The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1901, Image 1

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    ' V" ' ;
"v? t'",1,!'1 .V"
i JV1
r-w."-T"iF-(5 " V-W "rW'",wUMilI.T ' -".-i
The Measures Pushed Throuoli the
House with ns MiiGh Despatch
as In the Senate.
He OfTeis Objections and Accuses
His Colleagues of Having a
"Graft" on the Tiolley Schemes..
Bills Pas.ssd in Sennte and House.
Opposition 3? .i'l.- to Amend Focht
flj 1'xdii'ltc Wlic li iii flu voiiiliil I'm.
llui 1 IhIiupk. I'm., June I. Tin Kin'lit
siiiil I'mcry Lipid iiunslt bills passed
sci mill loading In the House to-dny
.Mill w thou sent hack In the oni-
piii.irions commit lor- for umetidinoiit.
They weie ii'i'oi ted otil later In the
il.i. mid will lie'cii up tri-nini low
for third lending nnd
urti'i which tin will go to the senate
for emu III I once. The senate "111 ncot
to-mortov evening to consider the hill
and ii. soon hi they h.i boon dis
posed of tlii'v will no to Hovci nor
rStimo for his notion.
Tin hills ale being pushed thiiiugli
thr IIoue with almost ns iiuii'h dl
ji.itch as ihey pass-oil the senate. In
loss than l w enty-toiir horns' attei they
wito received Hum Hie senate they
hid passed m coiul reading and het'oie
Miuill'ei twenl -loni' houis elniise tliey
"III pioli.ihlv have passed llnally. The
opposition of them made an oltorl In
tie house to amend the I'm lit bills'
Hid failed In every intniH'c.
'I he 111 st amendment was otleied by
Mr I'teasy, of rolinnbia. and was to
jooti'd h. a ntp of "I to lift It pro
vided that no lianehlse shall he
gi. mled timid- the hill tor a longer
pel luil tli.yi twenty-live onis u a
tile of "I to 1-7 an ainendiiictit, of
1'IkI hv .Mi. Paul, of riilladelphla.
i, i liiii in ntiinh ipalities the light to
i '.ulait the late of laics on elevated
aid uiiiloigioiind lailways was re
id ted .Mr. Hi Hold, of Philadelphia.
hi l triid to amend by leiiuhlng up
plii, tuts lor I'linitfis for inilwnvs to
li .I'li'ci lls.'d fniii weeks betore tbej
a i lib (1 in i ne ollUe of the .sei i et.ii y of
tie commonwealth. This amendment
filled by a vote of in to llfi.
Mr Cie.isy said he was in favor of
I mill!' lejrispitlon, but that he believed
that Hie pmpusp of bills was to
illnw i erlaln pei sons to leeovcr money
w hit h they have advanced foi political
purposes. He suggested tint these
weie impel taut ineasnies and that the
house should give them eaieful ton
sideiation to the amendments whiili
weie being otlj'ied. He then moved
to amend the l7lll so a.s to piovido that
the piivilogos given by the act to i or
poiation.s to hold, imiihase, operate
and ionve leal and nominal pi op.
oi tv and lianihiso.s .shall he under o
Isting laws The ninendment was
oted (limn by 'J'.i to IS!.
The Amendments.
Other amendments olfeied and le
.tm ted eliminated Horn the bill the
lituso giving to an elevated and un
deiKronnd niilway the right to sell or
lease its road and liaiichlsos to other
passenger niilway coinpunle.s or to ac
quire the loads, pi uppity and liun-
liise of other passenger lallway com
panies li.v lease or pin chase; Inoi eas
ing the capital stock of 'lways I mm
S.'il.OOO to ..ui).OW a mile: .jinlilKMllK
the consolidation of paiallel am. ,.ni
p.'tlug railway lines; piovidiug that
no sunk or bonds sliall be l.s.sued by a
railway lonipauy in e.eess of the cost
of Its lolling stock and eiiulpmeut, and
that tho i Ight to eiect a niilway In any
municipality shall be given to the
highest, hlddoi.
Tile latti'l' aniendniont was otleied
hv Mr foray, of J.iwrno, who said
that it was in line with the platform
adopted b.v the Itepuhlicnu state con
vention In l!i!, lie piesinilod a letter
1 1 ni .s'enatoi (Jtiuy (omineudhig the
platfnitn to his io, (deration. Discus.
"Ion on Hie nmeuilniont was cut shiut
l .Mr Slulh, of I'lilladelplila, movlng
tin pnn lolls (iiestloil. HetOle the vole
was t.iUcii on the second loading of tho
hill .Mi. Mayiie, of Lehigh. laKed the
point ot older that the tnoasuio was
Mot piopeily belore tile house liei uuse
It was lonsldeieil, hv comi'iilttee while
the house was in M'ss(,n vv'lthotit per
mission of Hun bod.v Speaker Mul
sh. ill dcilded Hint Hie point of older
was not well taUeu
.Ml liuiiK. ot Schuylkill, oil an
amendment to tin' last section of the
bill so as to leliuiie elevated and nil-
leiKiotind u.llways to duiiyo iliiec
((lit lines. Tile aineiiiliiiinil failed by
a vote of M to lis
Mr. Cie.isv olleied ail iilileudllieilt notlilm; shall pievcitt the niunlcl
paltty ot iiiiinciallHts imiu pun 1ki.
Iiif? suhwny or elevated uillwas at
any time mid in such meni no mme
sliall he paid foi the franchise than
was ipcplved foi the same when It wns
Mi fiiHtv mid this aincndiiieiit wns
in the llilctesi o the people and thai
he know eiy will ot tioo
vvho weie jK.iliixl it weie In hu I.'kIs
h.cuie with n Rialt lot liollej c
i itslnll. .Manv iiu'lllbets objecting Hi
Ml ''n-asy's l.iUKuane. he loplled that,
he did not i.ile a tlukei's ilainii what
his lollcaL-ue., thought. The speaker
i.lllod the liioiiiber to older with a n.
Hunk that he would not peiuill him to
liiiniun llio iuioKiity of inly nietiilier.
This ended (he Incident.' and the hill
j.aited Mcoii'l i eadliiK hy a lvn iieo
Tho bills as .inieiided pmvlde that no
(ouipnny Incoi pawned iindei th'in shall
l.e peiiniltod or autlioi Ized to coniiei't
Its Hacks with iln naik of any tail
load cuinp.uiy inooipnrak'il under any
law of this stnte for thu tmnspoitiitloti
of nnssunsoi nnd tielgit, nor shall tho
Iu'iti'Iiiiiiko of eats and continuous
io ivmont between and uver tliu tracks
vt ivy milwjy uoniiMiiy iticorporateil
tiinli'i' lite lull nlid fitch cotn
pan.v he iiitllioil.eit or potmlttod
TIip Koeht hill wn nmended also to
Klve lllld"! mound and elevated mil
ways the ilfiht of eminent domain fur
I In- ptitpi'se or tnlOtiK any kind ol prop
city necossaiy for the entistl notion of
then line.
