The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    tl?:??wf riMi5, 4ii w !BIm
ri'itagM?' v " w
All China "Taken
With the Quick-Firing Gun Called THE KODAK,
. the Hands of Missionaries, Loaded with
- Rolls of Light-Weight Films, .' , , .
cf Li Hang Chang Says He Wonld Not
l A Kodak. He always carries one to record the scenes
of his lourney. ir lie were
v.- Ul MIJ UUMH.V. II iiv. tvv.iv.
J he would supply himself with Kodak Goods as sold J
" at Kemp's Studio. They are the choicest, freshest J
J$.and cheapest to be had none can sell cheaper or bet- O
5 ter. Call and load up for your trip at 103 Wyo- Q
J5 mfng Avenue.
At Retail.
Unlet, icirltr prompt .lllinllnn tor i isli il'
bury m vtt d Hie illy 'or rn'l "' ',u,t
l,l'.llit In il ' li'' u-t
NiMllcr -Isii lui -tt Jin Mid liiloi imiliv-CJ
lln-t cl l.nililifs Inr iillciiiliii,; lnilc at
People's Coal Co.
ltltphine Sii it.;; OIHn. Tcnlli Miect.
Bicikei Mwrcn lH nl mid Itntli.
4 $ A 4. 4-4.4. t-
M' I.Uvl. lnliOtil. I he annul iMiiivmn mnl
held rill CMItl-is cl the pillilll Mlliml llllllllfll
mil W held Jl Like ImlniL
N UIMiiMWK MUMIIM. I - Will's limit
an! Ml- I i,eii utt, Iinlli ot Snl I tunn-lup,
mic m mini ti'-tiiili I" Uikiinin Mm 'I
lill ri U.sll.litlti Willnm II (onwill, -"ii
ol Willi mi i:. l iHiMi II. nl Mnhvoii .nrniie, died
tf-trnln .illriiiiiim .il i"i " ii'iloik. 1 unci il
I'llll II' I m VI'I'WMI l Philip Hi hit
Ken ippiMiilul npi iiiiicmlfiit "I (mini II l,ii'
mi. I hat hern .uoiu in In ItiLniilct Mini at .1
vpflMl tlllvCI.
HLII.M I',' M HI s I I l!NM I! Jimi i l"i
-r'in, il south sti.tniin, w is liulh lniiurd it Iho
lila-l tiiiniu ti-tinlii In i lli-li nl til fH'iii
i nc nl tin- limine-. Hit hiiiiit .lie ilotit llii'
fin ami lnmlt.
MnMII t ( 1,1 MUM.- llii hiilnt' Nitii'iiil
kink irpmlt iliiiinjt p. i Hi.- -unitim (Idling
llon-c I".' il il lull tin tin nii'iitli nl Mn at fi'l
luiv Vi,'i-,,.-,ii in, I lie d( niniri tm lln in,
K-puiiiliiu' ni'iiitli nl 1 1-1 xi.ii who t,7t,ij iT,
till, II M Muni, li('l IX- Iho rn iilitp
it llillllttio nl the Null s, linul Minimi ,ttni imiimi
Mill llirtt till .illriiioni ,il I o'llmK ill til'
ctlic rif Pictiliin Inlni M, limit in nuke .11
1 iiisemcnts fm die .iimuil Innipiei Hit. tlilc
1- likclj to I..- .Inn .'"i
'III (.11 III HI m.-ill lit! I lie iniiiilieit nl
I leiitiiinit l.rt - (111II111 pn-l, Nti. i), (I,
I! , mil timid-, will lene ru 'liu-ili.v milium.,
.lime I. .11 t, , the 1 nihil iiilioul 11
l.ett;-li'li; tn pntliipitc in the llilinil le union
if the Pi nit Ii.iiiI 1 ilrpiitnii nt rut iiiipimul, takrt pine Hum .linn I In -
MdflMMi HIWUW tr 1111 ol limsi t
rmudl hi t.iif, 11 , lli'inln lnt.iin 1 1 1 . h 1 1 1 n , I
at the IriMj I lii';,lil hnu-i M-tenli
ll'UIIIIIU .Hill ttntul 1101 .llnll Witt l.liK.IUHI
11, airniii t 111,- .iii'l l.nlihi huil-e tin
lii-(t 1. 111 into ,1 1,1111, ut hi.iiiilin.' I In 10 mil
ieie linmslit In .1 -tt.p Onli .1 -null .tinuiitii
fii tlim ikc was tin ie
Bicycle Club's Bowlers Fiovcd Too
Much for Them.
