The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 01, 1901, Image 1

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7?v 5j7r;vw ri?&ri ,
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Gabinct's Replu to the Oilers ol
the Constitutional Conven
tion at Havana.
The Tonus of the Flatt Amendment
Have Not Been Substantially Com
piled with Result of the Meeting
Held Ycsteidoy The Decision
Reached Membcis of the Cabinet
Stnte Tlmt the Government Can
Bo Nothing Faithei Until the
Convention Has Again Acted.
I! 1 lu.iw Win f 1 1 in I In V-m ut.u l'i"
Wu-liluRtnii, .M:i 11. The udinltils
tiotinu bus ill i iilii Hint till' .ii lion lit
tin' Cuban i nnstltutioitnl ( In
in i optliiR tin' tonus of tin- 11.1 tt
inn luliiii'iit ilh 11111111111.111011" ii ml 1 ii
ti i piclutiuns of tln-lr own was nut
' 'nli-liiiillvil ' i nmplliinc " with mil
I'llll- Willlill till' IIIP.ItlltIK of the
nun inlini'iit .mil soeiotinv Knot will
mllVi'V till illtolllROIllO to till' ((in
tention Tin ili i Islnu w.i1- loathed .it
the i.ililnot inictltif, tod tv The niiit
Iiir lasted urn .in 1 1 tin anil a h.ilt sitnl
lnul boon pi ended 1i .in lloill s i nll
t tent ! between tin' pio-ldt tit .mil Sell-aim-
I'l.ltt. of (.'Olllli'l Unit. .111(1 Lotion,
in' Mu at hii-ott" As llif tiiithoi of
'In- nnii niliiii'iil the piosiileiil deshed
'i lim ii tin- lows n Solicitor I'l.itt ami
ll.ii'-p of Kcuuloi l.odKi' At tho tub
Imi t nicotine Soi Hoot took the
in-illon tin- Intel nictations fioin
llo l'liilt anientlmi nt i iintiiinoil In the
minute nloploil In ilio i omentum and
till- lllll'UMMS appended to II wont
outside of .i t.iii intoipiotiitlon ol it
iiii.iuIiir and ,is iin.iu oplnble. In
(his view tho i.iblnol oononi i oil
Will n ii-K(d as to wliu would ho the
in t -'lop of tho Reiioiiunent iilti'l tho
full in i onvoutliin had In on notltiod ol
iln loioition ol n- ai lion uno of the
luiiilioi- of tho inhlliot i.ild the
.ntiinnunt iiiiild do nothing- fin tlioi
I'litil tho i on option iiRain iic ti d, that
,i- lone: as the (onillllon- ol the Plntt
iniondniint weie nil tin statute books.
rimpiuini i wiui mom must pieooeie
i mi lei nun shnioiil ol innliol ovoi
i land.
Tin i ildnot al-o ill-.' u oil tin deci
sions ol llo Siipicine com t in the in
' ill. n la-fs, o-poi iallv tholi boaiiUR
upon tlu toi tin online decision ol tho
i nisi I in tho Philippine case-. It was
tin. RPiioial opinion In oino
is the no l.lm.i (leu-Ion iniRlit bo ap
liialilo lo tin Philippine-, hut that In
utlici was p inlRht lie held entlielv
Inapldiialilo No dpfinito coihIu-Ioii,
howi'M'i, was iiaihod at tndat's inciH
liiir. Philippine Taiiff Situntion.
Tho (iihliiPt was uniihli' to u.uh aii
inn lu-ioii a- to the Philippine i.uilt
-Itti.ilion, a- nlfoilod In the loooiu
insulin dpi i-ioii- of tlio Mipioni-a (oiin
Vttoi nn tlinoial Kno will make a
i.iieliil oMiinliialioi: of tin lunRii.iRP or
the ilioision- ai onoe ami asioitaln
thill oni t beiuliv on the milli be
iwoon this (ountiv and tin Philip
pint", llo will then spite In the pie-l-
ili'iit and his nihl-oi- Ilio powei now
vested In tin novel nun nt In dealing
Vtltll tills Mlbltlt. There tl
I I usslon of this inatloi' umIiir to
i iieinl lack ol ( li'.u iindoi-taiidiin;
in tlio ion olleot ol tlio ilei s on-
KM 111 l" leplll i his llllK llllion
Hip suhleot ai the not rahluot
he jiir and pinbablv iiIm, will dim
lesiilts ol his oMiiilillilllon ol
Ions ol the mill t w itll the
mi ol
"ndlv Idiialh. .Moanwlille ds
ilio need ol an i'Miii so-s
teiied as i (iiislileialiiiii of t.
ii nil i'Mi.1 session was
.1 did ii-
1 lOllllltllle at i hi- Mm
iboi s ol
the iiihluol iudh iii mi
ini pin i-sini, iheli
lined ti oiu
1 opinion
lis to the pnsslhllil
IHKl ! llehm
l on Oiled ill I'MI.II
y M's- on
Tho illhtlli'l lie
mi nis ami Into
the nnrviiit-
tlons and the
wealth ,il whoi
pi, u oil In- t..
I'lih.ili cini-llln
convention upon
the Cuban nun
III iiiuoiiiittd to i
piiiotl ul im
Hon of the Plan
is was hovnnil the
vow 01 nf t
rKOMril)leU to loiept
The IpeHSURi,
ii'Jci lion sent to Hou Wi
ses tho Cubans In ini-
LMI.llI). tlllll lltele I- III!
pnwi'i tiinj, I,, ,,, pnitod .-'lutos
T, ".ui'iit to . huiiKo tin leiinx of the
' ainoiidmont and tlmt this kov-
""roill IllslHtu up the iKieptnllio nt
' IMntt amoiidiiKUit wlthoiil .uiionil
Vnt oi iiunllllialliiii Tim rubau 1011
oiilinn Is -till in M'-slnn uud the ims
18" of loji'dtlon will ho dilivoioil to u
I nnipdl.ilolv, The adiuliilstwitlini Is
rmlia.-tlll lllll lll.tlllll.lll VI 111
......l.tll. b ...hi ..- . .....' ..... ittl.ll- -
Mn nd the osik t aulttldo of this ko .
Illllll'lll and ni.iKo u .-illf faelni iii
(pt.iino within a iPiiMiimhlo poilod.
