t 8 THE SCRANTON TMBUNE- FRIDAY, MAY. 31, 190f. n -r; INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR NO NEW DEVELOPMENTS STRIKE SITUATION. IN Ucpnituie of the Stilkcis ftom the City Continues Numbci of New Men Imported by the Lnckawnnna for the Shops Mines nt Beintce Will Be Idle foi Some Time to Come Inget soll-Siu gent Company Deny the Statements Pilntcd In Tills City Today's Boiud. Thi'ip WMP no iipu ilpxt'lopnu'iitx in tlio sttlke Ititiitloii yeiti'idiiy. Tln Mi'lul Tin tic toinit'll nifl us u-ui.il lit lie heiifltiuniti'M tm W.xouiIiir uxrtnit', llllt OWillff In tin- fiu I tlmt II Sll" II li-K'il holiday Hit' fill" liulltlfiH' i-xciii-tlo Ijonril fiilli'tl in iixtt'iiibk'. Tin- ilnpniiuw nf strlkt'it fniiii tlio illy iiintliiiit't, mill ji'Htpnlnv din' nf iht' Dlil"(iu .Maiuifiit'luiliiK I'oiiipuny't host mt'ii it'cfht'il ii Hut lei lug tiff it fuiiii Mtit'klntoMli, Spymniii it 'o. n Ihibi1 New Ytnk uinci'iii. The hiiiihII will lepfiit Iht'lf I'litt'i tiiliinit'iit In tbf .ii' futiiio. initl Inti'iitl in rIm' It iifli'i- "ftllt'iiiPiit of tin1 pit-fin illlllriiltlc"). If IICLCSMltlltl'tl, IwXW'W'l. Ii u t'nll IlllltlllUO tlf tilt' '-UlllU' tilt' pltllllll'lltlll will lit' put mi tin? lot ill lin.iitlt mill tlifii rKcii nl ntlii'i point!, n n soiiut" of ltnciuit' to the lii'.ixin ('bub limn ('iiinpl)i'll vpMionlin ii'intiiktil H'Ktiul- lll till' Slttllltltlll "If IIP llllM' lit) tlcllllltf .lStllllll(M"t liy Siiliiiilnx of n ii'ttlt'incnt tpp will pidll.llllV III' tllkl'll -t flllll t it .1 1 1 tO IC- iMlic positions foi nil inn Ktmtl linoi anil tO fjiM' IIStMlLt' to Hie tlllll'IS out on sti Ike "If tlio iiiiiimtiu Illicit Mill imiiiitniii the .ittiniilc tho now liolil it will re sult In .ill Hie koimI men lciliifr Hie i lt Toi pint os whetp iiiiKt" ii ic IiIkIi ii It N h.utl to sic how ii Hist clnss iniicliiiilst woiiltl he (oiitout to hnvc Ills wiisos ictluiPtl fitnn S-'.T.n to Jl.'it. in piopoition wllli llic ipiliiption In limns nlip.ith Kiniilcil l the Allls-Ch.ihiiPis oinpini ." illlluliPi of new men weie estci -iln liiiptn ti tl bv the L.ickiiwatilin .mil will he sot to wenk ill the IlllltlllliP mill i .11 ilep.u tinents .Maslei Itiilltlci (".illllclirs stateinclit miitlc ill estci ila.v's Tiiliiinc, lh.it F'lpsitlPiit llpimau lieiitlfi-, of the llohokeu union, hail ipplictl tin .1 posillnn was ietoiPt1 with Incipilulltv In- sonic of the "-trik-ejs. OthPi.s tlcikiii'il tli.il offeis of w.ipps f.ir lievontl the milium wcie in.ule ltoiulei to ipsunip wink, mid thus stiikc .it the union nt Hohokcn The Situation nt Beinice. Tlie sitiKitlou .11 the I'.piniie mines of the s,t,ue ine .mil Hiillk.in TJuil i ri.itl coinp.iny tines not impiine aftn .in idleness of some two months, ami i c.il urn tst is now licfriiinliif; to manl iest itself Tin, (omp.iux m.iiiit.iiiis the position th.it no ililfeienees pfjit hctwepu the men .mil the i 01 pni.it loll nulling the mines .mil town. The mines voip luscil liefoie ,1 stiike hilil been tletl.iietl ami ,nc now tilled with w.itoi, oei wliii h tontiol is Mow jn licinpr K.iiued, Two new pumps .lie now installed, wluili it is belipod will eiinhlo the Lonip.ni to cIp.ii the mlnos in a lew wiek'i. - tunnel 1,"00 foot loiif? is hcilicr tli I en to di nin the inliies, lint this is ,i job tli.it will take at least M mouths. It is evident Horn .ippe.ii.iiu es th.it the minis must ueiess.iiilv icm.iin idle lor ionic time