JStJ" V? -' ' " ,A i".!- , A- v " " Is"4 ' v ,) f v " T1 ' W- " i - THE SCtf ANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, MAY 27, 1001. 4 . ?c Scranton trtae TiiMIMiftl Hilly. I.rrpl Jiirtlv. I') ""..J'1!' tine 1'iiMLhinR Louiunj. at Kitty ( tnU a Monll.. IIW K tlirllAIII), Killlor. 0. I'. RV.MILK, lliiliir- MJiuscr. ScwotkO,l.f. l50N.M.vlt.tAM)i Solo .Ncrnt lur I'olflittt Aihcttl'llitf. I.lilirrd nt tho Itatolliif l ! raulim, I'. ' St i mid Claw M.ill MjIIii. lhrti ipito nlll r-miiil, The Trllimio In 1J pld In print lmrl le(tn limn It" ftlMi'lj l' Imr on mrrrnt topli, hut IM iiilo l-lli.il "? niiit l. iliiol, lot pvliliiatinn, M il "'r mi naincj hii'I tlic it million prtirdent I" " ifil(iii(r Ii Hint ill rontrllnitloni Mi ill lie mbicii Ik hIIIitIhI rriMnti. iiii; flat iiaii; i on aiivuhimmi. 11k rcllolliir bible ulimn Hip prlir per Imlt rnrh iiwrtli.ii, fpatr In l.r mid witliln one jctr: lliinnl MiHnem full MIM'MV. Tap. r Jtemllntf I'mltlnlj t"( than 60U tiiilirit " '.Jo ' .JI5 ' t' III- Iim . . 10 '-.' J' I .in " .. Ii IT'. -I'1. ;."n i'w .i; ';j wn " . . r .ii'.'i t .1 I hi nri, .. think., iiolull"ii nt tontl'dri"' and imllar iiitrilnillnii In II r nittirc nt "' wrIUIiis I lie lrllnim make a ilnifco "I 3 icH ii line lliin (.r ( Infilled Adinll-iiu fmnloVd "" appltt atlnn SCISANTuN. MAY 27, 1!W1. The b.-llif i whlospieud lluit the r-'iiiHi'iin' emu I will tuln. h.inil down us opiiilnu i-iitii ci Hint; ilif "iltipi'i" I lit! I' 1 It Mils llll.lltllv t.lholl am ple time in i 'iiicIiIim tl lonelily tli''" pnliils tnl-eil In tin. itisumoiil. mill I In if will be pcli'tal sllipiso ulil'illK l.ii.'its II lite in I shall linl In- sus lulli'il Public School reaching. r"ir-VII. "'I'-lt'lNT IfsllllS fin g Ihf i hlldirn nf the pnldle H M lllllllh llV ll.lSIIII Ol 111 Cf-fll t tl.i .'int Ii nlniiis f.i i?-i .in 1 nicthurlh fonril on teneHeip and pupils, lenllnins lo he a Iniinilifr tuple f dls-ni'-s-leii In all .sfelloiis of this I, mil. We lliel I he SI Louis Star s.iiliK tli L -lhe uimplHliit lli.it the nubile mIiooIs an' not I'lilllllliip; their tunc lions Is siowliiK In Milume eeiy ye.ip, .111(1 It rims Sfflll lli.'ii M'hool bo.mis and piotrois wnidd bolUr t.iKf heed of the w.n nilii;-. .uitl set thcniseHe to wilK to leloiiu ui.ittei.s." adding lhat the .si Inn ds .llleiupt I "ii uitkh and as a nn-ciiirii( e te.Kli nnthliiK HioioukIiI.n. our St. Louis i onU'inpni.ii y lefeis to the .olclliss of liMmuml I'laiome Sted lil.in to ,i Mielot of New Vol K te.ieli eis, troiu which we li.ne .ilie.nly Hiioted, ulien it was deliveied two or tin tt weeks iko The ist ol what It" said Is well worth giving .ik.iiii, in Hie Sim's .ihstt.ut of il this time. Its ab hti.nl is laelaeed by the leniinder to Its icaileis that Ml Stulinan Is both Jiriet .mil business man, and tlieielote Knows wlteieol lie speaks "He has einplojed many lni and was Klad lo !. that many ol them had buome simrssful buslni'lk inen, bin that thai did not alter thelfaet that tiearlv all of them wric deltJient in UnnwIedKO of their own toiiKUi" when thej enteied Ills unplnv. They wete taitly quick at liumes. as a itile. Imt hat illy one had a dearly tormed liiinilwilthirr and tew wete even toleiable spellets." Fiom Mr, Stedman's standioint, the Star goes on to say we quoted his laiifiii.w tull at the time lite Imjs had been teqiilied In the public schools to waste their time on "aits and "oIokIcs," to the iivKlt'cL of the i'ry foundation of tin .education in their own mother tonsue. It then quotes his - inn. iik. whiili our teadets will recall, that if he had diiection ot the schools he would "pay cstiemo tespeet to the three H's." Adds our St. Louis contempoi.uy on Its own aeeount, and most ttuly, "the boy or Kill who enierpres fioiii the com mon schools with a tlioiotiKh knowl edge of leading, wilting, ailthmetle, -n.uiim.ir ami geogiaphy luis an edu i.itlnu that will lit each and eithet ot Ihrm to no Icle eriy prolilem of life. Men to the acquit ement of evety In ( in Ii of higher education elthci at home, in the high si hool or any ot the lollegcs or nuiveisllles of the wmlil." I '.in the "ihoiuugli knowledge of sianunai" will