The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1901, Image 1

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snnir ' .iffTTiv'W'yiP'-;
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rrwo CENTS.
J..M-- .jf.fant
Dark and Gloomu Weather Did Not
Interfere with the Usual
A. Grant! Military Fnindo Boviewed
nt Mntlison Sqtlnic by Governor
Odcll and Mayor Van Wyclt The
Chinese Minister, Wu Ting Fnnp;,
Dclivcis the Addichs at the Tomb
of Gcncinl Giant A Glowing Tiib
tito Showing a Caiel'ul Study ot the
Caicor of the Gieat Ameilcan Gen
ei al Boston School Childicn Stievv
riowpis Upon the Water in Honor
of tile Naval Heioes Deeoiation
Day Obsei vnncc Elsewhcic.
11 I I em- Wm fr. in I ln vs-m mini I'm-.,
'i u Vol k, .M.iy .'.li Although I ln-i
mm thiciiculng signs iI r.ilu
tin ..iighotit the '.u Ij l. it I "I' to-diiy,
lii" iliij iiM'H'Ih"' In llil"
iil wei uiii'il mil wllli mme tliim
( tic usual inleiost Tlii liupoi Dint
evinls (in tin' duj's pioginnimc weie
tllP llllllllllV p.lllllll', Willi li W.IS IC-
1 1"- w t I .it .MiiiINiiii Sijiln I In (ii)V(t
nni ..It'll .mil Maym V.m Wjck. the
i"!i'ii !'- It lil.llltV tOlllb. lllMl Wll
Ting I'.imb made ;in aildiess, .mil the
ili'tliiiilliili of lilt- Ii.ill (if liinii' .H llu
New ViiiU univcisiv. nt which Seiui
tin chaunt ej M. Iiepow delivered mi
lotion. Tin' i.ii.ii1i included llu: nlil
Ull.llll. .11 tlllg ,s llil I'scOl I lo (JllVel
tl'M '.It'll . .'f'M'IMl detachments of
I'iiIimI Si. hps lcgul.ns, a number of
inllltl.i oignnUntions, a li.ilt.ilion of
I'mted Stairs lno-4 .mil all of tin
loi il post's of tin' ill. ind Ainu of ill.'
I'cpublii In .ill Hide weie abiiin l."i..
'''" tit. -n in line. A featuie nf llu p.i-
.i.l . tin Ihlng ol ii s.ilut,. hy iho
II IV l pll-t oppnsit.' till' statue of F.n-l.-gut
In Madison Sipiaio
l Cram's loiiil). Wu Ting Fang,
Hit Chinese miiiisit'i in .it (in (I. mi (
with htsli uctloiis given In l.i Hunt;
cli, ins Mime years ago, pl.iit-.l .in ol-
t-iiug nf llowt'is on llif stone colliu
tuii'iug the goneial's i. litis. .r.
Wu .tl-ti delheied mi nddiess. He
MMplili allv ihs.-i ih.'d tin. tnifi'i of
1 lll"l.ll III, lilt ,s litUell. MllllltM .111.1
stall small. Ills. ll'lllllll's showing n
. Ins.. sunly uf his sable. "Nothing
.shows llltll f ileal l." In. s.lid. -ii.
high in which r; i .in t was
In Id ' l lie world .it laige ih, in tho.
ii.ineotis tiiiiiiiiisii. oi .'iithiisMsin
Willi Wlll.ll hi! w. is every wh(i. si oeled
when h ni.tJ'lils f.uiioiis tour nioiiiiil
111. win M l'i tin es potentates .mil
I he t o'liinon people alike led with one
.iii.itli.-l In paying him (he lifim.iUf due
to l tilei.s,
"Cities opeiietl theii gates to h.'Iiiiihk
liim .u his .ippio.ifh. Ills piogios- fmni
(outitiy lo i. unit!. wn.s llu.. ,t tl.
iiniphiil pioiession All this was a si(,'
ti ilnite to hi charaeter ami liU
fame. It must he i .'inemliei ctl that he
was at this time only a piUate citizen.
Kilt cel hoily leeoKiilzed the Kie.u-ne-s
Inheieiit In the man. In un toiin
li'.x, I daie .say.ilid he u'eive a ivaiinei
wcli'iinie tlliin In the old einplic of
I'hinu. The caieer of iliant Is just .such
a.s Is cali'tiluted to liic the Imagination
of the t'
" '.Stalesineu ami Keiieiuls do nut
tome fiotn an exclusive toel,,' is ope
of our favorite .saylipis, 't I'hlnese
have sioat admliatlnn for men who
have iImmi hy llielr lalent.s hiimlil..
heKlnnlliRs to lie a. -know leded leadeis
of the people. .Such was fiiiuu "
.Minister Wu then nlliule.l to the
friendship between Ceneial ilnuit anil
l.i HuiiK Chans-, and salil:
"After flrant's death. i:ail 1.1 Have
Instiuetlons to the Chine.s( lesatl.ui at
WnshliiKton 10 hiltlK exeiy, an Is
tlnne this day, an oft'eihiK- of tlovvei.s m
the Keueral'.s Imiili on Menimlal day,
us a token of his enduiliiK fiieiid.shlpl"
While the oMMcise.s at (liant'.s tomlt
wete in Oeneial Fi edei lek I).
(Irani, aitoiiipaiile.l hy ills w.., (aiiin
ilnoiiKli the throng to the platlorni.
lie was le.'iiKiilzeil and eoinpelled hv
lepeateil callh to i oiue to tliti fiont. He
"ThlH Is most nnexpeeled. am no1
a speeehmaker and do mil lnuv what
to hay, I am overcome with enioroii
ami ci only s-uy that 1 iae uKivel
to aecept the Imitation of ciiiint pos"
of lhooklyu and adiliivt. them .soon, r
' Bhull tell them all I know ahout Inn
T'h lipplue.s, mid 1 Hunt in suy ,-iKi,t
row that your ho.s who imVo ),,
tuhtliiR' over theic aic woithy s.iuk
and cfiiial to their fathers."
