The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    , v - y
' I WW is- K WltSil."';"'.'?! . , J -FTt; t ! t?,J.T ".-?.. 'j 5' h.. I ?V4'!k t'nTH-jjilSi i
f '
Foot! Properties of Milk
are lost in tho nnliiinry method of condens
ing. Dr. Ilniid'.s process retains every food
clement of the riclust milk, and has added
the hone, nerve mid llooiMuildinj phos
phates nnd hj pophosphites contained in a
diet of whole wheat. l'or these reasons
Br, Hand's
Condensed Milk
is tin most refreshing drink foi the tnble
the most . tillable food for infants and ";rou
niH I'lulilrcn the greatest restorntise for
invalids or.if-cd people. Hetter tli.nt to-dav ' i
fresh milk ; ricli .is treatn. Write for 'the
fiec booklet.
At Retail.
OhIim iiiriw pumipt itlttitmn for l i1i mi
Ii ii Mn i nl ot Im i It v i r it! uf bct
, ili( foi ituiiit'tU u-i
niilltr -II fci -U i tu mil f ilUix puip
n -piii ith
IliM . f In il ins fir iltimlinjf tutlt at
1 1 r ri k r
People's Coal Co.
"hlrpiiono V Mm' Otfin luilli idiot'
IIhiK. i lutuocn tlstoiil ml luilli
4 4. 4.
DOiiK i:h I.M I ( iti) it I) will pin
t IIIJIIIM I I . I1IH n Mid (1 lilM I ill III till
II IV I llljll
H'l ( I l Ml I DM. IllUt Will 10 1 -. Illll
1 till. "I III) till 4 II lll).lll lllllIM til lliP
111 I II II ul I I M I til -t IV I HIIU
l l l l!l -- ii e it tin ii si I lilt n
1 1 ii.l in I nnliiu' nt u il iiohlitnt t
Ml I nil Jill H it hi I 'il MM i I , .Ml i
tn 111 tin liidni i-ttiilt ihiin -JiT'iu 1
t in in il inn tin ii I in Ul U Ii n tin i i
i i it n i iv i il ml I'Kikt i mi n tin 1 ii i-i it i- ill-
ltd ihti tlh m ! ir wit itinitu fit in - 'iiu
i iiniu I in tin I Hi In ti Mi vi
IIIIKIi I I nMM. Hi I I.M Mm ( n- ii it
n llH Will ,IW II r l ill! ill II L, luilli It
lliiili llli III i II It 'Mi i lui I 111 till I'lll-li
It ut iii liloiiuin Hit in mil i nt Mitnuu i on
l It Hid (Mlin tl-rtl lV Ml (ill tC lit II Hi lilt
tl I lull I iititil i i-i uiiiiu will it hi it ii l I
iid t -il iiuiuIk i- in I fivi iipiUlit i mo-
W II I i pi I III llplll I 111 -t I 1 to) IllMllli'l Will
1 Kci- it )ilnii-,n n hi I tfiivul Mil- tin In
linl il Hi I i n -i i iHiv i ii
Thomas McAnchew Cicninted in His
Homo nt That Place.
1)111 MlR ,1 111" III till lll)e III 'I llOIU.l-
Mi.iiiIk In Mmi-li IhiiuukIi i u l
sistiuhiv moniini.. Ills son Tliimms
s .is Inn in (I to li .iili .mil his wile -
.ipul li iiiinpinp liiiin .i stuiiul-
stlllN wilHlllW III lll'l IliKllI slti ss-
ilm il .i Mm iiiio nl Hi ,u in .tin
nllli'l llllllllis uhli li lu.ij plow,
I In- ink, n ul tin- lit o I- niiKniiHii.
imil il w.i urn liMineil ilti xniinir
p., in In tln lintisi' until ills i Inn
i n in.iin- m ii iininil In tile Mi
In n li tlii Ilii'iiH'ii Tln lioilx mis III ,1 sltllliK position III' II till'
Mis. 'Mi'.MhIii'u -iii-h i ilcd In .iiinis.
in,, tlii' on tip.uitx ol the Iiiiiim' liofmi'
HMI'5 ll l-l.lK', ,lllll Mill n sill- ul
K'lllplfll III ll'IIM' til' IlllllllhlK. Mils
llllllI'll to lUllip tlillll till' Mllllinw ii
111' KlOttllll. ,, illstMlllC ill llllDtlt
tilt lll'l
h" M.i, pit Ui il up In .in mil mi
nimis imiilliimi mid it'inuwii to a
l i wlilmi'- liiiiit-c w hi'i i a plijsii im
mil inli'il In i
Tlu illii!;iiini rm l:(. Ju. M.uioiil
1 itliuon ".Mm In Hi" npons at tlit lm
i tliif this nioinlni, ,i( i o'lliuU
Ssoe Iho 'Mmplov I'lanu t'll.M'i at
1'uufll ,s M tislii Mini
Ni'K lor KiII.i'h union uaiUois.
: Securities
f 00 BROADWAY, N, Y.
-f ww ' ' " -f
r-f (Commonwentlh Building.) -t-
- 4
in: vi, nits in -f
Famous Bail tone Hentd at the Ly
ceum Last Night.
A I tin1 I.Mi'iini last night a soiik le-
liul tins kIm'u hx Wllllain I.uiImIs, tin
I, minus Ii il i I iiiii'. assisted lis Mis .lo
si'iili olliieii ami the SihubeiL iiiai -Ii
tie, i niiipiiseil of Allied AVooli I, David
.s.Kilit'iis .1 'I'. AVat kins .mil .1. V.
loin's Tin piiifCianinii' leiidiiud fnl
lous I'jil -ins "Win n Hi, inn N M imil '
i-iiilih n n iiinl In Dmllii lluil.)
siliulitll (jillllitli
ir ' DimiI s,iullkr ,,,u s,n , llmilisf
llilh'l ' Mulli lliwn . . I uiliiii;
Willi mi I inlwii;
sin; iil.l Mm in llliii." (,i. "IMiin Vil'i" ' )
l U "iiK In I'm) 1'iliuk llnrkiii, su mini )
Mli li-'i'li I) llriui
I nl "cn "hillilini M imiiiiiii i n ' .. (.ii'iiiii
s, h il 11 IJlllllotli in I ila D st n ,,! r' W iiior
s, li, II, Xlitmill " I III Pi III ' IhMJIII
W illi nit I uilui.'
