The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 23, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Meeting of Bocktncti Held, at Which
Steps Were Taken Toward Forming
nn Organization Breaking .Down
of Part of the Hoisting Engine nt
. Diamond Colliery Has Caused It to
Be Shut Down Effect of Machin
ists' Strike Beginning to Be Felt
nt the Mines.
Follow InR la the make-up of the D.,
Li. & board for lodny:
Utlil ('.its i:nl- S i. til. O'Ciuilinr Willi ll.iv
tn'.. nii'it: in t. in., I'. Wiill.iu'i II p. m.. I'.
'I III tt-IIAV. MA -':.
WIM ( .lit CH- I.'.IW .1. Hi.. Ninth IUm-H:
2 ii, in,, Hi o. Tliniuai-, ,'! .i. in.. i". Hurt; j
I. ni tt. A. ILirtlinluincui ii. .in.. " '
Milpll 111 ii. in., il. I'.i'i'! II ii. hi.. ' N.
Ilium; 1 '. in., II. .1. I..11M11; '-' p. in.. W, I.
ilolrri .1 i. 111., I. II .in tt'diini'i: I p. in,
I'. Il.illrl; ,- i. til., .1. .1. I !!. Iln; p. in..
,1. II. M.i.lrn.
-llllllllIlM !! 11. III., rli-l. .1 lli'llllilMU: S.i. tn,
ul, II. Fiii"iili'lkn; 11 1 1. 111.. r.i-l, l..illiinr
mIHi C.imIkk'i nun! i. in.. '. N. II. Nil h
nlx; 7 p. 111.. i-.M N'.n Ana,' i:. M1AHM11. 7
. 111., iii'.l tiiiiii ( iuiu.i. Mi I. ni'S 1 p. in.,
ui-t tiiiin r.i.Mian. 'lliMiiin-i.ii,
l'lllll-l.-lll II. III., I I). nl.
I'mlnt .1. III., Illill-i-i; IK ,1. III.
i II. "n .1, in., Mm in; V i. in., Mniili.,
tiji. 111., I.iiitipinu; Id p. 111. A, iitciti-r.
V.ii'tiai'i ltiv:liii -. T .1. in.. .'i 11 iii-.v : 7 .1. I" ,
,1 .1, Mm 1 iiv; ."',"11 p. in., M.iiitini; 7 p. in ,
Wllil IMI U.-l 5 .1. in , 11. 10
11, 111.. .1. lilnli-.i : II .1. 111., .1. A llii-li; I .
in.. F, l Unai'ii 2 p. in.. Kina-li-y; '! p.
in., ( I. ill. nitli .Mil'.iitli.i'n 111. 11 : I p. in.. Ki'H'ii
flin; ." p. :n.. .I11I111 li.ih.iu.iii: ii p. 111, M. (inlii
flii 7 p. in., W. . I.nliur.
About the D., L. & W. Mines.
A pill't III' till' sIlllftillK ClltttH'cti'il Willi
iif nl' 1 Ik- ImlMltiK i-iiriliisw nt the
Dhiuiiinil mini, whh illsnhlo'l ycstiM-iliiy,
iiihI hi I'Miispiiui'int. iiiniiy hi' thi' I'tit
pln.vps H rro ii'iiutifil to sip-'iond wink
;it iiiiiiii. The iiuitci'iiil t t'f 111 1 .! tn i"
pulr Iln- shiiltltis ciiiiiKiL "i uhtiiiiu'il
vi'iy ri'iiillly. iiulttfr t" llu slnke iimijiiu
thi- tnai'hf ti 1st . iiiul in cniii'iiui'tH r
Hint I'm t opiM-iilioiifi tuny hi. suspended
fur noitii' linn.
Tin miners ai" IickiiiiiIiik tn I'i'i'l the
i'11'ei'ls of the strike, 11s there Is 11 luck
if ears, oulns ti the minilier liihl up
fur 1 epulis.
Tip lepairs tn the hulslitis engine
mid the shiil't nl' the CiiyiiK.i mine is
neaily finished and wink will he le
Mtttieil there within a week or ten
1 'ontraetiir Isaacs has a f-i'-'-e of men
sit wink laying 11 concrete I'liiiiiiliition
for lite ni'W steam heating pltnt which
will lie installed at the Dodse initios.
The foundation for a siinK'ir plant at
Hie Hampton is also lieinp laid.
Meeting of Newsboys' Union.
The liootlilacks' and newsboys'
union met last nislit In (iit"iiisey hall
and condiicled a weekly ses
sion. The youuKSteis are arrangitm'
for ati'enii'i'tiiintnent and liope to hold
II next month. A number of thorn
were in 'illes-i:ari" rinmlny inn
fcrrlns with the laizerne hoys' union,
and a joint ineetliiH- and entertain
ment of Hie two branches may be scum
The newsboys, who rnuipiiso 1 Mo far
most active part of the local union,
slate thai the "route boys" are now
beliii; admitted to membership. The
"newsies" further express themselves
as highly disgusted with tho action
nf tin; "sliineis" in taking a decided
taiiil on Hie bout blacking iiuestiou
mil demiinding a uniform price of ten
Organizing the Rockmen.
(rgani'er Joseph Hodgson, of t lie
'nited Itucknion, ,t blanch of the
American I'Vilenilion of l-abni', met a
'arge number of pick woikers last
evening ill 'be corner of South Main
ivonue and llainpton street, nnd talked
iver plans for the fornialloti of a per
manent oi'KauiKiitlon.