have to come horn dilfeieut uiethodsxif lusliuetion than the meiiniiiing against "e.aniinatiou" tune of p.t hook pai.igiaphs and lilies. If giammai weie taughl piiie tk.illy, sensibly, the e.u would not be oiitlnijcilly pained li healing school giadiiate.s temaik: "Hetween you and I." tor between joii and me, "He gave Ii In nil" and I," for gae It lo her and Hie, mill sliiill.uly constlllcleil c-i u tciues, as Is Hie case every day. Neither will gotid spellets he Inline! b. Mi. Steiltmin or any other business man while Hie piesent fad for touching leading without the old of the spelling book continues. The lommciclal nil logon In leaching stenogiaphy and l.vpew riling do not imdeitake to make up the spoiling ileileieiiey in pupils who I'unijjio them, and tho nuiiiheia of mis sct woulh In a laigo pioportlon of 'In tM'cwiilten lettei.s sent mil fiom I'llli'if and cmmilng looms, when the prorHslon.il or husinrss mini has not hlmsflf icvised hirt "assistant V work Is a ;ml coninieutar' on the neglect of "Ihe.-tlnen It's" They ought, ,is Mr. Sirdman sas, to have the "oMremv irspiet" shown them which is pow so dfcidrrlly neglectecl. My; I he way, lot us add ome moie It l" not the tcncieis-who ,ue under ar bitrary rule tliomselves to cairy out all the fads and tiy to teach tho "at in nnd 'ologips" who aio to blame. It Is lint tjley who Btllrt ctliileullllUH, Togas All soon feel riualillcil Ito lululfate the unlve6e, Hi, Carnegie's Scottlsji Offer, -ipIli: SCOTTISH wilveibltle K' hesitate oup aei.eptint' Mr, t' f'ai nefle's offer of a tew i uilllluiib "to give eery boy anil girl In tSeotkind the oppoitunlty of a free lolU-Ke edui-atiou," The pi In. elpal of tho Hei lot- Watt eollfKO, speaking for other educators, as iell as himself, r-ajt, "a fund for the pay ment of fees will be of far less i-er-vli'f to the causo of education limn would bo the gift of added endowment and equipment to Hie universities." Tlie fees, ut the rates they have iilnaj'j been held at. Ii.ie never met the itmujiu; expenses of any of the uiiheisUUe. Mho inllux of a fjieal tunny nmio Unrlrr-Brmltiatp:'. ImIiI for out of Mt Comedo's ftinil. would In-I'lPiii-c Hip unlveilt.v espoiisen, Willi nut ntiy added help in nuiltituliiliiK tlti'lp piescnl rittliinriil, tniit'h Ip.ih to make needful I'tiliiiKoitinntH. 'I'lii' London Times 1ilo voices Hip lliniiulil rsiir!cil I mm niiiitj Scul tNIi MinucH In mi iilllniliil In which It hiijh. "Splctidlil mm Hip imoiiiIhmI ull'l mux iippriip, It utiKht imt to iillnwpil to piniiieils'o llii whole ia tPiit of university odiii'iillim In Scnt ImiuI, whrlo the Mlliiily Hplill ol In (li'ppiiilciup IniK linn unions the tnnliit anil Inli'llft'tiiiil flint ut-tc-i ImI Ic-m nl Hi" niitlmi ' All of Hip cnninit'tit iiilinlt Mr. I'm llfiTli'V "K loil Iltli'llllniis" In t lio piol fpicd fjin. 'I'licy only riy HciimiHly ilonhl II h w ImIoiii In the Mlnipe he piolfi'iM It. clllier fop the miiveixltlr. In ihi'lr iihllty In niulntiiln a hlRh Ktiimlanl, or Tor the people at lalKe. Il would irnlly -rein us tlimmh Mi. t'aineKle mlKlH do wl.el even ,el In lonmilt eiulneiit Keotclnnen as lo the IipnI inotlioil.M ol" helpliiK hlcliep I'diica llon for "the hoys and ulrls ol' Suit liilitl." H Is not i Int t the lonnli.N l.i linm.'iteriil, The resignation of Itei, In. ( '. H. Kobhii'ou fiom his p.isini.ito of Hie Sicottd I'lesbytcilan chuich has come In lite way of a shock to the i olil tiltlulty, as will as to that ongiega I Imi. A inn n of exceptional spirltual II v and of superb Intellectual attain ments, his position as ,i eleigyinaii and a citizen has h.ul much lo do with the loi million of chiiracler In a l.ttge ciicle In this oily. He has had won derful sin i ess in Inn ntoniing nil folcos beitcalh Ills touch, In the lli lllilng oi miiuhoDii and wnuuuiliond. Possessed ol intinyj devotion to duty, an oMpiKltn iliirness of eharaelep and a get II loin -s and .vmp.ithy seldom1 equalleil, lite pci nil, it Influent c he has V ielded will scaicely be leall.nl un til we see him no moie among us. He has "pillowed the gleam" as it lias led alwf.vs upwaitl towaid the ioip't.ptlou ot n high iil'til, mid he lias pot waited im ihc waning ot Ids powciM to cloud the .iiiluniP. ol Hie whit feebleness, which a test taken now li mil uetle servli e will pueltule. Tint Ills tcslgnatloii lias hepn long lontciiiplali d in hs own hi'.itl and Is Una, tniisl he m copied with the utmost tipiet anil can n.ttuiallv be regatdeil as little eNe than a calamity by his congregation West Point. T Hi: l.