' VW" "tn v v p , stt,"'WJ,sSVfjJ , m .w v 'qrTOrtr SOTtiVSWtf7 ""? i,vC Ktefl I. V THE SCRANTOiV TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901. 5 3 ' JONAS LONQ'B SONS. GREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON HOURLY SALES. JONAS LONQ'S SONS. Jonas Long's Sons' Great Friday Afternoon Hourly Sales ilOllF B0fS OF Will be more interesting than ever today. The Great Housefurnishing Sale is still on. Special prices prevail in many departments. In addition to the merchandise side of the Friday business, the Cooking School will offer an opportunity for all who are interested to learn something practical regarding the new system of cooking. The les sons are flee to all. Sate No. 1 Begins Promptly at i O'clock. In Basement t In addition to the special prices in the House Furnishing Department during this week, we have added the following excep tional values. The goods are to be sold for one hour only, begin ning at 2 o'clock: IMtOU.MS Host nu.ilitv of No 7 broom, llimly made of Rood stiotiR; stoi U, a will be .sold lor one hour nt 1 "C 2c stum; mats- Asnestos stone mini, usually sold at 5 cents. Hale pike, each AVATKJt PAILS Kxtra homy Galvanised Water Palls the sizes aie 10 or 1- quint, and aie worth at le.ist "0e ouch. g Fiiday for one hour IOC WOOD HOWLS Made of haul maple, paiallne finish, 1! Inch Hle. Friday for one horn JL'fiS This is an especially rooi! Item, tliev aie fjood sieel and handsomely Kla7id. KoRiilar Millie J.V. Kiiday for one hour 7c 9c CLOTH KS PINS None hotter at any pike; i hoy aie made of the best quality of collar .mil will he sold for one hout at the i ate of 100 FOR C SOAP The l.unous Lion Miami, made b the X. K. Pah hunks Co, the cakes ale lull size, and iiuy one trapped I'm one hour l." HAUS FOR i 25c Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. Main Floor Lt'XCH COVnitS A nlio assortment nf Lunch Coveis, mado of cieaHn damask anil white duck, prettily ptlnled. The sle Is fll-lll, and the Millie fiom r.e to J'U Ftlday tor one hour jCaCC WHITi: CSOODS Ilveivthliiff In the White (ioods line can be found in our White Coeds 'Department. To-day specials In clude u numbet nf choice specials In tin lot will be found .stllped, cheeked and plain nainsooks, dlnilllcs and lawns, wmth up to lL".e. Fiiday for one ""Tl,, hour C CHrLDlinrfS HOSK A tine iiiallty of fine tibbed childien'.s hose, double knee and hlj?h spliced heel; Kii.nanteed .seam- , less. Pildiiy lor one hour 1 1C .Second Floor KAIXV DAV SKIKTS It is not .ilw.iis that we aie able to offer jou an nnusuiil opportunity In Jliilny D.iv Skills as this one. A foitunate purchase enables us to oftet for one hour a skiit that N well woith WW for neatly one-half. The make-up is the newest, "i kuios with Inieited pleat back, heeled c(1ro tape. S lows of .stitching aiouud buttons They aie made of a good qualitv of nill ton, and come In black, medium and dmk, Oxfoid kio. Fiiday loi one ' a hour Z.4y flaln Floor SHOKS Little and Russia, call, vol th $100. houi , .SIIOi:.S Misses" UoiiRola and Russet Shoes, well made thioiiBhoiit They come In button or late, and aie woith Jl. Pild.n Sale No. 3 Begins Promptl) at i O'clock. Kenis' i( i uitl satin i.ilf solid leathei thioUKlumt, Pi may for one 87c Russet y come 87c Second Floor AVAHU SPITS For Uo.s, made of lino Kiilnteas, ducks, theiloti and linen crash. They have a mil lit sailor tollar and a beautifully tilnimod deep shield In front, the pants nie all well mado and linve pood