"r" J?r "" jf. ltii'P'4 8C "1? T$'"?'-'r&Cc'1 -jy w -n"-'-"!-1 c i iif ; r.',- j'ya v vgj rlppP , f TUB SCHANTOiV TRIBUiNli-JIOiNJJAV, JtlAV 1!7,-11)01. S v Ix-Vli "TJ H " v ' f f DUFFIN JURY IS DIVIDED PROBABILITY THAT THEY WILL NOT AGREE. Vote Stood Nino to Tlnec In Favor of rinding n Verdict for the City. Rnft of Denuniers to Indictments In Cnscs. Returned by the Last Oinnd Jiny Another Skiuuiah In the Wnr Between the New Tiolley Ralhoad Company nml the Wnter Comnnny. 'I'lir mm nl' Mniy I ) tl II) II iiunllist Hip City (r Si Minion xviih Khi'ii In tin1 Jniy nt f n'l-lni'l. Siiltndiiy ufli-i noon. Willi liiMtiiii'tloim to i cpoit on Aluiiiln.v iimm lilLr. Ii to ii Ink' hour limt iiIkIU no ni;ii'Pni''iit line liei'ii louilieil. nml till' iMipii'-sloii nitlni'il by thovo who liuvc Iji'di cliML'ly wali'llliR Hie rn-p was thai llirri' wolllil Iiimi ill-mmi'i'incut When I lu (list lnllot wax lul.oii llb Jlliy Mlooil, no It wii iiiiniiii'il, I'lijlit to lour In I'livur or I ln city. Vi-stonluy "lip nf illy fun i wni won iiei in tin1 maturity, .ami at the tlim Hip Jiu te tlipfl lust nlKlit, nliio wpip In luvor nt IIiiiIIiik for tin- ilpfpinlant anil tlnpp wpip "haiiKlni; out' lor ,i vpiillit lor -Miss Dllllln. .HIPS IMIIII1I, , At t he oppiiliiK of lotut .Satuiclii iiiuliiliiK. City Snlli itur Wiit-on iiI;piI lor IiIiiiIIiik Inst met km on 1 1 - khiiiihI .1.. t... ..t.. i... i... i.. ... .mil in.- I Hil"t llill.1 il I Ull- tillilltoiv iipu-IIkpiipp. Up IipIiI thai wIiIIp the tlty Mail iliuil( ntetl ,i wlillli of Ipii I'ppI loi ,i sidewalk, lit Hip plni'P of the him Idem, I! was not pilliii'(l to maintain ,i tPti-looi sIiIpwiiIIc. hut only Mich width of sIiIpwiiIN .is would uo i oiuiiiod.itp tin- iiiim'I mi Unit tlior oiislu'.iip. In Miippoil ol this, In- plied the r.'Hc nf n iiiiiiit) tuiuplkp which Is decile .Heel .it lllty lei t, hut which the -iippi vNoi.s in pel (iul lepnlr lor a width of ciillltpetl ip ,n pei.son vim dilps i it T till-, elulitepli-lnnt io.nl vi.iy and .Mi'-inlns liiluiy is i-unppcd li nm c nllcetliiu d.un.iKcs h h-iimui of . miM .1. ...... ... tl I.. .1 nil me sim-wan; nut within liu- limit" ol the (k'llic.iti d ten feet Colonel AI .11 till and .li .Wwpoinli .iikupiI slii'liiioiisly .isiiinM tliK, .mil . Incite Kelly icfti-a-il to.iiriiiii Mi. Wnt-s-iin's point, anil directed thai the i.i-e jii t.i tlir. till". modems -.Milen 111,11 Keel Its i-,iIi.sc, made the i,i-c nne of iiniisual interest and its outc one- is lie iic .uixiiiiiMy looked fur. Motions to Quash Indictments. Attempt-, oio made In (tiiiit Satur day to (iii.'isli the indictments in thiee of the lilf- eases in w hie Ii tine hills weie letuined liy tile last ki.iihI Jui.. Tliov aie the eas,. in uMiii ii liotioi.il lan.iKiM Pi. ink Sillimau, ol the Si-i.hi-nm ll.iilua.v company, is (hailed with liriliinf? Old Knijje , ntineilmea, the cm-e in which Ceneial Manager S. K. Way land, of tile Lackawanna Telephone coiiipan. is chained wiih nlisti uctim; .tustice liy i r-lus-iiiH- p, .iiimmt ceitiun liie.stiouii pioiiounded to him ii; the. (ouncilmanle lnibeiy lio.n Infiw heloie AldPiniaii Kuller. and tlie case In which ."VI. 'N'. Oueiney i-Iiiiikcv. .1. V tiupin fpy. Jt. T. ICellor and Cliaik". A'. Ueii nott with coiispliaiy and dissuading ".itnc.ssjw. Major 3'yeiett n reu c oniliti ted tln assault on the mdietmint In the Silll man ia.se. The c lilel h-.imiii on whlcTt the cloniuiier icliis is that thpio is no inerincMit in tlu- indictment setting forth that any oidinance was peudluB, at the time of the aliened lnibeiy, con cpniliiR: Mhieli theie tould he auj lillhoiy. I.piisthy arKiimeuts weie made In uppoit of and asalnst the nmtioii to Plash. T)vti!rt Attoiney V l;. Lewis ippohed the niotion. .IiiiIkc Kill) tonic the iiapeio. In the Ao laud case, the luntinn In Tuash w.ih lepipspnted liy Alajor War reu and .Inspph O'ISiIcmi. The leasons assigned weie In Milistame tlial the 'tidletmout does not follow the tran eilpt on which It was founded, in Unit It nmil.s ffiiuindo upon which the de 'endiint lofui-ed to answer; that Hie i,iiiierlpt inllK to show an uiilnwiul ih.stiuctlon of justice, or tliat tho do Vndant cniiteinpuously nftised tn an iwor; tliat the iiucstioiis .set foith In Iip IndieutiPiH .show Unit the defend- lit would tend to Incriminate himself mil lie aiihweiPd Ihelil. Unit the ele 'piidnnt l.s ipIIpvciI i inui iniMwilmr .he?!' iuef-.ti(ins under the ist.iti ami 'edeial eonstltutinn.s, liei.ua-o the an iwpi.s would tuiid to iiiiilminate liiin: hat the aliloiman Is- not .shown m i.ivo had jurlMlietioii in the "cllvpr.s auses" lofeiied to in the Indictment: ti.it no p.iitlcular cause Is allowed to iao hepu In cmiit-o of trial: that no acts at" Pet torth bhimlnir that tlio ertain cleCPinlauts nauied woie luditK lied for hilhcry; that It Is not hlmwn hat a loiful oath was admlnlhlored. hat altluuiKh Scotlnu ::.', Aitlcle HI, of ho conatlUttion of l'ennslvanla says he ilpfendnnt should answer, uotwiih taudlU7 that Ills answers would lend o Inoilinlnutc him, hu is iellved from .nswptlns: when he takes refuiw ho ilml the ilpclaiatlon of ilnhts and font . eonth nnifiulnipnt to the t'nlteil Htntcs cmstltiitlrm, -because the latter suy lie eed not answer, and aie supeilor in in state ponstUutlon. It Is then M't fm th that the ufoies.ilil eetion .'