Stuptise at Havana
Havana, Mn. .11 Tla di Hlon of
Iho 1 "1111011 States i. eminent not p
inept tho Cuban i uiislllnliuii as
Hiloptod b the llitNauu inmentloii.
mii-piI Kio.U .snipili-o and hoen ill
MijtiritllPt in those llieiulii'lh of the
"invention who oni In i.noi of tho
rriihlluilliin a-' adopted
Two loading i oii-oi Millsoi who woin
Inloivlowtd tonlKht on tho miIiJh i.
said In snlislaui e that I hey had tea
noli in suppose .that the coiislltiiliou
would ho in loptalili, to WushliiKtou
n Ud that othPiwI-o thuy would not
have oled foi the majoilty ii'poit
as siibnilttod
Until duleiiiito.s epiohsP( ipipt that
n iii!isuudcistundli!,' laid uilson, and
paid Ihey doulitul Hint tho uiuvon
tlon would now leconsliler Its acllon,
flb the Hk'ht hud boon hot. the lotoiy
dad hotn won b. onl1. one vote, mid
those who had I lied In do Iheli dulj
lowanl tlnli eiiunto hud been lllei
ill asiullcd as trultois and perjuieid.
Mnny Sttlkes Have Been Settled,
Othets to Teimtnate Shortly.
Iti I vilii'ln WIN' (nun Ihi o Uteil I
Now Yoik, May .11. P.. (1. Hun ..
Co i Wookly Itovlow of Tindi' toimu
iow will sa :
The labor Mltimlloti Is a little lnlKlit
r. Many sit Ikes have boon settled
uud othets an expepted to tei minute
shoi tly.
1 1 on uud f"liol mills mo wolkliiK at
full oapai Ity and mine new plants
lniM boon put In opt'iatlon Quota
iIiiiim ate well maintained, without am
effoi t to si run nil, allocs raimlnn
inai'lilliory Is a routine ol the domi-tle
business mid Uipip Is no sln ot di4
u ease in the epoit niovoniont of thesp
inodllfts whit h has iiltnliieil Plioiinolis
pioioitloiis Kail- an also gulm? out
lieeh lo Austialla ami South Atueik'ii.
Unllwavs aio uiinblo lo -opiiio huIIU
dent iipIkIH c ii m and other supplies, woiU )ii in cods btlsMv,
with little Intoiiiiptlon riom l.ihor i'oii
tioieisles. Tllt'le Is a little less ill-mil,
anions maniiliu turns ol boots and
.-diiii-, some or Ilic -in, liter plants ie
duoliii; time oi ( IosIiir down.
r.Ntondod abioul and a
-Inn time In this coilllliv have telidfd
to in.iKe 'he fjinln ninUots unusually
ille, while i oi n la- the added
ill aw bin k of lit mi nt t lull nmiiiiK ti.ul
eis who hae not yet ip(oohiI fioin
the eifei s oi manipulation in the May
option PuipIrii ptiiohasei weto
iIiUpii out of litis miiikPI b inrlutod
iiuotatlon. . as shown liv iMI.milc e
ioils in Ih p weeks of onlv 9.4.IQ -S"
liushch: asalnsi IT.IMl.Oij'! bushels li-L
i .11. and 1.1.1 SS.S1S bushels in iho
aiiio ini'li of Ifj'J". Knch leni-tlon.
in wlioat Is (pill klv follow oil bv tocov
ii. and ininh -iipuit Is found In
Kloomv 1 1 pints noin siowlnR spp
tions. Insiillli lent moislmo and low ti in
lieiatuto .no the i lilef unices or ooni
plalnt, and Inluiv fioin iiisocts is also
imnoiod. but llieie is alw.ns inoio or
Ipss lo-s thioilRh those liilluent es, and
the splendid londlilou p.ulipr lu tin
season rUp- le.ihon to hope for an
abundant ield.
1i'ailiiiPs fm the wit'k nuinljoied US
In the United States against Ihli last
veal, and .'" in Canada .iK.ilnsi "in list
f.n .
He Believes Thnt They Will Never
Be Submissive at Heait but Will
Ever Woik foi Independence.
Hi I ulii ii win ft out Iln wclaleil Pi tit.
Philadelphia, May .',1. Moiislpnor
Noaleda Do Villa, .im hbMiop of
Manila, in an Intel view in cunleil the
Uonie Loiiosiomleiu ol tho Cnthollc
Stand. ml and Times, whuh will be
published to-uinuow, foieshadov,s mi
cleaily what will be the attitude or the
Mititan tow aid the In the Philippine--.
The aithbl-hop ol .Manila, si.s the
im lospondi nt, bus been in Homo slim
Novpuiher last, but his piesoiue has
jiasspil unnotiied Vet hi has boon mi
doiibti dlv lam inn: in Itnme at the de
sk e or Hie pope. It nui bp -aid an
ihoiltativol.v that he I- waiting tlio
.nihil! ol MonslKiioi Chapello. the tleleff.ite lo tho Philippines, who,
piobabh not bv nioie ihaine, will Ik.
in Homo ai tho time ol the vlsll or
C.lldlnal (liblions.
"This miunliiK," iMav III the oi -lespoileiii
(ontiiiiies, the ,'iitvhhlshop
opt'iid the Intel lev b.v i Pluming- to
ineonie uovvspapei ( llppings I had
sijhmliteil lo lihn. one or the latest or
o-e stnted that a lontioveisy lias
seu between Iho Holv See and the
envious lu the Philippine-, owIiik to
ho de-he or tho vatiruu that the l.u-
tei hhould siuiillee tholi iiosses-ions.
The loasiin alleged .is bavins, boon
nlven mi the pm ol the alle.iu vas
that thi'-e jiossessions hid been
iMiitod on bebair ot the missions ami
that tho lifiht oi the iell;lmis (e.isnf
b.v tholi w, hey should io
iiinlu to the mission-, '1 ho mobbl-lmp
" "I'll it is entholy'
".nd the piojoi'l ol set ulaillllK the
ioIIkIoii-, ' I ached That,' Ills finue
lepllpd 'Is not sii nun h as woith
.pP.lkllU, Of
oanuoi so mni li a- ho
Is olltllelv out ot the
eiiloi talm d
"I a-ked tin an hhlshtip aliolll tile
lopoit ill the Tail i onillll ion in -o fill
a- his mute'.- vvoid- wiio i mn oi nod
"'That,' ho answoioil, 'I- laiil.v mi
ieit il nm iiiilo t omploto I would lay
-lies- upon what I sa Hitie about tin
I'lllpluos' cMleinc sll-i eptlbllltv lo
outside iiilltu in t s. This Is a meal lat -toi
In his i lei, Conntani ho has
little of lu his chili .ii'lci but Iii one
HllllK I am ti Im ei he will bo enii
.stant '
"'Tlllll Is his de-he lot Inilepellil
Olll'O ,"
"'Jllst The nallvo.s will iieni
be t'inoed liom the Idea TIip will
eiisi nie In. hut lliolr i asy subnils.