bands', colois me dmk, llRht, also plaids and stripes, sles 3 to It ye.ns, none wot Hi less than 7",o, some 9So. Ftlday for COt one hour , . uUC Alain Floor PIJUCALKS A Fiiday sale would hardly be omplcte without .sonipthinj,' In this line. The line offeieil is the best we can tfet both In coloi and weae unit the colois aie fast, they aie 2i! Inches vide and come In llRht, medium and dailc Kiounds. They aie kooiI alue at 10c. Friday for one 'TMv-t hour 4C f'.LOVJ:S Ladles' Three Mutton Silk Taffeta (.Holes in black, hi own and tan, mode and white, they sell ieRUl.it- jr. lv at it'lo. Fiidnv lor one hour jLtjC StIOnS One of th host qualities -we h.'iM seen in n pood -while is a ladies' shoe that we aie guliiK to sell for $1.1:9, it Is made of choice doiiRola kid with 11 patent in kid tip, the sole Is flexible and the toe Shapes the newest, they some in button or lite, we do not like to icfer to any other pi lies, but this time we can't help it. You'll oidin.iillv pay $1.7." tor this Kiudc. Pud'iy for one hour ISOCKIMIS Pouli and CottiiRe Rockets. II jou .lie loofHR for poich or cottage lorkeis this I join oppoi ttinlty An ex- optionally well made loekci of medium sle. It has a 110.1t spindled Insei ted back. heaj po-tiiiR ami undeistotk built of best solei tod maple in haul uatuial finish, the i minus nie pinned and Rlued, seats ate iloseh o on with best qti.ilitN of 0N.1l leod. Piidaj loi one hour. . 1.29 69c JONAS LONG'S rfv SONS. TRIAL LIST FOR SESSIONS TERSONS WHO WILL BE TRIED AT JUNE TERM. Xheie Aie Thiee Minder Cases Set Down for Tual Dming the Two Weeks' Teini, and Also a Number of the Important Cases of the Municipal League Case Against Wade M, F an, in Which County Detective 7Jhillips Is the Piosecu tor. Is Also on List. Dislilct Attoinej' AV. R. Lewis jes teiday piepaietl his trial list tor the session of criminal couit whiih be rIiis Monday, June :!. At the head of the libt foi the til .st day aie the i.i'-es auaiiiht Samuel liillott, of Caihon'dale, and Menditto Papa, of this ltv, who aie charged with liiiuder. The Munl- ipal league cases aie also on the list lor the first week. The second week's list has .it the head of it the cases 1iR.1Iu.st Josephine Bevilacqua and her husband, P.is quale Movilacfiua, who nie 1 liaised with the muider of Mrs. JTiuj- Itnsc nt Gioen Rldxe last Xon ember, The list complete lolloiv.s: FIRST WEEK. Monday, June 3. 1 SJinuel llilliott, niurilii, l.ilniul .1, Nt n,, pro 2 ricnedctto l'JV, iiiuntcr; 1'rjnk Itulilins, jl , JHfH ,1, runk Jun-rii, nicn, 1 1 ink KjMiii,;, ji , pros. i, Cooree Wilson, tl itutoij- IiuikIjij, 1'iiiik ItolilliiK, jr., pro.. ,r M irt In Liim, I.ihiiiv; 1'iJiik ltublln.', ji , pro, f, J.inir-, ToinpUlns .K-.iull .nul lullu.v , (', I' Hicrlilan, pi in, 7 .lanics 'i'dinplliH, pl'u fully pnintluK lI-lil, ', I' bin 1 hi in. piu., S, Antliony (llainliot, ilofi nullum linjuliiij Iiousp; C,(ori,c Kiipduioiii, pun 11 Mh 1ml firnilj, HRKUNituI imiuU nul lut- tirj ; W, W. Moikiii, pro in Ninliroso I'liljcon, hrttm , II, r, Willi, pun II Wiiidii-, Hull, f life pcitonatioii nf 111 i.lliu-r, I! i:. Wrlh, pin, I I, Milan llnkri, fulioiii.ilioii of piijm.i, It, 1' WrIU, pros II lliciiins ,1, llmhwik, iilulitij iml h 1st mil ; I liulirlli IMauLs, uot 1 1 llmiiiH .1, Ihailulik, fnnili iil.in an! ,ji uiily; J.IUjIicIIi l.ilw.inl., pio Tuesday, June 4. P. II I' Ilaflon, pcijurjj llobcit WiUon, iid. I, I Iji 1 llujil, illegal puuki ol nuilidiu, .lolm .1, Itoticiti), pro l