,A3" st i si,f f. y.,f -. -f'J f c I 3 THE! SOU ANTON TIUBUNE-SATUKDAV, .ll'NJM 1, 11)01, t JK.V-1J... V ! '. "' '' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. fpfcldl to the Heraiilnti Tribune. Montrose, Mny 31. MpiiuhIhI Dny whs flttliml.v observctl In MnnlroHfi yesterday. In tlio early mornlnc the Orand Army of the Republic! post met at the post hull ntid, forming In line, marched to the cemetery nnd planted n IrtrRp grove upon the Brave of each sleeping comrade. The town donned holiday attire and was bright with the national colors! Hiirh m titint,lnr being displayed almost every where. Martial miisln was furnished throughout the day by the Sprlngvllle Cornet band. At MB p. m the Oi-aiitl Army of the Uepuullf post and tin Hons of Veterans vnnip formed mi West Church street and moved up Public avenue to the Snldleis' monu ment, whore, with appropriate cere monies, garlands or evergreens were deposited In memory of those com rades who died on the Imttlelleld, In hospital, or In southern prison pens, nnd fill unknown graves. Crowds of people, many of whom were from otit of town, lined the principal streets when, nt i o'clock, the procession moved from Monument Square to the cemetery. In the following order: Color bearers and colors. Sprlngvllle band,' Kour Hrotliers post, olllcer of the -day commanding: disabled veter ans In carriages, Captain 11, P. t'.cardsley camp, Hons of Veterans, IS. T). Ayres, commanding; Spanish American War veterans, Co. (!, Thir teenth Tlegimcnt, X, f.5. I Captain .1. C Harrington, commanding: Mont rose lodge. Knights of Pythias, II, 1. .tones, chancellor commander: speaker and clergy In carriages, glee club In carriages. At the cemetery, the procession formed a hollow square about tlio grave of Captain .7. I!. Lyons. Vocal selections were rendered by a glee club composed of Messrs. M linger, Ayres, Fanchcr and Hrewster, Misses Post. Harney and Harrington and Mi. Peach. !t"V. I". K. Thomas offeietl prayer. The' usual and beautiful ser vice of the (ii'and Army of the Repub lic was pHi'tlolpat'Ml In by Adjutant P. I. L,ntt, Past Cotnniar.cier ,j, p. Taylor, Di. C. C. Ualsoy and .ludgc D. AS". Senile. Ranks were broken, a tiring f.qi:nd from Company i; (Irod a jniutc to the dead, nnd each soldier' grave was visited and n wie.itli of evcrsreeo and a Imuriuet of flowers were bestowed thereon. The line was again formed, and the march was made to Village Hall, where the fol lowing exercises iccurred. After a song by the glee club, prayei was of fered by Rev. A. I.,. Ilenton, II. D., and there was a brief service by the post. The necrology of the post for the past year was read by the adju tant. Rut one death has occurred, that of Lieutenant Hyde Crocker. Lincoln's Gettysburg address was lead in nn Impressive manner by Ad jutant Lott, and, after another selec tion by the glee club, the orator of the day, A. 'i. Mc.Colluni, esq., was intro duced. Mr. McCollum has an estab lished reputation as an able and en tertaining speaker, and this reputa tion was materially added to by his splendid address yesterday. At the conclusion of the address, the assem blage joined in singing "America." and the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Mr. Thomas. The exercises concluded the duties of the day. save that in the early evening, the post again took up the large (lags deposit ed there in the morning, replacing them with smaller ones. The reported peace conference of Ttepublican leaders at Hallstead proves to have been a myth. Con gressman C. P. Wright and' ex-Regis, ter and Pecorder S. S. Wright were both In Hallstead on Tuesday after noon, but it can be slated positively upon the authority of the gentlemen themselves, that they did not meet nor have they met since last October. An Interesting game of base ball was played on the grounds of the Montrose nine yesterday afternoon, between the local team and the Great P.end team. The visitors drove over, and this necessitated a short game, In order that they might reach home In time for a social function, to oc cur in the evening. Seven innings were played nnd the score was i" to 4 In favor of Montrose. The playing was good on both sides, the Interest was intense, and the best of order prevailed, J. E. Barney was the um pire. Great plans arc being made by the Montrose lodge of Odd Follows, for the observance of their Memorial Day June 11. The orator of the day will be Major General K. C. Deans, of Scranton, department commander of the Patriarchs Militant, a former Montrose boy. Odd Fellows from every lodge in Susquehanna county me expected to be present, Archdencon and Mrs. D. W. Coxe, of Alden, Pn wore guests of .Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Courtrlght in this place this week, Mr, and Mr.". H. A. Deuney have re lumed from Gettysburg. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gustuuis Roth, of Rhode Island, formerly of Scranton. are guests at A. V Cooley's. DURYEA. Memorial day was well observed In this town. In the morning tit in o'clock the Grand Army of the Republic marched to the Murcy cemetcrv, where they decorated the graves of their fallen comrade. Service were after wards conducted by them, In which XXov. Greene gave a very Interesting address. The Junior Order Pulled American Mechanics presented the Bast district nnd central schools with Hans. At l,::o P. m. tlio Troy council, of Wyoming, accompanied by the Wjnniltig baud, gathered on Stephenson street. The Plttston council, acenmpanled by the I.eek Cornet band, soon came, and they were met by tlio Slocum council of Moosic, The parade was soon formed, with the speakers In carriages. The next division was the Leek band, fol lowed by the school children: then the Wyoming band, followed by the differ rnt councils. The programme arranged was an ex cellent one. The first number on Hi programme was given by the l.eek band, followed by the presentation of the flag by J, G. Houser, Bf Wilkes Itane, who delivered an exi client ad dress. The school children Bang sev eral patriotic songs, then the flag was raised to the pole, amid the cheers of the crowd and sweet music by the bands. , Prof. l J. Regan accepted the flags In a very neat address, one that made all thetschool children form u better respect for lilm and one that won him great ciedll from stratiRers. The pro gramme was closed by music Mr. Gayhenrt, of Dtinniotc, removed his family to Richardson's house, on Frail street. The Rrlck church choir held a social on the church lawn on Memorial day, The proceeds were Jii'.IS. This will go toward the church debt. HONESDALE. flpfdal to the ?cmntcin Tribune. Honesdale, May .11, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Gardner, of Scranton, Vis ited the parents of the former yester day. Daniel c. Osborne returned to his home yesterday fiom a business tour of several weeks through the Westein states. Air. and Airs, J. D. Weston returned yesterday from New York city, where they spent the past week. The recent heavy rain has en used n Mood In the Dyberry unprecedented at this .season of the year. The lowlands between Honesdale and the fairgrounds were completely submerged. The AInple City band had a large attendance at their dance In the nr niory last evening. They scored a llnanclal anil social success. After the parade yesterday. Company K inarched to Glen Dyberry cemetery and tired a volley and planted a (lag on the grave of their late captain, Grant W. Lane. They then marched to tlio aitnory, where they were served with noonday rations. The rain yesterday morning Inter fered with the programme that bad been arranged for Memorial day exer cises. The parade was organized In front of the Grand Army of the Re public post rooms, as follows: Alaplo City band: Company 10, Thirteenth regiment: members of the Orand Army of the Republic, on foot nnd in car riages: town council. In carriages, with Major G. II. Whitney as maishal. After a short parade they returned to tlio court house, where the exercises were conducted. A stirring address was delivered liy Rev. .lames P. Ware, of Grace church. THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson. Alay III, The Alemorial day services In Thompson yesterday were very simple and very enjoyable. The post, with a few of the ladies of the Relief corps and a few children, went to the cemetery and. after the ritualistic services. decorated the graves of the soldiers, and then returned to the post room, where a soldiers' love feast was held. J. 11. Wells and wife, of Golden. Col orado, are spending a week or so with his sister. Airs. Lottie Potter, on Jack son street. II. AI. Cole, of Scranton. visited his father. Rev. L. Colo, this week. The continuous rains and the horrid roads prevented Rev, P. R. Tower from getting to West Lenox for Alemorial day, and for the same cause the com pany of young people who had though! to spend the day at that place aban doned their project. Rev. W. II. French and Rev. A. J. Skillett and others of the Free Baptist church are attending their quarterly meeting at Bast Lenox today and over the Sabbath. Yesterday morning parties hailing from Gulf Summit were here in ptir sut of a stolen horse and Its driver, that was but a few hours ahead of them. They were headed for Wayne county. Prof. 10. H. Curtis, of the Oakland school, gave the Alemorial day address at North Jackson, his native place, yesterdav, and there comes over the hill words of high appreciation and praise of libs effort. Rev. A. D. David is announced to preach at Jackson on Sunday morning. F. AI. Lewis was doing business In Susquehanna on Wednesday. TU1NKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tiinkhannock. Alay "1. Services are held every Sunday evening at the lOplscopal church by the new rector, Rev. Cordace, of Plttston. Airs. George Reynolds and daughter, who have been the guests of the family of Captain W. G. Graham for some months past, will start for their home in California today Air, and Airs. Alvln Day, accompani ed by their grand-daughter Aliss Bnnlco Day, of Nicholson, leave on Saturday for a visit to the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo. Rev, J. W.Johnson, of West Nichol son, delivered the Alemorial day ad dress at this place. O. O, lOsser, ex-superintendent of this division of the Lehigh Valley railroad, who has been ill for a long time, is reported to be much worse. Airs Harry DeBue and children, of St. Paul, Minnesota, find Airs. 10. H. llenjanlni, of Scranton, are visiting the family of John J. DePue, on Slocum street, Corey AI, Klshpaugh, formerly of this town, but at present a clerk In the olllee of the Secretary of International Affair, ut lluiTlsbui'K, spent .Memorial dny with his friends here. Little Leah Hums, who lias been a great miiTeivr from lullauiatory rhoii mntism for ihu past two weeks, is no better, Hary Welch, who Is in the employ of the Lehigh Valley company in Sayre, spent Thursday In town, SUSQUEHANNA. Special to Hip Soraiiton TilUme, Susquehanna, Aluy 31. Kill lor II. F. Pride, of the, Journal, spent Thurs day In Union, N, Y. Nelson B. Hiuton, of llliighaniton, spent Thuisday with Susquehanna relatives, The commencement exercises of the Susquehanna High school will be held In the High school building on Thurs day evening, June t. There will be but ono graduate, Aliss Metta Skin ner. A leap year bop will bo held In Hogan Opera House this evening. The Deakln block, Bast Alain street, Is being Improved. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone company has completed Its Ararat, Jackson and Gelatt line, ex cept to string the wires, and the Thompson and New Mllford line Is under construction. Harris' Nlckel-Plute circus will ap pear In Susquehanna on Monday, June 10. It is understood that County Su pcrlntcnilvnt uf Schools Charles B. Atnxlcy, of Hnllstcnd, will be n can didate for re-election. Mr. Moxtey has made n model ofllelnl. The Susquehanna County Fraternal Alliance nnd Industrial Union will meet nt Lenox on Tuesday, June 11. The Bile paid Its Jefferson brunch mines on Tuesday. Air. and Atrs. Angus Smith, esteem ed residents of Starrucca, on Wednes day celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary of their man Inge. Prof. J, L, Richards, of Great Henil. Is said to be n candidate for county superintendent of schools. The musical nnd literary entertain men! held In Hogan Opera House hist evening under tlio auspices of Moody Relief corps, was largely attended nnd n HliccesB In every respect. The several participants acquitted them selves very creditably, and the au dience was welt pleased. The Siisqiirbanna county Grangers will meet nt Rush, June ii nnd (!, The observance of Alemorial Day was In every way creditable. The lOlie shops, the schools and the banks were, closed, A detail from .Moody post, (Irnntl Army or the Republic, In the morning decorated the soldiers' graves In AlcKuii", Laurel Hill and lOvergrcen cemeteries, nnd In the tif let noon those In the (It and St ted cemetery. The public meeting, held In Hogan opeia House In the afternoon, was latgely attended. After the ritualis tic ceremonies of the Grand Army of the Republic, and some preliminary lemurks, Rev. Isaac N. Shlpman, pus tor of the Methodist church, delivered an able, Instructive and most. Interest ing nddiess, which was attentively listened to and frequently applauded. It was an address tnoroughly In keep ing with the day. Tlio Susquehanna hand furnished music for the cere monies of the day. UNIONDALE. Special to !bc Fcranlon Tribune. I'nioiidale, Alay ill. Airs. Bdwnrd Corey, lately attended the funeral of her brother, at Montrose. Hut a short time ago she was called to mourn the death of a sister. During the present week, Hnydcn Aleratlieam, of Wllkes-Rarre, nnd friends, have been pushing the work of prospecting for coal. Last week A. S. Hurdick of Rosc ville, N. J., was the guest of his brother 10. G. Hurdick. L'nlon inemoiiul services were held last Sunday morning in the Presby terian church. Airs. Ida Davenport of Plttston was the guest' of Airs. Natan Firman, Thursday. Rev. Air. Soiiipmler delivered a pro hibition lecture in the Free .Methodist church Wednesday evening. Alemorial day passed off very quietly but very few graves being decorated. Afudrly roads and rains would seem to account for It. Farmers aie having an unpleasant experience, in a reduction in the price of milk. A little smiling time given by old Sol, Thursday afternoon, marie all people good mitured. AVOCA. The school board will leorganlze on Alonday evening. The examination for mine fmemen and assistant of the Third district will be held In the Young .Men's Christian association rooms next Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. Bxnuilnatinns will begin at !) o'clock. .Mrs. John Alitclieli. of South Alain st roe. was called to Tioga county on Thursday, on account of the death of her aunt. The St. Aloystus society will attend 7.i!0 o'clock iiiilss in St. Alury's church tomorrow morning. The funeral of Thomas McAndrew. who was cremated In the fire on Thurs day morning, will take place this af ternoon from the Dougherty residence, lnerment will be in St. .Mary's ceme tery. Alex. Conkley, Airs. AlcCrindle and daughter. Alary, left yesterday and will set sail for Scotland today, wheie they will spend a few months. .Mr. Ferguson, of Allller's Glove, at tempted to commit suicide on Thurs day evening by taking Tiough on Rats. Dr Rorge soon brought him about, During the past few ilajv. he has been acting In a demented manner, threat ening the lives of members of the fam ily. The Bnde.ivor society nf Lnogcliffe church will have n missionary rally to. mo! row evening al ii.3U o'clock. Airs, M. D. Strong, of West Plttston, will speak. Airs. Strong Is president of the Woman's Home Mlwdnnnry society of Lackawanna presbytery. All are in vited. Insomnia is caused by a derangement of the nerves. LIchty's Celery Nerve. Com pound Is an extract of celery combined with other oftlcacious medical Ingredi ents resulting In a nerve medicine of rare vlrtuo.und wonderful In Its prompt and soothing curative effects. It will make you sleep. Sold by Matthews lli-os. THE MARKETS. Wall Btraet lUvlsw. Ni-w Yeik, M.i.v II, -'Hie slc(k liMkol ili'vol- opened ipiitc u buoyant tone lod.iy and the a. liv I i,i- was '.till umber increased, giving I ln market u tioeil ilc.il Hie .iiiic.ii.iiim .ijjjIii Hi. a it iiiu-ieil iluiiiiu' I hi' I'O'ini imidil, Tin. mh'm-iIi Im'cjiiic Mi Kin. ii.l ilnrin; Hi-.' pniKlix nt the il.iy, hut tin1 elicit J- in Ui 1 s,Miiutlii'iu iiml lluivcil fiom tin' luiepii 1 1 ii 1 1 Micnelli ut a few piMin lit'iil Mm!,., 'tin' iiiiii'iii iiuijritiiii' in I In- miii" pull Icil In .1 linn In. Inn tint the iiioii'iimut nt llii- piiliiip.il Mik.U v.i line In npi'i.ilioii, li.v I Ik' llJiiiiii.iii-ltiir'.i'ii'lli'i'liuulil i'IiihuiI .mil u llui.o nf Hie IVnm.ilv.inij iillic.iil In leulhiliiu. Tin- in.iiki'l