-IVH cadets disinisi-ed lur insu liiuinl il liom West Point boitlinatioii ltave wise not to cairy out their announied intention to go lo Wash ington to get tltenisehes lestoied by political "pull." The iittiit inatlon teaching t'leni anil the public tiotii the war otllee ami other Washington soutics, was not of a i haraeter to nouitsh tbeii hope of li.ting tho gov ernment sustain them in mining the discipline at the government's ti. lin ing school for at my olllceis. Th.c law of the at my Is .submis sion to discipline and lo milit.uy stt pettois. The self-made law of the cadets at West Point Is based upon deliaiue of discipline nnd ol military authoiily. The I'niled States gov - ment, .limy and people i mild ety lunch better afford to abolish West Point milltaiy academy than to per mit it any longer to be it hot-bid of disobedience and InsuliLidination a. mil. sety for the desti uctlon of in my discipline. It 'would be better to dls Lh.it go every cadet now at West Point and begin again with " a new shite" than to penult the piestige and useful ness of the academy to be utteily de stroyed as they will lie, unless the government puts down mutinous action theie with a strong baud The leputalioii of the academy has alteady stllfeieil gienlly ho lme the Aineilcaii people and bt'fmo Kltr.qie by the poii'ium ances ol a cadet mips which has mis taken the leniency of cotigtess and of the war dep.ii tnietit for weakness. Young men seitl to West Point must le.nn that they go there to obey not to i tile. An opinion fiom the I'nltod State? rinpii'itif' nan t on tbo Insular oaes is ppeetod today. It is poi t'oolly .salV to kiioss tli.il tin' fon.stltulloii will take ltn own Rood llioo in following; tin lias; and not lair it to lln- llim's illMieillt. Ruthless Vandalism. Al'Altl liom Hie iiuiiieii.se need Hint exists all over till, toiiutry lor putting an end to indi.seillillll.ile finest P' stiuction, tlteio is a speiial call upon the patllotlsin of the I'ltliio land lo oii'.er an impiiathe halt upon the do. .stiuitloil of Hie I'.illfoilll.i setpiolttf-. As nni'p mote lulled atteullon to 1'AHT 1 1 om tbo lluiniMi.s this time by a stalf coriesiiondenl of tho Washington Star, ti.ueling with tlte picsidenlV. paity the ledwood liee exists only In ten isolated groes on the wist slope of the Sieira No vsula niountains, and now here else In tho wot lil. The dimensions of the tiees nie uneiiuali'd in Hie woild. Then ho points out, as lias been so often, vainly, betote pointed out to congies-o and to the public, thai. "The most unfoi tiinale pat I Is that the gioves Hto not piotected, with tho exception of the .Mariposa. .Most ot me gioes aio owned by Individuals ami the do titruetlou ill tbo irdwood foiests lor lumber Is amazing, For many miles nil uveiy sldo of these foiests tho houses ate built of ledwood, anil red wood is used in making Hies. Tho Bleat diameter of tho logs almost makes It impossible to liainllQ them wit limit In caking them up. Theie nie inuny lumber mills In operation anil Hto waste at these Is considerable. The gieat amount of debils left on the giounil whero tjio trees arc felled Is a source of seilous danger ill the way of flies. The devastation fiom these ill os Is frequently deploinble." Theie Is no excuse but utter Kteed for the deliberate destitution of the.se foiover Iricplai cable tiees, those giant sequoias, ouo of tlic gieatcst of the whole -. m Id's wondeis. Tbeto Is not uii) excuse whatevei lot the englect of the Hulled States gy eminent to tike nei' the owneishlp of all Hie led wood glows ami to piotect them as ptibllt teserv.uions. The JlaHpepa gtove Ii under pioteetlon only by Hie foituu.lle rlrciltniliinrp Hinl It I In Hie YiiHeiiilti! Vultoy- Niilliin.il iPfprve. Hem till Kinl tllillll, as te"illtil thioiigh tlin I'lileago papeis, Hiiyn that Hie illstilel asslgnrd tn lilw ciiipi com pilalng Ihc Ihtce piovlnces of Httlii cau.l'.impaiiKo anil llalmtni, "iillhoitgh It had Ivpii the most law left mm l tli'' I'lllllpplms, now piiJiijH pel feet oidef nnd seuiiiltj. TheiP Is not a miliar baud In Hie whole dlslilet, a comlltloii unknown In the Whole hWloiy of the I'lllpllio peoiilc." I'm thei mine, hiih the geneial, "we h.ie In evcrv town n local govetniueiit under it local civilian governor. 'i ate Imllilltig mads and teaching the people." ronunotit on such icsllllrt of Allielicatt ncullpalloll makes Itself. A good many ncwspapcis Lonlluiie to belabor riiailes M. Schwab, or the Steel It list, for having, an they say. "declined the iiselcssness or a college education," III all mldlesH he made to lads who hae no chant es or such an education and whom he wtm stllvlng to luspi'-o to t each success In life. OC ionise, to such all audience and those in the same lomllllon ho chose, as ox itmpleH to hold befoie them (w follow U g. men who without nillege ediieu 1111111 had won high place. Mill a lair tending of his lontntk. lenieinberlug all this, scaicely beam out all the meaning some papeis lmu lead into them. (ioveruor La l-'ollette. of Wisconsin, desetves a tlsing salute or honor fiom nil loxut.s of law, order and public de cent J. The Chicago Itecord-llernld sas that lite lestllt of Ills' tlrill action in'picM'iitliig piiv.e lighting in Wiseon sin is iog.it tied as a dentil blow to pugilism, not only in Wisconsin and the .Middle West, but, to all Intents and pin poses, in Hie whole country because his .tclioii "will stiffen the baikboue of oilier executives." So may it be. r.ttween the absolute neiessity ap pioaching eep neater tor iirigatlnn of the coimlry's .tst e.p.itiso of at Id Limit; and the increasing use of stieaius lor transmission of electric powir the vital need ir lenewlng and consciving lite lotests to pioteel the water stipplv must soon foiee Itselt on the compiehensiou of eery one. The 1 'lilted Slates gtneinnient has done wisely in torbiihlilig the Impoi l.ttlon of even oik mongoose. AYhete eer the cieatute has been iilttoduced It has proven to be a worse pest than the Lngllsh spat tow ami the ttocky Mountain giasshoppor loniblueu could be. A cuiiotis phenomenon has been dis counted in Pittsbuig in the shape of a matt who can assume paralysis at will in a manner to tleiehe a physi- liau. There is a suspicion that this man has been dabbling in Pittsburg politics. It is ple'ising to note Hint the god dess ot lnsliiou shows a disposition this season to dlscaid the high quilled collar that makes woman's neck small and tender ami puts it In condition to yield to lliui.it tumbles. The teal sin i ess of Hie movement that abolished the at my canteen can ptob.ibly be ilcteunined when the men who loitduct holcs-iii-the-wall on tho oiitskhts ol i.imp are pmsimded to give statistic!). Ametii.ins h.ie taken the lead in turning upon IVkin and in evacuating tin Tat tar city. If other pow era fol low suit, much will be uiiomplishod In the way oi shnpllf lug the Eastern situation. of I'outi-e most of tlto antnteiir hpt-iulatois know wbat would happen in Wall .stteet, but tliey all exported to be under cover befoie It liap poin.il. It 'looks as tboiieli Hie siiinnie.ii would In- liall over before sonie of tbo postmen deiiile w lietlit r tbey iant to wear shirt uaiMs or oei coats. Zionist Dow io docs not appear to fiai' diseiiM', bill be has an avulsion to iulerviiws villi the pollie. Oiir Exports of Mineral Oils Spend roiirfpoiiikine f tin 'liihnni i-hitmlun, Mil ' in. T: III. Ill i i:M' oil disimcilps in IVia ami on he I'.iulii ioi-i lind I'spiiiil IntiiiM In mi. Iitli. Jii-l piiMiiUii'liv I ho lteiili Uiiii.aii'i M.ilhli'.i UKitilinj the ispoiN "I liiliul.il oils fiom the I illicit Mill'. 'Hum' Mum tin- ixpiiitilintis ot II"' lli.il e.ir .ihuiit to mil Mill pioliihli In' the liltttt III tlie lii-ti.i nl till iriiinkiliU' imlii-tij whiili lui-i inili.ii'il its is poll, liom '.ill nnllii'ii wdlnlH ot illniiiliiitiiu ml lii li"i lii 7JI million cilloin in Pini. In Um fjiwiurientiiii ficiii If7.". lo Pi the im.il mIuc nl lniiiii.il nlN rspnilril liom Hie 1'nltnl st,Ur l.H .ihnlll ?l,5m,Ull,HI"l, III llMURe ol .ih'Hll I-.i.io.iiiii i .ii'ti ; .hkI tluiiii'.- in flit )r" 'u' oitueil .ilinnt tua.ocvoi) pci .iiinuni, ur ,r'1.nj,,,i Km pi i month In tho nit io itiitiiin of gilliin, of ml I"" iliiittl llnii hii lnvii fo rai I ile lompetl. Im nf the I nihil Slitr... thonali il H piohihle lint, (he unlit iIimiiiiiici In Ike I nllril M.iln mil i nihil, II to minium' In le.nl in Hie number of (.ilh'iis piofliiculi while the fjit lhat Amor nan oil ioinuj' UMlb lpe .is tniiili letnieit illuuilnitliiR nil fiom .i kImii ipntitit) of iimle .ii (loin Hie lliisiini nil atttU (U.illy In lis wine, .u .1 i onilillli ill pinitiiit. - o llpo epuiillj iiiltilltiir fi'.iluie of the iletihipinenl of tho nil imhiitij U, Hut Hiiro h.n hern i lilii ill. ihle ileiii.in' ill Hie pilw tn tin' ii'ii3innii ilinin: lite pciiotl in ulililt Hie .titll.lt I'spntl lliulis .11 1' I tlm Hit Villi" nf tin. euiiH luic hun iiHifalnc. 'Ilie i.ii'uue i.iluc of the illiiinlnaliii,' nil ipnitnl in 1"j wui .ihoiil l'i iinli pir eilloii, .oul in liTV, un e itptinnal J eir. M unl ll u.illnn. Ily Isll the pilie livl fallen to ulunt 10 iinU per gallon, tlic IL'iiuti for tint .Mar U'l",' Hi- million gallon,, Liluul at .!,0ti,lJ. II) s'U tho aicr.tse littie u.n iiliiil 7 until li' Rillon, Hit! rpmtj of that e.ir haimi; ln'tn .Mil niillloii kjIIoii laliti'tl at ll,nn,(iil. II l'i tlic tin iec priio j about .' nuts per Killon, the qiiautil r pt'tlut luiii'u" I'tin s.l million cilloiii ami the i.ilue repoitnl In Hie Iliiiiau of Mithtlti. I nl Ins Huoiuli Hid uiilnuu follti lors l.'.'J. us.'. Ill Hie I) months ol Ihf prei-ut rl-t il ,m.ii loi wluili the littinta aw niinpli'ti'il lo the 'iieaui liui,.ii ol s-l Hi-lii .-., Ihc total r pDili til.llliiiiiliiiliu-,' oil ainouule'l Jn .V.').t),'l,.'.".l Kultoiis "lalnitl al .;7,lis,i,3l, orU 'J .'. imt? pa- gallon; while tin total value of ail tuiiieial oil) i'pi'ilul, jiiiluillui; iiuiJt', liil'iiiallin, aiul illiiiiiiuatliu oib. iuplli.it ami iiihliiiu wa, ii.rtVikK. aiul foi Un- lull ll-i.il ctl runj lil ill In juiniint In s70.iiii.0ii. ' -u 'Hie follow In,' tabic shov.i Ilie Cil'oits pf mlneml olln of nil Vlmli tin tin t'nltnl stalf in cat tt jrir iinin 1 . , ."i to 1'mi' - ' I'rlrc nl Ilia I'ImiI niliMlliik' nil Ve.ir. pel glllmi. )sf tAV'l.miil tl.l ITil )J.JJ.1,ii H rt l"-T7 hl,ITJ,il -I I Is7i Irt,ril.tl I; tD,rri,pii ws 1s a.'i,nij,ini tii io,ni,tii Jn'i lj ...v r.i,:ii,ii nl ss.l !l,ltl,ft1 w i.i ir,loi,tii) us s- W,'-V''.lil ' sm Vi.am.ioii i h7 p,2."i.ioii I..n ir,ni2,oni "'i I1"' 4'i,till,IMi 7 s i'm f.i.tm.iiea " I v)i ;, i);,iki t To 1 , Vltl,l.HI f' l) vi.i l.Mli.mii ! i l"l lt,.VHi,imo I 2 I VII ll.litill.ll I I VS ,. lC,)Nl,IMI I 'I I l7 .' irj.ftlft.imi "' I I'lis ,'iil,1'2i,iKi ''i Ivn ,vi,-j;:;,ntn .ii 1111 T.'i.til.'.ilmi A PHOPHET NOT WITHOUT HONOIl. A i Illi; it i nil merllnd In I'lnl uMpliU nf ll.o Miurii.ni PlillolnKli.il iiwi tilititi Ike rnii- unit mill rnri.ilile Pr. I'roiiH V Jl.itrh, of I it.ijolli' t olb i ., .is it iniiiliiiniM giict. te tilet Hie Silnttlij I'arniiiK I'H'I "i Mnili wan I lie pienl'lenl nt tliin nu i i itlon for Ivin leino, ,i lie tiinV.1 .iinonit Hie pir.itrL Ihlnc AiibIo Stixoij Mlioliif. IIIh ftionc etTorlfl for pliomtlc hpelline mi' well laumn, iiml Idi umio. lot nt fmwiiil llih rntl U nne ol the linlltenlile rilniitlniul tnnicnienls nf Hie clij. tils wni L the lliul innil of nppnl lor Hie jnunper nnd loei pliiloloRKN lip U one of the liimlliil of Ainerli.nn who li.nr hern giien tho two Kteil iIckipm nl IKfuril .mil I'limlirlilgp. While Pr. M.mli ,h In Philitlelpliii. .i ment. In I nl Hie .ismii i itioti Inltl ii l'ir nliout liltn. lit- mM lint tlino m.ih .1 eiv .inililllniM mhiiiis hi in lm ent In (irrniim fiom Pt niilJttii tn Mntlv Aimlo Svtui 'Hie tiniiienl profeor of Hie Herman iniiieMll nuilo J Ibt of lionki for the -lii'lint lo liiRin .Iml wllli. Hie m thor's ti one i'ppoile the hooks .u "I". A. Vhinli." 'Ilie Mitiiig linlenl looked nt the li'l ntttarril. "Dii .Mill nielli to mi," lie .i-ketl, "tint hole in i.rinioiy ion le.itli Anslo.SJM'it from bucks willtin hi .in iiiirn .in :" "('nl.iinli," Mid the ptolev-oi, "foi llieip tip no hitter text hnok on tint Milijet t thin those writlni l lip. M.iuh of Laliijottp lollece." "111. Mnili!" 1'ihonl the Mnileiil. "Win, he llei .it llislon, onlj ,i fi limns' title fiom mi linini " 'Tlien so honie, young m.in." siitl the piolp mi, "iml sip pr. Muih linnseU. Whrn ho his Lntglit j mi ill In' knows .ilinnt Simlo-stson joii will imt hoe lo toiiio hit k lien." THE Pacific Coast AND Texas Oil Co Refers by Permission to WARREN GILLELEN, Esq. President or (lie Broadway Bank and Trust Co., Los Angeles, Cal. As to the value of the Company's Oil Lands and the character nnd qualifications of its California direc tois nnd mnnngeis This Company lias been mganizod fop the purpose of le eloping Its oil Innds in the Midway Dlstil''t in Kern county, Cal., and its extenslxe liaet of oil land in the Car liso dlstiict In Han Diego county, and to acquiio and develop oil piopertles In Texas and elscwhcie and also to trade in oil lands. For a Short Time Only ou can secure this stoik at 15c Per Share $15 Buys iOO Shares, $150 Buys 1,000 Shares, $1,500 Buys 19,000 Shares, and will make you a fortune, Col. S. ft. Uicas, Mr. Z. B. SHiart, Mr. 5. N. Bannister, The t'alifotnbi dliectois and nianagcis of till- company, are mlneialoglsts and mining engineeis of high standing and widely known on the Pnellii; coast. They aio experienced, practical oil men. They have etuliaiUed with their piop oi ties In tliis company for tho puiposo of getting In Hie e.ist money for de velopment, the ex-penilituio of which will, In their Judgment, Itieuio enor mous returns to all who aio luteiested, making tbo stock of the company ex tieinely piolltable to hold fop dividends and causing it to comma ml high pi lies. Il Is their confident belief that the Mock will iiitllin a year sell for llfty times what II can now bo bought for, Kor details see the company's ptos pectus. riiilisciiptlons for tho stock are received by the INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Boom 1, Dime Bank Building, Scranton, Pa. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, THE TRIBUNE'S EOUCA TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 in Special Rewards. T HE SCRANTON TKIBUNH catioual Contest which, like the first, is open to every ambi tious person, not only in Scranton, but thraur-hout Lacka wanna and otht't counties tn iNortneastern Pennsylvania. This contest will be even frreatcr in magnitude than its predeces sor, embracing special rcvatds of the very highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance with the rules of fairness and justice. The first contest, which occupied the attention of our lead ers froln July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it lias been de cided to repeat It. This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholarships being offered to the very best educational institutions in the state. The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayette Colloco Se.holnrshln in Swarthmoro Colloco Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School Throe Scholarships in Scranton Business Colloge, $00 Each Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, $75 Each $3,005 Bach contestant failing to secure one of these special te wards will be given ten (10) percent, of all the money he or she turns in. .V n.-llie. Writ two sihn1irfhips do not tin 1ml inrtb, lint the ionlet ails ruiilnj lliee will he eImii tin (I0J pei lent, if .ol tin tnotity lit in Mie Ham in In Um lilhiiiie, to jit in pii Ins this expeii-p. Rules of the Contest. llio (.pfihl n-MHiil will he kIicii Io tin ptiMita .ii m in:; the hasitl iiinnlut ot pilnti Point will ho nrililfil In oiilrt,mt -.inn Inif now Milxirilioti tn 'II"' suintoii lilhnit' as follows: I'oiiiR One Montli'i SuWriptlon $ "0 'Ihrco Moulin' Snlmnptlon 1-' '& six .MoiiiIh' Sili'crlinion '" '; Hue cji's Snhnriplioii IW '- Iho lonlo-lnnl Mllh llie lusliost iininh' i of points will Ito giirn .1 ilimii' fiom II o 1it ot f.rci.il rp'MiiN: tho ionlolnnl with the friontl liiel.rst iminhet ot points will ho Blicii it ilioiio of Ihf ii'iniiiiliii; ii.iuu. ninl -n on IIiiihirI. tin' list. KjcIi tonlrsliint tillinr In Kinio n 'peiid rrwdirl, jnd .ilto lho.p who .