4 ., THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY. MAY 30, l.XJl'. &(Se ttanto) riBum t'liluhhed tlillr. Ktirpl Piindiy. hy The Tilti line Publishing toniiunj, at filly Cents ,i Mnnlh. t.UY t. tlKIIAIIIt. IMllnr, O. V, HVMII.K, Huslncw Maimer. New York Office! ISO Nauiiti M. i f VIICfXVM).' Sola Agent lor 1'oiels.n Aihetlliiiu fnlored at the Po.lollne nl Vranlon, f-emnd Usm Mull Miller. IM , Uien ipin will permit , Hie Irllitiuc l Mn i Rld lo pi (tit mult Idler Imni It Irlcnds In' lnr mi riiricnt lnilc. Imt Its lule l tint l'"' ntu( he signed, for iiiilli illnli. In Hie mllci a Ifil mine, Hint (lie condition incident " "' ifplahio It Hut nil tontrlhutlons shill ho nil')" I le. eftltnrlil roiNon. ini: n,r iiaii: ion Anw.iirisisa The following table shows the price per In'h rach Insertion, spice.tn Ire ined within one jear, Him nl Mdlngon Knit Piper lidding Position .: 27'i ."' 20 "1 'it in 17"i P) ,1V) 17 !' 13 i ,ln5 -IS tllSPl.W. t.c thin ',uo Initio! 'l lf)rlie Km rvii , , I'nr nr,l of linn'', rcmlullnns nf coinhdoni e nd lmllir iimtrlhutliins In tie nature nt a I icrlMng Hie lilbunc mikes a ilurgo nl " irnts a line ttjfci fir Classlflcd AdiertMng fiitnWied n application Si'KANTO.V, MAY SO, 1ini. I!pih i t fur this il i.n'm f-ll rillli I ipiinp II fl Mill a iipoitliiK li.iiRiiln dnv. hIknIiUiiih p IipIiik inudo Memorial Day. IT IS HATH In proplioM that no ll.ltli'll.ll illlllhtMs.llN ulll CNP1 lip iiioip riilthfiillv cIipiImIipiI b piitilolli Anipiliiiii lip.nts Hi in Mcniuii.il dm tiio diiy .set upnit In hi l r-il iiifiiiiii nr Hip How pi- of the. r until i s inn ii In imi nn In i .spiaiiK to ;u ins to pii spi np Hie I'nlon when Ihieiitclit'il Mlth ill-i nplliiii hy .si u pi 'p i, m nuNc no cM'-plion Tim cmii the Kmn Hi "f .flllv. Hip I) iv "f liiilppondpiup, "f licitliiii.il I i Ii Ii- p,n pm ellcncc Pot ' Hip rmirtli," uliiih ni pi Is no iiiimlni; of Hip inmilli m Inilkntp It friillici, iltlior tn lliiinpp.iii in AniPili.in ppt i pUim lion .in AniPiliitn n-spn Hip ,ililnpi ntPil pln.i-c. Iiiilds not In Its ilintds "T tilnnipli aiiN minor (iiiip "f tendpr iiipiiioiIps, nf pathos and of sadness, t" nilnsle with the sahns or laiinim, the IIpi.n lulu "T ikinniIpi. I'ui.nn halpNPi ciitkism m.n he ilcht ftill made "f liinppiopi late nsfs of the daj In Mime luillilaj -in, ikeiseiitk'lsni thai belongs In snnie N lin n-e een the most saciorl t'hiistiaii rtij rm h"lidn cnil Hie lip.nt or the Ameiiian penple does not Impel, and will not foiKPt, tlKW-p Nihil "irpitd theh liNPS t" MM, Ihrlr ("iinti n Whether theh -auillcp Mas i "iisiimiuated on batllelleld, In inkoii-pi i hospital, Nvhethtr the oIlPKl i amp home In die, in nn.is iiinonc; those nn ho sniNiNpil to spinp their ciiintiN In the MiL.iiitiits of peat e as they had done In nn.ii, the .soldleis and tin Kieit iiNilian kade-, ur the stinR cle to sap this lonntiN ns one lo n.iKe It fniPNii a nation wilt fniPNer ie held In the nation in honoied io iiPinbiaiK c. i Meniriiial d.iv rm the soklins all the mnio so me, mil less sn, tliat it has i nine in he Hie people's Meinoiial d.iv roi all theli Ik lined dead. Those nnIid Ro loitli into cei "Ciorl'h Aiie" in the hind lilth Ikiweis to a on the pi a Net. of don i ones roup out fiom Hirii onnii hoiisehdlds, Ku thither with ilirniKhts nr tlielr "noiv own" ami or the nation's soldier dead blended lo seihei in their hcai'ls. .Vow, p in, Medmi ial da.N fin Hie .sol dleis inrans aKn fm Hi"-p wliinn the ii hi hCRim rn t'libi'.s lieedum ha, added to the nation's dead. Vet be foie thai the d.iv had beuinie lelm aUlNe a h,,s made aliNe, it.il indeed, Hie inenioi.i nl Ihe lieinie IteNolnlion ai.N hlniSRle, and led to the pieei Na tion and lohabllliaiinn of nniiiN a laiid in.uk and hlstoile .spot that wiinld else haie been de.stni.Nprl rn tiansfm med, Xeither Is theie plant or llowei laid "I lias planted on Muiioiiiil da.N, nn aiiN si.iNe that is kiinwn or the .