rfi 7 -, w fvtt-ori-,,Tvrijs Trt, -sn- i-'fnr",f Mi- h.-ET" iwit' " , - ' il Js w ffJiV H PI W r 'v VA i - THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, .TUNE 3, 1!)0 IT' 1 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA S PITTSTON. Fprrldl (n the !i taiilnn Ttlbun rittHlnn, .Mini L' -A I1"v t Illicit tile wrni Into rifoi't on tho .ohlnh Viillcy hut nlsht nt tnlillilnlit iiihI uKh ll Mont Into pfiVrl n ixilifv ni lotit'iicli niftit nt Hit Witter Ptinui ilrpnl lmir, l'Vir thn iiiihI few ypni'.i two ltion !iiip Imen ln'iu on Only at tin depot in flip nltilit UniP. Hip position nf Into linvliiK Iippii linlil Iiv Fi oil MpiiiI iiivI .lolin r.Piini'tt, Imlli nr "WVst IMltMnii. The xpivIcpm ni' Mi, I'.pnnclt have Iippii rtltliotiRPil with iiihIpi' Hip new oiiler. ninl lit linn Iippii kIvpii it piwltlnti at ("oxlnn Mint TIip shift nT .Iniiii'M Uiptlp.. .(ntliiii Haiti illipi'tor, lni" Iippii (IiiiiirpiI fioin tlio nlil mi IipiIuIp nf (! a. in, in li p tn., tii 1- n'cliipk noon In 12 n'otopk midnight, V. II. YimiiK mnl wltc -.lilted thplr ilntiRlitPi, JltA .1. Stalk I'lKilli.ttlgli, at I.Kp i'nt- today. Mayor Ciiiciiiuii'h wife who w lipen "it ii.itlcnt In ii riillaili'lpliln lioi pllal for sninp tliup, iplnincd liouip Salurdny ttftPtiioon Thorp I" tint llt tlp liiipiovpiiiPtil In hor poiiilltlnn .Inlni .Miller, jr.. of Oak stipPl, Im ptltlpallv III ilth stonmtli anil 1ip.ii t tumble, anil his locnvrry Is not cx ppi tort Pdwaid DiivK nf Hellc-vtlP, a a. lsllnr ni Hip Iioiiip of .lolin .1 Howell, Vi ,st Plttstnn, Ktinilny. TIip fiinpiiil of the Into .lumps IJeurllvii. of West I'ltt-stnii, will takp phn p .Mondii-. aflprnoon nt 2 o'olnpk. TIip "-(ivlcpfi will he lipid at Hip f.ini 11 lioinp and will hp in cIiiiirp of 1Jp S. J. Aillitir, or Kile, l'.i , du mpily pastor of Hip l.ir.prnp Avpihip Itaptist pIiiiipIi, Up will lip nsslstPil liy rtf. Aiislin (lilflin. of this place. IntPiniPiil will lip iiiiiiIp al Km ty Knit ppinplf ly. John A. (iillPhplp, Hip will known N'oith Main Mtppt tiib.KviiiiNt, who las linen riitie.illv :ll al his homo on Silt Iff tropt tin Hip mM lip wepks, is coin.ilpsi cut. A otitis: miii of .Mi. and All-.. Kntnk Monk, of Klotit stippt, while pl.iyinr nbout his Iioiiip Ktldny aftet nnoii, fell and Inokn his ilht IvR in two plnees ahovp Hip Iuipp. T W. Kle' fine team of li.iy hmsps has been piiielia.spil hy Tir. Hymn. . .lolin iii'ivpll, r., of l.iuenie avpinie, lilm ,i .seserelv limned in the SIp vpii.s collleiy nliout two weeks ano, hy an p.M'Inslon of j;.ih, le.snnied wotk ypsiei'dav. The pastm-' rinaiteilv eonfeieiiee of Hit 'Wyoiiiii! dlMiii't Baptist ilmiHiP.". will hp lipid in Hip Water Stiept 7'aplisl elinieli Iipip .Monday Up v. rr. Il.ii.ilmw pip.ielipil th li.n i alanip.ite -eimoii to the Krniln.it illK el.iss ot Hip AWst Vitlslon lllsh k hool this pvpiiimr in Hip West IMtts tnn I'lPshi'tPi inn ehiireh. AIKs M.ifrcie Tj.ivN iiiiIvpiI Iipip this afternoon limn Alellimnne, Aiistiali.i. via Han ri.ineisen. She will ni.ikp her lipinp with her sKtpr, Alls. .1. .1 Ilow- Pll, cil h.iiipi) stlei'l, west J'llf-ton. NICHOLSON. Special to the Smnton Tribune. Nicholson, June 1. MKs Anna Wat lHns, (1f AV likes-Ha i iv. is the jinest of her pitipnt-, Air. and Alts. William Watkins. I.at Thnisd.iv pvenhiK ,i niPiry lowd of ymitnr pcnplp Riitlioiei' at lie home of Air. and Alts. Al. 13. Kellv, )n St, Up stiept, and had a most de liRlitfnl time, indtilKins: in ('.U'4-. (tokennle and music. At a seaMin ahle hritr lefieshnipnts wpre rerved. Thp KtiPsls piespnt wpip: Jlissos He.s-lp Sli-plii-iis, Voi ,i 'I'aylnr, Klor i nep AVIlklns, Jpssp Stopliens. Until Johnson, 'lisil Taylor: Ale'--is Al.iu ilfp Illnklov. Kreil fiock, Cecil Shield-. William Kleld Hinkley, AVil II. tin fioilc and (.liy Ttoof 13r. and Air-. '. f. Dicker .tie pn leiiaiulnvr the fmniei's sistet, AIlss p Deekpr, of Scranlon. .Mi- f. I.. Know Ips and Alls.- Alar um Smith of SfiMnton. spent a few ilts ni this i"l; with Ali-s Susan 1'lai k, a! hei home on Slate sttpet. Kdn.i Tlir.inv and Jennie Al.iv Os hoiup aic vhltlnR- fi lend. at Alford Atr M fiock, who has hopn -ouih sliar last Nnvpinhpr, letinneil to his 1'omi at this i,ue .'tid,iy. DURYEA. Special tn the Scranmn Trllmne. Piirvi-a. June 1. Filday rviMilligr the Junlois ni the lllqh school held puh In PM-ulsis Tli auditoilum was ciowdcd, The expiilHcs "ie can led out in n iieilitahlc tuaimer. The tettcheis an he coiiKralulated mi tin h succt sslula Hoik. I'ltosd'tv i'iiiir the coniinenci'inent osoulf.es will he held. Orations, es says, it.