5 '--.'ii'T-""''-wjii;Fj;!.5?i"?aiiFT?,n r i7f fsf"t aat-,'"'--! " , v.ty V x' v t i THIO SCKANTOX TJRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JUNE l, 1901. wt-nlv?iwv'Tw'r$,''V"s ?'Miiw?fWi "V v, tfy Scranbn rt6une fuWUIiH Dally. l:cpl Mimtv. Ir Th'1J') Ine PiihllililnR Company. t I'lft lent 'Mn I.IW h. mrllAim, 1'illlor. 0. F. HV.tli:K, llmlnem Manastr. X, York omc 1 Na.i. M v.,..iAJDi Sola Agent tor Foiclan AdvcilWnR. Lnturtl at Ilio I'lHtntlkr nl Vninlon, I'a.i irnond t-tnin Mall Mallir. When p.ifo "HI penult. Hie 'Irllmtie I' 1h.v Bind In print -liorl lottrn (mm lit trltnrtj bear. In? on tnrreiit Inpli', Imt ll Hilc l that thw tnut (.o blitnnl, (or pi'ldli illnn. ! Vtt. .V teal mines iiihI the c nIition iireieilent tn " irptniKo Mi.it ill tuiitrlliiltlon (liall be nulic In I'lllurlil levlidon. i in: n.Ar ii.vn ron Ai)Vi:nnisfi. lnvv tlic piloe per Iin.li Iho follou Itic tilde raili Insertion, fpaie I (i lip ued within one .vein I'ull Position ".'0 .'Jl .l'l .1'i .11 IHM'MV. I"v than tot lnihe i"ii Indies I'JiV) " i. i. f.IO " I 'H mil of llnn! levuliitlnn of romlnlen c mm MmiUr loniilhnt fitUiiiff Ilio 1 1 II, nn,. K 1 1 lie. riji tor ciiisinoii application. loin In He inluro o! an- tll.ll I lillIRl' "I ' ttn" Aluilljiiit; imnl'licil on Kf'IlA.VTO.V. .ll'N'n I, li'ill. It l-f not iirplHliin that the Denin-i-iiiili' TlnifH riivnij. tin- roti'iitlcm or I ff Mull ii locoiilri. House of Detention. N" A.V'TIIIUI c-oluiiiii :iiiritp .t nniintink-.itlnii finm t'ollcr .M.iclstr.ili V. S. Mlllitr. cill- lns .ttipiitlnp t" 111" ttiRi-nt iippiI U it Ihhi.-p nl ili'lPiitliiu In this eitj In nm'nnri". ,i-ih uhPi.ln lie l.s I'lim ioIri in i ml rIiIv ii" .-u1pi jphi-.'- to llin iiiiiiiiv J ill. ppinMiiK tlip iIImioI tlfii ol' t!ii ir !!" ,lii oo ml. Iitiim-'p time In noihlntr pNp im liini to Oo iiintpr tin- rlti iiinstiiiK'o.. What p(f"p( month! of incauoiiitlon In ilip iniiiii pi l-iiii in iiiinp.iny with lianlpimil i ilmiiPil1.. must h.io on Kills- iiipI Inn.- wlin ,iip just bogtiinlnc lo lrr.nl IP" tir,ipiPintii p.ith wliii'li lr:nl: tn mill mirl ilPKiMdiitlnn. licprl i ot 1) ii'ini'iitii iipn'i. It must bp iei vtlilu Inn liPiii'iii'ial. l:iiuiitnti onqht to liiii- a hotiso oT ilpipiition, Imt such an institution fiiiftlu not to dpppiiil upon tlip Plinili" ot hiijoiip. It oii5!it to lip a piibllp In- htillltioll, MlppoltPli by tlip ptllllil'. It Is p,i:- In .si, pi I a pp.-iilpntl.tl bfi'iin. bin ei'ii Mr. Mi .in Ii.ih bppii ioninip(l tlint at tiinps a tai'KP fii.ni tity of ci'i is ifiiiiii'd to Kppp It ullo.it. It Alust Tie Solved. Om: or Tin: pioiiositions ptiongly urcrcd by (iovprnor Stoiip in his .umiiiil ihps-.-.'ifjo. but littli" liPPflfd by thp Ipslslniiiii , was coinpulpoi v iirbl tmtioii. C'onf.iipi Inrr how othpr pin 1 oficd lPRl.l.i(lon of IntPipst to labor has bton pioinotcil by tin cats' of labor Ifadcis to ni.inli hosts ol' worKinq inpn tn ihp slate lapit.'il to intimidatp iIip law m.iUi in it may bp wpII that tins siibji.it ol lompulsoiy aiblti.i tlon has- bcpn allowpd to so opi Vitainly Hip snbjppt is too IntiH'iitfi to bp .ulhiMPil ill an atiuospliPiP of tear. I!ut the IninlllKnif of the lountiy is IntPiit upon .solvinc thp niPiiapc of siiikpp. .Vp ri'iiiPilios aiP liciiiK suk RfstPd fn'ipionily. ( 'Ivlli.illiiu is ip luttant tn admit 'hat it i an piovidp no bpti.-r point of tiial for isstiPS af fpptini: pmplo.MiiPnt tlian llif aipna of sa.mo sttifp It conipPls iiiillvidiials to ailin-t rlillPioiiif .eai cfiilly 01 siifior piini'liiiipnt. 'an It not roni fpl poipoi.itlons ,iinl lalioi unions lo be lil.n.isp .siilioiiliii.ild .' 'I'Iip Now VoiK Tilbuiip. ili'-pushinpr tliis llmini'. said pstPirta: "Tlif lulior siHHtimi in this pountry loilay jirc m nts soiiip fi-atuiis mii thy of study b sttiilcuth nt social spIpiu'P Tin- pre alliiif; sliIKo ol tilt1 ni.i('liliii.'