p "! .. -ni' .iT'H ( iVci it itrrtVf't'(m nCI TV' JimTta ff.TFW?t:-!. "'T ' 4555 V".' 5i$S,',RsprJS''',u',' CJ?iTfiS 5V ji V TJlti-SCirViNTOJS TKlJJL'iSIM'KDXIilSDAV, JCXE jyoi. j, T ' -y". unvv-.! .t v).,,3J4t7;fP'i?TS,'i " ' ' t ! ixxxxxxxxxxx; the Mounttv itAnnwAnn srons rciCES REDUCED l?or the balance of this week we arc giving our friends an opportunity to' buy a good Lawn Mower, at reduced prices. "All Day" pa tern moweis 14-inch, special price $4.25 16-inch, special price 4.75 i8-inch, special price 5.25 Foote & Shear Co. JI9N. Washington Ave :ooooooooooc I I THE ORIENTAL. Extraordinary Sale of Cdf Glass Seconds. I mni i nit cl is- iinnufiUuin f ' t IImmI ir u'i , r linr vonnrit a hici i Ktltnt lit ( t flio spnMii j tut w in , 1 1 i ii 4 ftoni i in mile a-c tit i pun i li"l hi culi 1m i lie i i- t slight 1' i' tint onM nlv ilhit t tl en of in op n, I ut lid h pin ihlt it t tt In in ; U li I i. hi ! -. .( (1 I Mi iii'(i uo t iHh it h ti-l In nut nil! inmi tt f -.Ink he in (tut til'h- hi sntil unlit lii mMiiin. t il nit i,b- ic f i 75c. A Real Child's Store Viu will llii'l Hit (Kiiu!jr Miles of the In hi iI.IIIiiii llu Itiis-Tin III. ii- illi IN nl I III nniiii mlpU'it- Vivi-t lluiu III III' I'lllltl-" olt, ltll hltl-tt! riillu-. t-h il 1p ii(s with iipa itbliniis in I ninkli., mil lie ilttus cpnl ir lii h i m M dcLti- nn will If urIVfti ml In luliiu in sin I un,, llu u'h llinu- ioi i Inliliiii Vt Ji 510 Spruce Street. mmm'mn I It 1 1 1 in n mill ns i pi Mil In cmII tt vnnr i mo in I ihiii pun ill Inimli im- inv iiiinv ii Mml i I lui (i ki.li until i lliulli Biiii u no lackawanna aundry ooooooooooooooooo :; Sooial I Gossip ooooooooooooooooo Mi .Iuiil.it. i Klein, the ilmiKlit"!' (il Joseph Klefu, ol I3i ttj -Heel, Xuitli Mi. intuit, its last evoniiiR united in nnini.tKe ti Di. .John Tumi bull Dow 11111.7, (it dll .letfeison ave lllii, .it tin- Kim Paik Methodist 12!m upul i lunch, bv tin- patriot, llov. 1 Ji (' Al. liiltln. The ipionion.v wa-, pel fui inetl in tlie piest-iuo ol a l.ne niimbei nl li lends anii lol.itlvei of lliilll bliile it till Kioiim. The t lull t ll was llttiiiclv (leeui.iteil, l.n b umtsec nt palms lioiiifi in tlstluillv li.ttiKeil in limit (il tho alliit. At S o'clock the bililul pion'sslon i n tetcd the cliuit.il in tlie I.olioiiKlin WPildin,; iiiauli, ilaeil .it the oifitiu b II, l. Illlllnuislci. Tlie hi Hie woiu llslit mulle on tu line, ti limned with iluihi"-se lute mid culled a bouiiupt nf 1 1 oa in K"os. tjbo was atleiuletl by Alls-, Hluubelli llauleiibeiKll. who woie blue iiiulle anil laiiiul pink lusts The siooiu was an iiniiianltu b I'liilln li. lit Ululate, oC New oTiK, and tlie uMiei-. iu'hi All. lliiidiuvr, ol lti lui) Hie, All. llunle, ul I It ait I.aKe. Alt, Ueiin, ot" AlilwiiuKee, WI-., and All, Niieh, ot this ill). Kollow llifr Hie (Qieiiiiuiy the AIpikIoNsoIiii iii.u t'li wis placd ,m a ieie-.-iouiil Dt, and AIM, nowuliu; lelt the illy l.i s-t iiIbIh hip .N'rtv Tnik, nnd In the i out be of tliflr bildal lour will at( ml llie lonimeiKillieiu eseulses l'lilHPlotl IIHlVOMltV, m, wlmli DuwnliiR lM u Ktndiiule a I Hi. Amons: tlie out of tll iiiuihts pih at the wedding wpio 1)i. "ll-, IIi'uU nnd Ol, mni Alt.s pies. and Mitt- thews, of Wllke.