Dim I I illll l, Iiu MJit ' tiui ,?n
Mi- Ii im li O llili u mil I I W ilKni
s, i 4 I i . IE iiiii lit v I il ri
II ill i 1 lln I iiiii II i ' . Milniii'
W illi an I IllllMl,
si n;, Iiu I. n liiinii' . Hull-
Mi- I. -I'll I) lllli H
sin, 'linn il I i--m- Hi iiu M llioliiii'
Sllllll 111
s nj Hi,. Mi i. i f Mm ii i i ' . luu i
M illi mi I ii Iuijt
I'l mi it! hi Mi luili Iiu in i I ii, M i limn i'
Kn ill
In, i, In Ph., i ii I'l In ' Nil "I J
li- I i .li il I .i i, ii Mp.i- Mi 'Ii r
in I M uKiii
llillnl Mi. hi-h II, iu-' llni-l lliiiui '
Hill nl ' Iiu i inn ul iiu 1,1" ii.
W ill! mi I inline
S Hi.?, 111 Illllllil il 111 Si t ,, , , 1,111
Mill! mi I mini,'
11 1 ( it siuiuli li It nun i
s. I ,i-i, mil ilium iii
Ml I.UllWir! I"- .1 111,111 llf llllpll ss(0
pi i -(in.iin mil lias ii h ii it inn olie
nl ii nl pimt'i and lli'illlit Tho
uid" i.uui. nt tlii si r( tions lit' i,ae
I isi hIkIii piomiI tlii' i'is,itlllt ol the
1111(11 and HH'.il l.liw'iil Ills spli'inlid
win' As a slnt'i nf ti ndi'i liish
li ill ids lh' Ins mi -.tiptiim and lie
linpiutid tn tlmsi li,. iw last nii?lit
in w hi. tuts mil mt',iniiiK'
Mi.s n' Hi it'n as u-ital (li ii in' il tlii
aiidii'iit t In tilt' iiiiinlii s slif ;ai In
Tin la (JMan.i, ' sin was puiiiu
lni l hippi. Hi'i sinning of I'tof
Dm kin's sin 'Old .Man in liliu " to
lluil iiuaint ail "lioblu Adah," was
iii I 1 1 with nun 11 taMU h the nil
dlt in i The liio ol .Mi- n'Hi leu nnd
Miosis Wiinlei and Watkins onn
III Illi l'l l'll0,ll)l(' llllllllll'l s of 111
I M lllllK Til" slll,il of I llf SUlllhl'lt
iiiiiii ti'lti- was nl that IiIkIi onli'i-
Willi ll Moll till it till' I'tlllilllll' II'
piitntitm It pus-o-si s l,lewhn
.linn's was ti i ,, ( nnipaiiisr
Nitmhei of Impioveinents Aie to Be
Made This Summer.
M lil'ls ll ss(." ill till' I.Ml'lllll
lliuilif iiiiiI At a i l.i ii of .Mil -ir and
his i in iiu iiuiuii;fi, .liiiin Ki'ii. ui'ii'
hi iht ill i'si'ida, LiniliMi Iiik itli
thi Imal liiaiiiiKt'is, .1. IJuffi ami
I lulls III mill Tlii' luisliii'ss o tlt
i-i .imiii jllsi i iiiii d was none oM'i ami
plans ini nest m.ii dlsi u-st'il
To-daj .Mi'ssis ltd-, mid Kui will
ban a i onlt'ii'iii i' with'.n Hkis.,
owni'i-, ol i lie lliuilii's M'KiilillllK ini
pitii nieiils to he matin on the build-
Illn'S illll 111),' tilt' lOlllll)'-, sUllllllOI
Uli' ol the pilnclple lniiiownii'iits
i onteiiiplateil s a new eiitiaiii" to tho
l.sii'iini tinii' I't'iin awniii I'asm
IHo nu llllllldlltr of I'lt'i'liliiK n lame
biilldliiK on the I't'iin iiM'init' lots,
finiitliu the l.,teinu and a pouliin nf
the ImlldlUf,' will be an flahiiiale eu
tlillUi' in till' iheiilie
Tlii' pii'st'm main i iiliinii i iliiiiiiKh
the Aiuide Is to he linn niiKhh leuo-
a ifil and IkMiitltifil Win ii the pm
posed Impinwiiiflils aie i oiiipleie it
will he Jllll.x in Keeping, Willi the llna
lio Mitt lioi
A lomplLto si I of new hii'iiei) Is to
In' supplied luilli llitaties A III -l
class sienle niilsi Mill .spend iho whole
siininii'i at (Ills woik The hIuko IIuiii
ol' tho l.,wciiiii Is to ho eiitlii'h it--pliui'U
and tin' diossliiK lotuiis a in to
be , a.tly liuin oved It Is also n
leniled lo put an oi nnmeiiial lallliif,'
aioiuid Hie upper haliony, as ,i mat tor
nf appearaiieo and pinteitlon iiKiilust
iiieldenis, ami n system of stand pipes
foi Iho lietlni' Hi e piotnilon win ho
on i led on the Miiko
Tho Auideiii nf .Mush Is lkeil-o to
iiiuli'irjo oNtoiiKiw iinpioienieiits, a
llioiisiuid new anil niinleiij DumIio
i halls am o take the pine of Hi,,
piesent seats
Pianos nnd Oieuns
of the llnest iiuiillty ran .tin ays lie
pin i based nt Die wiy loneat pi be
and on tho euest teims at
nueiiLsoy Hull,
nil ami ilC WahhliiKton Ae?
Sii.tiiton, I'a
Muoiiil-liund OiBuns in Kuod oulet,
at I'omcIIs Music Stole, tiom $10 to
Ginve.t of Send Vetcinns Dccointetl
in the Motntng While lit the Af
ternoon the Living1 Matched Once
Mole to the Time of the Fife and
the Drum Memoiial Sei vices nt
the G. A. R. Hall in the Afternoon
nnd n Splendid Enteitalninent in
the Evening.