!ts. whirli ImmjImm piob.lbly Tii.OUll out of tile l."ll, r,0 nn'inbPis ot tli.it tiadp, iippaiPiitly ihop out of a inKtakp or inisappip-him-ion as lo iho i pal nii'iiuiiiK ot an a;,-iPi'PiP!it Into which the machinists i'iiK'1'pil with ilii'lr cinploypis a par ikh Tin1 oniplojt'ts ilcclaro that tlu'ir I'luplojfs liuvp bioNoii a soipinii bar c.iln to rpfpr all disputes to aibitra t'o'i, and the eiuploypis now asseit that they will have untiling nioie to do with a union which seeks to bind the in but will not lie Itself bound. The ques tion which tills uilses In thn iniiuls of studious obseneis Is whether some tilbiiual .should not be eieated which loilid I'lilnli'e the caiiyiiiK out of iiieements bptween labor and capital, and also Intel pi ot iinnilhtnkiibly thp icirus of such riKrecmeiits, "That such an end is heliiK alined at In some parlh of the eouutiy Is shown by (he fact Hint u bill will he Intio diicod at the next session of the .Mas Kieliusetts leRlsl.tlurP piovidlu for the jfjeatlon of inrlustrlal eoiirts, whoso provljiee 11 shall bo to hear disputes bctvfefp, em poialions and their cin nlofi and dPfido what shall ho n fair inlnjniuiii wage and it fail maximum workday. If a corporation lofuses to pny'siiph w.'iso tor such workday It shall he tiled by jury in the oidinaiy courts, and If found fiiillty shall be fined llehtly lor the ilrst offence, heav ily for the second, and have Its charter i evoked for the third. It is not In tended to give the Industrial courts jiiribdletiou over Indivdual or paituer fhlp einplojeis. Picsldent flumpois of the Ainerlean Federation of L.uboi' Is worUIng out the. details of u dlfteient plaiVlliy which It is hoped to form na tloiinj or intei national unions In nil tradif. Conferences pan then be held between repiesentatlves of each of these unions and iho largest employ eis pf that hind of labor. At lliesi; eonf6jeuees agieements ns to wages andv-worklng hours will bo leached which will be binding- on nil employes In t.ho country belonging to iho par ticular titido represented at each con terencc." Until recently thu attltudo of the average man concerning stilkes not directly hilling him has been: Sick on thp tjgitat-jiK and let labor and capital llghi It out. Uut people ate dlsiovei Ing thatthls attitude is pvpenshe I.abgp und capital caniiut light lung tlmi nl Sidlnuon I'lpir Rending ".r, ' .'JT5 .2H .2J li, IT. in .i: .15 .115 Without niHhliig mliiceiiient nut of gi'tieinl priMpclll.W One year's stllltes In SorHiihui iiliine. It Is c'liiservntlvely ilgui-eil, nave cost ?.',ono.OOO, or $luo nplece roi1 every head of n family. Nor Ik the pii.I In sight. A feeling of eKtriumcmeiil between einployuifl und eniployed has ilpeued Into bitterness; lhi mtlv ,Mlneis liine been the pro fesplnnal labor pollileliini. This stutc of thlllgH will nut uire Itself. 11 ie riiilnvj sl.'llful Jieiitiivnt. foiiipiiliory nrhlliritloii 1'iis Its olijeetlons, but un til 11 belter i'i illedr !n offer."!, It Will linpiess inany men as deseivlng u tilrtU All save Hie rollowets of the freii zlcd r'lilciigo piophnt will be of the opinion that It Is u long jump from John the ltaptlsl to John Alexander Dowle. The Nation's ricmorinl Day. IT IS Interesting to group together a eiy few of the notable In st;i)ires Hint piove what we had occasion to leuiarU on Meiiuulnt Hay the maimer In which that iiniil oiMtiy lias helped to bilng" freshly Into iiopulnr thought the memory of the heioes of all our wins, the great Foldleis and civilians of every peilod of the national history. In the ynnl of hlstoilc old 'hi 1st phut eh, riillfdelphla. Hip long sought! for, iiumriiked giavc of (leneial l.oe, of the Itpvolutluiiary army, had been found, and was decoiated by it tiraud Aimy post. The mine post held iiip inot Inl servlrts over the giaves of Heiijntniii rranklln and Kobei t Mol lis, both Intel led in the lai aer littlal U'loimd, also b'donglng to Chita') i lunch, nt Tifth and Aieh stieets, The gi.iM1 of Mis. IteKy iiots. dei-lgn-iv and maker of tlm Starr- and Stt lto, thp nation's Hag adopted by congiesM .