-Haiie; Alts. Olmile Cool, Alii, V. 1. lllbbs, Alls F, AI. .lolinson, .Mi. Muiy lauoiy .ind'Alls-, AI.ikiiIio, or West Pltlhton; AI. Luutti ulsBfiy mni wu, John, or Kingston, Nm nmn Downing, of Bufialo, Auum' tlu Rue-l.i nl tlie dinner shen Alonilaj mIkIU In HauUliuis bv ibAemoi W, -A. Htuno to tho jiihtbes of tlm fsupiomo eouit weio Judge. ?, AV. Aichliulil, ot tho I'cdotul loiitt, am) Deputy Atioinej Oentiul r, W, rialii, At Ht. Potei'b i'atlH'dial e?tenlay inowiiiiK. -Atlfis Oallu'iino (ioidon, duusbttr of Alih N'oia iloidon, of (Mr bnii HQPt,wuf mail led to AI,,r. O'AIal ly, of Helleue, by Je, J. A. O'Hellly, Jlisp tioulon was uttemli'd by Allbs An iilu l!llloef,cly, mid the gioom by 1. i l.uiian. The cuieinony was peti'otnieil by Itev. J. A. O'Kellly, who also tele buitcd a nuptial mass. As inn biidal paity enteied tho ihuich the l.oheiisiln weildlng- muuli was plnjed by Piot. Helil HIiikt, and nt the olfcitoiy Alls. AValsh buns "Ao Alalia." As a icccssloniil the Mendel fcnhn 'weddliiK' mm eh us plaed. A leceptlim uipI weddlnpt bieakfast 'was t-oncd at the home ot tho bible's mother artci the tPiemniiy. Aljb. O'.Mnlloy Is u tliaimliiff and rul luicd jouiik woman, and hot husband ' nna r.f the eltV'S toiemo.'t nun 33 Gruerver & Co. I B 205 Wyoming Avenue. B btielneis men. Tor soierat yo.it a he was plumbing Inspector, having been nppolntM to the ofllco bv Alnyor Hnlloy. Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Mnlloy will npend their honeymoon nt Hie Pmt-Ametloan ev position, yingaiu Tnlls nnd the Thou sand Isliimls. Kdwln A. (Icoigi! was Inst hIkIU fliilotly nun i led lo Allss (Icilimlc 12. Terwllllger, ibiiiglilfr nf Mi. and Mis, Jumps 1'. 'lViwIlllgi'i, of Penn avenue, nt the pinsounge of the 1'eiin incline I'hliith bv I he pastor, Kev, Oi, Itobeit C Y. Plplte. Tim bi Ido ws attPiided by Alls, lltliu Wlllaid, while, the Rioomsiiiiti was Jtohpil riact. The iiitiple lelt on a pliint wedding tilp Tim follow lug oIIUpis weie last pciiliig pIci ted at n meeting of tin imppil.it Chaittaliiiiiii eliele held al the lesldenie of O H rliee, of &1T Quint y axpnile. Piesldelil, l). I'. Hybpp! lcp ptpsident. Mis 11. A Capwpll: spdpiniv, Alts 13. C. Dean, lieasuipr, Alts, , ,. Hull lle. 1)1. C. Al Ollllli, of the IIIlii Paik Alelhodlst llplscopiil duilcli, jps tetdav man lid Allss Mprthn M. Hlexens, of llptnloik Hollow, lo H Al. Woodward, of Dunmoie. The ump lnotn was pel fm mod at thp pin soil age. Itev. and AIM. t.utlti i tless Waling will hold nn Infoimal leieptlon at thplr lesldeiice. 62. Pieseott aemie. tomor iow e pnlng. A cm dial welcome is ox lendpcl to all the membeis and fi lends of (li ne Lutheiaii chincli to attend. Mr. anil .Mm. .lames h Toiipv an iionncp the eiiRngemeiu of their daugh tei. Allss ATiuy II. Tone. to A. 12. Pitch, of Ca.cmnia, X. Y. PERSONAL. All.- 1 til 1 1 While, ol Ihc po-lofhio li it (IcIMs lult- Mi (. riinnilii. lio hi? lieni cn ill Hie pi-t two ril, I? lowlt i.oiciin' Hi IfmliliiiM inrl lfi', nt .Soulli Allin niiiiii, in M-illns in (l il nl iml l'l li hull tnmniiiu is M llihi, (f Sew n, li iihnj lict iliucliln- Ml- Witlc an I i II In, if ."I I M nli-i n neinic LITTLE GIRL DROWNED. Daughtei of Mi. nnd Mis. John Mil ler Fell Into the Kiver at Paik Place. Ah .mil AIM John Allllu lle on C.tmo suet, Paik Plain, close to the Uiik.iwanii.i iiei, whh h Hist now is unusiiiillv high on noi ounl ot the re itnt lams A'esteidriy mottling llieir f(iu-eai-olil ilaURhter was pl.uing dose to the ilci, when the ueaiheious bank g.ne .ij and the little one was thiowii Into the stie.iin The UP-hlng watei can led her swilt lv along with it, and some boms latei a bo named John Chi 1st found the bci(l of the little one i.iught on a shoal siiol in the 1 1 i'i at the gas bouse Tlie coionei was notified Tiid the bodv tiuneil oet to Undei takei Cusjck, who piepaied it lot httiial and then took it to the Allllei limni Alls Alillet had misled the dilld fiotu about the bou-e, but bad no thought of its fate until infm med tint the botl of her little one had been found In thu lhei. Coioner Hulieits iewiii the leiuains esl(idnv afteinoou, empaneled a fill v, mil will hold an mnuest in the case in the torn t bouse at ; o'clock this e Pil ing SUPERINTENDENTS MEET HERE Aie in Consultation, with Ofliceis of International Schools. 