The tulee (oniinltlo.' at (onluht's ses
sloti tepnited mi order of hnslnos.s for
titnoiiow tinder with It the tapld tran
sit bllh' will he taken up for thlid lend
lilt, ahead ol all othoi hills on the cat
(tidai. Etneiy Bill Consideted.
It was 10.1., when the Knniy hill was
loathed. The opposition undertook to
pieveiit Its consideration b.v niovltiK to
atllouiii. The inotlon fulled, nnd the
bill was taken up and paused second
iPadliiK In the foiui in which It went
tllioil-,'h en tlrst le.idlliK. Aftot tho
lltst section had been lead. Mr. Cto.tsy
olfeied an aiuenilinelit, which was shut
out 1 1) tho adoption of llu piovlous
Mi. ('loax.v pioto.sted that he had the
iIkIiI to oiVei the amendment, hut the
spo.ikei mled MHraliist him. This ex
cite I Mt. Creasy and. adviinchiK to the
eleiU's desk, he demanded to know
whither the speaker lopiesentod the
people oi Hie ( in poiatlons, The sp nicer
oldeied the sol i;iMiit'-ilt-nilns to dhoot
Mi Creasy to take his seat. Scif-piiut-at-Ainis
UawliiiKs went to the moin
bei's scat with the niaee. the symbol
of Ills olllic, and Mr. Cieauy -at down.
Afteiw.ud lie moved to aiiiend the bill
to penult tiolley eonipanles to eairy
liolqht Hi siippoit of his ameiidment
he lepealod his reuiail; about moinbeiM
who have a "si a It" on tiolley legisla
tion, and was uriiIii r'alle.l to oidor by
the speaker. The amendment was
pininptlv i ejected The bill then passed
second leadiiiK:. after which both nionq-
ines were it'ooniiiilttod.
The following bills passed nunlly:
Pi.ivnlinir Hie ili tr.a-uii'i .it llnnl (la
(llui slull 1 1.- t he i.illdi.i of hum loi iih,
s. l.c.u mil pni.i iii,., h,
MmlMiInu jaiilr iiii..ini;. in ill iiiinin i. illtieq iln,., f (I,,. Hi. mil ,(1inl ,ia.
utlinillii4 i id. plioiic ci.nipinv to lnij ami
own ill,. i,ipii,i sii.d, f a lil.p i oi iHir.nii.ti .m.l
In aniline n fiinclii-c. uioptiti ru'liti in.l
.iciliU foi il.c inn ..-( ..r ii.iiiiottiii tlcc I'm
lulu i cnniliiii.Mi- irlcpliiiii,' tin,.
I'niM.liny: foi ilu puntinc mil .li.
triliiitimi of .nli.nn i ,l,f,i 0 tin- l.nvi is tlicv
.ne inn lid p. ioi s unlink .ipplicjlion tor
tin in
Tile bill i evoking wan. nits foi i ual
lands under the beds of iiiiviinhlc
streams Issued undoi the ait of s
failed on dual passage.
Impoitnnt Measures Mnde Laws by
Hi"? OfHcinl Appioval.
Hi l.xilii.m Wir.' llic wirmleil Pi
H.iril?btu-r, .lime I The governor
today sinned (he follow Iiik hills
sill ninir die .K-.-vtinnU In n,inl iM
. on. iiilini; in ni i,l. iln, In il. ih-ililn'-tn
'of Iln pun. uls rf rlii'iulV .ills nt led i.,i,.
Ill Uliirliom i.iiiiiii -u .is tn ivtiinl Hie piml.iuiiH
if tin- isiinc t. .ill iniimli.. in iln.', Mippl.
iiiiiiini mi .id piovi.liii' foi ilir
ol loMii-lilp-, In iiiihi.iii'.- , ll ti ilt i f, linn
piMMl'Ill Of ll.Ulls'np I.IMs lilLHIl ,s;
.iiiiemlm' in in niiitiii h.nonulm so .is in
.Icij.ii lie win. .lull null .i,,ii.ihon foi ,i I. i
onuli r. inns in..i.,ii.iiii l.i Iii'ioiiic -iibi, -to
llic u-liii lion- .nut pos.. .s tin. piiu.'i. .m,l
piiMlcsiK coin, ne. I hi II., .ni; v.ili.litii,.' i.
irili of iniiiil. ipilliins in, inn, I in ill..
(Ill til. II of M.nci u. il,. itlh's tin iniiicn-ili,iii of ll ,lii,ilii,
aid .niilliois of n,i poi ilKtilit of tin on ,,f
('.ill,,, ii, lil,
inlinit7ini; ioiiih IK of illl,. of 1 1 1 tlilnl ilji,
te oiiliiiiiicc to -.11 oi I .a it,,. , pii,,.' tlii mil mi.l. i niv , ul, II, pjil, oi i, mi.
inch ,,vn, ,1 Io .ii, li iiit mil to ipph i,, t. p,,,
idils 10 llllpiollll.' poll, in,; .mil IlKlitillK lice
)uik m rolnliicm
rimiiiiinir upon nun n ii miIii.. fniuls , i I, nil, I.
ins .mil Iciii, i in, ip. ii, iljliis to nuiie
In iiiilui-' In, N of .1 . mi tn ti f,,i ptioiiti u,,l v.di.l .ill sii. li I, i,. liiiitnloi,. .nri'ptiil,
Itt'p. ilhiir 111.' nt inpiiiin.r spHi.itHi io ,0 i.
vnii.l .nmiiilli fioin He kpiimiI inihl nl Hie
si .1 1,' tli.l.llll ID III.' .UlUlllL fllllil fo i pi,.
limit of llio pnlill. ihlil,
llclilliu' Io liisolu'ii. i, .iinnii. i, Hi, i tliln-. vol.
iilil im j.simiiai in. .,r tin- 1hh.hi f niilliiiis
.m.l iihiisc pini i tilings In n.,,li,.i,.i ,j ur, .
tnis. foililil.linj: n., i iiitiln in (uonu'.; puiinl.
in.' for llic ili. Inl, nil, ,ii ni io innolvtiil'. ist.ito
.m.l in ,i uit.iiii i. nil mil. n in. idlevitiir him ami
oil.'is li.ili'c ullli him 1 1, on finili, i lnliillti fur
111. Ol I ' ill 1,14
I'l.iil.ll.i ul,-n, liou, iip,,n Hint piop, Hi .iiul
t. Mini I'Vli'in Hi n. .lull lu allnnfil im t io,
.mil n.i iiniiii.lpd iiii.ioiiiii.'iis
Pi'llniiii.' ill,' li. 111. in.l lijliilill, , f p.iUlis
to ,ni, iiuiil.uiiu llio itt,', I of coiih.i, i fi null:
.mil lili.ii In he iliiiic mil l.ilioi oi m ili 1 1 il. In In-
1 til Distil .1 1.1 lilt llilllillllk.. III.,: lioiiils ni ili.i im. is in iliin
I'liidi li.oo l.i. ii l ihiimiIiiiI li i:.ii ii for pjiL
I'l.nnllnir f..r llio miI.ii.i..!. ii to i mil' f 1
.l.' .il iln loll iliiiloii llio in, ,(,.,, inn m.
mi in in iln i.iii.tlintinn f..i ,n.,,iul n.isti nl. ii
III ullll's
ll.vniitlnir ai.iru' fioin Hie piiniini nf
iln' pniiln.,' in,, n, n nf 1 iiul la mi., piisoii mi, I
III.' UUllls- of llic ll.ll Illl, III li liiliii. ,,t in
, illi, I
. ill. I aim. if ! loll, ii 1 mm Inl. i im in. a i,, nth
ii il .ills ho ni,. tin, piiloiiinil li. iioKiii,
,ul, lii ii ll I ni Urn ! nioiilli. .ifp.r llio ipliilioii
of Iln il io!iiinl.s..ii
Boeis nnd English Battle nt Close
Rnnge Nenr Vlnkfonteln.