. AltlclP III. of I ho .stale con titutloii Is not i-.elf'iietliiK and no law as been passed to make it opeiutlvo, ml that It does not apply to hearlmjs efoie justices of the jieaiu ami aldei. ien. Dlstilet .ttoiiu. Lewis ami i:. c. Jowronib. lepieseutliipr the -Municipal pague, nrsued against the motion to uash. Judge Kelly took the papets. John Pi fiPiagg ami Major Wan on ippcnred tor. and Dlstilit Attorney 'ewls against the ilemuri cr to the in. lietmenta in the Guunincy tasc. Tlio ,t tacks on the Indictments inc all of .Mr. W.iImiii occupied twn hniii-, in t Itj-iiiir for the eleeii-e. and .ihout the s.imo leiiKth of time w.i-j con-uined liv Colonel .M, ii tin In -miiiiiiiIiik up for the plaintiff. .IiiiIkc Koll. i li.iih'o i'oii Miuicd iiioi e than an lioiir, and In eon . fiiiim. .I I. i. i ...i ..I. - ... i... i. .. i. .. -,.. ... . .t ..it in .ii 1,1 n nii.iiii iiir'ii the imy lotiied. Tin1 fact tli.it the case was he days in tiyinp: that mi niaii.v pioiniiipiit per .sons were uiiiniit; the vitness(.s, anil that at its 111 sl uial a eidiet of vT.OOK ia.s seemed, tnxi'tlu r with tile lively JHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allcn'3 I'oot-risi-. a pauilir. It tun luliiful, turtliifc', nrrxotu feet ami Ingiouin,- uili, jiul titintly Ukci the tln cut ol luin ami Ijiin U.S. It's tlio Krritfst couifoit Oiuoicry of tin. (C Allen's Koot-Vaso makes tlu lit or vow liw lil tuty. It U a ccitaln cuie fur .wciiIhk;. i4 nm and !iot. tired, achliiir ffcl. Tiy U loJaj. did bjr all ilructfUtj and shot' stores M iiuit ir C'f. in Ftainpv. TiIjI paiLagD 1"I i:i :. A,. . Allui b. Oliiulid, Ik Uv), .V, V. a technical diameter. Judge Kelly nlo honitl thli case. It will likely be nnnoitneeil ihlfl tnotti IttK whotlmr or not the court will rhuiI iiiIps to show uiUimi why the sowvnl indictments should not bu tiuashed. It the titles ate allowed they will come Uf for heating before the lluec Judges In Atgument com I. Coniplnlned of Trolley Company. Major Kveielt Waiien and K C. Newiomb, iiltoiney.s for the I'.oeky (lien Water company, i oinptiiltied to court Satur'clity thai the Scranton ami Northeastern Itnllioiul coinpiiiiy Is not observing Hip ptelimlnaiy Injuuetlcm leceiilly gianted to lesttnlu IL fiom enteilng upon the lands or the water conipiiny at .Mooslc. An nllldavlt from Miss Aunctle lle.i jmlds, trcastiter of the water coiiipauy, wa piesented, In which It was set foi tli that while the railroad cumpau.N had erased the opeiatlons nt which it Was engaged when the Injunction Is sued. It has sot men at wolK changing the coinse of (iieen Ittlll, the stteillil limning tlnoiigli the land ami which Is to supply the lesenolr the water com pany coiitemplaies building on the land over which the two companies ate at win. Judge Caippntor. befote whom the rime l.s pending, deellned to make any futtber order until he has heaid fiom the other side. lie. however, gianted a motion to In clude as defendants all the inmpanles allied with the Sernnlon and North eiixlein couiiauy. Thee me the Tr.m ll Coutiiiet company, the Lai kaw. mini and Wyoming Valley Itapld Transit miupaiiy, Council I'uik and Speedway Sheet Hallway c iiiupnii, , Wllkes-ltai ic Sheet Hallway poinpan.v, and the ivn tial Valley linllioad company. Couit House News Notes. In tie- .sliindei case of Mis. (iabilella 'roius against Simon Narii"ha.s, the Jury on S.itnidiiy letuined a veidlet of $1 In I.imii nf the plaintiff. A tide lor a. new tlial was gianted Sattiiclay in the case of Charles Lew In against t ho o.veutois of the P.iull es tate. In which a veidlcl nf $l.;.ni) fur the plalnlilT was leiuined last Thursday. Arguments aie in be heaid this morning In the mauiliiinu.s pioeeedlngs biought b. tin "additional" coinnimi cotini llnien to senile llielr seats. K. City Solklttn A A. Vosbuig icpi esents the i l.iiiu, mis. n'Milen . Mm tin uie counsel fur the lespnuilems , INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Piebent Condition of the Anthrncite Coal Trade The D., L. & W. Bonul for Today. Lveiythl'ig at plesenl iiiluati-l Unit this is in be an unusually good May for the hmd coal trade. Demand holds up well, the mines aie busy and coal is .selling stilutly at -May figures. Lai go jobbers who in past .MMl.s liae helped ouf piodllceis ale liu lined tn grumble, not without rea son, al the coimiumty of interest' idea, le-ding that it is showing little legaid loi foinier t'.nois given, and is uiit inclined tn dSsci iminale lie twien the man with eaMi In hand and the little dealer w ho pas when be i.in. I'oubtless the poweis now in eontiol or the dale aim at ultimately doing away with the middleman a Tar a.s possible. Mow lnr they will be Mice e.shil temalns to be i-ppii. Xo sweeping