-Inn will not be ot eildllllllK Pilot t.' "
Cabh tiom Tnjltey,
lit l lu. he ln limn llie ot tali il l'i
I'liiliililplni. VI it .1 V ulili no -j.i ii
ti'ivnl Unlit la lit Willi nil I I fnip A -.Hi. - ip
mil I lU'ini llnililiiu ternpJii.t Jiinoiimiil (lite tlie
fu.l pjiiiuiil oi llie inii-il inntiiili'il foi lit
iln ' well llllnllit 111" lni-11 ninle la llie
linpiiiil IIIIiiiiiiii luiik I mil no linn las
bull ai it. mini of ilnnlii .i in ttluili.i ilte
illicit vMitiM tier In 1'iiilt, Inn III llie fli-i
pitiiifiit iiuili (lit ttoik will lie tjnbil fnitvinl
Mi, Biut Appointed Passenger Afjent
lb I xl lu bu Wnt fioin Hie V-.oi ui.'d Piru
Nm Voik, 1 j i i lurlfi l iii j-oii lluii u,
In en jppuliiitil vtntul pjiiuu j, tnl of ne
ItntlJl IIjIIiiuiI of Niu In -ihiimiI llit
I ill II I II tl'lw in Ml Hun s jpiitiilmiut
likt4 illpit luiiiiiiiiivv VI Iln pie-ml lime In
It j. . I. lam pjsv. ii.pi n, in it ,i,p,i uf 11,0
lli-inn mnl Mime iJihonl, vtllli lu-nl piii it Is In
Donation to Syaacuse Unlveislty.
lit bttliioive Wlte finiii Hie "tiMidatcil 1'iuv '
-virfimi. N. , M.iv "l -Cluiiiillor lamia II
lit, in sjratiut uiilvruitv, to'ia.t iccchul I
iltuilloii of i.'j.ioi Horn a iPiltlmt of svrjui.o
I ui mine It not lo Ik tlbtlo.'tl I up ulti h
lowjni ill fuinl n fiunrjfia uliltli ii In be rjil-Oil
It. lie 1 1 llit idvilicini'iti tf Join II Vltlil.oM,
.1 "t tork. t lio lti NlKli.4) upon loiidili n
Hut the ushtitltv mix u like ,uiu.
The Emeru Goiiipanlon Measure
Is Also Taken Up and Passed
bu the Same Vote.
An Appiopiiatlou of SI 0,000 foi tho
Election of a Monument to the
Late Governor Cuttln The Pene
bee Bill Taxing- Stole Ouleis, ete.
Judicial Appoitionment Bill Re
committedOther Measuies Con
bideied. R ti ln-lt Wile fiom Ihr -oi iil.'il Prm
lllllllsblliB, Pa , Mav ::i. A bill wits
llitiotitlt oil 111 the Keniiti tod.iv by Mi.
Huike, or Washington, icpoallng the
local option law in MomuiKnhel.i City
and (.aiioll township, WashliiKtoii
I OlllltJ.
The house aiiiendiiit'iit lliuitiuc In
111 -.t and hooond-Unss titles the bill
aiithoiMim' inliulclpalltles to deflliu
and ll the letnis lor the u-e ol ptihlle
pniks oi ki minds of any kind im t.ill
i pm poses weie cone lined In.
The house bill making- the toiniiuin
vvoa I Hi liable fm a pioyoi tlonate shine
of iho tost of t niistiuctlon of biidRes
built b.v toiintv cnminissionois over
sti pains above l.nou feel in width,
passed ftnallv.
The FoihL elevattd and subway bill
was taken up out of ll- oidet and
pa-sod llnallv b.v a vole ot ;",1 lo ii
The -vole in detail follows:
vr- Mp-m-s ti. II ml, llinlkc, (inn
iiiiiist t-iniiv. li.liu, Inclit, rv, (iMili. I. rm.
Lack, II lines, lleiilolliiusli. Ilisitiu-. In Mil-i'i,
Miller, Vim lilliriinmr, Nirb. ijiinl. -toll,,
Siniln. Spmiil, stilt. Sllnniiui. siu,pr, m.
ViiikIuii. W.I'IiIiiiiii. Wilier. n'illi inn a'nl
Wuetk ..'
n. VI, -..i- I . Im in. Iliniv, llill.-l. Imi-ii,
stjit anil Weis I
The Kmerv cDinpiuinii bill was also
taken up out or its older mil ii issul
dually bv the same vole
Bills Passed Finally.
These bills also p issed finallv
iiniill lllllir S10.IIOI fm tilt tulll'm nf i
nioiiiiiniiit mi lie lib (.mi rin r Curt in
Hie I'iritliei lull I iwuj; -t.ue unit is, elt , -t
prr cent 'n tl i n fite'v-ilue
I'muiliiij; (or tin eliitie.ii lit tlie pt i pit or
inipeitnrs for the mtlii icite rtinr-
Hie jiiilnial npiiniiinmnent Mil. vtlmli vti
in nli' 1 spit nl onlu for AM n 1 line net " ' '
lit -1 it . tt it le cninmltled In tlie jnilician ip
poitioiinn nt tomrniltee liv ft vtilp "I -' t" I".
'I lie lull t i- ..nun ifter iriiuilni Intl. front
tmniiiillee ami -vt ill be tikrn up mt Wtilnc.
iliv liininliii; fur hr-l reiihn,'
These house bills pas-oil Iln i liv:
It, pt ilinqr llie lot il opln n low m tlie In
liiutlt mil Itwiilt ninth v nils of l'lul nli Ipini
Viking llie ffii . s n( (iiollioui I in, i Ipik if
murls UKian ,f III- nnl utuiilu tf teuli
hi 1 II lie offites III ( lllifll tolllllt
linlil)iting lo nit upon tlie "ititiitv oi tlie i ipi
(ill stnik ot Ini-l ioiiipiii-1 iinl nitin;s
in-lilul i.ili
Adjoin in il until .Mnnd.iv at S p. in
Umpiie Sheiidim Decides a Game In
Favor of Detiolt 9 to 0.