lliiniiaj Hany, upc; 1'unk Itulilliiir, Jr, I'KH. t' IMttiid I'addon, rape; I'rJiik ltihlln-, jr., pios, , 'i NUiliuie yeno, (ortuni Icllins; Tunk Hub. Ilmr, Jr , prni. M Manlrj llipkj, mjllclouj mUUiki, 1'iank JlolilliiCi jr , pio.. " I ikkinncj, foubci, t. If. bturse, proi 1 llciuy Wjllhers, scllirs liquor without lb icnc; 'Hobcrt WIU011, pios, I 11 I', Jonri, cmticltiiicnt; O, A, PouiKf, plOj ') .liirpli llfslifm, aceiJNatdl assault and bat, tnj , W, A. rhilllpt, prw, ',, I'alikk McAndrcw, a.iult and battcij, Mji.w MeAmircK. pru. ', Hionias luvi., (mbriloincnt; H II Mijtr, 1 1 05. Nk Miulor Cr.iM and P. W, Smith, nrelcit- Iiir to Itep books; Stephen Jhci, proj. ? Kjiider firaas, rccehlnir ttokn noodjj felepluii Djer, pro. ..I) . (,raM, iiuUIn,- ttokn u'ooiU; .sifphon I Iyer, pros. 31. William HiuiiIni, fuiL-ori, J. NN, litiiun, I link roniptun, fninu ition, Mi Mirlln II Htdc'lln, proN I I ink C'oinpion, fortrrv , Ilia llidslln piov John Snillow, stltmtr lnpior on "iml it, ; W I'lullip", pro 1) Nlu-'or, Iihiiin bv b-iilee, I mily 11111)10, prov, IIiiiiiii-, llinki, -uliiiln.ii, Inn llailniin, pint Icliu Mnni-uii, liium, Si. Iml i. O Hi ion, proi. lolm lliimlei, selliii!,- lupioi mthniit i ). (n( , NN. N I'lnllips pio John I p-hil, fuiiiic alion , John 'ikiuk, pio Jehu t'p.lul, iuiiiII md lulhn, John ik. aiok, pios Wednesday, June 5. s I NN at I mil, oh-diiiitlni; jiu.Hi , l!bi rt N iNull, pion I! I Miloiuj, IiIIii-in, lli.bcit WiNuii, pi 0s I011K ttilk, inenina. I 1 ink Kiihllnir, jr., pio Mirn Po-nir, lncnn, 1 1 ink I'ublini,', jr., pro-In-iph N 1M1 md .luliii llaui, iln-. laik llicii-. I in 1 in; I 1 ink Itoblliu.-, jr., pio. I! J llailnili, -i llins lupioi wiilioul a liuli-i , lli.liut NNII-nu 1 . 1 o -lliinud I Ki'llj, i ml lenient , stepln 11 lliu, pio NMIIiini N lush 111, I in rm l. lullii, N ( ir- liuil, pnw, Nniiinii s, Ikop.ki, allmipt II rap,', Ru-i Kihi i.ki ki, pi iw lii-iph l.lll, l-lllll mil blllill, Nil- ilnw I! n i.kl, pin NMIIiuii n. suuiilon, . nilt nid biltoij; I du nd rdiuuntN, pn I nun linn, Inuiialmn md bi.l.inlv; Mm N I ilpilil.k, prni N, N in f.iudin, til- puluiu, It N, I IliiUij, pin Aliilun lla.iuu, sollin" llipmi wlihoul . llllkci 'IholllH I ( Inhoil, J liiv Simon Ihciiuis, luibm; Iti.lmt , ,, in I'aliifl. ItiKln, i.iult .in.l billiii, Man NMiitln, plus. iln tUo, hluniuus wiiuudiiu; l,'ulept I iftUi, pin. lliulos lioilnl. md riinliiii KihIuI, ,. iiiiiiiiis nuiiiilliiK, liilm Slnli, puw ( I' I'umleili, a.-iuli jnd butuj, Mild- sit ih lij, pin.. In-iph miiiIIi and Inn niiid, llllln, I.11IIIP l,illt,lll, pmx 11llum llulkas, ptijiiii, II j,, ,, I' i:. il,o md Idiwiil ( hipnuii, foul,i riili.i and ihulnn, ,lu.pli Will,,, ,lH olrnt Hull 11, is.iult iml luiim; IU1,, slmhllilk, pio 1 ' ' Mlhilll, lull 01, Ih.llllJ, IhfIivii, pi u Tliuisdny, June 6. Mlihiil Millennial, linlii inn -ilnu; I unk llobliiu,, i , uu. limn i.niilmi, falsi" pimmis, 1 1 ink Itob linir, Ji , pios, l.uiiBr lllulebiii, ki'iplntr (.milHK Iiuiisi , Ilobtil Nsnu, pin., Ju-ipli ImihIIii, mIIIiir ll,iki oil sMlljt llecso s, )n, inn,, W.idii M, linn, luiuuj; NV, A, I'hilllp., plus nlhmn Hit ,, alias N ,, Huddi, wllins li'iwr ivllbout Hi. in, Holm i Wilson, piOs MjhIs I.. Ilmciii, fiU pukiKHi William t-raio, I in, loseph I'oicliiiiu,, i.,. pr.li m William Crai, pics. John llaion, jllas a, tjtuu, ii,ault jd lullri ; J laikiu, piui Wile Mallland, alias Dili, m,0n, lobbui. J l.aikln, J ins Hal llunllni;, iiuill o inlmili; I, ., Ji". piui, 1'etei Manj 1.0, inibcultment, Mike Madln, pi Os. tluiles. II Wllllauis, larceii, I, Utile, prim, Cluilik II NNilliaius, inibtuliiiKiil, , ,j He, pic. Mlilucl .Snillh, asaiilt and battery; fieori,e lloioku, pn, Doniinlik Voi.ni), iollhiR linunr 011 Sundai: . II NVilliauis, proi Jlai) Nlalino ami n'ilo Mallno. sclllni; lniio.