-l, lm-oi, Muii, l!i,o,
V Ml i.
l'n-rnl. Imt lint intuit:- limn, Heinle, -t,xx.
ml Wil--
Mi-' Hi I mill. in, 'iiiiiiiiIiij. Hum, Ki inniT-
ii M.iiIiii. Mlllir, -pinul. Mill. i
Tlie hills li:i Insi abend" been lian
Stiihed, they weie liiiiueiliatol:- signed
liv 1'ie-iileni do 'I'em Snyder and
weie UMit In the hntls fur Speaker
Ala-hall's -Ignatuio. The then go to
the governor.
Alter the-e hill5, heeu dl-po-od
uf. the -innte took up gonoinl husl
11'. A niiniliei nf Iillls wijip
lepniled fi mil committees mid the nf Iillls on Hist .mil second
leading mii- (le.ued up. Among the
lulls mi -ecoml lending was the
Miiehlliiniiniv hill amending the net
governing -eenml class cltie-. The amendment pinvnlos that
i it v councils' -hall flv the salary oC
the delinquent i.iv cnllrctnr
Ml. (!i.iil. nf I'lill.iilelphi.i. ninveil when the senate adjoin neil to
night, lh.ll It he to meet at S."a a.
in. tcuuminw.
These hills were passed finally:
lliiii-o lull iiiiKiiis il uulixitul fur tlrl ornisni?
tn minx, tho ill I" I iKi otTttt Im I. I'iiJ.
i'H I'll Hni- -KI.'mui in i Im I'hll lilt l'hl.i pro
tut"i in Mi'IiIlimivmv miinti.
iii(iiiiitmu -''Hill' In ilie -I. l-rili'i I'oiiiiil
1 ii tl'iinc 'iml liiunil lin-ni il nf -li uit'iii
piiUl llilu- -J(lliil In tin' Mlrnlimii lin--p
'I lw I'm lit loll ! 1 1 (ii-r -J0,ni In i ht
Mux M I'.ukii lio pit it hi -iiiilniix.
1mIi i.itliiir -inihii) in tlio I ink Until li -
linn'" lull di i.ii inn.' I'.iiliou county mm Hi"
I mix Iliiul imliiiil ill nut nml iiirliii- 1 hi'
Mini- ilit'i .1 -i mi lie iti-lri( I.
Ili'i-p lull .inn inline Ilii' inipni ilion .til o lint
riiiniitiir- ili-lilliiu ir miiiuf m liuiiiK -iitlmi
liiiuii- i in lip inii'rp"iili'il mil ,il-n pmnllii4
ll'il vxIipip it N pimi u .nix miiiptiii Ins I'litiiul
.1 li it it (niiiliiii iliiul tin1 diirtii nf ?u It torn.
)'. nx li ill R' mil.
Bill Introduced,
These Iillls weie Intioilueed:
llx Mi. -ictt - Nun inliii'f .in .ut iilnm.: in
Hip -tile 1 1 r ..-in x mi ilni th -I. in tni-imi-iin'iihlx
mitiuiitu -tiull I"' piihiiil In not li'-
Hull M. HXpipiM, ixn ot xxlilili -lull In piiti
li-lml III II :iii-l'in" 'Hi'' pn-pui lux llllllU ilr.
I'lil'l U ilinii III txxn Ih I i-l "lit: 1h'h-imii l.-
Ilx Mi. Mmlillimimi, Mlivliu.x I'mxlilin.' f .r
im .uliljtiniiil jmlui? in tin' iiipli Hi"' i nut nf
Allrlicnx intmlj.
llx Mr -urn in. in, r.niiliii.i- ulln,iiiii.- x ii r
I "lllp.llllP-. In -llppl.X XX.lli I In llixxl', li'
i Ik- hi ili-liiiW iiljiiuit to di in pinMiuiix'
In llto low ti, Iminiuli. ulx in ilUtiiit xxiitit ilii
V ilri (nmpin.x mix Io lm.ilcil,
llx Mi. Willi, M iiilKiiini i,x -Aiitliniiinv tlie
(i niiiil'-iuiiu- of iilli,x I nine pul, in ki ml
I In null! of xx.l.x In .1 llnllo I I'lllplliX tl) ili'lt
and loii-lliat .1 tmlli'x liu ili.n,- tin- puliln'
i i'l lliuiiu'li llio piiK.
IU Mr. I mux, nf Kii ei lin ruling -nliuiu
I ml 17 of I lie at I uinililliu, ln nli n(
Mm ii- imil .-phili on-, null or luixxpil lliiiin,
'i - in ilu'lii-li iiilniimiiu r-rnl t m i - p.i xinlitiniii
of till' .ii 1.
Ilv Ml. Ixi.x-ir, nf 1'l.ll.nli'lplili ppinpiiiHii.:
II M,7il ami tlie itiii'ii'ri (lit icon fnuu Mix I,
17711, In tlie lull, .mil il,'x,i., (,' (, i,l, mi nlm.
Mnl, iliit'.i-i'il, IihI'oh lull J .III -Jl,;il iniii
lln st.ilc III Kill) IKIIlllllK .1 Itll.lill .im In
iniirl nt llin,-. 'Hie fiiliid -tn,., -iipn'iiH.
tnint ili'iiiltil in I nor of Dlni-tnl, Imt In. nuxir
Ii.cixk! the iiit'iuv.
Itv Ml. I'll Ike, of Wi,,lm;l(iii Itt'pp.illii'. n .
t li I" nf llio uit n Apnl ii, lh"i), idnliu' lo
llii Iihic nt rrliu't' ot xxt.ioni I'iiiii-xImiiiIi, .mil
il,o rcppjlhi." tlw ki) I'll niont tlit it in, jppionil
inl II. M.-.
