vwr"' ? ; T-psPjHfAW -' K V4 V1 jt , f "ffc? ' SI-I"-.---' i- l1 - Uin . P Ty'C.-i"'-l-i jjff iAiTqMTfi f!r-" V-!., 'i-i "i,f-.'v 1 J crmtton A 0 TIIR OiNLY SCRANTON PAPKR K12CKIVING THE COMrLl-TE NEWS SEUVICl: OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE OKIsA PEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. SCKANTOX, PA., MONDAY MORXTNU, MAY 1.7. 11)01. rwo CUNTS. . tv,u if isjsf Srihuite. t. i iniVT TROLLEY CAR COLLISION Five Persons Killed and Over Fortu Wounded In an Electric Railroal Smaslnm Near fllbanu. CARS MEET ON A CURVE While Bating- for n Switch at n Speed of Potty Miles nn Hour, Two Tiftcen Ton Tiolley Conches Col lido with Feaiful Results Both jtfotouneu Aiei Killed nnd Mnny Aio Frightfully Mangled The Dead pud Wounded Ale Taken to Albnny The Hen-y Cais Toin to 1'icccs in the Collision. Ill I- iiim ii fi ii I Ik vwiiiiiiiI I'c ' Hiin m.i jc i:ii i ti if t uis i.k ins l"i ii swltth, while i tinning in opposite tin. l llnlis ,ll tile lil to of fell It mile ,ill lllllll t nv 1,. is (lll-t afternoon bv a tin ilii (iillKion In whli h ovjr toitv P"imiiienl people w o i ( lnluii'il, sonic t it.ill mid iithei s vpi Inuvlv. Tin m om ul the net iilpjit was .i point .ilioiit two inli- out ot 'in-i nhii ,h, on IIk lino til llio Alii 1 1 1 .mil Hudson i.illwiiv. Tin point ulion- tin i,uv mot on tin- vingu ti.uk u.tv .it ,i vlia ip i ui vo nnil vo fust won both miming .mil vn sudden was llio iolll-ni-in that the inotoi moil moi li nl tliin- to put n Hi,, lii.il.ov bo I ore till VOIltll-lloIlMll I u ll.lll ROUP .lllllllvt oli in tliiniigh tho inn th-liniinil i .ii .i ii.l hung mi tin. , ,gp ot i high lilnif with I - lii.nl ol viiii, Unm-, m.iiiiinl hiimnu it t din- iiiiitiiini.in vv.u- pinlonod up iilnst tin- vm.ivlioil limit uf tin vi uili-liounil mi with lioth loav vov i il mil Uilloil iiivt.intl, while Hi . mini onn lived lull ,i low niiuiitov I'ullt 1J0 null women mil (liililion r H im-il 11 stl lIg.lillR sill if KitlfT pvin Miil niKoil with lilooil, detached )Oi lionv ol lllllllllll lllllliov .mil tin- am i ok .i-i ol tin! i .iiv ' mhiio oi tho nioip vIIrIkI" Injiuoil nn n i-Min ltoil themselves and hegnu to pull ji -upli- n)i t of the io.il onilv of Ii two i.iiv .mil iilmnst ovoiv ono amis i ili u out in Ihiv w.iv .mil iieiiilv nil mm built IllllllOil. Anions- tin Klllfil anil Inlurod me tho following Killed 1 litXh vi, im.iniinui 'Ml I 1 VM l( IlOt lii.tnriiiin 'll P M 1 llil.d nf lioim I I ,1,11. tNXII liunXI . of v,,r,ln ,n, TiWIll MUhlXIV, inn, .mil,, pnr, K,. imun 1 Tatnlly Injuied. i i-i I It it i I mi, Imrl liileinilh rml I vnniii lm, iiijimil inliiiiilh. Seiiously Iniiued. v ill i mi i i; in , in, Mm linn, Inn I mice I' lliiui r Muni, ille, 1' Ml llllllll-lt. III1 D ltl C l-.lt. Minn, Miliv 1MI, Vllnnt llotijul I Roii-m. Ulnni. Vr II r. Itiv.n, Alhnif. rioci rs. Alhinv. A W Ciot-h-i, Mlinn. I rctl rni, Vlh.un 1 ir I Hero,, Ml im Women Aio Hysterical. The few tv omon ji ,wl r lit 1,1. ., .. i. 1. ,.1 - "- ii.iiii ,, iiu null ot.ipoil lnjuiv and death weie hvs-' n-iieal mm added theli tries to tho shrieks of tho thing ami mutilated, .Mi'ii with bioken .11 ins .mil bouew, (iis. Incited joints nnd blnodv lio.ids .mil f.H-es tiled to assist otliois who weie moie helpless. Help had been sum moned from K.ist G republish and Hlu li y and In ,1 little timo tho biuKul mass of Ininianity -ilth tlu nuitil.itfd doad, tor a Kitiosonie and v,.nt (oiu pany, woio loaded nn .-ti.i ciiv mid t.iKon to Albnny. Thoio .iinhulam cs and physklans had been summoned, mid thn pnstollho tin nod into a nioigue and lio.vplt.il As j.ist .is tho phwlolans foulii tompoiaiilv ll- up thu wounded they woio tal.eu tottlielr lioiue.s or to tho hospitals. ' AVIlh both mntnimnii Killed, it was hatd to sot at tbp io,il oiiu-o nf the aioiilent, but it is ptotty well ik-tiT-inlned th.u It was rausoi by an ,it 1 nipt nf tho hoiitli-bound oai'to leaeh h vooond switeh. instead of waitliiK tor Hie rioitli-boiiiid at the tli.st sidlm,'. Tho 0,11s wi-lRh flftoeji tons each and aif- the laiKct oleitiie p.ih built, but mi filu'litful was the iT.i.sh thai both ars woio tflin almost to spilulms Hotb mis woio lllleri t, .Stiiidnv PloAsuio.seekei.s u-tuiiiiiiKr tiom thn neu- loereatloii riuuiuIs that tho mll wav oompany had Just nponod Tin-south-bniind ear lett Alb.inv at 1 ::o n'flook and tho neoldenl mi lined t 3 n't'lnek The motniiiian of the soulh-bound far leaohed nun nf the swlleliM. but peliiK no lioith-houiid em, deiidid to take olmnees and bo mi to the nou sldhipr, rt was at 11 uiie botwoon tho two where the cm, mot. The Wounded Auive, Telephone rails woio .sent fiom the ccno of the wieek to Mils ,t nnd about oYloi-k, when the Must car m--hid, loaded with Injuied, a I'lowd nf voveial thoiivanil people woio inut-ftt about the Albany toi minus nt tliV load ijeoitte i. Hniij. of Tiny, and Upiuro T niltein, of Xhenlllo, woio jilnied In the Album hospital ambulaiiu-. Tho fnihei nnd slstei ol Jinny won- vein 10 the hospital In a lai tlae. (ieniee, f Rany's injutles mav pi mo fatal llo is hint Internally r'eil J .