ir , V:- ?! ir THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1901. - . 'V "r C $cvitfon t(8une I r I' tfompan), .il fifty (.'cnti Month. tino I.IVY S. fllfllAIII), IMIIof. 0. f. ItVMH.I.. llii'lncs Mmtr. Kcw York Oftlm 150 N"' vmt.vs-i), Sulc .Kfnt tor VotVlmi AdVi-lllilniJ. I'llleiril .it tl.c l'.itnir.i( nt Pot.1l.lmi, r-p. oiul CUm MJll MjIIit. IM , us ,. will ."nn!l, 1m TfHmnr l .ilr) l -lintl Mien Hon. lit Mni'l? '' tVli"ti n Elml li) f In- nn t nitvtit li.le. I"'t IH '" hl""r , ,, .liniU I... .Isiie.1. I..r pul.tlrntluii. In !' "r. ' 'inl tunic; .uul Hi" niii'llUon l''V , ' , ,l,a ii-pUm, I, nil iniitrlluitlniii .lull '"' ""il" in union ii iriwti. . ... tin: ri.M' hah: rnu nisi. Tlir Inllmvlhit Mlilo ".hum tin' I'd'''' I"'1 '"V.' mill iii'irtlmi. M'.Hi' I" I"' ""'l wlllilti "in " full I'o.ltlon ,?il ,21 .11 is'. .IS liM'I.W. t i". Unit 'iim 'nili' .7n ilN he, . . l-'Oil " "mi ' i "'i " i-, ,,i, ,,( iiii... KMiminn. i "w'w.rzc. unil flinltir ..iiiliil.titl.iiK In II"- in,,irr. .,i, ipii..iiir flic Tillnm.' iiiiil.ii ilni-n' "' """ f'l!itPp. In," .lVill.lnsr fiiii'l.'"'' m .Ipt'lll lllrtl. TUN PAGES. .--i:.NT".W .if.s'K :.. i!"i. Tin- l'.. lit IMi li.i"lifi III" '' ,'111 "' ,K-1 ! ... :iliM.lnt''l In -i ,,,.v ''" u'"'"t ill I 111. Il.-ll Hi Hi" St"""'!' "' l'"MM.Vl- in. i. Il mul-P" al)'iiliiifl ii''".v H tl f'.ily mi'' -sii.'ii'lU'iiiH nf til" t. i iunlM-l..ii. riu'ii'l"!'- It "itii't I "J I i .u it. I'ropusct! Charter CIuiiirus. -w-w in: pjtiSi'll'.M. fi-.itiii" f til" ne eh.mei ii.iil nii i"iullni? iiiiii'inl a l Unr- ll-llllf,' Mil' ill 111" Kill- vri ...i nf 111" .1.1.. Hill nn iiii..!niiv .Ilnili.r. .1 piiu-t m ii',.'iini .i" - i.rilln.itiii ul'hiiiit aiiM'val "f ciiiin , Us' ami '".I the iiiiiilH'.vliiu f "l" t' ... i. w. iiini It mil v iei-:il-i IN I ,,....- .-' ill. i. .nn. r i.-i ( s;" uil1' . m "i-lii'ii "I H- Ih-i '"! -"''"I ,i .... n Ini-lil-nl il l'".ltlll'- i- lie lie- ti iluhl.-nlni; ..nt hi lln- taiiKl" iej-ai.1-ItiK tin- -.'l.'i-tniii -ni'l '"" pen-all"!! nf lie .lelln-iiieiit ia i ullei lur. Ani'lhet U 'lie nf 'Imilil a" In the te . mil. ,iwM.l.i:i 'l the ein puw.r. ill ril-l'-r She i ll.itlel' III" "-ll Hei di"! liii-- nn pi'V.-ei-. Ill" ,.111. e i- .lllel I lei I. III. At.ll III- elllill'l- nieiiP ai" IK'-il Thai l-'-nm I ill". Hi"" n nn pin ileal,-. r V'..i-iin li" piitlln i. Hi.. ,.vii,.ne nf IIIHielWiIlj; an ; lilin -led- le i alllpeiKII N" tlll'-IVsl ul the pnli 1, Im t'iir!"IH'il tlltnllll ID.iKInt; Hie .iilin- appuiiiHe ami lliele N mie niiml ,.i-t;iiiiielil fin Hi- chiiliRe. Iii.i-iinn-li is llle i-en iil.-r. I llllle el li! pi'U-.i- ul- inilepeuilent mill. I" iliM--ieil with a ifil.ihi i.-puii.-ihillt. "MM- iln iiistml nf eiiy fiiiul-. hi-, liu-lr. in I 111 il-e lln- iMI-...lilf.lll i- .i-seru-il. (.'I 'I'll- wilnie llllent ill Hi" ih.lllei I III -ipil.lte leSl-I.HlVi' fll.ill eeelltl" li. m-iioii-. Thai l."lnK ttne, lliete i- i t.ilnly nn M'.i'Kin why the illin-tm-. l...lllil not he ilee-ll.lllileil III ( limi-Jilll? thill- .li'ni)iilll'.lli . The ini i-inli li" ii'iiinm i until in, ith.ii h. .elii i i-iiiiin-ll i'f Hie .-1' eleil i-erni-ileis' appnintiiient-. n ilinetnis i.1m all I lie illi'il! mi 111'' nppiiinliw power that li neeil.-il. (Ill The pn'--.-nt repe.iliiiK , l.iii-e ill the ripper ,-.-i- hmailei than II.. Minimis fntpmle.l. I'iiiIit tin- ilpper ait in it- piesent Inl III .1 Ilia"- nf w hiile-nllle leu il.iln f.e 'Ill'-" nf llle '-I'lnlll 1-1,1-1 i il.. i led -iln IMI it sta in . lb.- l,i nf I epre-entallon the act in. hlliur Izn'lon nf i-iniin-ila Wil-i lepe.lled. a.-, tor ICKItl.ltilH-, llle l.ltio in i',.)uniiin i-iiiini II, Inl lil-aunti,il nrniin- ;iii audi able in -nt ni- mil ul. ip il lieu f.-ir i--uiiin. u-ni-i"riiu llle refill, Iti 111 unl leliiiulinn builds, authoi I-,:lnn i-min. its m eteiiil ll'llllPIlt W.iler pipes Into lite Led nf llleif-, Condi"liln..llnl nf esl.ite tnl park pilipo.-, ". .mil the tut nlmlixhiu;; the otlico of ilii.i-tnr nf Ihe poor The ripper a No .-Iruel. ilnw n law relntlns to K.nb.';;i . in-pei linn ,.i nie.ii and mill;, inspeciimi i ".iriilatlnn oi' scalps, weights and me.i.-i.ii ". ilie act Providian for the in. -leasing nl' the elty dpht. Urn aet ipIuiIiu in li -! 1 'n .uul I uhlic M-lion, li-niil.ulnn ihe .-lukliu; flllld III", the Civil -e-ii-e ,li- nf !V.!1 lej.-'lliltllin' ll-o llive-tlllelll nl l.,ll,llie" in ihe hiu!inL- t i ml. nUiun powet m iniimil.