The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Taken In Charge by the Police Yes
terday Afternoon Large Number
of Articles Found at Their Home
Which Were Identified by a Num
ber of Persons as Their Property.
Charles Taylor Had His Fingers
Badly Lacerated While Playing:
with Cartridges.
The sns)octs In the lunch xtoullliK
riiHoH referred to in this ih'imrlineiU
yesterday, were urrested hy l.lutiten
nut AVIlllatns iind nqtiiul yesterday uf
teriioon ami held In $300 ball each by
Police Magistrate DiivIch. They are
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas It. .tones, of
I Mi South Uroinley avenue, who liuvtj
lien under survelllunee fir some
A seareli warrant was proeurel yes
terday ami tin? patrolmen went tci the
Jones house, and there found many
nf the missing articles, all of which
were arranged about the house In a
neat manner. The owners were noti
fied and Identltled the woods found In
the house.
Among them wore a chair owned by
.lames lirlflllhs. of i:!l Washburn
street; carpel and cushion, the prop
erty of Mrs. T5. !'. Khvhner, of l.'O
South Hyde park avenue; jardiniere
and plant from Dr. Palne's residence;
small table belonging to Mrs. Mc
cracken, of South Hyde Park avenue;
locker, owned by Mrs. limner Price,
and a glass Jug. from Mrs. D. M.
.tones. South .Main avenue.
I'poii entering the premises, three
rooms in a basement, there was noth
ing to Indicate that the above men
tioned articles had been stolen, so
deftly had they been arranged, even
the earpcf being laic: on the floor.
T he flowers stolen had been planted
in the yard.
A number of oilier articles In the
bouse have not yet been Identllled.
and If any more are missing they
Mioulil be reported to Lieutenant Wil
hums. The culprits were unable to
furnish ball and spent the night in
the station house... 'I'hey assert that
I lie goods were purchased by them
from a man whom they call "Hill."
but whose Identity they cannot re
veal. .tones lias partially confessed the
thefts, but tit tributes the vork to his
ion s.m.i: at
Summer Comforts
For Sensible Men
'The men who make life worth living
during the warm months of the year,
are the men who take advantage of
the ways and means provided by
fashion's decrees.
For the Present Summer
Comforts and Styles Are Many
For Example
Men's Plaiu White Negli
gee Shirts iu assorted de
signs or with fiue tucked
fronts. The dressiest and
newest comfortable of all
Negligee Shirts.
The Popular
Reversible 13 inch Four-in-Hand
Neckwear has
first choice among well
dressed gentlemen this
season. But there are lots
of other pretty styles.
Grand Values in Hosiery and
Underwear for Gentlemen or Young
hen This Week.
Globe Warehouse
wife, who appears to he somewhat of
a kleptomaniac. Hoth of them nro
about 23 years of oro, and have been
married but a short time.
Tracks Should Bo Removed.
The present condition or Hwetliind
street, between Main and Itroniley
nvnime, and the number of nccldonts
and narrow escapes that linvu oc
curred there, emphasizes the necessity
for the removal of the street car
tracks from that street. This thor
oughfare Is too narrow for a street
car track and being the main ap
proach to No. 18 school, the children
are constantly In danger of being run
do, vn.
There are now largo, ruts In the
nlripl alongside Hie track at seven!
! laces, and there Is not room enough
on either side til" the track for a good
sized wagon to pass at certain points.
There Is an opportunity for the com
pany to remove Its tracks from a wet
land street, and extend Its North
Main avenue line through "West Park,
and thus roach the upper districts of
the Fourth and Twenty-llrst wards,
Tills route would afford an easy grade
and at the same time reach a section
of West Seranton which promises to
be the finest home site III town within
the next few years.
Annual Auxiliary Social.
Tile young ladles' auxiliary of the
Women's Foreign Missionary society
wilt hold their annua I .social in the.
church pallors this evening. An ex
hibit will be made of the drawn work
done by Mrs. .James It. Hughes' class.