After the senate had eniiilinied n
Ii.iU'Ij of nominations, the sonuio nt
1103 ndouined until .S.'ln toniniiow
moi niiif-r,
In the House,
Aflcr lOliHldetnble dehaie the Ihuery
bill passed lliinlly by a vote of in I to
'II Tim Individual vote on this meas
ure tn piMellciilly the same ns that
on tlm Koelit bill,
Alter pasliiK the following bills- (In
nib the house adjourned until :t p. in.:
Mlnxxlns lpt,'illiiiilo uul lllrliini.iti' tliilih n
T'lll flblll lllO kllllC IIIDlllt'l il.t I ii- xxithout till I
nun to inluiit nil mul pii-inil pii.pnii iium
c.tli oilm in omIihh'Ii to the m iiiiliiiuiliir of
llio illivllini lie rliilil n ililltlit'ii a tliouli tiny
Iml lippii I'biu in lixxful utnli'tlt.
Itosnlalinii luotcuiiii.'. in tnuin in m-i'.- of
tli-uito or ilii.ilillilx nt Hit JmUt of .im jmli
i III ilUtilct I'.v a Ijvx Juljt' uf jii jiljuiiiln'
The road bill wns nmeiided by Mr.
Kind, of Alleshcmiy, so (is to llx tho
minimum rate of Interest at which
bonds for road nui poses shall be Issued
nt four Instead of tluee per cent, and
then passed third tending.
The following fiipioit lutloit bills
passed dually:
IV r (he ii'UtlnuJltcn of the p.iMkaticn of lie
Perm Ixonii uuliixct, i7,W, fjtJtc of IMar
L. liiu.'. "I Ilairlib-rc. for sirxkej rendtrtd in
tlie Kioii nf lii;, ,VKJj 1'ntprn Slilo p III
liiill.tU, T7,iil Inliilnit wlinnl for fpdilo nilml
i I nt Khun, 2HVii); llititmi liixpllnl, IV"h
I illimo -Lite lin,, Cnniiilltxillf, Hl.tlWi
illc.x 1'oiuu p.uli, 7.1,'jeil! N.illoiiil (in ml of
PitiiMxhniil.i, 77V""' IViii".x h nil I .Niintiml
(nliunMilp, "i'MliHI; Clnrlri It Ixliclh', for lum
lur il4liPinl liy 'Ixxrlflli nalnipiil, Nillonil
(niiril, 1 1 ." . 7 1 ; Home lor Hid Ti iIiiIiik In
N'miIi "f l'pif (lilMini, I'hll iilolpliln, II.(W;
W'littrn 'l.tlr p-ti'li iill.uj, nn,liiKii ilillilnitj
In ln.inp fnnil, -Ina.iiiiu, DiMiionl Insinc Im-pl-til,
.'IMJ0S f-nlilluV iiii.l -jilor lioini', l.i to,
t '.r,,lrtm; I'piiiixhniil1 In-lllnllon foi I In? Dpi!
nml llinnli, Jil,0nil
The bill appropriating: ?J,r.0(i to pay
lite counsel fees, e.speimes nf eoiiiiel
mid personal expenses of Ilepresenta
llve H(ttlcr In the contested election
ease of Tlli'nny vs. Htilcr, fiom Wyn
tnliiST enmity, lulled on final passage
by ii vote of "i to S7.
A i ('solution was repotted from (he
lilies eiiiumittee, anil adopted, iiiukliu;
hills on seeond readlliK, appropriation
hills on thlid icadlnp; mid bill" on tlrst
lending the older of business lor to
monoxx'.s -esslnn. Tnder the onler It
Is ("iiieeted Hint the Kov cnpllol bill
will be tahen up for second readiiiK. Tt
is ptobtihle that the uppioprlatlon to
eoniplete the capltol will be l educed
Ii rim $.".,000,000 to M.nno.OOU to overcome
nine li of the opposition lo the ineas
tne Should the bill fall to pa-s toinor
invv, tin ellnit will be made to secure
n spedal oidei for it for third reading
and linnl pns-nKo next Tuesday.
Governor Stone Approvos Measure
to Leave the Adoption of tho
Device to People Enor
mous Expenditure.
Ill' i:clii-lp W'no fiom I lie .U'ariitpil Press
ll.uiishiirtr, .Tune .". (Sovernor Stone
to-day -Isned the senate bill piovld
ms for ,t suliinlssion to a vote of the
people at the next Kcnotal election ii
pioposed amendment to the coimitu
tlnn to -uh-titute MtltiK: m.U'hliies for
the ptesent -ystein- of bnllntim: Tlie
Inst h'si-latiue pas-ed a joint le-nlu-tiou
piDposlnir till- t liaiiKe in the con--lltutlon,
which was etoed by the
aovernor. The Supieine enutt decided
that the eM'cuthe had mi rli:lit to np
prot' oi- di-appioxe a le-nlullon of
this kind. This hill is the next step
in the pioceediiiKS and simply pie--eilbes
tlie time and manner of -uh-uilttlm:
the piopo-ed amen " ueiit to
the people.
In similnpr the bill the Roveinor e
plalns his position upon the subject In
a brief ciimmunieatinn to the lei-la-tme
in wlil( li ii,. -a-:
"Theie ale nf 11,000 voting
pieelnet- in the stale, e.uli of whlih
would ie(iilii' one or moro votinp; machine.-.
I am inlojmed that the m.i
ililnes now in use "in the city of Buf
falo eo-t Ironi 00 to S700 each and
that the very lca-t expensive nt these
delee.- eo-t fitini $J0D to $ !(I0 each.