About thirty-live uirn employed by
.Ik different mine oimtrnclnrs have
slgnilied their intenllan of nflillatlng
.villi Hie orgiinizatlon, and nnothif
iici ling will lie held next Sunday af
ernouti to peifo'i the 111 ritiigemouts,
'inly 11 formal talk was hold Inst even,
ng, but Air. Hodgson expects to eslab
Isli a permanent union at the next
This nntl That.
A mini! the which has evidently boon
liiirnlng for some time, and which has
ilieaily caused 11 great deal of damage,
vas discovered liv the sounders of the
Avondalo colliery of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western company
aily Monday morning. The lire Is in
Recently there have been several cases
of prominent men suddenly falling in
collapse just after eating a hearty meal.
These men have all been under treat
ment for gastric "trouble," ami yet the
result shows that the treatttient tliey had
received had smothered the symptoms
nut had not retarded the piogress of the
li sense.
There is a real danger in the use of
palliatives when there is disease of the
stomach and its allied organs of diges
tion and nutrition, The disease in such
rases goes on, while the distressing
symptoms alone are stopped. Presently,
ukc a smothered
ire, the disease
breaks out in
new places, in
volving heart,
lungs, liver, kid
leys, or some
Ulter organ.
The use of Dr.
Pierce's (lolden
Medical Discov
!ry results in a
adiral cure of
lisenscs of the
itomach and oth
r oruaus of di-
(fstion and nutrition, It cures diseases
f heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when
.he disease ot these organs has its origin
,11 the diseased condition of the stomach
and digestive and nutritive system.
i I will tell you Hlint iuyelf ami family think
of jour medicine," vviitei. Mr. M, M Wotdwell.
of Wnwood, I.cavenwortli Co., Kuiiias. "It
will do all you ay, and moie. 1 was taken
lick nine years dro; I got mi weak I conldu'l lie
down, nor hardly bit up; was that way two or
three mouths. 1 picked up one of Dr. Pierce':
Memorandum Books one day and saw your de
scription of catarrh of the xlomach, I thought
it bit inv case. We had a bottle of l)r, Pierce's
rtoMen Medical Discovery iu the house that was
rot for my mother, vou recommend it for
catarrh of the btouiach, $0 I went to takiui; it,
The one bottle nearly cm id mc. I got two
bottles next time and took unr and one-half
nd waa well. Your uieiliciue qoit mc three
dollars and the doctor cost me fourteen dollar-,."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent.)w ou
receipt of 21 one -cent stamps, to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Pr,
R. y, Fierce, Buffalo, N, V.
7 vf-rukfl&
k -BfPp
1 ra
Have Made Many Scranton
Residents Enthusiastic,
So wonder scoioh of Scruuton eltl
?.ena g-row enthusiastic. It Is rnotigh
to inako any one happy to Ibid relief
after yenrs of .suffering. Public state
ments like the following me but truth
ful representations of the dally work
done In Herattlon by Dunn's Kidney
Mrs. Kvan .tonkins, of II" South Kll
inure uveiitie, Hyde Turk, says; 'T
had a steady pain In my hips and
through my sides, so distressing at
limes I ha ( I could noi do my work
n built the bouse. I have often been
obliged to call In the doctor. There
was also tin annoying kidney weak
ness, which was at limes very painful
and attended With frequent notion of
the secretions. Sly limbs were numb
and I bad diopsy at times rind my feet
swelled so t lift L I could nut wear my
shoos. The doctor said my trouble
must be chocked or It would end In
Hrlght's disease, hut 1 did mil receive
much benefit from the medicine I took.
I beard about Doan's Kidney Pills and
used live or six boxes. They helped
me wonderfully in every way. 1 have
recommended them to many of my
friends and some of them received
marked benefit Troiii the use of tills
Pur sale by all dealers. Price, .".O
cents. I'osler-Alllburn t'o., Murrain. X.
V., sole agenls for the I'niteil Slates.
Iteinember the nanie. Dnan's, and
lake no substitute.
the old Jersey mine, which has been
abandoned for yeais. The slope load
ing: Into It is located on .lersey hill, 011
(lie mountain wide above, the village of
Avondalo, and Is In Plymouth town
ship. Tile large addition to tho Penn ave
nue shops of the Allis-Cliiilmi'fs com
pany Is looming up nicely and will be
ready for occupancy In a short lime.
The iron stanchion workers and
bridue builders formed a union last
Thursday night, and will meet tills
evening at :.(W liiiekawanna avenue.
It Is requested that all members be
The iron work on the new black
smith shop iit the Dickson Locomo
tive works Is being- erected and the
building will soon be under cover, A
number of additional Improvements
are contemplated about the simps now
wllil" the men are idle.
Secrelary-TreaBiircr John T. Domp
sey, of District No. I, raited .Mine
Workers of America, is at Hcrnice,
looking into the strike there aiming
the men of tile Sullivan Coal company's
colliery. Hetween three and four hun
dred employes have been idle several
.Manager AVaylund. of the Lacka
wanna Telephone company, denies thai
the proposed combine of independent
telephone compniiieg throughout the
state is in the interest of the Ameri
can Hell company. On the contrary, he
says, the movement is for the pur
pose of 'bringing1 the independent com
panies more closely together, that they
may be in better shape to compote Willi
the American Hell company.
