prF"ffi'J','TI V v " .'. V w- H THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, .ItfNE ! 1901. tH" TUT" Religious.. R IIV 131!. ' .M HlKl'MN, NNho wil" H'lOlltly oIi'i'UmI II tll'IOKUtl' Ul IIIC Ki'lltlii'llli'iil coll Tot rlicr ill "Mrlli otllin In l.imiloii li ntpi't In rff' 14 III 111" MiMlt tllltlll'l' llV 1 : 1 1 1 1 imi1 cluiii'li, which li iitmiil to tin Unit lioiitnetl Then- iii' hut l" i'i'Ii trulL"1 lioui Hi" t'nlti'il Sliitpi Hint It I i imillcil pi Ivllop' to he "(.'leeU'tl. )r (illllll NNIIH II tll'll'KllU' to Hi" HlHt J',,n- uicult'iil I'liiifVicMiu' In 1W ul"" In'" In I.unilon. when liu nii nil" of the MH'iilU'M In the t'lly Itouil cliiii"l. Ul" inolhcr plui'" of "11 Molhoilhin of piiltlt Ui Clllln will sppnil th" oiuly pint of Ilia HliiuniPi' viu'iitlon In I'i.iII loinlii. wIipii- lu- will nttoml the Up- NNIII til l.PHBIIl' lOUN'Olltloll. Tli" Hi'ivlie at Klin I'm I oliinrli to luol inw nlRht will he liiiiiKt'rl by lb" picspiii" nl ln nnlPil lPptPKctitiitlVps of the tiilsloiiiiry wnik, Minliimp Sno booimnani Atiiinnl. n womiui of Hie highest piikI" ol' Intllii, will he on Hip plnlfoiiii, mill .MNi l!i HP" Stpvpnx. ii notpil mission. ii y of Ititllii, will iili-n iiuihe mi itrliltcs-H Tli" foimcr li 111" il.iiiKlilpr of cine of III" pilnplpiil JuiIrcs iiMd iIiIipmI rltl.piii of India. She wac f-n dpvotod to lip.itlipu dopdllips that mIip had licisolC built a tpmplp. but lrmnliiR to ipnd KhrIIsIi h" tend Hip TBHiIp mid bccniiip a uuneit, to thp Rip.ilpit siipi'IIIpom i oliLPlvablo In thp loss of wealth, position and family tics, .slip is Known anions 111" iiiIshIohiuIph ih. "TIip Indian l'sthoi." Slip will lie ln'soi anion under th" ausplpos of the Uniimn's ToipIrii 'Mlsslonaiy society. I lev lliuiv V. I'oiser.who N to .pp.ik on 'Missions In AlasKn," timioriow lnoinliiR In Hie 1'iovldPine 1'ipshy toiian iluiiPli and In the Ciieen IlidR" I'ipslntPi Inn eliuiPh In the ppiiIiir Is Hip ton of Mi. and Mis. Coisei, of Conn .slicol and PioNiilonre io,id, .mil hiothei of Di. .lolin i 'nisei. II" has been' stationed two ems at Poit AVi.iiirIp, .mil Is mioii to letmn to hts in ink tliPie. Mr. Coiscr was a mni mlhsliuii'i In the Rcneial .isseiuhly latel held In Philadelphia. To.1ip.ii him will arfoid an exeellent oppoilun llv to r.iUipi much Intel estlnR inloi inatiou nboiit wondeifiil pait of ohr count t. The Pi psbytei eliuieh has spcn missions In Alaska and a well-known sihool In Sitka. The Welsh H.iplist lnlnlstei s' pon fpii'iup nl Xoi thea.stein Penns,i i.l.i will meet in the Menioilal I'.ip list I'lmii-h neNt Tuesday alteinnon and on cuius:. The minlsteis alone v 111 inept in the afleinoon. when ,x paper will be lead by UTe I'pv. D. .T. Williams, of IVekxIlle. A public meetiiiR will be held in Hie inenliiK, nnIicu Hie Up. T. n. Monis, m Nuntl i ok". ,iiid the llp fipoiffp Il.iRUP, of (lUiihimt, in III pi each, one In Welsh and thp other In I'iikIMi. RdfelO'iB News Holes, Ke. J. S. Thomas will piesent nt the ISaptist p.isloi.s" I'oiifoipiKP Alomla at lM'Si) "A ritud ol the (.'liuicli at Cot -iotli." The music at Hip Fiist PieshyterUtn i'IiiiipIi loinoiiow iiIrIU ptoililses to he ol an PNipptionally IiIrIi older and of nmisual Intel est. Pasloi (iaebPlion, whose Nh-lt was di'fPMi'd, owiiiR to illness, will be In iiiaip iii'foi nieil npisiojial plmrc h Siitiila.v , Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. All lo pis of the AVoul should hear him. l!ev. Dr. rsnlld will rInp the chaiRe lo the paslor on Tuesday CNenliiR- neL at the iiiVtall.Ulon or Itov. "W. Ilolllns lied as pastor of the Picbbytcilun lIiiim h in KoiesL City. 1 1 em y f'aidpu. instiuelor In last e.u'.s educational classes, will addiess the men .s nicctiiiK: at tlie I:. U. Y. M. ('. A. Sunday at ,::tri p. lit. The Simp sou'iiialp quartettp will lender Micelal . All men aie wcliomo ami aic pionil.spd a piolllahlo hour. The Methodist Mlnisleis' iissoclatlnn of riei. niton and vicinity w ill meet at i:im Paik i Inn i'Ii on Monday momliiR. I unc 2, at 10 !10 o'clock. A paper will bo piescnted by Uev, G. Itnbllln. Sub ject, "Michael and Jonathan, or Her man and Anieilean i-'limactus Cinn paieil." At the Penn .Vnpiiiip Haptist eliuieh the jiaslor Nill have a uniiiue wr co on Sunday PveniiiLr lie lias chosen a number of tho old tmnillai hymns and sourh our mothers hims', and will place the hymns hefoie.tlie oiiRiPRiitlmi NNith the aid of a powei ful eleutilc 1, lutein, and as tho veises of the hymns aie biiiiK', they will be in Danger. TiNcryonc is in danger who neglects the warnings of declining health. The warnings ate not as .startling as the sud den shriek of n locomotiN e, but they are just as ominous. When the body begins to lose in llesh, NNhen the cheek is hollow and the , bkin sallow it is I Nature's warning that the body is ( failing of proper nourishment. 1 1 is a condition of "weak" stomach, and "weak" stom ach soon iinohes other organs. Dt, .Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery . cures diseases of Uhe stomach and other organs of digestion and nu trition, and cures through the .stom ach diseases seem ingly remote, but which Iwnc their origin in the disease of the stomach and its allied organs. There isnoalroliol in the" piscoNery" and it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and oil other narcotics, "Defore I commenced lo ne nur medicine I n.ns in u liad condition (for eight cur) uuit four dot lor treated mc," writes Mr llrttie AsWew, of Oarjsuurg, Northampton OiN N 0 "They, o course, uac me at the lime oiiie relief, but it did not last Ions- I was bomcdJNb in my lied and some ilajs 1 ilrugced ihout the house. I June used Unc bottles of the Golden Medical DUcoNery' uud UNe of the 'iMNonte I'recriptiou ' aud four Nial ol the I'cllet." Now I letl like a uiw woman, and 1 want the nor Id to Lnow it." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, looS large pages, paper binding, scut Jice on receipt of ji one-cetit stamps to pay expense ul tnilim; ol, or .",1 itamps for it in cloth binding Address Dr. Jl. V. i'urce, Uuffalo, N. V. iftm2witf&s' - . BMfff! TifflBv. w IHiHtiaied be beautiful views nppro pilal" lo the .sticied theme. The choir wll laid In the sot vices", UwltiR to (he annual coiiNenllon of the laithoi'nii Mlnlstpilum of Pennsyt vnnlii, which Is now In esnlon lu Al lentown, Pa., tiiaiiy of the lattheian pulpits of the city will be unoccupied on Sunday. Services will be held In Ion laitlieian church, Uev. V. V. Zlale iimnii, pastor, and In St. Mink's, Uev. A, 1,. limner, pnstot. Until these cleiRyineii wcio unable to attend the iiniittiil convention. J. V IIopp, u mem ber of St. Mink's IaithPiiin eliuieh, teptcspiits this coiiRieRiitlon us lay deleRiite to the inlnlftel Itim, Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. l.lm I'irk I'liim-h I'rajcr ami pLiUc irrihc nl P..0 n in , iumciiIiic smlip it Klii, crmon by the Pacini, Dr. I'. M, (iiUm; rl i infctlnff after in. rnliiR ktiIic"! Min,U. silmol nt 'J p. in.; .bin lot li wiie it I W, .siiiuii I pwuilh Insiii Jt tl 10, Nt 7.10 p in tluip nniII hi" (in mlihrvi by Mtn l!l up Mpniiiii, ll"0 mi. ics ami lrnurKi by Si"J tiwin JKiini AiiiiimI. 'Tho bull l.ithri," n I1I5I1 ci-ln llinilii inimil, scuiici .it the I'ini! Stirpt 111101.1.1. sihkU mIioiiI .it II .1. 111 , I'pnorlli Ipikup nt il 0 p 111 A ionlir.1 imitation h c Iriiilul to .ill .siinruun Mctlioillst 1'pl-iopil (liuiili, North M1I11 iitPiniP lli-i II, V MiOmnntt, paslor. I'iniliinir at 10.10 a in ami 7 '0 p 111 Jlornllv toph "Cn I ilminH wiili :il." I for. lit: !'; ncninpr topii, "sunin I'lolilrnit of lllnnp Proii ihnip," Nliitt. : J'i; M1111I.1) uliool at 11 in , .I1111I01 Ipiiiui' it 2 rn p in ; I'pwortli Ipiriip .11 I. 11 p in. JIip proplp no: imdlilh Invited tu tlp prnp. s,(ii niiikU'. s, its trip. Nbnr.N Nl 1 iliuiih, luinci Monkey nvPtiut nml DcIim.iip mitt, Hcn. W. (', Simpson, D 1) , Ii t-loi lluotlcnil nicctlii); of thp Ilrotherhooil U s I'ml it ') 'i i. 111. 1'iP.Klung at 10.10 n. 111, Mihjut, Moral I niispioiiHiPs-s, Imitation of Hip Dump " sunilii M.I100I at 2:.I0 p. in ; Kp worth Ipikup .it 4.. .0 p in. Piddiinc at 7. 'I p in , Mibpit, "hmploni of (.oil ntid All 'Hunk..." l'riwr nieptlne, Wciltui at 7.10 p in HiiMtip-s nipilli.g o( the nrothorliooil of si Paul on tlip pi oml mil foiutli Tuc-dij-i of moiilli at 7 '0 p 111 s( i(fl free and all welcome Lnlir Al hup Mi tliodi-t I pi-copal ('lunch 1'. I'. Dot, piitor. suniln, .liuic -', I'lOl. Mcpt ins; of the llipthcrliooil at 0 13 1 m. Nlornlus woislnp, with Minion I1.1 the I.1-I01, al 10. TO Sunilii vhool il noon, .iunioi 1 pworth loitue it .! .11 p m I pworth Ic.iRuc at I. ..0 p 111. i:c11111' woidnp nml Mjiinon at 7 Ml p 111. Clai 11 (Kill!; MuiidaN pNoiiina; at 7. 10. Piojci inrri in' Wpilnodiv Mining ,ii 7. 0 All are toididh uphoino at all finnp.- Ihinpfon street Mcihodi-t I'pi-iopd (luiuli lt(. .I.iinc Heuniusd. tictoi. 1'ieaiiiiu it 1(1 11, Sub it of 'union, "Ilpniiit; One n itlin'i nunlpiH " (lis inritnv at 11 0 s,m ill! mIiooI at 2 p in hpworth Ipirup at CIO, Irulpi, .lohu llasKCr. 1 M nine pipaililng fcrvup it 7.10 snliji . t ol Piiuon, "Hip linage and siiir-iiiitloii " wplroiue to all. I'loiiihiup Alpthodtt npil ihiiKh Ut. (.rori;p N. ( hip. pj.toi 'Hip Ihothorliood of H, I'ml luiiH tin plant al 10 a in Mibpit of luiiiums; sKinon, ' Iho Watthuicu". Snud ly (hool il 2 p 111 ; 1 imoilh It irui at li t, ton , "How to (.it Hid of sin " iltd .laikiou, kid (i. snbjut of (eiiiti!; miiiioii, at 7.0, "siull 1 lb ip NAhat I Nm Snwini;.'" A'h Mick Moll orti-t I iiionI climih lliA. I. I! 11-t01, putor. Mnriun, picailimi; neime at 10W, siib.pit. "Ihi- Si'lmiiviNp spnif; ila-s incrtiiur ul 11.10 a. 111, I) . rhubb, kailei; .Sundai Mlonl at 2 p in, P NN, Monc, Mippi iiilpiiddit; Junior league at d p. 111 , Mii kilip lliiliu.iu, -upcnnti nddit; I pwoith Ii.ikiic at 0 ti p. ill , Mi-s M iinl Kihuci, luilci, ciinliiR pioaih ins fcciiiip at 7. .0, snbjut, "fr.ul, a I'limc with (!od " riio fprond minibcr in a i.enps of siiiuou 011 "Old IVtjmuit lfllO( " Captain .1. (.'. I1111101 will sine al until tin moiniin; aud uirnini; rlmir li i.rniirs Nil wplconip limit snrot Nlitliodt I pi-iopil (.lmrcli liei, (.'. ('. liiiiin, pitut I oc foa-t, 'MO 1 in,, billowed b (oiiiiutminn -pnuc. sundu &1I100I, 11 l'i n 111 , (, It ( Ijrk, i.uitrinlciident. .lun lor le inn', .1 0 p m ; Mm 1 Kiiik1, puitoniitin dint. I pwoith leau, !,"(. I'le.iihmr; 7.J0 b,i liu. 1. II huiKci, 1 i-lant tnloi at J hit 1'arh iliiuib Nn Nil' Mithodi-.l lpiLop,l thiiuli, Up;. 1 It Nulm, pistol, suiidi school 11 1 .0 p, tu , Irani, htiwauls, superintindciil; pipacluni; skihp it .1 1 l ipta.n .1. C. Tiiiuir will sins at Hm periiip; rlis ineotin? M I ji. in , V. "M. iou, Icnlii. rnnliil wikorup to all. (iPinian Millmillvt I'piviopil thuiili, Adims iieinip and Nine sireet (.. Itobiliu, (ustor I'lpadims: seni es it PI 0 j in. and 7.'0 p. 111 Subjoit in Ihp iiiniiiiitu, "UcMienip, Peijuiy md PiofmilN " lu tln iieniin;, "Dnld" biindi Khnol at 110011, and at 2 n'llork p. in in tho lailoi Aienno ilnpel! I imm1Ii k.u,UP meeting at 0 11 p. 111 ; pnjii incclini; on 'lliuivliy pun ms: finan Niihodit Ipixopil ( Mow ml I'hip lli'i. II s linitlei, Pri uhinR I0..KI 1 in si,jl(ll - J 1 ,o- lllnoil of Hip New 'li.-l;ilni nt " 'Ihi MUJInont of Hip bird's Hipper will Inllim, hundii filiool, J.O p 111, ( liris tliu I ndriuii piani iiuKlnc;, 7 p. in I'll. nil in,; at 7 l'i p in. A iwdnl well nine In all. Baptist. I'iiiii Niuiiip lliptit 1 luiuli I'm ulini; 11101 ii nw .11 in .0 nml cieiiin. it 7.uU In thr pitoi, l!i I' N I'b up. D, D Moinins I" iJHd in Hip lowri tiniplp .11 (i l'i 'Hip ntor will sbc a hi u f i-ciinnii on llip iluinc "Why ll.iptiMs .Nip .Not ( loop Coiinmilii(jiii.