nmf t H" THJ5 SCBANXOX TRIBUNli-.MONDAY, MAY 27, 1001. ,v INTELLIGENCE OF NINE MULE 60MB OBSERVATION CONCKHN 1N0 THAT ANIMAL. Iho Expieaslon "Dumb ns n Mulo" Evdciitly Out of Place, for There Aio Many Anlmnls Tlint Do Not. Show as Mttr-li Intelligence Sonic Things the Mule Docs In His Work Umlergiotmcl He Cnn Do a Vnst Amount of Labor nnd nn Equal Amount of Hnrtl Knocks. Tin- Jiiiiliiiiclic .iillli'tlcs r IVinisyl- v.'inla i'iin Inf mi in Mlxifi'ii tbo'.is- tuiil inuli'K in Hi'' iii'fPSH.iry Imiiilllnu' of Hi' cnn. Sixteen tlimisiiiiil mul'1 HIP llllli- II li'MpiM'tlllllf lllllllll'T of mil llllllf II' tllO.V Well' pIlHTll III I' IIU''i oik li mill" iittiifliml in t ho iiicicillm; intllin lull mill nil stri'trlli'il, iihiiIcp moly HkIiI. Ii w inilil ninki' u stvliiK Hili'ly-llvo iiiIIcm Iiiiik. This Is only u mmikIi iMlrllliitlini. mill mi ii1Iiwmiu,.- llilS Iipi-11 IIIMilc fur VlirylllK Ir-liKtllK nf in Mm. t'l'uliiilily Hi" lino "III vary a mllr nr i nn Hilti-i- wny. Inn It kIvps the ii-mlr-p a Ki'iu-ial hlon what this llllllllllT llf lllllll'H lll'llilS. Wlml iiinmitit nf Iiiiim-, nr nitliiT iiiiiip.invfT they pxprt por yi'iir I Im-pu(-il)p t'l Ki'l al, mi aivuiint of tin.' wil'lh vmjlnj,' loinls ami I'liinlltlniiH nf 'I. im rars. IIcmIiIpm. It Ik not tlio wrlt- t's Inicniinii to ilvvoll iipnn thin feit turp of Hi" initio, nor In the urtli'lo to In- ii ilis-'irliitiill nil till' physical or miiitiiuiii'iil wet-up of tlip mule, or how lip slmiilil lie liroiiKht up In Ills youth to iiiak'- a ri'Kn'Ptiiltli mull. Hut tin iirtfoh has tn ilo with thp traits ix ltililtoil liy Ilip IIiiIsIipiI proiliicL as .seen moiiuil vailmis inlnm? plants. s It Is wii'irii with tho vIpw to rlplif a popular i-iinr.. that whlrh li'Knrili i iiiuli' as a iluiuli animal, anil to r.iiollsh or ip.strii'l tin use of that slnnilpious plmiei'. that exprpsslon up plh'il in some fool uf a human IipIiut wIipii lis saiil In If ns ihinili a. n mule, not nuMiiiiiw that tho human b intr diipsn't 'Ipsprvc sonii hiii-Ii coni parlKou, but I ho mulo doesn't. Fools shoiilrl ho riiinpai'cil to miiiio other ani mal. Kuperlieiully tho appi'iimnee of Hip niiilp is iiKiilnst him. .An awkward, liiiKHiuly. I'lunisily-bullt animal, with a dull and somewhat stupid oxpios uioii. Itut a moiv intimatp apituain tiiirp iHspoms trails piitlroly at vnr i.irei with IIipsp hlirfiipp liullca thins. LJSIM,AYS INTh'I.UOKNVi;. Up i 'iniinoiily displays an ,'iiiu)uiit of inlPlllBPiifp in the pprfornmurp of Ids Moil, which Is second to nunc in the animal kingdom, anil ol'teiu i-nnUs liim 1 ml pf than the fool of a. driver bavins: bin. In cliaiRp. lie Is as iiitelliKPiit as mi animal as man lias subservient to his iisp. Mules niuv !- seen at wmlc aiouml vmioiis collieries which I'rum tlie manner In which they so about thfir ninni roils duties leads one to he. lu've that if I hey are not reasoninc, thinking; animals they arc the next thins to It. AVIial the anthracite mines w i 'tiki di wilhont them is bard to real, ize. No mechanical system of hauluuo Is so llexiblc as to dn away calmly Willi thcii use. The hnr.v is nut h.ntly ciihubIi to i ompielc witli him, liosidcs does not possess ciioiikIi ciimmon mulo souse. Here nr i few examples anions' th luanv seen hy the wilier around tie i ollieries illustratiiiK the niule'.s intel l'K'lue. DlhPis could lie citpil. but It v mild iavoivp a too delailed deserili liou of various pieces of inaehlnery a oil other appliances in use around the plants lieforp (lie actions of the mule would bccuiut inli-lliKililo. At a mill' whore the cars are ileliv i red to the breaker I'tnm a Iihk tun nel, tho trips consist of anywhere from twenty to thirty cars, the trips are pulled to tlie tunnel mouth by a string of niillis. From here to the bieakor is a ileseendiiiM; ftradi. and a single mule is used to deliver (he cars to that point. This mule, on lipming the rumbling; or tlie iippi'iincliliiK- trip, walks back to tin tuuniii: m rut 1 1 1 unal tended ,and uiriis mound in preparation to beiiiK itti'ilicd to the trip, lie t lion keeps lonkillH; hackwaid toward tho tunnel mouth, witli his oars alertly clacked to juilf-e how far tho trip will eonio bo fore slot pint?, li,, moves backward or forward several feet as his jiiiIkiuciu tells him tlie trip will run past or nut up to whore lie stands, while at the same time ho casts inuiiiriiii; Rhinces it his driver to see If ho Is aware of the approach of Hi trip. i!i:ro.Mi:s anxioi's. On its nciiier approach the inure anxious does he become, because he wants to be attached to the trip of cars befoic they come to a dead stop, his kuowitiK as woli as a human lii'iin llitit it is easier to keep them moving than to start them from a standstill. The driver merely atliiehos tho mule's hi tin to tho cars, and tin mule starts without a word mid pulls these' cars as fr as his juilKineut tells him it Is nec essary, this distance dependlm,' on the sliced with which the cars are travel. Iiik, then steps to one side out of the way of the uioviiiK trip, while his chain detaches itself as soon as lie slackens up his speed. Tills would be called judgment In a human wk. It is a common slnht to sen mules so r.iclni,' to the stable on licaritiK Hie lirsL sound of the dinner whistle, ihoy knowhiK as well as any of the hciimper ItiB breaker hoys what it moans, and nro jiibt as anxious in set their dinner. Many will stand up for their iIrIUs In reuard to tho dinner hour, and ahso. lutely it-fuse to pull a pound after tho whistle has sounded, Tills is rather human, too, Isn't it A mulo which I greatly adiuiiod was a i lean-limbed young jenny who was tho leader in a team of elKht, used hi a Ioiir underKinuud haul In a miiio near Tamafiia. Hho had the weakness of her sex in beiiiK extremely vain and sits coptildo to (lattery. Hlio would toss her head and prance around qulvoriiif,- with delight when