The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 25, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    tWtV rv'"'.'-?', '
i -
' "- . y v'
1?T"-fTr iW(jfn
-1-r.A' , -
, ; '" ive .,y ,
4nfl TviS
An Excellent Combination.
The pi en stint method nnil bencflctal
clTeiit.s of tlie well known remedy,
Svnt'P of l-'loe, mnniifneturril by tho
Califohnia Km Svnur Co.. Illustrate,
the tiliiQof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
thcminthii form most refreshing to the.
taste urn! acceptable to the syntcm. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the yjlejiii ciTcetiially,
dispelling eoldb, headaches mid fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. It perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, nnd its acting on the kidneys,
liver iiikI bowels, wilhout v.viikonincr
or irritating them, mnke it the ideal
In tho process of mannfact.uring figs
nic used.n.s they aie plcnant to tho
tatc, buLtl med li'innl qualities of tho
rcni"dy are obtained from senna nnd
otliei 'iiiomatie plants, by a method
known to I lie Cw.ifoii.nia Kio Sviiup
Co. onlt . In oi dcr to gcL its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations piease
i emember the full name of t hi: Company
printed on the front of every package.
i.ouisvili.c. sy :rnv vork, n y.
rrrfiilalivnll Druggists PriiaSOs. purtmttlo.
At Retail.
OiHh tfirnr pioinpt atirntmn (or 1.1O1 iV
In ir 4ii prill oi Hir i-ty Ini uul of bc-t
i,i (iij dnm ti- u-r
Nnillrt iTc loi tf mi iihI huoiy purp o-
a -prtLilt;
H.M "f Ihi iIiiks lnt .iltrii'lin fade at
I tfetkci.
People's Coal Co.
'Iclcplini n "u'iJ Uflter Tenth i-trei-i.
Bieakrt In inn n (luuil et"l I rut li
I'Y II r- -I lie Helium- mil IIiiiNiii i iti
ram 'ii'l ir.ienl.i ii iihplini' No. ', I,ii!.
t irek, (.1 ir-i Miml uul I. iti in limit s.
Ill sll li i -ll V M - Mm t ..llm. of I i
inu nihil, v In' ih 1 1 in iiu I i.i .llh t
IK"ll r,l -i J if.ll- , llilllllil, M l- HpMllill I ll
It I, eiili .U llic I .ii kiw mill h"ui it I t.t inuln.
Hll.l. I lusi; MUi. Ilii- luillu ami
whuhfili' -.t mi iml lent ih.ilii. ni Ni.miun
lull- illildrel In I ni' lllll pine lit I'll-llUr it.
I.' n'l leu k til "tl 'lllllill'i lllllltu till' lllolltl i
it Inn . .Iul in I Auiw
Himi.lMi MVKII l'uirol.i. I lie Imwliiu
Milili l.rl'Ufu tin' Wc-I I nl Win Miiii ii i'l
Mlke-Uitii Hi. I Stic linen IJi.Isp liieltii.'ii,
"i linliiliil Ini I i.l in. lit mi llir elle'i nl tin Ill
Ill, u.i prl"itiril until I m-tl i nulit.
V . I. .. U I'U I ln Hi l.iu no. I iikiw in
ii.' iml Ur-tiiti (inpiinn pud ,n .ill the nun.
iluuti ll' '.ilhi tiMriilii, .iml ti'iln ill ih.
unplnm in ih tlntli'tii l.ulu, Wii 'iiiMiii
.lll'l .Nnllll nllllllll milieu, Ul Iti I'lhl
1 l.l.i: 1.1 I'll III. -mill ii mu'ii .it hM.'iI in
I .iiiit(i' lull, ,'j; Winiiniu' ,'iiiiin, tin in
tunil iisiniu of the -Hiilit l.ilim piii.i,
Milium - llillini. iilll n ik mi "ui i iimii
iml si like" III I liiililin. i ene nf unit
in." in .iml iii'iiml m t.iiiiuii. Ailiuivlmi i, mo
.iml 'jui-.-t fen-, .in . iimliil
llll W lt l-iritS- III' hiiinl'ii- nt
llil .ill.l W.n i Ki.Hi' .".oii.Hli'll lllll 111 (t
'I tin II lllll ri'l Mi'lllnllll i., ,i 'i 1. ik i til.
in l.ikp lull iii iti- ui na u( the i.i iml Amu
nt llic I'quililh. I n,i Mill ,iiumi in iiiillni
illl. I 'imillllllM.'. Ii.ik i linn .il'holhtul In ild
I'l.iti tin.' JMMS nl ilui a"il in minis nt mi'
II in I II lull,
Nl.l.i:' lll.linir ( I I lie lioi-c Hut run
1IH, 111 tilt W.llllio l ill II, mi rili(,n,
tliiniiiiv .in i iin -nil inn', iin Liiulii In .Inliii
II. .N.illili. nl '(.laiilmi, Villi. tin' .niiiii il w,
s"i" .iiiiiiinl tin- iiiiiMiK' nt liu tiiz with tin'
Milium luiuiiif lii'nl il.iuiiH.nil l,t i,., ,,, !
tin iil(. Mi. .Villtn w.i. In mill ilunkoil liy
llic .Inn-. iinilc (or IM .ul. Wilkes lljiu- lt.
i nl.
ii.wmii I'll i,i;iK'i:i:iiiM,,-i,(,o ,.