-., will he (lellveied: then the paichmenls pioelalmlns: them ki.iiI ii. ites will he piesented. All are iu lted li tlifiip expn'lses Ailmlsslon, lOe and JOc, KinviiK tc the kukI itrttoh All-ses 1,'lla AlacDnuald, Kallo Hoyie, Nellie Altnphy, Xellle TWIN TROUBLES. They Aia Often Together These Days. They Work Havoc All Over the Country and In Scxnnton. Weak, net vous, the (llsesiion out of nder--that is what ails a iioi ot peo ple. It comer, about in this way; Kiiat. Hum ovoiwnik or other causes, tho nerves aic butdened lieond endurance, 11PIVP. waste Ik not icplacrd, neivo foico Is weakened, thou the stomach loses It8 iipfiG-oontrollliiK power anil ludlgebtlon followx, with iullini; utteiiRth. When lllht Dr. A. W. ('InihO'.s Norvo Pills came to Sciantou peoplo could haidly bo convinced that this Kicat niedlelnu would teniovu ihcsu lioubles. Now It is an accepted fuel, lieeHUse of their ruio of very stubbuin cdi.es no utlier medicine -would Inllu- CIIL'P, .Mis. J. U .lobusoii, of No. 7J0 Not lb Alain street, Scrantou, C.i., sajn; "Dr. A, W, Chase's N'ervo I'lll.s mo excel lent, I was so dlsny ami nervous, and the stomach digested its food badly. This condition Induced a feellnK of de bility and lassitude, lleming of the nerve pills at Matthews Hins.' i(.m. potaiy headijuaitoiH, coiner Wusblns tnn mid Lackawanna, a venues. Or, A, W. fhaso's Nerwi l's aiu sold at JOc. a box at dealers, ot Or, ,, AV, Chose Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, ". ,Sie that portrult anil signature of-A. AV. Chase, Al. 13., aro on every jiackafte. Cleary, Bea Cosgtove, Bessie Connor, Kdlth Beede, Matnl Pickens; Messrs. Howard Kvetpo. James Jackson, Wil liam Hobbs mid Duttnc 13111s. Wed- no'dny pvpiiIhb: the ilns day oxer- rlt-ps wll lbe hold, followed hy the bmiitupt, TIip taiwiotie" Uoso coinpany lieat od Hip people who aided thorn In their rivpnt fair to a social on Deputation Uit.. Satuiilav pm'hIiik at about II p. in. a Siianton Traction car. under fun dllclor Clink, Jumped the ttael; Just below lite bildge that I'tosses the ltckawanna liver. Conduclor Clmk xns Just artor they loft the hrldno bo hIriiiiIpiI the mnlmnmn to slop for a imsspnjror. This ho tiled to do by applvlnc; the air-biakp, but It failed. Thou In- tiled the other moans1, but It boltiR a riat whoel, It Jumped and tan Into a telephone polo and bioko It down: tiipti It pluniipd Into a int. The f i nut pait of tho car was smash ed, hut no imp was InJuiPil. Mr. Thomai Upianlnn. of T'lalns, visited Alls. John Dills Snttnd.iy. AIM. and AIl-s D.tnlis, of tlrovo stippt, lsltod In Soianton Krlday. LIEUTENANT TOTTEN AGAIN. The Fornici' Calculator of tho Exact Date After Creation of the Battle at Oibeon Now Dcclaies the Holy Book a Latin Cryptogiam. I mm tho Sciv ioik llpi.it,. .Vow and then a niieer Invention Rets IhioiiKh the Patent ntllpp at. Washington, when the cxiiiiiIiipih, as it would spom, are by chance piiK.iged In takliiK foity winks apleie. On one oi .ision exclusive rights weie granted In 1111 applicant on tho common, every day corncob, which he purposed to ulillze as a currycomb, and il stands on the lecoids to-day. Another time it was a patent ror a method of pre serving ogi.s, which consisted In noth ing else than punching a pinhole In each one to let in the fiesh air. Yet another patent, was a poipetilal mo tion loutilvniiip, which passed In the gul-e ot a pleasure lailway for sum mer icsoi ts. The very latest is a device for piov ing the Instillation ot lite Bible, and the patentee Is none other than the famous Melttenant C. A. I,. Totlon, XT. S. A., who was for some years an in sliiietor in military tactics at Y.1I0. He lins ascettained that the Scrlp tuios .no in leallty u cryptogiam thioughoiil .1 fact which he demon sti.uos In a particularly ingenious manner. Ceitain tetters in tho Latin language, he -ays have a well known numeilc.il slgnltii anee, 1 being equUa lent to I, r to ."J, X to lit, I, to .ID. C to 100 and D to .iflO. As a matter of fact, he aveis, pvciy one of tho oilier lotteis of Hie nlpliabet has Us equiva lent number, and this Is true not only of Latin, but also ot Hebiow and (iropk. What he does, then, is to take well 1'iiown passage.-, in the Bible, in the original Tfeluow, and 1 opinio each letter with its pioper number. Then he adds up the numbeis In eaelt line and verse, and tlnds that they have meanings as unmisinKoaoie as tney aie extraordinary, lefetting to all soils of things regaiding cieallon, the hit Hi and death of the Saviour, the he.nens above and tho earth beneath. Summed no, his method constitutes' what lie calls tho highest eiitlcism. It is "a study of the Seiiptutos along m ithmographie and cabalistic, lino-." Call it what you plea-e, it is a mar vel. "The Hunt composite," ho says, "will satisfy the concealed tuimetlcal and cosmic rythm which, as is well known to cabalists, uiideilles the text of saoied Scriptuie." It is only just to say that the pat ent gi anted to Piofessor Totten inv oi oil merely a peculiar kind of "logo, type" of metal, bearing letters and numbers together, which is designated to he set up in such a way for pt lut ing as to demimstiate his cryptogiam theory. AVERTING HAIL STORMS. How tho Inventor of Cannon Filing Saved His Vineyard. On Aug. 9. 