-inilth, nf Albany, was taken to tho hoiucopathio hospital llo Is Injuii-d about the head and back and also Internally, but may lerover Daid Jlahom was ieinoed to St. Petei'fi hospital and died .soon aftei .11 rlvliiK theie. Isaac Hlamclt, eloik In the Mute lio.iHitei'h olllce, had 0110 leu broken and the other dlbloented, One nf the pathetic incidents of the dlsiMei was the death of Maude Kellojr, of Hound I.nke She was on the Miiitli-boiiiiil i.ir with her (lame, (Jeoise t Jinny, of Tiny and Mi Han.W father. When the (.1.1M1 I'linie she w is. unshed to death almost liiHlnuth Xenr her, pinned ill h the broken wieiltiiRe, lav hei MWei'lliPinl. I'liintk'iillv be tiled to 1 cm Ii lii'i, his own iiijoiilf'H, Internal Injuili'v, fniKotteii. Klnilliiif he eould not mine, he npiiealod to his father, who whs i-ttlcutliiK himself, but the Kill was dead On the wny to the ilt. In the tnr ho pleaded with thovp at Ipiulliu; hlin to lot him die. He will Piobabl obtain hs wish, lor his In J111 Ipm an- pioiiouiiied fatal. The Albany and Hudson load Is tho longest load opomted li the tblld mil sNStem in the woild. It is the lliwt nf what wits nniioiinied would bo a ss. toin of eloplile lines loiinictliiK Allmtij with Now Yoik city. ELDER SUED TOR SLANDER. Sopinno in n Chuich Choir Takes n Giievnnce Into Couit. Rj rxrliilp Win- trim The Avnrlat'il Prr WllinltiKioii, Del. Mu L'ii -Ailhur r:. AVobboi, the tilling elilot, mid Ml.". Mm iv A .Mmsliall. liudiiiK sopiano or tho Chi Istlan l'iosb tell. in hill oil an at odds and Mi and Mis. Mm shall to il ny liistltutid suit toi vlmidei iiRalnst Midi 1 Webber Thou- lins been tmuble in the i hiiieli l.itolv, hut It was adjusted iicontly bv tho mlnlstor leslpiilim-. Uldei- Webber was ,1 stfiunoll Miippoitei of tho mln Istir. Mis. Mnivlmll .iIIoros that she w.iv ousted fniin tho iholi, and that whllo.it ,1 nuclliiK of pu-slnteiv Hlder Wi bboi soslpped about Iipi. LEGATION GUARD HAS TROUBLES Geimnn Offlceis Chnipe Upon the American Sentries at Pekin. Date of Depmtme Fixed. Di I ulwitn Wiif fiom Hie vrrialnl l're I'iklii, May JC The I'nitid t itos U'Kiitlon Ku-iid Ins hud its Hist tioublo Lofj.itinn stiopi is liplnjf lep.iitoil peat tho Iok.iiIiiu, .mil an Anuiloaii sonny w.iv pl.npii at the point with ouleis to iiluit jionplo in omul b a side Ml eel i:oihnilj obpod the itipievt with tho efppllnn nt the r.oiiiims, both oftleeis .mil voldluv, who hno paused the AiiiPinaii pimiis ninth tumble One ol tho (ieiniiiu nlbieiv diow hlv vwnul ami ihaisvd an AniPiloan vol dlei. who bioui-lit hlv b.nonet to "eliHijfi " wheieiipou tho ntllifi- de sisted Subvpiiupiitlv a flu man voldlei h iiKi'il p iM the souti ,, who IIikI, hli titifr aiiothoi (leiinan soldier near the (.loiiiim loraiion, ,1 itiiaitoi of 1 milo oil'. This Ini tunatoK w i- ouh .1 slls;ht lb Mi wound The spnti has been plat eil iindoi ain-vi anil M.iloi Uoheil von Ins Instituted 111 in estimation Tho atlituilo nt ui Miitnni Von Si hwai tonstoin iloiman iinnistoi lep lisentliiK the rhlli.iiis, and Count Von Waldeiveo, ropiLsentitiR the mllit.uv, a.s well as that ot othei high ullli ialv hav been p.n tli ulailv fiiendlv towaid the .Ymoiit ius, which niaUov all tho 111010 pionounied the uiitiiendh feelhift e lined bv a ni,ioiit ol the (Jpiiimii olllii iv and men This unfi iendliness is attnbutpil to the Anieilian iittitude in n'tainiiiu- lOiuiol with tile legation Kll.lld ol one oiitiauie to the till Is In side the iit, which the Clot minis inn-siili-i 11 lelleitlon upon thtlr natiuiial honest v Todu'v nipotluj, ot tho nilnlsteis of the poweis was deotid to iloMliR-Aip details of business inili pendent or the Indemnitv iiuestion, alihoiiKh the mili um aulliniltiis of the aiinus poweis sfoni to eonsiilei a settlement in vlsht, as Koni'ial pipp.ll.itlolis aie belliKT made for tho evacuation of I'ekin in tho e.ul.N filtuio Two (ieiuiiu 111. nine battalions bao loft lor T-iiM-'I'.tu. Count Von Wuldoi- di'(i epi'i ts to leave about the middle of .rune. . - KILLED HIS SWEETHEART. Edgar Benuchlight Shoots Inez Leonntd nnd Commits Suicide. I1 1 ilinm Will- from II" U-cililul I'ni Im 1 WiM, 111, Mn Ji lilitir IK iiirlihjit li-l nlliI l't "nl Mllul Ml-.. I111 I ion ml ni-l tluu Hllcil Mm lit llolli win- 111111111114 ut llu llOiiiioml I11II1I Op. 1 1 iniiiiaii, now pluliis luri I lie traulv wj, iiuitul 11 J,0 o'llml. I In s (viiinliM 111 iiiuirf In Mii4 Lcoriinli loom llu- ol In r 1111111I111 nf Ihf iouium knun r nn 1 iii-c (1 r llu- inuulir II" niiipli "in ili'uol I 1 In- iniiijiij IIiiii' lull hull im pit I011. rjiiaiiil, m ur d l,non Mi-v I mini, I i, In.iii Phil uMplili Hi 1 l.ill.M mil 111-t In r an- luilh mi tin -tin,' CHEAP COAL RATES. Reduction in Tonnage on Account of Piospective Invasion of Texas Oil. lit Itilii'lte Win linn II"' -i iiifil I'm- lliimliuluiii, h. Mm -'I llu 1 In