The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 04, 1901, Image 1

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nvo CENTS.
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Emeri! and Foclit Measures Which
Passed Senate, Will Come Up
for Second Reading Today.
A Resolution Limiting the Talk on
Rapid Tiansit Bills to Five Min
utes Is Adopted A Laige Num
ber of Appiopiltition Bills for Pii
vnte Chailties Are Bend.
Nt lxoluIi, Win fium Hip VmjiIiIhI Pirn
HnrilsbutR, June .! The ikniiv
.mil Pculit lipid ti.tnsit bills which
weie passed 'uv tin- senate lust weeds,
j isfccil Hi -t uvtdlnp; In the Imuv to
nlfiht and will i nine up (union nw for
ce onil iradiiiR under the onlet of
business IImmI Ii- the lilies lummlttoe.
The hills w ill lie taken up fot third
1 1 kIIhr ,ind iLhsiRi1 on Wednes
dn. n ml (Iip indie itlons aie lliul thev
will so tluouRli without sulnus op
position Moth hllN wni' leielnd fium lht
1111110 lit tills ,u tt moon's session of
(ho hou-c find ptomptlv lefeited to
the (otpoiatlon lemunlttoe An hour
llKPI (llPV weie li-poitPd liom iimi
nilttpp bv Mi Stioh, of c.iiboii He
foip thp enmmlltcc made Its lepoit.
Mi fieasi, nf Columbia moved lo
adlouni his puipine beliiR to shut nut
dm lojioit until thp evenhiR' session.
Thf lnollun Inlkd o a otc ol !T (o
Aftpi thp (oniinlltPi hid in idp its
lppoit. Mi f'oi.iy, ul lai'i'ipo. nilsod
I lie point of okIpi thai thp (oinmlttPp no ilRht. undpi the mles to sit
while t lie house was in cession wlth
uiir ppinilssioii ol that liodv speaker
3lii slutll nilod til it the lommltteos
i ppoi t having; Ikpi) leeelvnl bv the
lioiisi th it pikIpiI llip initlPi
lhfoie tile bills upip ii. it hid to
i.UIii Mi Mimic ul LehlRh, mopd
ill it tin- I'm lit 1)111 1)P ipi onmilttpd
ioi i Iio.iiuir "Mi llllss ot Delavvaio,
iiiNmI (Iip point of oiiIpi and was sus
i mini li thi sptukii that a 1)111 (an
nul ) ipponiiiiiitPil until afli i it had
pi-siil In si nMiliiifr Mi Cteisv a ti
ll i1p1 liom (Iip dpi islon in si wiiltin siruciI In iilnist If and llessrs
IIiiir ol -Mhuvlkill, rupith, of
W'.ivni "VI II I f i ol Xoi lli'imptoii and
11 asi of lioiUs Mi ISlUs moved to
la thf appeal on the table and the
uiotioli wis adopted 1 a Mite of 10.!
lo 'i, ( tlnfc Spe iker Voothees de
i hied that thi appeal liad liepn tibled
and di i Winn of (lie eh ilr sustainiil
Mi I'llss subsi iuputl- ippoited a
li-olution Horn the mles i oinniitteo
(Kirns enati bills on second leadiiiff
ihr llisi ul del ol business at lonioi
tow nininiuR'- s, ssjon and th it no
niPliibpi be allowed to speak moie
than onie nui lousrci than 11m- niliiiites
mi anv 1)111 Tin oppom nts f ihe
lapid tiansll bills demanded a loll
(all on thf it solution vlikli was
mlopteel bv a vote of 111 to JS Both
hill" weie then it ad Ihe tlist time.
alonp with u iiunib l of nppinpiixtioti
bllW foi pi hate i li.n Itio nftet which
the house adiouiiie.l until 10 oMorlc
toinouow moinltiR
Bills on Second Bending.
The oiiIpi of business .it Ihe attei
nnnn -tstltin win bills on ei oud
Iiir. The appiopilation bills ioi tho
stab and s-enii-state Institutions
passui nils HtHRe without objection.
The sinate nliieudnients to the Tei -lebec
comp.inv stole bill md the
iii r iuiin iuspt Uois' bill -weie eou
euiied in
As n mi tided tile Teiieb.i bill levies
a tn of J"i pei it-lit. op tile fine Millie
of stole Ol thi?, I (lupous, etc, I-MIt (I
bv loipoiations, cm ept toi i o tl and
lent. The other bill inn eases thf
nitnibfr ot mine Inspeitots In the an
thiaulte lCRlfin fiom cIrIu to sKtien
find piovldes Ioi tliell elei lion bv the
jieople Instead of liming tin in up
iontcd bv the rovpiiioi
Tho lliill-o sibse(ileutlv leconsid
eied the ote by whldi It nun in led In
thn amendments lneited bv tin sen
ate nnd adopted a motion that n ( oni
niittee on confetenie be appointed io
adjust the dllfeienips bcUucn the two
Mi. ilciulei.soii, of AlliKliPtiv, lutio
duced a bill cowilngr .inieudmenis to
thr net goveinlllK cities of the second
cltif, commonly known as the I'ltts
luilfr "llpiiei." Tho iiiiiendiiientK uie
Jntcniled to k(v.i the city leioider the
jinvver fotmerl.v within the JuiWdic
tlou nf tho major, allow the dheetois
of public wotks and piildli H.iiet.v to
appoint all suboiiliimteh without up.
proal of count IW, slve louuilw tim
power to pioscilbo tho bonds to be
Klvcn by city nillieis, leipiiie ap.
pointtnents to be made by leusop of
fltne!S of tho appointee and not foi
political puiposeH and autlioi 1Iiik: thn
(Irllnnucnt lfis collectoi and city mj
llcltor to make monthly deposits In the
city trcaHtiiy.
Appiopiintion Bills.
The Snyder bill appiopilathiK i DdO,
000 to pay the delicleno In the school
npproptlntiou committee caused by
ilovernor Stone's leduulou III IS'n,
was to-nlBht icpoited to the house
fiom the npiuopilailniis lonipilttee
The follow Ihr; bills weie also hi might
out of committee
PiMiimhaiila iniinnUiioii lo mli ' jrjlmi In
terttdtp rxpfeitiuii, ito), Ilium In ihi lilfnl
l(ss, W illijiii-i'oii, f,('i; IVnn vlvjinii n uinU
linnrei fur piimotiri? inilloiiiillv in I f y i I j i i 1 1 ,
ll,0i, ( i'.-iilul, il,ii(iii; sn. I nU ,f
fcrinirnUl stitloiK, ijJ.iKl. Ijih.i-ui' f.