IJ.v I.Ml'.iic Wli. f. mil 'llic .suijn prim,
I tJiiiu' "i. IM.ill. iinlii'il ii'. iiillim ili,.
il.l Iln. .it, mil In i.l,n Hut ii it i. oni of
llio III... iliiiJt. I 11. Ji III, III, n Hi,, u.ii. j ,
u! Iliscn'. iiiliiiim ii.i. 1 1. u, i. ho.- ih, iI,iii
iiml (.tilili.lniij i,,.(. ttln'ii iu. jiijiWiI hy
l.'fti ll'ii'i ini.hi ( oiiiiiiiinl.iiil liiiiip
'(lie lion. uri,. , Hoc llui lilt- fell
mi It.- ill. I tnlh't 'lii' inliiiini (iililily nun.
ml Inini tin' ,ho. Is of ti,. iiik pw ml' .uijilv,
'Ih. liiil,.i. hlus ilurknl with hiiuiitn .m.l jitr
.1 .Iiml. cl...i.iti. nji,i ,,, ,ft ii,,,,,
'tin II ll.whiin inn! ViriiuniV holh o,t .ii
Two Men Killed on the West Shoie
lit ,ln.iii' Wnc In.l,! Iln- .nilat', lii.
Nntjik. N I inn' I S H'lioiis fiouhi itruK
on mini iill llio ni. Shoii' j.illmjcl .it Mjn.lini
Ihi. .iiiiiiiooii A li.hi inline nit!, ., Um
fi.iti Iln. vllUvc (la.hi'.l Into jii ims.,,,uii,1
Inula lulu 'Inn nun villi' killnl ami tuo In
Illl ill J, I Jli' I. II. ( IK' V cli li, ilii;lliiii, .ikcoI
.'.", ii.ns, .m.l i li.ii I, .. Wiiuhl, III. m in, u,;,, I X
III oplll Dltlllll IJIMil die a, i lit, nl.
pensions Gianted.
U.i Wire bom The Aisiuiitul him,
Wi.lilimtoii, .Inni' I V...i I, Mi. i, I, of Ituisuiii,
l.jilvjiiuiina loinili, ha. Ih'cii .-rjiiiia a ponilon
ol ifj j inviitU
Tho Gabinet Decides That It Is Un
necessary to Gall Gonoress
This Summer.
President Will Continue to Govern
Philippines Under Spooner Amend
ment Until Next Congiess Meets.
No ChsMige in Policy Dlngley
Trulff to Be Maintained on Goods
from Islnnd Cabinet Unanimous.
The Establishment of Civil Gov
ernment in Philippines Will Bo
Can led On.
Ilr Di.liiMii' Wn
W'msI.Iiil' Inn
fioin Iln- Ai-u. ulcil I'm
June i. The pi evident
bus ileieiinlned that cclstliia; conditions
do not lefpilte or wan ant the. calling
of coui;ieM dtitlnK" tho pit. sent summer,
or the making of any change, in the
polic.v hlllielo put sued and annoiuu oil
in lospect to the I'lilliiiphif islands.
When the cabinet met today rieeie
taiy P.oot and Attornev Oeneial Knox
delivered opinions. They held that the
S ooner amendment to the Vnltod
Stales .limy law, hi icspeet to the rov
oiiimont of the I'lilllppliies. ronfeiiPil
.unfile autluiiliy on the piesident to
deal with all inatteis in iclatlou to the
islands until coiirioss meets In nttli
naiy ses.sion and passes lesislation.
After the opinions had been lead
e.ieh nioinhcr of tho cabinet was asked
to expioss his view. The opinions nt
the .ei'iPtnrj of war and the attorney
K( nernl were concurietl in unanimous
ly. Lntr the decision was diinouncoil
by Heeict.iry Cortelyou in the follow
ing liullelin'
"Tile piesident, has detoi inlnod that
fistiii, londitlous do not leiiuiie or
waiiant callincr eoin.ies.s togellier dllr
liir the piescnt summer or niakltiR- any
ellontre In til., liullev hltllel'lii lllllcllnit
and announced in lesaid to tho I'hillp
nlne islands."
It can be aitthoi itatlvfly stated that
the DhiKlpy rates upon Roods fioni the
I'hiilpi ines ontei Im. tho I'iiIIhiI Stntcl
will lenialn In lorce as herolofote. The
pi evident will put into effect suelt
ihanKos In the tniifj' duties- ,m noim
oiiiK into tho Philippines as the Tart
commission may locoinmeiid. The es
tablishment ol civil Koveinment lit the
aicliipolaf.o can ptoteetl without intei
niption as soon as the mllitaiy aulhoi
Ities consider the time I ipe for its es
tablishment. BIG TRUNK EXPLODED.
Two Bngg-agemasteis Have Nnnow
Escape fioni Death.
Hi l.(1i.iti' Wnc f i oi ii 'Iln' ssounli.l Pi,.s.
Now yorli. .luno 4. Andiew Koavy
a baKnaMeniastor. and John Allstiuni,
his assistant, were badly indued and
Kioat excitement was caused a the
lailro.ul at Atlantic llitih
lands to-day b.v the eploson of a bis
trunk lontalnhif; clothing and a laie
iiilinher of cat HiilKOS. The liuuk was
heiiiK Hausteiieil fioin a steaiuer to n
lailioad tiiiiu at I he time. Keav.v
was so badly lujiued that he was ie
inovt'd to the Iaius Hianch liospltal.
The Hunk was almost completely do
molisliod. '
The li Ullli was idenlllled us the piop
ei ty of !', I' XiH'thhii,, a loniauiailt
man of Ftillou "snoot, .New Yoik. Mr.
XaethiiiK and Ills 'lainlly weie on the
boat bound lor Hallloo, X. .1., whole
the family is to spend the summer,
.Mr. .Vi'othiiiK Intoiids sluutly to o to
Canada on a hulitinf trip.
""nnip tlnii- afro he was pieseutcd
with a handsome hi ass hound trunk.