The adoption of this amendment
would, theielnie, i i es-itate the c--penilltme
o fi mil twn to Ih e inllllou
dollars bv the cninninnxxealth of th"
several enuntie-. Tlie atherllsliiK nf
the le-oltitinii piopo-ltiK such an
amendment alnne ha.- aheady t o-t th"
slate oer SJfl.000 and tills expendltllie
will be duplicated by the second ad
veillsemenl ieiiiiied to be made this
I cannot nppicciate a piopo-ltion
width has tor its areminont tlie eiea
tion of honest elections by the aid of
Mitliu: m.t( hlni's. I do not think r
possible in cnn-ti net ,t dexlte that will
ninlvo u ill-hone-t man houe-t, noi do
I think that an honest man needs a
machine lo piotect and enfoice hi
liiinesty The (iiiesiinu will he enn
siih'ieil by the people In Mitlnj? for or
lu.ilust this amendment In sIkiiIiii:
this bill r hae lull ennndencf that
their own better judgment will ine-
all and will he entiielv satl-lietl with
whalexer ctdict they niav icudei "
The Koveinm also signed the bill
iituemlinK the net c renting a bureau nt
bnlldluK inspection in I'hiladelphla so
as to K'Ktil.ite the exits of thcatics.
Michael Pidish Chm-Rcs His Cousin,
George I'idish, with Biting- off
One of His Dibits.
Il I- allllii-l linpn-sible to bellevo
that theie is ,y per.-tin llvlnu ill
his I'lviii'eii land so In in, il in his In
Milltt, n to aeliially bite off the lln-j-ei
ol u map with whom he ipiai icleil,
yi'l ,-llih II illilll Is tleoijfn i'iillsli, of
tne South Sii'iituu Hats, who was ar
n -led .M'.-ieida.v at the lllslituee of bin
(.oiisiii. .Mhhael 1'idlsh.
.Mhl I came into Miinisi,ito .Mil-
hu's ollhe yestetdny al'leiuoon Willi
a big bandage aiouud his ilglit baud,
lie liol'lilied the inaKlstiate bv iipi'ii
Ihk mil ii iaper In which was lolled
about halt of a human llucor, lie
said that he and his cousin, iIcoiko,
had beeuiiie involved hi a iii,uiel at
(i 'oll.-ll weddillK on Tlle-dnv iiIkIiI,
lii'tilKi' I'llUKhl Nleliulas' little tlllKer
ill Ills moutii, lie said, and deliberately
bit elf the half of It with one bile,
besides ,tillxillK him oil Hie head Willi
it hliicKjack,
M.ii;l-.tiate Allllur Issued a wniiant
fur the uiiesl of lleoiKo on the doubln
ibaiKe oi niayiii'iii nnd assault and
battery. He ns iiue-ted but was in.
inainleil until this iiimnliiK when a
heal hiK wlll'bo had. The severed llu-
K i has hi pi ii i'd Inn Imttlo ot iilco-
Iml a in will be used as evidence.
Ohnti'tjo Arrivoa at Manila.
llx- INilmixo W'irr fiom 'llio xarialu 1'rfM,
Mil Hi, .Iiiiip i Mijoi (inn mI ( luittp aii, kt,i
ami mo iniiipiiiitj nf tlio Sinili inl.inli) j.
unit l.tio loi.n on ll.f iilinl suits,it
Sonimr nnni l'il.n 'I no jtmial xxji rciiixo.l
X till 1 lllljil- Ktlilltl'n sjllllp. (I, mul Cijii0
xxill In- (lu.pul iMi Vrtlim's kui.I at tlm lljla.
lulljlit ill HI'
Favor Compulsory Sale of Lands.
Ily i:iliuttc Wire fiom 'llio Asiocialcil 1'ipsi
lt", Juno 5 conxfiitioii of t.OilO truant
faunoij of tll.tcr, lit M Inn this jittrnooii,
I a-soil a molutfon In favor of tin; cuiiipuUoiy
t,ilo of IjiuI, afltl 'IIii.iiijs W. Ituvill, V, p,
(pjill iimiilJiy Mtitlaix of lln.' lotal goxi'iii.
mmt Iti.inl) luil jii-i'tt! a -pcctli iluiuuui.iii- ihc
SitUm uf dual oxxiicrelilp.
Dcleoates ot the New York Glinm
ber fire Tendered a Ban
quet at London.
All Speakers Profess Belief That
England and United States Will
Rule tho Dostrinos of tho World.
Lord Lansdowuo Responds to tho
Toast to Piesident MeKinloy.
Mr. Carnogio's Speech.
Iiy i:clnhe Who from Tlie Avociatnl I'ie'.
London, June 5. The banquet ten
deieu by the London chamber ol coni
meice to the delt'Kiites of tlie New
Ynik chamher at Oioccis' ball to
iiIkIii, was one of the handsomest af
laiis uf the kind ever kIvcii In a city
famed for lavish hospitality. No el
foi t was spaied to honor the Ameri
can Ktiests; but it must be confessed
that the latter did not sustain Hie
lepiitutlnu America has for brilliant
.ifler-dinner -peaklnK. Nor did the
lliltl-h -penkeis do much to relieve
the tedium ol four horns' .speaking.
All the, .speeches, however, teemed
with extreme tiiendliness and faith
In the establishment of peimanent
1 1 loudly K'l.Uions. All tlie speakers
expiessed the belief Hint (Jieat Ilrlt-
ain and the T'nited States would tule
the destinies of the woild, and that
their unwiitten alliance would alway-i
work for peace and tlio benellt of
Tlie tallies weie decniatd with a
piolusioii of floweis nnd histoiic
plate. Aiouud the hall Is a gallery,
hli'h, as the evening advanced, was
lllktl witli ladles, vv ho attended to
hear the speeches. r.ras-e.V pie-lded. On ills ilRht
wtts Mr. c'boate and on his left T.oi d
T.aiisdowne. Monls K. .lessup, Au
di evv Ciiineifte. foinrliu- X. Iiliss,
Kind Alveistone. (Kurd Chief .lust ice
nf KiiRlnud), Clem ml A. (iriseom.
(Scot so V). AVaitl, Koid Stiathcnna and
Mount Uoyal. Kevl P. Moiton. Koid
Avebiiry. (president of Hie ns-oelatud
chanibeis of coninierce), and J. Pier
pout MoiiMii weie aniniiR thn-e
seated at Hie table of honor. In all,
utailv lino weie pie-ent.