An admission fee of ten cents will be
charged, and lefreshmetits will be
served free. The following programme
will be rendered: Singing from "Chorus
of Praise:" Invocation, Knv. II. '. Mo
Dermott: selection, Simpson iiartotte:
recitation, "Only n Little Baby lilrl,"
Miss Jessie Florey; vocal solo. Miss
liva Kittle; reading, "The Story of
Klteja," Miss ICtliel Pease; piano solo,
Miss Grace Cramer; reading, "1'ncle
Jacob tit the Feet of the Heathen."
Miss Mary Daniels; singing from
"Chorus of Praise."
Temperance Mass Meeting'.
The following programme u 111 be
rendered at the temperance moss meet
ing in the Jackson Street. Uaptlst
church tomorrow evening: Remarks by
chairman: winging, "O CountryOrand:"
prayer. Rev. F.. A. Ttoyl: singing, Sous
of Temperance Glee club; address,
"The Saloon and the Home," Mrs.
Hailey: singing. "Marching to Vic
tory." Loyal Crusaders.
The meeting- will be in charge of the
Sons of Temperance, the Loyal Crusad
ers and the Women's Christian Tem
perance union. Mrs. Hailey lias spoken
a number of times in the county dur
ing the week and all who have heard
her weipwell pleased. All persons who
would like to hear a good temperance
lecture are invited to attend.
Home Missionary Meeting.
The Ladies' Home Missionary society
of lilt; Simpson Methodist. Kpiscopal
church held an interesting session last
evening at the Inane of Mr. and Mrs.
AV. W. Davis, on South Hyde Park
And of Course
The suspenders have to
be considered. A hundred
styles iu silk and lisle
thread, light weight webs.
Fast colors that will not
injure shirts.
And Then You
Want a Belt a good look
ing belt, aud one that's
serviceable. Belts for all
dressers and conditions of
men at popular prices.
They're all new.
avenue. The devotional exercises were
led by Mr. II. U. McDcnnott, wire of
the pnstor, and llicro were Icsboiis
taught In homo mission work.
Mrs. Frank Hrynnt save a rendltiK
on "LIUIe Alt Ktic," and Mrs. II, M.
MnsR rend nn Instructive paper tin
"Slavery In America," Mrs, W. AV.
Davis presented an excellent paper on
"Our New Possessions," and Mtas
Haclicl Jones pave a reudhiR on "Homo
Missions." This was followed by other
exercises, and at the close refreshments
wore served.
lad's Narrow Escape from Injury.
John, tlie,sovon-ycarold son nt Pa
trolman Bavld Parry, had a narrow
escape from serious Injury on Wednes
day, tie was plnylnpr with a number
of other boys on Hwctlnnd street, and
attempted to run In front of a passing
street car, when ho was knocked down
by Iho fender, and luckily escaped un
injured. The motorinau noticed the boy and
stopped his car, and found- that young
Parry was not Injured, having been
thrown away from the ear Instead of
under It. Several months ago a boy
named ICrnest Kerber, residing In the
same Vicinity, had several of Ills toes
smashed under a car. and It became
necessary to amputate his leg at llio
knee Joint.
Boy's Fingers Amputated.
Charles, the 3-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. AVIItlnnt Taylor, of Lafay
ette street, had the four fingers and
thumb of his left hand so bndly lacer
ated recently that amputation was
necessary. The little fellow f on nil
some cartridges In n coat pocket In the
hoiiFP and threw them In the stove.
An explosion occurred, aud resulted
In the laceration of his hand. The ex
plosion and child's screams att ranted
the attention of his mother, who was
In another part of the house, and she
quickly ran to his assistance. Dr. J.
J. Cart oil was called and found It
necessary to amputate the fingers and
thumb. The boy Is recovering from
the shock, but his Injury Is a very
Pjilnful one.
Lukns-Shusko Case Aired.