.I'ljinlli.iiiiiii in llio i.i-o n( iho I'ljin, i ,i, sue
i"iiiiiin Iij lliii'iii in t.inkiiii,v v.m Wm mi r
lltdlll.l lllnlllillf, 'Iho l ilIO Ml (lllllldll
in i.ioritiiui III I'liin. Inn te.i-.rel iipoi ilji.ti",
.ilmiil loin .ii'iu ,iso. n( tho initnri ie
in Ilii illi uul mho ipm, iiln nljinli-oil I,,,,!,.
ni'l, .1, M. W.ilkot ioiii'M-iilii tin- iciiliiini.,
I.Mil.ll.S Ult'll.M, - Iho ill n;i mi nf lOMnnl
i-il (m llic r.ioliin iiiJiiiifniu mini, to ,o
Uin ill I lie I' llwi-u mi IIiimmIh i lolling,
M41 Ml, 1111,1,-1 ,o .ii.iere of . fnhM'n Hon,
Hill i'Mii .it l,o t oii-oiijlmj Dilier, iUin ,no
hue. nuMiW'C lJmii nin-i, .11 11 d'limk Mum.
'In iiiciiilni, ' A Ijikp iiiiiuliii n( ireiustf tor
K-cncil Uraji luic ,ii,-a,i rn i.iiil h -
.( whiih in, liciii si. IViiIla', .iiailemi lur
llirt. niiid. - "
t 1 1 ,
Iln-io Mill lie 1 mrrlliij; nl ,l Hie ieeii.
Iiukdi e( Sirjiildii Ihi .illiiiinoii, .11 e.'ilnik,
il l.'l l.irliiujimi .ivuieii'.
I uul 1 I.l 1. 1 lot M11 -.'I, l'Hl;
lllghr.-t lLiii.,-i.iliiio ,,., vi, iKjiii-ej
I.eucH Iriiini-rilnre , , jii iloiticj
CcUllic 1 1 tin I.
s I. Hi'. I k
1 rut.
V ll'i
11 per 1 eat.
I'liilplUlimi, SI lionij ciulol S i. in, n-i'j Imli.
" f m 1
Piano Case Organ for Snle,
A hetiu'ltiil in.ilios.iny pl.ino cuso
01 sun. but sjlehtly used mid ,t.s
pond .1-5 new? inn bo piuehaK-d at u
Si eat liiustllil. tar at Cueuney
Hall. .Ill and 316 Washington avenue,
S'crantiMl' Pa 'nll and fee it.
Smoke'tho I'ocono Ec, cigar,
one tlcc m4llfr Jlt'r ei,ins llen' ront-Kase. i
IK'ii iii-1 to Li- nlaLeii intn llic Mae. It uuki,
tlylil or uaw t-hioi (nl cj ; Rius iiistjut ui0
lei i oi ni J n J bunjiiiM. (IS Dig KifJU-st l Oiilfijrl
iliMOiery ot the; Jc. Cuio and )iernls euolle-i
kcl, lijluu,, i-.illouti .lid ,uri' Wt,. Alien',
root.l'44e lfi 4 leilaiti euii' (oi nuatltiK. Iiet,
jchiiiK (eel M .ill eliusl.-t, jml rlioe ttorci.
JSi. IriilJikusc c'I.K t mill. Adilrc-i, A.
le 6. 01in,tJ, U Uo, .V, V
Bishop Hoban Appoints Rev. J. V.
Htissle a1 Pastor at Hnzlctnn.
Alllliilllii'Pinclll wiih liliule last even
IliK of the npimllitmcllt by ltlshoi
llobnll nf ItrV. .) V. I Ill-isle, of I'IiiIiim,
to (lUi'ceed to the ircttitillli of Kl
(Inhilel'H piUhdi, lliixletnliiliiiide vaeiilil
b.. the dentil of lie.. II. . Phllllpx.
Father llussle iih reeded Knthei l'hll
IIm nt PI 1 1 lie, when the lnltr Wiih
tliitifreiii'd lo Hnzl"tnii
The bii(i hils Itol ,et sl('ll out
Who will Hlleeeeet Knther llUxsle. Tills
viieiinij nnd the one eniised liv Ih"
tin Hirer of ltn. .1. .1. O'Tnole, nf Plol
(Icilee, In Wllld'H-Hime, will, Il Is e.
pietpd, he lllled In the nUIIe of n lew
I'Vir Home lime punt theie lme not
been enoimli ))llr.stn tn meel the neeili
of I he Se rimton illoeeop. The ilenlli of
Pill her Phlllllis Hlld the elevullnli of
MoiihIruoi' (liirvey to the eplm op.iey
will miilip the need tr ndtllllolinl pilosis
the mine insi'iit. To supply Ihls necel,
Itlsliop llohiiii lilts culled lour seltii
mil Inns In holy ntdeis mid will nidiilli
them nexl month. They me Messii..
U'ltojle, Kelt, llerfion mid l.. ue-li,
who mo neiw stildonts nl St Mnrv's
snmlliniy, M.illlinote, Mil. They will
be iiinde deiiemw nt the seminary June
1", mid miliiliH'il in tho pt li'vilieioil, nt
SI Petei'H eutliedriil by HNImp,
.lime ti
The annual n'lieat of the pilests of
the Sei.mton illni oso will InKe pl.ii'e at
the dlleolltil, IIiiivp'.i In lie, .llllie !!-!".
The senior prloMs will be on
the Hist week ntid the luiilor mlivtt'i
Hie hceond wool.. A tuember nl the
Sen let v nf .losii", finin the New York
pin.lllie, U III i iindiu I
Delegates fiom the Eastern District
of Lackawanna County Met
Hcie Yesteidny.
The qiiai teily i niiveiilliui was hold
In thi.s ilty .eteiehiy of the e.iMi'tu
ellstilei nf tbt P.itilotle Older Sim, of
Ameiiiii nf I..ii'knMinn,i eoimt.v. There
.no two distill is in this county, mid
the earn ik ot the e.istoin distrlel es
toielay sent tin oo eloh'saios each to the
eoiivenilon. Twehe out of the lliliteeit
e.impM nl the dlsli let wote ippiosenteil.
The -i't-siiiii- wen hold in Al.iltn hull,
In tho (iiieiiisey lnilldinc. Pieshlent II.
