Bfc8WwMfir--.'' "$ ffrjnP HT ,f'j ,jl'8''C (- vl5fnpK79v7? vj-w i jt3 r " , v K t m THE HCItANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE J. 100H WEST SCRANTON YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WEDDED TROF. GEORGE MARTIN UNITED TO MISS MARY EDWARDS. Nuntlnls in Which the UlinoBt Se ct ccy Hns Been Kept Mm tinge Is Acknowledged by the Bride's rnther Both Aie Well Known Young' People Dr. P. V. Strupplcr Enteitalncd Bonul of Dliectors of the Wheelmen Mttslcnl Events nnd Other News Notes. The ft lends nr I'mf. I lent Re .Milt till, the tulcntcd .vuiiuk: pianist, of Aendem.v Ml i r c t . will lie win pi iscd in lua 1 11 thnt lii' hns keen united in mitt I itis?i In Ml"s Mnry KilvvnriK of llellovtie micet. for Mieily tin attache or CI, like Iliothcts' llllllllll'iy ih'pllltDH'llt. When till' CPIC- ntoiiy iim p"rfni tiled or liy w Imiii eiuilil not be leiuned liiMt hIrIii, iim neither 1 hi' Rinnm or the In lilt- coulil be "i'i-ii. Iiuinliy wiir made ut the home ol' llii' vriuiiR- lady's ii"iil. wheie I In lnrl uiim ncknnw leilRed Ii. tin' lutlii'i, Imt In- wns tumble to Khe uiiy Inlornnitlnii li'HlildlllR lite iniiilliiRe. N'o oho could lit' lounil nt Ii ol". Mm tin's home, who knew anything about the nun iliiRe. 11 of. .Mm tin has been sltiilylutf III his i hiHi'ii pinti'UMtiiii tot 'ini' iinir.ths In I'lilliiili'lpliin. and was Imiueily a pupil of I'lof. SIlllH dosser. Mo Is a ooni poi')' of .onio nolo, limine iceently liiibllslii'd .i smur which has pal nt'd lor Jilin cnnslileiuhlo piniiiliii'lii 111 the music, il win Id. As a musician Pi or. Mm tin alii'.uly has rained lor himself a lot at lopiltatlot! UN In Ide Is one of l lie most popular young women In the Hellenic section West Scinntou Tennis Club. The schtduled names of the West Scianton Tennis i Uih, wlilili weie post lioned dining the past week on no mum of the lain will lie pki.ved this nl'teinoon. The schedule Is as lullous: Nli ' snulc I'llnu'i Willlim-. i;ii,i;i'U,iirii. MimiI lloijMi- Mis- M ti ill i Mull. s,M Mi. I.IiiIhI'i lloi-tl, U II mil ll i:iu-. littl sn,, lilni, Ih Ifiiu- MiMil P. ul, I, I lull .-. I 1 1 loi, N, I,, I n ll lilnml-, Hi W Howl in I Hon., Ilulitii (lul l. Ill Bonul of Diiectois Entei tnined. The oT dlieclnif. of the Hlee tile t'ity Wlieclini'li weie enlei l. lined last cvenliiR- .it the hoine ol" Ui. I'. V. Sti upplei. mi South Main aeuue. in honor or his in out oh Hon to the picsldemy of I he club The cvenliiR HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES ron f.u.r r G. W. JENKINS'. High-Class Hosiery For Ladies and Gentlemen . We are making a special display of Fine Fashion able Hosiery tor summer wear, to which we invite your attention. All the new and pretty conceits of the season are represented, with many distinct nov elties for nobby dressers, not shown hitherto. In Order to Hake It Worth While to Go Out of Your Way a Bit To look over our lines of Summer Hosiery for La dies and Gentlemen, we will offer on Saturday only 3 Very Special and Fashionable Bargains No. 1 Ladies' Stainless Black effects and open work. quality. Also a line of Hose at No. 2- j 'Ladies' High Class Stripe Hosiery, in new and beautiful colorings, and no end - to the assortment. They're worth much more than No. 3 Gentlemeti's Half Hose, in a large as sortment of faucy styles and colors, Goods equal to any offered at half a dol lar. Saturday rr The Bargains Saturday Only. See Window. 9i UA Jla in, a witH ppiit In a soi'lul way, nnd at a seitsoiiiihle hour icficshmenlK vvcic wived by Mis. Stumpier, nsslsled by Mm. It. W. l.ticc, MIhicm Wnlker nnd Kdunuls. The lumiil Is composed of Dr. Sirup pi er, H. W. Mice, William It. line. ('Initios It. Pitcher. Wlllliun 1'. Will iam?, Hitintii'l MrPiackoii, Arthur Stover, Arch MrC'rneketi, AW Haydpii Kvntii, Hither Thomas mid Walter Davis-, ncnilv all of whom weie the R-ucst.s of Dr. Sti tippler Inst evenlm;. Coining Social Events, The iipvI event to titlinot iitlPlillon will be the plum Hoe social In Mcnis' hall next Tuesday evening, for the hetipllt or HI. Patilck's t'athnlle chin eh. The nipitihem or St. nictideti's cmtncll, Yiiiiiit