r frmftV -' T Ji 'l5P' '"'- SKI Blr rW TMV? Ptswjjw ' A , fc 't J K, JUv UF MVWMlrfl t V 8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1901. GOLDSMITH'S Our 30th Semi-Annual White Begins Tomorrow florning 8.30 O'clock. i?f h m & OU have learned to expect this merchandising event, and because you expect it we strive harder and harder each successive season to give you better values than we ever did before. After many weeks of careful preparation our stock is now before you, and awaits your judg ment. These half yearly Underwear Sales have established a reputation for us which stands second to none. It lcquires exactly ten times as much space to display our stock and serve our customers now as it did fifteen years ago. This proves conclusively that goods of merit, honestly and correctly made of good materials, desirably trimmed, generous in size and marked to sell at a small margin of profit are sure to win favor. In addition to this we beg leave to say that all our Underwear is made in well ventilated work rooms, under the strictest sanitary conditions, instead of being made by cheap labor, in closely crowded, dingy tenement houses. Copyrighted tickets on nearly everv garment beats the inscription, "Guaranteed Non-Sweat Shop Make." The best manufacturers in the country take off their hats to us, and tell us that but few of their customers arc as particular as we are, as to every detail in connection with Ready-Made Garments. We study your wants and you repay us by your liberal patronage. A Corset Covers At " cint. Corset Covci of good Muslin, period llilinK, put tnKi'ilicr well, relied se.iuiM, only tlnee to a un tuniei. At 1!) ent, Coi.p Copiv. squill o neck, Cambric, eiiiluolrt oty ulmnied ami tucUod final. At .'" cent", Corset rovc-is of I-'liu- Cunliili, neat oinlituld oiyunil liioc tilnimed; the latest fiendi styles. At "I rents. Coi set envoi-, or e.celleiit Cinibile, emlnold eiy niid luce uiinnieei, tucked flouts .vpi.tie, luiind aiirl V nee ki; J." dliTou'iit Mylc. At 1') cent-. "n -et Cnet!, French stjle m.nle iiniii llnet Ions cloth, ti ininieil with tine lace and eiiilmilele-i.v. Dlher -l les to in. itch sts. Iiiipt I'.uisd.in dc-lsns; up to j :. if. Night Gowns V V; t !'. cenf. XIkIU downs fall .Milsdln, double yoke back, link oke tiont, seneious In -I.l; u-iiiil pi lie I!' i cuts. Onl three to a "ttstoiwi. At lent-, .Vijjlit (low lis made In all the tliltci'eiit slvlcs-, hish neck, low neck and Kinplie, I.ko and i mbioldeiy ti limned. At ." cents, sevpt.ii stvles o downs that would be con- siclf-ieel i heap at 9S i cuts 111 llianv othei stoics. At "" cents. Night (!ovvii ol .Muslin Ciinibiiu, lace or embioldei ti Imined. At 'K cuts. XIkIu (limns: oer ."0 stlr-s-t made of the llnest (.anibiic and Iiiiik (loth, riemh eieslsns, ulmnied with beautiful lace and enibioldei les. The new Hisliop Uowiis. with low iipi U and shui t skeos, espci Lilly adajued foi Suminc' weai. At 19 (cuts, a lot of MNses' Xislil Clowns; all sizes to lit children Horn .' to 1- yeais. Other down-, up to 'fT.'is. Many of our Cow lis lme low neck and shoit sleeves especially tor rfuuimei use. tite. ,N Long White Skirts At GO cents Long: Skirt, Umbrella shape, of K'lod Cotton, with a full tl.ue tucked Catnhilu liiflle. ii .. ceius, i.onfj Kiris, i-aiminc, witn (.'uniiiric rutlle, tiim- Mlnil will. Innn nt ..mill fililm t .