JSift " lf?J !s5sw5S 5f wSTf" ' W5 '1RT iV JVVVV l ".,vfl r v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1001. lrawSi'V WPSpFs" frLJL 1 Olllcc: fiURKE BUILDINGj BIDDING FOR DOCTOR'S POSITION Unusual Spectacle Witnessed at Labt Night's Meeting of Poor Boiud. 13 vciy member of the pool bounl nits pleselil tit Inst night's mei'tliiK. Alt'. Lynch tepnitod fnrthc special commit 'toe appointed lit the last meeting In tlin citi-t "I Airs. Wilson, wli" was scut to the Hillside home Secretary Williams tend a eoniiniiiil catlnu 1 1 oiii the WpiiicisvIIIo asylum icpnriliig "ii tlio condition or Hugh I. lull, 1mi Is being Heated lit Hint In stitution. Lynoh's health Is frail nnil llf IlilS eNptessed ii wish t I"' allowed in Join hi,, hi other, AIli'liui'l, whose Imiijc s in lltl-4 city. Lym h's hiolhcr 1 Milling I" llOfl'.IV tilt ('Npl-IIM Ill' taking llllll In tlll cltj. Illlfl IIS tlif IlSV llllll Mpfl llltt'll'll'llt ICpOltCll lllllt tlif .patlem Is noi ilideni, Imt Is declining phy-li cll.i . tin boanl. nil lliutlnll nl All. AleCabo, allowed til.: lOlliiilnl to tills Cit.l. J-'eol M.il V W'lllliHii.s lmil ii butch nf hills bfi'P llllll nn lilH desk w llllll IP- unhid ir him inail.i Mil iiuirU'l.s m nn hnnr in ifii'1. Al my oi Hipm- bill WC'to null.-. Mill Inilt. some nl thclll being iilinui t yiins nli Conspicuous .Iniotlg tllP hills was ,1 lliisi nf unlets I'll POlll. 'Pile ll.llllllC llf HlL'sO pltl- vokod mini' Imt icifiiuks rimn All. At' Mlllllll. Willi W,S )1 S f"C IIS simMI .if ill'-. Ini t bill h.irl lie. n nail with .1 nt'ltke fill' f -Dlicclul Conii. "Ii . i-ms In in-." said All Al1.MIII.1n. that 11 I "1 tlif " pii.i1 unlets 1 ninp fiom tin1 i'l'llltll M.tld II' lllll- pOISOIl SO"- ,111- livi KfllllTi a Inn nl' mill III tlnit Ward, t lion Hide Is a nish to Hip pom dh color, and .ilinni oieiyhndi ill tlio 11 .till Ii.m a tun nl 1 f .i I " All. All Cube, ion, was opposed In the llldln I hnill.'te granting of ".il nnli'ls. All. AIp.MIII.iii wjispiI iiiin over tho ii'llpiilmi nt lilllf mill teii'mrd his np I . Iilou to pajiug iliPin bj attacking Hie I11I111 of o-Srciot.uy Rlvcnbcig r'ii stla-v us din 1 tin seei piiii . .mil Ini" n..tuac about $n in all "I don't believe it's ,j lit to pllj l!i cllllprg's bill naill I In aiidltin.s have 11 pIiiiirc In ROI .1 Ionic a! Ill-Mil Suppose Hide's Min li irgos against linn, tlipn wp'ip in ilip Minp," lip pi lalniPd a lie ;-al down. Air. I.mipIi iniiimlPil Al- 'Alp.Mill.in tint ItlVPiilifiK' Imtnl was jot in (lip tios.sr.sMoi. of I In' lioaid and tliat was adprpiatp pintpi tion in t lie pvpiu of .sin 1 liaises. "Vp.s, bin wIipip will tlip Imtnl Iip tlion?" snappi'd Air. McMillan "It will lip lust like the ntliois I rik-o." lln isliPrl AlpAIillan in his positive ,ij Air. Alci'ab" linall plo'id Hip ipips ilon bv niovins: that no 10.1l bp 5lrn out duiiiiB: the iic.s 1 four nionth.s until I'Mobor 1 unlest In p.ii-p oi the MpU ncss of tlio nppllinr.' 01 aped poisnns, who wpte unable to ppk eoal ilttilnpr tho pleiusaut weatlier. Air. Ali'i'.ibe's uiotiou pipailpd. ami lit tor it.s adoption the pioss lppoiteis jii'PMMit wpie tcqui'stPil to lay stp.s on this pineppdiiiK xt 1 he niPptiliK A.s theip appeal a to be nullum; 1111 ilspoM?d of, PtPsldont Thnnias palled for a minion to adjourn. Ho ippplved a nviionsn fioiii SeciPtai' Williams, uliii had a .itowI Ip All. Alpl'alu'. Tlip otltpr halt of tile boanl Alessis. Ale Alillau. I.ync 0 and Mink-', wpip not laimablj dsiose. t,, sin b a ptn Kiannup. and All AleAIillan hnwed sonip t-in 1 ii when li'dei'lmed that tlii'ip wan other business t . r the bo.tid to ifi..s upon "W'h.i," snlil ii,., "we liiio a doetoi to ileit ami Me'M been lie Klei'ilnp it to the last loin nieetlun:!3. If .ou don't Inten I to eleei , doetoi. then If any ot tin inmates .11 the fat m needs one I'M .send au.bod, I please." "rhi-if.- n motion helm the huiise." in!"l ruptid Ali .McCain "Cut it," he I aid '."o " hi like In All 1, 111 h. The motion wa.s put bin tuei! ap lt.li'i'lK t be 11 division, I'lesiilcui Thoi11.11 i.illeii toi tin- toll i, ill It was : tie vole. Cipslilont Thomas, Ald'abe .slid Seei piar. Mil mis, as usual mt- lllR tilQPthft. Ill f.ll I .idllllll IllllPIlt A-"pisj.. .MAlill.ui, l,-.i .mil liuike 'I't'd tuKftiici us belnip and Kited ,iffltf-'t'.idieii anient. I'lpsliliut 'I'lioini s made llie peep llo'llil IllllUK Unit the tl" l-nto meant ailioutnineni, but All Lvm li leaned lorwaid and vlsoioiitly obiei tod to the tillliif;, ihnlailn th.it the uiotim was Inst, frdv'nq "Vou'i-i 11 steal pii-siilent. "Ipi lailliK 11 into 1 ai lied 011 nlili li tlieiu u ilS .1 l -." I,t'"ideui Thoiiicis was tint Ini lined n ) pi ,-.ml eiup i:ed limn Ills posjilnii i:i dei l,u Inir 11 leiess n 1 en nduutes t'lp-ident Thomas' Rood liuiuoi vas applei luted b.l the ililPi-toi.i and the lopoi lei', t,,r iIipip wan a r hpi.iI Mnilllnc oi 1 Isais. Alti-i the ififs tlip dlipptois piti-hril iiilo tlip i-leillou of the ilnetm, oei whieli theip has beiii a deailloi-k lor hCi'tl.ll nmiillis. A.s iiMinl, tliPir- was aimthet dcad loi k, a tie vote bi'lns taken op the two ntnneii piopos-ed. li ttallei mid llr Al.'ilnim. Tlio uiiu.suiil I'peeta' Ip ot the fllivftors bidding Ini 1 In pin-ltirin toi tllpjr jesppi p i.