Men's Institute, who aie the m Initiators or this I'm in of iimusoineul, have klndlv consented to assist the ladles of the pnrksh In making the (wnt n success. The committees In eliniRO or the fes tival hne all been appointed, and It It expected that many valuable pi Ivies will he dls'poseil of ilurliipr the evening. The lirty-dollar pi Izu Hip lo Hip I'iiii Aiueilciiii csposltloii will go to some body tor a more tlllle. Aiiiitlgcineiits have also been made fur a social after the tiee has been slioiu rtf Its pi lues, Summer Eisteddfods. The rolloweis or the 'eisteddfod have four linpoitant events to engage their attention during 'the next four months. The 111 st will be the competitive meet lug at Hip Welsh fniiKipgallonal church, South Main avenue, on .lime !!;. under the aitsploiy oT the young people's soclet.v. No one Hint has ever (alien a in Ize In a competitive' meeting heroic will be allowed to compete. Tin Atlautli City eisteddfod will be held this year on .1 til t and " on Young's Pier, and a number or local musicians wll attend, It Is expected that the ftlea cKteddfiiil will be an nounced for August, and the 1'an Ami'ilcan "Welsh day" is scheduled for September 1!'. It will be seen from the above that theie Is plenty ahead tor Hie aiithois, coniposeis ami slngeis to ponder over. Odd Fellows' Social Session. Willi. mi D.ivles. who tepiesented the Siliiiiau lodge of Odd Fellows at the Mate convention held in Uettysbiug le lentl.v. made his teport at the meeting held In 11. ll. Kvans' ball last evening. The degree team confened degiees on candidates, and a social ses sion followed, in which a large nunibei paitlclpated. v "What Is Socialism?" A lectin e on the above .subject will be dellveiid Sunday nlghl at ,S o'clock In .loiie.s' hall, l"-'l Jackson stieet, ic.r Main avenue. The meeting will be held iindei Hie auspices of sfclion Seivnlnn, Socialist I..iliur pait.v. and the speaker will an swei all questions pel tabling to Soi lal Ism. Seats aie free and evei.vliody W well ome. Another Cantata. The Junior I'liiistiiui Kndeavm so i'K't or tlie Plymouth I'ongiegatlonal Hosiery, lace A really uice Faucy Stripe 25c 29c 29c Warehouse oliUtch will proient the cattlnln, "Ut ile lied itldltiBhood" on Tuesday evening, Juno , under the direction of Miss Kdna. D, Kvnns, unstated by Miss lldiia Lcwli and Hlella Kvuns, The cantata Is bright nnd tuneful nnd promises' to lie a musical treat. The perrortnatiro will be romtnoticed ut 8.11! o'clock, and the price of ad mission lum been placed at to cents. GlenneiB Will Entertain. The (lleanriH society of the Simp son Alethodlit Kplscopul chin ch ate picpailug for another cntct talmnetit which will be given In the chinch on Ktlday (veiling', June T. Talent front the Wyomliiff seminary will paitlcl pate hi the event, and Ice erenm will he set veil artcr the olitertalinnetlt. The society has pledged themselves to inlse a largo amount of money to wards, liquidating lliu debt on the Cj'huich, and they take W-M iuciiih of helping to meet their obligation, Novelty Flannel Cloth Suits. Just the thing for warm weather wear so cool, genteel mid dipuoy. Hitch still Is made In the latest patterns, ele gantly tiillntcd and guaranteed to lit. HieilAUDS & WMITH. rtJtJ haeka wanna ave. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Taberiiiiele milled choir will meet for rehearsal this evening on the run tu la. ' Daniel" which will ho lepio diiced al .Mciiim' hall next Wednesday evenlnir. The West Side Tennis club will make another elfort to play their Karnes tliN alleinoon, ir the weather Is favoiahle. Kunetal Diieetor William Price, jr.. i etui ned home last evening fiom StKiiidsbuiK'. vvheie he took the re mains of Mr. and Mi". Noble Johnson's child for Intel nient. The Indoor moonlight dance an nounced for Inst evenliiB' at Meais' hall has been postponed until next Friday evening. The funeial of the late Joseph Hien tinn will take place this morning. A IiIrIi mass will be celelnated in St, Pat lick's chinch at S .'SO o'clock, and the ieinaln.s will he taken to Plymouth. Mine Kmi'iean Hvau V Davis, of Ninth Jlydo Pink avenue. Is dam Kciously