&V At US cent". Lcinir Skb is1. Urn dozen: Hip crro.-iti.m Ml. tit li.n-- fi-aln w(. have ever been able to show. Theie uie made of excellent Cambilc. Full llaie umbrcllii effect, with dust uiflle, and ti Imined with emhroldeiy fiom S to 10 Inches' wide. At $1.11, Lour: Skills-, Cambilc with Cainbiiu Ilnuuce.ti limned with deep val lace, or embioidery; 111 ,l.los to select fi om. At J2.73. Lonff Skiits, unibiella shape, fill I'i yauN vide, witli lace inset Unit. Laeo edsre and Linen flounce. U At $1.!'S, Lonjr Skirt", Jluslln, Cambric flounce, umbiella Hhape. tiimmed with two lows oC lace inseitlon or embioldeiy; 1." styles to select Mam. Other Skiits ui to If. Short Skirts AtL WW lc OK m At Si cents, Ladies' Shoit Skiits. plain but pood mateil.il and well nude. At I'l cent, Ladies' Slum Skiits, made of Canibtic, uinbtella .shape, with tucked luflle. At cent"', Ladies' Shoit Skirts, iimbiella shape, made of line Cambilc and embioldeiy ti limned. At IK cents, Ladies' Short Skirls made of linen lawn, umbielln shape, tucked niHlc and laie tiimmed. All of the oilier liner dualities up to l.'is. ITS' it Child! en's s,lioi I Skills, :'.') to S'l cents. V and embioldeiy edge. At I." cents Ladles' nmwois, ullli wh III. I, IIIUMU ,-l I'lillH-.S 1)111111, At T, cents, Ladles' Diawei.s, of the best muslin, Cambric Ulllle, liem slltehed and ole band. At 2!' cents, Cambilc T'mbiella 'Diaweis, hem stitched o tucked Cambilc; lllllle. At I'l cents, einbroldeiy or lace tiimmed Diawuis, uinlnell shape. Jinny line Fiemli desiKiis up to ?.' 'N. Dressing Sacqiies and KiERonas We hae put our best foot loiwanl this season In thin specialty, and we aic prcp.ued to show you ovei .10 dllfeient stvles. At 7.1 cents. White Lawn Biessiimr Saccules, tucked back, okc fiont, with inserting and l uflle. At S5 cents. White Lawn Piesslnif Saccpies, tucked b ick and front, with embroidcicd collui. At f' rents, White and Coloied Uiesslnir Sacities, itlj embioiderv and niflles; also Klmonas oL White Lawn, w'ith c oloicd Law n holders of I'niL, Blue and La - ender. At $1.10, AVliite Lawn DicssIiik: S.uciue.s, with hem .stitched flout, collar and sleeves and libbon bows. At Si 'is to Sl.fiS, the linest and pieltiest Di essinpr .Saccules oxer shown in this city, tiimmed with Lice and embioldeiy. C-"In connection villi Ibis KiMt sale we are showing; all of the newest stles ot htialRht Fiont Coisots ironi the best niakeis, iani;iiif,r fiom .10 cents lit" lo fH .10. And as a special we will olfer L'UO doen .Summer Ventilating Coisets at I'll cents. Also a blif lot of While Apions at popular pi Ices. ARE AFRAID OP LIGHTNING SCHOOL BOABD WANIS SCHOOL BUILDINGS PROTECTED. It Wnb Decided Last Night to Have Lightning; Hods Placed on Every School Building in the City, and After n Fight the Building Com mittee Was InstiuctecV to Receive Bids Mr. Jayne Thicntens to En join the Boaid tiom Building the New Tii st Waul School. 