-indldaie.s was tlien witnessed. Alt'. Ali-Alllliiu pioposed that TJijJ'iillPy would do the 11 oik foi $17,"., but Air Alei'abi did not allow Pi. Alaltt'in's eailhe to tin uiielmiiiplonpil, nttfl lie loined in the blddiiiR. lirinpritiR II down Dually to $l.'.ti The vote n. is a tie as iihiial iiiiri the meotliit; biokn lipjn a ileadloik hut not until All. Ale Mlljritt"ii(l Mr. Alci'tibo niiide a display uf lmu'iir and teelinR' "Fnke Sensationalism." At tlif First (,'oiiKii'KiHlnnul c-hureh triipnuoik nmriiluK the pastor speaks in "I'ltkn Seiis'atlonallsn)." At tjie pienius: seiviee tin, o will be hiiiio spe. ,-lal teatuies, nhic-li will bo of interest to all. Tin pastor will Rim t Hfteen nilnule talk on "Modem Needs and Methods." Kxcfllutit iiiusle has been nritiiRed tor both services, All wel--nine, ...Tipket Agent in Town. ,A. M,.'. Smith, of KL'i'autun, illstru-t pnsseiiKer iiRent of the I.iiekiiiiunnu llie, tiniile 11 business ti ip to Paiboii. lale yestrnlay. lip iuh lesHteied at Ihu Amorlean. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES .lllcu1! I'oot llj-f, .1 ii'inlir It mu nimfiil, 1111 m in,-, ikimiiu tea jihI iiijiimius; lull,, anj luiinili' IjI.Iti tla iim: out u( uncn jml lim. ni. Il' ll.t- Rimt04l ininlurt .lliniiv 01 lliv ir Allcil' i'i;tK.MC liwkv llSht 01 iV ,iui. "il i-j . It, j; a iv'itJlu miic (o vi'ilii, wl. g aiid ii.u. iltci), v'il'ii: ffil- i'14, it.iilj. vl.l hi. M J,.,. ,U j,id ,)v, .iwv lj,iiuill ur w in .uiiii. jui iMikii. mil:, vi lu.. M en niui-ifii, i.yy0- rs ' Catfeondale Department. T REORGANIZATION OF THE SCHOOL BOARD Public Attention Tocuscd on Tltnt Body Which Will Chnnge Its Om ccrs on Monday Evening Specula tion no to How the Election Will Result Posslbllty Thnt a Long standing Ptcccdcnt Will Do Distc gnidcd. The t col catilKii tlon of the Cat boudiile sehool boanl Is siheduled to take pluiv on Alondiiy pipiiImk, and piiblle ntlpn II011 Is UPLordlltKly foetishPil 011 that body. 'I'liete Is a Rood iIpiiI of speculation as to the piobiible make-up of the new bi'iiid. How the election will lesult inn hardly he mine II11111 eoiijeetllleil. bill 1 In IiuIIpiiiIoiis now 111c that the lollK pstablMiPtl pieerdelit of tlip board will bp (IIhipriiiiIpiI and a Hinpilt-liiK depailuie 1 1 out other .ip.ii.s may bp 11 IlllPSspii. The ipisoiiiipI nf thp liuiillilns- board will ipiiiiiIii tlip same as ptcspul, Willi a sIiicIp PM-i'ilioii. W. 15. Aloou. who I' now tipaurpr oi tin boanl, will ie Hip fioin olllip on Aloiubiy pipiiIiir. and will be siipi ppiIpi! by All Valinli The new boanl. then, will be iimiposed of Alpssis. Hur-Iips. llnekPiiliPi r.i, i.!al I.irIipi, Kim win. Siieloffit and Viiiian Now If the pnipdelit of tile board be liilloui'il. All IliiKhes, who Is nnw si 1 -letai.i wJil heroine piesldeiit Till" Is by le.ison nl his IicIiih: the oldest ineiii Iipi In service 011 thp bo.ird. For the .'anie reason All. Keiwlu would be iliadp s,.t ielai., wlille tlip tieiistnci ship ousht to ro to Air. SwpIrpi-I. Hut il Is possible that this Is not the dispi -sition th.it will be made of the ollk-ps It is shiewdly suspected that then- u III he an inleiestjuR dop.11 tun limn the Mile that has obtained lor yeai at the annual iPiiiRiiiiiailous ami pIpi tlons, but as to what this will lip, a.s said heietofoie, 1 an only be ion lectin oil Noi i-ii'u tlip UiiowinR- lines inn s.ij with leitaimv what .Monday iiIrIU's mec'tlUR; piniuisis. li is oultp pnssl blp. nr een llkel.i, that tlipi" will be no 1 haiiRf in the pipspnt iiIIIppis. saw in the use of the tip.isuipi-hlp, wliiih nf (i1111.se will b" ehanscil bj leasnn of Air Moon's 11 ilieinenl Tbeie .11 e so many eonsldeiation.s enteiiim: into the icorcraniation tliat the piophel is wise indeed u ho icn toteirist tin lesult. The ipiestion nl the pi inclpaMiip will i-ut fUitp a llfitlle ill tile (lection, ami it may be the pivotal point of tin elei -linn. Whalovei the lesult uia.i pioip. the leniR.iuiatinu is the abm bins; topli in the illseussimi of publk mattei.s and the doiiiRs of Alonda.i nlR-lit will be awaited with keen mtoiest. ENTERTAINMENT COURSE FOR NEXT SEASON A Coteiie of Piominent Young Men of the City Airanging for nn TJnri vnlled Scries of Lectin cs, etc. The Project Pvomibes Splendid Re sults. For seeial yens the ipsidpiils nf I'aibondalp haip been siien souip de-i-idPd Heats iliuiiiR- the 1 ooler mouths in the w.1.1 of lei tuii" musieal entei talnnients etc Home ot the llnest ,11 lists at the dis posal of the leadiiiR- entei taliiiueut bu le.ius in the (otiutrv visited ( '.11 bou diile and ileliRllted