iii-l 1 ml Mb- In tin' liUlmt nt 111 inl "tr In llil illiiiul Ini jiiii ju-i loin minium nl 11" lilimiiii in Ni OiliJii., Mi bill iml I'M -null, a luliiiiiuii ur iiimu tluu -' " r mil lutliu' Ijoi 11 mull lins lllllll Hull lllll-l k ll" nn I" Ni w Oiloini iflJl pir ion tfi Mobile, fl in. iml I" I'liiunlj, s 0 llu- 1 jli s luiiliiiiiH lute hem ft ?' In 1.11I1 (111 11ii I'liiilllul v .lil-i- it Hie ImIiii ll, 11 nt lilii to Niw Oi t !li I- Hie nu.Hiiiir iiiMloti nt nil fniin Hit. ltti oil I11I1U fur llu niiiiii nf (in I. DEATHS OF A DAY. lit lulu.lw Wirt fniin Hie vuihtftl I'n tMIIUiuiiiil, Mi- Ji. l,l"il Mini-oil ili il, tl it Ji iiii I111111 I ne of nlil jet- Ml Muli-oii niilnlll il Inn UlU hi, vnlol inillili, S , pill JI, IS.II), J 1 ill'.-l fllilllll ut lilt 111 -I vllltn ot Siu 1 iiIjiii1 mil a lomii luiiihii man lie bitau luniliiiin; when il a ioiii pjiilinl.t toiiug nun Jul In Im llu- Hun nf Muinoii, Mi'iiiiiuii i l omimit ttnf trnn.lvelv rimiciii In tliis In.lii.lli In I Union Jin) Poller iiuiiitui tin- .iiile Huh ilmlitr lioilliv p iiiiluiST 40,nOO ain- V fttt jui, lain ilr 1iiiim)ii I oi .11110 inliiiHeil In the IiiiiiIici inilui tl.t in Williaiinporl, being .it illffeii-iit Hum a liuuibir of llu- limn nl John It ( 00U A ( 0111 unj, Woiul.tr, lluttjul . ( omp.ni) ami sinK tteathei A binxiii In lirt he lei line the Mile owner of the hiiliu if tin Intel Ann iml iil-o opiMliil jw mllli in I lintoti lounl) until hi ntlifinenl in le1"! He leati J ttile jinl two ton, 0111 ot whom 1 I" ) .1 ltai Muiiiu,), of till. ,11), one nf the most piuiiilnint jlluriie.ii In I'll ll-llWIlli . ViUngo Destioyed by Stoim. n I'nclu.lte Wli (ni'ii fins Hoelnlnl I'ren Mjillll, Mj) 'ii tin- lilljie of uiijiiJ, pintliiii- of llulll".-, Im Inn gliiiu.-l iiiniiltuy lU-ilro.tul lo 4 .tuuii Oni win ui n u.11 1,111,, I MINISTERS AT PHILADELPHIA Commissioners to the General As sembly n(jdln Siipplu fill of the Quaker Gltu Pulpits. THE DEBATE ON REVISION It Will Be Resumed Todny and It Is Believed That Some Definite Action Will Be Taken Befoie the As sembly Adjoin ns Much Comment Hns Been Made Over the High Chnincter of the Discussion nnd the Absence of Hmsh Feeling Ad journment Will Not Be Made Be foie Thuisdny. Mi bxiliMW Win from Im niiilitl l'ii-' I'liilail'-lphl.i, .May L'ii Coiiiiniwliin eis to tin- KX'iiei.il ussunblv nmiln sup plied lunli .ill of the l'losbvttiian pulpits arid those of seteial othei ile uoiiiiiiiitious in thiv dty and kin It) totlnv. iM.inv iieivonv took aihan tiw ol the oppoilunlif to heai the men whoso elniiieiit.o iIuiIuk: tlio p 1st week held tin- attention of tbous mds In c.ihait i-iimoh In the tlNi uvslou ol the qiiestlnn of the letislou ot the nufosvitju (,f mini. T'ho lemleis of the vt-u-ial p.utlos that hate battled Im Mipiomacv wen- lieaul hi ho piominpiit (liuieliev, Modoialoi Min ion delheieu two soiinous one in tho 11101 iiIiik- In Xoithiiiinstc-i 1 inn di mid the other in tho evening- ,u Olitol t lunch. 1!' .uiKolital woiK and methods woio discussed at ji l,u-el atti niletl mtti liiK of Hie evaiwlli-nl loinmlttie in the altoinonn in Withei spoon hall. The nuotimr was hold sn thu 1 0111 iiilvv()1.ls t0 10 jrnp,,, ,1Ss, niiih (Oiild have an nppoi tunitv to ask iiuostions ennceinliiR llu- woik I0I111 II. Ciintdsi, of this plt, who has been thallium of tho lomniitlep 101 the past two o.ii anil who has boon le-i'Ieeled to tlio olllce lot tho tlllltl time, piovidod. Mi. Coinoiv.- gate ,1 shoi t hlstoiv rii the movement In spoukin- ol the evaiifcelic.il woik in this 1 lty ho said the lesults hail In en n'l that oi uld bo deslud. Mon than lin.nnn peivnns had attondid the i-iiot-iiiks hold in lit- tents 111 this , tv last tiiillinel. Other aililipvv,s woio nude bv ( lent fie h SUvvail, pi evident nf Alibuiu veinlnmt. Tnhii Willis H.11.M, fvfiioial sppiolaiy of tho 1 In iv. t lull I'nd iv 01 hoi-letips. mid the Itov Hiifill K. Walkoi, ol l.ov Allfiolos Debate on Revision. Tin- il"b.ito on the lovivion ol the cm tesssiou nl f.mli, wliuh look up the whole nt thin davv list vtik. vtill be lisiunid lomoiiow iiioinlnt,, and It is bellevti! some dellnlte ,11 tlon will have been taken beloie tin- as vemblv .hMouiiis lot tin- 1 tv .Mm Ii 1 oinnient has been madi bv th 11- mlssiii.is oti-i tln I1I14I1 chaiai-tei ot the debate as u i,s It has Mint -Thno his boon 1 tntal ab-iiite nf haivh teellni; The iiuo.vtinii now holme the awt m bit iv 'Shall tin majoiitv ippnn he adopted in itv eiuiietv?" Thiv ippoit bllellv stated, tei omiiieiids'tlie appoint ment nl 11 1 ominittto to ptep.uo a biief stimm.iiy nt the leloinietl I.iltli, bi.u itir. the same iilaiion to the innfpvslnii whii h llio idiiutPi' catethlsiu hems to the laiBi't latethisiu, and tuiiuod 1111 the fseiieial model ot the eniu'eiisus 1 nod pi opai ed inr the assemhlv of IS'12 in the "nl Holes of l.ilth" of the t'n.s btteilan chin oh nl 1'nfrland. Tho 10 piu t aho 101 oniliieiultf that this enm nilttto jnopaie amendments