her master spoke to or petted her. I think ihe diiver was equally proud of his little loader from tho en in and attention ho bestowed upon her. And lie should he, for, to a certain extent, the driver's life depend ed upon the luielllKonce of his head mule. Should the leader stumble or take a wiouk road In traveling- the In tricate road In tho dark, which they did at no mean speed, small chances of (lit driver escaping; being crushed In the pile-up of mules and cars which would bo bound to follow. l'JC'K OUT THK mailT ItO.Vl). l.t was marvelous tho manner In vhieh sho wuuld pick out the right oad. 1 hud visited the mines :v dozen lines before I wits bine I ei.uld follow ho fcume ipute. Ho. many branches ml side roads, and all turnhn-s look like In a mine, but tho little mule lover innile a mistake. At ti low n iiUUe trud). the driver she would ntnrt pulling Ilka nmil until she had all the rest or the mulc3 pulling nd the tilp lu motion, then her pulling was uer, Khn set the. pace and led tin way. That wiic nil that was re united of her. Hhe knew when they had leached the end of their Journey, the place where they would bo tin hltrlipd. and where to a nicety to turn around In a somewhat narrow space, so all the mules would have room to turn In, then without a word of com mand proceed to where the trip to he pulled out wax standing, In fuel, all the drivel did wu to hitch and unhitch the team. The lltlllo leader directed everything e.ue. Drlveis of Individual mutes have more time as a rule to spend on the education or their animals. 1 leinem her one mulo who when ho had pulled the car In as Tar as lie could go with It. on being unhitched and led back of K, would- push It the row remaining feet with It's breast. The same mule would be left attached to a car while his dt Ivor went a couple of hundred yards off to set a switch. On his whistling (I could barely distinguish It) the mule would stint out with the cur unattended, lie would search your 1 nckets fur something good to rt, sIpiiI your handkerchief, at a word of cominand from the driver mounted a Ibit truck which was standing there, piey hide mid seek, Ills master going and hiding and tli-u whlntllng, when the mule would hunt liliu up. AVIIi:i:i.S SMDINfJ. I have seen individual mules In pull ing a trip of loaded ears hesitate and look around: the driver poelvlng Its actions would stop the trip, run back and remove a sprag from one nf the wheels, the sprag having accidentally been overlooked and allowed to remain in Hie wheel. The mulo had detected the fin t that one pair or wheels out of a dozen or more were being slid along the rail. He was accustomed to pull ing a certain load; on any Increase be wanted to know what it was. The driver told mo that (lie mule always detected the sprag before he did, and look this method of notifying him of its plesence. Mules sonn come to understand what is in a man's dinner can. ami once they have been Ted from one. they become regular thieves. Very slick and cun ning (hey me in their efforts to get at the contents. They will wait until no one is minimi, and If a can is In sight nose around it until they have the lid off, when they quickly appro priate the contents. Coal Trade Jour mil. PITTSTON. Fp'rlal to thp Siranton Trilium-. I'itlston, May 2rt. Kdward V. Dickey, a well-known resident of West Pitts tnn. died very suddenly Saturday night, at the home of Mrs. George Daman, on York avenue. Mr. Plekey's death is si very sad one. a grnat shock to Ills family mid friends. For tlie past few years lie had lived in Warren. Ohio, and at the time of his death was city engineer or that place. His family, con sisting or Mrs. Dickey and two c-hll-dien, had retained their residence here, but were ju.st preparing to join tlie husband mid father at Warren. About a week ago Mr. Dickey arrived hero to look after the details of the removal. The family's household goods had been packed in a I.ehigh Valley freight car Fiiday and the family wore staying al the boinp of Mrs. Daman for a few- days, Mr. Dickey expected to leave for Warren todav, and his wife and fam ily were to follow next week. Satur day he complained of not feeling well, but he was not confined to bis bed and his illness seemed so slight that no physician had boon called tn attend him. Kven as late as 7 o'clock Satur day night ho had been at a neighbor's house transacting business, and short ly afterward arrived at the Daman home. About S o'clock, while sitting in a chair, he suddenly reeled over to the llnor and expired within a few minutes. Heart disease Is thought to have caused ilea III, Deceased was lifly-threo years of age. The funeral will take place fioni the Daman home, -01 York avenue, West Side, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Interment in West I'lttstnu cemetery. .Mr. Dickey and ids family had a number or acquaintances in Scranton. Hoard wanted on a farm, See ad vertisement in "Want" Directory In another ci.luinn. John Young, aged twenty-four years and five months, died Saturday night about !' o'clock at tho home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young, at Sobastopol. Deceased was a well-known young man hero and a member of the Kaglo Hose company. He had been slek for the past three weeks with typhoid fever. Tlie funeral will take place Tues day afternoon at t.!!0 o'clock, with ser vices at the family home, and inter ment in Plttston cemetery. John Ornvoll, jr., of West Pillston, will spend' tlie week at Hrowp. Hollow-, near Olyphnut. William Hailstone, at present Inside foieinnn al the -Ml. Pleasant mine, will on June 1 assume the duties or Inside foreman at the Twin shaft of tho Sen eca Coal company. Mrs. William Halrd. of Sobastopol, left yesterday for Thomas, Tucker county. West Virginia, wheie she ex pects t" rislde In tin future, her hus band having about four months ago accepted a position