1S3T, says Kugene 1'. Lylo in Kveiybi dy's Magazine, an unsual ly frlghtritl storm paed over Styria, Austria, Horn border to bonier, and iioss-'d Into Hungary, Jt lasted two bouts and twenty minutes, mid trav eled at a speed of over thiity miles an hour. Its path was live miles Mido and neaily eighty long. Some of tho hailstones tneasuiori fully two Inches in diameter. That same day was made liienioiahle by a second Mm in, similar to the tiist, and almost patal lel, osiept at one point, whom the two paths mossed Hall cannon at that time was baldly known, but their inventor, Ituignmaster Allien Stigei of Wlmllf-ch-Keistilts', In Styila, had iiluady set up stutlons among his own hies, Dining Hie two slot ins ho and Ills men lived over L'.flOO shots Thoso appeaiol to luuilt the violence of the tempests. At any late, the buigomas lor gatheiPil .1 inagiilllrent haivest of giapes that .vein, wheieas his nelgh hms, who bad not oxpeilnionted with cannon, lost nno-half mid tliiio-qiiar-lei.s of their vintages. Air. Silger's vlneyaids, nioreovei, weio in the midst of the ravaged disiilcl and lust un der tho enter of the ciossing of the two stoims. The ngticultural locouls of Italy am tilled with similar cases, At the plant pis' com pntlou of Casale, In ISOfl, BOO delegates fi nm all parts of the coun tiy testified, Onco n slnglo Isolated cannon leduied lio dnmngo from 70 to 10 per cent. Dining a sloim nt O zano, ,101 shots weio fired from eleven rlations, IteiMilt. no hall: lint los'; tliaii a mllo away fioin the last can nim tl,n linll fell violently. eetnl dPlcgntes told of hail commencing' to fall, but flopping as soon as tho fir ing began. Othf.s noted that tho thunder and lightning also ccapcd. In one instance Hie hnlly became lumpy snowllakes, tliou big 1 nln. drops, and finally a two hours' shower. SUN SPOTS AND DROUTH. W01UI Changes That Aie Contera pojaneous with Solav Activities. It bus been found that tho earth's magnetic and electileal conditions, ns welt as teiicstrial weuttier effects, closely bviichumisie with vislblo solar manltestntlnus', says Aluxlmilluu Kns. ter In Kverybody's Alagazine. Hem Is tho most Interesting yet most per plexing ptohlem In tue study of the sun; and within tills is bound up knowledge that may somo day open wide an ample page of inestimable hmefit to num. What bonis theio am between earth and sun, aside from tho mutter of light and heat, may some tlttio clearly be learned, atul the pi "li ability that periodic variations of tho weather me duo to those solar In llttenccM Is something that will he nf vast value, to understand, Dlvlnlnp, as It Is vulffiuly understood,- U nieioly the illlplng- nf fools by chat In tans. Ittlt what If dlvlnlnir bo put upon thn plnne of nelencp'.' Today, Sir Not matt T.nokypr, tho lit lllsh nitrononicr, ha'i piaclleally itonionsttatod that certain wotld chaiiRos in n simultaneous with cer tain '-olar activities, Hy simple pto foscs, ho Is able vltltially to fmceat Hip fainllio and Hip Hood, lllq le iluctlons ale st roup and dear, mid by no moans It any condition taken for Kimitcd. Some tlinp iiko, ho was led Into this sillily by 11011111,' Hip coinci dence that sun-spot maximum nmt sun-spot mlnlmiiui Intot vnls of tin Kieatest and least activity In the solar body wcip accompanied by enrros poudlnK dlffpiPiieos in Hie Indian inlnfall. A sctiitluy or the rainlno roinmb'slou repot ts for the last half lentttry showed him that the famines Hint have devastated India during that peilnd have ooctirird in the In lervnls between tlieso two puldos of talnfall. In addition, cstteme low water In the Nile has oeotiucd nt the same periods. Weeds. Snlpey mid Kipper stood in the dock, witti a ilon't-enic-n-llg-fnr-anyboily air. "What's the chaigo against these fellows.'" liHiuiiod thi; magistrate. "13i unit and disorderly, your wor ship, and assaulting the police." Thoie was no defense. "Any pievlous convictions'.'" usked Ids wotshlp, with a sour look at tho two youths of ptonilse Kipper thrust tils hands deep Into his pockets: Snlpley, .somewhat older, watched the dom keeper with 1111 anslous eye. Th"io wore pievlous con ' vlct Ions. "That will do!" said bis uoiship s" VPiely. "You aic evidently incoirigi ble. Such fellows are the weeds of so ciety, it's a pity you cannot be-or plucked out. You will be iemocd to the lions" of cotroction lor tlnee month"." A raw-footed and Inoken detach ment of a Biitlsh Infnntiy regiment was .stumbling gamely along a dreary iaiue In tho intetior of China. The regiment helped make up a iclief fence which was huriying to the les cue ot a mls.Hlonitiy station. Two smart companies had imistoied In the may light of early morning and had set out to leconnoller in the hills. Through a childlike faith in the ef ficiency of the information supplied by a so-called intelligence, department, Hie major commanding the detach ment had got hopelessly out of his lLckonlng. The Intelligence depart ment of tho Chlne-e had not misled them, and by tho late afternoon the Itritlsh had fallen into an ambush. Ft 0111 the mcky ridges flanking the ravine the Chinese showed now and then the gleanu of a scimitar to their piey. Little puffs of smoke appealed moie fietiuently still, and ieio some times followed by sickening little "plops," when the bullet met flesh and bone In the valley. The dead lay sprinkled in the wake of the British la dabs of se.11 let, as If they were play ing a weird game of haie-and-liounils Willi death. The end of their endurance came when tho shadows of the lapidly ap pioaehing night closed in upon them. The word to halt was given and obey ed, although its mellow note killed all hope. Bations of Hour and water wore passed mum!, and, tilth tho sentties posted, Hie little body of British sol diets sat or lay at ease, rifle in hand, waiting for night and death. Two hours passed; then the com manding1 ofllcer was startled front a doze by a liom.se whisper; ".Major! Major!" "Halla!" lie snapped, "who tho devil's that?" "Ale, Major Prlvlt 'Artison. 