i hanger, aie to be epectetl far a long tinJe. Th new gaaded sjstem or disfounts iioi.i one si liedulu or pi ices, bowevei, i going to be given a thoiough ttlal, and no one need epei t any lneak in pi Ices this ear Tl.ule in the west is nnt ery ae tie. HiiMiig at the head nf (lie lakes is light. In 'lilcasn teiiltoiy letall Hade Is slack, with waini .weather at luind. but doaleis aie lalng in supplies and their demands aie olien very urgent. Along the lower lakes dealer aie eeit mine nn.ious, ami the oliime ot mders recehed from this teiiitorj Is unusually lnisk Tor this .seas-nn nml many concerns tlnd ll Impossible to get all the cnal at May pi lees that they can dispose of. Consiwl.se shipments aie lilmleieil liv poor essni supply. Deinand at points beyond Cape Cod Is good, while ie pplpt.s are much beyond those to the corresponding date in ItiOO. Theie aie occasional labor tumbles at the lolllei les. but the mines are working mile h moie actively than usual at this season, and theie Is no piospect or any geueial stoppage of woili this year. The May pikes tnr tiee-buinlng white a-di r. o, b. New Voile haibor ports aie- nioken, $'i,tiO, egg, ?f! S": nut and s'ove. l,ID. nnglneerhlB and Mining .louiual. Stiiko at South Mill. riliein of tl Inder men employed at the South sieel mill ot the Lacka wanna lion and Steel company went on st t Ike Saturday, ami thus liilug the niimboi of sti iking company emplo,e up to the li in id i ci I mink, ilie iiiacliin-ists-, tiiPiueii and lihipksmiths nil being out, The cinder men ask Iwo mole men nu each shilt and a raise In wages of fiom $i,:!7 to $l.."i pei day. other men weie yesleiday rtpnrlecl by Supeiln temlent ll.ii liaid to have taken the Milking clndei nieii's plaits. D., L. & W, Bomd for Todny. rollowlns Is the make-up of the O., L. & W. Iiimi ii for today, s ), ,ll Wild (.!(- I'.mt- s p. in., W. .1 Mtu.it i ; V) p 111 , I M II illi l; II ' in . I' I jm Win nu r. MilSIIW, m '-'7. Wild tuts I'uii-IJ.ti) .i. in, .1. Ilni Kl. .ul; I .I in. I. .I. I titli-llu, ,'i a, in, M. I'liou 1 1. 4 IH I. in, W'. ,. UiilholiMiU'w; ,i. in, .1, W, Hi im ; I i in., M. s,,i,. c, iijiiiiiiiiiiiio.'s nun; I p in, (. . ruciubl; i i. in., I.uii, lull) ; U p in,, M, llfildui. MimniiU, l.tc li a. in., Hit, .l.i. I 'a 1 1 1 v -: ') .1 in., iM.-l. li. riinniiill.ii i il n. m , i.i.i, .1 IUiiiiU.ni. ii p. in.. im, W , .Silliol.; T p. in. ia.1 .N.i J iigr, K. MiMll.lu; 7 p in , ui.t lioni (.i.iiii, Mtl.nit'i 7 p In., i-l (i. .hi I ii iicj, 'fliciniiiiii. Piillciii 10 J. in., I' I s.i m. INithnr-S j. in, lloiinti; In j m , s. in,, ntMl.i, II. ia J. in, Nloi.in; 7 p. in, Muipln, U p in., Lanipiiik. tn 1 1. in , Wiilncif I'.um iijoi Knuliit1;- 7 .i in, lijltiii.i ; 7 .1 in, sin,'fi. "i.'IO p. in , MjiiIiiii, 7 . in., Mjjumiii, Wild ('Jtiifit J. in., I. (Iilnyjii; ii a in T. ! ll.ililiifiii; 41 .1. M, Ciunndji 1 . in, I'lJlik Wall; .'. in,, II ltjii.lol.li; .. in., .1 liinloj, li p. in, ,1. A. Uu-lij ; p. in, I, T. sLjplej, MI1K i: llutriiun ii hull ii'poiti lui duly uilli (. d uiur N .ills This and That. National Roan Jlember Kiederifk Ullcher, of fio t'nited Mine Winkers of Ameilca. is expected to letuiu to this city tcday ot tomtisow. GRAVES OP THE HONORED DEAD WILL BE DECORATED BY THE SURVIVING COMRADES. Names of the Men Who Served Their Country Whoso Remnlns Lie In the Cemeteries of This City nnd Its Vicinity The Memoilnl Day Com mittee of the Local Posts Will Meet Tomorrow Night to Complete Ar langements Pntndo on Memoilnl Day nnd the Pnittclpnnts. The giau's which will be decoiated this ,enr b. the tnelliboiH of the iraild At my or the ltepubllc posts on Memoilnl Day are far more numer ous than In past ypins, as since the last obsciwincp of the day many nu aged soldier has gone to Join thei comrades who h- either left on the llelds of (!jttysburg, Alitletam, or other scenes or the gieal battles ot the r.ebolllon, r who have slijei parsed awnv in pence and quiet. The disbanding of Mnrcy post, at Mooulc, bus mm envoi entailed upon the meinbeis of Kzia C.illlln and Colo nel Monies posts Hie duty of attending- tn the giavs in sevcial other than 'the local c-einptprles. The com plete llt or dead lollows. rnnl Illll ( Hindu - W.llllli' W Xlllin. l.iitliir Mill i li Itsiini- lli ti. I'ctir Mien, (inn' ili.nl) llilinil. I W, lliiiii'J. ,'iiiip llJiitmin ii. I tin V Pi i mi i. llin.Mii I! uklr, .Icimnc P. Hum i, I I. Ilinulitnii, Inn k I). U".Mi. .hnip IIi.iiMi.i. Idw.inl .1 lli.nl. (iceittc W. Hliuslor. lii'iixc llinvMi. Williiim I, lluiliiuiu. I lent llurui s. Mn mi Iliinilnr. .Inlm lliitiil-li, I', i.ih (..tpiiilir, IMiun II. C.iilll. .li-"-!- ('loud, lull, 0. I 'oil In. Mliim (.' Connor, Itiili.ird Ciidl,, lel'ii Diniliiinliir. Punt .1. PivIj, Williim tiil.or. I. W tl.iniK Wiuit Dislei, s.iinucl M. linn. .Ii.liu lliukien. I'l.tnk l'nln. .linn I'.id-n-ii. c rnilioi, .Inlm I'uulknci. William .1. I'niti, Wn-liumli'ii 1'rilili', Diinil s (iinlnu, W lb nu P. (..Id .mil. i:uiiiii' P. Cogililih. I W (iiiii.it, .Inlm P. .ii, IMrr nionun. Hi'. P. II l.iiliel., (hill s W. IlilloiK, 1'iicl li. Ilm ki.v, .Inlm (! II li I, nm, Cinigc- .Inlm llidii"-. f.'iniLi- Hi mi, .ln-i',.li.ll llrld, siinuil W llidlu, V illi.it t IIi-imI. I-.iii II lit i iiti im. (IiiiIim I.. llimkliM, .l.iK.li Unit-, ilini b. limn, I. s- (. Ilnlll I'dliillliil llopMII-. 