Tin- H 1 .ilium M!i j ilc I'ltili'.- Ikiw 1
iiiK toaiii iIoi.UimI tin1 huullnp: tiini nf
tin- DiC'ii Ulilffi; Wlii't'liiii'ii mi ihr-nlli-jh
nl' lln Id 1 ur l.tht iiIkIu by ;i
HOIl' llf L'.'iliS III U'.'i'l'l,
l'l. VailoU'h S-COli' ill" H ;.s tltP
1iIk1icI Hindu in ti ln.ili'h r.hiip lii'io
this M'rtwn .iiul i-. thr icroid 1m tlio
WliofliiiPn's Hlli'.Vh. In tin- llis-t Kiinie
.1. 1. ItuulMMl lollril in .Miit-nuV plucp
fin Hie wliLPlnifii TI10 detailed --cmiio
of tiic fraiiio follow h:
m iiwiiin 1,11 ui.i: 1 1. 1 11.
Iliitluhl mi - I 'i- 1 113
H" nil y, III- .y
("iliiiin 17.. Ii' 11,7 'i.i
Mllchrll n j p.,, ..iii ,,,
w.iuMi ir: jii hi - ,-h.
iiin.i:.N iiiDiii: iiii:i;i.ii..n.
Tujloi i;i -jo' jut .in
I'lmlci' .,,,,,,, 117 ill lnl i
Monip li,' 17.1 us im
Jijf-i i.n i.'7 i;i- j, 1
Wllllicl , ,.,., M .'IKI III-, 'ill
"" li "M - .'.'iU'i
Drtrrthig' SHppeis
In endless vinlmy, at JWsihon'h rilioo
hture, ll.'s Litii-hawniuiH .ivuniie, jjmi.i
rlerKs SalunluyN ,
S -.
i Infyhdttiientl
66 BMADfe.tY,
SCRAWTON,,rA,rt,,-i ,,.
monVcUlIiU.liiinp.f "
- t
Keep House or
Travel Without
any wnere near bcranton ;s
mi.y .vnv.iv. uv.iuiiiui M0
President Gibbons Say They Must
Not Exceed ?2,400 Ter Boom.
Opening of Bids Postponed.
.lust ll was InuiiKlit II
alioiit diiph nut npeiily iIKi'Idm' It. ell,
hut he It It may ho, Ilic Imaid ot
11111I111I has lieuun to U'loim.
W'lH'tl M'llOOl Nil. i. ill IVk'lHblllK,
was li'dMitlv oiectcd It wart de.-dmiod to
ciiht not nunc tlinii "tj,sun1 or -,lOU .1
-runlii rniiiiloU,l us pit a 1 tlU ol tlio
lioanl. Afler tile lmililin w.m coii
tiactPil lor, an p.iphmIp lip.ilitm: .mil
vpntilalliiK plant was put In. Ki.tdiiiji
hail lo lip 1I0110, tills, that and the other
llltk' fomntti'ii dptailM liad to lip pto
vlilpil lor. and n a ipsiiIi, when the
building was icady for ocpiip.uip Il
lopicbcnlpil an psppiulltnip ol Sls.aoii, or
SJ.nOO .1 1 00111. Ol other biilldinss simi
lar ptotles could be imloldPd. No. :!S
takoii-as an example mainly because it
was leipiilly elected anil having been
leicnlly eieeted tlie evil In point was
not one of the Ioiir, Ions ,iko.
The lefoim move illscoeicd Itself
when Up hulldiliff pomniitlpe, and the
niPinbei.t of tlm, at the commit
tee's Invitation, assembled to open the
bids for the construction of (lie thtec
ptoposed new buililins--, No. ."!!, in the
Khsl w.nd: No. iO, in the Tupiily-llisl
w.nd, and No. -'I, in the Sixth ward.
As to how the nilsundcistandins'
came about is nut eiy lucidly ex
plained, bill tin oiirIi some old mls
undei.standltifr or oilier the aicliitects
and the bnaid's hratlnK and venlllat
iinj eiiKincPr did nol Ret toselhcr in
lime, or somctliius: like thai, and as .1
1 onscquenep no bids wpip on hitnil last
niKht for the lipatln;? and cnlilatinfc
appaiatus ol the piopus-cd new bulld
Iiiks. I'lei-ldeiil John (iibbons, who i.s de
tei mined that his teslme sltall make
a iclokI with the taxpajets, tailed Hie
altentioii ol the lommittee lo the lael
thai unless the lieatinK and ontilitinu
bids weie in, il Wouhl he impossible lor
any one tn tell whether or not Hip 1 osl
of the buildings would be lepl down
to V, lno a loom, and h did not pio
pose that Ihp !.', lOii-a-iooiu inle ot the
boaid should be a dcad-lelter while lie
was the bo.ud'.s picsltlenl, he ,idK-ed
and insisted the bids lor the bnild
iiis ptoper shmild be held back until
bids for the hcjtiliff and entilatinn
wpip at hand.
