The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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l!,N KfniTm
feT" e " "s.v if r t tfS e.ssr-"
A'". a TafW
if ' (i(-i"f( -VT -i-"' ' ttWS.Wl M' 1
Toio His Shlit nntl Coit Into Stilus
and StiuiiR Himself Up In His
Cell Twice Cut Down by the Offi
ce! s 1'iovlous Attempts Weie Un
successful Bohcmlnn Club's Mln
stielb Tempoinnce Mnss Meeting.
Memoilal Day Suppei Othei Notes
nntl Pcisonnls.
lSnljiii I'titvH in 1 !" Smitli Itiniulev
iiveiine, iniiile M'Vriul unsiii u'sstul at
tempts to loiuuilt sub Ide 111 the Juf U-
.slllt Stll'l't lllllc( l IllUIVC Slttlll-
Uiy nlRlil, Inn one h time lie mis pie-
rnl l by t In nllli ei . About ' lm k
In the (iMMlllIK bl1 llppill.ll llPil IMttlll-
iimn D.ivlil Invl iiinl vvnnteil the olll
eer In in lompauv lilm hume Davis
will him to k liimn iiml he statu il iii
J.uKmi liiol.
A few minute- nfli'i vnnls I'm is
HKinil nil tin' sidewalk near thr l'lv
tiiimlli i linn h .mil betmn ii tli.wle
HKiilnst tin- pollie fiiui1 In kciii'I.iI
IniRi- i towil was altiactcil bv his shoiu
Iiiks mill when U.iviil stinted .iltii
hllll hi- I 111 Up tin silent, to I ?i illllt-s
avenue, vvlii'iu lii- . t i-v tin bt'K.ui III-,
Auain hi' was puisiieil b tin1 putini who nil nfti'i him to III1 lniiii
whole ho was i1.uimI unili'i aiteM It
was ntc y fur t lif nllh-i i to Use
his dub .mil liiuuloulfs bofoie Punh
would submit t nuost. I.ioutt'litiiit
Willi. i itf-t tin n .ippi'iiidl nnil nsslmi il
In iciiiovIiik ll'o li.intk' young man pi
Hip station house, whoto hi' was linked
,n poll Xn 2.
About 10 o'lloi Iv Lieutenant 'William
noiuil ffioani emnn.itim? tioin tbe cell
nnd upon Imesth-ation fiiiiinl Tunis
limiKiiiK to the ii (in bais on tbe tup
of the cell. He had toin his sbii t Into
Ftllp5 mul, Listening one end to the
top cioss-bais tied thp other end
mound IiNneik and was Ii.iiikIuk; when
the lieutenant out lilm down. This in
i teased his a nicer and ho opened up
number tliade ol abuse against the
otlli n
His pffot I at siiiilde appeals to li
somewhat of a f.iUc. and he was none
llic wnise tor his expel leiue. About
11 o'clock ll.ut went Into
the station hou-o fm linn h and as he
v,is passins I'm is' p found lilm
.main silling up This limp lie luul
toin bis ( into snips and tied them
liuit thoi.
' 1 OH sl,' AT
The Ideal Waist for
Perfect Comfort in Summer
It's made of "Jap." Silk, without linings, in white,
cream, ecru or linen shades, with dainty hemstitch
ing and manifold, or fine graded tuckiugs. These
waists are always dressy; they're light as a feather,
and are like new every time they come from the wash
The MakeUp and Finish
Of these coolest of all summer raiment is simply ex
quisite. Neither art nor skill can improve ou it, and
when we say that to see these waists is to create a
deire to own one or more, we but repeat the ex
pression of all who have seen them so far.
An Interesting Display in Our
Waist Department Today
Warm Weather
Dressing Sacques
Really Cool and So
The Hue which we open for the first time today, in
cludes Kimouars, fitted sacques, aud the long negli
gee styles that are much iu vogue this season.
We also show the popular Working Sacques, in
lovely, fresh looking ginghams, fast in color aud all
uew desigus. They are inexpensive and a positive
boon to ladies who have to do a little light housework
Globe Warehouse
Tile would-be s-nli'lilc was iigntii 'lll
down and again boKiin IiIh ultimo of
the otllecis. Me uni then huIiJpi'IpiI
t i n cliiiUliiff up anil this time iicitised
the ollheis of tiylliK to luiliB lilm.
rinallv all of his ilotlips wcip taken
rioin lilm,
At the heutlllK befoie t'olhe Maitls
Hale tbivles ypstctilay nmiuliiK I'ltr
Ms was lliieil JIO. which he paid.
Pin vis Is about Itl .Mats nt nee,
nun i led and lias one child.
Boheminn Club's Mlnstiels.