When lle'lofl on lilt' pii'sept trip he
decided to cany his sduunliiK paia
plioinalhi in this irunk. Ali'iii'iIIiikIv
lie placed his kuiis and seveial linn
died carnldKos lu the tittnk between
his' sliimtiilK clothes. Tile ttuiik had
been Rotten ,saU'ly fiom the boat at
the Highlands and the hnK.iitt' me-,
wne plachifr it on the tialn wliou the
explosion tool; pl.n e
Bitter Fight in Nineteenth Waul,
Senator Flinu's Home.
lit I . M 1 1 1 . 1 e Wile fi mil llic Asm, i.util l'n..
I'lllluiir .linic -I 1'oiiti'iitioin twic Inlil In.
lilt ill ' I'h.l, Si 1 011,1, 'Ihllll, I'ulltlh, I'lllll,
slsili, siiintli ami l.iulnli ItiiUljlivr Htt it ts Io
fltct iMlLMtc n n ' Hi i, ,in, p.
lion, Coini'iitloa. mil' uImi Ii.'I.I to nomlniio
,csi.-t.nit J i ii U en of i, iiiiiiioii pleas Nos. I, ' .m,
.1 .iiul Imlcc of oi , h.ins' limit. Ml pis-ul otr
much, II, Il .mil ititlmiii lontcl, lii' ii'sulll pJlt.v
iK.iiiinics Ixlni;, .lude Mu irli ill Ihmui
ti.!. lioiiiliuliil for jmUc nf loniiiiun picas No. ;
Incite l.lllnic Ito.lsi'r-, fill jmlsi' of No, ';
.liiil.ii. .Inini M, IttniKilt anil S.ciiiiii'l Mil Inn.
tvt-ii' i."iiomlii.ilfi for No, li. ami .ImU.. .1.
1)1 il mis iioiiilli.ilnl foi JinUu nl oiplun.' i ran I.
In llio .11. 1 ol.JlilJthoi toiiti'iilioii linn, not
ll;hi. itm mi iLiin-t llio .ohiiliil.ii.niuii. In
llio NiiHiniith it ml, s.tulor I'llnn'. home u'.iul,
Iln lUhl lntlii iml ii'.ultiil In a th miy
lot 1. M lllgdoit, ttlio.i i Jloliiljii.' iu.'il
iluilinaii lit a tiiioil linjoillv. In llio lii.'iil.i
lii.l u.ll.l. .llsti. 1 1..' j, huh, Is nation nut it, I tjt,
I iiiiniiliiun It II IIoci.Ij's' man killiiiir
l.nhd cislli In llio snili uiii.l. uliiro I luih.s
1 lil,i, hi ol hi l' of tin' .( iLiloi'. ami Itipiisfiitaiiiu
1,'lin 'Hull? vtrii' lOlilC'slin,' foi uihI i lull in in.
lip, , oinontioiii vi. ip hrhl h.i l.olli o the fir
lion, holh iljiiiiin lu !)' le. il 'll,i' MilKhn
full, ,n vill ijiii Il.c II ci to Ilr- (111 (oni
linlip ami pioli'i.1 l he nf die I'limi pioplo
li lontiol ,f llic u .n .1 oi.-jiiiilion Ihfio uj,
no iciili'.i in am ol tin oiIki ti.n.l..
Two Moie Bodies Recoveied.
fly l!xi.liiilve Urr from Ilir Asioclalrii I'iri
l'hilachl)lilj, .liinu I. -'I'he hoilico of Itjiiuuinl
inker 3iil .lorrmo DiiKiimir, uho nolo .huiiiu J
In llio Scliiijlklll llui ttliili' lioatins (Hi .Miniu
ilal day, vti'iu IoiIjv niou'ie.l Ironi tin? lutir.
I'lt'c elili ami ttto ini'ii losi their lives in Hid
an Id, nt au. Ul but tuo if the I'Othej luiv l.i'in
Man Accused by the Late John Hop
kins Brought to Bar at Last.
Iljr CuliMiM' Wile hum 'Iln- nilatril I'll'.
I'hlliiilulphlti, .Ititic I The trial of
llli'hiird l Loper, fotineily tnauaser
uf the CiUiirnntiiH.' Kliutnce i'oniiauy,
for consplincy to defiaud tho Peoplf'M
hnnk. which failed in IMN. hoKitti (odny
hefoie JinlKO Mat Iln. The suicide of
John S Hopkins, cashier of the hank,
disclosed the fact that both Institu
tions were Insolvent.
Hopkins loft n letter rii.'ou.slni, I.o
per of beliny the cause of Ills ruin, nnd
ctmiKltip; hltn with uifckiiii-' the (luar
nntors' loiupany and tho l'eople'.s
hank, l.oper was nrresletl nnd intllct
od, Ills ti Inl was postponed six times.
Assistant Dlstilot Attorney Finlotter.
lu opening' for the commonwealth, re
viewed thu i'Iiui'ro of consplincy and
said he would show that l.oper played
on the feats of Cashier Hopkins after
he had ruined him to obtain money
fioin the bank without collate! nl.
Americnn Cup Defender Meets with
an Accident While Sailing- Off
Brenton's Reef.
Il.c r'i Wiic ficni 'I he .(ni.itiii I'iim.
N'ewpoil, IS. I., June -l.-AVhlle dash
ing ulomr lu a sjood wh'olosoiuo hroezo
otT I'tenton's reef liKhtsliip this arier
nooii, witli throe lower sails set, tho
his hollow stool mast on t lie iielmoiit
syndicate cup iMfeuder Constitutioa
collapsed like a blow-plpp, through the
sudden hicaklns: of the slaiboaid and
windward spic.ider.
The mast bioko oil oulv a few feet
below the spreader, about thri'-llfths
of the IciiKth of the mast above the
deck, and as the topmast was ( at riod
awn.v at the same time, none of the
spais except the boom stiiiek the d"ck,
and the l.itlor oulv lilt it light blows,
which did not Inline the hull at all.
None of the nulls weie toin, and all
can be used again. Km innately, thieo
seamen had just i oine down fioin the
masth.-iil, alter taking in the club top
sail, but the ,vie(k:it?p swept oveiboaid
Second 'Mate Kdwnirl Xi'limi. lie n
Iiroinptly lianlod '.hoard, however, with.
out susuiinms; anytuiim moie than a
lew biulses. Tho doslnriipr. Mr. 'nt
Tleiieshoff, was on the deck when the
mast collapsed, and ivitli him were AV.
15iiH"r Duncan, the manager of the
yaclit; Atr. C. Oliver Tselin. who mnn-
,ised t Ii- ("dlTitnhlii two eais nco. when
slie sustained a similar accident: Hear
Commodoio C. I.. V. Roninson, of the
Nov. A'oik A'aeht club, and Air. N'ow
buiy Thome, anil all escaped Inhnv.
The Constitution will be taken to
Rihtol tomoriow. where another steel
must Is noaily IlitlsliPd. The yacht will
hi immediately lefltted, but It will be
ptobaliiy ten days or two weeks bcfoic,
she Is in shape to sail auain. m tliat
Hie i tiics ore this pint scheduled for
Juno 1," IT will have to be post
poned. Ml. Duncan etpipssod lemet over
tlie accident, but said he was veiy ulad
that no oil" was injuied,
Resident of Jacksonville Died Soon
After Being- Taken Out of Water.
ftv llvilmiip Wire fioin Hie Ass.irhlnl lv,s.