'I lie sexenttenth annual ronsention ot tlie Mipeiintendents ot the Intel na tional Coiiespondeticp schools was (ailed to otdpr lestetday morning In Malta hall in the (itiemsev building bv Pipsident T .T. Postet, with only p.ut of tho entile lotce piesent. Otheis ai iled dining the atteinotiii and night, and it is rpeiUP(i that about twenty will be In attendaiK" this morning. Thev lepiesent the entile i (imple ment of supeilntendents whose Held l .inges ti om Boston to Seattle, and up In Canada, to Toionlo Tho lomen t lou is ptnelv of a business natme, the supeilnh ndenls nieotin" with tlie heads of the illfleient depai tinents and talking oei plans lor the lomlng year and distusxing minus Innmations and impiovemeiits Piisident Fosin made an intiiest Ing addiess psteidav moinlng, and In Hie atteinoon a speech by Assistant Manager C. J. AYailwmth pioed hltrh h Inteiestlng. The coineution will be in M'sslon tour duH. Kiiilay being the last, Tonight Hie tlsltots ii J(. tM teitained at Oueilisey hull, the st hool's IMiKtitlouiil and Henelltial assoeiatlon halng auaiiRed an Inteiestlng pio gianime. The list of Mipeiintendents follows: Assistant in.iiinL.er. .1. II. Kelcbeit, ot tlie Cential Pi niisj Iwmiu. dlstiiet; MipeilutenilentH, i: ,). Hiooks, Jiart luul, (Vmn.i Chahnei.s Ululi, Sun Plan lisio, Cal.i .1. H. Cook, .Seattle, Wash,; II, P. Chapman, Washington, D, r, C A, HaiKock, Philadelphia, Pa,; .Vm man Poster, Hullalo, X, v.; , j, Posiei, CiiiPinnutl, O,, It. T. Plshet, Poitlanil. Ale; lieo. Kiamei. PlltsI blllg, Pa , C. i:, laiwionee, .Sjtauuse, X. Y. 1. A, l.aiei.s, Chicago ; II. Al. I.iwn, St I.ois, AIo ; If. 1.. Haillett. Mostoii, Alass,; K. I. Hull, Toionto, tint., Canada; I. It .Sinner! Xow Yoik, X. Y.i llauy Jones, Clove, land, o. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. I tank I iitniik, ot llir.-ni (ouit, vv u 4iicl.r vitIiiiIiv it tho litetance of Mm Maiy 'dotoel,!, lni ilmstil In m with illsoulctly ibiidiitt ami u-inlt ami Intuit, Alior a licaiini; MauWratc VI llJI lict inn! lonvintitl dial Iho )irnoculu via dliout m much to blame as the uVfiwUtit, ulioin In iit ell upon p.i.Miiint of IIiq tn.ts llioiius il-h, of I'Jni lliook, a-i.J llavlil Juliu nn, ot J mil's mml, v eio (cniinllUd lo tlio nuiiti Jail lir thirl rlns (stiila bv Ma(,l Had' Millar mi the iliaigc ot UiunU ami illvn dub Jiiaili Itnn.-.ii. of Noilli s,, rjiiloii, wj uiu'H nl i. -u I du at llu) iuliim( of (ail nine Dillet, ulo ihuti licr nii pointing tin. mm ld i nan iMi.aon, If loi e whom the (Jie ua. tile J, UKchjreil Ihrt rIoni, Mliciiiiion lie Mas aalji aiiiitril at tho instance of Daiul Dailcj on Ik tluiM- ot adiilui 'IhU, ton, (oultl not he t'luoii uml ilie vas j;-jiii ili.ihjri.Ml THE DAY'S ACCIDENTS. Jiniti (aciiill. an uiiiloc al tlia JMawate lackawamia ittitt Wi'ttin coniiaii 'i iiiihine ihtp-., luihrd tic.Ur.unt jfstuilj at the Mout 'la lor liopiut for a li-ull biul.-nl and twollen liaitj. He cl limed that le ui slniik by an incandescent light zqW thiowii at liiiu tluouijh an oiieu window. I'euy llubnU, a 13 jcjt oll ho.. fell liom lib tiit jele in iiont oi llillenlendti't ttoie ulillc ill1. Ine down HinMlii aieiuc last ciuiinf, lie iijj removed to the Lackawanna )utlul. nhcie tuo bonu ol bb kit foicauu were found to be biolcn. RECORDER IS HOME AGAIN DID NOT HAVE AN AUDIENCE WITH GOVERNOR. Called on the Chief Executive Mon day but Pound Him Engaged nnd After Thnt Until He Left Hnnls burg the Recorder Wns Engaged. Did Not See Senator Quny Either. Had n Tnlk with CongiessiuimCon nell Yesteiday Moinlng Thui s dayrixed foi n Heating. Kci older James