F w3spr fftfwwwww$$h&' MymWf' $ ., t .t I i 4 y' ,t V pH ( aif Vfrl 'fcr-'Tree. il rx , v '4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, '.TUNE 3, 190r: i (5e ctawfon Cd8une ruMlfhM Dally, Kipt Sunday, pt The Trlb lire Piibtkhltig l.ompany. nl 1 III) Cents t Month, i.tvv s rttrii ttii, liciitor. O V. nVMlr'K, nulnen Imager. .Stu erk Offl. ri ISO Naidii PI. S VnFKIANP, Pole jtenl lor t'mflgn A'lvrtlUlnj. KnlrrerJ at the Po'toffier l "Semntnn, I'1 as frecotitl Cits Mill MallT. ttlim tpp will permit, 1 lie Tribune Is ilwayi plael to print ulifirl letters frnm II friends hr" fnc on riinent tnpln, Imt Its rule li Hint these mut Iip timipii, tot pulillpitlon. ly the mncf a real name, ami the rnnilltlnn prneilenl " "' ffplnncc Is Hi it ill i (attributions tnll lie mnject t relltorhl reiWrn. TIIK H,T n,TK mil AllVI'.IITIMSn The following I ibto shows th- prim pel Imh raeli lnerllon, ipite to lie urd ultltln one jean Kunol Sidiiuton Hill blTI.W. Piprr leeirilwf Position J thm Mxl inohe ,.i 271 ".I'1 .VK) Inches 20 Kl .VI lYl " p. T, I1 """l " IV5 17 ." Cmo p. icj .IS lor rords .( Iliinltt, irolufl"iit of rondolriiir 'lid linl!ir mntrllmtinii' In the ni'iire of 1 1 "rtllti(f I he Iriliiinc millers a ilnrse nt " icnts line Hates for r'tiMlfltil Hrrllliu niinMml on f pllrltlnn KCIfA.S'TnN, JtfNIJ I fill. Tho I'll" nf Hi iMiltnli ollslit to tjonil $ln,fifiii ui oiiio nn ,uj Aurr pink. Troubles Self-Hndc. WIIKK .r.iinci Mnii- on thn flint .Monday In A pi II li.ii tit Ipiitpil us iPi'iiulr-r ill UK' Ill RUIll..lllHl (It ,1 ..ovenimr-nt fm- Sc-iitiitnu uinlrr the ppvv ilimtfi. mitnlnir 11s Ills mlvlsois and i"ion'hp llniitPiuml tin' men picxlotflv ncfrrorl iipnn, nitldhlv t'lcin mis and NijiIip, iIipip mik nn hnnc-t pin iimn on Hip put of tlip ItF'puhlli.in li.idir". In I'Miihiiip ollli lonu.v 111 iiilinln Ktiiitlnn with piilitluil IphIpiipj. TMp lmpp whs oiitci t.ilncil th.it Mull-, liv limnly IliJpllty tn polltitiil fiKippiiiPiits, iniilil ioniil"ip his iii in in liniinoiiy .mil ipHip with iipillt nftPi- airiiilniln- iStllltiiJll LflllllllPllllPll lis tho pooplp. Tho iiinii siiiiiiipiiii? I1I111 wpip siIiIp .mil nun; tlu-j .slipiiKtlipneil wu.iU pIllLPS. Itisliln nf tUPIlty-lnlll lllilllS, f.lptlllll Mnir flpstinP(l this hopp .mil pl.npil lii'ioio tin le.iilrisnf his p.uty who hud stihpn phi in st ly tn s.irpiTiinnI him nn unipilstnKnnle pmoi ot his liu-K of b.il ldst. Uc w.is allowed to complpto tho ileiiioiisti.itinn. .iiifl now tlip ilcin.iiiil for his ipiiio,i1 K miUpiI 1 1 n 'ii ol .ill .sh.nlps of pnlltii nl lipllpf Mis p.ist mh toi tiuips Iihp thus horn ol his own wilful in.iiiiif.n tin p. Wli.it limy In 1. ill In tho futuip will bp aw niter with this thought in niiml. nrnci.'l Pieil (.iinnt's inopn,il to tin 11 Aguin.ililn loose spcnis inopur. 'J'he rillpino distill her is pciw 01 lesss, to miiKe fmtliei tiouble and tlieie is 110 ir.iKin liy he hhotild he n suest of I'm le bdiu nn. lonsei. 80 lonfr as the i ollow .inti-hupi li.illst.s 111 this 1 nun li y lcni.iin outside ol the pi ison walls It i.s not fust to Keep ARiiliialdo nn du suaifl. Needs Looking Into. OXi: W the clauses in the Cuban coiihtltution which is UKely to he 1 losely serutin ized by the authoilties at WashhiKton 1 elates to the piopnsed 1 (-public's indelHfdiie.ss "The lepiib !ie ot full.!," it hays, "does not ipioft nlze iiiv uthei debts or obligations ban those legitimately enteied into in beh ilf ol the tovnlution by the ( 01 ps loinniande of the llbeiathiK: aim after T'eh L'l. IsOs, and in ior to :cpt. l'i, ot 1 he stime yen. tho date upon wliii h the Jlinnpu.iy. 111 1 (institu tion was. I'ldimilr.atcil, and suih debts and ubilKttioi.s a- tho 1 evolutional, v AoveinuiPiit nia hae eontiai'ted af leiw.ud. eilhei by llsrll, 01 iIhoiikIi its leitiuiati- icpip-iwiiitivos in lor cIrii lountiies ConKiPhs .shall talte at tion .u. tn paid debts anil 0hllK.11 Ions and detiile as to the pavineut ot tliose that nnij lie lefillliiiiite " In inniioi linn with this ciiotiilion, a 1 b..pt'i ci1' IiKtoiN of liniel) Intel st Is i lied b the WiishliiKion Post, The I'lihau liuit.i in New YiiiK, in AiiKiift s"i, tes-nlved to noKotiatc- n loan for the piiipiK- o piiuha.sliif, amis ami wai in.itPiiil to send tn Cuba and al--o a (Titl.