'I'lic mijiiilt of tin- tin minis nf the s liool bcuiil pic scut al a uieetiUK ln-lil list iiIkIii commltti'il tin boaid in 1 inch of putllnp; ll;,rliiniu 101N on all the slIioii! biillcllns in ih(. , ijj, ajid ill! ec ted 111' liulldlui; i timiulllce lo ad Vi'ltlsc lur s. i Jed piopos.ils lot the s-anif. The ni.tjiit ll didn't win out, b it said, until altii the iiiluniin ii.nl put up a MlHT tUht The (uestion was Inoiuht up by the biilliillU' commmee, Alio in their ie lioii lccomnieiidecl that IIkIUiiIiik iods lo pine ed on all the schools I'liaii mail Sihlieiel moved the adopiiou of the leeomiiicii laiton, and their ws in stant objection Mr Mai kei thought (hat the putthi ol Hie l oils on the hllllililiKS would be luipiis.slblc, unless the iiiemhets went b.iel: on Hie lesolutlou taken at the time Hie appiopii.itlou w.ih maiK not to cieale ,inv ie(ieleneie; dlllillfr tile inmliii? jciti Tin i was no pioUsion made in the uppi epilation for any llghtnliif,- i oils, and tlieie was no ap piopilatlon Mom which any Hinds could lie taken to pay tor them, Upon iiKiuli In;,- what the cost wntild he, ho was Inl'oiincd by ,lr. Ilociio that It would bembout $150 n building. This would mean n toinl cxpendituio of neatly $6,000. Jli. liiuker moved to postpone, xo c'.vi'si: fou urrtuY Mr. lvans lenuirked Unit theto was no cause for any liutry, in the history of tlio city there had never been a s'chool building burned, nnd they could ro without toils tor a month or two moie, anyway, Ninety per vent, of the buildings In the city had no lightning- rods. Dr. O'.Miilloy said theio waa every reason to believe thai light Tilng rodi were of no advantage at all, Jluny scientific men weie of that opin ion, he said, Mr. Jayne thought It wasn't tight to bring up such a mutter at n .spec lal meeting, with only fourteen menibeis present. Ho was in favor of postpon ing action, so that the advisability of putting up the rods might bo discussed with all tho membets piesent. He also thought it peculiar that the building committee had got together and dis cussed the matter and then brought it up. "What's behind this, I wonder','" he asked. "Well, there's the lightning ind agent sitting right behind you, Mr. Jayne. I guess he'll be able to tell you," buifct out Mr. Oolden, amid a general laugh. Those who didn't know the agent was ptese.nt looked mound gnd beheld a ical, Mlck-looklng gentle man sluing over nr.il the dooi, who looked veiy much confused. Mi. Jennings insisted that theio was no dsie on the put of aujliody to puicliuse lightning; tods without fhst knowing what they would cost. It would not inn t to adopt the building committee's leeonimcndatiou. Mi. llai -ker and Mr. Lvnns Insisted that bids or no bids, pinpoints or no pioposals, the adoption or