- m mljii-t Inteii-ii on hnnd-.'li-l pi in iillitK fur Hiell- reilreincnt. Mn't nf all, It repealed the " Is of IM7 iml ISTS lefrulatliiK: the I'l.ihm and ill"liur--eiiiein n( school, I'l.n and seneral taxes, under which ins are now and have for many . ,'i- 'li I'ltisbuiK In en iiayahle (n two .1 -'.illnienl-. . i' ' 'lor! nun he mud 'U'heiiy c.tiuiy liilliiiinces to nuK Ihe cliy imiiiiiller appointive. This kotild be M'slstpil still, hm-nly ami will lull. It n on Id hi III f.leh Of f.lllll Uil Sl-lMllon, a The ih-lenates to Ilie i nn.-lltii-tlniial coiiven'linn now rcall;;e the f.ill;- r pl.icinn too milch mini lone in hearsay. Fo Celebrate Flnjj Day. IT l.-t con.iluly Jlone Ion e.uly In Hi - - steps. In the iionK ami . b the Keueral public ul' Si ran tmi for a niuikcd public i-ele-it-.ulon nC l-'lan I My, June li ihe Hist intilvi'isii.i of the day In the twcntl Mh cpiilui.1 -the one hundred and IMclliy-foiiilli aniilvci'sai ' of Mm nlopllou by chiiri-css of "The Star SpniiKlPd llaiiiiei" of the nation Tin' Aiueiican I-'lan- association, .vlilcit lux lorined four years ngn "in proinoie .reveienco for and prevent Ihe dccci.ulnii of the M.iK of our i-.unlry," h,.s. Hiiounli H.s, president, tlalph K. I'rinic, ami Its secretary, Kdwanl Hall, l-siiud fiont lip.idqiiiti'lcr.s ,li New York city an In. lil.ulon to all lily and boiounli e. .cuilves, to the o.'lUviii and meiuheis if nil paliiotlc soi idles, o school olll 'or and ipiii hers, and to American clll. sens cPtierally "to join in 111.11,11117 tho rflphratlnu of Kins' day an evm In ;hls- year of tint new ceiiiuiy, and to leo to It Hint Iho Stats and Stripes, ivlth all they mean, shall 011 June II f.-cut ;l:o lisiuj; and stilute lli sstttns I Hun "I iMiillntsoii IMpir I Hci'llis ' ' .!'!' S.l ..--. Hi IT .1" .17, .IS .HI' nun. from vpiv church rdlflce. school nnil public, building;, nml Also from evrty jnlvnto ilnMlltiR, however hum. hip, thiouithuiit the "ntlre land." It Is titulorstood that tins iiiiiilMMsni-y In to h,ivi coiiii' apci'liil nml nutithli' renieiiiliiiiiiee of It nml It" slRtiltlpiiiH-p ln.iili' In loiiiieetliiti with the niicnliiff of the Thlilnniith Iti'itltiiPtit's nciv itrinoty on Hip fVc-iihiR nr PIiik Day, hut Hip iluy miRht hi huvp other nml ulilpr wofciiltlmi tlmii thl.. ns asked hy ihp Aini'ilfrtii PIhb uc.itM'liitlnM. Kx-fiiiiilliliitp Bryan' liilk almiit 'Kniiicriii- Mi-Klnlpy" nml of tin; Hit-ii-eiin point's "iloi'liiilMB Hint i'omkp'jh is Kipntpi' tlinn the flonstlliillon which ri.'ntfl it" Ik ciiIImI liy wmic r our "iinll-linrifilnllst." I.litlc American I'l lllellll(ll!llll"" "HCV.'I ( i iIHcImih." It l Mlmply hlnlnnt foll. The title of "Kmll.'llll" IIS III' !llll"S It li ciioiikIi tu iiinkc mi owl siillle. ntiil if Hip 'miNtl llllliili "tieiltet!" iiiliuie-. I'lillKiefS iiNn ha I Hiini-ihlnif tn iln In "crcntliiK" tin i'iiii.illiiitlnii-iit any inlc. In iiiaU ItlK It ifiHlhli' fur the t'llll-il rflnte to Imve any fonstltiltlon. It I." mil shim?, hut slmiile fuel, to -uy Hint Mich talk a.- .Mr. Iliyun'c li I'lioiiKh to nuiUe Hi" ci I'liiry Kiiy. Kvery Citizen's Business. A 1,1 il e, . lie UlKIS.MA.V .MII.I.AU'S l-tl-r niniulliiK of Scrniilnn s puh- uplrll. phlliinthiopy. ami I'lillslluillty. the Imim-illale en. -lion .11 "elecHnu of l1 hnllillliK whet. -Ill .lllM'lille ilellll(tlPilt eolillilll e fur trial may h" kept without ex piulnic llieni In win He ilenuirnll'.Mtioii, i il l - f have nwiikeiieil li Kieal ninny pei-nit" with n Hhoek to a ieall-.atlon of the pieeiii enmlllli.ti". What Mnu iHirale Millar call" I'm- I" In line with what The Tiilmii" nis had to say of llle ali-olllle ue.-escily for the pulilli- alhlim of funiN for Hi'' payment of pinlialion oltleeiM. Mince 111" .Illvenlle i-.iuif- appnlntinenl i.f them, as illrect ei, hy I lie law cieatltiK Hie eiilirl, will auimiut In nmhliiK without piovlplon mi their salaries which the law omit ted to mali" appropriation lor. Sci.intoti hii" a (imihle ilnty tn per feriii in allemlhiK I" lhe"e two lunttcis n itnl inipoi tain ' In s.iviut; ehlhlren limn lie- nl' vie- mid crime ami this whole . ninniiinity finin the ie.Jilt of it" own ne,;li-el In iieiinillilif,' the In-ile.l-e nf Juvenile el illlilial- llllll erllTI Innlil. The Iwo ..-.a iii pie" named by .Mam:-tiale .Millar, out nf llm i.uinher whli li he leinind- til" people of Si i. int. in .ne emiilim.illy .I'-i-urrliiH. nculil In .-eeiiie liuni"ilia le aitinu as Mnialiil, in H'liilzcil ,ii-t Inn. It i- eyi-ty i illv.'-u's l.ii-Hii'SS. one that will not l.eai Mill Mm; Alpine . linil.iiift" I" net i lin? llelf'ei i.-.l In till- heiui--plifi e -dure an llali. in pi inc.. niniueieil the n--lent nl Mt !-l l-'.h.-i" Tow I'MwmhI WliMnpei. tin- l.iiooii- Plliuhel hriiitf- iim with hi nunihci- nf ui-s it'll. -. i-' n"i (o slilve In Mini the iv! -.f Mi. a. inibolnp In the " lii'el.i"- - one nl' llle pi.iU.