c Vj' V . THE SOU ANTON TIUBUNU-TIJUltSDAV, MAX 218, 1001. W & - -" ,' VM,,'4il''ii!iA'',!''T''f ' 'V'r - '.-,' .- ,i-;wr!?'f-' v ;,.-, '.. ', s.yvsyvvv'-r 0 s NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA 0 0 A MONTROSE. Fppflal to the Scranloii Tribune, Monli-'U" Mny JL'.-Cliirlv I'ntilf tin, of .ki iliiitr. Illinois, Is vIhiiIiiw nt tlm iicim .if bin iiicilliiM', .Mrn, I V, Cimkllii, nil Mi'pni Htirt'l, )v I.piiiiiii'iI IViii'snii, Kliih' WU't'lii nrliiti vvti" ii kih'm! nt tr. .1. !' Mill tfl'llnltl's yc.MliM'ilu.v, Mrs, S. 12. Ititullii'iiil In vIxltliiK tela tivnx in llltmliiiitilim. (Miim'Ii'm I.. Vim ScnliMi Is vlsllliti; Kl't'll tiny nt (iicnl Mend. Midst .llltlr TIllllIMM, III' SlTlllllllll, l tlie ftltr-si uf her lirollicr, llt'v, K. IC. TIhhims. nl Ihp H!iillst iiii'SfillliRt The liniiitl of iiicillcnii piMtMlitu ex iniillici's for Siisiiiioliiintiii futility met nl tlif Tui'lidl Iioii.sp In this pliti'o lu 'tl.ty. Tim Ktiwui'lli l.piimit' will lnltl novel mu'IiiI In Hie Inmsppt nf tlm XI. K, elitirt'h mi WViliiestliiy cvoiiImk, Miiy lis. 1.. T. lilirlinttl jiihI tltiiiKlitei', May, of Rlivliiinlvlllp, whs vIsitliiR frlondrt In this pliii'p yesterday. t'lmilos X. StiuUliml, for linlf n ceil fnry n pi"iiilimMl inert'limit tif Mnn trnsp, lias I'hIIpiI nml Ills store is elii.setl. Tilt' aiiliililit of assets nml liiihllltlps Is not ik'llnllply known. Kir. Stntltlaril on.lnys tlm rppiitnlliin of lioliiff an liuti ornlilc IhihIiioks mini and there Is nnirli sympathy expressed fur liliii 111 (lie. fliunii'lnl misforlinm that lias over taken lilni. He was preparing to close out Ills slock and retire from active business when the crash eame. Tlm annual sermon to the (!. A. U. post will be delivered by TJev. K. K. Thomas nl the Jiapllst church on next Sunday evening. The Sons of Veter ans Mill also he In attendance. It win be a union service. Samuel .1. llalsey, of Testershire. Is .spending the week at V. II. Dennis' Noticeable Improvements have been completed n limit the residence of Mrs. Caroline R Watrous. on .Maple street. Dr. John fi. Wilson has returned from a business trip to Xew York city. Arthur flriflln is clerking at Hoteh klss' restaurant. Mrs. Amanda Smith is having built, n tine addition to her residence on His-li street. Uev. K. K, Thomas is able to be about town attain, after several weeks of serious illness. Miss Francis K. Aimnernian Is visit ing: at the hnme of her parents .'it Lake Ariel. Wayne county, and will also visit friends in Scranton before returning to Montrose. Judge and Mrs. Daniel W. Searlo have returned from Xew York, where they were the Kiiests of lion. Oeorpo A. Post and wife, who formerly re sided lmre. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, May "". Samuel SiiiKer lu.in, one of tTie three men drowned at Silverbrook. near Hazletnn yester rtay, was a brother of Mrs. O porno ISriiitlnii. ef West Pittston, and for merly lived in this vicinity. (Iooiho Walker, a.tjed seventy-seven years, died at an early hour yet M-day inoriiliifr at his homo or. Maple street, AVest Pitiston, after a loni; illness of kidney and stomach trouble. De ceased came t" this place twenty seven years a pro, and for six years had been hieli constable of AVst Pitts ton boroiiKh. lie was well Known in that horoiish, and for the last few years of his life was a familiar figure on the streets, haviiiK been employed in the street department of the fiiir deu A'illr.se. A wife and one child, the latter Mrs. M. M. Tattle, a resi dent of Pittshurf,'. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon, Edward Bowkley, of Parsonage street. visllnd his cabin on the moun tain east of this city Tuesday, and in r Identally picked up eleven good-sized rattle snakes, which he expects to dis pose of with the circus which passes through this city this week. MV Kowkley is an expert snake catcher and his only weapon Is a stout stick, READY FOR THE TORCH Like Dried, Decayed Wood to the Flames Is the Hu man Being with Depleted Nerve Force to Dis easeEasily Overcome Quickly Succumb. It takes hut little to topple some people, over here toclny and missed to monow -some of us try hard to ward off the conviction that our standard of health is waning don't want to admit things once easily accomplished, now beyond our power try to keeji up a hold front men and women some times deceive themselves In untiring light of natuie's danger signals nature is thoroughly In earnest when these warnings are given. Throbbing, palpitating heart. Sleepless nights. Sudden stHrtlngH, Morning languor, Hialu fag. Inability to work or think, Kxhaustlon on exertion. Flagging appetite. U is (ho ones who allow these symptoms to exist who fall easy victims to any disease that may develop-tliey lack resisting Nerve Foive-cnnuot rally-the reason Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills are the most talked of mcill . Ine today is hecaiiso of their wonderful influence In relieving people from prevalent present. day symptoms done by provldng needed Nerve Force t ho cibonco of life, Mr. Henry Alberts, of 616 Birch St., Scranton, Pa., says: "Forabout two years my back and kidneys had been sore lame.and the secretions in bad shape, Nothing seemed to help me until I got Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills at Mat thews Bros.' Drug Store, cor ner Washington and Lacka wanna Avennes. They did the work, curing the soreness and lameness making the secretions healthy and gener ally giving me health and strength." With which he hitltts, down the head uf (he venomous reptile. The remain ing putt of the rapture Is easy. He f.lmply takes hold of the snake with his lunc hands and lifts tjiem Into a wooden box. Several of Tuesday's t.illch were unusually large ones. The public schools of Vltlsliin will close for Iho summer vacation June fith, and the roinnmncpineiit exorcises will mho place in Music Hall Monday evening, Juno llth. Professor Harry Harries porlrayed the cliaraetor of Xiimaii in the can tata "Queen Kithcr," given In Xantl coke hist evpiilng tinder the auspleps of the Klrst Presbyterinn church of that place. The Merchants' Protective associa tion of Pltl.sloli and vicinity gavo a sinoknr anil ontertainment In Armory hall Tuesday evening to a large num ber of Invited friends. The great Wallace circus will appear here on Thursday of this week. Two performances will bo given, afternoon and evening. There was no change In the machln Isltt strike at. the Coxton yard yester day. AVIth the exception of one boiler maker, all men are out, A meeting of the strikers was held In Crystal halt yesterday afternoon, hut the business transacted was kept a secret. Jlev. P. M. (leorge, of the AVelsh Con gregational church, ot this city, will occupy the pulpit of the Ijangcllffe Presbyterian church, Avoea, next Sun day evening. The general topic of conversation among the parishioners of St. John's Catholic church here yeterdny was the appointment of Monstgnor Kugcno A. Ciarvey, pastor of that church, as bishop of the now diocese to bo cre ated, with headquarters at Altoona. The announcement is received with de light and disappointment. In the for mer sense because It Is for Father (larvey a. much deserved promotion, and in the latter sense because In his removal from this city the parish of St. John loes one of the best pastors It has ever had, one who enjoys the distinction of having few, if any, superiors in the Scranton diocese. Father (Survey says that as yet the announcement is unolTlcial, although he has had assurances from reliable sources Ihnt the appointment has been made. The olllclnl notice may not come