(line 11, 1TT7, on the blue Held of which new slats continue to elustPi, was dpi mated by Iletsy Ko'-s council or the .lllnlor OiiIt of Cr.ltrd Aineii fiui Meehiinles. The .Miung people do not piopose to have the designer of the flag I'l'igntlPii. In Xpw Yoik city Mini-tpr "u Ting fans lnid on lieiieijil C.iant's tomb the niPinoiial w loath oidercri by 1,1 Hung 'hang lo be laid llieie each Memorial Dav. The Sons of the Revo lution decorated the srHtul" of licoiRc. "Washington on the steps of thp sub-tieasiny, and the giaves of the soldiers of tlip Revolution in Tilnlty chinch yaid. Alexander llain iltoii, Captain .lames l.ivwicncp, Ad nili.il Kanagut and Jlaior C,en pi.iI Itlchaid .Alontgonipry weie among the country's oat Her heroes specially renienibeied and honoied. In Trinity tlitiich !Hi! the hoiinii. paid to the sol diiis of tile 'War for Independen. e, wcle followed by those to lleneinl John A. Ulx of the war for the dikm. Over in Paris the Ameiicaii.T tesi clent and kdling tliere gathottd at the giae of NatnV'tte In solemn anil beautiful nienioilal service. I'ipspuI ly -will i nine Hip word of the Keeping' or Memoiia! Mv in the I Mi il ipjiincs ; as alieadv, we have ihp stipwing of lloweis on ocean waves in memorlain of the soldier and sailor dead who lie beneath tlieiu, lint always, and cv eiywlieie, the day's cputial meaning, lis piofoundesl grasp on AnieiienJ hrarts. comes to be nio.sl insistently reiogni.pd wheievor inaich the veter ans of the war to piesPivc thp Cnion the war that settled for all time the fact that 'the Culled Males is" a ration. i!opinoi niNs, of .Michigan, ac Knowlfdgps thaL thrip aie fpw things moip iinnoyliig than a balky lcgisla-tuip. Term AveraRes. WU IIAVi: spoken rppe.it Pdly of the better effect foi nil classes and con ditions of pupils ol" the school teini au'tage over the avei ages iivultant from close of tenn ex- nniinatlons. "Vheieer, and in what ever special method of mat King has been kept leiords of the childien'.s ad iniLement and their variations In t-ompaialive inipiovement fioin week to week oi month to mouth, theie h.-.ve been the schools that have un lallliigly dope the most good to tlip gieatc.-,t "Uinber or chlldieii, "Wheie u,i li child knows Hint piomotlon will depend on dally undei standing um iitleiitlon to lessons and school loom woik, not on the nieiiioilxliig of facts or I'lamnents of test hook setting' rn tit. when these nave been called lor In unrelated and fiagnientaiy iiies tli ns at the end or trim, Hint child's ii'teiist is awakened, altentiou stimu lated, perceptions quickened, the whole mind Is aleii to liupiove. Wo ipreried a few weeks ago to the method of enabling the teucher to gauge and keep lecoid of the dlll'cr oii t pupils' atlintlou and improvement week by week, month by mouth, and making a fair menial iiveiage of all thor who ought, on the basis of such lecoid tluoiuhoiit the lei in, to bo maikcd by such llguie, out of "a pos sible bundled" foi perfect school woik. UK Justllles their udvaiiicmeiu to the higher grade and Its studies the method Intiodiicp.l by .Mi. Ilidenour, now of the 1iiiprnntioii.il Coucspoud elite Sehools, during his long trim of j-erviee in a HinoiOju scliool, witl some seventy teaeheis under his su pervision. That system, as wo thou i!,uiliond, inoved so thoiough a suu cess Hint .Mr, Maxwell, then city sit perlntendeiit of lliooklvn's schools ami now of those of lireater New Yoik, Jptd it qulotly Intiodupfd Into all of HiooKlyu's schools, wheio It coll tluuea to give tho utmost fiitlsfacllon, That Is liiniiKhi afiesh to mind by thu Initiative, just taken in the Hoys' High Schuol of lliooklyn by tho teacher In, chief iiuthoilty thoie, of prlne Kivliignnt for icaehlng u ceitaln .o!nt In .scholarship, nor for sin pass , lug other pupils, but (oi general Im pioveinenl.for steadfast, faithful woik In stilvlng to leitm moie, to develop in knowitdge and characlcr. Tho dullest boy may gain smh a pi Up. If he sets himself to do his best: and he Will fel himself to that wlmn ho would simply ho discouitiged from tiylng at all by thn setting of a competitive pilze. That last he would Im certain some blighter boy in some one with ui eater home help and .iduutago4 would gain, und he would not oven at tempt to make tiny eft'ou towuius It, or townidq the Improvement It wps expected to nth' (he class to strive for. The dlscotiiiiBcmeiit to dull ones b.V the eomnollllve tirlsio offer Is Hit1 snme nxii.'lly In kind, If not