the building commit tee's lecommend.'ition committed the boaid to the piuohiise at some inline time ot lightning mils of unknown cost and of unknown advantage. MOTION W1THDR WX. Mr. llai kei wlihdievv his inutlnn to postpone, upon Chniim.in Sehtiefer, of the building lonmilttee moving that the whole mutter be leleried buck to tne building committee and to wltli dnuv the c ominltteeV ice onnnenda llou This didn't at all suit Mi .len iiing. who offtii'd a substitute in the Id in of in amendment. This amendment pi milled that the lec oinmendiitioii of the committee be adopted and that the committee be Instiucteil to mheitlse for bids. This put the question to a dliert vote, and the amendment was cat i led. as the following schedule will show : Yeas Sillies, lMlilll1s, CkiIiIcu, line lie. Jennings, Sehlietci, (.eoiiaid, C.lbbons . Nuv.s Cyncill, lr, O'.Mnllev, Sehae lei, JtcMie, r.villis, Mai kei I), The hulldlnji committee fttitliei to commended tlml bids foi the new school buildings h opened nt a meet ing id the committee to be held net Kildiv nh'ht, when the addillntuil bids for the heating and ventilating will also lie icady lo be opened, This leconimendatlon was adnpted as was a fttither one tetusing to go b'iek on the bo.iid's original detetminntlou to eieet ii school at tho coi nor ot the liiiulev.nd and Knlnes slieet, In the I'll st wntil, and ignoilng the petition iiuMinst tho locntlon of the sohool. I signed bv ceituln piopeity ownein of that wind, In lov of the fact that the com mittee had oliJecN-d io tho petition piesented some two weeks ngo be cause It was signed by certain cltifena who had signed a pluvious petition piesented some months bofote, Mi, Jiiynn offered an entirely pew peti tion against the school, but Piesldent rjlbbons would not penult it to bo i cad, Mr Jnyne said after the meet ing that If contracts weto jvvaidod for the school, cotilt would be asked for an Injunction lestralnlug tho ofh cers of tlio boaid troni executing it. The building committee was aiithor Ued to lecelve bids tor the disposal of the old building near No. 10 school on Falrvlevv avenue, The .supply coin mitten wns authored to tecelvo bids for supplies and for coal and wood. On leeommendutlon of the supply commltteo a contiact was entered Into with tho Central Pennsylvania Tele phono company for six 'phones, tit a yearly jental of $151. Tho sectotary was empoweied to turn over any old school books on hund to tho Italian school on Chestnut stteet. D., L. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up ot the D., L. and W. boaid for today: fciranton, June I, Kl. MOMIVV, Jt.'Xi: 3." Wild Catt. 1'j I S p. in,, I', (avjnaiu'li; 10 p. m J. II -Mj.-nii. Tl'K<W, Jt m: I Wild CjU, Eit-1.' SO i. in., 11. I', bllli.