et, wlietlier the tlllfei pneeb between the Illinois and conipanv ;up s-ettled 01 not. Tbeie is .ibsnluti lv no otlirr t'lnplovinent to lie had in Bei -niio outslilL' of the mines, .mil ,i unm ix i of men have sdukIiI tompoiniv oinpto.vmont elsevv heie 'I'ouandu Uc- lew. Deny the Statement. Tlic attention ot the Turpi. soll-Hai-Koiijt Ltiinp.iuv, ol Kasion, i,i , having been tailed to the Matpmont In the Hciaiitiui papeis iliat they 1 lit rl a iop H seiitativ i lieie ong.iglng the seiviiis of skfllnl ilia-binists who an out on .stiikc, this lompanv has tpltphoiioil to one of the ni.tliilfaetiii Ing com pmie.s heie, stntinu that the lepoit s ihsolut.lv fas(, Tht'ic is no disposi tion on tl'.oh p.ut to do so thev say, and, mote than Hun, the me not In nerd ot iiioip men. D L. & W. Bonrd for Today, rollovvlns Is llic make-up of the D, .. di W, bo.iul foi today. mi imiu, vi w a Wild I il, I il-s i in, 1.1111,1 Unit ID i H II I I. Mian I IIIIIVV, M ..I V lil I, in, I i-t I ' n i in V I, II mump, . in . V I' Mull, ii w, , ii i in I II Mil inn I VV I M,iil, 1 I m . II I'. . .Illlu in, , i , in , I I IM ll Hi ,ui mi ii; ii i in I II V is, . Mm mll, i ii , 'i ,i in, wi.i, t, i i.i,i mini ! Ilu . i, 1 1, in , i iM, I Hi mil), in s , , , i., W II Mli I-, 7 p in , i'i.i imm n Viu, I Vli Vllisln ; 7 p in, -.1 ii IJityi, I nlllliMili, 7 i n , Hi. I f Hi, i,, VI. I mi I'uiiris in ii hi , r i:. st(or, I'll-il I l" s , in, UillUil, III I III , s I in. nrili, lln a in. Vim in, 7 i in, Vluiiiln; ' p in , I. iiiipinu. la in , Whim i l'K-ii'1,11 l.iulm- 7 ,i in, 0.i II 1 1 .i , 7 a in, '.iniri " '! , m . Milium, 7 p in , Mji.iiviih, Uilil ( lU. Wil 'i i in, I, I Mini iv miii'i "Mplc' i II ,i in , I llu-li, 1 p ni , It, Cull il ; ,! p. in , (1 ( i,.i , , ,ii . I I, II .!'! " I , I' lii fcli , I. . in , 1. VI, t a tin , 7 . in , KiIiIi.iiii UII I I i.iiituili.r KiIiIiiiii uill upni ,n Miniiiitiiiil (ill i, ulli.e .11 III ,i in 1iIiI.ii, Vln .11 llrakdiun I'. I. sianli ii will m. am uli I (niilt.v In iiI.iip nf Iti ilauuiii ,1 .1 unilli lluMiniii U Coirniiii iqiinu (in iluti vim! ' JUl .lltll.V, PARASITES AND FIGS, A new ludu.sti) luih been bioiiKhi Into the United .Slates diitiiiK the paM two ,enis by the Inti uilui Hon and .iti II lliatU.itlon of tin? Utile ntfi whlih teitlli.oh tint Smyrna 11 In .Mediiei. l.ine.tu eouutlli'. i-uj.s lit. I. O, Uu. aid in Kviilio(l'h MiiK.ilne. The diiptl-ilg luiliihii in thlh (ountt Iiuh nover aiiiountt'il to nnytliltis Tlio HniMnu. 11b bus (iiniiolled the tlilod-ils niutkctH nl" tlio woiltl, hut In California the Smyrna fig has never held Ih n tilt, the young ligh ihopping fioin the noes without lipening. It was toiiiul linn In Mediterruiiean legions a llltl)' Ipheet known as the UlahtophugufeitllUes ilie flowers of the Smyrna, fig with pollen fioin the wild fig which It Inhabits. The United States dep.it tineiii of ag riculture jn the spring of jsso linpotted successfully .some or these Insect tluough one of Its travcllni; agentH, AV, T, Swingle, and the Insect was mw. cessfnlly established at i'V-sno In the San Joaquin valley. Afar-sighted fiuit grower, George C. Roeiling, of Fie.sno, had planted somo yeuus pievlously tin orchard of S.OOO Smina llg tiees ami wild llg trees, and his place was the tine chosen for the .successful expeil nieut. Tho little Insect multiplied with ostonlshing lapidily, was (an led suc cessfully thiough thy winter of 1S99- JONAS