-ei wliii h eould pu upon Span ish iniiiineiee. The Junta, however, non in.iilo the dl.senveiv that It (nuld not Ksiie bunds that vvruld be ,1111 ,i Idol id bv piospetlve put chasers, as l licit- was no Cuhuii ro eminent to (Jr.ullKiiU thoil hsue li was ie sohed thciefoii- to send to Cuba ,1 M.iteiiicnt uf the sltii'itliin and 111 ko the ImiUM'its to oi-Kauli-i. : povein liiPlll. Tills stalenielit was piepaied 1 by Senor Klde (J, Plena mid foi wauled to Cuba, titnl herns the date of Aucust 2'.i. lSW It piniliited, of inliue, the deslied effect, fot on Sep. tcniber Ifi, Ufi.'i, thrie was pioehilini i the vo-called Constilulloii of the Piovisioi.al Uuveiniiii'iit of Cuba": on the JSth of lb" jollnwiiiK inoiitli a cmuieil of gov eminent was oisalilzed, and tile Insuifri'lilh. on tlm stienfjtli of this ramp 01 swuiznl Inn, tooK tho til St steps to is,siie IkiihIs. am) peso tl.ite -a loan. After lonSM-oiitluueil iieRollaliou, jonio nf the bonds thus isfttrd weie old. while iitlieis, It Is .illosed, i-m Kivpn-ai'.-iy to Inlluenre publlo npln. Ion, Sis- 1 if 1 cent. VS-yeai- bonds ail thoilzhiK their holdnis to uiiiuuro and collect tho taxes nf cuh.i llbie when the lismsenth secured control real. Ued, tt Is said, ten u-ntn on the dol l.ir and It I.s also ch.ugeil that roiluln newsyifper edltoi.s mid imblle men -til ijljUKe Is seneial, no names ,uo incnt(Ju,:'d-iMPved liomls In lownid or sej-vlces piomiaed or lemlorcil. tliu tutnl iimount ot these, viulous Ibsm a Jh-Iii lenown to only a ft-w of tho Junta' iiK-nib'-is, pinbably tn nut mure, 'than Sonor Palnia and lioiualo Qucsado. How muny lioldeis of theso bonds have had a hand In drafting the Cuban constitution we du not know; hut tho Intlniutlou has been made that one of the influential iod faons why there lias been so much objection In Havana tn the Piatt amendment Is because It cheeks tho bond scheme by piuvldin? that Cuba Fhttll not assume or coutiact any pub-It-, debt upfin width the Interest may not he paid ami n lnklitg fiintl flea led from the ordinal y levenuos of the Maud tiflr p.i.VltiR nil thr riirreiit evprnses of Hip Rnvpriiuieiil. This debt (tiP.dlon needs looking Into. The (tntlon r n sllcccsm- tn Hank' lug Commissioner tieeder im (halt man of the Itpptlbtlinn stale coniinlltep hns Ollseii ttnollgh lli-lir-tnl lleedei'H deslli' In be lelleved, allil two inillieM are pioiiiinenll.v mentlonrd taiiryT. Cvie, iltpeilntendent of public IiiiMi1Imku and ,'imimK and W It, Atnliews, pilvate spcietiny of Hcnntrii' Penrose. P.0U1 ine cm pIIpiii oigiiiilzpis and nhllgltig KpiiiIpiiipii, hut Mr. Andipvvs has hud the wider epetlti!(e ami his seleillon Would tlleiefoie epedle the cnnipalRIi plellniliiarles. For a tilinihcr of yenis Mr AndievvM has been one of tho mo't tl listed ami efiecllve woikers at stale lit milium to t and he knows tho duties of the ch ill m.iimlilp tlioioughly, Juvenile Probation Law. Till: jrviIN'llii: couit l.nv, with Its iittm licit piovlsloii for the nppolntment of pio lnitlon ollk'piSj tn look nfter chlldreti found guilty of mlsdeim'.ni ois will go a long way fivvaids saving cllldien fioni beuiiulng piofesslolial cilinlimls. It Is a sleii In aihatice giealer than can be ineasiiicd for the delense of the whole soilnl f ibllc Hut In one impoitant p.u tleulai II Is lack ing. It piovides for piobatlon ollicei", to be appointed bv the mutt, but It makes no piovlslon for their piymfiit. At Philadelphia the women to who'-e iiniistlng woik at llaiilsliuig Is due the Intioductlim of the law ami its pii's,isrn liave iilie.idv begun the col li! ting of funds to pl.uo .1 piolmlion olllctl ill caih one or tlip clghti on distill ts into wlik'li that city Is tll Mdetl To in. ilce the law's adniiiilstia tloti the iv 11 ss It should be Mich pio v Mon must be made foi piolmlion olllieis In each and every judicial dls 1 1 't t or the state. On Wednesilav evening last in the muni of the famous New C'eiituiy' club of Philadelphia a pub'.'e meet ing wits tailed and held fot the double impie-p of fuitheilng this net essaty .11 tlon to make the law tboi mighty npi'i -alive, a id of lieaiing tho piobatlon lc.ituii-s ONpIninod, with ilo.n setting tin th of Hip gieit good fu ( omplislied bv -uch liws In Jl-issdchusptit nml Illinois, the two stTiles that liavo laUen the leal in 1 nacling sin