pieclsely In de gree, ns that i emitting to the dull, inni Hiofp slow of memory In tcgnrd to Isolated facts, from the piescut method of cMimlniitloni for piomo tloti. The tenn tu'pingp test for promotion pqiiiillr.es fur more ne.nly the ndvitii tages for nil. f i om Ilio day Hint school "lakes In" to Its ckixe. It Is of dotiblo advantage, lo both teacher and pupil, beiiiuso It releiisos tho leiieher from endless intuiting of toll books ittd impels of every kind that sonic stiliei luteiidents dellghl In icriulrlng, and so Ipiims the iiiliul of the Instructor ficshcr and brlR.iter foi the actual woik ot teaching and f adnptlUK Hie InsliiiPtlon given to Hie Individual minds of the clilldien. Hncslois who leaped Into tho Kiiinklln syndicate some time ago, ex peeling to pocket W) per cent, tllvl di nils, will lccolve, by order or coilit, nboilt six per tent, of the money In vested. This Is rather better than could be l-pnsuliably counted upon un der all the liicumstauccs. Theie now seems no reason why tho stiaw hut, welt protected by strings, should not have iti Innings. Wall sheet piophets. like the weather ptogiiostlcatois, show a dis position to hedge. Ofcf Trade With Spain Yet Good Spout (iiiii-pi.iiileni.p of "1 he 1'riliiitn1. rflilncton, .lune . CiiMMI.IK 1 VI HI I.MICiNb liiteen Spain ind Ilio I iillul Sl.ilo -oriii In liivi1 hcon fully ir-lmnl, .mil il n lml inipiolulilc tint our ovpciN lo lint inimtrv in the fl'C.it jeiir l-'i Hill lip Rir.iloi, Willi povilily a lllslc ex ifptivii. tlmi In nn.v prnerhiii; .ion. i:porti (inn Uic I nihil SUb-i In Sp.dn in Hie nine tn.iiillis oncliiis "itli Minli. HOI, oiu v.ilmd .Il .ll.i'l.JI', .Ulill-t -.ii,lls,!ij) ill Hie tone. -pniidiii iihiiIIi-. of I it ii.li. .mil 7,mi.U4! in tin- , -pomlmi; pnioil ot tlio Iw li ,o.ir 1!W. Ilio heum (n ilio Ji.li ii 1" 1 1 ii- lime null i.ile Hut Iho tnl.il rvpoit- (roin Hie t'nitoil Slilr? In S, ,n tlio h-c.il joar 1TO1 -will be .ilimit (1,iki,iiiii. wiille in ISM tho cvport to spilii "no -.li.spi.iii'i, in If-fl ill.ir,'ssl, .mil in If-.:, Iho ruo jo.ir in wluih the tlflorn imllioii lino mh rvirulril sln.')ll,27. On Ilio import M.k Hip liuuiei o( tho pipsenl li-i il jeai .ire l.n gilj in IMI-S o( tin ftp i'f t'K, lliniisli lightly !,. t'li.m thii-o n( "iin, whiih oro the l.ir,"Vt simo l-'il. 'Iho niiimil inipoit- IH'in spiin into Iho I ii it oi 1 Sl.ids siihp Ib'M hoe i-iiwil fioin !i'j lo ( million doll ii-, nverighis about. I'i million ilfilln-. viliile fur Iho pip-uit fi'o.il jnr Ihov i-ocin hUlv In rvicul ".,0',i10. hi Iho li i.il jr.ii1 is'ri, vvliuli (ill Hie full ollrit o( tho M.ir liituirn Iho live innntru-, tho oxpoili firm tlio I iillol Stales in spam weio s;),or7,S07 j in pmil ttuj io-o to il.1,'.''!,!,5", .mil in Iho pii-nil n-i.il jiii ill il"-rly appioxmute flii,ljii,ii, - o Hi i ill-lull-, cuttoii, oils ,md wood miniihc liiirs mo tho pruuipil artiilc luih ho rv pmi ti spun, law i niton bolus: by far the liiHi-L in volume. T nuts, nutn and wines .no at pic-uil Iho pilnnpil .irtnles imported fioin Spjin. tliuiigli in cailiei joars iion nro formed .in important ilim in our nnpoit ilioiu fioin Spiin. Iinp.nl itions ol iron ore fiom Spiin luo al-o iiiiir.i-eil in tlio jrir 1'KJO ,i- com pntil Mlli Ji il- imiiiiiliilelj1 pirioilmif, amount- inc in pxm in ?ni-,..'7u, luMin-t u,'-iis in icir'. in, I --.IIJ..K7 in l-'ni l.onu lniK In IS'nl and l-u, houori, om impiiiiatinii-. o( iron oio Iioni -piiu .uiioiiuicd In iiojili 4,nil(l,fJil per anniiin. MinoiuU, i. ii-in- and niaii!ro aio Iho primipil fnul- nnpurlid into Iho t'nilrd stairs fiom spiin, Ilio .llm.iud impoitalioni .nrrauliiff jlmiit -.nii.nnn nminllj, and Ihn-o ( i n-in limn '-VW,. Hi") to sl,(1ou,lii) per aumiiu u -l!a lollon is (he I irsekt inelo linn in inn epiuii to 'piln. I he rvpiirtatiniH n( lotion from this loiintij I" spiin mo im iri-rd (loin S7,(,h1i,7 pounds in l'in In liM.Oii.lsn pounds ill Pino 'llu- pnliiulai lealuio of our evpnrt tiada Willi Spain was nut initrriillj aflrilrd b lite w ii, oiu evpoils of 1 1ll t. .lriklo lu s'p-iiti in Hie n-ial joars ln'M and lvin Iumiu ovucded in linnlilj' Iho Iil'uii-. of ,in- oilier jrais duilni; Iho dciadc. 