tv vtftf,.!ft,5Ut3tlryisr'j,'W' lwarL-jrsnf&fi,Tf KKI F vKWUMtJur ""wt 'jya- irjpujnw K"iOKP-MV " ' tV ,1 , a1v a jm 9 MiKW rcriwfjrj-.B i ' ..'i- '. T FCVflMk .i? '? fff A AA? O I 1 i i V 4 wV4'sun.Vii . i -"r T JTJIT . rV " ""TI1 if. f ' ( THE SCUAJJTOjS1 TMBUiNE-SATCRDAT, JUXK d, 100.1.'. 12 MRS. DEANE SEEKS BALM SHE SUES HER. BROTHER AND ,t UNCLE FOR 925,000. Alleges Thnt FinnltHn Howell ami Thoninq D. Bcvnn lit jut ed Het to Thnt Extent by Utilising Ptoeeed ings to Hnve Her Declined a Lii itrttlc Alleges Thnt It Wns n Wicked nttd Malicious Conspttncy. Potter Agnin Seeking Dnmngcs fiom the Tiolloy Company. Anuthct ilinplci In ill" Deiiin' 1.if II llllmitlnn wiih upt'iicil lip .vei tniliiy li tin- IIIIiik ni' a $r.,(MMi ticM-ini-t "Hit liy Mi", ili'iinlo Dphiiu npiiiiiHi'iii'i iniitiu'i, riimkiiii Howell, mid Iipi urn I". TlwimiM I) ItcMin Shu iiIIobuh tlml hi' 1u duinitKod to that oMcnt Hi mliiil, lmtly anil n-piltiill'iii 1)V till' IIIICIMMll!ll! liixtlltittil to have )HI llfllllll'll II llllllllll Till- IUIM).P ol tho lHDiii illllKMi '( illk'Kcs wus to I (Hew I'liinldlli Howell li mil the w- ((SvlV "I lllllllllK oci III lll'l" III!' liii"lt he multiilh'il tot In 1 as coil lldcntliil intent mill I" piewtit hut llllllllllHP villi In i in l still lltlsll.lllll, li. It. D(Mlli Tills, Mie nlli'Ki's. whs i imilli lolls .mil wlikiil ronpli.K The di'i luiiitlon III tlu null wns illml h. Attiiinov II. .M. Iluiiiuili IhIp i" ti'ulitv nti'i nnoii, In t'nithoiiiitiiiv ((ipclniul s ullld' It Minis n. fol lows: . n p pi.iiii n.-ii nun Hi in iiiim rum iin iii- frnl nit-. I rinUiii ll.iurll mil Mm ml- l limn, il mi 14(1 In tin mi' mil if -.''i mm lm Hit ioin (f mini -d lulli In tin follimlnu -liiti nn lit I'cfmi iinl I' Hi linn ! Hi' i iiiiiiiiillliii: if tin .jikiimi' In tin ildiml ml' x In li in ifl' i (llll(ll, III! Illlltlllll UK I H M'li lit nf Sclilllntl, iiiiln mir I. ni'l i I viiiul mil u iiih li in iiiiiul iiikI uiiilri-t Hi'liii-. ni'l w i mi Known to If lint tin iti tiinlinl, Irmktlii Hum II. uIiii n lur lunlliri, Ins fur m im u in Inn ililinir is li i n nliilotitl il unit ni'l liu-t" ni'l luri In III" liiml-i i til. i' inouiil u lm iiiH itnl c till. Inilli nil iml I'iimiiiI. Mliiili.-ln tin sml lilmilllT, Iml inli'iltul Until In i tilliT. Illliiil 111 i II lint II i -liil I mil lm I low II In ImiI iiiiii n.iiiidit mil r1i n iiiiii i , In! w iMt I mil tin -i ilnl ill ii inii-l nt ln "li iinpilti mil - till, lllllill,.' III' 11 lis sis, sr I'nlil ,ii,l h iiinj tin pi"iil nut i-liti uf tin il mi Utl is Ins nun mil til ln i n iiiims lint iliniii.- tin w il I'mn I ho iliinlilt. In lioi niLllnt I r r iti i mil 1 oln' )nn nil m in i.'nl In lie .-ml mil iNii in miU iii pl ilii n nf niiiii i.i nlli In i pii-inl liiisliinil, I II licinr, Iml iilliiltiuii fii in llu sii) Ti ml, im Hum II tin loiitul mil in in i.ri inrnt i'f lirr iHiil ptipiiti, mil IikI i illoit npi n lihn in ii i mini niul pn nioi In in i tin pii'piiti tlin in lii lnnd-i licl iuiiii: tn In I ii'l In, tin 'Mil I'i iiiKIIii llmrll linn.' nn iilik n nnilliiir In pn im i mil ililnu tn In i llic pmiTrti ifoii-iiil linn mil linn loiiiniinl iml iliii-cil tlio iMilnl, inilliinii- nil mil until inipiii. mil silinm uf liiutnr lici, tin sml pliin. tifl, il ilncd .t lttifitii mil uf ntwninil mini fi-r tlto pinpoo tliriclii ol pn iriitin: in i ninrui''' ltli liirsml pic-out Ini-lninl, I II Iliini, iml in iitln tint In tin -n 1 1 1 iiiMiii limn 11 inula Ii ilili tii'ntim in In- nun Inn I- tin piupmi ml p-l ito nr t'u plinililT iliiim In i lifi unl it her iloitli lntulit inliilit tin -mil uniK i tin1 mtistili I in- if tin -lilir Hi plimilll Iiiuiii; II" ls(s in I in In. Ill' I- IMlt III! ill fi in 1 1 tit Niul tin 1 1 1n i ilitinlint, 1 1 urn i- I) lti m, Mli' is in nm I ui llu plilutitT mil llu uuiilini if lm i-liti iliniii lm iiuniiiti, will Knnuini; llu luniisi- mil liinuin. lint -In tho -ml pliiitil) u is i i -mini niul iiiupctint inniil iml iimln-t imliiu n. uiiknih in. I iinln uiu-h i.iml ml (uii-piiiil villi ilu -ml tiinMiii How til in mil.ili-' i i li 1 1 ii llu lliuilllV tint -In i- i f nn-iiiiiul nun I in I wi-imj In i i-tili nil in u-ii im i if tin- sml uii Knl ml im I infill ii ii pn u. niul (nr tin piitpn-c nf piiirnt iii.' tin mini 1. 