- ih il 1 i-i mi lai ih tied eeij nt- It 11. pi in iim end it. Novels and Novels. T I Ml-: UK are both kliul- n eery one Il1n I. line pinpni tlnii I hit a f tin- Heady Mellon leader.' of Ihe'i aie i-i.nienl t" devour hoth. liiiiln.itely. People w lm do not cm i- tn Inn" their hi.iins sw.iinped in ihe ,'v-i ou-iuhlnn Mood of -loppy l.ov.'N pinblc'ii iim 'I-. liisini leal'N i,-. neinll.i wllh vety diluted hi-ti'i-v a .-in excuse lor llielr heincr, and a '.aiii-iv nf other fad- iiipldly -mi Iim; imiIi nlher-are not in th e lavs ili-ttirliel in- answ!lnaf . ,u li diiv Mini" one's iiii'M Inn: "No. 1 l.iiv- mil i-i .ul " v, ha lever the Utien .ii, ( r'r-" iniiy be. They Kiiiw very well it will piesetlllv be il.i I us any in" Hie linnh- l.iirned lip in til" Alet andr'an lllu.iry a non I in.inv leniuti-". ,.jn, and Unit II" tireien' eiithusi-isiio i ifdiiiiri'is will diipeilv have forsroiten It. V.'l thole am, illii'm illat' i, people who i call) li'liove they me "lllernry." or an- "1111111111 inn their hnowledf;? of lifi," in- "i iiltliatln their minds." hy ii-hmn Uiiounli eu-i u. w " i ihi I nf the ye.n" i. ji Imps I'lotn the pubh-hi'i-'s pr.-.--e.--. As I'm the iai"i fad. the novel of III'.- Ill Hie Snlllllein .-tales," It Is Miliiewlial iiitil. ".Hii4 In lend ill the Nov Yink Tilliune the clear state-i.,i-ii- t liiit -.a-' e.rii- o1' ihe .oiwlilei" alili Miiee's ill it ha- met seietal ( !' ihein "auiti i linin Ihe -Kill of the wiitei.s in lellin-.; a !-lor". iniiv he round in tin oqilm.itloit of a Mate of society, ,i uiiide nf II1'-- .iiii; a k'ro of siiiioundl in" iinfainilini in ihe mvat and mow Inn piihllo Unit buys mnels in the Norlhi'i a and Western stales. The le-tlll," tl sues on to i-.iy."hus been an .ihmnmal -tlmubiiioii of the Im hc ii'i-ialu I pill,,, in iiulhniship in the Smith, leaclilun: hi ninny ci- to nuarters I wlo-le Hie desire to plliehiise Is not mill' lleil hy the irulninn, expeiiPllce 1.: ability In will--, a storv. 'I'll" .siul- d n in w. of manuscripts fiont helow- MiiMiu and Dixon's line hrnunht forth a laiie'in llle other day linin .1 man lii.-i' "Illlv it Is tn lead hllcll nffei-ItlK- seal in one nf ihe pihslilin hm'-o- 11. 'ii' that has lecently Inousht out lllini' thill) one Snlllllein novel, '1 wish snniolhlun could he done to stop this II I that Is now pmulnn In upon us,' hi' observed. Mi s due, l suppose, to Ihe n-ii'iii success of a number nf such stmle.-, and to the spread of a neneinl Impic-slmi that American stniies with a -tronn local color are now" lb'.' i-onilnn ilium. They will soon Ret 10 be as all pervaillnn as the 'liNimlcal t'ovcl.' and inns uf ihe inanutci Ipls that enme to nn- from the ambitious Souihornei.- aie hope, hssly bad. Why Is II nei-essaiy that because. tlK'te have been t fi w sue, cesses there should be a Mil, ami a Bund ihlmr run Into Hid nround'."" AVhy'.' Indeed. The only answer Is that each serlhblor thinks himself or herself a genius, greater than thimo 11 ho first IiIrcpiI Hip way, and Is ach Inp for "reiounlllon" und fcliokck'. 'I'herc will lm another "poptilji MuifFh" in snnvi other dhectlon in 11 Utile iihll.', .ind anotlitr following- It up by a proii-sHlon ifinlnilfiil of it liocli of sheep solnn throush 11 nap in a ti-iice. Meanwhile tho readei-s who ivie for soinethhi? uoith ivhlle In Hit- liuura they van b'lvt to flciion rntitlnuc to buy and ipntl the novels of Scott anil Tlmekcrny nml Dlokens, llaivlhoiny and I'oopsr and MrB. Stnwe, and Dther ptasslcs. So, hiiji illyt ihu iilihlliheis' lecoiilH pioio. .lailies Alidetson, Hie chinU who was hunt I? oned for iinnoylim Helen Undid, lirti upon ipIpusp decided to return to Kansas. Now that Mrs. Lease and Mis. Nation have lellied, Anderson evidently believes Hint KniimiH offers u earepi". Civil Service Reform. AN INTKUKSTINO Inslshl In to tho practical workings of civil service icforni Is cm bodied In 11 report of an In vi'stlKiilhiK coniinlttee of the Nallonal f'lvll Service Hefoiiu JeiinUe which has Jllt been placed hefoie the president. The collector of customs at HI I'aso, Texas, Is Moses Dillon. In duly, IV.iS, coinpetitlvi! cMiiulmilluiiH iveie held ror the imrpose of eslabllshlltH: a reg ister of ellKlbles for the customs ser vice at that place. Accordlnn; to the evidence obtained by an examiner sent there by the civil service commission to llivestlnnte alleged frauds, Jil lor to I tils examination the colli'clor, Mr. Dillon, ndd W. ('. Holmes, a member of the customs boaid of civil service esamllieis. Mint Micro ivcm four appli cant", I-!, M. Kink. II. K. Dlooni, 0110 McDounal and a son of the collector, whom the collet tor dcslied to pass the