1'vo bin n-talkin' the peisltion over with a mate friend, beggln' yer pard'n, sir 11' mine, an' wo thinks tlieers a. chain e o' savin' the detachment." There weie a few expletives In the darkness. "Who told the privates the detach ment wanted any saving?" Then llieio was a souudl like a hup-pies.-ed chuckle, and the whlsporro assoited Itself. By and by tho ex pletives molted into answoiing whis pers, then followed silence. Ten minutes after thoie slipped Into tho silence the instle of gently moving men "Snlpey, 0I0 man!" "Kippei!" Two hands ginpod ildiculously In the Inky night until they found each other. A few misweilng ciacks ftotn the hills weie followed by the hunt of wasted mnmunlllon. ".Major said It was 11 llvo-ter-ono ebarnce," leplled Snlpey. with some thing of Impoitauce ci coping Into his tone, "Wot e.p did '0 say, mate, when op as-Pd 'lin'."' "S.ijV Why, n few bloomln' 'alr HltPis at lust, as It's 'Is natuio to. Thou says I, 'me an' my pal, majer, leekons us these pigtails wtin't want ter tackle In tho daikuess n-canso they might got tut up a bit-, po they'll wait an' pot us comterablo In Hie mornln',' 'Itlght y'aio, nlo chap,' says V, Then 1 says, 'Hut If they'd smell a int, an ho down on us llko a lot o' winter spaneis on a midden' 'Considerable powois o' penetration,' 'o says, 'Then, says I, 'major, here's our plan. Let one or two stop behind an keep a-flrln' from dlffoient places, nn' they'll think we'ie nil 'eio; then the rest n' tho detachment can cieop off rosy,' 'pho major swears, an' says It was' a Hve-tn-ono ihttiKP Then V thinks a bit. Then '0 says 'o'll try II. Then T vol unteors lor you 1111' 1110 to stop, a-cau-o It wos us wot foi mot luted the inten tion. 'Couplo of heaps afore you join ed, eliV says. 'Ceitn'y, majer,' T says, soothln'.llke Then I feels, sum mat ii-foolin' about 1110 In tho daik uess, nn' when I Drubbed It I found It wos Hie major's 'and." "Snlpey," said Kipper, leproaclifully, "you'ia a bllHteiin' ur!" "That's tho kernel of It, mate. It's tiue about Hie 'and, though, Kip." If. Cinck. ciack! I'licoaslugly tho piti less ililes told the lurking Chinese that their Biitlsh pigeons weie safe In tho nest below, "Kipper!" "Ole pal!" "Ole pal!" "We gorim remember one thing. There tmtit ho no bloomln surrender In'." "Not a bit 0' suirendoilnV' Thoie wns a decided quaver 111 the tone now. "Them wiiu't bo no tnklti' prisoners! We've took n great respnnseiblllty on for Hie regiment. There's a lot ' clnrso about tho regiment, Kip, an' we ain't u-golti' to illsgiacp It, HecV" "Snippy!" "Kipper, ole man!" Thcie was the sumo funy giopplug of hmids In tho dark, the saiuu tight lingering grip when the found each other. Ciack, ciack! "Citise this illle!" said Snlpey. "JImv nln1 humps!" It was neaily 1 o'clock when Kipper spoke again. Tho bluckness was dilut ed a little over the eiiHletn ildge. ".Snlpey," he said, with a weaiy lit tle Hob. "I'm a-gcltln' III!" Then after 11 pauso' "Snlpey, d'yer remember what that Crucllled Chit)) said when "Koc got Hied when 'V wos weary o' waltlii', 1 menu?" "Don't give yer neck male!" 'Illm wot thu mlHh'ujry told us about when we wos kids," went on Kipper pathetically. 'Wot was It?" Snlpey sighed. , "I know, chummy. 1 was just 11 thliiklng of It nicself. "Ow long, O Laid, 'ow Inns?" "That's It!" said Kipper, through his chattciltig teeth. '"Ow long, U Loid The eastern skv was a golden sea. The mcky 1 Idgos and hills hciicath seemed blacker Hunt over, and from that black .smudge on the glory of the dawn came half a dozen little puffs of llanic, and Kipper's illle clattered down upon the rooks. Snlpey groped about In Hie gloom and found his conn ado on his knees, gasping and spitting motithfuls of waitn liquid. "Wot yer doln', Kip?" lie said anxi ously. He stood for a minute, still as the locks mound, then stumbled forward with a sobbing cry eV rage and mis ery. Li Hie dim light hp saw Kipper hing on his side, Hying In vain to lalsp himself upon his elbow. "Kipper!" lie whispered softly, rail ing on his knees beside his chum. Kipper gioancd, and pinsscil his hand to his tight bieast. "Tluough the lungs!" ho said in an awed whisper, between tho fits of coughing Hint wienchcd him. Snlpey pressed his hand, with a sob. "Kor the regiment. Snippy!" lie laised himself on his pbniv, and bis chum flung an arm mound his neck to support him. "Theie's a bit o claisc about the leg " A fiesh fit of coughing htought in tense agony; after It was over his head fell hack. Snlpey pulled out bis h.indkei chief to wipe the blood from the dead lips. It was a miniature copy of tho British Hag. lie leuicmbciod how tho liand kei chiefs had taken the fancy of the soldieis just beloie they left Dnglaud, and how the leglmcnt had bought up the whole stock. He stmed stolldlv at the quiet face for a minute, then spread the little Hag over It. AVhen Snipoy