li legislation for (hlldien and in piovng its v.uue. This iiieeiing was fittluglv tic-Id In tin- looms nf the woman's 1 lub, whose bnaid of liniuagi-i.s defiayed rill o I eii'-ps ul dtawiug up Hip bill and Its lit 'iitation to the lejiisl.ttuio, and was pusitled o(i bv the woman most actively insiiumenial hi set linns Its passage, the cliaii 111,111 nf the (lub's (onmiitt'-e on Industihil pioblenis. Anion,-; the speakeis was MKs Claik, one of Chliago's piobatlon ottieeis un der the luveiiile c-niut law, who told of the smiess of the law since its 1 ass.igo two je.iis ago, giving spec ille inttanees of some of the cliildien whom It had s iverl fioni ii e and clinic. I!iv. Chailes Wood, who gave un stinted ni.il'o to the legislntiiic Inr pa'iug the law, thin dwelt upon the necessity that the ciiitlon of the nic.isuio should now lomniand the at tention of the out he community. The law will be wm-p than U'-eless If len dcred inopciativo. This one cannot do its appointed woik lor the saving ot dtliU'iuent childier. who have biol.eu law, nor coi-tiibute to the welfaie of the community without lb" appoint ment and siippnit nf the piobatlon iillliil'c uiitlini Irocl, called lor by tho law. Tlieie is as meat a need fin Hie Mill opri.ition ot the new law hi Suanton 11.- in Philadelphia 01 any other por tion of the slate What an oiganlzed hiidv ol women In Philadelphia set it-.-elt to do in collecting the lunds for payment of piobatlon ollleeis of the .liuenlle couit's appointing It Is nced I ill that sumo body of eltieus nsso ( lated togetht 1 shall set Itselt tn do 111 Sd.intou, and at nine. The supei inteiid'nts of the Soiloty foi OiRaui mg I'liant.' and ol the llnino MIs ilonai.v sniiity of Philadelphia nltend 1 d Wednesday evening's mooting to I'ltclgt- ollit Lilly the t o-opeiation nf those .societies with the unit enient to iiiiilu' the adnilnlstiation 01 tho law 11 suite-.-. The Associated I'haillios of Sciantoii whose agint has, under Its supcivlslon and vilth the co-opeiatioii ot the 1 lt authoilties, dune foi some .vims n Rood vvoik In lho malter of saving ehildieu tioiu Ivis of crime, may h- depended upon to do all it 0.111 in (o-opeialion with the new iniiit mid the admlulstiatois ot the law wluii appointed. Put what Sciantoii body alieady oiRanl-tl will set Itself to the business the New On I my club of Plilladclphla has not h.si a day in In ginning,-the niMng nf luuihi to liiako the law opeiatlvo In the judi cial dlstiieis over which the coin Is If tills illy pieside'.' Trine should not be thiown away hi getting 111 siien u llioveiue-it. AVhu will olsn IiiIkr Hoiii Huston or Chicago soma piisnu mm. potent to Rho to 11 mass meeting hem tull oNplanatloii and illustiallou ol' the woiklng of such laws in (ho states of Massachusetts and Illinois? It i useless to piodiit a wad t famine-rot- sovoial dnjs et. Chinese Reform Movement. IT IS AN Inteiostlng account that is seat to tho Loudon lilobe by Its Sydney coitcspomlont of tho advaneo 01 Hit- movement among the l.ugo Chinese lontlngeut loslilont in Austialla On Chlneso Riy. iiunieutal irfniiii. Ho tells ot tha new ImpetiH it has loechod, alihoush It had foi months he-en making steady piogiess, ttoni tho m that of l.eong Kl Chu Him the loitespoudc-ut de. fciiibes as shilling with Kang Ku Wc-1 Hie- ltnder.sl Ip ot the lotoim puity In 1 lilua, and says that ho Is now tour, lug tin- whole southern hemlsphmn with the object or uniting the Chlneso lesldents lr a demand for coiistitu. tlomtl lefoini In their native laud. Ho was mot, It nppe.us, on his aiilvnl In Me iboiit no by a huge crowd of Chl iitso tiaili.-is. although those taking pint In suih 11 lecoptlon Incur iisk, as thfr so doing Is looked upon as Ucdton.iblo by t lie- Clilne.se authoilties. l.eong Kl Chu, whom the cones- pnliclonl uei'liis ns a mnll of ro iiiiitkahli' T'?i stHiHllty. now nhotit -t e.1ts nf ago, mid possessing n won fir rf ul Inline nor ntnong the Chinese wheipver h goei, niakes some Inlei rftlng stiitotuonls rrgiii licit fiom lho lcwpolnl or n possible loaoiionitlnii or t'llln.i riotu W'lthlll. To quote the IU11I11 's conospolidelit: "l.roiiu ll Chu nsseils dial the em lror of China Is the real head of ttie lefonn niovrmeiil, which numbers lie I w pen thhty and loitj- inllllons, Iti 1 lulling