I'. Huff 111, ill, eif AH. ('eihli, e.illed the
ninililns so. j-ien ;it flbotlt It o'e look,
anil .in amount of i online hn-liii's w.ts
then liati-iieteil. Aflor tho loll-i.ill
anil leatlhi? of the minutce nf the )ne
eodliiS convention, ,i miiiiber of eeiiu
mllloes niaile lliolr leprut, Iho I'liin
mitlee em hv-l.iwt, .mil slate nf tho
nnler lioins of .in especially iiitoiostins
At the .irtoi tioein iiieetins .icllon was
taken upon iho icpori, width won .ie
copteel. Tin topni! of the eouimiltt'i
mi the Mate eit the ordei showed the
ilistilol in he in excellent eoiiditiou,
theie linviitK hi en a I. use liu least- In
liioiiilui.sliii sinio the last iii. il lolly
session. It was dei Idetl to hold the e'eiiiM'titlou l''lida., Septoinlior 7,
in Malta hall.
The nin-t Inipoitunt business tians
nctod dm ins the day i (insisted ol tho
aileiptiein nf a le.solulliin f.iMiilus u
ilinnso In the litiial of the en ele'i- and
the instinct Ion of the seeietmy t"
Hellil enpies eif Ihis lei h of the sev
en hiiiidied (.imps in Pennsj h.itiia..
I'.tst State Pieshlent A. .1. I'ollioin
was leriitested to ))tosenl the icstilu
I it ,u lo the statiuii anil national camps,
i. ml lie will do set.
Dm hie; the d.ij n number of Intel et
liiK ndelK'ssi'.s woio uiiide by Iho elis
tiiet pieidi'iits, hy W. S. nobeits. of
thi.s i ity anil other ptoinliient memhei
of tho euilcr. The district otlheis ate:
Tto.sldeiit, IT. (.'. Hollnmn, of Alt. Cobb,
iee-pieslileut. .1. ' Soleiu, of Dilli
llioio; tieasilior, S. V. I'.oliot Is, nf ihis
eity; totoiellus secioimj, W. S. D.ut
lett, of this I'it.N. seinettiiy.
.1. V. Finn, of (iieou Klelse; muster of
fen ins, At llnhhs, of I'.u liiindulo;
Sinn el, '. S. Kellnss. ol fiieen ltlilse:
I'liaplaln, J i:. D.uls, of Alno.--ic.
Those piosent .M'stoitlny woic. Cmnp
21, of tlieen Uidse. K V. Plnn: Fled
UeiSiel, 1-' S. Kelloss. I'allip 174, of
Alooslc, li. 1(. Knapp, .1. i:. Uavls, (!.
1j. lil'llloli: Camp 17.7, of tho ooiitiiil
elty, W. Al.lSelhrls. U. S. Piatt, A. T.
Heldleuiiin, I'amp 200, ot Cm boiidalo,
AV. Al. Ilol.hs. b It. Cnlvin, C. S.
Alesauder, Camp '.'Jii, of Utininnie, .1.
C. Helen., lloi.itlo Hepburn, .leihn Hnr
lls; Camp Jtl, of Alaellsouville. C. W.
IMwauls, .7. V. Anilorsein, ,1. YV. Yeas
er. Camp "IJ, ol the eentinl city, S.
AV. l.nhoits, Tlieiimii Titnerton, c. i;,
St. .Inlin; Cmnp 2ti'J, of Yostvllle, Al.
!:. rUohiuds, (ionise U. Arnckloy, llnriy
Haven; Camp .'m), of i:iiuhurst, Chaile.s
Jenny, Clnience IMwnrils; Camp l.'.O, of
South Set anion, James Hlnl, J. Y.
Iloeliuor, John j.ewert; Camp -1411, of
Alt. Cobb. II. nssond, William
Kiitmer, Jot nine Poors, Camp .'i72, of
the eenlial ilty, i:. 1 Haas, .1, YV.
D.inner, W. S. Hmtlett.
Meetiufi of Memoiinl Dny Committee
Was Held Ln&t Nltrht.
A iiieetins of the Aleiuoiial tUy inui
niitteo til Hie ( ii inn) Auuy of the Ito
piibllc was held last nislit mid limit
i:i'paratlon! for Iho nlisei vnneo of
AIuv 'M I'oiisDiniiimted. Answcis In the
iu itatloiis lo tal.e pail In the pni.itle
huve boon iccelxeil from lleciiiiler
James Alo'r, Dhee'tor ol Public Safety
l Ij. Illlolli oel. the tluee Judses, the
county coiniiiisslniieis, Cliy Cnuirollei
Ksdias I tow ell, City Tieasui or 1.'. J,
liohilisoil mid olheis
The liovt llieoiliis of the cnininllteii
Will be belli Tuonduy nislit, When Until
miuiisemoiits icsmdlns the foimallou
of the paiiide, the line eif inaieh, etc.,
will be made
Peter Stipp to Eject It for Scinnton
Railway Company,
The tSeifiiiion Hallway company yes
tenliiy iiwaided to Peter Stlpp iho teiii
tnicl for ereetins " biff bulldliis for
stoiins cms, on the plot of s'ouud
aloiissldo the power house, on Pml
denco mail,
The, building will he 17(1 feet wl'de,
270 feet deep nnd 2S feet hlsh. Stone
brick und stool Is to he used in its
tonsil notion, Theie will he loin tern
tracks in the building, with pits under
each of them to enable icpuir woik
to be done beneath the ens. The
1)1111(1111? is to be (oiupletcd Sept. 1.
... - i i i i,i.m.
See n, Circus, Pice,
Hy btluglus the llltlo ones to see the
play houso at Seln lover's blndio. You
will then nndei stand why his ehll
dieu'u plctuies aie ulnios) Hto ii,elf.
The Gibson Pillow.
