The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    J t ' .-.-.'! -,."EI f VJiVtTHHnw'!- -fir tf -",V-M '?' " k -"t-p?T,Jf -jr---'' - '
'. -rpS o -,v ,,7f
l-l cfv-i-.y-yj ytf l -','H" WtsUtU" "
mi: Monnns tiAnmvAnn stona.
"Ulll'l ttC tiropox! RllltlK )Otl
emjthnr ymi buy Irnm in. It lt'
(l.xRHKN lliyi! you wlili we will
Kiln tnl more lli.m your tiinnnj'i
ttorlli. I'iIiM Tc to o P" 'oo1'
Foote & Shear Co.
II9N. Washinoton Ave
Dinner Sets
For Summer Cottagers.
r c.ill them I' S.l., l.o.imo
tlif.v are exactly Milled for piirpo.-o.
V hi li.ivo piolulily experienced the In
(OiiMtiiiiicc and lo.,i attending the reiimv.
nl of tour iliolte ihliM to and iiom ,onr
Mitmnrr li.Tio; u.ll, you will .ippreci Ho
the ).iil; of iKi'ivsity for si d)ifn xtlicn
jmi Imiii tint to aio ofln ma-
"vv, 1 u, uiiTAiii: sires nr
I'nlK III. MX Jim pio erf -pink- iiiil
..rrii drioratinm nnrr lu-
ic i-otd lur Iim IImh $11, for
Gruerver & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
The Baby's Trousseau
! one of the mn I Inloio.'-ting sulijerU
to mothers. Our tihole linn ia m.iilr- with irliifiu . i) the nlinm of t lie p.lldll
'Hip pjllniK. ill' llic rl.llnlic.'t mill moil
.11 1 1. Kim lu be I1.11I.
Our ilr-lsuru :in the oxi'Iir-ive nf their
rrofn-siim. The I'Plrln.ilril AHNOI.Il knit
pond aie un)iii.ilr) for ll.iby's toir.foit
jiidI iiil.ici ii'miMicnuc.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruce Street.
Repairing Done Gratis.
0 . - 0
0 Anntat 0
111', ami .Mrs. Fulton gave a lioautlful
daneo lit tlif t'liimtry eluli last night
in lioiiur or Mrs. T. U. Klik titiii Miss
Kirk, nl" Xuvii Scotia. The pitrziut
and tlio pretty rooms worn decorated
Willi many Japanese lanterns, giving
.1 xvouilorfully charming effect In thu
lair spring night. Tinner furnished
music and tlio Country club steward
served supper. Among tlio guests
Mr, mill Mi.-., x, II. Slou-, Mi. am Jlr. .1.
. I.jidIo. Mr. mill Mi.s W.iil.iu., Mr .i.
ln'niBi' (J. llronk.-, Mr, and Mr.. II, II, Reynold,
Mr. ami Mi... K. II. rha.p, Pr. mul Mn. Mm my,
Mr. mul Mi., W. II. Sinus Mis timrne ltli'o,
.Mr. mul Mis. nn slorili, the MIsos He.uioliN,
ntlliow., kt'i. llilinoii', llli'uiior lle'inoliU,
D.ilc. Hunt, l.Vic'ike, Pr. Killer, 11 r, VVjill.or,
Dr. Wdlimiiglit. Pi, ),, c, Kcimnly, Meis, II.
I' l.uoniN, Sl.iile, I', C. rullcr, A. i:. Hum, jr
(ico, lliiv,, ( 'impel', I.jiisI.i, Jones m Wllkon
1I.UU'. Miss Carolyn KoislliiK eiitorlalned n
nuinhoi- or ier t'rli'iids last ovoulne at
lior lionio on Xorth Mtiln nvoituo, A
very pleasant evening was spent by
tlio.-u pronent, wliu indulKCd in Instru
mental inilhie and Rallies. At a seasnn.