most of the chlneso educated rlas'os. I'tinds are plentirul. nnd on tlonvoiM ,uo belnc made to arouse the svmpa lilies or the clvltlrprl world with Hie cn'lse or Chlnoso eonstltutlonal lefoini C( llld the Chlneio oiupeitir lie leotited 110111 captivity ly the al lies the war would speedily coll, ipso; at any rate. In Hi" southern mid mid dle poitlotis of the enipho. Kl Chtl maintains that the only nie-ins of Inhiglng the einpiess dowager to roa f nn Is fm- the allies 111 lively to sup oit the roforni p.u ly. This would lead to Hie lelpase of the ompeior and his rotuin fo Pekln, whem the con dlllons of peaeo could be s-penllly ni' langed. It Is not Itnpiobable thatl li.cetliigs of Austiallmis will he hold In Melhoume. Hydnev nnd otlicr placet ror the pin put p of memni lallzlng the ltiitlsh goveinnieiit to cspntuln tho .iii-p of tho t'liliiotp lefoiineis as the most (ortiiln means of seeming ptaco 011 a sound and (tillable basis." The wilier adds that the gioal do th e or the Chlneso In Australia. Is to Ik hold theh native cottntiy formed Into 11 kind ol seml-ooniinonwealtli, with the emiieior as liond for life, In China tin educated classes have be ( omo much Impiissed with the l.ipld iidv.iiKc of Japan, and ate eager not t:ilv to fi'lkiw the example or that (oiintiv, but also to foi 111 a dcrenslve mid offontivi- allhiueo with It. Of tho people who aie clouding hoong Kl Cim's inoet'ngs the coi ii-spondent w litis that "it must not bo foiRoltcn that the leading Chllie-e lesldents In Austialla me a well hiloinied class. They icgulnily iciid the Svdney, Mol 1111111110 and uthei papeis. and have nn intlinate knowledge or what Is going on in the woild. In some or lho eounlry dltiilcts they hold municipal ollhc-, me llbeial In assisting tin woik of le-liglnn 01 eliaiity, and take a inlde in h.ivlng their nllspilng well (d Ilea ted. TIiosp people lopiosent tho china or the fuiiiie, the China fen ru ing the diemo ot the Chinese enipor 01. Kang Vu Wei, and leong Kl Chu; a China which inav spi irg Into eIst cuie long before the Austi.ilian 00111 ii'onwealh lias attained its ninjoiity." That may appeal to the majoiity or wcttcin pcoplo to ho an oveily optlm-i-tle view, but theie is ceitainly no krown leason to consider the legen ridtion or China riom within by her own people an impossible chapter in the unw ml movement or the woild's hMoiy to be made and witnessed by the tv.cntieth ceiituiy. Theie will evidently be no fiee Cuba until Cuban statesmanship onl.ngos. It is now inueli too small for the job. Present Condition of Porto Rico -pctiil Cm re-i omlcme of die -ii niton lnlnine PlilU'lilpliu. .June ". Di; 110 rami:, mo 01 nu 1 mtu! sin,-s lOiiiini 1 nn In Pnito liiio, wjs in tins iili traliy 011 In- w ly Id W.i-liniKtim, lm-ni- luin .1 ii".ni;n in Ilic tli-.imer sm lu 111, rihiili 11 telril Nivv Vuiki'ii Miiiii'1,1. Pi, 1!iiv., who .i- )inic-Mir of polll11.1l .-(nine .it III' lniii.-ll' of l'iiiii-jl.inu pilm lo I114 .ip. piiiutiiiiiit. liit , ir tn Pii-eiiitiii. Mi kinlei to 1 . i-.o the law- fm the government ot Poiln linn, will haul Hie lepnit of tin- iniiu--ion In tic pie-lilenc lonimune. In in ihlirvirw veitli .vniii 1 oiie-prnnlent 011 the eilnir luii'litlon of .inm in ilie 11 im, In, IEoho -li'l: Pie -le-n-ot I'uitn lllio leienlly eonipilul niiilii Ilie iliiieiimi 01 1 he vtdi ilipuliiieiil w. n tn I lint cut 01 1 told population ot D.ii.211 on the 1-1 mil the nitivi horn Inhilnt oils innii Inr li.l, .71, nl whom "Mini) .in- whih- .mil nl, .(17 toloitd. It is not po il 1I1 iniiuly to .-ipn.Hc tin- 1. 11111 f 1 out llit Vdii. ill lut'. 1 lir-j evmt loselhu mi the i-liml .mil Hull futnic wnun toseiliei 111-ipii ihlt I 11I1 111" lm I ept it-own nli mile, lit theie li n l"iii .1 mipiocil in .1 mill 11 1 1 liillnenie Hi Vfin.in Ins heuellteil by the loin line .mil Kinilliti imiMcIei itlon, the le-s pionmniicil intipilliv of the Spun ml n com plied with the Viuloivnn. (nnviu-l, the no L.'io It nl hul 1 tti'iilwitk uilluciite on the Spin I. nil '1 lil-. In- nol heen the usnli 01 1 11 1 it in It r inivtnie, Imt t ith. 1 1 in he .i-t rllie il tn tin. f.ut lint the inio, lUiin; -hie h.e Mile wllh the l.illn 1 lie, his roinewlnt inoilifinl the l.illn torn pel lllllllt. "Hie pie-nit eon.liilons In Putin llhn me by lm nn nil wi ippillli; 1,- is Ilie eenei d hnpie,. (inn 'Ihe rtitnnent lint the 1111 is il I'otlo It t nn me in 1- lii'l .1 (onilllion a. .lie tlin.o nf liiilhe lie IK'I Jii-lilnlile. Imt II is line that Ihne I- .