nJftr "ivc- "lfr" w yoyv v 'f. THIS SCUAOTOX 'J'KIBIJxNIS-TL'kMDAY, .IL'iNJ:! 4, 1IMI. Sfl j ., , Mnfifv1 - '"5 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA A.ONTROSE. Fp'rh' In Hi" s rilllnll 1 1 tt illllr Mmtini-p .TltllP I!. Atts. W W. VU IIiiiih. n Iiiiiiipi inslili'iu uf this pirn p. now; l9.vliti Ailmi, Mich.. Is -Unii'ilnK at W A II r.lll's, mi Mlti'holl hill, niiil will iikmiiI the ppiixoii In the iliir AIih. lmv, nf "Miiplo slioi't, Is I'll tl'ltlllllltltT ltd' "ktr'IS, All.. J. !'. Iu"t, of IJ.iw J'.ivv. Ill,; Alii t O. Allison, of l.o llnv, Atn; AIM. II. K. I.iimont, of IJiK-lioHliT, N A'., niiil All". AVIIIIiiin Jtllinsr-.v, i.r AluliK'uliiiiff, I'ii. Mis iSniie Al. TliiKlcy. "f v hiiith, V A'.. 1" vIsltliiK liiT lHiii'iitH. Air. mill Mi-. Chin Ip.s Meeker In this pint p. llnvwml ISyim lum nee epti'il n posl tlcii at I.i slemlilic X. V l. Ii. Alncy Is al llmilHliui J im lutslnr-s-. AW N". Hin lies mid Imnllv vMtotl iclallvcs In Tilih on Snttitcliiv,, Mis. II. II, Poulliiini anil son, I'll iviinl, hnp lPtnuiPil fioin lllmltn, Whole tho worn guests eif. All. and Airs John riluiitl. C'nlnri'-I C. C Pi all. of NVvv Alilfoiil, who Is most lluelv to hiicLced AiHu talii lloiiniil IlaiiloiihctKhi as statu s-oli.itor lioiu this (IlKtilct, was jneot Jut,' ftletnls In this place on Satin -dnv Air. anil Alls Jinny Xlcnioyor, of Sei.ittton, vveie thp Riicsts of fi lends In Mnnimo on Pilday. Miss AIiur.iipI Alulfoul ohspivod ho: hlilhdav today by cntortalnliiK at t",i n iiiinihpr or her fi lends. The death of f'hailos 1jpvs, a pioni liifiit xniiiitt fanner of AVllliams' iionil, 'u'ctnie! at ills honip ypsteidav. Up wis '.',1 j eais of .ifje. and leaves a wile and i up child. Air. Lewis had lionii timihlcd with liemt iIIspiisp for some time, and it was this which c.itisoil ills di-ath. The lniiPial will lip attended Horn the house tonionow af teinoon nt 2 o'clock. Intotinent will lie in Stone BUtlcro cpnieteiy. Heniv Naylor, mi esteemed colnied resident, has lelnincd to this nlace from Reinnton, vaIicic tor the past two monthi- lie had been nn inmate of the A est Side hospital, bolnir tieateil tor iliPiimatism. Mr. Naylor's condi tion has considcr.ablv improved and theie ,ne hopes of his complete rc coei.v ultimately. Up sppaks in ery culoi-tlc terms of the tieatment he received fioin the ph.&lc Inns ,md at tendants at the hospital, and of the manner In which that institution Is conducted. A Kiiessincr contist, conducted bv tlie Simdav school of St. Alaiv's Catholic ihuic.li pioed si financial .success, the .sum lealled fioin It be liifr '1ST. The pii.es a beautitiil doll and ,i ticket to the Paii-Ainei ican ex position wcie awaided to AII.ss T.i. ?ie Cni-iov, of RiiiKhamton, foimeilv or Franklin Folks. William H. Dennis, si-., .mil I-M-on S. W.mipr lelt toniRlit for ('otlvsbiiifr to alt' ml t lie state encampment of the Cianil Aimv-ot the Ttppulille. The announcement that Professor "'li.il Ion P. ATnxlev, count v .sttpeiin tcnilent of schools, m1 avain lie n 'andid.ite for the position. Is lecelved lavorab'.v in AInntrose, wheie Pi of. Aloxley has a i)0st of wnim fiiends, lit has made a vei v etlleient, oiipikp 11c and piOKinsshe ofllclal and Is pop ill. ii alike with tpachcrs and pation of our schools in all pails of the i oiintv. Alls Adeline Studilaid and sister, "liss .7 met AlcCiuslanil. .up in iowii for the summer and will occupy .Mis. Stmldaid's house, on South Alain fit: eel. HOLLISTERVILLE. fprr il In the Pmntnn Tiiliiinc llollistPivillp, June ". Alr.s. Halley, of Piohihtion I'.nk, X. A", dclixcu'd fi tenipeiMine lecture In tho Paptist chinch heic last Siituidny PMnlitK, mnl .slie will oci upv the P.iptist pul pit not AVetlnesdlv afternoon and pvenlnpr. Alls, Hailey w il laddioss tho 1 nlics in the afternoon, and a coullal Imitation is extendi d to all for the eenliiK session. The Ladies' Aid society of tho Uap list chinch will meet at the home or Alls. 131I..U' Pesi-enden next Thins day afternoon to.- tea. All mo In ltod. Theio will ho an i e eie.mi Pacini nt Ihe homo of Air, and AIis. Charles 12. Blown, on Ihe 1,1th hist. Pioceeds for the benellt or tho Alethodist Pio testant cliuiih. Air. Clmiles A. AVI ley, mlvnni c ajrent tor the Lyman ), Howe .inlniates cope entovtalnmcnt, who has been WHEN THE When the Powder Is Burned the Stick of the ltocket Drops When Nerve Force Is Withheld from Any l'art of the Uody, That DistressThe Cry Is for More Nerve Force With out It Collapse Will Come, Strength Will Wane and (ho Subject Drop from the Hanks. Exciting caiMt wear liemll) on tltenertcs and ucurout nerve tissue, then again It Is nverwork-elther ol mind r muscle Another ery prnllllc source of shattc-ccl nerves Is a ion (recuse of alcoholic or i Iher .tlmiiliints anic pcopo inherit u teudencv la nerve troubles and very little upsets them borne people abuse lliemsehes I Ho nerve collapse, In all cases the one thing that must be gained It none force, and It Is the wondcrlul Influ ence of Or, A. W, Chase's Nerve I'llls in re storing tills mysterious force that accounts lor tliclr startling cures. Here Are the Pronounced Symptoms. Throbbing, palpitating Itentt bleeplebs nights. Sudden stai tings. Aloinlng languor, Ihalu fug, Inability to wmk or think. Pxlmitstlon on exertion. I'Mngging appetite. Di.s'e.stitin slow. Food heavy, Kahlly excited, nervous. Strength fully. Tiembling hand and limbs Loss of flebh. Loss of muscular power. Fettled