'Miclnol llnu-ll. .Inllll IIiiupII. MiiIiii s- llmin, Ihaunir lliuliolioinn, llijili lliiiil-m in. Ili nj in. in .1. .Inui-. .1 M kinpp, Willi mi liillnw, M.llhiis Knoldo. I' I- ImiIi, Willi iiii lailiiMliow, Willl.-nn I mini, linns .1 Mi.Miick, .Inlm Mini. Siinuel Miner, III P (' Mm ciii. Id ul" n Mm in. 'IhnniH Mm lis, I'nilc Iiuni-, s it Mum In, llriu.i Mull, lit mi Miillni. ( linlcs Mullii. .Inlm uin. llmi M imiMiiuor, I'.IMu . Nrrilli ni', II. inn. I s. Nril.ill, .inlm I! Noilio-, Williim P. C'iKoi. Pi ink Or. li int. Ilenit I'i nu..n ki i. Ituli- .11. 1 s. Pun, Hi nr PiN-'imo. .Inlm I -mi. Iil.'ir I' P.i.l I.ih PhimII, .1. . I'i in, .Inlm P I. no. .Iimpli . lliiguu, .Insopll Hie li itd-uli, l. Hiilccw.n, .Inlm Ho.uini, .1 lint s suikk, Willi mi II. s, ,,, i-iiimiiiil .. Mvloy, .Inlui s(.. wad. I rnnk I s,.taii, s,it,,,r sliindn-. Wit. li.ini siNIno, 'IIiuiih II. Sui.p-.iii, l.ilnn slniuin, .l.inii s Smilli. .Inlm I) snnih, ,lu...iu I. Smitli, 'llioinii l! smilli, I bull s. -iiomi, .Inlm snni iii.i. .1. s spmurnlii iir, ln-i pli W. si ininn, i Inili.s K. sM, ,,,m (. si,,!.,,. nilir ( V. stetle, llillmi V T.nlni, Hnli.iid II. 'Inlm. Ilnl.iii- 'I'liuplrlnn, Willi nil Ihililnl, llllid I.. 'Ilmiiip.nn, .1 mios b. 'I'mliill. Ili'iin riniiu. In II II. lliiniip, lr.i Tripp, Idinii It, W nil, .lu-i-pli Piuui.' W'.illii, lliniv W lrd, tr.inlc W W il-nn, ri.dciiik Wiidiil. llPi.ii cU Inlm W WpMi, .Inlm I' Willi iiii-, Au-liii W i lion. "1111110I P. Wlilll.ikir, sminirl Wli.gii!. Mil" -I. Wll-mi, l iki r Xiniinuui.ui, Im.i unknown, (' W I'.iulk ini, .Inlm Hum, I.. wis l! W lib mis lll.uli.il. inold, AniO". lloru, lluilc- HinUintn, K W. Iln-kni., ('. V. Piilkcnlmn. Jii-ipli II. Kiiiislit. s I. I'll 1 1 1 ip-. (hlllr Itel.llivui. ('niii.nl sl.mli .Inlm s. sk,., ilurunili st mi,, , ,l.im simri,. T r sihuii, .Inlm II s,, np. I,, pinlip Mntri, lii'im Wliulri, i: i P. W-.lpliill. Hulii, Wuic lirike, .Inlm llrnn Diiiiiiinic Pinlcst ml -Ki'ii P. Mlnulit, I'l.mk I' Aiii.iIpii, ('. M iilpin hi. OIhiIi.iIi Viimld, wAU-t ll.ll'.-t. Mltllil.l. M. H 1 1 , 111, Willi nil ll.i.ili'V, Williim llifiku, lluid M. Ilislmp. Wil li 1111 I' Mlns.. l-i 11 Hi nil, tlu-l.i p. llinuii, ,r. llui.iliill. Will 1.1 111 II I'liliu.-, .I..I11 I'licnil.iiliiii, llnlml lnki s,ld,ni s ( ,,. luiuli, l.ton.e'M (n111.cn. I)i. , Hoi.. .1 mm P. kin. Ileinv W. IV1I11. Willi 1111 II. Ilnlpli, llu.'li l. 11111. 'Ih. Iliuii-i: D.j-c. r. Piuiil II. II1111111111-, t rnnk Pulliii. .Inlui I uld. n, liuli . r.itliu. IM11 I'l.mk, Ui-uii (.1. 1I1. 1111. .luini'. I . iti.ill.iu, I.1.1 . i.intiii. 1 luilis ll.i.kni, li, nm. Hoik, slmiu llnh'i -miiiiii I II lbiiikhy, Ihdinis .luikiis, (in. hdiiiin limy. .Inlm ('. KI11 klu.lMir Kipl-ih, W1II1.1111 l.i I 1 iikp, (.' P. I..I Hni NpI-dii I.i Itn.i, "1 Iiimi is P I.PHI, I'miili I ln,Ml, Thmiiis ll l.lmil, I'I ink loiij, .1. W .M11.I1.1II, pi (i. W. Mii.ir, sihbiii Mi. In., (I111I1.. A. MiilPit Wlllnui s, .Molut, 1 us W. MIIIpi, lMw.iid s. Miiltdt. ilnl,lni. Monii, Willi mi N. Muiiiis It, ul.. ti Mowhi', l.ioinn IIiI.Ipi, I 1 ill (. I'.I.MIC, I'lllk'lilk I'll k, llol.lt 10 It I'll 11.'. I, I) I'iWim, Aimii.i Prpsspl, (.ul ltifhtn. Chillis lliil.euit. (hull's II, ItiiU'piM, .Inlm II. Itnliui (.li, (! W. sanip.0, 'iiioniis I", S,,Mj, ( 1, siwiii, I O, s)u, Mureiu P, smitd, Simon P. siiulu .1 11 spuidr, llll, Mmt, I. up .in llu.kiik, III-. I s Wn,,.. W P WjiI,., W I'. Wlllli., I.inlii W. Wild. 1. lit nige I. Wlbnll, Pr. IMir ttliilc-r, K b. WnH, l.nuis It Wil.-lu. IIiii1m.ii mili,', WllliJiii Riniiu, 11 I' 'llilinil 111.111, Will Miry, .1, W illi nil lie, I'd.'.ir OiMU-, .1 lilies .ni(lili', .liiliiii W'lllnu, (Iioip I'jiIiii, I huii'ir li.nh, lluin P. Niliutnii, (.pun,!' I'm lift, Allni Spiiuip, Mu 1111 Win P.ike, 1 .it lit ilr.il ( 1 incur .Inlm .iulun, Pivlil (' ll.n rv, I'i ill. Ih V. Ili'.iuil.h, .Inlui llii;lni. W1II1.1111 l lliuki', .Inlui ( lib.', II, nu I. inn, 111, AII111 l.i-.uh. Mil lui I r.i..nl,, P.iuiiU (.is.hb, .I..I111 Cluuihill, .Inlm (I11I.1, I'miii 1. I idllus .Inl.n ('mint II, P.itiiik Ciiiii.i, .1 iihp. Cmlii'ti, Mlili.nd Cmlklii. .Inlm D1I111, ,1.11111s ll.iut.liu, I'.iln. I. liner., .Inlui l.ilh'ii, Pitiiik l'.uli', I.iIm.iiiI I'll, li-, .Inlm I'iniii'ii, II11I1111I It, riiuild, .1.111111, I'l.MUl, .Inlm l'i, 'Ilium 1. I'm, I hull's I'iiiim, I'.nrvl (iiiiuoii, I li.ulu li.illmhu, P.itink HOT Plll'i', .loi 111 (illi III, Alltlmlil li'illfspip, I.iIhji.I (li.ilulll. I'.ltlllk Illk'Utl, 'llinuii- llllli.