-till wiiiti ilt-tie-s nml ili-i milnit piei 1. Iinl Pi ntliallv. Ihri ire I 11 luliii off Imhy Hun intiler lln-nht Spini-li irelme It I- nm In be snppre-ei llnl ilmiiu- Hid lenluili- nl Spmi-ll liil-inle llitte i. .110 niiikril ileiei- ot pio. peiltv in Ci to Kit o, .lii.t inoie thin then- uh I l -- c lit'- 111 other pn-.e ions of the ilii.nlint finpiit 01 spam. Mm the people of tiie i-1 ini me peneliil, r.i.v jnln', Kiil U-s iml tritlible iinl will tpieilllv he mule enbielv intentlile In Vim rh in Inlhi-nie, ik-pile wlnlever dithi tillie3 llie.t in lie now pie.M'nl mi.", "Wliitever tin fntt'ie- inn line in -lure for I'iiIii lino, it foi ins qmle trrtaln lhat the mat liilni: peiiml of Vimikin tnle li met, 'Hie iiiitimi fot aiilonmnv whlili intikeil the li-l ji.n ol Spinirh rnln ikvelopei) ,1 pint of limiM, wliiili irni-iiilfr.il'lv toinplli iinl the piuli Inn lonfimitiiu lite niiitir, mil iuls-o,tioni ly the cjnl Kiiviiiuiirnt Hie inllllarv Ltoteiiiiiirni wa in t n-ii-e mi nihglilriinl rii-poll-m ami olTeieil nn oppoiliinit) for lho ilevelopnieiit nf the pnll ill u'ioupin-- ami fiitiond sIiiiskIis uhiih ranie alitint ii fit on .1. the civil t,oiiiimciit was 01 Laiiieil, n "Willi 1 pengili- tin in n-lnmnl to .utile pallid pilinii in pnhlie .illun, It U not nitpiioin- tint nut vpci tnl .iml evtui is nit iliiinniK win- mule nl mi I In. (Ml niilli'rlici, Pillinc lie SpjnlJi ink- lho snvrininriit n,n pl.nnl to fu ilnno aril Injiiml the people ef I'niln lllio lint tht.v lie nol tn lie hhiinoi! if ihe Ii;iiiiiIii thet .ilm-e lite hroailci pilvillsii whkh line toini- lo thrin nii-lri inci It m lihtilnliDiiw. li, li Hr.i leinlrniy w.11 iiilnlrunip, Wlii 11 rliclloii ttfir liehl the ap plleil litiullj Ihe ilnttiiue that the tpniU be his lo the vit tor. Pnliips, Vnuiii 111 pjllll- I I ins wniihl t iki- litis as evhlrnie of .1 hlunly rtenlopul cipiiil.v foi tlf fuirniiiunt 'heV piiipi.., i not onl to Mil the oihin with their own fikiuls, Imt itl-n In nul.i thcli eneinltj pij nil Ihe ltve It i, el'tiplj .1 1 e anion fie 111 conilliloiis limit r whiih ihey Ii id no put in tllllin.' tin u'lkis nml no kIkio In ial.ln- the luo... Uii, coiiilitloii of all ills was cmplusizeil hi the nihil il ti mUiit y of .1 l.illn people to look lo the hiimimirnt for the fcolution of eveiy illlhnilly 'ihiiiiuhmil Ihe prtloil lnli.ro ami ilnr. ni- tin- (ml Mniiiii of ihe- kslflaiive as-enilily, Ihe soiiiimifiit hihl to mile, ioiwi utile. inin-, iltocoiiueins eui.v allenipt at udiul IcUlatloa ami iniprcsin,; upon Ilie people ilic nciewily ot cclfhelp ami t-clliilnme Hint whin loiiers itntllie'l fvo million ilollar. uf Itit-nne 1,1 ihe L- n., toino iiillnih-tli poito Uiurw piopOiiil that the um kliuuld he cvpnidcj In errellnit it mignlHenit Temple ol .tmllee In 1 1 nor of ihe I'nlteil 'tllec Tlie pnctltal Am'il 1111 nfllilnl fpenl the inorvy In biillcllnit roirli lint rhool lioii'e. While Ihll tui.v riot line I een the polity rilrnhlei! lo fri ntn the Rreilut Imiiiedlilo popnlatltj, it lm Jintliled ltell In Ihe frellns nf ennftdeme ami ceenrlly whleli lia lirrn sriiltnlly nurrtliiR Itsilf Itiroiigliout the Id .111J. "Ilinil In ImihI with ihu rlitnae o( illltihle, a inoie tiMltlifnl view of the limit nf Rovein limit atllnn Is ilrveloplns, At the t lino of the c linnco nf MiiurlRiiti' there wai 1 crnrrnl liellfl tint American into incitil. the Immeilhite solution of all the illfHenlt mul perplevlnj pro'items whlili (or mi unit) yuiM Iinl kieii nelertril by the spanbli nnllinrlthw The ilNappolntincnt follow. Inn the rrinmiltlciii ot the Inipowllilllly nf tn leiil.v 11 fnlntlon fontiil il flisl cxpicwloii tn 1 fir lint of illscontrtil wlnrli lm all but illclp pmiitl Hie prople now reillre tint under the Vneihim nilein BOieiiimentat m Hilly testrleM llelf lo crriline lomllllons favorable In dull ihlii.il Inlliitlie and riilerprlie, tint tint the toinmi n lit proiire- of Ihe Islaml mint itiprml upon (he ellniti ot the people. T lieso nnd otlicr vmoilein iden ami Id'eJls are Inc-iilcttlnic nn en llieli ntw npirlt lull Ihe body politic of the blinil nnd the Aiinririniritlon nf the Porto Ilium Is but 1 matter of lime." -w. 11. n. THEIB INSTINCTS. When the itltne of WiiliiriRton wa unveiled at P.u Is list ttninner, .1 happy Rlonp of Ainerli-in stndnils were uaklnn the eihoei from time to time with their rollrgi ek. One Prenrh worn in Mhl nervously to .