melancholia. Inltuble, despondent. vlillltifr poiiip of the cities In Ihe Xew PtiKlmid .iittex, iclittncd last Sutur day for a few days. Ati.s. LcuKii Vun floider moved fnmi heio last Friday In Dtiiinioie, whcio she expectn to live with her Hon Chillies Vnn (loider. Alts. David I). OltustPiid, who has hem ciltically III, Is slowly icgiitn hiif her health, at this writing. Ouliitf to the let cut lalns, hut lit tle plnntli'K has been done I" this section, and an unusually sninll aero iiko of nalK have been sow n, Air. fieoiRe Stevens, or Willie Dane, .spent last Sunday at the home of Ids mothei, Alts. J. Neville, whole his family me helntf entci tallied ror the sunimcr. Alessis Uolly, or Wyoming, mi Kucsl.s nt tliu home of Air. and AIis. V Olmstcid. HONESDALE. frprclid to the bcr.mtori I'lllnmc llonesdale, June 3. .Mr. llany A'. How ley and mother, of .Sctauton, wcie Bllests ol AIis. Tiaey and family over Sundiiv, Air, and AIis, Ileniy Hand, of Now A'cnk, me the KUests or the foi liter's paionts, Air. and AIis. II, c. Hand. Itev. II. J. Whalen passed thioitRh llonesdale esteuhiy, enrouto to llaw ley to pi each before the mailed .school students ot that phu c. The tjieat men and uileis of the eountiy anil those who deal In stocks will not be made happy by loading Coles' Slcns for June. The Chilclion's day oxeiclses of the Pic-bvteilan Sunday school will.be held In the chinch next Sunday at lOlSO a. m. Sunday morning, June ICtli, ltev, AVilll.'im II. Swift illl speak on tho "Kevlslou of Confession of Faith." The llonesdale Klcvator woiks will olwno the Satin day half holiday. This (Tuesday) evening' the Atusical Illstoiy club will Rise the cantata, ' Sleepiiif- Pe.utt" in the opeia house. Cast: Alls. 11. Jtockwell, sopi.ino, I'lincc-s; Alts. AV. A. Wood, contialto, AVicked Pay; Air. Hobeits, bass, Klnp; David Stephens, tenor, Prince: Aliss fiiace A. Whitney, niezo soprano, Alaid of Honoi; IJoheit U.iuer, flist ioliu. Th" water in the Lackawanna le ceded sulllciently to allow, on Satur day, a search for the body of little Pldied Reynolds, who was ill owned In the Lackawanna on Alemotlal dav. Sunday inoi ninpr lie low boats, with a laige seaiehinfr' paity, tiaced tlie liver as far as White AII1K but failed to find the body. The thins? of can non and c.intinuous seaich failed to uc.il the hod., which may h,ie i cached th" Delawaie iiei. FOREST CITY. 1 ii nl to tin Sitaulim Ti ilmiip. Foiosl City, June II. The council, at its last meetiiiK-, pat sort on llnal reading an oidlnanco prohibiting the election of wooden buildings on Alain street, between Depot and Dundaff stieets It pioldes also that in case a wooden buldtiK' now elected shall be damaged to slxtv per cent, of Its value, it can only be icpaiied by con sent of council. Aichltect Doney, of Sc ranlon, was a Isitor in town today. - Alits Hose AVoodiuff, of Seranton. Is a guest of his sister, AIis. O. P. Pear sail. Alir. Almg.uet limiting and daugh ter, Plh'.aboth, wcie Caihondale vlsi tois Saliud.iy. The board of tiadc will meet on Tlupsday (.veiling, and all nicinbeis should attend. The scliocd bo.ud will leoiganlzo tonionow niglit. Alls. C. Tt. Knapp'.s milllneiy store Is now located in the Osgood building, The sei vices installing Hov. William Hollenshnd as pastor of the Pieshy teilau clinic h will be held Tuesday night. Local fit. Vulted Aline AVorkors ot Ameiica. held their picnic In Vanil lins grove Satuiday night, despite the inclement weather and had a lnige ciowrt piesent. It will be continued tonight. TUNKHANNOCK. 8pclnl tn the Sfranton Tribune. Tuiikhaniiock, Juno .", AIlss llatlle Hute, of Fieeland, Pn is the guest of Air. and AIis. P. L. JennlngH, on Tioga .st'oet. Attorney 12voiett J. ilaiillug, of DROP COMES Part Sets Ui Signals of Air. Sfin.uel Itogi'l.s or Xo. IJ ilydo rails avenue, ssernntou, Pa,, Miyb, "1 was in a inn down condition head ticlic, noi vous nnd sleeping badly and tho nppotito poor, I wih told or Dr, A, AV, Chase's N'ervo Pills iinil got a box-. An a les-ult I bleep and oat well again. I am eiy much pleased with them and glad to reconnned them to othei.s, This I can do conscientiously," This Is tho shapo and design of tho genuine Pr. A, AV. Chase's Noi vo Pills, All othei.s aio Initiation!, and dato not uto this design. Do not allow any dealer to substitute a illlfeient design fiom the ahovo. Si).; ull dealcis or Dr. A. W. t'ltusc Medicine Co., lluffalo, N. V Whites-Hnrre, opciU Sundny with frlerids in tow n, Hteplien llobltiion mid son, I,lod, vNlted at AVIIkes-IJaiio on Salurday. William Kclley, of .tcnnlngaUlte, was a visitor In town on Monday. Temple cotiinuiiHleiy of Knlghtn TemplnrB, of thl town, wilt nttciut tho ftitiernl or the late John A. Nlver, nt Nleholion, on Titeidny nrtcrnoon. Miss i:ioanor ,1, Ijlltlo, attorney, pat ai nttdltor tn dlHtilbutc tho fund de ll veil rioni tho pale of tins real and pcifomil citato of 13, It. Olitkoslec, on M'otuliy. Allot ney S. 1. Tlfi'any, or Nichol son, was doing business In town on Monday. Mi p. Jo-ieplt Platt Is vHltlng filmnH In tho valley this wceelt. Mr. anil Mis, L li. lieniamln, ot Sciantotl, who have Icon the gtiesti of Mr. and Mis. John Do Pile, on Slo cum stieot, the past week, havo le itiined home. William P. Piiiingsi mid ramlly spent Sunday with the Miiiici'm mother. Mi. Pianees Hillings, on TlOgll Sttoi-nt. PITTSTON. "ppciil to the Seranton Tribunv. Plttston, Juno :!. John W. Miller, aged sKtcon