Nnv oik. .Iiiiic I, - nun ulio, 1 1 oni pju'i
,lll hllll.s 101111,1 Ills poikils, I. slippo-0,1 10
1" rtoli, rt fiililii'n Iliilitcll, of .I.Kk.omilli', Ph.,
Jiinpnl fioin the lliool.l.vii lirnU'i' lln .ifli'tmion
ami illi'il soon ail.'i I,. Inj taken from ilif ilvoi'.
llic nun it h I'ti.lHitly piipaicl for llio Jiiiup,
foi Im wiiii' a lifo piisiitii jihI Ins hoil.v ii.i.
-iithnl nidi (mill,, which nmu rvlili'iit'lr In.
Iimlcl In lesiii the imp at vvlnn'li. sii(k the
wan i, V iiiiliihcr nf papiu vtcio htiillul hilunn
In. hoiif ami Hi,' life pii'-iiiei. 'Iln' man lift a
slii-.l lii jie.i r llio n-iiti'i of (he Inlilsi In his
p.nlit was a inpf of .i .I.ic k.-nm ill,. iioi.pji, r
of Vpril 12, which c oiilaiincl an i, c mini of i
inn of li'itnm u lili li nidwdl iia tn il.litci
at llio Paik Opcia I Inils,. in tint illi.
Illl' ll tt IS ill Ills pUlklU lll'l,' a,hlisi, in
Itohiil (i. Ili, hull, Von Veil, .ilv. 0 f ih, in
was from llio iikiiIim- nf I ho man, Jhs, V, if,
lliiliull, nf Wasliincloii, II, ('
.). iksontilli', I'l.c, .Inni' t. -Itoben (i lli.luill
was a von of V, I, lllijiidl, ivlm illoil m,iiii, Ihiif
Hi" al (lilaiiiln, I'll., wlifii' lie inim'J ,i hciuilhil
oiaiis'i' timvi. .iiiiu llliltvi'll wa. nsanlcil i. a
man of moo' than atuiuo iiili'lllnciic o, hut it is
liol lll'll h.ll.llliccl.
lie Icili-s i wliloiv anil io im.- ilinahli'i' al tin
linlo. It, li lililiii'll c .nil,' lino .Mill In piil
mil plu.'il n Iniiai' a,lLiti-i on nt in tho 'lime
Lnloii ami tillI'll, In wlilili ho ilitlmil In po..
m'ss a l.irnti' of i MLioiillnav pom in Hi., pin
pi.snl Intuit wis ni'i i-r kIviii.
The Town Crowded with Visitots,
Four Bands on Patade.
1r rviln.lii' Will' fiiiiii 'llio Awnl.iliil "ns.
in ili-hiiit, lime 4. 'llio Innn U (initilnl to.
ilar wllli ti'ln.uis nf tin. lii in.l Mini' of tl,
Iti pul, lit' ami laclios nt iln. tw. .oi mi.'.
alnl with tho nhli i loin- hands i-ioilnl the
s .1 1 Inni or-uii itlnii tn .r ipiaiicij
loiliy ami llio cl.i.,s nf i iili'it.iiiniK nl arc will (on i mm Sloin lailnl to appeal, oflnial
l.ii.m.'v, lit llllil.shin," ih-ii.ili,ln.' ins p, Mina at.
In Ilir .ifhinuon ( liaplain "-jiifs nf I he (i ,
It , innihli Iril nii; x'riiii' .11 the N'allonil mm
Im ntiuni, vihiili wnc iillr mini lit l.c hojs
ami sl of tin' i ol l.itnl Diplian shuul.
Dull, lit tin pupils' of tho Mhnol aiuj, It'll a
IliiiP .isMinliljae en din iliiiloii laiiipm In llio
I'tinliii; ami laloi uilir lull, vihne Iho om'ii i-c
of iilhonii' win' In hi, u as (initilnl In h. ilonu.
lii mill C II T tNolll, of Niiv oik, iimiIo Iho
puiiiipd .nl. In. '
Steamship At rivals,
Of Hncliuli. Wiro ', ill fhc vin.ialiil Picji.
Ndii nlk. .Iilllo I llii-, 'ililaiiil, V I t -wi'ip,
I'ni.h.iic h i"i- (im . i', llniioii ami Soinli
ainpion I li'.iml. (iciiiianii.; '.
loin., sniilhainplrii lctwrip- iilinl: Pciin.
I.iikI. Vur .'I U. (ll.isi.ow -riinl: S.lcniJ,
N.iv ik Ih.' inn iniiril; IvaUir W'ilhrlin
Dtr 1. 1 cits,'. .Nut A ., la ( In ihouij, ami s,,uh,
ainpion. l.i. io 1 I'J.-i ,1; .Viostciiljin, c ",01k
for Itolti'UlJiii, si, pant, Niw A ..ik oi s,mili
Suits Against Insurance Companies,
rty rxrhuiie Whe fuin llic AvsodatfU I'rrn
1 1 111 ! bin ii, .luti. I I'i... I'rdliijrs inn' hull
tiiml locla.i luforu Attoimi lauiul l.lkln to ic
tuko II.' Ik,ii-(S of the Aetna ami 'liuu'lll.s'
llisiiraiiri' lompanUs of Ilarlfoiil, Conn , 10 do
hiisliim in I'll iH.ilianij, liciaiiso o( lln-lr lola. d
to U.i Iln' cli'ath ilaliu of William II. D1I.1, ot
l'hllaih'l,hii', ho ilii'd at I'ltlilnui,'' in .lainiaiy,
I'M). 'Iln last' will lie anjiiij on 'lliur.ilaj.
The Flatt Amendiiient, It Is Snk1,
Is SntlsfuGtbru to All tlic
People ol tlie Island.
Tlie Masses nt First Believed That
the Piatt Suggestions Had Been
Adopted An Explanation ot the
Constitutional Convention's Ac
tionWhat Mr. Root Appioves.
By Kxiludtf Wire liom The I'rru.
AVashlii!toii, Juno t. Inside Informa
tion (oiiiernliif, lh action of the (.'itban
conveiillon on the I'latt ainendmeiit luis
Just boon locoived ill Waslilnslon. Il
appeals thai tlie Hist draft of thu
ninendliiPiil, ns Interpteted b.v the 11111
hilty of the loinmltlee on lehitlons
witli tlie United Slates, was submitted
to Oeneial Wood and' hy lilin sent to
Washington. Thai diaft n not an
extensive document. It was appioved
by Scetetary llont and his approval
was made known to the Cuban conven
tion. AVhen tlie mat tor came up fo;
discussion It was found that a number
of dole;?ales' votes lould ho obtained
only by tlie extended alteiatlons,
amendments and intoipretations which
dually 'vote adopted hy the conven
tion and 1 ejected by Hooietaiy Hoot.