The latest lilbou iiillon to.a ate
of unusual beauty We hae them.
CuinierVella Co., 130 Wyoming ao
Dr. Longsticct Snys Dr. Roos Said
Something Which Dr. Roos Snys
He Didn't Say Miss Duffln Hcnrd
It Said, but Dr. O'Bilen, Who Was
Ptcsent and In a Position to Hear
It, Did Not Hcai' It This Is Just
One of Many Contradictions.
Other Couit Mattel s.
As jet, theie has been no blood
spilled, or even a peisonal encounter
us n icsiilt or the Diillitl case, and yes
tetihiv ('onlflhuted little In the way of
In hiKlm; tihout any e-olllslons.
The featuto of .ewtoi day's trial was
the dliei'l eontradlctloiiH eif testhuoliy.
Iir. Hoos was tllreelly collttadlcted by
Or. I.oiisslreet, mid Dr. O'Hrleu. In a
iiegntKo way, eontrndleteil Dr. I.ons
stioel. hut as the Infallibility of mom
my always Intel poses III eases of t Ilia
Kind, the e ontiiidleiloiiH baldly war
inul n "calllns out." Neinly all the
defendant's witnesses wete. one after
the oilier contiiiiliclod by the plaintiff
ami In the most emphatic ami direct
manner, but the plaintiff beius n wo
man, the mutter, of coinse, ends al
Dr. L. M. C.iles tosllileel that some
jo.ll.s befeuo the ae elelent to which
.Miss Duniu now lays all her physical
tlisoidois, he treated her, mid that she
was then suffering- fiom the voty ail
intMitH which sin now claims lesullcd
fiom the accident.
.Miss 11111111 iswoie that Dr. (iates elld
not ti out her. He eiilled upon her and
made an otis.isement tei examine her,
but they had a dlsasi eement because
she wanted him to Heat her at the
Lackawanna hospital ami since then
lliey have not lint! any communication
in C. II. Fisher lest Hied that pi lor
to 1VH, the lime of the in eldent. Alls
Diifliu called upon him to hao hot
o.os tieiitod; Hint he iiinde il pair
of slasse. lor hot, that she took them
away, mid, after bavins them nt home
lor n time, returned them, and that
her eyes won I hen In quite ns de
ktllu n condition ns they me now.
.Miss 1 infill! swoi e she went to Dr.
Fisher to lie tie'.tted for a cold in
the ho,til. lesultlus Mom si lp; that
the doctor aiclelnntally bloke her
sl.issos; and that the pair of glasses
In in. nle for her weie lo leplnce those
he had bieiUcn. that he ne or tteated
her eyes, mid that the only defect in
her eyesight then was a slisht (.ist In
one o", o.
(ieensi' V Phillls. l'h. D., found
iiupei luteuilt'lil eif schools, testilled
that Aliss Dullln applied to him for a
po-dtlou as a teacher in the public
si hoiiN eisht yoni.s ngo, ami that on
,k count of her hail e.esishl her appli
e. nl mil was ii'fusod
Aliss Duillii lestlilt'd that the only
elealliiKis she 1 1 it I with Dr. Phillips was
em eino oit.isloil, wlii'll she called ill
bis iillice, to present her lencbcr's ter
Hllcate lo pi dm her competency, mid
thai no Icsl was made by Dt . Phillip,
or liv any one for him, of her poweis
ol Hiein.
oi:di:ui:d iif.i: opt.
When on the slmid Thutsil.i.v, Dr.
P.oos denied, under eioss camlnatloii,
that he had had a elisagieeiiienl with
Aliss Diillin about his bill, ami that, as
a le'sult ot this dis.igiceiueut, he or
dei ed her mil eif his ntllco, alter
ihioateuhig le kick her out, and that,
on ti lateo occasion, when Aliss Diillin
loltiscd to allow- bim, as a meelleal
i spi'i I lor the ilty, lo paiiloipato In
mi e";,iinln.iliiin that was bolus made
by Dr. I.iingsti cot, be. Hi. Hoos, tohl
hi r "Von have no case ami I'll knock
the biilloni out ot Mini ease."
While she sivlns her rebuttal
testimony ,esioida, Aliss Duflin told
what I)r l.oeis had denied was the
omii t tiuili, he told her at bis ofllco
when lltev disagieeel about the bill,
that she should leave fiuthwitli and
i.ilsins his lisht loot In a threateiilns
way pointed to the door and bade her
"(lot out." When she was to be ex
amined at Dr. J.ongsiieet's ofllee, pio-
ions in the Hi st 1 1 in 1, ami T5r. Ttoos
pii'seuted himself as a lepiosontatlve
of the defenilaut, she declined she
would nol consent to his pat tlclpatlns
in the ON.iminntion because ho was
ohnoNious to her and had enmity tn
w.uds hoi, Wheioupnn, Dr. Poos
limed up and eloe'laieil, "You have no
case, ami I'll knot k the bottom nut eif
eiur ciise."
Dr. I.oiisstieel ceu i eiborates Aliss
nnllll) in this. Dr. u'lirlen, m Uc
louipiiuleil Dr. I tons as a medical e.
peit lor the city, testilletl he heard
no such (leclaiallou as MIm Dudin and
Dr. l.ousstie'ol attiibute to Dr. Poos,
and Dr. Hoos, when again called to
the stand, hi.tnded It as utterly false.
On cios.s oMinilnutlon, Dr. Items was
naked by All. New comb If it was not
Hue that he hail been bailseiiiis Dr.
I.ongstieet lor the past several das
about iho contradiction that Dr.
I.oiisstieel was to lliuho to Ills. Pons',
testimony. Dr. Poos denied thai ho
Inui h.ulsered Dr. Lonss-'Mect, hut ad
mitted he spoke to him about the uiat
tep "I called upon Dr. Iamsstieet
mid asked lilii) It he could swear to
mull ii thins. He said h" had swoiii
lo 11 and would swear to it again.