cMiiiilnatlnn, Il Is churned Hint the uillector oideieil I1I111 to cominunlcate tills dcslie to W. A. Itnce. secretttry of the Iniiiiil of ciill service examiners, with the liiluiictlnn that II would not. be wise for I1I111 to refuse: that tneie upon Holmes comniliiilcaird this doslte to Itin-e. and nn ihe day hefoie the ex amination I'.ace nave him copies of the iiuesllons to be asked In .spelllnn.arllh liieHc and letter writlnn. and that Holmes took these copies of question.", to tlie resilience of lllooni, one of the candldntes, and there saw Dlooni 11 ml Kink, another candidate. IC. M. Kink, Inspector of customs, one of the men examined, R.iie a signed slalotiient to the commission, (lit. 1M, ll'iie, stiilliiK that oil the afternnon be- Ime the civil service eMiiniuution, Dlonir. met him on llle stieet nml isKeil him In i nine to his house that ei-i-niuji'. that he went thete and found lilnom ami lliiliues in tin- house and the copies nf the examination papers on the lalde: and that he lnnlu'd oier some of ilie iiiestlon Intended for Ihe examination next day. Dlooni and l'lnk pa --ed Ilie examination and w.-ie appoillloil. i-'.vhleine tn till" efleet is al-n -Winn tn hy W. C Holmes. Such a piaitie, 11 is helieved, is lint j.-"ii-r.'il, lint it illll-lliites how c.i.-il'. liie ex.inilnalinli lost cm he ulllllfieil wh.-n l here is a dispnitl.m In limine or apply il unf.iiiiy. The whole theory of siieli tests- is visionary. It I" doilblful if aiiythiiiK mmII re sult from Ihe elToi 1 in oi-Kanhce an other Slate D.i.-e Hal! lean'ie. ihrlsty Maltbewsiili seems nt pre-enl to be fiirnt-hinn Pennsylvania everytliinn Hint I- uec-ded In the line of huso ball nlory. Kranee, it seems, liUe the I'niteil State-, does not desire au.ithliin ui.-ip.-isonalilp of iMiin.i. Pel haps It is tlie war cm respondents v ho have been airanniun linpo.ssiblp conditions for the I'hlnese. It s.-eins tliat, aftPi- all, Senator Mi -Datu iu's piopen.-itles aic-llko tlinse of the aver.-ise man. He is willins- to m-lu.-iln In ollli e for the sake of pone" and pin-peiity. Teehnicililles have saicd many a i-oRiie friiin ju-tlie. OWIin? Studies of toman Naftir It Didn't Surprise Papa Bell. I.I 1 1 S I'l.'l'h 11.11 !- li'.liili'-' wii 11 !' 1" n' .u. .iml j jitnun'r ttn' 1. me "t in- iii'tini'n . M-tiliie. t l it'll l- iii.iiiili".ni4 .in nulla I il..ilili" Ii.ii.Iiii-s tin I'l.inii; inln i wnllihii. in III,' llDll-l lltl'l l.lllilllU Mllp- "f l.HIH'Islll ill 1,1 I,." i . p.-.tti .1 li In- lllini ni'i.ii In. i Mm n 1 1 MOll, 'III' .IDIIIIi-ln's KlHlllll.U. "f Km. ull-li n.i. nil 1 1" nf Id- li-iuli-i i.ii". I.ut In' i. 1 mil" -hy mi ..llin. ami l"i- tlii- n".i-"ii In. imitliii H'IiIihI 1111..1 .11 hu bh-Ii hy -I'll1 Iiii: 1 wi.iit Inn- mi'l IIh-ii' I" lonfii-.. In r i)inu lni, ml 'lliti. wliui Mi- Iti.iun M.iinl ilie I., 11- I i-i ''. li" iimliill id.' iiiioini.i linn 1I1.1I li! Im.liiii'l ii.i- n lint 1 liiilhiln in iln- in.ii tiiliin. nnil inn- il nut lur lln" .ili.i ww I. .uul in.'il.l. -In- wuiil.l lll-i' I" a be liliu .1 .iiiiii-i pmi.i -.l.ilitl I- Mill''- i" li"1' J li I l"l II .1.1.1 IH'll m.iI. iml I ni- tlihikiiiu of uiilni: him .. p.11 I i. Imt h I- -ii iiiiii'Ii trniilili'." -li" ci l.loiinl .iml ..-lliil lh' winl- I'hihil.iy nml 1 I'lilJ. . "'llul'-. I111II1I11L." iqillnl Ml. Iln.wli, .lilipl. Iiii; lln- -.111H' Uitn.', "I'll 1 niin- mir i.nh, Imnn -nun' 1 -.i 1. i 1 in 1 1 mil nut " 'III" 111 It lei I'J- .11 l.llij-'.il tn llli' Mllaf.l' liuil I .if ImiIi iii'iiun, Imt I'iihIiIi m.h li.ti ulnu' .uul I lliiiil.lnu'. Win 11 In- f.iilii-1 n-liirinil li'ini iii,, 11, 1 llillll.ll-l I'll, (It'll fill Il till' "lUpI'll l.lllll .iii.l :l u'it him lm Infiiiiii.iliiiii, "-iy. pi. wii'ii d n' iiii-iiiii p.! -pi'ii'" ii" . .1.1.1 il .U III- Illi'lliil tllnl I" -mil In. Iinillltl Willi I 1,1. nl WI1.1, I'n.l'b. iIhi.i" lilli-i .pill l.iitli. Ill Inn lii'uii 11I11I Uul iii"iii " r plnil l'-ipl ll'H ' "Win tin 11,11 ,ik llip ipji.t'iiiif" I 'Oli, iiuiluii.' mil' li." iliiiii-il lln1 liv. "mill lh. lln. 1111 11.1. mi'l .iml iniiiiiiii Inlil III! .lull MI'll' U'l'IIU In I"'!'' 'I li i-i' I Iml u I ,111.1 .he u.iiilnl In -i".i inn .1 Ji-11 l-.i. mill il ' 11.1. Ii.i. mm li liuiilili", .iml lln 11 Ml. IIiuiiii - t I r)n 111111I1I limn out .11111 I'llni; miiiii' ciki iiii.I In Ip .nil " 'Hi." I'lit.i tuul. 1 1 ii- mi -iliiiliili- tun". Imt .1- inula lm liiiiuiiii-.!, Il hi- nn'. in iim f'lin u( u Miipii.," In I'lpi II. 'II I hii.1,-11 ( lai'iilili- Proof of His Innocence, 1 ."in tic lip Ntillli, ..ii,. t . lit- I ulii.lii-it .II...I 111 I lMIIIlll" Ul III!" ).illliu .ipuliit ,l I, ni 1 ii, n-, ll.oli'-; ini'.iiliitl .1 i.