ycats, mention of whoo seilous illness was inado In the Tribune, died at the nmontal home on Oak stieot Inst night. Deceased was Miilte a popular young man, and for the past venr had been night opeiator on the People's Telephone evehange. The runT.il will take place Wednes day afternoon at .", o'clock, with aei vlcvus in the Welsh Congieg.ulonal chuich and inteinieiit in Plttston cemeteiy. Tlie fifty employes at the Uel.ili'.'iinty Dyiny Mnchlno works hero wcie given an agreeable sui prise this morning by the annouiicomcnt that the company had voluntaiily given them an Increase of wages In a nine hour day with ten bonis' pay and a half holiday eeiy Satuiday. A two weeks' setlcs of missions com menced In St. Muiv's chuich, Upper Plttston, last evening. The sei Ices will this week he for the ladlcM and next week ror the gentlemen. Miss Kitty Kelly, ol Olypliant, le tuined home ihis atlernoon, after a week's i.,it to Miss Maine Conway, on Pino "-tieet. M'. V. O' Boyle, or William stieet, this city, has put chased the handsome lesiclence or D. Scott Slaik, coiner of liiyei ne and Siisctuehanna avenue, AVest Plttston. lie will take posses sion July 1st. Mr. Staik will lemove to Wllke-Paiie. wheio lie has leased one of the Deir houses on South Pianklin stieet. Piesldent of select council James Uingan and Miss Maiy Tigue, of Mill stieet, will be united in mairlage in St. John's chuich next Wednesday af ternoon. Tlie class day exeicises of the AVest Plttston high school took place tills af ternoon, tin- following piogianimo be ing lendcied: Reading, Miss Hattle Bc.ins; class hlstoiy, Miss Hortcnso Knight; selection, high school oiches tia: lecitation, -Miss X311m. Claw foul, alphabet, JIlss Annette IIo.mI; piesen tntiou of album, Thomas Kelley, pi evi dent; lesponso, AVllliaui Ahleis, piesi dent ot the punior class; class will, William Hieese; selection, oichosua; tl.iss prophecy, Miss Miuie Fostei ; el.iss piesentations, AVilllam Coitoian. P.ev. and Mis. W'UHiiin Davis and family, of Uellevue, v Islted AA'cat Plttston lelatives this afternoon. Thomas J. O'Brien, or Xoith Main stieot, lot a number of oius loii' miin at the Tin vine bieakei, or the Seneca Coal co , has tenileicd his lesignatlon. AVOCA. The -Methodist congregation or Pitts ton and tho Piiniithe Methodist con giogalion of Avoca vvill run an cx-cui-sion to Mountain P.uk next mouth. The marriage or Miss Plizabeth Ilulsincr, or the Xorth Pud, and Ileniy Gillespie, of AVIlkes-Unite, Is announced to take place this mouth. Oeoigo Bi.ulbuiy lias leturned fiom South Dakota. Miss Maiy Bieliony h.is leturned fiom Pottsville. The juvenile order, Sons of St. Oeoigo, elected tho following ofliceis on S.itu.-day evening: Piesldent, John limns; vice-piesldent, Henry Odgeis; messenger, Chatles Ctoome; societary, (leoige Bosley; assistant societary, Walter Davenliall; ttusiee, Ihne.U U.inks. Beginning last evening, the merch ants In town will close their stoics at fi o'clock, Satuiday and pay evenings excepted. The Mislsouaiy society of the l.nng cllffe chuich will meet at the homo ot Mrs. "William l.ulid on Tlmisday af ternoon. The pupils of Xo. L' school will pic nic in AWst side giove today. Nos. 1 and a will diive to Slehel's giovo to moiiow. Misses Nellie and Pllabeth Scahlll, Nellie Doiighoity, Maty Miingnu and 1 1 lends attended the eletks' dance, at WIIUp.s-Hai rr last evening. William Nottcr, of Syracuse, spent Sunday with his family hoie. Miss P.lhi McT-aughlln. of Coiry, is the guest of her sisler, Mis. J. J. Mc Laughlin. I.,. P. O'Bilcn icmnvcd his family Into tho icsidenuo lecoutly imrchased In the North Pud. TAYLOR. 'I liu iriniins of tiiu lato Miih.nl (li.ili.iin, n fm imn I t-a 1 1 ! c 1 1 1 of Mlnooki, but lato of Kiiu-aon, .iiriml hoio mi ilu v 1.1 PiIj He, laikiw nmi nut Uciii lulu .ii.sUuliN inoinlni; ,md wins t.ilni in iliirRn Ii) luiui.il lllrnun .1, K. Pii, lii loiivrnl tlie umilns In Mlnnuki I'alliolio icinrtciy, ttlmo interment wan iiiiilr. Vu (iitrrtJliiiucnt will be kIuii In tbn Obi 1'orso Mitlioili.t i'plscvpal iliuuli on I'lidiy cn. hiK next by the Smiuilci., of I'ili.ton, imdor Ibc uiisiliu of the liliiuy ilcpirliiient t tbo l,iuurtli lugui. At tu it i piomued to all wiio atliml, AilinKicii, to iimhs. 'i lie Antlinilte dim ilub u tender ircep. lion iliU culling in honor of .Mr. Ilobrit l.lr. rlljn, vno ot Hi iiicinlion, wm linn tuniorrow fur bis lulitc Und, WjIcs. 'Ibo iviursion luminlttro of (lie Mliiookj tribe, X"o, JI7. Improiril Oukr of tu Men, will nicit till- CKIlillg It 3tjlllsOII8 pJlloi. Jliii llobert ln'IN, of ,ili'ille, ,i(ed her parmtj, Mr, ami Mm. II I" Dm In, of iljin ktliel, jccrtUj Idines McDowell, n siiulc lit of tho Princeton 'JIuoloKlcil ullei;c, ociiiplul lliu pulpit at tlm l'iesb,terian church on Sund.iy inonilni; anil ;aic an intcrcstiiiir adiln-M, which u.m IMonei lo at tcntively by tliuse present, 'Jlio coininillec of the Ameihaii I'uitrsUiit l,i ilii.-,' aoc!atlon will intet loiuoiron' CM'niis at tbo boms ot Mr, llicbaul Whiten to transact busluc&i pcilaininir to their coiiin fair, Piotiisor Dav id. Ii. Joncj U ta.t rcioicring from bis iccrut injur. At tho mcillni; of the Piolillillion league to br belli hi Van Horn' hall, on Main liret, Hum. phrey Campbell, pre.ldcnt ot the MacliinlsU' union, will dclhei in alJiTs. Ml Filwaul K. Pavi.. ot llailroacl meet, has rrturned fiom liei vMt to Wilkr Uric. Mr. ami Mrs. 