( .-. fi i -.. fc l '- J" - r V -"-Mu " THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MAY LM, 100.1, 8 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANINOCK. i flifrlal to lli Srnntnti rrilmni. Ttllillmlliiri,-I,. May L';',-,linlsi I. M. tiiiiiliiiiii, Ajlioint-y H. .1. .Ionian ami )i'. K .1. Itttjtlwull left fut Plillailclplila mi Tliiii-nilnv alti'iiionn for it uliurt o Join n. MlH. V II. .Ml'lltZI'l'. Ilf lllt'lt'lllll, in vlwllliiK niPiitlH In town thlrt work. .tnlin F Hli-kli'i. Anik'imm Dana ami Mis. Aitlnir U. ItiMls me III utti'iiil llliri' ill llli' Oilil Ki'llotvn' MliltP (''in vention at linlt.VHlilll'h'. iim fli'lt'RilU'H finin the local' linli'DiMitlciit Order "f odd Kelliitv.s mtil Itoliolsiili UhIbi-m. Tin ('.mini Aini.v and Woiuc-ii'm I to iler tnip.M of tlilii placo will iitldiil llir .Mctliudl.Ml Mplscupiil I'hilH'li In a body on next Sunday iiinrnlnn, when Hit' an mini memorial mmiiioii will In- pu'iii'lmd liy tinv. liilllln. .lolin KlnmiiiPi'fpl, of Hip township, contclilpalPN ipiiiovIiik to Ail.ona, wlioio hi1 lias a son, and will noil his farm on Prospect lilll. Mm K. II. .linvls Is vIsIIIiik fi lends at Melioopitnv llili woolc. "W. K lon, of Wludlinm, wim dolus liusltioss 111 town on Tlmisday. William 'J'. Mliliiiols. jirlnolpal of the Jti.tlntiltn Kradcd srhools, al l.aouy ullc pasf-ed thiciiiKli town on TIiiiih da, en loiile for Houlh Itlhson, Siih Miiehanna i-minty. when ho will visit lelativps and friends. I'liticticj Stafie and Miss Flout. Ltult, lioth ol 0erlield, wern united In niur linpe at the MPllmcJifll Ki-ipiil Tir soiiace on A ednesday liy JJuv. 11. 11. Wilbur. On Sunday last, l.ec Carpenter and William Nk-liuls pioeilred a livery ris of Uveiyuian A. K. Holts to drive to Mehoopany. On tin- it linn trip from thai place, "vldlo ilriviiiK iilonp the hichuny near Hm-rllii's mills in Kntnn township, they had thn niiHt'orttitie to drive over the bank nt a point whore the toad was unprovided .ltli vailing. The w.isnn was badly broken and the horse seiiously Injured by the accident. Mr. IJelts lias made a demand on the supervisors of Kulnn for adequate ibtnwiKiV,- for his losses sustained. The supervlsois aio consitleiiiiK the matter. BROOKl Vfi. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Biookln. May";:. A. S. "Waldic and C. 11. Tiffany were in Sciantnu yestev ila on bujjlncss. AuiOh Kent, of Now Mil ford, has been viMtins lelalives and fi lends in town. R II Kent, Charles -Mead and A. S. Waldle vihited the county seat last Tuesday. .Mis. .lane Tlllanv is tcty sick .vith pneumoiii.t. She is attended by Dv. Taylor, of Uopbnltoa. Mrs. Alva eluiek lins underfione a very seiious i.peration in a hospital in Sciantnu. v Mrs. Curio TiNl.iw.iy was In Mont ro.o on Tuesday. O. M. Dolaw.iy is allendins: the liiand IiiiIbp m.iJ.'CLy.i'tim' this week. .Mrs. Jl. 11. (irinneir is visitinvr her il.iiiKiUcr In CirboiNiiijv. Mits .lohie Dolaway is vlitinpr ft lends in Scvantou. Mvs. I). C. Tin i nus has been visiting liev duuRlitev, Mis. J C. Miller. f!oy Sliadduck. Kail Ainey and (lenvae Kuliina, of Keystone academy, spent Sunday with Brooklyn friends. Miss Jessie Miller is learning to vide lur new lieel. A small company of dancers spent the evening very pleasantly at the home of 11. "W. llopei- last Monday. Miss 1'Hhel Sterling, who has been leaching at Portland Mills, Elk county, lias icturnod home. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the Scranton Tiilmne. Susquehanna, Slay l". liev, Charles Yv Hoot, being in the oast on a vaca tion, theio will bo no services In Christ Kpiscopal church on Sunday next. Jiocomollves trom thn Erie shops at llornellsville arc goi j? eastward for vepa ivs. At tho hearing born. Justice "Wil liams yesterday, In the ease of tho commonwealth vs. Charles Vlontz, who is charged with assault with in tent to kill, defendant gave bail in the Hum of $500 for his appearance before tho grand jury of the county. In tho absence of Pastor "Williams, Mr. TJiomas Jelfreys will occupy the pulpit of tho Baptist church on Sun day morning. Miss Lena Bariott Is in Pittsburg, completing a course In King's School of Ovatovy. Ilov. C, C. Muckny and TIavry TI. Smith, of Oakland, aro at "Walton, X. Y attending tho CoiiBiegatlonal association of ministers. Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Epos, of Oneon ta, aro guests of Mr. Epos' brother, C, M. Epos, "West Ohuroh sheet. Prof. Tlaylott James Ulsk, a founcr popular principal of tho Susquehanna High school, Is now a resident of Am sterdam, N. Y. llo Is making an ex cellent reputation as a professional leader and Impersonator. Congressman and Mrs. Anion j, CtimmliiRS will arrive at Columbian drove- about June l, for tlit sum mer. Mr. and Mrs, George Hoyden, of TOLD IN SCRAN rON. It's the Evidence of Setanton Peo pie Published in Bcianton Papers That Has Made Such a Heputatiou for Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills, Standing clear and distinct, inaikliig tho difference, tljo superior meilt, the adaptability to piesent-day ailments is Ihe volume of local testimony for He, A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills. It's so dif ferent to tho ordinary lomedles icfer rlng to cures niado tit distant points ivhlcli II is hard to verify. Theie Is a reason for Pr, A. W, Chaso'.s Norvn Pills commanding home evidence ivherever tliey me Known. It Is their i underfill Influence In bringing up tho standard of nervo force, Mr, Henry Alberts, of No. C16 ITIroh htreot, Scranton, Pa,, says; "For about two yeais my back and kidneys had been soiv, lame and the secietious In bad shape. Nothing seemed to help me until I got l)r, A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills at Matthews Bros,,' ding store, No. S.'O Lackawanna avenue. They did the work, curing the soreness and lameness, making tho secretions healthy, and generally giving mu health mid strength," Dr. A. W. .Chase's Nerve Pills ate sold at 6V. a box at dealets, or Dr. A. V. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Pee that portrait and signature of A. W. ChUse, M. L)., uie on every package. Oakland township, will In a few days leave for Plko county, on a doer-hunting trip. Miss .Margin el llresuall, late of Slis itphauiui, lias been appointed a head nurse In Hellevtiu hospital, New York city. .Mis. ltlchaid Moss, of Nowark, N, .1., who has Ijppii seriously 111 for suv cial moiilliM al the homo of her mother, Mrs, Carilo Cook, Washing ton Htieet, Is recovering. Susfpiehanna docs not appear to be especially Interested In tho work' of bringing poor children from New York city to the county next summer, ami few will come hero. The litncral of the bile Kdward T.arkln took plncp this morning trom St. John's Catholic church, where re quiem high mass was celebrated. The leiniilns were Interred In l.uurcl Hill cemetery, Warner Hiowers' orchestia will give concerts from the Cascade House pagoda In the near future. Leonard Tllfany, of Lcstorsltfre, is at the hiTiuo of his parents, In Oak land. Tt. o. Siitlierlaiiu is erecting a build ing on the Oakland side, to be occu pied by Tonsorlal Artist Chinch. Engineer and Mis. Martin O'Malley, of Laurel street, weio in Honcsdale on Tuesday, al tending the funeral of Mrs. O'Malley's mother, tho Into Mrs. Frank Dohorty, who died on Saturday, aged CS years. The first annual ball of the boiler makers helpois, hold lust evening, in Ilogan Opera House, was largely at tended and a pleasant social occasion. The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Broth eihood of Locomotive Firemen, report a pleasant visit In Port Jcrvis on Wednesday. The annual commencement exer cises of the L.inohboro High school, held this evening In the Lanesboro .Methodist church, were laigely at tended by the parents and friends of the class of 1901. The class acquitted itself very creditably, and tho exer cises were thoroughly interesting. Following was the- programme: March; invocation, Kev. D. L,. Meeker; overtme, orchestra; salutatory, "Tho Aggregation of "Wealth," "Willard Aus tin Spears; essay, "Trifles," Llbbic Knthcrlne McCullough; vocal solo, "A May Morning," Miss Black; oration, "Booker T. "Washington," Charles Simon Flaherty; essay, "Tho Power of an Idea," Irene Jane Plow; selection, orchestra; vocal solo, "Love Me Well," Miss Black; oration, "Influence of tho Newspaper," Benjamin Franklin Towksbury; class history, Lena draco Whitney; selection, orchestra; oration, "National Advancement," John Earl Jacobs; valedictory, "The Open Eye," Ilena Mae Brown; vocal solo, "dood Night, Little Girl, Good Night," Miss Black; conferring diplomr. ; class song; benediction; selection, orchestra. The class motto was "How, Not Float." Under the capable direction of Principal Dennison and bis assist tant teachers, the class is In a highly prosperous condition. FOREST CITY. Special to the Ptrjnlon Tribune. Forest City, May 23. Tho funeral of Stephen Egan was held today. Services were held at St. Agnes church. Inter ment was made In the Catholic ceme tery here. Mr. Egan was sitting upon the cellar wall of the Murray property, on Main street, last week, engaging in conversation with some friends, and when ho attempted to arise, was over come with paralysis, and falling bad: into tho cellar received injuries which undoubtedly was the Immediate cause of his death. The condition of Joseph White was very encouraging today. It is potfclble that lie may yet recover. Tho Erie mines aro woiking eight and five hours every other day. On Friday evening, May 24, Lyman H. Howe will exhibit Ids moving pic tures at the Davis opera house, The previous entertainments given by him have iiroten highly successful and large audiences greeted Him at each event. This time an entirely now and interesting piogrumme will be given. Tho prices, 2." and in cents, will enable anyone who wishee an evening's amusement to attend. The public schools w 111 lie closed for the hummer on Juno ;;. Dr. B. F, Maxey has letuined to AVIlkes-Hanp, having been the guest of ids pin ems for the past week. Quite a little business In the teal es tate line is being tiansacted heio this hprlng. Many piopertles on the hill have already changed hands, and It Is uiidei stood that negotiations me under way tor the salo of sovei.il others. The piospeilty which the mines enjoyed last year is responsible loi the boom. Druggist Davis Is at Buffalo, taking in the sights at tile Pan-American ex position. NEW A1ILF0RD. Sjioiiil In Ihe Siinntoii Tribune. New Milfnrd, May L':t, .Mis, John Tompkins and daughter, Tholma, of Jackson, called on New Milfotd fi lends on "Wednesday, Mr. and Mis, Baker, of Montrn.se, weie guests at tho home of E. S, Gia nni this week. Mr. and Mis. Edward Boyle spent Sunday with lehalves in Carbnndalc. I'nlon services will bo conducted In the .Methodist chinch on Sunday morn Ing. ITpv. Chniles .Smith will conduct tho .service, Mr. and Mrs. Alba Aluey spent Sun day at Nicholson. Mrs. A, M. Aldilch spent Tuesday with her daughter at Hallstead. Mrs. f t. Austin was In Blugliamton Wednesday on business, Fied Hayden, who has been visiting his parents tho past few weeks, re turned to Scranton last Monday, Mayor DnWItt and wife, of Bingham, ton, bpent Sunday at tho homo of their father, Levi DeWItt, Mis. draco Hakes, of Biokon Bow, Nebraska, is