Alderman John conducted a hear
ing last evening iu the case of John
Laikus vs. Michael Hhusko and John
Martin, the men who were mixed up
In a scrap last Sunday night on I.u
sseriie street, In which both Lailcas and
Sliusko were cut up quite badly.
Attorney P. F. I.otighran appeared
for Sliusko and, Martin and John It.
Kd wards for l.iiltus. After hearing
the evidence, which was substantially
as printed In The Tribune, the alder
man held both defendants to ball in
the sum of S.1A0 each for their appear
ance at court.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The shirt waist class will meet this
evening at T.1.1 o'clock. There is now
room for new members In this class,
All girls and women admitted whether
members of the association or not.
The junior hewing class meets every
Friday at ::.::0 p. in,, under the able
uiamigeincnt of Miss Anna Morgan
and Mrs. Harry Xelmeyer.
The outing committee invite all
young women to go with them to the
woods within walking distance on Sat
urday. All wishing to join us will
please meet promptly at 1 o'clock at
the rooms. If the weather pertnlus, ue
expect to enjoy a hunt for wild llowers.
Tlie gospel meeting on Saturday at
7.1.1 o'clock will be led this week by
Miss Italic! Powell.
Two Funerals Yesterday.
A requiem mass was celebrated In
St. Patrick's Catholic church at li.SO
o'clock yesterday morning '.,ver the re
mains or the late Mrs. Move Marion,
who died on Tuesday at the lesidenee
of her daughter, Mrs. Henry I'anavnn,
303 Pleasant street. A requiem mass
was celebrated by Itev. P. I-:. I.avelle,
and interment was made in the Cathe
dral cemetery. The pall-hearers weio
Martin Uiirrell, Domlnick Ilea ley. John
Cawley. Patrick (lilroy, John Kagan
and John Farrell, of Jeimyn.
The funeral services over tin- re
mains of the late Mrs. Kvan It. Jones
were held at the family residence, on
North Uroinley avenue, at -' o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Many friends and
l'elativex were In attendance. Uov.
Hush Davies. pastor of the Plymouth
gregational church, olllciated, and In
tel meiii was made in the Washburn
Congregational church, oqiclated. and
interment was made In the AVashburn
street 1 emetery. The pall bearers
were c. Powell, Thomas It.
Davis John S. James, Cliarl"s V. Wil
liams. Uei tor Janus and Thomas ("!.
Dr. David J. Jenkins, or Jackson
fitreet and Kebecca avenue, left yes
terday afternoon Mr a few days' visit
with his brother. Dr. Thomas Jenkins,
at Albany, N. v.
Mi. !:. C. Prlee aud daughter, Nellie,
of Muhuuoy City, who have been the
guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cileason.
of Fourteenth street, returned home
The date for St. Ilrenden's mlnslielH
has been definitely decided upon and Is
Tuesday evening. June 11, at Mears'
Tho performance, of "The children of
Heaven." which was repeated in Welsh
last evening at the First Wulsh Con
gregational church, wits sung equally
as well as on the previous evening. The
attendance was very gratifying and
the rendition was well received,
Itev. Hugh C. McDermott, of the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church,
delivers the address this evening at
the sub-district llpwortll league con
vention at Taylor. Ills subject will be
C. J. Westcott, esq., or Oueontn, N,
Y was the guest yesterday of Ituv,
and Mrs. U. C, MoDuriuott, of North
Hyde Park avenue.
.Mine Foreman Kvan P. Davis Is seri
ously III at his home, sac North Hyde
Park avenue.
Mrs. Itoger Kvuns and daughter,
Rlhel, of Jackson street, attended a
wedding at Clifford on Wednesday
Miss Annie Johnson, of Meridian
street, Is spending a row days with
friends iu Dnlton.
Patagonia lodge, No, 3;, Knights of
Pythias, held a smoker and social ses
sion after their regular meeting on
Wednesday evening.