LONG'S SONS. QREAT COMBINATION SALE. FRIDAY. MAY 31. Our Great Sale of Muslin Underwear In Combination with Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales Will make today a busy Friday all over the Big Stote, In gathering together this list of specials our aim has been to select the kinds of merchandise you are most likely to want at this particular season. The exceptional values we have to offer in Muslin Underwear are made possible by the closest attention to detail. Your most generous response on Wednesday (despite -the rain) is an indication that you are well satis fied with our efforts. Come today and every day while the sale lasts. You will always find something of interest Sale No. 1 Begins Prompt!) at 2 O'clock. $2.98 19c In Basement The special oflerings for this Ktidny in house furnishings will cnniuunul more thiin passing nttontloii. For this reason we would suggest that you be on hand promptly in order tn avoid disappointment, Fibre Water Pails Made of genuine endurated ilbte itiul are worth not less j A than 2!)c. Kor one hour, each. ... I VC 56-Piece Tea Set A seiul-poroelain tea sot of a good iniality; there are various decorations anil two or three dillcrent shades. Would be good value at H.-. briday, for one notir. me set, Night Lamps Known as the Owl, good size. For one hour, each l,No Sag" Curtain Stretcher The name, "To Sag" indicates all that it is necessary to sH.y regaiding this particular stretcher. y'p. Friday, for one hour. . . OC Toilet Paper And good quality, too. We sell lots of it every day in the week at o cents a roll. Friday, for one houi, tho -j roll Ot A Great Combination Sale for 1 Hour A niuoly-ti nished opal agate milk pail,--tuart sie. A 10-quatt thorougnly made dish pan. A good, strong covered tin bucket in two shapes. A nicely Japanned Flotnl Sprinklei, in twosics, 1 and '2 quart, just the tiling for the little How er garden. There is not au arti cle in this lot that is worth less than Lie, many aie 18c and liOc line-". Km lay, for one hour, jour choice of anything m the Irtr. lot, each Sale No. 2 Li -! Dcgins Promptly at a O'clock. Sale No. 3 Haiii Floor White Lawns This lot of Lawns is espec ially adapted for drcssos ami shirt waists. The textute is linn and tho finality firm. Itegtilur value 1-'. cents. Friday, for one fn hour. . .. VC Hosiery Ladies' line quality, full fashioned hose, in last black only. They aie slightly im perfect; at least that's what the manufacturers ay, hence the price. Kegular value j '), Friday, for oue hour IOC Laces An lS-inch all-over lace, in vat inns designs and two colons. Jlegular value p? ,'jilc, Friday, for oue hour jLZjK Pillow Shams Sie 31x31. They have a 5 inch hem and every pair is printed with dlllei ent designs. .Regular price is 50 cents JOr Friday, for one hour . UzC Second Floor Boys' Waists Witli plaits, back and front. Quite a variety of designs and in both Cn light and dark colors. For one hour. 1 V C Sailois Ladies' aud Misses' Trimmed SaiU ots, nicely trimmed with silk ribbin bands, in white, navy and black. Regular price y '-?, Friday, for one hour I C- Wrappers Made of calico, in four color, with various designs. At the price this is a great value. Kegular value 5uc to fi9c. "Cfi For oue hour JVC Silk at half price and less for 3 hours We find it necessary to depart from our usual custom in connection with this line of silk the sale will commence at tlnee o'clock and cloe at six o'clock, thus giving every one an oppor utility to seen le some of this great assortment. In tlie lot you'll find plain and fancy taffeta suns, also laney tigures, stripes ana poiKa uois. ltegulnr price, 7oc, Tl.OU anu tl.