-nli, III 1, s, I l.ittni 111, I'.innk llnii-li'li Kihuiil Km liik, .Inlui lillh, .Inlui KMI11, II. linn Killi'i, I tint s hi llpy Ul., .lames hello 'Jd., John Killpy, lu-ipll Kuluii, Midi tol I.poiuiiI, .Inlui Inih, D him 1 I.uud, l'.itihk l.iiimt, Willljiii Mil n.i, .Inlm Mi N illy, .l.nmvi McTiitln', llulicit M.iill, M.iltln'M Muoii', I.411111111' MniKin, Micluil Mul-I.1111'-, .Inlui Mullliki, 'Ilium is M11III11, HiiL'li Mini i, .Mlilmid II M1111.11, .Inlm Ni'lll., MIiIiji) Si Lull, I'.iuiik (I'I uiiiini, I'liu mi. O'p.nini II, .Inlui d'Mdli l.i, .Inlm I) MjIIi.i '.'.I, Slicli.nl lI'Nul, Ibi'.-li i;uiiu:jli, Pi tu I' lllili.nds .I0I111 Itoaih, ili'iiiulali 11 111. .linn, s, jii,i,i, t i nits D'Mlll.l, I'.llli. k (l..ll.ll.liir, I li.ul,.. In. e. Midi 'I n '! II, 1'ilw.iid sinfiiu, inlm simldaii, Mn tin smlih, Philip II,, i j. I', in lilinhl,.. Ml. li .ll ll'll,l, Inllll llllillll, Hl.,111 1. I l.llkl , COUIinll . U.i.l, Ijuiii sunt 1 1 1111 in i lulni Mlm, limn I MIkuuiI. WillMiii llii.jliuiiii, .Insipli IIijmi, Mlih.nl llr.iw is Illll, I '. Ilm lui. Aiinm II, lie, lohu ItliMlinu, I.. P. Itniuki, I .111 ill it rt Hiohii, Willi nil ll.ili. .Inlm lluwin, 111 1111 ( Cji , .Inlui ilipp,ll, Wi'lhm Clin,., W I Ilium I'lillum, Itoliu II, ('ink, Williiim . (uir.i, but IIiii.Ili, ll.iid )iii, .lulin Pi, ic, Jul. P.11U, lolui II. Duij., John I. Dim . Itip.o II. Pun, 'I I, us )iw., llinii. I' iil, W1II1.1111 Puis, Jul, 11 llu.li', I'i It 1 Dm h, Willi 1111 (i I.jiIii, Mhn( II l.i in., Juki. I un Ul , .Inl.n l.i.in, -J.A , Wil lijin M 1'i.iL.i, .i-uii It 1 11 1 hi, I iiiuuil (.tu l.iln.ii.l I., liuii., (..i. li liu 111, Tlmni.H 1,'ul lln. Iliild liiiflitlis, .Ijiuts iniinihi, I lijilf. IIj.I- I 1, Wlllijlll llnllci. Hi, haul Hill, l.'ct,l. II mi.. Willl.iiii lloni.i. (uiiijil llllduhi.ind, Mitu H lliihl.,. lluu't II11.I1. .. Hold ll 1 1 ilnl, .lulu, .1.1111,'.., Linn .liiikim, Ulllijin , Irnkini, siui lltd John. II, lid M Joins, Jjints Joiiik, I.iuii .hints, Inlui Ki nu 11, 1yn1 hrjiuir, .Inlm l.lii.b j.i, II, njjniin .l.i-t holl. u,'ii. M.iil.nili, riddle Millti, sjinui'l Millci, Dtiid (loiKJii, .sjuiikI II. Morn J 11, Williim I., Miii,mii, lltlili Muiinw, liim.t! Niiiiijn, PjiiIuhIi Stuinii, .Inlm Duui. I jiu. . Piie. II. 1111 Pit km-, in 1111 1'iiilti. Itoli tit M 1'iiUII. Mi'ijudu pjillllps, .Umii. Plnpps. ltd 11 Piiutll, W W. I'tAM'li, Tlmiius I'i lie. llllid ItocM'. Mu..,uk Hirst-. Willi mi p,.i', WilliJiu M lit t-i. 'Ilioin.is llubiil., llniil T Sjllfnul, Allit'il .sh.ilu, lUNi't skcllintti. Illiluul . Mnllli, llimy siij.lu-, I njiii.s sVlnl(llli It.in-uni 'lliouuo, WillLui M. 'llitiiiu, vUiin.ii ju Cjnip, .1. llnriK Mulktr, ItJMrt ". Wpllmin, tint Id n Wlltl.im., I.IHs It Wlllhnn, WIlllJHi .I. WlllliuiK, SjiuiipI Siul.Al.rmii l'iiiiuin., .lo-lnu It. 1lioini, .Ijnirn (.Ininlirr'. Itiiniuorp Cilliollr Williim lllitllti. Inltii C.unp IjpII, .lolm I'nnnll. .Inlm Cousin', Mhlin'l (Vti rn. Mllll.iiit CimiilimliJiii, IV trr Dnljn, Patrick linntiplh, Patrick (laliiitju, Julm (till, IMIriik. Hut, Pitpr ll.ili, .Inlm I.Hicai. .Inlm 1 ,1 lull, .Inlui J. Mi, .Inlm M. Mlimlcli, 'II10111.11 li Sri iIipw. .linn, .MiIIiiIp. Wllthin Mi IMIp, .lolm O'dl.iilf, Oiifti (I'IIoiIp. Ilinrj siipii, .Ijiiipi Slrinui, 11,11,1,1 To.i, MIiImpI WpMi IV., ll(i ncl WrUli -M , I. trr Ui'Mi, .lolm IIohip-, I'd- I Irk Krlli, Prink M lull, HiiiIpI I I'm. John I jiir.iii. .Ml ('.it 101 1 Citliohi Martin U Union', Plilllp Sllllll.lli. drllllii CuiipI pi-In,. pli tlullor, IM l. Wpt fall, .lolm V.iiieIiiii. Noli .stnicli CpiiicIpi AtximiilrlJi on Stoitli ti llAnnrll1 LVmctpr' HoIimI M, I .ui-.v, A-a IipI II111I1N, Uoltfllul hlidlli -lunrs Herd.?, IM miii'iI Smith. IVIrislnirif Piolp-taiil -IiipiIi I'arlur, I'ipiI tl (llrliliinili, Philip II.11I111111. Mihola Miliar. John N tiiiplilrr, Williim Mi'lni", I'lPd 'lurfrl, Pili'i' Waitiiu, I'i id Wiltntaid. IVtprlmrB Cillirlli Alhirt llml, prxpn I'iir--IIiip. .lolm Miitliipi Pltf-loti piiiip llirilicbniPH- (IipiIIpIii. Cbai !ri Mtrkcr, l.inpolil s(pn, t'luistlin Itnhllut 11, (Inrlis Kiliinll, rlntliM I. it, (hiltlaii HolT man. Paul lln, Wllliiin Hmltki', .hicoh (IiI.Ip, ( hirhs Itiiitm.iii, .luuti s,,nnu,., John Ito-rn, Lew Is Viiiiiiir, ( 'lui P. Midlkk. I'rid Miiioiih si. Mai' Catliolh lolm l.mkio, l'rlilidlii Itrlik, Ci.pu- Sch iff, MitlliliH s.lmiltliM, Jauli Hipil, I'rid Srnninilu. Mm (Viniici.i, lliiik ilniri h .lamest (iiipn, Ki.ink .1. Hooiip, CI1.11I0 Kiani, .Inlm lne, 'llien. time Smith, .lumen It. Wood. Williim S. liilpi, l.eii II, IlneiM, William I'. Tidd, In nlii, Snliul.i. aniliii.pi, .Inlm nn l.oi.ui.lpr, .loscpli IomiiiiIi'i, William Ail.nn-. Solomon ("ul mi. Ilpiu.r llui(liniprk, l.iorKP llinnclt, I.il.au Id mint, siinini Up,.t ( h.nlps MiCi.nkiM, I) 11 III l)lll, CtOiKf I 'loop, (lilllos l III m Zi'phmiali Kiupp, I'udeilik Itree?i't, David Coii'.v, Mimvii (!. Mllliiran, Urntge Wutr, llrnry ( .llnphell, John If. Liinndpn. .Inlm DIII-. Snitii'i'i Ihlslrad. 1'irdulck Adam-. I) II I.S1I01. .n-v,'i Kniii. .1. II. II.1IMP.I, Williim II.iM'phI, llr, W llilinil llarnei, (,','uruf Illll, LpoiiiiiI Itic.eikir, no 11 11110 (mar Coo. Hilt), Krllli. Wil 1 in IIollenli.nk, I.Hil .lolm t-. Mini, lleni min I)ni, ( liarles Millu, tleoigp Hall, Henry Lamp, nun. J.iiim - Kilnipi, Aaron Onn. .lo-cpli llrin.pr, (ieoipo hlltner. IMntiul llutihiin, Janin loin Union. Djnirl fm IN. Miliook.i ( V mi lei Miiliat 1 hlilm, 1 horn i-t llieninn. Paliiik Cnnnelli, TI10111 u II0I1t.11. John J. I Ion ley. I.iiijji Hflo (enieleii, ioi 1 Itni Pldllipt, Cenrite Juliiisiiii, Janus (', .Moe, Wil. son. (. Mit' fVnictpn. iin 1 -ntliuni I.nlci. Meatiiir Doak. (lid Ceniidiry, Til loi Naif Jiniet, .iiIpi ... h'tbick, John Piii,., Itiiiillont sp.,m, clnrl,, luilei. IIpiijiiiiIii Paid, J. M. slmuri iku, Inlm Ii'ur. Wallor I'i In.. Julm Kohlei Poirst llmiip (uni tin. Tatlm Willi 1111 Pins ser. 'Ihniuis .lame., I.ol lt unkiimin. The Aremorial Day coiumitlee nf 1:7.1.1 (Itiflln and Colonel Monies posts, C.iand Aimv of Hip llepubllc will nuot tomoiiow night ami complete ur langpinpnts for the observance of .Memorial Da v. S. II. Molt, of K.: (Jrilllti post, who Is chairman of the committee, i.s also marshal of the par ade, and will probably appoint his aides and draw np (he line or match today or tomorrow. The pi nech'sioii will have a' civic division. In which Uccorder .Inmes Moir, Couti oiler Ksdras TTowell, Tioasurpr T:. .1. Itoblnson and other city oinclats will bo 'soon, a w as a large number or the county ofTI-cpi-s. The Thirtpenth regimenl. Camp Xo. S. Patilotie Older Sons of AniPrl c.i, and the Spauish-AmeilL'an U'ai Veteians. will piobabty form the mill ti y division, and the young soldleis or Xo. "7 school are expected to make up the thud component in the for mation. Services at all the local ppinptoiles will be conducted as In P'evious eais jiiui in iiddllloii the proper ob.spivnnep or the day will In completed by the local veterans at Avium, Taylor and Alinook.i ceinp leiiest. on ni 1 ount or the disbanding or Marry post. A Memoiial Day entei taiinnent will be given in the ("iiand Aimv or the nepublic Memoilnl building at s o'clock Tliuisday evening. An ex cellent piogianinip lias lieen ariangpil. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delawaie, Lackawanna nnd Western In KlTcct Dec. 2. 1000. South -Lc 111 Siranlon for .Neil Voik at I 10, HOt) 5W). SOD and 10 Oj a in.; 12 3,, J.-Jj p m For Plilladplplna nt S.OO and 10 0', a. m.; 1 ',-,-, and il.ai p. 111 Tor Stioudsburg at 0.10 p. in Milk acioiuniotl.ition at f! W p m. Viriip .it lloliokm at d.IO. 7.H, 10'JS, 12 IK. ft 10, II", 7.11 p. in. Arrhc- at Pliilidclphla at l.Oti, ; ) 0 00 and H.12 l m. Anile fiom Ntn Vo, ,,t 1.10, 6 3.! and 10.2J 1. in ; 1.00, 1.-,.', ft n, c,-( and ll.;u p ni 1 10111 iHiuuu-uun; al S.Oj a m. Vorlli I pup '-. laiiton for lluflalo and int,r. niedliti- Matliiii- "I 1,15, 0 .!5 and .0 00 j. n, ; 1.5.1, 5.43 and 11..I3 p. in I'm Oniego .,n, SuatiiM al 0 a a. ni. and 1.15 p. ni I ,u llliia at 1 10 a 111 nnd 1.11 p. 111. p,,, j;n tio-c at O.cJ a in, 1.05 anil 5 IS p. m pu, .MchoNoi- al 1 IHJ and 0.11 p. 111 rr HinK lii.mtuii at 10.20 a in. Airne 111 Ssraiiton from Dun do it 1.2 1. 2 51. .l. and 10 no a m ; Ji) and t0l p. in I loui O-h.-ko and .s.raciisi. at '2 65 a. in ; 1--' intl i-.O.) 111 J 0r itl( , al -2.55 a 111. 12 and '!.0 p. m, ,, Xliliolson nt 7,50 1. in antl t. no p , -,,., Mont'ovp it K'.u'i a. in 1 .'1.20 and s.nrj p. m lllcioiiiiliun: nili.lnii l.paie s unim, tr NuilliiiiuliriUiitl, .11 a Pi. 11 a. m, i,y, ,,, BOO p. 111. for Plymouth at 1.05, s.io, ,s.-,o p in I'm KliiK-lon at 8.10 a. m. xrrw lt Nortliunilierland at .:," a. in.; l.ln, .100 anil S.n p 111. Airbc al KiiiK-ton at 8 52 a. m. .rrln at I'lMiioutli at '2 00. I.V2. ",C p. in. .vuli,, hi Siuntnn from Northunilicrliiid at 0 (2 a. 111 ; 12.25, 4.50 and S. II I' m I'lom Kiiision at 11. a) a. 111. I'miii Pliiuoiith it ;,51 a 111., ,'.2i) and C uj p. 111, st NIMV THAIS'! South-I.PHU- s, rinton at 1.40, ,Kit-, .151), mv, p, in.-, .i,'u: and .'..Id l in N'orth Lean- Soiantnii at 115. 11 -,j j, w,. 1..1.1, B. Is and I lull p, in. Illoonisbini: l)il-ion l.ric Smnton at luoj a, 111. and 5 50 p, 111. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In P.tfrU Manh . 1 101. For riilUilrlpliii mid M-w York ila P. A 11 It It., at HI.', and 11,55 a m,, ard 2.IS, 127 (lllaik lliamond Kiptfss), aril 11 0 p. in. un. da)B, I). iV II. II. II . 1.5 S.27 p. 111 I'or White llaicn, Ihiliton nnd principal polnu in th coal IirIous via P. tc 11. It. II, (, Ij, 2 IS and 1.27 p. ni. I'm IVtl-sillh-, 4,27 p. 111, Tor llctlilelicin, Uasd 11, Itc-adlni,-, arriliiiiK and principal intermedial!: station. h ll, w It, It., 0.43, 11.55 a. in.; 2.1b. 4,27 (lll.it k IJ 1. luonit Cxprm), 11 t,l) p. in. bundais, I). ,, , II, It,, I. is. S.27 p. in. I'or Tuiikliaunock, Tira.inila. Plmli.i, Illi 11 j, fioni'ia and princlpit iuti'nncillito slutloin. 1 1 P., b. 1 W 11. II., f.OS a in ; 1 05 and 2 HI p. ill, I'or Gcnei3, Iloilie.ler. lluflalo, S'lagau l'alb, Chliago and all point i.l, via I) .(. , II II 1155 a. in., .l.il (lllark lliamond Pxpii'-i), 7. IS, 10 41, U.10 p m. Minda, ll, A. II It. It, 11.51. 8.27 p m . , Pullman parloi and tlrrpine "r l.fl I2I1 Vail", pjilois diti on all tiaiim Mui-en Wilkevllarn and Sen Voik, Phlladclnhia, H1.1i.1h, and mi, pension llrilur ItOl.l.lN II WII.I1I It, Otn Mint, 23 Cmilanl btni't, N( Vuk CIIAItl.l'.S S l.l'i:. (Jin I'isi Ail , 2(1 UurtUml klritl, N'ew oik, A W. .NOSNKMU'IIMI, lln. i'an. Ast., S. nth Pclldduiii. Pa I'or titki'ts and Pullman if.rrwlions appl to 20-1 backaiiaiina avenii.1, Mranton, Pa. ,Cental Ralhontl of New Jersey. button in New ioil-luut of l.iln-iii uee!. N. II , and si)iilli IViij. 'IIMK TAIII.i: IS l.l'l .l I' 11 A V IK. J'hiI. Iiaiui leaie biunlou foi Sen mU, Nenaik, niUalnlh. 1'ldladilphia, I jiuhi, lleihlelieiu, VI ImtOHii, llauili I lunik diiil Mluic Hum. it S..V a. in : cxpUM. 110. I'vpii-sr, 100 p. 111 Kin da, 2.15 p. in I'm- Piltolou and Wllkfj-Iluif, 11 a. 111 ; 1 in and 4 (KI p 111. Nlinljis, 2.1 1 !' in. I'm llalliinou- and W'aihlu.'toii and poind Suiitli nml Witt )ia Ili-llile'iiin. S.5J a. 111 , i) and I p. 111. Minda. 2.1 1 p. in. I'm Imiie liiaiith, Oteaii (lion-, iif, at s -,-, a 111. and l.lu l. ui. I'or Itoadlii.'. Itliiuon and llaril..luiy, iU Al. linluwn, S.55 1 ni and I 10 p 111 ftnidji, 2 15 p. 111. I'or PolUillte, 8 51 a. w , 1.10 p. 111. lui- ilounliln Pail, S V, a, 111, 1. 10 and 4 11) p. 111. 'lluouuh tkkcti lo all points rail, loulh and iMt at loui'.l rale at the slut ion. II. P. II turn IN. den. Pass Ant. J. 11. OUIAUSEN, (Jin. supt. UAiViAii0Mi I C.EL I M 5 PPPp Noolmrgo forl'iilnlcji Kxtracl- CnCC- J VL-'1-' Iiib When Otlier Work l-inonu. r,Kncl C We give 11 written Rtiiiritntec I'or i!0 vetus 011 till work. Q. T2 'I lie faet that this Is an Incorporated Comptiuy doing Intsl- S lies-; under the laws of this Statu, antl opeiutliiK ( ivnteni of O C SWolllees, is a siilllelent gttiuaiiteu of otir ii'snotisllillitv and 7 TS I but Uct lln Itvnrllv .it Nh AiIumpIU,. - -a ouys, iu to 1 The White pasteboard box, and the In-er-seal Patent Package. There is a great difference between biscuit packed in a common pasteboard box and those protected by the In-er-seal Patent Package. No one could patent a pasteboard box. The Iner-seal Package is patented because it is air tight, dust resisting, moisture and germ proof. Crackers, biscuit and wafers packed in the In-er-seal Pat ent Package are absolutely protected. Their flavor and crisp ness are fully preserved before and after you get them. Be sure the In-er-seal Trade mark design is on the end of the package, and you can't make any mistake. The following goods are now to be had in the In-er-seal Patent Package: Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal, and Saltine Biscuit; Banquet and Vanilla Waf en; Ginger Snaps, and Sultana Fruit. Insist on getting them in the In-er-seal Patent Package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedulo in Effect Match 17, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, foi Sunhuiy, Hnnisburg, Philadelphia, Balti 1x101 e, Washington and for Pittb buig and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsbmg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.5S p. in.,) foi Sunbury, Hams burg, Philadelphia. Baltimoie, Washington and Pittsbuig and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m., week days, tor Sunbuiy, Hazleton, Pottsville, Hauisbuig, Philadelphia and Pittsbuig. .1 it. urn iun-.-ov, ccn m,t. .), 11 WOOD, (Jin. P.- Ast. Delawaie and Hudson. In l.llnl Mn- I1'. l'i TiaiiH loi 1'ail'omlale Iran- hcianlnii ,a ti y sin,. ;.!, II' li ' " I-'."". I -'". -'II. I j! ci, I,'.';, : ". ' 11. 11 1 1 1. 111 , 1 ii, ,, ,, I'oi Holies' ilc-"s.-u 10 1.. a, in ; ln, 0 ,,t V''o U il'si - I' nu l' 15, 7.I-, -.11, is, , 11 ;., n in ; I.-', "h! ""'" ' -' u''u." is, iu 11,' 11.. 0 p. in- . I'm I.. " P Milt-. 0. 1 . 11.05 a in. !, 4.-J7 ami 11. I'- ,' foi I'liiii-jhaiila It. It. puihu i, j, t,5 , in.: S.H ami '-?.' '"' , , , I'm .Mliaii am' ' P0'"'- ii(nlli-(, 'u a. m. anil ,1.5-! V '" ami ..-. i H.N)Av TltMN ir I aiboiiilalo UWJ. II..Ju a. in; t ;)-,; 5 7 111 a- p. HI. "fi'ii Wilkii-llario -l"'i ll-'-'l ' m i I IS, I',, ii '; 'J7 p. "' "i'ni Uliinj awl 1'iiiiit-. iioilli -l.1 . m foi Uiiih-mIiU "I"' ' ' -H"1 ''- i in luiw-i iatc to all ponils In L'niiul sut, i nml L'au ida .1. II 111 IIIH l. C I' V . Ml' my, V V U . ( ItO-s, I', , .-ilmiiiuii, 'a. Eiio Raihoad, Wyoming Divi&ion, Time lalili- III I flu I spi tr, ruin Tiaim lor lliwlc-) and loi at pi'lnli-. iuiiin t. ilia; at llanlr.1 ullli Kile I lilrnad for Si-iv i V-, Si'ttlniri; nail IiitiniKill ito poiiiH, lent Stran. tun ut 7 IB i, in, and 'J .'a p in. Mains .iiihu at Hianlon at lOuil a. in ami 0.10 p. m. 3lmei Card tn ffftct Dec. HOIIi, t',100. SCRANTON DIVISION. PEISYLVANIA Wl 805 01 " Mi J t(S IN Iif I i"vti)Si I sis? 'MlSljJ- jy Z; 1 710 Ir N. 11 M l. ua HI '?t JJ P" Ul, IO0A1 1 ailuvia .t SOSLVl 11)10 2M " llaiiiuik " S JMtS 1031 3 " Sli.rlii.-lil " SIljMS lOSI 3 81 I i i-li.l. Illll " 2 311 (i 1)11 J to lMliiml 34161 . .IOC) ih IVMllll " SMS l II VI 1 1 ii Ol noil " JIJSM 01011 Is I'I. 11,1111 Ml " HWStO 0 lilll I. I liiolliliilu " ,., 3 (as SI .... .iill l lur.H I'll " 3 1JM3 .... P 8 II II '.'1 ' (urliDliilaluliI " MS2MSI1 ,...61 UI01I ' I uiIiuiiUhId "7W3 3I5SI ....BbV'JO; . ' .Ulilin llil.l,-,.. " ? ftl ,...6!U'Julll II M Hi lil Vil " I M3 41SHI 6 S31 Utillt 11 ' Ml) Hull " I 013 HE CI . GKJH1S1IIM liil'ijn " 7CI03 160 W . b il i'.'lll 01 lulilmlil " 7 IJ3 61 6 W .61') I1 10 1 1 Ul Uli, lull - ;i3M0 1? . UHHIul0t7 l',,l..lll. 7 IMS Uie ll 611. MJI'IM nlll'lul.l ' 7 1.'. lUEil . . 0 11 K (Old r I'll., I.nu " 7. Ml 1771 i ....UU9 D.-mis riiiuii i ai i In c st ... aoo t-aio 11 i'i.iimhuv i&niusi . . B03 Ullllll " I'liikl'la. , - , 1.4 171; 3: . 60C UiOli) ml 4 -i-ianluli Al f l'ij lit, 33 PM IV lit PM ft .liljilloi-ll trsluitriiii ( rU,nil'li for Initvlil .nl &tS iiiiiix.rit s.uij en.17 yiniu siibUb) unly brillli.c iMnilu-IJ )iril70clliiIUstil.O0iii ,(sliti.iiiltrolii lvv 1 . rintoi Bt7tTiiu SuuiJa oul it, riiiiiu ululltKin.il. 1" ( .rlniiuu'i, -.rifling st 71s pm, ud iriiii li-ain Mmiu'll uril'iur inrliuuiiiK .I0i,tu slllly, urriiiu nt I .rU.uJ.ir m i. V, . j, ItaU", ct'iit iii- mill., I.oneot Itati'K tu nil I'ciliits Vtt, , C, INDCRSON, .'(o'll.ii'r Agent. -So. ViiUitj. J C WCISM. In. Aj.nl, ocrulvu. i't. We extract teeth, till teeth, atul apply gold crowns and bridge work, with- & out the least p.iin, by n method patented and used by us only. When the Int- pressloli is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. S'. Note Our Prices for Perfect, Full Set Teeth (that fit) Oold Fillings Silver Fillings aold Crowns 1 celli without Plates 5.5.00 Cllillll R I'cctll . enc ' WH MAKK A SPKCIAI.TY or Clolil Cinwii nml ur,Be Woilt. Tills In 11 nyxlein for IliHoltlliK iiftlllclnl teeth wheio (itn m- nimc nt.. tiils-.s-liip, wllluiilt tlii tie of a plate. Tills woik ii most beau llmi nml iimnnL lie ilou-i-lccl fiom the niitniiil tcelli. AVIien piopui-lv done, wl 11 lust a llretlmy. Cull ami see us opur ate. It will be a pleasure for lis lo carefully examine your teeth 11ml toll you esnetly what your work will eoat. No eluirne lor tlil.s'. llotun, s to S. Sun- Dental Parlors Difference Thr is a jrpat difference between an ordinarv SUMMER FURNISHINGS v t n ill Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for this season, is now complete and comprises all tite new novelties in Porch Rugs Porch Curtains s Fibre 3 WILLIAriS&ncANULTY Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave. Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. a. a. .. .J. a. a. .$. a. -J. a. -J. a. .J.a j;. .j. .j. THB i!C POWDER CO. Itoonis 1 antT.M'oiu'lth B'l'a'g. BORANXON, PA, nininp; and Blasting POWDER UfiUkl llootlound HihoIbU Worm. LAPLIN ft RAND I'OWDBR CO, '3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Hfotrlo Buttsrloi. KleotrloKiplodtri, zplodliii: bliti, safety fun 11 1 1 Repauno Chemical Co.'s cxiSvcb FaiHure ill Illi; is mure nfti-n line ti)cnli.iu-ttil 11c re force II1.111 tn Lick 11fc.1plt.1l Strong iicivca lire the cipiUI tint help men conquer condition!,. When people lnc Uiuir capital tluy setloMotU in icn.un it WIilii we lose 0111 nctve force e ouy lit W &cck a iiie.iu-. of Kelting il luck There i a ujy icrulu ami hsK-llllfic. feeil the nerves, ninkliii; them steady and strong lis steel We 1J0 not believe they can full to cure Nervous Debility ami pli)ical ex haustion, tliafawhy ieaijrectorefiiiiil 11ur money if ix boxes ilo not cure ou. SI 00 per box; 0 boxes MOOHallcd i-eciiiely teuttil upon teceipt of pu.e IWdU lice. Address. 1'i:ai. Ml nici.si: Co , Cleveland, Ohio. I'or tulc by Jobu 11. l'licliu, 1'luriii.c.Ut, corner i;uiuIiii; mcuuo and b'tiruie ttrcit. & Painless Dentistry g $5.00 $1.00 .50 $5.00 S3.00 to idn rLATES "tuumED CTS-B? KHiKLi "3, 3 MTYVni ( "turi Lirlxuvimu ami iomiiij: unniiw 0f .No.nk Sim. stnic, Mi niton I irsrl tlrniit loniriii in tlio oiIil. "0 oflli-OH in t iiitcil taU. lnrorpuritt tl. ,v'rn'rv,rvTT,i,r,rT,,Twr,. B 1 1" III i 1 1 4 4 i 4 4 Carpets Straw Mailings Summer Draperies .j. ,5. .t. . . a;. 4. 4. $, a. 4. .j, , , ,. , . jj,.;. Ill I OF SCRAMTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,003. United Slates Depositary. Special atteution given to HL'SINICSSi, I'I'RHO.N'AI. aud SAV- INUS accdi'NTS, whether large or small, Open Saturday eveuiags from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conm.i.i , President. lliNKY Hi.i.in', Ji:., ViL-e Pres. Wm. II, Pick, Cashier. HENRY BELIN, JR., niui.,t ai.iu ft i tlic omiii; l)i in t l.ir Dupont's Powder Miiiiii,' III ,.l in.' 'slum in. -iiiolili mi tlu Itqi nun I In mu il ( ,iiip.iii. . HIGH EXPLOSIVES. '-j. di Inn ( ip. u ml I yplmlr-is II. ..in 101 (on Illll lllllil .-.LUllli II III.NUI.1. TIKI- lOlll) .. . tUUN II Mlllll -ON I Ml I 1.1(1 I'll i.iuii I'ljIIIOIIIIl uko ll.irro lit lillllj.l ul Vtobijo-l.t rirvrrt Mrlrlurf i lbi)iiltl iprrU ((f liiVfrn7, Sv4 (furbok 'Truth , VoUoK wrj urdUal k ttrrlric. frauJw XulU UU pur. f 't --- --"- ---f- -- -iZ4 8ayprof.O.FTifEll,527 AaIS .1 .Jl iiuirlr.luuDltrvlirurr kUob; tuill frlttlfl " 1 jrA DikfjLkK. I lltL-.l4. UlUKK. Itllllll Ulll.l, -. ' rr rrrn