TIip piiiKiainnie for the Itohetnlali
tltib'H minsliel ipi foiinam e at Meius'
hall nest Tliiusilay ovenltiK has hieii
nnmmed, ami Is as follows:
i.ii1ii ill' rie ... I lil iiiinu
lloml ,ml I nim ' . . fin i Phillipi
Mi M until im IIiIh ' .... Niiiii H'
' I uiKtfl 1 i hi In I i'i" . . . Hlllt Willi im
I ili ol t lie Khiuiim"' I.tirli' Itil-nth
Ml Phii In'" . ... 1 1 1 In r llmnn
"iimin i r i inm ii iin" .. Until riiiiiniKi'i
po n in tin' Pi 1 1 in Mi i'ip wini i
Pin" ... . . I'll 'I Villi!'-
"I mi it lie a IIijIiii On '
I mill Uukietli
"Vi i I. iimlillii (Hi) ' . . . M i Mini
"M PiiM.ii llihi ' Ill m Ik MjiU
' nnc'lliliiir Diliu' Chilli lloiliiii;
"I'linn, I'llim ' ' I irli HiU
I.I.IH I lliiih, "I mi Kin 111' ii I In. I H In
i m" I lilm i mill mi
Nilu I ( I "III Mi hm
The pei fm mam e will be kIu for
the lieliellt ol the West Side hospital,
mid will be followed In a soilul.
Tempeinncc Mnss Meeting.
A lair -led Katheiln Kiieted Mi-".
Miile at the .luikson SllPet llatitlst
i linn h Satillihiv, when she delKeied
a teniieiaiRi' addiess on "Thp Silooit
and ilie lloine" The lei tine was ie.
plele Willi Kond nilvlie and was list
eiied to altenlheU those in atttnd
ii 1 ii e
The Mins ol Tempi i amp (ilee i lull
and tin l.oval ('iiisadpis, a baud of
rliililien. assisted In the ewnltiK's en
1 1 1 1 liumeiit.
Memoiinl Dpy Suppei.
Tile ladies of the AVashbuili ritml
PipsbMei iau (liiinh will nnil In the
ihutib ibis e piling to make aiiaiiKe
niPiils fm senium a ionise supppi on
Thuisda cmmiIiib lioin i! to s o i li l.
The lopiilatinn whlili the hae
made in this paitieulai Hue will, no
doubt seie as a glial .inlee fm the
Loniiuj, tea
Anions thp Chm dies.
I!e. W 11 Williams, the ill limine!
eaii';elist, ids talk on ' llieaklliK
HoiueTlei' at the.l.nkson Stieot H.ip
tlst i linn h list tM iiIhk OutluK the
seniles Misses ltpssie t'laiK mul An
nie Sands iptidiied sppi i ii oial selei -tiiins
Itev. Williams spoke at the
Hamplou htieil Methodist Hpisuipal
i him h in tlie inm ninjr.
Ite. .1. P., pisiui ol the
Washburn ritiect Pipsi tei Ian i hill ill,
spoke at the Itailiiinl Yolltif, .Mills
Chiistian awsoiiation ineelliiK esiei.
da aftetnoon
W. W, Adah, .oiiit.m ol the Itill
ui.iil Yoiiiih: Men's chiisiiin assiuia
tiiill. s)ioke ,il the Waslilmin --IkpI
I'lesb.v teiian i Inn ill list eeiuni;
The Juiiint I'hiistlan Hnili.uoi s,i-
That Are
elety of the l'lymoiilh CotiRiPKallonnt
I'liiiuii will pipspnt a cantata iluilnpr
the secoiul week In J tutu.
Notes mid Pcisonnls.
Mil. Maty CianniiRlH of Xoi th
.Main nVPliltP, q entet lnliilnu Mm. Cat
laluiii, of Philadelphia, a fnnnur t evi
dent or this cllv
TIip mitliiKH auaiiKPil by the mem
bets' of the VotltlfT WolllPtl'i ('lit htllltl
uhhoc lutlon fm' Sutuiilny artel noon
weie postponed ow ItiR tu the. Inelem.
C'liey of tllp WIMtliei'
Miss llalnl Powell, of Xmlh Lincoln
lUeniie, eoinliieteil tlie miMpel meeting
it the Voting Women i riiilMtlnn aso.
elation looniM Satiiiilay owning-.
The iIiiiwIiik lor $"0 m a ten-dav
tilp In the Pan-Ainoiloan exposition
lot the hetii'llt of St. Patilek's Cntlui
lie ehuipli, wilt be lomllli'ti'd In Voiim;
Mi'ii'i Institute hall ou Monda.x eon
IhK, .In lie I.
Much Intel est Is IipIiik nianlfrstPil
In the competitive iiippIIiii; which will
be held 111 the I'll el Weoi ConsteRii
tlolial cliuull oil Weillli'sday p ollillMT.
.Ill tie 215
A ball will be conducted In Meals'
hall on Titesdnv pwiiIiik. .lime IS, for
the bi'iii'llt of iliihu Mackieth, who lost
his aim In a l.iLkawaiitia lnlhoad
w tick mi Match IS.
The annual exuiiidiin of St Loo's:
battalion will he itiu to .Mountain Pint;
on .lime Ifi.
The l.ltii-oln lei'ltal iindei the aiP!
plies of Mm Heinle Howell's Sunday
siliiiol ins will in (in nct Wcilnes.
iln inenlnir at tlie Welsli Calvlnlstlc
Metlioillst i Inn ill, South Main avenue.
Tlie lantut.i ol "Daniel, or the (Jap
thltv and Kesloiatiiui. ' will be pin
dm ed in Moms' hall toinouow evening
h the T.ibei inn Ie Plllleil choil
A sweepstake sluiolllIK' inn lib will
take "pi no mi (iiimmon's lilll nel
Tllllisilav ThiMp Will be one htllidlid
and llltv blids to shoot at
. ppliv,ali nnd Fanillv, toinieil"
il New at U N .1. have taken posses
sion nl a house mi ivinelei.v si i ict
.Miss rilibeth, ot Ninth
lilll Hold ivelille. fell fl mil her bktl
leieittlv and s11S. lined injuilo' that
have kept hoi In the house fm sPeial
Willi im Mil, l Not til Ninth stipet,
had his litiKiis ,atmhl and Inluud In
a lawn mow ei leiontlv.
lames Coultoi and iiimllv, ot Ninth
Main aveiiui, will icinovcd to Pltlston
tills week lo pel luaneutlv leside
John W llhtenhiiiiM'. of Noitli Main
avei has letiuniil fiom a bllsiiiPs)
nii to Piitisilp and Miilmnov iMlv
lieit limning, or Ninth Unroln ave
nue has leliuiictl fiom an etended
Wl 111 .Mobilp, Ala, with his biotliei,
Miss i:ans, of Ninth Ilvde
'.ilk avouilp. has leluilied to Iiostotl,
.Mass tu u'simie hoi hospital vvoiU.
Mis ciaieiue .-hioi and ihildiPn,
nl Ninth Main avenue, aie tins guests
ol Mi and .Mm Wink Ilinrlsoni at
llai k. X. T.
.Mis V w. IMtteison, of PlilladPl
plila. Is visiting at the home of her
piieuts on Suanton stuct.
Willis II .--wed, son ol P.ev. J. B.
wcpI, lias letui nod fiom Oneonta,
and entt- to loiate hole again
Miss .Mav Itli hauls, of Swetland
stitet, is lepoitod to be qultp 111
.Mm una H.ittin, of South Main
avppue ;s visiting fileuiN in Now
lion and Mis 11. M. KdwnuK of
South Main avenue, ni" spending a
!i i d iv s In New Vol k
Mis I, H liilibs nl South Main . iv p
'lile Is sofoitl lling at llallstoii Spa,
X V.
A ilaiir'htii has Ikph limn to Mr.
and Mis. W C, Itov uolil-, of ."l! Noith
Minn avi line.
Mi a.ul Mi- John M Williams bav p
iiiovpiI Into h.unupl Williams' now
house mi Ninth llvde I'.uk avenue
l)iugf,s John ,1. Davie- of ?out''
Main iveniie, atti iidtil the ciadiiailon
i. his liioilioi. S'hlllp, at PhHnP'lphln,
ol' Satiudav
The f'ontineiilal Mine Aoi Mental
1'iutl will inn theli annual exclusion
to I. ii e l.odoie on Jlllv
'I lie West Sldi Tennis i lub s sanies
win again Intel foied with ou Satur
d iv bv the lain. Thov will be pla.ved
on Wedl IMlav.
('hail- ol i 'bilk's Summit, spent
Sum'av Willi fiiends In town
1)1. Philip Davles, of South .Malnave-
I no, who giaduatod fiom the Mi'dii o
Chli lit glial iiillego, Philadelphia, on
Satin d.iv, has l etui nod home.
William Jones, of Philadelphia. Is
visiting at tllp honip of Ills patents oil
l.alavolte stioot.
Mis. Moigan Kvans, of South Ro
bot t.i avenue, Is lstllng fi lends In
The Klcttilt Cll WlKolnien will
shoot at ikiv pigeons on the Cential
giouiid- uet Tliutsilav- aflPi noon,
Mr, and Mis. W J. Moigan of Wash
burn stioot, will loniove to Caihondalp
tonioi low.
William i '111111)111, ol Cm bondnlo, spent
Sundav with filomls lit town
John II. lievnolds, of Wllke.s-li.u re.
was among Hie vjsltoi.s in town estei
da.v Dr. lieoige I! Ilevnolils. of Ninth
Main avenue, was tailed to Tioseo yos
teitlay In roiisiiltatliin on a case
Mli-s nussio Polhiiinus, or North
Sumner nveiuio, has lolilinnl hinno
I I urn a vNit with ti lends in lllnilia
A boy n.iiunl Willie Low In. of 1,'IJ
Washbuin stioot, was aiiostod hint
evening b Patiolinmi Halt for creat
ing a dlsiurbailie on South Main ave
nue I lo was aftei wauls i pleased on
pioinlse of ttltllie good iiiudllit,
The Tu ble l 'lei Mil let V of (il pen
Uldgi. under 111'' illiootlon of .Mis.
MiiNwoll Chapman, will hold lluli hint
Its All Over When Netvous Sick
Hendnche Comes, to Young oi Old.
Eveiything Stops and Nothing
Goes on but the Neivous Sick
If nnvlhliig will eligoiiilei a dMin
gaid lm oven Ille Ut-ult It Is con II tilled
in oll-0 p.i I ci I atiuik's of .UU lieml
atlip Vou mnv bo tibia to pattlnlly
des. tlbo it but the Ihmllsh languase
lulls in lilll.v do It Justice, JPk mls-eiy
ho i otu oiiuatcd, so i undented, m pins,
tinting ilui ail plt-e l. eiiM'lopul In Its
Mi Thonmn SuiiiiiK'M, of No. liJl!)
Jailssou Mied Scianton. Pa. i-.i.s:
"I)i A W Chase's Ncive PlllH aie A
Si(iidid tine toi neivous fc-I K head
mhos, Mine vvcte tuillble at llliioh. I
was neivous at llio same time. The
neivo pills vvi'to iccomiiii'iuled lo nut
and I got u box al Mutthevvs Hioa'
iluig btoio. Xo, a.!') I.aikunuiina avc
11111'. and they ioinpk'tel.v Lined the
lieadacliPb and neivousiipss- Thin, I
think, Is in onuuendailon uiougli."
Dr. A. AV, Chat-e's Xeivc I'llks me
mid nt &0c. a box nt tlcalei.s, oi J Jr. A.
W Chase Mcdklnj Co, liuffalu, X, Y.
Ste that poitiuit nnd slgnatuin of A.
W. Chusu, M. I), ate on may package.
rpliPiirvul this DVt'tilng, and evety nioin
her must be ptpsent. ni btislupss pur
talnliig to t Moli cotueit will lm tians
actpd, Altmtipy It II, ttpynolilf", or Mousey
uveniic, Ik In Vliglnla mi btmlnonx.
Mm. A. II. Ilontlov. of Saiiilcrnon avp.
line, Is lsltltig her sister, Mm. TIuiiiiiih
Dlclison, at Mmilfdown, N. J
Mr. antt Mm. navld Nlrol and iIiiiirIi
ter, Ada, At Wllhes-llaitP. spent Stin
ilnv with (It eon IthtRP ft lends
The fool-hililgo which ctosses the
T.ncltavvautia tlver fiom Hie lour of
Deacon s-tteet to Itnce .stioeL Ih ii gteat
i nnvcnlcnce to persoiH having occasion
lo travel that vvav. Tor souip time It
has hppii iiioip m loss iliimagotl hv
thoughtless nnd mischievous hoys, and
Iipstctday one of these was caught mul
taken befoie AhlPimau Halloy. of Dlck
hoii nvputlp. The alileinuin iPlulmaliil
ed lilm. and after pioinlslng not (o le
peat the offence lip was dlHinlsttcd.
Youiir Ghl CftUght Stealing: Floweia
by Patrolman Watklns Other
News Notes.
I'm .soiiip tlinc, many ft out vnuH
along Xmth Main avenue and other
stieets in title putt of the city, have
boon despoiled of dioko plunls and
flovvoM by unknown poisons, who
WPle siispedetl of being voung gills.
So fieiiuont bocatne these visits
that lomplalnt win matte to tlleithlid
pioclmt police and tJoutcnant tJuV
gave oitloM to his men lo vvuteh for
the ufiendoM. Last night Pnlinlman
Watklns, c night one of those a gli 1
Hi vtais old. in Dr Jenkins' yatd.
wliPic she was llboiallv helping hoi
Bf If.
She was taken to the polite .sta
tion and loi ked up until she gave the
names ot other vho were eaii.vlng on dppieilatlons She was then
allowed to leave with a upilui.iud and
a v. (lining as to hoi liituie conduct.
The utlcr gills named bv her will
riWe lie w. lined agilnsl tiuther of
fending oi lliov will be tlP.ited as
iimnion thieves Their names aie
withheld I i rim piibliintlon tills time,
out oi leg. i id for their patents.
Memoiinl Dav Enteitainment.
An oiili'it ilumonl will bo hold al tho
Welsh ''oiigiogatiiiua! chili ih, on
WcM Maiket stioot, Mtmoilal Day
'night. Uetltatlon, "T Ttave Diatitc Jlv
Last Class." will be for loiuppitimn.
I'll si pi ie. $1: so ond pi io. ."Oe. P.ev.
J It. lioese. or the Puiltnn CongiegT cbuiih. will ad a- adiudb.ttnr.
Doms open at 7 o'lloik. Admtsston
will be t"ll (fills
Km. (i A Cine, pastor of tlie
Pioviilonip M'cthoilist llplscopal
thuioli, ineathod 'wo excellpnt. spr
niiins "steulav moinlng and night,
beloie '.Mgo eont'iPga lions Jljrs.
Pailev, an otmer of the WomonW
chiistian TPinpei.mco soclptv, gave
i a snot t aooioss ,usu
A nunibpi or wpanisn-.Miiei i
tii'i w.u voteians of this section will
lm u out to take p.ut In the
t. paiatlo.
Miss Maiv Powell, of Spilng stioot,
has attep'oil a position In the city
lit .ISlltPI s lltllt e
I'Iip of Miss i.ttev Timlin
look s-aiuiday afteinoon al 2
oiloik fi .mi Ik I homo on Miiik .o
lino Solvit es weie i iinduetPd at the
Hi.iv Itosai.v i Inn eh bv Fa Hit i J. V.
Pen Coal SI. 50 a Ton Deliveied.
to t-oiuh UU tential clt.v and cential
llvde P.nk. Addioss oidois to .1. T.
Sli.ukov, Pill Coilat avenue. 'Phone
tiUsJ '
File on Ciown Avenue Ln&t Night.
Defendeis Invited to Pan
Ameiican Exposition.
1'he tinned In Horn box IT
hist evening about s o'clot Is was
cniisiil b.v file at the one-stoiy name
house or Polei Tuube, lfil Clown ave
nue. The ollgin or the hlae i oUld
not bo learned, but II Is thought that
the exploding of a lamp was the
'I tic William Council. Centuiy and
the Xeptune Hip coiup.inii s lpsponded
but owing to l.u k of a h.vdiaul in
thai liPighbmhood thp (ho had spiead
over the nil he liullding befoie the
(lienien could do anything.
The building was i ompleti ly de
stiovpil. and the ilainngo done will
minium to about t-'.i'). The Insiir
.inie iiinipil was- $''00, A lingo hen
nei y iibout mo If i long, containing
over 400 fowls, huh saved by tho Ilie
i Ollip.lllles,
Gymnastic Exhibition.
gviumistlc exhibition will be glvm
iindei the illieellon ol the iiistiuctor.
Call Stalbol, Wednesday evening, al
.Music Hull. The piogianmio which
has htell ail.Ulgeil Is ns lollows.
(hi nun , I mul ii mi Ii'-li i
I. ll IN1 I II llllllilll li Ii '
I'll. I ami -in ml I' m' I'.-f
I II llllllil I II .Mill i -
do hmililliu- . ... I ht !"' ili"
W mil iliill . . .-ui'Mil Iiiii ilJ-.
sin,', "III Iri ii ' lni mul Mini il till"' ili"
I h wink in I In 1 1 lilllki. il(llll l.' I ."-l
I nil fi in Inu
i n I. run! mIiiii
i l.l It.. ut
VU..I- Ii I'i-ili iml Cal Mullur
I'lV-ltiiill if P.niiiiuk -in ml In1-' ll"
I Ink .uiiuiiit,' lilitlik IUI U--
Mi ..s s, n , I,,, Mill, i ml l.iwm
I he mil liu.i ililll ,.l,ii.lil lmi il uslu ;, ii N
I lIlMlulllii., 1 1 Illl'lllOil Willi l.iii iU.
hiilui.' 1 1 i-i
111 ul. iml nliilo I. Kin Ih'I.-i iml Cialil i'l-
'Iilil. ni 'lie uiilli "
,liuiiiiii. n i I'l'i-o ami -il-ml I"1"- I'i0'l
.Hum l iln-
Afin the iihlbltion a sntlnl will be
Iu Id.
Invited to Pnn-Ameiicin.
The f-t. Jnlin's basket ball team,
ht-tii'i known as the Doliiidoi.'-, chain
liuillr. ol Ihe IOUI1I.V, have leiohiil mi
iivluitloil lioin the Paii-Auieiliau ox
pusitiun atlili Hi nival authoiiiie.s
to Mild llieii lias-kut ball team to ihe
athleili loiiiiiameiu luilng the impo
sition At a nieoiitis hold b Ihe St John'.s
it was decided to s-eild eighteen of
lliolr bsi plajets. who will iccelve
tiee line ami nil expensts paid tioin
the ixposiilon, apd also have u ihaiiie
of vv inning pii.os.
1'i.inl; MiDoiinott was aiiaigunl
heioie .Mugistiate Sion Satuulay lor
ciuel ticattni'iit of unluials and be
ing di link and dlsoideily. Ho was
fined $10, and later In the day was
ai tested on the clunge of hoiu steal
lug. Al u healing bctoie Aldeimun
Store News
For Monday
Tho pi ices v have arranged to sell some of our very newest uoods at on
Monday will biing bargain acokcrs trom far and near. The pi ice list that follows
is only an index to the many good things that await you at the Big Store.
INDIA MULL Just .1 wind about this bij; o
last until noon, that's as much as wc c.ui 1
J comes iu new .mil ptetty designs.
Calico Nice qiulitv of chocolate "lound
1 calicos, mediiim and daik mounds.
1 liir 5c kind. Mond.iv
Calicos 1 case lancv tobe
1 for covet intr comfotts, ch.iit.s and
.quality. Monday
I'ctcalcs iV and medium mound
fpcicalc, one yaid uide. The
k quality. Monday only
Batiste Nice tiuality of batiste in stiipcs
1 especially adapted for shut waists 40 inches
, wide compaii's lavoiably with
kind. Mondav only
Muslin Unbleached nice
iwoithCc, Monday
Pillow Cases Made up with
, hern: sic. .ts-;6 inches. Monday only
Hoc! Spteads A splendid
'.spread in new designs, is good
J5I.25. Monday
l.i nil's, in was lii'ld uiiiU'i '.an bail,
vv ililll In- Iu; llisllc'd
The iii'MUlicis ol l'.iill !!fl. I'atilotlc
Onlcr Sons ol Ani'M lea. v, ill mcot In
icsuln session tills i'vuiiIir al Mail
man's hall
The diainatlc entt'l lalliment to be
Bi I'll bv S'l. Jhldi's siiild In SI.I.uKe's
piilsh bill, Monda.v and Tucsdav
mhls, pMinilses to lie a nicit sin -toss.
TiiKi'ls, .'" lents e.uli, niav bo
had at Sli'ssm- Vost's, PtL'vons',
Hiino's and L.tidvv i'".
mrs rr.nm:ui(MC mat;ki:r. .r-
lei .111 illness of weeks' nuta
tion, .Mis l'lPileikk MaiUoi, nmtliot
of I' Comad MaiUer, died ves
tenlav at her home, ".11 IJvnun stiei't
I)i ceased had bei n a lesideut ol West'in for many and is sin
vived liv two sons nnd Iwu daiiKh
teis Till' auniiuni unioiit will
lie 111, ide I iter.
Finns Now Bidding Who Foimeily
Gave Up in De&pau.
The bids foi tho new Hist ( lass III o
engine, hnolv and laddei liuilv and
?l".nil woith of liose aie lo be
tninoiiiiv aiti iiKidii bv nhoftnr "T
I'liblii safer lllii hi. 01 U, wlui
in a 'I'libiiiic li'.uv list, vvptk that he
bi'lievid that this time the ill.v would
seeiue the new Ille .i)ipaiulus at bftl
Itlt k ll ii 1 s,
"Vou would be sin pi Ised," said lie
"il" ou .saw the ntimliPi of aitfiits who
have told nif ilui lm, the past few davs
that llieii 111 Ills weie noliiK' I" bid for
tlie fust limp in vcais Thi'sp nieii
have tni me thai tin- old plan ot le
Imlinr ell bids to the joint Hie de
paiPlioui ( (ililinillee Ktit so fpfiisive
ol l.i to vi.iia that tlu lr lii nis had li lift 1 -Iv
Klveil up blildillff They didn't i'
a.'tlv s,i list wheie ilm (pousi. tamp
in. I tu t 1 kuiss th,u It is nut vei hind
1. 1 t. II"
Indooi Base Ball Plnyeia of T Ibsuo
Defiance to a Mntch.
l'omian 1) nl th 'I'hli leelith ipkI
inenl Sitiililuv H'leived a 1 liallellKi
tiinii I'omiian.v T to pla.v a h'.iine ol
Indoor l) isp ball 'ii iiIkIiI tills week,
I'lid.iy piPleiled. SeiKeant HiluK,
man wr ot tin1 tnim, Issued tlie hul
IinKf, vv hiili the I) men will aieopt.
The Klllle will be plil.ved dllllllK Ille
enilv pin t ol this week
1. 1st Mnniln.v iiIkIii iIip inn nlni'i
met and ihe inalili lesiilled hi a v ii -liny
lm D huh. 01 h.iKo bill teams
lilt' not' b.'lllK 1 nl llli'il itllOIIKlliillt the
iteliueiit and It I epei ted that by tho
line Miliums ttie taken up iu the new
iiiiiioi) .1 u'Klim nial team will have
Weill (linseu, made up 01 the pit k nl
the niilip.iiiv. A KiilUP vvlll he plajid
with the Ninth iPKliut'iit, of Wilkes
Univeisul Company Nefjotiating tot
Local Concents.
Alltitllel eltuit is li In;;' niaile b the
I'lilviisal Tubai 1 11 ttiiup.ui 10 hi'iuie
iiillliol of the lm nl iinlepi lldilll t ulil
panlfs A ient"-inlillve nl tin Till'
vei.sal iiililiiill Is now 111 llli ill.v ll.v-
IllfT til llt'rllltiatll tin 1lt.1l
The I N a loiup.iuv with 1
i.iliitaliaitoii ut $ouuh.uim, toiuinl lm
the pllipiiso nt llchliim Ihe I'lialliii'iilal
Tiilmuu it)liiiau, as ille lllisi l.
labeled 1IH mt'lllbiMsliip s mule up
llliisll nl the l.HKtti liitlt'pi llili'lll nnil
p. uiles whit Ii 11 maim tl uuti-lih tin-
II I! AS' fiiilt" tlflk nl' tne I'lilted
Stales Uisliltt 1 iiinl. ha.s hot 11 ap
polntt d a rnllid .Slaies 1 niimiisslniiei
b .ImUf I! W Auhb.ilil W W.
rietthi'l. nf Cailisle. has be 11 appoint
ei! ii'fiitu in haukiiiiti im that iit.
.Indue Auljhald ha mimed the inl
lovvllic hanks' up depo.sitnties lm luuilh
belfim-'hu; tu bankiupt thiuit.s Sftuuil
Nalimial hank of Wllki.s-llaiif. l-'list
National bank of Lebanon, 1'lit.t Nil
tlcnuil hank of lluutiiifttou, Fit hi .Na
tional haul; of Shamokln, J.' National
bank of Tioy, Hloonishuij," Nutlonul
Jonas Lomig Sons.
eiing : There
t is called an
Regular 5c kind
Rcmi- -i
c.tlicos .suitable
etc. 6c j
best 10c t
the 10c
quality ;
a plain
value at
Long's Sons
bank of KlnomsliuiK, AVIlliamsptn t Na
tional bank of Wllliamspoit: Kitst Na
tional hank of Klklaud; Set ond Na
tional bank ol Mniiih Chunk; Fliht
National bank or IScllelonte; l'list Na
tonal bank or IIuuIsIiuik; Flist Na
tional b iiiK nl Voik; theVnllev National
bank of CliainbeishuiK. The Thlid
National bank of tills citv lias alieady
beta named as the local deposltoiy.
Viltil lli.ill. i.l lliwiillir! Mini, i. Iini.l
SKI ni. I 1 n-ts hi sitnnin viiloiiiini Iiinl l
He 1- ih i,'id wilh id. mlirlt ifinliiii In Mi .
Ilil I I I'p I III. Hill. I 1 llllllil ilui In lull IllllJUll
III 1 111! s II. I . I 1 ,111, III IIIIH I Ml III.' I ,1111 I
I lii 111 is I iiiininslii 11. ..f Mi.t s, niiion, u i
i' iiinl I" II" iiuiilt jnl 111 siiimin m. mi
111.' mi Ili- ili iii. 11 mil m- ilnriis inilniul
In I 1. inntlii. Urn iIjiiis llnl In il.ii-iu I, 1
s1! Itllllll'lt
The eMUislon nf the T.ivloi Hose
(oinpanies. No l ,lml .', ami the 'I'av
lor Silvei Comet hand, whlili will be
inn ti Mniinialn I'.uk' on Tuesdav,
.lime II. Is eie.itiiijr iniiili Intfiest
ainonpr our tow nsppople.
The snli-dlsiiii t Cpvvmtli league i 011
veiitlon 01 tin. .Methodist i:pistop,il
(hint his was held on Pihlav pvciiIiik
and was nttpiulpd bv lepiispnlatives
fiom iie.ulv evei.v leiiKiip Iu tin ills
tilit. 'I'he ineeliiiB w.i duldedlv iu
K'U'siIiir: ami ilimuj laiselv .ittcud
td. luttMi'stliiK .ipei.s ami addiisses
weie ilfliveiul In inembei.s and hv the
pastor. Rev. C I: Hem v. ot tin- loiai
1 lllilih, and Rev. HiikIi C .Mi Dei niotl.
ol the Simpson .Miihodist i:psl
1 llllllil his splij, ii hfhifir. "Deslinv,"
w lilih was liiteiestlni. and 1 hi(iieiiil
KlVt 11
'I'he boioiiKli ilium 11 Is 1 ontempl.itlmr
a number oi inipiov einents on ih..
Noitli .Main tlioioiiKlitaif, wliiili Is iu
sui h a deploiable i oiiillllon
T.i vlur, P.vne and lloideu lolliiiles of
tho L.u kawanna uniipauv wimp pild
llieii seml-iuontlil e.n nliiRs on Sunn -d.iv.
Ni t H.itmilav ami hiindav tlieiiiai
leilv session of the ConKieKiilional
1 liiili his oi N01 thci'-tpi n I'oiuisvlviinla
will ( Foiest t'itv, wlleu the
Welsli Coiimi'K.ltltilial 1 liiinh ol lids
plait' will lie lepieseuled bv its pastm,
Rev. .1 C, llviuis, nnd KiuiUfl .1. I'hH
ll.s wlio Ih the lnasiiiei oi the (ii,u
Ifily iissni latloii .Mi I'hllllps vvlll ilmiI
it paiei 1111 'The t'lulslliiii Sabbath and
I IS lllllllem e I'pim Siiflet.V "
The soial ol the Ladles' Indue, No IS,
1ne1l1111 PiolPstaiil assiipntlon, 011
Siiluidav ivi'iilim was n ileilded sta -1
.Mi and Mi- Tallle W Jumps aie
lioiiie limn tlieli vli-il lo ilcll.v slnii,
vvhi'ip the foi mm' atleiiilttl tlie tiiaud
Indue .session nl (Kill Fellows
lMllltllld Williams, ol Rhine sll.el
siieiil vesleidav as the Klis( of ih
tlaimlilei. .Mis JiiIiii '. Davis, at
Wilkes. Mane
Mi.s John C Ith hards Is lioiiie limn
I'hlliiilt Iphiii, vvlieio she attended the
Aineili'iin I'loiestnut Ladies assiuiu.
Hun (liaiiil Indrte t-esslnu
.ll.s. ThoniiiH li'iitidpu iiml iI.iukIiIcis,
Mlhsis Ciiiiii and I'ndn, ol I'ltl.slnu,
siient tin Mibhaih al the home nf .Mi.
ami Mi.s William II Cos. of (iiovo
Dr. .1 S I'm It us will leave Ibis innm
Inr, fm Lnillsvllli' lv , wheie lie will
iltellil the Si anil loin lave o KlliKhts
.Miss ,A( lillllUKliin nl .MihiMi , wiih
tile mii'.st ol .Ml-s UpII.i Wllllains, ol
Rillf Mltet
.Mihs Mill I. I, lot tl, ol I'liloii slipol,
visited tin .Miis,.s Tiijhn hiispltil es.
Ihllhltiii ilivlslnii No r.7, Soils ol
Tr-inppinuti', will nifft In it'Slllai' ,ses
hltlll (his I'Vt'llllIS.
I 'I ei WiImiii ha.s opened a shoo .si!i).
Ini,' ti.ii lor In (I. ,M h.u ht
slum up .Main stii-ei
.vlis. .1 11I111 Coombs and iliiiuhtei have
Kllllllt'd 1 1 mil thfll infill I .-1 1 lnilll
her I1111111 iii Dovei J.
Tin luiifial of Mit-. Hi my l.oflui
will takf plnic fiom Iu r tat t home
tills 11101111111,- at ! iAIikK The im
ti'Rf vvlll he laken lo Ihe .Si James
1 l.iiiih. wheie .1 high mass vvlll he
telfhiati'd by tho pastm Itc'v. i: J
L.ifleiiy. Intel ilielit will be made 111
the Olyphnni Catholic if.ueteij. 31if.
Lot luu was om of tho leading inem
bei.s nf the Altai and Itosp ,mi lety,
of ol. Jaines ohuuh. She vvtis lioin
In I lilt, town twenty-nine. eats nyo,
Sera n ton, Pa.,
May 27, 1901.
is just one case, it will probably
India Printed Mull and 7
For Monday only -8
Nainsook A nice quality of nainsook iu
yaiious sie checks, woith at least Sc. ;
Monday only 5!C
While Goods Vaiiotis kinds, including
plain and stiipcd lawns, checked and. .striped
nainsooks, etc. Some aie 40 inches wide.
Monday only C
Towels A good quality Turkish towel
measures 18x38; this is our best I2)c -.j
grade. Monday only 1 UoC
Coidcd Lawn.s A novelty in corded wash
lawns. All the newest colors and designs,
woith not less than izJjC Monday
only I eC
Table Damask Nice quality of table dam
ask, including bleached, unbleached aud tur
key led; 5-8 inch wide. Monday
only, yaid OC
Uanagtrs anil Vnaets.
Local Utniger.
Monday, Tuubdny and Wednesday,
May 27, 28 and 29.
Matinee Tuesday and Wednesday.
The beautiful mini drama
Joshua Simpkins
Piesented by a capable company.
Matinee Piices, 10c nnd 20c.
Evening Piices, 10c, 20c and 30c.
Grand Atlantic Hotel, cno Annex.
Vimmii te mil llonli. Atlinlic ( Ity, N. I.
simIi tin, nil In nililiil romis rnsuilf, mii-Ii
mil willi Inlli. I10I iiml (KM H' l water Lallil
111 Imttl nid nun x. I.111 itiun win t ami unlraL
vvitliln fiw v mil n llii Strcl I'm. Onlic-itri
Dili ik sitinl sluing rites, f tn sf li imL
s,fniiili 1I0. spm ut 1 ties tu fnnilios. Cunliu
mul ill li ilits. Mule fm lintikli t
11 viuas i'. roi'i:.
. Robin s U
' Manufacturers or
485 to 455
N. Ninth Stroet,
Telephone Cull. 2.M.I.
, .ra
ami hat iioen a losident. hfie iluiinff linn She Is sinvlvi'il h a bus.
Iiai.t ami tlueo fhllilioii , Keonaul, il
ftu.s. Mini", a o 111, and .Io-o)h, y
inuutlisi an ,ii;iil mother ami
tllteo .sisleis. .Ml", .loliii Heap of .lm; Mis. M, I'. DmiKhPr ami Mlsi
Wiunlfil JoiiKheitv, of this iil.iif,
The I'aiinll (limn 1 01 lis is maUlntr
Kitat iii?pai.,'tlnii ilm' Hull' 'x'lal,
Willi li Is to taUe plain al IlilltllKh',
Mu J5.
.Itilin "Wonil 01 Ihiiialn ts visitini?
his biothfi. Thomas, of Kht pticd
Miss Annie llaliUb'N "f houtli
Pnaulon, W vl-iltlui; :1M nnio Mr.
Aiuiiovv nl lilt N1111I1 Iiinl
Mik. M"f T.illutt. "f .lel'iun W vls
Itmu Ml-h h.irlt' ialittlui nl ih
Vtl hide.
Tlie rolumhlii Diamntli umipanv
of ihl.s phice. will minimi .1 soiinl at
Si laiue hall 011 Piv evi'il
Imr The hall will bo liinutll'ulb rtt -unaitil
loi- ilm iKiaslon .M11-I1 vvlll
In I'm ut' In tl h a lull mihistia
'Ihe Ah 1 If 11 llustleis lull ti.illlH
(iKieil Hit M.i-iin ti-Uiihiv atlci
imoii ou tin- Mai K llo.ul iriiiunda Tho
Kiine l.ihtul only thiii'.liinliiB when
Ihe Abuts wiaiiKlt I uvti mini tleeln
ion of tin umiiiif The llittilfi"?
piovul lo be loo lllilih loi thi Aleits
limit Ihe 8l.ui. Till tune w.1 C to
'.1 hi favor of Hit' HuhlleiH .T H.
Ktimtilv inuiilieil ihe j;aniP
Miss Annie Cos. of Pin est City Is
vanillic fi lends hi town
liuii't loijri'l the iliildon Star .social
cluh'H -oclaI at nillliiKn' thN pvon
Iiifr. Uii'hesti.i niiikli vvlll he fui-nlshcil.