'Ilii1 muulirr of pounds n( cotton rvpoilul In .Spun fiom the t'liilrd State-, ill lfHl is but sbshllj- lirlow tint of IS'i'i,' while iho liuira-ed pmo per pound luinK its value In a Iili.hu Hkiiip tli lit tint o( ,inv other .voir sini l''l, Om lolil ovpuits to Spiin In PHW weie vnliud at M 1,,11'1,0-fl, and of this amount -more thin two thirds of tho tot il-lepresented tho value of the cotton. The nevt important ili-s n( imr ovpmt- tn spiin is wood anil luanu. fiitmei of vvniiil, and in this diss the prin-, tipil Hem- nio hooiVN -t.ivm anil headings, of wldili the ivpoits to Spiin hive averaged over s".0VKl .iiiniiallj' dm lug tho p.i-t tin jears. Pol. low Inn vvoiul in nnpnrtauoo is the I.ks de-li;. li Hid hieul-lulis, the l.ital for IMi'l tuini; 1ls,. im, as aualn-t !j,,,ill,;nii In lS'U, Our evpmt of this ilivi of luriiliiuill-o to Spain Im ilue. hi. ile, I cou-iil, i ililj Irom jiar to jrar, lieinK (fimiiird hio'ilj by nop lomlltions in Spain. Oiiflin? Studies o! Hiiman Natiire Ochre Mining1. V.iuilu-e, In Suutli 1'i.iiki, i- a lenbi of il, oi lire iudii-lij. sninetimes iho mine U ext iv lied dirnl wllhout lululuc, but nflrii ilnfH ale Mink Tli.1 mileiiil vv lie ii 1 mmht n tho .-in t it t1 I ll.ititinit(d lo the valli'j lieluw on i.ait.i and i tluii vv,ihril, Milling !. only done In the white na-ou, as Ilio watt i iuurM- .up ihv in -uiiini r ll.v lutaiis ot MHcif-ivo K'ttllui; bi-hii vailnii. de KHC- nt In.imi.- no M'liiltd in washing the i, t tin cud of the vviulir the-o lu-llis an.1 Illli'l Willi ntliio in Iho film of mud, whhli diiu haul iliiiini; tlio In i ti l term, and is then t lit into lli Lka ot refill a f-io and driul in the nun II i Hun it 1 i ul into I, I, nl..- in iru.-liul lulu p.nv di i foi i-lili'iiiciit .md la Mirtol lor luluri the v. I Uvv Mi.ulis ii.iiiiii.iinl lit.: Iii;heil priip. 'He total piinlui.toii of Ihc-e nihil- li-t jut n about l-D.nmi n,u-, and of lids amount ;i,n'H oi,i weie lilpped lo Iho t lilted Slatn. .Vliliuiiiih Iho mini.- li ixiTt been vvoiked lor minj jeaii. tiny un1 not ixhaiisti'd. A vciy .-InilUi piuuvs n oi luo mining in riuplojrd ut the mini1 beds In l.iliiiili i uiiiitj , u few- iniUd fimu Mleulnivii, vv In ie an exicllent qinllly o the plgiiiuu la liijiiiifiiluiiil. Tiend of the Inspector, Sot li.nc .ii.'" a . itc-bcj.l kiliool to.iilici wa Kl villi hi- ill-- .1 ("niiu ill su'SlJpli.i, and III i lining he u'.ivt tho I io j an unoiiut of Un i il 1 1 llinlui.i lie eiideivoird to nuke It Li iliMiiplion .it liituillnu" un po.-nilile, and point id out that the am lent illy loitljiiiul some I ulili Inn nun., iiieiitioiilu its calluilial, uv lie and piUou. A few dais utter II. M. In-poilor pahl his .imiii il vitit, and imt nine rfeoi.ipliv i)uislluus lo I l,u tame il Jj-i. Viiiuiu; oiluu V a-lM-d: ".suppo-o I tbind the (itj of lliiihim. to what time building tliould I be likvly pi nut" Iho i.via ot um In 1-1,1 boj c-pji 1.1. il; lit i-vl il. nl I v lml inmnilieiul ut Iij-I li p.nt of the Iw-iiii jjhi'.i a ft vv data lufori, and piomptlj li plied: "Iho Jul, oil "- "lit llih. A Cautious Mp.ii. A '-ijuiii jifh-c liv Iho niniiv ol liieene wax Viuo lijliis a i a-'.- in vvhli li on,- of I lie atloi iitji. was iiniiil-ijl.ihly a .on p( i lip tmri lid l.-le. 'Hie Jiidzc I uK .1 a. alii. t the ullmnej on i-ruul p,..inl,- in a iiiaitiiei I In I llm Ijllei icgJtdfit nt aibliiaiv, and lluallv, put is H.o Juice wis a) out tn il. ddo uiiolhei pilnl, ho jiuvc and fM. "I liopx vet hoimi will l.ol dcvidc. JS-llll't ,.!, me on this point until lif lia lead the follow Intf -ei.tlon (mm Mlrownry nn 1'i.iiirls.1 "What illil joii my wa the lume ol the UiurJ" Itiipilml llic' linlije. "Itrnwiiej, jrr lionorl Ibroat-n-e, ttrownej." "My name," nald the judae, "Is opcllcil tll'OP-UPl Imvv would j oil pinnoiilico that 'til rone' or '(Itrrnrj 5' " "I fli.lll rrrive mv jmlginctil on Hut, Wt lonor," replied Iho allortiej1, "until tlio honor. aide loutt has tendered a ileildoii In tills iitit-." His "Strenuous" Voice. 