Koid lltassey, in weboinlnt: the
deleRafes, said'
"To no other nation aie we diawn as
we aie to our kinsmen across the At
lantic. The wiselv directed tiieudship
of our two peoples not ns jet. and
peihnps never to be, icniented bv for
mal alii nice dimild be a potent In
fluence. Win k I Uf? together for the i (mi
llion Rnod of all mankind, we may keep
open the door for tiade.we ni.i.v spiead
civilization, we may piotect the np
pie ed, and we may establish peace
amoiiR- the nations."
To President McKiuley.
Kind Kansdoxvne, the foieiRU secie
taiy, followed in a toast to Piesident
McKlnlev. lie "Mid:
"I tiilnk 1 may .ty that to till the
subjects of his innje-ty It lequlies an
elioit to thinU of our lelations with
the Pulled States as foieiRii iclattous.
(Piolouucd elieel-,)
"Witli lesard to President MeKln
ley, we think of tlie olllce he lllls
anil, In addition to his public caies, we
leinember the bin den of piivate anx
iely he has to bear, and it Is Hie piaer
of mil' whole country that his wile
may lie lestoied to health and that he
may continue to be to Hie whole woild
t potent InllueiiLO for the Rood of the
human race"
Air. Je-sup. pie-blent of the New
Yotk chamber of commerce, leplied to
the addte-s of welcome. In the
of his speech, he said:
"If our comliiK together at this time
Serves to hind In elo-er ties the ie
l.tllons between the two nations, our
hopes and expectations will be fultllleil
and vve shall count It u lilRh piivileRu
to have been heie,"
.Mr. .lessup levlewed the fiillUdlllK of
Hie New VuiU chamber of coinnierce,
and said:
"We do not fniRet lunv you In
stilled Into oiir minds li, Mills of In
dit''tr.v. tlnrlft and lair dealltiR', -v
1 1 in L now, the dawn of the Twentieth
("iittiiy, vfn ai nhl" to state, with
some pride that the business ie,i
tlons between thQ country amount to
the astoundliif: nun of ovep $in;o,floo,
oon ently,"
In eniicludliiR', he snid:
"Wo nie of the sanin lace, the same
blood, the same IniiKiuiRe rind tradi
tion, Wo can only Im tlvals In the
c fl'ort each may put toith, iietimted
by the same deslies, to carry to tho
ends of the earth the hle.-sliiR.s of nur
civil and tellKliius llbetty. To this
end we will vvoiU band in baud and
nlioulder lo shoulder,"
Air. .lessup was followed by Kurd
Avebiiry, Poster IIIrrIiis and A. Hnr
ttui Uepbiiin. Air, lleplnuii moused
luteiest by an Intimation Hint tlio
I'liited States were enteiliiR upon the
laKe of tai Iff lelaxatloii.
"Over two ye.ns iiro," nliserved Air.
Hepburn, "Piesident Mtflvlnley, In a
speech In Boston, paid:
" Wo me pot lalkiiiR- about tmlff
now'; nnd In Ills lecent Hip neioss the
continent, he inndo no alluslim to the
tullf, hut bi fatly emphasl'cil the tin
(esslty of cultlvatlnt; outside mar
ket. s."
Mr, Carnegie's Speech.
Air. PaineRJe, who cot the best io
cfptlon of the evenliiK, dwelt upon the
chance of tho Kiovvlnt: fi loudly lela
t Ions between tho two coiiutiles, and
continued as follows:
"The liotoscope of tho futuio shows
that common dunsers me likely t'o
draw us closer mid cloitet, and If over
the baunots heio entwined have to bo
unfurled, side by side In self defense,
against foe or combination of foes
who may attack and disturb the peace,
1 pity that enemy.
"The chambers of commerce of the
world carry for their motto 'pence and
goodwill amniiR: men,' if cabinets
should ever fait to pieserve between
us 'peace with honor' r stiuRest it's a
tribunal ot last resort the chambers
nf commerce In London and New York
nnd not until we fall should our pen-'
pies despair of a settlement creditable
to both disputants."
Mr. (Iriseom. whose nt rival on Hi"
steamship St. Paul in time, for the hau
illlet created much Interest, dwelt
upon the expansion of American ship-lihiR-.
The hour was now so late Hint sev
eral toasts weie dispensed with, and
Hie proceedings were biouttlit to an
end with a few words fiom Air.
Cliuate, who deelnied that Londoners
had done a noble act In extending the
hand of friendship to a most for
midable rival.
"Coinnierce," he said, "will be the
leal p".ice maker and a blessing to
mankind. Any teal conflict between
our two countries Is Impossible."
Addressos tho Jackson County Dem
ocratic Club on tho "Outlook."
Sovore on Supremo Court.
n.i nvrlmlto Wire fiom T!n A-opIiIpiI Pie.
Knn-ns City, .lime fi William .T.
llrynn uddiessed the Jackson County
JJemoeiatle club tonight. tuktiiR lur bis
FUbjeet "The Outlook." The audi
torium, lioldlm; Kfioo, was not laige
enough to meet the demands of the
Air. iJiyan was especially severe In
his arraignment of the Supieme court,
hecau-e of its lecent decision, tn part,
Air. lb van snid:
"I stopped oil' to vi-lt this club be
cause 1 have heaid that it is a har
monizing club, and we need ju-t such
clubs all over the country to re-lst the
efloit that s being made to coiiveit
the Democratic party into a tepubll
cau jiarlv.
"T believe vve have tlie best govern
ment ever conceived by mini and that
it will l eninin Hie best government. If
the Supieme com I will leave It alone.
In discussing the outlook tor our party
I will say that Hie two things which
we must ever advocate aie oig.inliS.i
tinn and principles. A minority well
organized is mote effective limn u ma-'
Joiity uiioiR.iulzed. Tlie organization
must have the c tintldenco of lis sup
pnrtet". We w ei e well organized In
lSIKi, and had the confidence of our
suppoiteis. 1 believe thatour stnnd
111 1 SllC saved the Detuociatie party
fiom absolute annihilation. We weie
an organisation in IJiOO nnd our sup
porteis believed u- to be honest. Theie
weie men, purpnitliig lo be Deniociats.
who did not suppoit us during those
two campaigns. Now these men nie
suggesting ti leorganization.