lit Fvrlti-ne Wire from llie rouatftl Piti
Detilot, Midi.. May ni CmpiiP
Sheildau toi lolled toda.v's k.iiiip,
which ended in a lowdvish ehibIiion
on tlio jitit ot the Haltimnip ttam, to
Detiolt, i to (I. netiolt panic to bat
In the ninth inning one mn behind
and the fust man up was an easv
out. Holme then .sent a tci title
dilve ov oi faekhon's lieml. the hall
Knliur thai to i enter field font e. It
was well tleldeil and letuiued to
('atoliei linbhisoii nst as Holmes
dived tovvnid the plate
It was a close decision but Shtild.iu
tailed him sup., Itobiusiiu objected
sri KtiPiiuouslv'- to It that Iip was liually
put out ol the tin me. as was Howell
al-o, Then the oiillie TSaltlinnie teiun
MV.innoil about Iho umpiie Hlumllui;
and thieatouliifr him, Dunlin even
l In f-w a hat ai him fiom hehliul Shin -Ida
il oidt'M'd pla.v lesumeil, and when
lliltlliioio lelu-ed to lake the Held, roi
lelted the Kiillli',
Mr. Choate Unable to Giant Their
lit I . bene Win fiom Iln tu. Iilttl I'lt.t
l.oiitloii, .Ma.v .11 -Two nun, ieiie-
M'lllllIK ihelllsohts to be rillplmis,
tailed at the I'liited State'' embassy
and made applli alion to .Ml, Choate lor
PiihSpiuir) Tin so, the aiiiba-Midor de
illnetl to Issue, kKIiik as a lo.iwtn that
they linnlslieil hint with no eildPiiee
that thej weio Aiiuuloaii (Itlemi
The iipplli.iutH ioislhtotl, and Mi
Choale thou assiiied them that it was
Millie impossible toi him to i limply
wlih their leipiiM unless ovldi'iu o wns
submitted thai tln-.v weie emitted in
the pihilesres nf Anieiican eltUiiiishlp.
llliallj the apili( ant.s ilppai led, nflei
liltiinatllU? that they would limy llie
ipiestlon lo YViishliiKlnil 'I'liov weie
not net iiiupanli'd b, k'Hal (oiliisel
Hi hi.iilii Wilt ficin I bo "ii uleil 1'ipsi
llarii-l'iiiK. Mn .11 limuim sun,,, tn.l it
icnt'il llifji "Ik
I'ltiviillin, tin ike it'iniilini; In itilnii Ink jiiim
ol lilt to rul (slile Jtipiillil la mini) ulie
ji-ju jilveuc pose-tlon
llO'iuiiiiiir hisoii iciuptiiiili pinploieil In tie.
Ifttlttt or tlitrtlhi jrpiu M In Ijku out llci'11-.m
'Hit bill pioviillns lor Iln ellniii'!nii(iU j(
jn,v .loin J it nl "i Jnmillt in oilier tlui.e up n
io il ptljii- iltei ivtiitv mi vp.iik Jii'l nul.iu I no
Jine jpplii 'ilile lu t in-, vvinie llie iniiiiiionm lllu
U J pill J tljlmjiil, J vtlocil
Jimmy Michael Wins.
!b l.xtliuivf Wiic from 'llie .V-uijul "h
IlillimiiP, SIj.v 11.- IwtlilJ'iiillf luolni pjti.l
rait was won lOnL'lit liv .1 1 limit Mltlutl llulil
WaU'jn loltiiun ami 0 lljluotk bi .'.'t lin;
time. .11 in LUttf. 11 11 hhiiiiN I uloiiun Jinl
lljluotk rode in lite milt ni.-.ti. ihaiuiiu pno
Mill live inllci without Utktuiii; tlnll ottn utt
I llut of llitlr inutt'U.
Scianton and Lackawanna County
Repieseuted Among: eatleis.
Hi l.- tit-It o WlM In in riie tulitnl t'rr
lliiston, I,i May II The followlnt;
hoiinr.s oip aniiolilioed it l,afitetto
LiuliiRe todu.v '
llow.nil W. II Hon tltil rjijtltiieii I itlun
C li it h - W II 1 1". ilriiiuil imilniri, Ullki
I ' .1 1 1 , ttuiU ( (on lil, iIipiiiIiiiI llmokhit, i
i Ailiuir I irevOr-j, rluMlml, Dmvllle, llin
let K teiirr, ililink IIpIkoImIIIp, lit hi; V.
ijull-t, milling t n-diircii 1'inlon: .lolm M lllml
let, tlH.liil, J) inv lllo: lilttinl It lliii!lie, l.iliu
mIhui', -i i nut mi : Willi mi lltn.ln., iiiliiint; rni.1.
nri'i, Wmiin I'jpir Vllllt, N. I ; llirri Koli,
ritil iiuilKu sm,t l.iklt; Wllllim It Mill i
mull, I a t in -cit in. i. Villi, totiiilt . IIikop .MJlk
ail in, iliHuil, 'litfiii. VhIh Mbini: llinrv II
Id Mi il. 1, ill. -oil, -tniit, toi ill W Hint, l.ii'in
liriiie, I'.iiulikptp.lp N. N , Willi mi I. s,, ,,
ih-iiil, r.itiiikntik, N , lit.,. I skklir,
ilii.tiil, Mill lilj, bukjtt nun tnunlt. '"I'll
I. s,it, I illn icltiue, riuiiliuloii, S, I j
Itolml II rumii, jr., phi tiiiil enidnepr, Wcl
iiiirtt.ii. 11 V, llioiiiii II llioiuj', tltll i iijlnirr,
I iitlon: .lolm I W' ill in, t le,ltil, VllPuluni,
siiuiiil I', Wrlui, I illn m ii m i', 1 1 out i ille, u
Ititt II Weill i. Ilioulttit, . .1
III (lie iIkivi llvi ii'iiliul tlie lionoi i i le
npnl in link, uii'l ire .ippnnitdl is follot.
Vb Cio li J t iltilittott ' II. It. Iliifflul, plillo.
tnplili il oiilliiii: Ml. sjiklei, IiUIiiik i nmtliu,
Vlr IViiiiiv, v itntlHt' iiiiititni' Mi. Welld. f illn
Mint Unit
Loid Geoige Hamilton Gives a View
of the Situation in a Letter to
Sii Alfied Hickman.
Ilj lAila-ne Wire funi llie .oii ileii I'rtu.