III j ml his leeovery is iloulil lul. Mis. Hvan. of South Sam uel avei'ite, mother of AV. Hndn I'.vi.ns, Is quite ill at he" home. Uev. Thomas de (iiuehj and fam ily, ol lackson stieet, have icltirned home riom a visit In Ithode Island and .Mas-nelniMMts. NORTH SCRA?T0N NOTES. Piof. Walkinshaw's Pupils Gave a Delightful Recital Yesteiday. Little Nubs of News. The pupil or 1'iof. WalkiiiKsliavv a esteidav ufteinoon and evenliiH: ill the Youiu? Women's Cluis tian nssociatiou looms, Ninth Main avenue. The aft ei noon was devoted to Hie junioi pupils, and it was evident I nun the l,iie audience that ciowcled Hie looms, that the effoi t.s uf the. teacher and pupil.s aie liiKhly appi ecl ated by tlie people of North Scianton. All of tlie pupils lendoied their pa its ill a s.itisfactoiy manner, but. special mention must lie made of William Hill, IZnilly HuuKiiu-. piano, and James l.onuiN and Hairy Hiitley, violin. In the ovonlni; the looms weie auaiu taxed to their utmost capacity by the law audience which Kioeted the scnlcn.s. After an oveituie b.v the oi I'he.stia, the laise audience was tie.ued to Mime veiy line exliihllioiih ot piano and violin playing The piano solos valse by Durant ami Sehubeil's 1m ptomptii in A, op. HO, siven by MKs Annie Siunmei.s, weie leceivecl by the audieiici' with tumultuous applause, and .showed a thnmusrh kriowledBe of the MiinpoMM'h ideas. Next of special mention was Hie violin playing- of .Marion 1 till, who tendered the Fan tnslc Pastoiale, by Sinselee, in a man ner bellttltifi: Hie .solo. Notice must also be taken of Mastei William Hold's nis;,in .solo. Oloi la, from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, which was well Ten deied. David John was of bolli alteinoon and evening:, and caused Kie.t'w applause by hta well-iendered Milos,. The perfoininnce was btouglu to a close by a beautiful piano duct, played by the Misses Hill and Hum met s. The teacher, Pi or. Walklnsliaw, dejoives sieal ptalso for the vvoik done by his pupil, both afternoon and evenlnp, Tho Statue Crowned. Owlni; to the dlsuKreoable weather Tiiiii.sday nliiliL the annual public ex oicises in connection with tlie ctovvn liiK of the .statue In St. Mary's place had lo lie trauMeiicd lioni the open air to llolv liosary clinic h. The altar ofMhe ohuuli was decorated in a beautiful manner with palms, ferns and lilies of the valley. Miss lleitiude Norton, of Btlck ave line, now tied the .statue and following this approprlato hymn weie .simp and lecitatloiih Riven by the pupils of St, Mniy's academy. A shoi t win delivered by Rev. J. V, Moyhni. Cake Walk a Fizzle. The cake walk advertised tor tho .uidlioiliim last night proved an al most coinpfete lUzlo, It was aniiouuceil theio would be six walkoi. and the Daiktowu brass hand. Only thieo walkers weio In attend ance and the baud was ab.soul alio Kethor, tho music for the walkois be Iiik lurnlshed by two peifoimer.s on a mandolin and u guitai. Y. W. C. A. Notes, Sewlny school .Satin day afternoon at S.30 o'clock. Oo.spel moetlUK Satuiday oveulrifr at 7.30 o'clock. You aie Invited to at tend this meeting, Tho Tuesduy afternoon lllble. oluss will bo addiosbecl by Uev, A. C. One kcleiu, who l;us been associated with Or, t I. ?collphrin Ulblo conlereiu'cs Ir Northlleld and other places. Mr, Uaeholeln will also conduct a nible study In Ornco riofoimeil Hplscopal church Mnndu, Tuesday and Wed ncsday ovenhitr, .Monday and Wedne.s day nfternoon, Juno 3, 1 and fi, at ,1 o'clock In Hie afternoon and at S p. in. The executive t oiniiultco will meet Monday afternoon at :) o'clock. On account of the tain, the inecului; was postponed fiom Wediifsday until Monduy, June 3. A lull attendance) A GREAT SURPRISE Is lii slore lor all who use Kemp' PjUjiu Cur the '1 Jliii I.UHK4, the vu'Jt siuiantriO nnlcily. WoulJ jou believe llui It u e0(i bn Ui mciiU ami jny ill uzt'U t h uullioiUcil Uy the liropiittur of tliU voncJrtut icniedy tu uhe oci a tample Lottie ficc? U i.eur tail tu cine acute oi ilironle ioiijIh. All UtuijUU vll K(ini' lUlijm. ,1'ilie t!Q. and rw- llftftfii Am Excellent Coiiibiimiion. Tho pleasant method nnd beneficial effects of