nlilo liour dainty lerrosliinents wero
served, Tliosu present were:
Ml.ei Amu HerKli.uu.tT, M.ulo llm.ri'll,
Amu Kel.lins, Amli.i, l.en.i lleiiiliaihei,
t'li.illotle UiiiMiiliiie, Mlimlu ieiB,,ii,.cri !,),,
SlioniMiii .Miv.M. ,1., ,1. M-(,ii0imli,
hatles IlircluiL-er. liny lloliliunn, ,iiiur Ki.
iiiK, l)'lin Ht'lRluusiT, .loliii H.ihu, iMj-j,. j!,,,,.
irij". Mis, , 11. .lone., of Xenaik, X. ,.; Mr
linl Mi, . II. IfeMins, Mr. ami Mia. lr,,'
lilllliw. Mr. mul Jin, l.. w. lii.,in(f, Mr. u
II in. S. Illplrr, .Mr, .mil Mis. ,lom M, KeMInt;.
Tlin unnnnl May daneo or tlio Hlec
riu City ANMieelmen was lield In Jlcars'
.mil Inst evening and wim utlundcd by
teveral liiindred yoiiiiR- people, Tlio ball
ivns tastily dceorated fur tlio event,
Hid tlio alTalt proved to bo ono of. tlio
Host enjoyatilo over bold under the
inspires of tlio Hub. .Several meiuber.s
Of Uaucr's orHiostra played for tlio
lances, wblch wero nil up-to-date, and
Hie I'omnilttpo in rbutKo sustained the
eptitituon or tlio Hub as eiiteitulnurs.
Mr, mid Mrs. Alvln Stoulor, of Tbeo
lore street, wore surprised last even
ing b.v n nunibor of tho ofileers ami
teaHiers of tbo I'rovidenco Metiiodlst
IJplseopiil iburi'li Sunday diool.
names, inusio and other diversions
wero Indulged In during tlio evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Stonier wero presented
1 with a number of nrtlcles of silver,
Tenner City Solicitor A. A, Voaburs i in
N'i'w York city.
AwUUut 1'o.lnuttcr Pa lid I'oueli naj in
Potttvllle jesttitljy.
Mu. V, S. Mllljr lu returned from a vllt
RHIi frlcndi in Xe Vork Hale.
Pr. M, l Coti'diii. of Plnttlumtan, wjj the
tutst of Stuiitoii (rlfndj je.tcidjy.
William lluiki.', cl Crtenficltl, Ma, h
In? Iili tifplitw, P. t', Duikln, of 152. Multitrry
Her, llnoli (lertlly, ol lUI.lon, via t RUfst
ill the Kplcopl lcdilrnee yeilenUy,
.t, flilnanl Trlnimer Inn licen cAlleil tn hl
homo In Oxford, X, .1., on account of the deal h
of lilt mother,
Mm. Henry Oct! Insrr, who lias been (lie puel
ot her ton, t.ouli Oetllnger, of Clay aienuc,
jcflciil.iy left for her liome In Daltlmore, Mil.
.lolm If., '. 11. Miili, I. I!. Cowles,
OrorRP f. Mulley and 1' (J, Wolfe were re.
Ilered nt the Hotel Albert in New York tlili
TravelltiR Anenl I'olsom, of the Lake
Shore r.illio.iil, wn In the city Jestetil.iy, call.
Imr on Snperlnlendrnt of Oar SVnlco M II.
C.iey, of the Lackawanna,
Appointed Yesterday by Governor
W. A. Stone Sketch of Lnckn-
wnnna's New Offlcinl.
Governor W. A. Stone yesleiday ap
pointed Kihvnril A. .loiics, of Aicb
lialil, as tlio first controller of I,aeka
waiinn county, The appointment wna
sent to tho senate, but owing to tho
absence of a quorum wan not taken
tip. There Is no doubt that tlio sen
ate will confirm.
Ildward A. Jonex was born In Oly
phant In ISUO and Is now u. resident ot
I'nrbondalp. Ho received Ids early
education In the public schools of Oly
phant an I when nineteen years ot ago
became a bniUetnuu on the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad,
Later he learned tho machinist trade
and became an engineer.