I.oiiilon, Mav III. f.oid (.leoiKe II.iiii
ilton, Hie Indian se.t.ietai.v, who was
not piesent In the bouse of t omnions
when Sir Allied Hickman iConseiva
tivi'l, 5lay -'!, attaoked Auiei Itan-built
locomotives anil Inkhies, has icplled In
a loth r lo Sir Alfied Hickman In pait,
it Is as lollows:
"No piaethal eiiKineei who bus vis
ited Ameilciiu woikshoi.s and inspeet
t tl their methods of pioduotion and
inauiifat tine would toi a moment eti
tloise nur asset tioiis
"Tlieli loiupelitlon is ilntiBeioils be
tause they aio e.nlv hnptovlim tlieli
inodiiits. both in (iiiality and pi ice. It
alwnvs has bei u the ptaotito ol the
buveis ol iln Indian i.illvv..s to she
jueleient" ill all tltell (Olitiacts to
Itiltlsh matiufacuiroi.. and that policv
has so pievailed tlmt up to the gieat
lucent entslueei im, stilke no onh r lo
a i.illwav looomotlve wa over kIvoii
outside or tli oat lliit.iin. Mnio then
nwltlK lo the lilltlsli woikshops boinc,
bloc keel with woik, tertaiu of tlie India
inilioad bonds round if nectssnt,, as
lotoinothis could not be had hete, to
place u few limited iiideis In Ainetlea
I am leatlv to she all the available ie-port-
rnnceiiilnir woiklitK. consumption
of fuel and lo id chawing- power of these
loconiotlvos. The e.uliei lepoits iveie
iintavot-able, but when their woiklnsv
was better nuclei stood and altoiatious
weie made lo suit the fuel, a
mat keel iniinovoini'Ut was noticed, -o
miiili so tliat one company wished to
obtain mine pukIiips oi similar con
stitution That Ameiltan loioniotives
obtaliit'tl a looUiold hi India was due
to the stilke l i el ei ml to. Hut If, as
I, hope, lilltlsli loioniotives aie in the
ruluie to lOKain Iheli nionopolv- in that
vast svstun of lailvvavs, Uiltlsh en
gineers must piollt bv tlie hints and
MiKKestions these npoits ennvev.
"Vou seem to think that oideis have
onlv Kone abioad because lliosp who
Bine them did not undei. stand their
business. I wish it w ei p so. The coin
petition we lme to lace is rounded on
something? much mine fui niidjblt and
inoio substantial, Cheinh ul leseaich.
llie t nn( entt.ition of rnpital, UioioukIi education and impiovod in
tlnstilal oisaniatlnn have made In ic
(ent veai- a Kionter advanie In Amei
Ip.i than heio Tt Is with the pioduct
of those coniblnatliiiis, and nut with
Hie (iftsumeil stupldltv of the Indian
(illklal-. that the lliltl-h oiiKlueer has
to contend."
Alleges That He Conspiied with Dr.
Unger to Defmutl Companies.
lit I mIiimvi Wir. ioiii Iln. s.otlilul 1'ion
ChliiiRi), May :H -I' i link H. Sinlle.v.
wlio has louiesscii to touspiiini; with
Di A. AI. I'iikc" and V W Hi own
and Ml-s Muile Doloiib.nh lu ail cifloit
to swindle Mil kins me Insuiiiuco i om
p.lllles wlilth held polities on Miss De
leilbiu h'.s lito, was the chief wllne-s
at the tilal ol Hi. 1'iinet and Hi own
Smiley told how he was lilietl to pu-n
lis .Miss Deiiibaoli's pMiiulMil lllls
buiul lie said he wiih to he paid Sl.fniO
aiid'thut Mls-s Dofolibath inifi'il Hum
the spilt that ihe would die soon ot
hem t dlseiiM'. She s.Ud she wanted
hoi llisiliuiue lo no to her tili'litl, III
Milltaiy Smgeoiib Tavor Repeal of
the Canteen Law,
lit I'ttli.iie Win fiom Iln' Vs-.i. Mini Piis
-I Hull, Mn .I - II m iliuilliiioii-. vole tie
iKiiijoii of unlit ii,v uieoin in ttmlon lore
loilit pa. -ul .i it-olulioii hi fjtui nl Ike p' il
nf p jiii I uiilini li
III" liolutull It t lit "tlllt llu ilnlllUill nf up
unit pu-t tvilni'n' or tiiiiitu In. i riilii ! ni'l
ll,-..t ineiitllilt li.llll ill III lhilpi-e nl llllelll
leiintp, ni.ul iinlllii'li ii illsoiiliiu il. -ot I (on
ml ili.ii.i in llie J l lie ' tipluip llu .iiuili il
114 if villi ' piet i'MliJiu,e Pr (ilhtiln .mil ni
llie luiiifU n .anil iln ii. moi tint ami ill.i I
pluie in omul' ml il. i.tjlili-limi nu ji pie t nli
t .1 m-Klliti tl 111 .
Steamship Aulvals.
Uv liiliuhv Wat 'icin llie "ifcoiiated ri
Nut nl Mn II Vultoil l-jiiou. linn
Imii;. Hi iliunii . Imipool, Hiiuimu, jpli-i
CIpiiiiI I ut mil. l.ivtloul, till i. SjiIi and
t.nioj, Sutcii'Uiii. Itolliiiliin mi HnululK,
Vluipiiiti, Ininloii. NoiiJilli. livt'ipnul lluni'li
Villttil. I Jim. Not Wnk Itolipiitiui -sjik.l Ntvt lllk. -OIllllllliplOII- Snl
Ptiitctliljitil iliom lljuil.iir,), Sivv oik.
Pensions Gtnnted.
lit I silu.ii! Who fuiii Hit --ciIjIiii I'll
Wj.lilii.lou, .11 peli-ioii of l i lililii'i
lib lillll KLIIlKil Ol' Willi Jill I llOlill I.-.1-HI. nt u
?n in. a tt' I one of x a month lu lucn .uiumI
lu tttlitr I'lCktllng, vvlniivt, uf Pubiuun
Remnants ot Oom Paul's flrmu
Make a Fierce Attack on Brit
ish Near Johanneslniru.
After Seveie Fighting and Heavy
Loss on Each Side the Attacking
Paity Is Dilven Back The Moat
Serious Engagement Since Geneial
Clement's Roveises at Mngalles
bmg Geneial Delaiey Undaunted
by the Recent Loss of Heavy Guns.
Ill I'viliKlie Will from 'I iip vo IjIpiI Pie-'
London, Mux .11. On the nunh'ei
suiv of Lonl Itoboits' entiy Into .lu
liiinne.sbiiiK, the t ountiv has been
staitletl by the tpoelpt ol news ol des
peiate IIkIiIIiik and henvv Hiltlsh loss
v.'ltliin loitv iiillos ul the Hold Reel
Cit. A battle ul VI idfonieln, on the
Duibau-.tolinuiir shuiK i to
polled b Kite holier todav. Is
tin mo-i soi ions enff.itfomont sin e
C.eneial Cleinent's levei-es at Mn
Kaisbunc It shows ( Delaiey
Is in no wav iliinti tfil bv the iiiptuie
or eleten ol his jvuns bv ("
HnbiiiRtou sl weeks ,iro The R.inl
son or Vladfonteln, appitieuth lom
posed 'uinelv of yeonianiv. had 1 74
men put out of action. That their as
sailants came to t lose iiiaitoi.s and
-uffeierl heavilv is shown bv the num
ber ot dead left on the Held.