- without liccn.o; , , nJ,uii, lUs Vltliui Mullen. NiolatliiB iuU o( lio3lj Qt heallh; A, (, Unnle-, prni Wlllljm l.uiifclirau, bui.'lai, ,lli M. Sla;o, piui. liaiiilu toik, assault and baltu, JJa-Lu kippiua, pi u j s"i John (Jiiiikenlio.., defi uiilinj; bniduiK huiist , t tai 1 Piluier, pin M 1 r ink silliniaii, ji., bnberi , Willlnni K"i. I'Hi 7, Janus ill ill 111. in iln inn. iiii-ilmf II iltie N snj,, 1, pioi. l'llncl. NkNeih, lulibiM, fuilnlj "-l ill- kiilu, pioi M Nnuii' Nun-, iliiltm, lliibitli kuip, prox. Fiiday, June 7. 'HI A nl li m v llunknv, ptijurj , Hi but NNil-mi, prn i John Henbeikl, A, lliuu llipmi uu sninlai , Hepitf h Dans, pin 'J Nnlhoii lMiison, 111.. in bi bull., Nlnli ad Kupsl, pins '1' bullion' 1'itriitun, silliiift lupioi miIImhiI lii.iisc: lliihnl Kupsl, pio '1 n.lrin sii.Ko, .isi.liailnK Hit 11 in, l.i.im Itobli-ki. pi is 'O If tnu.s Hiibbms, krepini; IhmiIv b ,11.1 , Mi. N. H l)uci.an, pio, tij Slirli.H-l Miiskh, I in in and miuin,.', MI I11111 lleilitskn, puis 'T. lulii Chiisliui, assiuli mil l.jllni, lull 111 Sti mis, pin 0 I'itnrl luiinlirr, fi 1. 111, .Us inundint,'; Iiiuite lloiinlur. pm 'i'i I'ltihk Mixmll, issiull ml bitien, I mil Vrtou. piu. inn NNis.il Miunjki .iml NN is.e . iml.l.-. i.iult ami lillii, Mi 1111 l.liiiiiNki, pins Sn tin day, June 8. Hi I sjm0 Mlllt r, s, Mint, s,p,(1i ll,.!li.li, puis IUJ IIjiiiii Pnski, sin.it, nilii in Miiluil-', lll liU li.ob Nnlos, Miieti; stm,,!) s.,,,, ltn IUI Siinnn s.lvUt siiuti , f.'inic. sifisi, pt,,. Hli Smion sisko, siiuli! lamb Nnlos, pin. llli, (,ulnl sm.1,1, unnj Mmoii Sl-ko, puis 1117. I I, I lioiupsiu, sun 11 , liis. ph Hii, pins. His NI111 Anna Hal-, sunn, l.banoi It mil ill, pun, f lui Philip NNMnitts, sunt, Kale sunllH, ' pun, iln Philip UtMinittv, sunn, 1, ,1m Nl.u 1, pm III liilm I.1111 iiiil., sun i, Nuule I.1111I111 1,, pios. II.' J.ilui I p-hii, siiuli; liilm s,(,j,,; pIH III 1 1 ink Nkilinu, Muni; siml,e Miiln.n, pins. HI Maiiin Nllui, Miiei, Nrai All. n, pror. H". Mil 1 ili 1, suiiti, Ihltn s-iLu, piu, 110 I dith I isli, Mini, (IuiIm illinium,', PUis 117 M 11 1 in In, 1 Minn; Hiiliiul l.il.uun, pn lis lliniius ' NNilllanis, siiuli; luhu IViikuu, plus. II" Mill Wofiilnnilli, sunn; Mil I 111. 1, pinv 1 JO Nlnunt Ullliko, unli llo.io Willi lui, pins IJI Ullliini II i h. ih-iilii.ii; I mini llnis, im, I--! Viithini .sum, ih-eithuii IIjiiIu Ni.r, pins IJI I.1I111 s., ii,,,, hi km, 11 am .Ji seiliuu; sj, ,, Silniun, piov IJI ('inn id II. luliaii-. 1, il(,iilluii, I'iiiII ll,rn'. Inu-er, prox, U'l John I'eibo,!,!, ilo.iitluu, fjiullnc I'tibo.ki, piox 12(1 (,'iue .loliinoii, iliwitimi, limu NN, lidui, oli, pi 114, IJ7, Junes IN l.i nhait, ik,tlou; Anna M. lit iiluit, prox 1 Mbcrt In), demitlon, 1'alnu loo, piox, SECOND WEEK. Monday, June 10, 12') los.phuip lleiilacipn, nuinlu, Piauk Hob. lliu', ji ,' pill. I .a I'jsijuaie Hnilacipia, niiu.lt 1 ; IIikio HilLto, pios. ! 'lluim Jluiiai, IiaiidulciUI olii-, lulm J In no, piu.