-o. Friday, for three hours 49c 4jeS Ueglns IM'omptl at 1 O'clock. Main Floor Dimities In nil the newest patterns in eluding sttlpes, scrolls, anil Dresden eH'ccts, with ground wotk of lavcnderiltic, cadet, tuivj and black, (food value at He. Filday, aL for one hour . . T"C Ribbons The width and tho price will do mote to impress this oH'cring than anything else, in the lot will be found all silk, satin and gros grain, also all silk tall'ctas; the widths sto o, 7, 0, 1U, Hi; and the regular g values from i)c to 15c. For one hour d Shoes Childicn's, Boys' and Mines' Shoes nnd Oxfords, also Ladies' Oxford Ties and SlippeJB. Jtegttlar value $1.25 and CAn $1.50. Friday, for one hour VzfC Bed Spreads This is a good quality White Bedspread. It is full sie and comes in" Honey comb Marseilles patterns, it is hemmed and ready for use. This is a very popular spread lor boarding nouses ana Hotels. Kcg lar value ilOc. Friday, for one hour. 69c Second Floor Knee Pants Foi the romping school boy you'll find these to be just the thing. They ate made of medium weight wool cheviot in plain blue and brown tlie seams aie all taped and every pair has a heavy duck wni-t rn band. Friday, for one houi 1VC Fourth Floor Oak Tables A substantial Oak Table, e pecially suitable foran unused corner ur library it has a rounded ooinei, 1(1 in. top. It is made from selected stock and has a high gloss finish. Ft has a fancv spindle supports and tZAf uudcrshelf. Friday, lor one hour iTt The Great Sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear Continues All styles at sale prices. A few of the many good things are given below. Sale on Second Floor, take elevatois. Night Gownb Gooil Quality VII -I l !,(M Mul, if mi c ipulin ot inn-Jin, it In- iin'-nl ui. i iiiiIpmi until, wil IiiimIi ni'l wnli'i Ittnfiih I" 'JO-. i in luiu . .. uc Muslin Gowns. I ni i tin limii .1 iile Minn I Ii t l- liltpr (Inn llif IhjI llwl v !" K'1 ' i"1 "II" turn. II i- ni till' nl 1 'ioinli I iiiilnv m mil-Jin, im IikKoiI , ol i flm ,m iiinii ni i hi- tmpiii Mvlr ""lit pnii, .()q l.tHV ',- V nli' ni In i ipiilnt hi i lm im Kill vol can I iiitlli ol Hi" i mi tun. 'ill' in,! 0. ni Ii (.(UVN- I im ipnliiv nf nni-liu mni innlo in licnili itvlt. ""'ii" lnvi lull im l, iiiiiimiil villi Im .oilur- up tiiinimil Qfif wllli inilirniiliij mil in-iilion '" illllllll, 79c Gowns, Muslin and Cnmbuc. f I Illllllll' MHMI. tlllllllK'll ml llnl-Iiid Willi I? 1.50 fun mi ilil uiili fiiibroidnn i i!u hfni silr pi I- hut iiiilit nt t inihiit in two hlv im t nn i d lit (It, im i h tiituiiHMl with tint? ( piltit nil i uni iti-t it ioi i il 1'liu Hitsliu Skiits. 'iln U niio ut tl.o ncwist nli i in oMit U i initio uf hnc ijuilitv ot muliu, Ins iltip iiiiilui. nitlk, iln-toi link-, mil i. Iiimmrrl with toil nun Im U Of HIK, OtKh ., " Kilt I'b lh( linn i-. r vi i t tun, lln lint itctp nin'iM lh i ii n It il i- lllllllllt il witli Ihlc Hid lilt nwitnin,, sKnt 98c Muslin Coiset Coveis. Ilu- ntllilfl uf lllr llltl-llll l -i mi' nr in uli- in lln I ii nth In Iwn ih lis i -I Ol I llll LOUil -nli, nlliiu ru liiiiiintil "Jill 'tup 2 'if iniliniiilm Ml 111 "-ill pun- . 'J' ( (ll.'