1 nl tin pi ilntill, is ifmrinil in I tint In, llu -ilii I niiKIin llouill ini.hl Hliln in In- iun Iniiils Mm i-litr mil prop ili if tin pliniuir, Hut, till -it.) IiiiiKIIii II null il I I li in i-. H lit in, ilul im I nth , in ilu inn. i niul mil iwlnlli in n- in In mil In. mil In ilh ilnils lilnl in tiiii't mr tint purpi-i, ill I mil -tin fil-i, Miilnl, liiilitiiitis nut sitiililnus illll.-l l.llll-t llu llllllllll Hi It su Mis if mi -ullllil llllll'l, mil till-Ill ll.ll pliiioullims tti In-lll-tltllt il f. 1 llu plllpu-i it lnlili'4 lift, til" -ii 1 pi liimll, iiliilii itnl i Innitii, tlir mi I pro-inilili'.'- lniiiu' linn 1111111111.111111 111 llu rmirt I 11 nun' 11 pills if I nk in nun 1 1. nun tn No 7is I nm 11 Ic mt l'HIl ll I I In- snl plilntin Mllll Hill slu 1-, jinl ilu if. 1 r. illt linn Kiiiniii in In 11 smiml iml 1 tiipi-tiut inniil mil 1111 li i-liimllni; nul mi Kmiun 1 llu ill li nil ml in In Nerves state of rapia tire uoon sverflWi iz often found in per sons who to Sill appcar&nws nv in good muscular con dition. Strong, sin-jle or brief exertion is possible, hut they cannot continue to apply their forces. The weak ness lies not in the muscles, but in the nerve centers which control them. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills energize the nerves nnd the muscles respond. WARM WEATHER FATIGUE. There are a great many people who practically wilt wtcn warm weather sets in, They lone strength, energy arid ambition they wake tired, get up tired and go tired all day. The difficulty lies in the nutrition of the nerva centers. The fatigue experienced is only a sign of it trifles and tho ordinary affairs of daily life become burd ensirritable temper, Impaired mentality, sleepless, rest less with lack of concentration, herald the way to nervous exhaustion. fDr, 4, W. Chase's Nerve Pills correct the Condition by renewing Nerve Force. Stul Hut It rcuon of ttic nfiirrMltl fjo, iiulliloiu niul linlittlul clmrKP iniilp miilnl Iter li t lie- -Jil iloteml.inM, ltc li.t turn Rtt illy IiiJiik'iI anil ibtniKcil In tier rooiI nunc tnitl Icptitntloii, nml lim bfcn cimril to snllrr Rtnt ilijl4l mil monlnl lotliire ind hiiriiMi, anil lia Iirrn tiinl pteat ln and ciptmm In Iho ciii iliiinrii! if leitnl rtmiicl mill pliylclnn Hliprrlnrc llif u ililnllff Inn nliiliii-il ami il.ilim ilnnii(-n In tin- inniiiit at i".,0iit) AmJ tliciefotc he lultiifj Ilili will. II. M. Ilittiimli, Mlnuicy for I'Ulnllif. Ill Common Fleas Couit. OeniKo U. I'iiUpI', llm tJuiuiuuu bittclior, Im hbhIii ii plaintiff In u tliiin no suit iigulusi the -.Scnintoii Hiijlwny compitm. 'J'Iip i'iisc wiis'oiilloil yo-t.U'1-tlnv befolo Jutlgu Kellv In com I 100111 No. 2. Mi. Potior niuldils son, Clunk's, 111 0 t'lnlttiltig- ym for tho loss or niio I101 pc, 1 ho Ittlttty of nuolhei' 11 nil lite tlt'tltollHllllUT Of II WHROIl, whit It IO- stilt(.(l 1 111111 it rolllsloti oi'cilft Iiik: on Noilh N'nslilnKlon inciiuc, OiH, 0, IS'I'). Tin' sun, t'linili's, ulio wiiN dilliu? Hie w 111:011, sitvtt tint L hofoii" ho 111 ti'tiiptod In 1 loss tho UhpUs ho slopped, looked mid listened mid dlcoPtod no till nppioilehlniT. Hofoio he Bill over 11 1 ur coming down the sleep hill de sieiulliiK: tiuui lititndvlew ttvenuo, dnslind down upon I1I111, Due of the louses wiih tin own under the fetidei iintl ill iKitetl it ( otisldeiiihle dlsiunie, It was sii ludlv Injuied It hnd to lie shot, The nthi'i wns (ill mid hitllsed mill .0 Willi expended 111 ilnitoillIK' U. The (InniiiKe to the wttHiin net pmsIUiIliI fill wot th ol lep.ilis. The 1 iimp tny ( 1 ilnis that I'til'lei did mil slop, lint iliove dlieotly in It mil ol' the em. The tnliK tin hell, applied tile lit. lite