to sevenil ihapieis ot the 1 unltssloii, elthoi bv niodilltntii t the text 01 lit deilaia- tmy siutonieni, sn as mine tleailv 10 eiii"-s the mind nf the iliuuh The millions to dismiss- the whole nialtor nnd tu. strike out the letomiiKiuluiInn In the iiinjoilt.v lepoit fm n hi lei hiuu inai.v lmvliiff been deflated, tho 1 oil iest has n.u low id down ti a sttiiKKle between the ndvotnte-i nf a new oiood and those who tlevlto uiilv- a inoileiato li-von ot the t'onfovsloil. It Iv pie. dleti-tl wltli eiinsldeiable show of mull, ileiue that the niodeiate iovlvonlss will win nfialrist tho now oipodlsi.s and that It will then lovolvo itself into ,1 1 oniest ns to the naltiie nt the 1 haunts, The two votes alieadv taken would lu illiate tli.it the lepoit of tho mnjniltv will bo adopted without iiiniii?liiun 1. hill II that iniiii'- about II will not be without a ,stiin,'slo The inndeiate 10-vli-innlsis who otod with the 111010 ex it erne menibeis of llio iliuich against dlsnils.il, will now all) theinst.ves with the dsiulssulist.s afiiiinst mi) i.idi- ill uiiiendinents to ihe lepoit The sentiment tm u dec I.iiatoi v stateiueiH a.s iiR.ilnM u bllol suiinnaiv Is hiowIiik and It Is believed lhat the final vote nmv lome on thoMi two It-sue.s. It Im not likely that llio tisseinhlv will ml join 11 befoie Thin Vila), The Ttov, Dr. "W, 11, rtobeits, the Mated cleik, fjatn out the Infni in.illiiii that Iheie is jtt two dnvH vtoik befoie the assembly atler the ii-vlsloii iiiesuu Is out of tho wa,v Afloi tlio piesent inattei is illspcioi-d ol tlio piopnsitlop of the t-s. tiibllHlinient oi 11 Judlelal 1 iiniiiiission will hold the attention of ihe us.ein. bly l.lnes aie shniply diawn on this iiiultPi and it ma delay soniewhal the llnnl adjournment Quite a iiumhni of 1 oninilsvioneis lnive ieuiiieil to their homes Mingei's Body Found. lit i:ilusitp Win fnin Ihe ioijie.l Piet St IMnl, Mj) 10 Ihe both of lltni) Mlncm, tthu -Iiol ami Mlleil liU lnnlhei in-ljn, I'iiiiI, l,ici(l, In Dili tilt lat '"ml i), vu. Iniiii 1 lull it in j Miull lala nej llo-tnioinil, t .lime ilbljliu- soulhtteft of s I'jiiI, Vilnius lun all.uht.1 J klnne 10 a lope jml tifl llio lupn jhout lil netk MInibterinlibts Retuined. Itt l'tilitsitf Win- finiu llu- S4utiJlt ! l'ii.- Vljilinl. Wjt -" -I lie (lutlons to llu.- ttiuto lute iiMilieil iiiiiioiinjltl) In the rilinii n( oie him lit, I jml Ittinl) 111I11UI11I ill-lv iml thlr. It iiniiil i-l nl Hit "iipo-llii 11 LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. Antlnacite Tiade Begins to Wear Its Summer Aspect. lb l'velu.lte Ui- froln Hit vntulnl Pre. I'hlltidrlphln May 23 -The t.eilfror In Us eoiil ititlele tomoioitv will miv: The authinelto mal Initio Is befclli 11I11B to wear Its suiniuei uspeet, yet there Is 11 polled a bottler ditniind than usual at this upimoii. Tile pub lic aie toin lined that tho coal 10111 panlos liilend llvlnu up to their eh eiilar pi Icon mid ithnt the montlih ndvnliies of ten lentw per ton will come uloiif,' with lofjulaillv and thoio will be no ittltltifr. Coiiveiiuently the bin or bus no hosltutlnu In plaelnfr 01 dels and the de.ilets me .stoeUliifr up bettor. Thoio Is a Rood movement west wind bv the lakes mid n wither better shipment by sea. rt Is doubt ful, hnwovot, w hethoi the ,110111111111 1 oiild he lopl up to piiiinl the supplv weie not the I'omp.inles mnkliifr 11 em -tullliiPiit and thus ledui'liifr the out put. The liibor sltuatlnu In the nti thniolto H'frlnn is fjoiul, with less tioublo lliiui llsuut, nnd the nutlnok Is -oiv pionilslufr. Tin 10 Is nu ln iiouvotl intiuli v hi this citv fm coal vewolv for Xc v Imttlatul oil. CONROY WINS THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP James R. Kcene's Thiee-Yem-Old Cnnteis in with Odds of 4 to 1 Against Him. B rvchi"ite Wire 'Kill The Vod.llnl Tre?" Xow Yoik, May J(i .lames It. Kienos c'niiio). the ihst tluee-)eai-old to win .1 Hiooldvn bandit.. tp, tanteied hump u winnei at the C.iavevend l.iee tt.uk .vovtoitl.iv with the odds of -I to I .iKilnst him, while Ileibeit llnlvhetl vi oml, with St indhifr In tlilnl povlilon. The lavoiite, II 11111st.11. was awav bin k in ihe iiulv, iiii.iIiId to fiet up his speed In Hit- la. iv) fmliiK. A mine ill.v iKieoublo dav Ini the liiokolvn hnnilkap 1 ould mil have hi en imagined. J'oni ni Iv mm nliifc tlio nun had been ooniin down, with now and thin 1 It. ulna -Ikiis which riivp piom se of powlblo t Hi weuthei bv the time tin- meat i.ito was t tin The Hist tin t-e i.ues weie urn under loweiinR cloud Tho iiuiiitot ol limneis m the i:pet tatiou Stakes had haidlv finished, how evpi, when the lain rame down In i.uiiesL and the IiIr event was pulled oil In ,1 diiv ini, lulu In spit, of the thieitoiiliiR weuthei then- was .1 IiIr tiowd at the Hack, liillv J" imo petsons ttatthliiR thetiiif; f.le In the lain. At 4. 11, when the luiRle i.illid the handicap lioives 10 tilt- post, the li.uk w.iv like a ciiiukiiiiip. llim avtui wav a 1 (insistent lavoiite all the time, with t'oiunv stiond 1 holt o antl Sldnot 1. 