Molr letuitied at S.I" o'clock last night finm Hanlablllg, V hither he went. Alondav moinlng. with tho announced Intention of taking a hand In the passage of the A'atlghau tmiiplkp bill, chilli ass up bofoie the house committee vcsteiday. The lPcoider wal met at the Lacka wanna, station by his pilvatc secie taiy, Hail.v C. Hatton, Supetlntcndpnt or Police Holding, chlct of the Pile Dopm tnipnt Zlrelmiiun and t'ltv Ue tcctlve Moll. Scctetaty llalton hustled his honor ovpi to the Hci anion house, wheip pic Hbeilff C'liailes Robinson, his bonds man, was waiting, and for some little time the ipeoidci and the c-slieiiff wcie closeted lit an upstalis put lui The i p(oi del came fiom the hotil alone, and took a cat to his homo A Til lump man bad an Intel view with him thine soon nttpi his aiilval, but found him PNliemelv uiuonimunlcatlvo legaiding his tilji lie laughed wluii shown the day dis patches telling of his having seen (iov c i not- Stone, and of his Intention of waiting to sec Senator Qtiuv to have Hie seiiatm inleuide tor him "I did not see (Jnvptnoi Stmip. and I did not wait U see Senator Quo." the lopoidm deelaied. "I saw Congiess ni.m Cornell this mottling and had a. long, Itiendlv talk -with hun. ThPie'i no bud lPillng between us Things :up .nnlc.iblv done theie I did i all on the goveinot, Atontlnv. but he was busy and I did not get a talk with him This mottling 1 was with Air. Council, and this afternoon I was busy ai)0ut the heme In the lnlei"st of tho boulcxaid bill " 'Pills was Hie ftent of the humilia tion lh' uioidei gave of his tilp Tile ssoil.itid Pi ess dispalcliPs lat right announced tint iho govetnor bad llp(l Thin sdav moinlng at 1t o'clock as the time foi the hennng of the petition of the Al'inicipal league for Recorder Aloti s tomoMil It Is undPi stood tho iccoidei will be piesent. either in poi son oi bv counsel to defend himself Citv Solicltoi C.euige Ar AVatson, who nccomp inled the ieoidpi to llaitis buig, did not letuin list niglit The beating on the boulevaid bill was con tinued until 7 o'doek last evening, and he in consequence could not gel aw a v. Hon, C. P. O'AIallev was piesent with All. Watson and the lecotder to in go the passage of the bill Opposed to them weie AY. S Diehl. attotnev for tho Piovidenio and Miington Turnpike compiny: IT. H. I'aine, Its incsidotit, and R. V. Ackptlv and J. AV Tllfany, two tesidents of Ablngton. TWO FEMALE BURGLARS. Viigie Daily nnd Agnes Cannon Committed to the County Jail by Aldeiman Millar. Tlie latest ciiminals to be caught In the tolls ol the liw aie two alleged female hmghiM, A'ltgie Dailv and Ag nes Cannon, bv name The foimei lives in cl.uk's Summit and tho lattet, whoso homo is In Ilayleton, has been staving with hei foi Mime time Hoth ate voting gills huelv ovei JO m.us old They wue m tested on Alondav night at the instance of Alts. Jennie Meis and Aliss I.ou Deckel, also of Cl.uk's Summit, and weie given a beating betote Alagistutte Alillai ves tPtila.v. nvideiue was ofleied to hluivv that the two rIiIs had eliteud Mis. Aljcis' house one night last wielc when she wus awav. bv bie.tklug in a door. The whole plate was iitiisackod and a kit ge amount of goods taken awav, intituling sevei.tl dteses, skitts and shht waists belonging to Alts Alyets and Allss Decker, and canned goods valued at "SIO. .Some of these Roods wcie found In the posst.sslou of the ghls, who wpip committed to the i oun tv jail bv the in.igistttite in default of VM bail each. Hoth the voting- women have been In mates of the House of the liood Shep heid and aie well known In this ilty. CRUELTY TO A CHILD. Mr. and Mis. Sheimnn Chaiged with Malh eating Their Little Boy. Air. and Alls. Joseph Slieiiuan, ot r.17 Klin