(io)IIjI, iU.Ukl, Wjiiiii Iiiui.iik.v ho-plL.I,
ti.Wt), erakiD of unfits .nnl ihu.iiik di I'hll
hlpliij, l'ilUlnii!;, MIcsIkio 'U"' siuiiini, 41
('xi; I inpor.irv Homo foi tlillilrm, Mloi-liuiv,
$),('!), Stale Mliunl at (Innin,,
ijKkduamii lio-piul. irjiituu, vO.CKiO, Mniiu
Home, .Ni Ca.tli. V n, 'Imlil lio.pittl, (n
IUU-, fCm0, luluaonii lnfpitol, ;l()O0O: m.
fjmV lul.i, I'MUililplili, j omi, I'Ojr.l n(
ii. I Hi ili.'liltlif. ),(i tlit fit) liii'-iiltal, il.
I'M, stun iiiIIikc 17' i 1-iUuN IIoiiip f r
C.'iiliJiui. I'llluklpliii, sim, Willi imuiu
TralnltiR School, l,000j Tree tlfxpllal for Con.
wtn)tlMi $110,000; Mctnorhl biilldltiir on fleltv.
tiurR battle flcW, i0O00j Weitoni t'onn.vhiinli
Irstlliillon (or the Dent mid Dumb, yn.WMi lien
cvoltnt Awoilatlon' Homo (or Children, .',W0,
tn rontlnno Hie pnbllcillnn of the ! o( tho
titnilnce nnd commonwcillh o( IVnnliilii i"t'
Mounting Minister Wiites n Letter
More in Soirow Than in Anger.
Mi l.xiludt Wlie liom lb" Aniiapd Pkm
New Miunswlck, X. .T., June a Snnio
one has poisoned the llttlij ten lei be
U liKlng- to the llev. Dr. A. A. .Muipliv,
pnsioi of the Sec oud I'leshvterlaii
i lunch of this city. The los of Ills
iIor- Rileved Dr. Muiphv verv niiich nnd
he wiole the follow Ihr open lettel to
the polsonci toduv.
J ) Ihe Mjii Who Pol.onrl Ml P s
Whoowr ,v on ato ( ilo nul laimv. noilliii d I
no lit to knuw, (in I pjr llul I himlil ilipisp
Mil I11DIO tllHll f lllllljtli' i Imll". 'i lilt lllllo
H, a nidi IiiiiikiI von oi ita otltn iiiiltiti',
hlltillll nl hull II ul vill mint hill lit' would
Inn niptpil joit Miimli Win ilul vou do it?
II. -idp-, it II hul lo tip ill up nliv not u ihloui
f iiu win tie Ihul tinllih pii-on lint inp him
tun houis of icon In fun lip iiipJ awitv, hot
wlni ! lii lii ip liki tin MHIp I no tin I hi uii-!
If tluii Ip i ills', hpiun fiiinl who -hill -J ip
tint 111, i c N not ) tin him. horn -it, nffu lion lie
llllh lilluii K thn.. lii hi uii ju-t ui i-Doit
is it l iossl Ip Iui i liititt to l ; while vol
up -till uu i nth lt(int. mi. lot j mhi is
tin Coil wlo ireiliil men itul du is vishtiou-i,
nli ill lie Iii III inn rr-p in-ihle fm Mich m itn
win nit ilte i iiipI. i ut ihi il u llu without
iiii uti i ul iiiuijtiip, ft i 1 luii mitliintr hut
t itv tor Mich ns vim No inou shall hi juiiiii
pun mi in mv iimhhs, not, viltcti (pit Tl Iiohip,
i mi I" milt in" Willi in it-taii of tlillhtit oi
mi i ft in it el, miiih is I .slnll mish mi little
flu ml, ltd he did lomfoil uie in mv luni lim -sf
I nuilil i Jt In i be th Mihiiil ot his W with
tin 1 1 t Ink ot hi tomrue on mi luml, md
lii jjiiue of his ilinu, hul louni., en In mi
iiiiiiion thin Iip urn with the misi uni ness
ii vuur hul bltick dml in vom hint
In hi nidi i f "Hi mill "
Pied IM Colli ji in imp, l iv J-, I'Dl,
Anuunl Meeting of the Intel national
As-ocintion Is Held nt Toionto.
200 Delegates Piesent.
fli I M lil-ili Will fiom I he Wo 1 1 id I'll
Tomato Out. fune ''Ihe annual
i omentum ol the Intel national .s--((i.itiun
of Machinists opened hcte
toil iv. hout JOO dekirtitis vv f I e pies-
Jit hi- annual iddtess Vicshknt
Ofiinntll sltoutd that iliiiinfr the past
two lti7 ilmteis veie issued,
with a luemhei ship nl 7 10 1. DllllllK
hi- icint tile ee(tttve hid approved
oi u ji iki s, involviiiK s.G'iO maeliln
Nts of wiin b 41 wpip won, 10 settled
on i ompioinise mil 10 lost The lo
cals cu.u,eil in J4(. strikes, invohliiR'
U.ltU men Two bundled lodges te
pfittrd li.ivtiiR settled T'l Rtlevances
without a -pike The piesiilent aski d
Unit the 1 nv be ehaiiRPd so as to
impel Ioi al union hemic striking,
to obtain the consent of the gland
1( d,e
'A leduitlon nf the bonis of labot
has bei n oui hope since the associa
tion stai lid," continued the piesident
"I'll to Muv 1 the number of shops
vvoikiiiR less than ten heuis per clav
was onlv 1 s"0 1 am fli convinced
lb it oui iilne-hotti niovcnient will Je
suit In leiluiliiR- the lioul s of labot for
ir.0,000 machinists '
"Machinist, eniplovcdln the laiivvnv
sen Ice have ben mole than anxious
lo lake pan m the movement cm May
Ui, but we have Mt that many nulls
could not be suHlelentlv ptep.ued by
that d ite, and have advised uRiiinst
sin h move takiiiR- pl'ice, esitpt in
special case-, Wi v j, ptoRtess
has b'cn made lot the pist tluee
months bv out oiRnnlatlnti with the
lailwav iniiphlnWis ami T ni onmieinl
tlllt a 'lite be set fot tile inailRUI.1
lloti uf the nin-h(iur dav fur ma
ihinists emploveil lit the iallw.iv ser
'cc" Piesident OVonnell inomlsed to
biinsr in supplemental tepoits on tho
stilke ciiicstion ilutliiR the c munition.
lie also leioiniiiends thai ihe mini
mum moiitblv dues be plated at 71
cents, :-, i cms oi which Is to be paid
to thn Rtailil Icidjre . nitmbel of
clauses in the loan system. Insiiiance,
si k bencfiis and cnnsUtutinn In j,en
eial, in o ii coniiueudeil.