-. Hi IMer ludge. aissault and billrn, John I. I'll III 1 pio? HI. lolm (lilluiiic, lamii; luuk Hoblin;, jr , pio. HI I link MiMttie, f.il Bfr.l , flank Ibiblinj, Ji , pio, l.i.'i Mix I oi.in and Doiulniik fhopsoU, firing woods ; John to.slrll, pio, loC. Vlbiit Ilmlita, helllnu' liipior ixiihoiit II leuse; NN. N l'llllllU, pios, 1)7. John dillesple, buiglar; frank Itoblln, Ji., pro. 1 :?. Ileur Olluulike, a-ault and battrr; Poio. thy fttchaiilsoii, prox l.i I uy lla., illai llnghc, larieii , Sjdlo llu-lies, prox. 110. Philip NN.ikcoxill?, aaull and hatttr; Kate Nl(ONitt, piox. 111 NNilliaui U'll.la, kiqilu; bau.ly hoil-e; IHnlil I Ijiiiuliaii. pio. Hi Ju.-.pli llaku, .ill js splioir, aault md Kit Ui, Vunlt liul-kow, prox. Jl! HI li. no 117 lis 11 1 1 hi id 1 ii i'. 1 a. ij'i 1 1. 1" 1 ,s 111 Till III I'.i lis. IUI llU Illl H.7 H.s lui ITU 171 I7i 171 171. 17'. I7rt 177. l7. 171' IMi HI H.2 IM P-l HI Hi, H? IV H. I'M HI Hi. 1'J I. HI. P. 11 1 lluike, i-siiill mil billen, lohu Mil- ill, pills. Tue&day, June 11. Illiliiul filth. Iibil. 1 1I111 Mm boll, pios Ihiiniis slliook-, hium, lunk Hoblini,", ji , pi. 1, (.i.u.e lliclu, lCieiiniK. I lank Hoblinff, jl., UOs. -li j1 r 11 I I irtln, l,ii pins cnuiiiL house, Hubert N ilson, proi Nihil u I (.lllujlier, liepins 1,1111111; house; Hobill NNllsuil, pins II nil llbllli'll. lupins .Jllllli; house, llnliiit NNilsnn, pios Nilliiu II 1I.I1 nil 111, laneni, I 1 ink li.ililin;, 11 , pins lolm II. 1KH.111 md I 11 di ink linkup hr ..in , I 1 nk Hnlilliu,, Ji., 1 ri NN1II11111 lint, fraiiduliiil huIiik, Mill I I ni in i'lo l.ihu NNfriur, 11-1 11, II II Mitlhiwsun, pi Os Paliuk I M1-.-1II. ji disiuibins 11I11.- I his, siruirs, H.i NN. P O Poninll, pi. 1. nd11M I! 11 di 11. puJiiM, Simon Vmslm, pins Miuin Mini, ilnmluiilut; ililklifii. Mis NV. II Diuifin, pi. is Mill 111 Nllui, is-mlt mil billiii, Mil Nib 11, piox. I 1 ink llionn. Ilium, J.v. ih Vrinka. pin l.i.eph Mlk iM-h iliis .IfiMpli Miihlllsli, 1 -1 ipo, II I' I 1 ibis, puis William llnlilkl, lanini, Micliul Michal- si i. , pio. I hum is I'ouniii, i.-iull and I'll tin; Jiwph EMllC ll.llls k. H". n. In w llii-ui, issiult iiil I .11. 11 hi ink Mirlin, pins Pi In smith, is. mil ind billm, hnies l.illiiu-, pm-. NlUiln M.u 1, .-1 Hill,' Ikiiii 1 nilh nil li- (1 n-e, Nnlnulo ( .iiulln, pio Nnlnul.i Miuolli, I in. in, N inieut Cillilill, pn- Imiihi, Ilium In luilee, Mil l.ipillill, pt.ix IN illl llll I'lllllklls, Plllll. linn nl, Join, Stimuli, pros Nine .1 II, i-JillI 1 in I biiiii, lliidit NN ill, piox. Wednesday, June 12. ) n i in llili.it! md 1'iiihii'h liili.hu, ion spliin, lib bird I.iltl", pins I nncs NN, (.uern-n, Nl T Kill, r md i bulls N Hi inn li, illsiiiinK Hiines-i.; Nl NN. tiinrn-i, pio Iiiiiis NN, liuirn.i, M, I'. Ki II. t nul (liar In . Ileniiitt, uui-pliii, M U, l.iuiu. mi, 1 1 us I, it I lui, 'ill is- Iiiiiis l.iitlli, Ilium, funk llobliiu,', jl , pro" Hi.., II11111, l.iriiin, llmnt I). NV. IN, piux, lti-.ili Nal.h, liinlii. 1 1 ink llublluir, Jr., puis Nlny Hi. mi !. si lliu; li'iuul xiithiiut liituie, Itubill Wilsnii, plus II f,oldstlilii, avault and baiter, II lik-iph-on, puis. II .Insi pliou, .is.iult anl bill.i, II Cold Uil('ei, pios II. N llaku, HI linker and 1'ied Dirker, a,ainated .issaull ami baltii, l I), I'aiiiliini, pios Hail llask.nlU, l.llilli, sjniuil li-nil, pro. Mi pin 11 Mlikolskl, id li iinllng' boaidiiik- liOilso, Ihoiuis II Inui.s, plus loseph (iilbeit, iltnliiiL- and Iraili. kiiiL- 111 leisieud boilliai N, M Moiao, pros, Nil 1111 spiuu ilfilius- and li.illli l,ln- in iiKi.tdiii bollln, S N Nl.u.e, pios. I.1.11I O11-I iii'ln, ikilini; and tialtukln In HicMerul Mill. I. . .Mi.ulilfi, pro.s I lnlsloilii I Nlauiiiou, Iji. en, Mrluilji o Hum, pios. John I' (mlili 11, avault ant bailer, I lou (,old, 11, piox Niuiio lukliukl, laniii In, bailee; Theo- due lliihiiski, pios, tluiles Hied, a.