In ISM he was appointed superin
tendent of the Hayiuond Coal company
at Archibald, xvlilcli position bo bold
until that company was absorbed by
tlio Klk Ulll Coal and Iron company,
when he was made superintendent of
the Itiiyinnnil colliery.
Mr. .Tones has always been active in
polities and is one of the best known
Republicans in the county. For ten.
years ho lias dono distinguished ser
vice for bin party as a member of tho
.Republican county committee audi
during the six years he was chairman
of the Fourth legislative district
standing committee he conducted
some gallant fights In that part of the
county, lie twice represented that
district nt Republican state conven
tions and for two years xvas a mem
ber of (he Republican stale committee.
The esteem in which ho Is held nt
his home is demonstrated by the fact
Hint he served three years as a. mem
ber of the Archbald borough council,
for one year of which ho was chalr
man. In lSOi". Judge R. YV. Aivhbold
appointed him u director of the
Mlakely Poor district, and he has ren
dered It valuable assistance, ex-cr since.
lie has been secretary of the. board
since Ills appointment.
The salary of tho office to xvlilcli Mr.
Jones bus been appointed is $1,000 a,
year. Ills commission from tlio gov
ernor xvill expire the first Monday of
January next.
Students of St. Thomas College
Display Their Ability Before a
Large Audience.
The annual oratorical contest of the
senior and junior students of St. Thom
as' college took place last night in
college hall in tho presence ot a large
and distinguished audience, which in
cluded ftishop Hoban and many priests
of tho Scranton diocese.
There wore fourteen contestants and
so xvell did each acquit himself that
tlio judges were nearly three-quarters
of an hour in agreeing upon the prize
winners, and then when they did re
port their findings were received by
as many .sets of dissenters asthero were
other than tlio winning competitors.
The contestants and the selections
they declaimed wero: Kdward 15. Jor
dan, "Washington"; James J. ISoland,
"Our Folks"; Moses O'Malloy, "Tho
N'iobc of Mulla'li isle"; Kdward J.
O'lloro, "Grattan's 'Reply to Corry";
William J. Gibson, "The Yankee Rid
er"; John A. Ruddy, "Kngland's Re
quital"; Joseph A. McNulty, "Tho Per
plexity of tho Union"; Joseph W.
Foote, "Homo, Sweet Home"; Aloyslus
F. Colllgan, "What He Thought "Was
Right"; John A. Murphy, "Tlio Irish
Brigade at Fontenoy"; "William M.
Kllcullen, "The Last Ranquot"; J. Ger
ald Gallon, "Lafayette"; Thomas M.
Jordan, "The Ranquct Hall Deserted";
John Kdward Mcllale, "Tho States
man's Dream."
Al'iyshis 1 Colllgan was declared the
priA' winner, with t 5-in points out of
a possible hundred. John K. MoIIalo
was second best with S7 1-in points,
and John A. Ruddy, third, with Srt 5-lt)
Tlio Judges were Rt. Rev. Monsignon
Kiigone A. (iarvey, V. G Uev, James
J. Jordan, Rev, Patrick J. McManus,
Rev. .lames J. Moult, ex-.ludgo K. N.
"Wilhird, Director of Public "Works;
John H. Roche, Colonel K, if. Ripple,
H. H. Slock, K, M of tho Interna
tional ConvspomlPiicp hchools, Kdward
J. Lyiiett, editor of tho Scranton
Times and Attorney Thomas P. Ho-ban.
Judge John I Kelly, Colonel L. A.
"Watics and Rufus J. Foster were on
tho committee of Judges, hut wore un
able to attend.
Tho declamations were Interspersed
and followed with piano selections by
Aloyslus F. Colllgan, imiiidoliu selec
tions by Richard F, and Joseph YV.
Koote, and vocal solos by Gustnvo H,
Tlio reception committee consisted
of Frank S, McGulgan, George F.