Once uioie haw the giadualh In
i teasitiB number of Rine of the t'nloit
eletans been ikeniatut b uiiitellil
IiiiiuIh, and nine mine lime the IUIiir
xeteiatiH mniehetl in Hue to the tunc of
Hi" life nnd the diiini
Vesteiilav loiild not be enilh lulled
a tMilenl Mi'iuoiliti dnv, tin the leason
Hint them was no lain Italu tins Mi
.st'iim Kime li almost Mnailahh m -(
nuip inli'il Aii'iiioilal dnv, Yesleiilai ll
was only kIooidv and ililll, but ll will
siilllelentlv no to dampen the at dm and
enthusiasm of the eiowds who weie
mil fin a htilliliiv. The mm neei onee
eleii peeped Jioiu helilnd the iiiiiops
ot dink, stuuhie-luoklni; iloiitls that
oseilumi? the skv all iluj, until neatly
ti o'i lui U In ibe oM'iilnir.
Tlieie weie tlioiisands of people on
the stui'ts shin tl aflir J o'eloi k In
the alteinonn, when the paiade, which
bad fin nnd on Minion hi toot and Vo
oniliiR avenue, swunplnlo Ian ka wanna
nviiuie fi inn the lattei tboioiiKlilaie
with .Mounted Ofllieis Joseph liloeb
nnd William ISmke in the i.'.iii. inl
lont'd bv Chief Maishnl s. It. .Molt,
foliuiol i: II Itlpple. his ililef of staff,
and Hie follow Inir aides: ('olonol 11. A.
I'ouiseii, Cnptiiln I'. ,f .MiAlidnn., I'olonel i'. r. .Maltes, M.iloi
J. It. I'lsh and Meiilenanl I, T Mattes
Tin: poi.tei: roitci:
Xe eauie (he ineinheis of the pnllee
folic In 'liaise ol Captain .loliu Davis,
is Iiu Is aitlini siipcilntendent In the
iibseiue ol hupei lulendent Itnbllni-'.wlio
is In New Yolk i Its
The uit'iubeis of the Inn ess eie lot ined
In four sipi ids en li in i lui i (,f ol a lleii
li'liant 'I'hes weie in full tilths uiil
foiin, and mule a splendid appeaiaiue
as thes- mini hid at salute past the building, wlitie the paiailo
was ifslewod bs Iiu older .Moll.. Indies
Aiihbild. tldwaiils, KolK and Caipen
lei and the mnloiitv of the c It v ami
t until Oflill'ls
I'ollowlns? t'te polk onieii mine the
Thli teeutli ii'uIiiipiu, hiadcd b Cnlonel
1. A. Willi"' mil staff and Hanoi's
Thhletiith IteKlniouL band Tin i e was
a nnth ablv small tut mint on Iho
pait ot the lank and file of the tel
liient. Mime ol the toiup.iuirs hisiioc
bnelv llneo snts ot funis Those is ho
did m.ii t It did si, ith a ssMik and
lhsthm that will, li Is hellestil plate
the Tlili leenth tills t,u bin k in Its old
id. lie at Hie head of the stale ku ml
Tile Set ond illusion of the paiade in
ihiiKP of Coiuiiiandei A. H Stevens,
followed and was In ided lis the l.n
faiiieil IMtilolii Ot ilc i Sniis ol Aineiita
ill tun imps lioni Soiilli Sii.inton. the
nioinliiis of Mil li iiian.iKeil lo set the
most inspiiini, kind ot imisli out of
theii (lies and iliunis Tho old soli nils
ss tun, nun line afti i the ilium tuip'
ovu ..00 of thtni, ill ineiiibois nf eithei
11i. i liilllin tu ColniKl .Monies inss
anil all man hills as if dies Mail found
the linintniii ol ewi lastlnpr life, so
sieidv ssas tinii s(p .mil ,o spunks
tin ii i a 1 1 iaj,o
vi:ti:i:an.s or i. s.t wai;.
small del. ii linn nt nf Ispanlsh
Ami'ikan siar soteians, some in kli iki
iiulloinis and some In i Milan ,ail).
taiuelit'Nt and wi i e i heeiod .ilotijr ihe
lini ssheiosei ieiomiicil The mem
hois nf Camp S, Sons nf 'tipian,
lie, nil il li tlleli own ilium imps,
bioiiKlu up the end of the SiHond dlsls
iun 'Ihe 'I bin! dh son vsas In ehaigo
nf D D. Jones, and i onsisied of itn
liascs (oui.iinliir, the nldei setoians
and the illy ami eoiinlv olllilals
The onouIs-s ,u the vailous i pnio
ttilos In the moi nlnL,, w bli b opnss
Ihe it'll si liiiin ant e ol .Memoiial das,
weie l,u holv alleilib il, despite the ills
asrueablo londii'iin of ihe iveather
These eu(ses Veto in ih.UBe of the
past iiiiiim.uideis of i:ia IMillMi ami
Ciiioni I Monies posts
Ai 1 'oi est Illll i etui lei v, whole then
lie beneath the e.ntli the loinains of
nstt l"0 setoians ot Ihe w.u, iho eei -lists,
w Iili h wen in i luu so ot I:. W.
IV.iico, weio peihaps the most olalioi
ate of ans ol those uitidui lui tluilns
the dns. Foit.v-1'lnht boss and foity
elKht Kills fimn sihools No J7 and JS
planted How oi s at a kIvoh slsnal on as
mans Riaves A lame dioius of ehll
tlion I nun eaeh sphool sang selei'tions,
and the nitdiess ssas made lis l'tof. VV
Tt. RiiKois. The fiiand Aunv ot the
Itepiiblli' memoiial s'ot s it e was souo
thiniiKli with and I. ini Dili's immoital
bttjshiuir ailtliess ssas n,ul, as was
done al all the i einetoiios,
ctiii:dk vi. ci:.mi:ti:kv
'I'he soi s ii i'm at the Cathedial leino
teiv weie In i luu go of S 11 Motl.