The Uollenback colliery, which Is
owned and operated by the I.eliigh and
AVilkes-Harre Coal company, litis been
Idle for the past few weeks on account
of extensive repairs being made to the
breaker. A new wasbery is being' erect
ed close to the breaker and a large
force of men is at work and expect to
have the work completed about June 1.
A new set of boilers has been secured
and they aie now ou stilts ready for
tho brick work to bo added. When the
wasbery is erected the company will
be able to .secure plenty of culm and
they have erected a large pair of roll
ers which will crush the slato and bone
coal and this will all be scut down 'the
mines to fill up the old workings.
Other improvements are being' made
about the breaker, and it may tie about
June 1 before the colliery will resume
work. AVilkes-Harre News.
l.i-l (if ldli'is iPiiiahihiir imcillri! for in tl.e
Sii.nikiii piMoIlK . I..'ik.i.iiiin i.niinl), P.I.,
M.iy .';:. iiji. i:u n. itiiipic, i m.:
Mm, Jl. Ild-lln, I..iiiiiii' llnlhi, .IiiIiii Uinn -',
P.itrliK It.illrr. .hint llatmir, Walter llili..p,
llleliaol lloogau, A. N', llrottii, Mil.v llmitiaii,
Al.n.l lit'l iv .
.lame-, Couwa.i, .Mi'. W. II. l .iino.v, Mic.d (n
nunc, .IiiIiii I'liiy. Amid liJiiiv, .I. r. Collin'-,
Mi. Ann Cojne, U". .I. CoUwill, Aiuili (.iiinj,
Wis. (JciiiKi't'.'.iiii''ll. I'at I'.nMli, .Ml.-. Cnlihi-,
V,i. .I, I. CdlOtt.iy, Pi Ur L'nlliiis, Jainr. Cury,
Pal I inlon.
.May Dully, ('. DailiIiuc, P.Hi'l P.illiu, M.ntin
( .ill Dutb r.iniN Da Kir, N, Duiker, Aiali'Uiy
lhiin, .ln.-ppli li.iii-t. Min. It. Dmilhi.
W'dli.iiii Uiii; Vcui Ihnprior, Ati.iiu Kwm,
WilliJiu lh.ui-, 11. i:i..'ii(l.
W. Pair, AlU-i Di'lla I'riincll, .lav.,
'Pi 1 1 a I'liuily, liolii'it I'l.inay, P.ilriik I'illiiiin.
Clialiclli l'ulhii.ui, S..r.ili I'ov, .Mis, P. Ciiiell,
Aiiiliiii-o I'.iul.
Mar (ilimlng. Nt 1 s. Anna Hula, .l.tmc-. lii'ilmk,
ll.iy '(.IIiiio), l. I', (ifllitj, X. II. (illllllll, V.
( 111I1I11., .May C.ill.iijInT, Mb I1..1 1 Itinciu, .luu
Mis. I),.niil Hal, IMiiil lii'liiic-, (Iciiie lb r
ion, May I'. Haul.
Ml-. W ,1. lib
Ml,., .liuiLlll, Mlv. .Ionian, Mb-i Aun.l
.loiu'i '.', II. .1. .line, Jnliu, Mij. ,1. .I.uuis
Petri- Keller, 'llio, Kcoiu, Jolin I, Iu'.iih.', h
W. Kapp, Vnlliimv Kailnudiey, Ml-n V. ', W.
Iwvl;, Aiiiiu Kelt, I'.ilil'l. Ki'llc.s, Until K.'llv,
Mis, M. Ki'iiihmIj, .lolin K.innv, Annie Kllliniroi,
Alllmr l.ailwi-.', Jli'h.iil l.allin, Mis. X.,
I. my l.utlinii, May l.i'Uin.
Mr,. I lai.l Milloiiuntl. MlV Mili'in, Williiri
Mil In Maud, Annie Mud, I'.imiir al-un. IhM'ii
Mcllonalil. .Mi. Miinii, S. inrel Milil-m, Mr. J.
A, MoiViili. Mainii II. Mlllil, M.i-1 I'lanl. line
pliy, MaiiruiPi MiCiiiic iln. Millun.ilil, Katlier
me MiHer.ui, May Mcllnniilii, l'li:n. Maun, Min,
' Mi'Maii.tH.iy.
lului Ki'llio, 'lames Xoiiuaii, Amhew Xiyuloi,
.limn I.
lUlhl O'lliiiiile, II, O'lhieii.
Ur. I.. Paiilie, .lai I'j.mIoiu, .lolui I'.iUn, Miy
IVudi'itratl, I'led I'.ihnci.
SlllllullV IJlllllll, Mirll.ll'l (juillll,
M11. Aitliur Itnl.liin.,, J, ilii.-i.ell, .Inliu It.
1IIU, lhilih llc.Miohb,
MIm Mi Snjili'r, Mil-. M,, Joe Slmily,
Ml. Delia MnKir. Mjy Sililntnii, frank Sihwies
hill!,', Mav MliHiilieii,', Miilei l li.H, Seluilcr,
Anna Smith, ('. Mvi-im-y, Ml Annie Stcwail,
K.Nen I,. Miiltli, Allen f. Snliiilk, (I. V. btur
ilc.unl. M. V. Silmnl..
Jelii Tlaul.. lieu. Iliiil, .lo-rpli Tell, Levi
Tutluly, Ml 1111I1 T.ilw, .Mis. . I). Tiillivll.