the paliolis ot the (muse, w ho showed their appi ei i.itloii ol the ellnrts to pioiide sueli IiIrIi elass Piitei taiument In lespoiidliiR- in sin h nunibeis as to make the unilei laklliR' a piououiiied siu-i ess fi 0111 elei v staiidpolni HniouiaRcd by the sue, ess of former .veins, a cnti-iip 01 the most piomliieul .loilliR- men nf the city haie decided to la la- up the pinjeil lor the 1 iiiuliiR' sea son, beginning in September, and aie abeadv iliscussiiiR plans tor pioldltiR 1111 11111 Ivalled sei ies of entertainments. The .loitllR men iilm bale Inteiesled tlii'inselM-s in the pioposed outerlaln UiPlils aie allloiiR- those who have lilaniii'd and rallied In a suecissiul end tile llnest enlei tainmeiils tli.it haw been held in t'.n bonilnle Tills, theie loie, Is an assuiaiiie that only the blithest class of aitists will bp piescilt pil in the public tluriiifi Hie season of I'.iill-'i).' As yet the pio.ieit is onli in tne piii bi .mule staRc, and tin wa.is and means if llie oiRauii'atlou haw 011I.1 beR.iu to be discussed, but eiioiiRh ol tho details me in hand In waiiant the asseitinn Hint amoiiR Hie entei taincis will be sin h notable poisons as tkoiRO It. WendliiiR, 111. Couwell, ,w lio s louslil eted tho loieniosl lei-tuipr in America, ami ;pi Dr. Stalfonl As the plans ol the orRani.ailou, w llllll will piobablv be known as the i'ai liondale lbilertiilninPiil club, ma tin 0, they will be made know u tin ihikIi Hip pi ess. FOUNDRY SECURES AN ORDER. Lindsay & Wnlsh Working on Job tor United States Government. The foundry of l.ltnlh-i.i X- AWiMi. 011 Seienih awnii". iiblch, as slated in The Tribune 011 another nuaslon, has been ipilte siuce.-sful In obtainbiK Roud.sleil onler.s fioin I.iiro outsldo manufaetiiiiiiR' coneeiiis, has lust ie eelved another Impnrtnnt ruder. Tlie lutPM onler is nom tlio Ketaii ton lion Fence winks. It calls for mo lion fence pints, each about sK feet Ions and iielRhliur aohiit tneiity live pounds each, Tho posts are to" the l'nlted SUitL'ri ro ei nniellt, anil as Hie Seiantoii com ern has no foundry In couiuitlou with Its plant, the or der was banded over to Lindsay ,t AValsh. ivh" handlj ill ot the roundly ivoik of this eoneein. Tho rudliiani'c will n,ieli to sinmal thousand dollais and it is tho luiROst single onlei eiei nn-elied hy this comet 11 This Is another aifjuuient in tavor of the establishment of similar small industiles In this city. Visiting Eouner Home. .less Wiiriui. a toruier icsident of Cat bondalc, Is hen-' lsltliiR- anions bis friends tor a lew ilas. Air. Wusner Is now a resident of tho slate of Ala.-saelmsptts. which is his tcirltoiy Kir a I.iirc .ucldent Insuiaiice ciiiiip.111,1, of which he U .1 tcpicscnta- the. Thone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 COUNCILMANS VOTE ON WATER PLANT Subject of n Lively Meeting of the Central Labor Union Alleged Boycott Against Member Who Fnlletl to Sttppoit tho Mcnsure. Sensational Developments Looked for. The couiielliiiaiile Kite on the intlltl rlpiil Mati'i plant onllnalirp on It.s nual pasiniiKf iIiiourIi common pouii cll mi Alonday nlghl last. Is rppotted lo have been the topic of discussion In one of the lliellest sessions of the tVntral Labor union (bat has ever been held, and which took place on Wednesday night. DovelopniPiits akin to Hip sensa tional aie looked tin, and iiuioiik them Is tlie plnehiR of the seal of condem nation on one of thu ineinbeia of com mon (oiincll, the only one who votpd nRnltisI Hip niPiisutP w Iipu It was. (allril up lor llnnl leadiiiR. What m Hon the Cetitial laibor union oidpied to be taken npalnst this eoiiiu llnian. the meinbeis. being pp-lged to spciepy, iPlilsp to divulge, but fioin signlllpaiit lpinaiks licanl hi'ie and theip, it Is knoivn thai his IK lion In iiminsiu-7 tin oidlnaiiPO was a lei Hie tome of discussion at W'ed npda.i night's meeting and that be w(1s lebukPd for Hip stand be took, .nil ibut Hip union pioposps to make known Its lensui. ami i ondeinuallon in a publk manner In a li w days. Thp public is we ll-lnloinii'd as to 1 lie sinnd that the I'ential Labor union has taken mi the municipal unlet plant nidlnaiice evei since the pi ieci was hi (inched. Its member Inn e been the staunches! champions nf the tneasliie. and as a body they haie gone on lecie-d as such. To fa (illtnlo (lie passage ol the nipasuie a (oiniulttpo was appointed to visit councils and til go upon Hip membeis lln neipssilv nf intlng for tlip oidl nance. A tier thp poinnilttee mem beis lent their enei gies to the woik mapped out lor them, they bided their time for Hip llnnl disposition of the iiip.isiiie When It did conn up In ( nuni'lb, nil .Monday night last, ami I ben1 was found to bp one opposing inte, inuttei Iurs wcio he.ud against tliis eouni ilmaii and significant hints) wpip dinpped as lo how his position would be consjdeied by the committee apopinted by the I'enlinl union. This