The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 27, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    "'-I-.' j. o V ( -,.
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g&TZlr&'Bi? Ji-,xf?!nj' --
)'tU"K ' T.?'
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Brief Review of the LlRhthig Con
tract Fiplit, Which la to Be Dis
posed of Tonight.
What will piohably In- Ihi' tn-t-
lll-!'-Sllim lllfetlllg llf CoUIH'lls in
ninny months It Hip Jnlnl session t ltd t
will he held Mils evening.
Wlinl has awakened llie Intel cut of
the nubile 'he extent I hut In In
be observed In the places iilinilt llu
city where topics me most discussed
In lite lighting contract, w-hli-h Is to
bo disposed "f linn My tonight.
t'li In thli year, the l.iickuwiinnn
Vnlley Hleelrlc Mh I. company hus
had nn opposition In obtaining the
contract I'm- illtiinitiiiting tin streets
nr the city. It hits liml the'ileUI to
Itself nnd tin- disposition "f the f-nn-Itfiet
wis ii mere inn t lor (if procedure
each year.
This your, however, u 'rival np
iv fired, The Wolsbueli i-ninpniiy, the
maker nr the gas lumps which now
have mi llitornutloniil reputation,
seuglii mi entrance with ('urbotidulc,
anil Ihi-'iich Ihe I'nrhomlnlc (las l-oiii-p.iny,
bids wore submitted to the
lotini-lls mi Monday evening. May l..
The Joint llghl and waler eonimlttce
I i.iik up the bids, hut the proposl-lli-.ns
coming from the two cmnpnnloH
-the gas roinpany and the electric
llcht corporation weie too mneh for
the rommllloe In Intelligently dispose
or In the limited time tit Its disposal
rftid Ih'-y begged that the awarding of
Hie f-ontiviel no over until at least two
works, when both branches would
have a meet Inc. This was aceordlng
Jy done, and tonight the joint com
mittee, after having canvassed the
subject in all its details, will present
its report to councils.
In the meantime, the light contract,
lias probably been Hie most discussed
topic of the projects now before coun
cils. From the start, the Wolsbueh
iVimpany has shown bow earnest it is
lo Install Its method of illumination
In I'arboiidale. From Hie outset, It
was anxious to show the councllmen
and Itho citizens Hie effect of the
Welfdiaeh lights and after a public
display lot the question of Hie etllclen
r.v of the ilhimlnant and its advan
tages, if any. fiver the arc light.
Accordingly, lights were placed at
s-"von different points In the city and
Mere put in operation over three
weeks and have been burning since
then. There have been numerous ox
picssioiiK of opinion on the new light,
but they have been so varied that one
could sc-ircely draw any conclusions.
Another public project In which
there Is nn intense interest Is the
municipal water plant. This, too, is
to come up in councils tonight to be
disposed of dually, and It is safe to
say Hint the couniil .linmb.irs will bo
inadequate to ncconiniodate the ex
pected outpouring of citiezns to hear
the discussions on these two Import
ant measures. '
While the report of the light coiii
mitlee is In the keeping of the chair
man, yet It will be n safe venture fo
say that a change is llkel In-the
method of illuminating Hie city, and
that some of the streets, at least, will
likely have a now glow of light.
Tho Higli School Commencement
Will Be Held on June 14.
The largest graduating class in the
history of the Carliondalo High school
Mill receive diplomas tills year. The
sonior class numbers about forty, and
It is expected the renter portion of
them will pass their examinations. The
girls will be in tho majority, but by a
smaller ratio than usual. Tho larger
number of boys is due largely to the
introduction of t lie business course.
The commencement exercises will be
held mi Friday. June II. the day on
which -clmn closes for the summer They will lie held In Hie
lii-iiinl opera house mid will lie similar
to those of last year. The elas.s will bo
represented on the programme by
throe honor students, the, valedictorian,
salutalorlan and class, w liose
names will lie announced ln"r.
The oration of ihe evening , .
made by Kev. Mr. Uaveupoit, of Vonk
oi s. N. Y whose recognized ,bjy as
a public speaker makes him eminently
titled for tile position lie Is lo till. Ho
will talk to the graduating class and
ihe audience on 'Winning Forces In
There will also be elocutionary and
musical seleetkiris by members of the
school. The High School orchestra will
render the aooompauimoulH and has
for --onio lime been rehearsing
To Tour the West.
T. I!. Duifee, of this city, and
A. F
(ehliardl.Minerinlondoiii of tho,
mills al Jermyii, left t-'Hturdiiy evening
on Ihe Krlo flyer top a trip to the fa
ilflc coast and return, and will put in
their ilmo taking in the dt(TVrem points
of interest in tourists throughout llio
west and northern stales. They will
pass through Chicago, Denver. Coin,
r.ido Spring'-, l,eadvle, Salt Lake Cltv,
Ios Angeles, Vosemltle Valley, Han
Francisco, Portland, Seattle. Yollow
itone E'ark. St. Paul, Duliitli, the Cireat
Lukes and Buffalo, where (hoy will
-pond a few days at (he I'lin-Atn'erieau
exposition before returning home.
Visiting Here.
llorry J. Vandoiiiiiik, a former Car-Vindn-lc
hoy, at ono time holding a pos-l-Hon
in the Kilo railway freight houso
n this city, put now traveling passen
ger agent for tho Queen mid Crescent
route, with hcadfiuarmrH at Detroit.
Mich.. Ih visiting his parent.1, Mr, mid
Mrs. Vniulemurk. of Washington street.
Jerry O'Hourku left last evening for
Younistown, O,
A fJood Suggestion.