William orlon, Julin Vauhr.
Mrs. W'liilinoie. ' Mil. Delia W'liilc. I'Mi.'i
Wayne, tin, IMtid Uelili, Ml Mamie W'aveily,
Cauie Waltus.
West Scrunton Statiou.
Mis. It. Ilieiher, J. It'inn, Mis. P. ' Win.
I'lanuciy. M.ny fulriuan, llunh I uIk, Mi. Julin, .1. T. Davis, Mrs. f. Da lis, Mi. A.
Dai is, Andrew Duutilieity, PjiiIoI IMivjiJi, 'I'lw.i.
PI mi, (leu. foul, M. fljiui, Mis. W. (iieen,
I'. .1., II. J, J. (iiiinths, Mrs. W. K.
Hill, Ilol-t. Jiiues, Shs. .Mary James, Win. 'l
Jettrles, Win. A, .ludge, Jhs. Win. McGaine, I'.
Milntjie, Miss i.Uzie Jblm, John Janes, Mrs. II.
I.fvl, S. Uk. Jos. .MiC'all, i'atrkk Murphy, b,
ilattell, U.k A. Majie, May Marau, Mrs. Auniu
M.ese, It. .Mmllii, MI.H M.iv M.irltn, Mid. T
0'lt.i!c. M, 0'l.r.ily, Mm. Il.ltliel I'mirlt, lllcll
iiul .1, Prlir, Joint I'llie, M.lliel ijiilniMii, I'hlllp In It. C lllili.liib, M, llntmoy, bllen Meiie)
ly, ttlelinhl Se.unnur, Menu 'I'lioiiuH, Mary T.iule,
b., IMlrlik Vnjil, Mis. Iv. Wdili, I'tlcr
Hie fiillmilna (It.llul ofnerM Him ItiMatlnl
fur Iln cimiiIiik lliiind rdiiun.unler, Sir
I'lldm S, fniinv.ilil, Xo III, lllnuiiel-liritl RMInl
liriiri.ilihiiii, Mr .l.ilniM I.. JuiKinii, No. T7.
W IllUni'porl; ri.iihI niptiilii.eeiiciiili Sir 1'ieil
r Iici. Allinlil, Xti, Wi, l.illieii.ter Bi.lliil pi-el.lle,
Mr James tlrimt lloitRliter, Xo. aw, Mlllrnbuiii;
tiiiuiil rerntilir, Sir Uenme It, Pleue, P. S. t'.,
X11. 21, Plill.iiltlplil.ii iiiiiiul IriMiuii't, Sir tli.11,
. Iljvlei, No. II.', Siiiilmry; ri.iihI finlor .u
i!di, Mr Samuel J. Il.irnrtt, No. Hit, Delhi; iiiiiiul
Junior wnnleii. Mr Ibiiu It. Julio, No. 'Jib
Sirniitonl Kiiiuil u.inlir, Sir lloince vV. Crlilri',
Xo. Ill, Veil,; sratnl lrulee. IIHII lo Krti, sir
liiome W. Devhuiy, Xo. til, Phll.iilelplil.i; irnunl
wntinrl, Sir 'li-nim 1'. Ilioc'hs, No. ill, 1.eH
tmvli; bi.iiiiI Ftninliril healer, Sli Oroine I'. Me
Cunl, Xo. t"l, WIIKes-IIJire; gi.ilnl rhoiiI lienr-'i-
Mr Itatpli b.iurl, Xn, !), lliiiililiiug; ki.iiiiI
(ltl gu.itil, sil It. ('. (i.illiinitti. No. '.'.ill. 'I'
lutie; (.'Mini Miuinl gii.inl. Sli J, , It.iilnnir,
Xu. IIT, l.'li.iiiilieMlniitf,
'Die nnniiil n imii.itlon ,J tlie (hniiii r iiiiiiiiand
eiy of I'i'Iiiim Iv.uil.!, on Muy II, l.'i nml In, it
I ohuuliia, l,.iue,ll(i- loinily, was lnot uo"e--fill
in 1'ieiy iipeet. 'Hie Hi'.dNel wai pel fed,
Hie 11ltei11l.ini i' Luge nml tin' luxplt.ilily of Hie
(1 tiip.iiiious of (iilil.uniue ciiinui.iiiileiy iinliouii'l
nl. Tlie Heel and llu ul'lle ueliiniie
11!. Hie Op-la limi-e on Tnes'l.iy weie spleinllj
cieiiK iiiul p,it.i'd oir niii-l luipplle. The
ami It. iiiiiiul iiiuiiell iliainlier of liiill itnuie eniti
iti.niili'i,, , ullli its liaiiilsonie new ileeiualiuiK, n
(II sitl toil to 111 (oiuiiinilate llu' lioil.e pii '
nil. 'I In Vpion (iieeu ileuree .is preenteil by
II -pi'dat ileiriec Malt, in-npoM-il of i Mniumuin ,f
hulli Mark I'n .1 ml lliillinniii' i'riiiiu.iiiileiles .n
ii 1ioh' .mil liiiiii"bi. pine ot ritliall-tii Willi..
I:e1.1l101ly was pli'.i-eil Willi the Inn au.l
Hie uYiui'iMi itloito .1 1 1 il-.'li ijlt II.