Two Men Killed nnd About Twenty
Injiued in n Wieck of Two Sec
tions of n Woik-Ttnin.
Hi I villi. or Win (imii Hip A-.u a il Pi.m
WheelinR, W 'n .limn ,! -Two men
weie killed and about twenlv lujuiecl,
two latalh in a leai-eiul enlllslon be.
tvieen two rei lions of u wnik-ttaln to
day on the rillHbitiK. tihlo Valle nnd
t'lm liiunti lallioad, ueai Iow liattau.
The dead tue Amelia Chan and .loliu
MetlllK. mid th latalh illjuieil aio
Tonv Wetlllle and Hut ncy Metlnskl
Theio weio twciity-elKht Itallims on
the lltst section ol tlie uoik-tiaiu
when tu second ,eciticni clashed Into
It, laical physic laps eaied for tho In
Jill ed, all of whom will iciovei except
the two luentkiueil, .Most of the nutr)
lived ut Htlluiie tl,
A Cinnk, or n Jokei, Is CallbiHg
Anxiety in Someiville
Dy Kicluibe WIip liom Hip wacutrcl l're?
Stiun sjlle. 51 1 lime i IIk tcvioii ol tic
Umil I nlni-ili.t dim ih, In West uiut i illlv.
K.h) tn'i'l a ni'lP in bout o( Uu ikioi uf he
ilituth miiih, i ilin.ii thn In mn siiiidn
ill tin Wi l Sunn ullle iliiiuliPi will 1 e iliHrotuI
In il.tiuiiilto uiilos luvt it ui.l iv is iih-iruil as a
Ii. Ii iIjv
rin note Is siiuilii in tin em w 1 1 1 1 1 1 wu j ,. -, t 1
on the ikioi-s of Ihe Ni i lit l .mil mike ilmichn
Defeat foi Ameiica.
Ilj .1 vilushe Win ii.m Uu ssoiuteil l'c
"london, Juno ,1 -In a piteiiii hootinj; match
fen VJ a side, lift birds each, twin. Hamuli,
of Woinn Siipeiinau, lnjt Hll.toii, o( Niw ork,
viiili 'I. killed nui ol II Hit vnieilitu unl
killul '.'a hh iii out of I, thot at.
Members of Constitutional Con
vention Assured That Their Act
Would Be Approved.
Unnble to Give the Cubtui Offlclnls
Any Definite Infouuatlon in Re
spect to the Policy of the United
States Infoimnl Meeting Held to
Discuss the Situation Committee
on Relations with United States
Expected to Disclose Soutce of Its
Inf oi matlon.
D Fieluslve Wire from Hip Also. Hied l"io-v
Havana, dune 3 At an Infoimnl
K.i'.herinir of delegates to the Cuban
constitutional convention this aftei
noon, it w is decided to hold a sectet
session Wednesday, to disc ttss the otll-
c lal document which Governor cien
eial Wood e"iects to ieclve liom
'ViisiiliiBttin bv tomoi low's mall the
contents of which he has piomWed to
c ominunic.ite to the convention
Ptesident Caput5 arid Senoi Tjiiiivo
saw (Toveinm Oneial Wood this
mot nlnR but the Reneial was unable
to Rive the in anv deltnltc infoi matlon
in lespeet to the pollcv of the t'nlted
ht.ile-. lie sulci he expected a com
munication fiom Washington on
'I in sdav, which he vvoultl fot w aid to
the convention for olllc lal decision
Civil tlcncinor Qiulez sai s (hit be
fote volinjr on the malm Itv lepoit lv
Infnimed Ihe convention that he did
not believe the United States would
lip satWfjpd with the Ioi in in which
the committee bnd placed the Plait
iineiidment, including: the explana
tions. The eoiumiUee howevei. pol-tlvelv-
inleirmed him thnt thev knew
Uie I'nited Stales would be satisfied
It W expected that the discussion
till" afternoon will disclose the com
mittee's source of infoi malum
Case of Lewis Emeiy, Ji Defeated
for Congiess, on the List.
BV I xiliitiir Wire fiom Ihe Associated Pir
llairisbuiR, .Tune .''Hie May ipim
of llic Supienic c oui t foi the middle
distiict ol renmvlvnnia opined tn
ila in this cllv with ulucteop insis
foi Hiirtnmnt liom .danis Inuphir
and Vullon counties Tlie ptoi eediiiRs
to deteiriine the leR.ilitv of the nomi
nation p.ipets of Lewis l'meiv, Ja ,
wlio was defeated foi coiiRiess in tlie
Twentv -seventh distiict last Xov em
ber 1 Coiigipssmuii Joseph hlblc v,
vv is nolle p.ossed
The mfmbeis of tlie couit with the
exception of linlRc Dean, who is di -tuiued
at home bv illness iveie enlei
t.ilned at dlniiet this eveuiiiR at the
cM'Cil'ivi mansion bv Oovitnoi rstoue
A $20,000,000 Syndicate Will Collar
the Linen Product.
Ill Ivelu-hp Win fiom the V--iintid Pit--
New Yotk, June .!. Tlie Mail and
Kxptess savs
"T'ndei the title of the Aiiictieun
Shlit and Collin Co, a $a OOO.UuO linen
.jooils mauutacttiit'is' tiust will be iu
ccn jioiated uiidei the laws of this slate.
It will continl completely the whole
sale sh it and eollai ti.nle of the eouli
ti "A. Icntallve ,igi cement had alt cad v
been tidied li eight ol the IiurcsL
juauufac tmeis in T'iuv, and It is stld
nine otlui" expiessed their vvilllliK
lies's tu iatil the conihlii itlon "
The Cnuik Who Annoyed Miss Helen
Gould Will Return to Knnsns.