The boa id asu'ed Willi him to a
man and on motion of Captain lUay
Hip seiielaiy was dlipeted to keep the
buildinq; bids unopened until next Kii
day nlKht, anil in ibu IntPilin spcuic
bids foi heatinK and entilaliiiR, Con
liaetot T. Jlulhoiln, of .Mulheiiu .t
.ludpe, one of the bhldois on the build
niK, lonli'iied wllh the other biddeis
pie.scnt and anuouiupil that this plan
was sallsiactoiy to the liiddeis.
lip minion of Mi. LiiiiRan, Hecietaty
Fellows was iusttiiclcd to .idveitise
loiihwilh lor heatins and entilatliiK
ii'.ilr, and submit Ins action for the
loiinal ippiovnl of the beaid at next
Mondnj night's nieetiiiK.
Npm Fildaj lilRhl Hip two sets of
bids will In- opened and unless the
lowest lesponslble bid lor each lob
will pei mil of ,1 $J,HiO-a-iooin build
ing, the bill1- will be 1 ejected, the
building plans iclsed anil new bids
advei Used for fit once,
Tlli'ie wpip twelve lbds submitted
tor the constnictiiin 01 the building.
Tlie .layne ipsri'utiou to postpone the
building of tlie Klnt wind new school
was Indefinitely postponed by tlio
commit tee, with scaicely a wold of
Rccoidcv Moir Snys License Tax Or
dinance Will Come, Up Soon.
lt'.'coidor .Moir said yesteiday that
tlie license tax ordinance piepaial
b. City Solicitor Watson, a H'suine of
which appeared In Tlio Tiibune soiiip
time ago, will probably be. Intioiluced
at the next ineeilug of the select
council and an ettoit made to pass it
as (illicitly us possible,
The lecoulei said that no ehungo of
any gieat liupoitume would he 111. ulo
In the uieasuie liom the loun Hi
which It was oiiglnnlly diaftcd. The
tux upon stieet itiilwny and water
and gas coinpauliM will be left at lo
per ieni., he said, and Hie tux upon
tclrgiuph, leleiilmne, elootile llglit
and heat companies ut two per
cent,, when the oidiuanco is Intto.
Company D Team Dofeats That of
Company F.
Company U, ol tho Thiileenth iegl.
nient, defeated Company F lust night
it the uinuny, In 11 game of Indoor
b.jsp ball, by a .scoio of i.l to 111.
Tho victcnlus team was composed of
Ccinnell, Adams, Collin, (iiegoiy,
Thomas, Mrebel, (ioulil, Thmnpsim
and Buytluni. The nieiubeis of the
Company F weie Mrelg, jrayer.
nrliik, Done, i'owull, Yost, Waring,
Mack and Klpple. Miock was fccinor
and I.kuleniint Meiilumu, uiuptie,
This is tlie (list or a seiles of g.unea
lo ho played by (he local companies.
Manager F. It. Collin, of tlio Company
D team, challenges any team in the
Kiause'b Cold Cuio
for colds in tho head, chest, or
diiy poition of tlie body, bleaks up a
cold in 21 bonis without Inteiruptlon to
work. Will pievent colds If taken when
hrs.1 symptoms appear. I'tice Me. s'old
by all cliugglsts.
Ask lor Kelly's union ciavkciB.
He Will Be Appointed Armoicr nnd
Rangcmnstcr to Succeed Harry
Hcermans Persons Who Ate in
the Race for the dfflco of Quarter
master Sergeant Men Are Disap
pointed That the Inspections Ate
Not Being Held fn New Armory.
Interstate Rifle Matches.
Alter .Inly 1 Hip regiment will have
a new ainioier and tango master, ih
the piesent Incumbent, Hergeant liar
iv MeeilnaiiM, li to be .succeeded by
Pllvate Fled Van Mtlieii. At a to
cenl lilcptlng of Hie biiriid of trusteei
of the new ainiory Van Huieu was
chosen for the position, and Sergeant
lleeimaus recevetl otili'lnl notice Tues
tlu of the proposed change.
Tlie lnl lor htm filled the pnviltlon sliice
Hip death of Heos Wiitklus, and IiIh
lemoviil come.4 a good deal in the un
title of a slirpilse. No reasons weie
vouchafed bint, and the sudden change
In annoiem has moused much cont
inent among the ineniRei.-i of the icgi
nieul. The aiiuorer of tlie leglment
Is also always tlie rangcinasler, and
Iberefoie a change In Hie one position
ulso affnls the other. Pllvate Van
Union heloiigH lo Company K, nnd Is
a new -comer In Hie leglment. lie wan
toimetly Janitor of I he hoard of Hade.