levoisul the ptiwel. siiudeit the tliuk, and In addition to alt tliisu things that niotot innti, 11s wit nesses, usimlh itll of hiulntf done to aeii an net lile nt, this p.utltulni 1110 1 1 n 111:111, Pi auk lltiMiiond, kiwi .1 whistle Mi IttiMiiond whistled lnr the eiitnt anil Jinv, to pimp that his whistle is no little two-pptins .ilfali, mid to sav that was ( olivine inm: Is dn. Iiik his whistle hut smalt (ompllinonl. Ml. I'ltMiiontl knocked n st.nt out of exoiv otiu in tile uoui t loom with his whistle The Lomp.tnv also put on witnesses to show that their Is ,111 tmohsti tteli il lew of the tiaek for thiee liutidietl feet Itom the point wheie 1'ottet at ti'nipted to 1 toss the ttack and that the .ippio.uli of an in-liound 1111 would lie Klbii. tiom .inv polnl foi .1 (lis. t.iiae of 400 feel alonir the 1 loss-lots lotlte put sued hv Pottei's team In .ip pio li lilnpr the ttaiU. Tho e IdeiKP was .ill in ,it .idjiiuiii itiK time. i:-.Iui1kp i: X. Wlllaid and lion '. P O'M.illex. ol d. War len is Ku.ipp lepifsent the tmiipain The plaintiffs .lttoines .lie .1 If. Hill lis, Cltv Solleitoi llooin'c M Wat son and .1. "W Ttiownhiff The oldei I'ottei was seated at the plalntllfs table whoio, in Is'D, he s,it for, 1 wiek iiIiik to make out a ?J0 lino suit atralnst Hip conipanv foi peisonal injuiios Mo wasdiivins- .iionnd Dun inote (.omeis one tla with a team, one ol whieli was ,i Miuiiff and sphited lioise. Some tiollex conipanv pmpliips wete lepaillliff Rll wiips with the aid ol a new-fainrletl flaiinpr ted ladder ,mt plntfoim" aiiaiifreiiiPiit that was beitiK used foi t lie Hist time As Pot tei appioadied lie tailed 10 the ineti to i ease t licit hamniei luff, but the paid no Inert to li lm 'I he noise 111 tde liv tin iliiatiiiK wiips, tourrthoi wltti the stiaiiBe lookliiK appaiatus plantt d In tlie 10 idwii, fiiKhtemd Pimci'b .0111iff lioise and a unlaw. n itsulied. I'oli was tin own out. with mkIi vlnleme tli it liis lott Ipj,' was bi nken in time plans liplow tho ankle, his upper law was bioken olf --o (ompkttl that when lii'loweied tlie undei jaw the up per law also low ciod his left iheek bone and his temple w pi p 1 1 uslu d in, Ii.mIur a pel miinent ileop inipi cssion, and 1 IkIu in Hie 1 entet ol ills 101 1 head was loll a hole, i.iiisid h a shmp ointed stone, that will easily hide the li tit of a man s thumb Upsides all this lie sustained internal Inluiies io stilting in poiniant.nt doiaiiseincnts. He lalled to si cine a 'etdlot, lioth in tlie local and appellate 1 milts, and fall Iv impoxei ished himself seekitiK' to in.oei what lie believed was his light, Tlie Ittiv in tlie i.ise of n. n sekk I, el al ,iK.iint S V. ,shell, Piankliii How oil and Allied Ilauoj, ulnrnod Its iliiUlii,rs at tlio opening ol 1 otu t Control ycslordnv moinlnpr. Follow Inp the In Hlruptlont of tins court, tho amount of Iho ponnlty 1 celled In tho hontl wns found to ho $5,000. The nelunl dnnuiRefl fttistnlneil by the plaintiff, by renson of Ihe faltuto or tho ilefentlnnts lo rimy out the eotidllloiis, of tho agreement wete llxcd nt $t,R24. This, niulliur In RUhJect to 11 (lt"s(lon of law, leservetl by .ludRp Kelly, nH to whether or not tho defendants ure liable for the full l'enalty locllod in 'the bond or only the actual damaKPs, The plaint lit moved Ihe point to cnler Judgment for Iho full amount of the bond, notwHhstiintllnB the veidlut, Thin avIII throw lliu mnt ter Into nrRUinont court. In the cuhp of .1, li, WeslRiitp hkiiIiirI I, K. Wldcmiin, JudRo IMwiutls ftinnletl ihe motion of Attorney tt. C. Xowcomh for IiIiuIIiir: InsttuclloiiH for tho defendant, on tho ground thnt tho evidence showed tho parties eie pnil ners In the ttunmiotlon out of which the suit giowH, and whr pattnets an notion of trespass tould not he. Hy older of r run t. a veidlot for the defendant was enteied In the chho of the t'tilteil Socttiltv ilfe lnslliance and Tiust eomptiny atralnst John O'Malley, and in the ease of Ci A. Shoemaker tiBulnst Annotle