Hi lrlnlvo WIip (iliiI Ihe Nrsmliiin I'u.-
Ni w o lime '! I lines II Vndcr-ou otkni.
us dli who w i Jin sluf in I s nt tu Iiu II. Hi.
vui iiTTiiie luvilluii fi 11111111111111; is IMiii
iloullbv rlaimitiir ln'i n his win , wis ill-ilniiil
In iulicc couit tod ii
In tin iiilc puit of Vpill Mi-.-, c.iiiht iiniiiil
hltils ti.iiii Widi l -on, caj In:.' tint lit ill iolniii"
til till l II' III Ml' III T. I UI Ills Illlst Ml 111
Uler Ids urih.ii Iip JtrilUd lluil he vim Mi-
(.uiilil's hii-liiuil ml tint hi, .iv liould uul
In 1 in I' Ii I lie uu uu uf lumuuiiilcatioii lif.
twiili them, lie paid, li.ul bun wliili- till,'.
I uln
Muh is. u Mill iiiiltinlu- llul he I- the hu-luul
o( Vliss lelllil lie tint hi is kiull. hi k
tu k.HWi.s I ill
Por Sake of Pence, Piospeilty and
Happiness, He Will Continue In
Ui r.uliwlie WIip fit in Uu i.ivUtei Pn
Columbia, S. ( .lune .1 fioveinor
McSwenev today iecelve.1 a letter
tiuiii Hdiiitoi .Mckauiin, In which' (he
latter says-
"For the cake ot the peaie puis,
pi illy and happiness ot tlie people ot
this state, 1 aiu vv 11111114 to hold up to
III ccimmls.sion its Cnltecl States sen
ami, and to continue to sxne the
slate, us I have dono In the past, to
Die best ot in .ihllltv "
''Trusty" Tails to Return.
Ill Ixilufim Mite ftuii Ihe Vs.. i . Pus
W'liiiiujtoii, I'd. June 1 -lliuiil VliI I ml
oitd, pnvlng I lile trim m the New I islk i.,ll
lor iieadir. waj tent on in irnnd loda.v ami
filled lo K'luin III we. 1 liibtv " lie bad
wrinlcl,hl war; (.uu.e Hutt Hid Ijlil's lohu
oi n, hU coiiuUid iiciiiupllcis, 'ie piidoind
Ijst mi lit li
Supieme Couit Judges Enteitained.
!!, Iveliuive Wire from Ihe vtrtxialrcl "ris-i.
llaaloiiun,', uue J- Ihe Jud'is ol I lie suimmo
i cunt were iiitiitainul at illmiir at the evuiillvi!
Iii.tiriou lids eveiiln; hj Covniior and Urp tone.
lude Dean vim iinalk to he present on aicmmt
of I line.-'. stM2Uj fjuiv ami 1' an 1 cv
I hlel lnpIi I'jvtiii vine .iinuiij the tm-li
Will Take Place nt Meicetsbuig on
Pie3entntion of Poittnit.
ft lkcluihe Mite fioii Up ioeUteil l'ici
I'lllladelpliln, June !! At Metcets
Inu ht, lJii toinoiiow' the MercpiHbttiR"
.icadeinv will be piepcntnl with a
pn,'tinlt of Jnincs ltlichttiian, former
piesident of the Tnlled States, The
lim tl nil Is given to the ncademv bv
Mis, I lent v II. Johnston of Washing
ton, I. I', who Is better lenemn In
this cnuntiv nnd IHuope us Unit let
Lune, a niece of I'lesldent Htichuniiu
nnd the niWliess of the white house
tltnliiR hk uilminlstiatlon, It was
painted bv Chue, and Is said lo he
tin eiellent lkon"ss of the Inte piesi
dent. A pat iv of lnl"iesled fiiencW, c uu-sistliiR-
of Mis. A. J. Ciissitt, JfK.
Masked HivliiR- mnl the MI'sps Hu
clianan, who weie the elaiiRliteis nf
the Inte Itpv. llelward Huthnnan, fer
iiinnv jeais pistoi of the OxCnut
chin eh at Vn Chase, and who wcte
nieces o! I ho late I'lesldiut Huchaniin,
went lo Meirusbui z toduv to putlel
pate in the cetemonles in tounectlon
with the pi eeentatlon.
iretieisbtMR- is the bh lltplace uf
James Iluch.tuan, and (he oc cas'loil
will setve to litln-r Into a teiinloii his
uu vlvlnjs" lelntives who uie composed
entiielv of tlie 1 lilies mentioned
Piusunnt to Di. Miuton's lustiuc-
tions, n Call fot a Meeting June
IS Has Been Made.
Ill rrclupiie Wlie fiom Uu --i, ulnl Pus
I'hll lilelphl.i. June 1 llev Ui.
W II. liolieils stated detk
ol the 1'iesbj teilan rretifial as
semblv, lo-div leceivcd a telcRiam
Hum Hev Ut Hcniv C .Million, the
modi i aim, aunouncliiR that all of the
niembeis ut the iiunniittee apiiointed
to levise tlie coitlession of laltli bad
accepted 'incl vvoulel sent.
rtiisu.iut to Di Miuton's insliut tloii
Di llobeits issued a i til fot the lb si
meetine, of the lev islon committee to
be held at I'ltlsbtirR- Junp 1S Ilpsolu
tlplis adopted at tile leeent Retieial
lsseinhh iniieised the menibei ship nf
the committee to twentv-one, contlnu
ItiK" the memhets of the oltl committee
and ileetiiiR Di. Minton chaliman.
The nt vv inenibn s ate
llev Di Ileiu.v C Minton sv nod ot
California, Itev Ui Tolm Dewitt,
sjnod ot Xevv Jcisev. Itev Di. T
itoss Stevenson, sv nod ol Missouti,
llev Ui j. AV .Mollnt. sjnod of In
diana, Rev In S It JlcConnkk,
iv nod ol Ion n, lion John W. Kostel,
svnod of Htiltinmie, and Clinics T.
Thompson, svnnd uC linnesotr.
PolloWiiit; tue the niembeis of the
old committee: Itev Pi. Ilenlek
Johnson, svnod of Illinois; Tlev Di,
S J. XIi culW sv nod of Missouii, Hev,
Di 1) Y. l'Vlici, svnod of Jnili.ina,
Itev. Di Willi. uu McKibbin and Tlev.