A good suggestion was mado by
f'oininander MeConib In Ids Memorial
Duy order, ono which could be noted
upoii with credit, if proper cognizance
of it wore taken. Ii is with refer-i-nc-e
to curing for the aged veterans
-Ihe heroes) of tho nation's trying
tunes on Memorial Day or at least
dining tho parade arrarged in oh-sTvaiu-e
of llio occasion. A largo
percentage of the old solillci.s are be
ginning in suffer from their liitlriua
ties and oven those who nre well pro
served lel (ho fati,ue of the day's
inarch. The tramp under the glare
uid hcrtl of the sun, while It might
Carfeondale Department.
he boy' play In lite sixties, Is now a
sevete tax nn Ihe small resources of
old ago, mid tlio iiim ichors are iUlto
worn when the line of innrch lias
!."Mi traversed.
The suggestion made by t 'omnia li
tter Mci'omli is that some means of
ciiiivoyaho" be pro, hied for the sol'
diets ami that Ihey thus he allowed lo
enier Inlo the celebration of ihe day
thai Is so near to thoin, without the
fear of falgite or the sun's effects,
The cost of tills provision would be
almost Inconsiderable, and It would
certainly moot with tho heartiest up
pieclatlon of the old solllleirs. In
other cltleii. Scraiiloii uniting lliciu.,
cih donations tiro lccelvod fioin
mining the inerchanls that readily de
fray tin-It expense1, besides pinvld
Ing for other iiieiins of cntortalnnient
for the veterans.
II Is hoped that this provision will
ho met in this manner In rarbondali!
this year.
One of the City's Most Widely
Known and Highly Esteemed Wo
men Departed This Life on Satur
day. .Mrs, William .lohnsoii, one of the
most highly esteemed women of the
omniunliy, died H.-Jurdny morning at
about t! o'clock, after a long and pain
ful Illness. She had been an Invalid
for many years, and about four weeks
ago was stricken with an attack of
pneumonia, which, with oilier compli
cations brought on the end. Death
came very peacefully.
.Mrs. Johnson was forinoily .Miss
Harriet Newell tlraves. Slio was born
In this city on March !i. 1SI1, and had
hi en a continuous resldoju hero up to
the time of her death. Forty-one years
ago the sixteenth of tills month she
was unit"d in marriage to her surviv
ing husband, William Johnson.
The news of Mrs. Johnson'-' death
will lie recoii-cd with surprise and
gieat regret. She was a woman of ex
ceedingly kindly and charitable -nullities
and was beloved by all who know
her. She had, during her years of ac
tivity, been a devoted member and
worker of tin- First Methodist church
and many homes have been brightened
during hour of darkness by her min
istrations. She possessed a steadfast
faith and unbounded patience and dur
ing her long Invalidism she eiidureil
allllction with the greatest fortitude,
never complaining, but thanking her
Master for tho blessings He had volich
sa fed .
Mrs. Johnson is survived by her
aged mother, Mrs. I'lsie r? raves: her
husband, William Johnson: two son.--,
William It. and Charles W. Johnson,
and two sisters. Mrs. Frank Smith and
Miss Jane Craves.
The funeial will be hold this after
noon at :'. o'clock, llev. A. F. t'haffea
will conduct Hie .services at tin.1 bouse
ill Washington place, after which In
terment will be made in Mnplewood
Dr. F. E, Jenkins Expected from tho
Philippines in August.
Word was received last week from
Dr. F. I-;. Jenkins, who Is a surgeon iu
the volunteer army stationed iu Hie
Philippines. The doctor Is enjoying
excellent health, and as the lighting
has subsided, is now engaged teaching
Hie Kngllsh language to the natives.
The letter was writ ten iu April and
oven then llio temperature had be
come extieniely hut. lie described the
capluiii of Aguinaldo. his account
being .similar, iu general, to that" pub
lished iu tills paper. The doctor also
described llio hanging of a unlive by
the Tniled States authorities. It wa.i
tnc tlrst execution of tho kind Iu that
section, and Ihe religious ceremonies
went through by the victim and his
friends were most interesting to the
Americans. Dr. Jenkins,' term of en
listment runs out next mouth ami,
whll ho' may possibly apply for a posi
tion Iu Hie i-egiiar army, it Is more
probable he will return to this city.
Ills wife expects him to arrive about
August, although ho may lie delayed
some lime longer, if lie Is unable to
board a transport soon after he Is' mus
tered out of the service.
A Local Class to Take the High De
grees in Juno.
Temple cominanilory, No. . An
cient Union Ktilghls of Malta, of this
city. Is preparing a class of ilfty can
didates lo take tlio higher ilegteos of
knighthood. Tho bountiful ceremonies
Incident lo llio conferring of the de
grees will take place on Hie evening of
Juno 'J.', firaiid Itecorder ileorge II.
Pierce, of Philadelphia, will have
charge and will exemplify the unwrit
ten work, ,
flood News Received,
Word has, been received by i.'arboii
ilalo friends of 'Miss Maggie Hreese, a
former resident of this city, that she
has boon made a head nurso of I5elle
vue hospital. New York city. She left
here some years ago and took n. com
plete onum1 iu trained nursing, which
slio followed up with several special
courses, thoroughly lilting her for the
profession In which slio -has enjoyed
rapid promotion.
Some Fine Work.
Some very lino mvhitcctural draw
ings dlspluyed Iu the slinw window of
Singer's Park Clothing House are at
tracting considerable attention. They
are tho work of 11. S. Woodward, who
s employed us u draughtsman by Con
tractor A. 13, Tiffany and form part of
a display placed (hero by tho Interna
tional Correspondence Schools,
Tonight's Dance.
The only social event t-clirilulcil for
tonight Is the danco of the Ccrm-iulu
Singing society, to ho iit-Id In their hall
on Main street. Prof. C. it. Salt, of
Seraiiinu, will furnish the music, and
all who attend arc assured a most en
joyable ilme.
Doing the Heating Work.