a guest of iclatlves In town, WELSH HILL, SpUl to tlie Scranton Tribune. Welsh Hill, May 23. Prof. Harry Anthony and Miss Loulso Morgan weio united In m'arrlago by Key. n, N. Harris, at the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Mor gan, on Wednesday, .May 22. Attorney Bunnell, of Scranton, was a visitor at this place on Sunday last. Last" Sunday evening our pastor, flow n. N. Harris, gave us an excel lent sermon on "The Ureutest Evil and How to Escape It." It was the rlxth of hl alarm talks ' to young people. Mr. Harris Is nn nhle speaker and Is worth coming a long distance lo hear. Wo aro glad to see Mr. Thomas Hevan and wife with us ngaln, Mr. Hovan has rented Mr. Henry Harris' house for the summer. Mrs. Uichatd Lloyd, of Carhondnle, Is visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. IJavlcs, of this place. Mr. Iteiiben Craft Is the gupsl ot his daughter, Mrs. W. Watklns, Messrs, 11. Harris, ,T. Evans and W. II.' UavleH commenced drawing their milk to tho South Gibson creamery this week. Several people of this place are an ticipating u pleastiic trip to the Buf falo exposition, Mlsi Mary Iteynolds, ot Forpst City, vlsllpil her sister, Mis, Thomas Da vIps, of this place, over Sunday last. Tho Indies of tho Ladles' Aid so ciety met al thp church and gave It a spring renovating this week. Din ner was served at tho hall. Mr. S. Ilronson, of ITnloudale, was at this place buying cattle this week. ooooooooooooooooo THEATRICAL. ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. I.YCIJUM "M Ilopklrs." Nfpht. AI'AIHIMV Vrr.i ilu .Nolo Stock Compiny. SlitiiRo anil Xlght. "Sis Hopkins" Tonight. The iiiairiKtiiirnt of tlie I,) renin oirns .in mi mti.dly nicriloriom dllhation for tonight, wli-n Jlls Hose Mchillc, uippoilcil by a otlnns '"iu riv. will prc-i'iit that unique anil ljuchlcr piovol.ins rumcily, "sis llopkinV Ml -a MrMllp apiiraring in the title loir. The ilay It one ill' aliuiMng iiilnct :iml has f.ior.ihly tuvi'ii i'oi.v ciltic along the devious tliratrir.il line, all of whom li.u c p.iiii a tll riWttcil tribute to the (Atrllent unk she has clone. In 'the t.niom intiii.ieics of tlie play MUl Mel ville piinN ,i cli.nacirr Miuly that is well ttoilh uccititf. rii.l one looks upon l.er as the law nml uncouth rountiy fiiil, but, as Ihe stmy ctolws, tlie blosoin3 Into a wcll-ilresnl, giacefui, and not to s.ij, haniKonic metropolitan f.noiito cf sotlelj-. 'Jho scenery ciulrd by the coiiipiny is stiongly finjKrptltc of lily and country life, to much (.o tint one is canleil back anioni: Ihe rxhllei.itiiif,' cilois of ne.v innttn bay anil by hap py ami ingriilniis t lunges trainfericil lo IiimiiI ous homes mi l.tpical of iuctioiolil.in lire. "Richard Carvel." "Ilifhud (anil," Hie play In ttlinh .lolin Dicw is to appear at the Ljceuni Mtiudat allcr neon and nisht, is leuarded as an .iiltlulitic illustration of Ihe fcprech and mauneii-m of the early days of the American lletolutiou, tho tunc of the dloiy. Itli tlicir "theeV and "tlioii-i" and .'tuilicil bow ins and couilc-jing, and iau iiiif of swouis and fincllinc salt", and MiulT and laces, our Aeneralcd iorefathers and inothus mu-i hate had -pu-e oppoitutdty loi little eNo in their picMiinabl.t cimely litis Pastoral Comedy Drama. 'Ihe .loiliu.i Siinpkins company, cau.tins its own spci ial i-crnciy, wilt pioduce tho le.n pi toi.il comedy diama ot lint name at the Aiadrtny of Iuie the lut I lit eo 1 1 -. ot net ttctk. 'Ihe piece ile ili with countiy life anil people, Unci' ads of the pla hi inu" laid in one of tlie many ipiaiul tillages if iimoui. 'Die second ait (in Unco siene-.) pniti.it.., I nt le .lohn' lust tiit lo IVa-JiliiErton City. In the Hind ad a eiisa. tional saw mill cllect ia inttn, brinir nothiinr moie or Icis than a complete ?at null in lull operation, cutting up genuine Innbei. 'Ihe Mtt is i uruunie buc or ciuuhi Mtt-, and tuts tluomrli liuibcr at lihfniii pteil, Ludwig', the Baritone. rl ho cehbiatod baiitoue, William l.udttiv:, for jeais ;i loading nunibn of the (ail lto.i and the American Open companies, and who Mawl-i at Ihe head of hi piofos-sinn as a sim;i r of ballads-, will Rite a mhi iccital at tlie L.ticuui on llecoialion ctenins. Nunc of our leadiue; nli ens ale intcic.sted in Ihe loniiugr of this cile hi lied finger. Ilis fiiiltiup; cf ln-di Polk l.oic and lin nicoinplMiinuits in In lull of the musical lilrialmc of belaud is of uco'nied meilt. Ml. I.iulttig is tlie possessor of a ttoudeinil toice, ponerfully le-onint and lias the ipnlilie. nrccasary to In in;; out tlie subtler ipialitios of nititp sonits and natite uimMirls.i, 'I lie Kuiglils ol i nlmnhus hate indoiscil In-, comius: and .u, liiking a li'.eiy inteicsl in this .sous iwil.il. Mi, I.ndtMg will lie assiitcd by Icadins tahul tthiih will be announced in a few il its, BASE BALL. National League, i iioston it. ii. i: I'lttsbmi; II 1 ' n fl 0 (I II 0-.I s I llftston i n -j 0 n n ii it -- i, ltitteiies-1 bcsliiii and O'Cuuiioi ; I'titlnsn and .Mor.iu. I nipue (('pit At I'lulailelphi.i - II. II. !:, '-t. I.ouis I 10 1 1 i ii II 7 -HI is I'liil.idelphii II I 0 II II (I il j n i, t llaltenes llaiper, 1'ottell and MilioN; Pus Bliby and llouukiss, t'iniiii'--N.i.i .nn I ( mi ninsham. At llioiikl.tu - II, II. i:. Iliookltu 0 II 0 -J II il i) 0 il-: s lliliagn 'J I n 'J (I n 1 a -') pi i lialteiiri.--i.lanics .i n. I I'.iinll; Taj loi ami Kline. I'mpiic llui-lie. t New Vml. , it. . I. (incliiuili ii o 0 a ii n o ii l l 7 etf Voik I II II I II ii ft 0 s In ( llaltenes .Si ttton and I'elt; Dublin ami llottrnu.iu, I'lupue-lltt.ti i. American League. t ( iiu.ij.i- it. p. i:. Philadelphia 0 11 ."i n a 0 0 0 I- pi ( liliai.il fl 0 7 II J 1 u 1 II II llitti'lh'a -I'lank and l'nttci; l-taei Hid Mm. ph.t ; K.lkill and Millltan; I hit liy and jifht(l. I'lupiu Maiiassaii, " Al Clct eland . U. ;, WasiinKton (1 j fl 1 .'