tut tied onco more to face the oast the day had broken glor iously. Ills rille was empty, and ho slipped a fiesh lartildge Into the In each Then, with a sudden thought, he fetched Kippers nfle and loaded thai, too. AVhen the Chino-o closed lounil In the growing light they found their pot shot prov had flown. A solltaiy Brit ish soldier, with bunds and chin rest ing on the muzzle or his gun, stood awaiting their venirenneo. The weapon smang to Hie nching shoulder and one aching foe lav a eoipso. With the lepoit of Kippei 's gun another piessed his hand to the mortal wound, and the affair wns fin ished. But that mmniiiB, in the mess tents of Hie rescued regiment, the stoiy ot how a couple of weeds had been Plucked from the gulden of society wns told with misty eyes and glowing hom ts. Chicago Herald. A TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT. l.ouilon Cuiupomloiit of Yu Snik TiiIiiiiip. "We tiust in S10tti.su pride to ii.se in its wiatli against this invasion of the Almighty Dollar," says tho Be iov of tho AVeok, commenting on Andiew Carnegie's munificence to Scotland's universities. "Atany of the oldest anil best lamllles in Scotland," continues th0 periodical, "send their sons to Scottish universities, wheie they pay the fees, like tho sous of their humblest neighbors, neither more nor less. Is It to bo hellccd that this will continue if the foes aie paid for them by Air. Carnegie? Imagine the Duke of Hamilton, Cameron of Lochlcl, of AlacDonald of the Isles allowing his lu'lr to get education at tho cost of an Anietlcan Ironmonger' AVo .shall nest hear of some Chicago pork packer pioposluR- to buy up Oxfoid anil Cum in Idgo and dictating terms or admis sion and the Hitbjecls to be taught, or of Boss f inker forming a lobby to uintiol tho London t'nlveislty, with the object of Inculcating Tammany piincipIeM in the minds nf the Using geneiatlon or cockneys." The St, James Oirotle," In an edi totlal headed "Tile Anglo-Saxon Alil- lonlum," commenting on a pessimist's proposal Hint "Yankee Doodle" be made the 11utlot1.it mitliem, that the Anieilcan language bo niado compul sory hi t ho schools, and that the ior onatlnu of J. Plorpntit Alnrgnn bo ar iiinged for Juno of July next, says: "But thoie Is n blight side of the Anieilcanlatlon of this Insiguiilcaiu country. It ought to niako war impos. slide, How can the patilotiu Ameri can suffer f 1 nm aiiglnphohla when bo loves Kuglmid so much he wants to bo her owner. How could he sink mot, t bant ships in which his own money Is Invested? War would ruin his In ilustilal enterprises, stugo, press and locomotive lompanlos, phllaiithmple schemes, mlslncracy, mm ildlngln fact, everything escopt our ngtlcul tuie, which has teased to exist " The Search for Vulcan. Is thoie a planet Vulcan? In 1S50, Lescaibaoult pioclalmcd that iluiliig thn total eclipse of that year ho bad dlscoveied thn celosllat waiuleier, mid toithwltll applied 10 It Hie name of Vhlcan. Hut all efforts to rnnlliiu this piobleniatlo discovery have, failed, although ut'ovety eclipse separate and special liistiuuieiiis have been dliected In a seaichlng sciutlny thiough alt Hie celestial legions In which it could possibly exist, hairing of course, that space blotted out by the body of U111 sun. Whether them Is, indeed, any unknown planet 1 evolving about the suit Is stilt speculation only, and at the foithconiing eclipse one moie effort will bo niado to 1 educe the question to a. fact. At AVadcsboro, N, c iUKt Slay, a special battel y of photographic instruments, fitted with lenses of ex treme power, lecordcd all tho heaven about tlicbun. but without result what ever, and this exhaustive and fi un less lesult was accepted as Una I by the skeptics. I'verybudy's Alagazine. I THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thnn Pour Lines, .1 Cents tor Dull Extra Line. Eor Bent. For Rento About 1200 feet of (loor space on 4th (loor or the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of THK Tribuni. l'l 11X1111:1) rorr.MlK for ttnt nt Vnrk. I1I.1. l.iik.iMiipii, I'l. Address Mm, fiuiit, V. I. mi', I lone il, ilr, l'l I'Olt HUNT (I room lininc, cottier Wijtin iwrnue nml I'lilnum ulrofti liot nml rnM witrr, lot.r- lint mull family need apply. 1T0! Wjjiip iivriuic. WO OKKCN' ttllini! TRi:i:T. trn rnntn. mnHtrn linprnicnicnts; etcam heat furnlnhcil; iteslr ilcslralile. Furnished Rooms. 1011 HUNT -One lanrc funil'linl (rent toomj ntso one klrle room. G'(7 Ail.mii .mMiuc. Boaiders Wanted. WAM I'D -TnMe lionnlers. Mrs. Tompkins, Ml Wellington nvcintc. Rooms and Board. LAItGi: front room with boaid for two gentle men, 4 IG Ariamfl mcmic. Wanted To Exchange. I WISH '10 I'M'IIAMil' n Rooil liiiilillni; lot ut I'n.uitclle, l'.i., nn the O. k W. It. It , for a criitlc home, huiiirv? and uiiijge. Addicts llox ill)", forest City, Pa. Money to Loan. M0XKY to loan on improied city red estate. lii'NHY ni'.LiN. jn. ciias. ii. wi:m.i:s. THOMAS fcPIUGUI-:. ilO.iX) TO I.OAV Lowest rates; (.trnlsht nr inoiill.ly pajmrnK Sturk fc Cii.,Tradeis' liljir. ANY AMOUNT OF MONTY TO LOAN -Quick, slraijd't Icons or Building and l.nan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Conncll bulldlne. Situations Wanted. 