KevnohlH a eidlet wiih (lliected for the pin I lit I I'f III the sum of $.MC40. This was lor want ol iippemmiaie. Two Complaining Wives. Ihutallty on tho pmt of the husliaiids who had swoiu lo lo 0, mid piolect them, Is the riouikIh uIIckimI for iIImimi' In Iwo cases heaid befotu .IikIko .1. W. t'atpentet. They me tho iiisis of Kato Alia aprnlnst Jucoli Ait, and Annie .1. (lei illy against M. J. Cior ilty. Mis Ait, lier two sons, Hohoi I, aged 17, and Hiirty, ngod If!, and Isadoro .Shoemaker, a ft lend, who has known lite lamilv foi eius, fjave tho testl nionv that is Impel will niuko Mis) Atlr flee. It was lo tlie elfect that the husband witts a dt unkind, that ho heal and otliotwlse abused his wile: Hint lie io nised to suppott his famlij, and that he thieuloned to kill them if thev did not f,f t out or Ills house. This all hap pi noil at KtoiKhbutg. Heiks eountv, wluie the maiilago took place eighteen eais ago, and continued fiotn soon artei tlie wedding until a ,eai ago, when Mrs Ait and hot two bos came to Scianlon lo 11 o. Mis Ait swoio that hei husband her velouslv, le.ulng maiks of his vlolenco on hoi bodv more than fifty timers One of hei sons told that his lathei's neglect at one time re tlm od him to the necessity of gathering nuts in the woods to appease his hungei. In the (!eiilt case the allegations against the offending husband weio piefnied liv Mis (Jenitj, .1 r. Duel and Miss Maine Duel, of Hush, Sni (litehanna (ount. and Mi and Mis Bui lion P. Smth. of Dallon Tilth stni v wns that Oon Itv .pent his earnings in di Inking and gambling, lctused to suppott his wife and lio ituentlv beat bet, and flinill dioe het f 1 0111 home Thev woip man led at Itush in 1S8S, and lived togetliei eight veais ji.s. Ceititv lias slnie made hei living bv w 01 king out as a domestli. She Is at piesent in iho employ of tlie faniilv of ts-Sheillf llandoliih Ctippen (' H. Snpei is attotnoy for jris Ait, and Fiank H Flnv lo fot, Mis Clenltv. John Tavloi look tho stenogtaphlc notes of tlie testlmonv In both cases. Four Impoitnnt Ciiminnl Cases. In tlie i ase of the Commonwealth against S n-WavIand, couit jesteidav minuted a 1 ule to show- cause why tlie indictment should not be quashed In the eases of the Commonwealth against J. V. Ouoinsoy et al , and tlie Commonwealth against Piank Silliman. ji . com t iliiected that tho demuiiois filed last Satin day by the defendants be lsih down foi heating at Aiguniem com t. This vnrans that these cases will not come up for tiinl at the coming session of Ciiminnl com I. as scheduled. Com t lefused tho motion fot a bill of piitlculais in tlie case nf the Com monwealth against Pied Dilchei and Martin D Flalioity. Steam Heating nnd Plumbing. P. P. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. Muscle SCRANTON. Mi. lleniy Alliens, of No CHI Blioh Mieet, hiinntoii, Pa,, sa.vs- Kiir about two eais my baek and kldnc.vs had boon soie, lame and sectetions In bad shape. Nothing seemed to help me until 1 got Dr. A. W. Chase'.s Netvo Pills at Matthews Hios.' diug stoie, N'o. ,:.'0 Uukn wanna avenue. Thev did the wotk, tuilng tho soieness and lamenes-s, making the seeietlons healthv, and geneially giving me health and stionMb " CARBONDALE. . .Mis. II, Altliui, of No, 27 lihkett stiect, Caibondale, Pa,, ,sas: " fgave Di A Chase's None puis to a M'ting telative nt mine who was sub ject to seveie nei miiis sick headaches and attiuks ot dl.inosH, together with Kcneiai dehllli,v, The lesults of the use ol tlie bos 1 got at II. A. Kelly's diug stoie, toiner .Main and Salem sii eels, wns a dlsappoainncrt ol tlto heartaches and rtl.lnosn and a. lestota Unn of liealth and stiengtli,' HAZLETON, Mi, .lulin il Until, uldeimaii, of No. &' South Pipe stieei, lltuleton, Pa., I had hi in hoihPied a good deal Willi a dull headache and a nasty h.Hklug (ough. nnd .seeliig Di. A. V, ciiase's Neno Pills iccoumieiitled got a ho at llo.i8rl.iiui & Co.'s diug stino and found thoy help mo a good deal as Mr as I