-ault and ballet, xdam builtli, 1 1 1 s Urdliiaiiilu I.iiciio, Iiruii NiUm edlin. ki, pio I'l.mk fibouliii, aault and flatten ; Mai- Iln Hiuliiitil i, pro.s. Joseph Kcilatek, auault Jiii batter; loseph hizalka, pio; 11drm Kainiiukl, asijult anl battery; runts l'auilskl, proi. fliiiinas Dukiu, fraudulent vollnj;; film f, lViIH, pios. l'aliiik I. Pi-kln. Nlolitinir election laws; John J, l.o no, pros. Thuisday, June 13. Ilcui tioldjslili.ii, alias Ilarr tlld.ihkg. Juvenile Department We are well prepared in this depart ment to fit out the small fellows, whether he is the little tot of 3 years or the young man of 18 years. Original design and ideas is the key to thewonderful growth and success of this department. Healthy boys want good clothes good cloth and gook workmanship. The attention we pay to these two important points is shown in every suit and novelty on our counters, samples of which are displayed in our large show win- (M CA i.A (Nl dows from fP.4i.3V 10 pU Friday Special 150 pairs of all-wool Boys Shoit Pants, all sizes, fo-cent quali ties: Friday ., special jC Friday Special Boys' Novelty Suits, in fine blue worsted serge with fancy silk vest, $5 and $6, guar anteed. Friday rn special 4.3U mLeBm "s MV 1 iV 'I'm Hi mi mil BiH llllil Ir afrw Illfill II r -. 'tUfff lvb iullllK II loll "v. 11 w lit nil 1 1 ijw 81 fi I li uFwIflwHsllIll II "' 'lY&lutlll VlVafSlllil 1 V 'biiIii m fltuHl 11 kl vuliiir H lljwllil nK lllfflJIl' B UwlIU ft itJnflr is isBbiIi iff - Wh 1 Mem j al I' Ready- to-Wear Suits... A high degree of perfection has been attuined in our Ready - to - Wear Clothes. From the many designs of cloth fabrics sub mitted to us, we have selected the best and most styl ish patterns. The skilled hand of the tailor is shown in everv Made-Up-Suit. See the samples shown in our large show windows. Military Sack Suits, from $10 to $18 Bine Serge Suits, from $8 to $15 Black Cutaway Suits, from $10 to $18 . Summer Outing Suits, from $8 to $15 te- """ Summer Furnishing Novelties The prominent novelties in Shirts this summer is mostly Striped Madras. The season's newest designs- are re flected in our large showing AM A A ; NEGLIGEE SHIRTS-The most novel patterns yet received are here displayed in our large show window. Cuffs nrA detached. just sea- $3.00 PURE SILK SHIRTS-We have received the richest novelty of the son. A shirt made of the fin est spun silk. Each DRESS SUIT OR TRAVELING CASES A new department on the first floor is showing the newest cases from the best manufacturers. They are marked at prices that will surely interest you, Samter Brothers, Leading Outfitters, in-, in. ri", i'ii in JHI -III JL' '-ll! JH !"i Jiin J0s .11) Jill. -Ill Jl-' Jll sill. "I'l Ulfi JI7 Jit- I1 JJi) JJI. ,J. Js.0. ri. jIUs (! lioIiIs(.liUi,ir, 1rpi.11; I link Kuliliu, ji , )irn . II lit 1 win, llliil; , I, NiHlIu', pros. liUir WIUou, lili.1; . V. Ninthr, iuo-i. I j inn Hi. 1111 is, fiUi iul'Ii'ih os, 'Ihoniis li, lulu s, pills, l.irult Ins., in. I Uilli.ilil 1. os, null- .Hills llli-lllill, losfpll futi,, puis llllllilll O'lllll, l-silllt in.l liltlill, Aiui'lli I I inn U in, prnx. Mm o'lliu, is.juli .mil lullin; Un. lu I laim K in. prov i-.ii. Mluli in.iii, . i jni , lulm oiiiiii.i.', pin. Kim Jlltlli nun, pijui.i, Hi mi is Kinnv, pins lium ( ..II