0fNfi MAN, 21, rnllrjie, prjdu.ite. desires x position .h liookkneper oi avKlant; i in npriutc tjpenter. for full pirtu ulnrs addieaH Wcley II. Wener. Iw 1.1, I.ope, l'.i. 0l NO WOMAN" wants poiti.ui .is .in ad. iriler in dry 0oiU or furniture -loro in tins ul. l!nnpnie and best of rcfeum.1'. .M W'., Ju Wellington avenue. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The folic JMB quotations Tribune hy M. S. .Ionian k Meals building, beunton, l'.i. aie furnished The C'n , rooms T03 703 Tilrphoiic oOOJ: Ihcli- Low Chi- Open. mi;. e-t. est, niit. ' Aiiipi ii.ni Mis ir 117 1I77H lli.'j 1 t7"J AlllilK.111 lobaiio 1H l.'i"a lST's I "I'j Ati.lii-.oii S",'l- Si, i"i vil AtUiison. l'l llll li)!'; Uli'j W-1! ltiook. Ti.iclion 7S ST's 7. Sl-'s Halt. k. Ohio 107 W7 1Up WT ("out. Toll ii ( u i7'2 I.1! (i'i'm iti'i fhes. S. Ohio 10 :.it ''i" (hi., k (luat Wt !J'i JJ"'h 2J'i -.,r' St. l'.iul lUPj 171'k K.l'i 171.; Jtock Island m."- Hil'j J1i K.I'-j Kon. & Ti-xi4. 1'r ul ('t Ji I.! I.ouN. k N.i-h 1W lilii'i HiVj Wt .Manhattan l.leiatrd ....Il7j U0i4 17 UiMi Mit. Tiaclion 170 17ir'i 170 17.1'i MK 1'adlio Ill 1U 110'j llij Snulli. I'lclhe .r"7H Vi .'"'i .V, Noifnlk .t Wi-l f.J M'-i fii' 51 N. Y. Centi.it IW'i IV! l".u't "':, (Int. fc WiM tfl'j .ll'i M !H"t l'niniliaiiia HSii JHU ll'i ll'i1 raclfli .Mail :7i.- ::U J:? .1 lteadnm' Itv It li'j It Ji" Heiillnir llv., I'r 77 77Lj 77 77".. Southrui It. It SJ'i iU :I"h .H'i Seulheni It. It., I'r So1.- Si.'i '.U S.1 Tinii. Coil ,V. lion lilt i,JiH (it hl'i C. S. Leather 1IA 1 1 'H lPj l S. Leatlur, I'l 7!n u ,'P, ,m) IT. S. Hiililicr 21 '.'I -Jt 21 I'nioii I'acille llll".; 1U'', IJ 111TH I'nion 1'arilU, I'r, 'IV KJ'ft 'H'i IU"; Watndi, I' II II', II It Wetern I'iiioii !'"i l'l' t !IM.. Ilia; ( ol. Fuel ,Sr lion hs l'l , M'l ni.1 1. fopur I Pi' j W) ll'i 1l't I'c.iph's (in ii.-', j in. 'i ii;.i; liuij ihio u'i 4i iji; I.'; i:rle, Kt 'I's 70", (,'H4 7ll'i Col Southern I,7s 1 l)i 17h T,1i IMiihY I77 I-1 't I77 Am. Car 1'iiuiidiy ''"H "; 2' 2S I'. R, Sleel Co i... .V) ;, rir. ,-,ip4 f, S Mcil Co., I' it.'.' lii't h'! Ii,i Ni:W YOHK (iltVIV MMIKI'.I'. Open- High- low- Oliu. Wllt.'T. iiiET. e,t. it. in,-. Inly Sii mij Hi Sni . S!p't 77'i 77 7T's 7,"7t ( OltV, Sipl "7 77 77' TiJ Gcrnnton Ecard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. First Natloral Dank 120U Bcranton Savings ilatik 350 Third National Hank 4 so Dime Deposit and DUtount Hank,. 27i ttonomy Light, 11. k V. Co Lacka. Truat Safo Deport Co 130 Clark k Snom Co., I'r. 125 Ecranton Iron fence k Me. Co bcranton Axle Worka I ackawanna Dairy Co., I'r , ... County SaUngs Hank k Trust Co., 300 first National Dank (Oarbondale) Standard Drllllm Co TtjiIcu' National Uii.k 17 ii 100 Si 20 It'iS M buanton Holt and Nut Co luo ,,, I'liiplo'i, Hmk 1,'D , , New Mexlio II), ' C l , ... ", UO.N'DS. Bcrantop Paas'nger lUlluay, flrat Mortgage, duo 1020 ,.,., 115 ... People's Street Hallway, flrnt mort gage, due 1018 US People's Street Itailnay, General mortgage, due 1021 ,,, 113 DUkton Manufacturing Co. ,, 100 Lacka. Toumlilp bchoul 3 per lent. ,,, 102 City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per tent, ,...,,,,,,,. ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ,. 102 Buanton Traction 0 per icnt J15 ,,, Scranton Wholesole Market. (rnrertted by II. (1. l"Jl", 27 laikawanna .) lliltui I'lt-'I'i !0a'20',ai.j dalr), fie.h, fi'.-a'u.. I lirri full ireiim. ni'. Hl'ialli. fga Wi'tilii lu'oli, If'-JlO.I lu'arln uie, IS'jalft. Ihaii lr I'lhlwli (holii- nniiun, 2 Ula.' (.", jia lliaiu-l'er hu-hel, ilioiu- mallow, ?-2 5ii Medium Itraiu-IVr liu.helj, 2 UUil 15, iu-en I'cu- l'r ba-hilm. il.lOal l". 1 lour Kent patent, per Uiirrl, St.li Hid Khliie) lleam Per Im-Jiil, 2.na'2.W. P. tatoec fir liuliil, n'ia7Di.. llTiiuida Onloni I'er l.urlid, l Mail CO. Buffalo Live Stock. fast nullah), -lune 2 -Iteieipi-( utile, IJj (am; hecp and lamls, 11 iar; hoj, i) ldls tbipments-Cotllc, ITS can; tin op ami lamh,, 7 iaij hogii, I! iar.. l'atle-l'.ili ilemind; tahis lliolie to extra, lM)jii.7i lamhj diolie to e. tra, i'25a.tfl, ijliecp Cliolic r rxlia. M ii l.W. llvgii Heas, O.Ojati.lv, piji, ?j.8Jaj.W. 3 More Help Wnnted Male. UI.NTI.f.MVV, Willi Inge nuiialiit.liui In S'lt.iiiton cm let, ttelinl to tepu-Miit .1 wll knouu Nilv nik f 1 1 ill nf Interior ilimulnr. i1iIiim I' II. t.lndblail .V Co., No. II ll. lith h(il. New York ill), WAM fit- Ihiv .1l.m1l III o lc 11 ll tl nlo One Willi "wine Mpeihiiu- in wood wvik. II. t. I.ue.trom, B2H piue i.ieel, WANHMl MANMIIIIt -Hellahie"liiTiiaiil9 i.ip7 hie mi" lu man me bramli mlUr, takliu: illieitlon n( liiiltniii alary l,.iiX) and llliciat nmmldnu: ".'111111 lefeiiniM and ilOO C.1M1 te ipiiud. AiMic-H Hon ,1VI, Plillulnlphi 1, l'.i. AN 1 11) 'llnnrM and toinlio worker" ami liulat relllni; hind, w iire. lU'S; iniH pn hour, pply nl run,.. l. KcUlite.i. M1t.1l CHI inc nml Mimirjcliitliie Co., hl!i l.oeii'l ilteet, I'lttHiuiir. I'j. WANIIID ,ilimeii, tr.uellng or 1ol.iI: weekly jahry pihl. Ib-trlil. Seed Co., ltocheter, N, . Help Wanted Female. W VX I'fll-Cook and iiltohfii gill. Apply al omc. 217 Wyoming aienue. WAN'fl 11 A second gill; mint lie gnnd waltiew. Apply 1012 Vine ftiert. tilltl, A NTi:il-l'or genual hoii-twnik in -mill family. B17 Web'tei .iMinie. Agents Wanted. (AMI'OIIMV (Ol.ll t'ltOCi:-! for rnni.lim be lie. tmlH mid seelablcs;-will keip until mod. Cull for fnMnittlniM ut fil I'ino tuet All Mndi ot canning done li oiilu. ArpiiIS wanlid. BRANCH WANT OFFIOES. Want Advertisement!- Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 P. M. Central City ALHPlir SCIIt.nZ, coiner Mulbtiry Mieet and Webber aienue. tiUsfAV PICIII.L, (.30 Adams aienue. West Side CLOIttli: W. JI'XKINS, lOl South Main aienue. v South Scranton I'HLTI I.. ITltl'IT, 72) Cedir aienue. North Scranton Gi:0. W. DAVIS, comer N'oith Main annuo and Maikel street. Green Ridge CHAHLKS P. .TON1.S, 1557 Dickson .iienue. !'. .). .10IIN?, fl20 fiiecn ltii'iRe Mrcet. C. LOHI'.NZ, corner W'nl inton ave nue and Mirinn street. Petorsbure; W. II. KNI.ITi:i, 1017 liiing aienue. Dunmore j. 0. honi: i SON. Seal Estate. 'I OffI.lt roil S.V1.1: the fiillnwinsr biiKiius at West P.nk 011 Scliljser bouleiaid: One lot fiUliH, loiner i.f illi). Due lot (illifi, loimr of Hrnniley aienue. A lino colonhl hou-e with lot iiHltt., .ill im ptuwtiiini1, Innd-oniely pnpeicil. doul.li- lot, Hide I'aik amine, S0'iS0 fitt, only SI.CKrt. Clls. SC1ILM1KI!, 12(1 Ub Waihiiiiton .iiinue. l.faK) Hu.n ki room, piugle hoiie. pood well, lot linkiim, Sirantoii Mint, Dillon, l'l. Wills & Keiloi. $l,SH0 llii.n liuihlinjr lol. 40sl'ill. Wheeler .no 11111'. WelN A Kriiler, Hurr HiiildlnK. 2.'KW llii)i double hoii-e, 7 looms 011 a tide, all inipruumints, eseept Ka. Dean .stn et, Prow .1 i-..i. ,. ,.-.... ih ni e. Wells k Kialor, Lost. I.01' A sold ilialn tied, hue, iillh .1 heait at tallied, betwien No. In sihool, Clii.tnul stret c .ind .I011.H I.oiik's (.tnir. fiudei will ple.e riluin tu Mirf llethtold, 410 N. Ninth (-licit. LEGAL. 'llll: ADJul'IIM I) XNSl'M. niei.tinj," f Ihe btocKlioUlr-is ol the Dukkou .Maiiufu turn loiupauy will be held at dip ullui- of the hum piny in the C'ouiiiiouweilth Ihiihliutr. In the Hi if Sli.ii. lull oil the tiullth dn uf .littic, I'mii I., f. now I'll, Min-l.il). Miatilon, l'.i . May .111, IWI. NOIK'i: is linil.y Kiun tint II llllllill of III' .toi'khulihis of lin- Title liiiuaul) and Tiui (Oiupanv ot Suaulun, fitiiia , will be hi id at tho ollite nl the rmupaii), .'H spiun Mini, S11 111 ton, Pi in. 1., at ill o'lluik a. 111., Jul) 27, I'lul, to I a I .ii tli. 11 1111 a-ipiiiial 111 ilHippmi it nt tin-iiiipn-ed fuuiae ut the i 1pit.1l lll k ut nil 1 unipany finin -f lSi.n '0 u sakmhui. It M.I'll S III 1. 1.. e,iliuj .lOMphlni- I il.-.liiiiuiiih-, . .I..I111 T. I llim IIHJIH. lU till- Colli I Of ClUllllli'll I'll. 1- ot l..u aw nun Ciniril), No, ..17. M.iuh 'Ii-iiih, 1'hiI Tu .lolin T. rit7-.liiinioii-., Ili-puiiihnli Noil an- hi 1 i'l. l iiotlhnl Hill the hheiiil i.f I .iik.iwaiuu iiiiuil) his iituinnl the uhpouu and i.lii Mil . 01 111 in the aboii- 1 i-i- linn I iiiii-utus and the out t Ins oideiid mmiuc upon )oii by iiiihlliulii.il, nn .lie, Ihiiilui,-, In nil'. in.lilii'il tn be and appear 11 the 111M turn of 11.1111 to hi- hi Id In MI.111I011 mi Mondai, Sipi in, ll'll, and nliswri ih. loiiiphiut of the iid llliidlmt. ( , II -I II MM', ln lltt. WII.I.Mtl), Mtltl N A KNM'P, Allorm.is for I. lin 11 int. SUNDAY BASE BALL GAMES. National League. u ( iminnaii- it 11 f 1 '1iiii1111.nl 11 11 n ii 0 11 1 11 11 1 1 t St. I.ouls 0 li 11 ,1 I (1 11 I I 11 11 ' Hillciie.i-llahii and llriutii: llirpi r ami Nuh 11I1., I'mplre CuuniiiKh mi- .Miiudiiue, 11. rn. t Chli-u-o- It 11 I.. Chliasn I Hill ll ll I - I I I I'lltsl.illS 1 II lilt ll -2 I ll 2 - il 11 1 llitlcii W.uldill and K.i hue; I h-i s 1 1 and (I ('minor. I lupin Mn r. MKiiilauie, 7,Hi American League. At llitl.ill - It II I. union 2 1 1 1 ihj 1 1 1 in .1 I'hlhulilphli 2 -2 I 2 11 1 linn 11 11 , llilliile-- fiik. On, n ninl llucloii . Ih-inhiiil iinl I'uuui. rmpiif Slit 1 i'l 111. Attendant., 7,(iu), ' M. I hiij;u - It II I Ihliuiio II J llll 2 11 II 01-- "i in I Wa.hiiiKlrn ."i mi 011 1111 0 j . 7 pi t llittilii-(;illlilli and ulHl.lli, ,ie, (aili'i. and liiadi. I mplii-a ljiu.-;jil ami Cuiinoll) AUi'liil.iliii', ll.imil. t Milnaukee- 11 II I. Milwaukee I (I IHH1 0 (HI 0 - I 1, 1 llo.li.n I 0 I 0112 U 0 n-lt H 1 Halliihf Itildi and Liah); inuu ami Sihini iut. I inplii lliokrll. Ailindaiiii', V.. Eastern League. P101 hit in e. 1, )tethe;ter, 1 liiitfahi, )iaiiiM-, lam AMATEUR BASE BALL. Tli. XlMi-ll. - .( M"llui.; kl' I ' I I to pla) any (cam in the illy under IS )cirs c( u9i an) ia) iki link I'll I1.1- Miih lalhi C1011111U Anuu ihiou.'h 'hc 'I'lilmli". Ulllnut t'nr), (.aptalu, (Jeeiu'e (ii'licjol, nuiiJser. SITUATIONS WANTED PRUIJ. "'It ,V? DIRECTORY; r M Insertions 25 Centk Thn Pour Lines, ft Cent! tor Keh Hxtra Line, PffOFgSSOVL. , Certlfled Public Accountant. rnwMtii v. si'.M't.DiNd, 11 TitAtir.tts nAXx llllildlliS. Architects llllWAItl) It, DAVIS, AltCIIITfUr, CON'NKI.Ij t'tillillni.'. I'ltlilll'.IIICK l limitt.V, .MICH. II., lit! li I 'state lluhitu;!