Stuckart, James J, Cawiey, Frank C.
Garvoy, "William S. McKinnoy, Kugcno
A. Cuslck, Matthew F. Brown, Joseph
S, Carey, Paul V. Barrett, Frank J,
MeAndrow, James F. Uununlngs, John
F, Polan and John K, Lynott,
In milking tlio announcement for tlio
judges, tlio chairman of the committee,
ex-Judge YVIIlard, -warmly 'congratu
lated tlio contestants on their excellent
showing, saying they wero a credit to
themsolvos and their school. Tills
spntlniPiit was heartily seconded by
the entire audience, it was very evi
dept that tills very Important branch
of education Is given especial atten
tion at St. Thomas' college, and that
tlio Instructors are exceedingly elll
Sanitary Oillcer Burke, uctlng under
Instructions from Director of Xubllo
Safety F, L. Hitchcock, yesterday noti
fied all tho wholesale merchants on
lower Lackawanna avenuo to keep
their produce, barrels, etc., off the slde
xvalks and within tlio ten-foot reser
vation. For years this part of the city's main
thoroughfare has been blockaded with
barrels and crates of vegetables uml
boxes of fish, the latter being some
times very evil smelling.
Desplto Strenuous Objection, It Got
Through Two Readings in Com
mon, Council D. and H. Company
Wilt Rompve Platform from
Cherry Street, but Some Membors
Wanted tho Remington Avenuo
Switch Also Removed Police
Magistrates Salaries Fixed.
The ordinance providing for tlio
closing or the westerly end or Center
Htrcct occupied the attention of com
mon council last night for nearly an
hour, and despite- tlio decided opposi
tion manifested lis backers succeeded
In passing it on first and second read
ings. Chairman Cuslck, of the streets and
bridges committee, mesentod a favor
able report on tho ordinance, together
Willi two communications from C. S.
Weston, general agent of tlio Delaware
and Hudson Railroad company. In
these communications Mr. Weston
pledged himself to remove the platform
obstructing Cherry street, lu tlio Twen
tieth wnrd, when the necessary legis
lation Hosing the roadway running
around the platform had been passed,
providing, of course, that the Center
street ordinance was passed.
Mr. Phillips, xvlio led the opposition
to the measure, moved to have the or
dinance referred back to committee for
a report upon the removal by tho com
pany of Its switch on Remington ave
nue, In addition in the removal of the
Cherry street platform. Tills evoked a
deal of discussion and Mr. "Weston, who
was present, was given the floor to
explain the company's Intentions in
the mntter.
Mr. Weston explained that tho com
pany would willingly open up Cherry
street when tlio other roadway now In
use was closed. Tho cloning of Center
street could possibly injure no one but
tho Delaware and Hudson company, ho
said, and that company xvantcd It
closed. He said that the Remington
avenue switch was eight feet within
Hie company's right of way and that
a. proposition to remove it could not
bo considered any more than a propo
sition to remove the company' main
President Calpiu wanted to know
why tlio committee hadn't looked over
the ground and reported whether there
was not some other place to xvhieh tho
switch could be removed. Mr. Part
ridge, a member of the committee, said
that in his opinion tlio switch could not
he removed to any oilier practicable
Mr. Graf, another member of the
committee, said tbo members of the
committee had not investigated that
point sufllclcntly io bo able to report
Intelligently upon It. Ho wanted the
ordinance recommitted, so that the
members could go upon tlio ground and
Mr. Keller charged that tho whole
object of those who favored recommit
ting was the killing of tlio ordinance.
Mr. Phillips wim not fair in the stand
lie xvas taking, he said. Mr. Phillips
denied the charge and insisted that he
xvnuld vote for the ordinance when ho
thought the city xvas getting a fair re
turn from tho Delaware and Hudson
Ho renewed his motion to recommit
and it xvas defeated, whereupon tho
ordinance was passed on first reading.