Pi S P ripieeliei, svnod of Ohio;
Rev Or fiioise I? Stew ait and John
P Pat sons, svnod of New Yoik Hev.
Di lit in Van Dvke, svnod of Xevv
Jeisiv, Hon .inhii Al llatlitu, svncid
of n.iltlmoie; Hon Daniel I! Xo.v es,
svnod ot Allmiesota, II. AA'. C. ITtimph
te.v, nod nt Kcutui kv , Jlllsba A.
Ptaet, svnod of Michigan, and Hev.
Di. Chailes A. Uickev and Di . AVil
liani II Ct.tbbe, svnod of JVnnsvl
Specinl Agent for the Lackawanna
States That No Mote Men
Ate Wanted.
Rl I i lll-iw Vue ( m Hie Prrs
Xevv A'otk, June "The notices
postid in tlie l.aekawauiia depot at
JJobokeii on .snttitdav stutiiiRr that 1 1
hnieis and mechanics wcte v, anted
was icinoviil tenia). Spe i III ARent
He.ttty sineil that the eump.inv had
all the iiu ii It wanted anil euiy posi
tion in tlie v.tnl was lllled.
The fsttlklne Pir wolkeis claim tliat
woik in all the car shops uIiiur th"
i u id has been so seiousy eiippled,
owIiijt to n lack oi ejiet lenced men
to icpili Ihe eats, that the ompanv
will he foiceil within a lew cla.vs to
make coin essinns, Avoid was n
celvcd In llnbolieti tenia v the stiikeis
e ItiliU. fiom a dehyaito of the Aineil
i.ln I'edei.ui'Jli of l.ihoi at Kci. niton,
statins as all tlie car wot km'd .iluiiK" Ihe Lac knwaniia ioid
fiom llobnkcn to liulfal o weie now
UiiuoiirIiIv oirtaul'.cil mnl ,iated
with the Aliieilian IN'deiatlnti of
l.nbui, piompi mcuhilte-) would now
be taken tn folic the lompativ to
iiuike a tattleippnl even If It was
necdtlll tn lie up the entile. I.ticku
wanna p.vstem.
Tho le.nleis of the Aiiieiiiau peeler,
atleui of I. ihoi. the men say, tlupntin
to onlor a n'eunial Mi Ike unless tlie
demand'4 f the wmkeis for shor
tei lioitis am Riaiiteel,
Reoignni-sntlon Will Ptobably Be
Eftected nt Rending Today.
Bj I'mIusIvo Wire limn Hie voclatfd I'rra'
Ikudllitr, lime ' - t I lueitlui, to he It hi
li.'ie li.iiii.llu i the siiii liauue of Iu.m lull i lulu
will tn it iisaiiUril null an el.'lit iluti iiiuili,
lui-istilS ol He nl'i t Mhntowii, I ailoii. Polls
v i lie, latiiaslcr, llauiihuri;, Midilktuv.n an I
piotuhl ( iiluiiihla, t" Soril-toirn nnd ( In.
uu ne lifins-("iiildi nil Hi Utiaium i luh will
tu iiiu-iuiiil to vildillctoiiii
It in evpcclid tlnl 1. Ijhsiiii of I Mon, will
tu ii iliiinl pri.-lduit mill W V Wiliiun, iiu
lii-iilcnt Ihe yiiitarinhip will tu In I Jinasliv
oi II ill l-hlll.'
No Settlement at Chicago.
Ill I'tiltstve Wiio film tin W-oiiakd I'nsc, liiuii J thnt will In. no Kiltkiniut
of the maihiiiias' til'se In ( Iiiiauo until atlii
J n in- II lids .! the ileci-lon n( the local
inaimfaetuuH Ihli ifteruoon, wluii lie iiiciuhtin
of the lliliii;o Vh'iliineil M inufji turon Icltul
allekktue lo the National Mital Iraue a-pmla
Hon and 0-iicl I'.' t lo enter into negotiations'
with Huh euii!ovis until aflir Ihe teal icalh
illni; of miplu.uw in Niu A sn I- ilti oil lunu 11
flu Act Providlnu lor the Erection
ot Additional Goast Defense Has
Been Passed nt Manila.
Two Additional Judges Added to
Supieme Colli t Bench Considein
tion of Code of Civil Pioceduie
Defened Troopa Back fiom Chinn.
The Tiinl of Haiold M. Pitt Is
Begun A Pnsspoit foi a Filipino.
Ill I vcliislip Wlr doin The- twoelaid Pifs"
Maiilla, June ! Xiue lompiiiles of
tile Ninth lcirllllPllt hive ttltlveel bete
cm the lutu-piiit Indiana fiom China.
The last volunteeis, the Fot Iv -tlllt cl
leRlllletit, sail on Mle li.UHpiUt Kil
p.itilck on June I The skk ipRtilais,
seveiil hunched of whom have Ions:
been avvaltilijr tianspoi latlon, will h
eiiibaikel foi home on the next tians
poitx, with the leiniiltiliiK dlscbttaed
leirulais nnd civilian eniploves
An act h is been pissed ptov lillujr Ioi
the election of foi ts
Couslilci.ttlotl ol the Code of Civil
PtcRediue lias been ilefeiied.
The titinibei ol isiipieme couit juiIrcs
has in en inn eased from live lo seven
Tiinl of Haiold M. Pitt Begun Con
victed Offlceis Testify.
Rv clii-lie W irA from Ihe souateil Pn
Manlli. June 1 The ti lal of Haiold
M. Pitt in tniiRei ol Hv.ins A. Co. rov -ci
nine ut ciiutiaetois, iliaiRed with lm
piopcilv puieliasliiR Rovm ninciit
stotes, has been beRiin
Cnjitain Piedf l iek J Hinows t'l'bii
tlpth Volunteei intantij) incl Lieu
tenant Booi (Thii tv -ninth Volunteei
Infantiy) lecentlv convicted nf beiiiR
lniplkated in tlie eommsaiv si.m
dnls, have testified fot the pioseitt
Secietaiy Hay Instiucted Embassy
to Giant One to Veisozn.
Ite I Vila-tie Wn. ficin lluj .v u.i itiu Prihi
London, Tune ! 'Ui fteRfdot ,lui
ndo, accompanied bv Pellx A'eisoa, a
.ouiir riliplno. t tiled at Hip Pulled
States embassy hete this af tei noon
and obtained a pisspoit for A"eio7.i,
upon instructions leeelved unm .Sec
letai.v TJ iv
The onlv p.ut nf the pio
cceelinjrs was the ptesenie ot Dr.