The choir of th. Jackson street Pap.
tlst church will glvo a concert In Oly
phant on Juno IU for the btnellt of the
Olyphant M. H. church.
Tho continental Mluo Fund will run
Would uso Kemp's Italsam for Hip, Tluojt and
J.uiiks. It is cuiinc more Cough., Culdj,
Asthma, Hionciiltli, Croup and all 'Uncut ami
l.ung Troubles, Hun an utlur lucdiifnc. The
proprietor liat autlioricd any iliu?i;It to uiw
)ou a Sjniple Iloltlc free to convince on ot tho
limit of this yiejt uiucdy, 1'ilec 'ijc. aud SO.
TO YOtl AIo tree Mill,
pie of Wntner'n sutp Cure,
Hip (treat perlfio fnr nil
Klilne.v, l.lvrr and Urinary
ill'PMrn, ly enillni jwur
MililrrM toil' to
Wamer'n S,ilf Cure L'e.
Iloclie.'trr, X. V.
Ihelr annual excursion to Lake Artel
on July s.
The Silurian Lodge or Odd Fellows
wilt hold a regular meeting In 15 D.
KvntiR' hall, Hoiith Main avenue.
Misses Lllllo Davies and Kate John
son, of South Main avenue, left yes
terday for Phmllndelphla to attend tho
graduation exercises to-morrow of the
Medical college, from which Philip
Davies will graduate. The ladles will
visit at Pottsvllte before returning.
John C, Jones, of North Fllmoro
p.vcntie. Is seriously 111 with a. threat
ened attack of pneumonia.
The Colonial club of camp ITS, P. O.
H. of A conducted a dtnwltig hist
ovenlng In Red Men's hall for a Mvo
dollar gold piece, which was won by
ticket No. 407, held by Miss Dean, of
Hampton mines. The drawing was at
tended hy a large assemblage and the
event was followed by n social ses
sion. The following ofllcers were elected
by the colonial club hist evening:
Presided". T.ewls Hoffman: vice presi
dent. Ooorgo 11. Pfelffer: recording
Hcrelary, Ftank J. Miller: treasurer.
Peter A. Voting: sorgennl-at-arms,
John Smith.
The sisters of Rothany conducted an
Ice cream social In the basement of St.
David's 10plcopal church, which was
llbetnlly patronized and enjoyed by all
Iu attendance.
Funeral of Mrs. J. D. Boland At
tended hy Many Friends Y. W.
C. A. Officers Installed.
The funeral of the late Mrs. .1. D.
Poland was held yesterday morning
from the family residence on Pittston
avenue and was attended by many
relatives and friends who knew the
deceased during her long and useful
At !' o'clock the funeral moved to
St. Joseph's church, where a requiem
mass was celebrated. The pall-bearers
were: Michael I.avelle, Martin
Callahan, M. Li. Langan, Michael Kel
ly, James P. I.avelle and Bernard
Annual Installation.
The Voting Women's Christian asso
ciation held their annual Installation of
ofllcers last evening. Tho event was
attended largely by the members of
the association and after the Installa
tion a very pleasant social session was
The olllcers installed were: Presi
dent, Miss Frieda Kornacher: vice
president. Miss Katie Imdwlg: secre
tary. Amelia Heib; treasurer, Alico
Presentation of Flag.
A delegation from the Century Hose
company last night visited the Ath
letic club In order to present the asso
ciation with a fine silken flag, for
whii h it will have no further use
now that It Is to disband. The club's
meeting wns already over, however,
but a special meeting of the members
present was held and arrangements
made for a formal presentation to be
held Tuesday night.
A special committee was appointed
to take charge of the matter. It con
sists of the following members: C. CI.
Rosar. Adolpli tleusncr, Fred C. Xeuls,
Kdward Welnlg, Peter Neuls. George
Anthony McDonnell, of K',01 Pros
pect avenue. Is .seriously 111.