-au, .1 .1 m , VI I'linirtilv; 5 1 in,, P. I' sterns; lei i. in, C VV. Ilium; It i. m , Willi mi Iviiln t 1 )i in, Litlinicr. wllli II PciimIipiIv'i cic; o p. in , 1'. Il.lllot; cl p in , 1 in Wound, Summits I Ir ii i m , VI. ,1 lit Mini. in. s i in, west, 0 l'loiinfilkcr; fi t in., ni-l, I. I u iifl." s , in, im, W 11 NiilinN; T in. cil irnm N.n An.', I". Mi Mll-tn- 7 i in il tic in ( Mil., i, VRI jiio, 7 p in , cl ii diii ( iviilo. lliciinji.on Pullers in j m , I I' Vcnr, I'n-licri-S i. in, s iiCViiii" , in n in , s rnuiiiil.v j II 0 i. pi, Almin; 7 p in, Mniili.t, !' i 111, l.llilHlr.- Id l in, .V Wnlenci I'lsrnuni I lumes ', i m, Ciittiip.v: 7 .i. ri.. mi sn ; .1 ') p. ii . st niton; 7 i, in. Mi item in Wild Cm. ni-1 i in, liilm llivtci, 7 i in, T. 1". DulTy wall W. It. Ca-tiiPr's cirw, ID i m , O Cij: It .1. 111 , ,1, Itnikhnt; 1 p. m , (', Mncslct; -J i in, I'. Ii. Iteiscii; 4 ) lie, .Mcljrthv, f. p in, VI ( irnio.lv ; 7 m, lolm (Jjlii.'iu. Miliri.. I.' i: hull will inn W. I'. ( j liter's Cle h-.u Mr. lomlniiir Vlills will inn 7 p m r i.-ener en iim Mniiiliv, .limp ., in lico eif ( VlcUoic in. W. VK vlll-lil will 1 .1 K i hi.-c own inn on piek iii llll-illV, Juitu I RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Deluwaie and Hudson, 111 l.llec I V.I.V ID, JK)1. luilin loi I jrliuiiclili- Icivo suaiiioii it 0 'C, Kiu, si., 10I. i. I'l ; IJ.ijO, l.M, ,n, ,i -jj 5J, I'-.'J, 7 !", '.i 11, 11,1.1 i. in j 1 10 i in. Tor IIuiicmIjIc-I. JO 10 1j a in.;. U iijel i 'a 'Vur Will.i-lljn.' il IJ, 7,l, fc. 11. ),!. Kit;, ll,.r, a. in , l.s, J.ls, J U. 1 i7, tl.ll),7 Is, ID II, II CO p. in. for I. V. II II pjinU-fiO, 11 OJ a m ; IIS, 4 'J7 uml 11.. . p. in. Tor I'eiin-jb mil It. It. jiuli.ts o 13, 1,j a. in.; S.1S and 1 17 p. in I'oi All. inv mil all points noitli 11 QU 2. m. ami J tl v. in. sfNI)Y T1IMNS. Per railioiuhlu lido, It, J) j in; ? II, a il, 0 47, 10 ).' p, in for uiiP, nun (isj, n,r,5 n. m ; 103, 125, 0.27, S27 p. in I'or Albany and point? noitli SSI p. in. 1 or Hoik sihlc 1), IK) a, in, and 3 01 p. m. I.owot i ales to all puinta in United SMtcJ nnd C'amda. I. II. lU'llPIl K, (!. P, A., Alluny, N. Y. II, VV. tlll)ss, p f. , . Suantoii, fa. RLROTMEJTABLS PENNS.LVANIA KAILRUAl Schedule iu Effect March 17, 1001. Trains leave Scianton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Havrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitta burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., -week days, for Hazleton, nnd for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbuiy, Hnrns bmg, Philadelphia, Balthnoie, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week dnys, tor Sunbury Hazleton, Pottsville. Hanisbuig, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. 3 n. iiurnnvfcov. c.cn. mt. J. B WOOD, Gen. Pas,. irt. Time Card in fffirt Ver, 30th, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION, an.sa 51 e!b (3 S3 . 7M .8 40 .808 .8 03 CWl Hil Mil bT.vno.ss cn ( ub PM I ii? iu Ilk. IIj! II SS I '" 10 4') 10 31 .11)21 .1913 ,1000 DM 010 334 til 10 8 Efil II Ot ,88119011111 ' 0S2 0011 111 " 8 23, 8 '.411 CO. 8 84 8MII0( ' Oia 85011 dl1 " .818 8 1.JI0M " H 8181003 " 8WI0W c S3N10IK. 8 3.J 10 IV " 8 Si 10 41 " i 31) 10 40 1,v 14 IUI I 1M U" pm7m l CM 10 . 