-ts " Sriuion followed bj the leirption of new iiieiubein and Hip I.oul'i Nkimuiil Miilip, blind ly mIiooU at llm Penn Niriiup iliuuli at 2 oMoik ami at the Anii'riuin lui-Moii, on 1'iCM.otl aieuiii, at .1 .al, 01111u" People's Kndc ivoi sodeti nieeliii al 0.H). In tho rvrulns theiu will bo a tpriiil M'niio in tltkil "II.Miins of Iho Mslit." M.iiiv of tin- old luait li.uiiiis will lip beautifully ilhiitiaud by lhi Imteiii unw and opeii.d nnuir will lip nmliiid lli-l IliplM ( huiih south Main liiiiui lln S, 1' Nhtilieiw, pistm, Nloiiilns senile, pipaili in- lo the pi.-tor, 1I...0 a m. lu the ocniiiK, lt'. W. II. Will imii-i, tlie ilriiiuinii Pianitella, will pieaih, Sonip (ouuiiriiiint; al 7,"0 p. 111 'llip lord's Mippci will follow Hip iIom- uf tho riinlnt; teriiio. Mimliv mlmol ,11 '.'.id p. 111, nl Plymouth (huiih; Di. Iluldor, Miprilulru ihnl llipt Ut niin:; l'mplp' union pia.iei inert in.', I. ,10 p, in 1 at Inn He hall. All arc web lump i.iipii llidu'P llaitlst riiitnli Snilii loiidiut rd bv llm i.itoi at 1J..U 1 111 and 7...0 p m, 'Iho loid'n uppei will lollow tlio iiioinlns sir nun. subjeit in the iicnliu, "llip Young ( Imsl li.111 I Would Like to see." suniliv i-cliool at II 13; iiiretlnt; of Hip .limioi smiil) at .l-ifi roll tall of thp Miiioi ioikly at (i-'A llhkcb- PiptUt Cliuiili-l)a-,id .-pnicer, 1) D I uiur. lOuiia in., tiiiuou, "Oheiiieiup n dod's Will"! loul'it kiippift IH1!, lllhlc sihooli I p in, lllakcli lloj' bilgulo uitlir; addrii by liu. Albtll II, smith, 0f s, Uion; li. I',, (lap tNt oiiiis Peoples union! "..hi, ,11 mini, "I'choes Iroui llu late Nilloual lljptl.t niiii(i-jlia." I.wivhuih wikouip. PreabytflUau, ' lint I'icdi.itotiaii (himh Sinken, 10,.u i m , 7 0 p, 11. Di NUIind will pieailt Subjeil, 'NU'itl Nfiald of llodr II so, WlijY" siuur. ii.uikonic MM wul, reii 11 p. WuIiiimIji urn llifc- al 7 la o'l lo. I,, Niond I'lirlvtriiaii (liuuli-Sinke, jojh 4, in, 1M p. 111. Dr, Ituliiii-un will pleach mom inn' ami (tcniiitf I lie lipio for tlie eiening will be "l'uiuai,r " loidial liollation ii iMiudt.j lo all 1. lun llldia 1' ( huiih-rtu. I I l.jliiiliK, paloi; ltd I It I'uilei, J..UU111, in .10 a in, MiiUv of woiluii, with Jddic.s, u (tplloii of iiiiiubiib and luuiiiiuniou of the loid't, supptu I- in., Bible oilioolj 0.13 p. 111, (In I., tiau I'udpaioi, ".l'i p. in, ltc. Hjiu P. (oie-ci, ol loit Wuutile, jkj, loinmi-iloncl to (he cncul aruibl.t ituiii Nh-ka. will ilellni .111 1llu.11.1ted nidi. on iu.,'oiijr, (cilriue in la!.u Nil lutlliil and wikouud ' I'loildtliii l'U'b.Kfliill iliuuli a-nkrj at Sunday School Lesson for June 2. Jesus lMHOPl'niOV 1'ormnly II w,n niiipopd that Iho book of llrhrcid Win willtiu bi Paul, and lu tiKwl lllblci It Is mriitrd lo him In llip title. Hut nl tte rar, in In tlie ratly lent' ttirlc, luan.i hate been linwllllni; to iiwIrii it to tin- Paulino )trm of tliouRht, ami lew kIioIim cier piPMinip tu luwtl nn.Khini; of ll lulli'ir slilp. I'ortutiatelv, the nubjrit N not Important Tin- (rencial pinpo of tli" book, howpier, U well Understood by till It wn iIkIrikiI to tienthPli tlie faith of fliov Itebipws who had enihimrd Childlinlly ami wno lu dinger if rrlni-nlriff to I lie tclitilon of Huh tilli.'r. 'llm iffy idmpllelty ami fieedoin of the i.opr. mi' tradliiR with Hip impodni; iltdJl, .mih il heme tu think lint they hud tnuieiuleiid what wm belter for what Mm Interim, The Iis.on, there. forp, IiiMI(iiIp a lotnparlxui bctwirn the two dlieiiMlloiiA for the piupoc of shouliii; Hut what W1 laluahle in the old hid bicu letaiued and ep iiiilc.l )n ilnnifed form in Iho now Our lesion preentfl Oirlt a sii(ieir lo Hip .lewlh IiIrIi pilet, of whom n full airount li imen in I.CllllllUI, OITICI.M, (Vprjii 11 mid l.M-Chrbt i hup lo be a IiIrIi priiit of the yplillutl bleinjn of the future, Hint Ik, of Hie llnNtian ilNpcti-itlon Mich lie obtained udiinptlon, not by the blood of coil Mid uliea, m the ,lewlh hih pileft did (Liv. ilili i'l), lint by 111 own blood, which was hed for Hip reinilou of sini (Col. i: 20). After iinkliiK mill i.iirlnic ll( piwid llnoupll a Uhcru icIp moic jwrfpit Ihm tint of Mce, whhh w 11 nuidp bi hind, and pntirpd Into the holy phnp. Hip I.eNllkil piipt mln-l-trrcd in the rirllily and teniponi.v tnbimiilp, but Clirit nilnlsleiii in the lu neiily ind sph itual ram lo. NNIieietoip, lip was crcilpi thin Ajioii or ani one of liU surtesM.. No man in unoumiiig' .liidii-iu and einbrieiui; elms thnltv lrt what lie hid, but lip inlher Rained tint for nhli h the old piiethood was only tj pi eal. 'Iliii ofllcial ilewilptlon of ( hril was a well chosen ami powerful niRiiinoiit In fnor of louiltj lu llliu, ami una -o intpmhd. 1.1 l'ir.N( I01N (Neie 11 and II). Ihrrp iiiikIiI Mill be iu Mime miliiK who uecl(d the 1 lit tiliincnt a itudtiou wliilhei a chaiuc of rellclmis win pi opt r ni.d wi ,Supin-c lhiit lnd hicciup IiIkIi plii-l lu tho phue of those of the old Homing, is tlie senile, ot that piiist hood as lahiihh" llitrv mm who mndders the suhjeil of it all iIciips to find .some sure iiinrih for il, Mai this be nbtiiliied undor the new- siMem is will as under tile old? The wnUr .iiLwus Tho IdnfMl of bulls and units hid been um-iI lor Kututic for tho pmpnse of smetifl a lion, of outwaiil liausinc: (Numb. Niii: 7). ml no one bud ilnulitril tin nsuli of this iiiemonial, Ihrouch the mIioIp hi-loii ot thp iieojile they hid 11 lied upon this with utmost i-onfldeme. Put the blood of CiuUt whs iuoip pipuous (I Potir 1: IB). Who lould doubt tint it would be plhiiiioiis to unioip unit mil dclllcuient? Ami, it the foinipr entlthd one to Kitir into the worship of Hip loiiRreeition, win should not the blood of (Iniit piuc (lie lousdpuip fiom in in and pupuc for thp sirMie t (!od; N(( OMPI.IMII.D (Nii60 21). -In tin nine , res following tlip fourteenth, wlncli aip omitted ftoni out le-on b thp committee, the writer to Hip llebiews pipands the thomtht tint the blood of Cluist was the blood of Hip iipu loimiut and Hut it answpied thp nurposps moie ixrfeitlv thin the blood ot Hip -uuliies under (he old (Oienint. Thp (.Indent Minuld i irefulli" loinuler thap itres befurp nitetiii; upon lln twent.i fouith, as tin nhi the ioup of Hip littir will mnio reaihli appi u. Ileie t lie ihoiuhl '-. Hint Chin-t bin .let ii il I v tiitued into llu hi npti, it w not i meip nutter of -puulition, or of prodtc Hon, ir of fiith, but in .Kiotupli-lud ful. NbiHonr. in doint; this lie hid n ill) lomiilotid what was signirlid in tin nikiIiiiiI worslui of the pit .iris The oIUiiiij;s nude weie mill fli; nies of the tine tin iipuinted ITiii-t. The old weie theiifoip ibolUlud and hid iside as no longer wiiKrahh. All lint was liitendpil by tliPUl hid bp( u fulll' .u (ompliInd Hid -upeisdlld Mm ouclit not nui Ioiikpi to look buk to tin in, but to look to th it whuh h i- lome in thiir place Itl.l'I'NII.D (Vers.- 2'il - II w i iinr-in In pintrit tho ipidiis ikiiii-i one rnoi in whuh they wnp li iblp on (oiiuih lin? the I ul -( litem e lUiiiusu Chiiit Lime i-, 1 u;h ,in-t to make itoiiiineut b.v Ihi own blood il must not he supposed tint He would be oblurid to oltei hen wlf nl tin Hut was tho ne under .ludii-m 'I hi hlfc'h priest pntired into the hob- pi no poi ji ir (I.n : Ul), mini r a hlilutoi.i limine mint. The rk it d ii of ilomment was i tune of peiiiliu ami nil ion il intrust Kiei.i nun i! is coiimmd in the proper ohsuiauip of tint oio-ion, ImiiiM1 his life depended upon it. And whin the hitih Ui-t c line lorth with asiiuunps Hut the I insoiu of ouK hid bei u auipkil tien onj lejoieeil, (kneialiou .iflu Kuidition r.nd i rutin i after (iiitmi this iiiiunl olliiin; wis nnile and Hod wis Kiouiiled Ihei i. 5..inp iniKlit Ihprpforp line infpiipd lint flm-t would nprd fierpieiitli- to pprfonu pnuio' ritrs In the suniuo of 1 1 1 m-i-lf . Tint would, liulud. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AA-AAA.AA.AAAAA.A A .....AJ4mattfctttt 444,144)141 10 ..0 a. in iml 7. TO p m in iIliikp of the piloi, Uev. Hi, (mild. At the monuiu; suiiie Hie I! 'i llii v 1' (olsei, ot I'oit Niinl(, Nla.ka, will pc (k on mission woik iu tint pill ot nit rutin tij: Miiidai tihool it noon; ITiiliaior so, uli i! (1 l'i-. fNcnmi; miiki, with -eiinniilii tho ptslor it 7.0 o'i Ink W.ishbuin Mipk ITishiliiiiii ( luiuli llci lohu P. NIolTat. I) 11, pilnr, senilis at 10 t) i. m. and 7..0 p in,; Dibit- sthool al li m , oiim; 1'iople'sj C In isti in i ndp.uor at 0 JO p in. sidijoit, "How to (ipt Kid of sin'" bndei, Ni., I dm It v. Ml. Willi tin-, the tuupii juie inain;pllsl, will speik in thp innrniin: on "llipttim; Home Tics" The pilor will pu uh iu tlie ecitin'. Nil wikonie. Adams Aienue ilnpel. New iik sIippI-IIip Hon. Junes Ihulirs will pu idt al 1010 mil at 7 11; Nindaj school it rl u'doik, Mi. Clnmllpi, siipeiliiteiiilrnt. Ml, lliuhes will trull Hip Nhn's Iliblo da.s; ( 111 I inhainr soi it I j al 7 p. m All aip wekonio lo ihise senilis. lapou-p Prpshilirlaii il apel -ITiailuni; it 10, 0 1 tu, ami 7 !0 p. in. lo, the pi-tor, II. . I,. II. l'o.-ler; Sunday sihool at ,'i p in. J Senior Lit ili.uoi, p m; Junior Imleiiot, Nloud j pnciiIiib: pra.ur iii.cliui;, 7..0 Wnlue-diy putt lui;. lidding loom opiu l'ndi eunliu'. Iltui uiss mrillui; uf -iiiioi ( hiuliau l.mliaior S u'lloik Mondij ornlnjf Nil wekome, Episcopal. .saint Luke's P.iiidi Ikv. Ibveis I.uil, 11 11, uitoi; llu, II. I. Iliujitou, siitior mate; llei, M, II. ah, junior iiuale. riinll.i sumli), M. laikc'a (Itureh-'oO a in., holy lommuii hut; a iu,, h'oiullit; piajci; 10,0 a, lit, union ami Inly loiuuiiiitlon; 7..I0 p. nt , Pieuii.i; pi t.U'r and mi nun i 'Mu a, m,, Mindi) Mhool ami lllhlc iliwo st JlJik'e, Ihiriincip S a in , liol.i louimuniou, 1)0 a. m , moinins piajir; 7..10 p. m , rvrnini; piajii and seimon, .' p. in., Mindly siltool and llih'lc iLvsi. Hast Kiul Mlvdon, I'lfscott aNiiiue 2.10 p. ni , Siiudi) sdiool ami llih'p iljcs; H.'.O p hi, cienln prajrr and ximoii. , soiilh hide Missltn, Kia eliril 2?0 in , Sun tli.i nl.i.ol nml Pihle i l.ifapj. si, (ii.oi,r' (il)phaut .' M p. in, Sumli) siIiojI and llihlo ijsii; ,1 HO p. in, eunliiK pu.H'l and c it.ioii. St Diihl's ihtiiih-'llip alibution uf the llol Ihuhaibt ul 7..0 untl 10..0 a in ; eieu si us, 7,-0 p m,; Mimlj.i mIiooI, 0 li a m and .' ii p in Refoimed Episcopal, diaie Iteftimed I pbeopal iliuuli, Wiotnln0' uiriuie, bflow .Mulbeii itifel llu (lioic l Ml it h, patui. ITaut and ptaue -mile, u;o a iii , ilitiie woilup uud tiiuinumioii, JO a) u in., tiiiaihin-.- I.) the tujior, "It i I iitUiul, ' .lohu 10, .J), ltd, N C. (lueboleiu, of New oik, will pruili at .M p, in , sabbath sihuol at U in , 1 P. s. C. I' , li. (0 p. Ill Mouda) aud With neidji ulliirooiu at i u'lloik, and Motnlj), Tuu. dj.i and NAiiIuVmIj.i pieniiiss at 7 l'i n'cliak ll"i (liibtlelu will ciir llllile sludlo All wikuitK No lolkitious Evangeliral LutU-sinn. I.wneclkal Lutheran Iduily Sundii, Hoi pel, lohu ft. j. ipistie. lioui. li: J.;.,'.. M lljtk'., WjIiIhhh and rumlrinth l ict Iti ,N I. ItiiiH', Ph l, paloi N'nkri, lUi.0 a, m , 7..i0 p in.; Lulhtr leajuc, U.JO p in,! Our High Priest in Heaven Heb. IX: 11-14; 24-28. line bfpti a Nriy natutal rnnrlttslon lo one win might lollow Hip utKUinetit, llVMi (piw 20). Milt. tint would hiip boon a Kilnoiii pnor, ir-utlllnit In cilom ionsoiiiniies In thoiitflil nml f.illh and prnithe, ind udiKint; Hie (.pl'biiil powir of Hie ChrMlin jMpui, Ihi tin' inntraii", Clulsl'n offerinif Was luade i tire (or alt (lleh Ml! 27). He lame in the e.d of Hie world- III tho (lid of Hip iiip ot dbppiintloii ntiil broiisht the while iullUlil )sliin tu on i ml. n tint Dure rhoiild lie no more nirllkts (Ifib. x' 2i'), lie did Ibis lo put nway sin, Hint l, to mike suili i piotlslon tint the fui and J btiiden if sin lni),lit no lonfiir dlstrrs the people, i .ii ., i. ,i. ......... .. . ,i.. ....i 1...1 .III 11111, LIU I IH' HII'I HUin 111,' IIUIUILS IMIL Kroined, kiiowlni; no settled ami lonipUtrd mitl'oil of ilelbei.iiipp, bat i nnipcllr.l to li new Hip -ippolnleil ortprliii; lu oulir to ohtslit p"iie for thiir Minis I hrl't dplKned by I llu ill illl to mine otu w.u, .ind lint nlnaia n illnhle, so that uii.i one, iiii.iwlieie, nt nnv time, inlsht ick nml tlml line anain the supoiiotllv of the neir i"tr the old apppir. The fliltibiats tiprii Iho'isjiiids of attais hue all disappeared. Iho ficnes of blood me no loneir rnaittd, Christ cniclllfd la the sliwpi'i" hope. NMiosocier Mill may look imlu llliu, and he who tooka ulull lliu (Isi, li: .!). VlC'HI0l1-(Vrrsp 27 iml 2-) -It will he men tint iftir the (IghtMtilh mimi less slu Is hid on the priesthood of Chil-t nml more on Ills Mirirtcp TTiat was reprpjrntod as rlrlriilnus, tjpofled and final, llu cc ioiuts ol KieH Inipott uiup lendliu; up to the oup now to hp lOtwid prpd. It wns lcarloin Up was "ollpied to heir the sini of many." (ImI,iIi, IHI, S) let those who ire able toll the number lm hided timler tint tr nn many, and let nthem Mho tlml profit lu Hie discussion, imitimic to lonsider Hip mean bur of Hie word Irai, Korlunatcl.i those old theoloi-iml piohlenu arc 1 1 I.I addc in our (lit, All (Tirlitliiis lima oiup to bellcip that no Hum lued ben the hiiuldi of his own oins, (f John, II, 2) 'Hip iiarious dpnth is here stated in ion npitton with two of the most solemn fails in the life of man Hip flit ol deilli and of judgment Ihe rcitalnty of one is pudiited upon Iho ier talnlv of I lie ot Ihi. To Hip (bin? man, as Iip dels that he is about to k ip this woild, to BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. From Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published by I-". H. RcncI & Co., Chicago, III June ' - lesus ,ur lllh Piipst ill llenen Ibh 'i: 11 11, JI js (i. T. 21th uise. In tin old iljippusitlnn the piiist wiio minis find iu Ills snud ortli a m tin. lahiuude olliiul iuli nesson- pnieis for the people it the Golden Nltar hefoie thp ipil whuh sipuitPil the holy from Hip ino-t hoh phnp Itivond tins i il the IiIrIi priest ilune, on spiciil oecasions, minis find as the lnodutor ind inlirces-oi for the pio ph. Into HV holi- of holies he enlercd beariiii; the blood ot IbesiLiitked lamb NN lieu testis our (,u it llmh Priest wis oltend on Ciliary is the iliiiul sKiititi, "Ihe I.iinh shm from Hip foundation of the world," the npiI of Hip Temple was nut lu twain with iili-im hinds, iuilic.itiiu tlnt the w.u was foipur open to thp hpaierdy holies, ind tint "in llish I'm si lntd entertd into the holiest of all. Not with the blood of oidiiurr sairilice, but with his own blood, ( iuist hid enlered iu to be our InlcriPssor mil Midi dm at the throne of I, nn llus 111 I lo ski tih mu indii ite the s, ripture tiailum; tint (,'od his opened the win to llu tar and lie.ilt, ami the wi in bmdened nm un.i tome diioitl to him Willi his sins .ind sol rows. No lonei do np lieu! Hip prip-tli liiini-lrli -, for foiKinniss of sins or sniitlies fm oui personil aloudiient. No pijnc of ppiunrp but Iho true repentinip foi sin, contes-inn of cruilt, (owikuii; of old, ind auept.inie of Jesus Chrl-t our bailor, Itodeumr mid laud .lisiis litis at tin- ri'lit html of Hod; He ion- ¨at nhool, U tu , Widue-du- sen lie, 7 .'10 li in.; Missiun Html, siturdti, J.O p m Ntorn iiik subiiil, "RePiiei ilioii of Hip Holy spirit''; r-Hiiini; subiPtt, "Hip lliiiiie Conuulssioii to Hie NNoild " Xion's, Mifllin aienue llu. P I', i7plininn, ptsioi. .Sniuis, 10. ai a m ; sim,ij sihool, 2 p m (i.iip I nulisli I tithei tr rliurdi (t.riin,il sinn ), poritpi Nlidsiu ,iiiiue uud Niulbeiij stuet Itn l.utlni Hiss Waiiui;, pistol, siiiuiri sihool, t .0 a. m , (Imiip Niiuslilp, 10,. 0 a, m, j-tibjeit of siiiuou, "Hip I'm ilih in Hip S-owi i " This will he the pistol's sn,, nd inuiiiisiii mi mini; 7 p in , N P. s c , , 7 f, , m , dnlt.p wor-hip, sitbiut of seimon, "Ihe TVhls of a Hijion. Ihe Nliiliiilom of -I i it " Ihi public is lordiall.i iniittd, Miscellaneous. ( Itpfoinuil l luiuli Moniop auiiiip and (d sun ell'it llu, Nlninit I, luoi. pi-tor. st r in ps 10, n a, m .ml 7,!,0 p m ; Nitiilu slIioiI, 11, to a m ; ( hrlstlin I'ndi.iiur, 7 p. in, Nlorn in,; Mil'jeu, "Nu Dpi ii Door lulo lleiiiu iml NNlut W n Si en " I'lpniu sulijeit, "I'dtii, Wheio W.u It, Wlut W tj, II," l.d,t lumummoii at both Millie-. Nil s,,u,' n rsi,t lIhiuIi, Pine sttect, leir Ndjlits lltniie, Senkoat 111. Ml .1. Ill, mil. dm Ird lo Mr, N. J. Donlrv. f-uhPit, "( hilstiin (lurlty aud I'ltllitithtop)"; hiuulay siltool at 11 II a in 'ion I iilltd Hi in-'illi.d t l.iiti li. It'll r.ipnusL aPiniP I'lidflilnir at 10, .0 and 7,0 ly llev, II Mltiskir, of Wet Nintiioke, Pa The sairainent of the hold's suppir will be idmlnistrrul at HiPsp senilis; ,s,unilii- siltool, ! 10 a, m ; Junior I, mil nor, I p m , senim Kmle.uui, li'il p, in , puiNci nu, tin-, 7,0 Widiiisilai punlm;. All iats Imp ami eieiibod) Nickomi (lilL-tliu ( liuilll-l'li.liliins at 11 i tu md 7 '0 p. Ill liitiiniioH lij tho a.tor, lle II W" (.l.iiner Siibiuts, "The Power of a I'lim lite" and "NurirlKiily of (iml " Nil are welinnie ITist Piiuiltlip Nlelhodiel ihuuh, (keen llid:: - Itev i. I.uo, piilot NhinliiK at 10 lu the n i .mis nc of h Lot 1 1 's Sstippci will be adminli Uud llNinins il 7 u'lloik, snbjut, "Llfp of Iruah ll.s l.ussons"; Mnntli), W. I,, uiirtin; Tiusday, ptiiii and tpstimou) tuiiiu., roiiiimiie lnk' at 10 .al a in and (ontiimlni; afternoon and cunliia', Ml wikonie MUSICAL GOSSIP. The follow lui.' ot Ii il Ions will he uiien at Hip cinlus in the I tot rii.