At the regular meeting of the Scran
ton Athletic club last evening it was
decided by the members to hold an
excursion later iu the season and the
following loiumlttee was appointed to
look for a suitable place: Charles D.
Ttosar, Peter Neuls, John SVhank,
Charles Diesing, John Kiefer.
llev. .1. C. Smith, pastor of the Ger
man Paptlst church, will lead the reg
ular Sunday afternoon gospel meet
ing of the Voting Women's Christian
association, The lecture will be given
In the German language. All are wel
come. Miss Anna Kiefer. of Pittston ave
nue. Is contined to her home with rheu
matism, Tte Dr. W. J. Kidman, of Philadel
phia, will give a Itible reading at the
Second Presbyterian church, on Jef
ferson avenue, on Saturday evening
at S p. m, aud .Mrs, II. M. Holes In
vites all the young women of the
South Side Young Women's Christian
association to attend.
Mr. John Woods, of Sparrow Point,
Md,, Is lu this city and yesterday at
tended the funeral of bis sister,' Mrs,
J, D. Poland.
General Grant conimaudery, No, 2"0,
Knights of Malta, will meet lu regu
lar session this evening In Ilnrtman's
Miss Kmuiii Holder, of Cedar nve
11111', has returned from a week's visit
at Klmliursi.
Pea Coal SI. 50 a Ton Delivered.
to South Side, central city anil central
Hyde Park. Adtlics.s orders to ,1, T,
Sharkey, 111 1 Cedar avenue. 'Phone
Tho Amity Literary society held an
Interesting meeting at the homo of S.
I). Price, Washington avenue, last
Mrs. W. II. Wldger and daughters,
Lisa and MitrJoHe, of Lawrence, N, v
are visiting Mrs, (, fj. Tobey, of j.jiee.
trio avenue,
ti. F, Dean Is delegate to the conven
tlou of the Supremo lodge at (iottys
burg, from the Green Itldge lodge, I,
O. O. F.
Miss Almlra Fordham, of Montrose,
wio had been the guest of her niece,
Mrs. II. M. Cole, of fapouse avenue,
returned to her homo yesterday.
Tito entertainment given by tho
members of Class No. 10, and their
teacher, W. F, Osenbaeh, In the Sun
day school rooms of Asbury M, 1.
church, last evening, was a very sue
cesfeful affair. The programme was so
well rendered throughout that fiom
beginning to end there was no lack of
Interest, on tho part of the audience.
Little Llln Osenbaeh was very clover
lu her recitation of "Tho Wayward
Wife." There was a largo attendance.
At the close of the entertainment the
young ladles served Ice cream and
cuke and a neat sum was realized.
The smoker and entertainment given
Utile Journeys
in the world
of common
which af
flict common
last evening In tho club house uf the
Green Itldge Wheelmen by the "Or
angemett" lu honor ot tho "Whites,"
who won the recent contest, proved to
be it most enjoyable affair. Tho enler
talntnent consisted of n cake walk by
n party ot colored people from tho
central city and that Inimitable ven
triloquist, Charles Hartley. Llewellyn,
Jenes furnished the Instrumental
music for the entertainment.
Retail Clerks' Association to Hold
nn Entertainment Mny Festi
val Other Notes.
Next Tuesday evening the lletall
Clerks' association, No. 100, will glvo
nn entertainment at the Auditorium.
Tho following programme will be ren
dered:' Selection, St. Mary's orchestra! solo,
Master Tom Morris; pantomime,
Misses Leouca Franklin and Lulu
Constantino; selection, Shannon Pell
quartette; Instrumental duet, Misses
Neary and KVuns; solo, Will F.
Ptirke; recitation, Miss Maud Weath
erhog; selection, Kllte double trio;
solo, Mrs. Pay Smith; recitation, Miss
Wcatberhog; solo, Philip Warren;
solo, Prof. Harry Jones; Frayne and
Lewis, catch-as-catch-can knock
abouts and comedy acrobats.