--nldiei dead bin awakens Hie thoiiRht nl the niNihid ljiiiR in linniiuked RiaNe.s he iiphIIi Sonlhein sn and the piaer, Poi them and fop these, alike, he pc.uo t tot nal. In Hie mnllerof ipppi aniendments, it Is well o lemeinbei tint the "ch.ifcei" business t an be on ei done, A Honeer Woman Physician. TIMS thiitleth of May s Hie elRhty-second lilithday ,tu-liiNti-an of one who has won nml cnuies llRluly and Kraiefull.N Hie title of Hie "tii.md Old Voinau of the Medical 1'iofessinu" Di Hannah II l.oiiR-hote, ol Plilla-ik-lplila Mis. I.aURshoie is one ol the, i lass of ten who foimed the hist fitniliiiilii, of the AVom. ill's Medical rolltRn. of Pennsjivanla half a. ion tm v ago. What it tost in eouuiRe, uiis-elfls'h deteiniliiatlon to help their m, ami in' fiiduraner. of an opposi tion thai ciniiot be even lenlUod hy thos-e' vihn do not loiiinnber il, to ihoos-p the callhiR of a iNomin ihysi 1 1 m. nould till many chaptets. Hut, on the other hand, theie, incio some noble men In the piotesslon who wel (omed thrni, and Iheie wcie women In multitudes of homes who enenily iraihpil mil for a skilled woman phy sicians help for themselves and tlielr chlldirn. Krmii the. (list, this ono was success, ful I'Vip more tluin foity yens her pliictkOfWas as Rteat. ns that nf tlio most successful of her Inother jnae Htlonei Theie was no class in tlio community to whhh It did not teach. Her patients were In Hip most I'lilll fited and wealthy elules of Phila delphia, while no poor woman or lit tle oneevpt looked for her piofes. tlonal caio In yaln, and tlio number of thesf with too iuan for any Imi the tecrji din's niiBel's iouuHiir In many a homo she came to bo the only physician for all Its memheii, of both Boxes. Mtantlmo no cause of ninial op bo. cla or fdue.itlonal lefoini has lacked lier acthe sympathy. Withal, through all her manifold eares and her pio. festlonal success she 1ms. been also a model wlfo and mother. Now that the way Into the piofesslons lias been made easy for women, and their woik tliereln has come to bo everywheie in h;or. by icason of the woik she atut 'ioi phtpp plottfrin lmvf dono, It Is ('ll Inp tills HrllPllltloit NN'llii'll N I Cdl. itlK1 tlcli litiivejd or limit ionnIiik, to rU th'iit tin' pi ills'.' which Ulni; S'ulmnoit left mi ti'pinil nt thill be IflllttlllR 1(1 tlir NNIIIHtlll WllOSf "lllH' Ih fur hIhinp itibini," uiinio "children ilci up unit (.till liiip IiIcmiI," atiil for u'min (hut uoul "pIHIiIipu" huty well lie pnwtihincrl In Ihrtudc the ninny ihp Iiii.i liofiiI us she has passed mi HiioiirIi iinhl" lli'o to lioiiotcd rind fllll tit I c use. It ls the rpiiciiiI holler thai the nr KltntPllt or t'llllllnl A tlillrlllli'l, 'si , heroic Hip SllpiPinc cnllit on Ihp Insu hi i i.iHPM contilhiiiPil inoip thiiii nny "Hipp iiiip r.icloi to Hip elm Id.itlon of ii nnpIkIhv ti nil n knotty piiililiiiii, 'Dip iniinliv li iinclri ii dflii or Ri.illllldi' (0 All. (Illldlllr'l Vits the Lower Schools Also. p r-lli: Npnn Vnrls Tilhinip In dli I iiiomIii? Hip rnnclloni unit rntuie nf the sninll i ol- Iprc, npinpos ni ,, lloi iN Ill's iidinhable pnper on thill anbjeet in imp .iiiiip Allniille, niiiKes mmmp le ni.ii Its Hint nppl.N with eiiniil pipchlnn lo the public s( Imcil unit the piesent nil.scliloNoiis fml for limiting its r in 1 1 i lllnins liin.iil and mIiiiIIow. 'I'he Ti lli une s,ivs thiU "the hiuhII ioHcrc, nnIHi rioin mip lo two hnmlipd sindeiils, "rreihiR n thnioiifih tinlnliiR In Hi" fiindaiiiental Mihjei Is of llheinl edll eallon, Inn niiikliiR no pipteiiip ol In stiuetlon In nil possible spenei, lan Riiiisps and fads, K cpitalnlv put nut of fashion by Hit e rIIIIpiIhr edu- iiitlniiiil lislon of a unlNeirtlty eon dm ted on the ilepailinent sloie plan, wheie all the Inlest iiatteins In IntPl lediial "in iiili( menls i.m be found, from hoisc dneloiiiiR to the dpclphei Ins "T ( unelloini lusei Iptlons " I'm that phi, iso nf education nn the ilopaitment stnie plan, NNlilcli well llt.s Hie uoiNiiiiiR melhnds nf the public, hi IhioI svsUin nf the d.ij, we Hiauk our Xpw Yoik i nntempoiai.N. The pluase Is a stinko of Renins, j apih (atlon appiopilate to a in tiler i.uise of Institutions of leaiuiiiR th in thee It was espeiialli dlsi iihsln. It is ipilte Hue, as f-.iNs the Tilbiiiie, lh.it "-c ientllk uielhod ilmihtless should be culHiated in all si hoots, bin Hipie .lie few mine pathetic oviniples of niisdiieciPil pdui.iMoii than the siht "I boN(4 kins nilRiual illN estiRaliou , and lNiilliiR lcained " onliibutioiis" on "Man land Town lioiei ninents In the KiRhteentli CentuiN,' 01 "Pin. Indian lleniaius in Alliens I'nunlv, ulno,"" when thev oiiRhl to be stud.iiiiR their IhiRlisli, th"h l.atln and Hi ir Kicm-ii and leunliiR Hie Kie.it le-snns nf his l"iN as ni niked nut In Kp men in stead of waslliiR their time In ilclN Iiir anujiiR tiiNialitlcs lnr tliemselNi s " The 'learned" Lnntiibutiniis ol Hie IiIrIi ci hool and 'laminar si linul studi