Sullivan & ItyHii luivo been given tho
contract for the heating and ventila
tion work In the new addition lo the
Kmergency hospital., A. I-:. Tiffany is
doing the. carpenter work,
I 'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
A Former Resident Writes Inteicst
Ingly of Carbon dale's Days "Be
fore tho War'-' Mentions Many
Well Known Teople.
ileorge Johnson, of 1'lttstoii, one of
(lie well known former residents of
this city, contributed an Interesting
iirtlele to yesterday's Carbiiiidnle
Leader on (hi1 cut ly L'aibondulo. For
many years he wan connected with
the Delaware and Hudson company
here and was later land agent for the
I'eniisylvnlu Coal company. Ito writes
as follows: ,
Will mite irriiiilin; I illt'rtli'li' nl C.iilion-
d.lll' vrcltn In (tin lo l.o .itdlOPil lo tin1 Willis
Inn-iiii. 1, 1 1 (I'! I ill lint lily Intl. t jc-ir, l-Vt
In I'-ii'! .linl It uijiiM .(icir ir-uinpliinin In
in- li'-iillm: llii'ic for i Inlet n pi-ilml l.i il
P iilpl In ulle .III lliiiMlllt lit mi lrltl"l.ll. .1
-"nuiii. It I'lr.iiiyl tn in,- Iiiiinl l Hie
ilni.Mtiltit.s of lay M-iy IIii-ii-, lltr- w.iltti'nl
Mini -i uliiili I HiiiMil lii'in IK ',.,!c iu I
llie ir, - ltli uliiili I now lik iMiK iiniiti luiitiini 11! inr life.
'Hip lily h,h .iiiiinir ill l.-.Vl. Mr. AniibaPI,
lis llt.l, -lill Ibiil 11 tt I'liiiiili tint,
llionuli In1 lunl li-.t Mir. mi in1 of Mir I)i'Ii.iii
iitnl lltiiNn'i I'ottiti.itiv wltiilt lic-li.iil .si rvni F.)
I"!.-; iiinl i-ii f.iltlititll.' .mil .ih cii'.'.tKi-il iMt
Mn1 Hi 1. 1 u.i re. I.111 l,n.,itiiM atnl Wo'tiTii loitip.iii'
111 Si 1, niton.
He. T. S. W'.inl h.i i.ilor of Mn l'ir.-li.lPiia1i
il'iiuli wlilili llt tt nml ilittlni; Mir ,i'.ir- of tn.
sl.iy Mi-liitii'il hi Mn- 0I1I wooiloti 1 him It. 'I It
I i.liil in (tout .1111! lanl.v ioiri'i vv.ilki'il
up II, r ,tl-li f.n Ins a I'.tlli'r.i of r.ip wltii-.i
1 mil iiIoihI -"IIiiw l.ilo 1011 hip"- Dr. spot
ip.ipil In pi.iiliti1 ,i ,1 iti, -ii i.iti,- tint Ibril is
.1 ipliioil .'Piillptn.iti .il 'ih lioiiip on Main Mint.
I lliinl. tin1 piopul.i is now omiipiI I11 tin1 M.iti
lillc f.iinll..
John S I..1W anil llovoll iwip inruliniits on
South Main Mirrl ,h nl-11 mpip Pome & Mill",
.lolm M: I'iioii", of 1I1K 1,1-1 linn, for our
or tnoti- 101111-. itn.ior of Ihp tit. Up u.!1- ,i
niosl klinl hi'.irtpil nun, f 1 of .1 jukn, ,inil, i- iiiiii Ii nioio i.iip, i onlil i iijov our Iipii
Inin-ilf its riihji'i't, ippp.itim; it :ii;.iiiit Iiim
M'lf l.tiiL-liiiis uith lu-.iitiil kIpo. .I.iiupi Cl.irk.
on till Mini on Mir mhiHioi l.v .-.Mr nf Mip I inn
iron. Up ii'tiinl Irom lui-lnp.ii. lip t.ii
Ihiil: .1 mining p.Nprtt ho-p opinions vp'rr mm1it
.iimI in icit.
W. II. Hi. I in i. .11. 1 kppl .1 -Imp on MJin
.mil ('.) h rots; AtiiliPM- Willi, one op-lio-ilp.
Iippo-itr Mr W.ilfs ftoio I think Ihp
L'lonuil .is i.iianl. TIii'ip otnp ftoo.1 Hip
liolrl ki pi to- Mip ceiill.iii.iii uli.un Mr. P.ilnipr
i. ills "Hill llionun"- lo (.. I Moitlil ;is nwn tlioiialit of -pe.iliitis of llei. ,h Tom
W.inl" .is of nipntionltis .i luiiil-onir, pt.iinti, inil
tie, nil ilrreil Ki'nlliiinn .is "Hill llionsoii."
Iiiinns my -t-iy in Ciihoinl.tlp Mip imns men
oii:.iiiiei ,t 1..MPI11H In n1 Mrikl.v iIpIhIis ere
hel.l .mil Mllliei Is Of II. Hi. 'II ll illlioMlllp lllM'll.v.'ll
.Mill Hllll'il ll.niy Wil-Oll, thr lllilthi'ls .Liiluili,
In. Hun, 'lli.' IIiiIp. 'I'imii.-enil Pome, W.
W . I.illiioii .nut oilii'is vli,.-r tumps ito not
1111111- .it llio in. Mm nl, irir pioiiiinini unions Ihe
ih ! '.i let... I I mir ;i uiptnlipi- of this i lull .i nil
lo- i ill'-. "f Ihe oliiri- ..- nn- iitnl iIm-ii
lill.iui'il lo Ihe
ill lull-.
in ienli
I. uiii;
' niilliPi
, :c.!e to
nil f tiiup
mil ,i- .i
Mip onto
this .sh
1 iiep.ul-
ii.nliiirAs not- Miieni y in penh I .,
I' (lie iitnliniii. in li , Mir
.ilhe.iul lot- i sli tii-linvi; tin Mili-nt,
ion-iiiiiiiip u.i- m-nei.illv Inntin in
Any mention of I'.itlioml.ili1 limine
,u,.is nmleilnl to mention Mi
mo iimI trl oi ( o. C, i:ie.-nllt irsimenl, lo
mill tho I nn i-i-iii r I.- (.iin-l'.il l.ei',
ln-1 .nil. nii'l lo r.iii.v Mip war inlr. tit.- Xnrlli
nn .-Mil.- w . hi Ii I he .-li.injrrl- ,imi. -. nimiimr
I iii t ill i-.'illeil iin.l ('.nl.onihili rp.poiiileil villi
i i pin.' of llio mill miller I'.ipt.iiii Wjlir.