.Tin ado, who has smie the insui lec
tion, been ..ctlng as bead of the rili
plno Hint i Hi. Tuitdo Is a native nf
Spain, and to the lepi emulative of
the Assoiiated Pie"s lie s'llel:
"Had thej asked me to take the oath
of allegi nice I certainly would have
declined. I did not ro lo the embassy
as in anv wa lepiesenlliiR the JiU
plnos "
' -
A Piominent Physician of Slatlng
tou Shoots Himself.
Iti I vela-iu Wire from Ihe .Vssu nted Press
Allentown, Juno !. Di. J J. PlsbeiR,
a ptomliient physician of Slntlngtou,
ne.u hPie, tomiiiltted stile ide bv shoot
Iiir lilmselt In tlie head with a tilli,
Ur. IIIbetRe (list tiktl to hanj, hini
cU, but the t.iellateii pipe oven which
be I ad the. lupe suspended seveied tlie
Di. Illshcii,, it s ullericd, was an ad
dent adlllilet ul lite .vullUR Wlte of
Thomas Kcllnci, a we.iltii.v slate
opeiatoi ol latliigton. .Alls. Zellner
lett home lecentlv, iiilclnt, witli luu
attleles lieliuiRini; it) hm hlisbiud
valued at seveial tliottsund dollais.
Jit-, .t'lllici was Inten eplul heie to
c ,tv and at the same time 13, A, l.i
nuulv was ,uiited and held u ansvvei
the i liaise of i inching stolen un !s
nnd uinspliaiy In cuuuei tlon will;
Mis, X.ellnet. The ill list u Jhs. Z(II-
iiii had xc.iiioly been known beinui
the lepoit of the suicide of Ul. Ills.
heiR' was .iiiiinii net d
Edwuid Fot shay Shoots Edna Stokes,
He Wns Deeply in Love.
1H I s.l sin Win '.out Ihe v.iulitid I'iim.
I llii U.O lllllO , I (111 llll lOlrhll, I I lilll-lo
tin in uter aid a .-1st ait mnin.r of i lit il r i
tal iniipiiii"--, lonUhl shot and killed Vk, I ,u i
sn!,i,, in aitfisJ, vilioso lioiut is In Nilaln,
Mo , with whom lo was ilirpli In low
I oriha.i rvldintl) liitendid lo lata his mm
life .UU l ! Illlli," tu vuuiidii, (m upon hi- pu-in
vim le ills' n l slul win hltils blil.lliit, je.
in I id hl.s uu llici
Iiu couple hid iiu UK lid i fnv dim i.'u ui.l
Im-liJi Is slid lo hue luMtiit lim u in. s liiilli,
Mill killltn; lim woiniii l'ur.-liii i in limit I lie
lnillilili.', lint w ih c ijiliiinl VV hi 11 li'.iu tu I lie
polite litIoli luialiai slid that lie hid iiiiiuuiil
In llll hlm-ilf, hut lint hl mile nihil at tin
la-l mluuii
Ill l.xclu-iie Wilt fium Hit viiilitij it,i
I'hilaltlplili, luue 1 lu I'inii.jU im.i JIji1
to nl loinpjli.l's loiupail-i ti ol iaiiln9 and rv
pni-cs fot tin; inouili of m, I ml, jml ior I lie
fun mouths indium Vpiil , lnl, w, jiue
imloils of lirtl, it us lolloiip IViiu-vbauia tail
load linn dlitilli opeialed uiuiilhif pill 1 ml.
t.m-s iainin, incira-i, ifijs.irtv ivpin-i, .
llia-i. Tl"l,ul nt latiiln iiiiiu,i, sl.TU'l
lot (.'in iiiouilis tiidilii, tpill li, lull I, in-,
t.liilli ilict a-i. sj ni,ul. ivp.iis,,, Iinita.',
? I il.wil, int laimu.'s. Iiiui'i-i, 1, .Cifim l,
.ill. HP lUllll- llii 1101 lliclll'li llll i.HIJllolls of
tin llutlali) uti.l Mlislniiy Valli.i division
Pennsylvania Fostmasteis.
U.i l.vclii.lie Wira from 'He Vvminled Puss
Wa-lilngUn. lime ,1 - Hit fi llmiln. fouuh ili.i
(in liuasicrs wire inmliiUcl tudu. Ilodvull. Wv
miiini; lountv, s i, slim,, it,u m,, lUailiill
lolilltl, II VI Vpllih.t, litl.lilnn, Vlll ale I v
lillDli, I) M louiva.v
Weather Indlcntlonn Toclivt
1 tieiieia) llipid 1 1 Mi i-uin 1 s Ills'.
Hi i'lln' in lli'ii-i.
I rum'' I'Oflllon in Iteitiird to ( lilii.
I m lis Will Me I'tirlnl in Hip Phllliplus
C nl. ms CI ilm I Iui Win Ml-l. I.
J (.i'IH'ijI ( .nliniiil Hi II pultiiPiil,
I loeil-lllllloll pii hhl f,.i Miiulcr.
I i nui llnian linn llklli to l.-i ipi Itiul foi
Hill in
4 lilllothl
Jsute "Hid Cumuli lit
o I oc il I llli it lliilnir Inline h.i Itev . 1) J
I iilhmh-iu Milks l'msii-i of I dinallor il
8 IiCil-Wi-t suauloii tin I Siilmiliui
7 (iniPtll nrl1iritrin lVimilvanl I
I in uu Id md Commercial,
5 Jah il- s,l ool irnlrnlir Mint I Itjliliiins; ltod
cm lluiMliu,
Mensttie Inttoduced in the Senate by
Mr. Muehlbionnei Is Repotted
Favotnbly Vnughan's Bill.
Bi licliislip WIip fiom Ihe Asoi iitrd Prco.