I 'las el was oft oi oil by lies. J, A
I'Uellh-, ami the inthodial i holt s-anc,
most hcniititully "How Sit op the
Hi iiw." The nildiesfc ol the day was
mid" b Attoiut'5 V, V .shean, a
011111; 1111111 ssho Is iapldl lit'Mlug out
foi hlinsoii a leputtitliin as a billllant
malm The siltile to the dead Mas
Ibul lis a dftaclinient fioni the Sons
of Veioians as weie all the salutes Mi
the sowial U'inoteilos
lldw.ud I.. Unas had iIhiikp of the
m'IV lies at the Washhuin street tpine
li'i.s, vv lime pi as or was olfoied b i,
Thulium df (inn h The Tiinltv eholr
fliililslii'd voial luiisii, nnd an eloquent
addiess was made bv Attoine.s John
M. Mauls who said, Mi pait
lltr (ll ssai siat, In 1I10 n.ilin,. n ihluj,
fm Ilali'e 'Ilic lii.'ikm i, ilnluilie llijl ill
linn Jie i'iiul, 111 iiu pill nr i.ur on, nil hi
jiiI ilia all aip diii tu.t iiu- nurn in in
mini 11.1t, imilil not KUml Ml ulriulii- 1111
ini jinl'mil iiml in,,, ili-li in, 11 in, I uiiiini iuii
1111II11I In ll,- 1 iiiii ii 111,11 ilui fln.n i,iii.
lui out It ,i liiull wiioil ma iooi .iii
I111.111I1 Inn 1111 (illou illinw, ill,) wni iu
in-f Iu I ttlnK Jl iilut 11, infill inn
Mm IIjii . 'TOItl'l in 11 ivoie ii,jj,oi In Hi.
1 nl. ill Jill 1 in Iiu u ir nt Iluj it li Itioti I hi,
in inlici tsiffil-'tl liy Hum ilnny im numliu m
Aliss Emily Harion Colling
Will Lontlnue her lectin es and le
moustiations 011 the
01 How to Mnke Cooking- Easy,
dining the week commencing
May 37, at
507 Linden 5trcet.
Boaid of Tinde Building.
The Scranton Gas & Water Co,
(.nuril In all fti incr 1111tl11n sir. Ihf IliVfiil
ililliiitlnn 1 1 lite I ti'rtllilp id contciiiplal-.
Mum Hi in l.n,iil) Mi IP l.lllnl niilllnlilj ,11, I'M
tllnl lit niitilnl't mil IJi,li ol tll ne.
M Ilic luilli' ot Miilrrlmi Ihrri hup somiii
1 11 mil, wild J'i.' gin", iiml tin' ulllft iinnilititil
TMiml Inn 1 mill ImI sunt I lie low tu tlir
I'll ntli un .lit""' liul llit' lot" In Mi" nlllrt,
"I IM U our I11I1I1.' nl tlrtljutiinK llif t'nloii
tnnp timiitPit i viiinio 11 tut .iixl mili Hip
1 1 iilnliliili'i Iiml .IMMI linoi ami l!'0 mni 'Hip
lots mji il.'iil In tin' t tilim fortm ami 2','il' 'o
Hie I 1111(1111-11110 fclti
litllulftli Mis tin IiIhiiiIImI lialllt- lit lit
I mi. o l'ni,ti.ui Mil, ami Ibe l.'criiiin lo. in
klllril M9 I, (I'l, liul I' iMiiniiloil I' IM mil ul
I Id miO tlnoi iiimciil
I.OSM AT Clin'TYSUritCl.
IIiiioiiiI Mnuli lo., 11 Crllulmru sum '.n.ilir
In IiiiiuIh i while li" linl ti'li nut lull Jt Hunt
mrii iriLJirnl I iiil lint Hit' I nion iinni ul(i"l
mil kIjiiii 1 f'o I iinl hiiinili, lull nl mi jisfiil
tail Illi 1' nf ilniiil 'Inl liiimin blnoil
Iiu- I 11I011 nun illtl iiipip IIuiii lire Hi Iji '
nf Ilic s,, nil, t snril Hi" t'liltm Ami In 11111'
tin' I nli 11, t m iinl liiriltnlp tin lift 11 tlif
l,iiitpl iiilipni wliii h lioin tlini' lo lini" fur
II Inlf t"iitiits lirfnip Hit' lili"llnn i. rli.'lii illi
1 nun 1111 J unr niriniii ll w 11 tin one till""
Mill lint i.Jit' .Mir.llnni I Inioln Hi iiUMtt
iIiiiIiIh .mil tin nu -I ami iiio-l spxatiniH Irljls
of hi. 1M1111 bi .1 It tit r In Ilui Ji"
(art In, In I'U'. Mr, flnrnln ulil'
"Mi piruimiiiiit 'liioil in litis ittiiiRtIr l lo
silt' the I lilnii J ml not illler to nil" 01 iliottii.i
tliu n
"If I 11. ul I uie Hi" iiliinii Mllliintl IiipIiu no
tliip I in nlil iln it If I iniitil sue II In forme
ill tin- Him. I Miuilil tin II Vml If I iuiil'1
Mu llie I nion In (in Ins" Mine iml li nine nlli
1 it lluil", I M1111I1I 1 1-11 il 1 lint "
In Mil 1I1 nu I 11111 In'i tninil lit" 1 nun l jlluu
Ini'lmst mm mIiIi 1 suir inpniin
'Iln I 11 1 1 ii tin mil insi piralilr, nun linl ( 11
1 in," In Iln- linuiii!" nf Iln; km 11 lAiMn,
siit Vli I Ini 1. In'i f.nli llimiclil. fli" t ini'ii mi
Mini iinl t.iS"ii ilrsllfi.ii tl Vliulniii liinoln
Mini In mo tin .ioini-iil I11111I, mil Iiu I nli 11 It
0111 jli.l In-i 1. 11 ill J Intlii ml -tionii "-iii-'
Hi in It mi m i
II MJ-i null mciilli tint Ml Illll tli" limit' pi out uf Iln illill'tllll llllllill nf III"
Iiiiiii U In ii Hi" iittit fli-littl nuts Hi" ultn
lint an Sliiilluii mji sissd It ins,' pilnhilh in
spiin-li ujIih Iiml In" 11 irlnilnillt lilnwii "p.
jml Hip t inline" pniiilnl iiiiiiinislt lo Siinl-li
in iliiri is Hi" t iiim Iliiie Milt 1 mill 111111 nf
Mippit "tl iniliiittiuit tltiniulit'iit our lutinlts.