coinmlttee piesented Us report lo the uuliiu on Weduesda.i iilgbl. and it Is an open seciet that sonic of the nicni cliis weie in favor of and weie do Icimiiud to take vlgoious action agahisi the 1 ouni-llnian whose action merited their (lisple.ii.uie and w 1,1th, 'I'ilis, It is siunijspd. was one of the ipcinniendatioiis included in the ip poi I aril wlupp. it Is also stiiniispil was adopted. When niPinbeis who wpip piesent at AVpilnesday night's meeting weie .'PPioathel ypsieidai' for Infoimatinn they wpip leticeut, but suggested In a signilhaut nay that pinbably in a few- davs the publk would leain bow tlie union lesanled tile lote mi the niter plant oidinance. and that likely Hie Intin ination iiould be suipiising, if not stm tling. The piobublp in lion ol tlie f'ential union was widelv discussed ye.slei d.iy and thp public Is on the qui vlve lor the pioiiiispd developments. Jn Honor of Miss Cair. The Filday Night n.ineiug class, n icpiespututivp social oiganiation, has issued imitations to a laiewell dance in honor of Aliss Al. Aliie Cur, nt Km ke'.s hall 011 Friday evening of next week. Aliss cair, who has been a "meiubei of the (lass and who has held a con spicuous place in raibondal" society, Is about to leaie for nuumoip lo take up her lesideme with her hiolbeis, both of whom weie transfprrr-il I10111 hen lo (lie geneial nllb es nf Hip Ki-Ip liiilinad. Tho dance, tlieipfoie, will lie a fai ew ell to her. Visiting Dtuggists. Chillip .1. Vetter and Daniel (Selbci t. 1 to 1 It Seiantoii iliiiRgisls. weie 1 Isitiug anioiig the local diuggists vpsU'iday. Tho puiposp of their visit was to llltei est the local phai maclsts in tlie County Association of Diuggists, tile blanch of the national association. The association alms al mutual benelit and is in 11 ilotn Islilug iiiuditloii through out Hip eoiinti.i. It Is p.peetod that as the lesult of the visit nf Alcssrs. Vetlcr and (ielbeit the local di ug dPiilfis will allllinte lliemselves Mitll Hip iiiituly association. Installation of Ofiiceis. LiniPtia linlge, No 107, 1 iiiulitei s of IJebekab. lias issued notices of the installation of olliceis, which is to lake phup in Hip lodge ronuis on Tues day eiening, ,iiiip 11. Luiif'tla lodge Is llie otsanlation that possesses such a cleiei degiee leant and the niiiintiiicpiuput of Hie in stall, it Ion i-eiPiiiouii'fi will inteiesl Odd Fellows thiougliout the city who do light in witnessing expcit woik 011 the lodge 1 01 rlti llooi. Hustling Drug Salesman, II. i; Smith, of Kerunioii. the hus tling sab smau tor the Smlth-Ficnch-Kline lompany, of Philadelphia, wiir in town jestenlay on a business visit among the local diug stores Air. Smith was distributing the sum mer supplv of llskay's tood, also a 1.1ft of llteialuie and display signs. Change of Hour. Heglnuliig with toinonow the Sun du sihoul of the Fiist i'ou,icgatioiinl cliuich will bn held at IS o'clock In stead of .', as hcretotoic. Tlio chuicli iltiiirietin will open the sihoul wiih speclul music. Visitor from Atlantic City, Joseph Alelvln, a former tesldcnt of this city, is In town. Alt. Alelvln is now piopilotor of Hiookhuist-by-tlie-sea, a popular ho- tel at Atlantic City. BRIEF PARAGRAPHS. Airs. S. N- Uaylcy has returned home, after spending a week lu Ottysburff. Sho was a delegate to the icccnt Re bekah Odd Fellows' convention, Vciy Rev. T. F. Coffey. V. ii., left today for Uut'falo. lie w(U act as sponsor tor John White, who Is to be uid. lined to, the pilesthood t hot 0 to luol low Air and Alts. Wan en Snder, of .tcfTry street, have been called to llie bedside of Ihc lalter's mother, Mho Is seriously III nl her homo lu Otccnlletd, John H, Dennis, of Hrndford, Is spending a few weeks at his home here. He Intends lo mom his family lo thnt place, whcie they will icsldc. Air. Dennis and family hnve 11 host of Mann friends In this city, iilm slnccte ly legiel their departuie. Tho home nt Air. and Alls. Thulium F. Hariott, of South Alain street, ivas saddened Thtiisday by tho death nf their twenty months otd sou, Allies, who passed away as the result of an attack of pneumonia. The funeral will be held from the home this afternoon at :i.:!0 o'clock. Interment In St. Rose cemetery. Thomas Knox, late of Scianton, has accepted a position with W, 11, Foster, photographer, and will move bis fam ily lo this place In the near future. Airs. W. II. Stephens, of Hellnont stieet, left on Tuesday to Join her husband at Rochester, N. Y where they eppct to make their future home. William Atkinson, of River street, who fell tccently and seriously Injured lils thigh, Is now able to be about with the aid of crutches. Wallace lltirrl has accepted a posi tion with the Hendrlck Manufacturing lompany. THE PASSING THRONG. A W. Rlandln, of Scrnntnn, was In town ycstcidny. Aliss Agnes Alaitln, of Olypbant, was a Carbondale visitor yesterday. H. K. tferbo. of Scrnntnn, was among the vlsltois to Cm