Sptgpiint Ifterinuiis will lemaln In
the leglment, and i plain bis position
as a non-cominlssioned olllccr of Col,
1.. A. Wii ties' staff.
11 has been unodiclaliy announced
lb. U the annual Intel state competitions
of maiKsmeii of Hie National Guard
will be held heteafler at tlie Mt.
litetnn tillpi.tnge. This statement hits
been made in connection with Hie le
poit of the puicliase of Hie lange by
the slate. Tlm cincl: shot oigauiza
tlon of (.Jeoigld and several other of
the Southern .states have relused to
go to Sea t!h t, which lias been the
scene of the shoot. In other years.
They complain of the tieatmenl re
icived iheie, and It I.s now thought
that If a new and good lange i.s found,
the bet shots fiom all over the coun
tiy will be glad lo attend.
Tlie lor the post of quaitei iiiiir
tnr sPtgeaut. made vacant by 'Will
Could's election as llrst llputenant of
Company K. has now mi :i owed down
to two coninetilois among the local
ipnipames. Private Fiankl i'i n, of
Company D. and Scigeant P.ohoi t
Klple, of Cutnpany F. Moth men aie
expei ieni ed nnd able, and their chances
for the auiinintuiPiil aie about even.
It i.s supposed, however, that there
is a "dink hoise" in one of the itini
panies liom out of the i II v will make
its appeal ante at the finish.
k in
AVhilo iheie is a gotid ileal of dis
appointment among the men that the
inspections will noT be held in the
new armory, still it is geiioially con
sitletPd It was a wise move lo begin
Hie examinations next week. The lime
lor the spilng diilling is far oveuliie,
nnd it would be absolute tool'shncss
lo delay any longer.
Almost ineiy night sees some in
dour hasp ball playing at the armory.
Almost Hie entire week was spent In
pt.U'tiee lor last night's game, and
Tuesday night tho two ilval leanis,
1J and I', met in an exhibition match.
The game lesulled in a victorv for F
iiv the tight scoie ol K! to 11. Setgeaut
fhailic Adams piuhed for T and was
(.Might by Captain O'Connell,
Klple and Lieutenant Mi els weie in
the points for F.
The l iinge at Dickson City was
closed da, and was as good
as ( losed dm lug the entiio week. The
study lain pievented any atlempls at
niai ksiiianship, as a lesult nf which
tlie giounds weie dpseited by shaip
shootets and novices alike It Is un
foitunatc that the weather should be
so inclement at this pcilod, as the men
can stand all the pi.ielice they aie
able to go tin ough.
The .Meiiuuial day patudp was the
OK.isiou ol the debut In now toles of
a 1'ii'ge number of the coiumissione
olllceis nf tlie logimenl, and many of
the faces seen at lln; hcids of I he
(ompaules wpip witnessed for the (list
tin e on a public p.u.ul . Cppinm
Oeoige Muss made his (list appearance
ns the lender of Company A, and First
Lieutenant "Will (Jould, of Company K,
was no longer soon matching with tlie
non-ioniinisslnned staff. Second Lieu
tenant Claiencn Latbiope, of C, and
Seiond Lieutenant Coniad, of A, woio
others of the newly cieated coiiiinls
sioned olliceus.
Major Fiank Itobllng did not appear
at Hip head of the Sworn! butullon. us
he was In New York attending a con
vention of tho superintendents of police
and his place was tilled by Captain V,
A, Ittiuh, of A, senior captain of the
battalion. Lieutenant May Smith act
ed as assistant adjutant In the absence
of Lieutenant Walter (iiinstor, Incum
bent of that posltlo'i, '
Progrnmnio That Will Be Reudeied
in Gren Ridge Library.
The following Is the piogiamme to
bo iciideieil tonight In tho lecture,
i nam of the (Ireeu Midge Piesbyter chinch, by the Ttebln Clef socio
ties of West Pittston and Scranton,
for the benefit ol tlio fit eon Midge
public libiuiy. Tiikets, 50 cents.
"spiiiiR Souk f. II. llmlcy.,
Cliniu, l I l'lfl ililCf.
lollll Nilut
(.1) Impromptu
ihjl hisiiMi Ilau-ti
M- 1 I. Wiilmitii
"Hie Plllllililt" UlllvT Mill
h.irinii bnlo, "Ihoil ) lliul" Plikl
hs, I.Iji i Siiiipfon Hi.iil.