'I he follow Im- anerdolr, lolil by William C, .'mltli, fnrmeily deputy nUto ntttrnry of Marj land, ruiy not lie wllliont local parallel: "wldlo I wis in Iho Male nltoinij's rfllce I hail lo tiy il rne nirnlnsl un oltirrwlo liouel fleriniti (or mIIIiib llipiur nn Sunday. 'Iho rirlfndint liJd le. tallied ,1 mtuln luriiiliir ot the bar whn Is noted lor his hljt'i D volip, Piitunr I hi allornej'a rntlier loud aildieM, Ids Oeiinati rllent lookril on in t ipt admli itlon, iiiul lie vial liranl to lc iiiai k: " 'Alii. dol'K der kind o' hvvjer to Inf. jet,' " 'Whyr he was nkcd. " llci in.i1,' w is the icply, 'he hollers so luiiil he scares dcr Jurj.' " IlulTi'lo Commriiiit, Willinp; to Loso His Eyesight. (Inp o( Iho New1 - o i k Plato wnilorn tells a ixo tl itorj' on hlm-i'lf, udilis the llrookljn KjbIp. Ho Indutjes Ireely In wine, but never becomes Intovlialed. Ills dortor intotnierl him Hut II ho did not rIvp up licpiora of every tic siiiplion In- would he ".stone lillud." "What! f)o Jim really mean thai, duilorf" the man exclaimed in evident conftcinitlon. 'Ilio doctor ossuicil him Hut lie did. The senator I honcbt for n in, uncut and then, with deep tlllli of re-lRiiallon, s.id: "Well, I gnrfs I'm ecn cvcrjtbtng worth eecinfr, nnjliovv, 20c Per Share Is the price now for the stock of the Pacific Coast AND Texas Oil Go. Subject to advance without notice. It will sell for 40c. very soon and is fairly worth 40c. now. The com pany's large holdings in the best districts in California are advancing lapidly in market value. The man agers will begin boring wells in both tracts immediately and will push operations as lapidly as possible and expect to strike oil in sixty days. This Stock will sell for $1.00 per share be fore October and may sell for many dollars per share before Christmas. Investors can buy it with confi dence because the value of the com pany's holdings and the character and ability of its managers and di rectors are established. The com pany refers by permission to the President of the Broadway Bank & Trust company of Los Angeles, Cal. Any bank or banker or prominent business man in the towns of Bakers field, Sunset, Midway and McKit trick will testify to the great value of the company's 320 acres at Mid way. It is in section twelve and is in direct line with the best wells in the district and Midway is at present the centre of excitement. Tlip stock is splliiiK fioely In Cali fornia to men who know tho value of the Company's pioporty and tlip ability and integrity of the Company's man agreis. So much us this cannot bp said for thp stocks of muny companies that aie largely advertised in the Mast. Wo honestly bPllovc that this Is tho bpst oil investment offered to the Kustprn public. TUiy it while It Is cheap. For nil partlpulais apply to the INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Koom 1, Dime Bank Building, Scranton, Fa. Inexpensive Porch Furniture There is nothing neater in inexpensive porch fur nishings than the Grass Cloth Upholstered Fur niture, It is finished in natural wood, and in col ors, and is particularly adapted for Porches, but is equally suitable for Summer cottages. We have several styles of Chairs, large roomy Rockers, Settees, Stands and other suitable articles, Hill & Council I3i N. Washington Ave. THE TRIBUNE'S EDUCATIONAL $3,000 in Special Rews cs. THK SCRANTON TRIBUNE has iiiaiigtiratetl its second Hdu cational Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi tious person, not only in Scranton, but throiiRhout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This contest will be even greater in magnitude than its predeces sor, embracing special rewards of the very .highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance with the tulcs of fairness and justice. The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de cided to repeat it. This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholarships being ollered to the veiy best educational institutions in the state. The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayotto Colloge $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmoro Collogo 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 670 Throe Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $00 