'IIh-m- weir .'ion mp.inieil to N union lei a niol
. iiii.n. Him Iilleil riri-i i.n- ami ''1 Mu
IM. I'.iil.niil lonhl m-.Mpr from his (.loir.
'H l'Ii iie.irly Miiil-iii-:i ip.tis h.oe p.i ul, I
MiinK Mini ,i Kie.iln- put of Ihe i-omp.inj .ire
-lill loinr. Ihe n.iiheil II iiii-liins in' Mine
In Ihe lo.ii- of Mi" suns nl Anlie
l.lin's liehl; , .nnpnl in ilhrr.-,,, ni.r, .tfli r
miiim1 li'lt of Uilp iI.ijj, l r-t 111 ii .1 In Sir.nitoll,
ulii-ir they eio mil hy M.nor Pootr, lm -.,tn
jii-My pioiul of the iptitnile il-pl,iiu !iv
his "hoys" in ir-ioniin- In ip ,., ',,f l0
i-oviitioi-. If our ili-p.ntm-r fr nn r.iilmnilile
-pi I pm ilemt'tit, -. lint sh.ill I Ni-V of tho home
ii.mititr. Wo iniR'lipil in i,iu,o tile up Unlit
.-Inel. whiih .is hlleil fin Imnilirils of fret in
fiont. in .mil hy our -iiles hy j n,i, mj-s
of nii-ii, Motniii ;iii, iliil.iren. J ! vp Lent
ihe fi'ihlr i. inn. ml of ih,- ilffcii.K-i.-. of Ihe po,
o,' our ilimi , onl.l not ,.tr nV,
w..iiiirr. Ami Ihe ..tunnest p.,,-. , n,,lt ,
Mir Hl-n thiii Kti-etnl us. not one si eine I
In hue Klinheil iu mu- i.iuKs, Pniilitl, ,s lh-.Ifilln-f piniupifil (tun, ,15 (M ,-,-,.
pinle. 'Iheir loinh Ii id lirrn r.illeil for .mil bnl
inel the i.lll .mil iictr mm s.ifc ,u I , aK.iiii.
Tun tliiiics 1 . tll.l ill niiilllinrnllv- in mr
'lln- iIkpiIiiI p.nieii. p of oiiii-j I'plloHs taken
flulll liolllrs ft i-ninfoil .in, I ilirnp.-il rM n),u;
4ipii Mip .-oil ol .iiaii, timl ne the ns-nl,
limn illorl of "l-ol." .loliiison, ot Ihe i:iri'nll,
( .i-r.iptalu in the (.,,'0 aimyi, by i'no,p ,-lep,
lih- ihill, iniiiiiil ami uniu. to lkk his ".ink.
Wllltl' ililn MiMlrily .-h.lpe.
'I'.i nii-nlioii Mip ueiiul Mr. i:K,, Ions M.p
' l'-in.'s p.l.Hll.i-ler , !,s rli.iimlilL- l.llllllv.
" '' '"ii'S lnil -i in line' III ll i-ieiy ol.l t.,.
ilenl ill ieio-;iii'i. Willi po.i,i,-,.,
.Mr. .still, ul1-..!.!,! . ,,1-iot .
,oi f-f ill li.-ue I, j,,,,, 'Umii-ri, ,'(
has tP.iiheil (iilhi.-ss of je.ili." .in.iotip Inviii; .1 -"ill' n -ploil Hlliih I., l.iikiiti In
.Vl.,l,lt, fotlllll.ltiHll H , ,. ,,, ,fl(, t
i-l-rHheir, as hi9 pm v ill lip miip In pirn lino il,,
v.e.tkr,! point.
Alllioiiuli this letter has ijimin liroii, !)p
llllllls of jolll- ltq,li, I i at , I.h-o ii Willflllt
heilitis- lii-liiiiony n. M. mrmoiy of mv honoie.l
snp.iii.i-, i links P. Wtiti,, K,p ,,;v ,ril
iiiiiuriT of ihp iieiiH,,,,. ;,,! UI.M'
iiitnp.ili.1. anil Mip liuililer of Us Ihil.l
ol I lie railionl ft. m W.ninni
In nn iiIIipi man h.op I foium a mei Ii.inicii muni
t -mil laneil ahilii., nor mi Hiijln in irjouui-.,
In inert Ihp in, l.lun,, lint mil ,,!-,, . ., ,,....
in iii-ii nut, n in. ('mid
I'HIsli'll, p,i , May .', pm.
Outlook Encouraging.
The oiillook flip the patriotic enlei'.
laliiment to be given in the auditorium
ol the IIIkIi i-cliool OH the evening of
.Memorial day is very encouraging.
Sindeiit.s of the school and members m
ihe (irami Army of tho Itopubllo post
have been helling tickets, for some tluiv
and lepnrl most gratifying lesults.
The proceeds of the cent will lie di
vided between llio veterans and the
school piano fund. The progrmiuno of
iho entertainment includes miinv very
escelleiu numbers, and with siidi an
oliject in view, the capacity of tho
building should bo taxed to iu utmost.
rninful Accident.
I.ehnmn Carey, of South Washington'
street, an employer- of the Carhondalu
Machine company, had ,tlm thumb of
his right hand iiilte badly lacerated
while Iu the discharge of Mn duties
A Western Trip,
itov. nnd Mrs. A. V. Chaffee expect
lo join iho parly that will i.iiii-M-v
cnntiiieut to Dm Kimorth
league national
eoiiventlon in San
Veterans at Chuich.