! ft 2 I) 2-III IS llrtelaml oil lid I II ft l u- pi t llattrtics I'atlon, l.ce and drady; lluflu- and Wood. 1 nipiie L.mhllim, l Dftioit- It, II. i;. Ho. ton 1 II 0 (I -J ft ii 1 n- it Petioit 0 I i) I) ft 1 0 (I ft-'j ii llatlrric Vouns and SfliieckotiROsli Cionln and llueloif, l'nipiic Slicridan. At Mllttaukcc Iljltiiiioic-Milttankee, uu game, lain. Eastern League, lluflalo, S; llattford, . Itocliestrr, 4; Wouctrr, 6. 'Iniouto. S: Svraciise. ' Monlteal-l'toviderie, game stopped by tain at end ot tenth Inning with the score 0 ft, College Games. U CailMr- It. , 1: Indians ,,,0 ft 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 S S 2 Wash, and Jeh"son,.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 j . :, llittcrics-l'ratt and 1'lcicc; I.amhdon ami Gilkson. At Lancastei Bucknell Unltenity, 3; 1'iaiik I In and Manhall, I, BIGHT FOR GILMAN'S MONEY. One of the Blood Relations Says Mrs. Hall May Get S50.000. By Hxcluslto Wire from The Associated 1'irM. Atldiitu, (3a., JIuy 23. Pi-aspr J, Ull nian, of this city, ono of tho elulnmnts of tho estate nf Ueorgu Gilmuii, the nillllonalie, who died in March last at Ilrldgeport, Conn., has icturiied lioiiie. Mr. Oilman suy that a settlement of the contest over his halMiiotlier'H mill Ions Is near. Helen Hull will probably get $50,000. THE MARKETS. Wall Strut KtWw. N'etv Votk, May D. Today's tock market ot tered ury little thai Is worthy ol any comment. Still further ctldemc w.u Rltcn ot the abandon, inenl ot tlie trading to professional operators, iniwt ol them ot t lie rlass known as room trad ers who operato for a day's turn and tin not ollen Irate their iticoiihl open oter nlirht. 'Ihe iscc-Mttr motcincnt of tlie market Is the natural ione. ipicnce of tills iI.im ot operation. YrMcrdaj's nliciiKtli in the r.rlo slock was inilnlfllneil this inoinliiir and helped the nnrket to foiiio adtaiitK, most con.pluiou in about tlie same stocks as those which Miottcd stienttlh jestrnljy. Tlie liioietnent In Krle colillnued the subecl of inuili Interest, The tluory that tlie Uoitlil boulliwe.t rrn Rtoup of railways ttrro MrlvliiR for a trunk lino oullil to the Atlantic lound Its ndtocate, 'Ibis Invisibility was in il.elf illsturliliift to upccvi. lallte sintltnent its threatening to upset thi Hiatus ipiii in tin1 trunk line leirllory. De i lines of yt In New York Central, unit 2',i In l'cnnsjltanli (rate onic point of this apprehrn Men. l'or Ibis re.i'on tlie strength of Kilo had Iickiiii to lose lis fiinpatlielli' Inllueme before that hloik itcclt jlebleii lo the titer wrikness of the market. Ihe ab-orptlou in ailftiice wiu ny lieaty, blorks ot !i.iK In S.miO sliarcs ap pearing In the sales, t'niim I'arltle was (he llrnt Block lo (.how nolahle weakness. Northern l'.l clllo sold lip to -!05 during tlie iliy. iho fin tt celling inotrmrnt larrlnl prlics down from 2 In our 1 points. Thp weakness was setctest In the leaditig (jiiangcis. Pacllli. Trunk bines and winie nf Ihe luiporl.ttit t-pc laities. Ihe United Stales Sliel slocks shunt In tlie gineial weakness. To tal pales today, KW.UOO shaic. The bond market became Irregular Willi the dctelnpnirnt. of weakness on storks, 'lol.ll Kites, M,n:!."i,iiiiil. U. S. bonds tteie all iincliantfed on the l.ul call. The following qunlalions ate furnished The Tribune liy M. S. .Ionian k Co.. rooms 7li".70fl Meats building, bcranton, 1'a. Telephone WKO: Open- liicli. l.ott. Clos ing, csl. est. ins. Amciiiau Suar 11s 1 IS"! 1W UH Amcr. Tobacco 12H l-'iiVj l.'H lit'! All hisou 7 TS'i 7,'iii 7.j;; Atililson. I'r Iiv", lis1, !i7 11.' lliook-. Traction TH'i 7i!'4 7aU Ti Halt. .V Ohio I"! Idl HU'i M-',i (mil. Tobiiio 0") Wi TibH ."H (Ins. fc Ohio Wi l Is'i ','n Chic. .'; 111. l'et SJ'1, '.'l :'! '-'i t.t. I'aul 1MTn im 1VM Hi) lt.Kk Wand 11l',i l-ll'i 15.'! l''- 1)1. ft Hudson 1o"i Ind IfJ'j icli lan. L 'IcN., Pr r7-s ''"i '7 "7 l.mii-j. fc N.i'l Itiy-, I. h'.'s Hilli IH'i Man. Illciated 111 11V.. 11.1 ll.l't Met. Ti.utlon H.7U 1oV!i lMI'i 1H7ij MIkso. t'acitii' 1DI Vvt lOI'i Hit's Southern Pacific- 1771 l" MU 17 Noifolk & Wct f.1',1 Bl', W) M Xoith. r.iuiHc, Pr 07H '.'7Vi P7'.i i7'i n. v. Cciiti.it in7, 1.117, in ii" Ontaiio & West .T.:1, "I'i Hi "Wi l'enna. it. II llo lll'i lli'i ill Heading ft. Il'i M'h ll'a ll-'-t ltcadiiig It v., I'r. 7iini 77 TV 4 TS'i Southern II.. 11 -i'l"! Ml 'J'l 2') Soulb. It. 11., I'r s.m .sju sj .sj Tcnn. Coal .t Iron Sn ."iil'i ,ft WiiJ IT. S. Leather Il'i IPs 1 1'i I.')":, l ?. hcalhir, I'r 7-v, 7'HJ TS' Ti) V. S. Itubber 21 -M',4 i V'k riiinn I'.nifi IOJ'1 10.: ii,4 lftvPi t'nion l'acillc, Pr 8sT, 'n ss SS Wabash, I'r 12 IJ'i 10 10 Western Ciiinn !U'j 'li'-j 'i ''i Col. Tuel k lion 12 !i : 'il '' Atn.it. Copper 11V4 117'i 115 Id People's (las llili llj'i 11 Hi ll.f'i Ihio Il'i in lll'i "'"i Tras P.uillc Ifi-H 17a', t'.'i 11,'i Am. Car Koimiliy 2n'l 'Jiiij -Jii 2d C S. '.(eel Co 4l'i IK', l.l'i ll'a U. S. Sled, I'r. .Wi Pi''i PJ'.