have gone in their Ubo. I test beltPi and the headaches do not bother iho as of old. 1 have no heultailon In endoi.sng them," 'I'lle luuikert hiK'coss of Dt A W, ChaM's Noivo Pills, wiih tho following symptoms, is attested to hy people; Tliiobbing, palpitating heait. Sleepless nights, Sudden still ting, Moining iangoiii llialn tag InablliO io vvoik tn Uilnk-. ' i:haiistluii on eNi'itlon. KlllgrflllB lippetlle Digestion slow, Koort heuy, llaslly ecllou Neivous stuuiglh fulls, Tiombling hands and limbs. Loss nf ilesh. Loss ot nmsculai powoi. Iiiltuiile, despondent. ' Di. A V. Clmso's Neivo Pills aia sold a't 5Uc a box at diuggists'. in Dt. A. W Clufce Medicine Co, Bulfalo, N, Y. See that poitiali mid slgiiatuie of A W Chase, il. I) , me on eveiy pick-age. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR LATEST ABOUT THE REMOVAL OF THE SHOPS. City of Binghnmton Hns Offeied Twenty Acres of Lund to the Com pany ns n. Site.for the Shops Pies ent Status of the Nine Hour Strike. To Ask the Board of Trade to Quatnntlne the New Men The D., L. & W. Board for Today Other Inteiesting Notes. Indications point to the temoval of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company's repair shops fiom this city to Hlnghomton, whether the ptesent sttlke among their employes Is settled or not. It has been known for some time that tho Ulngluimtnu lio.ud of ti.ido Is deslioim of necui lug tho shops for thai city, nnd lecently n special committee was uppolnled for the puipoM' of Inviting tlto company lo consider the matter stilously. ft Is contended that a switch from the main line at Blnghamton Is need ed to accommodate the inot cased fi eight tiifTle at that point, and to obtain this siding an Invitallon win evlelidetl to locato a lepatr simp theie also for the Syincusp and ITI lea di visions. This Invitation (time In the fot m or n suitable building site on which to eiect tho shop. The pioposltlon wa considered by tho conipanv, and held lu abeyance until a mote thoiough Investigation tould be made This wns done by the (ompanj's englneeis nnd when the matter was lepoiled on, tho pioposal vns binught to Ihe attention of (he binitl of tlliectois at a ictont meet ing, and tlie cltv of ninghaniton was Invited to make a dollnlto and ex plicit pioposltlon. Yesteiday the conipanv was offeied a suitable ttact of twentv aires of hind adlolnlng the lalhoad, situated oif tho north side of tho cltv, nnd riom what rould bo learned soml-offl-tlallv in this cltv, it Is mote than llkelv that the offer will bo at (opted. The city of Hinghamton offeis to do nate the land fioe, without any stilngs attached. Ocnoral Supoimtendent T. K. Claike and Master C.u Builder L T. Cnn fiold were called to New York ester day, and their piesonte at head (liiiuttis at tills time is significant. The conipanv 's attitude in the stilke situation is practically decided upon, and il Is a fight to tlie finish. Anothei significant fact which has a dli eel beating on tho lemoval of the hops is the suspension or vvoik on tho pmposnl enlaigement or the Scranton lound house. Tho conipanv had intended tenting down the old lound houe and building a larger one, but this nny now bo built in Blng hamton. Plans hid also been diawn up for onlatgingtho vard facilities and build ing a liuniboi of now, icpaii and machine shops on tho piesent site, and also lo include the land now be ing vncited by tlu steel company, but this idea has piacticnily been aban doned. Tho Dickson Lofomotlvo winks bad also linrtr lonsidei.Uion an addition to tlioii piesent plmt, hut the idea of electing it lias been given up ror the pioaent. The Nine Horn Stiike. AVIth Ihe exception ol' the stilkois announcing their intention or lpipiest ing the bo.ud of lieallh to quaianline the men by the Lackawanna ltallioad company and stationed in tlie paint shops, theio weio no de velopments' in the stiike situation jes tei rt a.v . II. C. (iallagher, W. 1". Voik and lTuiiiphiev B. Campbell constituto tho