" so-called leoiganlzeis. who
did not icpie-ent twenty per cent, of
our Ueniociatie oleis in IS'ti!, and
who lepseneuted a smaller per cent
age of our number in liioo. would now
dominate Hie parly. Some of von may
think that 1 am not liboial In my
views on the sublect of leniguniza
tiun. 1 believe that we must have
piiiiclplis and ndheie in llicni. A
man who suppoiteil the Uepuhlie.m
p.uly In ISfifi must have a big change
of heai t bet" ne he tiles to lead the
Demoeiatle pa it v. The line is so
clear between tlie llemociatlc nnd
Republican panics that no man , can
make a mistake Tlie paity mu-t
convrl (he men who have been op
posing it, and it nm-t not be con
vened bv them.
His Counsel Eudeavois to Stay Pro
ceedings on Technicalities,
llx- i:ilu-ixp W'lic from Tlio As-ot Intul l'rpi',
Philadelphia, June 3. An efl'oi t was
made lo-day by lounsel tor Illehiinl
I''. Koper, on ti l.i 1 lor conspiracy with
the late John S. Hopkins, Conner
cashier of the detuiict People's bank,
to delraud that Institution of SI.IO.OOO,
lo have the ca-e dismissed under the
statute of limitation-'. The defence
claimed that ns the Indictment was
not found until n.uly four yeais af
ter the dale of the alleged conspliaey,
Koper was not amenable. The court
decided Hint although the distiict at
Ituney had said the otlgllial enii
spliacy dated fiom 19,", nevertheless
he collected tills statement by adding
Hun he would show that the con
splincy still existed within the two
.vents piesei Ibed by law, and this
being tlie case, Judge Mai tin said
such evidence was ndmlssllile.
The defense was gtnntcil the benellt
of an exception.
Wotk Will Bo Resumed at National
Cash Register Plant.
Ill I:l1iikIu Wire fiom The As-ot l.itttl I'lnJ,
Dayton, (I. .Ill 110 5. Tin labor
unions In Joint session to-day voted
to accept terms of settlement of the
strike at the National Cash Register
vvotks. The company agieed to take
back the oltl foico ex'ceptlng tlio tour
men whose discharge caused Hie
Wink probably will be tesimied by
the -',"00 employes nex't Monday.
A Michigan Hotel Keeper Kills His
Daughter and Wounds Relatives
llx Cviliuiie Wirt Hi,- Awnlatril l'ri.
l,, Mi.h, hill" .1, -V Xnx -puljl fioni
C iiliin.lli. Mull, .it,. "Will V111. II, pinpilitor
of 11 linnl j in I -jli'Ui in lltaxtiluii, 1 .111 aimitU
I01l.11, .iml hiioit' lit iixirpiixxtinl fclmt
iml l.llliil lii-ojt'ir 'I'l ilanalilii, Iilill.x xx oiiicl
ul Im xxiio ami li"l hi, Jictil mniliti, 1'iutlnT
.iml Uiii. No 11.1,1111 tin lio ui.nttl lot llio
.-liuotinK Ulitn Aim II, xxlio Iml litiu iliinlt
int; lot kxiijI il))-. inlt'iul lliu lions' loth),
ho XX! nt np-t.uM lu w In rt- liU ilnuhln xxa,
liiilnu- fiom l.lni ini'ltr .1 Iml .mil lalltil Im.
lie I In 11 1 .inn' il'ixii ami fjlullx flint Ills will' and
linil ut iiu inxallil inollici, liootint; Im tlnoiuh
llio liantl.
"Vrt. fMiniU'l liopp ami Amill'i ntcr xxpid at
Ir.itiul li) t lie tliinlliu' vinl at Hi) appioitlit'l,
Aniell xxalkttl out In llio itirct ami opuiul
tup on tlitiii, xxoiniiliiu' liU si, I or Mlulill).
"At till, jiiiitlnu' Ai ticll'.i liioilcr iml Mul,
lliipp'ii iiu-liaml t imo on I lie tpnc and Vincll
lM liU I'lcllui lliiiiiiili thj aim l)"ip xvji
annrit xxllli a flint '.1111 ami oppnul llio, xxonnilliu
Auicll, xxlio xt ,n tlitii laplmt'il unl la'npii ti
the count) Jail. Ills vxoiiUil is uvt KUI." ,
Senators Receive Letters In Re
gard to Bills In Whlcli the Goal
Workers Are Interested.
Representatives from Anthracite
Coal Counties Asked to Withhold
Support of tho Capitol Bill Until
Favorable Action Is Taken on the
Miners' Bills Plea for House Bills
215, 210 and 217, That Aie Still
in Hands of the Committee Text
of the Letters.
Il.i Kxcl lie Wire fiom 'llio As-ot Inlpil IVrh.
Hart Isbtirg. June fi. The anlhia
clte coal mineis, who have been tug
Ing the passjiRv of n number of bills
in their luteiest thiough the leglslu
tuie, today made 11 final effort lo get
the senate cnminltlee on mines nnd
mining to lepoit to the senate the
tlnee mining bills Hint ate still In
Hie committee. Tills effoit was made
In the shape of a letter tn each sena
tor asking that the committee be dis
charged from turther consideration ot
the billy. In order to make their po
sition Mongif', the legislative com
mittee of the mlnei s have lequested
the membeis of the house of lepieseu
tntlvcs fiom the anthracite coal conn
ties to cniitiutie to withhold their sup
poit of the Fo" capltol bill until fa
otible action is taken on their bills.
The members fiom the-e counties
number about twenty, and the mineis
claim Hint most of them will stand
by the mine wotkeis.
Tlie time bills .still in committee
House bill No. Illfi. that the miners
shnll be paid ut a inle per ton, Instead
of n rate per ear.