'Ihonias fhailcs, of Ohplunt, tent the fabbath at tlie borne of the foimer'j fl-icr, Sic. JoM'ph Wooilwoilb, of Main lieei III. loJ.c, No. !, In leiiemh nt Older of DM IVllowj, will romene In rrsnlur teflon tbli even hiff. Mh. T, Ii. Iono5 Im Iml tier pinpcrly on Mln street hvproMil .tiims Inu'lh Im ictuinnl home from li tit trip ti Liitniidile. Mi's Mwlc 0ei, of Oak stttel, vlvtlrd (ilemli In PaiLrtKlile recelillj. 1'ilce ii' Ijjcliin limn IimIrc, Nu. 1, Amcrli.m l.nllot' I'lolrslint ii'HOIilioii, will meet In Im poilunt rrlnii tbU cieiiliiir, when ltcprerntatlvi Mrs. Tolui Itlilnrih will rent ber report from th (Ininil loitac .it I'hlliilrlnlilii, Mm. ltl'biril Itnwe.t, of lljile I'.itK, vldteil relatives on Main fleet Jcleidi). JHOOSIC. Mr Ornijce Miller, of I'hllndelplili, jpenl Sun di.v with bit sitei, Mw. ,Iiiliio l.riaii, of .Ninth .Mill! flic t 'Ihe J. I' (. I!, will imet Mill evening at the home of Mn, A, C, Mmn. of Mh.ooU nc hue. All inemben ine iecincled In be prefent. .Mr. ThoiniK Sbire, of birniiton, upent himdi with frienils In town Mr. John lleilei, of W I Ikes II in e, fpent Mm iliy wllli bli nioth.i, Mrs. llesikr, of Miln streit. Th' fiiitirit if On' Luc 'llioiiiin McAtvliiw, if iijiill. MnoHli', oeriiiiml situn'jy iiliriiuoi'. In I'liirrit in St. Muj's rui'eloty. fin children's day cvercl.o Imu ii"en ptsl poucil until .tunc 111 In both cbiirihe. Mh. Dr. UnUm his rctuiiad .if 1 1 r fpendln two weeks In PhllidelpliH. 'Ihp W, ('. T, I. met jlfnliy nfteruoon nt the home of AIis, t.'eorne I'eitl. Miller Pilid WntMiis Is cm the fill, list, Mm. John (imhim, of l'lttubiujr, Is vMllns lici pnents, Mi. mid Mr.J. William Sutberl mil. Head Feels Llko Bui sting. Maybe you weio out late last night? Jf you had taken a Krntwo's Headauhe Capsule befoie ictlrlng your head would bo cool and clear this morning. Take one now and you will be nil light in an half hour. Pi Ice 2,'u. Sold by all druggists. BASEBALL. American League. t c im icn (io imiiiiK-) - n it. r. W.i-hiiiKlou o 1 J o 0 I) o o o -j .-, s t Chlcnro ooooooo.mo-.! t n llittenes I'atton mil ( larke: Pattei-nn and Si.llium I nipires .M miscall and Connollv. At Cleveland- It II. I". riftilinil 2 0 0 0 II o 0 0 0- J s 1 lliltmioie 0 u 4 0 () n i 0 ' 7 ." a llittint.-. Ilnnllng .iml Wood; Dunn ami liieii ah in I mpiie ( intlllon, U Pelioit . It. II. I'. I'hilidelplui ..'..... (I 1 II II il II 0 0 0- 1 li I llitioit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11- t I, ". Ilatleiios t'lmk mil Power-, Mlllir and Hue low. I mpire bluridin t Milwaukee It. II. K. Ho-iton 0 n II 0 0 0 1 II II-I i, ,t Mllw.iukii- I) II 1 00 0 0 1 I I! .J llittenes Lewis and SelucckoiiRO't; Spaiks and t'oiinoi. Pniplre lla-kill. National League. At l'ltt-bum' it. il. r Pblliililpbla 0(101101111111-1 ii ! Pift-lmig 1 I ', 1 0 1 0 0 It U 1 llitleiii-.-Dui;lpli), 'town-end and Mcl'uland, I'hilippi anl O'Conuoi. t nipni" I tn-llc-. At tinciiiniti It II. I'. Rionklwi 0 110 0 0 10 11 1 Cineinniti 1 0 1 0 0 () 1 1 ." 10 1 II ittines Hushes mil Mel, line; Phillips mil llcrgen. Pmpne ( iiiminLli.im. At I Im 120 It. II. I' llo-luu 0 u 0 0 II 1 1 1 0 .! 10 t Chins ) 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 I 0 nuteiie-. Willis mil nitliidi; Hughes an I Kahui. I'mpiie O'Div t -t I..mn It II i: St. l.ouis 1 1 I) I) J u I) II (I- I 0 2 2uw ork ..' 1 0.10 1 001 2 8 1", 1 lliltcnci I'nwill and Minpliy and Hi in; I'hj le and Winter, t'nipnc Dwici. Eastern League. Wi Hotel, S: Motitinl, 2 Piovidence, I; Itnili-lir, u. ll.ill foul. I; Tmoiito, 1. S;i icu-i Hull ilo, i.iiii AMATEUR BASE BALL. 'Ihe Tijhir HuN ilnllriue the Icon fiom the liiteinationit f orie'-pondihce Schools to a Rime mi the Tailor pounds for Sitindny afieiuoim, .lunc S, at " o'clock. If acceptable, aluwci im inedialely throiuli 1 lie 'liibune 1-. I,, Waikim, luinagei. Ihe Ohplimt Ilioiuis c Inllcnge tin' follow mi; traitia to a Kimc on Olvphmt Rioum-, 'llmixlii, .lime (,: Catbondilp, I'liubui;,-, (,n-y 1-lind, Minooka, Atoosic or Tailor, 'Hie fii-t cluli tn an swer will be accepted. Answer by tilepliono. till W itkln-.' iliiur stoio. Will pi) cir file Willi im I'ltlcn, m,Hni:ei, THE MARKETS. Wall Street Bevloir. New Yoik, .lime .1 Spcculatiim in stock" wis nc.iin Mil aiiimatcn todiy and ilic dc iltu.s howc(l a Mib-itautlal epan.iiun oci tlioe oi I'iiiIj). ilotb in clnractir and volume of trad ini; the market bore a close ic-unbl nice to llut In Ihe boom peiiod Munuous lnort were put foitb hi pom mil flnaniial intercuts to give it tint appc nance, '1 lie uiilkct, hoiuici, Mill con. tlimiil foi tlie 1HO.-1 put in the hinds of pio. fiM-loiiil opoi ilou iml tin' lan.er spei ulathe In leicata. Much of the lm)iUK' i- pinlkatcil upon the- iiinfidcut assumption tint the poivuful llinu clal iiitoic-U of tbn (oiuitiy bivo ii.uhcd a do tctiiiiuition by tacit agreement to advance pi lies tn .1 liUb level aK-iln and tn attempt tn icunv lln fpn ul itive londilliuw pieiaillii- luluie the lip-et 111 the fcccond wick of -Mi). Ilu.vcia of last wick vvuo vnv heavv Kellers to take profits today .nul this laiucd a ver) Km u.il reaction alter the opening advance, which w.n mlily iiiiiiiiion to the whole lit, .some of the stocks which weio nio-t con-pinion-. In tin npiuliig advance did not do no mole than hold I hoi i own in the liter ilcilln-i. (Itheis which wcie mons; eaily last week, and thin rc-utul, rriiuvved llicli- .sticn'l It in the lile ilc.illn.'s. At lei tlie liit general re aitlon the policy was adopted which advanced Ih.