-mothers "Why rio llicy make tint filchtful noise." Her conipmlon monernl with i ralni enperlor III. "My dear, It's the sjianc in them.' .ImUe. THE TAILORS AND THE SNAIL. for The Tribune In .1 eltv known for wl-dom. Where the l.nkawnniu llown, When- the bills are nrren in summer. Anil in wlntei capped with fnons. Dwell home bill a dorn tallow, ' Who n nt to Mil a Miail: Slid the feminist to the hindmost, "Let ti- nit him at the tall " Hut the hludinn-t soinewhtt wisclye kiiniilui.' whit a ill, .nihil thing, Il would be tn get behind him, If the critter hid a stinc: Suc'K'i'lt'd to the foremo-t, -mil who-e name wis lied, t 'twas -tfir for the tailor! In nit him at the head, to in rnim-.el met the I iiloi, lu t ri'tlo built of tloue, " ml cleiieiil that one 1 ih tailor Should meet the uail alone. ud i tisnil for Ihe rnnlllit . A -Irii tint wouldn't fill - .' W is n hot down in the illev ' Walt a lomniou Kiowlcr pill. Whrn feel the ereepinjr (.hadows, ( 'Ihe t iiinii, , one and all, Pasted fitly lo the chamber Of Ihe execution hill While peerlnB lliioiigh the tiancm. Pre the mcrnintr sun arn-e, Ihe -niil lint pisted on to rclory, Wheie no tailor ever Roe-, 1 I he M111I, al i-, is thughlcied. Itt 1 prctti little Tti-e kuown inly to the Itilors Ihe tiller nnd his KOOe. Hut they siy theie 11 a pcctr", n inael in the tower, Tli 11 iniy shv the Rne-o an! tailor Some uncvpected I10111, to the hilf dozen tulois. Who went In kill a snul, nd lho hindninit of the foremost W.is to eileh him bt (he (all, Mm find il like the fihle Of the buniply t rumply cow, sivinpr to end othei, "Wo me all t tken nm." 0. H. Soper. Sciantoii, .Tunc 1. 20c Per Share Is the piice now for the stock of the Pacific Coast AND Texas Oil Go. Subject to advance without notice. T. ...Ill ,--11 J-- Ar , (Xi, win auit lur tuu, very &oon una is fairly worth 40c. now. The com pany's large holdings in the best districts in California aie advancing lapidly in niaiket value. The man agers will begin boring wells in both tiacts immediately and will push operations as rapidly as possible and expect to strike oil in sixty days. This Stock will sell for $1.00 per share be fore October and may sell for many dollars per share before Christmas. Investors can buy it with confi dence because the value of the com pany's holdings nnd tho character nnd ability of its manageis and di lectois ae established, The com pany refeis by permission to the President of the Sioadway Bank & Trust company of Los Angeles, Cal. Any bank or banker or piominent business man in the towns of Bakers field, Sunset, Midway nnd McKit trick will testify to the great value of the company's 320 acres nt Mid way. It is in section twelve nnd is in dhect line with the best wells in the district and Midway is at piesent the centie of excitement. Tim Murk is fcollliiB iiwly In fall fornla to mon who know tho .iltio of tho company's piopei ly and the ahlllty and Intcsiity nr tho t'onipuny'H man UKPi.s, So nuu-li as tills cannot bo .said ror lho htocks or many companies that nic Imsely aderlls.ed In the Uast. Wo honestly believe that this Is the be-st oil Investment ortoiccl to tho ll.ihtcni public-. Tluy It while It Is cheap. For nil p.u tlculars apply to the INYESTMENTand FINANCECO Room 1, Dime Sank Building, Ccranton, Pa. THE TRIBUNE'S EDUOA TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 in Special Rewards. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE has inniigtirntec, its second Edu cational Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi tious person, not only In Scranton, but throughout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This contest will be even greater in magnitude than Its predeces sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance with the rules of fairness and justice. The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read ers fiom July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it lias been de cided to repeat It. This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholarships being offered to the very best educational institutions tn the state. The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayotto College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore Collego 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 075 Threo Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, $75 Each 150 $3,005 Each contestant failing to secure one of these special rewards will be given ten (10) percent, of all the money he or she turns in. V. n-The first tun prliolarlilp 1I0 not Inchiil nuiK hut tin- contestanti srcurlnj lnec will lie given ttn (10) pet irnl. n mI lho money Ik ot the turns In lo lliu iiiliunc, to assist In l'ljing tills cxpcnic. Rules of the Contest. Ilie spcrlal rcvurelic will he- ciien tn t'lc perse ni seeming tic Idif-cst number ot pnlnti Point? will ho rrrditdl tn mntctnnli M-rni-Inir new suhnrilicis to Ilie -cuntoii Tilhuic a follnns: l'nitiK Ono Xlontli'i Subscription $.10 I llirci- Moulin' Siili-ciiillnn 1.-J1 - Mv Mouths' Sil.-triptlou V-0 li One Venr's suh-irlption .. . .5 00 1 Tin- rontr-tjnt ttilli the hUh(t niiniln.r if points will he civen 1 ilinlii' from II o list of peihl rcfinl; tho lontc-t.int with tin- second hlcht-'l nmnbrr of points will ho Cilcn a ihnlc- nf tho icnulnln' ilvvjiiU, an-l tn on thiouuli tlm ht. I'neh lontratiint fdlins to hhiiio i sprilit ri-Hditl, and .1I-0 thc.sr who 'old I lho first two Mholnrshlpo, Mill be- irivrn tin pn cent, of all niotioj he or she turns In Full particulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of Doints they secured. Address EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST, Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords Low In cut. I.mv in pi ice. High In quality. L.irlles' riom 7,)C. up, Jcn tlenien's riom $1.23 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. Mears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. President Vice Pres. Cashier - - C. D. Jones G. F. Reynolds - H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: C l) .tones, l, V. Hey nolds, llioma) Spraguc, Art liui Dunn, O S. Woolwoitli, V. li. Kullon, Itiihard O'rtikn, M I' farter, t-nnuel Sanitrr, T, P on Mnuli, A U U'.iiiiijn, M J. Iliali-y. fJW: & K K K K K t K KK K H. K K f. K ft n X t I TRY I ICIock'sBestf Union Hade '. : Tobacco: A Good Smoke or Chew, A Tiial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co,, 644-48-48 Wyoming" Ave, Scianton, Pa, totofcto)4ttfctfcMfe'4X TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS A People's Bank, All subscriptions' mul bo pilel In mhincc. Only -icw Mibvirlbcrs will be countc-cl. Itoiicnals liy persons whim- mini 4 wcie on our MibvtiipUon livt prior 10 JIjv li will not bo (lullleil. The 'IiIIiiuil- will imistlMto cull ftih'.cilptloii iml If fouml Irirjulir 11. jiiv in) rotrl(1 tho rlcht lo roctt it. o tniinfi-r tan lie mule aflrt ireilit lm onto I ecu ciirn .Ml nihil ripl'on. nnH tho rii to pay r,ir fame, 11111-t be liJiulcil in 11 I hi- li"ibuii3 oflltc within tho wtrk in whit It they ate si' rinpil, so that pipeis tn ly be- -cut to the subscrihrrs nt onto. .Subscriptions inul he written on blinks, whlili tut be siuircd it 'Hie lribiuio oillic, 01 will ho sent bj mail. The tonlest will tloe n tiiplle it S oVIoik Satuuli) cvenlr.s, Aiiu-l ol, limi. Allis-Chalmers Co Sue.i-ett.ois to Machine Business or Dli-kson Manur.ic-turins Co., Scr.uiton and WIIKes-IJane, P.u Stationaiy lJiiKines, Uoileis, MinitiK Mdchinory, Pumps. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenud. SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Thc Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Company Vo i irrv tho luisrsl Mi ck of I 'rnln i II ii. Pir n-nl nml lliinillcs; o iil.i, HI t OVI.lt uinbiHIi .mil pirtsiilt mil niiU'' thrni up ro.inllj is cnni a-, now iml Riiiriittec i m pines tn ho lower thin nm hoio in tho till Mo ripilr all our eooiIi (oi one veat 1 III I! 1)1' ( nvm;i: 313 SPRUCE STREET. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. J1-. I.( KAN .WW AM. Ml.. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. Kohl Mnltl iS Photographer V FOR SALE III (.(.II S iml u vc ONs of ill klluN. nl .1 II011.-1 4 dllll lliiilrlint; l.'ils nt liaiKiiu.