stieet, weie auested vestei day at the lnstmuo of .Mm, y, li DtiRgan, iihent lor tlie Associated Charities, on the chaige of eiuelv maltieallug thelt llve-eai-old little boy, The waived a healing and en teted ball In the sum of f'OO e.u h It Is chaigPd that the (hlld has heeu leirlbly beaten hoveial tlntch and that on ono p.utlcular oecaslnu It vas sttuck over the taco with a piece of wood lontulning nulls, The matks made by these nails could bo seen upon its face yesieida. Stnoko the Poiouo Se elRar. The National Pure Food Co. will domonstiatp their soups this week. If ou am Intetested In Pl'ltC poop pnonucTS, we mmii i.e glad to liuvo you tuko time to In (iilro of tiu ileiuonstuiioi, Allss hlvlugloii, A'e ponsldec these houps the best AYe have sold them 10 eais. AYe have a "spe cial sale pihe'1 dm lug the demon stratlon. Their Is nothing nicer in hot weather than X. P. V. C'o.'s Houillon or Consomme, seived cold. E. Q. Coursen 4'20 Lackawanna Ate. A WONDERrUL EXHIBITION. That Is What Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show Is, In no nlliei (ivlilhllloii ever piusetlled to the public can be seen siteh studies In I'inioxUltiiilsiii as in Huifiilo Ulll's Wild West tit this itieiu, us lit no other pltep evpt known, can bp seen at one time lepipspiilntlvp pilmlllve hoi semen ul the woild Hltsslau Cos sinks, lilfthiii Ainlis, Aiiiptltau toW bos, and tppiesiiitatlv',e hot semen finm Mevlco, all vet liable inasteis of the hoisc, dating, dashing, nnd ginte ful lldeis peiforniliig leats of eiittes tllaiilsnt Impossible of copy bv ally Imitatois. H Is a iiiohI cmnptelieti "Ivp exlilbliinn of (iiiestilanlsin, com. PiIhIiir not onlv these pilinlllve tld pis, but uKii mllllaiv lldeis of the I'nlled .Slates, (.let man nnd ihigllsh eavaliy, whose ti ill tit nt dlsplny ot mllitmv mm fluent und lioisptnanship Is a spei hit leatuie of tho eilteitalu menl, While eveiv man In the Wild West Is an epett i Ider, tlinl does not con stitute the entile exhibition, for all the evpltlng, pleluicsciue und novel teatutc's of past jears me .till rp talned, and many otlipr specially ut ttactlve leatllies have bppti ndded, notably a sltlillv aecuiale leprescii latlon of the bnttlp of Tlen-Tslu, or Hip teller of Peeklu by the nllled loices, nnd n faithful lUustiatlon of Hie wmk of the Const nttmd Life saving eotps, given bv nipii nctuullv engaged In that pel Units occupation. 'Pile management IipIIpvps, and light fullv so, that such nbfpct lessons -will bp fm mote Indcllblv Instinctive thnn the penpal nf hlstotlos oi books of ttiuel can ever bo to students of nnllnopology. This city will be unustmllv fuv cued tills your. The show has decided to i.inccl Its Wllkps-Tini re engogempiit lot Ptldnv and will show bpro on l1tl dav night und agnln on Snttud.iy af teinoou and night. The pnrnde will be given Satmday moinlng and will be kd bv Ituffalo Bill In poison. CAVE AWOKE SLEEPERS. Also Distuibed n Laige Amount of Surfnce at Bull's Head's Fam ous Red Barn. A i.ive-lu .inciting about 10,000 sqii.iio lcel of sin face oictiiicd jestcr dav moinlng about I o'clock in Bull's Held, Not Hi Setaulon. A gicat deal of damage was done, tho gieatest be ing the tin owing out of plumb or about one-li lit of the (clebtated "Red Bam," in the ie,u of Thomas' hotel. This "Ited nam" Is a long building which was at one time used as a sta ble, but which was com cited into a tenement about ten enis ago It Is populated onthelv bv Italians and it Is said that about 1",0 peisons belonging to neat lv two stoic families weie asleep beneath its loot when tho cave in oi i tilted Theie had been ominous ciackllugs licaiil dining the eulv p.ut of tho evening, but thev weie not he.nd ivith alnim When the