Han IshutR, June I In Ihe senate
tonij-Jit .Mr Muehlbionnei, of Alle-
j.liennv, intiotluied a bill unieiidinR
tlie let Rovi'inlmr see nnd class (Hies,
beiti known as the PltlslnnR- "ilp
pel" tit. The amendments .no sltnl
l.u lei those intiodtii mI In the house
at the atteinoon session The bill was
lelened o the c oinnilttee on municipal
ill till - and ten minutes late i il was
it-potted favotablv tei the si u.tle Tlie
bill will be ip id thp lltst time to-iuoi -low
Sir A' 1111,1111, of I. in k ivv.inn i Intio
duce a a 1)111 eonfeitliiR iu IsJk tlon
upon the c mitts nf common pleas to
.iiithoiUe the adoption nt i bildn n bv a
pei son in another state upon petition
of edtrtei patent ol such child
limine bill making- it unlaw ml foi
first i mwlns to be joined in mailing
and deeliiiiiR all maiiiitRes hen after
eontiaetcd In violatloc of the act void,
was doleited.
'Ihe senate lelused to fiinciu In the
house amendments to the follovvitiRr
sen ite bills .md committees on eonfii
ence weie appointed
AlltboiiliiR: tile it Klsliatioii of all
ti.nle niaiks libels, seals, ete
AnthoilitiR' si hool diiee lens of town
ships haviiiR a pnpul'ilion of ovei o 01)0
to emplov township school supciln
tnident". The W'linte insisted on Its amend
ments to thr bouse bill HtithoiliiiR
the election of ceitaln leuintj oflleeii
in Caibon inuntv, and a iiinfeienie
was .appointed
OvvinR to the snnll attendance bills
on final iuss.irc weie tnken up and
aftei the calendar had been e lea i eel ot
bills on lltst and second leading, Ihe
senate adium netl until ' !0 o'clock to
luol low nun nitiR-
The cuder of btisini ss lot Wednesilav
was flNOd si, tin bills on Hist .nut
st c nnd leadiitR onlv shall be In in del.
This was clone so as to allow niembeis
of the senate to attend the (It, uul
A i m. v iMiLiimpuiiMit at tJettvsbuiR
Details of the Gieat Fue on the
Isthmus of Tehuantepee Thou-
snnds of Actes Desttoyed.
11.1 I vilu-lie Win f I Ihe V.-iiiat,l Pii-.
Unviiii, .Mele o June ! Additional
details of the lite which l.taed oil the
Isthmus of Telltliintepei till sevet.ll
das have been iiielvcd hen. Mine
til. ill seventy pel 'ems wile iiuible to
i-ii,ii' the lap! I pi ).ss ul Ihn
tl.uues and weie lillilieil tn di.Hll
The tlie stalled on u i nlfee plaulii
tlun and cuvIiir in the dnuiss tu tho
vcRetatlon It was sunn be.votul lonttul
.nul wiotiRht kip.U tie sli ue tlon to
RIOWlllR' 1 1 lips, MllllV lllOUh.llllls of
ncips of i nlfee lues, banaiia, oiattRC
tiees anil othet iiuplial ptudmts wine
tli Mi in i il, A nuuihei uf pl.intaticm
blllllllllR.s weie tlcsiiuvcd,
Tlinse vv ho 'met death In the fl tines
weie all families uf plantation liboi
eis, who hilllR llliahk' lo esi.ipn the
Hie, pillsheil ill their llllts ''e (be
bullied foi ten cla.vs und was tllially
iiieui Ii'mI by a licivi lioplial lain,
Slight Impjovement Noted by Phy-
siclnn Lnst Evening.
Pi rxilii-h Win fiom Ihe Vooinlnl Pup
W.ildn!.tou linn i Hi. Kivii, alln iiuiaiu
in.' In Uu W'.lit lluii-i fm nun Him hints'
liliuhl. -aid llul tint hid luni mi ilnu.'i In
the 1 1 ii lit Ion of Vln- Mil.luh.i U 11 oikik
tin w is it -111 ioi ifoilaldi
Hit! loiuplaint vvbli b in nun -ii il inilf while
.VI is Hi K Int. j ii anai itoiu U.1-I11114U n and
wliu h In- t.o Miioa-I) papid hit itirutli, his
luni ihiiktd, hut lis .lint Ins hfcu 10 If tie
In 1 u 1 mi 111.1k tindltiiii M tin Willie
lltti-o lonkhl I In 1 1' i- 1 sIikIic iniitJ-' in iliiu
lull,.- mnl Iiu lufi is ivj IPs-id lint Mi- li
I1111I11 Inn itlin .in iinl.mi 11 the it 1 1 1 1 1 k a 1 1 1 1
HI lim -he hit ill-plauu h ntofoie, 1 lieu will
le uuotliei ioiisiiIi itiuii of Hit IiiiiIiii in the
The Shaies Held by Dtexel & Co. Ale
linnsfeued to Other Investotb.
Ill IvilUshe Wlte hum I Iiu V-siitlalfd l'f
l'hilailililiia, lim. 1 Ml of tin plmk i.f Hi"
I'.iit.-iliaiiia s,, toiiipiin u.l hi Dnvt'l il.
euuipaiii lot the mnl twtltii, wis -"Id loin
It is lull, ml Hi. .I.i.l. iiiipiiIiIii1 a loiiiiul it
tin Inn 1. -1 in iln ciiiiiuiii Ihi (ill 'Win, an
iniim 1 im nt wis made li Dievil .. t omjiaiii
' Ihe tdnik of Ihi 1'ilili-lllJliij it. I ioiiip.nn
IdiIi infilled and iiumioii. in iiu hinds ut
llnvtl A Coiiipini fm Ihi iinili nintliit vnd.
tali. I at hitn Mill to iiiie-i.n. Plus tool ml
of the coMpin.v has nut ..l-nl tu lim I llili I
statth siet I ( mil hut has hull In 11 jht
with lI'W of anli,.iiiiilii Its inteti-ts Hi'
new uu 111 is will operate In naimou.v Willi Hit
1 nitial iiiuii.-is of ilie sltil ludt,
Statement of M. Delcosse, Reoard'
iiro the Attitude of His Gov
ernment Towards Gliina.
The Fiench Minister of Foreign Aj
fnhs Desires Reparation for Fast
Guainutees for Futuie Vmia
Fnvois Collective Gunrnntee for
Indemnity Commeicinl Kelation")
Will Not Be Injured Private
Claims Evacuation.
Itv l-ihmie Who Irom Ihe Isiofialed I'rrcw
Pail", Junp .'! In the chamber of
deputies today M. des Touineltes cies
PoitstaiiL ttskeel the fenelgn minister,
.M. Ueleasse, feu a, siiiienient on tho
CI. luce situation.
Al. Deleasse icpllec In n reassurliiR
manner leR-.iiclliiR China. He said the
Pi cm li ttnops would leave at thn
cailkst possible moment. Two batches
had lieeii otdeied home and he hoped
the bulk of the expedition would fol
low soon The pow cis only Insisted on
meustuis 01 Instlce haviiiR- the chat -uter
of 1cp.11. itlon for theiinst and
gliaiaulies lot the futuie.