committee. Thev will call at the boiiicl or health's ofllces some time to d.iv lo ptssent the io(iiest. The ciiuncir? decision to take this action was supet Induced by the visit .vesterday morning ot Agent C. IT. Van Hu'kiik, of the Municipal Im piovement and Contiacting com pany, neg.uding his call, Chaliman Campbell said. "Mi. Van Busklik stated that he hnd leceivod an onlor Tiom the Deln waie, Lackawanna and Western to (lean out tlie quartets ol the Im pottert men now hniboicd in th paint shop Ho seemed dubious about undei taking the task and deslied to tonsull first with some lepiesenta tlves of the inachlnlsts. "Wo assinod him that no objection would be lalsed to such a seivice, av It in the inteiest ol" tlie liealth or the poinmunitv. "Tho men consider ibis as an addi tional n'Hson rot leiiuostlng the boairt ol' he.Uth m tako action, as llio 'scabs' of Wilkes-Bui io are of the same ml gtator.v kind as those totaled hue. With the icpnits of smallpos- (oming fiom Wllkps-Bniie nnd among Iho 'scabs' at Dover, the pi aspect of sow ing the seeds in this city In suih lei t lit gioimd ns the mateiial Impoittd bv the Dplawaie, Lickawanmi and Wcstoin, is not n voi.v pleasanl i on ttinplatlnn " It was stated at stiike lieadiiiniteis that sovotnl moie macltlnisls had loft psteirtay lor oth0! cities, wlieio tiio demands have han grai'ted, I'nless the stiike is sottled bv the Hist of tho week It was said that time would bo a gieai esodus of men Tim nuielil.ilsts icpoitcd that thoj loeoivtd a iiumbor of i ontilbutloiis, but If tlitio aio no fav (liable leplles ill hand by Sundav, will put their on teitaiument on tlie boalds to i.iiso funds. At tho heaikiuaileis of tlie striking cai bullileis, ev ot. v thing was riulet estmda, No new men aio known to hnvo been In ought In .vestoirtnv A leUginm vmis iKPived at the heiukiuaiteis oi the sulking iar bulldoiH last night deinlUB the io. poit tint Hei man I!ndei, piesldont of the llohokeii union, laid tiled of silking and hart made foinial appll latioti lor vvoik al tho Hoboken. shops Tlie telegram was artdiossert lo Mr. Campbell fiom (leoige TIs. chl, anil lead us lollows "Slot v about Bender absolutely false. Ho was at the meeting tortti). About twenty men weie hi ought In 1 1 tun New Yoik by the Lackawanna company op ihe ualii esltMliO atti uoon Thn men weio linniodlale ly taken to the paint shops. A legultu meeting of Iho Machin ists' union H1S helil last night, when n laigo amount of loutlne btisin 'ss was 1 1 ansae ted This and That. The Lackawanna ltallioad lompinj will glvo out the contract lm tho ion HtruUlon of lis new main lino ihiough ihe Allunuielo iiiountalns and on to the Deluw.ue Walci (lap on June 1, BH B1H1 iB HMB i TEETH . We extract teeth, till teeth, and apply gold crowns and ! out the least pain, by a method patented and used by pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished jfHK tBlHHL 1T W V 1, . AvAJm V9 r- - -- x... a ija iviwL iiiiaviiminiimr wj. i. n.. rKnr. A .... y S'.ve tt written ino mci inni tins IB an xncorporntcu company ilolng bust, va ness under the lawn of thin State, and oponvtliiK a Hystom of O , y omues, i8 a suiiicieiii. 7 that wo Uo exactly at f WD MAKH A SPnrrALTT of Gold Crown and Urldge Woilc. This la a ft 4 PVHtein for Inset Hug at tlilelal teeth w h ere one oi mot e are missing w Itholit the fi- use of a plnle. Tills vvoik Is most beau llftil and cannot be detected from tho natural teeth. When pioperly done, wl 11 lost a llletlmo. Call and see us opei- & VS ate. It will be a pleasure for us to carefully oMimitie your teeth and tell you gT; S exactly vv lint your work will cost. No charKo for this. Houis, 8 to S. Sun- " 9 dns, 10 to 4. i J: '- ! llll U f i M I Corner r.ackiHjniu ami Winmlng avenue's Oifr g? 5 IHO IMnlfQ llQIItQI UQMlirO "'' " More, .Stanton. 