-t one and then an other ftoek in keipicui'i-. Itealiln was iniitlmi oils under cover of thi'-e movrnunt. but tlie net reMilt of the da,v'd tiadlni; was a Mibstantially liialier levil of prices nt the close ufter a iliy of Mi at aitivity and v nitty, 'Ihe eltcl Hoik, wire t oibpli iintbly iiuihr piev-mo of icnliini; nllei the opening liso uiul euul on tlie down Ciado with only tliitlouil tut Ritris, Very lon-plcuoiH stiuutli was shown b) hi, Paul, riilcui, Paeiric, Niiithein PacllU, Ml-ml l'aelllo and, in tlie- final ilejlin-s, the lleadiiis and 1 lies, 'lln re was n ilevelopineiit of gieat upecula-live- activity in ti'ir, which tiiiied lint stock up an exticmo live points. Amalgamated Coppei (,-aincil .li. I ho 'lob mil Mock,. Coiu-olidited liis, t.'eucial llheliia ami Paillli Mill rose from 2 to J'Ji .Norlhcrn Pacific old at till ami at the llo.-incr 100 was bid and IM asked foi Duly oiid buudiril thaiis were ihalt in Dun oi" tlm tumors i intent was that Northern Paciflu mocks would bo cMhaiiLrid fur bonds to be joluth Kiiarantee'ij hi' I'nlon Pacini, i-t. Paul, dual .Noiihern and hicago and .Northwestern. 'Iho .spneul itlou was ngtit ba-rd on gerici.il (OiisddcralioiLs, mui .u that time had tkinon-tiatcd Hut the ftoci inirket piub bid efieitid no iinpaiiuiint of tho pio-pir-oits hii'iucss eondltloiis, m Hut wllli fweulilivo lo.ss adjibted, a lenewcd advance was in unlet lot il abb today, l.blO.OOO fhaus U0111I1 weio ail lie and ttroni; In Mmpathy wllli ttoil-6. Total bile ptr value, $l,TH0,0il0. 'lilted Matei bonds wile all unihangcd on the Ian call. Seranton Eoard ot Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. bfOCKS. 0J Ailed First Natloial uant ..,.,,,.,,,,,.. urn bcranton baviupa hank .,,,,, no Third National Dank .,., tvi CA.nnln Iron PlnLO AC All IT. Co. 1 (VI .lMrh a. uuwic -"- " " ??' Bcranton Axle Works .,...,.,.. f ui Uckawanna Datry Co, I'r. ...... ... 20 County fcivlnw Dank ft Iruit To., 30Q Hut National Bjnk (Carbondale) i,-t Li..4,l 11-Ullnr? Cn m iiadeti' Naiionil Hank if 5 ,,. hironion lion anu nut e.u ,.,, joo ,,, Pioplc'k Hank u0 ew Mvmco H). i. t! to ,, ... 7J ... lllmo Pepolt anil vucouw uinK,. S7j ,,. Economy LUht, II. & '., Co. a Lacka. Trust EafoPcupsIt Co 150 . 11.-1 t. Cnri-ar In. Vr IIS THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cent (or Knelt Bxtrn Lint. For Bent. For Rent,, About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th (loor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of Tin-: Tribuni-:. I UIt.S'llIi:D rOTTAfir. for rent at York lake, l.aikawaven, Pi. .vildrcM Mis Citint, . line, llonesdale, l'a I Oil MINT (1 room home, corner ijnc nvemie and Piitrnri stnet: hot and mid vvitn, rore but small family need appl. 1TH Wujne .iiciiue. 021 ORnHN- lllDRi: STIti:iT. ten rnom. modern Improvements! steam heat furuhhed; deslr. deslrible. For Sale. VXfV 1 OU SAIJI 'Ino w iroih, milk nuiket, one boise and hirni, luite tooln, 1.17 Xb il-i-ey .iv nmi-. Furnished Booms. l'Olt HUM' I'miil-Oied loom, -ill lonviiiiencin, very cenlral. Addrei I! , Tilliuiie. 1 Oil ltKNT One Iiirte furnilied fiont room; alo one pule loom, r, 17 Adams uvinue. Bonrdeis Wanted. WAMCD Table bonders. Mis. 'iompklni, Ml Waililngton avenue. Booms and Board. LAUGH front room with boaul for two gentle men, 111) Adinn avenue. Wanted To Exchange. I WISH TO i:ClfNCIi: a Rood bulldlriB lot at I'ovntellc, Pa., on the 0. & W. It. It., for a Rintie hoi-.e, linnets and ciniai. Addies Uo .!07, Foret Citj, Pa. Money to Loan. MONhV. to loan on improved city leal estate. iinxitv di:i.i.v, -nt. has ii. wr.i.M.b 'illOMAS SPItAOUi:. JOWJ 10 IOAV Iowe-,t rite: stialht or montlly p-jmuit-i. Sjtnk k Co.,riadcri' bllj. ANV AMOUNT OP MONP.Y TO 1 0 S Quick, strairl t 1c ms or llulblinr; and Loan At from 4 to 0 pel cent. Ctll on .N. V. Walker, till .ll t'onnell building. Situations Wanted. sin VllOV VNli:U Aetlvc jouiib nun dc-ues position: H obir, lioiu t and tillable. Coud refueiiee. I', 'liibiine Olllee. bITtAl'lON VNn.ll onniy mm J jiars o( jgr, deques po-ilio.i .n puv.ite i.eirctaiv. stenoijiaplier, l.vpcwrilir, bookkuper and j,cnei il ofhie issMaiit: t.ilve Jen-.' evpirunce. Ad drc-e-i (1., 'tribune ol tic c. M)l SC, MvtilUi:i) MVV v mti li-ht vvoik; sou 1 penmiii. rntrlim, (teimiii and lliui,'inin. O. l'b, .110 Ilioidw ij, suinton, Pi. OUNCI MAV, 21, college prubule, di",irei t position H bookkeepiT oi n-itC-f jut ; can opinio tjpcivillcr. 1 oi full piiticnliii addies Well'" II Wenei. bo l.t, Lopez, Pa. ON'0 V(1IN vanli positian ai an ad. wnler in diy s;ood oi furniture store in this eiti L'vpctienro and but ol tcfiicnce. 31. '., 2uj i-hitiKtou avenue. BONDS. Scrinton runr;cr Hallway, Drst llnrlM dn. lO'O 115 Teople'li btrcet Hallway, ,.,, ,i,, mis first mort- People's Street Hallway, Concral mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manulacturins? Co Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. City of Seranton St. Imp. 6 per cent Seranton Iraction 0 per cent US 11)0 10.! 10J 115 Seranton Wholesale Market. (Coierctcd bj 11. ",. Pile, 27 1 ickawanna .V ) Ilullir l'le-h, 31 1'iO'-c. ; dtliy, fic.h, 10'jaJOe'. ( heese Pull cicam, new, lOiitllc. 1 (.ci N ostein fi tt-li, U.alSe.; nciiliy slite, lJ'.ilT. , , Ileini Per liu-bel, chniee nnnovv, V0a; b IM Ilean-, Per bii-hel, choice inanow, ?J 53i $2.i li. Medium Ilean-. lVr lmhoK S2.-l0a'S2 3. (Ireen I'e-i.