-ii ito.i'i n'liiiuii on I In- -nml ii, In- i.illi-il upon .1 1111.1111 11, lulu I nn Muniliy r.puiill.i- in .ik In- 11 "ll'ltV lllll I III"!" I III" M'lllH.Ill!" Mill lln" ("It'll I. "lui luiiili, ImliTil. It's iiii" i'l 111 fn 11 iti." 'ill t 11.111 fi.clil.'. " ".Ultillli ii'tl lln 1 ur .ih-. .liliili iiilul "I tin nut mi'l i-i.nnl ' 'lln- I'llniiil H'-:iiiliil liliu Willi 1 mniKli' .0 tin" Iml of III. ")n "III iiiiit".!', I iiiin'l n .1 Wf'iil." In" . ll'l. "Iml I l.uni.- if li lull 1I111 ,1.111 .lull'. .Kill I I-i I lllll-ll" Jlill t.l0 l llulll " "-ii!" cilil lln iii.iii'. I'tul in '.pukt" ft, nn iiiti I III' Ullllhlillll df I. i.f lltl'0ll illlllL'llltll'll. 'I an iml In lln- luliit, ijr, nf Mi'dliir,-; 1111 mi mull., I -em .in." I.ili'iilnc 1111. Ii'i .1 iin-tjlii', iml li' luii'lllli',' luliHfll. rll'. 1 mutt a i-l. Jen I'l !l'.lll'Ull'." Tli 1 .ilm-t'l u.i"i ".iiiiit ttn 11 niniiii'iil, 'lliru In riul: "it nu.i !!' I h.i.' mull' .1 ilui I ill" W.1I1 .1 inomi'iit. I will mjk hiic " I. nil)-; t' Iiu liiint.i,L.i", ln tunk ilniiu, .1 nui-alii- ioiiip ..I Million- a 1.110 ami .ilniu.t fui iolli'ii milk, iln luiiidi in .1 11'it.ilii i.m-, .ml mi ipuU'Ct'lii'. Iiiiniiilr luuk rdiiiu 11p.u1 ii fjic .i'l lie t-Jjiunl up ul Iho un.ili, "I l.ij." jt'ur p.!iJon," lit' 4lJ. "1 jioIooUc. Vuu ihJ not kImiI It ftflrr nil, fnr I flml II l ullll litic My lnl9tiili", .In my tiit-it.lki'.''- Mniletn Sicltl.i. Obtained tho Infoimntlon. Iim IliK mil' nt Ihi' t li.'illlhni hi Ilie Philip lilhes Iht" l.llt' liniriil I.ihIiiii 1 nine niliw II"' lliill nl ,1 I1.11I-, n I'lliplin.i, will, li In' Inllmii'il IT .'lll.ll ill). Willi , J11 li'.'ll I'l llOl'l'"' ii'l Hi. Hi.' I hit .inn, On.' il.n lie .uul In. .lllll il.lihlll Ihu Inp i, ,1 till III illlllii'll. o Hill nv :i iIi.t Miitnibiir Inliiw 1 In in but n li"H illitmii.", 'I'miiliiq tii .mi' of III. .il'h. die niiintiit "I.I. nil 11 nit, 1 I'l.' .licl il" It llnl ihu 1. f'liihlil,'." 'III.' Ilitllrli.llll put .puis In III. Il'ir'.' Ill'.l -null rllll'll.l til.' lll.'f. A (ill h'l I fimii II" flioli" Iim I.nltulil iiihi':l ml Mlilildlh- .unl ill" Iml-"!' ll.H funn tin mil. 1 lm; III il. ri M.lld. ll'P lii iilrn, nil ili.i im.iinl him. (If mill .11.1111 M lln? "hot.', Willi II tin' '111IW iiIm. 11.11 lllll III 11 ""ll'Ht Htm". MIit il III li'l i Inn', lii the iiiiiii.i'iiipiiI nf III." llllll til" fl.lir, III.' hnl-1" W.K tn up hill (I, nml, iiiniiiillm; lillil, llu Ili'llli Hint null" linl,. III. I.lialil tint for in ii.). "11.1I.11I nml ln'iluM--.'lui llllll III.' -plltll'il fli.lll III." Inp. nf III. Illlllt.llt IiiuiIk. Ultillli; up tn lilt' uilllt.ll In' pirn li siliit. il iiiul ..ihi: "I lino Ihi' In. nor In npnil, .II. II1.1I Ilie lii II' I. Uul lillll.llili'." I..iiitu1i tuuki.l til lilin .1 111.11111I1I liiilnt In tll.lllll.llll tin' illulill.l nf hi. I'li'lllull, lull t lie nltii.iilnu mh Inn luillituti. tn li lm. lln Imr.t lulu .1 In mil tiuuli, In whit h ll.n .t.ilf juliiril .it t lie i'ipi'ii-i-1 n( llip .iiiiiiik Il1i1l111.ini, Mini, linn en r, I1II1 Ihe slni y ill liliiei'll. The Water Hntl Gone By. "I M.H I'lllpllllt.l (llllp 111 !l Milt nt inli-lihr-llllll' llllpnll.llll 1' III llllll II 111,1 llh'lll W.I. .1 Lull." Iililnl .1 Now link 1,111,1.1 tin ntlii't .lii. in lulkiiu nf lluirls' il.'.illi. "Tn iti nip ".iiiii". It mi. tln-tiiilil .ulii-ihli I . hl'IUi' lln "ili nt nf il.liii;it.liiil iniuei'l, ini'I jnuiiliii:lv t nil In inijil.o Mi. Kvirl.. All.r l.ill.ln; mir tlm iiiilln 11I1I1 I1I1 11; tu uii, I ".iiii In Mr. I'l.-ilts II iinulil lie Hie pinprr lliinn In ulii' aim .1 ml 1I1111, nml ii.knl hlui 'm i.lnil .imuiiiil I ulii. ulil m.ikn u'it .1 1 link in lii. I n or. "'(III." -Iliil 111". 'I mt. Sl.ll.HI Will .IlllllP.' tuul lln ti'iipon 1 tnuli-ri'il linn the p.i'i'i- lm tn 11 MIDI "ii Inns nftrninrd Hip ult wns iriltril tn niii - itl-f 11 linn, nml iit-.iit! i.illnl nn Mi. Ili-ail-, Iiii. Hun tu p.1,1- him In full fit In. -ei- III.'., llllll II lllll lint I'llll nf ,111 .llillliilH lllll, in. " Mlill mill II iln MP nil." I -iliil "'('.ill II --..iiiki," he i.-pu'iilul, wilheiil .'i IIIUIIII 111'. Ill -il.llinli. I lln.iulil Uii. .1 lllll." stiip. ill iim- nf Hu 1 in iiiii'I.iii. rs, .iml I -Until in 11 illi 1 mil I tuntc-t. ""leu kti'iw, Mr. Ili.ut., inu"!,. Iml $1,0I11 ' " 'Vt'.,' lip ald, wllli :i .lii finllt". 