ins, Jii.iui; C, , Mpiiiri, puw nlli.iiij I'.iilill, iJinnj, I. , .iiiiri, pios. Ililitf (.vir.llt, culiilii!.' inlnoi IuiijIp Iiu Hit' piupu-t nf 111111111,1; .Inliu llunitt, puis I, ll.u II iml ill, us. mil iml kilttiv; Itli un (iiinillli, pin I 1I1I111111, luiim li! Ii.il.n; 11nit liuflt, .ui Annii I) is Iiu. in lit l.iilii; llii lluii.h-, pui Mil,! -iil'l, i-siull .ml li.lllni, llJiiict "n .r, piux 11tl11.n1 'sunn, ii-.itill Jinl Initiii, II 11 1 let ". fin r, pro. lliniius I nit 11 in, isj,i nihil is.jull ju, kallii.i, AMIIIiui I'liitoriu, puis lliniius .1.11. 1.., luiiiliili nl Milium; lolm I uj 111, pins M C ( uskK, ltilihni,' 1 In Hun liu; l,.!in .1, t'uMir, pin, lolm I '1 j ni'. (1 nnliili nl iiln,, lulm .1 I'u.i 11c, pnn I null lljinwlu, I uu 111; lliiiiii.is lluiuu, puis, ( Milli.iui Ht'.illJ, 1..-.111I1 J11, 1 luii,i, slniiu "si Inn 11, pin. Ilium Itcilli, jssiuli mil liilu-ij; Simon ilioui, pins, llt.sii' I11II01K11, ,i..,mli ami Ljiim, ,,. M, llmmis, pinv Fiidny, June 14, I'iuI NjjIoi, iiiisilunfjiuu In iiMk; lulm I' 1'ji.i.h, pin. Juliu I'. Moiarnv uiImIiiiiojiiiu In ultuo; lolm I' I'.iidilj, pm,,, IllOIIUi hllpll'lU, lllUlOI.1, W, I'lillllp,, prm. Anient lIlJuuiUI, lillicrj, V. Plilllp, plus I '.it I ill. fiJlljjHT, luilioi; U V I'lillllp-, pltls Ihnmji Mlcojne, l.ribci , . I'lilllipj, pr..s HiM,it MiIqiioj, fjhe uclfiiic; llmmu IK alt , a, Mh lull Millci, assjiilt jiii) lulicri; I ill uidi, pio. MjiiIii i.jIIjrIiu, jciu.iUJ )s,jut and l.jltoi!, .lulm HjUIi, piu, Batuidny, June 15. lu.cpli Wop, ilcrfillon; runl Wop. pun Wllllo Muilti, ilLsfilion, lolm Ollilcii, pio.. Ilionuj I null, Ui'jcillon, UrUUa I Jinli, plu, IIijjii IlJiutt, ilociiion, Mjrj 1141ml, pio loscpli Coin, dcsfrllon, Uy (iulcj, piov, fowcll llollcsV), micljj I'ctcr !-lioiiolL, prot. frail; 1'ilu, Mill) , IIujcj- Mokill, piux. 'J '.I Convrlilu llillv llinuls, siiul), Ali.lucl Mouisii, pun ,los.pli lljkn, iliis .pli.ii, Miuli, l.oorj,i lilinpi. pirs ,lui. Iljl.11, iIIjs spln.fi, siiuU; nnli Hut- sliOtt, pui IMIIijm IIIiii.ii, .linn, Haiti -l. in lnrci, pio li.lliu lliruliin .in.l lnl Hiruliiiii,', .nun; II1.1I1. Hi lliiiilniik. puix II. in ml Inihnwi, .null, llliu ( ujlinjir, pi nl Kid Willi mi-, -nun, liiuli I. iiikliin) , p)0 I 1 ml, lilt. -ill 1, .nul), M1I111I. iilfi'hli, pio. MilMle Miiiil.ruiui, iuh, Mi -li)liosl(r, pin Intin I liisl.il, sunn. Ion lln.l.oi. pm. UIIIIjiii I 1nl1.nl. ill. I I'lilllp W.il-l", .-in.'- I , Mill ill Uiiilio.ki, pint I'. Hi linn, 1,1111 ll, I....U.I' HhiijIou, pun It. llli II llli 1, -uu n . .I1.I111 fl'iil, putt I' Uiil.ii, -mil), lliiilu N, I niiluiii, piu Mm 1 ilkt'l.li Iml, sinth, It.lin lliunuk, I ins I' li-iii.ilti Jinl liiiluw Mill, lul.l. sun u, l.iii 1 Opii-luliiii, pni I'uilik M.Niill.i. siiulv; lulm IIiiiiiIiIim , plOs lulm Knil I), llli li U'l II UillUint, pin. Miilnol II. II iml .iml liu. II.1IU11I, Mini), Mil) II ins, pui M. 1111 'li Itinil-I.l, tini'h; Ii.Iiii I mit.lt , pin. I null riuii.i.kl, siuoii; Muli I'lilliiskl, pinx i,iiui Hull, uioh, lulm 1'nliliii, prut. II lti-i ph-on, sunn, , luil.ls. hlri 1, puis Dun 11 lloiiill, ilt.