the well known rumetly, Svnui' or Fiob, matittfaeturod by tho CAMFottMtA I'io Hvnwp Co.. Illustrnto thovnlucnf obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medluinally laxtttivo and lirosentlntf them In tho form most refreshing to tho tnsta and acccptablo to the system. It Is tho one perfect stront'theninix laxa tive, clcatislnn- tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevcra gently yet promptly nnd cnablingono to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stuncc, uud Its tictinir on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, without woakening' or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing figs are used, os they arc plcnsant to the taste, but the medicinal qualitlesof the remedy arc obtained from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to tho California Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tho full name of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, OAt,. LOUISVILLE. KY NSW TOBK, N. T. ForBulo by all Druggist. PrlcoKte. per bottle. nt this meeting Is earnestly leuuesled. Miss Westrott's einbioldery class Tuesday evening at V.30 o'clock. Memorial Church Notes. The geneial lohearsal of tho cantata, "Our Flag." will take place next week on Wednesday and Friday evenings, on account of the mlnisteiinl confeiencc occupying the place on Tuesday. Some special Instruction is given to the slng ei.s at every reheaisal, therefoie It Is Important that all the membeio or the choir intend every piactice. Monday evening the chinch will have its monthly piayer meeting lor mis sions. The pastor, Uev. W. F. IJavles. will give a short TOLD IN A FEW LINES. "deception and social for the enjoy ment of all," Is the announcement the ladies of the riovidenco. Presbytoiian const cgation mnke for Friday evening of next week. They ask all their ft lends to come, and piomise Hint as their guests they will suiely have a pleas ant evening. Tlie Infoimal pi ogi amine Is a hint at the' entertaining featuics. such as the opportunlt.v to chat with friends, listen to music, enlov the nov elties and paitakc of light icfrcsh nietits piovided by the hospitable ladles of that chin ch. Tlie following pait.v cflluyed a pic nic at Nay Aug and Scranton lake Thin sday: Misses Jane Thomas', Kllzaheth Owens, Anna Shemm, Mar ian Owens. Hesse Powell, Heitha Finn, Mr. Williams, Mi. Hughes, Mr. B. Thomas, Ml. .1. Jones, Mr, Ibuoiy, .Mr. Fiane. Mr. How man, Mastei Fied Slocttm. Several piotuies or the paity weie taken. The Crystal Ldteiaiy and Dianiatlc club is about to produie "Passion Slave," a melodiama. at the Audl toiluni. The lehearsals aie under the direction or Joseph Kvans and John Kelly. Tho play will be pioduced under the auspices of the Notth Knd Glee club, and dining the evening the glee club will lender several ol" the wings they expect to sing al the Pau-Amei I can eisteddfod in August. A large number of membeis of the Crystal Literary and Dramatic club accompanied the Keystone ilub to Cai houdale Thuisday night lo witness the production or "Because She Loved Hint So," which the Keystone club gave in that elt. The following ate thu mem bets of the li-y.stal club: Misses An nie Roche, Catheiine Homy, Annie Walsh and Margin el Mortimer, of Pittston; Joseph Kvans. James and Patilck McDonnell and Thomas C.ilf lln. Mr. and Mis. L. Vail, of Siott town ship, aio visiting Mr. and .Mis, Otto D. Myers, of church avenue. Mrs. S. Powell Is seriously 111 at the home of her daughter, Mis. Samuel Davis, of North Main avenue. Miss Nellie MoNuniuni, of Port ,er vls. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McNamaru, of West Market street. Jnme.s .VUNiiniura, of Wsr Maiket street, Is spending two weeks at the Pan-America ti exposition, There will be an Important meeting of Company II, Thirteenth loglment, In tho looms In the Auditorium this oven lug. OBITUARY. MP.S. FKANK ALKNANDKR, of 135 Adams avenue, died yostotday af ternoon, lifter an Illness of tin en days. The deceased was HI years of ago and has bcpn a lesidont of this city the largest pail of her life, having left lllakely, hor bit thplaee, when nulla young. Those who knew Hie' deceased In life knew hor as a kind, loving wife nnd mother. She Is survived by her husabnd, Mr. Fiank Alexander, her daughter, Mrs. Kdwaid rtlshop, and two sons, Edgar and AJthur Alexander. The funeial will take place from the family lesidence Sun day afternou and will bo private, PAMi-x i'nnonodi: capwkll. an aged and tespected tosldent of Factoryvllle, died Thursday evening, aged 'ti yoaih. He Is .sttivlvecl by a widow and four chlhlten, Mrs. James Wilgley, Mis. Arthur Seantatis and Mr. Kdvvln W, Cnpwell, of Faototy ville, and Mi. S, W. Cnpwell, of For est Ciiy, two slstei.s, Mrs. Almeda Castle, of Cheyenne, Wyoming; Mrs. Maltha need, ot Philadelphia, and one hi other, Mr, J. O, Capwell, of Factotyvllle. The funeial will take, place Sunday afternoon at :i o'clock, at tho ISiptlst chut ch, Factoryvllle MISS KAT1K HAIUtKTT )aseft away at hei home hi Jessup yester day morning;, after a brief illness. Her death Is unusually sad, as this Is the second time that death has enteied the home in three weeks. She was a sister of the laid John P. Barrett, Miss ltairett was a popular young lady, and her death will be a shock to u wide circle of fi lends, to whom slip was cndcuied by hei genial dls pcsitlun and kind manner. She Is survived by her father, Michael Uar rclt, a brother, M. Jo nnd two sis ters, Mm. P. 3. Walsh and Winifred Oarrett. The funeral will be held from her homo Sunday nftoinoon at 3 o'clock. Interment In the Atchbald Catholic cemetery. MISS MAltTUA THOMAS died yes terday at the homo of her sister, Mrs, Joshua tt. Thomas, 1010 Wood slrcel, aged fi2 youts. sht had been III for llvo weeks. Tho iitrangoinents for the ftinetnl have not yet been made. Funerals. The ttinoiul of Thomas McAndiow will tako place fiom the residence of Ulchnid Dougherty, nt Moule, at -o'clock todny. i Pen Conl $1.50 a Ton Delivered. to South Side, central city and central Tlydo Park. Addtes.s ordets lo J. T. Sharkey, 1014 Cedar avenue. 'Phono 6GS3. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of the Late Peter Snyder. Requiem Mass Celebrated in St. Mary's Chinch. The miulrn ot Hip In ( IMir Siyilrr vvpte ytilrrtliy comlirncil lo t licit lind ii'-liiiu; jiln e in tlio THititlotli aul ci'iiiolcty mid vmic lol. lovvnl to tlio icinrlrry In a Liiitc n.itlii'iiiic o! friends nnd rtlJlivcc ili-luni'i ol p i.v Itiir their Iat (nrrnrll to ii ilrpnlnl (rirml. 'Ilif futioril took plnce from tin- f.imllj Ic-dclenm on Willow strrot iiml moved to l Miiij'i churcli, liero n I0illlcm mix H cililir.itri! 1i Hoi. I'.itlior Slmnli, after vvlilcli tin1 fimci il ihiIikc iiioh',1 to tlie ci mi ti r-. Tin pall luareri uric nuiiiliris of t lit- Ci mil Anny of tlie Ilciiiblii, ut vvlnili Hie clcroJvd v.u 1 inonilicr. Outing Party. veiy ploiLsant oiiliucv I'Uty vv.n I'njoiid liy a laiKC liiiinlier o( ciiiiii; people m '-liueni il,ri Krotr, TlmrMlay. Anioni,' tliuo piecnt weie: Ali'sis Minnie ILirtnian, Amu l'e-el, lAaio lllih .lids, Mmtna Wultcis Kate lletiiiK, Minnie l.i ell. Lottie n.inniik, Viiull.i lll.ilii;r, l.iie Silieutcli, K.itie lliii'ster, I.i n i Nile, Vnni I'oitt, Maud Moiei, Kilt IlcMrr, 'llieu.i Brill, I.em Woilirle, rr.inics Paul, Kifu Uoclle. Mji.v Knipp, MessK. Hciny Sclineiila r, Herman ScliwenKir, Ad.iin Vim,, Old. schilling i. I'uil .vliillinmi, 1'ildii- lliier. ft. it II. Minn. David IMillli'.-, .1"" Zaiiif, (linles s, lnuili, AiirihI lleiman. Mi k Klini, .lamoi, Hem; Mnlmiii, lolm -inllli und ,1.11 oli shijIIm Novelty Flannel Cloth Suits. jut tin- lliini; toi warm .e,itlier wi.n mi i ,,o, Kinliel .mil iliiv-i, i wii 1 1 i nude in tlie li.l it iatlini', ileganll,v I ulnieil .unl (.iiii.inticd lo III lilf'IIVIIDs ,t Will 111. ' ."'l! I.Jcl. IH Ulll.l ,1M NUBS OF NEWS. Mis M iv I iiisin .unl WN (tlii IV-lioId. ot Ciitnuooil, will lo.ivi- foi V like II inu totlij lo linii friend. lliitlli.i II intllr.v. ut' Pitl'.toii ivenue, h simii ly ill Ml,. Mt Audit w, of Will es-llnre, H llm Biicl of .Mi. .mil Mi. .lolm M.uilc,i, on (Inii.i Ml eet, Mi V.IHIH' t'l.ine, ot l.oui-t -tuet, U din RCtoti-lv ill. 