bondale yesterday. Air. and Atis. John Cnwlcy.of W'llkes Rarie, weie C'arhondale vlsltois yes teiday. Airs, peter Cunningham and Miss Kale Scully, of Forest City, weie In the pity ycstcidny. Alls'. H. L. Hatfield, of Scianton, was ilsltliiK among her Cnrbondnle ac quaintances yesterday. Aliss Nellie Duggan. of Not th Scian ton. Who was leading lady ill Hie cast of the comedy, "Reeausc She Ioved Iilm So," Is the guest ot Aliss Kiln Hail,. of Ralhoad stieet. JERiHYN AND MAYFIELP. Air. and Airs. Michael living, of Cemetery stieet, wore Caibondalo lsltot-s yesterday. Ceter Aleirltt, of North Alain stiept, Is still confined to his home with ihcu matism. Hairy Lougbiey, of South Main stieet. has accepted a position at the Raymond bleaker at the Ridge. Hatold, the son of Air. and Airs, Richard Mellow, of Tlilnl slteet, Is ill w ith pneumonia, Alls. Aloiintford. of Crlceburg. Is the guest ot her (laughter. Airs. William liennctt, of Third stieot. The Kpworth lpagiie meeting next Alonday evening at the M. L church w III be led by Floyd Hunter', subject, "How to Get Rid ot Sin." The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be admlnisteied at the M. K. chinch next Sunday mottling, lu tho evening the pastor will pi each the baccalaureate sermon to the graduat ing class ot tho high sehool. On Sunday morning Rev. S. D. Moni tor, of the Primitive Alctbodisl chinch, will pi each on Alissions, and in the evening on Tcmpetance. Wesley league meeting at 6 o'elock, lod by the pastor: siibjep' "Thy Words." Cottle Alosher, who has been working at Garwood, N. .1, for the Peck Lum ber 1 ompany. ictuiued home this week. He will woik here for 'thp same com pany. Alls. Thomas Champion and two cbildiPii, of Cemetery street, aie visit, ing the foimei'.s patents 111 Dundaff. Alts. Afliert Raker and two cblldien, ot Dm yea", are visiting relatives beie. Rev. Alaynatd R. Thompson, ot the Fit. st Raptlst chin eh, will preach in tho Herein Raptlst church, Cm bon dale, to-moriow morning in Dr. Wha len's place. Elder W. R. C.inw. the founder of the Haptlst church of ,pr inyn, will pleach In Rev. Air Thomp son's plaie. Thp land's supper will be admlnlsteiPd in the evening, when the pastor will preach on "A Good Sol diei " The hand of tellowshln will he giien to iei tain ones who have ic leutly bpn icieived into the church Aliss Alviiia Day and brother, Jo seph, of Cemetery street, left to-day for a two week's visit with friends in Wilkes-Dane. A If led Watres, nf Old Forge, spent Thin. sdny with fiiends in town. Aliss Lizzie Giles, of Second street, spent ycMciday with Cu bondale 1 1 lends. PECKVILLE. Air and Alts. J. F Williams, of South Main stieet, spout Memoiial day ultb Gippii Ridge fiiends. Captain S. II. Riiggs spent Thui.sday at FaelniyvUlo. Aliss Jennie William entei tallied the niombeis of her Sunday school 1 lass at her home on Alonday evening. A veiv pleasant time was had. A ilasbllght pictuin of Aliss Williams and the iiieiu beis of her class was taken. All mine engineers, firemen, pump iitnnei.s ami machinists are lequeated lo meet at Odd Fellows' hall oil Mon day evening, June ."., lor Hip pin pose of oig.ini.lng a local. Organizer Ke.u ney, of the l'nlted Aline Workeis, will he present on thai evening. Tho Wilson Fiio company will hold their annual 1 lanibake op Saturday evening, June 1.1. Cei kvllle Raptist chunk, Rev. .1. S. Thomas, pastoi. Sei vices tomottojv at 1!!0 a. in, and 7.:!0 p. m At the morn ing service tlio land's Shipper will be obspfved. KvPiiIng subject, "The Llmi latlnns of Life." The Mbraiy snciely of the Raptlst Sunday school wa, well pat ionized on Memorial day, and extend hearty thanks to all who helped. OLYPHANT. The funeral of the late James Loftus was held from the homo of his sister, Alls. Kate fiilgallou, on Piinmoin street, yestenlay moinlng. At It.llO o'clock tho teimtins, accompanied by a very large funeral cortege, pioeeoded to St. Catiick's cburcli, uliere a re iiilunt high mass was celebrated by Rev. Al. i:. I.ottus, nf dieen Ridge, a nephew of thu deceased. Rev, John McLaughlin pi cached tho funeral ser mon, lu the sanctuary dm lug the ninsr. weie. Rev. Kit Iter Curmody, of Jeimyn. ami Rev. Father Iluist, The pallbeuiers nen. AI, W CummliiKN ji., Walter ami James I.ottus, of Cm bondale; John (iilgullon, IMiuml Doud uud I. J. Gallagher. inteunent was niiide lu St. I'atilck's cemetery A mock tilnl or tho "Celebrated Wat el melon Cabe" will beheld in Keystone hall this evening, under the auspices of Classes .1 and 11 of the Susquehan na Stieet Baptist church. Tho char acters aie us follows: Crier, Iqof. T. W. Watklns; Judgo Ciulyiilff, J. R. Williams; Lawyer Gooscqulll. for piosecutlon, w. H. Priest: Lawyer Ulbtlckler, for defense, S. J, Alatthews; Ohadiuh Root, prisoner at bai, Isaac tiiilllths, Deacon Timothy Seed, pros ecutor, Ivor Kvnns; Itrfus Aubenblau ben, witness, Thomas .lonrs; Sally