HcRaidliiR' the Indemnity, Fiance
tlioiiKbt tlie Immediate pajment ot .1
hiiiip sum was iiieletable. A.
Ice of sonic foi m 01 other was neccs
s.ny, and Pi .nice believed a collective
Rii.nantee was the best China. ,tc
iciteil the piiuilpal uf an Indemnity
some months iiro, and she now con
sents to pav the iiideninltv demanded.
II is said she will pav witli hei cus
toms duties; but eommeiclal lelallon"
will licit be lnjuied, :is It Is Intimated
thai China lmBelf will pay tho lu
ck ninitv, whit it wits onlv lust, .mil
also tile e-vpeiisfs incut led by Uie pow
eis Jr des Tom miles des Constant sur
RCsted that tlie povvets asice not tu
accept esoibltnnt piivate claims, tu
which 11. Deleasse leplied that the
piincipil of those claims hul alicady
been uci opted
Biitish Militniy Police Attacked by
Fiench and' Goimaus.
fti 1 elusiie Wlie liom The soelatrd Pie
Tion-Tniu, June ."A sei Ions affnv
inclined here v estet dav In i ween Intet
national tioops .some Ui ltish fuslllei!
who weie actiiiR as police and pi event
iiiR- Fi filch snldieis fiom hoiisebieak
IliR weie at talked with bivoncts .me
biiiks The fusllieis in self. del cusp,
filed lit the nil That lit ought a 1111111
hei of liei in ins tn the .aid of lite
Fi cm hmc 11 Tin v niiiiibeicel together
two liundietl mm. Pive lusllleis fliecl
.iRalnJcilliiiR a Pietn liniiin andweitind
Ihr tluee otlieis In suhseiiient IIrIiI-Iiir-
loin lusllkis, ve (U 1 minis ami
euie ,ltt) weie wounded The .11
lival of a ( oflkei md a stiouj;
Riianl ended Uie It ay.
Minouty of Delegates Put Up a
Lively Fight.
Hi Iv.lii-iit Wue ami J In V iiialid 1'iess
W iiliitliii, Pi , lime ! Ihe Kepuliliiin conn
li 1 nui iiliini 11 is li. Ill hue lodii and wis ihn
utillcd hi stotuiv -tin -. Hi eiulllij; a ill i.
jinn uf 11 the piimiries Sjtiuiliv
tl. Vein -1 11 liilnu lonlnlltd Ihe iiniintnm,
hul- tin iiiiuotllj I .ilm It 11. lit th 111 li 11 tl ut etri
lli Hi Vl be -oil tunes I 1 initialed I P. Mill' 1
m of i-Iiiii.Iiiii I lull, fm i li in mat) ml
the 1(1111 p nph jiilL loiuald lit ll mil ot t ijitaui
W ill! im C illiu, ot Munoit, nli. 1 1
Ihe hillot ii-iilnd In Vlllln , e.ftlon tn lim
i lite In .1 vote 1 1 1 .1 tu 7 i Ih. i- ililiu 1
iltilttl in C, (, st,imiti, P t ton, C.'iiuo
I Will.ii. V II Ilm ill aid W, V, llaiullloi,
all nui i,i in mi il
Commnndnnt Sheepei Is Beaten off
in Htb Attack on Willowmoie.
Hi Ivilulie Wlie from Ihe Vs-oriated I'ren
Willonniote, I ipe Coloni, June I -loiimiiud
nut shifpn, with Tiki mni, Willow
iiimi ii-ttulii (-iiniil n), hut "is hiatiu oil
an t nliii l.iur.-' nliiiu'.
I omit ii, Inn Ihn via i. Hi. i' mole the 1 .1
h 11 in. innoiiiui nu nl lonkht'
' VII Ihn lull million im litd fiom I nul I11I1I1
in n -pi 1 1 in. Hunt tli. i.'.niriils in snuih VI
I it a has Uiu t oiiiiiiiiiiii itttt to (in1 puldii "
I ii' low ii luue I latin -Iiiviii I tliii-ilnui
hj ) mi. hi Ml IIIIIUII.I..
Coi potations Chmteied,
Hi hvilit-lie Win (inin Uu v.upjteil Prim
llatii huu' lunu ' (hnliiswiii K-iiid t" liy
hi tin stilt (l.pattiuiiii h Mliivvi' Pltuhun.
I.linlliii su. il inuiiini I'ni-liuir. iiptlil, sl
um lliei.vittt I'uhlisliiiu i iiiipiui, st Vlatv .,
iipllil Milium I) ii iu-iii lluilii.- ml luii-liiii
Hon iiiiupiui, lliiioiu, i ipltul, rliomi ll,
Ut.t Kill ii)iiinr. M j noi i.iuiisliip ml Vim
ville W lU'i ituiifiiiiiN hid iniiiii.'. t ipilnl, St, 000
i nil I in 1 1 it till nul fiis rumiiui, I'lillj'lil
phh. i p lal Milium Pm I uul umpiiiv, pili
Inii, ( ipil il, s imii jnujie lul. i .iii . ins
I'llUluii. i until I-.ii,ii.i )iiiut I oui d i
iiiiipuo, lih, iplt il, n(i Mount I nun
Mln a Iln I i mi i iui li liiisl. nui, sul
fmii si, 1 1 ,,-,iiiiii V,m tuwn.iiip,
lleuti touiiti , i ijnnl, s uoirtl
lull data In I uie l"nl
ili,lui-t ieiiiui nun fiitleaieei
juivot teliiptl Hun ,. ... M ih.-n.s
11, hthe lliimldni:
s i in ,,., cl pei i em
d p HI , 11 pel lilt
Pietipltaiioii, 'I li ,i,i s tiidtd - p m, none,
wialhu, p. mil .Ion li
-rtt t Ht fH
- - - -f
Va.ililu.toti lunc .1 lor-ia tnr I at 4
- nu t'tiiio-vlianla 1 ll lue-tiaj anl s--f
WftliK-div, vailJldt until sV
i tj m fJf-..iatia ,
tst-. 1 .