-tltliin, l.ii.nii' lliiull, pin I'lilllp )niiills, il s nit n, ,iii W.i.io. litis ptu. lulm I ijulilk, ilt -1 Hit. 11; ViiiiIi' liiulilk, p'ux Mlllin IttJl. , ilis.illon, (Jlliflilit ll(jli), piux. lulm ,i inf, tit ff 1 lion; ?irih Kuik, proi H'1-itlisliw iiiiin-kl, ilcmlion; Annlr (iti111- skl, llll, .lulm I, (...llliu, il.i-iili.uii I lou I.iiI.Icii, 'U' TAYLOR, TIip Wllllmii Tfll lllllo dub. iiliui iiiciiilicih ionsl.s.f of some nt the bust 1 llli- ..lint's in the. miIIo), Mill on Ui'ini ntlnn duv inniluit a ki.uiU seeptiilu blioiit "U I3vei's p.uK siniimK $"0 Mill lie nw.iiileil In iil,cs. Tha resiilpnts or Noitli T.0I01 went tioateil o no lltlp OM'itcnient uu WoiU lK'tUuy pvpiiIhr1 when a nib lio.ip nuulo ll.s npiifai.'iiu p In that lU'lnlty, A! pus.p wns ut iiiiip oifinnl.cil, and wlili 1 liibs .md nones they 1 Imspri tlu ani mal for sump distance Finally thi mil) iis los,t islKht 01' It ilKapppai cil In the woods ncni tlm Tallin dump The ssi'iioilnir of our main llioioiigh iiue now s,ppms u mi if thlnqr, Sin ipyor IhiuniiiK Ikih hum Ki'lH qiiitu uiissy lailiis out ihp fcpwciagc lines along Mti 1 11 and 1'iilon MtiectK, which Mill mnKo loiineptloii with the pipes laid down tenuioiuilly on I'ond unci j 1 j"i jni). .1.1 Jut hall wai on t'tilim, whlilihiio 110 oin li'l pi opt tor waste watci. It Is in tended to 1 onnei t limn this point lit the 1 lei. Tin- 1111 miiei s of 1 lie Noith did Ath letic chili an last (OinplLlInK aiiaiiRr ments tor their maud (iitueit and s,oc.il, to he held in W'ebei's link on. .May 'i The pioKiamme eonslstn oil the ei) best nl mipsiial and lltei,iV iiilinlieis ..nil will smell- be well woith the in lie nt admission. A l.ug' nunihfi uf Hi KetH lime been f-old. The Unlaw, up, I..K KniMinnii A Wesli'in eupentels 111 e lillsllv 1 n K.iKiil In I'lectliiK the 1 liiite Inr the (onii'ier ni the Tailor eollleiy, w lilt It iih.'li ((impletul will be used to ill an ilif 1 11 1111 and siiti In place of tin mules no'i in (set vn e, Heiijaniiii V. IAmii H Ii.ivIiik' u hand some lesideiiLe eieiled on the coiner ol .Main and Atlieiton stnet. The niei'tliiK 01" lhe ln inelble eom mand'jii, No, ".J, IviiIkIUs of .Malta, Ibis e(illl, Mill be one of llllllll illl poitance, when l!iiiiest.utntlveK TllblK and .Maish will kIw their lepoit of t lira (jiand (iimmnuileiy .session ircentlv held at I'olumblti, l'a, Ml ineiubeis nie le(uesU'd to he piesenl, U.'tlld A". Jones has just inmpleted a nunilnr 01 Impioveinents on his pli)i"ll 011 West Dili. I licet, IlK llld IllK a new picket feme ,M Crist", AValter .lames anil John '' ltlchaids aie honit. 1 1 0111 l.ansfuiil l'a, white they attended the Uaptlst Vmiiif? I'eople's union ronienllon at' Unit pl.ue dllthiis- the past few days, 'I'he I.iPliiiwaium (nmpany will p.ii' thtlr emploies ut the 'I'aylor, Pyne and An lib, 1I1I collleiles 10-moiMiw riiiiPl.il Diiectnr ,1 II, Uails Is mnlfliiKT 11 iiuiubci nf hn jii ni cuienisi nhout IiIh Main Mieel icsideme, Mli- 1:11,1 "M Palis, of Main atieet. iNltrd lelathes In llollowie Widnef day. Mr, and Mis William Thomas and Irtinlly, of Main Htieet, atleiuled the futieial of the Into Mis IJvan Jones nl Il.ulc I'aiK jesteiday, WAVERLY. ,Mss lllUaheth Thonuifi. a IiIrIiIv ip. Miectnl coloted lad), (I lid last Wed nesday The paities who ute f-liiKliiK' the .11. tesshin well for .Mi. t'hilsty have met with ((iiltn a seilous inlsliap. when at a. depth of cIkIK) teet the) MM the dilll and all cltoi Is to t,ol It out have failed bo tin . A pay telephone station Is to be pint nl in Hall il. f'atkei'.s stoic It Is a cunt I'll point and will be well pal lonUed, I'nlon 111em01l.il s(.iips will be held at the Haptlst iliiiuli next Kabhath nun iilufr lte, .Mr. lioodslmll, p.istnr of the Methodist ihuiili will olllelnte Mls.s Lottie Mullock has accepted .t position us tlcik In (ho postoincc licje. .-.- ... iriv'