-l.l' I llV I I,- I nn iinlili filnii. niio Iv tiiniinril nml hniilitil Willi Ilu .mil lib linn V mind Kpiiicliiitimi o TC liimli t;lii 1,0 Diaweis. Ml '-I IN III! VWl'.HS lliis ill ioi iMiinlrot i nuf i iitil nf nnislin, ln i ilirp linn, iln-lii nuK- in I niki' liiiul Ivo Ar iiih In i nh iii-toinii. I nil . . " MIsllN DliAUI.II-i-Sui' ipnliiv nni-lin, i itnliiK inltli- linn mil flililnn vnki , TC 1.11I1 OC Muslin Diaweis. l In- pntiriiln ipnliiv 1- nnili" of i Inn fil llt nf inil-llli. it his ilnslii nf nn Ki mil ilirp rnlllf ol iinlnnukil Ml(- AOr' pin. H'yt' I Mlllil I I .A IlltWVI lt I nrfnlli nmlo nt pwr.v iln 11I, hop 1 lull Im tiiiiiinnu ni'l ilctp .vnki. hind, -l. Chemise. in 'M I 1 lll.ni-l. 11 nil 11 Jin 1 iu 1111 j tit nni-liu liinnmil willi Im Dnh (n two in 1 111-I111111 1 . '""' uii:in:n t iii:mm. iin-i ipwim nt Tsp nni-liu. (oriluMiiiiil, .ill sii, uw Corset Coveis. lll.'sl f (l)VI IIn- Vlnln nl 1 lino ipulili 1 iinluji, mult tini-luil, llit fi Ih il -i nn,, ILIIII III lllirll 111 1 1, lllil squill link. c, lui niih In 1 nli ui-lninii, i nil .. JONAS LONG'S SONS, 1 ono, anil iii ilu- summer of IJiun vv.is piest'iit in stii'li sip.it nuiiilipiis tlmt it IVitilli'.pil tlKiii-ands nt tins, and llltocu ton', of tlll'lll llIClll'll, When llifsc IIrs vv cif tli It'll 11 nt) pai Kt'il It was ills-i ovi-ifil Hint llu-v won' s-upi'i lor to tilt' linst impm it'll I1k. Tllfj roiitnluotl 111011' -.unai nni wcie of n flni'i llivoi than lliuso IiioiikIH I10111 Simula ami Alwi'ila Tlio l.lii-,-tnpli.lKii ll.is t 0111c to sta.v.anil llm pios pt'i'ts lop ,1 iii'vv iiiul Impoiiaut indiHtrv 111 t" Ill-Mil I'll. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Central Kaihoad of New Jeisey. SUIlcni In Now Voil. I'uul of Uheity .lie' K II , anU 1-Jutli I'uiJ HMi. r.Mii.i: in 1 1 11 c r m i, pu Irjlm IMI' Miaiilon Ioi .Niw nik, .Nivuik, Klizilictli, IMilUili'lplilu. I i-loii, llillilil,, I,,, m HntnvMi, VUntli I Ininl 'iti'l Vllnin Hjh,,, jt f,j ,1 in; pxpiiis t 1", ixpn'st, I m) p, 111 Mm iIjj. iV P I" , , lor I'lllnt'in Jinl Wllkt, lliuo, j, .1 I,, p i m a, ll.l p in Mimloi. ' I". p in Tor lUlilnioTo ami VNatlilngtnn .iml poiiils -.nnili ami vVt.t vii llcililo'iun, u a n, , m j ml I p in. Min'liv. -IP i l'oi It'i'i.' Hun' !' '"" '"'v tlf. il -;-i , ni nwl l0 P "' 1'nr llutUii. Iilunon Jinl llain-lnirs. h A!, liniovvii, SKi i" ""' I '" I1 hi Pmiilii,, 1 15 11 in. I'm I'nllM lilt. ".'" 1 m , I HI p in I in ilniiiil nn I'Jit ! ' in, 1 I" ami j n.1 '' '1 lnoiwli tltkot? In ill pniiil u.l, tuutli ami uni ill Ion o,l rat oh at lh. station II I' ItAUViUS. (Son Pin Aj;t, .1. II. OMUU&r.N, (Jen Sup) Delawaie and Hudson. In I lie. I Mat in, ') Tuun I"i ailionilJlc Itavo iniaiijoii at ij i ., U. l-l' J l1,i,,r1-V"' ''-"' -'" ''' !, IA'i. ""' '' H:. 'I' ' . HI a 1,1 1'or Honclale-bW 10 1 a in..', i,iJ5..a P"i WilkiiHilK ',' '3. , ," If. " II. !'!5. Hill. llV. J in.. I !' i 1S' '' "' -7 W.7 IS, 10 11; "ror'il. V' " P"ill,s "C,5' " ;5 a in i J U 4 7 anil II.-u P' '" ' Vor Pcnii-jlvaiiU II, It. points -ms, UJS ni i 'Jib ami 4 "7 P m Tor Albany anil all po.nls noiili-u vu , la and 3 52 P. ilJN.hW lnms for Ciibondalt 'JOO. II u I a. in, , 35.. 5 17 10 32 ! ,n' I'm UUe Hai re 0 S3, 11 53 a mj 1 S3, 1 13. 0 "7 V 7 P. "' i'or Uui atld l,0,llt noitli T B p. in For IIore.stlale-9 Oil a m and i s p, ,,, .owf5t iatc 'u aU I")1"ts '" L'nltcd MUtc aa y-IlIIID,rKi a ,. , ,Ullv N. y i. V I'RO'-S, D I' , Stuiiion. 