It Is said oilhiallv that the people of
Cuba bellived at Hist that the Piatt
amendment had been adopted and that
they weie satisfied. Such was the he
ller of the people of tho tinted Statoa
until the diafl of the adopted amend
ii'i nt mum leceived hoie.
The belief is expH'ssoil in ollleial oil -lies
hei that the Cuban people as a
whole ate peifcotly satisfied with llio
I'latt amendment, and that It will be
Switch Engine Clashes Into a Pas
senger Tiain Thiee Passen
gers Killed.
Hi llvdiiMtr Wiic fioni Tho Assothiteil pi,M
Atlanta. !a Juno . A switch en
Kine In the y.iids of tho Southein
IJailvvay sliops near the city limits
dashed Into a passenger tiain as It
was passing to-duj. killing tin ee pus
si'UKcrs and In iuiln sixteen, time of
them, It is feaied. fatally.
The dead: .Mis. A. A. Lemon, of
Mr'Donoiifjli. 1'a.: Inini, teu-yoar-oltl
d.uiRlitor of Alis. Leniniou. It. H.
Vhkeis, h'lovllln, I'a. The moie ser
iously iiiiuiod are: .Mis. Julia Ker
sey, Atlanta, may die: A, K. Itiinii,
.McDoiuiiiRh, C.a., may die, D, A,
(leoiKC, I lex, !a.
Just beyond tho Soiitlicin shops ai
the coal chutes and all about those aie
side tracks. On one ol those side Hacks
and only n few feot fioin tho main
Hail;, an oiilne was standliiK: had
only a shott tlni" hefoie boon aban
doned b its engineer and nienian. As
the nuin was passing the junction of
this ship Hack, the switch engine sud
denly dashed haelcwnid Into the mov
Inif tiniu. The (list-iiass day ouch
vvai Known over on Its side and partly
deiaili'd. the l'nllnian car 1cH11t1s was
tin own fiom tho ttaik and one end
smashed into kindling w'ond, while the
npcks were knocked Hum under the
romhimitioii and passenger
The killed won- lu Hie day coach.
Soon after the tvier-k n. H, Duiiton,
an eiuployo of tho .Southern niilway,
was aue.stod on suspicion of bavins'
inn the wild Pilfs'lno Into the swiftly
niovitiK pnssemrer tialn Duiiton de
nies that he had auythiiiK to do with
the wieck and says lie was not on the
oneMiio. The Southern otlleluls claim
that ho 'was seen to KPt on the engine
aim tliey say juuiier tliat no nail no
business tilde, a.s lie Is a ynnl con
(luctiii. Duiiton hits seveial sashes hi
Irfi head which he ndinlts leceivlnp; in
tho wieck, but lie nialntalus Ih.u ho
was not on the oiikIiio,
The One Bundled Mile Run on Lake
,Eile Is Won by "City of Eiie."
lb I'm IukIvo Win- (mm thr A-.oi lateii 1'in.s.
1'ni'. Inni' I 'Iln' liuii.lii.l mil.' ruin on l.a'.c
llilo lulwrrii Il.c sliaiinrs (fly of Clio ami llio
Taslnnoo w,i won hy the City nf Clio by nnc
liilimto ami tin nlv tuo s, ootid.. (Iihcljl lime at
the linisli: Clio tio.sii line 1.11 ',1,, initial iIiiik;
'la-linion. 1 III s.
'Iho ic.iiU wi iloiil.ifnl mild linn- ipnrui
nf llio loui.i' na lotori'il It "as nod, ami ne. k or Iln' vtat. Tin' Kile hlinok .ioil wa!i-r
otf Pan poll mil iliopp. ,1 llirio IciikIIi. Ii, himl
her iltal. llio Ta-liitio) ..1II01I In .puns, 'liio
I ill' 1111I11I.1I1111I a it,'a,l) Rill.
Sale of D. & H. Canal,
Vy I'Mlii'ito War noni llio soi .ui', Pirn
,Nnv oik, .Inn,' I 'Iln' iipoilnl .do of tint
poilloii of tin- ohl mi, I llu, 1. 0 n a.ind
In, in smnmlltillo Id Ivhu'loii 1.1 lln Now oil,,
Hi'ijiIo anil Wili'iu lliilio.ul 10111)11111 11.1. ioi
tiiinnl Imlay hv I'n.hlciii I'oi'lti, m thai tail
mail I'l te olhiiaU wonhl not .11.. 11.. iho , To
01' llio iloi(lll toil iv. i:..lin.ilo, nf iln- pi I,,'
I1.1 i'l for llic uiltiitai tilt liom 'lim.imo in
tt'D, lieu
Daniel Willuid's Title.
Hj Ktihblte Wire loin 'I lip Aoiito, I'n.s
.Sew .oh. .Iiiiic h.- 'Iho til If; u lji,i, Wi
lai.l, Ian l.i .i.-l-taiii i-ninal inanatai 01 iln
llalllmon and tlhln l.lllioail niol.'i Vli. I ii,l,i
uoo.l. will bo as,l,taiu 1,1 iho pu,I.hnt of h,.
Kilo l.lllioail llio appoliitiniiit In this olliio 11 .u
amioiiii, nl lodij M Wlllanl will' l.o piatiital
I) In ihaiwo uf the Clio', op, lallmi
Shanuock in Diy Dock.
ly Kucliwitf Wire fiom 'llio AhsoiIiIciI I'ihi
Soiillijinpton, .Inn.' I -llio shainiuik II unit
Into ilr) iluik todji lot ail i-ialliliiallcli ol In'l
Wenthor InJIciitlonii loilat:
1 fiiin'ial Cnlit Will Ani'pl tin- I'l.ltl AiiKinl
lilt nt
ltiml Tniielt Hills Villained In I lie In;iKl.f
' inn'.
No l'ti.i srvinii of Cnncii..
In. how fiiimiili' l'iiiili(ili'
2 licniial-t ailioiiilile Ibnutinfiit.
;! fJomral -'Iln' W01 lil ol spott.
A IMitoiial
Note m.l Coinnii nt.
5 tuij "Nimihir Clctrti."
(1 I.1H.1I -Mil.' of Difi'll.c In III.' Illlllntt Mlll.lCT
I 'a.o.
.It'll 11 Itil-llil.ih 'n llmly I'iiiiiiiI
llick'on I 01 0111, illi c Workn sol,).
7 I. ,n.l Het outer Moll llnini' fiom II lllisliui'E'.
IMiiiilioiial Coiili.t. nits (lain oil tho f.t'i.ld.
S I il-Wi'1,1 SluiIiiii 1 tul siilnnhaii.
! Voiihcislirn I'fiiii'tltanla.
I'liialn Id in, I ( onnni'liiil.
HI l.oi ll -l.lnc of IWoiiie in the llilllutt Murder
( a-,' IC,in,'lli,l,',l. ami,
Doctor Rixey Slightly Moie Hope
fulSteinberg Called in
By Kidmhf Wlr from 'Ihp Asoditpil I'rrai.