1 ,rKr.l , g I llu if illiD Ucllldl rdl lul 0 Ir(1,1.0 w ""'' m omccs ,n ' ni,cl g Stanhopo Hitil Neteong ale lo have it largo new depot. The Lackawanna s now cul-olf liotn Newton to Stanhopo is now ueail completed, which will glvo a much shot let and hotter net v lie lo New Ion and iliaueliv lllc townid Now Yoik. Tills company has also commenced 'the eieitlnu ol handsome new stations al Washington and Dovei. Sttolidsliuig Times. D., L. & W. Boa id for Today. Following is tlie make-up of the D, h, & W. boiuil for today: , i mi av, vt w n Willi Clin, I lst-1 , ill, I'. io p in , il P.. in im, 11 i in , i i. i v. n llu SVU IIDVV, II M, 1 Wild Cats, I ist- I ,0 i in, I'. P. stticns, la m, Will! im Iinln, a in, I' II illt l; 111 in, W. I illln: II i in, C W Ilium, I i m, VI linnriU; 2 p in. (,eomo liiuniis, , ni , M I. lldiiilKnii; (! p in, O I'. In jrti(i Mm inlt-, cli , ! n in. ect, l.'iorpp I mini filler, 11 p in , fist, J. limine m; S p lii.eia, VV. II NKI f Is; 7 p in, rist fiein N iv Vnj, 1' Mi Allislir, T p in, est fiom ( iviyi, 'ihompson, 7 p in , nest from Cnuui, VIi r inf Pullen 10 si in , 1' I" S(,rnr. I'uslrrs 8 1 in, lltinsei, 10 tn , s lm. nrrtv : 1130 1 in, Monti, 7 p in, Murpli) , 9 p ni , l.dlilpint;-, 10 p in, Witlnci pissepprr 1 limine-" 7 l in , f, iffnri , 7 a in , Singer, " '0 . m , stinion, 7 p in , Mjcovern, Willi tits, Wp.t-) i. in, VI ( uiiiihIv, S i ni , T C.ilnu-iiii; 10 j in. V Will, II i. in. P Poutlii in. 1 p in , (.1 ltjittlolpli, I p in , I (iinlei : II it in , I t Vliin.i, Willi S( iples' iikii, 7 p in , I V llusli i Mllll I Inuliiilnr W II Wnli'l Mill t iki In' nun run on s ii in Mil I c it luiii' J This and That. v The lliii Klavois' union, at a mooting last night, plot l il the following nlll-ceis- Viesidrnt, MldiacI Nolan, vieo president, i'lanl; Sclnoeilei , secu taty, Aitliut Jolinson. Union Made Shoes, The wot Id's; best lootwcai, at Million's Shoo stoie. Open lato S.iluida even ing. ANNOUNCEMENTS OP THE RAILROADS Two Ways for Cost of One. For th" International convention of tho Kpwoith League at San rtanclsco July ISth to 1'lst. 1901, n-tuin tickets will be sold by th" I.acKawunna niil uiad at les4 than one-way f.ue. Lackawanna agents will have these tickets on sale July 4th to 12th, inclusive, limited for lotutn to August 31st. West of Chicago or St. I.ouls the tickets for tills occasion will lend going anv diiect route and loluiniug via any other dlioet route. Othoi vailablo ionics may be used It desired foi small additional amounts, such, lot instance, as going dhool to San Fianelsco and lotuinlng via Poitland and Si. Paul, $') oti.i Tho i ate fiom Scianton will be $R0 'J.'i Fop luitliei infoimatloii In iiulio of tho local tiiket agent oi wilto to Mr, T., Ooitcial Passenger Apont, 2il nihnug'' Place, New Yoik city. v XOW FARES TO GETTYSBURG, Via the Lehigh Valley Raihoad. Ai count II. A. li. Encampment, Do piitment of Peuuslvanl.i. Tlckots on sale itom points in Pcnnslvanla, June 1. .'. . -1. and ' For ftutlier paiticulats- see ticket agents, LOW FARES TO DETROIT. Via the Lehigh Valley Raihoad. Account meeting of the National laHicatloiial Association. Th Lots on sale July is. 7 and S. See ticket agents for pin ill ulius. Reduced Rates to Kansas City, Via the Lehig-h Valley Railroad, Act mint of the meeting, liupoilal count 11. Nobles Mvslin Hln Inc. Tickets on sain June 7, h, and y, lu iliilin of ticket agents lor pai'tlculiit h. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. QRANB ATLANTIC HOTEL ,NO ANNEX, Virginia m mil lluiili. .Vtlnitk (ill, N I s-Ktll .)' Jl, 'I'O Illlltlllll IIIUIII) UIMlIll, llljlil jihI Willi lutli, liul a ml uilJ l'luJllr lullu In hutil .iml iiiiuk lm all. ii, stint inn miiiijI, ulililn Ion wnls nf lit- sU I'iu On hi -ni Dili IS apilUl -ll lll Jt(', s).' I,, s, m Milk, fi 'U up III il I) 'li'Ojl I itu to I inilili-. 