On second reading he offered an
amendment providing that tlio ordi
nance ivould not become operative
until all tho property owners on Center
street between Mifilin and Wyoming
avenues had signed a document releas
ing tho city from all damages which
might bo occasioned by the closing of
tlio other end of tho street.
Mr. Kollar said that the city might
with equal grace ask the people liv
ing on rtldgu row as tlu residents
of Poeono lo sign a release, and Mr.
Pat ridge characterized the amendment
as being "grossly and absurdly un
reasonable." Tho majority of the
members present agreed villi theso
gentlemen, for the amendment xvas de
feated and the ordinance passed on
second rending,
YVhen the ordinance fixing the sal
aries of police magistrates xvas called
up, Mr. Phillips alo had an amend
ment to offer. Tt provided for a uni
form salary of $100 for each of the five
magistrates. Tlio ordinance In its
original form provided for a graduated
salary ranging from $."00 each for the
txvo central city magistrates, to $:!00
for tho South Scranton magistrate.
Mr. Alworth ridiculed tho amend
ment and argued that tho central city
magistrates who hnvo six times as
much to do as tho South Scranton
magistrate, should not receive a hotter
salary. It xvas bad enough, ho said,
to pay a man $200 for collecting lines
amounting to $S7, without paying him
$IOil, Mr. Phillips argued that one
magistrate xvas as good ns another,
"Equal rights to all and favors to
none" xvas his motto, ho snld, and ho
proposed to Ilvo yi to It,
Mr. Gurroll also spoke lu favor of
tlio amendment. Tlio magistrates xvere,
all of equal rank, ho said, and .should
receive equal salaries, A policeman In
Green Ridge might make only ton ar
icsts lu n year, but ho received tho
same salary as a policeman In tho cen
tral city, who might have two or throe
arrests every night. Tlio amendment
xvas adopted by the fnlloxvlng vote:
Yeas Ihssflty, IIuiii', A, l. Li'tvls, lluane,
Xascli, llartoy, (lurrcll, William Lewi, flush,
(Iraf, Cuslik, Phillips, lialvln, (talpln-tl,
Nats Clarke, Alnortb, Iloilic, Partildgc, C'ulc.
man, Keller C.
Tho ordinance xvas then passed on
first and second rending, after Mr,
Keller had made an unsuccessful at
tempt to have action on it Indefinitely
Mr. Melvln's electric light resolution,
passed by select council last Thursday
Cooking with Gas
Wo have accured the service of
Miss Emily Harion Colling
To lecture on and demonstrate tiic
Or, How to Male C'ooklns Vay.
I.etturea ami demoiutiationi durlus the week
ccmmeiH'iu; May 20, every afternoon at S o'clock,
at 607 Linden .lit't, lluaid of Trade building.
The Scranton Gas & Water Go,
night, wits also taken tip by the coin
metiers. It leaves tho question of rais
ing the electric, lights to the discretion
of the cottttcllmen from tho several
wards uml tho director of public,
works. Those who opposed It nought
to have It delayed by referring It to
committee. Tho first mutton made
was to refer to committee with In
stri'ctlons to report forthwith, This
was lost by the following tlo vote!
Ye.ii t'l.uke, Ahvntlli, l:van, A. h. I,,
I'nilrhlRo, Nanrtl, tluiiell, ltnh, Oiulik. Oatpln
Nay llawrctly, tliiine, lloclie, Phillip, (tab
vln, llaney, William Lewis, Coleman, Keller,
A motion to refer to committee with
out any lustrucltoim was next made,
and defeated by the samo vote.
Tlic ordinance- est ihlljhlng the grade
of Piovldetlcc road south of Court
sheet and providing for tho paving of
tho same thoroughfare between Court
and Tripp streets xvltli stone block xvas
passeil on third an. I final reading, tn
was also the ordinance providing for
the paving of Kmith Main avenuo be
tween Oxford and Hampton streets.
Mr. PlutllpM introduced mi ordin
ance providing for an electric light on
River street opposite St. Mary's
church. A icsnhittou offered by Wil
liam Lewis was adopted directing tlio
Scranton Railway company to place
Its tracks on South Main avenue be
tween Kynon street and Bellevuo Placa
at g ratio.