Wlni Inn, in tin ink 11 -I of Illicit i' mil Ini
iiimili, mii mk ilnliiiil luJint spaln uml tin'
itliiiliii-tialioii it Matliliulnii iimlttl ni"u lo on
ll-t in I llit Miir, an ippt il it n iimiI" In Hi"
lois not lo Hie lioi nt (lie Nottli, onli -but
In tin' litis t of Iti" North and .iuli, tu. mil
Mts, lh, tun- nf in tie. pirilil" ami imlfttrn"!
iliti 1 tiinn tn tnim to Hn ill ft lis" ut DM HI hi,
tin 11 -pouse nf tint tall uas u iitiuiiinoiit thai
it pn-tlititl tin tno-t rinblii l-tllie ipn'stmns nt
tim-p irlatioii tin riinntiil in nut hNlnri.
III HllS hliOlt Illll ll li-llt fOtltlllt Ul" lillS III
lllllt lllli Iln Iris 111 1,111 Mitllts-tli 1 Slight Hi IL
in linn stilili-l finnts tins nrnr ilreltnnl of
Il"t 1M tin lioir. noitii nf l)it" mil ontli nf
Ihsie 111 nth hlionlilt 1 In i-limililri ml -tip In
hlip lo tin inn-it, nf 111" sin spmjtil llinnii,
iuiin-t Hi" t ointiitin imiiii. uiimilnl In ) sluiilt
pllln-i -In nlil aiilltlollll L'lnil In tlir nlil II tj;
iml to pioninl" Hie pi!utiilis uliiili ihe S( us
mil snip s npie-ciiL ttlittltir -li" Mivis lo tin
lui "1 nt liiitm r iininil Vml Itl ni" sn tn
Hi, itttlin- lin pii-int Ilial Ho nlil tlii; 1 i-t
in ii" of its pit -li,i , i illn i on tin I tn m i siii
Hit rm nt mii Hun I is In i n .nlil, il In Smcinaii
In-lnit tin impi ii-liille ii inn -, VI mil i (In,
s mti mo mil sm in m, mil ii-i, mil not to lu
ll ft mi-iiil. in tin liii,ni!;" of Coiniii intiti Main
Miiuht, Mlicn It okiit upon tin lonililo ilrluo
Inn ot ("iiiiiV tint, ' llir St ilm - iiiimnl"
I In li"ion "Minjil of tin Vim in m coliln i Sinn
it s. in Join iml iu tlir I'liiliptnnos, mil Hi"
In tun t iiii It i f the Vim rn in -lam in ),iit n it
MjiiiIi Iln iml smtn).n. Mil" 1ml Hit iilims in
put of -otm of Iln u it Inlllo- of 111" mii for
Iln I'lnin. Mmili iln niu'lil In mnitioii'il nun
Sloliil" It it Dents - iiiiiii is i itnimilii il in-ini-tii,
I'm int sm linn, in i mii, nf -mi
of Hi" 1.11 al Inlllis i f il, n In Hi n iml tli" ion
tint I of tin Inis nt I s is ivuillii ot thin fitlic .
i f nl mil 'iTi
lint II is iitntli tn -lip to -oiinil iii pin-it
if Hit Vtmniin Mililn i Ilic- -tin i- tin lull
kinitn I In Morltl Itiiottt it In heiil 'lliionuh
tin pitiiitism of tie Vinoiit in 1 1 1 pli iml Iln
s il ,r if Vim i ii in mil- tin I mini is i m mil
imk-UtiPtililt. miM mil tnieiti " Din ft i m i
iiinrst) rit-piitoil iu foil ij,n pnt- inn tin )ii,lits
if Hit Vmiini) m iiiiaii iininlnl null -nt It i
hl It J- Jt (lltMllt
tll'lt ANSWKIt NOW.
1,111 1IOM Mhlll 1 illtftliilt llllllll III, till licllls
ot ill" piiMiuil li'i is if an Smiiiiin ittin
t iiiii s up il inn Dti-iiN an i-Uiil Milh a -nni.
Mini it" mt in. llit.) inn iii-iiu Llit. m noil lini
Mi mini Mint mii i union vml it Vlanilt 111.
iml sunn.,, nni tu mil il.ilni- lint iIum
t nis in In i r tin In nllit.1,1- ot liio nli nunc
iinllii Me nun uml iu i fen mi ili-it-pit
In tin sin- mil stnpi- ui to tin iiiiiii Vim i
iu in mi put nl Iln miilil I In -i lint h'
ill iiml is -Mm if Ho in nil i"-ulls it th
li 1 1 nt st u
In tin (a iml Villi! nl llu llipttblll lot lit" ul'1,
in ilii-m:, lint toil .in Hie itoipinit- ot the
lil"slni,'s of i u ilofnl !'"opli I tut-" iseiu-n
mil tkia iht Inn lii'ou -it ipul foi tin tloail,
sil it is fiUina; Ihd llu Tt oils Mihtnjtti i j,liotil I
In foi tin lis ma-. I fet i fount Htit tli' sol
tin rs of llu- (nil Mir CJi" in full ima-iui' nf
Iheii Jim's M ml In pii-tiu Hit I nion ami to
iii-ui otu iniuilis'- It ik limn ill-Iionir, lot us
lh li (nu on inn put Iliinli n-oli", I. oil liil'in
ii-, lo iiu nliat mi iiu In 1111I.1 inn riiiiutrt
isliat its foiimlus im mt H nliuiiltt be, to p"i
1 1 linl" it i- -t i mil,' its, luili up mil nuiii
lauitil on th" iltinil iinni ipl"-. of luilli, liiiustv
iiml lion ii
I'l lot lo Hie sei v lies at the Duninoie
Catholio t I'liii'iuy, u IiIkIi mass oi
l ciiilf tu was i elehratod .sosloidav
mm nine at 1. Mats's t hutch, Dttn
moio. I'. C MeAnilievv had (haine at
tho lenieleiy, wheto llie addiess ol the
das was made bv Itrv. M. Ik Dtnilan,
pastot of SI. .Mais's i hut ih Tile
i bolr limn the ihtliih saiiK two ap
pinptl ito lisnius
Itev, .1. JI Dabnoy tit lis ot ed Ibe ad
diess at Ihe Ilunniuie I'liilesiuiu
leiiioteiy, wheio A II, Stevens was in
i'. I'liijer is as offoied bj lies
C II Newi II and lnusli was tut uisheiJ
bv the AilMikUni lileo ilttb In pait,
.Mi labne said
vii.itl i r ,si " Ins inoilui nniiiii i- U
kiiu uml hi' in In Iln .nisi- if out ilr-iiUi-il
li, ion anil loml oin isi HI Is uml loslnuls to
link llio-e iiioiiiiiIh ssilli lln!sn llii,s am a;oiii',
lilt mt frrt-til It ii 'Iiiii i i mini spul. Huso
hills lo-ouiul ssilli inn iiilluiiil lllnrs. In tin
-liuloss of 111 MtOI!llll . ll, in, mi in, Jit -ijjit of
III" uuvltis ri Ihe 11 ll in it 1'n mini, Vallis
luiKi, liul ill sound of Hi" liilliins it Hotls.