Tin dispatch fiom laud Kitchener
dated I'letoilii, Mav .'.a, i at- fol
lows. "fleneial UKon's font .t Vladfon
teln tint attack"! tostoidav liv De
laiey'" foi cos and then was seveie
IlKhtilli.. The eni'iuv was eventltlillv
tliiven off with heavv loss, leaxins'
tliii t -tlve dead. 1 iprici that ot
iasiialtl"s an al-o -eeie Tho killed
and wounded numbeieil 171 Poin
otlk ois weie klllo I "
Boeis to Be Sent to Baibadoes.
Klu-ion, .Iiimaloa, Mav "I. In a
icpoit fiom Haibadops, it is said tlmt
the Impel lul government lv .iii.inKlnir
to 'end a diatt of 1'oei pi isouei - to
that pi ice.
One of the Giave Featuies of the
Case Is the Fact That She Con
tinues Extiemely Weak.
lit I. tt labile Wir from 'lie sotnlei I'iptt
WashliiRlon. Mav 11 Mis McKin
lev fulled to show ,mv lininovemeut
dmliiR the dav and tonlRht hoi condi
tion Is lepoitod as uni haiiRetl fiom
the status Riven in the bulletin issued
dining: the moinliiR. One of the
Rlaxe fen lilies nl" the case is the lat t
that -he continues extiemely weak
and falls to gain in strength. Hhe
Is eiy seilously 111, but has had se
Noi'e attacks of illnpss hpietofoie, and
ibis rIvp.s lise foi hope that she will
et lecovei.
No bulletin was Issued (oninht. and
none will be until alter the (rniMll
t ii t inn ol tin physic Inns tnnim iou.
Holh Doc tins SteinbeiR and ltKev
t ,ill"d durhiR the evenliiR at sepaiate
times, the latter leinainliiK with the
patient some little while.
Piesident McKinley Will Not Be
Able to Visit Massachusetts.
lit Itil ite W'lie fiom lli --0ihlrrl I'lmt.
WiishliiRrou, Muv .11. Pn-ldent Me
lt inle.v told Senium I.ikIko today that
lu would not be able lo keep .my of
the eiiKiitfeiueiiiH made in vl-il Mils
siiiliiihetis thin summer unless It b"
to attend lim i ommoiii emoiil eor
t i-es or llaivaid on June .'fl, at which
lillie a dlRlee will In toiiloiiod upon
Tills (It t I-lnii ot the piesiilont H
whohv due to the condition ol Mis.
Mi'KlllhVf health, Most of llie en
MIRouionts lu .Mu ai hlsott,s went
Huee oi lout wieks oft, but the phy
,sk kins hate ilc aided that Ml- Me
Klulov must linve alisoliiie iitiiu and this .siimmoi,
Five Men Aie Lynched in Old-
tnshioued Bolder Style.
Hi I ilu. no Win In in llie .oiiittil l'u
Sitsanvlllo, Ca Ma .11 At Lookout,
Modoo t omit. , Cahiu Hall, his thice
mips and a .vouiik man livlnu with Hall
weie aiM'htPtl lor hoise.steallliR, I.asi
HlRht the live men won- taken limn
custody bv a mob of about ill t v poi
sons and all weie handed, Thti bodies
ha v. been nil down
The tllsttict altoi lies ol Mndoi toutity
l" on his wio hi the .scene or the lyiu ll
Inn Hull a- a man ul t oiisiiletabli
Inli Hindu i 1 f it wile wns a miiiiiw.
Little Russian Chinch.
lit iMliithr Wlie ti in Hit V.nnjt n l'ii-
-Iiiiiiokiu, Mji II PckMaKi. irrnftiiiiiiik nm
it .luiiilit, vviili a ineinhfrlili of 'Oillrtl in
Ijlinli uni Hi I liltf') sutfi iln I In tin loul l.ii'l. I illtoht thuuli toilav uni Itrmtil
u .'i iti nit lit oit,jnlJtlou t(i In' kinitvii j. Hit
I ink' ItiK-l.Ill Iniuiii j-'ixlJltou Mrniti ivii
tpiltlon tt ill lie In lil lo tltil i I1I.I11 p, .lili'
t lilt I. llit ilioipc vtill lie lunula iml plli-lt
Hill Ik lt,nljil.t Ullomil
Died of Knlte Wounds.
Hi l.nliivlve Wue fiom I lip V5it iatftl I'le.t
I jiii nupu, IM. Ma.t II - liiuet It. lit, of lint
pljii, tlit tl lodj.v fit in kmii twin ik i-ilil lo lute
lippn InlllttPtl lv llenit -milli Kfll.t .1 ml -milli,
vtliile uulci lle inlluoiii! j litpioi U1 nlslil,
iiijirrlnl ii"'! ilurlnj llie Jlltuiiou -milli Is
.aid 10 lull .tjlleil Ktlh in tlie ti 111 jili tt i t h
l utile knife Miiitii it In jail.
Wtttlier IntllcntlontToiU):
1 (Irlirul ( ililnpt ll"iiil (nli 111 ( outinll ill
lllliililll mil Miliiiuin IIkIciiiIIoiiii Iklil 1 i
Hoiix ml lilltlsli II in 1 llli; Haiti.
Woik uf the sijle liglitw
1 (li nil il- ( lllu n. I.i ti Pi 1 .it tun lit
I I.'piipijI- IiiIpi.iii( I (tin fiom tin -iiuili,
ettPtilit'c hr hill Id -oil Id.
4 I1III01I1I
Soln i.inl I oiitiiiiiil
f. lotd-soild anil Pi rinnal.
llin Wiuiun't VIiwk
SilnillflC sjlul,
G 1 01.1t lloottp nf tin (tit iriltnipii
I Ire llpiurliiicnt Nut
7 I nial Ktirptliui In IIMutp Ik. Inn.
8 Im il-Witt -ii mum ami stiliuil in.
') (.iiiciil N'.iillii.i-I.'iii I. ini-t It mil.
Tin 1111 Idl anil I oinmeiilil
in sioi "Ifiiiklii -lotie1'
11 liipjl-lliliul.iiis Nnii of llie Wtik
Suiuhv Stjniol Iison foi 'loiuoiiott
12 1 01 ll Iln Hi me W1111U lliniij.1'
In.ln-tilil mil l.ili ir
Conflicting- Inteiests Have Reached
a Final and Amicable Agiee-
ment Upon All Mattel s.