Representatives of tho Strikers
from All Over the System
Were In the City.
Representatives of the striking car
builders all along the Delaware,
Lackaxvnnna & Western railroad com
pany's system xvere lu tlio olty yester
day and conferred regarding tlio strike
situation. They xvero in second con
ference all afternoon, but tho lopal
prpss committee refused to give out
any explicit Information of tho tran
saction, but merely Issued a brief no
tice bearing tho .statement that the
situation remains tlio same.
At yesterday afternoon's meeting tlio
oxccutlx'c board met xvith four dele
gates representing the Hobokon, Do
ver, Kingston and Buffalo shops and
at tile conclusion of tlio meeting all
but the Buffalo delegates loft tho city
for their respective homes. Ono out
come of tho meeting xx'as to arrange
for a special meeting of tho car-builders
to be held Sunday morning at
Economy hull, but what business is to
ho transacted at this session has not
been announced.
Master Car Builder Canfield is said
variously to bo in New York, Phila
delphia and Dayton, O., and has not as
yet made nny proposition to the strik
ers. No attempt Is being made to
operate tlio car shops, although bands
aro daily imported for the other shops,
and tills fact Is taken by some to bear
more than a coinciding significance on
tlio rumored transfer of the shops to
Blnghainton, whore if Is known that
a sixty acre tract of land has been of
fered tho company.
A special meeting xvas hold in Hul
lierfs hall yesterday afternoon of the
Delaware, Lackaxx'anna. & Western
railroad machinists. The meeting
was called to discuss a matter xvlilcli
has aroused much recent comment
among tho strikers. This is the atti
tude xvlilcli is to be adopted in case of
a settlement, toward the company's
present employes, xvlio have boon re
cruited to fill the nine-hour day men's
This and other questions ot interest
lo the lodge xvere discussed, and at 4
o'clock Chairman Humphrey Campbell
called to order a. meeting of tho coun
cil. Reports of committees xx'ere heard,
and other routine business transacted.
Tho council xvill bold dally meetings
henceforth, convening at t o'clock
every afternoon.
A communication was yesterday re
ceived by Chairman Campbell from
Secretary IL J.' Haigli, ot District ir,
ot New York. This is the district rep
resentatives ot xvhieh, as stated in yes
terday's Tribune, xvere lu conference
xvith members of tho National Metal
Trades association during tho early
part of the week. A satisfactory ad
justment of difficulties was made In
the majority of cases and work was
yesterday resumed by six thousand
men, on the nine-hour day at ton hour
pay basis. Thks loaves two thousand
men still on strike.
A largo number of the deputies being
employed around the Lackaxvnnna yard
xvere paid oft yesterday morning and
left the city during the day. Several
of tho nion brought from Philadelphia
by the company Wednesday xvere sent
back to the Quaker city yesterday liy
tlio strikers, they reporting at the ma
chinists' headquarters and stating that
tlioy xvero brought hero by misrepre
sentations. Mr. Allls, of Hie Allld-Chalnicrs com
pany, xvlio It xvns said Wednesday
xvnuld arrive hero yesterday, failed to
arrive and Superintendent M. N, Muc
Laren declared that ho' did not think
It likely would pay Scranton a
visit. Tn discussing the strike, Mr.
MacLaren said:
"Tlio shops aro entirely idle nt pres
ent and no effort is being made to run
tlipin. Just what wo will do in tho
future, however, I cannot at present
Notices were pasted yesterday by tho
Luokawnnun. Informing the iupii who
fulled to report for duly Wednesday,
May S, that they xvero no longer in tho
employ or tho company. They may ob
tain their tools nt tlio freight office.
Any of them trespassing in tlio yard
will bo arrested, Any iupii wishing to
again enter tlio company's employ
must make formal application.
Mrs-. Mary Ann Collins Seriously
Injured Yesterday.