A May Festival.
Last evening the Christian lOndea
vor society of the Providence Presby
terian church conducted a May festi
val In the church parlors. A largo
number of persons were present and
enjoyed a musical programme which
was rendered In a most pleasing man
ner. Miss Marlon Hill gave several se
lections on the violin and received
many encores, as did nlso tho Misses
Smith and Atlierlon, who gave an In
strumental duet. Miss Helen Sadler
and Miss 10. Hen wood rendered piano
solos lu an acceptable manner, and
were also well received by the au
dience. At tho conclusion of the en
tertainment. Ice cream and cake were
The Crystal Literary (ami Dramatic
club are holding nightly rehearsals of
the now romantic drama. "The Pas
sion Slave." to he produced at the
Auditorium June 12. under the aus
pices of the North Knd Gun club.
Mrs. Frank W. Davis, of St. Claire,
Pa., attended the funeral of Mrs,
George Archbald Wednesday.
Antonio Silkello was the only pris
oner in the station house yesterday
morning. Ifo was arrested by Special
Officer Rrlnk for being disorderly and
fighting. He was lined ?r, by Magis
trate Fldler.
odd Fellows' hall was lllled to over
flowing last night by those anxious to
hear the concert given by the North
Knd Glee club. The work ot" the club
iu tho chorus numbers was especially
pleasing and showed the result of long
and careful training. The rendering of
the Individual numbers were thorough
ly enioyed, as was evidenced by the
repeated encores accorded the perform
ers. A Qoodly number gathered at the
Presbyterian church last night to listen
to Mrs. L. F.. Hailey, of Prohibition
Park. Staten Island, talk on the sub
ject "Home or Saloon, Which?" Dur
ing' her remarks she dwell upon 'the
many evils for which the saloon is
held tesponsible. She advised the
adopting of stringent prohibition meas
ures ami pictured in glowing terms the
results, of the adoption and enforce
ment of such laws as would be favored
by the Prohibition party. Mrs. Pulley
will sneak tonight at the .Methodist
Kpiscopal church on the same topic.
The funeral of the late Miss Bridget
Collins occurred from the hnme of her
sister, Mrs. Lavin, of Pino street, yes
terday. At 0 o'clock the cortege moved
to Si. Mary's church, wile re a solemn
high mass of requiem was celebrated
by Itev. M, J. Mlllane. At tho close of
the services, interment was made lu
the cemetery In the rear of the church.
Barbers' union, No. l7L'. will meet on
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Miss Pose McDonald has returned to
her studies at Stioudsbiirg Normal
Miss Kate O'M.tlley. a student at
Stroiidsburg Normal school, is ill at her
home brie.
day evening at 5.30 o'clock Miss Lucy
Timlin died at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Timlin, of
Urick avenue. She was a bright young
miss, fourteen yeais of age, and her
sudden death was a sad .shock to her
young friends, with whom she was a
great favorite. She Is survived by her
father aud mother, three sisters and
two brothers. They are Mary, Annie,
Katberiue, James and George. The
funeral will take place. Saturday after
noon at 'J o'clock. Services will be con
ducted al Holy Itosary church, and
Interment will bo made In the Cathe
dral cemetery,
ADOLPil Itl'TII .Vlnlph Itulli,
aged T.'i years an old lesideut, of this
city died at the residence of jils .step
daughter, Mltis .Mary Twining, fir.2 Km
melt street,' Wednesday morning.
Death was due to old age. The de
ceased a veteran of the civil war.
Ho Is survived by his sons, Samuel,
(icotgo, Adolpli, Albert ami David, uud
his step-daughter, Mrs. Mary Twining
and Mrs. Sophia Williams, all of Hits
city, The funeral will take place this
afleruooii at !1 o'cl'ivk. The Interment
will bo In the lly.lo Park cathedral
Saloonkeeper Has Negro Who Buys
Beer for Child Customers,
A certain siilum-keeper In the ecu
tial part of the city has adopted a now
plan to evii'lo the luw prohibiting the
filing of intoxicants to minors. Ho
has a negro stationed In front of his
place of business who lakes tho beer
pall and money from children who are
sent to "rush Hie giowler" aud who
returns the pull to them after having
It lllled lu the saloon.