'Hie ii.einliiK of Hi null No U, KineliU of St. CeoiKi, clll no 1 1 in nioiitldi m sion smid i .ifltnioon In st. vim's lull. Hie s, i.mlon sitrni)ni win lmi, sinit.i alltniooii .it :i u'tloek in Vlldelie lull 'Hie Kipel liitilin .it i he Stmlli Side Yoiiiij WniiiiiV Clinch'. in ;i--ni i.iti.m Mnitln ilternooii at .'! II o'tloik vmM lie in charge oi the invila lion lonnnittie. 'I lie Kt. Uilluni ll.iu- Mill le.ttl tilt llltclill. 'llieie will lie spttill illl-f( . Miss .Vim l Sxhtllei, Mi- VHi .loin-, MiM Alvliu l.tinlli, Miv! ldj ItintMlilir vmII -n. All luiin women aie linilnl. DUNWORE. lliniinoie I'lfO.i ilinuli -l!ei, H, 1'. (iili lioii'i. pi-toi. lloh tuninimiiun will l,t' itlr hi itetl .it the inouir'j? Mrvkr stil,(tt of Hie ovdilnif svinioii, "A Itiipio-t", snnd.iv school al 11 I'lipp Am'iiii,' ( hii-lijn i liniili Itei. I. II. Dili ne pjiin, Mmnilij; topic, "(Ini-t Dm HikIi I'm -I." Kvenlni; lopn , "I'lic lit,ilni'- anil Se veiilj of tlod", siimliv ,-t honl at III o'tloik, iinn'i, mtcliii!; 'it it I", I' wekoiiie. Hie .lii'noi' league of the MilliodM KpiM'opd ilimtli will c,ie .Hid cnteil niimcnt anil seico icficslinuntn in the hi line room of tlie clmiili I'lidaji eiciiin. .Innv 7. 'the Kiist Vlelhtidit 1'piMopil iut ly v, liuo) will hold their chililien's tin i en im' Nimhy, .liino '.i, at ID .) i. in. 'Hit' (I, Id l'illm-' lutlue will alltiid divine hiiiiis .11 the I'n.-t Akiliodi-l llpi-topil ihiiuli Siiiuliy oinninir, .lime In, at 7,.'0 o'olot k. Uev. Chi lie,- lltm.i Viuinc:, tlie pittin, will pitaili a sj,, Minion i no r ic .iiecnotiii i,piiopn c nun n ine ue ( luile.i lleniy Xlvviiiit, pj'.ioi ynkn at lu..,i) a in. and 7.-I0 p. in.; love fi.iM at ii.ltl i, in. nlieLt foi the I'lenin, ''lln' Itii.ilest," Mid wuk j-eiciie, WnineMliv ivenlnjr ut 7. M o'clotk. A loidiil tiiv iluti'iii i-c i tenileil lo ill lo .ittind Hie senile-.. .-. . GREEN RIDGE. 'I lie linen Uii1l,'c v ill il"-e iln nenini; nn, I will rem lln i1o.miI until fall. 'I lie mini-, lie si low lint Hie in in is' I'- llnil il it 1 1 ii In tln-e eaillei Hun ll i- lo lie hoped lint .i l.nitu hum will lie ic'.illtil flout Hit' t"'i tflt toniuht ami Hut tlie lluiiues of lids oil liy In-limtlnn will F-noii he in In tit r couilllloii. Ml:.. I!. II. Ted and il nisditt i, ilail-, of l tpou-e avenue, .lie pt minis ,i tiw di.t al I'lui lililft. Ml. C. -s V liiitt ami four tliililun It Tl etcnliy for Aslnnv I'.nk, win re lln) lnve lenleil ,i lolliip' lor Hie month of .lum, 'Hie Vlliejuiaii l.ili' -oiiin wax nilii t.iinid at tho linii-e of KjiI i;.ill-, cm ntll'll, I i-t cvinliu. Mi-. Maiy lioniti, of Ultk-nn aiiiiue, lus it;. till mil fiom an oMiiidnl .-Lie in lllnj-'liliiiloli. ritiiles lllwoocl, ot Dinsville, U ,i sui'-t il Hie of lalnanl I ullei, , . l'.illei..ini .mil miu, U.iiiIi I, ol I.. i riuiiM', vl'hcil (iiiin Iliiln jttleiil.iv. I liailes rniiinl f-ptiil t sic ril iv In Ciilioudilt Mii llnii-,' (Uuiinir ili.i ilocd u-leiiliv Willi a vcl.v tlt'lishttiil .uteiuoim mii ill at iliu WlieehiienV dull liou-c HAS TO DE RE-GRADED. Work nt Nay Aup; Park Was Im properly Done. Director of i'lihllc Winks Km ho hat- had a huso force of iiien at vvoik for the last low days ickiuiI Ine portions of tho lniiioved cud of Nay Aug nark, mi as in penult of the dialuliiK off of tho i.ilit watet which has accumulated duriuer tho week. It s understood that thu Ki'adiiiK done last year was doiiii without any lines having heon ulven by an eiiul-nt-er and that this. Is the leaj-oii such a largo pait of It hits to be gone over. Tho of n-giadlut! will Im nearly $1,000. LITTLE TO BUY THE NEWS. What His Pujpose Is Has Not Been Stated, I''or some, days Itlrnunl I.ltilf. of the Hci.inionlan, has been negotiating lor the puichiise of the ,Sundti Xevvs 1 1 oiu 'oloii"l F. J r-'ltzslmmons. It s uxpected that the sain will be con summated today. What Mr. Utile imposes to tin with the papei Is not stated. Ctilniu'l Kltisslmiiions has been whole nr pait owner of the ,"evvn slnco 1SSS, wien, with Ft .ink I'. Woodwind, he putchated It i'n-.u J. C. l.'non, who Hist estubllsbed the paper in this I Special Diseases of Hen tS MY SPECIALTY. Faculties tB H you nr mlTerlni: from ny dUeato er condition peculiar tc men, or If yotl hr