Mrs.' Mary Ami Collins, xvlio lives In
tho rear of S35 Capouso avenue, xvas
seriously injured yesterday morning
by being run over by a wagon and
having soveral rlb-a broken. Mrs. Col
lins xvas riding on tlio xvagon hi ques
tiou and on Capouso uvciuio xvas sud
denly jolted off.
She fell directly In front of tho ve
hicle, xvlilcli passed over her loft
shoulder and side, The Lackawanna
hospital was notified of the nccldcut
and tlio injured xvnmaii xvas removed
thero In the ambulance. Shu xvas re.
ported testing easily last night.
Pianos and Organs
of tlio finest quality can always be
purchased at tho very lowest price
and on tho easiest terms at
Guernsey Hall,
311 and 316 Washington Ave.,
Kcrunton, Pa.
Amateur Photographic Finishing at
Tho Third Place Now Held by
Miles, Who Went from Fifth in
the Educational Contest Ycstor
tlay A New Contestant Stmts Off
with a Rush, Holding Fourth
Position A Good Timo to Begin.
X Standing of the j
X ' Leading Contestants X
T M.,lnl. ""
4- 1. Henry Schwcnkcr,
4- South Scranton... 80
. 2. Meyer Lewis, Scran-
4. ton 78 4
4- 3. William Miles, Hydo
Park 42
f 4. J. Garfield Ander-
4- son, Carbondale.. 30
5. August Brunner, jr.,
Ctlrbondale 30
f 0. W. H. Harris, Hydo I
Park 23
7. Frank Kcmmerer, 4.
4. Factory vllle .... 18 4
f 8. Miss Norma Mere- 4
4 dith, Hyde Park .. 14 4
0. R. Leo Huber, Scran-
ton 3
4 4
Air. Solnvcnker, of South Scranton,
gained first place yesterday In the
Educational contest from Mr. Lewis
by bringing txvoh'o points to tlio lat
tor's ten. He Is now but two points In
the lead, and already in tlio contest a
pretty struggle for supremacy has
commenced. The txvo loaders will not
have it all their oxvn xvny long, how
over, for others are working to first
class purpose. William "Miles, of Hyde
Park, .lumped from fifth place into
third yesterday, and lie Is closely fol
lowed by J. Garfield Anderson, of Car
bondale, xvlio signalized his first day
in tho list of leaders by bringing In
thirty-six points and taking fourth
place axvay from his felloxv townsman,
Mr. Brunner, xvlio is tho samo distance
away from Anderson as tho latter i3
from Miles. The others on the list
xvlio failed to make returns yesterday
all drop down ono notch.
Tills sxvift increase in points by tho
leading contestants should convince
hesitating young men nnd xvomen lo
enter and begin. Any ono has a good
chance, as Is demonstrated by tho re
turns made daily by those whose
names are published.
It is 1 most favorable timo for any
one to enter. Tho present leaders have
only boon at xvork for a foxv days and
may bo easily caught and passed.
For example, a contestant xvlio begins
to-day by securing seven subscribers,
at ono year each, would be at tlio very
head of tho list. Better begin now.
For a full description of the contest
read the advertisement appearing to
day on tlio third page. For further in
formation, or if desirous of obtaining
a book of subscription blanks, address
"Editor Educational Contest, Scran
ton Tribune, Scranton, V.x."
The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western Railroad Company, Of
fice of Master Car Builder.
Scranton, Pa., May Si, 1001.
Former employes in tho Car Depart
ment of this company xvho have not
reported for duty In accordance xvith
notice dated May 1", IflOl, aro hereby
notified that they arc no longer in
the company's service. Such persons
are further notified that they must
keep off tlio company's promises un
der penalty of, tho law concerning
trespassers. v
Any person or persons affected by
this notice desiring to re-enter the
company's service, can only do so as
individuals, after filing application 011
tlio company's standard application
Tools and other private property
will lie delivered at tho company's
freight station as soon as practicable,
upon request and proper Identification,
L. T. Canfield,
Master Car Builder. for Sale.