- W'v Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Did. Asked. First National Bank 1200 Scranton Savings (lank 350 Third National Bank 4M) Dime Deposit and Discount II ink.. 275 Economy Light, II. it I'. Co 46 Laeka. Trust Safe Deposit Co lr,) Clark & Snover Co, I'r 125 Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co 100 Scranton Axle Works 03 Lacka-vaura Dairy Co., I'r 20 County Savings Bank ti Trust Co.. 3D0 I'iist Vatioml Huu (C.ulioiiil.ili ) ;y, Standard Drilling Co 30 Tuilei. N.ilionil liii.k 17 Sitaiitcu Holt and Nut Co 100 I'lopb-'s II ink . ISO New Mi'Mi'o ll.v. A' H' Co "i BONDS. Scranton rasssngcr Railway, Drst Mortgage, due 1920 reople'j Street Hallway, flrat mort gage, due 1018 rcoplc's fettcct Hallway, General mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 115 113 100 102 102 Scranton Wholesale Maiket. (Corn 1 led bf II. (I. Dale, 27 l...ikatt.iniia A'") llutlei I'ici-Ii, ito-Ulic; dji, nt.,, l'i 1 21. "!. (heese I'ull cum in, old, Il'j,il2c.; full ne.nn, mtv, ll.lll'.ic. Kggs Western iu'sli, ll'ialJi.: ncib.i stale, 1,'i'ialiii. Il-Mits I'er bushel, 1 lioue uiaium, 2.ii"iit2.'Vi. Pea Hems I'ei biislul, 1 hoii e lumott, ls2.Vit sj. 11. Medium llealis I'. I bushel-. .'. Ill iri. I"i. liiein Pew I'ei lucshehs, s ft,is., f,, rioiu Ile-t intent, per banel, $1.1",. lied Kidney Beam Per bushel, '-2. j.i.2 50 1'ol.itoin I'd- bu-hel, ,)"i,u.(ii, Ibniiuda Onion- - I'er bushel, M.3ftaI.r.() New York Grain and Produce. Niw oik. May 2.1.- I'loiu- Dull and built clc.iil.t . Wheal -Spot ca-t , .u. 2 lid, S2i . I o, Ii. attiiu, and i'i7si. ebtaloi; No. I noiilnin Diihilli, Sl'.i. f, ii. Ii. atlo.it Options (.iion, alter a hlullliig deillne due to the nop uetts, adtauiiiig on liishi I ioiilliiuil.il cables ami ,u tite tinting fot both .mounts, uli.eipiently, liottetir, Ihe.t leaitul mwcuI iiudir lealiing and iIomiI easy at iai. ntt iliclim-. In -iili-in a he.ut evputt Hade. Mat, Nl'fiitiU'ii.: July, Tlie,; Si'pt.. Tin. I oin-lleiiipls, s2,IM); et. pints, .',1,217; epot tti-aki No. 2, lO'ii, eleta tin, -tint l.i7Hc, t, o. Ii. .lllo.it. Option 111,11 Ki l was dull and weak all ilil iinder tatoiuig imp lietts, lower i.llili'.-, libeial uieipts and unto ul ing, Clni.ul weak al -V. ilrilliii, despili- a big epotl tiadc. Mat clifeed I'lUi . i -liilji l!si.; Si pi., sihi, ()at-lleiiipt, 2.11,(11X1) -iil, 7,il'i."i; spot cash i ; No. 2, ."Jc, ; .No, .'), :1J ' . J No, -2 white ;i.lic; No. '' white. ISIi.s li.nk iihmiI tti-sietu, .U'.-allc; Hack while, illa.lTc, Options dull and l'.l-lu' with nun. Ilutlei stiad.t; iicaiueiy, 15 ill'c . ; facility, liable.; imitation lu-aineit, HalTc; elate daily, lj.tlei. Chie-e tjuiit; famy laige, coloied, T'iaM'.; lauiy luge, whin, h'ias'-jc. ; lancy miiiII, while, S1i.; fniti small, loluieil, S'ic. l)gg -Sleadt; state and I'uiiia., i:i'ji, western, i u giadul, l',..ilJ'e. ; wcsleni, i-rlutcil, l'lal.l!ie, Vhiladelphla Grain and Producb. I'ltiladelplita, Slay 21. Wln.it -i,ulit, sliady; louttait giade, Mi, Tim Tie. Corn -'41. lottn; Nu. U iiiixt-d, May, li-fial't, Oau btead.i , .No. 2 white clipped, MHsaXji. Ilullei luict; lauiy tti-slein iie.uni'i.t, IO'jc.; do, do, ptinto, 20i.; do. neaiby do., 22c, L'ggs -Steady; ftcslt nearby, lil'sc; do, ttcslciu, UVsalli1,) do, south, tw-toin, l'2',lc-,; do. southern, 12t. CIicim -I'iliu, lair demand; N. V, lull cteam.s, lauit sin ill, U'aC. ; do. do. do., fair to ihotce, hij.i P'je. Itelined sugata l'irm, good demand, fut ton Uiu hanged. Tallow Dull; city piitue in I1I11I1., I'UtTie.; lountry 1I0, do,, hbls,, lii JTie,; lakes, OiiaV.iji', J.itP poultry l'irm, lair deiiiauil; tottls, Hall'si'.; old toosteis, TaT'di,; spiing ihiikens, IS lo 20 (enls, as to quality; iluiks-, (li, Dressed poultiy Quiet; (owls, clioiic-, lO'ic; do. lair to good, IHaalOc.; old loostcts, Tc-.; lOJstlug chickins, tiocn, lOallu; tuikcis, fliven, lOaU'e. Ileicipts riour, l.W I'-uiel-, and l,S0,0iV) pouiiiU in saiks; wheat, 5,(mi) bushels; corn, 2:',. W) bnslieU; oits, ai.flnO. Sliipiuenls Wheat, 12, (Km bushels; coin, l.KO buiheU; oals, 0,000 bushels. Chicago Grain and Product. ( hicdgo, May 2). Weather anil imliiloirut lablci ilepicsoed tho wheat market, but cxnoit bale, bteadied it, and -Inly closed only -;c. bitt er, July coin tloi-ed 9r,, and May, l?ic-. lower. Oats shotted ,i closing decline of Ua'.ic., while piotislona closed a shade higher to flc, lower, Cash quotation wile a.s follottn: Hour Steady: No. 2 led wheat, I!i5sa7l5c-.j No. '- corn, i2!8at7c.; No, a jellow, UalTc.j .No. 3 oato, SUlfjaJOe,; Ko. a white, :i0',saatc,; No. !l wlilte. atl'iaSOiic; No. 2 lje, 5Je. ; good ireding lurley, 10c-,i fair to ihnico malting, lia'ns-. j No. 1 flat iced and No. 1 noillmcsU'in, fl US; ptlmo tiinothj 6icd. $.1.60; inesi poik, $11 TOall.T.I; laid, !r.3.13a8.22(i; fhort rib, ifo-n S.23; diy failed shoulders', bftiTi.; short cleJr sldci!, y12',i;aS.2j; whiskey, 1.27. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chit ago. May ft!. Cattle ItcccipU. O.tsiO; tterii, dilltc, strong lo KV. hlghci; Lutein it,' stoik, Meady; gcod lo piimo slcctii, V."0aU; poor lo medium, ifl,2i)a1.2U: ttotkeis diid feed, us. slow, (amy up to -rJ-lJ, i-Ja3; iott, $i.K)a I.TU' hrifcis, W.miil.'JO; cannets. fci.'i'S.r'.u); bulls', steady, J.. 1,10; cjltcs, Jithc, iiOa-VX- THE TRIBUNES "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines. ,1 Cent lor liach Uxtrn Line. Tor Rent. For Reoto - - Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steatti Heat and Electric Light. ' Also 1 200 feet of floor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Enquire at office of The Tribune. iOIt lillM'-fliooni house, corner W'atnc .-itenuo and l'uttiatu lnct; Lot ami cold witter; none but. email family need apply. JT0.I Wajne atcmie. I Oil HUNT In Itallon, cottage of nine rooms, furnUlied or uiifutnii.hcd, for the season i for ear; lite in'nulrh to station; one or tho best locations in llalton; houe nearly new, Apply to O. W. Cinllon, Dalton, Pa. PJ!) C-ltLlIN Itllini: SI'MXI'. ten rnomi. modern improtcments; btcatu heat fuinishrd; ilcslr desirable. For Sale. I'OU SAI.i: A Iiandsouic male hi. Item ml doc, 1(1 months old; kind and u-ui lo ihlldien; cm uite pcdli;iec; will noil iheap. II. L. Jlay, Caibondale, l'a. ri.N'i: llOIISi: V0n S.I.i: Al etety wav; just the lioise for a lady to ditte, lCKiilar pel. Also a line bay roadster, sound in eteiy w.t; pond pole hoie or -slntrle driter. llotli hist tlass loise?. Apply t-.l!) Mrnroe aenue. rtlll SALi:. Cllnket -built, lound botlom and flat bottom ll.hinir boiU. . A, l'aekeiiil and .1. Curtis-, loinu- Chilli and 1'otntli Mieiti, Dunniorc, (,'a 1 Ol! f-ALK-Paiiii',- boise. It urn -1 and raniaire. A luiwin fur c.isii. A. II. Ilaker, l.'