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of music, $75 Each 1 50 $3,005 Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) per cent, of alt the money he or she turns in. V. 11. Hip flrvt two M'liolaMiltH il not lmliul imcI. Imt llir innli'sl mil i-rtiirln Ihr.'p will bp clvon tin (ID) por irnt. nl ail thu luoni-y lie or the tiiina in tu lliu Jrlbunr, lo njslt in M)ing till evpctiJi1. Rules of the Contest. Thi iinrrtjtt irvv.iiiU will ho clvpn In tin1 iw-rm tnuriiiR tlio Uifrcit number t pnlntl Poind will be rrdlilril to roiitrtuiili .' Ini; now Miburibm to Tho Scrjnlon Ttibmc ai follows: l rolnt". One Month's Subscription t ..V) I 'Ihrop Mnnlli' Nilmrlplion I.v!" ! Six Moulin' SinVirlhtlo J1" ' One YirN SiuVirlption 'iM 1 Tho rontrl,in(. with Hip IiIrIioI number ol points will bo civen J ehoin1 from the lit of special rrvvunli; the tontpttant with thp ,oiitl liiglimt number of point will Iip Riven a choiio of Iho rcm.iiuliiK rcvvariN, urn! so on Ihrniich the IM. Eaih lontrslimt (.illlinj to i-ecuro a special rewanl, a"ml al-o tho-o who mIpiI the llrL two Mholjihip, will be civen ten per ttnt. of all money he or the luini In. Full particulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of Doints they secured. Address EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST. Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords I,ovv 111 cut. Low In pi ice. High in finality. Liulioh' fiom 75c. up. Gen tlemen's fiom $1.23 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. Wears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. Fiesident -Vice Pres. -Cashier - - - -CD. Jones - G. P. Reynolds - - H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: C II .lonc, (J, !'. Ile.vnohK 'Ihonias r-i.isur, Artliiu Dunn, C S. Woolvvoith, VV fl, Kulton, niilnul O'lliien, M ! CjKci, Annuel bainler, T. t Von Mouli, A. II Warmaii, M. J. Ilealei. K V. t 5 H H H K r. . . K K K t t TRY . I Clock's Best I Union Hade ; Tobacco ' l A Good Smoke or Chew. A Tiial Solicited. J" Satisfaction Guaranteed. ti K MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co, J 644-46-48 Wyoining Ave. fl tl Scianton, Pa. $ ii u n v ' TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS I People's Bank, All KtnVerlptlotu iniivt lie pihl in uIvmk.p. Only new suh-trlbcn will bo inunleil. Iteiiew.ilv by prrMinn whoc niiiiei weie (n our iilirlpllon Ht prior lo Mjv II will nt lip iieillleil. The I'lihiini1 will iiivestlcale r.iih s n 1 j - r i t i o 1 1 iml if foiiml irreculir H. ,iny way rei.eive.1 tho rlsht to lejcd It, N'o triiKfer i .in be miilo .illei ucilit Im OIIIP belli ulvin. At! fiib-iiipt'oii", iiml the 1.1M1 lo pvv tor 'imp, iiiii-I bp Inn IpiI in .il The 'I rllun- ollk" vvilliin tlio week in whhli Ihey .ire i-p ciiicil. mv tli it pipeis m.iy bo ien(. to the uib'prilicn .it ontp. Siili'cripti mi limit ln wnlleii on blinKi. vvhidi inn be 'iiiueil .it 'Hip 't'libuiio olliio, or will ho Mill, by mall. The ronlet will cIom1 prniuplh at 8 o'llock SalimJjy cvenii.g, Aucust Jl, 1U01. OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,009. Surplus S525.0D3. United States Depositary. Special attention, given to BUSINESS, rERSONAI, and sav INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from S to g o'clock. Wm. Connui.i , President. Henry Bli.in, Jr., Vice Pres' Wm. H. Pi.ck, Cashier. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. SCRANTON?S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT 001 501 VIp.ih Iluililiiiif, I'.nlnrs npcn MoikIj , TIiiiimIj jihI HJlmiKiy cvininsi. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Sclh ll:o lit-it McuU, C limn ami I.iiikIic? in tlio tlij. Tl)1 in .mJ Im luiivimcil PETER STIPP. fienci.il ( i nli.iitoi, llullilir .iml ie.icr in Iliilldlhtf Mom IriMiit. ir '1 itlluu (i lc Lijlt), 'UllllllllIlP '.'oW lllllcf. .