8 ! a SI 4 5s 34iC3 His 710Ar.N.Y,W2.IM,I.,.' fid ' , lOSAr I'mlnili I. 5 i .. . . . " . T . ".'. ' I t oa iiitui-uii. , " . hUrlKIlt . " .t'ifhtoii 1'aiL. " ..Wlnwcxiil , " . l'o)ntelle.,, c. Union .... c I'ltdiant Mt, " , l.'nlomlalo., FortL riti : II IU " Crl)mnlvl,iV,l ( ill o llwl " . Caibondalo, "7008 81561. .::.. -;v.r:' .. r' Ji'lllCIU in " Mal!ilrt,. ' Jeiln)n Aretitialil., c VVInlon , c l'tfiLtillf. .Oljrpliant, l'i ut bull; Ihroop I 'lo telenet1 I'arL lilted beiimtvn 2E0I1I 8186 23 3 MB S3 3U0 6SI 8 181 43 I 186 31 7Ui3llJi t eta mm 1C3, 7 093 1 7 168 7 118 lit 1 7ui cje is, 7 274 086 31, mill. " 7 SU " ; ai ; ai " 7 .1. Ar. 7 10 114 PM FMI MT 176.-2. IM6 3J AJJIItoinl triliiiltjTe Carbondele for Mltticld rd Btt I, ., Tif' T")ii J wpti biimij miiy,iim u lllUvtUd Sird70Opmiid8IJCIfiii " ' AiLlitlonaltrofDi leve . i.olou .17 00 pm Sundar only, ltoiilD2 ttall nation! lo CcrU.ni)af,,niViuat 7(5 iui aid iraln lpAv.a tl.. (..I.I v-.-i r.. I'.T;' Jit :.',:,," ' uvuuai iikiu dall),airivUiatCarbeiiidaliialo.63aiu. lUten a cent in-r mile, I.oiicst ItRtot to nil I'oliiu Wrt, i. e MCOIH30H. J.C.WCIBH. Cta'll'aii'tAnml. Ira. Ac.ot, ClYorl.CllJ. kcrultu. I'. Cential Raihoad of Nnw Jeisey. buttons In New Voik--tout uf Liberty .lu-c! v. it , nnd .soutli I n ii - IIVII. 'IWIll.i: IN I I'l IX I MAY II). ich. 'IrailH le'ive hiuntnii tnr New oiK, Nceejr r.liJt'Clli. riillucle'lplil i, r iton, Hrlhlcdiini, Al liniimii, Mamli ( hunt, iiul Wiiltl) limn, at b 5', a. in,; imw"'"', J lu' ,,'l",;s' 4 IW P in bun. daif, 2.15 I I" 1 ur 1'ilUon and UllMt'Iliiii, j", a. in ; 1 In and l.i P ! siiiidiJ. -'"' l. in. for Ilaltiineiiu and W'.ciin'lriii and points Soulli and Wcet. via llctldc'ieni, h,,3 a. m , j., niid I p. "' 'unclijf, Mfl p. in rnr Inn,: Bmi'li. Otcmi llioic, ilc, it 5, a. in. and 1 1 I'. '" Toi Ilcaillni!, I.el'iiion ancl lljtrlniv. via Al. lontuvvn, b'l't a. n'l t.W I', in. -ciiidn,, 2.11 p in. I Ol" I'OllaVlllP. H't II . 1 10 p III, I'm jloimlaiii Tail.. "'' i in , 1 III .im it,) p in. Tlnonsli ticse'l 1. 1 nil i)intrt cat, m,ui, j,i vviot at lowest i ilc a it Mi', tlitiou II I'. IIVI.DW1V. ( Pas. .Bt J. II. OI.II M SKV Cell. Mipt. Deltiwaie, jjackawtmua nnd Western In hlTcct Dec. 2. 1100. South Leave huanton fur New Voil. at 1.4D 3D0 0.50. bOU and 10 It) a. in.: 12.55, 3.JJ n, in' lor l'ldladclpliU at S.OO and 10 (lj a. m uf,; and U.Sl j) in t'or titruudaliuri; at 6 10 n, in Milk acioinniddatlnn ut .1.10 p. ni. Arrive) at HODOhCII uv c u '." " i J- U5, .1,15, S 7,10 i, in. Arrive at i'hlledelnlila at l iw, t j COO und 6.2i I', m. Arrive fiom Vew York it 1,10, 6 Si anil 10.2J 1. Ill ; I.IW, I.B.', C n, ; anei ji u p. in. imm ciiuiieuuuri; at e.Oj j, m. North Iravo oianton for Ilnflalo ind inter, mediate- fctaticn at 1.1S, dSa and OOi) a, in 1 55, 6 IS and 11.S5 p. in. Tor Osivrao um Svraiu-c at OITi a. ni, and 1 5.1 p, m, j.