Tho inoinliei-ti of William II. Davles
past. No, IS", Oranil Army nt iho ito-
public, I'antuln tiem-Ro K, naiulolph
i-ainp, .Sous of Vtcruii, Women's 4te.
lief corps nnd the OpnnlHh-Amcrlcan
Vetcrnnt attended divine ucrvlco at tho
First Congregational church last night,
t'nder tho direction of Organist Nay
lor the choli rendered patriotic music,
and tho pastor. lloV. M, (J. lOlllott, de
livered a stirring incinorlal sermon.
Them was a. large turnout.
llllprililril liy Itiipiriil )
Kperlal tinier N'o. -.'.
Comrades! According to your
flllilllllentlons von have during tho
Mast thllly-ilve veins, tried to show
your contemporaries the Importance
of foully to tho great principles for
which you .o Htrcnuotlsly offered sac
rlllce. Iv'ach one of you has the stl
pienm satlsfantlon of knowing that
our cause was right, mid that the Hod
or battles sanctioned the efforts which
you pm forth to sustain tho Integ
rlly of our Piiloti.
Those of you who were actively en
gaged on Melds of carnage know the
sublimity of patriotism which was ex
hibited by tin men who hud a true,
-oiiceptlon of the Issues. Involved. Vou
know what they endured, and how
they mot the reiiulrements of the oc
casion. At tills Ilme. Iu the light of
history, It seems superfluous lo inako
any extended allusion to the work
performed by you. Put you are the
representatives of the greatest volun
teer army that ever responded to the
tocsin of war. And the halo of that
army's glorious achievements will re
flect honor on the Individual wearers
of the pendant hrnntse star as long
as a man Is left to exhibit It on his
I lie tour years' war for the
peiulty of our free Institutions
the greatest liberalizing- medium
known, r.y the commingling of
a mighty host for such a long
wits ever
and under such trying clreumstajiees,
a generous education was acrpilreil by
the men In the ranks.
Political .opinion!', denominational
tenets, national traits of character
and racial prejudices were so modified
mellowed and blended that America
has become, a ' cosmopolitan country
where the people are developing a new
phase of human nature.
The doc-trine of the fatherhood ot
(Sod and the brotherhood of man has
more exponents under our flag than
under any ensign In the world!
Memorial day lias a significance for
the survivors of our nation's defenders
which does not. cein to be fully com
prehended by the mass of people who
enjoy the fruits of liberty and freedom
which the "Boys in Hlue" made pos
sible. Tlio men who served our country iu
the army and navy during the trying
ordeal between lSfil and ISfi.'i do not
need to be reminded that -May .10 is
While they retain memory there need
be no strain on the imagination to re
call the deeds of valor performed by
their comrades who gave their lives to
perpetuate our government.
Four hundred thousand dead, three
hundred thousand cripples for life, and
over one million mothers, widows and
orphans left, to mourn fin their loved
ones who never returned, signify to the
comrades of tlio Grand Army of the
l.enublir that the war for the Union
was the most extraordinary event le
eorded iu the annals of fratricidal
The remnant of our once mighty host
of self-denying patriots feel and know
what sacrllices were required of men
and women during the trying days
when secession was rampant.
While life last's they need not be told
of the privations and physical endur
ance of tho noble men who exhibited
the most unselfish patriotism when
good red blood was exacted as a vicari
ous atonement for a great national
To peipetuate the glorious history of
ihe righteous cause for which our vall
um snwieivs and sailors so nobly con
tended; to show to tin1 world our ven
eration for tile memory of our sacred
dead, who freely gave their lives for
the laud lliey loved; to bless posterity
by the weight of their potent influence;
to aid deserving comrades iu distress,
and to help the families of those de
ceased, the Grand Army of the Repub
lic was organized,
All soldiers, sailors and marines
(tualllied to join our order should deem
it an honor to have their names en
rolled in tlio Grand Army of the Re
public, and they should deem It a privi
lege to help sustain an organization
of tho rank and llio of tho most in
telligent men over disciplined to meet
llio shock of battle, and which .stands
unique in the world's history.
Search the annals of events from
Ihe time of Noah until the year A. D.
Ie6ti and you will fall to ilnd a record
of any body, of discharged soldiers, or
sailors who ever conferred benefits nn
mankind by concentrated' effort. You
will also find that the myriads of men
who have shed blood on battle fields
for spoils, glory and conquest, have
no roll of honor like the men who
saved the Plilon and .sanctilled our con
stitution. During the last twelve months two
of the comrades, within our precinct
have gone to the bivouac of .silence:
Samuel !', Goodrich, tCompany H. Ono
Hundred and Seventy-sevdnth Penn
sylvania Volunteers, who resided in
(irccnlleld, and John Walker, Company
15, Fifty. siNth Pennsylvania Volun
teers, who resided at Maylleld,
Sluco last .Memorial day our local
comrades have exhibited a tenacity for
living whfch demonstrates that tliej
were splendid specimens of physical
manhood when, llioy worn soldiers.
They are all on earth today and most
of them able to participate in the ser
vice of decorating with fragrant. Mow
ers tho mound which cover I lie re.
mains of their comrades who wero
"mustered out."
On Memorial day lo( us show our in
spect for departed comrades by observ
ing tho forms and ceremonies pre
scribed by our order, and by trying to
luciileato a reverence for constitutional
liberty, equal rights and juslico to all
alike. Hy order of
John Mi-Comb, commander.
Attest: W. 11. Chase, Adjutant.
Bitten by n Dog. ,
t'l'iirlie 'uuily, ol' Salem avenue, em
ployed as orraiuj hoy tit I'ranior's niiu
l;et, was liltten in tho lee: hy iv don
Sunu'il-iy, AlthouRli tho wouml is pain
fill, it Is not serlouH enough to Iteup
him t'lom his work, Dr, D. I-. Hulley
(tnuteriiseil ii, nntl no apprehension l.s
felt. Tho doi,' is nwneil liy i. It. .Mini.
A Bave Siiecimen,
Klorlht Wnilo hits a rose plant that
contains three, hundred and forty roses
full iu bloom, which lio forced for Mo
iiiuilal day. It had a conspicuous place
in the decorations for the .May dance
In ilurke's hall on Wednesday evening.