for a month. Martin Cawley, the Duryea young man who was shot by Joseph Yesca vlcz in the hitter's saloon last Sunday, died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the Pittston hospital. The bullet wound in his neck proved fatal, the bullet having broken the spinal cord and produced paralysis. A coroner's inquest will be held at the ofllce of 'Squire (lilboy next Saturday evening. The young man was about -1 years of age. and lived with his widowed mother at Duryea. The story of the affair is already frech In tlio minds of tlie readers. Cawley Is said to have entered Yescavlcz's saloon, insulted the hitter's wife, and when ordered to leave the place, threw n. beer glass at Yoseaviez: a scuffle followed and the latter drew a revolver and fired the fatal shot, as he claims, in self-defense. He Is now in jail. TU1NKHANNOCK. Bpcrlal tn tlie Scrnnton Trinune. Tunkhannock, May 22. Judge Kd ward M. Dunham, of Tj.'iPorte, Pa., was calling in town on "Wednesday. A marriage license was granted on Arednesday to Perry Dixon and Emma Armstrong, both of Uardwell. The equitable ejectment case of J. C. Monger vs. John AValter et nl, was arbitrated at the court house on AVcd uesday afternoon. Prothonotary Donovan has located his olllce in tlie commissioners' loom while the prothonotary's ollleo is undergoing repairs. J. If. McClosky, of the Wilkes-Barre Record, was looking after the interests of bis paper at this place on Tuesday and AVodnesday. Leah, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rums. Is suffering fromva severe attack of inflammatory rheuma tism, County Auditor Fred J. Klntner, of Digestion slow. Food heavy, Kaslly excited, nervous, Strength fHils, Tremhllng hands and limits, Loss of tiehii, Loss of muscular power. Irritable, despondent. When a druggist offers you some thing said to be just as good or better than Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills, remember all the evidence of Scran ton people and thousands of others) re fute ills statement. If you cannot get the genuine, call or address the Or. A. AV. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N, y. I'rieo 00 vents per box. Tho tibovo is u fuu simile of package. IV95 JSki5' "Tf a Mehoopnii.Vi was doing business In town on AVcdiiesday, Landlord Lewis II, Comslootc, of the AVyomlng house, Is rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl, born on Tues day. Andrew M. DeWltl, a well-known farmer and ex-county commissioner of Falls township, was calling on trlunda here on AVednesday. AVOCA, Michael Flanncry, aged IS years, riled nt the resilience of his tilirle, Michael Flnnnery, on Monday morn ing from Injuries received while at work al the 'Heidelberg colliery about one week ago. Ills leu was broken and since then ho showed signs of Improvement until Sunday evening, when lie became hysterical and at Hums violent. The doctor adminis tered drugs, but his nerves were In such it slate that ho knew ho could not survive tlm shock, lie sank Into n comatose stntrs and died several hours after. Deceased -was a young man nf exemplary habits and was a favorite among his associates. Sev eral years ago the parents tiled, leav ing live sons who have since been cared for by their uncles, lie was a member of tho St. Aloyslus society P.ov. James Moore Is spending a few days at Shamokln. Tim jury empannclled to investigate tlm cause of the death of Matthew Colvcy, who was killed several days ago, met nt '.Squire FlUslmmons' ofllce on Monday afternoon, and after hearing all the testimony rendered a verdict that death was accidental. The jurors were: T. F. Fltzslmmons, Michael Henley, AVilllam Howe, John McClnni, Harry Davis, John McKen-rle. For Female Complaints and diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound is .an invaluable spe clllc. Sold by Matthews Bros. ooooooooooooooooo I THEATRICAL. 