(a) "1lii Xjinph, i. (lie Wnoil "
thj "l.litlc On, I. Ink' tin" I. pdfli?,
I iKillln,
"Auuiiim Molett'' II. x. Iluilltlt
I liniiit, Sopiann Ohlluaio ), Mi. lluil.i.
TVIIti Nil", "lUvnic" ' 'lcii Tempi
r.tuile, Cipiiie lirtiiiiiuii
.Mr. T. II. Illppinl
"I.hIWi" W. W. liiklirUt
I Ill'llH,
Sopunu Sjlda -
(.0 "slave Shi" lit I If co
thj "Spriiis llJt luiiu-''.Mju.c jluk While
Mrs. Ilmlj.
"Watt ul Ilic Dinulic" IwiuiicMuun
( hnlllt.
Sciond-hand Organs In good older,
at Mow ell's Music Stole, iioui $10 to
Little Daisy Simpson Wt9 Not Entcn
by Bears.
The body of Daisy, the tbree-yenr-old
daughter nf Frank Simpson, of Oont
baiigb township, near La Anna, Pltto
cutinty, was found Thuisilay aflernoon
nt n o'clock, after being Bcatcbeil for
since Monday noon.
A man by the name of Ittigansheller,
who lUcs on tlio Pneoiio Heights farm,
nfter leaving a. Heniehlng parly of
about 12,'. people on his way home,
enme to iho bodv of the child at a
distance of three miles fioni'lts home,
It lay near a log, face upward, eyes
open, and the condition of the body
Indicated that It bad perished the flint
night that It bail been out. Tbeie was
evidence of a. stt tiggle before life had
left the body, as there were boles In
tho gi mind at the child's feet.
The finding of the body Is n gieat re
lief (o the family, ns they feared that
a bear had gotten It, The funeral will
be at Hast Stcillng, Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Is Now Acting as Assistant City
Fiankllu L. Phillips, son of City Kn
glueer Phillips, has been appointed as
sistant city engineer by his father. For
some yeais past be has been acting as
cieik, but while In that capacity has
had a large amount of detail work to
do which was properly engineering.
Walter Capwcll has been appointed
to the position of eleik In the city en
gineer's office. Hugh Jones, clerk to
the street commissioner, has been tem
poral lly appointed as the second clerk
for the dep.utnient of public woiks.
Object Fastened to Dam Is Thought
to Be the Body of a Marx.
An object, which, according to some
who beheld it in daylight, Is unques
tionably a human body, and which,
lo otheis who saw it under equally
fiuomble conditions, is wanting every
semblance of human shape, was
lodged last evening, under about a
foot of water on the top of the dam
in Moaiing biook, that formerly sup
plied the ince leading to tho old
Lackawanna lion and Steel coni
pany's foundry, on Mattes stieet, be
low the old feed mill.
No effort was made to reach it to
give it close scrutiny, because there
weie no means at hand to do so. This
morning, however, it I.s proposed to
tlnd some method of getting to It and
finding out just what It is.
The dam is now In a dilapidated
condition. The lop of it has been
swept away, and all that is loft above
the foundation masoniy aie the up
right iron that formerly pierced
the top beams and held them in place.
It is on one of these Inns, near the
middle of the- stream that the object
seems to bo caught. It i.s tocfnr out
to be lencbed with any poles or hook
that could be found In the neighbor
hood mid the water of the brook is
so high and at that paiticular point
so turbulent, no one could expect to
outer it and come out alive. Tho
nstly swollen stieam plungps over
the clam witli a uiar and a force that
seems gieat enough to furnish power
for Hip whole steel mill. Melnw tlie
dam Is a pool, which, at ordinary
times i.s liftcin ieet deep. It i.s now
neatly twenty. When the brook Is
low this pool is a treacheious place,
because of its wblils and eddies. Five
boys have been diowned theie while
swimming. That mote have not met
the sumo fate Is because only the
most dating will enter it.
One plan piopo.-ed for reaching
edge of the dam and seeming
obiect, is to build a sticng rait,
tneh stout i opes to It, snub these
i opes on either side of the biook, and
allow the raft, with u man or two
iiboatd, to be gradually floated down
to the point wlioie the object Is
lodged. When the object Is secured,
one of the lopes can be cut at the
edge of Hie laft and by foicc of the
rui tent, the ial't will be carried to
the shoie to which it is lashed by tho
other lope.
Tlie object was Mist sighted in the
place where It was lodged last night,
by a small paity of the men who live
in that nelghboihood and who wcte
standing on the bank of the biook,
after supper, watching tho water
plunging over the dam.