-r lltica at 1.10 o. in unci 1 53 p. in. Tor lion, ttoso at V.m ii "Ii 110 ad o in p. m, 'or Xliholaof at 1WJ and O.n p. m. j,-0l. 1)ir ,. Iiimton at 10 M a. in. Arrive in Scranton rj"i Uutlalo at 1.21, 21 1, -.1 1 and WOO a. m.: 1 JO and fc.00 p. in. I rom O.vvveo and isjrauisc at 2 03 a. m.; IJSi and i 00 p. in i rom (I, , at 2.03 u. m, l!U and 'J CO p, m. i,,,.. Weliolson at T 00 a. in. and 0 00 p. m, r,Dm Jlontroe at lU.'Xi a. in.; IU0 nnd 8nO p. in Woomsuurt; Wvlslnn I.eavo Soianlnn feir rvortliunibtiUiiil, at d.13, 10ft! a. m.j J.J5 aji 6 50 p. in. toi 'lmoutli at 1.03, 340. (, 50 n m For Kington at 8.10 a 111. Arilvo at Norlhunihcrland at 0,d.'i a. m j 1,10, fi.oo um s , p. m. Ailivo al tvlnuston at 8 53 a. in. Arrive. M I'lvMoilli at 2 00. i.J. 0 13 p m. 2t"hl in f-iranton from Noitliumbcrland at 9ia a. 111 12 R5, 4 50 and b.13 . in. 1'iom Klnsston at 11 (W a. ri. fiom I'ljmoutli al 7.35 a. 111.; j.'q and 5 J5 p. in. jsiisnw tihins South leave Kc union ot 1.10, J 00, 550, 10 03 p. in : 3 :'-i jnd n.iO p. 111. North Uavu inanton at 115, 0 35 a. m 1.51, 5 l-i and 11.0.3 p 111 ' Ulooinsbun Dlviilon Levi) Scranton at 10.03 a in and 6 50 p in. TEETH I We extract teeth, fill teeth, aiul apply gold crowns and bridge work, with- C: out the least pain, by a method patented and used by us only. When the im- g,- piession is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. X 'T'iw tei inio Hnr Vr'wac fnr Dflrfonf Dainlooo nflnHofrtr & 'JV'w, jmmi nuiu uui iiiuvd ivi lunvui, xuiuiujj iuuiiaii.T r' .. .. " & l8EB&. Full Set Teeth (that fit) $5.00 & CTEHSs4UdV(BKA.-12a4 ..n.... ' S . 'isxmstm& f in IM H ntrc SI. 1111 . Silver Fillings 50 gi Cmld Crowns .SXQO to S5.00 st- VaUJ -r - . c ; 'rM5e1lrHWIilftSuP', 1 eeth Without Plates 5.oo va!i'(TO&willtlitfs ru. .,ir.Tai. - ifrxi Wo give a written guarantee lor if) yens on till work. Q. -sBBfe '-U 1110 met intii, tins ih an incorporated (,'oniputiy doing bust- KMJPV- , .m..i." . .. 7...T.1 .1 ;. .7... r. '."' .". "..""'.". .A..'-"" ". v i'BWi.n..i a,... 1 ii.uiiiiiin w iJiiii-i'i I 11. hiii 1 'imiii I' i'ir imii ill j 1 1 1 1" reiJiiiviuiiiiiirit i ml s ii-meui em.ii .1 4 1 1 t . 1 1 . 1 1 1 h i 1 . 11 1 1 11 1 ri 11 -t 11 that wo Do Exactlv at Wo Ailvnrlluc. lWfayicyjyilMli WH MAKI1 A Slj:ci.lrY of vJcjicl Ciovvn anil TltlelKe- Wotk. Tliia la a sH s.U'lii of nisei tins .it tiliciul tcctli nil cie one ur iiioic ate) missitiK vvllliuiit tlio g; use of a pinto. Tills vtork is nuist bean tf I ill mill c.tnnot l)c elotoeteil fiom tlio ." n. 1t111.il teeth. AVIten pinpoil clone', vvi II l.mt .1 liivtinii' Cell unci m iih opet- Si ate. It will ho u plraMutc fur us te carefully -.atnlrio jour tenth and lell jou Sit .iotly what your wotk will cobt. No cIiuiho lor tills. Jloitts, 8 to S. Bun- day., 10 to 4. i 3: B8 IRII C I I t I f iinrr I aikitt inni aid W'eoi nnj avriino Over gr llllj wv lillo UUIlid! rdMUIo r,;,,,0 rM J0oW( J,nl ,,m,J stat"- f: j&w3$t) "fik iQSxZOMvl IKHJl?? iffiii trfi a (M D ry . ,i mw w Erie Raihoad, Wyoming Division. 'lime Tabic in I, fleet Sept. 17, ltKW I'liitm for .lliwley and local ponrti, connect. In j at lUvvlo uilli Trie railroad lor New ocit, NcnLuri; a.id inttiincdinlo point), lean; Serjn- ton at 7 05 J. in. and - 'i5 p. m. 