'a. Eile Ballioad, Wyoming Division. Time 'fable in I'ffeU Sept. 17, 1900 Tralni lor llawlcy and local poinU. tonnct. In at llawh-y with Krie lailroad for Sew Vorli, Nvkunt a.id iiiteinudlatc polnti, Icavi' &.rau. Ion al 7.03 a. in. and 2.JJ p. m. 'IraiM anive at t-tianion at 10 30 a. 111 aud a U . m. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Vffict Pec 2. lii)a Pontli I.favc Scranlou for Vtw Voik at t 10, .inn f.50, h 00 and 10 01 111 ; IJ m, 3:u n in, for Philadelphia al S 00 anil 10 Ol a ni ; I ! 15 anil S..i p in I'll Miini'Miuiif .it fi 10 p. 111 Milk oicpiniiioilatlon al 3 10 p in Alrli at Uohokin at 1 7.1-, 10 JS, U0i, .115, !,( T.l'l p ni Aiiivo at Plnlidelphla at 1,1X1, .tj) (100 and S'-2 P ni Arrivo '"'in .Sin York it 1,10, tl,U ami 10 21 a ni ; 1.00, I r.j, S n, s r, nml 11 0 p in rmm htioiid-tmn; at SOj a 111. Vorlli I.oavp 5 1 ml, n for nntylo and Inior Iiidllilt. stallniis at 1,11, (l"5 mil 0 on a. in; IB-., 0 IS aid II. r p in I'm (viri;u nml Svrioii'i' al 01' 1 i" and 115 p. ,, yT lltita al 1 10 a in, anil 1 51 p 111 pur j, tio-i' at t'OO a 111 103 uml 5 -IS p in 'or Mtlwl-m al I Ou and U.1". p. 111. 'nr lllni liiliitnn it Ui'20a in. Airiif in P11 mlon Imm Ilnllahi al 121. -r'"'. t". anil 10 Oil a 111 , ) ,i0 anil t.0 p in 1 nun U-wi,o ami t-JU,,, '2 51 a 111 ; 12 .is and s 00 p. in 0m iit, , at 2.51 a, 111 . 12,tis and ) "0 p m ,om Miholfon at 7,50 a 111 and nou p. m. Tioin Miiilrosp pi lO.iHi a. 111 , ;i.2l and s no p. m lllonnisliiiii,' llivlslnn-l.ian. .Suanion for NortliiiiiiUiliinli at n 13. 1001 a in., 115 ji 6 50 p 111. I'ui I'ljinoiilli at 101, 3 10, S.10 p, 111, I'or Kingston at 6.10 a. 111 An,. ,t iNortliumlioihind at 0,1 a in.; I to, 500 JN, s ,-, p 111. Aunt' at hlni!loii at 8 52 a 111 mU, at I'liniontli al 2 00. I .12, '111 p ni Aililn in iranlon trom .Norllniiiilioiiiml n 043 n m , I2..1, 4,fi0 and Ml p. in 1 10111 Kinslmi u II 01 a 111. 1'iuni Pmontli at 7.51 a 111 , 3,2u and 5u5 p in. susmv THMSR Sonlli-la-rw -1 lanton at 1,10, JOl, 551), 0 0l p 111 , .1 Ii and . 10 p 111 .Noilli l.tavp Siianton al 115, 0,13 a in" 1,31. 5 Ii and 11 .! p in Hlntui'liinc lloiiiun -Liave f-irantoii at 10 03 11 111 and 5 50 P Lehigh Valley Raihoad. In Cirri t Manh 3, HJ I'or I'liiUdelphia and New Vork via I) v, II It II, at n 15 and 1131 .1 in, ur il 2. IB, 1 J7 (llluk lliamolid l.xpicv.), an) It Mj p in hun. lavs, I) L II It II . I5j, b'27 in or Wldte llavrn, IIijKIoii and prlm'ipal poimi In the coal rejioiu, via 1) a. I. It ( r. 11, 2 lb and 4 27 p IU I'or I'ottsvllle, 4 27 p in Tor liilliUhciii, Uusti n, lliadlng, llaiiubnrs and principal inlrrinidlalo i-lations u j), i. i It It, 0.4a, 11.11 a in , 'J. IS. 4 27 (l)lack Pi 1 inond Wxprci), 11 u0 p. in Suii.ljis, p ,t Ii It,, 1 58, 8 27 p 111. I'or 'linikhanimik, Touanda, l.lmlia, llluca, Orueva and print Ipil iiittiintdlitc mat Ions, il.t II, I,, i W It. It., HIS J in ; 103 and 3 10 p ni Tor fienoia, Itolie.Ur, Hufalo. .Magaia Tall, Chltapo and all points tust, via I) A II t It , 1155 a. in , Kit (lllatk Diamond Us pi cm), 7. I 1041, IliO p. in fcundas, II, i, 11. r H5.1. 8 '2? p in Pullman parlor and deeping or 1 el.iuli Valley pallors cars on all tulin between VMlkos lljne and tew mk, Phlladelplila, Uultalo and au, pulsion llrlljf IKIII.IN 11. UII.IIUII, Gen. Supt., 20 Coill-nd blrii'l. New oik CIHHU.S S I.Ki:. tim Pas At,, StJ Cortland ttrcet, Ni ork. A VV. MAM'jncilHt, l)iv, Pass. At., SUth Pfllilclifin, Pa Tor tUkcli and Piillinin rervations apnlv tg SOU LatUawanna avenue, Suantoii, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. vmmm'mm Schedule in Effect Maicli 17, 1001. Trains leave Scianton: G.45 a. m., week days., for Sunbuiy, Hauisbmg, Fhiladelpbia, Balti moie, Washington and for Pitts bmg and the West, 9,38 a. ni., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbuiy, Hariisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsbuig and the West. 2.18 p. m,, week days, (Sundays 1.D8 p. in.,) for Sunbuiy, Hfuns biirg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, Washington nnd Pittsbuig and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p, in., week days, for Sunbuiy. Hazleton, Pottsville, Haviisbuig, Philadelphia nnd Pittsbuig. .!. 11 III IClllVr-O', fioii V.r j. 11. WOOD, tiui. Pa,-. st. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS SUMMER FURNISHINGS 4... 4. .J. TTftTtTTtTftttTTTTj, 4 Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete aud comprises all the new novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains -- ... - lA 1 IW1V VUI 7tL3 Straw Mattings Summer Draperies WILLIAnS&flcANULTY ! Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave.' Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. ! 4'4.I. JJ. 4.4. 4.jj.4.4.4.j;. i ,..j. q, $. ..j, THE iC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and 2, Com'Kb BTd' BCBANTON, ?Jl lining; and Blasting POWDER Mod at Manila and ftuih Jala WorKi, LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Xleetrlo Battarles. Kleotrlo KxploiUri, zplodlDK blmti. bafety Kuaaaui Repauno Chemical Ca's EXp'tlolVvo. Poor Indeed nrc those vrciglicil clown by inentnl de pression. Men rise m this world throuqh bnoant nene force. The loss of this force diily ilracs lon to fillnrc some of the woild's brightest mimls. hnch n comlillon is connuoiily known as Nervous Debility, When you lose f-clf-conlicleiice nnd feel jour strength, enercy and nere force are bhppinKiiway, it is high time you .seek sensible nid. You prefer health anil bliccess to misery nnd failure. &&iS0y hnc uo etiiil as a nerve restorer. A couple of boxes wilt dispel tint henvy feeling; the uiiiutiiril wc.iriness dis. appears .mil replaces lmsiior with lieu force and Igor of body and brain. Six boe? will cure anv ordin iry case of nervous debility. If not, you get jour money b-ick, St 00 per hot; G foi $"i00, in uled in plain pick.ige. Hook, free I'lAI Mi.dici.m: Co , CleeUud, Ohio I'or sale by .lolin II. Phelps, Plnrmaclst, corner Wjonung ai'enue ind Spruce street. BUY THE GENUINE ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG 3YRUP CO. Kj-AOTK Till! NAME. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotcl. and annex. MiginiaAtn mil lleiili, Atliiitii" ( iti, S I Sislli n ir. I'll liiiiliful nimiis eiisiiiii., ,uwli. .nml will, bull, bol and i uld sei unlei IhiIh ii hot 1 1 ind iiiiion. I oi it ion il(il iml until!, within fr I ml. "T Ihc si(,e I'lu Dnlic-tii IMllU splllll npunk I His, sj tu s-, I '.I ttl'K, sj ,0 up l il i. J?pu 1 il l ills lo I nnlllC'. IohIhs mi it Jll II ti in . uli Inr bniiMit I IIAItl.l s. I lOI'i: HOTEL OSBORNE, tl ml i. lln, . I "in -ipiin ininl bi ii h i- 7i iiiimi annex Mmlnn ippnintiiii nH In IMllIllI stmiP II in - In the. ilsi st M inilmi ud. Il.i tin' !., "s il. '1 upw ml I'lpuii;, lm). II, ' I. tWioiiu I L OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Smplus ?525,00J. United States Depositary. vSpecial attention given to HUSINKSS, l'KRSOXAI, and SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small. Opeu Saturday evenings from S to 9 e'clock. Wm. Conni i i , President Hi.nry Hi mm, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. II. Pick, Cashier. ills ft Lager Beer Brewery Munufacturcra or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 N, Ninth Stroat, Telcphono Call. 2333. ,Pfl HENRY BELIN, JR., flcuci il j.uil fur thi U ionium lli-tin.t for Dupont'5 Powder Miiiin.', Hhilinir, kpi)itiii?, smololrs and th'l Itip linn llniimil (niiipiny's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. feifili lose, t'.ips mil I xplndiis lloum 101 Coil Hill lluililliij .""tuiitin. AtilACill. '1110 I Ollll Pit'Mon IOI1N 11 sMITII .x 'ON- Pljni.uilh . I, ill I.I.ia N ilkcs Hari.j n -.,, -,.--.- A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! Qani (aasggjsMgg i lPJfWi'j.iij3vi rjassty Time Cnrd in rffrH Dec, UOIIi, WOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. ?& lAMIMmSs. 'JgW'' & ?J-.. A' W I ' - It. vss-i"0 v A, W W t 14 'J IX X Xvv"N. X-' W SS3 201 C b &c i no j w J I, PM KB p, 208 M n ions ? i-r. ' ljJ0Ar .. .W1MSM.T. I IM ! PM i "" 101V 1 06 Al I'liilotla Iv 10 10 18 6S " Hum ink " 10,11 IJ (5 " hlaillirlil " lO'.'l 8 81 ' I'm mun In Ik " lOljiiei ' Itinnuud " lOMUJO " I'ojnlellf , " Wltw L'lOUII ... " Ulllllli I'leiuantMt " V fill It Ii ' I'liiulldalt " 8011 IS lolill tltv IIIIISS .' l'aijoui)!eVl wiuil .. " i uruonuate vu; ,' V01I1 II Hill II MI1U '.Jll 01 .1 JO 11 01 . PM IM .806 .an tst II VI Alfi'l lA.il It 6 , I J 10 W1 " au i iiiiu r,u " U'jl.l.i. .. , u tmk "!. a I IM 8JI PM PM il 06180 a litis 2 SH 65 SlltU . imm J686IU . sossao ... ICtiU 3 1SS4S IMS 2:15. '1 !7 003 S16 Et .VMiild Bllilire. M 7 m Mavllrld lit "7 13 115(6 mjntiu In iniii Al. hi all IMlllllN IVllllllt. 7 078 ISO 01 ' HI ISO I 7 IS 8 1191 I ia usu I I , k' Ml VI 4 olmliaiil J'rlitbtlltf .803 8 00 PHI Hum is ao 41JIDO imiiil,i. l' ut I "8 E8B le i ni mo si 1 joi mite. ""'"i' ' wee: 1'ioildjii.f J ill g si 1'jiikliiiii. t i i76 8 b. i union Ai il) ACS I 'I PM pi Aaillloml tiilntlfita ( arbondalu for Mjlnl ti iUUjbiw wmTootiiiiiiiaoopiii ' """ t,.i,,',J.'?ilfiI.rf,'!'u.''t'',f"ll',',,t'0(i11,ll','I'd"''j in. if. "jt at ulltltiluiu in l uLHiutlr, trrli ni at 7 is p,. uau, arnviu av tarlHjii.lilt a 1 4, Vi m. Itntes :t teuti per mile. I.onett ICate to nil l'ldiits Weal, t. C -NDCilSON. M.WlllH, '4'Uaia'rAiii IraT.Aamt. .N Vuikut; bcreuileit. la. i Tablespoonful to a Gupi a IS TIIR RULE POR MAIWNQ COPPEC, OUT OF A TABLESPOONFUL OF ill j?ive ymt stronjor coftco tli.m a tablcsjioonful of any otlut Kind. Here is where mi utvc money! Watch our next advertisement, Always insiht upon Kottinjr it. LION COFFEE is absolutely pure, and nut a eoffeo which is flayed or coated with egg mixtuies or chcmieuls in ojder to hide imperfcctiuiis, In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illusti.itttl ami ilescripttve list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in tlie list some article whlih will cotitnlittle to tlielr hajipiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have liy Minply cutting out a certain number of I. inn Heads from tlie wrappers of our one pound scaled packages (which is the onl foi in in which this e.M.el!cnt i.ofUe is Mild). WOOLSON 8PICU CO., 101 UllO, OHIO. Bii ;''Mtf "trl W'ltKTMJr t i i