nt In lilstmli -Mid si lentlik. iiidiiidual i e sp.'iich ale falily indicated in u,at eaniile nf themes to whUli Hie at lendanls at -, hunt i ninuientenients aie condemned In listen," Our contcmpniaiy sas that "Hie saeiiflie "f (oIIpro bni.s In so-i ailed uniiei.slly melhnds lias been a .sen mis eill." Als'n, the sauilke of the maioilij nr public school pupils lo methods of the so-called new ediua lion tor bioadeuiiiR school studies, in older that ihe minoilly mav h.ne a bowiiiR .icii.iiiit,int.e ill the liiRlier Riades witli the "ails and 'oIorIps" Is an pnpiniIu, moie seilt.us pn il. a llioioiiRlt liainhiR- in riipdanieiital.s h Illicit Is nPeded ill Hie public si lionls and is nnt Rlien. Neillit r i.ui It be Riien NNithnut lefoini nf ci.iiuiiiiiir methods and iho oni entiatlon or In. stuutlon on the lew subjects width fm ni the only .solid foundation for either Micie-s-ihnt In aiiainiiiK a hlRher education nnIiIiIi is not meic In a bliam, or that in nidln.iij makiliR of a lUiuR liv those in ho cannot ie maiu in .school for the. upper gtrtde IMllk, Theie is tt nine befme .lune for the PcunsNlvanla IcRisiatuie eain its .snlaij. Hut it will haNe Nioik hind. Bethlehem's Festival. ATA"'' TlinniJ da.is' Hack fes I Hial at the histoiic littio JL l.ehlRh i alley town of Heth- leliem, whli Ii l,ic,t week iIipnv a Rip.it i out nui se of mush-Inns and Ioncis of ihe best music loRether fiom ill ONer Hie coiinti.N, icteiies also their uustinieil piaise for its aiHstic per feitnef.s, and linunclallv it lias met eieiy epense counected with it, Of this lust ,sas II. i:. Kiehbiel, the well known musical cililc: "I'ndei tlio condliliiiis which pieN.ill in tlio hiiRer cities ot the couniij hiu h an oiitcoino could not haNo lieen thnusht of, 'i'he solo sIurcis at the riucInnaH lestlNnls alone tosi moie tluin Hie enllie Hoth leheni festival: so does Ihe condiutoi, so does the ihnli, and so doet, ihe or thestia. J.onp and iIpnoiIou inn a nio dltim of eehaiiKo heie whiih has a puiiluisliiR rower that Is iiiito be oud calculation. Money (uimot buy the sphlt which was exenipllilpd today In the choir's poifoiniancp of the Muss lu It mlnoi." That is the senet It was nut for money as chief end and aim that the llethlPheui doNotees of music hnio eiep suiiR ill these Riand choius.es, Theio has been in them thiotiRli successlvo Reiieiallons the blended passion nf ie llgious and musical ilovutlnn nf ie Ron lludliiR niie thioiiRh music as in too ancient ias too iiciuew' nation of KIiir D.iNld'.s time, did tlio same. It Is well to quote Mi, Kiohblel'a Riaphl'j tlioiiRh condensed aciount of the eniliei hlstoiy of this month's fe.i. tlv.il, "It was for tho imipos-e ot pio-dut'lns- tlie mnss that tlio Hadi (hulr was oiRanUod III Ileceinhei, JSUS, apd the sinless of the Hist festlNiil a year iiKo piouipted the moie coiiipieheuslNo hPhemo which has been i an led out so successfully tills week. Hut tho Hacli cult In Uethlehem Is muili older than this statement Indicates. Mi, Wollo biought ti choir toRothei In 1SSS, and peifoimed the 'Pastiou AccoidliiK to m John.' Kour jeuis later ho brought fm waul the Ricater 'Pas-slon AccoidlnR lo St. MHtthow ' Two jeais after that he save the Vlulstmas Oia toilo.' The record Is so extiaoidlnary that it desoives to be teheaistd iionv. The zeal for Hacli, which blossomed so beautifully this week, was the luspl- luuuu ui .ur. nuiif, iiiuugn uio uuui- I tlniii of a fPiitilty nnil n half uiiilei lie the laller tiny nehloyompnl, To Mr. Wo I Ie In the lit Mt Itiitnnee, llinpfoie, Ih iluo the iiitcpss of Hip fesllval, In Ihe net It Is chip to Hip kcii! of the choir w hk It he has iimiilshcd and ntlmtitatcd till II has becotup akin to an tit Untie inpliiip nml, llnally, n sharp Is tine to Hip handsoiup pncoiirnRPiiient Riven lo the enpipile liv the. music laving peo ple of ItcHilphput." The ppopln of HpIIiIpIipiu leally mo niule IovIiir In it way that iniihpi Ihe PietuiiHions of other towns nn I cities, some of NNlifch boast thcinsches Rieatly ol beliiR such, n inntter of Millie or of sadness, nccoidliiR to the point of i low. 'I'he Hethlcheni choir pi opuses to RlNp another Jhieh festlNiil In May of next j ear. 'I'he .IS-lnrli pIpcHIp. .spnichllRht at the rati-Ainpikan evposltloti makes oblecls dlslliiRillshablp nl a dlslatipo of lirtv iiiIIps, HoinelhlUR or this kind may be needed lo illumine Set anions municipal situation. J'lpsldentlal booms fur Knlibauku, lloNcildse, Spooner, I'Viiaker and I In una haie been spnuiR and only tlio Mist lelilins hip In, The Uppubllcan piny Is eNldently tlch In Rood 1 1 tit bei. Since the Suplenie coutt spoke, the aiill-luipeiiallsts h.iNe been iNlsely tMcnt. Now thai Cuba Is to li.iie a Rfiicin liiont of Its own, NNalch the fur lly. Oiillin? Sfiidies of Hdman Nattire Nol so Much a Joke Altor All. U lien lliilidl livvis Inline nnpH..eil with Nil. 4 Millie lllllitl the Ii II iiiiti- 1 1 II I 1 1 ( ri nl I PMilni lllllitl, the ill ill w H li.iiieil .is l hni' juke liv Imh' liii'nm filcml. spun Huh -in wlin ihlUllul In Inlk lu l.eii .limit it, lrl id . (ho Nih mk liihtme "Wh ilnh'l xrn ii In timI iihiix hel, 11 H "lull " lie ucil In nib. i' him in Hill mpieiki Mini' nf hi. "I'll nil Mm uliit I'll ill If .Mm "III in ii i.i 'Millli' llinell, Ihe il" vim .ur tiinle in in "nl wile I'll Kin .win ,i,nnn, ' I Ins I1niir winl nn tm Mum lllue, until, tn iMiilmihs i.nni.imcnt nut llnK.oii'ci ill. l.iin. Hiss It.iiitL mepieil lewis. lewis' iniiincr nf lni.ikin: tin ntw. nf Ins i luiseinent In his ilmslilti In I iwi lino ItiiHtt wi- cii ii .l . tcii-ln In In ullnnkeii Innes Ilinett esililineil, when tnhp "Wliv, Inn lm, nil' lui, nn linu'l knnw wl it .'ii nc lining, vnti ul mlihiiu inn "I me unh il mirliti t " "iil it .ill," uphill lii. .hi pins him nn the link "I in ivina t.i nii mulhei miii ' Nn 1 ihrn lie c.c ipul htf.ui' Ilinett iicoviicil hi. Ini 1 1 Ii lln linniue i line nil In ihn imii.e it (line, in. I wo .ill, with the iMiplinn nf ltuli, n, it ti mini Hi miiI his iliu.hlei Mi, it in Ins pliu, in.! Iifiir Lnnia jnr hei Iih ihuk tnr siCHin, ill iwn tn Mui.hiP I c u is' null i. lit h-nn s in.liii. (n ns wcie enit,iitu, hiiweet, tint nn nn 1 1 million wis su t,j .cpuite limn il until Uwis mil lbs, llnnlt win- iinw'iilih pin iiinniiil in 1 1 .mil wifi NN hi i Iiiil letiirmrl Iiiuiic" llnli.1 a iillnl In i In him anil asked if she lii.l iviu I lwis tin iheik "li.. filhii," lle iiplinl. ' Wlul ilul In. iln m I M " mquiieil Itoh on, nnpitiiiith. "Wh. tilher Ik wn n nveiinnie In it tint hoiilul lui i iiiiiiulp nfici I sue it in him" i.id,' s.iui.ikdl linlwmi, "wis tint ill.' Win 1 tut.it f"i .in lioni win ii I winle il " Some One Was Accountable. I he it, ii i nf the .euite lotnuultin nu tini ineiip ppeii. In ihe. ileiilm lint i, suieil In henilms mil ineinheis nf tin pit'v, pjllari. 'Js Ihe Vw loik IN 1 1 M 'Ihe othei .iftnnonii theie w i, i lull inielii nf the i ninniillio. do, n Mintu., iiiihiiliu Hi. II inn i, (line nut H .1 nilnk N (u-. lilllp in in i lit) nonius H Ini; fi llnw with i Imnl theik suit, ,i niu.ni he .uul i lune i in i t 1 1 1 1 . Imi In, n w iiiiiik .il Ihe door tm hill .in hour, lie lii-hul niei, took Ihiuii l' the ,niii .uul ih ifunl linn mil tu the nun Willi the tiupi ml "llti, Miuloi " miiI the lii,- llille mill. "I w mt mil In iiKit uij luriiil" lie nniinhleil si iiiilldii,, diiil Stinloi II iiiii i i oik Ihe limit of the in in Willi Ha imp. nil ind rinl, l'ugiill.i, "I nn tin yl nl In meet nu '' I lien lliiuii liuiiiil uul Innkeil He lui htlle linn oei iiiitiilb, .mil tin ic wis i twinkle in hi, ik ,1-, he miif muni, "Nml, now, if jou !lll he ,l i,nnil, I wi.li miu wuul I mike me .ii iii iinliil with the nun who lntioitiu til inn to nu." ( Libouchcio Was Angiy. hi I nmluii hiii Hi 1 ilioinheie nh a t ( I her cn il stun imiin.t lunisi II in leleiente tn Hi, lliwel", whom ho .iilniitlcil was i Rcmiine c Lenliii, some .ein ian (lie nml 1 hul tone tn he pnliip. i hitle t n Hi i I Ii j ii ii-ii il, Imt it uui.t hue hocu ilo.e in liinliiislil- when (hue iiiiip i Ii ml nn? it Hie hell, ,nic pies,ntU i (,er mt i nue 1 1 n I tnhl me that Mr. Iliweia wishtd lo hi.i ini putli ul iih "I hisllh inn nu i few Hollies imi liiuiu.l ihiwu-t dis, womlniiii; whit wis Hie inutei, whin I toiiuil lint wiil lie nniiiIiiI was to sh n iih Ins luinuhini, Ihe wlnels nl whltli Imi Imu piiuleil Miiue imi mini, "I d" imt leineinlKi nnImI I binl, Imt I kllOW lie IplKlltll llllltll suipii.etl tint I w 13 liol is plei.til wilh the iim0hini j hi. wis." Aibitintioii That Saved Money. .lesse II Sinis, llu ilem nf llie mip, nf mr lepoutli ns, who iliul the ulhei iln, w i, i tele. Ci iph npti.ilni lielnn the i nil wn lie wnrlnl il Hie miiii I ihle Willi Ninlnii ( iineie in Nl. leini, Pi, Hil,,,i NN ishii(,on iiuiiopniiil.iit Sinis mril In el ,i fU, .ilmiit the tlllj iln, nf i ihle ine-i.is. N miu lie knew w.n in i wfiiunill uul .mil wiiueil in c ihle in I nc Iliul hi iliii.e iln mil wu i h lined fni ruh kllei IikIc nl nf c nh wool, 'ihe lit 1 1 IiiihIciI in I mc-iue .it Ihe cililc xUlluti iljlnl "Doir, lib, li" "lleie mii (he npinlni, "Hilt NMill't Mini il us 'iln-' nielli'" go. "It'll Ihe ihle," fiiil (he nun, 'diul mhi it il -n I lie mill Hlin tes it wi uink i-iik1. I lueiii New fuiiiiill mil, uul I'll nc jhoiit ?i" Her Husband, "Died of Aimy." I oinlh iln, pn,inus(er5 (and ponimlsuces) hive Iheli lioiihle ,n will ns those of IiIkIioi Link, nml aie mule nt all Hmrs In icilUe Hut Hie puliiv.n nl the puldlo offltidl is not nlwaja hliewn Willi pumice. The fnllowlnir loiupliln'l, ulilili was reienllv lilcd acilnt a We.lcrn Pom m haul i pictinUliiv, M hut a sample of Hie Millions whlih liuei oflKUl life in the iiniiili) iliaiUI.,: "1 u.in tell no how old tosen.' widows ,uo tiilril In mil ledhuled ponlmlslresi Slie nre onl fi'itliiljvi jiiiluivv, ami keeps i lme, iidliicu all iho piiiial ijkIs ji, 1, itnS o whhh wi i.in'l uel inn pipeis tel the hue Hie Mine lid liun'lr She icpiuils In (ho I'riillmi limn lh.il ihn liiiiliin iliilu n iliNilmeiil, wiih are a Id nue tve. He ilnlo of mini, an' lie w,i, more ilu-uir linn mil old, 1 1 .1 lie ilt it (ictatiuisiuis.'1 LAW NOT PERSECUTION. troni llie New !,oik 'liiliuiic. Il Willis, and indeed It ij, a hud and unwet. Ioiiib tlilni; to mo father rii,tluli at the fuucidl of his ihlhl and iupa,o line or ini piUniimont upon liiiu in hi, 101ir 0( E,nf ,c. uinn of the ilcilli of Hut lhll, why,,, )10 fondli loved 11 U a deed fiom which nun will mlKlit chrliik wue no other iuterieli involicd llun llio,e of tint one immpdhtn ease. Hut when interesls are widepicjd. and iwijes of n lionil iinporlance clipcud upon their at Hon, men must not reujid mere tamtliucnt or ihe fichu,' ot .rn imJIilduil. roi ih.it rea,on we limit loidijllj cninmrm llie ncidlit and sen- icine biiiii a lew iljg jjo in a NVcilicvier lountj limit imposing a pcinlt.v upun man ulll, tifiiiiT of nmlleil rellnlnm ceniptes nd (Jllli, refieed In ull In mtillml .llil lnr Ml (.MM, Imt kl her ille liiii(lenile;l. Ilo lilmfell ptrkls hi iIch luring Ilul lie uteil In olieillem e to wlill lie liellir In he I tic will "I lift, uvl he iiiul Ma loumel nml frlemlii mIo Uio cry llnl lie Is lieltir. persecuted for Ids filth's Mke. Niid we nn- net Mire th tt the cry will not he which liken up jiul tepeited, tn ithen dnes Ihe piesent irre seem lo he to (mil .ind irsres of tint piltlmbr sort. Sn rn loulil, lioiirirr. he tnnre Ultdiloiu ind urniindliss, Ihe n,iiellnii Is not one n( re IIrIoih fitllh, Imi of limiutilli nml nf Ijw. I'nr II 11 perfeillv nlnloiis Unit II t lie rrlllmis pic wcie aiieplcd In muli a i He n Hill it would Imp lo he .u f opted In nlhern until there wis ni end of liw utitl inmhlest lleenie prci died In lis place. Men ineil In uise the rellRlnns plea In hchiilf nf hum in slami, and if II had been recoiled slaieij would never hair licrn alwl klicil. Others ined It in ilefene ot pnhirini.v, in I nlheis haie done no In ilcfrmr ot ftlll more iheiniiuhle piiRllces "ihere hive been Iho'e who iniiunllled nuiiiler ami tuiuiiii surlliie as rcllclnus rile. re we In iepeit llielr "freedom of filth" and let isisins gn fiee heemse Ihel Interpret (he will nf fivl as inetlnnlns Ihrlr horilil priclhes? On inn It prlnilple Ihe woild inliilit he trimfnimed hilo a hell, each ileinnn euilni; his liilitih on Ihe Riound nf "lillRlous lailh," o Ihe lelillninhip of nun lo l.'nd ind I nun's lirit tin nl nf tils own fnul are Iiultcis with wliiih Ihe tin ind llie Mile have nn innirrn. put Ihe relillnnshlp nf nun In Hie inmuiiinllv and his dcillncs Willi Ills nelclihni, even wilh his nun rlil lilt rn. aie millers nf piline inn cern to Ihe hw and lo Ihe stile. nd wTien men ilnlite rules which Hie imnnioii i"ene of niiiiklnd .ind the irllElnim senlitneiil and run lielion nf Hie imt minrllv line ilei hied In he rwiillil lo iillee and In hum in welfare they must he punished. Thai is not pereenllnn It Is hw. It Is hum mill. linn mai per tups lei himself cite ttlthniil medical care If lie will' II Is hard In Irslshlr icaimt tliat tnrtu nf suicide. Out if lie inipnses put h a file npnn helpless depeiulents, or if he menaces Hie hedth and life nf his nriidihors hi lefuslne In lake ptfdiitinns afilii.l Ihe fpreid nf cnntaelnn, lie mii't lull Ihe penillv of nutraced liw: anil In sn dolus: he Is imt a niirhr, hut a common cilmind nnetlnc his just ileert. 1861-1001. IVitlv Jem jco lent Sumter llti illicit Hie lldlncs wide Of a hioken lieaileil nitlrn - Pioken hem and broken pnd". P.ie (he .moke had liiilj ii,en I mm Ihe haihni, f u ivvav. Came Hie iniifrled step, of thousand;, .Mil thins forth to join tho Inn. ( leik ind plow Inn, Iniikei, hpitimn, I) iiiutil Ihe rnviil nut nf htue, "l uinn, Imvs' Hun ill! Polevoi' Iiiiip Iho vv u iiv, him uul tine, li us rn on, we find tliein liii' Hv Hie lli,sis,ippi's shoie, Bv the dieiinv SiL.,queh miu, steepniR hut lo wake no moie. In the deeps of eriu 1 oceiu, 'Neilli the .weet mizunlii Idnom, tleie, wiipped in Hie flic drfmdcd l.ierj one an honoied tomb. Hut tho emhlem Mill floits o'er it'. I Inns lo hiee'o from shoie tn shoie, l'ph"hl In Iha.e liiindied Ihoimnd,, It shall w.no Imcicr mite Duns the flisi mil rliw'i, this Mav diy 'In cniunu in n ite Ihe hi ne Bv whn,e gill, tn home ind counlrv We line .till i lla to w no 'llien In in nivitl'., nv, Ihv lenc, llic.e In hind tin lionds tint litoke a When Uppiission w icd Ins ceptie .Noilli nor south, hut I nion, spoke. link the i lies of ( uhi's hemes, sj one piajer. uhl tlimk.s is Hue, lint the wir whhli hro't lier freenoni, Soiled foi .lie the I nion, too. Ilo e an 11 spc-ete. OIL STOCK ONLY THREE DAYS MORE 15c Per Share Monday morning, June 3, the pi ice of the stock of the Pacific Coast and Texas Oil Company will be 20c per shave for a short timo only, for the pin pose of boring one well on the company's tract of 320 acres in the Midway District and one well on the company's tioct in the Carisso District. The right is leserved to ndvance the price on the stock at nny time. In oidcr to give leasonable notice to parties who have had tho stock tinder consideiation at 15c PER SHARE sales will be made at that figure until 10 p. in., SATURDAY, JUNE 1st. The ndvance in price notified above is insisted upon by the management in California in consequonco of the lemarkable developments on prop el ty adjoining that belonging to the company in the Midway District and the attendant extraordinary ad vance in the value of the company's oil lands and ali oil lands in that vicinity. As to the gieot maiket value of this piopeity and the other extensive holdings of the company in San Diego county, wo .jefer by permission to the PRESIDENT OF THE BROADWAY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF LOS AN GELES, Cal. Concurrent infoima tion can also be obtained from banks and bankers genially in the towns of Sunset, McKlttrick and Midway, Kem County, Cal. The values of lands lit that oil district, wheie the excitement is noiN ereater than anv- where else In California, are daily advancing and aie within tho knowledge of every business man in the vicinity. The excitement theie is hitenso, Railway extensions aie being rushed, pipe lines hestlly con stiucted, oil lefineries built and eveiy thing foieshodows an Immense output of high giade oil In this dis trict and on advance in the value of lands to mnny thousands of dollais per acie. The Bioadway Bank and Tiust company will also certify to the high character and ability of the com pany's dliectois and manageis In California. This stock is certain to advance veiy lapldly in price. It ib the most meritorious oil invest ment now befoie the public. It will be a big winner for all who buy. For paitlculars apply to INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Room 1, Dime Bank Building. I Scranton, Pa. THE TRIBUNE'S EDUCA TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 in Special Rewards. T HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE cational Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi tious person, not only in Scranton, but throughout Lacka wanna ana other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This contest will be even greater in magnitude than Its predeces sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance with the uiles of fairness and justice. , The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de cided to repeat it. This year the special rewaids are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholarships being offered to the very best educational institutions in the state. The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayotto College $1,000 Scholaiship in Swarthmoro College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 075 Throe Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, $75 Each 150 Each contestant failing to will be given ten (io) percent, il. B llie first two chohrhlpi do not llice will he clien lin (inj pei icni of frtbune, to assist in pi.iinf: tills expense. Rules of 'Ihe upeelal rewnds will he Riven lo the peri ns sCLiirinj tlio. Iii"ct numhet ol points Points- will he uedileit tn innlesUnU fciur. Im: new MuVcribois tn Ihe t-u.inlnn rilbuto ni follows' Points. One lonitr Sihstriplion $ .50 I lluee HouHl," Nlti.cl ipllnll I.."i i M 1' In' Sihst Upturn J Ml li One! ,'-i iihscriptioi 00 M The conlcunt nith the lushest ninuher nl point will he ancn i choiie fioin tic list of fpecinl ro'iirds: Ihe contest ml Willi Ihe (.ocnnd highest nunihei ol poinls will he Slicn a ilioice of (he remilnlncr lewml', and yn on thmiigh the list. I'uli contestant lillinc In f-ciiuo a speilil rcwiril, and nl-o those who m leet Hie lli-t two Klmliislups, w-ill be Rlien ten pei tent, of all inonej he or olio tin us in. Full paiticulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of ooints they secured. Address EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST. Tribune, Scranton, Pa The Busy Stores of Lewis & Reflly Will Be Closed all Day riemorial Day. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton's Business Houses DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY DENTIST. formerly with Dr. Hill. 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT IM Mil Mears Piilldlns, I'irlois open Monday, Thursday and Mturda) oicningi. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON, PA, THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, bell) Ihe heist Steals, Chops and LumliM in tho Lltj, Try in au4 bo coiiNliKcd PETER STIPP, O11rr.1I Contractor, Rullder and Peatcr in llulldintr Mom, Cementing ol telUrs a pe ilalty, Iclephono 'J5W Olttie, 5JT Washington aNcnuo. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. E, JOSEPH KUt. I TbL, rear 611 I.aikjwanni aionue, nuiiuluttiiicr o( Wiro birecns ot all kindi, tull puiured oi tho epilni; season. Wo nuke all kinds of pouh screens, etc OUU UUOUa I HL5II II NIL! GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE. J, V. Poier, Proprietor, dea'.ci in fine liroter les and 1'roN isions. Fine Ci.-arj lotd hj tlio bo 03 W'aslilllgton aicuuc THE NEW WALL PAPER CO, Ills ro old foodi to ork off Kiciy tyle t new and up lo date. Our price J are lowrr than any others 303 SPRUOE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE. has inniigurntcu Its second Edu $3,005 secure one of these special tewards of all the money he or she turns in. iudud" ail n meats, money hut the lonloslints genu In he oi otic turns in lo J he the Contest. Ml iili i iiptlons must lie piid in idvince. Onii New Mih.oril.it is will he ininited. Ilcncwjl:) Iij persons whose niiiNci wcie nn oni Mihsciipliciii list piloi to Miv 1! will in t ho iiedited Ihe liihune will lnic-tu;ite enli fiilMiiplinn ind If found Iriisulii 11 my w i.v re-crves the ilf-hl In reject il. No ti in. fir e.in Ie undo illcr credit tin ome I ecu given. All Militi iipl'oii., .ind Hie i ili lo piv lor siiui, lnu-t he limited in it 'Ihe tribune nflici. within (he week In whlih thev ue e. (iiud, i-n Hut pipeis nny he tent In the Militcnhcts' it once. sub,i ilplmns must be wiltten on blinks, whlih i .in be .einiid it Iho 'liiliuiic oflicc, or will b" sent In, mill, The cnnle.l will t In.e pinniplli it S o'clock Mliiuljy eHini,', Aiuiiil ,11, l's)l. People's Bank, Alears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Btibiness Accounts Solicited. 3?icsident Vice Pics. Cashier - - - -CD. Jones - - G. P. Reynolds - - - H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: r n : t tones, Heinolds, Ilielnnl O'nnen, 11 I' Cartel, t-imuel Mmter, T C Ion Stnrih, A 11 IN irnnn, II. .1 llra)e.v. thnniis s.jtngue, Arthur Punn, r .s INoolworth, N. li. I'Ultnn, Allis-Chalmers Co Hiin'('i'''''ois to Machine business of Dh Ksnu Maniitiii'tiiiinj; Co., t;i.i,iiiton aiicl Wllkes-Haiie, r.i. Htatloiiciiy KiiKltiPb, linlU'if-, Mining JIiIlIiIiici.n, Piiinpsj. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. SEOURITV BUILDINO SAVINGS UNION, Home oftke, Ms Q01 Meirs RuiUllns, tnnaets a Ceneral Iniildins and loin inrlnesa thioughout tlio ftate ot Penn.ili inia, FARRELL'S TRANSFER Moses t'lelsht, rurnlluin and IhinKik't', Sifts, 1'lJnos unit ilJt-lilntiy, S17 LACKAWANNA AVE. M, A. FRIEDLANDCR fi CO. Iuno nioicil tlielr Milllntry llsUhlMiniciit to 20(1 Adams Anc oppole court liuus-. JAMES I. QUICK. IIUtPWMtl, I'l.LMIIIMl M1 TIVMSO. 0!il I'linne, X2, Ni" I'hom , 2M. Wl I jelnwaiuu nitniie FRED H. WINTER. est CAPOUSE AVENUE, Stapln fiintfrles mid I'lovialoni A full llnu nl iicluhlc.s, ill,, leiehcd dallj. REGULAR SS PHOTOS FOR $3.00. CRAMBR'S 311 LACKA, AVE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find Tenants for I'nipt Houses, Kmpty llousii for Tenants, Collect Heiitj, Look Alter and Insure Property and Puddings. WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, liionu 1 and a llurr Dulldtnif. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123PENN AVENUE WILLIAM JANKO, MERCHANT TAILOR. 320 NORTH WASHINQTON AVE, Impairing and prcw ing done at short notice. ALEX. HAY, HOUSE, SIQN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 321 MULBERRr ST. COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS, Cleanliness, Pure food, Polite Attention. Ilea sonable Prices. Ooen dav and niht. sot and SOd bpruce street, bcranton. Pa FINLEY'S Summer Sale of Table Linens, Napkins Jowels etc Scotch, Irish and German Linens Tor tlie pnst yenr wo hr been tclllnp; you Unit IliiriiM wctc fldvanc biff In pilco, mlNlslnpr tho irplcntihitiK nf your Hltu'k by puii'himltiff a mipply In iintli'lp.itUiii nr this ndvttncc. Tlio InciciiHo in pi Ilo has roinc. Mnoiifl ltino roiic up. Tho rho In prices iiiiiuunts to iibnuL twenty per Lent. hIhino thoio fm inn I.v HHkod. Wn hotiKht 1ipny In-rum the iidviinco bo R.in and imp In ii position to noil you lliipiii at Hip old pilcea, ns long na ptcont Htock lain. At 50c, Instead or ti.ic Irlih Iduen O.ininHk, fifi iiudics whip, roll hloai'lied, lipavy wnlRht and vory slprhtly cloth; iil.so (icrnnn silver bleached Uaimit.k at llih amp pilop :! iiiflipi whip, .ion ilnlsh; bplcndld lalup top tlio moiipy. At Sl.00 Instead or 81.25 Kino Iiii.li D.mt.isk, 7-' JiipIici wide; Kiavs lilciiidicd, my tine linon and pMiii lip.tw iinuiiiv; HlioNNii In a I.ipkp laiiKP of flot.il and other prptty de s.iBits; luipliiuH to inn ten. At SI, 10 Instead of $1.35 CPiman Sllvpr Klcicliod. 72 inchcfi wide, voiy honvy weight and rluiablo llnpu, without tlio hllKhtcbt drpHhliiK. AVo pan ippoiiiuiptirl tlii"? linen with Kteatcst cotitidoiiL'p for hnid gonoial hot vice. .1-$ Napkins, $1.35 Instead or$t.5fl Gonn.in Hlliof t'.le.icliod. sort and hp.iiy to tlio lnitid; Just tho Napkin tor pvpiy d.iv lisp. Complete Jlne of lino "t Napkins in Rie.it vailety of pattcins, lioni $1,50 to $10,00. Towel Special at 25c 11urk-a-V?aek Towels, rxtia latRO s,?p, e.li,i heavy wolRht, Ki'and VHlue. Flno llaniiiak and lluek-a-Baclc Tow oil, -in a Ki'oat assot tniotit, fiom 10 cent1, upiiaid. AKo a full lino of lino PinluolilPiod Rod SiAendH, Tjltnclr flotlis L)ollep, Center riocc., Scarff Via. 510512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. I FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. 020 PENN AVENUE. Johhlnff of nil kinds promptly attended to, 1 sum iii t iir.nti ri i.v srnitiTTuri. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Ilelills fiuulliire, hoddini; and floor covcringj fm 1 Jih at wIioIcmIo prlics at 724 W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY lllll'lllllSfi A &PIXIALTV, f". GROSS, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, MicccmOI tu He Hunt 4, Coiiiiell fo , In tin i.ncl sheet met 1 1 woik ami until dion. Orion IniiMics, iruli unl (.riicr.il tin worts a fpeiiall, No, U2 1. ickawaiuu amine. PAl'h WlIMir, 327 IVASIIIM.TOy AVC.VUB. STEAM DYE WORKS. and lirntli Jin CleanliiR and lletinishins tioods tailed ioi and delncicd Icirphono connection wolf & MLANE, SS2 ADAMS AVEt Easter Millinery WENZEL Practical Plumbers, ruiuii jnd n.isfit lirs, 1 urnaies a pc 1 1 .1 1 1 3 Repairing pioniptl done. '.'10 .Niljins aie, St ran lou, I'.i. WILSON d COMPANY, laslilninhls Tailoii (Hotel Itiiiijii lliiildlns), s'i r-piino bllccl. Biiaiiiuii, j onus pre-jeu, 83 cents, pjnU HCi-sCil 10 cents Clothing re palied, lalled lorand dulliered .New Phone. 2(V3 H. A. RIEFENBERG. Piumhinif, Tinnini,- and lleatiiijr. iiole agent for llowaid Furnace. Iclephono UU 317 Linden jtrect. M F, WYMBS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111 JaiUon Miect IM Mjomins Aie. CalU bi 'leleplnno Itccciic Piompt Attention THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 33 TO 3SS N. SEVENTH ST,