-, Per htbliclis, jl.40at,t"i 1 lour Hest pitent, per bariel, 1.13 Kid Kidnev lie an. Per bushel, !f2 I3a2 50. Potatoes Per bitshi 1, 0."n70e-. Ikuiiiida Onloii', Per bushel, l.SOal BO. Philadelphia Giain and Product. Phil idelpbia, .lime .'I Wheat l'lim, ,; lent luglier; eontiiit grade .lime, 7ii,,sJ791,i.e. Comic-, lower; do, .No, '2 mixed June 17,'i.ilcc. OoaU Blcadj ; So. 2 white cllppei, aijLUJe. I lout liiiet, cteidi. Winter mperlor, t2.10i2,'2"i; do. fvtta. 2.I0i2 0j; Pinn3lvaiiia rollct clear. V4 :i'2'; do, do, tli.ilslit, IJ'.al.lO, vvetetii wiulir cleat, iJ.,2aa.l.lU; do, do Kttalght, YJlOal.W; do, do. pitent, i.li'ii l.liil; Kanais btialght in sacks, J,40i)Sa; do, patent in rack, ,; HOj.I.7.1; ni in ileal, lJjJi; do. btialghts, JOOaJ.h'i; do patent, Sr-i f-la I ; do. l.tvorite biandf, I.IUil'J'i, cltv mills evtti, 42 10a2.oj; do, cleu, f.U'ul.lO; do fctraUhl, Niiual.lli do, patent, MtOil.S'S. 11 o flour, dull and iiiichangcd at Ir2,7ua2.00 per bat. ul, as to nuilily. Ilullir Hull ami pi hits easier; fancy wotc-in ireaiuct, l'Ji.e; do. do. pilots, lUi.; do. lie lib do., '0,-. J'g's-I'lnncr, ftiili niarbi, ll'Le. ; do. western. II; do, Miuihwint. cm, IJ; do. southern. 12. Cliec.-c Hun; .N, V, full ereanu fnui .-null, O'l.aOi! do, do, do fait to choice, RV-.aOUc Kiluiul sugam, iiiicbaii'nl, lotion bttad; 'lallow Dull; city prime in hlids, lilTsC.; countrv do, do. in btrieli,. 4ltlt7a(..l takes .'Ua.'i'.'. Live pmiltt, dull, tiuchini,i'il; I'oivls, JOc-,; old rooster, 7c; piin.r thiekuis, 17a2ae-.; ducks, tie llrit'd puiilliy, Dun, goud ilrmand; fowls, ihoice, 10j. ; do, fair to good, ti fi'sc,; old rooaters, ll'ji'i ; loistin,; ehiikeus frocn, llalli- ; turhcvH frozen, 10al2c, ltuipts-i lout, 1,000 bitieh and L'.O.O.OiV) pounds in tack,; wluat, 7,0iX) bihi isjj corn, ICiil.KK) bushels; oits, H,0o0 bushel", nnlpments Wheat, '2,,000 bii.hcls, coin, I2'i,0il bushels; oats, t-,000. New York Oraln nnd Product. Nivv "inik, .liino .). I lour 1'iiilv active and foriuci. Whcat-fjiot slit,ug; .Nu, 2 ml, SVi4r, f. o, b, nllnat; No, 2 lid, KJI41. f o, b, alio 11; No. '2. t--'Ue. elcvutot; .No, 1 Xotlliern liuluth, fci'j ulloat (."Id). Options npuicd la.i, but later tin i.i'd very ttiou? on -lul.v win .it and advaiurd thatply, ( losrd llrmed at ' jalr. net decline, July closed hl'-.e.; hept. TsV. font !?pol Hi ill. it, .No. !, iOc, tlevatot, ami WJa, f o. b. atloit Optlun stiady at lirt, but later rised oft", Cls:'d steady at a'ic-, Hit decline, dull ilo-id I'l'i ; bipt, 10. Ooats bpot steady; No. a, .11, No. J, 32'ac ; Vo, 2 while, a.li.. ; ,Nu. .1 while, J,e ; track inisid vunlirn, y2,,;a.llc. , tuik white, Jli ;t?i Options dull, but tinner. Iluttir l'lim ami tmihiiMdi cieamer. IGaliio.; laetoi, llill'.c, Imitation iriamcr, ViljlWil-c ; utatu dairy, 11a lie. lVb's-I'liniu, statu ami I'rniiliaiiU, 1 Hj alii-; weatrrn iicruljr packed, Ualti,, vvitctn bc'bcted, H'-jtl If. Cheew Oulet; fancy luge lolored, Sab; do do while, hi.a"a, fatuy mall eolotid, UUa'Ha! do. do white, 'J',. Chicago Grain mm Produce. Chicago, June .'!. Cattle llcecipls, -"OHO, steeit, slioiig, active, thado higher; butchers' stuck steadv ; good to prime, slier, S1 Wai) ll; poor to mediuui, 'Jl JUj", j; Moikus and fii'dila slow, l-Jal.KI, rows, W bial; heifers, ti5.2; ijiimrs, .'.13a.! Ml, bulls, stead, $.I.I0; calm, s W.M; Tcvai fed steers, $1 2u'.IO, Texas bulls, i.75aJ.OO Hogs Iteeclpls tenia, U.onoj loinoi. row, -23,0110; lelt over, .i.nuo, opened eav, tlosui sIioiil; active. 'Jop, $507'.. Mixed and butcher,, fWaj.02lj; good to choien heavy, $3 7"iaV)7l'., rough heavy. MiVsjS.iI); light, KUli'Mi.; hufk of sales. SD.S0J3D0. ' Shrrp-lirccijli. 10,000, sheep steidy to slow; UmlH, weak; earliii,;. about stead; good to iliniee mixed. fll0alA5, western sheep, St -Ot ton, jrarlhus, ?l.70; -utiic, lanib, llajuo; wrttciu Iambi, SOji.U). 3 More Wanted. W A.N Till) , t tulncr's tools dieip, Aihlre! X. W, I,,, 'irlbiine Oitlee. W'ANTl.U itintlenian wautt latge well furiiMiol loom, inoeliin iiinvniletiies, with bond pie. fared. Addicts llox .'Id, Tilbune Olllee, Help Wanted Malo. WAN mil Ilneiceth', liulvvotthy jotui-t in in, mitl be will riceinmi mhd, llauer, ;II2 u'll .11.1 Muis building. nl.NTI.IlM.W, wllli huge iicinialntmee In Firjntim socle tj , elrltid to repievent a well known New Yntk flint of Inlcrlor deeornloi Addict I. II. Mndblul lc Co, .No. U P. l,th stieet, Xew iotk clt. W'AXTilD A boy about III to levin tnde. One wllli some ripcrloiict' In wood wotk. II. O. Incstrom, 620 Spruce street. WAML't) MAXAtll'.lt-ltelliblc Ouii wants eapt ble milt to iniuage biiiieh olritc, takim; dliertlon of Ini'sliiesfl; iliry JI,f,CH and llberil commUsloir, good tefeleiues find n00 e'ili le qtilied. Addies llox ;!".i!, Philadelphia, l'a. W AN ll'D Tinners tnd tot nice vvorl.ru and mel ll eeillnr; hinds, vv i(.e, ."-Ti eeiilt pel bom. Appl nt onci. " Keljhle, Melil Cell liiff and Miinufactiiiin Co, Sill Locust stieet, I'll I sliui ir, Pa. WANT i:il Mlesinen. Irtvelinjc or local; weekly silary lull. IlertleU !-ecd Co, lloehestir, Help Wanted Female. WANIt:i) iteuogiapher and t.vpewtller, tceurate and goud iipptaiince. State age und salai. Slenognphu, 'Jiibune Olllee. W AXTPD Coinpetint girl for genei il lioti'enorlt In smill family. Apply into Pmn itvcnue, ninii Itidge. WAMI'.I' took ami sitoml Ri, Ccod refer, enee ic'iilted. Apply nt W Linden stieet. WANI1 I) V second girl; must be good waitress. Apply 1012 Vine strcit. Clltr, WVNTI.D Por general liou-twork In Small fimllt. ;!17 Webster avenue. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. - Want Advertisements Will Bo Eeceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBPItT Srill.UTZ, corner Mulberry street and Wcbstei avenue. CL'SIAV I'lCIII.L, mo Adims avenue. West Side OUOROi: W. JKNKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Seranton FHi:D I,. Tl'ltPn:, 720 Cedar avenue. Noith Seranton GI.O. W. IlAVIS, comer Voith Main avenue and Market street. Gteen Ridge C1IARL1 S P. JOVKS, 13"j7 Dickson avcmie. V. J. JOHN-., OiO Ciecn llldge street. C lOltPN-, corner U'l-hinston ave nue .Hid Mai Ion street. Petersburg W. II. KM. PIT!,, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmoie J. (3. IlO.Ni: A. SOX. Real Estate. $1 ouo Iliis si room, single bouse, good well. lot 100x200, t-eraiiton street, Dtlton, Pa. Wells 1 Keatoi. Jl.S'iO Iluvi biiildins lot, JOxIMI Wheeler ave nue. Wells .". Keatir, Hill r lluildln;. J2,000 Itu.vs double house, 7 rooms on side, all improvements, except gas. Dun stieet, Prow tlenee. Wells li Kcator. Miscellaneous. llllli: KinilXS-I de-lte to plico sit pietty little kittius 111 good homes wllli people- tint ale humane lo the dumb. Will give only .is pel-', llilng covered baskets, (all attit .1 p. tu, , 1011 Washburn .street. Mils Mill II will take eonllnenient ta-M it ber home nul boaul thllduii. Ilux E, fit. LEGAL. XOIICI' Kstate of 'Ihonias ounir. diet ia,-d. I.elteis of ailiillilistl.it Ion upon U17 i-lile of Ihomas ouii(;, late of the borough of Diiniroii-, deceased, hive been gianted to the undersigned. 1 ircmest all peisoiu hiving chillis or ilenundj against the estate of the said eh cedent, to nuke kiioivn the sime to me without delav, Mnl all pel .sous indebted In calil ettate .lie VcepiMid to niako pa me nt ti me. AXUhUNf. (,' MILNC di.ili,tnlriv. .!2", N llltkilv stmt. Ilimnioie, Pa. WM. W. LYIIIHOPL, Altouii' foi theiMati. Chicago Live Stock Market. C hie ago, June .!.- Itunioi.i of 1 possible squeie ill Jul wheat laii-cd .1 slurp advamu luil.11, and atur in exce-ediiulv active seimn July t brail 2'4ia,e. higher, Julv icun closed iHe, bivvit, Jul oats, a slndc lowci, ami July pioii-ioiw tin ehaiged 10 10 t cuts, luvvu, C.l-h iUOtallous vvtte as follows; 1 loin ("ulrtj Vo 1! spriiu wluat, Tie ; No. !, - ; -No, '2 ml, 7ii.a77c ; No 2 corn. Il'bi'4e.; .No 2illow, UUaiic; .No. -J oit, 23, .No, : while, 2"'4a-.0'.j No. J white, 2,11 .u'i, .No. 2 l,vc. ; good fenliii baile.v, 't.'j; ufr 10 ehoiee mailing1, Wi.Tic; .No, lltx seed. Sl.il. .No, l .Noithwestern, l.71j piluie tlmothv seid, 'j.li'!; mess potk, l 1.3 nil Hal, Ind, til.u'uSl71'c, short rib', 77fii703- ihv fit,-( (.houldcts, ii-a7'sc, shoit deal sides, TS(IJa 13; whiske, ?! 27, BufTnlo Live Stock, 1'a.t HiiIIjIo, June 2 -Cattle etlie, chulee lo 1 Mia expoit i.ilt!e, $0iiii; good to host, y 2:i4o,7'i shipping Mens, fi 2'iil.r'i, good lo 1 hi It 0 butcbeis' Mills, sl,j ", I'J, u"" lo hist til bulls, s I'tL'iO, -J' iilln, steers, good In choice, l,2il,73; gnnd in cholie lit eovis, s'I.IOi '0, tat helteis good to cxtia, ifl JJtiO,; il, tiimmoii to fall, 'kl.'23i ) si, ( jlir -(.holm In 1 lia, 173ali, giwl 10 ihiilcc, y fjiui "3. Mieep iiiui lambs i live; lambs eholce lo extri, ?Ji f-1 1 : (.odd to choice, ttt 7ia'i; common In fall, M,73ti.7"i; simp choice to extia, ipj2i; i,ood lu thoice VUaal, llogs fhoiee heavv, sj.nv, mlvul -md lietvv, J"i.'IV.ie); vorkeis, filiSiel; pus, jisui'il, roitjlts, 'TJ.IOiSSU, stags, 9l.'2,at 7"i. New Yuik liivs Stock, Niw ork, Jutin .1 llecve-', steels and fit bulls, stead, Hkht bulls, lout 1 i envis, nrm 10 in, liightt Slecis, ia'itO, feedus, III, 30, bulls, !?;.'.') 1 J .Vl, tows, V! lO-il 10. distiller led stags, fi l'i; i.iliis, nuiket active and -V, hlghet Veals, SI.''OaO,21; exlrl, o.J5; tips, 50 3el, buller milks, -l; uilvid calves, t 'Jij ,, Sheep and laiuks I, nod sheep and plline lambs steadv, other wrahs' vearllugs, '21c. lower; sheep, if-l.il i-O, lamles. "i 21all 'Jl, elioice, !?d WaD fili'i;, .trailing, jliiia'i 10. ilog Market sttong at ?Ui(i.,0. East Llbeity Cattle. I u-i I Hull, June l faille ellve rxtia, S.iliaU, plime, $ 3.70.13 bl); good, fi I0a"i Ml. Ilogi slow and lu 1 r; pi into heavy, ' I1U0; mediums, ft US; best .vurkew, 3.oiai.P3; light, do., yt SU S.tm, pigs, ' WaJ b3; lommoit pigs, bl SOa3,2i, lotglis, Sla.6 10. Mieep Meadv on bit grades, dull 011 lovvir or toiimion grades. Host vvethets, $1 .Ojl'll; thnlee lambs, $V20aV0, cemninii to good. )!30al0"i; veal calves, M JitaO. Oil Market. Oil fit. June .!. Irrilit balances, mi, certifi cates, no bid; shipments. May 31, 07.111; aver, jge for Mi, Ol.lj'i. ltiins. Ma 01. 1JI,02, avrt. ago ft M.iv, i-,700. Shipments, June 1 and '2, 137,Uj7; dtllv avciagc foi Mi, 7S.i; rum, June I and 2, "J,wl; daily ateiage for June, W,W0. SITUATIONS WANTED HREB. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than Hour Lines, 6 Cents for UachEitra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certllled Public Accountant. llllWMtl) C. SPAl'l.DI.NO, 2.1 TIIAtll'ItS nXA Uiilbllng. Architects i:ilWAItl II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, COXXULlj building. Klli:i)i:illCK L. IIIIOWN, Aliril. It, ItllAt, I.'slate llvthango llldg., 12t) Washington av. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I 11 vltlllMI, OiKI CONNKMi HIJIMIIXO. Dentists. nit. c. 1:. i:ii.i:nt:it(ii:it, pauli ruildino, Spruce street, Seranton. Dll. O. O. LA0IIAC1I, 113 WYOMI.N'O AVP.NUI'. Taawyeis. PRANK I.'