It Is of tho crimson rauilileu variety.
Working" Up Honesdale.
il. T. Fisher, of Wllkcf-Harre, Ken
eral deputy of tho Fraternities Acci
dent "filer, who has been In town sev
eral days, has gone to Honcsdnle to
Inatlttilo a new brunch ot tho order In
that place.
Mi'. Watt 111.
President .1. K. Watt, of tho Klrst
National bank, was Krldny hHjiciI with
what I- thought to bo a slight stroke
of paralysis.
In Honcsdnle.
Misses Sophie Malionoy and Uvelyn
tlrlflln, trained nurses of (his oily, have
been on duty In lionesditle for tho past
John T. William1.-, a well known
resident of .lerniyn, was found dead
u bed nt ii o'clock yesterday morn
ing. Deceased appeared in his usual
health on Saturday, but apparently
had a premonition of his death. He
was severely Injured In ith,. mines
nhoiit eighteen mouths ago. and has
since been unable to work, having
to walk with tho aid of i rutches. Ilo
remarked to a. friend nnSaturdiiy that
he would die In it t-ouile of hours
and said he felt the pain which he had
been suffering since his Injury, was
extending from !iis hips up into his
Deceased was ill year of age, was
horn In St. Clalrs, C'ormnrthcnshlre,
Wales, and canm to thl.i borough In
ISfii. lie Is well known throughout
the valley and has held several local
f-lllces. Hi; Is. survived by bis wife,
four sons. Thomas .1., Drvld, Kdward
and William, and two married daugli
lers, Mrs. John of Maylleld. and
Mrs. Alexander Richards.
The funeral will take place lonior
low iiftcrnoon. Services will be held
at tlu house, o.u Second street, at 2
o'clock". Kev. M. T. Fuller, of the
Methodist Kpiheopnl church, will olll
cialo. Coroner Robert.s and Crunty Detec
tive Phillips came up yesterday after
noon to investigate the cause of his
death. The following Jury wete em
I anelled: Dr. jr. .1. Shields, J. W.
Grant, John p.. Grllliths. Kdward
Mason. John ft. Jones and W. A. Phil-
lips. After viewing the remains, c-i-ikuce
was given by witnesses who
had been in his company during the
pievlotts evening, The jury after
wards rendered a verdict that- l-i-etaseri
had died from natural causes.'
The members of Monsuy's tribe. Xo.
IM. Improved Order of Red Men,
commemoriiitc'd their tenth anniver
sary in assembly ball Saturday even
ing with an entertainment and social.
The affair passed very pleasantly and
the ladies and Invited guests were
loud in their praise of the Red Men's
hospitalitv. The entertainment, open
ed Willi an address by Great Sachem
Ayres, who is a member of Monsay's
tribe. The great sachem gave one of
his characteristic speeches, for whleb
he Is note-1. which was frequently ap
plauded. During his speech he made
a brier outline or what the tribe had
done iu ten years and among other
things It was learned the tribe had
paid out. nearly $1,000 sick and death
claims during. this time. It is ono or
the most nourishing organizations in
the borough. Al the conclusion of Ihe
speech, songs were sung by Archie
Martin, Harry l,aiigniun ami Stanley
Layman, a recitation y Miss Sarah
James and a quartette by Mrs. Hnek
ingliam. Mrs. Heniic-tt, I,. A. Green
and Richard flocking, all of which
wero much enjoyed. This was fol
lowed by a mock adoption. "Spoiled
Tail Phil." "narking Wolf Muse." and
two dozen other Indians iu all their
feathers and paint, gave ji scalp
dance, gliost dance and oilier llirll
lllig features, which dcllglitt.-d every
one. Hoard wanted on a farm. See ad
vertisement it. "Want" Directory in
another column. , '"
Miss Jo.-sepbine Davis, of (ho Pow
der Mill, gave a violet tea. on Satur
day afternoon, In honor of Miss Mlla
Hutehings, of Moosic. The f-noms
wore beautifully decorated. Miss
Davis and Miss r.illa Mulchings re
ceived, assisted by Miss Mulchings,
Mr.-. C. A. Hattcuhcrg. Mrs. W. .1.
Raker and Mrs. Albert Kerr served
refreshments, it was one of tho most
enjoyable social affairs of the sea
con. Among the large number of
gucsis prevent were the following
from out-of-town: Mesdaines George
Hentnu, ftussi-ll Shophard, W. J. Ha
lter. AV. .1. Ilriinson. Miss Mabel .lad
win, Miss Olina Herring, Miss Fran
ces I inlay. Miss Lou Williams. Car
liondalo; Mrs. William Van Doren,
Archbald; Mesdaines Elmer Hiir
thold, Jloyt and the Misses Peek and
Gendall, Peekville; Mesdaines Van
Gorder, Grant llell, Albert Kerr,
Scranton, and the Misses Hutehings,
Tho rummage sale under the aus
pices or Ihe Methodist JSpisl.-opat
church, which lias been so success
fully run tho past three days, will
lie rcnpeudtl again on WlednesdaM
morning and evening. Any one hav
ing articles to cnntrilnile will kindly
notify the committee or C. D. Win
ter. Miss Florence IJeliihimly, or West
Pittstnu, is the guest of Miss Doro
thy Tenuis, of Main street.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson colliery will be paid this aT
ternnon. Fernlev Woodworth, a young son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Woodworth, ot
Third street, iiecldentnlly shot him
self in the hand on Saturday by play
ing with a loaded revolver, which he
bad uTistrieted from a drawer wheic
his father kept t. Fortunately, his
injuries were only slight,
Misses Amy .Dituioro and Helen
Scutt, of Jerinyn. spent yesjtenlay
with Vmidlltig and Finest city
fi lends.
An alarm of lire was sounded by
the Delaware and Hudson breaker
whiMle, shortly after 0. o'clock Sat
urday nlglit. The Artesians respond,
ed, but upon investigation it proved to
ho a false alarm.