'Iml I've spon! Hint." Thl- mi. nn iii'.in.'ur.iMp .in-iiiin nl. .mil ..I! fill I In r I'll.irt .it n-iliiitinn it''' K.111 .H IP,, loiitn it IN COMMON THINGS. Silk li"l f"l I.1.111I1. inl It uln.i. In ii'-w-wi'i m 1.. .ill .il' lln .,'. I . Ill l'llil-l. Ill -lln-lllll'-. . hllili-ll f.ln'- -H'oil, III ?l II. lilt luntllll.KIl sillillilits lupj'lll llllll lln tint .llilulil f.'l hlppllu'.., t'ul, -ip" ' II I. .1 H.illPI lllll liln-cinn. til llll iln"l. III ins lulu .unl jti-tue Imiiiii-; iiiil thru nn linin 'I'll. .It'll wuuillt ill ili( Hun; Jul nil.! l,i.. Pi, .nil iml nf Mill, i . Inrulii'iv uroii'iltt, 'Iho -.ilnplo ilul.i- .oi.iiu tlii Inn. I U Coil'8 lull y llltltill'; l .111 111.- inllllTi.lll'l. I. Hi-'- iiiiiiiiiuii iluil. lulill all lint -"lint, lilli' lliulllllit. hi iiui.'l. i-uuikiiu-f, ui -null' Itu-li ilt.ime. Mm luuk fui li.i.l. juil In. ( I Iim lotu'pilpil: llul hi ..iilh'-, 1 nmmiiii linn-;, lln -t.tnili re umIiiI, Wltllt- hi 1 .Out il.iwel- ,llli il.ll. nii-ll mil lilt 11.11110. Tho pii.nli-o nt. n i.rpk, iIp oit.i l.rislii, 'llul kIi hi" I.i. "inl lln- -In- tnr In'mln.' Pit', U mill- li'imiu sunili.os. in ilu .kip., l'.utir- .liitli, iwll ilmi"". -;ui mm ho.iipnly li'.ht - llnl,,'. I -'n.ii;o. -THE: IMEINA VOF?K SUN Money Article, Headed The Financial Situation published each Hlondny. lins for 15 yenrs been looked for with the great est interest in banks and counting 100ms and among all financial men, and has been respected as perhaps the most intelligent leview of the money market and stock market. In this article, Monday. June 3, the Sun in the couisp of n leview of the business and condition of the South western Railway systems says: "An other potent influence afl'ectingAtch in&on for good is tho oil discoveries. People heie have not paid as much attention to this matter as they should. The general tendency has been to scout It asi a erase. Hut there is no longer any doubt that it represents a peimaneut and almost incalculable increase of wealth to the Southwestern teiritory, and hence, inevitably, to the Atchiuson, South ern Pacific and othei raihoads in that section. These raihoadr will gain much by the additional business generally growing out of the new de velopment, but their chief product will be in the astonishing saving rendered possible to them in the cost of fuel. A ton of coal in oil does not cost over $1, wheiens the coal used by the Southern Pacific and Atchiu son railroads last year cost between $3 and $4 n ten. ,As the expendi ture for this purpose is nearly 25 per cent of the total cost of trans poitntion on the roads, the import ance of the now found economy Is apparent. It means millions of dol lais to theso railroad piopertlcs." This article fairly lopresents the trend of thought toward the oil in dustry among capitalists generally. The magnitude of the industry nnd its impoitance as n souice of wealth is perhaps not yet appreciated by the geneial public, but the leaders in finance lecognize fully that oil and Its numeious by-piodncts is to cut n great nnd constantly glowing fig uie in our domestic and export trade, the extent of which is aheady colos sal. To make money in oil it is only uecessaty to discriminate carefully anil invest in stock of companies that aie under practical and respon sible management unci have laige holdings nf oil lands seemed at low prices THE PACIFIC COAST AND TEXAS Oil. COMPANY is such a corporation and this stock offers the best oppoi tunlty to Investors of any now before the public, The company lefers, HY PEIUiTISSION, TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BROADWAY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS ANGEEES, CAE. You can buy the stock now for aOc. PER SHARE. Tho pi Ice is subject to advance with out notice at any time. It will sell for 40c, very soon nnd Is fahly worth 40c, now. THIS STOCK WILL SELL TOR 51,00 PER SHARE BEFORE OCTO BER AND MAY SELL FOR MANY DOLLARS PER SHARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. n 1.111 luij it Willi .uuilil, mo ), aii-o Hut i.iluo tf llip i'( Iiuluini .im tin ilnr ailcr .mil .inility cl hi. 1u.1111.r1 11. .iml iHk-iIum arc i-s.t.ihliiil. liny il ululv (1 U (linnp. nr uil I'llliuilJCi apply tu the INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Room 1, Dime Bank Building-, Scranton Pa. THB TRIBUNE'S EDUGM TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 in Special Reward. TUB SCRANTON TUIHUNH has InniifriirnlPil its second Hihi ciitioi1.1l Contest which, lllc the first, is open to every ainbl- tiotis person, not onlv in Scranton, but throuRhoiU l.acka- wanna and other counties in Nortlimtsturn Pennsvlvanla. This contest will be even greater in magnitude than its predeces sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance with the i tiles of fairness and justice. The first contort, which occupied the attention of our read ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de