- Illds., 120 Wat'ilnf-ton sc. CjvlljndMining Engineers. If Ji. II MtlllNtl, (.ml ( ONNff.l, HUll.niNfl, Dentists. Hit. I'. II. lltM'MifltOI'.ll, PAUI.I i" DUfliutNO, Spruu- iilieet, "-iranloti. Hit. C. U. LALIIACII, Uf, WYOMING AVESUli Lawyers. I'ltANK 1:, HOVI.i:. ArroitN'KY-AT-LAW. lloonis 12. II, til nml IS llurr bulldlnir. I'. K THACV.AI 1'V.I OMMOXWlIALTiTTtuifL ll. II Itl.PLlKil.i:, ArtOltSKY-LOANS N'KGO thled nn iral iM.tlc (.puiilly. Mean hulldinB, coiner WnshliiRtun iiicime and Spruce aticet. WII.I.Mtll, WAUItKV ,". KN'APP. ATTOnSKYS and I'oiinsflloia at. law. Itepuhllcan hulldlns, WiuIiIiirIuii nicnue. Ji:sii & .IKSMIP, ATlonSllYS AMI COI1N M-llois .it-law. Coniinonwealtli building, Hoomj II). 20 and 21. LDVMID W. TIIUT.lt. ATMUtNIIY. PO.10O1, Oth llnoi. Meats hiiildinR. nOOM L. A WTH :. A'nOltN'f.Y-AT-LAW, BOAltl) of Trade bulldins, Suanton, I'a. fArrinsov a. wilcox, TRAiiunti' xaiio.vaIj Hank builditifr. C. COMIiOYS, p-l.-i Rr.l'UBI.ICXN' HUll.ni.N'O. a w. iifnriioi.f, officii movid to no. 211 W)oinins aienue. Physicians and Sugeons. Hit W. i:. ALI.UN, 51.1 NOItlll WASHINGTON aienue. DR. R W. I.'AMOIH'At'.V, OffICK 3J9 WASH Inslon aienue. Hcsldenie, uis Mulberr) (liiouhi disease, Iiuirs, heait, khlnejs and Kenltn urinary organs a tpecialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Resturnnts. nn: i:i,k cait:. ijj and 127 iranklix aienue. Itatcs reasonable. I'. ZI'IUM-'R, Proprietor. SCRANTON' HOUSi:, NKAIt I) , L. k W. PAS- heiiRcr depot. Cnndiictcil on the Kuropean Plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A II. IlllKitIS CI.UANS PRIVY VAULTS AND ics pools; no odor; only impioied pumps iwed, A. H. IIiikhs, pinprietor. Lease ordeis 1100 North Main aienue, oi l'ickc'fi drug atore, cor ner Adams and Mulbeiry. Both telephones. Seeds. a. it. CLAftui: k co., si:i:dsmln and nurs. crymen, store '201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1050 North Main aienue; store telu phone, 762. Wire Screens. joskpii Kt'i:rri:L. rp.aj on lacka. avk.", Scranton, I'a , manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. lll!i:MKINCi I'Olt CIIILDRHN TO OIIDLR; al-n l.nlifs,' niiiU. I.ouia Shoemaker, 212 Adaina aienue. MfRAlini.r. HROS . PRINTI'.ltS' SUPPLIKS, KN selopes, paper liags, twine, Warehouse, luQ Wa-iiinstou aienue, S'lranton. Pa. nm: ii,Ki:siiitiii: itf.coitD can hk had In S'iraiiton ut the ni'WH standi of Itelini.in Bros, 400 Spruce and .101 Linden; M. Norton, :22 Laikauumu aunue; 1. S. Schutzer, 2tt Spuue street. PolitUal. Illl-r Lr.CI-I.Vim: niintlCT Notice is hen-In- Kill 11 H the Hi plllilli.lll loleis uf tli.-fu-.l liishitiii' tli-.li li L ni Lai kawaiun coiuily Hut a inlniu) i In tin n will be held on Mini' ill), .lulu- S, I'HII, at (he until ir pollim; place., luiwicii the bonis of 4 and 7 n't lot k p. in., b r the iupiui- oi ilutins t.io ili'lutnlf.s (o lepn suit the -aiil hRMatiie dMiiit in the ionim lltpubllian Mill' iniiii ilium tu he held In ii.Ii.iii;. "I li lunientinii In conipule the loin will In In Id on lue-da), .lune 11, l'ifll, ,u pi u'lloik i in. In ( iic.piiatiu- hall, Nuilh Main inline, in " lauti'ii. In aiiuiilanii' Willi the lilies t-mi inim; llm ilislihl, the iiliili'liti- will bi iiitul dn direit'v l,i- tin soli is at ll' p"Ms and niu-t leitUm with the ilMllil ill nun in hk full mine and pii-lullm- iiddii-". and pav his assessment filiein Ins In foil ll"' i lu linn, or his name will not 1... , lii ul nn tin- ollhi.il billot, neither mil ai y mm ia-l tin him I"' ' mum il. 'Ih,. ih-tiii t ujtllame iniiiiiilliip in i nioii pn . i lints will n.niliiit i he- i'li i Hun. md the re-iilr will bi' iipuiliil b) ll linn juUe In I ho ip. tint iiniii'iithiii. whiih will be Luiiipo.ed ot jinlnts uf the I llh. Us dslil. uiuti n iiotiie ii.nl.nnliu fi.K her ln-lriu I'iiik will be iiiillnl In i nil miiubi'i nl tin. ,.,i, ,S. tlli i iiBiluuii' ii.iiuniilii' I! W lenklm. ( Iwliiiiau ti -I l.en'isl.ulip Distill 1. Auisf ,iln I "iiiipsiui, Sin l.ii. 'Illlllll 1-1 151-1 HI Dllltl( I' Volue i, linili. uImii ill it the lb iml'lli an ianiipu luliilidtln ul the Ihlld I iKlsl.llile dUtihi ,. I.iikiwiiiiui ii'iinli, bi Ihnl -silunlai, llu 'J.'n.' ,ll) ut linn, I'sil. I'llwnii llu' hoi.is of and 7 i in as llu- 'line b'l hohliuu' Hie piiuiii je i. r lh ilulhin ul ilehiial.'s lo tin rtile iiiiiirnlion, ulnl 'luesihl llu 2'ilh. al -2 p III, as 111." llll, in llu. lnliwhtli.il nl Illlllll lllih.li. I..lliie'will nul hi pliulid oil the ballot " shouhl nn innn- Hun tin- mpiiuil mimber of i, imllil ilia lui-tu, iln li.iiuti.in nml -eirctir.' lull ilul.ui Hie pii-ous mi hkIsIiiiiI In he 111' duly I'lrilnl dehmiis ii puriiiiuo uf ilm pr . M. ions ul l.'iili '."i 11) oiriei nf ' J 0CMt ANIH sKIIIK, (rhlnii,im Alliht - I. I w IKI s-uetai) '" '' uaitiu, l'.i., Ma) If, J'ull. FINANCIAL. t." . OLDEST! SAFEST! RFSTI WALL STREET Money Will I'urii Bis JMonthly Kciuriis, Tin lnielii'fuud PaiaSemt-monthlv. 'lb., olile-t est ihll-liiil in mcrii l N'n eertlfliat linlik i has net in.-! a tent I'l.iments made lo all bstnhirs inn II di)f No iioublc No d, la) Monr) ii'fuiiilul on demand. Write lo. da) for piitfiiilam, fiee In anv addie, I I. Maiki) A to limb-on Hld'it , New Yml.. $100,000 Milwaukee Electric Rail road and Light Co. 5 BONDS. Wrlto foi pciial ciiiukr, Hudolpli Kleybolle & Go, V. Nassau Bt.,-New York. K3 J . -ei'f- i(C v--.