iuin, ilu-i I'liin.slsriiii hills an -lun) ui mil
nu tils of out lullnnil liuioit. Hue our nalioiul
i n.Uii, tin' His Itoru In find mi'- biiaili, I.
loo-tiilm: Ini fnl s ahnt" in Ilm, l a -annl
-pot line in Hie mill t of iln-e ioituiii, mil
.dint Itiii'iin nl- if tin Hit ilium -i iillin. n -if
llie Iniiuiii hint mills ii-if Mji llu ih
itt'Uii' of tin's' liiiin, tin 'i ,mi ami tills Mil;
miir tuns In-
' SijihI In lie ill),', iiiiunrlij liinn- Imn It
'I Illou. li null I lllOlls illloiu , ilirp moil 411,1
iiiuiil ililili-i'
Vml Hull iiiipnial bhailfs -till unu inn It
i,iiilil itliallal Iiiiiii oiuiiipiili iui "
s iiiii 1 1,! iho Hj, all iloiibt ami dinsir -ionium,
ll. In if is il li iiiiiui.1 lit in iml niili .iililliut'
liul it -hall lloat luilli lh" i loin il luoiiiiui.,
l'.ili.s In il- u'loritt all tin' lir,liln uf nun
Our In i ois me si mini to nuno ilui nnlillii
his no lo-.ll I' i U Ml In sililih it i sl.l. Iii s
oino f i tun is or raid and houoiahli loialuui of
hie lie Dial lu found in Iho mint, oi l,;;is'j
nu hall, In VmuiiJ, lliJUUil 1- tin Link of
lulillll.l and llu MJUi of n In in Who an.' oin
Iu lili'iiitu I'm fi in I'uli. ih as. noliillts and
Ll iiiil.d-,1 iiiliio ttoiit tin. -inn (nut, and e
f-iimil" our ri'iiiili.iiiu-n fiom an Init-lliiiii
n iiiilpouit "lltic- Hun ssp fiiiil our nohli nun and
sti nu n of those I lilted Mitt-s. Iluj sth.i hale
llilniil the iliildiiu and .soul hi of tlir land i'l
iiitilllstiici' mil IiIokiIIs, in ul tanks fiom lie
di-lilit is hool lo lit- ti) Mini his,
ii-1 it lh" irrt-4 as in inotl.tlhlo iiikiii" id tpujil
Ihe luilli or lo pipi.Ui- ml 'I hot ssho, us niln
l.ltlf of (lilUt'a Ko-pcl, base lui ami jilinl the
ptoplo upon hl'liri plains, of faith and hope aid
iluillj I hoy ssho ui ailniiul-trriii.' to Ihe -kk
I oiitlniitd tu I'a.e 0 J
A Lnign Number of Marktmon Com
prted in the Nine Events Shot Yes
teidny Moining nnd Afternoon in
Duiimoie F. M. nnd H. M. Spen
cer Can led Off the Houois Only
One Live Hi id Event Took Place.
Who the Club's Officers Aie.
The Fi-rnnd nnuniil shoot of the
Siitinlon (inn elitb wns held vesleidtiv
Iiiiituliiir nnd nfluinoon at tho Speneei
iiiiiRe. nunmoie, and the day's spoil
was witnessed by hundieils or upee
tn tm . Itcfielimcnts weie set veil on
Ihe Kiouuds.and speolntois and minks
men alike sinned In the lUsetis-thm of
the viands.
As In pipcMlluir shoiils. the bniluiH
weie (Hilled oft' bv 1 M. and 11. M
Speniei. The foi met- onlv shut ilitrliii;
the y ri"i liiinii, but Hie funnel p.ullrl
pated In about all of the events. Tlieie
weie no special inlstes offeied, but eueh
mini at the inline In ought with him an
ill llele ol meiebaudlse and these weie
divided In mieh a miinuer that oveiv
mini who pintii Ipaled look home wllb
hlni some ft nils or lils ltbnis. The vvln
neis of the events svoie as follows;
Nn l-(lis 1 iirpIs - II VI spent or, S mil n
llii-slble tl) iinlnlit,
Ni, i-lln 'l.nolj. II VI sp,iner, Hoot ol
ll p 'hits
No .1 I lis riiictln II M spmur, ,
'J'i i ioi ii t s
No I I In I'iikiN r. II Von stnnli, tl out
of IV I'lnuls
Nu 1 (In limits -M. P. llilliiil,, tub i. s
mil of 10 point.
No il-l'ln I iiki Is - VI iiticpi, II mil nf
I'l IUlllll
No 7 (In 1 iti.1 tsr VI spon, ir, 1!) mil of
"1 points
No 8-1 no llinlt i'. c, ,ilifr, 10 sttaiitht
and Milliard l.rniii.- 10 -li;in,hl.
No o-Clai Unjifs-r VI, spencoi 17 out of
ID points
The shoot was pot ei nod bv the inlet -slate
mlos, tin weapons othei than shot
Kiins In Miff iilloweil DiiiIiir the dnv
some veiv pictty slum t in k svas done
Onl.v one ii'Kiiliii blid event took plate,
ami In this both C C. Keihei and Itleh
aid (Mimes bioimht to eaith all llie
plKt'oiis vvlili li .ittemptetl to ssMib theli
was- fiom the lanpe .v laiRe uiuounl
of piaellie hlnl shiintlinc was done,
boss i v ei.
In the seventh event, won bv P. M.
Spent ei, II M. Spent ei ptessed the vli -toi
hind. innkltiB 1S out of L'"i taigets to
I'. M ', 1'i Anions: tho m.ii ksnieu who
took pait In tho shoot iseto W. II Hil
tenbendoi, Willis Konimeiei, II M.