That was nil Uioio was to It."
Dr. Pno' denial mid Dr. lams
Htieet's leltei.itiou ciinie fiom the wit
iiess stand within the same eiuarler of
mi limn ,
Dr. U. Wehlau, Dr. AV. K. Dolan,
Dr. Heed Puius and Dr. 11, N, Duunell
weio citllt'd lo she e.Mioit testimony
for tho defenilaut. Their answeis
weio lo hypothetical cases framed
Mom the fads lu evident p, Dr. .leispph
F. Hiant testilled to Inning examined
Alls Duilln's eyes last Fiiday, as an
CNpeit feir the city, .iliel thai Ills e.
aiiiimitlon led him to conclude that
.Miss DUtllu's delects In vision weio of
long standing mid not tho icsiilt of the
cut on Hie she reielsed in iho
lioth sides lested al I o'clm k. At
the opening or coin t ihis mmuiug ur
giinientH will bo 'niiiUo hefeao Judso
Kelly, on the law points, and If the
tast goes to iho Jury, summing up
and chaise of the court will follow ,
It will be late in the afternoon, It is
thought, bcloio the Jury will lecelvo
tho cube.
Judso c.upenter Is Hying u slander lu whli h Simon Nariibba, lb de
fnihit and Mif, (iifiinello Vioms
pliilntiif He ia allesed to have called
her name. Hint did $5.UflO damasc to
her lepuutlun for liuio mid piohlty.
Naiiihhas Is tho man who wit a
charged, but uculited, of the Allekus
murder, and Mis. Vrunia h u bister of
Miller, who Is the prosecutor, n, A.
Xlmmermau and Vnsburir and Drtwsnn
apiiear for the plnlntlff. Taylor &
Lewis teprcpcnt the defence.
Mnnlngo Licenses.
tlMTfti Kidntlniii ,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,ii-crllin
Mml( Mue til tc , Suanlnn
IlilitJi MrM-rr '. :i"ft"i Norllt Mlln menttr
IJI-iliclh Ann Tipp ,,,,,!i:o.'i North Main aicnue
Hie rae nf Nt bon Mi trie A (" paln;t l.lie!
I r.lnn.'if, ft it , wne referred In .ln'li .1, -Icf-fij.
'I hi cne nf llllMlirllt Cjrmin BJint tho
i union ItdlH.iy eoiiipJiiy wa )rti-nb' I'm
.1 II. Ilitllrr. I .In in Pill. nlh(t..v V C'nele-IK',
I. ''. IVrk, William Wlilll.ilirr inui . .. Sflfi,
fltlltiK J a Jury wllli .htriiti firi'Pnlfr irelillnu,
iele-reU.i, foni'el that l.lwle llflie-rllnir. of MomIc,
e tnrtilall.i Inr apne Itnl rrl from e-arhie; for litr
clnlr, niul nr. motlnn nf Mlniiry A. .1. 'ol
I mil. t'cle-t s. tlntitlln, of Mnnele. is piolnl(l
a intmnlllft In ait for lirr In llic mnanenl
nf lirr pinprly. lie caic a none! In llic turn
nf ViU1".
Routine That Will Be Observed on
the Night the New Armoiy Is
Foimnlly Opened.
Tho oM'Oiitlvc commit tee eif the
Thirteenth legliueiil aimory opening
and mllllary ball held Its regular week
ly meeting in the board of trade looms
lust evening. In the absence of Chair
man James W. Oakford, Colonel H.
Al. Holes presided. Those piescnt
weio: Congie.ssnmn 'William Connell,
Henry nelln, Jr., W. (i. 1'arke, Colonel
K. II. Hippie, Major J. R. l-'lsli. Colonel
H. Al. Boles-, Colonel H. A. Wiitres, M.
h. Smith, A. f!. Hunt, Conrad Sehroed
er, Captain D. H. Atheiton, Captain
Frank Vnndllug and Lieutenant Wal
ter fiunstor.
Colonel Holes reported that a meet
ing of the reception committee had
boon held nnd It had been decided to
appoition the illusti lous guests among
the v.i i ious members of the commit
tee to be ontoi tallied at the residences
of the committeemen duilng their stay
in Hie eit , :
The piogi.imme lor the evening of
Juno II will bo us follows: Reception
of the dignitaries in the headquarters
loom of the m inoi y from S to 0 o'clock.
At P o'clock the formal transfer of
the now armory fiom the Serauton
("Ilty Guards to the Thirteenth regi
ment will be made hy Colonel 11. Ar.
Holes, the Hi st e onimaiiiler of the iegi
uiont, to Colonel I,. A. Watres, the
piosent commander. Speeches will
then be made hy Major Cieneral Mil
ler. Adjutant Ueneral Rtewml, Bi Iga
elier General Gobin. Governor William
Stone ii ml Vlce-Piesldent Hooscvclt.
The giand march, led by the niili
tmy celebrities; with their staffs, will
follow the speech-making, after which
the ball will pioceed timlof the direc
tion of the floor committee. A nice
question of elhiuette was l.ijsed le
saidiug the order in which the above
guest eio to speak ami the places
that weio to he assigned them in the
grand ni.iich. It was finally dceideel
to icfer the matter to Adjutant Gon
oial Stewart, who Is ,n nuthoiity on
such quest ions.
V.. j. Fuller, clubman of the sale
of boxes ( ommiltee. was aiithorl.ed lo
neld to his committee the names of
such poisons- as he thought desirable.
The design for the special invitation
which is to be sent out to all the Na
tional Gu.ud officers was shown to the
committee and approved. It is a steel
engraving surmounted by the blended
state and national aims.
