r V $IW V ? J r W9T '-q v- ss,f vW v ,s r THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JUNE 3, lOOf. t-2 f-'irtfl" Olllce? BURKE BUILDING THE LAST SESSION , OF THE SCHOOL BOARD Series of Articles In The Tribune Subject of Discussion Other Mat ters. The sehool bonid met In ndlollrnpd 'psdnn Saturday night to lake action on such mallei s of biisties us needed intention befoie the iporgnnls'iitlnii of thp lintly. which tnkps place tonight. All Hip nipnibois wimp In tlioli seats when Piesldcnt Hoi kenboiiy tapped for older. An npplli iitlon from John Jennings for it position ns Jiinltoi of No. school Was iccoided TIip building rntnmlttpp tppnitod the receipt of ippnlis for No. S school, ll wtis dcoldpd to tunc the woik done tuning the .n tit ln season. Chiiiiinnn llnekonben v called alien Hon tn the series of iiitlelos which hnve hPPti npivniing In the Scrnnlon Irlhnnp ipIiUKp to ionises of stilelv. 'In vairl (hut th" licnd of educational honcht toduv Is to allow Hip students iioip latitude in Hip selection ot studies nd thnt Instead nf mnilnliig nil Hip uiplls to onp ronio. th" vogue Is In nsnj pli'o, md soon "III lip Iipip, to ivp dlplomns foi tlUT-p studios In vhleh the pupil up plotlilPiit. All nindi .up not .iIIIcp. i.ild lie. nnd the 'IffPiPiit studptiis should lip allowed to eke iIiom studies most ndupiPil to tlipin nnd which will thf Itottci pipp.up tlicm tot t lie 1 1 different lllp vocations Mi pet in undent tilt i dllfiMPil with Ilim, and said iu h h coin to would low ct tho statidntd of thp schools All should Iip 11111(10 to tonfoini to oiip stnndaid Mosps I'ohpn aked foi ,i icb.ite of a poitlon of Ills tnps o Is still as 'fsspd foi ,i hnu-p whlih was bin nod i enuplp of c.iis ago The nuittpr was plamd in tlip hands nf i'oIIpc tor Watt Chaliman Hoc kenboi i v stated that he h.id been iiitoimed th n tho High '(.hooi ippoit had not he on kept up, as lnoid(d In liw, and asked that the mnttPi he seen to MipeilntriidPiit fJ.il saiil the pi im I pal had Intoinicd him thai Hip lepoit was tilled out josteidav. Seoiet.uj Hughes was iiisttiu tpd to look altci the mattPi. M'eiotaij Hughes jiipsontpd Ills an nual ippoit, and It showed that ecol lent woik had In en donp during the past ve.il Despite the liu t that the taxes weie lcduied one mill and that spvenl s.iimlcs wpip lalsrd. iIilip Is now on hind a gipatei balance. h sev pi.i1 thousand doll it s, than .it this time last jeai The lejioil was as follows ni:ci:iP'is Cish on hand in sinMiiA fund T.'i'K ST ( ash on hind in kciipi.iI I unci . I.T'd Vt 1'ioin Mi Clifloid fi ".no on T'loni Mi. pallllll J.uil no Pioin Mi Watt ".s.onn on Proin tuition M Ttoni lines 1 ;.' 4S Pal t nf sta,te appiopi latiof . 11 0 !J Jl Intel est on sinKliiK fund 'I0 '" Tola! li'fpipls . . i:xpi;.Di'i nu: Pucl and ("-ontiiiKeiK ii s.. , Mhool siirl)lles Teaiheis' Siilaiies Hents and icpaiis liulldliiKs and fin nishiiiRs . IJround impunpiiients . . Tct lioohs Debts and inteiest. fcahu les ot sen eta i and tic uici, and im idciilals.. . ,ir.l ,1101 1.1?) ,sR0 .'10 77 :,iio l.l.-.o on Total PNppndittllps t'."Mi"0 Palancp on hand ll.iew VI Theie was also due the boaid $-TiOO iiom the state, aliout $1,100 fiom Col let tor Seinian, $IO,450 fiom f'nlleitoi CllfloKl.and 51 oni fiom follcctor Watt, follectoi s.caiuan appealed to make n final settlement The tn on llie ftixou Iiurcr estate was, tinned oei to the hoaid's Tttoi up foi collection, and Mi. SeaniHii esmieiated limn its pavuient lie tinned the hill In at the sheiiff's salp, bin tailed K" EPt the inoue ' Ml s.e Milan's iluplli ate aluoiinteil to $il M.'fi. He tinned in oiidiirIi Satin -dn nlRht to leave nnl a lialame rri JJO'i, ,,nil theie helns; some mistake in the tic;iiiintc up of (he dliplhate, he vas c;ipn an psttMisioit of tiino of ,sity da. s. The boaid then adjoin iipiI till to night. TOUR CHILDREN TAKEN. Death's Sid Visitation nt the Home of James Lannon. UUP ot the mildest sitatinns of df.'itli in this city In many months has iiinie to the home ot Mi. and Mis .lumes i.anuoii, on Pike stieet, the past few dn..s Sliue Tliuisila, lour of their diil diPn hae hepn tnUn ftoiu tlipin, c.i inc tin home hHddenerl and ilesolnte, with hut one siuvhliiK elilld, tlio ouiiKpst, uRcd iihoitt one nnd otio half eiis, T lie cnuse nf denlh In c.n li Instance lias hppn .spinal meningitis The Hint death nrcuiicd Thlll.sduv, the ,sei ond I'lldav, and vcstPidny two of the fiu iill& llueo iiassed nwny. 'I'licso wete the oldr.st of the little ones. 'the parents' luaits nte loin with the Ktlf of their nfllletlon, and tho p.wnpathy of the comniunlt rocs nut to them in the net whcliuiiiK loss they hne Mistnlned. , Back Pay for Cnniois The mallcaiileis of the I'atho'udnle postoflhv will shaio In the settlement of claims for hack pay, due bv icason of the mall men hainj; worked bejoud the eight houis ptesnlbed by the pos tal regulations. The Bownnnient, after ImestlgHtlnn, decided some time iiro to pay these claims, and nlloRother It has expended several millions of dnlluii to relnihui.op cat i lets, Tho amount of the iluum nllowcd rnch-v lno C'mbonilule i.itilcts is THh (M.' Hosemen as Ball Flnyeis, The chullenBO of the lccently oiruii l!td base ball team of tho Columbia Hose compuny, which appealed In Tho USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE pnttder tn lie tlukcn into I lie khncs nnr (ci'i fed uoIIm, nmnits jihI Imt, ami rt tiled M'.fh. If OU lull' .MIUIlllll,- (ut M liglil tiller, liy AllfnN tfiotd'ae. It rdoU I he frt Htu naWc! ujlkint: CJ'. C in c s tv.ollui. )i-.iini.