.'i tjuimy atrnue, llutitunir. Furnished Booms. I'Oll ltLNT One latse fniiiMicd fiont loom; al.o ono side loom, MT Ailanui avenue. Wanted To Buy. 'A.NTi:i A MiuM seiond hand fiiepinot safe. Addless ;lsl) ( iiuiiill IjililrllliLr. Wanted To Exchange. I WMI TO t:.( IIANlJi: a roikI buildiucr l"t it I'n.tutelle, l'a., nu ihe O. .v. U It. I!., lot a ncntle boise, h.lrlles and iiiu.ui dihcss llnv. WIT, I'mist Citi, I'.i. Boaiders Wanted. A.N Ii:n Table builders. Mt-. 'lonipkin-, .Ml UiushiiiKtoti atiiiui-. Booms and Board. Ll!Cii: flunt room with boaid for two Rentle luen, llli Adam atomic. Money to Loan. SI0.Ni;V lo loan on immoted lily leal estate. iii:msy ui:i.ix. .nt. ciias ii. vm:i.li.s. 'IIIOMAS spkaoui:. sS-.J lO.ntK) TO LOAN' l.ott e-t n.tei; -tiaisbt nr ir.outl.ly pajments. Stalk .v. Cu.I'i.iilets' lildc!. A XV AMOUNT OP MO.N'IIV TO LOAN -Quick, kttal,-;l I Icons ot Hulbiini; and Loan. At fiotn t tc per cent. Call un N. V. Walker, 311-Jl'i Council buililiiu'. Employment Agency. KA.NT.'S LMI'LOV.MIAT lU'lllIAC. UT Uki wamui atenut', tluds .situatinus tin ill i lasses and naliiiiialil.t ; towns, i it and nauiiit. Man wjntiil. Dinpln.teis intitid. 'Pliiine 1IJ. I'm sion i ktiiiH ami tnp,iiii attiiiilid to. hiuliet. s-J.iil,-, T .n tul -leei-, l 1 ia."i. Hi; 'li as bulls, s.j ,,-,i.i.'.,i llnj'r Ileicipts I'dn, Il.liou. liiuiolliitt, .'-',- dun; leli mi'i, l,;im, .uiite, -iioiia;, in . 1,1! Iiet ; unud il'll.i'll', tni, sj.Jlj; m (.,1 and biiiiluis, c" '',.' "'.''T, ::inid tn ibniii- hiatt, s", T.'ia'i.'rji,-; unnii lis-, f.ii'.i.."ii; lio,, s",ll."i.l"i.s.'l; "mllv i. -lies ', T.ia "i.s I, .-lin-p-lllielpts, 11,11111; thiep mid .tiMtllln:., st.-.iilv . I illlbs, steid.i ; nnd In t Imu e ttetbeis, s..IOil il"; tali- to ibiilie uiisid, 1 . 1 ." 1 1, in; tvi-siini siinp, stl.ldil .; .leailinus, oL.ni.Tii; natite lambs, v, lliaVi),; wi-li-iu 1 inili, kli"i.ii, New York Live Stock. Nut- mk. Mtt -'I.- Ill eves - .Nullum; d"ins in tin1 i.iltli- taiilsj feelnn; steadt. ( altis, ,-i .nly ; teals, si.i;-,,,-,.:,-,; Inn lei mill, s, imiuliiil. hiri and lambs -Matkel quiet bin steail.t ; clipped slurp, MjI.m); 1 lipped lambs, s.1 il. Ill; Willi mi piliue nfteied; piiuii' lambs, S7 ;,ii, llu's -Nniuinallj a itltle ttiak. East Liberty Cattle. Last l.ibeil.t. May "it, Ciltlc-Moult , rstii, s.",.7uri.S'i; piinii-. s"..V)i7,ii".i 1,'i't'il, '! .!0a"i. III. liuKi l.ottet ; ptiine heavies and bed inedluiui, s'l.tU.a.'ili'i; heavy .tnikir. Vi.'iiia'i.n-Ji..; llaht In., Nl.e.'ia'i.IKi; piKi, -rVTuij n'i; sl.lis, sIT.H o.-'i; louiflis, s.1.1".. "at. Sheep-Mow; best wellius, s,;i.-M,ii. ,in( , lambs, '.,.;t.-ii'',,-xij cuuiuiou lo k I. st", -jj, veal elites-, .'i.,'iia",,T."i. Buffalo Live Stock. Last Hull. llo, Mat' J.I. Itmipts Indi.t: (ai de, SI cii.s; sheip and liiuhs, :i'i i.n,; lnir, 11 Liii.-i. Cattle t'iKhanuiil; ciIii-h, ilinhe i clia, fi.riDa.'i.ls'ii lamb., ihoiit! to evlia, if'i.ii.'i.Ti); Sheep, iholir lo e.vlia, il.rlal.T.'i. llojfs-lleaty, 'Hl.oiad.lO: plija, n'i.T.'u'i.SJ, Oil Market. Oil City, May ill.-Ctedlt lialaiues, in,; in tilitalr, no bid Shipments, iW,n;-'! atrtase, P.l,2.li. Huni, lul.'ill; aveiar, li.7.l'). KINGSLEY. Special to the Scranton Trihun. KliiRhloy, "May 21, Jlrs, ij,ip, of .Scranton, c-allod on fricmls horo Tues day. "W, X. Whitney is nmliliipr u dlioit visit with I'PlntlveK at Hiimltaniton. .1 F, Adams vvns In llallsteml Tues day, Sirs, ,T, limine rm ft 11 and hoii. Tatil, of .Si'ianton, aio biiphIs of ri'latlvcs Iipio, Miss Nnnco Monro, of "Now Mliiord, was a recent guo-st at tlio homo of her brother, F, K. Mooio. Miss .May Carpenter, of Ilopbottoin, was a caller horo Monday, Ills (IuiikIi lots, JohIo and Mildred, htivn been ad iitlltod to tho llaifoid Soldleih' Or pliau school. Mrs. 1), A. C'.ipwoll and daiiffhters, Mildred and Dorothy, worn in town Tuesday. They were aiTinnpaiilcd by Mis. A. T, llrnndHKo, of llaifoid, wlto tviiu irtuniliis with them to their home at Kcranton. AMATEUR BASE BALL. Rcliutzri'l Hustlers will play the Cnlou Notts. hojj a came ot ball on rJituida, jy :,, jooi, at 3 oMoek p. in. on the Modoi' gioumli, Will meet at lic old Delavtaro and Hudson depot. Sihutm'a Hustlera will play the I iilou .Nettn bo.tf on the Modois' Held SJtuuljy altrriiooii at 'J o'cloik, Hauls I'lank, inanasi'i; J. S. hihul. r, vaptalit. SITUATIONS WANTED PUEE. Wanted. UANTIID-Tlllnuie of Milili I', imnil li i.eiiti per mpy will be pud at Tribune otllce. Help Wanted. Ill.t.l' W AN'I'HI) Mm ttlid vtoinen etrljtvliere lo In iriltl work; laijji' i i-ltu lis and mi Ury lo Mm refill ptrttia. Add.csi 1', O. llo .No. .Nj, I'lllstou, l'a. Help Wanted Male. V AMIlll-Satesman .iniMintcil In Sciantnu jiul , neaiby luwiH. Call tioui t a, in. I" 1-! in. and (J lo II p. in., at 'the Co lie. Jeve lllnshaiu. UA.VIT.P-Wcll drrsed linn of budui-s-i etpetl clue, capable nf liandllnir lutostmenl vvlllt tiel pinple, ntatc line. Aihltiv-i Houiil UlS Iltcvcl bulldiiK., I'hlltdelphla, l'a. TAII.OIt WANTLD-hleaily vtotk. liiriilic.' tldlil Hour till Wjoinlw; .m'nue, at once. tt.n:l-.l The Holland, a iitsl-cl i.-tj diet 01 i nok at onie. ALTIVi: MAX bt- la rise maunfaeturlinr lloixe to vtotk at home. $.111.00 in i-.i.