Washliintoii, Juno I. I"r. Illtey was
at the White Ifotiue an limit and a
half this pveniiiK and on le.ivliifi; at
half past ion In answer to liuiuliies
concci'iilnt, Jlr. .MoKlnlov's coitdilloii,
'Thotc lias lu'L'ii no linpoi latit change
In Alls. .McKlnley's condition since we
save nut our bulletin tills 11101 nint,-.
Slie Is testiiiK: coillforlaM.v Of com so
thoie are tliictiiatlons in her condi
tion: at times she is hotter and at
times worse, but she I" certainly not
loslns any Kiound. In fact slie is pos.
sibly saining very slowly. Theie is no
moie Immediate danger now tliat
thoie has been or some time."
While Dr. Hlxey was sllfrhlly moie
hopeful in his talk to-nlslit the pa
tient's eotiilitloii cannot be said to
show any matoiial change. It has
been decided not to hold consulta
tions moie than once ti day unless ,1
material change for the worse should
occur and that the oulv bulletin to ho
Issued shall be on" IoIIowIiir- ihe usual
foieiioou consultation. Singeon Kon
eial Steinbei'K called at the White
House (IuiIiik; the evoiiins. A iiumbin
of petsonul aoqualntancp.s t ailed dur
Ins Hie evpnliiK. but no one was ad
mitted to the White Mouse aftel !
o'clock, tin hour oat Her than the usual
time for closing the dnoi.s to poison.11
'1 lends. Ono of the piesident's visi
tors tn-night said that It was conceded
that Alls. McKinley was in ,1 vol y
Kiave condition. Tlioie was hope of
the outcome, lie said, but it was ,( veiy
slender hope.
Members of the House ft 0111 Anthia
cite Conl Counties Discuss Plans.
Dy Kvrlniltp Who from lln sscslnt pd Picjh.
Il.lll.).lt1jr, .I11110 I. -'llic lllllllh. Is of 111.' linn...
ol i.'il,-( ntatli limn llio .itillil.ii no mat 1 null.
ikh anil iho Illinois' liis.,liw irnnniilit'C lii'ld
a inn Hi, k Im c tnni.dil anil fiiiihu tin'
pltn of ,n lion Iht't slnll Like with ii'.'at.l tn
Iho ininiis' hill .till in iho mmmI.' 1 oiiiiiilllo. .
No il. liinic a, linn wa. lea. In', 1 ami aioitli.'i' niccl-ili'-'
will ho hi 1,1 li,ni,iiiou uioiniu. li 1. pri.h.
ahlc a tiinilai let In mil in1 util I'adi m, 111I1, r
nl till' senate si nil, u toitli Iho 1I.-.1111, of the
mlnem ami .iionglt 1111111; tliat tin hill. ..till a.
loinniilli,' ho 1 (i.ii li-il in ili. finale. U iho
h.11110 litno Ihe lil.inllllt, 1 Olllltllltn plohlhly
will is.iie a .( iieiiieiil In the pnhln ilenniim iiij.
Iln alli.t.l "liohl ii." of iho mill,' viol loi,.' lull..
II has Inni .iitsui'.li'il in miiiio .iiiiuis thu
if flic miniis vtillnliaii III, if- opp isltiiin in the
l'o 1 Ifillol hill 1 li. It illllir( ot till ill. Ilt'.llli','
11II011 lakin mi the mini nil!, uonhl he iiijkIi
Vl Ihe tin 1 til, 1; I, on, lit 1, llmi 11 In the
hen-,- mi mhi n in, nili 10 oppo... Il,c 1 ipltol lull
wa. 11.1 in, Inl 11ml Ir tvi. i. .li'ddnl In leue
id, liiiltri nf inn In Ihe I'm hill In Ih,'
hal,,v nf ihe mlnem' , nniniillce, tilth h will
ditiiiilo ailimi toinniiow inoinlna;
Hi r.ulindte Wiic fiom fin' l'Oi lalcl Pirr
lliiii.hin?, Inrie I Ihi iipi. 111,: lonil h'hl
It. .e.ston in tins mi iiirjai, tlie .iicunn at
li-l hat Ilia In ni di-am-cl up, 'I lie iaso of ihe
1 ( itiiiiouu ,,1 li tr Andtoi lliiililinu Hid linn
i..odltiiiii, ot toil.. Ihnphlii, 11 is ritil.inl In iho
siipcilor inini
Viiioin, ihe ih'i i. Ion- Inn. Inl iluitn inn" New
Ion v. Vidian lion Wi.ll... I.tiiine, afllmeil.
Mil'nllliii'k t S 1. f Modi field, ifllllnlil, Ullli'
1. Ihil Im. k Ih'aiis, ( leafirhl. .iffinned II
Ni'iut el al. ts I llik el .d,. Ill lie illniu.'il
(., 11, lal I'iio Cvlliiiii.lni' loiiipani i Vlaaco
l.llpil Wink., I uliiiiilnj. aim me, I. I'i i.hliii.' .
I '"lining, appeal Horn .i,iinii mini, no iinlir
. .
Tlie Edltois Abioad.
lit Wite (loin Ihe Vi-o, ulnl I'U'sl.
Ihlil In. lime 4 I'he ineinh is of the I'eiiletl
1 nila lilltolld .!,,' i.illon niln',1 hue loo. 11 on
iln I r annual out m.'. tiiioiiipiiiU'il hj ilielr fanil
liin. 'Ilj.i will 11 in 111. until h'tiu u, i Willi;, tin Inn anil Muvrjia I'.ills Ihile ale ihonr
'(I) people 111 the putt 1 II llillke, 01 I'lilli
ilc'lphii. picshiint of the a.soi tailnii, i in diaivte
of Ihe .ih ,
Leadeis at Hauisbiug.
lit Cvdii'he Wlte fioni Iho ... lat.'.i Post
llaiii.l.tii)., lime I -Inltiil l ile sniaioK
(,lua) and I'i'liii,..' 1,11' lieu kiipin. ll -u Is uf lci
hti.'ii In uliiili Iln' Itepiihllian parl.t is plnUcI
hi in .late plalfoum. I'ail.i li.uhii fioin d
mil Iho lalo lilt, Ih . li .uniliioiicl In lldill.liiu
lu luiilil Willi Ihe ..'ii. cols (11 llio jtiilliid ami
1 oiiiie-.lonal ippnnk inni in hill-t ami lullni n
Innn Ion
' State League,
lit Cidi. sill' Wne (lion I lit- Assu, i.ilnl l'.'.
Iteadlnii, .lune 4 Iho Mill In.c hill hn.ui'
wint Into H.-.loii line at II n't Io. k Imii.lU It
Is I'lpi.leil (hat in aiiii'i nit nl a. I.. Hi' until!
Io hi 111 the t il 1 mt 11 III l.e li.ii lad In Ihe 1110111
inr. when llic -fa.nii'- kdinlnlo will Ills. I v ho
a 1 mmiKi'il.
Eile's New Fabseuger Agent.