tittn nlnppoliilril In not citllnic a perm incut eure, I want jou to com- mid Into t oclal cht iltli me I will rxpliln to you MY HVTnvt Ol' TI1KTMKNT, w'llth I Iivt orlgtmterl nil deiclopetl uffrr my wtiolc llfe'n xpi Hence In trcitlmr speelil dleiivit of men. I nv no hell., npeehli-i, free unnplet, IrUI trenltnrntii or electro medical tomlilniitloM or nlmllar "evleeji wldcli do not nnd cannot itire Jiewi peeiilltr to men. My edtiettlon. my exp"rb once, in.i icnieleiiie. mv lepulalloii eontlfium all uili quaelierv If jou will pty ine a Vlll f will (.lie ynu rilllt! OK Oll-Mtfli: i lliornucli persona exatnlnallon anil an honetl op nlon of jour eate. If jou are Incurable w trll jou no. nnd advlv you an that jou will not to liuinliticRccl liy uusitupiiloiu practlllnnrrx wlio elnlm to euro all. If alter exam, liner j'ou, I find nit rnralile, I will Insure J oil ot a pernimrnt ruio, Initnnieli aa t vtIII Rive jou a written purmtee to relund von iviry lent jou liivn p-tld me In ujio I fall lo effect a aire. I make no cliioTo for inetlii Inct, ai Hiey arc alwaj ineluded In the nominal ee, a.kcd, anil jou know (o Hie lent, li"fnro jou alart what jour whole treatment Is nolntsr lo enl, and I will make no false piiimUct ui to tlie time for the sake of getting J0H ai a patient, as I promise only what I ctn do,, and do at I promise. rSWVniim, W-CIIAKOKS stopped InO to 10 daja. AMISSIONS and Drain slopped hi i lo 1.1 dayt t'T.Cnn5! T care not of how lone atandlnt;. 1 will dry them uji at onc STnirTtinil cured wlllmut cutllnR or dllillnir. HYDHOCKI.K or any swelling or 'nhrReniinta retluee j at once. IMPOTI'.NCY liy my tjitcin of treatment Ii curable lrreprctive of tlie lime ntanrtlnt; or your ape. m.AnilKTt AVD KIDN'r.Y ilemwincnU by my sjteni of.treatmmt show alijna ol im proiement from the very heplnnintr RlinUHATISM, bcinB caused by Impure condition of blood, la cured permanently by me. " , SPITIFIO m.OOl) rOI?ONIS'0, permmrntlj cured wllliout (lie ine of lodido ot Polaali or Merc ury. VVItll'B If roil cannot ejll. All rorreiponclenee Milrtly confident UI and all icpllei sent In plain enveloiej. lneloe 'J cent stamp to Insure rcplj. OKl'K i: HOURS, ll a. m. to 5 p. in. and 9 to S p. in., Simdajs, ID a. m. to I p. m. DR. MACKENZIE'S fllll I Pmiianciitly Located ut Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building 426-428 Space St., SCRANTON, PA. TAKE ELEVATOR. i The Cambria Cemetery. The Cambria Cemetery Company beg to announce The Opening of Their New Cemetery On Washburn Street The Cemetery Grounds are high and dry, immediately adjoining the old Washburn Street Cemetery, and com manding a magnificent view of the Keyser Valley. Inspection of these grounds may be had at any time by applying at the oliice, located in the cemetery. Until June 15th, burial lots will be sold at a greatly reduced rate. For full information apply to the sexton on the grounds, GEORGE ROWLANDS. No. 2024 Washburn Street, City. city :is fi In illicit of ills Wllkiw-Baiie Smulay ii.iptT. COUBT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Attiiinoy Tliniii.ts I'. llolmn yi'sti'l' ilnv upiilli'il H' mini lor .1 cliiirici for the' Soiilli WiiHliliiKton Avi'iuii' Athletic (lull, vvliiisc illtcctiiiH mo t'li.irli't Stone, f Italics II. .Miiiin.v. t'nspt'i' Nucsli, .M. V. lcNnlly anil .lolm ..uikhii. On niiitloii of Attorney r. II Sopoi', colll't ycsti'l'il.i.v extcinleil the tlllle nl "lonecl I'nr justltlliir the hall Klveii on the appeal In the euse ol' I). I!. Kep loijlp .lRiilnst Jane K. fllnser, . In the case or II. Dim nor against tlie I'eiins.vlvniil.i 'relephiiiie ami Supply company, a inle was Kianteil jestetclay to sltovv i aiise vvlty the Seraittoii lIliiniln.illnH. Ileal .unl I'ovver company .unl Postal ToleKiaph anil rahle coiiipany shonhl tail he .ulilecl .i.s lU'lViulallls. Mnirinee I.icenaes. William A. White I'cckvlllo .lane Moilison I'l It ubllifV Willis W. Hunt Seott Msslo A. Veety Hcolt WnsUo tiiialy Taylor Mniy I'lcivai.i Taylnr Wot'lilcU Il.iilarovif. iii'liniiilalii Vietotla Knells I'.ii'houihilt) John tiei'Kot. Thioou linsa .Vii'..v Tin nop Hennle n.ivi.s leiin.vil Cdfliventn