Hon. William Connell lcported for
the invitation committee. lie stated
that if President AlclCinley leached
Washington by the middle of nevt
week, and Alls. AIcKinley continued to
rapidly Improve, the president ivoulel
midoubledlv make an effort to he In
Bulfalo on June lo. President's Day. In
that case It was only a question of
inlliionce to set him and his entire
party to come to Set anion for the ur
inoi y opening. Air. Connell stated
that It was the intention of the com
mittee to extend an invitation to Gen
eral .Toe Wheeler, who ho thinks would
be glad to come if other engagements
did not interfoie.
Anions other loprnts of piogicss io
eelveil fiom v.uious membeis of the
committee weie the arrival of the
"eiash" for the dancing Hoot-, the hir
ing of Ratter's and Alexander's bands,
the awarding of the cateiing contract
to William Ilnnley, who will serve
supper on the thbd floor of the ad
ministration building; the consent of
the management or the Steel Tired
Wheel works It, shut down the steam
hammer on the night of the ball, and
the piobahlo willingness nf the several
rullioiid companies to l educe the price
of trip tickets to one half faro for
those attending the ball.
Colonel "Waties stated that he would
have on hand details of men Hoin the
leghuent to attend the taking of tick
ets, (onirolllng the cab service and
pieventlon of fires, panics or emer
gencies of any kind.
Recorder Moil Says He Will Mnko
No Fight for Veto Power.
one Important oidiniince. tho meats
hi n pitivhllug for n license upon huck
sters, mid sevoial i evolutions, havti
passed both brunches of iiiuiiell.s since
the passage of the icbohitlnn dhectlng
tho city clerk not to .submit such or
dinances and resolutions to iho le
e. order for his signature.
The i'lty clerk has obe,eil the t nun-('
resolution and has not pie
snited the oitliumico pni tho iesou
tlous to tho lecoielcr, and for the first
time in llio history of the city llieso
acts of the councils nro considered uwr
without- the chief executive's slgna
11111'. AVIien asked eiloiiay by u Tribuno
mall if lie would tube any steps to
have measiiie.s passed by louncll.s sent
to liii it Kecoider Molr leplled most
cinphuHcitll. :
"I shall cciiitiuly not. I am glad
lliat councils taken this out of
my bunds, Aly sentiments on this
question mo well known. This thing
n.av bo toted lu couit, but If It Is r
will have nothing to do with it, I will
nut take tho Initiative, you can ele
ptiid on that. I am opposed, first, last
mid nil tho t lino, to mixing up the
executive! and le;slate branches of
the city Kovernnient,"
Amateur Photographic FinNiing at
Try tho New 5c. Cigar "Kleon."
Guaranteed long Havana tiller.
Amateur Photographic Finishing at
Sclii lover's.
l.Wl.i; In Suanion, V on iUy S). 1901, to
Sb. Jii'i Mis. L. A. Ljiijc, 4 daughltr.
List Showing the Permanent, Bunk
and Call Men Attached to Each
Company Project for the City to
Take Charge of tho Flic Alarm
System Names of the Companies
May Bo Abolished and Have Them
Hereafter Known by Numbers.
Volunteers Lend Their Aid.
The number of permanent bunk and
chII men in caeli company of the city
Is here published for the Hist time,
There nic now fifty-live peimnnenl
men nnd sixty-two bunk and call men
In the department. The Reorganization
ordinance enlls for ninety-four bunk
and call men, or thirty-two tnoie than
there nic In the department at pies
cnt, but It Is known that Director of
Public Safety Hitchcock wll' swear In
very few more men, If any at all.
In the following tahle permanent
men aie marked P; bunk men, B, ami
call men, C:
Ni-ptttur I'iirIiip (otnpanj 1", 1 It,
I. i,, II. Cnii'iilrit.
Niii Vim KiiKino iiiiiiMn.- I'. ."! II,, ii. One mort llun dllnl (nr.
I'liinkliti llnixine ictnpait I', I; It,
H t, 1, H. ,te let. thin rcqiiinil niuntie-i
I'Mitnl Knclne inniiMti.i P, J; II, 1;
tolnl, II. Conu'lcti'.
C!t t'lilnnry llnL'ine cnnipnio I', I; P,
0; I', I; tntal, s Tlnci' It thin nqnlidl
Ufsf KiiRine rnnipmi )', ,1; It, , (', ,1,
totil, ?. Iliire lrss ttmn rrqiiliril ntiinlirr.
('nliiiiiln.i lliie (ntnpniij- I', I; II, (l; C, 3; T Die !e lli in icqiiliril tnniilii,
ltdirf llm tiiinpiin P, I; 11, (i; (', ,1; t i.
til, fl. Tr lei thin re'qiiire'cl i iiinliri.
I'liocnU- Chemical -I', I; It. 0; C.',
1; lot il, ,', One ionic than r.'quliril number.
I ditiiry Iloe lonipdm P, ,1; fl, 0; (", ?;
lolal, a. Tlner- les Hi in reqitirnl number.
Wni. Council llnse tonipini -P. 1; II, I; r,
1. tolil, 7. One lis Hun rriiiltce1 runntier.
Keelior llnse unnpiin. P, .; H, 0; V, 3;
Inl-il, I. l'oui- lra dun leqiureil niiiuher.
l.iliert.i Ho.e coinpdtn P, '!; II. 0; (', I;
Mil, ". I'lii- U thin requitiel nunihri.
ViaBr Ilnie coinpHiii P, 2; 11, ); C, 4,
Iota!, 7. One !es than teqiiireil niunher.
Cimilieiljnei Ilce i nnipuni P. 1: fl, C. C,
2; lot il, fi. Timi le.; thin requlieel niitiiher.
Hook .iml l.nlilet tonian P. I II, 2; (', 1;, 7. t'omplete.
kejei- Vllei lln.e e nnipini -P. I: 11, n; C,
n; lot il, 1. -eien lestlien triiiiuil niinilirr.