Patrick McKee and Simon Reedy, the
latter the watchman at the Lackawan
na lion and Steel company's bain, were
two ot these. To a Tribune teporter
they would only say that they stared
at the object ns long as there was light
enough left to see its outlines tin ough
the water, and that while It might be
something else, they could not con
vince themselves but that It was the
body of a human being.
it appeared, Mr, Iteedy said, uh If It
was a man's body lying on the back,
with the head down stieam, the face
upturned and tho hair streaming down
w.ud with tlio water. It piotruded
about two foot beyond the edge of tho
dam, and curved with the curve of the
water. The .surface of the water was
smooth wheto It passed over the object
and the object was seemingly about a
foot beneath tho suifnce. If the water
was clear, tbeie would be no difficulty
In making out with a fair degieo of
certainty, If not absolute ceitalnty, just
what the object was. On nccount of
tho rains, however, the water Is murky
and not easily penctrablo by the
human sight.
Scores of poisons camo to the bank
lo state at the ohieet, and about every
other one weni away bollevlng It was
a human body. Half tho others thought
it was a dog or some other animal, and
tho lemulnder pooh-poohed the Idea of
It being anything at all mote than just
somo black thing with .some white on
A deaf mute, named John Peck, liv
ing on tho corner of River and Mattes
streets, came upon the scene while the
eiowd was gathered and declared that
dining tlio aflernoon, while seated at
an upstulrs window, ho saw floating
down the stieam an object that bo
thought at the time was a man's body.
He saw tho upper part pf the body, bo
asseitcd, and could make out the teeth,
a moustacho and a buttnueil-up coat,
Mine Inspector Williams to Be Head
of Kingston Coal Company.
It was leported from Wllkes-Raire
labt evening that Mine. Inspector Owil
lym M, Williams had been selected as
piesldoiit and geneial mnnager of the
Kingston Coal company, to succeed the
lato Daniel Hdwuids.
This would mean a vao.-incy tn the
ofllce nf mine Inspector for the Fourth
" i .i
See the "Simplex" Piano Player, at
Powell's Music Store.
Ask tor Kelly's unlou eiackers.
Recorder Moir Says They Now Have
All the Men Neccssaty New Rules
for tho Government of the Mem
bers of the Department Formal
Opening of tho New Club House
Is to Bo Held on Juno 20 Now
Steamer Purchased by City Othor
Items of Interest.
The following additional bunk men
weie. sworn In dllllng the past week
by UecoHler Moir: Crystal, Thomas
Norton! Columbia, William Soagravc
and William P. Williams; tleneral
Phlnney, William deoigc. Recorder
Moir said yesteiday afteinoon that
In all proubblllty no mote bunk or call
men would be nppolntod, as the de
partment now has a suflliient number
of men to handle nny fire. In tills con
nection It Is Interesting to note that
no bunk or call men for the Keyser
Valley Hose company have been up
pointed. Tt Is understood that tbeie
Is a dearth of material for the secn
places which, under the leorganlza
tlon ordinance lemnln to be Idled In
this company, nnd that until tbeie
nio sonic applications neither the ic
coider nor the dhector will make any
effott to secuio any men,
Entirely new inlrs and regulations
covering the conduct of tho members
of the file department, both In the
(lie houses 'and at flies, aie being
prepared by chief Engineer ZIzlc
maiui, under the supoi vision of Direc
tor ot Public Saftcy Wormser. It
Is the Intention of the chief to make
these rules more binding than those
now in force and to domnnd a strict
cntoi cement of them after their pio
mulgation. They aie to be especially
tlgid as regards absence without
leave, but will contain some provis
ion to enable the poimanent men a
holiday now and then.
Tho members of the board of diicct
ois of the Firemen's Relief association
have finally decided to have the for
mal opening of the new. club house on
Spruce street on Juno 20. The idea of
conducting a night paiadc has been
abandoned, and it has been decided to
have the parade In the afteinoon.
Councils will be asked shot My to
peimlt the apparatus of the
companies to be used In Hie parade.
It has not yet been decided w hether
or not a banquet will be served at
night. Two plans are under considera
tion. One Is the serving of a ban
quet and the other i.s the conducting
of a general tally with speeches by the
vlsitng chiefs and city officials. It i.s
probable that the latter plan will be
can led out
The work of decoiating the looms
i.s now almost entirely completed, and
the furnishing will be begun next week.
No one but the dircctois and officers
of the association aie to bo admitted
to the rooms until the day of the for
mal opening, so that the whole thing
may come as a complete surprise to
the members.
The No. 1 Fox patent sectional file
engine which the city has just pur
chased from the American Fire Engine
company, is tlie highest power engine
made and is the only one in use in
Philadelphia, while very few others
aie In use In New York city. It will
have a maximum capacity of 1,100 gal
lons a minute, and will be able to
throw nominally a 100 foot stieam.