House bill No. 2Ki. that c-hecM
Welshman, or chei kmea-uiei , em
ployed and paid by the mineis. shall
be present when the coal Is weighed
or measuied.
House bill No. 217, that eon! shall be
weighed before it is eieeiii;d.
The Letters Sent.
The following is .1 copy of the let
ter sent to eueli member of the sen
ate tonight:
(In llio Dicoiiil tin nf April Hip Imii-p nf ippio.
(1 nt.itixif, piii-fil tin illy anil M-iit tu tin- -unto
fur xtmr tnn-iili ration lioii-p I'ilN Xn. 2n, lilO
.mil JI7, xxlith proxnli for t!u xxt'iliim; nml
itmilitlon tluipof of anlliiai ito toal. 'llip-o lu t Is
xxpio ti'iimiil It'll to (ho siMiito t'ommillcp on
mint", .mil minim;, v lio r-i U 1 luxe tlipm in lliiii-po-.-p
Itiii. At a lit unit; lipfoie tint tonmiiltto
111 olijit tiou xx.h i.'i-fil lo lull ai.", tint toll
1 011I1I not In' xttishtil uniliT iiiliin oontlilion.
Wo ton-iilpipil tlio tlijiitton ami xxIipii a -Pn.itor
1 illoil on nur cniiniiltii' .mil -tititl tint llio
1 oniiilillii' xxoiilil lop'irt (ho hill-, if .111 amend
im nt xxa iiiiiIp to ,ili-fy tills objection, we, in
iiinjum timi xxitli tin' -pinloi, lotmiil ilptl I lit.'
.inn nilmnit iml .intlioiiriil linn lo liaml the uinc
In the tliiiini'iii of tho loimnillop 011 lniti'W ami
minim;, xxlnili he 'Inl. 'llio tommlttt'i' Mill roil
limn' tn holil tin, lull ami al-o llio otlin- txxo,
iiKinxt ?xhicli no il'iiliif nt Ins heen iimiIu it
.Hit lime Mill -17 xa- lepoilptl fixnuililv tn
llio si 11 ile :ilin- xxitli hon-e hill 211, ami upon
.1 mnliou liy ilnilliiili of the commitlep, Stnilnp
Hi liltll)im;li (xxlio Mill ho xxouhl lipnri Hum
hnlh to the m into on llio fulluulng tli.x), th-y
xxi ro 10 commilleil ami hill -JI7 Ins nut In on to
puiliil SHH.L-. 'Ihe,i lulls are imlmntlx fall ninl
ju-t, T lu ' 1I0 not innlaln au.xiliina: tint M
in fair to tin' imploxds of llio mlmi- ami iln
not pioxlile for ant' pi no on tlio ton, Imt -Imply
pennies ,111 pqiiltahle kxpleiu foi xxnahln Hi.;
mil, xxlll ln fail to the iniploiii unil
iiuplii.xt. At piPMUt coil is pml lor In tho ami llio mini r Ins tn pi tt e a iiil.iiil
htialit of toil 011 tho in alnixo the lop and
i, iP-pnn,ililo foi the lar aflir lonllm; It, iinlll
It I, itiiin 1 11 . ill -oiiio (.1-1-1 llut'i' miles Unlit
his pi no of xxoiK, anil is oft 11 ilotlpj 21 pel
tun uf tho pi Ii e vvlicn onlv tvxo 11 thin p"i'
in. 1. of the mil liipptus to fall otr, 01 -el lie
il'ixxu in tin1 (.11 xxhllo In ms j"-llnl ami luuupitl
ihuiiis' lis piuc In the lupil.t'1.
Wo a-k tint tho-o hills ho inirlnl inln 1 ixx'
In onltr tint xxo slnll ho panl fur (XPI) ptuunl
in tl 1, ivupt xxlnt mix- lustl) ho allntxiil
in ilotK.uo foi iiIii-p Hills .'in mil jit .110
1 niiiiali lit In lixx- iiotv on I lie klitlile- of nur
i-l .1 1 ! for the I'lt'tt nf tlio hitimiiiiuiH
mn. u-
Xiitx, gpiitlrniin, in I'Dii'Iileiallon of llio ahuxo
f.nt, mil liPllexiiu ll il xxo ,110 oulilleil It, ilu
pinlii llmi ot ihe slule, xxo ,1.1, that ton ills,
iliiio Ihe lonuuillto fiom furl lit r 1 on-iili lallen
of dip hill, ami uixo the hills tour -nppml nml
pi.- upon tin m l.ituiililx. Wo 11 -1. ilii', til xoiir
Iniiil, In the n line of .1 ij-t miilllliiili' of nun
xxliii 1. 1111 tlieii In 1' hI In tlie of Unit
luoxx ilntxii In tlio liutxi'N of llio enlli amlil ilni
j.t is miu ami ini-ttn in niilir .y xnu ami xour
fimilli's, xxitli nllii'i.-. mi) line I lie pnxxit. uul
xx.iimlii nf coil ilillin' Hie kt'i-oim lint inine anil
Hoping lint this Mill niei I xxllli ttmr laxnr
ahle iniislili'i.lliiiii, xxo ,110, llcpi'i Itullt,
T, II Milmlls, .lolm T. n.inp-e.v, II. VV.
Coiiihlitlit, 'Ihoiins l.lexxlljn, lluiry follim, P.
(i. liallau'hir, .lolm I'.ilie, 'Ihnmis ,1. Ilklianli,
.1. T W'lllluus, .Vnll, 1.11 lie Commltlct', I ni
hil Vllno VV 11 hi r- f Viiieilta,
Contempt of Couit In Bijuery Cases.
Tluee Lawyeis Sentenced.
llx Cxilihlio H r fioni 'llio Vs-ntjilnl Press.
Honolulu, Alay L'S. via Pun Francisco.