111 as. Heibeit ami It.iefallo well I1.11 ked The 1 audlilates weie ap plauded as they (unified up to the nun. ISaiinstai In the load ITve times did the st.utor Hv to Rot them awuv 1 ml as manv times did tin deeliue to n In Rood oitlei On the sixth hN lenipt, hnwevei, the hoists arnt off In Rood stvle Hnmstai was Hist to show, witli lloiboit and lluffnelo next In lino ami Ciiiimt close up Ainund tho tin 11 thet iiislieil anil the hud roup hut 1 lew si 1 nits w lion O'Connoi vent the ihiei -t t ,11-nltl Contov to the fioni and he 1, line with vueh ,1 itivh that ho was two open leiiRthv to the Rood .id ho pissid the judge's stand foi the fit st t lino, linmistai vt.iv hi sppond plaoo, llfibeil anil SlandiiiR kippiiiR him Without sine keniiiR spi til in the least, and with tho mud llvliiR. they .seninp eiod ainund llu- lowei nun, Coniov hnlilliif, hlv aihaiitiirie Itanastnr had he, 11 p tvvpil bt lit 1 beit nnd SlandiiiR nnd wav half a IoiirHi bphlnil tbein. ComhiR into the buKstieic.h Smith sent Tleibtit aftii Couint mid foot bv fool he bpRiiu to 1 ut down tho load of the tin ee-yeai -old SlandiiiR and Ilan astai biRiin to 1 lost up, too, and as tho upper 1 111 n was teat hid ti looked as if the vounRvter had all oady hud his liio.isiue taken, Council, hnwevei ,wns on the aloi t mid still had a Rood hold nil Ki i'IH'V hoi so. The k.ldeis 1 ushoil Im o the tut 11. .lust fm one instant did ll.iniisim- dhow a llnvh of his spied which ho exhibited In the I'.inukl.vn hamlliap of twti veais .irci onlv the ooncliHnus weie so tliffei out but It did not last and he boRiin 10 di op buck, lloiboit bv this time was op even tot ins with Cciniiiy and SlandiiiR wan hut a leiiRth away and thev woio tuin liiff Into the stieth for the liiial iiish o'Coniiur, on Coniov, Hien i-muched low nil his liiullllt mid went to woik Com ti) Rfimoh losponili'd to the iotK e.t's appeal and In a few jumps left lioibei t as it ho weie hiandinR .still In Hie twinkle of an oe he was a couple of lfiiRlhs In fitiul, nnd in a low bounds 111010, ii, far up l be ievt vteto 1 onieined, the 1 tiniest was ovei, fm, miuisrIo as the) uilRlit, ihe neti'i (ould catch Colli ot, mid the latter, pulling up stinilRl.v. iiilltued past the IiiiIro'h stand the i.ir-lcsi Kind nf a winner by a IoiirHi and a half hum lloiboit, who wus twice that tll.staiuo In ft out of PtandhiR, and tho othei s badly beaten The cliei'iliiK at the loiieliislon nf thn laoo was tiemelidous The suniniuilos.' The lliooltlvn luinditap, one mile nnd 11 iiuiuter, Coiuo), 02 ((TConiioi), I to 1 (Uld S io ". Ill st. Ileibeit fll Hiiuith), " tu 1 and ." to -', semud' SlandiiiR, II" iriSRottl. 1J to I and R to I, tlllld Time. L' 01 AMI,,.. SI1I110) I.utas, Ituffaelu, llanastar, KIiir Mi.iiii. hie mid Wnioi fine al-o inn mid iln Isbed in- iianiod RAIN AT THE PAN. lb ImIiimIi wir fmnt'lhe soiulul I'lu- llillliln M-v -il u nh ilownponi nf uln' In in 1 irlt inoinini. nnHI lne loiiUhl mnh Ihe I'm 1111 1 lull ivpnilllm loniuli loih Ilk, 1 il" tllfil lilt (ml n Hii'-i "Im tlhl luvii Hie iDiiu.i- to In it" Ihe tlinienu kjiohi t licit time in ibt ivlnl'll IjhiIiIiiu, vuiiie of tthlth tine opi n 1 put nt tin ilit, rr In th" iMiipli' uf liuii. ttlnii di Mi-1 niMii ii'iil.il .i- hi hi' thli afuriiiHii fall .inl until leluml to Ihe iniliihi'iii -ii'lii- uf Hie niJinninlli pipe m cm Ihe uu'Jii lui iilniu-t l,lnl pipei jml lifit Hint fpijl-li'.' n.liieie Big Piodticei In Texas. Hi Ixiln-lte Win fiom The ciatril I'icti lluiiinonl, levji, Vj) i, -Mi I'jililin will X'o I lot the I M (iiillet I'ltroltiini u'iiii.nii n.u 1 khi.Iii ui luil i) llijitunil-will Xu i uitie ill la.-t t Is-In vnil iiM inikiilllient u-lioi, It Ii the mn) 1UI1I imli will In ihe Ikhl iml ion Miimntl) Hit hl.-.-i-t piitliuir INSURGENTS IN THE LAST DITCH Unless Filipino Generals Still Holdino Out Surrender Qnlcklu Theu Will Be Surrounded. MACARTHUR'S PURPOSE Will Concentiate n Stiong Foice of American Tioops About Cailes and Malvar The Lntter Boasts That He Will Be the Last Insui gent to Suiiendei Piosecution of Coimnn, Caiianza nnd Othei s Accused of Tiadiug with Insui gents Has Been Abandoned. Bt Ivthiiiw Win- fiom lit moi laleil 1'ieM Manila, Jl.iv T. t'nloss (lenei.ils Ciilles nnd Malvai suiiendei- ipiit klv (.(1u1.1l M.iiAithur will cunieiiti.iti. 11 stioiiR fniip of Atiioi Ic ,111 Hoops and sn 1011111I them Thev mo the unit pioinlnenl InsuiRontv who hiito nil tbei , t leldeil 1101 bt en lapttlled. C.illes i-i valnlv 1-ophiR 101 a RU.n.mtoe fiom the American authorities that he will tun be tiled loi tin- mm dem and alio i'HIc" be is ,illef,,-il tu hiivo 111111 niltted. Miilv.n Is hnaslliiR that he v.lll bo the Inst insuiRont to sin len der. The nttompt or clenelal HurIu's to aciomirtlsh tin- stinriidei of the Insur Reiit loader, I.ueban, on the Miuul of h.inim, Is without lesult. Tho piosecution .ir.iIiisi D M. Cai man, Senoi C'.iiian.i' and nlheis, 110 ( used ot trudiiiR with tho Insui Rents, has boon abandoned. 