cided to repeat it. This year the special rewards are limited to liiosc of an edu cational character, eight scholai ships being o He red to the very best educational institutions in the state. , The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayotto Collofre $1,000 Scholarship in Swavthmoro College 1,000 Scholarship in StrouiUburg Normal School 075 Three Scholarships in Scranton Business College, 360 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Consovvntory of Mttaic, $75 Each t50 $a,oot Kach contestant failing to secure one of these special towards will be given ten (to) percent, of all the monev he or she tuims in. .V. II "I hi fir, I two m ..lillii iln iiol liuhiili humI., lull tin- ruiiti'.l,iiil uniiiiti; llii-.p iilll li- uiuii tin (ID) pri iptil. nl a. I tin money In.' ur die liitiu In to 'tim liil'iii.i', tu a.M in pi.iin; Mil. iippnc. Rules of the Contest. 'III' ipiianl. iilll ho slip" tn tin' I" i.fii. fiiuiiiii llip l.ii'ir.t of l-ilnt. I'uitili iilll Iip crpdllcJ In innlP't.-nit. n ur. In ii.-ii- .iili-ullicr. tu 'Uil Sd.uilun Tilliiu-e ."I. fol Ion i Pnilil.. One Mnnlli't Hiili.prlptlnn .ij0 I 'll.liv Mniillii' Nihil riptlnti l.-S - .-1 "J Month",' ""tiili.iriptiun 2. 'a '"' "no's Miliiiiiptinn " ml 1' TIip rnnlp.t.inl nidi t lie lilslie-t niiiiilirr of poiul. Hill hp Kiieii i iholie fmin H.p II. I nf ivviiil-; llip 1' mill Hie mi Mini IiIrIi"1 iiiunlii'i nf points will lie -.'lirn u diiiiip nf Hip n-niiiuliu- rew.iiih, .nnl n mi iliinush Ih- IM. IInili iPiilc.l,int lillln-r tn .rciirp :i -pn-i il rPH.-nri, .uul iilm ih.i.p who H'lr. t the lii-t Iim ..ili.-il.ii-.lni-.. iilll hp slieii ten 1 i-i lent, of all moii'-y It- iir flip luiiis in. Full particulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of ooints they secured. Address EDITOR liDUCATIONAt CONTEST, Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords I.tuv I'l rut. Low in pi-iee. HIkIi in quality. I..nlies' from ".'.(. up. Gen tlemen's fioiu Jl.2." up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. THE People's Bank, JVlears Building, I Z4 a I-I rvKak Cm-iMM WUUlt. IIUUat -K?lUtll W y Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. li President - - -CD. Jones Vice Pres. - - Q. F. Reynolds Cashier - - - - H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: ( II .Iri.uv l.-nh.iiil O'llili'n. M. I'. Cirtur, Siuiiiel K'jinli-r, T. r. Von htuiili, A. II. W.iiniJii, M I. lii-lK'.i. $ ii. r iti-inuiii., V 'I hum i. "-ir.i:;u", h AiiIiiii Dunn, r S Wonlivoitll, J5 W (i. I'lillun, 'f5 f.KXKHHHKll'f,tl',HHllR TRV s l Clocks Best I K ti Union Tlatle s Tobacco v (, A Good Smoke or Chew, A Tllnl Solicited. K Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co,, 044.4Q.48 Wyoming Ave. Scranton, Pa, .ttMfcfcfctafcfctei-ifcfcfciitatrtfto-tt TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS ter"0 All .iiliMilpliuii. I'lii.l I.- pilil lni.iih.inic. (inly "ion- hiiIi.i iil'i-ii mil lip ifnint-d. Itpncii.iN iii prr'uii. iilnep nui-. i.-n nn nur inli.i ilptluii li-t piiur In Mil :.: iilll in. I. lip (Ip.IIiciI. Hie hiluilii' iilll! r.uli Mili-t ri.linii 'mil If Inunil lti" tl 1111 Hill IH'IUM Hi- ilclu tu ll'll it. Nn linn-fir inn lip ni.nii' nflor uoilil lull onte I ( r u ;in ii. All Mili-irlpl un-. iml Hu- i,i..i ti) toy fnr -.imp, niii.) lip himlpil In nt TIip T11I111113 nlln . iillhlu I In M.rl, In iihl. Il llii'.v .no ' iiiipiI, in llul tniioii in.iy hu Miit tu tin! Mili-t lilnr. .11 nu.p. Sill... lipliuiH ni'i.i li, uritldi nn hi ink', nliiih 1111 li -nmc'i .11 'I lip Tiiliiini" ultiip, ur mil h" -nil liy in.iil, riio iniiti".) mil .In.- prntnplli' il - iiVIulI, Sutur.l.iy ciniin, Auaint :il, 1'cll. P. J. HONAN, Merchanf Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Allis-Chaliners Co KllC'(('f.-IIIS to .Mill llllll' MU!in'-S of Dickson .M.iniif.ictuiins Co., Hirnntun and Wilkes-M.iii-p, a. Stationiiry leucines, Ijniki--, .Mlninpr Jlachinery, rumps. SCRANTON'S BUSINESS- HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. the scranton umbrella Manufacturing Company Me (.nil I ln l.ii Sri) t-ln. I. ol 1 lulu i M.iw, l.u .uul II mill'-. ,ii i, III.l n Lit innl. I' l.i. mi'l paLlM't-. illul til.iK' Iht lu up (lll.llll .h l 1 111 lll-U .lllll 11 It.UlU'f nt!! in lii Inner t'uil .Till tll'-l-l in till' i ii Ur i ii ur .ill ur k i.i.l. r.i. mi., i. ir i iii:i: ur rniiKii:. 313 SPRUCE STREET. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL FROrlT. ' BERNHARD, jeweler. Ml l.( lil NM l M'f EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM SS COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. (iulil Ml. 1.1! l5 riiotu-;inplirr Cliililr.'u-i $V Alllt T FOR SALE in (.