The most powerful steamer w hieli
the city 'now has in use, tho Crystal,
when pushed to Its utmost capacity
can only thiow 700 gallons a minute
and a 278 foot stieam. The above tig
mes are given assuming that the wa
ter pressure is 100 pounds. The tubes
of the bolleis are constructed in sec
MontS, so that If any one tube gets out
of older, the particular section to
which it belongs has only to bo taken
out for repdlrs. If necessary, all the
sections can be lifted out by means of
a rope and pulley witli the gieatest
of ease, thus gieatly facilitating the
work of repaiis. It will lequiro three
months to build tho engine, so that It
will be September befnie tho city will
be able to put it to a practical test.
It was nt fltst deemed advisable to
send the present Nay Aug engine to
North Scranton. but Chief Engineer
JCIzelinan has now decided to keep it
wheie it is at the Nay Aug house in
addition to the new steamer to insuie
adequate fire piotectinu in the central
part of tin city, where the most valu
able pioperty Is located. He believes
that the Noith Sci anion dlstiict has
a sufficient steamer piotection In tho
General Phinney engine
Tho Hayes hook and ladder tiuck,
which has been purchased, will ip
quiic two months to build. It will bf
eighty feet long and ot the very latest
constuictipn. The nerial ladder I.s guar
anteed to be nufllclently stiong to
suppoit eight men when raised. The
present ladder totters under the
weight of one man,
The old tiuck which Is now in use
has been In constant servlco since
1SS3, a period of sixteen yeais. It is
piuctically useless, and will be cut
down and sent to some of the outlvug
districts. Both the Hayes truck and
new engine aie fully guaranteed for
a period of five yeors.
Tbeio has been some atheise ciltL
flsni of the action of the recorder and
his cabinet in awnidlng the contiact
for hoao to others than tho lowest
bidders, but It is suflkiently answoied
by the leeordefs brief but pointed in
terjection of the old motto "The best
Is cheapest In tho end." Fifteen yeais
ago the city bought somo of tho Mal
tese biand of lubber hose, of which
S00 feet has just been purchased at ?1
a foot. This hose, after fifteen year.i
of continual service, is now being used
for Hushing the stieets, and then- aie
very few holes In It, If the hose Jusi
purchased lasts as long It will he
woith a ilollar a foot ni nioie,
Mnltieated a Six-Yeni-Old Glil in n
Terrible Manner,
Thomas Hreniian, who sajs his
homo Is at Manunka Chunk, was ioin
mitted to the county jail Thursday
night by Justice of tlio Peace Sul.
nion, of Mooslc.
Mrennau is charged with a man
biutiil assault on 6-year-old Cicitiude
Robllng, of Moosic. lie met her on
tho stieet about 3 o'clock Thursday
night and can led her to a barn ncai
by, where soon afterwaids ho was
found by a man named Rowers.
Riennan had forced hay and dirt
I The Dinner Set
is not os most people think a high priced eolj on the con
trary it is remarkably cheap, when tho qiialHy is consld
cicd. The decornton, n chrysanthemum in dollcato colois on
the colonial Bhapo which is gracoful nnd pretty.
100 Pieces $15.00
What is bettor, it is an OPEN STOCK PATTERN. You may
select such pieces as you need nnd can replace brcakago at
nny time. You will hnvc to buy higher pilcod china to ob
tnin bettor wnie.
5 Geo V Millar &
5 VJCU. . 1Y11UCU tX
Household Utensils
In this department of our magnificent stora
you will find everything that can be classed
under tho head of Household Utensils and a
thousand and one of the little things that
go toward making housekeeping easier. At
piesent we aie making a special run on
Water Coolers, Sprinkling Cans
And Window Screens
Tlie window screens are adjustable and
will fit any window.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Office at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen leady
for use. All connections FREE, on
first floor.
Double Oven Ranges, $9.75 and up
Scranton Gas & Water Co
115 Wyoming Avenue.
MAY 1. 1901.
into the child's mouth to pievent hoi
fiom making an oulciy and had mal
treated her In a most levolting man
ner. Moweis tinned Miennan over to
tho authoiities, by whom be was
committed to the county jail. The
child was unconscious when Mtcnnuu
was- ai tested, and is In u veiy seilous
Piogrammo That Will Be Given in
the Parish House.
Following' is the piogiamme of the
Conspi'vatoiy leoital at St. Luke's
Palish house this aftoinuou ai i.liO
o'i lot k:
Ariel l.i Ilittleniiinn
In Hippy Vniilh lichle
Amu II aid.
poll's Inllilii lo'li'lc
(In tin; Meidnw Iliiiltiiiunu
i Hive .1 idwiii.