Muggins, witness. Miss 'l.lr.zle Ruins; Jerttsha Seed, Mlfe of Deacon Heed, I'hocbe .Tnincs! John .lupllcr, esq., the crank, Kvnn Williams; Sbcillt Yanker, J. D. Powell; Mr. Dapper, cletk ot the court, T. R. Rrown; Samuel Scailetl Retijiiinlu Ijtwls; Rnrney Itniwn.Rlcb nrd Kvnits, After the entertainment 11 "sock" social will bo held. Adults slon, lo and Ifi cents. A. V. Rower, ot Scianton, will occupy the pulpit of the Coiigicgatiomil church tomorrow evening. .1. A. Hull, ot Rlakcly, entei tallied a number of his gentleman friends nt his home Thursday evening. The follow lug were present: Dr. F. U Van Sic kle: l'J. .1. Rnrthold, Aithur Wlridow flcld, C. W. ilmisor. S. Al. AlcCabe, It. H. Mntthoivson, T. AI. Voyle. T. 13. "Williams, T. .1. Parsons, Clarence Konstlen. 1-3. G. Lloyd, A. W. Shaw. '.. V. Kdwards, II. II. Rush ami Air. Speck, nf ill con Ridge. On Sunday afternoon, In the Rlakc ly Raptlst cbtucli, nt t o'clock, the Roys' Rrlgnde will hold a special re ligious service, when an addicss will be delivered by Re.v. Albeit Smith, of Scranton. All ate coidlally invited. The ninny ft lends of Aliss Katie Har rett wore pained to bear of her death, which occuried at her homo In Jcsstip yesterday, ot typhoid fever. John F. Barrett, a hi other of tile deceased, died about three weeks ago. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at ;s o'clock. Interment will be made In Arcbbald cemetery. TAYLOR. The funeral of tho late George Jones. of Jlooslc ioad, Old Foigo, occurred yesterday afternoon Irom his late home and wns vciy largely attended bv rela tives and fiiends Services weie held at the house at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. J. L. Ridley, ot Moosle Methodist Kplscopal church, officiated and dcllveted an Im piesslvc sermon. Tlio Knights of the Golden Kngle lodge, of which deceased wan a member, attended In a body. Tho pall-boaiets wete selected fiom that organization, as follows: Frcd oilek Cox, Robert Lou nes, Pntton Tay lor, Robert Johnson, Conuey Ronn. Thomas Joselly; llowcr-bcaier. Rohei t Barr. Tho deceased Is survived by ten children, four sons and six daughters. The Taylor Silver Cot net band was conveyed In a band-uagon Inct even ing, advertising their coming Joint ex cursion with the hose companies to Mountain Park on June 11. throughout the town and other stit rounding towns. The Taylor Reds will battle for supiemncy with the West Side Alotts. on the school house grounds, today at S.SO o'clock. The contest should prove Interesting, as both arc well matched, and a good game is promised. The pos sible make-up of the Reds will be as lollous: Glynn, catcher; AVatklns. pitcher: .T. Mori is, (list base: AIcHugh. second base; Hayes, shortstop: G. Mor ris, third base; Shields, left field; Stone, center field; Kagan, light field. Sabbath services toinonow at the Alethodlst Kplscopal church will be at the usual hours, Rev. C. H. Henry olli ciating. Rev. J. I'. Kvans and S. ,T. Phillips will attend the quai terly convention ol the Congregational churches of Noith enstein Pennsylvania, lo be held at Forest City today and to 111 01 row, as ropiesentatlves irom the Welsh Con giegatlonal chinch. Air. Phillips is treasuier of the quarterly association. and will read a paper on "Tho Cluls tian Sabbath unci Its Influence 1'pon Society." Pleaching spi vices sit the usual boms tomoirow at tho Calvary Haptlst ehtiieh, Rev. Dr. H. II. Harris offici ating. Sabbath school at - p. 111. The Taylor Union Drum coips will icpeat their picnic at "Weber's park this alternoon and evening. Good music wjll be In attendance for danc ing. All ate coidlally invited. A large audience giccted Rev L. 13. Sanford nt the lectin e given by him at the Alethodlst Kplscopal chinch lasti 01 onlng. Subject. "Tluotigh Now I-3ng-liuid Awheel." Rev Air. Sanford is an eloquent speaker, and his addicss was well leeched. Air. and Alts. I'.uey, of Riooklyu. N. Y who have been spending their wed ding lour at Hie home of Air. and Mis Cummings, of Alain street, for the past two weeks, will leave for their home this morning. Taylorvill lodge. Nn. fills, independ ent Older of Odd Fellows', will moot in tegular session this evening. Allsses Rortha Sandois ond Cather ine Lewis, of West Scranton, (sited ft lends here on Aleinotial day. Kdward Reese, a dilver at tho An h bald mine was slightly injured jcister day. A few days ago It was staled lu the Taylor items that Humphiey R, Camp bell, of the Machinists' union, was to sppak befoie the Taylor Prohibition league Friday evening. June T. cir cumstances hac arisen that makes it Impossible for Mr. Campbell to deliver the addicss on the aboic date, so the league lias chunged the night of Hirel ing, Air. Campbell will sprak In Vim Horn's hall, Thuisday evening, June ii, instead of Friday. Admission fire All aie welcome, MOOSIC. .Misses C S. Snydei . Rev J N. liailey, T. J. Selinonovoi, S. V. Co 1 1 1,1 and