AVnsIey Mayllehl John Kllk'ltuvMi Mayllelil Jlarv V.isllvIcK .MaMlehl Mux Veilniilelv Simpson Mary r'liKel Simpson John A. T',iiBPlilil...ll'- Jackson stieet Iteinltntillli.i A. Nelson. limit I'lice stieet POLICE AND ALDERMEN. vr Vln.i Wiiikv ah iimliil )i'linl.iv .it Hi' linl.iiiif ul Mi- I mi' liviici, ut Lt1l.11 j ciiim , Willi I'llllL'lll lif "'Hi lll'Hllllllv imuliict Vftti liiiiliik Hit-1 vult'iiiL', Vlilt' lluiMj ,ll-i till- lit Ifllllalll JlH l rlllllllK III!' lttl lllt'll lul. I I. II111I,, a iiicii.Ihi in Hit' l.iinut' Vliktc,' III, C1. .l .llltbtlll VIsllllljV .11 lilt' illsl.llit f ti U. I'. Iilllit,i,l, Hit' 1 iriiaai liinuif 11 till rr, win) , Imu. liini Willi ill.'iiJl liill itiliii,'. Tin lilIU vtlih It it i alli'iitil lu-'i'iMoil wire linvi'olt iio-tim anil tlil w,i llii' i)lil ilmmo nu wliitli Mi l,ll Imiil 1011KI liim .uit.-iitl. Mjuuiijii Mill 11 llllltl illlll flU .Hill 1 iris Villif ,in V.ili-n, j. ir.uJi-iiM ifiil. wiiiuincl nur lu tlie I'iiIiii' Lite 'lliiuilj niln lv lici litlici. wliii ij)-. Ill it -if l IucniliKililt' Jii'i lli,i.H III rllVill'.' nil lIlC Mll'lla .U IllS'lll ill iUC tlciiulilt. iuiiii,in.t Mjt ll lie Mllbr, ulllinu' in liullii t mill ii.-tc tl ij inornins, luiiiuiltlul Kir in ll,o iuiinl ijII 'lulil uli Unit' ii lit i (jllm uii I jKe tlie Ji''tt.-ll. lri4 It) Iiivp Inr cuiiiinii lul lu ;niuc iliilllillluii. Vh. Inii.i Kiini, wlm Kit'j lul me ,i Ijiuii. S ., wj aiifitnl .vi'ilciilj.v ) Miu W ll, lliihisju 011 ilic iluiiie ut vji,raiic. Mic , acioiillii); tu Mi. Hil'jii, a ' (ciialc llJi,'dU(l lut vMictl llil til' ioviul liniu lc line VlaL'iIIJlt' Millar ituniiiiltul lirr lu tho iciunl jail (r (U mciulbs. 'II ic J-ifJioM chil.l I Cente r I Them on My ( Specialty S wlm Ii slic hi'l in lici' tiiiiic was tikrn In llm 1 1 unit tin Mil' I'll imIIi-k A GREAT MARKSMAN. "Wild Bill's" Exttnouliniuy riofl cioncy with a Revolver. "Willi Mill" IlkUok was the lli"t who leeosnlzeil the i ill -pcirtniiee of piolii'lency In the use ol' the siN-shnotei, s,is j:. i l.lttle In Uveiyhocly's M.iKir.Ine. This tho leal .seciel ol' his stipiemui'.v. Ho an iineiiltiK iiiiiiksman, anil hnt ,t ,11 cinalel.v under file as when llr I111; at .1 111111 k, app.iieiuly InkliiK no nilil. 1'ioli.ihly no 1111111 over eiinilleil him m the llKlitnliiR-UUo l.ipkllty with which he eoiikl iliavv .1 weapon ill Utile ill' ellieiKelli'V. ami III till tlloiotlKll sell'-possesslon that llincle It possllile for him to take in I vantage ot iveiv 11pp.11 Utility ill savilKe coillliel. Ilu lliul .1 slatlillllK onlei to Ills clopil ties that they .slionlil not rush In on lilin in unv of Ills nlTi.iy.s, anil is peclally shoulil not 1 ome uiilclJly lir in lils'iear My MiKottlnK thin, Wil liams met his ileiith, Hlekok- takim? him lor an enemy, anil llrlns so uipiiU ly that It led no uppoi tnnliy for ie- L'liKllllInn lie loaillly killed Ihe W Ikl uiiciso iiciiiss tlie Smoky Hill with his 10 volver. Uiclliii,' ut his hmse'.s highest speed lie 111 ed shot after shot Into a tin eiin or hltr lilnu-post u few mils il'isiiint. St.inil'iiiir nt one teletrrnpln pclo lie would svviniv iiipidly on his heel and lite a pistol hall Into the nevt telcKliiph pole. These were some r,f the simpler he pel funned 'lay ullei day on the stieet to settle vv.ib iis1. II" could shoot 11 hole thioilffh H silver dime ul lll'tv paces, and could diive the coik thlotiKh the neck of a hottle. and ill thllty paces, kliocU out the hottom without liienklitR thn neck. He could do what llm fancy shots of the piesent day lo. ami posM hlv some of them equal lihu ns iiu'iiksmen with :i levnhei hut It must he leiueinheied that he was tho (list to in quIii' this skill. 11ml that ho shot lust is well with other hnot, Iiir- 111 hint. 11ml in 11 man. as slendlly as nt .iny oilier tarm i. "Ii n jM.iuiiiliii, Inn lljH.i. "" ' ,l" t kium .ii'iiuli com" ' "' h,lu" I''I"'I,! Win 1 ni'i "'i iiiiiui' il" mi"" Win lln nuiln vn iiwii Win Ike lll'l'in l.ll'IW illuinsl j ilii) out ol .will win 11 n 1. mil '" I IKi'laim 1'Ijiii IMli'i. In bourn will iilenreullrrl 'li 1'opulUH ic?7 in oi
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