as civil engineer with the Davis I'oko and Coal company there. A. W. Dictrlck, or West Plttston. spent Sunday among relatives at l.ynn, Wyoming county. TUNKHANNOCK. Spfri.il lo Ihe SViuiilon Tiltmiip, Tunklianuoek, .May "I. K. Clayton Sharpe, of Windham, was calling on Irlouds hero Friday, Mrs. Martin Hennell Is nt Strouds hurg, caring for her daughter, Miss Kllzahoth, a teacher III tho Normal school, who Is ill at that place. Lafayette I'lutl, of J.aceyvllle, was doing business in town on Friday, Hoard wanted on a farm. Seo ad vertisement lu "Want" Directory In another column. Cliiirles Do Craw, n well known and prosperous farmer, living near Thurs ton, In Katun township, coniniltteed suicide by means of a dose of arsenic on Thursday morning while In a m of despondency. Ho leaves n wife and family of four children. Ills acquaint, unci's are wholly uniiblo to account for his rush 'act of self-destruction ex cept on the theory of Insanity. Andrew P. ttedford, of Scranton, was doing business In town on Friday, Two of tho local papers complain this week of luck of order on our streets and urge tho peace olllcers to enforce the la,w, In tho ejectment suit between J. C. .Menger on the one side and John Ti'al Icr, J. S. Blink and others on the oth er, arbitrated on Wednesday at the court house, tho arbitrators found ijn uward in favor of tho defendants, It uppeurlug that the plaintiff had parted with his title or Interest to others be fore bringing action. The land In con troversy lies lu Falls township. ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. I ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. Ar.li:IV-",tnlnif. Mmiildim," N'lshl, "IUchtutl Cnrvel." 'Mi-' tliiMlrimt "niroii nt tlie l,.uemn am tiroURht to a Hose nn "ittinl.iy with the aipo.r iilite of John Pii'W In "Itlilutil Cuivel," the ily mulo lioin Wliutoit ( limilillP.i (lopnlar nnul ! Ih.it Mini. The niiillcncri which nltriulnl tl two urmhicllot'j on S'titmil.i- won not mt.v htiai' on account of tho iIIkhjipci'IiIs wclllirr, Imt thi'.v ivi-ie rcinmntntlii' ini.l milmUMli'. Mho pl.iy, which li.nl a lonj; run in Sow Voi' Ihl mason, l. uho'it as i;niil ,M tho .ncr.nte hook play. Ai iii.my Inrlilrnta o( tlm liotil. ai cnn iwllty ho ii.uniiicil into two hems ami ;i li.lt .lie ii.imnicil .tint rjiiuncil heme, ami the lent of llic pint- the InciilcnU lh.it ilhln't uct In -I left In lln iiinnory nf tho-e who li.ni loail tin' honk .-nut to the Ii.i mtii.ltin'i of thiii' win lmp lint. 'Die iilIIoii hcuiiK mi Ihe l.inn licloio Cine I l.lll. where Doiothy ManncM ami her ho-t nf admirer, toecther with I'.itly few.itu anil nther .M.ir.il.iml helleii, urc Inlinihienl, iuclinling Ur.it M.IUl.mtl tielh'4 .-no Intinihiicil, ImlinllliR (Inif. the t'jrvrl c.i,Ur, Mamuduke Jtanneii, the vain ami fnipi1i father of lloiothy, l.urit ('oiii.hi mill other tiimlllir dur.ltliu of tlie hnn! ale il" pliteil. Dorothy li Mill pl.ivjin with ItUKinl'i heart, pirtrmllng not to return hi loir, when Captain l.cMs, an emissaiy of the l)ir;e of Char triMM, who Is mini; for t lie clrl'fl Ii.iimI, ioiihm upon the Kcne and plots wllli Ihe lather In triik Ihe uirt Inln aueptins the lhike. II nil emli in iMlntlu's ill I ti iefiM.ll of lthhaot ( ar el'a offer nf marriage ami her intorcil ilepar lure nn the mnirnw- fnr I.nmlnii tn nifi't ( h.ir IcMca ami peihap inairy him. Ilefme noln:; she hlili lllihanl not lo uiie up lmpc of n-lm; her aK.iin or of K.iiiihn; her iunrnt to be 1 - hriite. ttlcharil .ee.i her snoner than he expo leil. Pi l.i I el liireil I'.v his M'heiiiiiij; uncle aault h in iiiul carry him nut to .e.i. There he i ic.eueil by Capluin .lolm Paul .lniie, nt "Ihilen't-hepim-lo-flBlit ct" fame, anil laken to l.iiiiilon, At tin' .Mar ami Cartel- lim Can el iiiitU, atnoni; nlheiv. Sir Domic Walpnle, fmni whom he Iciim the whcreaheiiti of Dorothy, I.aler he meeta llurolli.i- hen-elf, ami af In- that has an unpleas ant ihtrniliicllnu lo the Duke of cliailcircn. I'ioiii Doiothv he loams thai, tlie llnke li.w her father in his power ami tttat for her father'.-! site j-he must inairy Cli.nteiM'a, IIiiiiikIi her hi. at is fnr lliihaiil. 'the Duke is lu.ule to umleintamt lb.it while Can el i-i Hrnurnl he statels no i hance of wmnliii; Dorothy, lie, theuToie, iesiil"s tu set riil of the ln.no joum; Ameiicau. fl'o cITci t this pnrp'V-o he invites Carvil lo a rooeptinn al hi.s hoiiM-. The plan is lo fmee him to ipiatrel anil, iliuin; Ihe Hghl, In haie CipLiin I, is inn Tt ii lim ! tliroimh Willi a lapier fioni hchiml. flut before than cm happen, il i.s the Duke.'i inten tion to announce his helrnthal to Doiothy. The reception pioirs a Miy ccntfiil one, for Walpolc, Charles l'o, Topham lle.iuclcil: ami other histoiical ehai.u li is, are thcie. lliirine Ihe eeuiui; Itiihaitl ht-ar.s of his giauilfathei's ilealli ami (Irafton's aucsinn Ut the Canct cs. tatc ami that war is itecl.neil against America. Doiothy ami nthcis, feaiinu' Itii liaiil's atict for trca-onahli! utterances n:ilut Ihe kinur. uikc liim lo lcae. He rem. lins. hoieM-r, to Hint; hack the taunts nf Ihe lo.ialils ami to uive them the. toast. "l,citis:lon"! in ie.-pniw lo their ehnnti nf "Down with Ihe rchcK"! Swoiils ate itiinie iliatcly ili-.mii ami Utih.inl ciik.ikch Hie Duke 'it cntiih.it. 'riu- latter fall.s into lus nun tlap and is wotiudid hy Captain Lewis, Canel i-scaiiiiifr. Two .M-ats lain- the mcettni; nf Carel and Dor .ill iv- takes pl.tie in Canil Hall, and tlie louts ate in cailt nthct'.s anus as the tnrtain falls, their tumbles and miMuii!cr.--taiiihm.r.s at an cud. JiiIiii Dicw- is not tilted plolcally or any nllicr way for Midi a role as III, haul Canel. Polished and iulelliucnt throughout, for .lolm Dicw- is alwajs poltelipil and inlclligcut m his acting, iiovei-hcles.s he did not for a moment iralizp Ihe ideal Itii hard that those who had lead the book had pictured in tltcir minds. Thoie was a l.n It of the drilo fue and the ewiliciauie nf spitits whidi should he part of the yoiihi; Mat.i lamier whoso comaere, spiiit and strcii(-llt were the talk of the colonics. Drew was at his best in Hie Hem Willi Dorothy in the last act. hut when he was at his best he was out of tune with the play. The snpioi(jnir company was one of tlie mo-t evenly balamcd t-ecu here this .se.ij.on, Tito leailim; lad.i, Mi.-s Ida Compiest, was beautiful ami fair tn look upon and was hy tutus winsome, id iiietti.st and deeply earnest and couvinctui; as Dorothy Manners. Mte xotes Ihe ie,il fuccc.ss of the iday ami it is a legitimate one tlirotmhnu. It selves anew to emph.TD-o the fait that she is one of tho most accomplished youiij; women on Chailes rrohntan'.s ro'l of ieadin? ladies. Caml.ui Whyle, a spiichlly joiiiik woman, who did very nice work a.s Polly Swain, is the il.iugh. let- of Isadore Hush, MiC Rave evidenie of Hindi talent. This is her lint season cm the Mane. One of the hits of the pel fonnaiKC was Ihe Captain .lolm Paul Jones of l.'eoiee la? San'. The fa-cinatiui; oulspokcncss nf that famous sea man was portrayed niliiiiratdy by Mr. I.n S.ilr, who has a voice runarkahly adapted for the role. Hairy llarwood, that splendid actor of old nun parts, was evvu better than usual as tho rather despicable M.innaduke Manners, and Crank l.osee made a sufficiently deepdyed vil1I.ni out of lh" Duke nf Ch.irlcrsca. An artbttu iiece of wnik w.h tlie Horace Wdlpolo of Crancis I'mveis, wiio spoke hut a few lines, hut spoke (hem well. Allhiir IImiiii, who has been with Drew for .M'.us, was his usual capahle self as l.onl Cmnvi.. The plaj is sph-mlidlv slaved. 'Joshua Simpkins." Tlie liiiiiioini'H .-oniedy diauii, Mu-hiu Sinii. kins," - be sicti al the Acailcmy nf Mi.mc Monday, Tue-ilay ami Weilne-day nf Mils week, witli a nutii.ie pirioimaine T-'csilay and Wed-no-day, Il is a unal play In four acts, bound tcp'thcr by an iiiKriMliii; plot ami punliicid Willi stieiial sicnciy c.iuicd by the inuiiaiij. lu the thiol ait a ii.ilbuo saw mill wvue is intiinluicd, when a ual huz saw Is scin cullini; lluoual, a ic.il lo; at tcnllu' speed, upon .vhidi ,i lii'iiuii hciiiL- has lien hdplcsly boiimt h.v his cnui.i.s and 1 -fi io an evident ilealh. Tiu'ie is an abiindaiiie ot mnicily in the play, while lln'io me many line slnnius and daudni," speciallha in cidentally iriioduud. The Xuilwig- Concert. 'I hi alliance sale ol sets for the sun;; reciia, v'aii-n will bo luld at Hie byreum tlnatcr Deco lutinn rvcnli.i;, Mav .10, when Ihe famous h.nltone sluiter and aitor, William l.udvvis, will be hi.ud, opens tonu.imw nnr.'iim; at fl oVIoik. Vue box and loae scats have alreadv been sold to (-allies who peii.on.illy made request tor sain... The i-o'iian; to Mrantoli cf so Kie.it an :iili-t a. Mr, l.tiiluiK is njcily awaitiri h.v his ninni-.'-om liirnds, mid thcie will he a rush for teats tinioiinw nioininy at ihe Lyceum ho- ofllce. SUNDAY BASE BALL. Anierlcan Leneuo. M I lili.ivio - t. ii. i:. i nn.iir ii I (I n 0 :i l o -.1 11 n llillhuoie , ) n u i) i) o o 0 o-n ii n ll.,llcie-(,'nfhlli ami Suction; IImiiii, Mifiiu. nlly and llol'ln.in, t'lnplic Mjiuijasuii, At Iri'dimc, l-.'.'iuo. At Sllbvaukee (II iiiilns) - . . y. .Mllvvaukie 0 I) ll n t 11 I) I) (I l-ll 11 a I'lill-dclphla ... I 0 1 0 t 0 I) 0 2 II ll-.l n j Haiti I lis Haw liv. Cnunoi and l.cahj ; Itoiu haul, MIIHv'JM ami Cowers. Ihnpiie'-llJ.kdl. Mlmdancf, Id.Ono. Eastern League, Cioildince, 7i Woiccttir, 'J. s.viJHHi-, It llaillonl, !l. Ilulljhiltodicilvr, rain. AMATEUR BASEBALL. At a lory enthusiastic iiicftiiig hold Sjluiday uiliht at Hank hotel, of lepiisenuiiiea li'otii lim lollow Im; l,a,e lull t lulls;, the t.Tuhe Ware house, (he I. T. MiCanu, flaik Ibus., tlie I ol lieiy Kiivlucer ccmpjiiy, Hie Jonas ,oii,-'4 son,, ami the Allantic aid Pacific Tea lompany, the Tiadea League Ilaso Hall a.sodjtlciu was foiiueil, Auollicr Mi-ctius will be held lieu Tuesday nlsM al Hank lintel, at 4 o'dnck, of deleios liim CJdi ibib, ulicu ofAcrri will bo ehclnl tor the eiLulns ear, also, laws ami nhedulc made lo govern Ihe Icauue. It was the iulenUeii of some nf the repiesiinallvc, to have hut k dubi, but alur iui:,ldciliii' die luatur, it vva.i Uucldvii tu le.ue that n,urllon to over In Ihe incctlns; Tiim. day, when nil the bib will li.uo a ituncft lo enlr, or as many as Ihe leane shouM ilcdilt. All i-lulu who ate Inlcrcsteil In Hie hood wntk whldi tlie leiinne Is rndenvorlm; to do, shniild Bend a tlelf uate to the meet lint Tuoilav iilnht. The Obinpla base hall team of Ihitnnoiu thnb lenses the Allilelh h.i'P ball lentil, nnder the ituii.iirrinetit of W. Cnitoran, In a name of hall any lime ami any place. Answer 'Itiooali The Trlhime. ,1. Ilntler, itilalii. Ihe .Vr.liilnn llialt fcliool bae ImII team was ea.sy for the W.ionilnir Seniiniiy at Kltir-flnn I'rliliy alleiiiroit, the IHtrr wlnnlii; In hie In lilliR.s hy ii sioie of 201. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS ALL ABOARD TOK LAKELODORE. A Dellrjhtftit Rltle, BontliiR, Flahinp, Music, Etc. Other Amusements. The tlrxt (xctirnlon of the season to I, like Lotion will ho run on Memorial Day May an, via tlie Pelawaro ,- Hud son' ltnllroad. Take a train for the lake and at tho hike take a bout from the new wharf near the refreshment stiindu nnd see tin peerless nheet of water In nil Its nprlnK-tlniu beauty. Kaiier's full, orchcatra will furnlHh Hclal niUMU; lu the Brent while dance pavilion. The best rnterluR will be on tin; fs-rotinds and a variety of atnuso nientM will bo provided. Special tratnji leave i). S; If. depot, Scranton, at 9: IS and 10: 1.1 a. in. Oroatly reduced ex cursion latos from all ata lions. Tick ets Rood on nil trains. G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. Reduced Rates to Gettysburg- via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the annual encampment oC the Grand Army of tlie Republic, Depart ment of Pennsylvania, at Octtysburff. June " to S, the Pennsylvania ltnllroad Company will soil excursion tickets to fJeUysburu from all stations on its line in tlie state of Pennsylvania, on June t. U. :i, t anil ,1, kooiI to return until Juno in, inclusive, at rate of n sitisle fare fop the routiil trip. For speellio rates, apply to local ticket agents. Knights Templar Excursion, On account of tho mectlm; of the Ornud rominaiioery nt I'.eaillnf;, Pa,, tlie knights and their friends will leave Scranton, via. tho Central I tall road of New Jersey, on a f-pcclol train, May 117. at t p. in.: Plttston, at J. 1(5 p. m.: WllUes-liatie. nt I. SO p. m. Stops will ha made at any intermediary station on notice to ticket agents. The rates il! be as follows: Party or fifty or nioio traveling toRotlier on ono ticket, $:i.SS from Scranton. $l!.r.6 from Pitts ton, $-."e from AVilkcM-Fbirro. These tickets ere good to a,o May '.'.' mid re turn 'May 2ti. Single tickets good to return until June 1, Scranton, $l,fS; PittMon, $l.,r'S, and "WillaK-Ban-e, $1.L2. Tho Irani will consist of four coaches and one combination car. The tlmo for leaving I. ending will bo announced on train going. Tills will be a Knights Templar train for the sir knights and ft lends. Remember this will be tho escort lo Ktninont Sir 'I'. F. Penman, Mho will be elected grand eminent commander at Reading. Every knight Templar, who has the interest of the order at heart, should attend tho mcot irg and show our appreciation to Emi nent Sir T. F. Penman. " Pennsylvania Railrond's Past Ex press Trains Between Philadel phia and Wilkes-Barre. Heginning May -", the Pennsylvania Railroad company will place in service two fast express trains each way, week-day.-!, between Philadelphia and Vilkes-Rarre via Pottsville and llnzle ton on tlie following schedules: Northward. Week-days, r.v. Philadelphia .. U.lOn. m. 4.10 p. m. " (.'on.shohooken. . 9.IU a. in " Norristown ... 9.41 n. m. 4.:i'.i p .m, " Pboenixvilh .. fi..iS a. ni. l-,r, p. m. " Spring City .. .10.0,1 a. in. fi.(Ki ji, m. " Pottstown ....10.1!) a. in. ri.irip.iu. " Ririlsboro 10.::t u. in. U.'M p. in. " Reading 10.ISa.ni. ."i.llip.m. " Hamtiurg 11.17a, m. ll.OS p. m. " Pottsvlllu ILo," n. m. ti.l.'p. m, " llazleton 1-4S p. in. 7.40 p.m. " Tomhicken .... J.OSp, in. 7, r.," p. in, " Nescopeclc . ... I,!!," p. in, 8.2." p. m. " Mocanaqua ... 1"4 p. in. K.-IS p. in. " Nantlcoke L'.lt p. m, il.08 p. ill, Ar. U'ilkes-I5arie . -'.-';, p. in. 11.15 p. m. Southward, Week-days, l.v. "Wilkes-Rnrru . 7.4." a, in. 4.2.", p. in. " Nantlcoke 7,."S a. in. 4.117 p. in. " jrocanaaua .... S.liia. in. 4,r,n p. in, " Nescopeclc .... S.nr, a. m, o.l." p. in. " Tomhicken .... P.07 n. in. .".47 p. in. " lluzletou 9.2-la.in. 5.03 p. tn. " Pottsville liU'Sn. in. 7.05 p.m. " Hainburg 10.nl a. tn. T.:il p. in. " Itcadlng II.2H a, in. S.00 p. m. " lllrdsboro UJUii. m. S.i:i p. in, " Pottstown 11.11a. in, S.2S p. in. " Spring t'l ty ...11.." a. in, S.HC p. m, " Phoenlxvllb ..12.0:! p. m. S.41 p. in. " Norristown ....12,20 p, m. n.iin p. m. Ar. Phlladolphia ..12.30 p.m. H.30 p. in. These will be solid vestibule trains, oon.-dsling of combined cur, standard passenger coaches, and Pullman buffet parlor cars. Pullman buffet parlor'car.s will also be run between Philadelphia and Read ing, week-days, on trains leaving Philadelphia tit .".33 l. in. and leaving Reading at 8.00 a. in.: and botweeu I'llllUUCipuia aim i-.uinvnii.-, vvi-i-u-iiujn, on ti'iilna leaving' Philadelphia 8,12 p. m. and leaving Pottsvlllo 2.53 il in. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following ipiotalimH Tribune by JI. S. .Ionian & Means hulhlini,-, Mranton, I'a. 0VI1. mi:. Aineilian snirar Il'li Anier. Tohaico I'll Alinl-soi , Ji'a AtllliMHl, I'r s , llinol;. Traction I'l'n Halt. .V Ohio li t'uiil. Tuliaiio "-'tla ( lie... & Ohio I'l St. Paul I" Unci; I -I. mil I'1 lie), ,V llniLson l'-'-.' Ivan. - Tc., I'r MM bonU. i Yi,h IOJIii Mm. Illevaleil Illlk aie finnlthiil 'Iho Co., ioiim.i 7O-I-70O Telephone GOO.): Ululi- l.ovv. 1'lo.s- est. c.l. 1I7M 1(1 inn. 1 1 7 '. j liH 77 PiM 7i' II.' 1.11'li i'l 1VI jni-U ft', Jl'2i 111', V'H'.i im 17', (il VM itja; 1(1 4. 70 Bii .v'li :: i lima. M li'i Hi !l.i HIM ll'i W, 2o llv!i bin "Mi l'M. 71 !(! a-.'s li' lui i:-i uu'i :hU 10II-. 1 1--.", UOli tor 41 ni l.Vl'i iW'.l nili (;. 7ti',' ;" s, II H7' i 7 V. 1UJ UP't l'i 1.-I5;'i I VI Hs.ln fileL pi."; HIM itvi IKi li'i Til J'lHc if.'1) Ill IWi ill v,; l.V'I 7M,S '.'l lhl ; li i'l HI US') II IM 4'J I'l'i ai'i Mel, Tiaction ,,, "':)'i Ml I'acitto !("! ullirili I'aufk Nmlolk e-- We.st, X. V. (Vntial ... Del. .V Wolrin , IMm.i. II. It. ... ltt-aillnt; Hy. ... Ilcailinu It)., I'r. Southern It. il. . South. II. It. IT. I'. ! Leather ... I'. S. bealher, IT. I S. Iluhher ... I nlon I'aclHo I'nion I'.icilic, I'r, liasli, IT. ... Western t'lilcii .. (.ol, I'url k lion Amal. (Vppcr ., I'lople'rt Has ,., i:rie .... ! ,... 01 . ....1-Mi'i (.1 ....ld',1 .... Ti .... Ti,7, ... '-'Ii .... W .... l'l'i .... rs n ..,.KI .... , .... liM .... itiM .... a, ....lie ....Uii .... iit; pip;. !"i ft! ! 111 111) Jll'i I! it?; J'l'.a 'Ii-.s.w I'jdlic i'i? Am, tar roiiniliy , t'j ' C. S. blctl fo. , Ul THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, ,i Cent fnr lUcli l:ttm Line. For Ront. For Rent. Slore in The Tiibune building, formeily occupied by tlie Times. Including Desks, Steam Heat iind lilectric Light. Also 1200 feet of iloor space on 4th Iloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light m;iufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Hnquire at office of THK TRIBUNK. I'Olt ItC.NT-O-inom Imiw, corner Wayno nvrnui; ami Putnam slud: hot ami cohl water, mu.p hul .Miull family neeil apply, lnl lajiie avenue. I Oil lti:.T-ln Dalton, iottaj:e of nine room, l'iiini.heil or imfiirnioliril. (or the kcisoii nr for year; HR luinuleii to i-lallon; cue of tlu tuft Iniatioiin in Halton; lioii-o nearly new. Apply to li. Y. ('.niton, llalloii, I'a. K!0 Blli:i',X llllini: STRUM, ten roomn. mnileru imprnveinent-ii tcain heat turnUhcilj ileslr. ileiirahle. For Sale. .xx. XA.,,. l'lNI". IIOIISi: I'Olt S.U.i: At every way: Ju.-t the hoiM- for a la.ly to ihive, rrcular pot. Abo a line bay roaibtcr, miiiihI ill every way; irooil pole Inline or siimlu ilrlver. llotli tlrsl-d.i-s-i IsoiepH, Apply MO Monroe niciiuv. I'Olt SALi:. (.'liiiKer-lmilt, luiunl bottom ami tbiL hottoin lishliiir boalii. W. A. r.ickcrcil ami ,f. Curli-i, corner C'hcriy ami fourth sired., lliuimoie, I'a. Furnished Booms. l'OK HUNT- One laitfc fiiniMieil fiont room; at.?o one dile loom. C:'.7 AtlaiiH avenue. Wanted To Buy. IllC'Vrl.i: WAN'ri'.ll-A .erniiil-li.iiiil lailies wheel vvauteil. Aihlrc-K, htatiu pt ice, "Wheel, ' tare Tribune. Wanted To Exchange. 1 WISH TO i:('IIAN(il'. u sooil buihlin-r lot at Po.vnlelle, I'a., im the 0. ,V W. It. It., for a centle hoii-o, harnoMi ami cairiajic. Aildii'si lo ::il7, l'ore-t I'ily, I'a.' Wanted Boanl. f.OAIIII WWlTD OX A I'AHM- A i;iiitliiu.iu anil wile, with o:io clnhl. a littlo Kill of li .vear-i, ile.sircs to seiure bihitil in a piivato family on ,i faun not a hnarilim; house. ITiler-i ipiiet place Willi iMiine hliaile; inn.st, be within n half hour by tail f ii in Siiantou, .unl vvitliiu walhin-j itManco f l oiii r.iilrii.iil statin-.i. If :i Miilahle location can be i-ccureil wouhl ta,v throusb .Inly ami possi. bly AuL'iist. AiMros,i, urisiit'- full inrticulars ami vprlco pir week, "t?umiuir lloaul," Tribune otllic, N nintnii, I'a. Boarders Wanted, UOAItl) XV PAN'-AMi:illCAX I'an-Aiiiciii.in M itnra i-ati pceuio looms .ery ir.iMin.ible; pri vate family. ' 'orn-spomlence tavliciteil. fric V. Unspoilt, .,' l.utheiaii meet, llullalo. WAXTKD A limited nuniher of hoarders on farm aflir .tune 1. fur p.uticul..is .i(lilic;s Box P.', Diinoi k, I'a. WA.NTKIl Table boaiilcrs. Mis. TompkiiH, 531 Washington avenue. Booms and Board. LAlinr. front room with board for two Kentlc men, 111! Ailanu avenue. Lost. LOST A small Im-aer purse, conlaininK money, yesterilay, L'et'vien the Itepublicau office ami (lolikniitli's lla.aar. finder will ho icvvauled by iclurninir it lo Gould's (.'airiace vvoiks. Situations Wanted, WA.NTKIl Position by u jouiik nun, .-ijje 21, as bookkeeper or assistant and lypevvilter, wheie pjod haul wmk calN for advancement. No e.pciicnie csiept a tlioioiieli huir.vss coIIoko tiaininK; can slve reference a-i to cliaracter; am willing to ko anvwheie in thin state where Miht attention to business will be appii-cialcd; uocnj penman; loiicrpoiuleiue Bolioitcil, AMus, Wes ley II. .Weaver, l.ope, Millivan toiiui.v, I'a, TWO lilllf.S would like po.-Jtions us waiticsses, chainhermairi-i or dolus M-mml woik; he.st of refcrrnics can be furnished. Addics llox S7, Dimock, Mi.squchamu county. I'a. bl'lfA'dON WANTl.D-llv a woman to vo out li.v day w.ishim.', iionii'jr or ileaninj;. Please call or aihliivi ill. Ititssdl, lll'.i Cedar avenue, city. ALTIVi: WOMAN dc.sir-s a position a-i maid lo lady, or conll caie lor Invalid j!cutlem.iii. Address M thii otlke. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations Alt Quotations Based on Far of 100. fJTOCKS. Hid. Asked. First National Hank l'.'W) Scranton Savings Hank .150 Third National llank iso Dime Deposit and Discount Hank., -'7. Kconomy URlit. U..fc l'.,C- (iJ Lacka. Trust Safe Dcpoilt Co tin Clark & Snover Co., Pr U'J Scranton Iron feneo & Ufu. Co joo Scranton Axle Works us Laikawanna Dalrj' Co., Pr, 20 County Saving Hank ti Trust Co,, 300 ... first Nation il I'-ink (Caihondale) ;ir, Standard UrllllnK Co ai) Trailois Nalion-il H ml! 171 Scranton Holt ami Nut Co , tm ,,, I'umlo't, Hani; l:;ii New Mexico lly. .M I'. Co 7i HONDS. Scranton I'awnger Hallway, first MortBOKC due IW0 ,. 11J Peoplo's Street Hallway, (list mart- c-iiic, due l'JIS ,. US ... tvople'a Hticet Hallway, (jcneral morleace, due 1U21 ,,, MS Dickson Manufacturing Co. ,.., 103 Lacka. Township School 0 per cent. ... 10J City of Scranton St. Imp. a per tent, .,..,,,,,,,, ...,.,, IW Sciantou Tiattiou a per cent, ,,,,, Hi ,,, Scranton Wholesale Market, tTorcrttcd by H- " I'4'0! -' 1-ad.iwiiiina Ave.) Huttvr fresh, tWa'W'.iis-.j dairy, tu-,h, p)i, Cheese -f nil i ream, old, IIK-apii-.; full crean, new, IMIHk-'. , , ,,, ,. i:tfKi Wcstem liesh, ll'iabw. i u.-aiby state, Uii'-alOc. lfeaiw-1'er bushel, ciolu nuriovv, !; u-.i$i.fi,V V4 lleani-IVr bushel, chobo maiimv, f.'..V,.i .HI. Midium Heain- Per bii.lieli. Ji.l0aV-'l3. (iu-eu i'eas I'er liushilea, l.(Xi. 1.1. I'louv best intent, per hand, if I, I'l. Hid Iv'idncy llean.s--'er lmlii'l, M.OaW.30. 1'oljloi.s -I'ce liii-hrl, .liawii-. lleliuinU Onion.-I'cr luishel, !l.3iJaI.IO. l'lllloilelphla Live Stock, l'hlladdphla, May !M. I.lie sloiU-lleu-ipis Ivr (ho week: faille, J.-ii; sheep and laml, b,M7; lio-'s", K.II7. Cnltln iu Unlit supply ami piiccs ruhd hlxlivi: hcsl, -i.JOi'i.'.j; iliouc, isi.a7aJ.Wi Rood, l?.',.-2Ja',.u7i luciliuin, .V'.iVJ'i; common, il.'.'ia'i. Iloan-Siiail), besl wcslein. cub1,,-. : oilier klniU, 7-ii aSc . ; l Ho h"-i not mi sale; lit cows, inodciale icqCst, at o'ai,:,'ic. ; Iliin-iUus, Sta'j4,t'.: M'al cows, sttaJy liniuiiy at ,igi- ; rvtu iboice, n'.vc.i inildi iowi. of heller dj-s lominjnded S"i-,a('l; dicicd slceis, i'iai'c. ; dic. fd lows, b'.ia7!;c. Buffalo Live Stock. HufUlo, May (, KrccipUi f.itlle, lb) can; I sheep and lambs, li; Uojs, 1.', Sbipuicnti: ' 3 .More Help Wanted. AST'llll Mull nr jiomali nt n-ioil i-linrih Maud Inir; III pL vvllllm; to leant our liilMt.r.v-i, then to travel or ilo iniipjpmilenie; !?( i1. I per year. AildltsS Aueiliv, i. ue Ttlhnne. Ill'l.l' 1 W'Tfli Men and women everjwhere to do .eclnl woikj lame leluiin and imlarv lu Mfiefu pnlir.s. Add.e.s I'. O. Itox. No. .I'l', I'llttlnn, I'a. Help Wontcd--Mnlo. WANI'fll- y thoruui'hlv' competent maihlnbt, lor po.iilon at a ioIIIi'Ij ; mul be steady, .slliet lv liliipeiiile. ii.hes I'. (I. Ilnv ."-IT, .Mranton, I'a. WAVTf.D Well ilreiieil men of business eiperi cine, capable of handllmc Invcstnieiit vvllh best iirople; si ite aue. Address llimm PIS llievel I. nil, line. I'hd.idelphl.i, I'a. WANTIll) -Sjlwineii, trivrtlni! or local: weeklv alary paid. Ilerrlck Seed l!o., Itodu-nler, Help Wanted Female. W.Yn:iJ-(Wk and lamiilie-s. fit') I'ulney cve nue. WA.NTCIl-lliiirlit, ineruetli! wnmhii to represent old line ble in-uranie (.otr.p.my. Addii'M M,, Trlhime oflhe. 1 AN'IfH A sci ond girl; must he Rood waltreM. Apply 101:1 Vine slicet. C.lllfi WAXTIill for Kcneial liou.-cvvork in small family, .117 Webster avenue. Agents Wanted. AUI'.Vl! WANTIlll-Old rclhihle life liisinance coniMmj-, foity ,v ears' eiperience, vvanls a lepies-entatlve for f.aikawamia county, Addicss M., Trihuno oftli e. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.IICItT MTll.tTZ. t. oner Mulberry f.tieet and Webster avenue. (JUSl'AV t'lCIH-.b, li.',0 Adams avenue. West Side CKOItCi: W. .1I:NKI.N3, lOt South Main avenue. South Scranton I'lifl) I,. TIMIPPI:. 2a Ccilir avenue. North Scranton CiKO. W. DAVIS, corner Noith Main aiciiua and .Market street. Green Bidge CIIAltbf.S P. ,10Xi:S, l,",-,7 Ilick-on avenue. V. J. JOHNS, U.'O firccn Hidite stieel. C I.CIItll.NX. lorner Washington ave nue and .Marion iticet. Petersburg W. II. K.NflTKf,, 1017 Irvins urcuue. Dunmore J. ((. HOST ,t SON. Heal Estate. $I,MH Ituvs sK-riiom, single house, pood well. I.ol HHxain Soranlon i-licet, Dalton, i'a. Wells A- Kealor. $1,SD0 Hoys building lot, KM. Ml. Wheeler ave nue. Wells "c Keater, Ilurr Itulldini;. Isi'.llOO Hujs double hou-e, 7 looms on a side, all Iinpiovciucnts, iwicpt lias. Dean stieel, Piuvi. dciue. Wells ti Kc.lcr. Business Opportunity. ,ixa) lNVKSTfD iu a roipnialicn will fecme salaiied pcsitiou at -slOO ier mouth and corn, mission, for paiticulais jJiIic-h 1', O. Ilov .Vi.1, Scranlon, I'a. Money to Loan. MO.NKV to loan on impioved illy le.it csUte. MI'.NItV UI'.I.IN. .III. (HAS. II. Wf.l.l.HS. THOMAS SPIIAODi:. sKMO.iXkl TO LOAN Lowest rates; (tiali;ht or li.onll-.l.v payments. Stark tc Co.,Tiadcis' hi Ik. ANV AMOUNT Of MONTV TO LOAN Qnli k. straight Irani or Duildim; and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-115 Council bulldlnz. Proposals, I'HOPlKU.S will he leieivcd for tlie jaultni.hlp of tho Simti-ion Methodist diuidi until May 2(1. Addison ( lia.e, Selh Wiiiih-y, .1. f. Han thilph, CommitliT. LEGAL. NOTH'i; l heieby uiven thai 'I ini-i'limt ol tho slod.liohlcis of I In- Title Cu.iraiil.v and Tm-t loiiipau.v ot Ml.llitini, I'enua.. ..ill be hehl al the olliie ot Iho ii'iupan.v, ,Mn Siiue in-ii, mi. ni ton. Pirn a., al IU o'doik a. in., .lul.v ''7, Pill, to lule aiiiuii on iippinval or disappiuval of Hie piopo-cd im lease o the iapil.ll sloik n .said lumpaia lioin .IVl.uni tn ilmi,l. tt.M.I'il S. Ill'bb. Niietaiy. NiVIK i: In Iho (.'mill ot t illinium I'lius, .No. It:', M-y 'Iciin. IS (it. In ihe iu.iit.-i of iho tict.lion of Ihe 'ill' ot Miantoii tor Ihe appoil''. iiniil of vlevviis In a-ieil.lln (lie ni.is, ilamaacs ami cpeii:c.s, and Us-,-, Hie lion. Ill-, lor Ihe con sliuclh'ii ol Ihe main m-mi-i' ol Ihn Niiietii nlli IIUI nevvir dlsliii i. 'Iho imiii-ciuiiii-il having beiii .ippoliiloil hy the null, vicvviis ill Ihe imixonw main i, heicl-y Islvo noliie that they will, n Iho I7lli day ol .lime, . I). l:. I, al IU o'tluvL a. m., unci on Hie line of tho ail Immovemiiit. al the miner of l.ueire slicet ami ll.iiboad avinue; noice. bur llici.io over tho lino of said iuipiovenii nt view-Ill'." Ihe same and lie iiuiul-es ..llcelcd thcie. h.v, ami will heir all p.nlim mieicsied llieiciu, and their wilnc-sei. W. S. lllflll., .Kill V .1. o iuiw.i:. II. .1. IIICIIAIIDS, Vli-vvei... MITIl'f-Miled bids will ho Kielicd hy the Coiuiiy Coniinlssioncis of l.iikavvauu.i lounly at their oflhe In I'm fmnt llou-e unlit -i in. .lime I'', l'Hll, tor the- coii.lructlou of tlinlien (l:: stone an lies, four (1) eleel liiuler ami ioi lunatiil lion stone mvcieij bildi;es, and ivvo i-') Una cotta pipe biidi-s, in vaiioiis pails u l.uikavvaniia lounly. I'l.llia pud cpeclllcatioiis lor the (onstiucllou of said binb-cl i.ill be seen at I lie otliio of Iho county suivc.vor ill I In mint licllil'. f'0lllllllsSlolll-a It-siTVO lilt- lltlil In e j. el ni.y or all bid. Ilidi will bo aUo Kirivcd for fiuuishiuu' ami lavlni; about seveiiteiii huudiid (l.iimi Mpuio t, it of lUir walk (planul muijici aio'iud ihe "nldliis,,Mummieiit," in au-oiiliiuo will, plant and iecilUjllo.il ul iounl suivc.voi feititieil i hecas lu auouipaiiv all bil- as slat id iu spicilhai'.oiu. .Hlll.N I'fNIUN, .1. ('. MHIIIII-. JOHN III KKIN. Auc.-i: Coiuiiy fonuuisaioiieis. . li. llMi:i.-, I hill (leil.. .losephiue I'll.'j-iinliioln, vs. .Inliu T I lu-ioi liions. lu ihe ( unit ol I I'lumi'ii Pleas ol' I.J' I. uvvauui l.'oillil), No. ;I17. Mali II Til ins, J'-Ol To l"l li T. I'll.-iliiniuiii. ite.-iomlill: Vou aio held i.i iioliticd Hul the bhciilt of faiikavvauiia luiinly lus ii'tuiiit-d Hie tubpoeua ami alias sibpotna iu llic ahove cJ-o noil t-l inventus and Hie lourt has oidciul seivne ii"'u juu by publicalion, Vou aic, thrieloii', heieli not i IU d to In- and appear at Hie licit, liim of i mill lo ho held in Si anion on Mcmla.v. Sepi 10, lis-il, and answer Hie lomplaint of Iho said lihclljin. f. II. si II MIT. Mu-iill. Wll.l. MID, l MlllfN & K.NM'I', Attoinc.vs lor l.ihc'llaul. i utile. 110 uu; shtvp ami lamU, 0 rami hc;, i c.iii. (allle .vci'lj; i.Ihv, oUciius buhl; i""i'C to-exlia. lf.i..')UaVW. lamln, clujiic lo cslia, i;j.il-MS.7."i; lu.-rp, diU to ,elia, i(.50ai,.7j, Ib'L-s Mivcd meiliimi and heavy, K.0o, utlli 4 ivw tinxy at, ijsj.10; iiitja, j.s'JaJ.Sp. i SITUATIONS WANTRl) l-RUU. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Than l-'our Lines, fl Cents lor Each Extra l.lnt, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. II. V. SI'AUI.DISH, 220 UltOAUWAV, NKW lork. Architects IIHWAIII) , DAVIS, AIICIIITIXT, CON.S'i:i.ti hulhllnvr, i'iti:in:iiicK i intow.N, Aitcii, it.. nt-iAb fstate j:rli.itiKt' llldir., 12H Wadiltmlori are. Dentists, nn. c. i:. f.it,i;Nin:it(ii:rtT paum iitiii.oi.NH, 'Spruce utieet, Scrantiin. Dlt. O. O. I.AtHlACII, 115 WVOMI.NO AVKNUb! Lawyers. fllA.NK II. HOVI.i:. ATrOIt.NHV-ATI.AW. Itooms 12, 11, HI and 18 flurr building. f. k. TiiAcv,An'V,(:ot.ioNWHAr,Tirilijun! D. II. ItllPUIIlbt:, ATT01INKY-I.OANa NKOO tinted on real estate Brcuilty. Mears building, coiner Washington avenue and Spruce street. WIl.t.AIID, WAItltKN ,t KNAI'P, AlTOItNlIvS nnd counellors-at-iavv. ltepuhllcan building, WushlnKton avenue. .ii:ssui a .ip.s.sm. attohnhvh and coti.N. nellors-at-lavv. Commonwealth bulletins'. Koonu ID, 20 and 21. I'l'WAttn W. TIIAYf.lt. A'rrOft.Vf.Y. ltOOM-3 00.1-MI, nth Iloor, Mean building. I.. A. WATIti:.. ATTOIt.Nf.Y-AT-bAW, B0A1IO of Trade building, Scranton, I'a. T'ATTfnSO.V k WlbCOX, TRADHrtS' NATIONAt, llank- huilillni. c. coMiinvs, a-i.-, ni:puni,iCAN iiuh.dino. A, W. nfllTIIOf.f, OFFICII MOVED TO XO. 211 Wyomlnor avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. Hit. W. D. ALI.f.N, sia SOUTH WASIIINQTON Hit. S. W. rAMOni'AH.V. OFI-'ICK 333 WASH. iiiKton avenue. Itesidence, lais Mulberry. Chronic ilnc-itc, biiiK', heart, kidneys and cenito-iirinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd Besturants. THK f.I.K CAff, 125 AND 127 lTtANKMN avenue. Hates reasonable. I. ZI'IOM'R, Proprietor. SCIIANTON HOUSK. NMAIt D.. h. k W. PAS. scoRcr depot. Conducted on the f.uropcJn )lan. VICTOIt KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. II. ItltlOOS (T.KA.VS I'ltIVY VAULTS AND cess pools, no odor; only impioved pumps u-icd. A. II. HiIkks, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 N'oith Main avenue, or flcke's druf; store, cor. hit Adams and Mulbciry. Roth telephones. Seeds. G. It. CLAltKi: & CO., SEUDSSIUN AND NliKS erymen, stoio 201 Washington avenue; gictn houses, 1050 North Main avenue; More tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. .lOSfl'II IvTI-TiTL. ltKAH 511 LACKA. AVf., Scranton, I'a., manufacturer of Wire Screen". Miscellaneous. DltKKt.MAI.INO I'Olt CHILDREN TO OHDEfl; al-o ladies' waUts. Louis Slioemakcr, 21! Adams avenue. MKOAIllSKK IlllOS., I'RINTKrtS' SUPPLIES, KS velopes, iaper bags, twine. Warehouse, IM Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. THE WILKES-HAIIItE IICCOHD CAN DC HAH In Siranton at tho news stands of Itelsmiu llios., 400 Spruce and 501 Linden: M. Notion, S".'2 Lackawanna uvcuue; I. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spruce street. Political. ITItsT I.KCI.-LATIVi: DISTItlCT-Notlee is heie by liiven In Iho Itepublicau voters uf the fli-t h-uislalivo disliiit oi Lackawanna inuni.v that a piimary elulhiu will he held on Satur day, .1 nue S, 11KH, al il"' U'KUlar polling jilaie-, I'civvieu Ihe houH of l and 7 o'clock p. m., loi tlie puipu-e of decline t.vo ilelegales to lepi" suit the said legislative distilct in the coming llepiiblii-aii stall" fonvcnlioii In he hehl in llai-li-le.ii. 'the louvciilioii to lomiuile the vole will bo held on Tile-day, .lime 11, moi. at i iiVlnih a. in. In ( n-opei alive hall, Noith Maui avenue, in Suaulon. In aicoidaiice witli tlie niles goveining ilie disliht, Ihe i.iiidhljlcs will be voted for diieitiy by the voleis al Iho polls and mii.-l icuislc'r Willi ihe distih t i li.iliiii.ui hhs full name aim posiolliie addle.--, ami pay his a-i'smeiit lllteer davs bcfoie Iho dutioii, or his name will mil h, placed on Ihe ollldil ballot, neither will aiv volts 'as! fur him he luunli-d. The distiiit vlnilaiiie loiiiniittec in vaiious pn cliicts will minimi Ihe election, and the nviih will bn icpoiled by Ihe ictuiii jihIko In the di. tilit couveiiliuu, whh ii will liu ii,miii.-cd a Jinlgi's ot Ihe Valium dislilcts. A wiitliu uoliic loutaliiinir liillher Instiuilion will he maiiiil to cadi number of the said ills Hill vinilai.ie ctiiinuilii'i'. II. W. .IciiUiii, ( li.iiiin.ut l'li-t Lei;islatiVH Distilct, Ailc-i : aji r -imp-un, Seiielaiy. 'I llTltll l,l.(JM..VIIK DIM'llll'T- Nollee i hueby given Ihil Ihe 1,'epublliau staudit'L i tnili-.il in- i'l the 'lldld Legislative di-tlicl nf L.u k.iwaiiii.i loniil.v, has tii-l -atiuilay, the -.".'ni day of .lime, im, bilwcin the houi.s ol I and , p.'in. as Ihe lime tin holding the puniailes On liu In lion ol ildeiMies In Iho state umvenlliiii nnd Tiic-da.v, (ho -''lb. al 2 p. m., ai Ihe ihl ui Ihe couveiilioii of iduili judgts. "f.ach lamlidat.' must icgisicr hs full mm, and pn.tothie addicss -.villi Ihe ihafimiu oi sciii'iary and (lull pij- liu iisiMueiit at lei-t ivviiil.v da.vs bcfoie Ihe plimai.v deillou, or In l,aiiie'vvil nnl be pi'iutcd on Ihe ballot." Should no moi" than Ihe leipiiiul iniiiili-i .. lamlidatii. I'd-lir, Ihe i-hjiiniau ami mm l el jr. shall iledaie Uu p.l -mis so u-glslcied In lie liu duly elided ildcuaies m piiisuauui of the pro visions of Huh' '.'. I l.i older of OM'MI Nlll SKIHK. Chilrman, Attest:--.1. I N.W'lvlNs. Seciitiiiy. Niautoii, I'a., May IS, lull. FINANCIAL. OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will farn Dig Monthlj Ktturni. The invi'slor's fund fajaSenil-monthly. The oldest rt.ihllhrd III iueiica, No crrllrlialf liolder has ever lo-l a mil I'avinnil. maJt Ic all Mibsiiibus cvciy la tla)s. ,Nu lioublp. Nc delay. Monej mumh-il on ileiuar.d. Wiite lu day lor partlculais, lice tn any addrru, f. K. Maikey .V Co., Ilud-on llhi'g., New Yoil:. $100,000 COLUMBUS RAILWAY CO 4 and 5 BONDS. full pjitiuiliri en applicition, Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. J l. -, 4alfskl-'-