J. N. Williams spent Denotation Day fishing. Aliss Jcancttc Graham, of Floiida, is visiting her mother, Alts. Giuliani, of South Aloosic. Tlio Mineral of Gcoige Jones, of Rcndham, whose death was into to miners' ar.tbma, was hold yestenlay at :i oYlneR lu tho .Methodist chinch. Ro. J. N. Ratify officiated and in-ti-imeiit was made In Alaicy ceniPteiy, Aliss Alaymo Hinds, of Alain stieet, Is visiting In Scianton At a meeting nf the Suit club last Wednesday evening, Air. Joseph Al temus won the suit, niado by C, J, Holland. A number of young people whip 011 teilained last evening at the home of Aliss Maty Giuliani. Air. IMwtn Johnson, of Riookhn, N Y, spent Wednesday evening u lib Aliss Veitlo DIn. Nolle es have been posted In all thu stoicn to the cftect that unci Juno U all slot es Mill close at G o'clock. A'lss Jluuiti AbCrlndlo left yester day for Scotland, wheio she expects to spend (III cu mouths. PRICEBURG, Clunlle Hanett was lsliliu; iilcuds In Olypbant 011 Thuisday. Artluir Ilobbs, of CioildeiKe. was visiting Air, Dawe, of Carmalt stieel, on Thursduy. Pleaching services lu tho Piitultlve Atethoillst chinch at 10.:;0 o'clotk in the morning uud 7 o'clock In the even ing. The morning' subject will bo "Old Jacob's Surpilse Party"; evening sub Ject, "The Kvlls of Dunclng." Open air mission at ii uO o'clock. Sunday school at '! o'clock. All aie welcome Allsses Maggie Hall and Phoebe Caygtll, Alessis. Thompson Alaggs and A SUMMER TONIC. Pe-ru-na, an Appetizer, a Vitalizer and a Restorer of Worn-Out Women. MISS .MARY GOI3RRING, nf Aled roul. Wit., in 11 leiout letter to The Peiuna .Medicine Co.. sa.is: "I take gieal pli'astiiP in ac knowledging the cuiiitliP pnii ois of Pei una. As a actio tonic a gentle stimulator to a sluggish sv.steiu, as an appetizer and a lestoier of liwt stiength and vitality of worn-out wo men It Is very silpet iiu. "I llnd il It- splendid as 11 pieicnta tli'" for catching cold, ami wheiieiei 1 l'oel used up, I lake a dose or two and It never lulls to icllevciue." Mary Gopibing. Systemic Catnvih. Miss Alma Cox, Asst. Postiulsttess of Oi inn. S. C. w 1 lies: '(T bnve been a gieat suffeicr f 10111 chronic disease and dyspepsia lor eai.s. How I sulteied 110 tongue 11111 tell. I 1 1 1 -tl eight or ten ol tlie best physicians wlihout icceiiing much benelit, also tiled lots ol patent medi cines. Rut still I sulfeied with sick b-adacbc, cold leet and hands, palpi tation of the lipait, anil siii-b a heaiy Seeling in mi' stomach and chest At times I would lu so neivoiis 1 could not bear anyone mound me. I had been given up to die "One day a friend sent me one of Dr. Hnrtmnn's ppmpblets, and I decided to wiile to him He advised 'ennui anu .wniiaiiu, ami autr i.ikiok the medicine tor two weeks I tell gieatly lellesed. M bead did not pain me any scaicelv, and my slnin .Kh was lelieved of It.s heavy ffpllng 1 am so thankful Hun I can sav att, Using several bottles of the IVnina and AInnailii I am lestored to pciKVt health. "Befoie using- your lemedies I could not eat nnytlnng. I lived on b ii ley water and Canopeitin lor two A en is. Now I can eat Willi pleasuie. Kvervbody is so suipilsed at ,inv Ini luovPinpiit 13vprv one says I am looking like a lose. I would adiise all Millet ing women lo lake your reme dies. I know II It weie not for IV ruiia and Alaualiu I wnul'l have In en 111 my giaie lodavi I cannot thank you enough for the kind advice A oil have given me"--AIIss Alma L Cir. Pelvic Catnirh. I'at.iirh Is a very frequent ca.'se of that class-of diseases popul.uly k.101111 as female weakness, Citniib of Hie pelvic oi guns piodiKvs sin h a i.uh'y of dlsagieeablc ami h Hinting yiiii toms Hint many peoph in fail. th 111,1 tm Hy of people ha 10 no idea that they 1110 i-ausi cl by i.itaiih The Nervous System. Weakness of the pen oils sysieni not Luke Hall weie visiting iclatlves ill Diiiimoic oil Tliui.sd.i'. iiflei noon. Tlie Rlls.i Silk mill of this place was closed 011 account ot the ovei Mowing of Hip LaikawMiiua liiei. Miss Aliuy .1. Dawe Is conilned at the homo of her biolher on Cuuialt stieet with sickness. Geoigrt Schmidt, of Allien slieel. and Aliss Lena Kiaft wen- united in ui.ir iliige on Wcdiiosdav evening, at Hip parsonage of Hie Alltllln avenue Finn's Lutheran chinch al Sn.ilifnii, iiller wllicll thej I ot III lied to tile homo of Hie hi ide's paicnts on I.aicli "Meet, when' a. iccepllou was loudcied them bv their lelatiies and ueiuesi inemls. They will ipside in a newly liiiuisheil home on Alnple snoot. Air. ami Alls, l'lowilglll. nf Alaie stieet, weie visiting fi lends at R0111I haui yostcidaj. Aliss Sarah Ann Cooper was visiting In Si 1 iiutoii Thuisday. Mis AloiRiiu Williams, of Olypbant. was the guest of hPi'-luollipr. Alls 13ley, of Alain stieet, 011 Thursday ev piling Air James and nleie. Aliss .Maty James, aie vlsliiiu Hi" latin patents 11C Jaiuesillle. All excursion will be 1 it lo Nay Aug p.nk on Thuisday. June '. undei the uuhplies of the Diiksoii city bmougli si hools. Tickets, 10 1 cuts. Should 1 In wealhei pi in 0 unfaioiable the c ciiislou will be postponed until tho next lino ila.v. MOSCOW. The usual Alcmoiial d,i mm vices Wete held llC'IO Thill Sd,i . Details of tlio Giand Ariliy and Wouicu's Relief coips dei Dialed the gnties of solillcis and nietiibei-s of tin coips. lu the af tullliioll scillccs wen. held III the In dependent Older of Odd Fellows' hall. Conuuundc'i' 11. F. Win dell, of D.tle lllc. presided. Addi esses weie made by Rev. Itowdeii, of 'I'obv haiiiia. and Rev Hlu'li. of DalPlllle. Tlie chob icnileicd sevcial selec tlons. and tho Oouldsboiu band al.so fuililslied music dining the ntteinoou nimur was bcricd by the Woniau's Relief coips. Air. and Alis. William Dai is. of Dun nune, fcspent Alenioil.il day with llie foi iner'.s parents, Air. and Alib. D J. Rob ci in. Aliss Giac-o Rourii, of Scianton, Is tho guest of her slstei, Alio. Iloi.uo Jones. A paity of oung people fiom this place dtuvu to Thoinhuist, Thuisduy I only piodiicps c.it.nih ot ftic mucou.-t 1 mcnibiane, hut also muses nciimii pio.-Untlnn in sonic cases, and dlitor I cut degices ol noiious ilphllit.i, df I iniigiments of tin stomach, slecplcs' 1 np-'.s and tiled our feelings, j Dcpie.'slon ol the lipri nils system Is lil hltlle soiiiee ot blond linpilllties, ! Pei una invlgoiatcs the SAstcin and j inodllces regular sleep. It builds up 'the sjhteui 11111 down by ovprwoik. Miss AI111.1 Itpiinie. oi'Lt- Coil l, jM mil. Ill . wi Itcs 'Celllll bus I 'i P of -sin b wniiiK-i lu help n me Al I s y s 1 e 11 w.i'' 1 niu V 1 1 I " , 1 nil iluw ii n il , needed i I g e 11 0 IM t o 11 i n p up "C e 1 nn. nctid llki miti'lc ani' alter us ing on'v Ihrcc lies nn self IMie in lllll- f fell usual and 1. cm el- L Hut health eic-r .-liu e." Aliuy Reiinl'. Cataiibnl Weakness. A gieat u opoi linn nf women Ii.u some 1 ataii lial weakness which lias been called bv the unions doitois she has i (instilled, bj as many dlffeicni names Thco women have been t nea ice! anil haie t.ikcli inedicincs wiih 1111 leliel, siiiipli bcciiisi the leniedli aie mil adapled to cataiih. It is thioiigh a mlstakrii notion as lo th iol naluip of Ihc diseases thai Hn-p medic lues haie lieen leconinieuded In them. Dr. Hnitman's Tico Advice. If all women who an Milfpting with ,inv Ini in of 1,-ni.il" wpakiiP' Miulil wiile In Dr. Ii.u t instil, Colum bus, 1 ihio, ami give him a louiplile desi 1 iplinn o Ihiit symptoms and Hie I el nihilities of thcli llollbles. lie will illiiiiedlatclv mply with inluplele 1I1 lcclioiis Ini treatment flee of ill.ilge "lleillh and Ilea 11 1. v. ' a book Mill ion esiei ially for woui'ii, s-nl fiei bv In- lliiliiiiiu, Cicsiili-ul o Tlie Hart man S inltiii Iitm, I'oliiuibus, Ohio, afloniiiiiil, and took .supper at lll Cbelp-i limise All.-., hmltn, Aliss I fessii ISoitico and .Miss Aiaiic Roilico. of Si laiilon, lis Itoil lelaihivs heio Memoiial dai. Alls. joMiph Rohint-oii, ot Scranton li.iited fiie.lds heio pall of (his nerl All and Alls D.ilib'l Klaus uud ilaugbtei, Nittle 01 Rliiiliuist, mi aiilullR Allison ,v s t nrs Thuisdav Air. ami .Mis. Willi. 1111 Rlesockoi and I'hlldieii, nf f-iiiiiuon, aie (siting 11 ieiiil.i hole 'I'liomas Johns ai.d son, Will. ml, of I .I111I1 111 til , called on ;) lends lino Yi'ed iicsday. All.-, licit Rle-eckor Hid ilauglilci .no lislllug li lends in Soiii'llriii. Alls. T. C. Cilltetiilen and Aliss Can If Snarls iipu In Seiunlnn on Aloudni Gem go JleWllt, nl New Yoik citi, 13 a l Hi tm 111 tow 11. VVAVERLY. Tlie loguliir qu.il terly mcollm will be held al the .Methodist church, licit iSiituiday and Sunday, Tho presiding elder Dr. Grlllln will till the pullt next sabbath mornlm;. Telophiine employes halo beep husilv engaged placing polos and wlies for Ihu ia-l tew days foi llie now station at Hall and Parkeis I hoy haie also placed one at Air. Cluistlo's icsldcnce nil Acadeuiv stieet. Rev, S. L. II111 lei- 01 inlay, N. V Mill till the pulpit at the Raptlst church next Sunday lumping. The usual dccoiatloii day sei vices of tho G. A. R.,post hoie was held at darks tli eon. Tlie missionary ciide of fjio Raptlst church will hold a mooting at tlie church pailois, next Wednesday nftei noon. Scranton patties haie about emu pletcd the puicluso of Lily lake, near heio lor I ho put pose of making it one of ih llnest suiuuii't icsints in this so( tion of tho state llcoigo sheiidaii has puichasod ,1 now idee llie peanut master which he is using in his place of business on Alain stieet. Head Feels Like Bui sting. .Maybe ou iieie out late last night? If on had taken a Kiauao's llead.'iclje Capsule he-Ion ictlilug jour head would bo iciol mid clear this morning fiikc 011c now and yim will ho all right In an half hum. I'm c '. Sold bj all diiiggists. MT v 1 - . X I . - I )
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