Spent er, Hanv Cullon, Ch.ules Jllklns,
J. 1 Mason, Thtnniif. Sbotion, It. I:
Westlake, l)i. Winelnako, i' H. v'on
Stoieh, S Whailon, S I.. Jones, C c.
Feihet, F. M Spent ei, Mi Pleue, ol
I'eokv llie; Di Bowel. Mt. Mines, M.inv
Duptie. Mi. Mubhitd. Mi llniilonbei k,
A CMItlin. Kieil Mason, lilt haul 111 lines
and othois.
The nfflceiis of the dub ate lies.
dent. C I'lhe tieastiier-sti v,
C. II Von Stoieh; eaplain, Itobett
Scianton Knights Templar Weie
Veiy Much in Evidence.
Ma jot T. P. l etui nod last
nl-tlU iiiiiii the statt. lotielive of the
KuIbIhs Tomplni, nt Iteaillnts, hiaiinir
with him the honor ol an elei Hon to
Ihe nfliie of Kiand lomniandei. the
blsbest iu the nifi of tile tonilave and
piottdlv tan vine; the handsome svvoul
pitsctitod to him bv Mellta t iinim inil
ei v, No hS, In lolton ol the honoi ho
has brotiRht lo the lommandetv
Until the Conn ili Lion anil .Mellta
knlKlils aie relit nous ovei tin fail that
llie next mini ue will lie heln iu St i un
ion and piopose lo to wink al tun e
topitp.ue lot the ontet tai'inienl ol the
host of rn eminent 'lion fiom all ovei
ihe state alio a tit ml these toiu lives
The list lini' a ooiu'lavo w i- held licit'
was In slt'. it mis one iif tho most
lueh uliimieil Unit has ovei Mktn
plaee, and ihe sisltois wont assay ow
iiiB that Sii.iiilnii Kniiilits Templai
wote hosts oar t-xcellenie. It Is umll
dentlv hoped that the lomiiiK lonlave
will ei el the tm met li lui
Tlieie was no tontest ovei the seloe
tlon of Stianlnn t lilts .veai, Williams
port was anxious to sei mo (he hoiun,
but as lis leptesi tit.ulvos knew that
the onlv hope of sortnlnq It was in
Si luniim ntsieeliiir to lolMiqillsh its i n-..
Itunuiv ilftht to M, tlieie was no ilnlin
iiimliiR fiom Willlaiuspoi t. om e that
Seiauiou doi'Iaied ll wasn't loi a mo
menl even ditainitiK ol doins nnv ie
lliiniiisliliiK, Then awniii, the lomillll
tee havillK ihnille of the matter ol
iPLommoiidliiK the plate of the next
t nni Iiu,. Is puMilPil ovei bv Joseph
Anntliei bonoi i nine lo St I .iiilnii In
the way of tlio soloi Hon nl !', I, Hioivn
as waideii, lie is held in hUh esteem
li the Telliplllis and fin ho epeeei
in be BintMiall.s but sinels piomoted lo
blklu'r Iniuilis
The piosoniiitiou ol Mellin lomniiiml
eiv's Kill to ( It ami Coinnianiler I'eu
iiiiin took plum Just atttt Ids elevation
The ptesenlatlnil spool b Sins lllailo liv
A J. Cnlliiuii, jt , ami It is said lo Imvt
boon one of his most musieifui oiiott
svhbh to his nelKliboi.s, who knoss of
ills oiatoiUal alillitlc's, is saving (hat
It was souit'tliliitr vsoith heailiiK
Hauei'.s baud, vvhleh in t umpiuileil ihe
kuUbts ft om Si i a nt dh. made Its usual
hip, bit butli In Hie piuiitle and the
St'leimdis li'iiileied at the eveullli;
Thiee Young Sciantoninni Pny foi
Seeing the City,
Tilled oiiiil; men ,,f Si I, illdui i.inie
to this tits on a Ceitiiiil tallioiid
fl eight Ihe dav Ibe Kliihlhiir llros ' ei
eiis was Ml town and (biker Minw, of
Hie Centia! I alii, iinested them Im
steallilK ii lido Two of Hie boss i;ot
away hut the ihlid, Thomas l''iv, was
taken belote ,).iei man Duiiiihlle Pi y
said that his patents weie lespei table
and Hint lie eaiiit) to llils ill.s m inok
fur wot k He said Ills piieiits Use Iu
1'elei.shitiB, and Ihe ultleimaii lele
phoueil to a motel tlieie whole the
a nun's- man said his fathei dealt, and
was told (hut the puients weie well
known As It was ilious daj, the
'sqlllie did not link him up as the
mini; man was fiom Slouuu Hollosv
and people Mho live up tlieie do not
pet a tlidiiit! vet.v often to sio a booiI
ilious The vouilB niaii (iionilst'il o
lepoit at the nldei man's ollke on the
fnllovvMiB Satuiday hut he tailed lo pui
Ml an appeaiaiue Wills weie Issued
for the other two, UeoiBe Williams and
I'dssaid Sehlmloii, as well us foi Piy,
and Constublo Newton hiouBbt them
lo this city jesteula. It cost Kij J"
Where Is the Home
So lavishly fttmislied that a rich Crystal Vase
would not brighten ? Our variety is larger than
ever. Llbbey's, Dorf II tiger's, Clnrk'5, Ber
gen's, Hawk's and the pick of several other
makes. A Qood Choosing A titty bud vase
for 35c to a Libbey American Beauty for $50.
:5 Geo V MiHnr &
3 vjcu. v. miliar en
3ir Lack. Ave
Second Floor
Open Evenings
K 1 iiift
to esiape ullir lo jail "VV illi mis anil
si hlndon weie lined $S e u h, svhlib
was paid. The aldetnian said that but
for the 1. 11 t tint t piople lioni Slot um
Hollow weie ilfsitotis of si einf; Wilkes
Hal if. he would base lined them all
miiih 11101 e A 1 1' 1 the men hid pud
theii lines tliev lett with a IiIkIi opin
ion of lionahtit's mutt Some one in
the bai k ol the loom siinnosted as Hie
tlio lett, 'Tlieie Is a fielKllt koIiik to
Si 1 anion '
"Not on soiii lite, we will walk il ll
wo base lo lake the pi ink ui nl." to
plied tin- ti lo in 1 Inn us.