. ROVLi:, AriORNl'Y.AT-LAW. Rooms l!!, II, 111 and 18 tlurr bulldlnff. 1'. K. TRAin-,Ain'Y,rO)lIONWi:ALTilfJtiiiL 1). n. RLPLOfiLi:. ATTORXr.Y-LOAN'S NHOO. tlated on real estate sccurll. Meats building, corner Washington avenuo and Spiucc street. WILLARH, WARRi:X k KNAPP, ATrORNEY3 and counsellois at-lavv. Hcpubllcan building, Washington avenue. JI-sSUl & JPSSIIP, ATTORNEYS AND COUX- Felluis -tt-laiv. C'oinmonwcaltli building. Rooms 10, 20 and 21. HOWARD W. TIIAYP.R. ATTORXIIY. R00M3 I PaiPOi, Oth floor, Meant bulldln-r. L A. WATRPsl ATTORNRY-ATLAW, BOARD of Trade building, Seranton, Pa. PvTTnR'SOV A. WILCOX, TRADL'RS' NATIONAL Rank building. o. ron:ns, o-u rkpurlican buildino. " a. w. nrnTiioLP, oitici: movld to no" 21t Womms avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR W. L ALLLN, 51J NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORRMIX. OITICr. 3.10 WS1I Ington avenue. Residence, 1J18 Mulberry, fluonlo dlse-ase, lungs, heart, kidnejs and genito urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturants. Tim PLK CAKK, 12", AND 127 FRANKLIN avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZI'IGLr.n, Proprietor. SCRANTOV HOUbl'. NEAR D , L. k W. PAS- senger depot. fonductcd on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. R. IIRIOOS CLUANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Mtin avenue, or Eickc'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones Seeds. C. R. CLARKH & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. ertnen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1130 North Main avenue; storo tela phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSPPH Kl'KTTr.L, REAR 511 LACKV AVE., Sctanton, Pa , manufacturer ot Wire Screens Miscellaneous. Dlti:sSMKlNG TOR CHILDREN 10 ORDLR: also lathes' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MI GARGEE BROS , PRLNTPRS' SUPPLIES. EN. velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1J0 Washington avenue, Seranton. Pa. THE WlLKESBAltltl' RECORD CAN BE II Ml in Sctanton at the news stands of Ceismiu Bros, 400 Spruce and 50J Linden: VI, 'Norton, 122 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Political. I'lRSr LLGISLVIIVE HISTItlCT-Xotice Is tint, by given to the Republican voters of tin Piist ' legislative district 01 Lackawanna cniinlv that .1 pimiaiy election will be held on Sstni. dav, June 8, 1H0I, at the regular polling place,, lu tu i in the hums of I and 7 o'cloik p m, fnr the iiupoe of electing tvo elclegites to repie sent the slid legislitlve district in the eonims llepublican sttte- convention to he held in lln rl.hjiif. The convention lo compute the voi will be held on Uuesili, June ll, 1001. at in o'clock a. in. lu Coopeialive hall, .Noith .Main avenue, In M union In aceoulanio with the lilies governing lln ihslrlit, the 1 iiididaiis will be voted for directly In- ilit votris at the polls and must icgcstn vv'itli tlie dislibt ehiiinnn Ins full niine and postolbie aeldicss, mil pit Ins assessment flf(p,-n dm befoie Ihe ileiiiou, or Ids iiitno will not bo placed on the ottlei il ballot, neilhei will aiy xcles 1 1st foi bun be counted. 'the dlstiict vitlanci) eoinniltlio in vanniis pir eincts will conduct the t-leetlnn, and the result will hi- ttpoitid by the letuiit Judge to the ,'. tilet lonventlon, which will bo eoinposed ot judges ot the villous ili.tticts. written notice' 1 ontainiliir li.rther inslrmtlons will be milled to 1 11 ll mtiuhei of tho slid dis tiict vigilance coiniiiltlee, G. W, Jenkins, (halrnnn l'lit Letislatlve Dlstiict. Attit: Waltir Minpson, M-intar. '1IIIRD LIGI1LAIIVE DISlltHT-N'otiee is here I' .'inn tint II ill E. ilnris, of T.ivoi, iml llnir I' "eiiiiins, of Ileiiiou, h i Ins: legs lirul fur si in ihhgntis and hiving piid their ileiiiou .tss".-mcnt, Inev .lie hi n by deelneil tn In- tie dill .leiiedlted delegites to the Re piibllran stale rotivention to represent the said Icrl-litlve district, is provided for In- Rule , of the rubs govitnlni; riniuy eleillous in said district. iWvlt N IllMvlllK, Chan man. I, i: W WKIN. biciclaty, Lost. I.0s' - gold chain neel.-lne, wllli a heart at tacbi-d, between No It, si html, fhestnur stieet and loins I niuj'i. sinn- J-inder will plea iitiitu in MKs llechlohl, 110 N Ninth street, FINANCIAL. ssyWs, i VX 'fcV , " WJX j"v. "is N SJ i OLDEST! IWALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Earn Bin Monthly RPUTI I Returns. DCiOl, Thelnve.tor'iiriiiidPa&eniI monthly, Ihe oldest established in lnerlei No ceitlioat- liohhi his iter lost ,1 tent Payinnits made to all stibsiribeis tvei li 1I1.K. .So double, No dila.v. Money iifuudid on ihiuatid Wiite to. da for pjitkul.il', trie lo anv address, V E Maekey A. I o , Hudson Bid's , .New Y01I., Bond Offerings. Paying 3J to S HiooKlyn Kell.stm 1st Is. L'lies. ex- Ohio, it. cv A, Dlv, 1st Con. In. Kv.ms fcTciie Uiiuto 1st Con, 6s, Iovwi II1111, Hy, Co. 1st 5s, Limit., ., A. cc L'lik',, Ulilc, & inti. Dlv, 1st lid, MoxKmii Central My, Con. K Mlshouii I'.iiMIlo TiUht Ch. Minn. Cien'l I'leo. 1st Con. 5s. Mob. & Ohio, JlontBOinoiy lliv. 1st os. Itlo Gtanelo Wcbtcin 1st Is, St. I,., lion lit. & So. llefel. Is. fonipli'ti riiculai LUt on Vpplicalion, "STATISTICAL, TABLES." 1001 (Pockot Edition) Now Ready Spencer Trask & Co 27-20 Pin Street, 65 Stste Street, Albany, X. Y. NeV YORK J , -J.& rfv