(.ir-- i w r: 0' of ill kin.N. an-.. II .ii-c-i It" I llu.l'lhv I. "It .it I' n ..un- lilll.-l -i I. li'l" li an. I (iltOOMI II 31 SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY, -in "-piiiii" -."it in ii Il"i ' .1, nn. ii 111 III, IL lllOi I.", lui iiui: in h nn nun in N' " II H" Unit ' . Hi, i i M, T, Keller's I..I.I.IM Jl.ll.ll .llll Ul" Wi'll.- THE MOST PALATABLE , ..I ii, i ',i ii u i , ii in. ii t. it" ti' ..l.ll II' I'l' VI" ii I'lllt "t llll '. in l.llli'iui. ui'l li." ii i in i ii"i ui e rut.. llnl lu.l III.'!'' il lll.fl!.' A. W. SZHRADER, 7 in i'-'-i il nil. i li'l II . I I pi. uii- Ml.llll'UI. I'l THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURING COMPA MaU.'i.i ul I'J- 'ii,i Hi"'"- '"' Sl 'I l'P" Ij.l.iJl J..' Ai,"li- I"'" ' '' Wj-Ii "'-toil 4 Mull., al Nj.i An- I'J ' " V k '! WALTER E, DAVIS. n4, S6, 2S PAULI BLDQ. Attomey-at'Law, Scranton, Pn. Scranton Laundry. 3Z2 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Calls by telephone rcicve pionipt audition I WILOON VJASBERS. j Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED, llul' all." S, H. TWINING. 13IPENN AVE. REQULARSB PHOTOS ROR $3.00 AT CRAMER'S 3ULACKA.AVE &&& FINLEY ' S Fascinating Exhibit of Gradu ation and Evening Orsss Materials Wi nio .liiilii,' tin? must t-oniilrt Nliu-k nf eloniilit llnltt-ttnlKhl fa In lei Mint It li ioiil)h' lu Ilmi niiyiilicip; ("Vi'iytliliif; fi mil n ehnli'i" nf hoiillMflll while nuituiliilH fm the "riwoet lllll (..f.-idlliiti'," tu llli' ('MilllMltc fiihtli-s In I'vonltiK enlniM fui" pin ty mid hull d losses, nlfu ihe ninny lillii" uercism r3 In the uiiy nl' Tilinniitu;'., )..ii-i'S, 'I'lrn, ill(ivi"i, lUhhnii'i. Ilunill.i'i-i'lili'f.', ftc, Mint 11 III in emii-ilou ihu iitliuctlM? woman, I Crepe De Gliine . 'I'll'" liii-onii.ii!ilili 11111 U'li.ihi fnr pvpn lliiv wriir, Mlilt-h .uliipt Micninolvcs so nilmll.ihl, tn , -tile , mil llsille, i .inifr in while .unl nil the null, dclk-aK; tolurs. Other Graduation and Evening Materials Din- si.ic(i will imt .iih.iv ,i drlallp.1! ili"--i"riitlnn nf einll fiiluie In iiiii'Mctilar. unl.i h wiiy nf ;i sri-nff,il nutline. Va llli'lltiiill llle ni-itel tills .'lllll ht.HP; noiii-Iy nil me slinun In I'leuui, White, III. iik nml pvpnltiK "linilfM. Poau do Soio, Panuc Satins. Lan&downp. Prilctte de Soie, Liberty Satins Silk Sublime, Sntiu Duche&se. Soft TaiTct Silk, Einbroidpt-ccl and Silk Striped Gicnadines, Wool Etamines. Plain and Bordeicd Nuns' Veiling, Mouselinc do Soio. Embroidcicd Silk Lncu, Toint D'Esprit, Silk Mull, Wnsh Chilton. rcisinu Lawn, Fine Batiste, Lace Dresses, Organdies, Satin Foulards, nnd in, my mlier 111:1 teii.ilt Ihat thn fnhhlnns of Mils dcnuind. 510512 ! Lackawanna Ave HOTEL TERRACE. I'ailor llni'-l. -..'ininuil.ittuiii lui.iirpv Spei nil s Mill. I If TI.- id prniunriit uu lu i llirin I'" II I. W. II. MUSI HaNLEY'3 Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST, Sucicsaor to HUNTINGTON IVi" maktf n spni.illy nf fine lup.iil stulli. OrJcri for Silmii, Osicis, Cioo,uctlr5, etc.. J promptly r.llril A full tlm uf t.ic Cicnn ,-in.l lici. Brotherhood Wine Co.'s I'lno 01.1 I'mK llm si.liili(.i, nnd Mill inc. I jn.ili 1 1 i'lc Only, P. H. FRENCH. 4Q8 CGNNFLL HI.DG. Kellar fi Harris. Miiuili. tiiiru nf lliiiu ', nml .liilir In ll"n 1 uini-hliii,' Iiiiiil,- uul ll.n .'lui'- Hi;- llcianii e puiiui'tli .ilt.'i il il tn, leliplcni" I "2. 117 I', nn .n.'iiii.', St r.iutiin, I'i L. SOMMAR. Iluil.lin,- ( uiiii.u lm 1'inpl.ij-i niii' n urn IMiuutci ilirctfuNy .iii-ii, lliinuilt 'un; .unl li-piiiin .1 i-l'i-. ultv 323 WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR P.TORE Will .oil M tlicir .Jiiiii'ri nf line mipnrtfl M.idl I- Milits i"i uiuii :il n'l, iiullli! in J 0 3olden Gate Dining Rooms, i,-t ' ml nn i' Il iln' ' Uy. I nc Mi a. t i.i i.. no. iti'li 'In in r i ipei'iall). IImiii iiuil." I'njlry 244 ADAMS AVE. W. A. HARVEY. I i'i n ii Mil inc iml I'titui-M. 1 1., it'll- IM .inl 'I el. I'lioni.- U'otl,. 3QO Commonwealth Building, J. B. WOOLSEY d? CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber a AH HINDS, Kingsbury soranton. iljiiufjuiiriM' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Diilrlit AitenU for lulin U iilnu: iuii' In i Ulro Itopc an) I IV H l.uiu I'e i In and nihbr Jlfj l u "s Ui lm-. I'm Win., lime unl JJecluimal Itulitnr f.nntl. Know .inn ('.LVinj 1,'artcr'j Ol ( mini!'; Itiiiini oil) I'jiill r,,,-. 1 I p. Ml WM.-i 1 -I'l'l HI.'IV DR. S, GERTRUDE EVANS osteopath, p. ii. I l i Iniuiiiii i-einie ciaiitmi Pi llll,. i" Iii.iii- if lu I' In. I "'I In l "0 p ill I'l'. pi n If It. Uil u-l upilll 111 Voitheo-il uu I'i ilijtm )