Last Satlllday tluee of the best
known lawyei.s of Honolulu- iiepeial
A. S. Ilni (well. W. A. Kinney ami S.
AI, Halloll weie sentenced lo thllty
da.vs In iail fop contempt of couit by
Judge llunipluejs in the liivesilgit
tlou of the chat go of bribery made
against the Hawaiian legldntuie. Tlm
allot ney.s attempted to icad and Hie
III lliiinphiey.s' couit an allldavit lo
show th Judge's peisoual bins against
K'dltor Smith of the Advertiser, who
was Indicted by the ginnd jury for
pel jury.
lletoro they leached the prison all
weie lele.tsed by pmdon by Acting
(lovernor Cooper.
. .. . . .
Tillman Withdraws Resignation.
fly i:ulu,xo Wiip fioni 'tin? A-iii.UPil 'ir,i.
Coluinbla, S. ( , Juno 5. -initoi 'lillm.ui,
prol el In,; ajiiii-t llio udxciiioi'.s ilzhl In icjttt
the Kiiatorlal rciiiutlunt, lus xxitluliaxxii liU
Weather Indications Today!
t (IpiipiiiI -Ainrrlcmi DpIiichIcs Iliti'piPttpil 'In
Ill imp (Jpuprnl Wood for Culiui Muitdlf.
liipld Trnnull Hills l'.es tlio tlmi'i'.
Miners Make n Final lllfnit tu ll.ixe I.pkIj.
Iitlon I'jmciI.
a t'ailiondalo ppparliiiriit.
a Kocil l'roif(liia of Hip educational Contest,
I IMiloilal.
.Soto unit ('eiiimnil.
fi bntal TIip Stliolni'lilp In Sxx.iitlimore.
0 Loral -Will Itfcoulpr .Molt- Iteslsn?
llllllolt on the Slaml.
hlllkcts Stop Work on N'pxx- 'lrollp.x Koail.
7 I Sriotul I'le'litleilm flniich Heirs Dr.
ItiibiiMon' Itcsiunillnn.
i-pilni,' Meeting of Wouitii ot tlio Aidnloa
tonry. S Loral-West Vranloii ami Sulniihin.
1) -XoillirKtirii I'i nnnlxania. ami ( unitiii iciil.
Ill Lou I and l.ihor.
David Thomas Perhaps Fa
tally Injured by An
thony Thomasaske.
David Thomas, a nlneteen-vear-old
young man, employed as 11 dilver lu
the Arehhald mine of the Delaware,
Knckavvanna, and Western company,
was hit on the head csterday with a
pick by Anthony Thomasaske, nnd at
a late hour last night was In a. pre
caiious condition. Dr. Ar. II. Olm
stead, who is attending him, feais he
will not recover.
Thomasaske Is n laborer, nml was
employed by David Kv.ins, n miner.
Thomas took n car into the chamber
usteiduy morning and became en
gaged in a ciuanel with the laboter,
which icsulled in the hitter grabbing
a pick nnd driving the point of it into
Thomas' head.
Tlie latter fell unionseicius, nnd
Tlioinasaske fled from the mine by
means of a nuile-w ay, followed by Uen
j.tmin F. Fern, .lolin filynu and David
Kvmis. Thomnsjiske was finally cap
tured at his home in Sibley nnd taken
to the mine in one of the company's
wagons, vvlieie he was questioned by
Foremen Thornton and Harris. He ad
mitted hitting Thomas with the pick,
and was then sent to the Taylor Jail,
where he was turned over to Tlurgess
(.iiilllths, who committed him to the
county Jail to await the lestilt of
Thomas' injuries.
Thomas lives with his patents, near
the Aiehbiild mine. n
Anthony Puntical, of 1019 Brook
Street, Run Over and Fright
fully Crushed.
Anthony l', of 101!) Hiook
stieet, vvns tun over by a tt alley cur.
on the Stone avenue line, last night
about 7,1," o'clock and Instantly killed.
He stinted fiom the city 011 a Stone
avenue car, which was somewhat late,
nnd as the car was turning from Hem
lock street Into Stone avenue, anolher
car was seen nppionching which was
bound tor the city, The conductor of
the outbound car theieiipou teveised
his tiolley and the car started hack
for the Intei.-ectlon of I Mt t s toll avenue
and Hemlock to char the tiack for Ihe
Inbound car,
Puntical was standing on the icnr
platform as tlie ear went outwanl, and
this became tlie limit plattoim when
the ti alloy was icveised and Ihe car
tinned tnwaid the cltv. As soon as
the ear got under headway, after Its
course was dlieeted tovv.iiil I'lttslon
avenue, I'unllcal tiled to get off. He
did it in a somewhat clumsy iiiauner,
and wus w hilled uhoiil and tliiown 011
the rails illicitly lu Hunt of tlie
w heels,
'Pit,, cut it.wmtil nliit' llt.1 lmilv I'lltrttl-
1 - - ...-
fully crushing his chest and vital or
g.tus, Tils neck was also biokou and
Ills tight hand loin off. I'uilei talxer
Cuslck removed the body to his
morgue, whole Coroner Huberts em
panneled the following Juiois, who
viewed tlm leinitllis; K. F. Squler,
Alexander Thompson, ,T. F, AlcDon
nugli, P, W. Voting. J, F. Mitchell and
U. J. Flaheity.
Political was a man led mail, who
has a wife and four chlldien lu Poland,
Ile lived with his two bint hers at Hid
number on Hiouk sheet given above.
The ear vvns in chuige of Conductor
AlasleiN mid .Mnlniman Thomas
Shoots Wife and Daughter nnd
Then Commits Suicide.
Dy Kxclushe Wire 'rem "(he Associated VreH
Al'itcon Mo., June fi. Ill mi II)! of
tpinpoiuty Insanity today Kuglueer
.James Slut oy killed his wife and IS-aeai-old
daiightor while they .slept.
Sunny calmly walked Into the stieet
and meeting a neighbor told what lie
had done.
lie then drew a levolvcr and com
mitted hillside.
Mrs. McKinley'a Condition,
tl) Lxelu.lxc Wire from Flic Aoctoted Ptm.