-t'liil tin' lli-l two MltnUiMiip-. will ho niion trn pel tctit. of all money lie oi .he tuinl in. Full particulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of ooints they secured. Address HDITOR KDUCATIONAL CONTEST. Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords. Low in cut. Low in price. High in quality. Ladies' from 75c up. Gen tlemen's fiom $1.25 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. fu Scranton Business I ( C i S S HOTEL TERRACE. l'.irior Hotel AirnninicwIiliniH iiiisiupisHil f-pciiil hl;JIMi:iS It.VTI.S to pottiiaii in isui-na. Oct llidii. Talilf Do ml. w. 11. wiivri:. Kellah & Harris. M.ouif.irtiin'H of H.irno, .mil ilojltri in llnrso Kiniiblilntr (iooil, 'hunks aiul 'Irorllns llms. Itcpaiting promptly Jttcndrd to, Tcloplionc l!lli 117 Pcun iisenoe, Sir.inlnii, I'a. L. SOMMAR. I'mploji union men niilltllns Conlr.ulor. l.itlni.Uci ilimltitly giicn ncinoilelinc and rcptlrins a spciially. 326 WASHINGTON AVE, LACKAWANNA UNDERWEA R STORE Will fell-all lliclr umplci ol flno lmportcil Madns Shirts for men at hOc: north il In -' JO DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 310 PENN AVE. (.'oods tailed lor .aid ilclliered tlejnlng, P.ieinj; .iml I'rrsalnsj ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONC 373B Golden Gate Dininq Rooms. fHf-l -Jicnt meal In I lie illy, flic JtCdl I11.k1.t1t, M 00. Sunday dinner a tpeiijlly. Hcmc-iM I'ln I'ajlr. 244 ADAMS AVE. W. A. HARVEY. Mnili!- W'irin;- md t'lvlurei, Klecltic Bell and Jclcpltuno Wotk 300 Commonwealth building. J. B. WOOLSEY d& CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. lljiiufailurcii' Atmtj MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, llislrkt AgcnU for John A. tloililins's son, lu'i Ujio Itopo ami Kleitrical Wire. (Jutta I'ciclia ami UuIiIkt Jlf0' Ca.'i Ucltinsr, I'jil.lnsr, iloso and Mi'ilunlul Uultier (ioodi. Kuoultou I'jiklni; Ijitir'i Oil riotliliic Iloom 310 I'anli lil'lj FRECKLES, Moth, Tjn, l.inr siiols ami all pgiuciilai diolotationi lomplclclj remoinl h m spe ilal home trcatinci't. a"d Iho loiiiplvvluu icndetcd ileal aid unoolh HELEN BUCHANAN, DcrnuloloeUt. '!- Wahiinjlon ic SHOFF'S HAT FACTORY, .III Spiu'o street, Nrai lloul Jcinon All Hie new ht"U tor tpiin,- bilk, aio now I" N-w "J' '4tla '" Older VV. H. GOROON & SON. II0110 shoeing and Concial BlatUinlllin; Wagon and Cauiagc tluildme and ItuUUr lire Idj. 339 ADAMS AVENUE. Ims inaugurated its second bdu- $1,000 1,000 1375 180 150 Ml siiliMilplicm mint In- pitd ' ."I"11"' Onli -lew stilwiiheis will ho conntnl llcneiidls Ity puioin liiiu lining wrtr on our siii.fiiption ibt in Im lu Mn 11 will not ho ueilllcil Iho hlhiint' will ini"llitc rath MiliMiiptlon mil if lontnl iinsjntir n mi w.i.i ti-irii's Iho light li rejfi t il. No toitilri i .in lie iii.nlo nltu unlit lul onie hitn uiiin All Mihfiipl on-, untl the i ih lo p.i tin" sunt' nnia ho liinilul in .it The 'Itihnif olllio within the woel. in whhh ihev me i -innil. si, tint pipits tn ly I to tnt lo Iho .nhiiihii. .il nnt-c Suli.t ripl litis niiHl he will ten on hi nisJ. whhh (.in ho sittniil nl Iho Tuhuiie ollne, or will In M-nt i null, 'Hit. 1 nnlet will ilto pionipth .it b o'(loi Salnitl.ii oenir,;, Aimi-l 31, PJOI. THE People's Bank, Alears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. President Vico Pros. Cashier - C. D. Jones F. Reynolds H. M. Ives - - G. DIRECTORS: C P .It.iir., (j r. I'oiiiniiN, 'tlinm i, Spl 15111', A 1 Hun' Ilium, ('. S. Wonluiutli, . (.'. I'lilton, l.lilintl O'lliiui, M P. I'.utrr, Slllllicl S, i, T I Vim SI null, . II V .11111 ill, M. .1. lii ilt THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Co.'s Pine Old I'urtii, RurKiiiiilics, nnil Miilornia I'dinil) 'Initio Only. P. H. FRENCH. 408 CONNCLL SLOG. Brescheus Great F ire Sale 124 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Nni V.ami On. l'liio I'm a aiul .ill kiinU ot Ntikweir. BRESCHEL C CO. Scranton Laundry. 32S WASHINGTON AVCNUC. Calls by Idepliono leic'io prompt .ttlentlon WILSON c WASBERS. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRCU. "Ihal's all " S, H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. RLGULAR $0 PHOTOS ROR $3.00 AT CRAMER'S 311 LACK A. AVE Hanlevs 'AKERY. 420 SPRUCE ST. bucictsor lu HUNTINGTON u mako a fpenall of fine brctd tltilK Ordru foi Salads, Ostcts, ('toqucttet, etc, proniplly filled A full lino of !.ic I'icaiii and 1'CJ. GOODMAN'S shoe store, .Noi at lis l.iikauaiitu ate, SOUVENIRS GIVZN OUR CUSTOMERS, WALTER E. DAVIS, 214, SIS, 2ia PAULI BLDG, Attoincy-p.t'I.inv, Scmnton, Pft. .1 THE MOST PALATABLE .i.i.l llcdllifiil IK11 lit it is lirmrd, 'Ilie lit il '.til 11 ot tin Niliuli, I liiiialtd ill Us I'mili 1.1 Pino S1I1I1I' lliu lli'n Hut initio JIiIujmI.. A. W. SOHRADER, si union, l'.i it nil Vleplii'iii the scranton vitrified brick anoTile Manufacturing Company Makcis ci IMiliar lliKk, cli M II. Pile, 11. leial Salc Aent, (ilriit; B-"J Waliliii;ioii av. M01U at Nay Au,', l'a.. I.'. A. W. V. It. It. FINLEY'S Summer Sale of Table Linens, Napkins Jowels etc Scotch, Irish and German Linens For tin' pant tar we have been telluiK Milt that llnetm were inlvituc llitf In pi Ice, atlvlidllK' the irptonlttllllR ol' oiip Hlock by puichiudnK n ilpily lit ulilleii Ulon of thin advance. 'I'ho lncietiM' lu price hn. come, l.lncti'l liat roiio tip. The i No 111 prices aniotiuiH in about twenty per cent, above tluwo fotmeily iihUoiI. Wo botiKhl heavy before Hie udvanre bo diiu and aie in u position to pell you linens at the obi pricey, as Ioiir an piesent stock l.mlp. Al iiOc, lnsUiail or (,")(. 1 1 lull l.lnen D.imaik, til! Inches wide, full bleached, heitw welRbt and very slirlttly cloth; itlso tSetiuan silver bleaclied iJaniasU at Ibis Hitine pi lee ti'. inches wide, soli llnlMi; sidentllil value lor tlte inoney. At $1.00 Instead or 81.25 Fine lilh Daiuask. "2 Inelten wide: Kinss bleaclied, very tine linen anil oNtta heavy iimlll , shown in it lnrfie inline of Mm nl and oilier pretty dc sipus; napkins to nintcb. Al 81,10 Instead ol' $l.:!. (ionium Silver r.leaeheil, " inches wide, vei'V lii'tivv weight and dtnnblo linen, williont Hie sliRlitest dichSliiK. Wo can leionnnend tills linen with greatest conlldeiiee for hntd gencinl set vice. ,1-S Nankins, $1.:!.") Instead of$l..ri0 (.ienuau Silver lllcaehod, soft anil heavy to the hand Just the Napkin flip evei v day use. lino :li Napkins lu patterns, fiom Jl.CO Complete Hue of Kieat variety oC lo $10.00. Towel H) cclal at 23c nuok-a-P.aek Towels, estta larse size, extt.t heavy vvoiRlit, Ktatiil value. Fine Damask nd lliick-a-llaelv Towels, in a Kieal assottinent, fiom 10 coins U)W,tul. Also ii full lino oC line oinbioldoied Hed Spieails, l.ttneli Cloths, Doylies, Center Pieces, Scarfs Hte. 1 510512 Lackawanna Ave X pTXhonar Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Allis-Clialmers Co Sueees.sois lo Machine Husiness tit DleUstm Miiniil'.iV'tiiiiiiFr Co., Scianlon anil Wllkes-II.11 io, I'll. Stationary Koines, Kollcts, Mining Mac hinci.v, 1'ilinps. Houses. ! !' Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A FWO! OR ORGAN Don t tail tiKinne and see.ts. greit i.iritiins aiewaitinj, lor.voti J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. . 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA, In New (iiicnisev llinlilim; 1. Id 11. thl riiutojinpliei i Qa FOR SALE llt'i.l.ll.s ind m; OS's of ill kind? .tlft 1 Hoars ami Puilditt. I .11 a Ihieiiii lloltM I l.ll'l'l I) a ml (.IIOIHII.II at 2 I hil'li na AH 1 1 ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. fpeiidlv lir r. if lit.. 1, It.iniii I. run (ilulie Hon lltnito I In .' in p III I Mll-Ult lltllll fl.O 'Pll.llll ll-ll M. T. Keller's LaikiiiannaCama;'' Woiki. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. U I (l NNA M M I EDWIN S, WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER ROOM 2B coal exchange, SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY.,,., Wo ian tlic Hrtnt tioik of I nil'icllas. Tat smiIi ami lljmlli'i. nc alfi m.COM.It 11111nreU.11 aii.l pnoo-, and link" IIhiii up piiiall ai kuOiI a, now and .uaraiitec our piiics Im lio loner than all lmut 111 Iho c 1 1 Wt iiiuir all cut :ool foi 0110 iear HILi; or ( II MUlr). SPRUCE STREET. 313 fW I