II) Kuliudvu Win- from Ilir Vs.cclauil Piri'
Nitt Voik, lune I I.Vlioul I'.c.s. 'lin'r Aiant
lliiiiiuti I HuUil.. uf ills' Clio lailionl, ale
nonnird hi. 11 .l.lijlloii tudai lKlo. W Cooke,
av.l.tant ifcmial pav-enter j,'(iit, lu.s hicn Uc
ilcJcd upon ii bis tuuea'or.
He Believes That the Continental
Powers Will Gomblne to
Crush England.
This Government May Be Called
Upon to Say "Don't" aa Eng
land Did at tlie Beginning' of
the Spnnlsli-American War King
Edwaid Pull of Friendship for
Ahieilcan Cousins.
Ily rv.lii.lYi Wire from 'the A-'odalcil l'rnw.
London. Juno 4.-y"Alatk my words,"
snld aVndrevv Carnegie tonlKht to a
icpiesentallve of the Associated Press,
"llic time Is cotillon' when the contin
ental povveis will combine to smash up
this little Island of (lioat "Britain.
AVhen tliat happens, she will have to
turn Io the United States for help.
"I feel certain it will not ho refused.
The United St 'lies will step lu and
say 'dou'l. They Mill not just ns
(lieat llrltahi did in the Spanlsli
& met lean war. What she did then
was gloat and It is not half tealtzed
AVhen Air. CarnoKle z.wo utterance
to those sentiments he was in the
I,;mi;liiuii hotel, London, where he hail
arilvcd fiom Scotland for tho chamber
of commerce KiitherhiKS. Until to
niKlit he laid steadfastly refused to bn
Interview ed.
llcsiimiUK tho topic of AiiRlo-Ameri-can
lelatious, Air. Carnegie said:
"T believe in the community of tho
IhiKlisli-spenkliif? laces, hy which r
mean that the Amei leans and tho
niltisli are now closer than over he
foie. Could you set a bettc,r Instance
than the Isii of the delesates of tho
New Yin Ic chamber of commuice to
Windsor last Saturday? I suf-Rested
It and I'lns, Kdvvuid took up the idea
thin (Highly. It was ,1 fitting: com
mencement of the new leign.
"T know "low deeply intoiested Klnfr
Kdwnid Is in Hie 1'nited States. T
have known this since the time, year--ajst).
when I diove him 011 a locomotlvo
in Hie 1'nlled States, vvhleli by tho
way, ho did not forget when we met
under dlffoient conditions.
Edward Is Friendly.
"The Idea that the visit of our dele
gates io Windsor can he lu any way
(oiistruod as King Kdwuid's lecognl
tlon of Amei lean i ommerclnl supei
iorily is all nonsense. The king I;
lull nf tact and of rtiendshlp for oil
"Do you think." Air. Carnegie was
p.sKed, "that tiiltlsli entorpiiso can In
sulllclenlly stlmuhileil to ineet aincrl
can competition?"
"Oil. they fit until compelo vvllh us,"
loplicd Air. Cuiiiojrlo with a smile."
"Would you advise the Iltltlsli peo
ple to place their faith In combin.i
llons,?" said tin.' Intel viewer.
"I'm out of business," icspondod Mr.
Caiuegle. "and I know nothing about
When finest loiied regarding his re
cent gift to the universities in Scot
land, ho .aid:
"llveiything will be settled shortly In
a way sntlsruotoilly to both sides. The
high Scot olllcials and myself are still
having coiifeienccs to ai range mat
ters." When asked If bo contemplated fur
ther gifts, bo 1 cplied in Ihe negative,
"I have iiiilo enough 011 my hands
for tlie piesout. When this matter
has been settled thoie will bo lime
enough tn think of something else."
.Mr Caiiiogio looks well and Is gieat
ly pleased at the locoptlnn given lo the
delegates of tlni Xovv Yoik chamber of
Youngest Sou of the Late Statesman
Mniried to Admiial's Daughter.
Hi Cviluslie Mac frcm 'Iln- Vs-odili',! I'rri-.
Wa.lilnnlnii, .lune I Mis-t M 11 III l HnMiorii,
il hi. hln of llui cliuiial lljelilmrn mil rclsn
in; h'llo in W.i.liiiiKlnn .oiiel.t, wit niallicl
l.i ,1 linis (i, 111 line, louiiR.'sl mhi of llui laic
Malno stali-nrtn, at 1111.111 I nihil it the le-icleni 1,
nl li.'l piiiuts. V unall utlinini,- nf linineiliitn
lelaliiiis ami fiietuls ulliif.siil the iriemoin.
'liiet im Inch, I Mis III 1110, itiothll of the kiouiii;
Ml. ami Mia lliiinn.di and Mi.. Ileale, ItH ,..
III-. Utc'l 1 hi ea 1, 1 1 -t Mi ami Mm. Ilhilne left
loi .Si tt 101k,
1 1, el will i 'I Inn. ,la f.r Cniripo, In he jnne
thin in, mill. Ipoii then iilurn the 1,11m;
cup!.' will ii'.hlx in m y.nk. 'Hie hrnleS
tinlilins oitn wa. nf main diintillt' hue, nnd,.
Willi aKsollllo 0I1110II1 111. Hi, tlOll.aM'an wi.
el.ihot.ite mil In uitifnl. Tlie cfii'nonv w.15 per.
Inline it I1.1 et Ilr. Wallaie Ihoh lltlc, nf l(.
Nut' 01 tnnio I'lc.lituriaii 1 Inn, li. and wa.
if llic is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... t dm n li r.
Joltaunesburp; Mineis on Stiike.
Ill Csilu-lte Wile ft "III 'Ihe A.M.dae, I'iih
loll 11, no. Inn.', .luno J I ), Minv ininrr.,
Iiluslinr tn ampl Im shillliiks i, r 1I.13, Iho iaii
Inni I1.1 inililai.t 1,1, In, lute :oil,r.ou lke.
Burial of Hazel ins,
Hi I. vein. ile Wii' (1.111 Iln 1..0, htm I'l rat.
stiKkholin, luno t. Vhoill lii.iki) p. ison. wri'.
I'l cent at iln hinlal l,li,i nf HjaIIiii, Ihe (01111 1,
il of Ihe Si in human iml Vuiiniu niincuni.
I o il .lila ,n .llini' 4, HOI:
Ibiliiisl Inupii linn J!i d i'iim $
l.oiie-t liiui'oialini' irih.h'i
lldllite llinnhlil):
S u. 111 ,,, Ul pir icnl
i IU I. n (sic.
I'mlplluilon, i In, ills imlid & p in, not. ;
itfalliti, 1 1 .11
HHHMHf tl fff
t- 4.
W .liln. tin, .lime I I'oreca't (or Cut-
4r 1111 1'i'iin-ih ina I 111 ami waiin We,. 4.
s- ik'.ila.i mil IhiiiMiit, lainhli' ulndj ihlft. 4
III. Ill flC-ll fcllil lll'l ll, -
'f f i4ti'(i4-f-lV'lV
- (
" V u