1 'mill's unit M li ilm. Willi tm bunklit I II VUI.I s I t Ol'l HOTEL OSBORNE. MUlilii t l, , .1 One mIujii innti lu'jil. .Nuv 7"i loom jiiiii Moiloiii jipoiiiliiiiiii I it eipeil wit Ui! II ilt. lo tl llj, M.'tOantl up i.jtil lb tin- unl, ss iml npuiiiil (ji.iuii, lit) II I O.Iuiiiio Every Woman in intertsUil auU stiuuIU Wnou - -W ' .S mm ttuuui. iue ii vi urn it MARVEL Whirling Sprai lilt' HOW i;lnhjiU(r j, vcW, lion unJ tu nun iicei " i I HOM I UIICIllfl tl'JtCllllHj 1 liKiaitiiiiltiini'lt tin: SMKfcl..uiif'liio, nil r. lull &.!wl lluilll, for 11 tuttMteii touk vtllrt 11 Bit! full ii.ll 11. Illiirk till 1 llll fi 111 Hi In fjV. VI fj. ,i ',i.t njwuri ll I-1 t (., rtoom C09, Times HJi' i cn lorU Note Our Prices for Perfect, Full Set Teeth (that fit) Gold Fillings Silver Fillings viuiu viuwus i cetn without Plates s.oo CltanlreTeetli cm. . ...... . . ..,... .. .--s guarautoo for i!0 yean on nil work. OL guaraiueo oi our responsibility jitul Wo Advertise. - ! t T '! f T T T T T T T SUMMER FURNISHINGS X a. Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all " the new novelties in 4 Porch Rugs Porch Curtains Fibre Carpets Straw Mattings Summer Draperies WILLI AflS & ricANULTYl Temporary Store Carpets. Wall Meldnim, Scott & Co. Men's Department We desire to call your at tention to our new line of Negligee, Stiff Bosomand Dress Shirts which havejust been received In Negligee We are showing only the newest things for the season par ticularly in ox-blood and blue assortments, Prices from $1.00 up. Stiff Bosoms All new ef fects at , 75c and $100. Dress Shirts Long and short bosom, open or closed fronts, in all qualities. Klegant assortment of Col lars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Hosi ery and Suspenders. 126 Wyoming Ave. New Phone nml Old Phone. inn's Si Lager Beer Brewery Mauufoctiircrs )f OLD STOCK PILSNER 48(5 to 455 N. Ninth Streot, .PA Telcphouo Call, 2.J3J. ft bridge work, with- si us only. When the im same day, If desired. 5! Painless Dentistry g $5.00 $1.00 & 50 l ' a.jjo.uu LO O.UU & .. ni 1TEP IMU "" MHI ntUllik.. udft "ED IHKilllllii I liitliwi.M,nuiiil,,iH T BwAI r Hr"l,YVv "Tv )$r mmmMMMm : 126 Washington Ave. Paper. Draperies. H' i OF SCRANTON. Capital 5200,000. Surplus $525,003. United States Depositary. Special attention given to HUSINKSS, I'KRSONAT, and SAV ixgs accounts, whether large or small. Open Saturday cvcning9 from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conniii, President. Hlnry Bilin, Jr., Vice 1'res. W.m. H. Pick, Cashiei NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor Slxti tilth "it. ami IrWng I'lacc, NEW YORK. Amen, m I'I in, ! V) IVi Daj nml l'pjid 1 uropciii PIjii, il ) I'ei Diy JiiJ Uiwrti. i-pulal ll.ilc, io r.imillcs T. THOMPSON, Plop. I tiriTFL " JEFFERSON NfcW TVjnrv lo-.'.10l.loii iiht isili Street. 'I h .1 1-1 1 ntSOM tlinrougbly iirt-cli n irti"iim.imUtluiuryiiilcom(ort. 1)" litli htroel. just cat of Unipn br,uare. IM? wiililii '"" minima ot tlio Uftding shops, thcnlrc? and i ll European Plan, $1.00 up. American Plan. $2.50 up. Suites with Privato Bath, $2.00 up. 1 r ipecial W or information wnto JOIIX r. i IIXTi-ll !. 1'roprlftnr j.j.A.A.A-4---.e. ---f-f -- I lor Business Men In tho heart ot the wholesale! 4. r- district. . j For Sliopiiui's 4- T S mlnute-j to Sieeel Coopera Die . I Btoie. Unay of access to the srea; Dry Goods atorea. I For SiKiitsecr One blocls from B'way Cars, civ- one uiocifc tiwiu ..jr m,j. ..- InB easy transportaiiou io au -r nolnts of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT i arm luna. T t ror. llth ST ft UNIVKnaiTY VI I bnb one lllocu iroin uroaoway. -r I 1 lln KBSTAURANT ROOWS, M Up. Prices Ktaionsble -1 Pocono Heights Hoiise ,.imiinwliu. W DMiI, 111 iiiiiimi uiinti, 1 10 it iticjiiH on pienut teiliii iuuiU)Jt I'M nl. mine SikI for 11r111l.ii Samu3l Edinsar, Kt. Pocono. Pa, Prof.G.F.THEEL,527 N.?,.ri! " A A e -a-. kb ,ev a a a IblUJflpbia. lo. Unl i.trwAo (irrUlUl Ui iutrrlnt (iijruolrr 19 rurt Uo j Bill I'rlnlr! IKmum. frf U r 4 ttiIldi)Ktri)Ml4burtI lUMWI iwriruraiv nfririwrraiavrMiiiBi( , 1 D4triipfe Iiotrat bbrkfiit)rn,svfaJrx)rStrern rtbllmoiUltJi Hookl Iriliitlutf ttrj wrJIral tail Utli paur." iS I V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers