5Vx n.s?vs: -tvpp. ???tuiiiwSji .' , r k ' " v, ' tmntou rf&& W M THE ONM.Y SCRANTON PAPKR RECEIVING THB COMPLBTB NEWS SEIlVICIi OF THE ASSOCIAtED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, 1A., TIllfRSDAY MORNINC, MAY ;J0, .11)01. tv HYO CENTS. S!wna?iWfv7f7'i'''' rvUTrc yBS. ' P --" BROAD GRANT FOR RAILWAYS 5111 Givinu Wholesale Rlnhts Intro duce., by Senator Focht l nt Hrmnlchnnn "ty uu inn I iouiii u PUTTHROUGH COMMITTEE It Will Enable Corpoiatlons.to Build Elcvnted 01 TJiidoigiound Rail ways Whcicvci They See Tit Ini poitant Amendments Pioposed to the Sticet Railway Act Appi opt 1 ijons Committee Decides to Give ?lO00 to Hahnemann Hospital and $5,000 to St. Joseph's round ling Home Other Legislative Pio- cccdinga. - f II IniIii-iii Woe 'him Mm i i il il I r - 1 1 it 1 1 KI1111 u Mav J'l Thim wilt. In li(i(liii(cl ill tile somite litis uttiiiunin i 1)111 width will give i mpoiulions tile rldit in imisttiKl cilhei uiuleiginiind fil 1 lev all (I I dill 11 Ills ill ( I lies, hnioughs iiinl townships, mill .1 bill which will t,lve In xlieel tnlhvnv tiimpuilhs i (in sult table mine pnivei tlnin t lit new possi ss Tin llilioillli lieu of the bills iie.iteil iiuito ,1 sth One nf the bills was in tinillliiil b Mi. I'm lit. of I'nlnii. .mil u ov ides lot the Int m potation mid gnN eiiiineilt el pusspngci tullw.iNs eltliei iliMHiiliit unilpigiiuilid, ur p.titlj elo vntitl .(lid pntlv undeigioiiiul with sui fun lights ' In nihil bill w.is In tioilnmd h .Mi Hmtiv, of AIcuoi. mid 'i iidids the stieet luilwav .ut of AlaN II ISvi mill tin amendments theteto. appioNid Mm .'I, IS'i" Hoih st nadirs .lie hlentilli il with the iliiiiiin utl f.i -turn ill Hie llt'publii .in p.ulv ill the "lull linnieili.tleK aflet the hills wete Inn ixl tit t (1 (Iicn wiie lefeiied Io the unlit i.nv sii(.( , coiniiilitee .mil ten minutes l.tlei lhe weie fiNOiablN l e poittil tn (host unto one b .Mi Spionl, ol 1 'Instil .mil theothet h Ml. Oiiiilv. i I'hll nlelphl.i il w.if. 1 tnuoicd .notinil lite t.ill,ii th it il w.is the Intention to iit ibn bills te.ul hrst time tonight, iiiind time lomoi low ,ind paused iln ill in the sen, He on I'lldiiN nioinlng I 111-- hoivevei titiltl not lie NeiilVd Right of Eminent Domain. 'the I'm lit lull t,hos .ill 1 01 pot.uuin . if.uoil limit 1 the it t the tight uf pini- II ut thiiiuiin and uNo ptimits those hi pnt.itlons to tonstiiiit ami opeiatt usseugii 1 iilw ins, oi t In 1 elevated 01 null isioiind 01 p.utlv tlev.itid ami piiith iitiiU'itoimd, w ilh pouet loom stint t stub poiilnn iheienl upim the Mlll.lie as m,t In iltellltd itui'SMH Im uiitiinnls ot lotuiLi lions between the iiudf itoiiiiil . it'll! flevulod su linns tlmitol ptoMilel. how 'HI. Ill tt thr sui late so 01 1 upled shal! not tteil J Mm li it in ,m out Jil.tt f New lailwuvs tun In phiish m ted nnd opeialed upon oet and limb i ant st 1 pl 1, hlghwtiN 111 hndgi; upon wliitli 110 inllvvu.v im 01 poiatPd uuilei the ait is all l Mils cjL(t(il 01 t nnsii ueled and in (onstmit il ilh use tm tin tiinispoi tiilloii 01 pussengeis Tin pilmlpil aim mliut'iits pinvided fin ill the KliieiV 1)111 .lie as lollow.s. ( 111117 1 1 ip i Hum- tin 11.I1 In mII or It.)-,- Hi 11 n id nil until 11 n it- llmi'ii ti 1 In ii iti.tt iiib 11 ii.inpii 11 - or In i iin III nub iiiiiitt mil li 1111 In t m .'III. 1 (im 1 11 1 . lit li 1-1 11 iiulw lint ioiml it mis ,1 ill lllll (111 ll.'lll III ll-l ." till It fll'll 1 lii. Iji iv iHtiiittil In "I'm ioninnir-, Int I 1 In 1111 1 1111 1111 1 1 it 'mil.'- in1 itiuulu il inn r 1. ill inn li tit bill il In II" '"''I In II l.i I ll,i tin.' mt 1 1 iiiou- In npnili 1 r, 111 -lint nil III nil lit illill il' llitillth 11 Im. lint mini niii'iiiii- iiiii Iiiii mh Mim 11 I i.illnn-. i mz .mil -lint- bin m m t 1 niil'i i,,i 11I11.' th Inn Ml-tin I- 'it. I v. a I Inn'. i- 11 put-, th nut tii u- .mil iii I 11., 1 of uiiiili 1- .il. nut 1! in tiluih j-Ii ill In 111111111I 1I1111 1. 11 il Inn illn 11 iihnli Hi n I 1 I ill I -1 nf 1 plul llillm III il l"illllllv 1 mi itiliiiiini it mill, it 111 In iim it en 1 1 n til hi i.imiiiiil li mil Muiiii 1111 1 ill 11 nil 111 nillltlll n 11 lilt in li 1111 1 itbt i 1 1 11 tin Innl inih mill t 111 nit 1 111 In I iiipml In 1111 miiiiii. ihuliiiil iiiii. r I ho II 1 tun 111! 11-11 il 11. il ippln III 11 Tlie huh 1 iiiiiendiin 111 would i:U" ti 11 new loiupant. tlie 1UI11 in u-e I intd -tit el I'liilmlelpblii. uni (he iim of wlileli lime has hei i ion ld 'inble 1 onteiilliiii In itient wai-- Othet Fioceeihngs. in tin veil. tit be.voml I In iiilioilin- I 111 id the i.iiltiiix bill mid the le lolllll; Ijolll ( oilllllittte o seMMIll III mmiips, litlli was done and tulloiuu nieilt with tiilo'ii until ! n't lot U tn UlKllt Mr. Hlssoii o Kile Iiitiodutid u bill tinieudilli; tile nit piisi-d I 111-, si sslon nniMiu II unlaw lul foi dlstiid at-, tot net -t to -Ittml .isldn jtuois In i 111 IliiicIIIuk: Juuui Im mint? teikiln puses, "o thai it ."hull not upil. In pel -.liny, luiKd. innl Hernial jail ihlheiy ii!-c"!. nl-o that In lasts not u 1 thin est lushed in tin 1 out Is hi hum mid teiliiltiei mill M'Uei il l.tll uehei, tlin emu Is lit w lib h 11 1 use H pulled nr II In) Ulliy, liv 11 ncnii.il i tile II. s a dl' fnpul inuiiuei mill lime I'm eou Isluu ptipinptoi 1 linllenm h In tlie inint-, of pinpani lllnu luuns. Anions tile lilll' latoi, ibh lepoitid frnm innuulltpe wan 1ioiim bill anicinl Inif 1111 in t lelutJiiK- to haiil.eih iimi liinKois .so as to impose it lav of 1 Iff pPlitiun Upon llie b'loss: leulpts nf slu'K hiolii'is l.lll IiiiiKoim (i. pliiinsc oioKpis ami pilvute bauKeis Night Session of Senate, The sppali at th uIkIii session Im meillatel tuoK up the consldi'iuilun of bills on the III. st teadiiK cnleuilm. Anioni? the bills iciil mul piisseii wpio the twn lallwat hills niimiiiiu ed at tlie nfti'iiioon t-osslon .lust us tlie I'litlit bill pimiilliin tot tlie liiLoipoiu tloit ol el tin i oloMited 01 iindeiKiouiiil lallwats win- pai-."ei, Mi (liitih, ot I'llllatlelphla, iiiovcil tint tills bill be li Liililinltled to the jmlklaiN peihi (oinuiittpo, This wan iKme mul he then united u nt ess ol liftreu minutes. At the einl of tilt.' 1 1 cons .Ml. I'lMu'i of Imllitti, elialiimtn uf I he Judhhiti .ni'"al tdiiimllleH ukuId U'pui'teii thu I'ikIii lilll fioiii IiIm comintttpp with miU'iiiliiieuts. Tin iiiiietulnu'iits sup plied seM'inl iiinlsslons In the phiasc oIok.v u r the bill mid niiiiie sevuinl olliet minor I'liailRos, I'nleSH llie pHjs ellt piORUltn li I'llllllKPlI boili hills will be passed llnillv on Kilduy mul will lie niPtxiiKPil tn the house ,Miuitlii uf Ipinoon. The two bills liue ntliiipletl mote iittetltlnu t twin utiv other bill" with the PMpptlun of the "lIppeM A lilll Intioduiud b Ml. Heinle, iif Celltei, llll nfti'l IHMill, wlllill uppio pililte.s $10,000 foi the eieetinn of a fctntiie or A !. fill 1 In, IVniislUi nla's Olvli war Roieinoi, at Ilelle ftuile, was fuwnnblv tepotttil fuuit loinnillti'te mul pissed Hist leailin tniilKllt The house ndl lal uppot tloiiiuent lilll was also inputted fiom (imimll lee Willi miieniliueiils and was lead Hie Hist time. The imiendineills gi Moutuomeii I wo i ouiinon pit us ami oik miliums' i oint Indue, Instead or one Loininon pleas Indue, and she Not Ihuinbt ilmid loutitv two IuiIkcs Instead of one The otlui niuelldllli Ills smpj" i hiiliKPil tin nuinbei or -pteial ills 1 1 lcl as tollows Sonui'-pt tount. fiiim Xo. ri" to lii, Hedfoid, lioni 111 to "i AVajiie 1 1 oni "7 in ', and Ciu liini fioin -.' 1o "7 Hills appiopt I itliiK " imjO In St. Jos eph's I'oiiiiiIIIiik llinup mul Mateinltv hospital, i-ii.iiitiiii, and JO 000 to the Allenlowii hospital weie lavoiably ie poilfd fioin eoniinitti e The home bill ptohlhltliiKr the hunt Iiik "I fuses pieiouslv wiptiiied, was teliiineil linm toininlttoe witli a neg ative i ei nnitneiiilillon Sdt itoi ViiiikIi in, of l.nt Uiiwantn, intiodureil :i bill appi opi l.itliiK 1:70,000 to the Home foi tlie riithdless, of t-t 1 .1111011. House Pinceedings. The Hauls bill aliollsbinK the otlh e ol isso 'ate IiuIrp and tepealliiK" the in I ol ISjI iipiitlmc tlie olllte, failed on tlnal pissnue at the altpi noon ses sion ol the house l a ote of "I eas to !lfl ms. The lollowliiK s, nate bills weie. passed , utliri 1iii.c riiiiiiiii--toit( is in tniii-liip- ul lie tn-t ih-t li In im, wiititi, op, ii mil utile Mulls in I Ill.liMllK it tllP rpnti-i nf tlit low il slip M1 tt llu' pii-nis liinitllrii iliilltin tits ilnuc In tnip l ititin- Irfnlt 11 1 iicnuliiiu or tin It rii ird it iill i rtini; stmt ihmiii.ii l uli u iuniitiii t(l I lllpllll -I0( i il pulittiiun The lollowillB bills WPte tp)nitti1 fioin the ,i)ipinu latiou i iiinniittie "tii tiL.ii in il -i honN, M)ih), I'hlliihli tin hlunl istluiii ss-,iin lint in M ii it 1 1 J i lining m In il "MM,, ilii in lia.piltl MIlKK), Mim tn lin'iuifil si'iinn, (.mil siiuirilin linspiin, I'ljiiinn, si ini II mil' fm I tiniilli -, Itt-nliii.'. -joi.1 Kpii-m ton niwpit il for in nun, s', mi.) 10 nil of health "j i.ju sf riiKo't lin-pil it 11 ihlihmi. "dihiii II ihiitininn hniilal. srin. tti Mil I'Kl Me. nr, lliruit mil n t liQ-pilal, I'lll-lilltC: s'tKKI l.lllllillll llil.lllll I'lllihlll plin, s iUkh ' nlfi.iil ln-pil il spun,) n., t.nml Mmi It pijlib linm, -i.irti, st in n in'" In -pilil, I in, tlO nn II mint lio- il il, tin spi ii,i r(( Km KiTitrn, ( himlii rslnn p, s iiii, (. leiilnlit hii-pitn t into Horn, f, r r il oi ,1 Wninni mi, l'i tui-ili inn nii ( im lit , I'll In lilplni srxiii ii,, n, ii,-pitil s. ihvi I'linil i-iluni 1'iltsliiiir " iimi) Adjoin mil until Moud t. GENERAL SYNOD OF CHURCH OF AMERICA Gntbeiing of Refoimed Piesby- teiiaus in Pitt&buig Mem- onals fiom Chuich Sessions Winch Will Be Discussed. lb 1 ulii-he Win bum llu -i mul I'u l'ittsbuif.'. M.i .") TIil seupial sj nod ol the Iteloinnd lJiesli tei Ian ( hlllill ol Allieiit I ItPKUll its session lieie tills ttitpinooii with oei "00 tlnle K.itts pipsdit. i:ei suilou of the I'nilid Matt"- ami i '.lnml.i is it'pie Miittil With the uppiilni, or tlie dinhet, a PillsblliK.'i, I lux, Dl. D l Mm till pastoi ol the Hist Hml ihuitli, i,i- elettiil modeiatm, "in -ititlliiK lti. Di I' .1. I'ostei, tit New VoiU Tlie new uiiiili iiitoi was In dinted Into olllte liiinii illatrli in the H tit in. tin i nninittee on the ipsou ol tin psnltei lepnitnl the iinislon of S t llt-tWO l". lllll". V fonia-it, of an lnleit'stln distils, i-loii liter In tliii wuU tame in two luemoilal- Hum ihiueh sessions, due 1 1 mil tlm I'hllMtiau Itefiit nu d 1'iesby tii I in i him it asKs foi a statement of atlitudp tnwiiul siiipI h'm etl( s mul a llllill.. on the hetesv of the lilUoil Mllltlts This was loli ued to the loiiuultlee on dis( Ipllne The other war. a iili'lilul ial fiom llie piesbMeiy ol I'otorailo anil asUs m a di Iheiam e ii tin liillow Iiik (tte.stliiii: "Is It (iuisstnt Willi urn pilmlple of illsseni im nieiiiln is ul the i oNonanier i Inn eh to hold olllte under the Hnlti il Stales 'n eminent, when tin) oath of ollli e I," modllled so as not ID bind to ansthliiK iiumoial In the lousiltutinn or lawt-: oi when theie Is nnihlim im liimal ill tile dillie.s of tin ollltpis"' This was ab-ii nlened to the loiu uilllee on iIIm ipllne Tuilli;lil the an-, unit 1 senium was ilellwicd b iIip Itev, Di I'' .M, r'ostei ot .N'ew Villi., the to. tllliiK modeiaior Until utleinnoit and oi'iiliu; hesslnns wein well uttindeil, DEATHS Or A DAY. Hi ImI'ohi' Win from llu' o.iiii.l 'um I i.Iimi, l'i , Mn .'i-II p llihbiiii foi foil. nine ii in. nun it i--n , n luuil of llu' ivinul It 1 1 li ii il minium if i i liit, ilinl nf i lOui pin ilioti nf .lllnu nu it hi I) la -t ni.lil Jl lilt liiiint nl llixille. N I i lie I lu (il Kill, ..In it i iinkt l tin uni, it In, ili ith In' "Jl ItiJlol nf Itosc III I lib iso, Mjj J9 Wii s spiei,, je t Illl-liOIH! if llli , .lltlinPsliril (l II HO 4,-01 i l 1 1ll' nl sl Loin-, ilinl .11 lil houit hill' tojaj, .iltir u i.iilunl irriitu m lliiil.i llie uii The Mtichluists' StUke, Hi Iviliiilli' Wire front llu- .otjtfi I'nsl I'liinlito, U Jl l',,,i(l(iit OCimiicll. if Hi: Iim rnilioiul Miihlnnli' i-"i utlini, Kit, .0 linm in nv oil ui hue ruined the nun's ili nun. U lit ilenic a irpoit that Im his power In nnlir nl uiln ij iiiuliiiii.li, tliilj liv ih iiiinni ui i linn t.jiulln iiiii,iiit (f j the nu i t in li eti ki It iinliitd Injunction Pioceedlngs Oveuuled. Ilnii-I.iin:. Uji i!i luilac Niiu loilj oui rnlul llu itinnittlfl i picmlin4 hioin;ht h.i the n.ii ni.ii.wc.illli j.un-t the Iluirjiu J ml su-que-Iniiii Itjihujil loiupjin to ii.-ltJin I lie laliei luuil ktlllnir l..iiul in tht iiiuiiiiii nf nunc linn blumMim) jntl euliij llu tn.t uf the priH i' J,"j ID I if I'Jl'l h.i llu; cuoipUliunU. MAY NOT BE SATISFACTORY Gulwn Gonstluitlon, It Is Said, Gon- talns Some Tlilnas That flro Einbarrassinu. WOOD NOTIFIES CAPOTE It Is Sold That Cubnns Have En deavoied to Place a Constiuction on the Measuie That Will Hequhe Seiious Consldetatlon Belief Thnt Washington Will Apptove Piesl dent Giatliled. H3 Mtlii.ni' Wire fruin llie ssotiitnl l'iet. Has. ma, Mnv "'(The I'ubiin 1011 silliillon.il luiu etitlou will not linbF ImtliLi si "slons until aflei the muni cipal elections. 1'iesidelit Capote ls lid Goveinoi (leiiPi.il Wood tills moiiilnif to talk oei the piojiosid eieetinn law, whlt.ll will be the neL woik of the iiiinentlon The KfU eial liitlni.ittd that the I'nilid Hlates would aslc that some eh.niKes be made lu tlie 1 (institution. Washington. Mav 'Jt Si t it taty Kiirit lias ipuheil ,1 talile miss. me riout (.intial Wood at Ha. 111.1 ton (innliiK tile news ol the adoption hv the Cuban constitutional ((intention, li a ole of 13 eus to It nas, of the lepoit of llie lOininlttie on lelatlons with llie 1 'lilted States. .11 LeptltiK In liehalf of the (Oineiitlon tlie lei ins of the I'lntt aniPiidtnent It Is uudPi stood tiial without tliaiiKinj,' mitei ially the I unju.iRe of the aniemiment tie 1 im ention, bv the addition oS II potts of Intel views with Seiiet.iiv Hoot and othei men, has phiLPd mi It a 1 onsti notion that will leipiliP Cly seiious pntisideiation I'oit W.ine, liul. M.u -" it was teat in.d lodav while llie l'lesub utlal ti.iin ".as lieie, tint thu iiiesldiinj anil niembpis or tlie pibliet ne nun li untitled at the utlnn or tho Cuban t (institution il LonwMition In irttpt inf; til" I'lalt .I'liendmeiits Cuba's at eejitant c of the I'lilted 'statts' t tins, however, will Hot (.htnjte her status foi Ihe )iesiiit I'-Iil must bold an flection and establish a .jovoti nient. mil tin 11 nninic-s -will laku the tln.il ait ion wbiih will i lease her ft 1 111 tne milium iiiiiliol of the I'nl tul Slatis I l.i .111 1 Mn JS--I.1 nisi iisinn sis that the loiiutiv f,eneialh appiovts the a ippl.inip ol the I'latt uniend inent and pit tilt ts the liegrlnuliik of an ci a of piospuitv. Havana. Mtiv I'l-lllds foi tin sevveiin: and pavlu? of llav ma weie opened to-dav. Onlv one bid was k reived ami tills iwis ttoni Diuleionk MeC'lellfiu A. Didv. of N'i w Voik The iiniotint sjiet Hied was M ! S"i" "i7. 01 'llu bid was lefenetl to the 1 itj outfilleei. Lieutenant AVIlllam .1 mil 11 to be 1011 llildid 1) him foi tlitee davs it will tin 11 he s( ut to llie av untiiiulnento lot thipp dav inoie and theme to le'iieial AVood foi fl.i.il approval. Tlip iiiddini; III in deposited flOf OUO. and tltev will be oIiIIki 1! to deposit f.DO.000 ndditlon.il on the slfjnlni; of the ioiiti.it t, beside uuiliniUK tlie state the VM 000 kIxpii to All Padv at the time he .I'linul tlie sittloinent ol hs claims aiisliu from a pipvious lonluiet to sewer and pae Havana. SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR. Bills Regulating- the Sale of Oleo maignriue Is Now n Law. Hi Iiihi'-iit- Wiio fi jiii Ihe --oti ilnl l'i - Hun Mini k, M.tv "0. tloveinot' htolie totl.o slHlietl the following lillls: Ihe sni,i irii4 lull tiiilaii the iiunii fiilttiL mil clU ut nh ,1111 11 1. o 1111, hiititinit mil iihtr siinil 11 pio.iuti- stlllte llill IKlllliil, til ll,l ut ll-ll lllll il ili t: inn I1-I1 mil Hit -Hin, uiiiili jii luiiiiuii t iill Milni'ih' fur Itioil, niiljtiii.' llu titihin.' 1111I uni ill ijliiK the piipi.itl'in ul (lie Mini .llul Itoiiilltm' nu iht i jiLinil tin 11L ut tl-h MiiititiK MlllllM mil n unit 11 sunn lull provlilin.' Ki tin pi. .In In. 11 of ll-ll 111 sin li pjtis nf Iniiiiiljii 1i1.es 01 innu ihei ,r,ini mis is ili,. 1011111101,111 lllh his jui i-.lu'lu n mn .ml 111 oui 1 en ji p. 1111. -.ul 1 01 in in, I 11 Itljaiuit In ut iiiniiii leil with Midi Iil.i. smile hill 1 si inptins- to 111 tiMtion Hi..' laim-, liiulilun."! uni fu ul- nf fue pilhlie. lu n -u I Ji 1 111 l'hutus In In uni. hs 11 '1 iDiin-liip- 1111 Incline II limits null poll til Dtiflii h ut tu llu mull li 11 on 1' nf tin & uni llnii-i hill Jintiulini.' 111 nit 1 . nipliii.- put. In. pi. put. fioiii tlMllon, hil i tn 1 Hlllill ilnl id liipitli, mil .iml p. 1 11.11 il, 111 at I ml 11-1 In ilnirili-, 1 ul 111 et liu; lum-i-, .nul till l.uiiil tn nmls l ill In Milijni in tiMliuti mile thu ii-oii so Usui.' mil oinipOtu Ihe -mn hi ill In i-tinl rf th I1..1I in nliiijli. iiiii ui llu) lllll) Jllll pOsTli,.'.!! tlf 111! trMMl I0IIII1 III Collin h llnii-e hill iillfiln. iimi iiiiilhliniu ill pnnio' il. ne In lliilil tli-i titits ltue Ml) J1, ISt), 1 ilhoiti piilihii if piopeili i.utuiii Hi iim. hill res'nl illn.' llie unpliiiiiiiiit mul ploilillni; . r llu- lu iiiii .iml tiiili rl in ii, luiutii iml ilnl. Inn in iniinif iilinin iml ollur esl.lill.liiiu 11H, inovlilini. Mi tluli j, l ,u ii iiiiinliiii; In llu jppulntliui t nf iililtlioiiil I11I1 n iiiiiilni4 ,iiu ut hi r to iiifone the ut. IIuii-i- hill pmiilliu.' for 1 Mits'h il 11111111 it III hiiiiciii nf intliiiiile iiiino .lulu I'uiilillni' f. 1 Ihe 1 iniiii ttloii of Inut (niuU held hi trii-l iiiinpuiln mul pnnnllmr tint tiuu onii4iili pai Inui the -till in astir) is 1 1 ix Iimi iiiii, fin mli s,rmil I111-1 fiunl, (iei 111 n ho'il Negotiations Called Off. U.1 1 Ailimie Wile hum ic wn.illcil I'iim riilugn, Mn li 111 ii0oiljihns fir j ut I Unit lit h .illiltliiti, 11 nf e nilliietuij he tnien llu- Njllouiil Miul Irulit. au IjiIoii 111 1 llie InUrnitloiul ---u i.lii 11 of Mat lilnjsiB inlc ullnl oil tunijtit. Moie Boeis Suuendei. Il.i I itlusiie Wiie fn 111 the s.s-oiljte.1 l'ii. I jpe I'diiii, Mi) J I tun hiiiuliid It ms line iiiiii iitlti 1 il ji I'jlipie ll'jl uliwi ), IIuIiiiiiij IjiuI, jiiiI lorl) tun it.i.on l,nil ut men, uoiuui iml ehihlreu luie eutrtiuKieil at t'uit 'lull. llio. dull Succeeded by Geoige Gould. Nut uil, via) .'ii - l the annual nifitlii.' of ttaikhiihliu of (he I it Ifit Mjil stcjouliip toiu pjiit 'he pltl IiojiiI of tliicrtorii xs 11 eicctnl will, tin- extrptlon of I I'. (.Jits, 11I10 U ut. IVftlltil) lilOliU J. CjOuU ArTER THE DACKAWANNA. Tiylng- to Buy the Holdings of the IMospr Taylor Estate. Hi I'xiludip Ire flint Ihe It-clilm I'n" N'ew Voik, Aiav W The Win Id to tnoi low will sit j . "Tlie llui Uerellc'l Could lit iiillnite is making a detii inltud pfliut In Kid contiol of the lJeliwate, Laeltaw nun mul Western, as an eastern outlet fm the Mlssouii I'm lib tiiitiseotitlneutal svstem is in -tpptpd us a fait lu Wall stieet. "It was lepoited estetdu. that fJeoiKc lloiild has made nu nffu' In the Mowps Tux tot eslate to take over the entile 10,000 shines ol slot l held bv that estate. The pike orteuil. It is p.ilil, is fj'li a hIiiiic At tlie nllliti or iiiotite (ioulil Intoi inatlon was de nied ' "The Urn kefellet-dould Inteiests aie sibl to own outiluht li'iOut) shines ol the stock of the Deluwaie, l.ackuvvun 1111 tintl AVestein. Il they succeed In pun h isinfs- the AIosi's Tii.vlor holdltiRs thev will have 1" 0011 slimes, Thlrt will plve tbc'iu tlie laiKest lioldlni? lu Un load. thoiiKh not a inajoiitv. William K. V.iiuli iliilt owns 1,1(100 shin c's, while tlie oilier law liohllliKs me as follows. 1'iank Woik, 'J'. 000 sliaics; first Na tional bank, "0,0(0 shines; tile IHkbIus estate, IS 000. W II. Uodw, 1'.' 000, mul Samuel Mloiin, ahotil 10,000 shaies It Is said tli.it tlie rimt National bunk Is wlllini; to sell Its shares to the ("Soiild llm kefi'lloi' svndleate foi the same piltethat tlie Musi s Tav lot estate sells at. Samuel Sloan Is ulil to be liletidlv to Ihe (!oul(l-I.i)( kelellei plan ' eminentlawyFrs enjoy a lark Distinguished Company of .Tutists nnd AttoineysEnteitained Hand somely by roimer Attorney Geneial Hensel. Hi ImIiimi" Wii.- fri 111 Ihe Is-uiijteu I'rts- l.ancastpM.iv'J'i U-Attoinev Gen eial Ib-nsel this attetnoon enteituined .1 (lisliiiKUislicd pait, tlie "yellow Cats," an outflow th of the Pennsjl ani,i State 1! ti association liolillnic tin 1 1 spi Int; ( onv neat Ion at his inunti v plate, "Illr.ik Hoiit-e," this tountv. 'Ihe fiillowluis' "tats" weie piesent A'h tm Ciulllou, esq, Supienie Couit .litsike Alitilnll, Samuel Dlcksoii es Tiesldeut JutUe of tlip Supeiioi Com I Chill Its I', like. Solkltoi (Suiiei.il ut the rutted Statis .Inlin IC. Hkbmds T.ilputt AVIIliatns 1 iiitoi I'lilladelphla 1'ipss, AVIlllam ii Slaake, setretm State I5ar association: Joseph Mfllois esi , M. Hainptui' Todd. i'i, JlllUe .rohn 1: Mi I'heif-eti,' of the i'nited Stabs Distill t 0111 l; Albeit 15. AVel 111.11. J H Colaban, isi , of rhiladel phi.i: e-Scii itoi Wllllani Penn I.lovd, of Mccb mitsbuiK, lion, hvuianl) lill beit. Ilmiisbui, f-.IudKe Dininer I'.eelxi, ol lJolleloute. Supieme Colli t Hipoilei W. I Sehaclei, ot Chestei. - spppl.U ituists thei" weie pus piiC Chief Justice AlcCulloni, Asso 1 kite .lustkis TMI. Ill own and Put tei, of tlie Supume eoutt of Penusvl x.inin Colonel Cliailes S. Uieone, piothonotai v of the mint: Hon. Janus M. lleik, assistant attoine r,t ui'i.il of the 1'nlted States, .ludfie I.uu'is, nf the I. iiuastei (ountv I ounts, and Majot i V. HipiiPinan, II I', nshelnimi, AV. Ti nlven, II. M. Noith, lolm A Covle and i: CI. Smith, ot tlie I...1111 aster bn. Tomoiiow the puitv will take a tall) -ho dilve. lue ikfastlns with .ludw lb own at "Oal; llill." At Ho tel Copalbo, In Dphtuta, In tlie ecn itihr, .All. Hensel has Invited the entlie lui of UmcMstci tniiiitj, and the ludKis nl this and adjoining counties, to meet them, toprotbei witli a number nf ieiiescnlatlve lawveis of Phlla iklplila, AVest Chestei, He uliiu. Al I mow n, Huston, Lebanon, Han Isliuivr and Tm I. On l'lidav the p.utv will is tho Coinwall niities and bo entei tainetl at li in lieoii bv ev-Seuatoi Caineion, at DonPK.il Faun." 11 at tea b.v AV. It. 'liven, e-( , al Cliiekles. LANDLORD G. D. RISE COMMITS SUICIDE Having Lost All, He Swnllows Cya nide of Potassium and Expues in a, Tew Minutes. Ul I Mill-in' Wile fioin Ihe A-., ( I ilnl 'n- I.eliallon. M.iy L'I ficoiKe D. Itlse, piopiletor of lite Lebanon house, 'JVT AVest J'otll teentli stnet, 1 oiuiuitteil siileido tills alleinoou lie iliauk poi sonous 11 11 U I while on a t) iilu 1 1 inn New A'oik bound 10 tills elt). When the 1 1 11 In ,11 1 i ml lieie at S,M p m, ho was tattled Into tlie h ikkiiku 11x1111 at Lebanon station In mi unions! 0114 Mule, and dlid a few minutes luter. Tlie lollowillK: unslKiied pole wits tumid 111 Ids pot hi t; I lllll llil'lM' I'. Hi-i, of Ithmon l'i III.' tne tilt I u iilul Mill viDlil to nil Mill llitlt, lliru 1) IIIm, Nn. M-! V'Uli I Uhlli alinl. I In... Inst nil' Hi in.' lllll I Mintli know llll.ll I .1111 itoiii. 1 hi " Ul'tii 1 uiihle uf poi i.-.-miii ir phlul lu mil 111) In ill. It. n one n In I hunt till iiiimII Mi uiiiili 1)011' t K ti 111 o( Ihis nl iior llu) 11 as ui 1'iii in pjp, u in ,u Uhllit ill l. 1U ntlttt lot III) oti The peisimal elleel.s of deeeaspd loiislhUd ut a sui ill iiliiniiiit ut moiiey, a louitil pistol, oinptv liottle labeled "(yualde ol potassium," ami 11 (.filled inw.'lupe intitainliu," pi hate papei.s, addresstil to ills t.011 Ilia widow and ilaiuthtt't lu New Viuk and the .sun in this ilty stltihe him - . Moie Mines for Mntk Haniui. l,i l.li lil-tle Who fioin (he i-iuuliil I'nsl. (leitluil -Mji 'l lie Mji-llloii (oal 10111 pant, iiliicli uill laUe our a largo majoiUi o( Ihe mints in Iht Mj-nilltii Uiililtt, uas intui poiili-l Inilay h) iriti-cnlatliM of the film ot V V llaiina Cn llu. 1 j) lul Modi author Iztil U l,unrt(rti Ihe nm toni)in.i prai lit lib conlitl the uiiiput if the . utile Vlas-tl Im Hi Id Eiitisli Losses hi South Afiica, I!) Fxtluslie Wire fn 111 The Asioclateti Vita I ijiiiltin, Mu 2'l-Cajiult) bsls if.ueil h.i tho tiai of Hi o lonialit site lori) 1110 llilli-h l.llltil .liul 0 uoiiiiihil Ihe tnioilii ul ilu.-e tauil ties Dunni-il frtnu Mi) i to Mai 'Jl. an I lit tunii llelhtlk' ami St.uul. Hun in ralirn tun,. aal nhtrc Utntial lii .oil lui litiu opt rail us NEGRO BURNED AT A STAKE Siimniaru Venaeance of a Florida Mob 011 the Despoller and Mur derer ot a White Woman. HIS CRIME WAS FIENDISH Seized the Woman as She Was on Her Way to Her Home nnd After Assaulting Her Cut Her Tluoat fiom Ear to Eai He Was Captmed and an Em aged Ciowd Took Him Away fiom the Sheiiff, Bound Him to a Stake, Coveted Him with Keiosene Oil and Applied the Match. I!i I xelii-iii' Wire fioin Hie A.-onilnl l'iis. IJiiitow, riii.. Muy 2" F111I Itoi iielle, a iu'8 10, tliiitv-live veins of line, who ut noon jesliidav 1 limlniillv assaulted and then uiuitleied .Mis Itun.i TiiKKntt, a well-known and icspetted white wo man of this (itv. was liutned at the -stake lieie e.nlv this evening In the pit sent e of a tlnonir uf people. '1 he buinltiR' was on tlie stene of the ileum's ftlnit, within 100 vauls of the pilnel pal tliotiiiiRhf.il e of this (Itv The assault and inutile- was one of the boldest and t old-blooded it lines evil loininiltid lu rioiidi At 10 o'llotk M'stettlav nioinlne. Mis Tap K.ttt. who was hot 11 and ten led In this plat e and was a woman of Rood family and lepututlon. went flshim? alone In a sum tovvho.it that she Kept at Hip 1 Ity In i(l(,i over Piaco iieek Thlh Is In full view of tin publle thoioillf.ue A few minutes befoip noon. desliitiK to letutn hoini , she lowed hei bolt to the bildffi' and made it fast. A iickio man was llshlim- 1111111 the biblite at the same time Mis Tanait stinted home and had pioneded onlv a lew steps lu the swamp towaid the open piulile and theme to the stieet w lu 11 she was appi inched 1)V Hot belle, who had been bidiiu? In the swamp He selpd hpi, and slip lnokp loose and, sdemnlim:, 1.111 awuv tiotn the .swamp Into the piahie, wheie he oveitook hei Slashed Hei Tin oat. rtei the assault while she was piosliate he In Id hei with his It mils and kiieos mil taking- UN knile 1 1 nm bis pocket tut bet (I110.11 finiii e.n to v.w, piiusIiik' instant death. He then walked to tlip neKm who had been lishiiiK on the luldRts and who was thoioiiKhlv filshteued mul asked him what he should do with the both He was told tn leave it wheie It was hut, unheedlul or this ieiuest, he took the bleediiiK foi in In his anus and eanled il buik to the swamp, tluew It down and esiaped into the iuteiloi ol the swamp lu a few minutes the ti hue had been lepoitfd and lu less thu it an hour piaetle illv the entlie cltv was in aims and a quleklv foi mini posse was mov ing lu eveiv (Hi option lu seaiih ot the iilminal. Hloodbounds weie setuted and all ulKlit a ftuitless seaieli was 1 nntinued. This 11101 niiiR- no ti.ue of the ni'Kio had been seimed and the people weie betomlnpr moie dptoi mined to apiuehend him, as the 1 hanees for his fiml eseape sppiued to friovv. About noon a t oui lei ai lived mi. noutiPliiK tliat Hip nesio had Ihpii pap tuipd bv two othei uckiops tluee mill's south of the Itv. Posses wile linniedi itelv on the ti ill, but tlie i up line! s evaded detection and sui ei piled In BettiiiK their pi isoner niilcltlv into the eitv and in 11111111117 him pei to the sieiirr or Polk eountv. In less than ten minutes after the tiansfei had been made the stieets had become t otlKt'sti d with people and the eiowd, aiiKinented as It uimiluil, moved on llu- Jail Mob Got the Piisonei, lu spile of tlie wlieilli' mid a stionu Kiiuid ot etia di putles, who made eveiy (Unit to ptotett him tmill mob violent e, thev -edtietl tlip piisonei and took up the m.iiih to the si ene ol the 1 line. He was hull itiauaed. hall 1 al lied to the liildKP, enveloped bv a (,'ieat tin 01117 of pi ople of all ais'es, who weio lesoiuie and dele) mined, but iiiiet mul oideilv, Siiiani iiflip eieain biolie limn the wieteh's iilleiliiK lips, (al low ed b moans and piajeis tor iiu'iiv. At the In blue ihe mob tinned towaid the untitle and then lulu tho swamp mid to the scene nf the iipkio's dime ity 1 nnuunn consent liuiiiluv wins to be the penalty. Theie weie 1111 inpes, no plans for 1 ut liing hj lians hu; The slake was the onlv siiKKestlou as tho piopei ppiiitlnu ul the c-iinie, mid wltluuil tuRiinUed ellott mul vet with uppmeutlv iinunlinniis uuilei standing a Imiicl was in leadliiess and was pluud by the stake on (he vmv spot wliem .Alls. TiiKK.ut was assauliotl mul nuiiileii'd. On lids the iickio was plated and 1 bullied to Ihe slake lie pleaded I up me(. lint ill the meat emuil mound llilll silence was tlie uiil.v lesponse, Theie WPie no Jeei.s, no .sweili iiu?, no illsiiidi 1 Applied the Oil. llelnie ihe thaltis aiuiiuil his li.iil.v hud lit en niade fust, iitu.s of keiosenn oil I mm uiaiu hoiiki's weie pafsed In llie flout, nut one ol the leadeis -dipped lu ihe nemo and slunlv but dillbeiaii'lv pouitd it upon him and his 1 lollies until dollies and band weie well Mituiuieil It wus llu n ii n'i lock Tim dowd was KinwhiK .nul llisim.ss lu the cit had piui th ally been .su)eiiileil When the malt li was aiilltil, the hlae uuli kl.v leaped t-k.vwaid Tlie I'lliiiint-' bod) 1 1111I1I be M'i'li onlv as a daik objut In tlie iliile ul 1 muling ll.ime Then the lit o t-lai ktned. ami the wilthhiK foi 111 taiii'i link in lull view, but iiluailv tin Sloans Iimi teased and Ihe onl.v evldetlie ot life wu. 111 the 1 (intuitions of the 11 ill si I e ot tlie limbs l''oi ntleeu mliiulit. the bud) biuiKil. and in a half hour fiom tlie mlittitc TIIK NKWS TUIS M0KNING ",, . . : .1 Weather Intllcntlnns roilii: RAIN) FOLLOWED BY r MR. 1 t.piiiril llniiln Ni m 0 lliiineil flt Ihe s(iKe. I'll. III. lit mul I'tili ltnnl Hoini Whulrtjle Itlulit. for ItilhniiN, Ciilun tVilisllliitliin Mu Not lie tlllulory, 2 (.mull (Jil1011l.de li.