Hi I rt lii-it e Wue fioin Iln Vvu'tittiil Hri'i
New Yolk. Mav .11. The 1 oiitlli tliiR
Inteiests in the Noitliein Pai Itk 1.1II
load hate loached a Unal and .unlia
ble aRieenionl upon all inattois or ills
nRieemenl and theii tiituie lelatloiis In
the piopeitv. Theie has hot 11 no an
nouncement ol' the teitns ol the in w
compact wlili li ends the must lomaik
able financial buttle lu tlie moid of
Wall stiePt.arul none of the details have
been made public I.ale thi- alti 1 noon
the follow im; statement went out oil
the Hi kei :
"It is ofllt iallv aiinouui ed that all
limleistiiuilliiR has been loathed be
tween Noiiliein I'at lllo and I'liion Pa
t lllo Intel est-, under which the com
position of the Noi'lhei 11 Pncillc lio.ud
will be loll lu tho hands or .1. I'. Moi
R1111, ( el tain n. tines haviiiR abe.ulv
heen siirrosioiI wlilth will o-peelallv be
letoRiii.ed as topi p-entatlv o ol the
common inteiests. t s usseiied that
lomplete and pet inutient hiimonv will
losuli under the plan adopted between
all Inteiests lnvol'tl."
When the statement was shown lo
Louis A. llelnshohnei, ot Kuhu. 1. 00b
i: Co , he snlil.
"That statpineut s lutlienlic. We
cnniiol Rf I1111 paill as to the
settlement 01 Rive jtm anv ilftuil- at
this time. All that we i .111 tav Is that
the ie has been a settlement or tin dlf
feienies that existed and the inaltoi
Is at an end."
.T.uob II. Schltf dec line d to add unv
thiUR to the olfldal st.iteinont hevond
tonlli niiiiR the It nth ol it.
All James J Hill would saj was that
a s.itisrat toi.v settlement appealed lo
hate boon 1 one hided.
One of the stoiies heunl lod.iv wlih
the annonoonieut thai peaio had been
declaied was that at lea-l two Xoith
ei II Pm lllo ilheitois would elltel the
Villon Pacific boanl and that equal
lepte-entatiou would be Rhen the lat
ter mad in the lihoetoiv ol' lllo III -I
Eldied Reynolds Falls Into the River
at Honesdale His Body Has.
Not Been Recoveied.
Iprelil In llie fi notion rillnuip
Ilouesiiale, .Mu 111 - Ve-leldiiv allei
liuon, about d o'clock, .1 .-ad 1 a-e ol
diovvniiiR oii-iii 1 ed in flout of the .11-
niOiy. tlllll I'll li.. the elevt ll-.V t.ll-olll
son of Mi. and Mi-. I' Ik Itov 110I1I-,
whose lesldenre In near the aiJiuuv,
while plav iiiR with oilier t hlldion about
Hie annoiv, loll limn the IiIrIi letalu
IlleT wall at the loot 01 I'loioutli stleet
into the Luc k.iw.ivn liver. None but
tile thlldien -11 w him lull Thev riivo
the aliiiin, but botoie men who weie
lieaibV, ( ill Iti lellllel a-sl-lauie llie
1 iineiil, vvhicli I- vi iv -.will at I Ill
point, had tallied Hie bndv In-jimd
it'atli .
About one blmk lilltliei down, in the
IOIII of till' limit house, II pole Mil-
leacheil to the ilinwnlnR- l)o,v , which he
Kiusped, liiu hi- hold Rave wav and hn
(lisappeaieil mid wa- ,-eeii but nm e
llfli'l Tile Inith has HOI been leiov
eieil The eiv IiIrIi w liter III llie kawaeii 111. tki h It mu ei tain how
I a i the bodv mav have dilfied. The
taiull.v have onh i eilded heio about
two nionili. The ( .linn fiom Ninth
Cainlinii. Their louiier lioiue was in
TnmpslniiR, N V. .Mi Itejiiolds, who
is a pi Intei, 0111110 heio to wink on the
Wa.Mie Countv lleiald
Remains of Beitiam Osiniui and Mn-
zie Kenny Taken fioin River.
Uv l,jiunp Win funi Iln W-n Uleil I'n
Pllll.nlelplil 1 .Mil) II -Tlio boille.s ot
two of tho seven iHIHK pctsnii- who
weie swept In death nvel 1 "lu t Hot k
ilain In the S( hil.v Iklll ilvor sesteida.v
afioiuoou weie ii , n eii'il to-ila,.
Thej weie Iho-o nf Heiiiaiu O-man
ami Miule Keiiiu
Tim woik of RiaptilliiR Im thu 10
nialns of the it tints s haiiilic-apped li
the swollen tOlllllllilll uf the I iv el
Quaiteunastei King Guilty
lit Dvilu.ite Wile pom llie vOtialtil l'n
Mtihik, Mi, Mm .11 Hit .ulnl viitlitt 111 Hi'
l.lll.. it I.-. iLlll.a tuliuti ( .iptjln Jlel i(.iu
Itlliu.-I.i I tlil W kins. I .- . 11I11111.1I
ii.iiMlav inclit. tti. ipnicii In llie I'.l sun,
incuit tiuit Io.Iji It tin I- imii .iallv, J
iluijnl, of iiicitliu iniiiei Willi lb tiittlit it.
Iiillu.iift In. nltitljl iilluiv
Two Wellb Opened.
He l.tilu.ltc Wire from the ututci) 1'ifH
ItiHAtillr. 'linn, Mjt ..-V tuiul liom
IjiniMovvn. I 1111 . n itto oil ttpll, tun ni
j toibt vn III lint of Itiuim inJ 1'n.kill tountln.
Governor McSweenu Wishes to
Give Senators Tillman and
mGLaurln More Time.
The Govemoi Believes It Would Re
sult In Bitterness, Stir Up the Teo
plo When They Are Ttying to Get
Toethei foi tlie Mnteiinl Pi ogles';
of the Stotp Senator McLauiln Is
Inlei viewed Tillman's Telegram
liom Tienton Has No Knowledge
of the Governors Action.
lit It Iii-sip Win fi 111 I In Vt.iiiilnl !rtfi
Columbia, S (', Mav ",l. -Ilovei nor
Mi Sweeny loda.v, at Hiir in said, pi
at 1 oiilaiiop with the wishes of t Iip peo
ple who did iml wish a iiiuviiss with
its Incident suite and llinpst, icfllspl
to in ( cpt the km of Sonnlois
Tlllmaii ami Alel.llllln. These leslRnn
tlolis weie made ill a political lucetln-"
ill 'lall'iiov, Ma.v J" and weie mailed
Iho Roveiniii on that iiIrIU He le
eched llleni lllo IoIIowIur moiiiliiR,
when about to leave foi ChlcknmntiK l
to pat tlolp.ito In the unvelliuR of .1
moiiiiineni to M1111I1 CuinllnaV, tit 11 it.