Theie Is a eiy stiong pi (inability
that it will not be ery long be'.ote the
llio companies of the city will be nuni
beied, instead of letalnlng their old
volunteer names, as at pic-cut. Direc
tor Hitchcock doesn't want to talk on
thi.s subject, but it is understood that
he lavoi.s the Idea on tho ground that
the volunteer department as an active
liie-fighting force is now a. thing of the
pas-t, and that inaaii'iieli ns the city
now has a paid department it bhoulil
follow the example of every other city
havinr a paid dopai tmoii; anil l'lim
ber, instead of name, its companies.
The idea may not nice: a llh t tic ap
pioval of the sentlmeniiillsts. who will
piobably contend that the old names
should be held over .-is a laming ino
moiial of the valor and devotion of tho
old voluntccis, etc.
The Ciamowell Fire Alarm company
has offeied to enter into a contract
with the eity for the rent of the thlrty-si-:
lire alaini boxes which its owns
at an annual lental of $1,000, the con
ti act to run for a teuu of ten years,
at the end of which time the boxes
aie to become the property of the city.
It is undet. stood that Dbcctor of
Public Pafety Hitchcock Is not alto
gether .satislled witli the company's
proposition, and that he has wiitteu
to them witli the idea of getting either
a lower liguie or shorter length of
time fen- tho contract to i tin. lie
heartily favors the plan of having the
city own and operate Its own llio
alarm system.
In addition to the tliii ly-slv hoen
owned by the (iamewell company, the
city owns fifty-six, which are opeiated,
wiied and taken care of hy tho Central
Pennsylvania Telephone company,
which also operates and cares for tho
Ciamowell boxes at an annual cost of
maintenance of $2.-H4.-n. This, lu ad
dition to the 31.1000 which the city
now pays the Oamewell company,
makes tho total cost of maintaining
the city's lire alarm system Jusi ?!),
r.ll. II.
The city has no coutiaet with the
telephone company and can assume
charge of tho entire system jiibt as
soon as it is ready to pay for the w ir
ing and for tho employment of an
electrician to take charge of It. When
the initial work of installing the sys
tem is completed it is estimated that
the city would bo baved at least flo'iUO
a j ear.
The earnest debit e on the part of
ceitain of the old vnluntcei.s to assist
the city in rcoiKunlzing and sMemH-
tiztnc: Its lh-e elen.n tmont ii-n ovomnll.
tied Inst week in the acceptance of posi
tions as battalion cbiels by four of the
old district chiefs and the father of
the fifth one, No provision whatever
lias neon made for tho payment of
tlics-e men, except tho pay of call men,
hut they have accepted tho places
hugely hecauso they have a eleslio to
he of all the n.ssiMniioo they can to tho
city, and also because the fighting of
Hies hulds fur them n fascination.
Ope of tho most venoruhlo jelle., of
the volunteer Hie depnitinent, the old
cannon of the Franklin lhiglno inm
pany, is now in the posi-esslon of i'amp
S, Sous of Veterans, having been pie
.senteel last "WodneMlny night by a. eom
niitteo consisting of T. H. Allen, X.eno
Derby and Joseph HalK Tho cannon
had been in the possession of tho
Finiikllns for iiohiI.v twenty. live jean,
anil was llred off legulaily eveiy
Font th of July.
Hinder this lieiding hort letters rf Interest
will r published when aecomp-nleil, (or publica
tion, by Iho writer's name, Tim Tribune eloei not
eusume responsibility for opinions here expressed J
i e
About Dr. Walsh's Lectuie.
Iditor of Iho 'lill.imc -
mi: in me n. run urn num. mj -i. ui'io
appeals d little fcl..-t(li upon Mukci-iii ." il
llietcil liy Or. J.iiiu-n .1. Walili, in uliltli he
UlrM tlut WllllJiii ,hakti-peare J a (Jlhulli,
.iml tint the Iti'foiniatlon had an iiHiirtno rm
Id life .ind iorl,-. Auoidlng In the i.vUtu of
liiptbtii. ot llio p.ui.-li iliimh of Mrulfoul iipun.
Slon ie hid, mi'lei' the iIjIc of piil -''), An,
the entry of the bapthui ot WillUin, tin- urn of
John Mijkenpejrc, uhlrli if the nejiet .nut only
liblor c laic upon the Imtli ami irllgion of
lite p 'ft. 'Hie ihuidi of Slratfnnl upon
An uji a l'rotct jut ehinch. Ilii entry in tl,i,
eliucli il in l.itln, "(.uliiltnuj flliui Jolijimlj
llio KcfuiiuiHon inlijht luie had sonic inllu.
cikc In ilianjltu lmu to 4 ineic moral llf. ,
but hi, Morks remain the .uuo from the tiinelhe
gieat poet bicaiue known to the world, fur
w i
'a v.N ,W
a.v,i v7 HV'
.j i1
V ,
Geo. V. Millar &
j - --
a &
Our Bicycles Are
Moving Rapidly
From our store into the possession of many sat
isfied purchasers who are buying Bicycles during
this Clearing Sale of ours at lower pi ices than
ever known before in the Bicycle business in
Scranton. The Bicycles offered during this sale
are all standard makes and fully guaranteed.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Give the
a Treat
That they will
enjoy all summer.
A Lawn Swing
At $5.00.
Like till Olio KlieiWII nliiiM' Will
Klvo then, no end jnf iimiihompiit,
'J'hpy llio MintIK mill lllll llllie',
anil me in. 11I0 tn lam mine than
OI1C hl'ilMIII.
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
iliumim Hi. N 1M1 1.1.1I11. llm irl'le w 1 in
Uniieil muni ni I allium 1111, In .ill he wink.