koi .1 Komi bUit at the aliening mul tin ro were many kiIim i.ui;lmr between one .mi Ihu pulnli', After die piellmindi ii-jclien ilu.' In tlio H-llinu in t-il.e prollts t. the liujiis nt Weilnenl.iy m c hicjijo the nurkct niouil ivrv JUlU'cv'.lH'l.v upw.iiil nn an absorption ul thiiiiuii't bluie luU lliiiinii ilu- icl or the iIj) ilieie nrm suiei"bi ill ii'h'pineim ul similar iiiomiihiiU in oilier Hoc!,, notably I'cnnlvanla, t'nion ',iii. He, Niulliein I'm me, .Missouri Pacific ami ihp Soi.lhui. ijIIh.i.v tmk. Tin- Inojnir ol Ah la wn i.iiiie from many comic, appirrntlv in nn cfloil to ilik-iil.c iu nrisiln, but I he prmuh-nt opinion w.n lli.il a laigo part of it wa for I'liil.u'clplila ai i mint an I in tin- inleie.l of the l'oiiiiA,ilt,iliia lallin.Hl, A larne fpmiUtitr pool was ii Nn in iir in I he toik anil lielpcil aioni, tlio ,iiuue In manipulation. The huvin- n( hoiillicin iiiiIh.iv a .ittrllmlnl to the .inio .uuirc, ami lontvl.nt piciilctinns (ir licanl that ti n mum ( mint uoiilil oon he made if i'liiu il,ini.i luntinl hi I he company, The abau.'s In Atihlfiiii icaibeil 5U; in the prcfeiieil, 2Rij I'cim-j Hdiiia, :Uj an I Southern railway, 3-U a-i a lisull of tills IiiijIuc, 'Hie movement In i-oiilh. em Pacific ami the soutlmotcriii was almot lmpic."iv', I nlon Pacini- iMur an r.tremu Hi; Koii-js anil Ti'a. pri'lci I cil, 3?i; Southern I'acillc, ."?;, ami Missouri Pacini;, 3, Tlio street was full ol well ilellued rumors that a icttlemcnt bail been axiccil upon between I he contcmlini; inter. t'4U In Noitbcin Pacific uhiih would result in I'M n Mronjjcr coii'litioni in the railroad work) Hun at pifMiit, New York ienlr.il rose '2 and Ualtimoie and Ohio, U'i, apparently in i-j mp.it In with I'liiusjlunij. Tlio so-called greater tllusoin'l I'atitlc retained its lull force rs a failor. The derided streniilli o( tlio United Mates .Steel jloeks also had a coniiderable Intluence. Thcic was talk ot an rally dividend on the cuinmnu Uoik. It aihamcd and the preferred 2ft. Amalgamated Cupper iim! neaily I points, but ic-arlcd laler and dosed with a net (,-aiu vf lens than tuu point. There weie calm o( fiom 2 In lit In number of other IndmilrliiM. l-itnimlllo and Tcrip lloiile rmo "14. Total ale todaji l,IM,loo Miairn. Ilnmh li,nril In the utrtngth of llio tock m.iikct nn n toiitlileiable vohmine ol ileallns'. Tnt.il Mies par Ulue, Ml,'l.'i,lliil. Ifnlted Stale rrfumliiiK it iitliaiKcil H per tcnl, nn the but (..ill, The following ininbltloM Tribune by M, S. .loril.ni k mr furnUlieil 1'lK Co.,. Mnnn T05-700 Telepbono 600.lt lliuh- Low CI.-H-et, rt, lii(t. iiai. iti.it ti? Meant bitlldincr, Scrmitoti, Pa, Open' mr. American Suwr Il'ii Amrr. 'I'nl '.Kin , I . i"i i j tiliNon ...,..,,, .'H All liNon, Pr rnn llrook. Trail Ion In?, tl.ilt, A- llliin III., Conl. Tntiaivn Irtlfc t'lifd. ,'. ttlili 1'H.i fill,, ,V llieat Went t! M. I'aitl Kll Hoik Maud .....I.V. Del. k llu.i.xui ..Iilit Knit, k Tev V .VMS, l.ouli, ,V S'nb lotli Man. lili'iiUcd HUH Mrt. Ttnrllnn Hi'l4 MN'n. IMillm I07U So. I'lllflC '. .1:1 N'oitoll, , Wcitein .. ... olTn V. V. LVnti.ll I SI lint, k Wi.U lil'd I'l'llll-Vll.llll.l Il.'l I'acllb' Mall .".?'i llciiliiu: Hi It llciliiiK lly IT Tll'i Soillbern It. It :ii'.. imlb.'tn It, It., Pr M Tenii. Coal k Iron S I S. LraUier ll'i f. s. Ualliri-, IT ". I'. .. Itiihliir -'I l'nlon Pacific Ifl'.'i I'nliui I'.iiinc, IT. '"I Wjbi.li, IT (. Wo.tiin Inliin P.! fnl. furl .S; lion nn Amil, foptirr IIT I'uiplc'i I.'.h ....1IIU Lrln t Kilo. IT l.!i I ,il. Soiillicrn 1'i'ji Ti.s.m P.icillc IT Am. Cil' foundry '.S C. H. Sleel fo 17 I'. S. Steel Co., IT TO NUW UlttK OHAIS l!W l:M ,j-,n ' ," . ' HIT i'A so. H tl'Pi TiiTA ini'A I'V.i 1illA 77Ji 1 111', 11'h l!li oil, tli-JI'l I. VI ll.S'i t'i iU iii'i It'll Pill Ji'i lllHn I VI Iffli !t 'n till Lllll lillli u: it-.'va ' inili mm mi 117 I HI 117 II. ."'.'Vs II I u nun IW'Ta 1i.nl., liri-U lU'l llil Itlfli V..1! .".'Ill ItX-n (IS 'I ft! LUU i nit; li :i7',l .!? i'l't b'rt nn'S H'.a 7!ir; !if I0si PO'l 1.11 t'l'l t'7'a If It.'."! 1!! 'i ii'",; i.ri l7-''i JSU tMi !'"',i Clo. In. snu 771a t'l 1!' ., ! ,VI1 Wli l.ll.'fc nm IIS 'IH'.i i! 1 1 ret"; sn 1114 It'll Ml :i l'Ms pni; ni'i id l-'0-'- 1 1'v'i r!i ii'.i'i i.i'fi 4i'"i -'.il n;'i 'I "1 Vdh .-.Hi H.1 M i'.U TI.' I MI- S.1 .11 H'i til J I lll'i SIlU. II mi 117 lll'i II 'a rw'i 1.1 17 Ji'i, W i MAitKirr. Oion' Ins. ;n IliRh. Low H'HLAT. Job- Stpl I URN. .lulv Srpt rit rsf 77'h ii 771. .. 1!' II 19 IS IS?. Scranton Ecard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. First Motional Dank 121K) Scranton Savings Bank J50 Third National Bank 4fiu Dime Deposit and Di.-count Bank.. 275 Economy Light. 1L & l'Co Uika. Trust Safe Deposit Co 150 Clark k Snover Co., Pr JiJ Scranton Iron Fence & iitg. Co. Scranton Axle Work Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr County Saviiicii Bank k Trut Co.. 300 first Nation il Rank (Carbomlale) Standard Urlllinir Co T'acleM' Naiinmil II ink 17." Siranton Holt and Nut Co 100 I'li.pli'S Brink 1C0 New Mc-lm By- f- t'o BONDS. Scranton PM-engcr Hallway, first MortB-RC. due tO'20 115 Pcople'a Street Hallway, first mort- fiai!e. due 1918 113 People's Street Hallway, Ocncral mortgage, duo VJil 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Towmhip Sclioot u per cent. ... City ol Scranton St. Imp. 8 per cent Scranton Traction 6 per cent 115 Asked. 46 100 05 20 100 10J 102 Scranton Wholesale Market. CCori-i 1 1 nt liv II. Ii. Hale. X Lackawanna, A '.".) SI". lUiltii-l'ir".i, '(UrJOljc. : dairy, fie-li, l!)