The RiiM'inor letuiucil hen p.iilv this
11101 niliR. uud auiiiiiiuii'il his dprlslnii
shoith .iftei noon
He vviote a 1 ouimuiili atlon lo the
senatois, in vvhicli he said that he 111 vf
letuiueii iho MsiRiiations for fuither
1 onsiileiatlon. as tliep ,u lion iniRlit
have heen laktti without debate and
-without 'lull t onsiileiatlon of the ef
f( ( t upon the people In the pIosIiir
p.ii.iRiaphs ni bis let let. hovvpvpi, the
Rovenior uneciuhoi ally ib lines to ac
cept 1 he lOhiRtiatlons His leason-, he
-aid, mav be put in a few winds v
canvass between them would losult In
bitterness, stli up the people lust at 1
pei iod when thev aie tivliiR lo Ret lo
Relhei loi the pioRiess of tin"
stale, and would be a lampuiRn of per
sonalities instead ol education. Next
eat llieie will be ample oppoi tunitv
loi a lull dlsiilsslnii. HoldliiR those
views, the rosoi iioi ,-a.vs his dutv Is
Senatoi Tlllinaii would nv nolhlni?
about the row nun's action.
MeL"uin Intel viewed.
Chi, 1 -1 ,s C Af .11. Tin leprt
seuiai'f' ot the Ne s ami Couiler at
Heuni'ttsv llie todav intei viewed Sen
atoi Alef.auiin teRaidiliR lloveinoi Mo
Sweenev's letiiiu or the ioint icsIr
ii.itlnn ol Senatois Tillman and Ah -l.auiln
Senatoi .Mil.aiuln said'
'The unospoi led .11 tlou or (loveiuoi
AltSwo'iiev leaves me 1 iiiiipletel.v a I
sea. I was leltic tantlv fenced into tlie
IirIiI. but win 11 I saw the insulting
leiuaiks of Senatoi Tillman "If Ale -1.
am In s an. ihl to moil 1110," I uiiiile
up inv niiiiil il possible lo Ineuk olf
oveiv pioiiR ot that old pllibfoik and
vvoai him out with tlio bundle beton
I was HiiourIi The 1 ontompkitlon ol'
niv lesiftnatlou Is no nt w thiiiR with
me. I alue my hoiiiu and lutoRiltv
as a mini hit moie Him I do a seat in
llie I'liited Slates senate I 'wished In
lcsli'ii last w Intel when I was po i 1 unl
it ass.iikd. Im the taunts and sneeis
Hull mot 111 elloitit lo benellt South
Caiolina 111 ai h diove me ilistiaoled. r
will willidi. iw inv leslRiiatlon If ilov
ei nor AltSwiencv has leipnsled It be
iiillse I iiiiieclale the piililolic inotlvos
thai iiisplie him and am willhiR to
llllile Willi hint ill shleldlllR lllo people
of the -la'to Hum -Hire and bitterness
I linve hi en 1 e Ink Iiir ill Hi" coiuius op
poi llllillv to v hull, ale mv-e I in
d ml In -pink 011 -ink Invitations ns I
did lit flallne.v w In 11 po lido, ami I
will lint loll-ollt to ,111V lllloitoieiiie bv
-oiuittii Tilliiiau 01 mi body 1 l-o Ar
iel makliik inv -pi et h ul New lien v
.llino ii. I will take Ml- McLauiln
1101 th ami will mu iiiake auv moie .11
laiiReinenis 10 spe ik mull niiei vvn
1 l 111 it '
Tillman's Telogiam.
In loplv to a teli'Kiuui Iiuili the .N'mtf.
and Coin loi; 11-kliu, tin 11 -inloiuoni
Stuiiloi Tillman n loRiiiphi'il fiom
"Have leiilvid no I' Hoi lloill ilov
ei nor MiSVVi.eui'V ami llieietoie do not
know upon what Rioiinils in bv whrii
..lltluull.v he IX Is Ills powel Ispuie-
h mlHisieilal and his dot linatloii o
im opt mn han 110 eliei 1 iniiii a IcriiI
siandiiolnt I'nliss 1 mu mistaken ilm
KOM'iuoi'h luni thin In sin h 1 a.ces s
Shuplv to llolllv Hie ple-ddi'llt of the
Minuio on the one hand and the ntnte
IcriHIiituio nil the otb.r thai a Mini
Hon elss He till) advise w Itinli awal
nl' loslRUallnil, bill llollllllR llline."
Governor Stone at Chambeisbuig.
IW l.tcliwif Win- finni Hie ti-oeialiil I'ipm
I limit 1 1-1. ni'.- I'i Mo II l,ficino spin,
tti.iln ptinipil -piikii 1 ul it 11 Mmil lllu p-nk
tltll. llu- mull ul Vlll.Mil 1 lu'l'l
its ,i-i. ni- Hi I nlt-l. IiiiIiiii m I..1.1I I11111I -.c
pninl .mil luiui Iml luii.ii Im die liuilliik.
Bobby Dobbs Knocked Out.
Dj Iviluslte Wile fioin llie titoclltctl I'r'M
Hilliuuic Mji II In liJti.i "I Hilllnitie,
llmiLeil out lloliln II .1.1... ol Vliiin, jpuli.. In 1 Uv
eiitllll'iuutiil Inn lulllulll ol I boot -lllPllule I
oi Ittiiav iciiinN Hie iijlil vv.i jll f.jn" wi"
jlnl n lilutv in In itiintli In oili. Ill il In .in ink
1,1, .a iIju in vut 1, rii
lb. In. 1 iiinptniui. . 11 ilotfit-cj
liitt.'.l l uiptiJiiin lu ilrie.t
ItiLlbt 1 1 l. 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1
t k 111 ol ii 1 enl.
3 p. 111 M I"1! "'"'
1'nupllJlU'ii -M iiuili- iii'lul 1 "I' Imii
t-0 4-4-4-
0 Wj,1iIiii;Ioii, liv .11 l-J-W" I'cmM'l'
inn 1 1 I...1.I1 -iiui.ltt at.'l jSiiii.ljt. ttilh -f
Ol ij, Idllll liHtl, lllall C(t ll OUjll4)t f
itiiuj- cV
ttttttnHT iT
. 1
t jtt