iac inclined the whole southern cud of the "Red Bam" settled ovei a foot in an instant, wak ing up eveiv shopet and ci citing a pandemonium oi women's shtieks, babies' shtill cues and men's l light ened oaths Thoie was a wild lush mtide foi the open alt and seveial pe-Mous nauoiv lv es(apcd falling into the huge holes In the giound to the south of the house ue.tted by the cue Theie weie tluee oi these holes, the l.ugest being mulct ono c ot net of the bain, owned by John J Thomas ptopiietot of Hotel Thomas, which fi outs on Xmth Alain .uenue ni'iu the "Ited B.u n " This hole is about font teen lect in diainetei and about fifteen feet deep. II timid mined a laige poition ot tho foundation ot the bnin. Fiom the hole I'Nlendlng In all dh options aie long lls sutes aiving- in width fiom font to i iglit iiu lies 'I'lie Itnllans who occupied the south wing ol the "Ited Ham" lound qu.u tets vestuidav III nn old bam ucuihv, owned bv Xathan Thompson, and heio thev will leside tempoi.ii ilv. The cave Is said to have been caused bv- the limbing ol the plll.us in thp ni.iiucind ein of the Chinch Coal enm p.in.v's mine some veats ago Tlie mine is nmv leased hy Wbltetotd it Tiiin, who have not winked the Dia mond vein since they took possession. The allected poition ol the "Ited Ham' will be tebullt in the neui ru tin e PROTECTION AGAINST EIRE Company Will Be nt Annoiy on Night of the Ball. 'Pile executive lonunittee of the TlilttM'tith ttgiiui tit's lnililtuy ball made appliiatlon to Dhector of Pub lic Sateiy Woituser jestoiduy to have a tii i- companv piPheitt at tho atmoiv dining tlie piogioss ot tho ball, The PbiieiiK eliemlial Kiinpaiiv will ptobahlv be assigned to be on baud as a pieeautloti against (Ik. Captain D, H. Athettoii cluiltnian of lite .sale of tickets i onmilttee, gave a luni In oil to his tommittee In the Setantou i lub looms at noon jester ila, 'Pbe lepoits of the niPiubeth In. dlcato a Lipid sale in all pot lions ot the ill Sub-comnilttee.s won- miiiied l, i boom tho ball In adjoining lines and towns and visit thuso plai es lor that put pose. TOUR OF INSPECTION. Tentheis' Committee Visits n Num ber of Schools, The Uaeheis' cominllUo of the boaid of Kintiol began Its annual lout of inspictlmt ot llu publlo .scliooh esteiday -nioiuliig at H o'cloik, at vvltlch tlmo a Mint was made lit two caiiiagcs fiom tlie municipal build ing. Tho schools In tlie ienli.il ).ut of the city, jn IMno Hiook and In liieeii Itldge, v etc visited, including Xos. J, ii, '.'7, 2S, Ui, 'J I, .r., ru and A. Tliiisu wlio made the tout wcie Ptesideilt lilbboiis, Set'U'laiy 12, l). Pillows, Chafi man lluilcci, ul the ciimmittce, and tho following contiolleis A li I2non, 'P. J Jennings, C .1, l.eimnul and Hlias 12. I2vans. Thu iimimltten will lesumo lis vlsltntliiits op Ptlduy mottling Will Deal In Cotton Duck. It Ruliuh Wlte liom the Aociled Picsa. Iiinlon, N J , June I Ihe I lilted Statu Lot ton Duck coioialion, with an authorized upi tal of -V)u)il, was inurpmakd litio late t li t tlm ultunoon lliu toiiipjii U formed to niaiiii. I.kUiic jiul deal in tollcn joodi ol all klnd. WALDRON, THE HORSE KINO, IS IN TOWN AGAIN. Look for his adveitlsciuent, Tiy thu new So cigar "Kleon." GAINING ON THELEADER LEWIS AND MILES NEARER TO TIRST PLACE, Thn roimer Also Scoies His Tltst Centuiy in the Educational Con test Kemmei or Wins Back Sixth Place Tomoitow an Illustinted Aitlcle Will Appear Telling About Swnithmoie College and Othci Fen tutes A the Contest, - t Standing of the : Leading Contestants j -t- f Points, -f "" 1. Hettiy Schwenker, South Scranton... 120 4 o ....... ....... c 4- . . aueyer cewis. oeiuu- . I ton 101 3. Wllllnm Miles, Hyde 4. Pnik 03 a, f 4. J. Gni-fleld Andei- f son, Cnrbondnlo. . . 