- UOItsl.s I 1,11'IM I) a nil (.IIUOMI I) at Aitlst. SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY. 'Ill sprnt, ,i,iii, urn Hole 1 ,li mini Ml tin new Moil.-, foi num.' si,r, ,ii now in New II ii Mule t Own M. T. KELLER'S I.dikawannrl. uriise Woik. THE MOST PALATABLE am) llrillhful Heer tint is Ireweil, 'lho lti.il ,,rlHr of lho Sillnii, t nriv iletl In Us I'linlv, li I'm c- s. hill.', II o liter that mule Milwaukee iiiiioiis ruM ly A. W. SOHRADER, TJi! 7.'5 Ailjuii 'nue Str.inlon, I'l II till rrlcphonrs the scranton vitrified brick and tile Manufacturing Company Mjkers ot l'jvins llritk, etc il II Xlalc. lit I ml r-ilo-. sei t. (llfifc S2J WjthinElon ip WoiU at NJ Au,-, Pa, I. & V V It It WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, SIS, SIB PAULI BLDQ, Attorney-at-Law, Scranton, Pa. Scranton Laundry, 322 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Calli by telephone reec ic prompt attnition WILSON S WASBERS. SPECTACLES, MADE AND REPAIREO. "Jlufatl" S. H. TWINING. 131 PCNN AVE, REGULAR $5 PHOTOS ROR $3,00 AT CRAMER'S 311 LACK A. AVE FINLEY'S "- - 1 JX Fascinating Exhibit of Gradu ation and Evening Dress Materials Wo ato stumilng the most completa stock or elcRfiiit IlKht-wolRht rnbrlct thiu It In ptis.ilblo to find niiyvvheie; evotytlilnp riom a choke or liciutirul lillp inatcilals Tor tlie "Sweet Ohl OnitluiiK" to the n.Niiulslte fain low In ovonlutf colors rcn- putty and hall riici;c, al-o the iniinv little ncccBMOtlcj In Ilie way or TilninilnKS I-.iccs, TIm, Cloves, ltlliboim, lIuiieikciclilcfH, etc., Hint alel to coiiiplcte the iitttactlvei woman. Crepe De Chines Tho Incomputable inuim-Mii ror evens Iuk vvciir, which adapt thcmsclvc-i .so ailnilinl.lv to .stylo am fisuic. conies In Mhltc mid all the suit, delicate coloia Other Graduation and Evening Materials Our .sp.ico will not allow ,i detailed dcsiilptlon or cduh labile in particular, only by way or a neneial outline. Wo mcnilon the mulct !al nnd state that nearly nil ate- nhnvvn In I'le.im, White, Iliac k and ovenintr sluulos. Peau do Soio, Libeity Satins, ramie Satins, Silk Sublime, Lansdowne, Satin Duchcsse, Pailctte de Soie, Soft Taffct Silk, Embioidered and Silk Striped Gicnadincs, Wool Etnmincs, Plain nnd Bordered Nuns' Veiling, Mouselinc de Soie, Embioidcied Silk Lnen, Point D'Esprlt, Silk Mull, Wash Chiffon, Pcisian Lawn, Pine Batiste, Lace Sicsscs, Organdies, Satin Foulaids, and many other mateiiah that ths fushiunb of thi.s year demanU, 510512 Lackawanna Ave HOTEL TERRACE. Parlor Hotel. Vrconuuoilitions inisurpassi-il Speenl SI VIVII It II V I I S to peiinjneiit RIK. (Jet thrin. T.ilili tlujiil . II VMIVTK. Hanleys Bakery. 420 SPRUCE ST, Succeoor to HUNTINGTON Wei nial.o a tpetulti of fine bread .stuffs. Oreleia for Sal tils, OjsIcie, Croquettes, etc., piomptly mice. A full lino ot I.ec Cicun ami lees. BROTHERHOOD WlNE CO.'S I'lno Ohl Ports, nuritiinilies. anil juternm r.imilj Trade Only. P. H. FRENCH. -408 CONNELL RLOQ Kellar cfi Harris. Miiiiifuliirrrs ol lldrnfss, and deilen In Hon' riiilil.-lillii; (luoiLt, luniks Jin! luii line IHk. Ilc aliiiK pioinpth nttindctl to, 'lelrphono I3l2 11, l'i nil avenue, huanton, Pa, L. SOMMAR. Hulhlins Contmtor I'mplojs union men. Kstiniitca cheerfully Ciicn. Iteuiodelinpr and rrpilrinc a bpcclalty. 3Se WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEA R STORE Will Mil nil th'ir simples ot lino imported Madras hlurts for men at o-io j ivorlh $1 to 2 io Golden Gate Dininq Rooms, Rckl 2i rent luril In the eity, Inc Meal tickets, i ni), sundiy dinner a iprculty. Heme niarti) Pajtry, 244 ADAMS AVE. W. A. HARVEY. I'lntrlo W'irins an livtures l.lei trio Hell and Telephone Work. 303 COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. pcalers in Plate Glass and Lumber Or ALL KINDS, Kinqsbury & Scranton, M-inulacturcis' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, District At?cnU ror John II i Wins' suut'o i Wire Hope an I l.leitiual Wm I'UttJ IVrelu and Ituhber Jlft loi II, ltiu. Pa-km Huso and ileihanlial Ituhlier (, nl linowliuii Pukimr taitcr' (ill (lotlius llwiii .ilO I'aull hid? I IIIKIMI )s.s..-j V SIl.t I .l V. DR. S, GERTRUDE EVANS OSTEOPATH, I vi I " .i-.liiii2tr.il ivrnue , union Pi lltln li. u, (I In I in . I a) lo Jl p in eii-l.i jii, in. lull ii-uopaili in Norlheait tin I'tim-ihJiiia rf