Wa.liiiiitton, .limp .. -Pi. Ilixex made Ills ll.-usl
iiialnl) x-it In tlio xxhilf iloil-o klinill aflir I)
o'fk'tk and iimalurd atmul an uui and 4 half.
On leaxins he Jnl: ")r. VI. Ivinle.x is it'-lini;
mt) toiuloiijlil) uutx, .-In- has gained a little
this extnln.', hut 111111? Is nu nuiUd cbangc.
Mn. U doini verj xxilb."
fln flttcniDt Is Now Belna Made to
Fix the Blame lor Trouble
on General Wood.
Secrotaiy Root's Objection to Con
vention's Resolution Not Received
Until After Voto Had Been Taken.
Poor Mail Service Prevents the
Governor Qenetal from Keeping
His Woi'd Tho Consetvatives Not
Hopeful of Holding in Line the
Fifteen Delegates Who Voted in
Favor of the Resolution Affectinp;
Relntions with the United States.
11) liilitslic Wile I111111 'Ilie ,"oclltnl l'ir-s.
Havana, June fi. Tin. olllclnl Instrtii -linns
limn Washington regaidlng tlie
I'l.itt iinienilment have not nnlved.
The ilelav Is causing annoyance to
(eneial Wood, lie pioml-ed the ccin
Ventlnn that It Shntlld have the letter
en Tuesday, and it meeting wa.s called
for this aft") noon to discuss the docu
ment. The poor mail .service has long been
complained of by business men hei c.
In this instance IL has brought the
question to tlie forcible attention or
the military atithoi itles. It is said
Hint a lessuniptlon of tlie Monday nnd
Wednesday muii has been otdered.
The Conservatives ate not hopeful nf
holding in line the fifteen delegates
who voted in favor of the lesnliitlon
affecting tlie lelations with the t'nited
Suites. At seveial meetings thete has
been discission tending to embittei
them. They believe they have not
been used fairly, and insist that they
ncted In Kood faith nnd with the un
ilerslnndlng that the t'nited Slates
would accept the amendment as
The first chart was i(ol sent to
W.i-hiagton. At the loqtiest of Piesi
dent Capote, General AVood asked
Sceietaiy Hoot If the amendment
could be accepted with the explana
tions added to the clause. Secretary
Ttoot wlied' "No, better accept it
without." The leport wa.s then
changed, the oils Inn I amendment be
ing accepted, with the undoistnndlng
thai it would have the Interpretations
given by Seeietary Itoot. General
Wood wlied the lepoit to Washington
on Sunday. That was the (list ftll
icpnrt sent out. Seeietaty Root tele
gidphed on Titesdav. iust after the
convention voted on it. Washing
ton could not accept the objecting In
tel pietatinnn mul explanations.
At a meeting of the fifteen yester
day evening, it wa.s said that Geneial
Wood told the committee up to tho
I.isi moment that the Culled States
was satisfied.
The Latest Crusade Started by the
Municipal League.
Agent Hubert Wilson, nf tlie Munici
pal league, last night 111 tested Cliailes
ll.iltle, a woll-knnwn coloied man, nil
the dim ge of aiding anil abetting .1
dog light, which is said to have been
pulled nil' in .lessup on .Monday night.
Iinttle was leinuuded for u fin tin r
healing bv Alaglsiiale Millar.
Agent Wilson s.i.vs that Hie tight was.
to have been pulled oil In I'llcebutg,
but Ilia I the anival of himself and
sevral of his deieetives pteveiited It
lu-t lu the nick of time, llcsays that
theie weie seveial local cniistablcs ami
special olilters, and at least one euun
i iliiiau, lu ihe delegation ft mn this city
who weie ptosout.
Tlie crowd yot llio best of the
.Municipal Iciigucis. how ever, fur while
they pieteniled to disper.-e they simply
moved up to .lessup ami llieie had tho
light. All. Wilson says that U.ittle'n
dug was botiibly wniiudeil and that It,
sillfeied agony.
Veulict of tlie C01 oner's Jury in tho
Miller Case.
Theie was an Inquest last night hi
Hie case of little IJIIen '.Miller, the tlirec-
.veur-old duiigliter of Air. nnd .Mis.
.liilin .Miller, nf drove stieet. who was
iliow lied v in the Knckavvaimn liver
Tuesday morning, The Inquest was
held In the coin 1 hou-e, ami the. Juion
weie chailes Wiggins. William Mar
tin, .1. F. .Mitchell, John Itlchards, II.
F. Sculler and Itltliind rnvls,
Tlie only witness examined was John
Christ, 11 thlitceu-yenr-old hoy, who
saw the body In the river uear the gas
house ami ciiirled It out. Coinner Hub
erts eplnlnei the cause of death and
gnvo the statements made by the par
ents. Tlie verdict was to tho effect
tluil tho child met death by accident
ally falling Into ihe ilver.
Marriage of Judgo Brewer.
Ily l'Trlinlvp Wlie linn I ho Associated 1'iw.
Iliiilini'.lt'ii. M . Iiiiie fi - lii'liie llnuii, of Hit
I mini -i'H me tuiiii, ami Mi-s I nii'i-i
Miiiol Mott xxtie 111 until this alit nei.'ii.
l.oc il data f i- .lime 'I, l'U:
llilliat It'll ptialilll'
lime.-1 itiu 11 1I1111' ,..,
l dcneel
in tie; lee
Iti'laliie llmiiitlit)!
s a. 111 (VI per t cut.
S p. in IVJ ptr 1 'in.
I'lfilpitalinn, '.'I liouis ended t p. in, licit -;
xxeallm, ileal.
-f -f
)- Waslilnston, .lane 5. I'orftait for
-- 'llunsda.x and I'mli): I'anern I'enniyl. s-
s vanla-MiOtxers and cooler 'Ihursda), with -
s piohahly thunder .loom. triday, oool. f
11, xxllli klmxxei; Hull I" bdik loutU. sV
s (ily xxindi. sV-