76 t 5. August Brunner, ji., Cnrboiulnle 43 G. Trank Ketnmeter, " Fnctoiyvillo 33 "" 7. Miss Noima Meie- 4" dith, Hyde Paik.. 31 t 8. W. H. Han is, Hyde Park 23 4. 9. Ray Buckingham, Elmhtnst 17 f 10. David O. Emery, 4- Winnueis, Pa. ... 7 4- 11. Miss Vidn Pediick, 4- Clnik's Summit. . . 7 - -f -f -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f4------t--f Alevet Lewis gained lour points on Hem.v Schwcnket, the loadet In Ihe 12diitntinn.it i ontest, esteulay. HI" also (tossed the botmdaty lino of the centmv mink. AVilllnm Allies gained eleven points on leivls, liowevet, lor second pljce. and Is now hut iglit points bplilnd that position T'lank Kcnimcioi won back sth pi tee fiom Aliss "vloiedith, and Ilav Biukingliain also made a .good showing The nice i.s commencing to be v ei v Inteiestlng To-inonow tbo.Tilbune will contain an illustiated aitule depleting Swaitlunoie College, its buildings, coin ses of institution ind man "edu cational advantages. Besides tins at tkle theie will be otbei special fe.i tines of Intel est pet t. lining to the lontesi. It Is lo the idv mtage of inv one to (litet now, beloie those .tlicadv i n t oiled succeed in gaining a gt eater lead. A contestant who begins to-day bv sp tiling nine subset ibets at one veai each, would bo next to the veiy head of the list. Foi a full desitlptio.t of the contest lead the adv oi tisement appealing on Hip foiiith p igo For fm diet ltifoi illa tion, ot it deslious of obtaining ii book oi subset iptlou blanks, addiess "IMI lor Bducational Contest, hcianton Tiibune, httanton, Pa" FUNERAL OF EUGENE SMITH. Sei vices Held at the Home of His Mother at Dalton. The funetal ot Hie late 12tuone siiiilili, who a lew- months ago was a lesldent oi the Xoith Setantou section, while emploed at Athoi ton's liveii, and whoso death lesulted fiom being sttuck bv the I. tt kawanna Limited licit Faetot i v ille on Satiud.u aftei noou last, while he vias boat ding a I Anyway I You Look at Knox Straw Hats u n A'ou see that look ot ease In f tho III, that giacetul eouctlncss of itles, moie "fcet-up," longet " weat, and a 'help'' moie com- V f foit, ?! and $1. Kithei tough ur j," V ti tt V X ti Millt bialds, ilosslp sa.v.i that X P.iliantu hals aie to be woiu this .siiinniet. llii' aie homo genu- ti ine South AiticilciH Panamas ' $IJ Pi i mh IMInih. that look like 2. It tt Panama, lot It ss than halt the V pike. It ft.' m JPXtr 80.1 Hk. V ti WMlll . M '4 Id 'A 'A M M M M it ' 'A '4 i "nN THiQUAr s .mmur viHim French Organdie Stationery We me displaying Whiting's line of Fiench Oignndle Papeis which is now complete in seven different shades and sizes and which has become so popular tor fine couespondente. We also have a new and handsome line ot Wedding limita tions which will ceitaiuly inteicst buyeis In this paiticulav line. Many new novelties in box papeis iov the spilng and Mimmei, DnVNTni nC RDAC Stationers and ll I i VLL'k-' Llyvt Oils, Paints MaIon?y Oil & MandfacUiring Company, 141-H9 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 62-2. mm. k CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. fielght Ii Hit on which he was a biakeintiii, oet unci! vestpiduy mom lug Horn tile home of Ills mother, Alls. 1211a Palmer smith, at Diiltmi. The funetal was latgelv alteitded. iimnlig those ptespitt being nian liom Seuili tmi who knew- Und hlghlv Kgaided the deceaspd vottng num. 