A ili.ulei- was mauldl to King Unlit i iiniiii.iiiil
ii.e, No. iiill, to lie slalloiidl at Wuyne-ln'i-.i,
I'l.iliKlili iii'inl, while I lie III. mil loiiiniaiuleiy
u.s In lesiun. (tl.Hu! Itecenlel lieulue il
I K-ire I1.11I iiiat leieuiil it In. in sil .1. llhner
Aliiiiite. uho I i.i h Hip niMtii,tti"n at dial:''
'I'Iii arni'ii nei reiraiillii!; Hie iielilutiou o(
Albany n mm.iiiiliiy, Xo. iiiij, l.el week, i.n u,
elll'l-. 'I'wn lllll.iluil of Hie Iciemnsl iitiell. of
Albany, X. Y., neie on the duilii' mil of tills
itln.i:l.ahly laiue .mil eiilliiiM.i.-.ic lOiuiiiaiiil.
The iitimnl (niiuie.illou of 1!)2 will lie h"ld al
William-pnit ou May lii, II anil J.".. Mount
Olivel riiiuinaii'lu', .Vu. IT, ninl coin
I'l.iiuli rt-. Xo. TT. are loeiile,! in that dty, ami a
Kieit ilemniwhalluu is cvpedril.
I'i'idily (Olillll.llilleiy, Xo. JT1, .'it t'liatesvllle,
P.i, has iinolliir ei.i-i leady tor a.liiii--t")i. iinil
will viion ban -Jin) of tlie be.t citien of die
town eu ils rotti r.
'Il.e Knliilits of Malta li' fuml iidiii"! oier
two Itiiniheil 1I0II.111 to its row-it.'; iiuumut,
Willie tin.' rolloiatu w.u ill 1U02;I'(S.
For 50 Years
mothers have been giving their
children for croup, coughs and
Mothers havejw Shiloii in
the house at all times? Do
you know just where you can
find it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
and choking with croup? If
you haven t it get a bottle.
It will save your child's life.
"shildi nlways cured my h.iby of croup,
couKhi and colds. I would not be without il.'
MRS. J. 1!. MARTIN, Hiimsviltr, Ala.
Shllnh'A Conmimplloii Cure ii soli! Iiy all
(lniKKistH lit .'Bo, Oc, Wt.00 huttlu. A
pitiilril Biiiirantori unen wltli vrry liottle.
ir.von urojiot biitlslled go In your driiHgitt
uiul get your money linrk.
Write for iilutvatd bookon consumption, Pcnl
without cost to Jim, S. ( . Well;, .V. l.'o,, l.rKoy, N.Y,
Manufacturers or
480 to 455
N. Ninth Stroot,
Telephone Call, 23IV5.
is s
...,a-w- CleanlnR Teeth "
3 PPPP No elmrgo lor I'alulusH Kstrai-t- PPPP-
i I KDC IuhWIwu Other Work Is Don. r"l.L,ID
; Wo give 11 wrUtuii gimi'iititeo for -0 veins on all work. Q.
1 rIMw. t'linl ll.iil to nil I lli'i.i'.w.t'nl.wl I'm', , .!.!,.. 1
The fact that this is uu
ness iimler the luws of
liOolllei's, ia uHUlHeieiit
tlrnt wo Do Kxactly ni
uay.s, m 10 1.
1 The White Dental Parlors
(Not in the
The Enormous Anti-Monopoly Shows.
Grandest, Greatest, Purest, Fairest Amusement Enterprise on Earth
It boldly opposes Monopoly, Believes in Justice and Liber
ality, Everywhere Courts Honest Criticism,
ii giuhr lie mmus h
It Produces Everything Advertised, and Does Not Deceive.
m m .
myf;t nei son
, &3i -f
n A - BA Al e " 'ik jiKTZ.-IT
LM H C . Ke "Ik
v.tii;........;;.,.,.,.,,,.....,,,, i.,...,,.,,,,,,,,;,,,
iisll -'J w .H'Wjoll rjuitiu-w ftmuBAi w"', itwi jlli uir mc
The Up-to-Date Highest- Class Circus in the World
At Scranton,
Not Until Friday, May 24.
Our Bicycles Are
Moving Rapidly.....
From our store into the possessioirof many sat
isfied purchasers who are buying Bicycles during
this Clearing Sale of ours at lower pi ices than
ever known before in the Bicycle business in
Scranton. The Bicycles offered during this sale
are all standard makes and fully guaranteed.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
We extract teeth, fill teeth, and apply gold crowns and bridge work, with- g.
out tlie least pain, by a method patented and used by us only. When the im- ;,
pression is taken in the morning plates will be finished same day, if desired. Si
Note Oar Prices for Perfect,
Full Set Teeth (that fit)
Gold Fillings
Silver Fillings..
1 t t t '
Gold Crowns,
Teeth Without Plates $5.00
Jiiconioi-uted L'oiiioiinv ilolnir luisi.
(his State, ami opuivitiiiK tv svstum of O
giinruiiti'u of our luspoiisihillty and 2
Wo Ailvcrtis-;.
WW .MAKl-J A .St'EC'lAIn of Qoia (Jrown anil Hrlilgo Work, TIiIh Is ;i
(iyMtPiu for iimciiliifi' artllli'lal U'itli wltviv one or nuiii uro inls.slnt,' without tlm
nso f a plate. Tills work is most beau liful ami I'unnot lie ilutcotoit from tlm
natural teeth. AVlien proporly ilnno, will last a lifetime, fall anil sen " oper
ate. It will be a pleasure for us to carefully examine your toelli anil tell you
exactly whut your work will cost. No cliurge for this. Hours, S to S. Him-
lounr l.aikowaiina
l'Jrk Hiu
renrern in tin
Circus" Trust)
ivemes n onvinn
&. V Bm A Rffl B H L te rsZSi . . (tfJKN
rwraiiy m ve
rw,uj.T wwr ur wm.iu hn twin ziKWit. wu mtftuLtifui. liJUJiui
- .,..,,,,..,.,. .un..m.,n.n..., .,-,..
Painless Dentistry f
$1. 00
S3. 00 to
""U faf
Wit5.ii i St-nrnw
ami Vomiiu .luiuu.
iK' '
MJl'S. SLi
Stun, ." union. I.uko.-i
woilil. 2D uftlcoa ill I iillfd
D 8 1M o
iwlt. 1 Y i W tn
feifii'iiifeii'i.iaa Hi,, Mikm -
.jh k it . tt h it n h t n n n n n . n
I Hayes & Varley,
iil-lid spruce St., Between
At Reasonable Prices
Is the broad safe rule that has guided us in the manage
ment of our Dress Goods and Silk Departments, and it
has brought us success from the beginning and an ever
increasing trade.
I'KUNELLA CLOTH 45 inches wide,
cloth, salt 11 finish, worth 1.00. For
VIUOKKAUX OMITH-46 inches wide, in a variety
snaaes, one or me most desirable fabrics tor the sea- .
son's wear. Worth 1. :.;. l;or $ 1 .00
I'KAU l)K SOIK The prettiest and hest wearincr silk that
money can uuy. ah tne new
mill A I flln iiaIII
shades. Worth $1.25. For ip 1 .0U
BLACK GKKNAIMNKS All line silk. 45 inches wide. Floral
or rich heavy satin stripes. Two specials, never sold 4
under $2.25 and 82.50. For $1.75 and $ 1 ,98
..'... ,,ll Lll lll-VT
k' It it it t ( K it it it it t ( t t ( t t ttr.vt It . it it k it ttr.r.r. it teitiix
4. 4 4. ! 4. 4 4 4. 4 4 ! ! ! .
Our new stock of fabrics specially adapted for
tins season, is uow complete and comprises all
the uew novelties in
Porch Rugs Porch Curtains
Fibre Carpets
Temporary Store 126 Washington Ave.
Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies.
4" ,p4"i"T t4.4' 4"' .!. 4.i. 4 4.
Schedule in EfEect Mnrch 17, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton:
G.45 a. m., week duys, for Sunbury,
Hari-isburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and for Pittsburg-
and the West.
9.38 a. in., week days, for Hazleton,
and for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundnys
1.08 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg- and
the West. For Hazleton, week
days only.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury.
Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
.1. I). IIU'CIIINSON-, On. Mi-r.
J, B. V.OOl), Urn. l'.i,s. Asl.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Kllri-t Doe. 2. IfiOO.
Snulli Li'.ivi! SiT.uilou Tor Ni'v Voil; nt 1.10,
n.lKJ S.SK, S.W anil 10.03 n. in.; I2.M, 3..1.-I i. m.
Kor 1'lilladolpliU nl t00 .mil 10,n.j a. in.; 1155
ami S.WJ 1'. 111. 1-ul' StimiiMmur at (i.K) p, 111.
il 1 1 k aiciiiiniioiUtiou al iJ.10 p. 111. .11i0 at
lli.liokui at 7.1S. MM, 12.01, S.U, .H,
V l! n, m. Aii-ivu at 1'lnl.iilclplii.i .11 1.1m, x'it,
11.00 an.l S.'Ji p. I". Ariivr fiinn NVm- Ymk at
1,10, .: ami lo.i'i I- '": l'01'. '!. "'. l.l, 1.1.'
nml p. Hi. I'l'"" HiouiWuirif at 8.0", a.
Norlli I.faio S.ranton for Ilnfljlo anil inpr.
niciliali' slaticiH .it 1.1.1, (I.:i5 ami 9.00 a. in.;
1.55, 5.-1S anil 11.35 p. m. I'nr O.wi-uo nml
tyriii'iiM! ul V-'"' " '" l""1 l-5r' 1'- ni. I'r
Ulica at 1.10 a. 111. mi" 1.5"' I'. m. I'or .!on
linif at b.0) -i I"! 5 1""1 6''1 I', in. I'nr
Sii-liolMii' al I no anil U.15 p. in. , in...
liMiitnn at 10.20 a. " Aiilvu in Si union from
llull,ili at 1.31. -'.'V' '';'; -'I"'' a. m.; -WO
anil '.OO p. m. l-nim 0-.i'eo ami at
J.55 a. 111,; I'J'M "n,l h,l,' I'- "i ''"urn 1'lio.i
nt '-'.55 a. in.: 12.3S anil 3.3) p. in. 1'ic.m
Xliliolson al 7.W) a, 111. anil 11.00 p. in. iom
MonlroM nt K'.io .1. in ; "- ami 8.1K) p. 111.
Illnnni'liiire lilvWmi I.imi Suanlnn fur
Xorlli'imlicilaiiil, at 0.15. I0.(M a. m.j 1.55 .,,
6 50 p. I". ''ur I'IjiiioiiIIi at 1.0"), 3.10, ,",o p.
in. I'nr HiiWi-tnn at S.I0 a. in. Ariivc at
Nortliumlii'iMnil at ILSfl a. 111.; I. Ill, ,'j.ixi ami ha:
p. 111. Ariiio al Klns-tnn at 8.12 a. 111. Arrln
nt I'liinmilli at '-'M. l.ii'J. IM'-i p. in. 1111,.
in Si-iantnii freni Vnrtlniinlu'rlani at 0.12 a. ri. ;
KM, 4.5H nml ''' !' '" I'l"1" ISiiiK'ton at
jl IX) n, in. I'U'iii I'lymuiitli at 7.5; ,1. in. ; -j.-io
and 5.-15 p. in.
Kmitli l,nun i-Vi'Jiituii at 1,10, ;t.00, 5.50, M0i
p, in.; ;i.:l.l ami a.(0 p. in.
Xurlli l.i.iu' Sir.iirtnn at 1,11, (i.:!j a. m. ;
1.55, 5. IS ami II..I) p. ni.
llloonisliin llivUii'ii t.iint' i-'iianlon at 1003
a. in. anil 5.50 p. in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In I'llw-f M'H- 10. H"H.
Tnlni (or Culioiiilaln li-.iu Nrinlon nt il -JO,
p (HI. 8..VI, 10.11 a. I'M l-.', 1.20. 2 41, ,.;,i
6"'.i 0.25, "''". 0.I'-'. I'-1'' I'- "! 1-1" ! in.
rr IIoiiu'IjIc-1'-0 lo.l' a. m.: 2.U ami 5...j
''l-nr WilK-H'irn "l"'. "''. S.H. o.i-5, 10.17.
ll.Ma, iii-i l-'-i. -'s. M;i' oWii 10 11,'
"i'or'u V. " lw'ts-0-l5. U-1"' a. in,; !,!j
1,37 ami U.WI I'- ,'"
Kor I'cnr.i.yli.inl-' " poii.ts 13, u.s? a.
,11.; 2.1S ami 127 p. ni.
Vat ,llaiiv ami all poiinj norlli a.Stj a, m.
.nU8.H..irt.N.)AV TJAN.a
for rotl.oml.iU u.ikj. n.Ks 11. m.; ?.i(, 3,53,
6"Kor,lWlTk-ll '''-0i's- U-35 " '"! 13, Vii,
0 'T K.s: p. m
-ur Albany ami pt'lnU norlli -;',' p. ,n.
Tor jionowlali'- U.i a. 111. anil a.fi2 p. in.
.uit laics to all points In lliilitil hiatri
and Canada.
.1. 11. linillirK. (1. I'. A., Alliany. y.
II. V. I'll')-45'. 0. I". A.. KTJiitnii, I'a.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
bulloin In New Vmk-I'out u( l.ilicily tlrrct,
s. It., anil t-'.'iilli IVrij.
TIMi: TMII.I'. IS l.l'IK.T MV IU, 1-ml.
'I'laliiM lean SiiJiilim lor Ni'W Vuik, .Viwil.,
r.llaUlli. I'liilaili'lpliia, Ci.liin, lli'ilili'luin. Al
li'iiluwii, M.1111I1 I'lnilil. aii'l Uliitu llaicn, al S.5.,
.1 in.; .pns I-10, , I ml p. 111. Mm
iia.n, 2.13 p. m.
I ur I'ilUU'ii ami Will.i-i-ll.iiii', S.5J a. in ; 1 10
jiil 1.00 p. 111. SiiiiiIi, S. 15 p. in.
I'or Halliinoio ami Wa-liiiiKtmi ami point)
uuili anil Wisl via lli'llili'Vli'. .5 j. 111., 1 10
din) 1 p. 111 -.'.l.'i p in
i'nr lanit liiaiuli. Hmjii liiuiv, i-li1., al "ii
a in. ami p. in.
I'or Hi-ailini,'. l.i'l'Jiion ami M j 1 ri-l'iii ir. ilj VI
Iuiiumii, t-.5'i a. 111. ami 1. 10 p. in. Sniul , -.
2.15 p. III.
Vr 1'iiU.mIU'. 5."i a. ni.. 1 in p. in.
IVr .MuunlJin Park, s.'i.'i a. in., 1.10 l.mi
I'. 111.
Tlnonvli liili'l to all poinU cj-l, mhiIIi juJ
went at lovM"l rail's at II10 utatlon.
II. I. HAI.I1IVI.V. (iru. I'au. Agt.
J, II, OLliAUSKN, Geu. Supt,
n . h h m. . it n t t n t . n n k
Washington mid Wyoming
a handsome
of new
tVUl I i: (Illll M CCI k
evening ami street
4.T f T v t t "p vt r t r -r t ,
Straw Mattings Summer Draperies t
Capital ?Z00,000. Surplus $525,003,
United States Depositary.
Special attention given, to
nu.sixKS.-i, Pi'iRSOXAr, and sav
ings accounts, whether large
or small.
Open. Saturday cveuiugj
from S to 9 o'clock.
W.M. CoNXiii.i., President.
HhNRV, Ju., Vice Pres.
VVm. II. Pi-ck, Cashier.
Leliigh Valley Bailroad.
In lltrott Manli 3. IfOl,
For I'liilaili'lpliia oii'l .Niw Yoik i.i D. .t II.
11. II., .it 11.15 anil 11.55 a. in., nl 2.1S, 4.7
( Di.iimmil i:.ire), 11. uO p. in. Sun.
da), I). & II. It. I!.. 1.5S, 8.27 p. in
I'or White Han n, lliklnn ami principal pointl
In I ho coal ickIoiI', I.i H. .v II. It, 11,, il 15,
2.1S ami 4.27 p. in. I'm- 1'iiIImIIIi, 4.27 p. in,
I'or ll.'tlili'liiui, i;.."lni, lli'uilins, ll.irris'jnr
ami iiitcrmi-illalc statUm-. il.i I), tc II.
11. H (1.45. 11-5'. a. in.: 2.1S, 4,27 ( Ilia.
inonil l-'.xprcsj, ll.SD p. hi. Muiul.1,14, U. & II.
It. It., l..'.s. S.27 p. ni.
I'or TuiiMiaiitiinl., Towamli, Klmlij, llliaia,
(li'iicia ami piini-ipil fiitcniii'illatc blatlon. il.i
11., I,. .V W. Ii. II., f.O-l a. in.; 1.05 anil 3.40
p. in.
Fur Onrvi. llii' lii'-lcr, IlnfT.ilo, Mignra Fall?,
CliiiaBu ami all pmnt- vnl, via I), fc II Ii, It.,
11.55 ii, in., !l.y;i (lllai U lliaimiiul llxpipini, 7. IS,
10.41, ll.IiO p. in. Similars, 1). & II, It. It,,
11.55, 8, "7 p. in
Pullman pallor nnJ sli'ipins "r l.clilch V.i 1 1 ojr
pallors tars mi all trains lii'tnerii Wllkra-llaut
ami New Vnili, I'liilailrlpliia, llnllalu ami Siw
pi'ilon llrilm
ItOI.I.IN II. Wll.llt'Il, (len Supt., 2fi t'ortlanil
shut, N'i'iv i K.
rilltl.i:s S. I.i:i:, Ucn, l'.i-s, A-t.. 2ll Corl.'auJ
lii''t, Ni'W Vnrk
A W. X('Ni:.M.U'lli:it. 1 1 iv. I'.ih. Asl., .Si-utf
I'l'llllrllPlll, I'a.
For tiiki'W ami I'ulli'iin rrso.-i.illons apply tr
Ju1) l.aikanaiiiiii inni'ii, Nraiilun, I'a,
Erie Railroad, Wyoming- Division.
TiniL 'falili in lllli'it ,s'epl. 17, lomj,
Tiaini lor lljwlcy ainl Inral pniiitn, ronixsU
iu' at liatvli-y with Kill lor SViv Voik,
.VttliiiiK a.ul iHU'inirillatc pniuU, Stian.
ton at ,.05 1 111. ami 2.25 p, in,
Traliw aiiiiu at Suianlun at 10 u0 a, in, ami
0.10 p. in.
Time Curd in effect lite, ,10th, tOOu,
la1 m M
- Jb. S-4
iri So C-j
iw JS',
an 2ot as
I , '
I"rm 1
. IU
. .'llJJ'i 109,11'.
IllUOiiJll ...I.v.
,, a osisu,
t 1M35,
i.- tain,.
..- 2914 55,
,.,, 8416 05,,
. 3Mb II.
. lOIIliH
. 10.11 U4l
. . ID'ilWSl
hi 1,1125
. IV will 10
'J .'Ml 1 1 U
'J lllll 1.
jam ih
Simllht . "
.I'liflon Pink. "
.Wlm.ouJ. "
..IMjIltlllv,.. "
.(l tun... . '
riwMut sit . "
t'lii'illllulo . "
.Foutt I'll. "
CaibonUale YU "
('Hrbuiiihilt. '
... 2tasj,;
It, a una aw,,
.. 8UJ5S1 ,
. 3 19SI3..,
thi 3 296 Al. ,
IT U03 SlisI
9 II Hit
.uaauu: . .
lli-lil i.l
Ml) III lil
IVl-Ulillo .
Ill) pliant
" 7 01. I.
" !IUS 116 M.',,
" ,7 073 136 01...
" ,7 003 466 US...
" 7 lij 616 00. .
" 7 13 646 12 .,
" 7 213 696 !e ..
7 874 086 81 ..
" 7 Kli 07621...
nsi f u oi ii ii
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6 14 S 10 ID .',7
fill Hlil'IM
.r,u s in hi f ii
.em, n ia is,
.601 trill) ri
.on Ka.'iii ii
6 0C U :m 10 101
I' I!'! 96 Hoar..
" 7 XH litn
run. rim-,'
b.-i uiitoii
I'M a)6St,...
iWJillouil imln. Ifoio Ctrtiouiltlr for M0cla TltJ
"."i-'f i r', I'i.'Wf ' 1"' l-tOjP" ""ity only, tt mini
l '.liil'i'-,1 , ftrj?llt urn ,n, n ml n, ' ,-,...
.lJ'litiuoltraliiliivrMmitouitTaiiii Sunday only J
luwniiatalltuitunt la Carlniidalr, auiiiait at 7 js r ml
aujl iraTulraira Vint for l'ailwiJaVilV!!
uil,arrtuiiKBtl.,atliiill1iat.5eui. "" w
Itatos Li-iita per iule. HaU to nil I'ulnt Wet.
4. C.
.Nil Voik. Cltj,
I. WtlSH,
Trar. Aient.
. ctaata.a'a