The children ate pot allowed to en
tor the saloon and the saloon-keeper
thinks he is getting around the law
.successfully. A well known attorney
was discussing tho question' yesterday
and said that he could be pros-ecu led
Just tho sumo as the saloon-keeper
who sold beer to children iu the sa
loon, The negro was just as much iu his
employ as his bartender, he said. Ho
further lemarkeil that the burden of
proof would not bo on tho juosecutor
Just Time
to Order for
Decoration Day
Our $15 Suits
Surprise tjkfi wearer for the wear that's in 'em, impress
tha observer frr the style that's in 'em, and please uni
vraally Fi TChe Economy That's in 'em ! We guaran
t3 has;; suits to the last thread and stitch.. They're
sjmpBjjf greater .the money, and-rowr money back if
t$l're not ' ' i
""MeXUW flftt measure you for DeortjojkPay
406 Spruce Street.
!lKrfiiABi RtfTkcr Ia
124 Washington Ave.
T-n n Faht rltvtD itr lifiim f chin flio nrnntftr nrtrf nf nut frnflf
To our Saratoga SprinKS store. But before shipping we may tell you that wc have about
tilty rugs, of all sizes, which we don't care to carry in our stock any longer, and we wil1
sell them at sacriticed prices.
Best Wilton, Arlington and Smyrna Rugs
Also China and Japan Mattings
At Reduced Prices.
While Rone to your country homes for the summer months we will mend and store your
Oriental Rugs.
Our way of mending your rugs will bring their full value back to the in.
Michaelian Bros.
TROUBLES than any other remedy. A HOME TREATMENT
METHOD. Endorsed by many Physicians.
If interested, write lor further information to C. J. Church, 1422
N. Main Avenue, Seranton, Pa.
- nns ntinaiis'ni:n,
A. J. DLU'l'V, Maiuscr.
Hiss Rose Helville
IX Till; lit At, lOMI'.IIV IlltUU,
Sis Hopkins
l'ltCI -'.V., il,"ii., Mv. ahil ,.v.
Sells nu -viU" oilniibj .it r j. 111.
SAT1 ItllAY. M.VI IN'IX AMI Nli'JIIT. M Y "",.
I'll. 11 lis I'luliiiiuu I'll,. Ill-
John Drew
In tlio Dr.iMi.iilAiiinii 01 in, luu ( luiuliiil'ii
I'jIIK'lli XllU'l,
Richard Carvel
l'llllTS-Oii'licMr.i. Mi irt'liitiJ ilrrli', ':
ill." ihclr, M VI; ln. ami li' Mt. '-''".
liikiitiy, Iii.i two iw-, 11. mil ni'Sl Hun' i.
si: IIiiiv low-, "Ji,. Ihix mmIi. ". li'Ue
nl.lK, .'".
Mllll' plic'M Will pil'lJll .it lll.llllll'l' I0IIIIIIIH.
Mioigtri and Irfuf. Local Maniger.
AM. Till WI'CK,
Yera de Noie Slock Company
TliiiuiU.v r.Miiin--"l'jii..l."
1'ricl.iy i:v,iniiis- "t'jinillt'."
Mliiul.iy Kvi'iiliw "lcIP Isl.iml '
N'Kvr vrrn t tiox.
Xiiilil.. fniimifi.Hliir MOMlW.
'I lie DiuiiM
to Mmvv Unit tilt' noRio wns ivkuIuiIv
employed. .Ml that It would I10 neiies
uiy to Hhuw vttks thut he look money
I'l'oiu two or tlnco chtldirn.