-piiltiu nt, ,: I onil- I nuliiier Mum I llthi Hi ionlhte for W.il,.ii's III ilh ('t)lltlillH V l Ullnl Tot fill lli-e .Ilnl 1 1 lie k. t lilllillll Sod Jlul Ci iiiniiiit D Iniil-lhm Dm in ilioti Hit Will Ik Oh-enel In (In (iuiml Vino lln-k Diltirits In Ihe I'.lnr rt (mitt Cmilest 1! lotul Wisl siniiinn mul -snliui b 111. T (Itneril -Norlhi itlein l'i tm-i h ml 1, I in tin 111 mul ( o 111111K id. S I in d liiihittiid nul I ihir, ( 0111I I'lMinlilii,- of the appli 11 1 ton or the 111 ildi, onlv (he thmiLiI bones weio left as a 11 inlnilci or the 111 Kin's pi line and Ills late. The iiowd illspeised as oideilv as it li.nl K.itheied, ami at S to tniilKllt the ilt Is ipiiet. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO MEET IN SCRANTON Major T. F. Penman Elected Gland Commnnder and Piesented with n Swoid by Melita C0111- mandeiy. Hi lulu-ne Wiie Him llu V-tiiiliil 1'ns- KpitdllU,'. Pa., Mav J't-'Hits n.iti the second duv or the InipiisHive ipi eplluu or the Hi and 1 oniinandei v , KiiIkIiIs Templai. It was iktldnl to nu ei in Si 1 anion in t je.u Tbe.se ollkeis weie eletted ltif,ht eminent Kiaud tniumaiiiki, Thomas I'. Penman, Stiaiilon: k e-emliieiit dep uty Kiiiiul lommaiidei, Hiu S llait lett. I'lilladelphla. eminent maud khi eiallssiuio, Chaihs M, Stonek, II, 111 ovei, eminent maud i.iplalii Rtneuil, Wilson 1 I'll inliiR, Flelletonte, einlueiil Island oi'iiloi wanlpii, William . I. Hit hi, Pitlsbuifj. eminent mmd tunioi wai ileli. Willi 1111 .A I Donaldson, llalils liui,? eminent Ki.nitl pielale. 'Ihouias N Hon e, PiltshuiK. Ri.iiul ticisuiei, .lolm ,l.i tiilioN. Phil idelphl 1, emi nent maud n't 01 del, Willi 1111 W Allen, Philadelphia Tlies,, appointments wete announced- Stand, ml beaipi 1, 11111 s V Piatt, Tiinkb iliiun k. swoid beaiei, W Al i Semple, IJaston, waiden, I'ud I. Uiowu, "i 1 .111(011 , taptaiit 01 Ml, ml .losepb I. Maun, Phlhidelpbia 111.11 shul, li'ieikiitk W. Koeholdei Shamir lleiald, A. Howiiid Thomas, Phila delphia. t!i mil ('oinmaiidei Pr 11111,111 itis pie sented Willi a swoid bv his ( (iniiii iinl ri v, .Melita, ol hci.intou This altei iionii the 4iaud i oiniuandt 1 n olllteis weie Installed with inipies-dve ecu -monks MARY BAKER EDDY SUED FOR LIBEL Mis. Josephine Woodbuiy, of Bo'ston, Asks $150,000 Damages for Be ing Called a. Babylonish Woman. Ul I Ni Iii-iu Win Iniiii I lii V- 11 1 it il l'i" Huston. .May -"'Ihe jui.v tlial of thp suit of .Alia Josephine A W'ood liuij. ot this 1 itv, ilthnliij? tl'iifino dainaKi's lioni Mi s, .AIui.v I'.ikei (1, Hildv, of Concoiil, X. If., loundei ol tin1 Cluisiimi Stkntlst stet, 101 Iilul, wus bcKiiu In the Suifolk 1 ountv snpiilor 1 Dill t lieie to-da), ami actoidiiin" to the statement ot the dilleuut louiisels il is llkelv 10 iiinsuuie the Meilei P.n t oi iluee wieks 'the suit was hioimht bv Mis Wooilbutv 011 Ihe mound that (wo i.u- .111 .Alls, iMdv, in a niissaHP t,, the 1'list Clulsthiu Siienie chin ill luie, vvlihh was mad foui times ami aflei winds publislu-d lu a lot ul pipei hud ill iiiliul .Alls Woodbiiiv when she llnil the wolds "the doom of ihe Haliv lonl.sh woiuan 1 filled In in the book of 1 ev elatlons Is lieliU7 liillillid" I'n vlotis io this Mis Wooillilll.v had In en eVi iilllllllllll- ated b) the chilli h lu hei iinswoi Mis, IMdv admits (hut the pailieiilin iiildiesjt was dellNenil ou the d.i.is ami at the times nunicd lu the (It 1 1. nation of the plalntlli', but de 1 lines that iieiliiei Mis. Wooilbiuv nor auv other human In inn wus mi im bv (be teiin "llabi iuilsi vn until n. ' (In plliasi. beliiu tiHcd dlinpl) to ilf-i i1k a tv ie of tilu Mis Woodblll) ivas pinspni In 1 nip t today, but Mis, laid) would not ap pi in, her ilepovitlou liuiui7 lieeu taken foi lull inlin Hon in the 1 asn ns bleme The rouit 11111111 was tiowded vvllli spu'talnis win 11 the Puse was itilhil, whllti scveial hiiudieil nu 11 and women ilauioiid in vain foi admission, A jiuy was eiiiianekd mul the ii il pirn icdisl. Appointed by tho Goveiuor. H.i iNilmlve Wiie fiom Hn' -n. lalnl Iheci 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 Mai !') (iineiiui Sioite (011l.1t -nl Io llu Mil. He III" folhmlli,' I . mili.lli. 1 W11 I s,,li, , Noiibionii 1,1 a jii.Il. 11 ii Piiliwtis' tiniti in VI iiiiuouii 11 inmilt to -ili 1 ill. lit llu in.! Mi mil) in liniuii, l'Dfi II ( N.D1III. 1 Mul III! nil) I'., In he I lilllillll nf lie stall IiimuI uf Uliiiilliui In ..ne unlit llie f. 1111I1 liiiliu. Iji in I minii I ! Two Pensions Allowed, lit IniIiisiii Win- 1 mm llu -otraeil I'li-rf W ikhiiipluii VI 11 "1 pi nun ol f 1 month Ills lutll LUtll ll I I III I. I i).Uilll-lll llliltolll, if Wilti IIjiii nul a ili-im of -IT In ! 1 11 LI 111I11I I ibunl I siilliuii. il Willislluit I he luiu is iliouiilih lu ili jttotint ni Ui 11 11 1 nil s. un .. Cliiunmen Must Go Dick. II) I ulu. be Wire font Ihe l-.oiutnl l'iuj I). .In. -hiil.. A , Mu i" 'i iii.i a'.'.lli'.l Vis.lv ( li lulu i.i Hint linn -i .11 1.1 al int ioui.lv (all in mil. i nil uni into iht- 1 ,iit ,1 sun, thi.nl mli, In uu 1 n i.ie- iUi it.'iiii III llllill it Olillllil lll'l l IJIU't' tUUIIIIJ.I ll Km iiiiMlnin,' 1 4-to "111 J tin HU) iK'lniUU. 11 PRESIDENT IS ALMOST HOM The Presidential Parfu Will Arrive at tlie Capital This Aiorniny. BEEN GONE 32 DAYS, TRAVELED 6675 MILES Foui Slops Made Yesteulay In Ohio, tlie Longest in Canton Mis. Mc Kinley Much Inipioved nnd Gieeted by Hei Old Neipjhbois with Many Manlicstations of Sym patliy and Good Will Last Pause of tlie Long Itlneiaiy Mnde at Pittsbutg. 11.1 l.llil-llt- Wiie fit, 11 llu V--i iiiii it I'll-' Plttshuii,'. Mnv L'9 AVheii the pits. dent and bis pntv end the loip7 tilp aiioss the t oiillnenl upon tbeh anlvitl at W'lishliiKtoii loiiiiiiiow 1110111I1U7 thev will linn- bteu Rime iblitv-lwo davs mul will hive liiiveled .ippinlmatcly d dT"i milts. 'lt. lasi dav of the home vv mil Joiiinei was a i ide liiloss the luesldmis nillNe state ol Ohio Onlv four stops weie mn dp, the longest at Canton, the piisbbiitV home' town, wlieie the tinln leluulned fiu tweiitv minutis to itlve Mis MelClnlev an op IxirtiinltN to si i lu i stpi, Mis Al. C llaibei. and lint niece, Miss Ida I!. li bel Quilt a nuinbei ol Ihe piesident's old lib nils nnd nelKhbois weie al the statbm and tint wtie ovtijoved to leaill Hum Hip pn sklent's own lips (bat Mis MeKlulev s iiupiONemciit bad i nntinued sltuilv but Hdnulllv. .IiuIbc Da), the tin met suietaiv of Mule, .lolm (' lleubei. Judge HiiIiIvnIu and Mav oi ltohi I (sou (limp alii) ud Ihe Olviiipla but did not ste Alls, MtKln lev llei sistei was with hei until tin Haiti lril ami hei nicte lemained alio nil The I.i lli'i will go to Wash ington and with hei sistei. Miss Muiv li.ii hei. w lio ait onipank'd the pailv to Hie I'.u ilk i oast, will be the Kliesl of .Alis MeKluk v ut the while house until she is uble to i etui n to Canton. Main ol the stations along the lin" oi the mul tluiiiiKli Ohio weie deioi ated wjlh Aineilcin lings. At I.llui, ihe lust slop in the stale, the sthool (lilllillll weie given a hair holiday In penult tin in to go to the depot to see the piisldent. Mis MelClnlev bail a. nciv i oinloi talile da) It had linn mining lu Ohio loi seveial davs and (lit ii was no dust ot heit to make the inillliev oppusshi 'Ihe hi icf visit, with In r .sislfi at ('anion sepined to bilgbun liei spiilis and iloublleis did hei nun h good The I lain ai lived a' I'lllshiiig al 7 :i p in and left tm Washington time minutes latei. Tile liiiptlon lieie Was devoid of all cm llenii lit. The gootl-sied t mwd that hid gatheitd ut tlie station ev hleiitlv ibslied to distill b Alls, MeKlulev us little as possibk, nnd when the ptesl dent iippi lied oil (he leal plalfniiTl as the 1 1 nil) pulled out the iisiutl i In el lug was oniitteil. but the kliullv feeling was evident ed bv the luising ol hats and waving of liandkdihiefs The piesl lent lesponibil liv iipt.iledlv bowing and talsiug his It it SLAYERS Or TATHER RIEGEL. Two Get 20 and One Gets 15 Yeais. Women Lightly Punished. 11) iNtltiihe Win finn I lie VsolI iteil I'ren I'nilid. Iilui. Mil 'i llu II i 'omul i I of nilliilil HI Uu' mi nn I ih ..Hi' f"l llu hit1 iii.it Itiliii Itnil ol ( in In nli uu, hi Uu 10 lit in. ii iiimi 1 1 Iniiii il (hip- "ne -mli tut I tiiln sui,, Unit u n siiiluiiitl In tlftrin iijh mil lt.li" Uiiiii nil liiuli Wiiuie, in II n Us i li h I III Hun K mul I uiiiii Millu, nli ' I''1 "'"I tuilli ii Mis-nil., mu li mi m nl In Inn it'll! iml i hiil of si") i oh Anothei Vietoiy tor Teuy. fl) ritlinlit Wue 'run Ihe uoililnl l'i"' spi I'liiui-iii, Vliv J' Inn Mibuniti lul ui ,-i ihloli ..Ml VllM III llillill.i louuht il Mnliiii.n-' I'liilion lime nn nun i lain ' mi MU if ( -ni" "Inn Mi i.iini ui ih'l ii t Inn llu mi Inlin is i-ili ml Ul iliiiniuoiel ,i I nl his uiiiii llu iml uni itiuMi n i!,i I, l'i t iniiii is il III ht-' hul nf llie ii:lu ui I hi mi ll" im liniuii vviiii iliiin im H niiiil lie iim ii) (.mull, null ni ..i limn i.iiii Ihe let Iiii- 1 1 ii.i- il" il'h t" .(I ii Io. ii i it die nul uf 111. tuiuil ,m I llu ile illn I i HI Catholic Chinch BuiglniUed. III Iviliidvi' Win liotn Ihe AN-rilalrl Prrn Wouisiit, Mas., Vn ) s lolin'i, I it n i e I I null ills liiolin inui Ij-I ul. lu hi I.iii ul ' -. In jfi tint iiunii." llu miiuI vis-ell liliin I ill ui I li, i U In Iht' lllnu of innu llui .-" iski mn- liK.it I hi lllll ol llu tliuiih ii n nul ilMniuul Mi. Johnson Denies. III Ivilii'Ui Wuetitiil I In s.oiiili(l I'riM Nm oik, Vln il ( nun mini.' llu' piililuli ' tl I . in-Ill lllll III' llllill lUilloll ll)UIitlll I I hilul lihli I Jil lioiiuhl tin I.i til. h Villi, li tun iiiupuii Vll'i il I I iIiii-iiii fila lii'ln ; "Iht kl.iliuiint Is ik-iiliilili null ne" Geneinl Assembly Adjomns. II) 1 villi lie Win In ill llu V. o.l Ilnl l'i 1st p.- Vliitn i li, Ml) I) Ihe joiuril n-Min hit if llu I iiiinl I'li-lnlni ui liniuii of Sit i) Vnnlli i mil num. I ml t In innl lu.vt ii n it I'lll.l.un., l'i YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. ,,l ilit ft I V ll l, inn ll'sli-i ii ni.i i nun "ii iltkic luiu,) I. ini i nun ... il il'.n I llilmii' lluitiiilli) j pi . ur in S in n .. i ., l'uii(iilull li, i hints i "(nl p in, inn im ll t, , t - WEATHER FORECAST. - W j. hlu. nm. Mn i lontnst for 1 ir 1luml.li iml I ti. In I i-l in I'tiimil- i t inn Itjlu in li ink in uiiiii.- nl 4 ! n i' In f.iu ml i mlii I iu-ilji I ri- 4 4 i' fj'l lll'l solttllW .1 ll Nl 1 1 1 , 4 HtHtHtttttttHi ,y- t'm- -I r$ g t w -