Iliolhci I Mitd niiiKiiiUHn
At the (lillilicn'ri Hill Ilolitli'
K.ul Aluminum.
Spinning Suns , IJInicnien Ii
( Iiii,iiff.qii3 (l)pu-. Hi Ilurmuiilld
sliilit I'll lug Hi- tl'mir l'l inn-') -
bene ( linnliiilin, Mil l"uli', 1'ml K".
nun, Helen llupincll, Mil Ion lll-li, Willi
l.frtU, lam in- Wcidiel, It in ti Wolle
IMiiliilinii n( r.ultiii sii-tinrnf runiliinentd
Ti.iinin' (Allcjicttn, Mijcu Jlmle) -l.dulii
Cniiivll, Miixui'iiln H''1-', !l
(I'Coiuici, Aim II i Winhti
I utile Sons Illctleiliiaiiu
'Iho liltllc CniK 'piinw Ileideinijiiii
I ltd Il'lsMI! ill,
MoinlliS Piawifc siicalins
iniiti. of iho Khu l''"lm
Mil Poole;'.
IMil Dime I'.uliw
In Ilic I'la.isn iiml Mvlmu
rui i l,"t.
Sllltlkl (Opllt. 1110 ,.,..(lKlwlnl
I loiriue Mi hols
I.Mcr IHiis-mib l;i"
Mlis llatlic lillK
An llnuir ' UiliiK-r
Ui .Ii iiinu .Millet,
Mlilit J'lallK l'lit
'Ilic liliimry huifl IWIInu
IiiikiiiI Maul Itoillin;
Mlt-tMflni 111-.', .leiiulc Mlllci, Mar
joij llul'Citn'iii, f,i.uc sunk i ton, Nel
lie sihlaser, l.lhil Wilkin-, Sunt)
Walkin-i, MUc William-.
'Ilic r.uiiius sl'U- (Viitiuiic) ..., W"tbs
Mi-s Si-ie watMii-,
I I in In in 0 Majui Ilailiii
.ML-a I l.iu IIji
I think of 1 lit o (ioedilei
Mis (iciictit w l.hisoud.
'Ilic Mii-ii' liov (alte lladlnasi') 1 iaihll
I'll -it. fiom boinl. in f Mijw M04.1M
MU (il.KC ( lei l"l k.
Malic, Nocturne m Kilt Mioi Ruliirtlil
,MK, Sl.ujorle Hohiiuon,
Hip Loiclii 1-icliiis
Mi. II in Wilkins.
tcmcilo in I) Mliwi ll-itt MniCiiriH
Mini ( lata Hummus.
'Ilic 11.11 In pki.M'il i'ii .1 rcioiul pimo l
Mi. .1. Atficil I'winiiisH'ii.
l.itcnil'lc I lav,
ffitriluif lo lhe Mislc I lulc . . .. MoJil
Mir HiOHuinif, llJiic, t 0111. id. (iei
Imk, I ai K In , W JSi'iilinul, Veru, Mr.
W ilknu-.
Smoke the new Kleou cigar. 5o.
in Our Window I
Co 4 Wjomlnt: Avenue
VU. Walk In ncl.or,k Ar.und
At the Start
Veil Mart Ills sewn nn in ripinllly
wllh the iIiIcih of nny wheel. Vim
rml Hie nM.'cn willi the igc nil
on jour pl'lc if joti title a
It's made for real service. U llit'it
cnouali lo lie a plcasuru lo von ami
Fining ciiuiikIi to sliiml hard knocks
If ncecssirj.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
"From the prairies of
America to the homes of
the world.'"
In Color Beautiful
In Design Artistic
In Use Comfortable
InDurabiiity-Like Iron
In Price Reasonable
It is adapted to all
places and particularly
useful and appropriate for
and porches. We have a
complete line.
Hill k Connell
121 N. Washlncton Ave.
Shifting Responsibility
la aliiH excusable, when it may In
done conscientiously,
Heiy owner of leal eslato carrier
tespoiisihllltles that do not appear in
hlH accounts, ct, they aie Imperatively
The opinion of an attorney upon the
senility of your land titles must be
backed by jiiur own assets.
My the paineiit of a leasonable lee
yuu may sbllt Ibis liability on the
Tille Guaranty and Trust Company
Of Scranton, I'enna.
512 Spiuce Stieet.
I Wat in, J'lCjident ,11 . luupp, V I'ici
A. 11. Mil, liulpli s. Hull,
Mec lueaiilcit.l 'Iru.-t Olfucr,
Why Don't You Wear Low ShoesP
It is moio sensible and much cheap.
cv. -Mdliou'.s the best assortment
in ScrantoiwH.QO to $1.00. 3J8 Lacka
wanna. u CI1UC,