'Iraiua urilvc at Kiacton at 10 3D a. in nnd 9.10 p. rn. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad, 111 Klfccl llllie' .' IH11 'llJIll, I I It. s, i.Ull.Jli: Tor I'lillailclphla nnd New oiK U I) . II It. It., .it UVt and I) ii 1 111, tend ' l. I ; (Dlac.lt Diiiniond l.vpn), aril 11 .,u p m. iun .i. . ,. 11 i l 1 r. u .17 .. UUV3, 1'. el 11. le. I. , ", f -1 p lie I'cr Mlille llavin, Iluleton und ininolpil point In tlio coal regions, via Ii .. II It It 11 n, '.'.IS nnd U7 p. m 1 01 I'olKVilli, ill, a m 'J.1H ). in, for licllilrlicm, Ilialrn. Itojellng, Hani,lnii!; and piincipal iiitciincdlato btatloio via I). iV. II Jt. It, 11.15 1,.'S 11. in j 2,, I .7 (lllael. In. movie l,ii), II 'r' I' m i!inlij, I) .v. I! II. It., Ii, 1. in.. l.r'', t -'" l1 in I'or TiinkliannocK, rovvanili, Kliniii, u(a, (lencva and prlnclpit iiitcnmdiilo stations, eii l) U J. W, II. It, Mil a 111.; 101 an j .j.icj p. in. I'or Geneva, Itoelictor, Uufijlo, Mayara Pall, Clilraso and all poInU vvct, vli I) , It ; , ",4S, 115.1 a. 111, I ih. -i.il lllliel, liiimniid )' IiiO, " In I" ' 1,-'' I1 l" s'i'i'li, I) V II It. It , 11. V), c..'7 p in ruinnail pariue- un-i ei.ei'iny -ji i.eiiun , uie-j pailom care on all uaiin between Wilkrs llauu and New nrk, I'liiladelplda, llnilalo und Mii pemlon UrUKf liOILIV II. WliniMI, (.en Supt , 2U Coitland strict, New York. CHAHM.S S. 1.1 1:. Hen Pass Agl , SQ Coitland 6tieet, New- oiK. Tor tltkeU and 1'nllrian rervat!om apply lo SOU lae.kau.mna avenue, berantoii, I'a 1' ! h 'I H $ H- i' wvevrvvevpvvvewnfq. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS, w w Orano Atlantic Hotel tNO annex, VilifJnU ve and lb aili, Atlantli-Cllv, N I Sixth .vi ir, "'') leantifnl iwnii cn-ulie, ,liu'lj and with Intli, hot and cold wuulti hah. in liotcl and jiiik'J. Ineation clecl and .enlral, vvitlilii few atd uf the- Med I'ki Oieheili.i Olfei-s tp.cial unliw late. fU eo t hj week l?J.M up by cla.v &iri lal rjli to families I'oje lie's nuit all train-. M 1 1 1 1 lor bee-Met til Mil Kb I. lOl'i: HOTEL OSBORNE, tlanllo ll. V J Ono tepnie from lieicli. New- 75 romn annex Mod, in appointim-nn. In. eve clled rrrvbe llrtf. bv Ibo cla.v, I,'i ind up. vaid H tl' week, iss. and upwaid. I'apnlt.v, 100. II. 4. Uboine. sfiiiEii mmmm Our iipw sLocl: of fabrics specially adapted for thiii season, is now complete and comprises all the new novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains o Fibre Carpets Straw Waitings Summer Draperies WILLlAnS&flcANULTY Temporary store 126 Washington Ave, Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. ( ! 'h i i- ; $. $; Pocono Heights Hoijse Ac commodity IOj niodciu inipioveiii-nii Hocn ttuaiai on iunn,c: teinn inodeiale, bi.i. lef eienecs bcml (or ilicular Allis-Chalmers Co bitiiOMseiiiS to -M ill little Hii.sliie.ss uf niiUsun .Miiniii'.ic'tiiiliit,' i'h, Ucr.inton .111(1 Wllkin-li.cue'. I'.i. , ,. .. lf. n n Hlalloiuij KliKlnes, llulleis, .Mining Samual bdmgsr, Iv.t, Pocono. Pa, I Muihmwj, iuii.i.