-li paid fot Incite ditV I rial; promotion and peiminent posi tion il Mtlsfartuit. v.ildroi, Daniel II. Shcpp, TJ.I hcsliiut strrct, I'hiladelphi.i, l'a. WAX'I LD-Salesmen. tratcllnc or local; weekl salaty paid. Ilciriik Sieil Co., Iloihcslci, Help Wanted Femnle. Olltl. V.vn:i)-Knr cener.il bou'ettoik in small fimllj-. ulT ebtcr avenue. WA.STI'D-Nn oflieo maul. Address with full pailiinl.it-.. ., . '.., Tilbiine olllic. WAXTIII) -Three deinonstiatoni; tli'V-e under sl.iitiliiicr dicssmtkluK piefctied; Rood sal.uy Ktiniaiitieil In riht p.itltes. Call at I'auiot house, ill". Washington ateuue, after T p. m. Agents Wanted. W'AXTTM") AkciiIs lo sell our vcimin powder I'M Lice on roulti.t. I lnis.es-, Cattle, 1'le.n on Dons. l.atEi' can, "5 nuts, al our nlilic, 110 I'auli Iliilldins, !-iiinton, Pi. Sent by mill, V) lints, s.00 our ml.. Two Little Heats, in this paper. Heart Vriiuln Powder Co., Dillon, l'a. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.I)i:ttl' -CIII.C'IZ. comer Mulbeiiy iticit and Webster ateuue. (IL'i-rAV I'lCHLL, t. Adam-i avenue. West Side (iLOIKii: W. .ir.SltlN'P, lOl N.ulh Main atenue. South Scranton riti:i) I. TLIH'IM:. T) Cedn atenue. North Scranton (ll.O. W. 11 Wis, fotnet Not tit 31 .In attune ami .MaiktL stietl. Gieen Bidge CUVItl.l'.S I'. .IOi:S. l.'i'.T Diik'un iiteuui1. r. .1. IOIINS, '10 Giein Itidse slicel. C KlItLN, mini t Ua-binton ate- nue and Muinn snct. Petersburg W II. ItN'I.PITIL, 1017 liiin-,- atiiuie. Dttnmoie .1 (i. Iioni: s. o.V. Beal Estate. l.liill) -ll.ijs s inoin, single hnu-e, t-'oml will. Lot llltix'MI. Sii.intoii stuel, Daltiin, I'l. Weill .V Iteatur s,s'ii-Huts buihlhi;.' loi, liKfJi. Wheeler ate. nue. .Wilis Ki-atei, lliur llnildiii. W.IHK) llu,n double hou-e, T looms nn a side, all iiiipiiitiuieuls, i-viipt i is. Di-ju stint, I'loti dime Wills ,s. Itclrl. Business Oppoitunity. AN H'lNOI' (MTT'.lt We will si ill toil ill hil-b iii-ss and xite ton a so pill nt line pi-ilmn-iil Hiii.ii II uis It -e, il .tun will ail .is out .incut. Ui- in. ike this ml 'I In lullodtl'i' uiu- siiiU .in , to mm nn- im-iiis iii ui-ii h'l.illtt; 10 mils lm biinliiu In ik and pntii iilais. Wistihisi.r llllbblllt, lllill I'.lik, nllks, N. . S--j.mli, INM-ITIH hi a iiiinii..lkii will m-uih' s iIii led pnsltlmi al s)im , uiniitli and iinu-mi-sinu. I'm p.iituul lis addiess I'. O. tlo ail, i laniiui, l'a Proposals. PIIOI'Os.M.s Hill . teieitid lm the jaiilliiihii ol the smipsnii Metbndlsi ilnuiti tint I M.n l. AiMisuli (base, Nth WllKh.v, .1. 1', JI.IU dulph, Cnuillllltci- s;.l.i:i I'H'IPOMI.n will be luenid up to an I iiiiIiiiIiiik lull" l-t lur the piihliciliou ul a tioutiuii iiiai.iiim,- lm the national uiuteiiiinu ul Hie Mill l fi .111 Till l.llinll nt Labor In In- In Id in this lilt iluilli. Il-ii-inhir. pioi Ml bids In hi mule to (,',-oiui 1. ollm i, sH,jj nml Ttitsiuit, I'. II. Il) No. IIT, ci.iM.'H. l'a. Situations Wauted. W NT I'll -I'lisittui, b.v a vouiiK nun, ace t!, as liookkitpel in .i-i-l.uil and l.tpotttilel, whin- ii I hud ttoik i. ills lot ailt.iuci iiiiiil. .No epi-iiiiiie i-vupl i thoiuiuh bu-ii.i.s mll-ito 1 1 .1 1 1 i HI4 : i .in -itte .eti-iiuii' as lo i li.ti.ic ti i ; am wllliiis. to n .itiittlieie in this state white stu'U uili-nt Kill lo biisiiiis-i will be appiiilatid; tioin ptuuiaii; cotie-pondi tin solli iti-d. Addh-.s Wes. Ii II. Weatu, l.opi, Miilivau inuiil.t, l'a. TWO (IIIILh ttnuhl like positions as tt lilti-s-is, ibainbiiniahl-i or doinu suoiid woik! Iie.c of tcfiuiiiii can hi- fuinl-hid, ddiis llo t7, Diuioik, suMiui-liaiuii lotuii.t, Pa. hill AT ION W' vVi'LD-Ht a woman to gu out li.v daf w.isliili.-, Iroiiltur in ileanliu'. Please c ill or addres .Mis-, lliis-(l, UP) Culai atuiue, cliv. ACIIVi: WOVIV.X disii s a iio-ii ton a maul to l.nlj, or iniild cue for invalid tss.-iitleiti.iu. Addiets 31., tlll nfll.t. SI'irVTIOX WANTLD liy a man Kiadiiur siu clciiss ot rpuliiiK or uittluK lattics. ur flvluu; (idevtalks, or any kind ot tvoil;. Addle-.-., lino I'tovideuio ltoad. sITT'VTIOX WANTTHI- II) .i vouus man, willin,; lo vtorl. at .iti t liii.u- -m Imni-li ttood nbi eniis. A'liii iv.-t II, It,, sl'i .liilcisoit ateuue, tilj. MH, IN Till; .MVTTIIU nf designation o iirtvsi.ip i In Ihe Dtstiic t Cmtrl of Ihe I mud stales lot tlie Wislciu dUtriit of IV-iiii.jltJiiia. n. is. (uuilii of b.iukiupuy shall bt older dcslttuato a nettspjpei' puhluiud tttlhiii linn l spictive teililnilal dittiits, and in the county In vtbitlt tho liaiiktupi ici-ldn or the major pan ol Ida piopeity U situate il, in which iiot,,t-s le quiud to be published by this act and oidets wliltlt Hie i mill nuy direct to be puhllrlied sbtll be iuseited. An.v lotitt may in a piulculai' cist, lor the loutculin(i) ot uitie in Intend, ilesiii ii.ua some addilioii.il nittspapir in itluih iiolui's and oider.-i in suilt ciso shall be publUbcd. t Sitautun, in said dUitiil, at a loutt if baiikruptiy liibl betorc (. A. au Woiiuer, lief rice in llatikiupliy of said conn, on the -dh dav oi Aptil, A. II , imi. Il ii hen by oideied that all lioturj and onion iiiiuilid lo In- piibllslied In bauklupliy pi Hi'id lliS III tlie IDIIIlty of I.H'k.lWJlllU in Mid di lib!, be puhlishul in tlie si union Tribune, a il.ill.t ii(ttsgpcr puhli-hcd In Hie uty ( t-uJU ton, count) of LaikatvaiiiM and dislilit .note said. C, , VAN' WOHMI.lt, Hefrice TO WIIDVl IT 31 V (OMKHN 1 wain all pai titu mt lu site iiedll to my wife on my ui uiuul, as 1 will not be u-spouslblo lor any delta conlucud by lu-i. Itudclpll Wjrnckj. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Lines, 6 Cents for Bach Extra Llna, PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. t:. a st'AUi.m.N'tt, ujo iiiioauwav, m;w Votk. Architects KDWAlll) It. D.U'18, AUCllirUVr, CONN'LI,!, liullilliii;, nti:ni:mcK i tiitowv, aucii. n iTriTu ll-ttale t:thatiK0 lllilit,, 1W Washington v. Dentists, int. o. i:. i:ii,T:Nnr.itar.ttPAUiT luiii-biNt., t-piuio Bluet, yerantou. Hit. C. 0. LAHIIACII, 115 WVOMI.NO AVKNUK. Lawyers. I'HANK K. HOYI.i:, ATT0nSi:Y.AT-I.AW. K001111 1'.', II, 10 and IS tlurr biilldlnij, 1'. K. TltACV,ATT'V,COltONW:At,TiriiioOiL I). It. ltl'.I.(!l,i:, ATrottNK,V-1.0ANS Nlltll). t Illicit on teal estate sciutlly. .Mean tnillditiir, corner Washington avenue and fpruic sltcot. WILLAltD, WAURI'.X t KXAI'l. ATIORNK.S and counsellors at-latv. ltciuhlican building, Wnshinston avenue. JCSSIIP & .IlkSSHI. ATTOH.VKYS AND COUX. Fclloivat-l.it.-. Coitimonwcaltli bullillnff, rtifoim 10, 0 mid V!l. IinWAIH) W. TIIAYI'll. ArrOllXIIY. ItOOMS tXH-tiftl, Olh lloor, Mean bultdintr. I. A. WA'rniN. ATTOItXI'.Y-AT-LAW, BOAI1D of Trade building, i-cranton, l'a. I'ATTKnsOV .t WILCOX', TRAUKItS' NATIONAI, Hank building. C. COMIIOYS. 0-1.1 lllM'UnMUAM nUILDINO. A. W. IlKltTIIOLP, OITTCU J10VKD TO ISO. 211 W'.tontin? avenue. Physicians and Sugcons. DP.. W. i:. ALLLN, fill! NOUTH WASHI.NOTOX DR. R. W. IAMOIIHAIJ.V, Ol-'FlCi: KIO WASH intcton avenue, Itosldcnie, 1318 Mulbeiry Chronic disease, Iiiiiks, heart, kidncja and Renito-utinaiy oigans a specialty. Ilour9, I to 4 p in. Hotels and Besturants. Tin: i:i.k cait:, 12.-, axi in franklin avenue. ll.itea reasonable. I. ZKIOUJR, Proprietor. sciiaxtov liousi:. Ni:.n d., l. & w. r.s- heiiKer depot. Conducted on the Kttropcan plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. 11. URHifiS CLIIAXS PRIVY VAULTS AXI) cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. I), lit IKS, ptoprictor. Leave ordcrti 1100 Not til Main atenue, or Dicke'a ilrui? Btore, eor iicr Adiiin and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. (i. It. CLARKH & CO., StXHSMUN AND NIIRS erymen. stnie 201 Washington avenue; grecr housis, l'lfiO Noitli Main atenue; store tela phone, Tai. Wire Screens. .10SITH KUirnTlL, nilAR Oil I.ACKA. AVE, Scianlnn, Pa., manufacttner of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DHI'SsMAKINfl l'OR CIIILDRIIX TO ORDER; also ladies' vval-l-i. Louli Shoemaker, SU Adami avenue. MCCAHRI'l. IlltO?.. I'lUNTHRS' supplies, en t lopes, paper baR3, twine. Warehouse, 1.10 Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. TUL WILKLSIlMtllH Itr.CORD CAN BE HAD in i-'itanton at Hie news (.lands of nelim.tn Hios., 100 f-piuco and 50.1 Linden; M. Norton, .' 1'.' Lackawanna avenue; 1. S. Schutter, 211 Spruie btreel. Political. l'lllsl Li:(is,,.MTM: JMhTTUCT Notice is hen- bt Kiten to Ihe llepublicati voteis ot the I'lisi lei;ilatitu ihstilit, oi Laikawanni county that a pinuaiy ihctlon villi bo lidil on Satur d.it, .lime . 1101, at- tho rreular polling places, biiwei-ii the liniin of I and 7 o'clock p. m for the puiposi' of eleclliiR t.vo deleiiatca to lepte bent the said liKi-lalive ihsliict in the comm it! publii an state convention to bo held in Hni ii-bii. Tin- coiitiiitloii to compute the vote will he held on TTit'sd.ij, .lune II, 1001, at 10 n'clo. k a. in. in lu-opuatite hall, Xoith 3tam atenue, in S lanluii. In aiioidanri- with Iho lilies Rnteriiinu tho ili-tlht, Ihe i I nd Ida I es will be voted for directly in llo volets ut the polls and must teRlsteV Willi the ilistikt ihillin.in his full nunc and posinltne adiluss, and pay his aieCMinpiit. lifteen dats In fine the flection, or ids name will not 1m plauil on the oitlcl.il ballot, neither will at-y totes cist for linn be (ounled. Tin- dislitct viKll.iiu'i' inunnittee in vattom ptr lincls will minimi the diction, and the result will lm lepniled by Iho leluili juilgci to the ills, tin I iiiutentiun, whidi will be composed ot jiulKcs of tlie vaiious distiicts. wilt Ii u luitice containing fuither Instiiu lions will be millid lo eaih number of Hie ..aid dis. llict tisllai.ee loiiuuittee. li. W. .lrnkin, I'h.ilnn.lli I'ilsl Livisl.itito District. Vltrsl :- Waller Miuii.suii, rfeilt-taij, Tlllllll l.l.dl1-!. VIIVi: DIVIHIOT-Xotlce le In In kIvi-u that the He publican standinc ccmiultti'i' of tin Third Lcicislatiw dtstticl of Lukattaiiiu county, his Ihul t-'alurday, the ilm day of .lune. 1001. bitttern tint boons of 4 and 7 p. in. as llu- time for lioldlm the prunatti.s tor tlie ihitloit ol di-lit-ate-. lo tho stale contention, and 'liti-iliv, the J'.lli, al 2 p. in., oa the dtl- oi Iho i.iiim nliun of le t ill 11 jiulfris. "L.ult cindldale must lijiister Id full nam and po.totiift addles '.villi tho ihairman or seueiaiy and (.lull pay In assimetit at lei.t twenty "ilavsi befoto thn plliiury eleilion, or hi, i.juiit will not be ptinlcd on tlie ballot," Should no hum'! thin tho riiiiltrd number of candidal!, iiiti-trr, tho chaiinnn and ..crrrtarv nhall ilul.uo Hie piisuii oo teuiileieil to lie the ihiW elriliil itch calc-i in iHirsiijiuo ot-the pro visions ot Hub- ''.'i. Hy otder of ' '. OsCMt VANHLMvlRlv", Chiltman, Attest:-.!. 1' WVIKINU, ecetaty, r-cranlon, l'a., May 18, HOI. FTVIWCiflZ. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Karp.qit "loothly UfcTi Retiirni. DL31. Tlipnclor,l'uiiill'ayiSenil-ninnthlt The ohhst eslabllihed ill Antciiia, Vn crrtlftcate holder Ita-i evet, lo,.t. a crut, Paimnits.nudf lo nil siibsiiibeia rrrty l.'i daj. No tioubtr, No delay Money lefuuded on detnind Write, lo day mr pntiiiilai, fne lo any addrci,' V. V.. Maikiy ii Co., Hudson Illd'tr,, New Voik, $100,000 COLUIflBUS RAILWAY tOv 4 and 5 B ON D S I'ltll pailliulars), 0n ipptic-atiou. Rudolph Klejbolte & Jo. , X Nat3s.au St., NewTork. ,