A fine upright grand piano, hasn't
been used but four mouths and as
good as xvhon purchased, has just boon
left to bo sold. Call at onco If you
want a bargain.
Guernsey Hall,
3H and 316 Washington Ave.,
Scranton, Pa,
Public Auction,
On Tuesday, May 2Sth, next, at 1
o'clock p. in., property of tho late
Joseph S. Knight, at 3 South Blake
ly street, Dunlnoro,
Horses, wagons, sleighs, household
property, etc,
Amateur Photographic, Finishing nt
Ask for Kelly'.s union crackers.
Smoke tlio new Kleon cigar. 5c.
Plaited Shirts
This is a choice group of
new shirts, ready for the mo
ment a man xvants to leave off
his vest.
The patterns are fresh and
handsome, in smart stripes, of
blue and white, fancy colors
including ox blood.
The plaiting is neatly done,
so that the stripes come out
the same on every fold. The
bosoms are unusually long,
44444444444444444 4
1 'vV-&v
VJfff 7Fs
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Diagram Opens Monday.
The diagram for seats at the piano
forte recital, to bo given by Mr. Carl
Facllen in (ho Parish House, xvill open
Monday morning at 0 o'clock, at tho
Conservatory of Music.
Amateur Photographic Finishing at
Per Pound
Clarke Bros
Ladies' Jackets and Skirts
We Make
Fit the laily in tlio ftMtlioid fit tlio bird. Tlio
make, st.tlo, lit, finish and prices uro all perfect.
Our bpriii? t.lnik is now uvvuilinR your inspec
tion, lio glad to sic j on any timo.
Kin?; Miller, Merchant Tailor,
French Organdie Stationery
We aro displaying Whiting's lino of French Organdie Papers
which is now complete in seven different shades and sizes and
which has become so popular for fine correspondence.
We also have a new nnd handsome lino of Wedding Invita
tions xvhieh will certainly interest buyers in this particular
line. Many new novelties in box papers for the spring and
Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil & MantofacNiring Company, X
141-149 Meridian Street.'
). - k. " r- -t-.'
i I W J. t.1)
",W ' ' v '-. "tt.
, -
" . '.,;-. i i"i.hi rj.-i(
!Wite;. .,..WSSTi
Credit You? Certainly!
81-223.235.837 Wyoming Ave.
rP"- BMM"VTBfc
Vfe' . :- fflViffi.'K -ii"yyijJf
Is extended to Cuba to. add
another star to our flag.
Likewise we invite you to
visit us. While unfurling
our flag of values, a look
through our stock will
convince the most skeptical
that we keep prices to the
ground. Our Bottled Beer
should be tried to be ap
preciated. 444444444444-4--H-l.otiU
Arthur Witrcju President
Orlando S. Johnion, Vlca Pre.i.
Arthur Ms Christy, Cashier
Court House Square,
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
AUTHORISED by Id Charter to iieeept
all manner of Trusts; to net u
Heceltcr, Trustee, (iuunlljii, Ailmlnlitu
tor or Kxectitor.
"THin VAULTS of llih Panic aro protect.
ed by tho Holmes Ulcclrlo Alarm
S.t stem. '
I, A. Watres, O. s. Johnson
Win. I1. Ilall.ttead I!. P. Kingsbury
Everett Warren Aug. Robinson
Joseph O'Brien
325-32T Penn Aienne.
Allis-CIialmers Co
Successors to Machine Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Vilkcs-I5arre, Pa.
Stationary ISngines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
This picture gives you
a faint idea of the
beauty of this cabinet.
Keep your guns and
fishing tnckle in a first
class cabinet show
them off to good advan
tage. A place for everything
from the riile to the fish
hook, Quartered Oak Pront,
polished finish, claw
feet, rifle twist mould
ing, double thick glass
doors, writing nnd load
ing table.
Golden oak or imita
tion Mahogany. Price,
III! Ill
m 4mKlifQL IP
,ia --i