-'7 Wu.linuton .ivrliili1 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. ""'""" ti'.' J UiaErTI KUl I'aU, rfai Ml l.iikn imu .iveniii iii.iinifiiliiirr of Wlro Mum-, "t Jll Mini- mil) pupiic'l f"r tho t.piliu fi-'i on. Uo til Ko Jll Kim)-, ul lioiili (vrrciu, rli THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. II n im old i?ooii to woik uiT Tiny I le l luvv Jli'l ir In ililc. Dill fl nc J it'c lonri llun J) vtlicra 303 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR PLNN AVE, sEoumrr ouiudinq savings union, Home olKip, ;iK;'0O Mem Iluililtn;, IuiimiIs a gdieul Iniilillii.' Jiul loin liiisiniv tluoiuiiuiit tin bUli1 al IViiiuvhjnla, FARRELUS TRANSFER Moves I'uIrIiI, 1 'limit in o jn.l IIjkjo, Sjfel, l'laim. jikI Maclilni'l) 217 LACKAWANNA AVE, FRED H. WINTER, 824 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Maple (iioutirs and 1'iovulom A full line of ViscIjIiIw, ill , mcivcl iljll). REGULAR $S PHOTOS FOR S3.00, CRAMER'S laJHave, M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, ll Jdilon Miff I "'u )oiiiiiis P- Cll t) 'lcfilionc Ileulvc 1'ionipt Vllention FINLEY'S Fascinating Exhibit of Gradu ation and Evening Dress Materials A'p me showing Hip most pomplejtA slock of olcKiint IIkIU-upIrIu fahrlcq tlial It Im postllilo lo llml nnyvlipiuj cvcrythliifr fioin a pIioIpp of lip.iullful vvlilio niiitprliilH for thp ".Swept (Jill (ll'inlliiitp," to Hip p.NriulHltp fiilirlcfl in pvpiiIiir points fm1 puny and h.ill tlros.pfi, ol.vo the ninny little .'IpcchsoiIch In tlio vvuy of TiiiiutiliiKK, Lucca, Tics, (IIovpn, IJlhhuni, lliiiulKcu'lilcfri, oIp., that alii to ciiinploto the iitlracllva w om. i n. Crepe De Chines TIip liK'iiiiip.ii.ilile niateilal.H for cven liiFT vvpHi1, vvhlpli adapt tliPinRclVPH no ailinlriilily to stylo ami flRiirp, coiiips li white ami nil the hoft, dcllcntc colors. Otber Graduation and Evening Materials Our sp.ipo will mil allow a tlptallerl ilp.ipilpllon of p.uh f.ihilr in partlrulai1, only by way of ,i geimr.il outline. Wo mention tlio m.Uciiiils ami tntc that nearly all hip shown in t'rrani, White, Uiaek ami evoiitiisr sliailes. Pcnu de Soie. Liberty Satins, Panne Satins, Silk Sublime, Lnnsdovvnc, Satin Duchesse, Pallette do Soie, Soft Taffet Silk, Embtoidered and Silk Striped Grenadines, Wool Etainines, Plain and Boideicd Nuns' Veiling, Mouselinc de Soie, Embroideied Silk Lnen, Point D'Esprit, Silk Mull, "Wash Chiffon, Persian Lawn, Pine Batiste, Lace Dicsscs, Organdies, Satin roulnrris," ami many oilier mulct lata that thai fashions of this year demand. 510512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock oJ Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware :tG. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereali Ji Council, 132 Wyoming Avenue. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find Ten mis foi Kmpty Houses, Kmpty llouscv tor 'Icnanl., lollra llcnt. l.ooL Allcr aivl 1 H:U1 l1 l'ioily and IhilldiliKS. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, Ihomi 1 .mil ."i dun llulldlni. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123PENN AVENUE ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIQN AND DECORATIVE RAINTER ONCt PAPER HBNfiPR IPl'illlBfTOl'Sr COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS, flcanlincMi, l'ure 1 noil, I'olilo .Mlnillnn Itca M.in.ibk 1'iiio Open ih) and nl.lit, ."Ol and .'Oil tprmo hlicel. Kunlon. I'a THE HOME SUPPLY CO. ItelalU fuiintiiir, bedllns and door rovcrini for tatti at vvliolccilt- prkcj ,il 72-1 VV, LACKAWANNA AVE,, SCRANTON JAMES J, MURRAY, Suiiruoi In tin1 Hunt .V I'm noil I'd, in In ,int tluet in. nl vvmk diid vmlilillun I irio'i liuin.iv. h imiii an I i.riici il In. woik .i ipeiull) .Nn 11' l.nl.4ivjiiii.i avenue ""iTvTiTw iiMTiTTw xoiumjion ,v i:m i-" STEAM DYE WORKS, ami 1'irmli Dry (leaning and llcliniiliiii, tioodi ullH In and ilclneiid. 'lileiiluilio inniifcUon. wolf & WENZE' l'l av IK j riumlii-r. Inimis and l.i.lr Iti- 1'iinuii'H a pi i i .i I I ) Krpjlini. Iimiipll) dine "C ' iUiiii ave , btnu Ion. Vi MLANE, S2S ADAMS AVE, Easter Millinery WILSON A COMPANY, I'd hininlile 'lailois (Hotel .kiin.in nuildiii;i h" pllle illicl, s-crjiilon, l'.i ImiiIi preNSfd, til I'tnln, iniiU picveil, 10 rrnli. t Inlhins to pjned. .ailed for and delivcied .New Plionc, Jijli H. A, RIEFENBERG. riuinbliir', 'liniiln; and Heitlne, Sola i;eni for How aul 1 urnace Trlepliono 1(1' 517 I.inden street Clocks, E