The last seui ol tin in was when lliev
weie wendlnc, Iheii was toss, ml I'm1
Howklei Wilkes-liaiie Nivvs
Accumulated Soot Explodes with
Teniflc Repoit.
A lepoil like Ibe tNpliisinu ul a lai,;i
ipiantllv of iljii.iinitt' i.iuseil a leal
deal ot cm Iteinent ahoiil Hie i ll Wi d
lusiiav nii;lil, and mi awhile mans
poisons iiiLifsint il Iln ie hail hern a
lopetitlnti of the explosion of Inst An,
list. It svas 1 aiisod, liuivi vet , bv llie i him
nev on a house Ml llu ioiii oi the till'
blot k, VVashlUKlou aieiille. oW'Uftl bv
Jollll .Mallil. beini; sliallt'ltil lis llu
fill tool a Iiiiki iltianill.s of soot ssilli It
had in 1 11 11 111 l.i It ami in some limit
1 iiuntiilile iiiauiiei ei. Hilled with such
violence as to Ml elk the illillllli's,
'I'he shin I; iif Ihe explosion bloke
soseial ssindoMs in llie iiebilihoi huiitl,
and between two ami thiet hliutlietl
pel soils wi ie illll.n led lo llu m elle
Italians Who Weie Killed in Avoca
Explosion Recognized.
'I'he lellllllns ol llie tlllee men I.IIImI
bv tile explosion of dviiuiulto mi the
line ot Hie now Itaphl Tuinsll mad al
A vin. 1, Tuesil.i.v ,ili ilionil. wen lilt mi
lied Yilutsil,-i al Ihe liiiiiKiie nl lllin
nnn'.s iiiiilei takilli, ostablishini pi In
l'illslou, lis lib nils
Tin nu 11 weio Mlibaol Pis, hi'tt
blacksmith I'ille stli el, Plllstoil, IMel
Auloiie, 11011101. Miilvbv Ilk . nnd Cat
iiien Puiiiiii ol Vluiliowu Cuioiiei .Mc -Kin'
has empanel 'il a jilts lo Mltlllltt
into llieil ileal ll but bus mil lixt'il H
(lute loi a lie.ulni' is vet. The men
ui'ii- built d In 1 In Maiktt sinei i onn -tii,
I'Miston, Tliuisday ulti I iiinui
Smnll Pox Sttuntion Seems to lie
uiilj one now use nf sinallpoc was
1 eptii toil ve slot day in laroiue 1 oitnt.s.
The vli Hill Is Piiiiono Tlendoi sun,
ui,etl '1 vcais, who livis with Ills
lliolhei in Welsh Illll I'lviiioillh No
New uist's vi ei o n polled hum l't.
vvaulsvlllo m l.aiksvillt
I'ltiplo in Hit' lllleiioil distill 1 me
ph kim, up liupe nnd .110 IiokMiiiIiik:
to foil that Hie epideuili has Inn n
1 lleeki'il No 1 fises have lis Vet up.
peaud In Wilkes. Haiie
The meuilitis of the puHn; ftiite, le
spleiiileiit In 1 lu'I l full ditss uullolius.
vvtie matshalled vo-ioula nl I in
o'i lot k upon the vacant lot Iu the
lent of the hiiilillutr svlietii
thc.s weie nspoeed hj Iteimder
Mob and lnieitoi of Publle Salet.v P.
1. Woiinsoi
Until olltilals walked HiiiiiikIi Hid
lines ami expiessul tlieniselves biltils
as Ik'Iiib hlRhly pleasul at the ap
pea 1 a ni c- uf tho men.
Ask foi Kellv's union ciackus.
Cc WI Wyomlnc Avenne ;
wo. ...,. , ..,., Arounil'
At the Start
i 1 stilt II ic ixo irn nu nn nitiitiU C3
ullli (lit tlili M nt nli ulinl iu 5c
rmi llu stimuli wi ti tin ml mt ikp all -g
cm )nur l Iu it Mil rlile a 3C
li's 11111I0 fur rod -otvh" N liuht ff
tiiiii,li to hi 1 pli'i-iui to sin lid S?
Mitinir inoiiKli to st mil hud knoiks.
If lllll'SIIS
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Why not be
dressed in style.
$1.00 will do the
business ? New
goods for alt de
partments arriv
ing daily.
For Hen,
Women and Children
"l;iom the prauies of
Ameiica to tho homes of
the woi Id."
In Color beautiful
In Desiyn Artistic
In Use Comfortable
InDurabilitu-Likc Iron
In Price Reasonable
It is adapted to all
places and paiticulaily
useful and appiopiiate foi
I'm nisi. ingsummcr homes
and porches. We have a
complete line.
Hill & Council
i3i N. Washington Ave.
Sbiftinq Responsibility
Is alwavs 1 xi usable, when It may bo
iltilie ion-' ii nliiHIsli.
I'.wiy oiv hi'i oj leal tstiii- nuiii,."
t t 1
leapuusllillltli.s t Im L do nut appear III
his auouiits, )(, they aio Mnpfltttlvols
iuipul taul. '
The opinion nf an ulluintiy iipmi tin
si 1 111 My of ,miui laud lilies must be
Iiu kid bv jour own ussots,
ll the p.iMuent of u itasiii.ibie foo
sou iiiiiv shut this liabilitv nu 'the
Title Guaranty and Trust Compam
(It Strranton, I'trniu
U2 Spiuce Stteet.
I V M iiiit I'li'-idiiu II V knipp. I'roi
A. II M.Cllilli.t k. 'llalli s Hull.
Iu ui .nli 11 I lift Olflicf.
Ill I'll NIIOl si X VI 1,1 I Vt tin llii'le liioit)
VliiliudUi Ipi-upil pnuia;i. Pike's ( icck
Pi Mis I), I'sil, hi llu 11 I,' lljun.l, Ilm i
s ItalinlDii-f, of s , 1 c, y, , , 1 1 1 , , pa, au 1 vli
llilllu I. Nju,lt-. ul Piki-'i ( ink, Pa.
Smoke the now Kleon cljar. 5c.
1" J--.
jy j , Jit 5 T ,