Hun 1 tin junnf i'l linn fur I'i-iiu 'in 1 li' 11"
nf lint f iilli. "d Uii 1 wlui I nl le .n .1
Iho en it I'l'U Mul.ii'i'i.lii 'It n niiiieii'v.11.
liOMjiln In i-Miil lli K'niii uf lln fieati -1
iliainitl! lln wmld lut our ren, i'l in ntiili
lil, niiculiil ieiiini'. iiiiunil,eniie .iml nuin
H.K'I Inlelhit. lriiiuni lu ! it exliiul d
upi'il lil-l inn 1.4. 'ind tin' flui't tniii'l nf 1'iu
I Hid ,iiid (1(1111 inj hue' ili'M'tid Hull giniier In
an rtu ielitluii i'f lu liejmli. "
IIjIiiiI li. (ilti'l.
.Siat.ti.u, I'J , M1.1 'I
Tho Hills About Synuiton,
l.ditoi I'f 'lite Tiil'UUi -
.Sir: 'In thiirt who ih'ui' 1 w ilk .it tins
cc-.u"il nf llm, the Wi-,1 Mide lull i'l Mini
Inn otter tujlii ii.e,uu- end Iho iltm 1 ,ini
li renjidnl lur Id nlmt. I lie eliilii.,iuiK nl
nio,ilieie, Iho ,u jut like .ii,eil4iu e i)f'plint .ind
lire .mild kitullslit jlid lIm'Io ot tin- wnml, uud
liu uinre liejutiful illiitr.itinii it llm 11-liiiu nf
.irlli- 'I In re i ,1 -11 lie uf then .iml nekunii
on CH'li .lile. 'lei tii" .1 li'iiip ni ,1 ,unl in
liu )iuro ail nf ''the pithles wimili" wtiutd ,eeni
the .'mm' nf elelijht la tlin.n in lieillli jud
olheis sttktuir I lie icjnicii'ltii:.' IhiiiIis tn !"
iklilfd f 1 jiii ouldnui- ri l(li. 'Imly l Ihu t
(lit- zenith (if inui tujoiiiiuit, d 11 II in e- 111 he 1
i.ini'iu 1'Ii.imw uf ili'i(li)iimiil 1 hue Inlaid 111
her ,1'iii'K attirt-.
Aft. I Hi" e.i'l"iniio lllll .ind u. inn uu uiuwil.
H tieowheri Msilile, Intel and plant Imlli 1:1111 ',
eiiilenii cf the iiilikeniU7 ilfed uf tin clad and
imlKurjIing M-a.nn Fulkwini; u nun's dm
lii.l.l ,pell luliil. Il'lj life. divine iiii)'etu l
hilllnp ur elelp the iluiuu uf Iho wood, jttuuU
null-in' new, lnyilad liae tuiu for iriitune,
in ether Ijii'I If rot 111 llils uf Midi .illiiiti'Vi,
ea en will liu louties uf epiin; rendei their
henuke to the beauteous atliavtlum Hut U-
7&jj -T
Flower Vases
Att entire now Hiii of mil-
own importation. The latest
style is the "Iiridescent
Ware a most beautiful
effect, from 50c up. :
CaU .ud look them over.
Co. w.??0"!?-.'"
ir in ntii.onK Ar ounu -
Down You Go B
Not the fiult of Ilii' wheel, p, r
I ii, but Iml on tin wheel, linlfM
it I .1 rry fond one;, tint s why
H pill In lull Hit'
Scranton Bicycle
It (fl iml iironf rfzilnt bird IiiincV',
but hud Vtinikii do le. tn Injure It tJ
linn Hi iltt tp wheel 1 hep wheels Jm
M, ind the i-ll.iln of we.ii- .1 ml aid- 0
ill lit.
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Shifting Responsibility
Ih t'L-!,iliIe, licn it may bo
done (nne.Iti!tieiilly.
Iciy nwnci- nf rt.ito
ioi'pon.iliililk'S that rln not appear in
Ills account,, yet, they ,110 inipoiHllvcly
inipoi taut.
Tho opinion of an attoinoy upon tho
.security of your I. mil titles be
liai'keel by your own u.s.sets.
JJy the pii.Miioia of a, ii'ann.'iblo foe?
jeiu may .shift thi liability on the
Title Guaranty and Trust Company
Of Scrantnn, I'cnna.
012 Spruce Stieet.
I.. . Wanes. I'ii-iilenl.,11. . Knipp. V l'res.
A II. Mil lititn.k. Kil.h b. Hull,
Viic iiiiitit, 'liut Officer.
We have it, all colors, all
sizes, all kinds; ranging in
price from 25c to $2.50 pet
garraeut, sizes from 2S to 5c
inches, Positively the most
eomplete line of Men's Un
derwear in town. It will pay
you to call before buying.
Have you tried our 10c Linen
slrew I In path nf me Mn I at llic leyuli nf
I e-illh at our dou.
Ilin i'.u lu-ier weniii uf fpiius'i. mhliini'
if ili..'l.ii. In ini' lilriuliiii: i Hie liiiiiu'n
uliuli nun in In i-t'ii itii'ii aiieinits In p.i'
tun. elld and .'"uns .n with end oi le i hi
Heir -idiulialinn siraumn i lih'.eel ami tl,n
I leei III In l hills- lhe ail- I I'f ilillmilllliriil . I
health. rreeleriik lUrlnoll.
JllllllliniC, l'i . Mj.i 21, pull.
Tor Femnlo Complaints,
ami ell-'C.iM's aiislu;' fiom .n impure
Male of Iho liluoet Llihty'b I'clery
N'i'ro 1'iiinpoiiinl Is an Invaluable .spu
vlilc. rolil by Muttliowb Hios,
Fans. Fans.
A new lot of beautiful funs of iaio
elchlKii Jiiht tt'ceivoJ. I'lMmcr-Wdla
Co. 130 Wyoming; avenue. .
Ainatcur Puotosiuphio Finlbhing at