1'iovost (leneral Davis, who lias lev lowed the testi monv in llm Caiman rase, said to the loiiospondont of the Associated Pi ess tint while Carman eould bo convicted ol tiadhiR wnth the llnsuiReivts. it would be 1111 lust to punish him when neat Iv oveiv tradei In Manila Is ruII-Iv- nf stmll.11 pint tlcos TEXAS STORE OF PETROLEUM Government Expeit Piedicts That the Output of Oil Will Soon Be 2,000,000 Bin els a Day. lb I i liistt 1 Win fiom ihi ts,,,i ! iti-il Pun Washington M.iv "1 The output of the Texas nil Holds will soon bo J.OMl.OOO ban els a dav, in tho opinion of P.ob ( it T. Hill, thier RonloRist for the Tut ted States geological suivov Mi Hill has 1, 'tinned I10111 an extendt'd Reo loRie.ii linphtiRntiou in the Texas oil Ileitis, and has embodied the lesults in a li-iioi l, in which ho snvs; "The Impoi t.nue ot this oil Held Is In Rieiiiei tli. in at piesent inn be described oi estimateil. It means not only a (heap fuel siipplt to the Imgest vtuto in ate.i In the I'nlon but owing to its pioximltv to tidewater It pioni Ises mi oxpoit tiade such as exists nnwbeie else In the win Id, Piopaia tlons mo being made tu sink hundieds of wells anil veiv sunn Hie piesent output of "nii.ililil I) 11 1 els 11 iluv nmv be 1111. lib uplort "It Is ontliolv w lililn mnbihllitt that oil will the limit nr be fuuiiil at manv plates tiiinif,hniil llio coastal pi allies, ovpelallv in tlio southern c- tous nn tnwiiK tno inn in. nun' aim In the inn thciistein suite nl M'cxlt o nt Tuinalipiis The ntlteiop nf the tenl- ton fnimailons In In Wllsnii. Atasnii Sonthwest Texas, McMnllen, IJ11- v.ill and othei nullities Is nituiallv rich hi oil . the oil beiiilug toi thu ) stiata oxt"ilds east ot the .Mississippi into .Mississippi mid Alulmina, II Is not hevimd pnvvlbilltv Hint nil ni.iv bo found in those states. "It lu Impossible now to state ox aetlv the extend of the oil .vleltliiig bed which supplies tlio IbauillOlU ttellv and this can onl.v lie dotei mined bv dillllllR expel imeuts. The aieii nf pin Htable explollatinn of the Miaumout oil Holds Is (Oiilliied belween the San .lnrilito and the Sabine ilveis, o ist of the Houston and West Texas inilio.id, and south uf Oil Clt.v, XiiRd in lies rnilllt). LOST -ON THE RACES. Biooklyn Handicap Results Respon sible for Suicide of Gin. Cohen. ll rxihuiie Wire from The V.torated I'km Will.11 Hun Mn 11 I .in 1 1 hen, win Iml ittiilniil Mime inoiiiliirnii in lei d iiuillili ii 1I1., innimiileil mih hie it hl 1 rnni' in ttil- (In Ills iniiiilu', lit inhilliii.' illnniinitlli: 1. llo w i It ji in nf on jml hli rint! hi i- b' I hi 1 1. It Is siltl lie lo.l ill hit- imnt mi iln 1,11m Imi iiuitlh ip iilnnlit ENGAGEMENT WITH BOERS. lb Ivtliiiiti- M IIP film I In vi iiiinl I'n I nnil in, M.a Jo Hi tin 1 (In 1 hi. imi Ml tit lull,. unit, th'-paii h hum I ml Km In in 1 1 1 til I'n lull 1, II iv 'ii V .iiiniin lout ol llniii iiikIi 1 iltieimniiil .III uk in .1 niiito) lilwiin Vllllllnlloip Hlil I'nl.i In l-linjiii Vl,it I Inn win tliitin nil inn I,.-, uii loin l.ilkil ml limit nttmlnl Im 1 nit ft) nilterl in rlfilt ' THIRTY-TWO BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED, Pt r.iliiilte Wire turn Ihe uoi,l.fil 1'ieit I.unilai 1Jt .'7 -"Ihlllt two holm,, oine of 1 In in u 1 libit innliljteil, lute Ikiii iruiiinil nl Ihe Inlnnil milieu 111 s, ii.luntilil. m llu- llhomlli ullii tiluii jii ikplo-luii in run 1 it linlii Iiioinlnt Ihe '.lUM-niio woik piontin lilt .luttlt Jul in J in lulufnl Mini, nn wit iiiv-ul ill Ihe pil 1 inoiilh. TOT .nl,l,n C? 1. .... . r. f ,, -Xltvl.ll.lvl Wl,lfJ III UJIOlli I Hi I silu.lte Who fiom Hit vmclaleil l're lolcilo, M iv mi -Ihe Inlnln M.ilniic jml 1 iiiiiiini loiljt nolilliil llu- nnil Inl-i," iimmil Hi lljl II ttoul I il'ii llu itt -ui I, mil Hit pl.mt will -I ait luiiioiiott. Ihl j 1 in oi the JIKI'-1 plJIlt Mill' Hit lll.uhllll.l. llrll mil 11(111 Lbt Mttlinunt "Ji iHKtpfilnl Tlli: NKWS THIS M0K.VIN0 Wenllier Inillcntlont Tuiln ! I CLOUQy; WARMEI. I 1 Hi in nl I'llil Imlln fiillblon Nnr MI1111 Klllini liKiiiri'iiimi i ii lt I ml Innfllil.l Milemilil 1 In Iln liitnlir ( i- l'iilileiiiii C i,iiiiiil-ii HM siip,, I'hllnlel phi 1 I'lllpils 'J Ci lit 1 il - I till -11.1 ill Hi pnlini nl I It.til-llet Pi I I' liuhliitii, Itiilsl.i fiom the siinml I'n -lulill ill ( hnu h ItM v II smU, l'1-nlt fu Iln- smith, t lililn nl .NuIl .mil Cuniiin nt fi I 01 il I ji I nu mn 1 llonl'il Nt tt 1 iniltn I'li'RH s j( lilt V'llH lllnll ll I lllltlil ii I nnil Wot 1 inli-ii mil siii.niiim I.MiMil- bib lllt in 1 of tin Mine Mnh. l'miim I il Jinl I ntnmi 11 IjI. k- tnllll-ll-l ilf Pill l-l ll -illilllll llllllill in I ui.il I nn nil. 1 v,i nil n s I unit I'm r (tlini,i. Inln-lilil in I liilin THE PRESIDENT'S RETURN TRIP Mis. McKinley Paisset. a Comfoit nble Night Ctossiug the Siemib. lb Iviln-lti- Win fi mi Hi- Vsitiiiul I'hm. URtleii, 1 "til ll, M iv 'ij Tlio