-''ft, ii;rouns mils, MhtcH jimI i illim,, Ciu. (rlietcit (oni ami luiiiioi ot .ill ulu mil uhn iv I ami cinituil, h) il I oil i) s,)ii ,i ,, Inigsltu jii'l simp tlniPs loi -', ij jijiK. is Min. Wiliu. AlKii N llliiijtiil, lr Ito, 1. . ' 'j ..... , , , Carfeondale Department i i Tilbuno Inst week, Is llkelv to he heed, ed by the Mitchell loinpnny, nnd thetp Is ppiy piospect of a Rinne IicIhk played between these nines nt Alumni pnik on Satin day net. The pcisonnel of Hip Columbia's team has appealed In The Tilliunc, and these ilti,(is hip iinslous to sciin the list of thp Mitchells, It Is hoped that this hint will Iip Itikpn up nnd the base hall lighting hIipiikIIi of Hie Mitchell ph!.pin -It they possess such an ui II. lo be shown on papei, ut lciist. MENTION OF MEN BEFORE THE PULIC EYE A Rood tpp of tho successful busi ness mini, as well iim a social llRht, Is Isaac HIiirci, the nlctt and cnt"ipils 1iir piopilotor of the l'aik ClothliiR house. Mr. HIiiRcr, or "Ikp" as he Is fnnill Inily sllcd, Is n conspicuous Uruic niuoiiR the oiliiRer men of the cltv's husltipss and social woild, and thcic Is no Individual In his spt who can count mote admiring" nnd staunch fi lends amniiR: ills neaimintumes. (ienl.il. whole-souled, nlfiible nnd e i eedliiRlv nccoiumndiitlnpr nnd nbllRlnR -thc-to nip chniattPi Istli s of Mi SIiir pi's social beiliR, while his dlllRpnce and Industij and his rpsouicef illness and his cndeavois to bp ahicasL of thp times aie conspicuous In his business life Mr. .SliiRer Is nn Impoitant fat lor in eveiv movement th it has toi Its pm -pose the advancement of the (itv's In teiest, but ids modest v often keeps him In the bnckRiniiiUl when iiedlt Is heiiiR passed aiound, IIioiirIi his InlliiciKe Is (inletlv but cllectlvclv expiled Mi. SIiirpi s llteiaiy inclinations have led him to tike m .Ktive tntoi -pst in about all o thp splendid cntei -tainments Hi it have been rIvpii fiom tiiup to tlnip In tills c itv, and It Is rIv Iiir no senet away to vu- tliat he is foiemost anuiuK the .voiiur men who Inlend to pinvlde the Iccluics and en tei talnincnts ot Hie ioiisp cniiteiupliit ed foi the season ol 1001-0.'. Hv wav of iiaieuthesis, e.ui bp said tliat this (ouisp will piovide a niimbei ot iutd Ici tual and mush.il ticals Mi SliiRcr is also Intel est(d m Hie dnliiRs ol fiatPinal so( ietles, nnd stands hiRh in Hie lanks of odd Tcl- IoV(s. In all HiiiiRs that mii,ii k of the mill t.u oi wheie the (it and Aimv of the Uepuhlii Is (oik pi ned, one cm l iRhtly loiuit on Colonel John Md'omb. loni niander ol William 11 Dav les' post, this cltv, as bcliiff an active (Iriiip theiein CoIoik I McCninb havliiR ia'sed tluoiiRh all the ui i ois tu a deuel wnRPd war between the jienplcs of a nation, he his u tme st nsp ot aiipie clatiou ot what has In en the poition of the old soldleis, and lie his a tiulv s.Hied leRiid foi the tiicmoiv. of tho depaited biave who weie his inmiailes in Hie battle loi union It is unite be (omlliR, tluicfon th it Coloni 1 Me Conib siuiuld lose no oppoi tuiiitv to hold up loi public icvei oiuo the uiciii oi v of the deeds ot the linoic de id. This Colonel M(Conil) docs and In a pi.Kthal mannei, in a wa th it the lessons ol patilntisin and Idevotion of the Jop.ii ted .did suivIviiir snvioiiis ol oni nation may not be lost to the otith ol the I md Tho (olehiatlons or cntei tainnienls or nubile functions of whatcvci i hai.K ler aie so ai i.uiRed by Colonel McComb th it thev aie leplete with Insti in lion beside entii iniiiiiieul Theie is spit it and Iroi wlieiever the colonel lends Ids pi i seme and no I1r- in o Is mine w.umly vvolcomed 1111101117 the eleianf than his and thev, all. (hoi Mi the leudeiest ipr.ihI foi him CoIoupI M'i Comb s huiiioi both in sppei h and wiitiiiR 111 e keenlv appie 1 iatcd and mail a uicnibei of Ihe loi al liost will lestifv to his ability to e heer them eitliei bv a peisonal visit or a humoi -filled missive when thej woip dppi pssed li illnpss Colonel M( Combs e onti iliutions of humor and pnetiv have giaicd the pulillo pilots on m my an 01 casino, and The Tribunes icadeis aie iiiiioiir tliose favoied hv his oiIrIiiiI and onti 1 tulli IllR stle ol loiupositlnti, A Caibondale voiiiir man wlin s pn lltled to the hlshest 1 teeill 101 his uipiel rise to IiIrIi honois in his ioIIowIiir is William nlmoik, a leading 1111 inbei of the Cook - Chun h Tluatilc.il e cini pany. Mi. Dliuoclc has lust 1 etui nod home after a most sue e csstul season with many triumphs th it his ability has won for him eliniiiR the jour just 1 leispd T?v dint ol liatd woik and .111 luielliKont application nf the talent thai Is unnilHtakublv his, he has been advanced .iIoiir a (.ucer that piomlses to he all thnt the ambitious and zeal ous jilting men, who is luillind to Mto StaRC, ciaves loi. Nest season Ml plmook will ap pear In "An Aden's Ueimauce," a piece which II Is believed has all ot the p!p tupiits that the suce esfiil lnmiintlo diain.i should eoiilaln It will plav tho week stands In tho big iltles, Hosldps IipIiir east foi one ol the inipni limt loles, Mr, DiiiincK will also ai t as siiiro Ul.ill.lRcr of the ptoiliictinu, ho having a maiked aptitude for the coirpit anil ailistlc staging of plajs. Social Doings. Mis lltlml AtikPn dpllRhtfullj piiIpi' Inlncd at hei home, on fiiiideld ave. nue, on t-a tin day fiom .', until p in Tho function was u honoi ot her finest, Miss Mills Miss Hessle Hudson was pleasantly sin prised nt her home, at Chihls, on Friday evening Tho guests at tho en Jnjahlo affair upio VpihIo Hlgelow, of Tlunli, foia Williams, .Myttle Pen nolt, Kiank neniietl, ClcntKo Ihunuius, Cailtnn Iloiiliam, ot lleuiek Ceutie; Uthel Stanton, Mattle .Stanton, Chiulcs Stanton, Mr and Mis, James Mull, Ileiman Muishall, ot Clllloid, ciiailos KIllK, John Hudson, Alfied Swlgeit, Piank Hudson, Cl.iiu Hudson nnd Hlinon Lai kin. of Ohllds Tonight's Council Meeting;. Theie will be n icguhir nicetliig of select council this evening Tlu'rewill besoveiol Imp'iitunt mens, tiles to coiuo betoie thlb bndj.but 1 hlef among them will be the municipal water plant oidliiame, which will conic over fiom comiuon eouucll lor imiciu lenie. How this measuto will tuio In the upper bi.uuh iciuuius lo ho .seen Tho missloiiaiy woik douo in iu behalf among common I'ouiiiiliiicii was (piltc etfectlve, anil theio will be 110 lessen ing of the heietoloto lsotnis iliam plonlnps during the stay of the null, nance In tclei t euuiull. 'Phone t NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 PROGRAMME FOR TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Anntinl Meeting of the City's In sti uctois Set Down for Week Com mencing Monday, Dec. 2 The P10 Etnmme as Pteparcd by Ptof. E. E. Gnir, Superintendent of Schools. Ptof. K, i:. (lair, city superintend ent of schools, has (omplclpd the pio gi amine for tho annual Institute ol the (piicliPis, whlcli Is set down for the wppk commencing Motidnj', Dctcinbor The sessions foi tile teaehets, which will he held each mottling and after noon, will embody cveiy fc.ituie that has pi oven helpful In school work, nnd the most capable Institletois will be sccuipilto ennv on Instiiictlon, Vw 1I1V public, Plot, iiinr has aimed at speiiilng hlgh-clnss cntei tainments, which will lake pimp on thp evenings of the week He has sought the aid of the Hioclcwny hill can, and this menus that Caibondale will lip piovlded with derided tieats during Institute week. The thst pntettalnment will he on Mondny evening, Hccembei 2, when the Slajtnn .lubllcp slngpis will bp thp at ttactlon. The abllllj of these singers is attested In the following clipping Iiom Hie Chicago Intel -Ocean: "'Old Plantation iJajs' was rKcii bv Slnvtnn's lubllep slngpis. As thp cur tain tolled up it showed the (ompanj' In clipsse and .suits which might well have been woiu amid the cotton lipids and enin Thev sang old melodies and Innins which pvcti todaj mnv he heaid In the Smith, and sung them with such pathos that the nudiemc le-called the sliifiois again and again. hhe w iiom tliev call the 'original ISlaek Pattl,' sang 'Awav Down on thp Suvvaiipp Itlvpi," and when slie tiled to cno the slagp sin h an pihoip ivas given hei that. sLirc maiuiRCi or no stage man age 1, she was foi c eel to come out and sing 'Annie Laurie,' and the stage m inagei eleliccl, thp nile of 'No en (dies' was hi niton, and that was w hj the line of (.ullages befoie the audi torium stood half an limn later than thev wcie 01 doted. An lntelleilll.il ticat will be otfeiPd mi the following evening, when Colonel Hpiiiv Witleison, the glttcd edlloi nf the Louisville Com lei - lout nal. will ile IIvpi one ol his eelpbialPcl lee tines, "Abiaham Liuioln" and "Mejucv nnd MiiiaN" Ucv Di St ifloid of Washington, T) C , the distinguished SliaKesppni ian lee till PI will be help on thp mu ( ppiIIiir night. Hi Slaffoid's ipiiown as a Ipc tuipr ipudeis as superfluous nnv eom nienl nn his abiliH. 'Ihe Smith sKieis.who have also hem hcud and en loved in this eitv, will give the (losing entei talnuient to thp unrivaled spi r s aiianged fm bj Prnt flm. Tlie elfoits of Piof Omr in seeming tliee ilistiiiRiiisbed enteitalneis will undouhledlv bp met with a lieitlv ic sioisp .md the capai Itv of the opcia house will Iip laed during this ionise. THE CARBONDALE MACHINISTS. Expect an Answer Today ftom Presi dent Tiautw ein. The nuswei nl Piesident Tnutwein, of 1Iip Ciibondalp Machine lompaiiv, tn tlie demands of the emplojes, suli mitted about two week ago. is po lice led todav, as that nflld.il pinm jspd nn Pi Idav th it Hip men 1 mild p ppe I a leplv bv the begh nlng ot this week. The chief domand nf the men is fnr n. nine-hour dav. AVhetliei 01 noi the nun will go nut 1,111 rnlv be con jpi tilled. Pioin tlie ( oiupisation of the oiiiplovps. It ian be infeiipd that thev ppect and will demand .1 dcll nlle nuswei. th.it Is, thej will not lie satMipil with the nssuiance that the machine rompanv will abide bv wlint- ever densinn is aRippd upon bv the other r nncoiis of this put of the state. The men wnnt a definite nu swei as tn whether nt not the nlne-houi-a-da s, hpdule will go into ef fect at npee, and It Is sil'ppplcd that thev will not givp nny consldeiation to a dincient answer. Tonight's Meetings. Selee t count II. Si I100I boaid Olive Lp.iI lndgp, No l,"(i, Independ ent ejrctei or 1 mil rellows Typogiaphli.il union, Nn :"o. Fedeial union. Nn. 7 '.01. Hwtinh Hit, National Association ot Letter t',111 leis Young Men's Institute. Me idiiints' association. Patriotic Older hnns of America, Pai hois' union, The McNulty Child's Wound Healed. The l-jcai-old daughter of Mis. Kate McNultj, n the West tilde, who wat in a dangPious eonditiou tiom an Infected wound Just under tho right eo and which tliteotPiiPd the sight of that oiRap, has been dlsi harRPd tiom KniPiRcncy hospital. Tho lu fediou In.s been Ptitlielv leinoved, and the little one will soon bo Well, despite tho Riavltj of tho atHle-tlon. The Musicians' Union. The local union of musicians held Its tlual meeting jesteielay and se illted Its rhaltet. Tho union comprise-, about all of the luilsldaiis within a i.idius of ten miles fiom Caibondale, and Is nlieaely ill n llniiiishlng condltlnn, Piof. Allan Lawieneo. dlicctor nt tho Law 1 cm e band, of Set unton, was among the visitors piesent at the mcellng. Returned to New Yoik City. (ipoiro W. Oiiiy, n ploneei resident of Caibondale, who has been icnewing ui'iualntiiiues In this cltj for about two weeks, has letuinecl to his home 111 Now Ynriv city, lifter an enjoyable visit among tho places of his joutli. Home fiom Xaw School. Joseph Jlicnnun, of South Mainstipet foimcily principal of schools in Fell township, Is home fiom nkklnson Law s( hooi, at (Mi lisle, whpio he Is put mi lug tho law cnuisu The school lei 111 at lih klnson closed on hatuiduj Ginley Is Impiovinn;, Austin (ilnley, the juiiiig man 'who almost lumped to his diath on Me luoilil Diy, by lcason of Ills having liiMidrd tho wiong ti.iln and then hiinpltit; lioni It while alnmst under full speed, Is rapidly Improving and wilt br able to leave r.mergeiiey hos pital nt the end of thin wceeW. Olnley was painfully Injured about the front part of tho head, and he also sustained slight Intcrnnl Injuries. ' Home from Hospital Miss Ruth Clark was discharged as being well, from IJmergency hos pital on Saturday, whither she went for treatment about five weeks ago, having been ovet conic by an attack of pneumonia. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. John flavin, a plumber emptojed by Kulllviin K Ryan, stepped on a rusty fall white nt woik on Wednesday. Ho went to his home In Jennyn. Ills condition became to serious that two doctots had to ho called In. Hlgns of leedtjavv aie manifesting themselves, and cnnsldcinble appichenslon Is show 11. At a meeting of the district execu tive boaid of the Young Men's Insti tute. It was decided lo 11111 the an nual eciislon nf the Institute to Lako Lodore on August 21. The societies piitlclpntlng will bo those In the dis trict comprised by Luzerne, Lackn wannn and hitsntichumia counties. Charles Humphrey If contlned to his hoiiifi on Saloni nvenuc as the result of an accident to his knee. Some time oro Iip wipnchcd his ktipp, but nt tb. st thought It not veiy serious. Lnlcr, hovsevpi, the member glow woise, and now his leg Is confined In a plaster cast, Rov. Maynaid U. Thompson, of the Plist Maptlst church of .Terinjn, pleached In the Berean Rnptlst chinch vpsteidaj. In Dr. Whalon's place P.ov. W. B. Orovv, the foun der of the Baptist chinch of Jeimyti pienched In TSev. Mr. Thompson's place. Jop Gans. nf BiltlmoiP. knocked nut Bobby Dohbs. 0f MiniiPapolls, In the seventh round at Bnlthr.oie Tilday nighl In a bout scheduled for twenty rounds Dobbs foimeilj' resided In Cai hondtle. The eontract fm riabi lei Pugllano's new thiee-stoiv brick building tn be elected on Dundnfr stteet. lins been let to Contractor J. F. Boblnson. Work will be begun immediatelj". P. S Joslln lert Piidav for Burfnlo. He will dslt bis daughtpr. Mis 1 len. nnd Incldetitalls' take In the Pan Ameiiean exposition. He will be awav about a month. The Delawaie and Hudson Tlnllioad compinv has sent a fnice nf men to Hancock tn build a boaiding house and pipcI a saw mill on the .Tonei t'.nct nf land just neioss the river at that place, piepaiatoiv to sawing the timber nn the lot. Chailes Hoe. of Mnl1old Yatd, who was admitted (n Kmeigencv hos pital some time oro fnr Injuries re ceived nn Hip ih 111 nnd, lias fully ip pnvprpd nun has been dlsehaiRpd from Hip hospltnl. Kevs a. r Chaffpp. of Caibondale. and f! M Bell, nf Ariel, weie in specting the SteilniR cliuicli last week, with n levv to building a simi lar one at Ariel, In the ne.11 futiiie. Mis John Mouison. Misses Leiia nnd Margaiol Mnnlson and A. I. H insen. nf this cltv, weie in Sen an ton Satiudn attending the f uncial of the late Miss Sadie C.llmartln Mr. and Mis. Deveio Chi Isllan, of Lake Como. have taken up their icsi deiyp heie for the piesent. wheie Mi. Christian is winking. Mi. and Mis John Matthews, or iliove stieet. aie lejolcing ovei the nil til of a b-ihv bnv. Ailhni Pi7Pi, founeilv with J. D. Sloe k( 1 it ('o . of Jetimn. has ac cepted a position at Ciamei's matket, on Lincoln avenue. T. Aitliur Riitheifoid, of Princeton univeisitj, Is home to spend the sum mer with his paients, Ml. and Mis. James TUltheifnid THE PASSING THRONG. (ieniRp Bainh.ut spent Sunday In hei anion Chniles Wilsnn, nf Oneonta, spent Pi Idav in town Peter Coleman, of Scianton, spent vestridav at his home on the West Side. Mis Harding and daughter, Llia beth, of Poiest I'lty. spent Sattuday in town Mis V. C. niv. of Salem avenue, who hns been seriously ill, Is much Impio' od John Morgan, nf (lie Stir Clnthing House, spent Kildav evening In Sus quehann 1. Miss Kiiilly Klik. of Philadelphia. is the guest of hei slstei, Mis. jr. Tin net, nn Uhei itieet. L V. TuckPi, of Jackson, is visiting nt the homo of bis son, J. M. Tucker, on Belmont stiept. Mi's LirzlP Ovvpiis, of Taj loi, spent Saturdiv as the guest of MI'S May T'lmei, op AVj'onilng stieet. AValter Ciamer. who has been a guest at the home of Councilninn Uobeit Whitfield, has leturued to his liome in Scianton, Mrs. Clyrio Nlc ol and chlldien, nf Jeimvn, and Miss Ada (longer, nf Newark, X J spent Kildav with Mis. fi H. Dlmock, of this c!tj Mis, jifjH n, Johnson nnel Miss Min nie Bliss, nf Washington place, have letutncil fiom Washington, D, c., where they havp hppn visiting friends. TAYLOR. The Scianton Tiactlon company liar, at last shown It-, pnteipilso by pul tltig an etia cai on the Taylor and Din j en line This affoids the publlei a twenl minute seivlio and will be gieally nppippiaiPd Tho William Tell BHIo club held their nnutinl shoot on M'emorial Da', on tho Tell iiinge, West Tnjlor. Tho vcoics of tho wlnneis weie as fol lows: No. 1-John Hnigpr, fii points, pilzo $7; No. L' John Sheilds, fii points, prize d No. 3 Plilch Hotgei, fiS points, pil.e, 5.5; No, I Casper .uhiei, fis points, prUn $1; No. ri John Pelningcr, 61 points, piUo U No, t. Arnold Mnoie, fii points, prize J.'.CO; No. 7-Mirhael Sttlne, 63 points, piUo V No. R-Cusnitr C. Shields, 6J points, prize $L."iO, No. 0 Carper L Shields, fil points, pi lo W, N'. 10 Heiuy Welseiitluh, 61 points, piUe ,"0 icnth, No 11 -Casper Htal.ll, 60 points, pi o SO cents. This town has been vlslled quite ficMiemly by luugluis of late, On Satuiday inoinlug an attempt was made to burglarize the sleue of Athei ton Bios, on Main street. These miscieants wero etfcctlug an entiuuio Into the sloic, when dlscoveicd nnd frightened awuy by aeveial lesldents In that nelghboihnod, Ono week fiom teiiuonou Juno 11 will occur the Joint exclusion of the Taj loi Silver Comet baud and the Tajloi hose companies, Nos. 1 and -'. whlcli will be 11m to .Mountain Paik. The committee and inenibeis of those oiganliatlons aie working llko beavers to make the event a) iiHmotnblc one. Tickets aie being lapldlj sold mid the tales arc very reasonable 65 cents nnd 40 cents for adults and children respectively. The picnic of the Taylor Union drum corps nt Weber's paik on Sat urday evening, was a veiy success ful affair. The event was llbeially patronized nnd undoubtedly the pro moters realized n neat sum ftotn the undertaking, which Ihey will use In purchasing equipment. The game of base ball scheduled foi the homo grounds, between the Beds and the AVest Scianton Aletts on Salutday, was called olT, owing to the lain. While out ndxet Using their mining exclusion on l-'ilday evening, the Tay lor Silver Cornet hand met with a slight 'iccldent, when t minding the tin 11 near the Pyno millet y. At that point the road is veiy tun low and whllo making the tutu the wiirou came In contnet with a Ihirc stone whlili Bopaiates the thoinuRhfaic and the sidewalk. Tho pole of the wagon was biokcn and the hoises became frightened, and the nctlvoness of Hie driver alone prevented serious te sttlts. No one was hint, hut the hi nt! urnents wcie somewhat damaged. Acacia lodge, No 571, Piee nnd Accepted Masons, will meet In session this evening. Mr. and Mis. Hemv Lewis, of Do ver, N. J,, have returned home after visiting lelatlves In South Tavlot. t.nibleni division, No. f.7, Sons of Tempeinncp, will meet In icgular ses. slop this evening. Mr. and Mis. John Gi lluths and daughtoi spent the Sabnbth visiting jel.itlvcs In Joinijn. Dr. .1. S. Pniteus Is home fiom Heading. Pa., where he attended the grand conclave ot Knight Templars during the past week. Miss Susie Hntris, nf I'nlon stteet, spent j'esteidav as the gupt of ft lends In Moscow, JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD. The school boaid held an adloinned meeting Sattuday evening for the pur pose of finishing up thp eai's busi ness A number of bills weie read and oiderpcl paid, and It was decided to take up four one bundled dollar bonds. Director liinnt, of the Third waid. pin tested against the Idea nt the (lass nf 1901 attending the Methodist Lplsinpal ilmn h to hear the pleaching of a bac c.ilauieate spimon. Ho "aid ho madp the piotest at the tequest nf a number nf people, and eleslied that It be en leied upon the minutes His icqucst was gtanted. and the meeting allei wards adjoin ned. Thp sihool boaid will nippt for leot ganbation this pvenlng. Thp retiring membeis are Pilteb.ud, of the Klnt; Mellow, of the Seiond, and Loughnev, of the Thltd waid The new membeis who will bp swoin In nip Samuel Waters, of the Flist, T. B Ci aw foi el, of the Second, and P. II Cnllins, ,(f the Thlid. 11 Is pinhable that V L De pew nnel .Samuel Wateis will be thp next secretaiv and tieasuiei. Pctiick Hiiddv. of the TJnst Sldp. was painfully Injuied Saturday afteinonn, while nn bis w ij tn woik in the minps He in soiiip way stimibieii and t oil headlong, his fniehead cnmlnR In inn tact with a piece nf shaip brick, which ut such a spvpip gash that it was found necpssat v to usp seven stltdies in diesslng the e ut. C. 1 Bell and Judsnn Wall .11 c homo fiom Cianfoid. N 1 , on a bnef visit Thp 1 ongiegatinn 01 the I'ltst Bip 1 1st ehuieli will hold a llRlitnlng drill sorial at Hip homo of Ml and Mis Jacob Ilillci, of Bacon stieet, on the llth Fiank Mavnaid and claughtei. Plen eiKc, of Nanticokp, aie visiting kI.i tivev, heie Kdvvnrd Snjdei, of Duninoie, has ai -ceptcd a position in Muviifoid's liveij Piof. Rorcis, of Cite en HidBe, was a v isitoi heie Satin dav. OLYPHAINT. The icoiganbation of the school boaid will be held tonight. A slate has been agreed upon which will gn tlunuRh without any opposition. 'Ihe new boaid will he composed of the follow ing membeis Plist waul, Thos Nealnn, Joseph KpIIj, D J. Howard, Second waid, J. W. Patten, John J. Lallj', Thomas Wc.nei, Thild waid, Thomas Lenahan, Patrick Langan, Wil liam Mc Means, Kouith waid. p II. MeCanii, William ilojes, Thomas Sj -mons, AVhat piomised In be an Intciesting game of hasp hall was stoppod In Hip spcoml inning hv lain on Satin dav af tpinoon The International Coiiespoud enee School's team and the Olvphant club weie the opposing teams. Neither side sioicd, nriflln idtched fui the vlsltens, while Hall OKiipied the hn for the locals Aiiolhei game is being nnangcd between the two teams. The mock trial, "The Celebiatcd Wat pi melon Case." held in Kej stone hall Satin dav night, was onjoved bv a large nunibor of people Al the c 011 cluslon ot the trial a nodal was held, The baaar of the Primitive Metho dist congiegatlon, which has been In Piogiess in tire Sweeney building on Lackawanna stieet, during the past week, was hi ought to a (dose Satuidaj night. In tho contest for tho doll Mis;, Sat nh Nichols had llm largest amount nnd was avvaided the pri.e. A good sum was lealied. David Wnddel. of Wilkes. Bane, Is tho guest nf Mr and Mis. D. W. llui lis, nf Delawaie stieet, Mis John ft Hdwiiids, of lMvv.uds vllle, Is -visiting telutives at this phu e Mr, and Mis. Ciooigo Wat It, ot the Hloetiie Pity, spent jcsteiday with Blakely trlends REVENUE OF OCEAN LINERS. Advoi Using Is One of Their Heavy Expenses. Mniurl Weorl In VinJcr's All the big Uncus and nciriv all tho little ones, with ships coming into tho poll ot Now Voik, have their olihes In the breezy now buildings of Stato street or In lower Rioaclvvaj. No line owns Its own otlhes In New Yoik, and the rent that they paj nggiegates about JluO.OOO per jeiu, Tho White Stur lino and the Ninth neinmu l.lojd line, In (ho new Howling Uieeu lluild ing, and the Ametliau line, in the Km pile Hulldlug, pay the laigest lentuls. Lines with otllies in old bulldilii's pay piobably half as much, ni about JlOfluO a year each, Aniniig the heavy epense.s of tin tians-Atldiitio lines aio advcitlsing in newspapets and iniigii.lnes, unci tin printing of thousands of iliculais and passenger list, baggage tugs and hooks disciptlvo of the vessels nnd suivlic of tlie lines, The printing bills of the Iluiuhiltg-Auicilciu and tho Noith Oei man l.locly lines aie lespei lively 100,000 a eai, and the bills of the other Hues somoivhat less The big lines cNpend little in iusiii.incc pie. miums. Neatly all have tholi own in sula nee funds, niudp up nf the money that they would pay lor pieinlums If they Insured In auj marine conipanj". The insuiance fund of the llamlniig American line Is nbout $1,000,000. The Cunard, the White Star, the American, & 1 l ej. 4, is, 4 4, $, The Tribune's Rrize Stories. Y lIQStJ slork's wliioli ucrc awarded piics in Tlie ) Tiilutnc's icccut "Story Contcht" have all been published and wo aio pleased to announce that ncatlv all the contestants have consented to have their sloiifs piinted. A very few have failed to leply to our loiter of iiuptin. and from this wo conclude that "mIoiicc fives' consent." This means that The Tiibtttie will l)e able to publish a very inletestino; series of stories, ncatlv all of which ate based on local fact or itadition, the scenes beinp; laid in the Lackawanna valley. The stories with but very few exceptions, arc woven about mine incidents, making them of still f,n eater interest. The Tribune will publish these stories in the order named below, and thosi wishing eslia copies of any par ticular issue should place their oideis in advance to avoid disappointment, as theie is alwavs an extra demand for the paper on these davs. Wednesday, Juno 5. "Number Elovon." by "Anssan." Saturday, Juno 8. "Brave Lads," by A, Edna Malono. Wednesday, Juno 12. "Tho Avon Strike," by Irving Sidney Dix. Saturday, June 15. "A Romanco of tho Clear Spring," by Agnes Joyce. Wednesday, Juno 10. "Archer Trevford, J., Editor," by Ernest L. Bovnid. Oilier stories that will follow, the dates for which will be alinounecd later, aie: "A Christian Man," by Howard Lo Grande. "Tho Scoptro of tho Coal Chute," by Martin Joyce, "Little Dick, tho Driver Boy, by Duane R. Dills. "Avenged," by Beatrice. "Tho Little Silk Weaver," by Qoorgo Harvey. "The Miner's Pride," by Regina Hotherton. "Dick, the Drivor Boy," by L. Pauline Megargel. "A Summer Holiday," by Abigail Greenough. "And a Little Child Shall Load Them," by Doia Rowe. 'The Haunted Sprigloy," by Mary Nealon. "Misunderstood," by Rose VanB. Speoco. "Cousin Bill." by P. R. Ovid, "The Hero of the Grange Disaster," by James Watkoss. "A Peep Behind the Curtain," by William S. Hoskins. "A Timoly Rescue," by Myrtle Reed. Ai At "Won His Bride in n Coal Mine," by Mrs. L. E. Hammond. el e ("X- cnT- (1 sh ("J- M -J ol- cl- fi j .- rt. J . .. ft- thp Ninth (ieiinan I.lovd have Insui anie funds helow tills Ilginc. On a gieat siip llko tlio Oceanie. the White Stai line takes onlv a p.nt of its In suiaiKe fund, putting the ipt of tlie risk in the hands of some eonipiuj The risk on twin scievvs is small, and that Is one of the ii.imiiis w Iij the single seiew his pi.u tiicillvippu hm ishpil hj- the gtcatcst lines to caio sei v Ice. The lines that piv thp l.ngcst clivi- dpiicls ,111' the Hauijiiiig-Anieiiean, the Nnith (lei in in Move! and the While Stai Tlie last a111111.il dividend ilp claieel bv tlie Jlainliuig-Aineih an was ten pci 1 riit . and that ol the Ninth (ieiinan I.lovd eight and one-halt pei cent The Wliile Stat 01 easionallv de edaies a dividend of fifteen pi 1 cent. Thp earnings ot the ('undid line have been smallei, hut thev will liHicd.sc, is th Iim li is t,one into the i .11 o eai ijing luisliiess on a laige eale. This Is thp estimated value of ships dock ing at Ni w Voile belonging to Ihe chief lines llanibuig-Ainetlian. 1 5.000 000 , Nrutli (Jplinan I.lovd $1.". lltlO.OUO, White Stai, Mj.onoiiiin, "iiii.ii il. fioonn.ouo; Aneilcan, Including Ued Stai, $10,000 -000; 'Atlllltlc Tianspoit, lOonOOOO, Pieiidi. SS.nt'OOOO, 1 loll uid-Ainci lea, 7,000,000 THE TWIN SCREW STEAMER. Economical nnd Smo Compaicd to the Single Sciew, S1111U1 IV Wi oil .11 Villain f Ncatlv all the famous liiipis of tlie wot Id aie twin siKvvs Tlieie ale. however, ,1 few icinai kahle single sciew ships, Willi li aio neailv as swilt as sonic ol the sieat twin mmmis, Notahli' among tliein aie the Cimaid-ei,-, L'nibtli and Dtiuil.i, vvhlidi vveto laiini heel ipspoctlvi'lv in issl and ISs'i. Thev did not develop top speed until they had been alnioit lifteen jeais in soi v lie. 'Ihe White Stat llnois (!et iniinii and liiitaniiii, which vveio built in lTl, and an, tlieie loic, anion,; the oldest .(Ingle s( tw s alloat. have made quicken trips Iiom juiiisinvv u within leicnt jeais than tlnv did when thej wcie new. The chaiae lei Islii s ol the White Slai single snew.i aie their hlcadlness and cluiabilitv Kppiesen tatlves of the line suv that tlie Dill annle will be just as good as sin Is todav piohahlj ten v pais la nee Tin se ships will doiibtleis be the last sin gin sciews of the Willie Stai line 'I he single .-ileus aie luavv coal 1 oiisii nieis, and, In oaso nt tho In caking nl' a shaft, thej hip piaetleallv at tin' IIIPUV o Hip pIpiiiciiIs , Tin twill M'H'lv Is eomi nalivelj eeonmuiedl In I lie use of mil, (oiisldei ing hei gnat spied, Her piopellois maj be used to steoi In 1 ase tho .electing gnu giv.s vv ij 01 the 1 udder Is smashed bv the slupplng of the seas under the (ouiilci. 'I'lieie liavo hppn seveial lustancps when, on 111 1 mint of dainagcd steeling geai or 1 udder the twin ship has guided hei sdt neailj Imlt-waj acioss seas by her prnpellois alone. 'I'hu value ot tlu suovvs as .111 in -(Cssoiy i steeling lias been tuqllPUI ly 1lon1011st1.it d. The most notable case, In whi.li tlie lU'inbillg-Ainori-(iill liner Noimanllo innw the I'-ieiiell llliei I.'Ailllltniliel, b.iinlj missed 1I1 -stiuitioii by i.olllson with nu iec betg, on ill led during hei uulclen, trip nu .May -T, ism. Ti beis liad been drifting down Into Hie steamship lane, enveloped In fog, lor sneuil weeks ('(plain diaries Ilehldi, the cumin ill I pi ot the Noiniaiinlu, thought he was steering a ionise far below the perilous hebetg legion The liner was steaming at the i.ile of about seventeen kuols when the look out on the loiPeastle s iw 11 1,1 out Ihic-cpeakiil lee spe, tie matoilullpo fiom Hie mist Captain llebhll. who wan on the bridge, ohsiivid ilie vision at aliout the same lime the lookouts foi waul shouting w, lining 10 1 In- couimandei tan alt tin iheh llvi-e The (ommanilei shlveied a hit as lie pietuicd the clestiuctloii of lh( slilp against the wall of he lie oidcied Ihe helm put haul e.vei Then he tan to the level eoutiolling the signal to Hie staiho.tul engine lociui and .sig naled to tho engine ci lo stop Hie gicai machine unit loveiso at full sliced The shin swung 11s it she weie pivot ed, just glazing with hei pint side tlie picctpitoiib wall nl the beig one joung woman on tic piomemnlc- ileik, who was bitting near the 1.1II drink 4, ,fc 4, 4, . 4. 4 A At A At, At A Ai (M- pX n Pi c-J i7 i2e sl 2 I i n J i fi. st. i H 1 A ing soup, fancied that the spectacle was ihiellv for her amusement. Sho 11 ached over Hie lail, so she declared, and almost succeeded in patting the be ig She was made awaio of tho dangei when tho swinging stent of tlie ship, assisted bv a Iiptaj- s,well, thumped agilnst the beig, "pilling tlm soup over her diess. The port entai ler gangvvaj- was smashed by thlity tons ot icp that toppled on the deck, and some of the plates on the poi t ciuiitei weie bent. Captain llehicli said that if his ship had been a single suevv theio would, have been littlo hope for her and the 1,:!00 souls aboaiel hei. One piopeller iushlng ono way al full speeed, and the other churn ing the other wav, with the aid of tlie niddei, tinned the ship within her own length. SHOOTING AWAY HAILSTORMS Description of a Combat Between Clouds and Cannon. An actual combat between clouds and cannon is an intciesting spectacle, ajs Kugcne l'( Lvle in Kvetjhodjs Jlagaino. It is innie than llkelj' lo be sthrin.r. Heie is one that piovcd so, though, aft""' all, it was bin .1 lively skiiniish. Thioughoiit the moinlng the sun had hiiined down on tlm beautiful vinejaids of Dcnice Hut lo waids noon hcavj' daik clouds began to climb up sluggishly out ol the southwe't. These vvete the Hist seouls of the onpnij But thej" weie not 1111 epeeteHl. 101 ii bulletin of warning I. ad goi e ot t long hetoie tiom the mote111loglc.il biiieau. It needed only the hiiisliim ot a jellovv fl ig trom the ienli.il station, ond within a few min utes thoieattci all the guns wcie manned. Hut now the foieiunntr of the stoi m had 1 oiled 011 and up to waids the enlth, and 1 lose behind them doweled the solid lil.it I: phaluiu ot the main .11 my ilselt. This was the pinise see ond ten the attack to begin. The eliioetni ol aitilleiv in tho cen tial station give tlie sign it by filing the Hist gun, Tlieie was tho sudden imt ot riialkv smoke and the whist ling nt tlie wliiilwlnd-ilng as It toie into the (iouds. A second gun answei oil, not .".00 j-aids awav, and a new whistling icenfoiiPd tho eljlng awav 01 the thst. In the same Instant the (ottnn-llke patches of smoke bin st nut heie and theie over the vlneyaids and with null came the dull boom and tho angiv note m tho ptojoctlle. On the pait of the eaith the engagement had hei oiiip geneial, As jet tho clouds had niacin nc answer, hut thej" weie lowering anr sullen, ruder them l.i.v the (amp ot the hosoiged. In the gloom tlie long lows of vines seemed a lonelj legion ol' peine, but Hip.v vvoio lepnsing in esliemest peril. I'lider the onilnoiri daikeiilug of the elaj, tho epanso of stillness had tlie rltcct nl cintn hlng a.s in tent. Then innie signs of a distill name 'going oil In the daikest 1 loud, Just nv 01 the vltiej arils It looked like billows of lolling, tossing smoke up theie AH at once It opened, and thtough Hie ritt was tho glorious gold ot thealteiunon sun. At last, hetc was it hiciuh In the euenijs' Hunk. A gun ner below shouted luvoluiitai llj, and till of them wot keel faster and faster jet limit cannon was (.minting two tin fo shots to the minute Other bieaks showed In tho clouds Theio was a moment of wavering, .uul the panic. The daik-binvved Invader bioko and lied, lie scutccinl ton aids the hills and In his icttoat ho sent down a dlsioui.igt'ci vollcj of lain diops. Hindering these sanio vlueynids, not two miles nwuj, tlieie woio othets not pioteiteil by cannon. Heie tlm hull tell lu ilis.isttnus ahuudaiue, ENGLISH LEADS. A little language note is going (In iminds of tin mess, whlih tells what might be culled an Anglo-Saxon tale It Is tliat I'lendi. which used 10 be the wot Id language, has sunk to tho iiink ot tho lit tli, it being spoken bin by n.noo.ooo, next low est Is Spanish, with .looooo'io then (oiiips fioinidtij with 70.00O.00H. Russian, with 50,00,000, while l.'ugllsh Is spoken by nn fewer than 115,000 000, and with every tndi i.itlim that tho lfli.oonooo mark will b 1 cached befoie the ccntuiy Is vcij old H