-l'.MiiiJii iliuuli In nioitow ; Nntliim "Ihe 1 o.t siieip" IVln- Mpi mo and idfi Solos ami ( itoii lljnin Nullum- "1 Ileal a N'oke" Iter 1 baritone Solo ami (hull. Solo "I'reglteila" Poster Aiilbcm ".sanoi, AaJin tu Th Iktt .Name" . i I.kui'llwi Nipuuo Sohi and I hoh. I The luitMriatoi) .tudiiit.s and I Ik. Ir (kiunu met Mr, tail I'aiitrn, the stut lloloit pianist, who ili-iinul his hejreis at his rttital at the I'jrkh house nu 'i bin -ala-, evening, ul the Con senator) liidlot .usterdsy afteniooii. Al the 1 ucltcn Sitlcni of ruudjmciitjl luliiini; in the itu.lj of the )daiiofoiti- In ihed iu Iho Con-iriJ-tori, it tan readll.i be hiii that Mr I jelicti has, a speilal InUiCst iu I lie Counriator), Alter h QSBIisBLi&al BV J. E. Gilbert, D.D Secretary of American Society of Kcligloui education. (lip man who contemplates Hip (lay of final ap. i omit, whit tan bo moie tolnfoitlnt; l'IJn ,0 know thai Clulol boic his sin. limVllMMI (Vew L). ll.nfiiK Urns uiulir theso four heads (jlipti nn pNiellint neiouul of the MerlHpe whkh Chrit imiile, our levin iloeii with niiother Nlnv ot Him If lie puia-d inlo Hip hciNpnly tabeniade, there to be n high irlet (Nemo 11) It was not In be tolallv sepi rated from Ills ppuple, lip will iplmn mid up peir In them a stond lline. Ills llrct apppir mile was in the itipurnalion, Ills net will be us a .Saviour, whin lie will innio with no burden of sin laid upon llliu The iliuuli ilMdis it tills point in Its Intel putalloii. Main- sn lie will iqnie In bodily foim at somp dll.itit iliy to Iiip anion? Ills people on the eirlh (Nit, I, II), and that brlliNcia must look or walih for Ills loin inf. (Nhtthew, l, 4.') Sewiil piMKes In dlnfe tint thin was Hip hope of the apostles (t .lolin, ill, 2.) Uthcis hold that nil who turn theii fpllltuil rips b faith tnw ird the itucllldl one will wu llliii, Hut lie will manifest llltu fill to Hipiii (John, li, 2.'), and that from llliu they will uveiip Millie prup Theic aip i th prs who rlnlm that ( lirlst will aippir (lit pltl lually mid (hen phisiully, (l'dus, il, U.) tONCM SIOV-My Jisus ( lulst'a fillip mid in ippp.ited ntlprlni; of llinvclf, tin ipillty till tlins of (oIIkIHp IiiuiuiuHi ire plijectbclj ic 1'iiwpil. i whitpier limp Its meinheis un.i lue upon Iho pailh; n tint ncltliei dnps a ripoatod prn-enUtlon or lllnuclf lake pi tie In hi lien, nor Is the mi mid i online oi Christ needed ai i sdond lit minus Mifkiini;, His sIiirIp rffprhif; is foieipi Mitlli IpiiI. C'hilst Ins not mciclj entered into the fillowshlp of hum in mlTeriiur, but He Ins 1 ikeu upon Himself thp hiuden of litiium sin. The hi iienly f initturi whuh Clui-t Ins iiilrrul in Ills appeirinj; hefote l!od Is the (.oil lo whli h II" will brini; all who nine to (.'oil hi llliu dull In elernltj sli ill nun sn- from'whst .in .ibis Christ his irsrueil theiu ami Into wl it Clnn lie tntk-latrR tin in. I he heiNenti lliiiies tlie before us In our ImpurltJ, and thlthei nuv no impure person (nine; mid jit all the tit is mil of Hie wiIIiiiiilt Hid deilli of ( lin-t, ni( ih' t il ul time, ami theme must we ohluiu Hum Happy is he whose filth Is lu the u mi lied unc. stinllv inteuedes for its He is the niediilor be tu oi n sintul nun and the ilKhtenus (!od. Jtsiis within the led, at ( lie riclit hind of the L...ll.nn ttni..Jiu .. i.j 'llin,1 .... ,. I'.XIILl, IlllllVlUra ,U, ,- 111V .ML -vx.,,,J ., - ...- htantly leieiie mc not bei iue we ue worthy -a i, ,..., l.. !..,. !A..U J.. OL llll'lll. Olll Ol-ldlls,- l, III Illl, ULS'Ul i'VJ,n '" our belulf tor the 1'atlier's mini. NNInle Jisus mti uuks 1 (lit us hp pip ids NHI II us to forsikp the world with its sun iml lis sol rnus nml I nine linln 1 1 tit for lest, lip bids US ionic to II mi for pinion, pi ue and power; "(oino unto me ill 10 Hut libor mil aip limj laden, .mil I will jdic.iou io-i." M it. 11. 2 lo ill who .up bowed d iwn wilh selfhood, sm.iihii' mult i the irillmi; Noke of in. sutlei- m limn the 1 iln's of nn ucuInj loiwihnte, with outstiott hid hinds and with pleulim; None Hip Mislei ii, "( onip unto mi," and ( will gin- ion llidunption fn in sin, I'lse irnm buukns, stitn;th foi we ikniss, Tiumiph our li nipt ilintis. SuL,Kistions- lint diaw Hip allu of iiniiisp, md -pi ik of the liiuli pupsCs mim-tii it litis sined altar. Then diaw Hip itirtmi ot ml. up rtMiilid a helns lorn isnndei, iiiealuii; within the IIirIi ITiPsfa brea-tplite and Ihe irown of .loi.i. lliaw the iiiiturc of an open llibh, tin n rtpusent Ihe nil of the leniph n fHiut; diiwn aside reu dinj tlip i ross, the (.o-pil inessii , ind the (Town of I'ene. Tor the seiond hson, dnw the lb irt, N like, li-h, mid biikoiuiu; hind as Imlualrd aboic. S i niton, Pa, hnl dulled Willi the stiulenls he asked to Ik tr somp of tltPiti pin Up PNtiriNsed hiiuailf ,is hiKhh crilllled wilh wlut lie li id hetiil mil sild nun) nicp tluiiLs of imluiduil stinlpiits He in liouuiitl tint as lip pxpeitld to Si i niton iiiu in t t.u ht would Uotp the liiipiouuiuit Nil pipscnl weie alien aimlhei unit lieu iu listenlui; to Mi, r.idlui's ilclUhtful iimhtloii of the followiut; sdeitlons: spinning Mm,; b mil l-s.ilm spiiun- son;. Nlimldssoltti. Stheuo in V sirup minor MindiUsohii llnnd- Cipliuio , li ndi K-ohn IVipeliul Million ou Wilier ' ' II I mln the leadtiship ot Dicanist I, Nl tli Hue the follnwliii; musk d sehttlons will lip iiiiduid it tomoium's Mtiiips in Hip h'umd PiPsb.i iliuuli: MOIIMMI. Oimu pulinli' Nmlnilp Whior Antliun "Wp II ill Thee" siMir Nliss HI uk, ihnrus of iiipu's noIks iml (holt, Onulhii (Juarii tie "Itunimbii, D liul, Th) T'eiitltr Mini" MU n , Nlli-es lllaik mil (ii,ii;iii Nkssis, dippd ami Molt, in, Or-in posthtile s. Stem PVIIMMI. OrK.m pit little Lit Klidln , ( ipmti Autliuii "(die Into the land" ... Ilmllei lluik ('uaitPtto "Vow (iod be Willi Ps" Ilrewir Ollcitoi) Ihiet-"ltoik of" Missis lllaik md (1 II ic 111 Orsin postlude , , Hiilhuiiit i i t Tlie closius rentals of the pupili of Mi, .1, I' NN llkllis will be In Id on I'lldii ritiiiu.', June .'I and .luitp 27. (olk(,e hall his been scmied to atioumioilate Hip fill lids of this popular leather and those of his pupil. N ihonu of one hun dred Nohos will pjitkipale, COLES FOR JUNE. rioni 'louii'i .iml biisn Iti'Joko ami lio, fm o.ti lit K now, 111 Hip "hound nt II fu" mill tln Nlltil font' uf nil atilinul utnl vt'KOtiiblo lilo nnI1 bo nt "IiIrIi llooil" llCllll.N tNNO tlilulK uf tlif nnIioIo time tliN iiiiintli, NNlikli nnIII tin ow llm ,lUrt li'iulinjr Into lilt' Kill' ItttiilH r iiiosic.ity (i, njnili, M Hint all Iiih-iipi ini'ii limy fntcr In mi'l nnhiU .ml win V tai loasons to licllurn Ol'it theiu NNill ln Minn llNt'lv beetles lipl IiIM'T ("qit'il eiipse in tliu boi'iil, iln.MH'iiil. inlltltiil ami liiisliicb.s in ot lil, ,is the un '.u pl.ui ctb, I'liiiins, Siituin ami ,liiiltt't, luiti' llmiiiclal itlimt'U, m all nn tin- miiiid hlllll llf tlltt bllll 'rlllt'l'ltl'i.- il lll.slncsH I, tit cvi'i NNhi'ie IniHiiiNo i-ai i MiiiiltiK iiiniiiciit ami iiltinti" intu till" i':ti-iu Of lIlOSpiilllN Willie illl- llNI'l llf SUCI'CSH li al "lilglt llunil " l.i" tiiobi wliti Ikini' niiincy ln eVioil In wttuki louU well to thelt Inti'ii'.stH us lu wnvi if "IiIbIi flooil" das this. inontlt will have it U'litleiH'.v to IhIiik alnint a llui' tuatlnil of pili'Cf ami stoi Us. , TI1K STCIUMS A.N'U S1I1N.S. Neatly all the planets' ate biinilivil Incllior on am side of ilii In awns am In position to c.tUbu iho wc-iitfior tu I THE FAME OF HAS NEVER nEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER ' COMPLEXION SPECIALIST, The most imitated woman in the world 9 itt TlIF niSCOVfcRKR OF FACE BbKACIt MME. A. RUPPERT'S' BaceT3leach Removes Permanently " PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES; ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, an4 WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. :,:;::, Does not cover up but removes the blemish. Race T3 leach BBIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIHES the COMPLEXION It Improves a. Good Skin and Works Wonders tuiih a Bid One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD ' OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.'" cAbsotutety Harmless and cAhways Successful Drop In and isk to have Mine, Rupoert'i Face Bleach shown o you, and have IK merits, manner of using and wonderful results explained, to you will be satisfied il Is what you need for your complexion. Wo ahvny; carry a full line of Mine. A. Ruppert's Gray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap nnd Hair Tonic. Call and Iihto their liiorlts explained to yon. Abk for Mine. Rup.TcrtY, book, "HOW t0 e BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. IelUgh Valley JUilroad. In Mint 3, 1C01 Tor I'liilailclplii.! mi'l New York vli II. V 11 11 H, nt 0 1") jtnl 1155 J m, aid .'.18, I J7 (llhck Diunonil Kspa-A), ami 11 1,0 p. m bun dots, D i. II. It 11 , 1 Orf, 8 27 p. in Tor NNItite Hacn, lli'kton anil prinotpil point! in the t-oal rigion, Mi II. tv II. It. It, 1,15, SIS anil 4 27 p m. For l'otlsUllf, 127 p in. For llotlilchrin, Ilistrn, llcnluij, lhiriliurg ami priiiiitul inlcrimdlitc Kt it.ons ta I) ,V It. II., (ill, llo". J in i 2 i. t 27 (llhrk l)n ntonil i:prcd), 11 '0 p ni buiiilj.vs, U ,N. II It. 11 , 1 jS. 8 27 p in For Tiinkliannocl., rowjndj, I'linii i, Ithara, fiein.i ind prinripil iittiriniillito klittiom. ih U , L A. V. H. II , b OS a. in j 1 05 uml ,1 It) p in For Ociicm, Holivtor, Ilurilo, N'la(rir.i I'tlN, Clniaito and all points wist, Nia I) .V. II I! It , 1101 a, in, M.1' (Blail. Iltaiiioml Kxprca), 7. 1(111, 11 '10 p in. Miuilajs, U. A. II K. n, 11 Go. 8.27 p in I'ullniin pirluV and sloipms or Iilil'h Vilify pallor car on all naiits liettticii NVilkrs llirie and New or!., I'lillaililplin, llblfalo and bus pulsion IlriJKO I10I.I.1N II. NVH.IH'11, Gen Sttpt , Al Cottlind street, New oik CIINIIl.l.b S 1.1 II. Ctn. rti At., 20 Cortland stuct, Xe oik. A V NONM'MACIini, Div. I't's. Agt., Soulli Petltleliem, l'i For tiikets anil Pullman reeratlons applv to SOU I ack.ittJntia atcnui', Si.ranton, I'j. Cential Btxilrond of NeNv Jeisey. Stations in .New Noik-loot of Ltbirly slice..', N. It , and Smilli Feuj. iinii: i miii: in i Flier mnv v, mi lialm leao bii.tnlon foi Niw oik, .Newark, r.liulirlh, IMill nlelplii.i, l.aston, lletlileliein, Nl linloHii, Nl null (hunk iinl Willie II itn, it 8 ui ,i in; ipic. 11", ivpiiss, 1 OU i. nt. bun. dais, 2. l'i p. iu loi 1'iltstoii .md NNllkrs lline, Ti a, in ; 1.1(1 and I il P ni iituli3s, -' 1" p nt. For 11 lit inline iml Washington ,in,l points Ninth .iml Wo' ,il Bcllilo'iiiit, s..Ti ,i. m , , ,1, t 1 I" "-111111 INs, .' I.i p in for I una, ihi-in (liow, ito, -u j,;,, a in and 1 lu p lit For ltcidinR, Iiluinm anil lliiirislnir,-, ila Al. IfntiiHii, SVi i. in md 1 l'i p, in 5uniiiS 2 1!" P in Foi l'nl!silli., !'' 1. nt . 1 in p. in. Fur iloiinliln I'Jil, s ' j i in, I 10 ami 0i llti'ouh lliki'H lo all points eat, i.oulli md est at lowest rites ut tin- hint ion. II P. ItM.lllUN, (int. l'a, A,;t, J, II 01,11 MJbllX, Cm Nipt Delownie nnd Hudson, III lllliil .Mil 111, l'H) IijIih for I uihoiiililo lino biranlun-at tl o sun. -M. i" n ' '"i j.1"1' i -. -M, r.-j OS'i, 0 21, 7.17, l 1 3, II 15 p. in , I HI a, For lloncsiUlc 0 -0 ' I" ". m i 2 II and a JO PFoi" Wllkii. Ilnic II II, 7.1s, Ml , jni. II .l'i a in . 1 . -"' 'JJ. -7. 10,7 l, JO ' It ,.il p. in. ' For I.. V " " P mil-. 0 13, u jo j n, . Jw I '7 and U. ' I' "' ' Foi I'liur-jlLi'''1 " " I'oliiU-el 13, u ja . in.: 2.1Saml 127 p. in. Foi All'Ji'J ""' u" I'o'nl' noitli-d jo a. m. and J 52 p m an ' bl'SDW 'l.llIX For Cailtonilile-UOO, 11 t a in; .1 j g, 3-5 5 17, 10 02 p, nt Foi NMIkesllJiie "'. 