!ia Chri'fP-Fiill cream, new, lli'.jallc. IIkks We-lein lreh, ll'.satoc.: nearby s-l I.l','.al'lf.. Bc.in-IVr bii'-hel. clioiir inanovi-, jJ.iiOaJ.n I'ea BcansITr lui'-liei, ilioicc manow, J 2.1'n. Mrdiiim Beans- Per InbhcN. .i tO.i'5!. 13. (item I'eas Per bii-liclis. l. 10.i$l.". i-'lotii' Bet lialcnt. per bariol, $1.13. lied Kidney Beam Per limbo!, !". Ila'f.'.sn. l'..tatui'S Per buliel, r,.Vi7(l.;. Ibrmiula Onnms Per Inithel. '.LSOafl.dO. ate, ', 5.1.1 Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia, Miy .'II. -Wheal Finn, ninliact iriaiic June, 7ct7! . fnru film; n. 2 mieil lone, IT-Jialse. Onal Mc.nl, : No. 2 wliitu clipper, ill'-ia:",!'. Itutlii trad, : t.ini'.v we-t-em ucaniei.i, l!'2i'.; do. do. prints, 2Hi'.: do. m.iiby do., 21c. Kstf.s -Meady; frih nearby, I-'!',::; do. western, I. Phalli'.: do. southwestern, 12' jc. ; do. southern, I'!. (' lieeso Firm, uond demand; letined suar.3, 15 points hiuer; i uln's, 5.01; ciown A, 5.75; powdeied, .r5..Vi; Ki.inu. laud and ci.i.siai A, 5.."i; confeclioneis A, W.20; No. 1. IJ.05; down In He. tor No-. II, 15 e.nd 111. Cnllou fneb. insi'd. Tallow luiel ; ily piime in lihds, llial'si'. ; country do. do. barrels, I'ia I'll'.; cakes, ."'la.i'ic. I.iio I'oultiy Dull and cisiei ; fouN, 10c; e. ieption.il Inls, lll'ii'.; "Id mosti-ix, 7c; spring tliiikeus, 17.125c, iKioidintr l sie; dmk'f, IV, Dieoil I'oultiy teail ; lair ib inand. fowls, iboiic, Hk',; do, fair to isond Pa'-c: old rous.-lei-, ii'.i7i'.; inaslinp; ihickcn fiorn, Haiti.; tmkeys hoen, tn.il'Je. Ueii'ipN IToiir- l.im ban.'!- ami S.S'ri.iliin pounds in f-aik; wheat, S.omJ- nun, ,'i7,0il bush els; run, .'I.IKM. Sliipmeiits- luai 23.00H bu-li-eis; coin, 25,IVI(lj o.ll, 0.iV)l). New York Grain and Produce. New Voik, May .11, -flour- Mole aitiw and til iiiir Willi w licit. Wheat t-pol Mini; No. 2 led, N'l'a I', o. Ii, atloat; 'o. 2 ml, M's elrinioi; No. I Niutlu'in Duliitli. Si's f. o, Ii, .itlo.il. 0i lions Kcneinlly film all lat and iln.nl bightr; Inly cIiikoiI SO',1; t-eit., 77'i. loni iot steady, No. 2, .'ill's f. o. I, atloat. Options quiet, hut film. ( luM'il steady and U icnt net hUlu'i, .Inly clo-ed, -t'l; Sept. II'. Oats iot (pilot; No. 2, .Tic: No. II, ai'si'.: No. 2 white, .1:!e. ; No. :i while, ,12Vsc, i track mii'd we.U'in, ;l2.i:)lc; tr.nk wlille, .1.,:,i;ii'. Options iliill, but Him. But tor ficamery, 15.i1IV.; I'actoiy, 1l.i;i',ic.; imita tion ireamery, bi'.sal?'.; .stale dairy, ljalSc fbee?o I'lrni; famy lare coloied, (ZaSic ; do. i li. while, MjaSZi'.: iaii", small Loloied, l"V'(a'.; do. do. white, ll'i. I.'irrfs film: -late and Penii. k.ibonia, PI'-.-c, ; wcslcin uimudcd, ll'.sJl'J'jc ; we-tein selccled, Hiali'sc, Clilcnpo Grain ant: Produce. fliiiiiao. Mac tll.-'llie weilhrr coiisllliited Ihe must piilout fai'loi- in lodaj's wheat maiket, .Inly wheat claiui! Tlc. hlRher, .lull coin closeil '.no! Iiiiihrr, 'lulj o.ils, '.sc lower, nnd pioiisions a sliade to 5c, lower, I'asli qitol.it ii'll- weie ,i follows: I'limi -Quiet; No. 2 spiius, 75"ia"ii"i( . ; No, 'I, il'ii'.; No. 2 led. 7l.i75Uc. ; No. 2 inin, 4l.il2!ii',; No, 2 ,cllmv, 12in1IZc,; No. 2 oata, -'.sij.i'ii,; No. 2 while, ; No. .", wliile, 2S'jt 2li',ii',i No, 2 ije, 52'i.c ; aood teedini; barley, bla.'ilK. ; fair to choice ni.illlnv SlaSJc ; No. I flax sitsl. M.TOi No. I noitliiicstcrii, ifl.7U; piiin.' liniotliv seed, S2.IKIa:i.tU; im-n polk, fll,liS.itt;n; laid, is-,;iaaS.27',i; liort riln sides, .SOaSOd; diy salred shoulders, Ii?in7i',; short ilear .idc, Ni.l-J's'i.vJSs whiskey, umhansed, Chlcnf-n Live Stock Market. CliiCiiKO, May 3L Cattle Heceipls, 'J.mio; ileei, lioii(r, active; iholeo cowc, hteaiy, otheis .slow, tlood to prime ti-ei, iNJ.taii.OS; poor to mt ilium, ft.0a5.!i0; Mnikcis and leedeis, weak, ijslaL'JO; cow-s, 2,Soal.sr, heifers, sKULUOj can. mis, if'J.23a2.SS; bulls, rboiie, steady, nthcis luw, f.lall.tO; calves, flali.lS; Texas fed btceis, lft.21.1.1,10: Texts bulls. $2.73a.1,f3, ' IIors -Hcceipts today, ,000; tomorrow, 17. Wa), About steady, closing easier. Tup, i'UlO; iiiueil and butcbera, f1.7Da5.l)j; good to chohr heavy, .ts.SOaO; roujrh heavy, $5.UJa3.7.'i; llslit, .iioiincr, $3,05a5.t)0; bulk ot Riles, $3,82!;a5.l2lu. sihei'ii Iteoeipta, 4,000; cheep and lambs choice, kleadv; others slow, flood to choice welhem, s.:i.-i,i.); fair to choieo mixed, $1. Hill. in ; wcMrrn sheep, 94.40a4.CO; yearlings, $; native lambs, $la5.65j wastern lambs, 9-la.V li". fast Liberty, ilay ,'il. Cattle Steady; elia, (5.!.'ial.no; prime, ta.fi0a575; good, U.aiaVSO, IIori Active; prime heavy, $rt.0a(l.in; m,.,i. lima, ffatl.l2Vii 'est yorkera, fi.fl3a(l liuln do,, ri,t0a3,u,-i; pis, fj.83a3.0j skips, p. 75a 1. 2.1; iookIh, $lat.oO. (Iieep steady; best weathern, fLSOaLM; cbone. lambs, $.5.25a'i.tO; common to good, if.l.jna'i.ilo; ual lalKS, 5.50a6. New York Live Stock, New Yoik, May 3L Beeves Good demand, but seirn 10 cents lower; bulla and cow, steady; sherd, 83ail.lO; bulla, $.'M0aL50; extra, $l.75a(.IA); lows, 9J.SlXi1.R5. Calves Market 15a-23c, hlRher; veals, 9la0; choice, 90.15; buttennilks, nominal, Miecp In light supply and steady; yearlings, 23a:i5f. lower; lambs, tlow at (I5a50c. lower than Wednesday; kheep, flal.50; yearIlnK3, 9l,SOa5.(i5; two cara wooled do., 90.20; Iambi, 93.55a5S0. Ilogi, Jlaiket firm at 95.03a0.25. Oil Maiket. nil fily, May !!L Credit balamw. 91.0.5; ter tltlcatcs, no bid; shipments, lTD.s.'i.'; uvcrasc, 5U.027. Huns, 215,131; au'tab-e, S,2U. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Llnesi s Cent lor Kecli llxtt Line. For Bent, WAJHfcf-Bis For Rent. About 1200 feet offloor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacUiring. In cluding heat, light and power. Knquire at office of The Tribune. MO XIIAIt IIIAMtlS'll I'LA'If. &eien mom bn,'"J. See ILiiUel, JHI.511 llfNMtllli:, Six room house. See Hack ed. fM2--l'i:VrR.ti CITV. SK room hnilsf. See llaikett. SIJ.BD-.NLAIt I'llTllltsliriHI. M room home. See llactsclt. Ml XAT Al'd MKTItlN". Moilein house In ion!, Pee flntf.ni. 911 rH.vrilM. ril'V. Modem liouse In lomi. Si i? Dai krtt, 9L1-f'KNTILM, nt'V. Soien room lioiw. Ilaik ell, Trice linlhllnt-. 91R-.VAV Affi sIX'l'ION'. Modern sliiRle lioii'c. See llaekett. AI.I-dltLI'.V ItllKii:. Slv room? ami bath. See llockett. MI-t'lINTflAL CITV. Six rooms and li.ilh. See lliickett. 9.1-lirXMtllli:. Throe rooms. See Hacked, Price tniitdinir.. 9'JO SAV ALT! SIXTKIN. Viry riesiiable home. Sc Hackelt. 922 CKNTIIAL CITY. Kisht loom modern home. Sri- llaikett. .2- CLNTIIAL CITY. Desirable i inner resident e. sei llackett. 925 lillllKN Kllltli:. Moilein ste.ini-be.ili'd lioii.c. See llackett. ?-.M dllXTHAIi CITY. Near Pine, modem ten room lintKe, I Lit Lett. 92.1-UIII'.r.N' nilllfi:. Modern "inalo Iioiim'. Il.n kett, Pilie hnildim;. $25 ("CM HAL CITY. Cornel- lion'. Modem. lfackett. Plite hiiihllmr. 925-QriTi: CKXTItAL. .Modem and desiiable llaekett, Priio lull Irliiijr. f25-il'ITi: CKNTItAL. Near Mulbriiy, nioilein. lbiiki'lt, Pilie ImlldlnK. $:ii-"Tlli: HILL." single, modeiii hmi-e. Il.uk. ell, I'riio biiildinc. ifiill "Till: HILL." Vndetn nine loom Inni-e. llaikett, Piirc biiildins. 9(!0--"TIII! HILL." Hi'slrablc modem house. Ilai kett, Pi ice linlblins. S:;n AHAMs. AVIlSl'll. Moilein ten loom li'Mi-i-. Sec ll.n kett. WO XAY AIT! .sKC'l II1X. Veiy ile-ii.ible moduiu lion-e. ibickett. $.15- "Till: HILL." Modem, single, t.cle mom Inni.e. Il.'li'kelt. 910-m'ITi: Ci:TltL. Iie-ii.lblc, eleven rooms, modcin. See IbiLketl. 9ir-IXCI.I'DIX(l STi:.M IIIIAT. One of tlio flu. od .mi lamest hnnc in tile central city. Hacked. 9I1.hiI-IM;HTIIXO STi:M. A ci. ileli-.ible eleven loom house. (Juile cenlnil. Il.iikitl. $.Hi-l ITI! Ci:XTIt.L. Hue of Ihe I.nw.1 and besi loi.itod sincle liones on "'I lie Hill." llaikett. 1'LTtXISIIKIl IIOI'SLS-Ccnfi.il Cily .mil (.'lien ltiile,o..W up. See lbuketl. KL'nXISIILI) IIOl'i:s-tireen IlidRO .mil Central City. See llackett. STOItKS l'-()lt Itll.NT If von wi-li one se- lbuk etl. MTICI'S I'Olt HUNT If you wMi one sre ll.u k elt. n.MIXS roil lli:XT If jnn wib one -e,. Haikeit. STOm: AMI illfici:, in; nnd pvi Wjomina aie line. Steam lie.it and janitor sen ice, fle-.t business location in the ienli.ll cili. See W. T. lljikell, Pi be biiildintr. ITU! l!i:XT A ten loom faun hoii.e. with bain, garden and fruit; between (laik'n Summit and AV.ueili; 11 minute, to statim, lieo, II. Stcven.-on, tounty mrvevoiV uftiie, com I hoii'e. I-'OII IILXT-liiooni house, minor Wayne avenn and Pult'.iin lrerl; hot and inbl w.iiei, none but siiuli famllv need jnply. 1711:1 W.ihic aienue. R!9 ntlKIJ.V miim: STRKLT, ten room?, modem impioicnients; steam heat luinUlied; desir desirable. Tor Sale. FOIt SALi:. Clinkei'buili, loiinil bottom and Hal bottom li-hlnK boat. . A. Packeied and .1. l.'mtiF, coiner Uicuy and Fuiutli sttcrlsi, Dunmoie, Pa. Furnished Itooms. N'iniLV ITKMMII'.D flout parlor, siiii.iblo Im two, k.is and liilh, Mrs. Maillon.ild, olS Pine .sin el, I'On UIIXT-Ono butro furnished fiont loom; al-so one side mom, 3:17 Adams avenue. Boarders Wanted. MMMI'.ll nOAlllHIIIS WAXTLD -Xli i: locitimi; beautiful (tune aloiiR ihe watei. Addic-ii Mm. IV. Ik, bo SI5, Mo-uiw, Pa, WANTUfl-Table boarders. Jin. Tompkln. fill iiusiiiOniuii uviiiiie. Booms nnd Board. LAI10C. front room with lioaiil for two gentle. men, iiu ,iuama avenue. Wanted To Exchange, I WISH TO II.XCIIANfii: a wood biilld!uK lot at Po.vntellc, Pa,, on the O, k IV, It, It,, for a itcntle lioiM', liaines.i and vantage. Address llo ;I07, Koicst Cil, Pa, Honey to Loan. MOXKY to loan on Improved cily real estate, IIKXHY ULLI.V. Jit. CHAS. II. WKLLKS. THOMAS SPItAlTUE. 9.!.K,u00 TO LOAX-Lowest rateat ttraisht or niontl.ly payments. Stark & Co,,Tvadcvs' bids. AXV AMOL'XT 0' MOXI1Y TO LOA.V-QuUW, ttial;;l.t leans or Diilldins and Loan. At from l to 0 per cent. Call on X. V, Walker, 31 Mil Conncll bulldinir. Situations Wanted. fOCXli WIUHX wants pofltlau it an ad. wilier in dry goodj or turniturc iture iu this city. llNpeilcnce and belt ol refeience, il. W., -M WathiiiRton avenue, OrXO MAX desires tleiual posltionj willing to make hiinacit meftil. Enoch, Tribune office. 1VAXTL11 Position by a young nun, age 21 at bookkeeper or aaistanl and typewriter! where vood hard woik calli for ailvaincinent. Xo experience except 4 thorough inirineai tollo"c trainliig; tan Blvo rclercme aa to character; am willini; to go anywhere in thU ttale whcic Strict attention to busincu will be appreciated j good penman; correspondence solicited. Addic.ss Wcs ley V Weaicr, Lopej, &u..ian count, Pj. 3 More Wanted. ASTI'.ll- Coplei nf su.iiitnii Trlbmio fur u.', -ji, eii, i aim ', is'U'. Mi.iiiion iniiuue lliilu ntllic Kelp Wanted Male. WANTKII Tlmiert and rornlii' wotker." .iinl liicl.il tolling IniiiiU, watte', ill'-a feiili per hour, ipl,i ul onio, S, Keigblev. Metal Celb ln and M-iiuNi tilling Co., Sill l.neut itreet, Pittsburg, Pa, WAXTLH S,iIpmii"ii, traveling or local i weekly -alary pal'l. Ilenlik Sied Co., Iloihcitcr, X. V.' Help Wanted Female. ASTI'.ll -l)lh'W.ilirr ill the (li.ni'l lVnti.il Hotel. WANTliT) -t "ook unit allclicn girl. Apply .it on. e. tit" W.voming aiemii'. WA.N'ILD- A leionil girl! must be good willtu-w. Apply 1012 Vine Mice!. (Hill. HAXTLII-I'iir general Imu-cwnik- In small family, 317 obtci avenue. Agents Wanted. mi.ii-niivi v i nt. ii iinii!vS for ciitJnc be rie, fitillt mid vi'Ael.ible! will keep until imoiI. Call for inst rui t Inn- al MS Pine lreet. All kliidi of (.imilng d.'iu to Older. Aseiil wanleil. Salesmen Wanted. 'iVAXTLII -Salesman; ?7.i montlilv and eupenwi; peimainiit. Piny .Nursciy Co., Itnelicatei, X. Y. BRANCH WANT 0FF10KS. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City Al.llLItT SCIIU'TZ. corner Mulbeiry i.tieet and Webster avenue. liUSl-.W PICHI.L, 1150 Adams avenue. West Side (ICOItfli; W. .IKXKI.Ms. tUl South Main avenue. South Scranton FltLll L. ILItl'l'i:, 72J Cedar avenue. North Scranton OLD. IV. DAVIS, (inner Xoilh Main avenue and Market <cct. Green Eidgo CIIAni.llS P. .lOXLS. 15J7 Dickson avcnni'. I'. ,1. .IOIIXS, Ittil (iieru Itbise slicet. t.'. I.Oi:i:XZ, (orner Wiishinijluii live Hue and Mation sttcct. Petersburg W. II. KXLITLL. UU7 Irving avenue. JJunmore j. (i. noxi: k so.v. Real Estate. Wi: lll'IT'.l! ITM: SALI.' llio following luigama ill Wist P.uk on Sihlager boiilevanl: due lol 50ti:;n. iiiinee of alloy. One lol (.lib! mini- of llromley avenun. A hue ioloni.ll liiui-e with lol .HKPiil, all im-proienienls-, handsomely p.ipeied. double lot, Hide l'.iilc avenue. S0',2sil feet, only SI, mm. ' CIIV-. St.'III.ACLK, .Pil-I'js Wa-hington avenue. IIAIil.'MXS IX Ccnliiil Cily lionii"'. W. T. Hack ed, Pilte biiiliiing. HAItllAlXS in We-t .side liomc-. W. T. Il.ukctt, I'riio biilldlns. IIAIHLMXS In Ninlli sidis lionies. W. T, Hack ed, Price liulldiiig. UAUtiAIXS in I.Tcen Itidgc homes. W. T, llaik ett. Pi ice liiiiiding. IIAIKiAIXS In Diuimoro homes. IV. T. Hacked, Piico building. UAIllt.MNs. in Xay Aug .section. Seo llackett, Piico building. ILMtti.MXS in D.illou and other niibuilian liomei. ll.u ketl. Price building. IIAIItiAIXs. !n taini pioticities. Seo llackett, i'liio liiiildins. IIAlll.'AIXs in double lioii-e. All pads of cily. Inked, I'liio liiiilrliiig. HAIKiALNS in .ingle home.-.. All pads of city, ll.iikeit, Pilie liiiiiding. llAlldAIXS In lol.s. All pails of cily and Dnn more, ll.u kett. IIAIK.'AINS In busiiie-s piopeities. I'liio liiiiiding. Sec llaikett, 111 -ilMI.sS PliOI'KIlTV tor sale, or will take a residence in part pa.imont. V. T. llackett, Pi ice building. I'Olt SALI! -Summer lod.ige. with one acre giouuil. 1'iiie fruit; good water; live minutes fiom (Hfiilinri: tl.Uinn D., L. k W, It. II. Mrd, 1'. C. Hall, (ileiiliuin, Pa. 91,100-niivs sl.vrootn, single house, good well. Lot i)ri20il, Seianton ttrcct, Dalton, Pa. Well k Keillor. 91,'iO-nui building lot, I0I50. Wheeler ave line. Weils k Hooter, llurr Ilullding. 92.(K)n -llujs double house, 7 rooms on a side, all impiovcmrnl.s, exicpt gas. Dean street, I'iovL deiiie. Willi k Keator. Lost. LOST gold ihaln necl...i(e, with a head at. laihed, beliveiii Xo. Hi school, Chestnut Mieel and lonas Lung's lon. Finder will pleasu hi in ti to Miss lleclilold, liu N. Ninth Btreet. LEGAL. sr.AI.LD PliOPOSALS will bo leicived at the ollue of the 6ecietar ol the Scranton Iloaid of Colli i ol until 7,110 o'clock ITiday eveniiuT. .Itine "ill, imil, for Installing the heating and ventilating i-ystcnis in the followinff public bchool bulldlngii, lU; Xew Xo. 20, to bo located in the Twcnlv-lust ward; new No. 20, to bo located In tlio hiuli waid. and new No, SO, to bo located in llio 1'liat ward. All in accordance with jilani and specifications in the liandi of the engineer ot the boaul, John J, Hani. M. E who can bo sein at hia oltlco in the Williams building, oppo. site tlio postotlice, Scranton, l'a daily from b un. til O.iiO a. ra. and from l.M tn 3 p. m. illda for each building shall bo In a feparaln enclosure and plainly marked on the outside of the envelope with the name ol the bidder and alio tho number of the building, A emu equal to at least live per cent, of tho bid, in cauli or certified check, elull be enclosed with each bid, which sum fchall be forfeited to the school dUtrict in case of refusal or omission on the nut ol the eiiccetAfnl bidder to cvecute contract within ten days after the awarding of tho same. No bid will be lead or considered which falls to comply with tbi- requirement. Ten per cent, of the contract price will be re tained by the school district for one year after the completion of the e.yslcm. If tlio same shall prove sathfaUory, final painent will then bo made to llio contiactor, .No interest to be there on. If the system shall not piovo sati.faiiory to the board ol control, said sum will be used to complete the plant. , The board icscrvcs the light to reject any or all bid. Hy older of the Scranton Hoard of Control, LTCib'Xr: I). I'LLI.OWS, Secretary, SITUATIONS WANTED MRI:E. LsTATi: 01' JAMI'.S CI.I.IS, late of the Itorough of Dunmoie, County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration upon Ihe above estate laving been gi anted to the undersigned, all pct' soui indebted llieirto will plciso make pinmpt pjvimnt, and those lining claiim against t tic estate will present them tor payment to IflllX W. KI.I.IS, DAV'lOX i:i.i.i. Adnilniitiator, tf DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Thn Pour Llne, o Cent for lih Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Cortlflcd Public Accountant. LDWAIHl C, SPMLDIXU, a) TltADLIlS BANK Hlllllllllg, Architects KIIWAIH) II. DAVIS, AltOIIITLCT, CONNELL building. t'iH:iii:iiicF"L77iitowx, aiicil n itHAti I .alii In l:tliange llldg., I'Jil Washington ve. Dentists, int. o. ij. i:iLt:xiii:i!fii:n, pauli tunLDiNaT Spruce sticcl, Sir.intuii. Hit. C. 0. LAUUACII, lt.1 WVOMtXO AVtlNUli. lawyers. I'lJANK II, llOVI.i:. ATTOItXIlY.AT-LAW. Iloomi 12, II, in and IS Ilmr building. V. K. TILUlV.ATT'V.COMMO.SWiUt.TII tlLDt. 11. 11. ItllPLOtlLi:. AITOILX'LY-LOAXS NLOO. lliiteil on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington u venue and Spruce street. WILLAUD. WAllllllX k KXAPP, A1TORXBY3 and counsellora-at'laiv, llepublican building, Waslilngtiiu avenue. JLSstJP k JLSSIJP, ATTOltNKYS AXI) COtlX-Mllora-at'lavv. Commonncalth building, Rooini 19, 20 and 21. LDWAIID W. TIIAYLIt, ArroitXIlY. ROOMf 00;.'-tXll, nth floor. Jleai.i building. L. A. WATHI'lH. ATTOItXLY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTIirthOX k WILCOX, TRADEKS' KATIO.VAIi Hank building. O. COMEHYS, 9-ia linPIJIll.lGAX RUILDIXO. A. W. RI'.ltTIIOLP, Ol'l'TCE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wonilng avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. Illl. W. K. ALLEN, OU NORTH WASUINO.TOM avenue. Dlt. S. V. I.'AMORIIAUX, OKKICIl 3.W WASH, ingtnn avenue. Residence, IMS Mulberry. Chronic disease, lungs', heart, kidneys tnol genitourinary organs' a specialty. Hours, f. to 4 p. m. 11 1 Hotels and Besturants. THE ly.K CAI-E, 125 AXD 127 FRANKLM avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. TAH. eiiger depot. (.'ondurted on the Europe j m plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. II. ItRIUCiS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ANfi toss pools; no odor; only impiovcd pumps used. A. B. tlrigg.i, tirotirictor. Leave orders 1110) North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug store, oor ner Adams and Mulbeiry. Both telephones. Seeds. 0. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUR3 ervnicn, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1050 North Main avenue; itora tela phone, 7S2. ' -rz j Wire Screens. J JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOB CHILDREN TO ORDER: alo ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, Sd2l Adams avenue. MEfiARCJEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EX- elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKESRARRB RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Itelsni.iu Bros., 400 Spruce and 603 Linden: M. Norton. i-22 Lackawanna, avenue; I 6 gchutzert 211 bpnicc strcei. Political. FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Notice is here by given to the Republican voters of tlio First legislative district of Lackawanna county that a primary election will bo held on Satin day, June 8, 11)01, at the regular polling phuc, between tho hours of 4 and 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing tvo delegates to repre sent tho said legislative district in tho comin? Republican state convention to, be held in llar risburg. Tho convention to compute the von will be held on Tuesday, June II, 1001, at 1.1 o'clock a. in. in Cooperative hall, N'oith Main avenue, in Scranton. In' accordance witti the rules governing lln district, the candidates will bo voted for iliirt.ll.. liv the voters nt the polls nnd must register w'ith the district chairman his full name anil postofiico address, snd pay his assessment fifteen days before tho election, or his name will inn b,, placed on the oltleial ballot, neither will aiu votes cast for him be counted. The district vigilance committee in various pie-, cincts will conduct the election, and the rcsiilu will bo reported by the return judge In tlio di., ' trlct convention, which will be composed o judges of the various distiicts. A written notice containing further instruction will be mailed to eaeli member of the said du. tiict Ugilanee committee. (7. -V. Jenkins. Chairman First Legislative DistilcC 1 Xttest; Waller Simpson, Secretaiy. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTIIICT-.Votiee Ii hereby given that tho Republican standing committee of the Third Legislative district of Lackawanna county, bat fixed Saturday, tho 2n,i day of June, lOol, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. as the time for holding Hie prim.uiiss lor the election of delegates to tho stite convention, and Tuesday, the 25th, at 2 p. ill., as the daW of the convention of return judges. "Each candidate inuat register hit full amis and piiitolbce addrcst with the rhaliiinn or secretary and shall pay his assessment at le.ct twenty clays be torn the primary election, or Ins r.ame will not bo printed on the ballot," Should no more than tlio ion,ulrc(l number of candidates reglter, the chaiiinan and snretaiv shall declare the person fcn rcgisteicd tn be Ihu duly elected delegates in piirsiiamo of the pro. visions of Rule ill. Hy order of . OSCAR VANIIl'SKIIIK, Chairman, i Attest; .T. Ik WATKIXS, Sccietaiy, Scranton, Pa,, May 18, 1D0I, AjrvCML4 OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Rarn Bin .Monthly nrrrni Returns. Dfcol! Tlio Investor's Fund PayaSenil-nionthly, The oldest established In Amerku, Jv'u (oillfliate holder has ever lost a icnt. Payments made to, all Riibai libera every 1,1 ilaj-j. Nn linulile. Nn delay. Money irfunded on ileuund. Wilts to. day for particulars, flee lo any adilrcn, t 1!. Mackcy k Co., IIudon Hld'g., New 'oil;. Bond Offerings. Paying 3J to 5 HrooKlyn Kdlson 1st 4s, Ches, &. Ohio, It. .t A. Dlv, 1st Con. is, Kvans. & Tone Haitio 1st ('nn. lis. Iowa On. Hy, "o. 1st 3s, Louis., N. A. & C'lilf.',, p(ilo. & inil. DlV. 1st lis. Mexican Central Ity, Con, Is, Missouri Piii'Mo Trust ,'.s. Minn, tien'l Klec, 1st Cnn. ti.. Mob, & Ohio, Montsuniory Uiv, 1st Bs. niu (iranilo Western 1st Is. St. I... lion Mt. & So. Kofi!. K,raftk Coniilelo t iiiiilnr List on Application! "STATISTICAL TABLES.'" 1001 (Pocket Edition) Now Ren,d3r Spencer ; Trask & Co Si7-a'Q Pine-Street, ' 61 Slate Sucei, Uhany, ,'. . M3W YORK 1 I a IWIIV1IWWM WWW 8&5v&5?' I . f i 4 -4n'. tjn - . . S- . -.-.-
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