A number of friends of Miss l-JIslo
Stearns tendered her a pleasant sur
prise party at her homo on Iiopot
street Friday evening, The evtinlnt
wus most enjoyably spent lu playlus
games and other amusements. Light
refreshments were served. Miss .Stearns
will leave with her mother In a short
time for liuffnlo, X, V. Those present
wore: Misses flraco Hughes, Florence,
White, Freedlo Hrlggs, Hadln tiendall,
Yaledla Cirlllln, Muttlo Peters, Lena,
(lendall, Dorothy Slekler, Xuttlo H.ib
coek and I-tflth Hook, .Masters Frank
Hoyt. Willlo Hell, John I'eters. Frank
Kngllsh, nenuett Hicks, Howard Wal
lace, Chester Sampson and KUdle
Hoard wanted on a farm. See ml.
vertiseiueiit In "Want" Directory in
another column. ""
Mrs. Mary Harncs has returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs, An
drew Hale, of Viitesvllle.
A large number of our people are
anticipating" spending Memorial day at
Lake l.odore.
Miss Daisy Hell Hall, contialto solo
ist, and Mr. Ilyiylniau, violinist, both
Beaumont & East Texas Oil Co.
CAPITAL, $1,000,000.
DlvlrfeJ Into MmtMinn Shares. Pur Vnlue $1.00 l.'nclt. l-'nll Pnbl ami Non-AsjeMahld
OWINtl lollie-.Mcntlitei-pn.n In Hie Milllcofolir lanili nail to llio Im lneue nlc of utoek m
l.,.a'',,Jti.'.,l.i,,hi''l'll';l"i:1" thcKci-oluiniiH.nml lollm iniicli lululilcr iropecli How bcror.i
? in,- heilpieloii Hieiil li. other eoiiipnnles now drilling on uIJoIhIiir properlle,
the Illici'loiK liau ilceldctl iipau nn ndvaiii-e Iu price or ntuek
From 50c, per share to 65c, per share
TlilinilMineelotnlioeltoct JUNE 1st, 1901.
THIS t IhiTi'lotiMlii'luu opportunity lo piiirline stork nt tho preient lov iirli-onr-tn cent
per tiliurc. I'arclimc todny,
THIS COMPANV alisiiliitelyim-iiB In freilmplo .(sfti ncre-i nt nliolcc Oil l.timl nnil reforn vou
ilAISK UlPp i'hopo 'Vi i'Y"'-'"' "n "nll'orjt ,u' as 'o "10 Company'- reliability. TI1I1 'in
AM. OKDIIKS rur ulncknt 50 cent per share nillst ponlllvely hear ilnteiiiiil pool tmirlc tint
Inter tllnn June I5t, as alter tltut dale 1111 Ntilwrlpllali will lio rrcelU'il nt li'.-rttlmn till
ailviincfil price or il, ccnls,
.Miikoallulicik and drnriH im.valilc In unlet- of W. S. DAVIDSON, Trcniurer. (PrcHldcnl
! I rut Nalloiml Paul nl llcuuiiintit,
Aililrfcc nil rointnimlciillotiN to tlioKcciclnry, II. L KlilSTIiR.
Home OilCompany of Beaumont
(Orpinlied Under the I,nnaol Texas.)
In.vlew of the constant growth In vnlue of thin company UuiUaud the surcess of tt opera
tions to date, as well ns the rapidity with which subucripHons nre coraiutc In, the directors have
dedded on an advance In price of Stock, uud alter June 1st aotnore of this stock shall be aoM at
0 that all jubscriptlons at this price should be sent in without delay. Applications wilt be re
ceived ot the company's office, ns below, until the close- of business houra on Sntuidajr, June 1st,
and allmail subset iptlons hearine the dale and postmark Julie let or earlier will be considered
a acceptable. In case of over-subscription, however, the right is expressly rer-erved to scale or
reject any application. The price will, from and after
per shore winch Is itself an extremely tow ftfjure o compared with the Intrinsic value of the
stock, and the substantial daily growth lu the company's assets. All proceeds of this stock ewe
used for the purpose of development on ita various holdings, where wells will be suite as fast
as the drillers can get their rigs placed. Operations arc bIbo beln-f pushed as rapidly as possible
. w 1. ... Mint. a, .nn,. H riptrv-iftitMl n nni, 1
f i.v.' miaowa. .frike alt drafts or monev orders to W. S. DAVIDSON. Treasurer.
(President First National nank of Iieatimonf). Address all communications to C M.
lJIXimVOOt), Secretary. As to our Standing; Refer to Bradstreafa.
ncorpOi'oled under the Laws of the State of Texas.
OAP3TAL Si, 000,000
Divided Into 1,000,000 Shares, Tor V-tlDf 91.00 Each. Full Paid and rT-ro-Arwessabl,
We are pleased to announce that snbtt-iitiona Iinvc rtrmo Id so fast as to place thH Company
ou an oniiirril lliianciul liasii, tnaklnt; it one of the soundest corporations in the State of
Texas, and its stock intrinsically worth more to 'very holder than when urst offered.
Zt Is Ihnrrforo now liein coiisldorcd by the directors whether the price should not ba
placed at a rixurt: more corviiriiurctr with thenctual valneof the stock, asn matter erf Jmrtke
to the company and its siock holders. This will certainly be done at the close of the pTtieut
'ine, if not before, and those who wirh to Ret in on the ground floo.- thonld tbereftunf avail
themselves of the opportunity while it exists. B
Until such mlvnnce is made, however, the company will continue flelllng the Tennindcraf
its offerinj; of
1 0O.OQO Shares al SO G&nte
per share, full-paid and subject to no aS.-&sa.c-t or further call of any description.
IvEM 1531 H Kit that a share in this Co..ipany doc, not mean merely a share Ca a wal, bctthSJt
it Mauds for a proirouiutiate In Oie entlte asc&a of tan Company, taeJndiar' alt iW
imiue.isf tracts of valuable oil Un-'Is.