I.1.1.1I tin 1 lor Uv it, luol:
lliclu-a IHIIlCl.llllll! ! lIl'SIKV.
I.i.ui.l Iiiiihi itiuu '''" iliuiris
Itibliic lliimlility:
S .1, III , ('. ICI' ''Hi.
I- l. III. li 1U' '.'lit.
l'HUpil.lli'H, ll'Jlll'S WIMIJU'I', IJItl lli'll'l.l.
Hy I'.vlu.iie Win fit 111 'J lie A-.Mii.itnI l'rc.
Il.ini-lmil.-. M.y SI. liiiimior Sloiip liJ l"
illul Ut'iia' . MiMinuy, t I'llN'UiK, lii'iu
Mj.v US to .Inly i, ami Cluiloa IVriy .uul lliniy
huiy, ot I'liiljJt'll'lilJ. Iiwii Jung 0 to July 10
and if you only knew how thorough,
ly good our Popular Priced Custom
l. Tailoring is, you wouldn't buy ready
mades, that cost as much, and aren't
nearly so good ; nor custom-mades,
that cost'far mora.and are no better.
It isn't whac you EARN, but
what you SAVE, that makes you
rich, All you can get-out of a suit
of clothes, anyway,., is a. certain
amount of wear, a certain added
neatness of personal appearance, and
that general satisfaction that goes
with knowing' that the quality is in
the fabric. ' Now,' why not cover
these points as cheaply, as possible,
so long as you cover 'em ?
& Co.,
THE NEW RUDOLF 1'ioiit. Atlantic lily. Xow .Icr.oy's faninii)
lii.iltli ami plc.iMiii' ri'Miit l.uivt on tlie Coast.
Mo-t apiiimi'il. Hut ami Colli or l.itln in
liciw, l'rei' 10 zukU, SinItiK Itatci.
Oicliotr.1 .mil il.iiiejn;. ,
CHAM. It. MYllltS, Owni'i- anil l'inp'r.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex.
ViiKini.i Aiu. ami IImcIi. All.inlli' City, N. .1.
Sitli ifiii I'iMiittliil uif'tiis t'li-iiiio, ..initio
anil Willi ImIIi; liot anil rohl M-a-w.itcr fo.itln
in linltl ainl miin.. I.m.itinn s.'li-U anil initial,
williln Uv, vaul-. ft Hip .Slid I'iiT. Oichc.-tu.
Oil'cis .-uciil spniiK isili'-s !'- tii M", liy week;
$J..'H up I1.1 ili Spi'i-Ial i.iti' I" fjnillli'D. C'n.icln.i
iniel all irain-. Uiiti- lor Imuklvt.
CIIAltl.HS I!. f'OI'K
HENRY BEL1N, JR., As' nt for tin- HMiitt far
Dupont's Powder
Jtiiiliii'. Itli-lii, Sport in;.', Sniitl clns ami thi
ltip.111110 I'liomltal Ciniin.ui 'J
Safety rui Cap? ami Hxploili-is. Ilcom I'll Count-It
lliiiliiiiii; ,buanUli.;si
TIIOS I'Oltl) 1
lOIIX II. Mill 11 fc so.v ...
w, 1:.
I'll Mini
.. ,, ritnoiitli
.... WilUc lijiro
Strong Nerves
are tliJ true source of good, healthy
Persons with half-starved uerves al
way lotik worried a ml "ilragBed-out."
Von cannot lie happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot he natural without
nil the powers which nature meaut you
to have.
produce a healtlifut glow which art
cannot Imitate. They invigorate every
organ, put new force to tlia nerves,
elasticity to the ttep aud round out the
face mid form to Hues of health and
$1.00 per hox- 6 lioxes (with written
nuaiatitrc), $-H Hoot free. Peal.
Mldicini; Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
I'ur bale ly John It. Pliclpi, PliaruuLUt, cointr
Wjciuhif atiiuio anil Spiucu street.
ft) . S2k?j
l W ,!' -,