'Pile set vices weie emidlli ted In JJev. Unbelt 'Phompson, pasiot of Hie llaptisi i hun h nt fJallcm, assisted bv Itev A W. Coopei, of thp AI. H. cliuicb. and l!ev. James Pleldlnp, a well known liapllsl ileigvniau lesldlng In Sti.tn tun, 'Pho (holt ol the liaptlst thin eh sing iintoiig Ilie nunibeis teuditPd be ing "Lead Klndlv Light." and "Abide with Ale" Theie Weie Hiimeiou Dotal plei t s, the testiiiionv of widow ing ft lends lo the meinoiv of ti voiliig man who was well thought of bv nil 'Pbe bodv was taken to tlie Clink's file en (ometciv for liuilnl The pall beat pi s wiie ll.it tv Plnn, William Xoithup, lluniv ritlllln, Ilittiy Walts, Chtules Villi Stouh and llauy Xew lon. IJcsIiIon bis mothei (he decc ised vnung man Is stuvlved bv (wo bt oth eis. one of whom, AYIIhitd, Is em ploved bv M Al. DeWIlt, the pholog inphei, of this eitv, and the other Is engaged in tlie incut, m.uket business on Dickson avenue, this rlt.v. To them in tin it soitow is elended tlio s mpatli of a wide elide of ft lends MR. O'BOYLE'S ORDINANCE. It Will Be Consideied by License Committee Tonight. The license committee of selee t coun cil is to meet tonight to consider the oidlniuice Inttodiued by Select Coun cilman O'Bovle about two mouths ago, ptovidiiig foi a t iv of $100 on paeh of the cus owned bv the Strtnton Rail way c oinpanv. It is geneiallv understood tint tho erntmittee will tppott unfavotably on this oidinance, because tho majoiitv of the membeis feel th?t this Is not a sttf llcicntlj high t.i vhen the fact" is taken into consideration that the Aluehlbionnei bill places no limit upon the amount which may be collected fiom sheet lallvv iv companies in the wav of a lliene ti. Ask for Kellv's union ciaikots The Worry of Buying A hat and the fear of not getting style and value is all taken away when you come to us. Our hats lead in beauty of design and reasonable prices. Two lines of "Made" liats for today. I Made of fine fancy straw and chiffon and trimmed with dainty flowers, at f A( each .T"V II Pretty lace straw and chiffon Avere used in making these liats, for trimming beautiful summer 0& foliage. Kach r Clarke Bros ALL WOOL MniN Suns In md i, li and up I'aiiH s ill ALL WOOL I idhi' suits 10 iinoi Ml Ml in. I up, l.il', ;i i and up Kins: Miller, Merchaiit Tailor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. Engravers and Varnish w You X Cannot Gilcl refiued gold nor paitU the lily. Neither can you get a purer or more whole some beer than BOHEMIAN. 444.f444i 4i t LotiU Arthur Wntre.! Prttidcnl Orlando S. ,lohnon, Vice Prti. Arlhur II; Christ, Cijhler Capital, $100,000 Surplus, $100,000 -4-4-4-f 4-4-4- Couit House Squnie. SCRANTON, PA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts A I IllOltlr I) lit lq rimrtcr lo acefft a- nil iiiinnri- eif IiihIi; tu not Itpcnirr, 'ImkIio, tiimidlin, Adnilnl.lu. leu or I'tctnlor. "T'll. AlJl.ls of Ihli II mk lie prnlott. 1 i'1 t) the- 1 Inline? J.lcetr'c Alaim s.islcni. DIRECTORS I. A. Wntrcs, O. s. Johnioit Wrn. I". Ilallstcad V., P. kin?4btn-y l.vcrctt Warnn Aur. Robinson .loser.Ii O'Brlon 4-4-4-44 4 44 444-4444-4-444 Ground Look ail around the town if you will you cannot find as good quali ties in Negligee Shirts for 50c and $1.00 as are to be had here. Conrad, "A Gentleman's rurnlshing Store." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-32? Penn Avenue. Furniture Facts Tersely Told J HON HUD AND SPRING-Hill sl.'e bud, llimillillKs of heavy btass, heavy stock-, eveellaut woikiiiaiisltip, compiPle with, woven who .spiIiiK -$10,50 value, $5.98 ni'intlUDItATOOH Family fii- he (apiully M) pounds, xea eiinetl Imitlwooil, $7.98 Summer Tlattings. Potil, llttht and airy. Ouh, line was ntni'f no complole, C'UlNKSIl AlATTINd.S Foity aidw tu i oil! wotth JSliU, $3.98 CllINKSU AlATTiXfiS Forty juids to toll, wotth $7f0tf, JAI'A.N'nS!) A1ATT1NUS Worth Sao, a yaiil. .Monday, 22&c CBEDITYOUP CBE,TAINLYI rm CONMjY 231-223-225.227 WYOMING AVENUE. : fl'JJ TRUST G0MPHN1T I f,oh bPRUCR STRlllir. I J3H- Clover ft l Forsy