The ceieinonles at the dcdltatlou of
the hall of fame weie .ipencd with
piayer by tho lev Dr. Xewell DwIrIu
lllllls .Senator ''liuiincey .l. D.-pew
then dcliveieil the oiatlou.
Following the oiallon, I'ham clloi ,m.i
PiniKt'li, of the ,ew Vni k niiixei.slt),
In an addtess, made formal declination
nf tho opening or tho hall.
The unveiling-of the twonl -nine tab
lets was then piocoeded with, Im'kIii
nlnsr Ith the Wushliiwlon tablet, by
the hoeloly of I'lueluiiatl, repit'-senteil
b.s Asa fllrd (iardliier ami Tnlhut nil
y pliant, and the l.liuolll (ablet, by the
military onlur of the l.o.wil leclon. itp
irseuted by Lieutenant (ieueial .lobii
M. Schonclil, I'nlled States aim., m
tlie.l. Nnvnl Tiilmte nt Boston,
liostnii, Altiy .:0 New lhiKland had
n dull, cold Ueeoiailnn day to-ila,
and whllo It did not rain. It was al
most damp cnoiiyh loi iimliu' Ac
tivities wine toiilliieil uialnly lo or
K.inlatlous loi whoui the day bad
t pedal hlKultiiaiue Ilitlida in.iker.s
Kept liiibi'iih The piliKlpal eeut In
lio.stdu was the leU'biatlon at the
tm vrfitl, ju which .1. J. Moiei.s.
speaker ,if I lie .Miissinjiusells house of
epieeiiliitlves. ami lleV, A. 1 lilt Ion
dellveted adili esses, and setral bun
dled .school ehllilteu stiewed lloweis
tlpnli the water. In memory of thoe
who luive peilshed at sea. This uuliiue
ptoeeedliiK- was In elnii'KC of .Mis. W
T. Sanipsim. Itear Admit til Siiinp"on
I'linttanooRii, Teun., Mu. Hit liiaves
of Hie l.!,."(M) t lilou soldleis and tfi)
SpaiiiMh-Aiueilcan war soldiers bulled
III (he national cetneteiy hele were
(ledliated to-day with lltllm,' ceie
inonles. A leatuic was the fact that
lh pniKi'illiiliie m nniReil by the (!. A.
I! i onunlltee made the Spanish men
most prominent with a view to HIHiir
out with them the fast thinning tanks
of the older veterans.
At Indinnnpolis.
Indianapolis, Alav :in Daik, kIooiuV
weather did not Inlelfeie Willi Kelieial
obseixaneo of .Menimlal day bete. Fol
low Iiik a paiade this nftei niton, eer
elses wiie htld at i'iowii Mill leme
tery l.eo Itussleui. i oiuiiiander-iu-thlefor
the (irntiil Aini.v of the Repub
lic, dcllvcii'il the oiallon of the day.
In emit IiiiIiik his adtliess, (ienetal Itus
sleui .said
"Il Is eminently piopei that the men
who s-aveil us iik a flee ami poweiful
nation and a stainless Mac. should le
ieie the slmeie admiration and de
miIIoii ol mil eiithe people at all limes
and it Is no less pioper that in one day
of the esil We .should bl llIK How.MS to
.let mate these mounds of our deiul
hemes anil thus manifest our Kratl
t Hilt- and ltie lor those who hae sne-iHki-iImi
iiiiuli that our couutiy nilsht
be pieseiU'd, Let us Iheiefme con
tinue, lor all time to ionic, the custom
iuallKUiali'il h ileueiiil .lohn A I.OKau
tliiity-thiee .eais aso, anil theieby
teach futnie Keneiatluns the einlil.itlon
of the Kim ions deed of their lalbei.s
anil a pun- patriotism which will keep
our country In the fiont lank ol all the
nations of this world "
fb-neral Uassleur ( liised with a blub
tribute to the late General llaiilson,
whose limlv is Intel I ed near the .scene
of tntlay'.s eeieliionles.
Mr. Pattison nt Berwick.
Jieiwlck. I'a Alay 3d. A inoit elnb' ami apliropi late observance of
.Menimlal Pay was telebiatert heie
today. The pi leatuies weie
elo.uent addit-ssi'., by e-(iovei nor
Itubeit 11 iMttlson nnd I'eter Ai.
O'liojle. of Wllkes-linie. Other dis
tinguished quests piesent weie Demo-t-ratlt
Stale Creasy, e
Senator Si oil and i 'nnKiessnian l!u
tus K Folk. Conspicuous in the par
ade wits Captain riiillips' thill nr
Kiuiix.iliou of Wllkesn.iiie. Arany
baiiils and iiigiitiiutlnns from neic;h
boiliiK (owns pai (iclpated In the
a.le, whieli was one of the laiKesl ever
Kh en hi-ie
At Gettysbuig.
ii.-tt.-buiK. Ala ::n Dei oiallon
Pay at :pl( sluu atliaeted an un
usual eiowd limn nelshb-iiiiiK' towns
and 11 on liiiltinime. Vasliington,
llaRi'istown and HarrlsliuiK- The
pioi-essinn eeeed(il in length those of
pn-viiHis yeais Over r.Ofl si hool elill-
ilien dei dialed the naves at
national eemetei V.
The (nation was deliveied by
licmy llall, of ritisbuiK, and
poem was lead by Hewitt C. Sn.iKtie,
ol Washington. William AlcSheiry,
of this plate, was master of eeie
inony. In the South.
Atl.ini.i.' da.. May :so. Spci
1 1 :i III- (-allied lame to .Mar
ietta, (la., today, when- the graves of
molt- than lO.OOil Federal dead weie
ilecoi .lied ,-ilitl applt)iriate .eicses
held. 'I'heie was -n the usual ob
.seivanec of the day at Anileisim
ville Knosvllle. Telill , .May .'.n. .Mcmm lal
Pa exnitis.'s weie held in the nation
al ceiueleiy till.- atteinoon. wheie
about -lO.Otm dead Fetid al veteiaus ale
buritil. Sei v lees also wen- bold on
tile ii.inUs of the Tennessee Uver in
ineiiioiy of the nasal dead. Floweis
weie shewn upon the waliis.
The Usual Pilgrimage of Ajuoiicnns.
Magnificent Wtenths Deposited,
IU I'v. lii-bc Win hi, ii I'lm s,i.illltn l'lt.
I'.n-ls. ila .in There was the usual
pilKllm.iKc of Aineilians to the loiiih
of l.alayette, In IMcpus ceuieteiy, this
afteinuon. The 1'nlttd States ambas
sador, (ieueial lloiate I'ml.-i, CiiumiI
lii'lli'l.ll l.tiwil and othei ollltlals weie
Approptlate sp. eches weie delheU'd
by General I'mter,'ayelieV
Kiaudsou. and Ih Karth'tl, ol Inillau
iipolis. AlaKiiilit ent wieatbs limn l.u
fayt'lle post, the Soils ol the Aiucilcaii
lievolmiou and the Colonial p.imes
well- deposited op tile tomb.
Sulking- Mechanics at Anieiicnu Bi
cycle Plant Will Accept Offei.
It v- I'tcliittvi' WIip 'hiii The ini-latnl rri-.t
lluilloid. Mav !!'l. -A lueethiK ol' the
sti-IUiiiK inai-hluls. and allied me
c'lanlis epip' bv the Atii"ilcan
I'hycle onipauy nnd the 1'iati &
Whitney i-onipany was Jield lotla.v i- flic lepmt nf a i oilli'lelli'i ( om
mtliec which had an Inleivlew Willi
theli einplnveis yesteiday. anil II was
'uniinl.Miouiilv voleil lo auepl i nnce-,-ion-
h-i allied li.v both t mni'iinles anil
to u tin ii in wink mi .Monday ni-sl.
Il is motel .-loud tint t the (ompanles
Kiai.tid tile nine-hour day with ten
bonis pa.v. without fmuial iccokiiI
ttou ot the union. The slui s einplny
oei 1,1(10 men
Sti lice Against n Foieman.
Hi I.Mlu.ivi' Wire hum Hie Vwoi-lmt-.l l'rts.
W.i I hi. In, '.i , Vljt ,11 . 'I winn miiu inii
lln Hllphmil J I Ih. s;ui,.s (huh s,.ij,,u,,
W.illo hill' lllh I, U 1.1111' .1 llllt lull HUM Alt
plll.-ll ill lllllUt' "I Illl ll''Mlllll, III 'Hu-.t JVt
lllllllll'llll tilt- ll'llltl lltlll.-lli .if (III- nlil ,, III III
mill .iv.iil lint iiiil.-i-i Ih.'li riiin-l U ui-inlnl
llu Milla- will In I "'HI 11. II. Ill in lilt- Well,,' -.
shjiil.-t ".it Ii. mil not i.iniili unh iln .i.-.
iiii.iiiU uf llu- nl.ri- .mil i'utu in lute mi
iitmlil.- in ittl.i Ini: 1 1- nun Him tiill eil.
Miclinel Tiiunipliant.
lit Dvilu-bi Uu- hum 'Hit- vnljU l'rrs
W.I-hllUletl. Sl.t.i -0 t the ( ull-uiin I tit le
ft .1 b. U.ili.v .HiiMin 1 It li.ivl ililultil Uai-en I ulc
n an pi 4 luinl.t milt,- iiulih iju'
The Princeton Team Also Surprised
at the SliowiiiQ Made bu
the Ithacans.
Out of 104 Points the Ithacans Took
C1 The Track Heavy nnd Weather
Conditions Unfavorable Senrs
Lowers the Cornell Record in the
Hundred Ynrd Dnsh by Covering
the Distance in 10 Seconds Sports
nt Bergen Point.
lit- Ciiln-ivc ir( (loin 'Hit- ..tiM.iltil l'm
Ithaeii, X V., .May ..a Cornell"!
ii.ii snen pioveil their woith once
mole today mill In the two mile tuca
on Lake CayuK.i. their .second crew
lowed net oss the llnlsh line easy wlu
neis over the .second eiew. of Colum
bia and Pennsylvania. Coach Couil
ne's nien show e.l splendid form and
in addition possessed weiejil and
power superior to their opponent1..
Vhej lowed to vletoiy in I lie eveel
leut llnie of III minutes anil i see-
onils, loweiinr tlie leconl tor tlie; made two yeais iibo, by thirty
four seconds. Columbia was second,
ilnlsljiim- In 11. 0-.'. and the University
of I'eiinsylvania made the distance In
ll.OSi.. The Ithacans had a lead of
two and a half lengths on Columbia,
anil the New York eiew had about
the same advantiiKe over the I'enn
s.v I vim In oaisnion.
The Cornell athletes suipiise.l Hie
l'i liu-eton team toilnv In the dual meet
on Petey Held by adnilnlstei Inn lo I be
visitors a severe defeat. Out of till
points, the Ithacans took ill. The show
ing in by fur the best ever made byCoi
nell in this biancb of spott mid Is to a.
laise extent a pt'tsonal tilumph for
Tialuei "Jack" Sloakley.
The Hack was heavy and the
weather conditions very uuluvorablp
for leconl smashing, vet Seals, the
lieslmiau wonder, loweied the Cor
nell mi old in the huudird iliih. bv
(ovi'ilns the illstame In ten .sec
onds. The old i ecru (I was 10 1-." sec
onds. Ills showing in other events
was no less wondeil'ul. Al the last
moim nl II was dei bled to trv him
In the iiiaiter-mlle. lie can led off
this event with ease in r..' I-." seennds
and also won the t'wntv yanl dash 111
"2 l-e. The two mile event was won
bv Williams, of 1'iliiectoii, in 1i) min
utes and II seconds.
In field events, Pilntelon was ev
peeleil lo iiiitpolm Coiuell, j.-t the
llhncam- li also made a ciedltable
showlmr. For Piiinetou, Dew III won
the most points, taking Hist in the
haiiuni't' llnow and in tin Imt put.
Spoits nt Beigan Point.
New iiil;, .May "0. On its piettv
Held at lieigau Point, Hie Knlikei
bot k"i- thlellc i bib loda.v belt! Its
aiiiiual spoits A big Held of stunlv
.voiuig athletes miiipeted and ev.'iy
event was spiiitoiii.v conlested. The
day was a supeib one for the spm t,
although the lain of the pieeedlng
ilav hud made the Hack soggy and
sow. Two established leronls weie
broken liny C. Hwiy. of the Xew
Votk Athletic clllh, went III feet 1!i'j
Inches In tlnee standing Jumps, which
carried him l'i inches ovm- the leeord,
nnd 1. Deb. Hundley, of the Knl. ker
boeker Athletic club. Ilnislied the,
in 'illey nice in U! minutes J7 t-." sec.
onds, whlih Is way under the IS
mlnutes Hat or T. Savage, an Kngllsh
riitii. !'. Moiillou, the Yale spi Inter,
took tin humus in the slim t distances,
winning both the ino and -:::o yards
handicaps He hail a handicap of six
.vaids In the ton vnr.l and L'J .vaids
III Hie 'HO yanls II vi'ie.l the tlis-
taiifes In 10 l-r. and ;;n .i n-iortls ie
spet tlvelv.
Cycle Track at Boston,
llitsloii. AI.iv :!0. The new cycle Hack
at ICeveie was opened toila.v with a
seiles of Inleiestlm; inies, befme .'..nliil
speelatois. The race In which the
gieatest interest renleieil was a twen-ty-flvo
mile motnr-paced with
(Iany Kikes, of Clens Falls, . y ;
.lames ." .Minim, of Chelsea, and Unity
(alilw.-ll, of .Manihesti't, X. II , as i ou'
it slants In the lourteenlh tulle. I-Ilkes.
who was leading by one and a nuaiter
lap.s. was thiown vloleptlv on accuunr
of a limit (ill I'll the He was badly
hurt about the shouldei ami bod.v, anil
for a time was uucnnsclmis. Mm an
Ihilshed the iweuty-ihc mill's in i.'-.::-.-,.
c.tldwell only completed tweiu.v miles
ami seven laps.
Xew Yiuli, .May llu. The iuter-eol-'
legl.lli' blcvcle chumploushlp, twite
pnstpoueil. weie held nt llvikley (ival
this ai'iei iiuiiu. Vale capitin-d the
championship, as was geueially cNpei i
etl. siming :tfl points; Piiucetou, 17,
l'eiinsyhunl i. 7, and Coliiinhla. 1. All
the llnMuv. weie close, and the tnuk
was good. 'I he wlnueis of the sevenil
l.ues ve i
i)iiiu ti'i-iulle. F. ''. .Mason. Vale;
half-mile. II. W. Failey, Vale: one-
mile. S. W .Mi Clave, ji Pill ton.
One-mile tandem. II W. Failey and ,1,
II Oveiall. Vale Five miles, lieu Itip
le, l'i Ineelon.
The I'tencU Cyclist Sticks to His
Pnce Beautifully,
0) l.vtliititc Win' frnni 'liu tiiaiiii I're.i
'hiladelphia. .May :!. Ktlouniilt
Taylnif, the Fiein-.i cyclist, this af
ternoon tit I fa Ifil Fiank Cadwell, of
llaitl'oid. Conn, ill n twenty. mile
iiHilni'.pai eil iate nt rooiside paik.
Cadwell tluoughout the i.ue was un
able to follow Ids pace, while Tavloio
slut U to !ils pace beautifully. Tn'y
lore's time for the twenty miles was
Ani'oug the other coutt'sls was a
liiotoi cycle puisiilt line between
l.ntil .1. Siickelt, of llostou, and
Wayne Davis, of I'hlUnlolphlu.Sm-k-
ell won after n hot tare of 2 1-3
miles. Tlini', i-r.,
The Second Son of the Lnte Prince
Pnsses Awny.
Itt I'viluilir Wire 'I lie ni i.ilnl I'lcst.
Villain, PriiHuin, .May no. Count Wil
liam Hlstnniolc second son of the late
Prince lllsmaick, tiled today. He was
born In IS.VJ
Herlln. .May Rn Count Wllllnm H1k
marek died after an Illness of six days.
The cause of death was pel ItonltK
ft om which he has srJIT.'icil gieatb.
Ills ftiueial will oicui' pevt .Monday,
which Is the day set by Hie emperor
for the uiivelltnsr or the statue of bis
father, Pi luce nismniek, eteclcil hi
fiont of the Ilelchstag building. It
had never been ceituln that the niem
htMSof Prince Ulsmarck's family would
attend the unveiling of this statue, and
now the nlteiiilance Is impossible.
The emperor Is tcpoitcd, tonight, as
unwilling to postpone the unveiling of
the tilsniaiek statue, as the piepara
t Ions foi I he cei oniony aie all com
plete and thousands of guests from
(Jertnany nnd elsewheie have been In
vited to be pii'sent. It Is possible,
however, that a i hange urn.v be made
at the last hour and the ceiemonv
powtpoued. The newspapers tonight
contain obltuuiy nutlies of fount Wil
liam Ulsniaick. Few of them aie com
plimentary and the niiiiority point out
Unit the sun possessed all his father'
foibles without his father's gieatness.
Count William P.lsniarck leaves a
widow, tin eo ilaughteis and one son,
Chaiimnn Finnk Reeder of the Re
publican Stnte Committee
Designates Aug. 21.
B.r Evclnsiii' W'iir fiom The ssixlatrtl Prcs
Plill.iiU'lphla, Alay P.O. A call vva
IsMied totlay by Chaliuiau Fiank
Heeilei, of the Hepublicau state com
mit tee, lor the llopuhlii an state con
vention, lo meet In Haiilsbuig on
August -.'I. The .all is us follows:
It. the Itifiiiliht .in r.lnliuv uf I'riiii'.th.itii.
I .mi tint i lit iho ltpiul'lii in stjli- iimnttll
In- lt iiiiii'iini t- Hie ItqiuliMi.iiH of
tillli.l, lit th.ll lllllv I tllk-li-ll 1. ph-Mllt ititt , till
llit-l I III i nun lit It'll it III.' .iici.i Ii.iiim' ill the . lll
tll llilll-lilllrf till WiiIihmIo, Vni; Jt? I'HJI, it
ti:il o'tletU .1 111, tin tilt- illltiiM .if lielilllllt-
inir i .in.liilili i ini tin- tollnuine mil. . i.. ttn:
Diif iirr-mi tDi Ih. miiu' of jii.iue .if the su.
inrmc .unit. Pin- ,i-..ii fr tin- ortlop ot talo
titii-in.l. Ill .lii-enliiiii Mith the ml,, Jin
I"!.' (I iiinjlKin llu i, ui ,fiil Hl.i i In tin'
"t it. t ntm iiiimi will In- lii-eil on tho vote ifillnl
i' lh-lilo I'l.'-iili-iitnl i In (ion. tml.i the nil's
pi. li lrsil.itit.' ili-tiitt i. entitle. to out- i,-li-(-.ite
loi i-tcit Ih.i thi.ii.uul ton, ..ii er I he in--i-
ilniltil .-l.itiii pin), .mil .in .i.l, Ilium .Irle
uilit tin tun fi.Klion ..' tto tln.ii.iii.l tniiH in
cti p--. nf oiip lliiiu-.ind
IH oi.Ipi nf the Hi I'lilili. in s ilo .iimmlilii-.
W It Miili.'w, ( I. ViiiiiIipi-i, -pi ii'l.iins;
1 i ml. lit. ih i, i iuilitn in.
Tenebee Bill Is Amended Mr.
Pocht Wnnts His Refoun Bal
lot Mensme Recommitted.
I!i Kv. Wli.-fit'iii I l.i ..iit.ipi l'i,,-,
Ilaiilshuig, Alay :. The ICmeiy ami
Foe lit elevated and subway lailwav
bills passed second reading at lonlgbt's
ses'-imi of the .senate, and will be taken
up lumonnw lor lliiid leading anil passage, Air. Jleibst, of IJeik-s,
mulct tnolv to letaid their passage bv
mining m posipoue f.u the pn-sent the
Ktneiy bill, and to amend the Fnchc
hill. Tile motions tailed, and the bills
went thiough without opposition arter
they bad been amend, d lo lorn-cl i er
laln detects In their pliiaseology, When
the Foibt bill was laken up. Air. I lei list
moved to amend by elmlnallng the pio.
visions authorizing Hie construction of
elevated nillwavs ami giving to uuilei
noiiud companies the tight of eminent
domain. llc-ald thai his purpose was
to give the senium s in time In
which lo cousitli-i the bill. The motion
failed by a vole of ,", to "7, Messrs.
I Id hst Cochian, of Lvcuniing. and
Kovser. of Philadelphia voting In the
The Fen ebee bill. ta.lug stoie onler.s,
pass-books, etc,, was amended by ...
storing It io (he f.u m in which it passed
the house, with lite VM'cpiloil of tin.
t la use exempting fiom lantlmi ouei,s
for coal and teiu Inserted by iho sen
ale committee.
Kills nppiopilatiug $-.'0.1)011 o Hi,.
I'.kUim- hnsplul at Siiiilniiy, ami $10,000
to the Lock Haven hospital weie io
pmied fiom the appiopi iailons euni-
These hills weie lead III plaeo-
.Mr. Hlsson, of llrie, luovldlng that
pet sous (hinged with Kidnapping- shall
be tl table cNcluslvely In mutts of oyer
and lei miner.
Mr. Foi lit, of I'uion. aiillim .m ap
peals from common pleas courts In as
sessment of lnes cases to the Slipei I. il
eum t.
Mr. Si oil. of Philadelphia, authmlz
lug: any municipality to connect with
Ibe sewer of any olliei inunlclp.illtv for
sewage pin poses.
Al the ieilies nl Ml. Focht, Ills ba.
lot lel'oiin hill was lecmnmlttetl lo the
elections tommltteit fur the Insdtloil
of an amendmcul to penult thirty rill
.ens of any dlstiict to petition the
eouit to open the ballot bo wheie evi
dence of l'i and Is piesented.
Tile senate will meet at 11 o'i lm I; to
luol tow lor n slmit session, and then
take a teiess until Moudnv evening
Confedemte Veterans Mnjch ''Dixie."
tit r.vdiitivi' iic horn ih" ,-ui iii.ii i'ii-is.
Miuiilii, I. I'll. Mot- lit. Miul.iiiL- In llu
lijiui u( "Dixit" Coiifuliuip vil.i.nii
ilix-cl linn' jniiiiil li- union xt it li .i uuml I'UJ'lo
I. ill. it 'llu- IUlH.s-.loil UJ-l ln'.lllnil lit (itlit-lll'" II (iiinlou ami his v-ljlt. (i.iiiul (iui.loii
li'itltul d rluillnir "VJlioii ihimiKhoiil the tilth. nun It. (it'liil-il-i I'lllnivli I cp iml l'ii'h
Wliodi'l iiitlc In Lump". In the iimti-s-inn .iml
llu- till, oiiii tli-inliil in Hum rlvjllul llu I ul
I.'U.ujI (,'ylJju.
An Important Meetinu Held at the
White House Yesterdau
President McKiniey. Secietnry Root,
Senator Plntt nnd Senator Spoou
er Spend nn Hour nnd n Hnlf Con
sideilng the Cubnn Situation, but
Reach No Deteiminntou nt the
Time of 'Adjoin ument Secietnry
Root Hns Been Fully Advised by
Governor Geneinl Wood Regarding
Events in Cubn Various Problems
That Confiont the Goveinment.
Il.v l. lii.iti- Hup (i tin riie .r-rrial..l l"ie-t-
Washington, May SO. An Impnttnnt
conreicnce on Cuban lel.itlons look
place at the white house thus after
noon. Theic weie piesenl with Piesl
dent McKiniey, Secretary P.oot, Sen
ator O. II. Piatt, ehali man of the sen
ate (ommlttee on iclatlnu.s with Cuba,
and Senator Spnoner. of Wisconsin. For
mote than an hour and a half the situ
ation In Cuba wa's consideied. and
when tlie (onfetence bioke up. no de
tPimlnaliou had been leached. It is
expected (hat the whole matter will be
bl ought befote the cabinet toinonow,
and possibly will be further discussed
with those who have bad much to do
with shaping Cuban telallons thus far.