1155 i, m.; 15?, j.s, 0 27, b'-'T p ni For Alhanj and poinU north-1 5' p, m, Foi lluncsdile -UW a lit .mil J 82 p ,, lowest rate, lo all point fu Utiitnl statej and L'annla .1, II IU II11K K, (I I' , Nlhaiy, V y. II, V. ( IIOsS, 1', A , biiaiitoii, 'u. play inan,N iionn tilrKs Unpi.v precau tion tdinulil lie tulii'ii to il iiKalllHt llm ilfatli-ilt,iliiiKr t'lPttili1 lluld that Is toinii'il In tlif i lonilH pniiii'il ilmwi upon uh. Tliu iMitli will pass hi'lMi't'ii tlu KH'.tt pland Jupiter ami the sun this inontli nml uiiisc tititinnal irstiiiliumiiis, ifsnltliiK lu oat tlupiaKo sliockn, ey floui's, loiiiatloe.s,' t IiiiikUm sloims ami mliilatuio hllxauls, (liftit tuoii aiul iiilt'i.s will Int In ilutiKi'i' of lioilllyji.ii m, ami the ileailly iullut'iuo of tliu eclipsi; .sluuloNN nnIII lit' plainly oliMpiNtflilu all aluiiu the lint'. Till' Kieatest illlllRi'l' fiotil Mm III pi'iloils this imiutli will In hi'tNNi'eii tin- .lid ami Till, nth ami l.lth lllli ami IMh, ".'Oili ami .'Till We h.tNe imsoii to hclli'M- siveial iit'VN lottils ot ink mhos will mu in theh nimt'.uamo this mouth III sonic Inuilillfs ami iiiaUi' an itlitu U upnii Ni'itotatlon VeKi'talili' iiiIuoIh'h au ki'IIIiik: a stloUK liolil muni all MniN ot telle iiitlon anil iiiiIpsu ini'ii of means ton tl Unite i lion, lilietall', 111 llu fllllue to the ailNiipie ot seletKe. Alueilia will souii luioliie a tuieiolie iuoikuu foi dead NtKetatlnn 'I'lui "lent iiilelpIN lid " nnIII do uiilolil daiuaup utiles Int inedlat" .titltui is tahep to desttoN them. (' l' Coles iMItof Klnsaion, I'..'., I'. S, A., Ma 20, IU01. MME. RUPPERT v .a l .. For thittyv ' years a successful " career RAILROAD TIME TABLE. mmmTWm Schodule in Effect Mnrch 17, 1901. Trains leave Scrnnton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisbuig, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbuiy, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. nt.,) for Sunbury, Harris buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington aud Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. n. HUTCHINSON. Ccn. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Past. Ajjt. Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western in Ftlctt Dec. 2, 1000. Fotith LeaNU Scianton for New Voik it 1 n, ail!) 6 50, 8 00 and 10 03 a. m.j 12 OS, 3 SJ p. in. For Philadelphia at 8 (X) and 10 0.1 a. m j liOTt ami J J3 p in For btroudsliuri; at 6 10 p. in Nlllk niionunodjtion at 3 10 p. m. Arnie at llohoken nl 0. 7 H, 10 28, 1 OS, S.15, 4 l, 7,10 p. ni. Airle at Philidclphla at 1,06, 3 2), (too and 8 22 p in Arrive fiom New Vork hi 110, BJ2 and 10 2J i ni.: 1,00. 162, Bit, 9 11 and 11.-0 p in. lii'iu btroudahunr at 8 05 a. Knrlli Leave Siranton for Iluflalo anil inter mediate stations t 1.13, 6 35 and I) 00 a. ni 163, 5.18 and 11 J5 P. in. Foi Oswego nml bvriicue at 0 15 u. in ml 115 p. m l,r Utlia at 1.10 a m. "ml 151 p. in. For Won trosc at 1' nO i mi 1 ml 0 4b p. in For Miliolsop nt 100 ami 0.11 p. m. For IliiiR lisinton at 1020 a. ni. Airiie iu Siranton Ironi Uuffalo at 1.21, 2 Ti, 5 11 nnd 10 00 a. m j ,,o and SOO p. m. From Osmgu and hiraui-,0 at 2 63 a. in.; !-!.! nl h " I1 m 1 rom Ulna at 2 55 n. mi I-ja 1"1' '' "0 P 'n. I mm Mrlinhnn at 7 50 a ni aud 0 00 p. m. i-,om Jldntrove at 10'Ki a m ; il 20 and 8 to p. ni. Illaoiiliiui: Division I.eno bi union for Noitliiiniherl.inil. ul li II, 10 03 a. m.; I 03 a.H &:0 p. in. Foi I'ljiiioutli at 1,01, J to, S50 p. m. For KliiBftoii t blO a. in. Airlvo it NorlhuinlitiUml t ""' " "' I !. 3 00 and 8 Vi p, in. Airlvo at KlitRbton at S52 a. in. Arrive at I'lvnioulli at 2 00, 1.(2. 05 p in. Allive 111 biranton from Northumberland at 0 42 . m , 12 05, 4 50 anil 8 43 p. Ill I lom KinNton at II 0) a. in. From 1'ljmuuthat 7,55 a. m,; J 2'1 and 6 J5 p. in. Soulli-leave siranton at 1.10, 3 00, 5 50, 1)0 p in.. J.M and K.I0 p. m. .Voith- Leave Siranton at 1.15, 6 S3 a. m.; 1,51, a.H anil 11 31 p. m. lllooniOiuri.' Divliion Leave Kianton at 10 03 a in ami 5 50 p in. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tune 'Utile lu I'flett bept, 17, Vm Tiaiim for IIjuIi ami loial points, tonne t. lui; at llavvley with I'rie railroad for New Nok, NrvvlmrAaiid liitirinetllalu polntl, leave ton at 7,03 a, in. ami 2.25 p. iu. 'Int Ina arrive ut Siranton at 1030 a, m. imj P 10 p. m. Time Card In ffftol Vac, 30th, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION. nTATIONS 10 Ar N.V.NVIMHt I.T n3Ar Cattoila I I.T 10 111 8 1011 101 1013 tow) its htarllghl . " I'rekton 1 ark, " NNinnood ., " ,l'oinUll.,. " OliOII ... " lleasalit Mt. ' Ultlunuald.. fl lortl cut ; V ( atbonUale id " i aruoiiiUl " .VNliltellrlJge. " laHiU Npd ' MatlflU , ' -kmou " NuliImM " Ululi.ii .' I'tHktllle " otvphant , )' I'lkvtmrg " llnoop " I'ruvlilitiit?,, " iai HO 01.1 yio 01 t 'ii tl UIO in I IS II. IV, .. py II tl . sto 110 00 0011111 iOllt II a .u 1 1 no 6 31 632 DSt'ii'LlllIM tilt HMIll 01 sin mo s; 8 11, 1IIII0M A iu iu nu " HJM0U a J-l lo n ' SJilOIN ' i w lo in l.v IM in 8 04 cm soJ . SI. 1 IL . ,,BH!LUl)U At. 1 II Ul Mi. PM ...fJU.L.. A.UItloual ttllul Itl.o I artoinltlr for ItlluU T(r4, 615 pin i j; i it Mimuv, ana f SO pni ntii oaf, irliioi' iSJjvilrll Nard7Wliiiai)Jt0),wu, Ait,lltluiiillratiiiirVitaiiti)uat;09pai6uailiralv (tumnitiialollltltlug, lit I'.iilfluaa'r, jrr.v oitC tit pui, nil Itulu Irixi MiittrM YtlJ for t'iH3l iUUI iltli) arrimag at it 0,13 iu. Kate '4 rentt per mll, I.uneat Kate tu nil I'oluU vVett. 4 C -NOtHEON. J.t.WCHH. ' Ctj'ltiu'r Acnt It" lt cv Toiktit;, ttj",. ft. Bt'rJgya?lifZfr!fttgt- -jnfc j an a,soi "lll .:.:! J. :t!8 tt. is ? 4M J 9 51 ' , , r; ins' ; iJ mih .. 7 23 Uilt i" Mill a 1 1 ' I I DU 7 , M PM Untv 1 ft B i ' s-l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers