The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    jvh v t -
r'nc frlt,? ( mj
tiii. jiom.ns' imitm.utn srortr.
X Keep
Tito lies we incnn. It
wont bo much tiouble If
nncl WINDOWS. If ynu
buy them heic It wont bo
necssaiy to loplace them
e v e i- y year. Cortland
Screen Doois nncl Win
dows nie miulo of best
quality wlie clothframes
nic mot tlsctl nml glued,
will la&t ycius, All sizes
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
Dinner Sets
For Summer Coltiucrs.
U- fill til' 111 foltijrp St, In ill k
th i IP rui Miilril foi lliiL inrinc
in linn iinlii1ily i prlrniret lin III.
i i rnirine mil to s dKiiiiIihe the tunoV"
nl rl oiii .In no i hin.i to ,ui finm our
tllllllll'l Immi , c ll, will Mill li(il'"
U Ink uf in .tti foi ho iImnj Minn
.". hi '. lin Hi it p .in nftciiii.:
-I'l' ii. ion w,i: -i:i- en-
I'di.'l I I MS-lin pi,. vvi- pini, ,,ii.
I- '!! !' ll -ll-. llllt 1ICWI III!"
' ' - "i i ' nun mi. i i
Ml ruii
, .i i I tiii
ili lijjilinl
i Miilml tn '
in Li .-X"?
Arnold's Gauze Diacis.
'I In it. -n i mil nut lull' l al-o
I ii I i uiniii li Inn uf lunula' Van, L
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Repairing Done Gratis.
('lift l!i iiUi iiiiin, the il.n niiii't
III, 1 or nt Haiici'. in i hos-tia, .i
liiii urn o-iap the other nlilit 1 1 inn
belli;'1 .iiii-MmI lnr .1 buislar. I'aliol
uinii liciiiiiu I. ihe bilesi .ii'iuNillim
1d lin iniliii- lone, i.i iot-on-lble for
Die im blent.
11 sui ins tin- Jhht ninhl Uem
iikII -u is mi duty. I!i i(!Piu.iti hnd
li, i u pl.ivltm ,iu cni-TUKcmout up llii'
.ill, . .mil illd imi ii'luni to Oil" eity
uutil ,ilt. i' niii IiiIa-.1i t. II luis been his
i umuiii im ilic i,i.-.i tlilrlfi'ii ,iu.s In
lll( Ills 111 -ll llllll'llls .it I'ottcll'h
lnils-ie Mm . ln.i. lie is I'liipliijcil
IMl tile llllll ill itli slldll . lillllRP
lll.tll (llll'll'l till" .stoic as1 iisiml, ami
pic-i inly .lie leu i .i 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 "ills.
ooiid" liini walking .iioiuiiI Inside.
I'lccpliipr stealthily up to the iiiiin -.a.,
ho lit in Uiill fur the
ami .ins I us the l.ittci ciiiciffcd friitn
the intctiiii lie was kimIiImmI by the
nfllo i
' h. i Mi 11iiikI.ii," pahl (lie palml
llillll '1 c.llIKllI .Mill in the net lilt
tltiK aliil if I h.Hlii't seen mi imiiiiIiu;
ml, I would iciliiliily huvo lltcil mi
'oll, ICs 11 lllcl , IllillK lur on
1li,lt .Mill illdu't liio." ictnitcil lliiiliao
ui in who liy litis t i mo hud "dis-i n -licit"
himself. "I'm lint ii huiKltil!"
How du I Know thai .miu'ic iiol'.'"
n Koil lioiiilitel,
'ol, j, nu 'i. null hniilly expect to
IImiI it Ijuik1.ii' 'in Knew his business
nniiiif; mil ol the flout duur v. lib !i
m would Miu"" .isKed lti idKcnitiu.
i'( Uiilnly." letnried the ndieor.
'lie until Iiiim- a I'nlse Key."
Well. Ihis happen-, lo be the ilsht
Uoy," siild ('hot. "null I have boon
c.uiyiliK it fni ihiiteen years."
"Hut how do 1 iiiinw," poisistcd the
natinliiuiu. ".nu nilKht lie a huii-tlar
ii all I Know."
"Tin heaven's snl.o. man, how IniiK
TIIVC .oi been on Ilic police loice,"
isKed HiUlKrinau.
Thin Is my 11 f-t UlRht," ansvieicd
"1 thought so," HililRiinau yaid in
i sumo-iv hat molllllcil tone, lie luul a
mid time, however, to convince the
it w iiihii that ho wns not a liurslai,
lud Hint ho ought not to ho (alien to
Millce tors.
t will lip iPiiiPinlioiod that when
Mioiney M, ,1, Mm tin whs loopntly
Icel'llPd elpcted to tin otllep of city
lollcltor to till tho vacancy which will
leeur In caso thp Miiohlliioiiuor liljj
dpclaii'd linrnustltutloiiiil, lio had
inly twenty-one votes, oi mm ,hoit nf
i mujorlty, re corded in his f.ivm-, At
ho next metlus" m commoii council,
fomtellmnn Fred Vhlllljih i luted
that ho oied for .Mr .Mai (In and sue
ceded hi hans the miimto liookb of
the common council cluing-oil to so
iciorcl him, Thl! Kavo Aliuiln twcu
tywo voles anil everyone seemed to
think that In this lespeet, ut least,
he would have liln sallliip: If the rip.
por was hnoclceil In tlfj head. It is
now contended that tho minute hook
(i tho Joint convention, which was
Kept by City fleil; Lavolle, has not
hfpii cliungrd and tluit on It Mr, Mar
tin is recorded as hnvliiK lecelved but
iworjiy-njio vines, 'inis icunct was
obtulned iy
uddltifi- together tho votes
received In
rach Inancli and cannot
tic changed except at ;i joint .session
' c-ounclls. It it llCilil Hut Ilia nhj-nc.
Gruerver & Co. jj
I 205 Wyoming Avenue. I
hnr of the toniiiion nnuicll minutes
does not nl nil niter tho slluntlon.
llniiv il. Fuller, fniineily of Hcutn
ton, kihiiiInoii of tiii; lull n, r', i-'ui.
ler, him Jttst pitHped the fiiltnucp ex
iiinlimtliiiiH tu the ttnltod .States Nnvnl
iicmlcinv nl Amiaiiolls, Aid., ItiivltiR
lecelved his aiipolntniPiit ifrym the
ntntc' of Vprinont. Xavul rnilel t'ul
ler will snini dlmt on hit llrst citiNe
on linnril tho Iiidlnnn. Thu llliu'iaty
nf Hip Imllnnri Is us follows: Leave
AniiiipollH .tune in; arilve Npwpoit
Ni'WH .Mine 1 louve .lunu 20, and ar
il vp New liuliin June UT,' leave July
1 for titiici' In O.iHllnet'i ituy and
Hint I: lsiniid Hound .iitid arrive New
port July 11 leave July ir, and sir
Hit1 ut oileni l'olnt July 11), where
ttnnsiVrof piulott with I'hesnpctiko will
Inko iiIikp. It'iivp July .3, in live Npw
London Jul L'.'l: lenvo July 27 and at -rle
I'm timid Auk, '' leave Auk 7 mid
miiu lliillfnv Auk. 10; leme Aug. IS
ntltl lirilvp Newpoit Npwh Auk ""!
IciiMj Auk, -' nml anlve Annniiolls
Auk ::.
Slv huiiiliod Lalcp Ihle cntfl-h wpip
IiIiicpiI In Luke Henry at Mnplewood
on Siiluidiiy 'flip mmlKiiment wni
stcutPil by px-Hheilff lloblnson, who
Imi a cotliiKP at Lakp Henry. Thpse
llli hip unuminlly lootlisomc mid
Kimi to InrRP nine
Thp liandsmiip $.'.'ii) slher li limpet
won b thu ICiikIo compiiiiy tit the Phil
Sheridan fair lias been pipsriiled to tho
cntiipiiny's lucsltlciit, Senator .1. ('.
UniK Iiiim, cl Nrn Vml., I thp uurt ot
M lirnllipr, II lr, nl Jl nil. on .hpiiiip.
i-l.iiil t'o-lmiitrr II W. Pmwll lui rp
Im licit fimii l'liilnlplpliin, Hlicrp Iip 'iotit
Mi .mil Mm .Iiiiiipi I)., of Pphn.irP
iIupi, line ipltitnril fiotu .1 oel.N ilt Jt
(li iiupIIIp. l'i
Milk HiIMp.hI of (lik RtriPt, H wrinu.1
Ill unli I'iIiokI 1- Mr in tho Mnj I'jiker lio-i-pit
ii, Siinhtii
Mii llnddilipip'li lin ipIiiiiipiI fiom a iit
In tlmlii dl., Plilliilclpliu jikI lhrtMiurir.
C.iIoiipI I i Imir, of Wilkii-llurc, :u
In tin. cit; Siiiirilj;.
It Is Believed That the Slnte Con
clave of Knights Templnr Will
Be Held Here Next Year.
The memliei-s ol Coetir de Lion coni
niiindery, No. 17, and Molitu t'omninnd
my, No. 6m, KniKlits Templar, accoin
p.iuied by .Mallei's Thirteenth roKi
nient baud, will leao this afternoon
It ' 10 o'clock on tile .Toispy Ontlill
railroad tor TtondliiK to attend the con
clave of the fii'und loiniiiandpty of tho
.stale to be held hi that city tomorrow
and Wednesday,
1 1 is expected that at least one bun
died nionibeis of t'oeur do Lion eom
in.mdeiy, coiiiinaudcd bv I'mment
Commander Kiel Y. Warner, and seventy-live
nionibeis of Mplita comin.inil-
ei y, piimiuniiilcil '!- lhnlucnt Coin
i. i.inder Walter L, piiwood, will leave
on the 1 1 .1 ill. They ill imi flcin.iio In
the p'liade to Is- conducted tomorrow
moniiiiK at in o'clock and will return
to this city l.i t.- Wednesday nlRlit.
Major T. Frank Penman, of this pity,
will become at this conclaM; the jrraiitl
ciimiiiandcr, whicti is tlio IiIkIiusI ollb e
In the slate nrirunUiitlon. Mnlor
Penniati was olected Rrand junior i al
lien nt thp conelaie held in this city
In 1S and ovrvy .ear since then he
has aihanceil one Krade, until this
oar ho Iipi omes Maud ooiuinander.
The positions which he lias held in
their proper older aie as follows;
CI i .i i nl junior waidou, Brunei senior
w.uden, maud captain Reneral. Kinnd
Ronoiallssimo and deputy Kiand com
inandor, which bitter nllicc he now
It is an unwritten law In (he state
otK.iiiIzutinu ('nit the innclavps shall
be hold in those cities in which tho
lotiihif,' m.iud ii'inmauder lives, Thli
moans thai Set anion will piobably
hae the honor of a-jain eulortniuhiK
the KnlKhts Templar next spiiiiK. as
Major rpiunun will at that time ie
tito. Wllllainspo.'t Is understood to bo nux
lous to hae the conol.ivo hold within
her bin deis next year, but tho local
nieiiibois beliino that her repio.scnta
tiM's will withdraw from Hip UrIiI
when they hear that a stimiK effort is
boillK 111. tde to bliliR tho conclave tn
thin city.
Saciament Conferied nt St. Petoi's
Cnthedinl by Bishop Hobnn.
Ncaily ,'iiill hoys and Kills iccclved the
sat i unit nt of coulliinalloii at tho hands
of Itishop at St. Petei's c, Hin
di. ll yosleulay a f lei noon, The bishnp
wa,s assisted In the cei oniony by jev,
.1. A. o'Piollly, icctor ot the calliedial;
llov. J. .1. (iiltlln clunuollor of thp dlo
cese, and ltcv. Katlici Van Koa, nl ihe
The Khl wcte diessed in the ills. nf while, with while
M'ils and lloial meat lis, and made a
piotty pietiue lu the piocessious ut
tciidaut upon tho cereniony.
PiPiedlner tho udnilnistiatlott of tho
Miciamcut, Hlshnji Holmii In simplo
leims made a ichuiup nf the ins.tiu-
llimi the chlldien icceived duiliiR their
plepaiation lor the sacraiueut, explain
Iiik lis slKnlilcaucp ami hupiesslmr
uptiu ilioui hy nnecdntal ami other
llliistiatlous tin nieanliiK ot "stinnpr
and perfect f'llllstiuil." He also had
llicni all lenew iheir haptlsniul vow.s.
The chin oh was crowded with tho
ft lends of tho chlldien and theso older
folk wein much edified by tho elmruses
of the yoiiiiR- voices and by their sIiik
hiK later the Lathi responses and an
thems at beiictlh Hon,
Pianos nnd Organs
of tho ihiPal qunllty can always bo
pmchasc'd ut tho eiy lowest price
nml on the easiest teims at
Guernsey Hull,
314 and 3(i Washington Ave.,
' Scrunton, Pa.
- i . .
As-1; for Kelly's union ciackeis.
Smoke the now Kleon clear, Do.
IVUss Emily Hanon Colling
Will continue her lectin es and de
monstiatious on tho
or How to Make Cooking Easy,
duitng the week commencing
May 37, at
507 Linden Street.
Board of Tiade Building.
The Scranton Gas & Water Co,
Supeilntentleiit Clarke Says the New
Engines Will Enable Them to Go
for Tluce Months Without Incon
venience Should tho Strike Lnst
That Lontj Falao Alarm Was
Turned In from the Car Shops and
Was Followed by a Small Riot.
Meeting of Car Workers.
C.eiieiul .Stippiiutcndcnt T. !.
Cliirke, of the Delnwuie, Luokiiwunnii
and Woslein 'company, ".eiionftiy
stafod that thp lompany has been.
puititiK im a im fte number of now
eiiRlnes dining tho last two months
and now consldeis Itself fully equip
ped to stand Hit? siilke foi at least
tin co months without Inconvenience.
Mr. Clmkp was seen tit his reslilenco
by a Tribune man Inst pwiiIhk, nnd In
discussing conditions aloiiK the lino
"liurhiK tho lust sixty dan, ami es
pecially Hit last few weeks, wo have
seemed neatly llfly new uiwlnos for
Height, passoiiKor and swIteliliiK ser
vices. Tills places US lu excellent
shape, as this supply of new eiiKlnetj.
will btanil the stilKe for many
months. They weio built nt the
Schenectady Locomotive winks, whole;
wo have placed another Iiiiko older.
Wp do not pxpcot any nioie oiirIiics,
luiwever, until Ootober or Novembpr.
U'o ate now in a position to cany
all our tralllc. Including the Pan
Amerlcan, for at least three mouths,
without the men who nie on strike.
"We hae at inosont sr.fllcl"iit ein-
ployes for our needs anil when wo
want 111010 we will Ret them. livery
new man means one placet less for
the old employes."
AVhon Mr. ClaiKe was asked
whether any delinito action had been
yet taken, dins the lemovnl of
tho car fhops to I.IUKhamloii, be riivo
Hip fllst dliei-t infoini.itinn on the
matter which has jot e onto limn a olTlcInl. Sale! ho:
"Wp have lci'PKeel a riy tempting
offoi fiom 'RlnKhamton, and It is now
uniler tonsldeinllon Our jionple are
lalkliiR- veiy favoiably of 11. but no
linnl ellsposllion has been vet made."
The oidor tor the engines was
placed with the Sohoiiecl.itlv film Inst
Last evening a small Hot ni curt oil
in the Lackawnniui A false
aim 111 was turned in and 21" sounded.
This is the car shop number and the
Costal Hose company and the Hook
ami Ladder company responelod, only
lo find that theio was not the sus
picion of n blaze. A laige Ciowtl fol
low eel tho (li onion to the scone, and
when a number nf small boys anil
excitable men caught sight of tho
pifiut shops, m which aio ciuniloiecl
tho Impoited men, pandemonium
hio'xo, loose, ('lies nf "si nb" and
"black-leg" woie howled nt every seen about the place, until
they weio foiced to rotioat into tho
Immediately a fiisilaele of tho place
began ami it full ly 1 allied stones
about tli windows and door, until
eety pane nf glass was Fhattoied.
No one was injuicil, how over. Tho
ahum was not tinned In tiom any
box, nor was a telephone message
sent to any of the companies. It is
thought that who weio tanipoioet
with by the poison who sounded the
aim 111.
Supei Intenilent ci.uke "last night
signitied bis intention of today oon
foriing with the city authoiltles In
order to ilotoimlno sonic method of
dlscovctlng the ml;,chleC maker, anil
it Is likely that a lewaul will bo
offeiod for his an est and conviction.
Piesident Zohndor, of the Scranton
Holt and Nut company, does not veri
fy the statement given out fimn the
machinists' headeiuartois to tho offce't
that he made u nine-hour day piopn
sitlon, which wa- 1 ejected. Mr.
Xehndor iIphIps absolutely that Iip
ni.idp anv such oflor.
It is pay-day today at Hip UlcKson
jranufactuiing cnnipnny's ncoinolivp
woiKs on Cliff .stieet, at the Allls-Chal-ineiH
coinpanj's T'enn avenue shop and
ut the Kini'li woilcs, and the stiiklng
employes of these places will very
like'lv maich to lliom In a body to 10
e'elvp their wages this 11101 ning.
Tho McClave-Hiooks cnuipnuy paid
their mpti Satin day, us bave also
oilier of the coiupins whoso men aio
seeking tho nine-hour day. A huge
number of tho Milker em locolviug
their pay applied for union cauls anil,
uinied willi these, alieatly base loft, or
will lu the future leave Sciantnn
to seek employment plscwiieie. Otheis
have seeuiod woik In Hip Pity, these
being notably car bulldnis, and 111 e
Rotting aloiiR ponifoilably as paintets,
carponteis, etc.
The car buildeiri mot jesteid.iy luuin
lug in iCcoiiomy hall and tiansactpil ,111
aniouul of lotitino business, No ficv,h
Impoi lutions nf men by Hie Lacka
wanna have been hemd of, but Satur
day night between llfteen and twenty
nf tho hands biuuglit up fiom I'hlht
dplphia lecelved their wages for tho
few days' w.oik diino mid lot t the city.
The luachinlsls have decided to repeat
tho oiiieiiaiumeiit which they recently
gave at tho Lyceum, and contemplate
UikiiiK it to Huffnlo, Npw Ynik, and
other pliiros.
They bediovo that by so doing they
can ten I hai a cousldoiablo sum to lio
utllhsed duiing tho htiiKo. The per
foiiuauco will omliody t lio same pio
Ktauiiiio given with such succesvi bo
fme, but will bo of a much muni coiii
pleio nuttlie, as thn business pall of
the last meeting will bo, of coiuse, en
tirely dispensed with.
At the meeting of lllectilo City
lodge, Ftlday nlRlit, two uppiPiitlco
boys weio allowed full striko bcneHls
by thu lodge. They had both been ills
charged by tho conipaii1,, on account
of havlim piloted thioush tho Lacka
wanna yiud two nf tho impoited men
who cxpiessod their elesho to jonvo tho
piemlfces when they hoanl a sttiko wus
lu piogiess.
Tliu e.xcluslvo Intel view with Master
lliillder Canlleld, whleli appealed In
Saturday's Tribune, in which ho ni.ido
his statement legaullng the number nf
men at woik along the line, was hailed
with derision by tho stilkeis. who claim
that tho men went out in a body at all
tho points wheio the master builder
bays only a limited number struck.
Superintendent Cluike last night add
ed tho weight of his testimony to that
of Mr, Canucld. Ho srtlel:
"Wo aio working full fono at some
of the pluces and paitlnl foicu at the
otheis. in Huffnlo we have one hun
ched and hfty men at woik In tho ma
elilno shops.''
It was said by some of the strikers
lust nlalit that the nie alarm wan
tinned hi by a special who saw a blitzo
near Ilic paint shop, caused by a Hie
lighted by all Italian labtner.
Attended Session of United States
Cotnt in New York.
A Iiiiko number of witnesses fiom
Sciantnn htixp been hi altcnduncc In
the United Stales Chciilt court lu New
Voik city during the past cIrIU or ton
days for tho piuposc of testifying lu
behalf of the Lackawanna mad lu the
milt hriiuhtit against the mud by Kstou
10. Dovoie, a child of about ton years
of tiKc. A venllcl was lelltleied at tho
conclusion of the trial for $10,000 tn
favor of ilic plaintiff, who funnel Iv le
sltled with his mother nt .Stroiiilsbuig.
The cause of action arose on the
nlKlit if November 2.', IM..', near tho
Hrlelgcvlllo station on the Lackawanna
load. William Dovoie was Instantly
killed, his wire was badly Injiued, and
the child was permaiieiitly disabled,
physically mid mentally. The accident
Declined at Hope classing, whore tho
1 alb nail ciosses Hip highway at a grade
lend. Tho ciossing has been for yeais
a nientiie to the stirioundlng commun
ity, a huge number of fatal casualties
having occurred there dining Hm past
fifteen or twenty years by teusnn. It is
claimed, of the vai lolls obsti actions he
Iween the highway and the Hacks.
Tlipip aie no gales or flagman at the
The cikso wns tried by Tjndall &
Harton, of New Yoik city, for the
plaintiff, and Hamilton Oelell for tho
defendant. Nearly fifty witnesses were
'brought Into eouit during the piogiess
of the tiiul. Among those from Scrnn
ton were William II. Seeley, Ficd Wer
ner, "W. Meseiole, Milton Yeltpr. Jack
son L. Stoll and Sandy SHIIwpII.
Jack Tierney Goes Into the Refoim
Business nncl Tackles an "Evil"
That's Worth While.
Hay by day, Hip lefoim nioceniont
Is glowing. At tin outset, theio was
not ti little fear that many months
must come anil go before public sen
timent would be with tho ciusadois.
The leading nowspapois quickly ical
iod that Hie movempnt was a move
ment that was going to move, and lost
no time in giving it support, in tho
wake of the press came Hie pulpit,
anil, as must noeosailly bo when the
pip.'- and pulpli Join, the public
cpiicUly began to get in behind. Now
s to be pin 011I1 led the Clowning cnu
ei sinn the acini nf accnilslliotis:
.lack Tleinev has tinned icfnrnier
and joined lu Hie ci usado against the
evil that mine than all olbeis litis
been assailed by the league the ille
gal sale of lUpinr.
It was expoetoel all along that Jack
would some day or othei bo in lino,
but no one who know him looked for
his entree until theio was a too afield
wni thy of his stop.
Stui gos and WiNon and -those other.
ovoiy-day-soi t of letnimeis might
find even enthusiastic engagement in
stacking up against the speakeasies,
Sunday saloons, gambling houses and
the like, but oidlnmv lines like these,
didn t measuio up to Jack's dimen
sions as a refoimer. As be aptly ex
piessed it himself, while he sat dan
gling his feet fiom a fish box in front
of a I'enn avenue market last night:
"Tush. J'(l tiow that size back in tho
The bin, nilllinnahe Now Yoik,
Novmk and Philadelphia luoweiies
is what Jack has picked out as bis
victims. Hvfr keenly aleit lor the
minutest infraction of the law. Jack
saw while other seekoi s for l.impant
evils saw not that these out-of-town
broweiios weio selling their wmes
lino -without taking out a lit ono.
"I'll ju.'il take a lly at those fellows,"
said Jack, and Hip nPXt wink Jack
was lousaiH and in lull phase alter
his pioy.
In, 1 !n v.i- nf lnaetico ho tackled
the Stiotidsbiug hreweiy fltst. War
rants wore issued at his Instance lor
Com ad Hellig and ChaiuV' Stotn
meyer. Hip company's lne.U distribut
ing agents-,- and today they aie ex
pected to be taken into custody
When he lias done with these be will
bo up nnd ntter the bigger game and
hefoio lie subsides it can bo safely
wagoipil that tlieie won't be Piinugh
to this evil left tn make ex
eiiro for a clause In a tempeinnce con
vention set of lesolutioiis.
Feiplexing Question ns to How to
Provide for New Officials.
Somewhat pi'iplexlng lo the county
cemmiissionots Is the question as lo
how to piovldo eiuaiteis for the two
new ullleldls who aie soon to come
10 tho cnuit house.
The 01 plums' mint judge must
lipeds bo piuvliled with cluiinbeis oil
the Hist or second llnnis and tlioio
being no 100111 available 1111 the sec
onil floor, a place will hae to be
found for him oil tlio Hist Hour.
Tho county conli oiler cannot avail
himself at nine nt thu auditors' olllee,
even though it should be decided they
aie supoiseded by him, as tliuy aio
always a year behind in tholr audit
ami will have to weak for another
year hefoio they can clear up tho
auditing to the day the cnntioller
takes nllkc.
Consequently, the cnntioller, tun,
must be supplied wllh an nllko, and,
although it Is not absolutely essen
tial that ho should bo 011 tho Hist
lloor, It would he Inconvenient to have
him mi Hie tliinl Hour, and the com-nils-sloueiH
tcv they should Unci 14
place for him n the lb si lloor,
To add to the poiple.xity, the new
system of government under which
tho county will .soon bo wni king
makes the tegistor of wills, tho 1 loi k
of Hm m phaus' ioni t and delegates
to him chai go of tho 111.11 ilaso license
docket. This means that tho icglstur
will tiepil linger quaitois.
Ono plan being considered is lo
makci tho gland juiy mom soive both
as a giand Jury room and aibitiatlon
1 omit, and cut up tho pipsont nrbi
tuition mom Into two nlllces. Thin
woultl give th" iPttulictl number of
moms, and all that would lemaln to
lie done woultl bo to le-nrinugc the,
Tho m pilaus' mint JUdRO could be
given tlio joom now utilized by the
cleik of tho courts as a maiilago 11
ceuso looiu' tho two 10011m to ho
mado out of the aibltration mom
could bo used hy register of wills for
his icglstiy, in plums' com l and mar
tiago llcent-o liuslness, and tho con-
1 1 oiler could take the small 100111 now
used l the logls-ter.
Thfi commlssiniu'is will consult
with the judges, It Is expected in the
com so of n few days, as lo tho best
means uf, meeting the dillleulty.
Meyer Lewis Bi ought in the Laigest
Number of Points, with William
Miles Second, nnd Oat field Ander
son Thitd Tlneo New Enrollments
Saturday A Now Loader in tho
List This Morning A Good TInio
to Begin.
Standing of (lie
Leading Contestants
Homy Schwenker,
South Scranton... 80
Meyer Lewis, Scian
tou 78
William Miles, Hyde
Park 45,
J. Garfield Ander
son, Carbondnle.
5. Aumist Brunner. Ir..
Carbondale 30
0. W. H. Harris, Hyde
Park 23
7. Frank Keinmerer,
ly Factory villo .... 21
8. Miss Norma Mere
dith, Hyde Park .. 14
0. David O. Emery,
Wiinmeis, Pa. ... 7
10. Miss Vida Pedrick,
Clark's Summit. . . 5
11. R. Leo Huber, Scran
ton 3
-- -
The third week of The Ti Hump's Ed
ucational Contest begins this morning,
with much more intciest manifested
and with a larger number of contest
ants than at the beginning or the .sec
ond week. Theio woie 2,"i," points
bioiiRlit lu during last week, divided
as follows: Lewis, us, Miles, I",; An
deison, .'!(!; ScliwenKcr, l!J; Hauls, .':;;
Miss Meiedltli, It; Hi minor, 1.!: Keiu
meter, 12; Kinery 7, and -Miss Pcdnek.
It was tho first week for the ma
jority of the contestants and by next
Saturday night it Is expected that a
considerable changing about in the
list of leaders will take place.
On Saturday David O. Emory, of
Wlmniprs, made his first teturn, bung
ing in 7 points, and lie takes ninth
place away fiom Miss l'edilck. The
positions of the lest of the contest
ants l emain unalleied Horn the stand
ing of Saturday morning.
New applicants for cumllment and
the 'books of subset iption hlanks on
Satiuday woie: James Mollnle, Aich
bald; Miss Evangeline Case, Thomp
son, and Thomas Huberts, of Moscow,
It will be noticed that all of these bo
ginneis are from outside the city.
This is a most favoiablo time tor any
one to enter. Tlio ptesent leadens have
only boon at work a few days anil
may be easily caught and passed. Eeir
example, a contestant who begins to
day, by .seeming seven subscrlbois at
one year each, wouhl he at tlio very
head of the list. Hotter begin now.
Iol .'! full dnserlnHn,, if !!in
man ine advertisement appearing to.
nay on t lio louitli page. J or further
information, or if desirous of obtaining
i' book of subset iption 'blanks, addiess
"Editor Educational Contest, Seianton
Tribune, Seianton, l'a.""
Addiess Made by Organizer W. S.
Dalton, of Socinlist-Labor Party.
National Oigani.or AW S. Dalton. of
Pltt.-buig. ol tho Socialist-Labor
paity, addi ess-eel a small audience
last night at Hcononiv hall. His sail-
jpe t was ".Socialism and Strikes," and
lie handled it in a manner which eould
not be exactly called conservative, lie
was introduced to those pi essoin by
tKnox Straw.
: Hats, $3.00
Snappy styles in four ciif-
ferent rough braids in two
proportions. These are the -
hats that the boys aie nil talk-
f ing about,
f 4-
Other good makes
$1.50 and $2.
: "ON T!lJAf(i;,, :
r W..iiiic.n AmT'ffir -f-
"4'f 4' -f4"ft ft
French Organdie Stationery
We ate displaying- Whiting's lino of Fieiich Oigandie Pnpeis
which is now complete in seven difreient shades and sizes and
which has become so popular for tine coriespondence.
We also have a new and handsome line of Wedding Invita
tions which will ceitaiuly inteicst buyeis in this paitlcular
line. Many new novelties in box papeis for the spiiug nnd
I Oils, Paints and Varnish
: MaIon?y Oil & Maniifacttiring Company, X
. 141-149 Meridian Street,
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Mr. Hlirse hell, a well-known local
member "f the Socialist-Labor paity.
Mr. Dallou defined Socialism inuk
then launched Into a dctititicdutlou of
capital. In speaking of .sttlkes, he
made the swooping assuitloii that of
cue liuinli eel thousand men out on
stilko at present, It Is safe to sny that
then aie not twenty thousand who
will to to win that striko by the
pioper methods.
Pioginmnie to Be Rendered Tonight
by the Mission Band.
The mission of the Lu
theran chinch of the Holy Tilnlty,
Adams avenue mid Mulbei ry stioel,
will close Its woik for the season with
a shoi t inlsslonaiy progiamine, which
will he lendeied In the chin ell tonight
at 7.".D. The following pi ori. -11111110
will he rentlei eel:
Opening lijiini MMmi Haul
Ml-hioini-y rinl.itleiii Willie liiilm IliinliJiill
Hi iloguo. "Our lle.itliiu Ainislnrs"--.
Miri?iiit Mullet ,nul Millie nimli'
1 1 1 mil Mi-lion UniJ
lleulilloti, "Ilic Del r 1 .1 1 tit- llcieli In tin
Ven" I em K"'J
lire inn, "Miiniiiij IViiiiics"..M.iIi1 (olcmiii
"'s llriiiiil." Niliclli renin
Ilium Mi-iinn linnl
Iliril.ilii'll, "Ilic l.lllk Olios .IpiIH". si rIiN
rioMiis ,-nliliixs Ann In I'iiiik
Kiniii Mi-sion linnl
Ask for Kelly's union cincKeis.
Sinnke the now Kleon cigar, ,'e. 1"'
Per Pound
Clarke Bros
Gas Ranges
On Sale at Our Office at Cost.
We put them in your kitchen lendy
for use. All connections FREE, on
first floor.
Double Oven Ranges, $0.70 and up
Scranton Gas & Water Co
US Wyoming Avenue.
MAY I. 1901.
Mill'd Siiti-. lo oiilir, s-, . 11. 1 ui I'.mn .! i0,
1 ailus.' suit, in until, -ltl ",n nml up.
Suit-, ;i. Jl iikI iii
Kin? Miller, Merchant Tailor,
Gitd refined gold nor paint
the lily. Neither can you
get a purer or more whole
some beer than
l.oun Arthur Wntrtj; President
t Orlnnilo S. Johnson, Vice Pre.
Capltnl, $100,000 X
Surplus, $100,000 -f
Court House Square,
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
A l'IIIOItl.i:i liy
111 Charter to .iicept
all nniiuiir uf TnMs;
to act ai
lli'teher, Tiiultc, (Jiiaiillm, Ailininktra.
tor or I'xccilnr,
THU VAULTS of II1I1 nmk an pit
oil liy the llolinci Llcetlii .'
I.. A. Vtre, O. s. Johnson
Wm. P. Hall.oteaet E. P. Klnjbiiry
Everett Wnrren Aiiif. Robinson
Joseph O'Brien
325-32? Penn Avenne.
We have it, all colors, all
sizes, all kinds; ranging; in
price from 25c to $2.50 per
garment, sizes from 2S to 50
iuclies. Positively the most
complete line of Men'9 Un
derwear in town. It will pay
you to call before buying.
Have you tried our 10c Linen
ber tired, upholstered ,
seat, $10.00 value,. O.yo
UO.CART ReDlining, reed
Un1i, hiiM rilhlii.
tires, $10.00 value.. O.VO
centre, 30 inches
long, oak Irame..., I ,x"
Brass t.immed, full
sUe, $10.50 value., 5,3"
value $ 12.50 9.49
EM I Fif
Ask for Kelly'3 union ci ackers.
gjjfte i rtvis&tH. J, 4. j &t j
tJtv&lt&i, j3 t