Secietniy Hoot has been fully ad
vised by Governor (ieueial Wood te
g.iiding the piogiess of events in Cuba
and been Infoimed of the action of
tlie convention In Its successive stages,
together witli the Html action of the
convention In adopting the Piatt
amendment ami the interpietation
placed upon It by the ((invention, as
well as the Intel pi elation of the inter
views between the piesident and sec
ietniy of war. He was thus able to In
form the piesident fully of the dell
nlte tesiilts of the convention In adopt
ing the Piatt amendment as amended
or Intel pi eted by the delegates. This
infoi matinn was tin- basis of tlie dis
cussion during the eonteience today.
The piesident and bis advlsms must
deteimlne whether the. Plait amend
ment has been substantially adopted
b.v the convention. ThKs is pielimiuaiy
to the withdiawal ol the l'nited Slates
aiithoiliy and forces fiom the Island
of Cuba. If It should be found that
tlie Intel pietatiou of the convention Is
not s-atlsiactorv to this govei ument.
iltllte a ilitlicult ptoblem aiises, as It
seems to be the Intention of the
Cubans lo pi in. cud to loim a govern
ment anil that goveinment must be
lecognlzcd or l ejected bv the piesi
dent, as he has full power to deter
mine whether the act of congiess has
been complied with by the t (invention.
Another Problem.
Another piobletn which has been dis
cussed b.v those Interested in Cuban
all'alrs i elates to what would Inllovv
should the ti'wv government be
lecngnlzed. The Cuban government. It
is asseited. will be for some time with
out the inuchlneiy to execute its own
laws and put in opeiutlon lis own
edicts. It Is held b.v some lawyeis
that the moment the Cuban govern
ment Is tecogni.e.l the nuthoilty of the
l'nited States i eases nnd theic is some
question as lo who would be responsi
ble for the pieservatlou of law and
in dei as the m-w goveinment would
have no tioops ami no police Knee, and
would be piactically powetless. should
lbete be anv opposition to its deuces
and or.leis. The question whether nul
led Stales toices would be wan anted
in upholding tlie government In exe
cuting Its oitlt'is bus been raised also,
wheth'.'l' Hie piesident of the Fulled
States would be nutlnii lcil as i uin
niandei -lu-chlef of Ibe anny to give
nrdeis to our tioops turther than llielr
ici-all fiom loiclgli teiiitor-)
llelme the Cuban louventlou ailed,
these sllblecls weie under cnnsldeiu
t Iiti lo some client Iml as a new gov
einiuenl Is In pnuess of fin million,
with the Plait amendment adopted
with icrialn lesei vatlous they be.-oino
vitally Intel estlng, That the piesident
anil set I clary of win icgitid tile whole
Cuban pinblein a set ions oue was
shown In the consultation today with
Hi.- senatots who weie laig.-l.v r.-spon-slide
lor Hie legislation
u iiiipH'ssluu gained cuiicney that
Hie Philippine situation and the elfei t
upm it of supiepie i inn i decisions was
the subject of Iho i-ouleieuio today,
but tills was denied by those who par
ticipated hi it The ctmiplete opinions
of tlie com l have poi been lead and
consideied with Ihe .-aie iieeessiiiy to
at live at any fiultl'ul lestilis as to their
bc.iiiug upon the Philippines,
Gunner Killed,
lb I'.x. lu-lt r Who Hum 'llu' Wt.idi.l l'i..
W i-lilnsluri. Mo rn (.lipoid 1 illi nn I.
Te.oli-.t, Unlit .milltn iiiiiipi. wis i it-1 1 in I
killlll 111 tllP 'H HI llU'1' lll-i lllli,!' nl I ...IIHOIl
l. ih lliiuc i -..lull- Jii'l onl-lili Hip .it- i, i Vi
lllulini (iiiiilil.l Intlit 'lonl.t nil .i iiJllw nl
IViiii.vIuiiIj. .i. ,11 iiJii. nl iui. unl i,'.l l.'
..Hilt nili. Ini
Nelson Defeats Champion,
lit Iviliisitc Win- fi mn Ihp Wocl3lct1 IV
H.s-loii. Mjt .in M I i. j I hi Ititri i.l r I. Iln it
HI noun lohiinlo SiIvmi IkI mhik- IiiIIIlihi lilitilo
iitilnif, I iii.- Vllii'il ( luiiipi.iii ,iu tt.ii mil.' Viililo Mi'l.itlitin lo ih.i uul oni' thiol
lullii in llu- luinlt lb. lull.- I. ml. u iliiil ui..
Iik 1 li.-iiu; -.'iltl .! i.
Wnbnsh Men Will Retina to Woik.
P.t ,X(lllll Will flsltl 'lie Mltij(-il I'll-..'
Tuiuiilo, Met .'D Iht- ixttiaitt- Iiu.ii.1 of ili
liitPiiutioiul Mat tiiiilsis i.h'i Mltoii lu. jnn.itcil
uf llio M-tlltlilllit of the lliUi nn lh W.ili4ii
uibtjy .tit-m J ' I Hit- iiitn will it-nun tu wml.
a I oiHP,
Weather lndlctlonToilyi
1 (i. nrrjl -Mi iii.ii Ul Dij llxdihst In Miiny
l'i at"..
Cniiit'll Win. tin- 1 1.,,. I H.HI- .iml CoIIpkIjIp
I'lc.iMiii- Sci-l.Pi-. PinttiiP.I hi Ih.' Si lint 11,111,
('mill l nil I- mi Culiin VII ill.,
2 (!i ih'ijI I'llltniiiilnl.' lli'.iltliHlit.
.'! l..ipil-Olii-ri.inii- nf Moiimrlal Pit-.
CimhI s, ,, ( ih,. sn.ininn (inn 'Int.,
I I'llllmld
MiiikkIi' nl llilliiuil Men l"l Coiilinl nf tin.'
.1 Loi.ll- l.j. l,.iuimu lilt. I- lltoillott. ii ml
C.iiim"i Mm Ii Puiiiup
Work. it In tin- I ihn itlniid l'ititi-t ie till"'.
0 - Wtvl Siunlnii uul snhniliui,
7 (..'iirul Vnrllii in lViiii-ttlt.iiili
S l.nrjl liiihslrlil iml I..1I1DI
Thitty-tltiul Anuunl Convention nt
Minuenpolis Lnrge Atteml-
nnce of Delegntes,
llj Kttlmlve Wiip (loin flu- A.-oiiitnl Prrsa.
Minneapolis, .May no. The ihiity
tblid auuiiiil couvelitlun ol the Na
tional Woman's Suffiage association
opened this ufteiiioou In the Flist
liaptlst chinch, with .1 l.nge altend
atue of ilehg.ues and all ot the na
tional otlicers. e.Mcpt Mis. Catherine
AVaugh AliCullough, ol Chicago. The
convention vmis called to older hy the
piesident. Alls. Cai rie Chapman Call.
A pia.ver was offeied by Alis. Idn
I.. AlcCoj, assistant pastor of Wesley
chili. -li.
The 1 (ill c-ill showed a satisfactory
it-presentation, neaily every slate as.
.sociatlon hnvlng sent delegates.
Mis. I'atl piesented the honoiar.v
piesident, Susan H. Anthony. Hefme
giving her own aildiess of greeting,
Miss Anthony lead that ol the other
bauoiaiy piesident, .Mis. Hlizaheth
Cady Stanion.
Miss Anthony spoke In pail as fol
lows; "If the divine law visits tin- sips of
Ihe latheis upon Hie childicn, eiiiiill
so does It tiaiismll to them Iheh vir
tues. Tlieietme. II It Is thiough wo
man's ignmant subjection 1.1 the tv
i.inny of man's appeals and pn.sslons
that the life cuiient of Ihe lace is cor
nipti'd then It must be thiotigli her in
telligent emancipation thai the nice
shall be ledeemed tioni ihe anil
her childicn and bet cblldien's chil.lien
lise up and call her blessed."
Mis. Catt then piesented her annual
addies.s, in vvhli It she said- "Although
the 1 onsei vatlsiu of political pintles
does not olfer much encouragement to
its continuance, jet tlie conviction of
everj- believer in woman's sun 1 age
gives piophetic knowledge thai the
time will (ome when some great suc
cessful political patty will be able 'to
wiite the enirauchisenienl of woman
in its il,i tlm'iii."
Well Known Society Women in Fi
nancial Difficulties Over Gaming
Losses The End Neai.
Pi l.vhikiM- Win' Icon tlie, i.llru I'li-w.
London, M.i.v "0. Tlie passion for
gamldlng ptM-vailing the simnt set in
l.oudou thieateus lo lend lo milcll
scandal. Stink's an- aht-ndj tuiit-ui
of well-known women In 1l11a11cE.1l illtli
cilltles over gauilng losses, In one t.ise
aiiiounting to. ii is said, i.'x,(ion at a
single .silling. The Will lil exposes the
uuiveisalily of the iiaze saying
"eVHiyoue Is lient on lieggtniug Ills or
her neighbor. Il l.s the -111111 1 hostess
wild, ol all ( olisldeiatlou of
hospltalltj and II iemlslilp, Invites
gllesls lo her hiillsi f.u the epl.'ss
puipiiM' of winning llieii moiie.v. Iler
oillt tlilil s to get together tllose who
will play imilette or biidge iimi n n
all'oid lo paj up hauilsom.-lj when tlie
hum o lecKonliig ionics Then. Is no
less tlaugel lot the gilded Jolltll In Hie
country house,-., 011 Ids filend's jacht,
m in .1 London diawlng-iotim 111. 111 on
the tin I in at Monte Cat lo."
Night iiitei uiglii women en. milage
gambling In their houses, ami watch
1 miiplat ditly the pccuulnrj siomging
of theli fi lends 'I'o lie al homo ,1 1 el -lain
nl Id noon In the week has become
the wnj of announcing to those who
can play and pa.v Hint lliej will liml
the hostess' diawing-niom a piivate
gambling saloon.
Niuneious Americanized Citizens
Display Their Clint ncteiisties.,
lit I vi lu-lt. Wii. It.-i.i 'I hi --11 i.ilnl i'..-.-
Pilisbuig May i'1 - botii one bun.
lllell 1 ml I nillids. Pole-, oil oi- side,
nnd Auid ii ans, Coiulsbun 11. Iilsluueii
nnd Welshmen on Ihe olliei Indulged
In a llt'iic "iiiu-" 1 lot tiiilav al Fed
end. William Ixe.nns was .-i mi the
ballli'liehl im.iiall.v w.mnde.l and bis
Inolhei., 1 111 (I Ills lie id lultcicl
and hl hands cut Willi. 1111 K'c.iiiis
(lied willllu ail I10111 altt-i Ihe bailie,
ii ii. I ,1 ilu.cii or iron- ol his liteiuls nie
in put. stilt of "Slioilj." a Pole, wliu Is
said to hue Hied tlie Inlal shot and
CM.ipcil 10 the hills
'I'he piliMlcis me heavily nrmeil ami
have tbicateued to kill llielr man, If
Two Women Killed nnd Many Per
sons Iujuted,
lit I vtlntif Win- from Hip t-nijiil l'u.
!-l I'lli-n-linn,, Mn ,Ji - - J 11 -nil nl -1 lilo
tthlih eittiiii.l jl sj,,t., nun. ntai hue
Mik, in Sniiiliiiii ltiis-ij, II. Iuiiii who tlo
.tlojt.l. Tu.. uuiiiui utii. Uillitl gnd iiuuj 'ii mii., in-juitd.
A Row Boat Gontalnlna a Merru
Partu o Eloht Persons Is Swept
Over Flat Rock Dam.