iios. nentliil 11. -In ti noised the slate nl Nevada todat and le'iilutl Oglen at (1 .10 o'i lot k tonight IJui hiR most 01 the dav the tlev.itlou , xceeded .1 iHHJ I 'I'd ai'd siiov -t la I peaks wen- 1 nll liimillv lii sight fiom the 1.11 win dows Mi Alt Kliilev iiJs,tl u (tini loi table iiIrIiI iio-siiig ihe Slfiiav, but tl.e trip lodav wav looki d fm w aid to with -onio uppieheiislon. ICiin, howttti nllitfjl Ihe aiixlelt It, nod linlii hint ami diiv, and Di. I'.ixev ippoin-il toulglii thil Mis Mi Klnlcv was stiindiug the trip v ei v well She sum nil no Im nuvi nlonco fniin the 1 iillled atinnsph, n- 'I In- dav nbo.iitl tin ti.ihi pissttl without Incident. The piisldelil ni.ikps il .1 niie onllnaiilv not to tlivel nil Siind.iv.i but Iln- piesent 1 in unistniii os weie sn cxi 1 plloiial that he set aside his ccniipiini tlons in oidti that hlv wile might the tnniii'i leach home (u the wa.v link to Washington, Hi- pifvldeul antl nieinbeis nl Hil 1 ibinot an devntliiR a good ileal n time to the 1 iiii-iilt-iailon ol llu- Chin ese situatlnn c'llii ago. .11 1 oidliif to the piesent schedule, v. ill bo leu hi (I Tiiesilav at i 1 noon, anil the n.iin is pxiulIoiI to ,11 live at t'ashliiRtoii Weilrn-vtlii) night. FUNERAL OF EX-GOV. TANNER. The Lnigest Attended in Spnngfield Since That of Piesident Lincoln, lb IvtliiiiK Win tuin Hi ,1 1 in tl Pin- Spiiiisliebl. Ill, Mat .', -The li nei il tula) n 1 x-lint ei nni Tallin 1. with inlllti.it humus, was the kugest uttendid otoi known In iipi IiirM. Id, With the oxiopllnn Of Hill ol I'icvL dent Linrolii in April. I Mil Iheiv l.iilioid biought exc uisinnv The boilv lav in siute in the state hoiisp finiu s in until I in p 111 ami a vteulv vtK.nu uf pi npit iiss, i ihinugh 1I10 stale house, Ihe uiiinbt 1 Icing 1 vil li aled a1 ""n" 'I'll" leiniins tteie then leninveil to M Haul's pio cithitii.il when sei v ins won laid At Ihe 1 lost- of tile ,-ei t Ii e the llllllill In l).ik Hlilgo timolol) began The no cwloiis was lio.iiled bv ilieinni V. Hfv mil hiv mllltait si, 1 11' in lull iiulioint, lol lowed bv the Tilth iul.iiitit, Illinois X.nloiial Ciu.inl The he.uv , ,11 1 Iiiros with muuiiii'is ; 1 .iiicl 1111v nl Ihe Kepublli , Mills nl V'-loi ins, Kulghth 01 Mm ilnev i.iiiiii mini 1-, I d bv -late olllt Ms .-ipiiiiRlioltl 1'nl tjiitlon o I.aboi nut) lastlt (nlil ll liivvs. Mm viitinc RIFLE RANGE OPENED. Competitois foi Positions on the American Team to Defend the Palmn Tiophy Meet at Sea Giit. II) Ivln-hi" Win limn Ihe -nliiiil I'n.t, .Vow Yoik, Mat .'ii Thiwilile niugo 11 Mil Hilt, X ,1,, was npeiii tl foi the season toduv, nml iiniwiilimiilliif, the laliistuim and high tv iml Hieic was .1 Rood alloiid.iui ol tompi'litnis foi positions on ill,- Miieiiiaii team wllitli Will llfli'llll hi I'.lllllll llllllill j the Intel nillliinal shunt next Sepleiuliei I1I01IR till' Illim piniiiliieiil null oil llllllll li'i' lloilt'l.ll I tl I tl W Mte, 1 I Cilopel C A Held Cumulus C II Spilngsteud, C A, l'aikoi, William .Mm tin, Miijiu II l.iilliiiaiin, in W i Hudson and Hcigiiiul .lolin .Malt 0111 and 1! H MiAlpln Tin nhiiutliiK was (iilllllied In tile sOO-tanl i.ili(,e, mid viinieveiv tli'dllabli s,uiestvei, uiaile (leliei.il Hpt'llioi s In Itn'lpl nl must one iilliaRillR Itjiulls lliiui Ihe lunges lllioiigliiiiu Ihe 1 iiiiini t wheio ovpoits mo macHciuR ill unloi tu iiuulilv Inr Hie Hepl( inbi'i loin uaiiient whole all lliosti limiting till' li'lllste inn eliliiRti W III be assembled N'oM week Hie New ,l,ise -lulu team whli Ii Is tu nnil the Irish nam lliiui llio I kiloi Ilill't uisoeiaHoii in 11 letltill uf llio Ciieilllioie Dull) liiullllt 1 oiliest nt iiiuin lliiui (wi'lilv jeiiisagii, will begin win U. I.etteis hiue ln.cn iccilvul Hum Mi. leliiiy John .MiiJeiinii, ol lilinst ie laud, mivIiir Hint the Irishmen have bt on .It pnu tke lor sniue weeks jiast and Huh stoics liuiliaie tluu llu New .leisev loam will have to leatli a teiy high staiidaid lu onli'i in win Tlu lilsh will lean- lot Anicilia 1111 Hie steamship mm via mi August J11 and iliuuieis will be piovliUd loi tin 111 nil (heir 111 rival nl Sea (ill I Sympathy Strike Did Not Occur. By l'vilu..lte Wirt- bom lie- Wuhteil I'n.J Itijillli., Mjt J(. llu iniiinu if lihui iltk kjtn in in jlmig the linn ut ll" itullng nil ttjt to iiiiiihki Hit iiiiilhm uf i-M( hdiiig the .tiikt to the ulliouil III iiinpllliv with the J.u.i .Hiking iiiipl.iui of 1I10 Hulling Iron 10111 pun, aiintiiinttil foi luilj). It ii Jiithoilutittl) iUli.1 tlhl 11 it Uli pljie. OPINION IN INSULAR CASES flu Uiioiilcldl Statement Made bu Solicitor General SliowinQ the Questions Involved. IN REGARD TO DUTIES Opinions Given Upon the Insular Cases Henul Last Winter AroPiob ably the Most Impoitant Rendeied In Many Yetus Questions of Juris diction Material Subjects In volved Pi Imniy Question Beats Upon the Tienty of Pails. Pv I'xtliHlie Wire front Tlie Associatctl rreti. Wasliingiiin, llav M. Owing to tho fait that the United States