OWNING Oll-rmttliV as it does 4K1 actcs of sitth, in th lvt tbite oitcfirirtoof
Texas, with a perfect title arsuriiii' absolute iioss-rssiot., nnl wiih do rovarvbsVb pay, there
cannot tie found a better opportunity to secure i ioUreat iu the ftxnous and rccnltve cdl
fields of Teias. Tlw company ii rapidly proce-rdii-B' with its opirratloiis, and just bs goon aa
the drillers with whom contracts have been mud? can vUcr their rigs o&.iU: lands, wells
will he Gunk. It is oiliceri-.l and managed bv prarticnl ImsiiKTrf mm. who aie acilcrcd suc
cess in their own indiviiliial lines, and are nou devoting thcr combjoed ubllilj- avAipCi
ence lo making an equul or fjreater wKctia " the aflatrs of the avcoaoricViiSiWYtjCis
Oil Co.
THE CAPITALIZATION nCvhe Company I.-, emretvly lov-a. compared wiii ii. rcsoTees,
the dividends earned will be proportionately lurtje, and aa tt will imruesUonably pivreou
of the richest payers in tbis sitormoiisly rich field, every nun IntereCjd in tho mest tfosp:x
ous industry of modern t'icies should secure sliitcs In the Beain-oat & "Ca Tezns Oil Ca
Make all checks nd cir-t rnynhle to onirr
First Nailof,! "jJi' f rwnuraoir.').
tmm &
nl' .Sciiiiititii, ami .Mr. l.tuv, oltit-utiiiu-Ist,
nt" Wyoming Kcuiliiary, will iiHHlHt
lit till! I'lllK'Hl'l Ul'NL Tliiii-silny OVCII-
I iter iu Mfii-Kitn's .sttirp liulliliiij;, uiuIim
tin iiiinuli-f-ri ul' llio I'liiiir of tin- I'res
byti'liuu cliiirrli. AilliiisHlou ittily l.'i
Mi. John Day rciurnoil Imnio l'rl
fluy I'rnni liottysliiit-f:, wlion lio was
nltouilliiK tin1 stall! convention of Oihl
Kollow.s ah a lciu-pscntativc ol' thi' local
Imlsu or Oihl Fellows.
Sovoral ynuiiKSlcrs worn sorn Satin.
lay on llicliory Kircct ilcmolisliliiK
electric HkIiI k'IoIic.s liy ulinollut,- at
tlieiu with slIiiK-sliots.
Mr. ll. I., rrulc, miiieriiileiuleiit nT
tile fonin'll imwiler works at 'I'revcr
toli. I'.i.. was a visitor lien ycstenlay.
'I'lie iiieiulier.-i ol' the tirallil Army of
tin1 lii-public met at llielr licaiitiarlirs
last evetiitiK ami joitriieycil o Arch
lialil, where tlu-y atleinleil illvlno ser-vli-es
at Hid I'resliylerlan churcli. I!cv.
M. U. I''uler, pastor of the church,
lueaehcil ii memorial .suttuon l'i lln;
olil veterans.
The number, of Hie W. V. Waters
post, ,'n, III, tir.illd Army ol' (be Ite
pulillc, and Spanish-American War
Veterans, will give an eiiiertaininenl
ul tile Father Malhew Opein Houso
tomorrow evening, lo del'ra.v I lie cx-pi-nses
of decoiating the graves of the
itead soldiers. 'I'ne follow lug will ns
sist In tlio I'liigranime: i ilypliani,
niliiHticl conipatiy, W. W. WatMns,
IVfkvillc: W. F. Ilurk.e W. i:. I.ynott
uud William l.'ifius, Nortli Scranton;
:Mis. Anna llrowit O'.Malley, (leorgu
Mnran and Si. I'alrick's orchestra.
I'revious to the cu'teitaluinent a par
ade, headed by tin Olypham Drum
t'orps, will lake place. As llie cause
is n most win thy one. it Is expected
there will he a large attendance.
Tickets, -.'."i and S't cents.
Hoard wanted ou a faun. See ad
vertiseiueiit lu "Wiilll" Directory iu
another column. "
Miss Maine liiirdner has been re
moved lo her home lu l'itistou, where
file ll-s lu a very crltluil condition.
Forty hours' devotion Is being oi-t-erved
iu the Holy illiost church, on
Willow .-trcet.'
The annual rccepiion of tlio Hlesmd
Virgin's and Angel's sodalltii.-! wa--lieli
In St Patrick'. churcli last
evening. 'Ihe sermon was di'livereili
by Itev. Fathtr I'armoil.v, of Jermyn.
of "vT.
a. DAVIDSON, Treasurer, (Prcsideni
HtCXCI", K .. .K...HKKKr.
Union' Hade
i Tobacco?
A Good Smoke oi-Chew.
A Trial Solicited.
Satisfaction Gunrnulccd.
jTlw Clock Tobacco Co,,
G44.4d.-18 Wyoming Ave.
Scranton, Pa.
lie was lislened to Willi llie elose-.t
ullentioii liy 'the .members. Several
new niclllliei'H were teceiveil Into Hip
Hlcssed A'irglu's sodality.
The veterans of the 'ivil and Span-Isli-Aiueiican
war attended Dhiiie
i.ervlcn iu llie lilakcly Hapllst chuich
last evening A very appropriate and
iloiitleul 'l-lil(ili was ilellvefed b
llev. Dr. Speiieer, llio pastor.
Miss Kate Mniinhau, ot Carboudale,
visited friends at this place yester
day. Misss Mary Waul, of voca, Is the
guest of Miss Nellie. McAndiew. of
Scotch stlcet.
Decoration Day at the Pan-American
Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y.
On ncciitnit of the above, ticket
agents of the l.ackawiiuua. railroad
will sell round trip tickets to Huffalo,
good going oil Wednesday, May UDlh,
and limited for return within live day,,
Including date of sale, at tS.'M for the
round trip. Tickets will be good for
passage lu day coaches only.