Six Gills and One Boy Sink to Rise,
No Mote Tlie Onismau Lost Con
tiol of the Bont Which Is Carried
Over the Dam by a Swift Current.
The Victims Fall Twelve Feet Into
a Foaming' Whirlpool and Seven
Fnll to Appear on the Surface.
lb Ixilndw Wlie limn 'llu' -mi. Iilr.1 I'ips".
Philadelphia, May :io. A lowboat,
containing a nieiiy p.nty of eight
jouiig petsous-, was swept over Kbit
Hoi k dam, in t lie Schuylkill rivet, thli
nt tet noon and seven of them six: gills
ami one bov weie diowncd. Tlie vic
tims all of whom were Phlladelphlans,
wen- Mamie Couiiois, aged seventeen
jears; Sallle Caiiliell. sevunleen; Mazle
Ki'iinedj. eighteen: .Maud ISliller, nine
teen: Mamie Sullivan, twenly-one:
Kloieucu llend, twenty-one, and Uett
1:1111 Osmond, nineteen.
Tlie yiiuiig man saved Is John Mooic,
aged twenty-one yeais. The pnrtj" weie
members of tile Him Hoclnl t-lub, oue
of the nunieioiis associations In HiIb
illy, oiganlzed for tlie pi'mimlimi of
pleniis and other social functions.
Tlie above named pet sons, along with
a liiigu number of others, most of
whom it-silled in Hie southern section
of the cilj oiganlzed a picnic for lo
da.v. The.v t-nihaiked in gall.v decoi
atetl wagons e.nly this mmiiing and
pitched their camp at Hose (Men, along
the Schuylkill liver, on the northern
oiitskhts of this city.
Following llielr iihtial custom, Iho
p.nt.v split up after dinner for a low
011 tlie liver and those above mentioned
(It rlileil to go In one boat. Tills was
slim ll.v after 1! o'clock-. Itontswere hi
(oidlugly blied and Hie part.v set forth
tor an hum's tun on the livei.
lleavj- mills din big tlie past week
hud made the iiitiild.v stream quite high
and the eunoiil was much swifter than
usual. However, the unloitunatc p.iriv
Immediately sliuck out for nildstieam.
All the gills weie huddled in the stein,
one of the hoys was lowing and the
oilier silting on the bow of Ihe
boat. After getting In the middle (r
the liver and llndlng tin- cm 1 ent too
swift lor couifiilt, the boat was lowed
in towatds dime Dining this lime it
was t ,11 1 ieil slivvlv down slieaiu.
Warning- Unheeded.
'I'he bov doing the mwing dei bled
to go thiough the locks and as he
iijipioichcd tin- dam. be was hailed
bv ihe lock-k'-eper not lo approach
any 1 losei The warning was not
be. 'iled ami the voting o.iisuian kept
on lowing mull he louiul that Un
link was closed, lie attempted to
turn llu- boat, w lilt li was then nboul
'illy feet limn th" dam and Hfty feet
fiom slime, bill he tinned the wtoiig
wuv. A moment later and the boat
was In the swllllv moving em tent,
lieabing then, lor the Hist time, that
the.v wm- In denger. the gbls began
scieuniiug ami the oiiisinnu lost con
tiol of the boat. Swllllv It was car
lied tow aid tlie blink or Ihe tailing
w.tteis, ami just as it icui-hed Ihe
bieusl of the dam. over which thllt.v
Inches of water was passing, the en
Hie eight stootl up ami the bont went
OM-I- sum 11 III s
The dim. 10 the 101 Its below Is up.
piolliiat-ly twelve feet. The boat
slunk the w ifei bottom up ami 111
It ilisaope.tieil tin whole parly wni
mulct It. Nothing mote was seen by
tile lew spei-tulm.s who saw the ae
1 hit nl I'm almost a minute, when 111"
boat ic.ip'ie.ued with one boy clinging
to its I. Then llu- other young1
man was seen to 1 nine to Hie siufac.t
ami make a ii.intlc effoi I lo ie,n h
slime b.v swimming. The six glih
never 1 0-1 to Hie suifaie.
The boy who wus swimming ami
who pi OV ml lo il'' Osmond, llecanie es
h iii.-icil and sank betme he cuuld lm
lesilied, .Morne, Ihe other boy, who
wu- 1 linglng to Ihe boat. Honied ful
Iv 11 half mile down tlie liver ami lils
lestucis had an ei King time liefoie
they l.llltli'il It till 111 another lie
w.i-i gleltlv evhalisted, anil wnX
sghtl Inluied b Ihe fnlliug of Illi
boat. Uvd.v elfiilt was made to n-s-1
tie Hie gills, hut It was impossible .i
g"l them alive In Hie lushing- wateis,
Fp to a late liniii toiilglit none of III"
bodies of the vhtlnis had been re
nt en d
Mtb. McKiniey Inipioving.
ftj rtPlulip Wlii In "I TIip Utopia!.! I'rrti
.i.iiii.i"ii. M.n " rn'nliiil Mi Kliilpy w-i
mil tliitin-. ttiili It". .1 ,il.iit ". t.'t lot k
Inilii. Mi Mi Itinli Iml I'PPii it'-lh- will lm'.
.iIiIioiilIi ti-li.'i- .1 llu- Willie lloil-o knen -'"
hi. tut m..k, 11 tu- linl Ihn thu- wai ihnw
il- lilii 1 1 iml'" t.mciil
,4,.l .1.1 j l"f Mo '). I'.il
IHtiliPi 11 ni t-uliiii'
I., mi-.-1 ii'ini. uliiii'
i.' iIippi
31 ilpsrf .
Il.l.ilit.' Ilnmnlat :
s 1 in r nn'
it t. 111 . . ''7 l'r ip"'
iiiiilui. il In. hi- iiiilnl " c 111 , II "I imli.
f, Mjt .'II l.i.lfiil l'.-liiljrl- -f
tjiiij: I'jIi I' ind su.ii.Iji, llht -
l'i fll-ll MilllllWlAltllV MllliU. -
i- fl . - V