Siipiemu com l will adjuuin toiuoirovv lor the tLiin, II. e cjiin on Is quite Roneial that Hie i oil' c will deliver Its opinion in the insular cases which weie hemd last winiri. In levv of this proba bility Solkltm fleneial niehaids has piep.md an ttiic-lllciiil statement show ing the ciiiestiutis Involved In the vari ous c.ivcv, which Is ns follows: I. Duties on gunds impotted into the I lilted Stales f 10111 the Philippines af ter the l.itlllcatlnii of the tieaty. The tniiiiopii illamoud rings case, I'epka, claim. ml. - Diltlos on Roods Impelled into I'm. to Kit o 1 1 0111 the United Slates dining the milltnt v 01 1 up.! Hon of the Island, iiltci Ihe signing of the piottxol, and beloie the 1 .itil'iution ot the tidily of I'.iiiv, Such wen- some of the duties (1ilc1tc.1l In Ihe Aimstiotig ease. I Duties on goods impelled into Inr tii Ilk u mini Hit- 1'nlteil States during Ihe niillt.ii v m 1 up itlon. but after the 1 pvvltiu oi I'm in Klco by the latlllta tlnu ol the ticuv anil beloie the pus s.iro ii the I'm to llkai! act. Such tluiios weie iniiii n-il in the Ai nisliong I ave ami In the llivf Dtiolev cave I Dlltlci (.olbttttl on goods Impell ed Into the I'lilted Stales fiom Pol In I I It o ullei the l.itillivitlnn of the Hcntv and beloie tlio taklnt, olfei t ot lb I'oitti Hlin nit Mlc Ii weie duties ox .11 lid lu the iiuVte 1 ase and lu tin Deliui.i 1 i . " Duties iiilloitcilj nu goods cnitlillg lliln Hie I'nllid Si. ilev fiom P01 to Him ili"i the I'm to Klenn act took ellut Tin- v.ilidltv nf those exactions Is IiiiiikIH In iiio4iion lu llio Dnwnes I .ISO ti Dulles Mill11i.il 011 Roods entiling 'llio I'oiio 1 Mi 11 110111 tin I'liiti d Slulcs allcl tin Inking 1II11I ot the Potto lib 111 ait Sin i wen- the duties cx .11 It tl in the set nnil Dnolt v i.ise 7. Dulio- t ollei Ii tl 011 goods luipoit (d Into Hit- I'ullttl Suites iniiii Ha waii iltei the iiiiiexatiun ami befuio Ihe lliwaliaii ail wont into etfccl. Questioiib of Juiisdiction. The pioniletv uf the tolllse ol uo- II dine is in iiiestiin in all theso i as, s ,-xnpt the lulu illiimuiid ling lien This lesults litim the dllleioilL molliiiib ailoplid bv i oiiiisi'l In test ing the 1 niisiitiiiionalitv ol tho cus toms exaitloii In the (ioite ami Ciowinan iii-iv the duties won- paid iiudei piuti'st, and the ptncoduic laid ilouu in the 1 Ustinov iidmlnlsHutlt o ,111 was liillottti! This government ollb lals hi'liete to lie the pi opt r nu thud Hut If counsel in the insos to be mcnlioutd ,110 101 nit, then this ionise was piobiblv wiong In the Delliiia ami Dow ties cases the duties paitl win- paid iiudei piotost and suit hi ought iiguiiist Hie (tilleetoi lo ict over liJik This the ROveinuioiit thinks was wnuig In the Dunlin uises and Allllstioilg tiise the tluiios wiio paid under pio i vi nnd sun bimiRht against the Uni ted Slnlov 10 iieotoi hick, tho A1111 siiong 1, ivo being- In might In tho coin 1 ol ilalins and Hie Dnolev 1 an' lu llu I'lllled Stales iliuiil 1 0111 1. Tills llu got 01 nmi'iit thinks was vnoiiR. If the iui isdi( lioiiul points madi by life got oinmcnt won- .sustuliiod thoio would still lemnlli Hie louileon i,i niiitul iIiihs cave, the lloote case and the Ciossmau i.iso which i.ilvo tin IHl11l.11uent.il iiuestliiii under the tieatv, but do not iinolve the validity nf tin I'm In llli an iu 1 Material Questions Involved. Tin pi iniiii x iiuevtiuu is wlielher tin ii-Hsinu lOlltuillid in Hie licitv ot Palis iniitlc I'niio lliio mid the I'hlllppluos an liitegial pint nl tin ('nltml Slnti 1 Wltlllll Ihe lllo.llllUR ol the pnivlsloii 10 (lulling "all ihlt h st, imposts and excise to be IlliiliilUI tllliillglinlll the I'lllteil States The set iiiiilui v illtsui s wht'lhei the pint Mini in the I'oitu lllcan not b'WlllR illlllis up giiutls milling fliim I'niio llltn lulu tho I'nlted Studs ami nu Riiuils 1 oiulng 1 nun the I'nlted Sintov llltn I'm In Hlin 10 In livid ni Hie henellt nl Pol lu Itim 11111 i I the Insulin Riitcinmeiii iniiid pnivido lovenuo of llsimii, vlolnlos the coiistliiltloniil pio V Iviuii Hint "no lax 111 dut.v .shall hi laid lu 111 ili Im expoilnl limn ain Slate " I. lite tile I1 i 1 11 il I X illOviiu, he ities Hull inlsiil In tin Hawaiian cave name. It, Wlltllli'l III'' icsollltiull nt lllllll x iitlim made Haw. illaii an iiiicgiul pan ui Hie I'liitcit Stiiies within Hie menu lug nt Hie limit. nlnn ui the taxing ilniise s,i ihut iiiviautl) 0111 custom 1 lutw applied theie not wltluviu tiding tin expnss pinvlsloiis ul the it solution Hint tin oxlsiiiif, 1 tisiniiis law of tho Hawaiian icpublit should luullmii' in liine until iniigiess slunild pass- nil act exteuiliiiR mil 1 ustiinis laws 10 Hi Islands - tlH -r f H f WEATHER FORECAST. Wit.htni.iuii iln -11 Iniiini im Mon 4- Jjt jml lu.-iJit I -inn I'inii-tltiiilj, -f ( Imiii v Vloniljt 111. 1 piulnMt I'neiilit null ihuttiii. jntl l.i. lui liliiH'inliiit i, i Ill-ill mlllln l-l thllllllU H lOlllllWCit 4- ttlll'li il . tj-i. Jil - o &fr i