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACADKMY Vera tie .N'oin Mnck Company. Matinee ami Night. Joshua Simpkins Company. Tito .lo-luia .SimiikifU company will he scon at tho Academy of JIumc, Monday, Tuesday .mil Wednesday of next week. The play Is made of fun and redistil, loniliinittg the pIcLsltii; feuturcs of ir.tltf tie melodrama and the cut popular ru ral play. The th.tracter skclthos ate .said to he vei.v Uccr, Uillo them is an nhiindanrc of kooiI inti-ic, tincing and dancing in il. Those lov nhle old country eharnclet'.s aic inlriutrurd and their stjinss and doing" create nine It amusement. Tlie lompany tctncs to us leronmiei.dcd as a gnotl one throughout. 'Jiio taw mill scene in tic thud ait i said to be uondei fully lealUtic. A genuine citctil.tr xx is .seen iu motion, and jmt to show tint it is the real aiticlc, a hoaul is kihviI on" a Ins in full view of I'to audience, after which Caleb Sitnpl.ine, Vni'Ie Josh's son, is la-hed to tlie o by tho villains and started towaitl the iditlctins teeth of the rapidly revolving' saw. Tomorrow Night, "Sis Hopkins." "Sis Hopkins," (lie piclty paslri.il comedy dealing with tho life of l'nsey enmity, Indiana, will bo the attiaction at the Lyceum tomorrow nisht, with Miss Hose Mcbtlle pkijing t tic tilh tole. The chaim of this play lies iu quaint tlm. neler acting of Miss Melville and tlie l.ulc of straining for rflect in tlie mm indite.:' of the plot. Tlie pathos is tenth r, the comedy gentle and the heatt interest inten-e. I'tiees hate been lotlured to "5, "", ."'t and 7.) cents on account of citcus. John Drew in "Richard Carvel." Al Hie L.tcount theater, John blow as I JK Ii atit Cartel," i.s aunotiuerd to appear nest Satur day afteinuon anil oveniiijr. Like tlie bonk, tin. play abounds in lnntantio and historic iutettt. Tlie firt act shows lite ancestral homo of the Itt'iii, Carvel Hall, where ltiihan! is made the suhct of a plot laid bv his enemies. 'the Puke of ( liatletsea, a lival for the hand of Dot olby Vannci.. who loves llieliatil, schemes to have tho youth abducted, and Willi the aid nf the young man's uncle, succeeds in having liicu aid kidnapped. At tho Star and Gaiter Inn, liithard is about lo b- delivcied into tin- hands of bailill-, when he is tescued by his fiietid, I.otil Conun, who o.lahli.hcs Catvel's identity against the accu.-a. tions of Ids enemies and ptoves tlie joiing man's innocence. Thy Duke of Cliatteisca i.s spurned by Hie gill, who leinains lo.val to lliehaul ami who in Muni is finally lestuted lo bis estates. Mr, Diew i.s acknowledged to give a jsttnng ren dition of tlie title role, vvitlt its alternating cmne'dy and pathos. 'Ibis will he the clo-ing the allied event of (lie sea-on. BASE BALL. National League. At llinokl.vti (flt.-t g.ttiit'i is. ii. i:. St. l.ouis 10000301111-1 s Niookl.t I II 0 0 0 I II 0 .v-.'i 10 J Hath lies Mm pity and Nichols; Houar.ui and ranch. I'mpite Uia-lic. At Ittnoklyn (secord game) It. H. r. Ft. l.ouis 11 0011)010 I I,! ;! llit.cklyn 1 I 2 0 l 0(1 0 -5 II 1 Hatttries-Jones ami l.junj Kitaim and let icll, I'lnpae 1 nislie, Al lint ton K, . II, fiuiinnatl ......... 0 o o n o n i :s n-l s :i Jlt'-'ot it II 0 0 0 0 I) 0 I ;i in : Hallerics Ihthn and I'ciU; Willis and Kitt ildge. fmplre O'Day. At riillitlelpliia It. . ;. Chicago ,,,,, 00 1 00001)0-1 10 ; Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 10 11 x :t T -' Haiti rlcs W.iddell and Hextoij Honohue ami Mi'lVuiiuiil. Umpiie llwjcr, At New Votk n, i, p Pittsburg ,0 0 0 fl o t 0 0 0-1 n i) New Yuk ) 0 III) 0 0 t) 1 i) ;i llattuico WUi ami Zinimcij IMi.v lo and W.iii!cr, IJinnlics O'Connor and Smith, American Lengue. At Cleveland ), H. Ik Wellington 0 I l 00! 0 0 1 ,1 l L'lcvelund O 0 1 2 2 1 0 .v-t! pi i HaUiMlcs .Meirtr ami Clatke.; Hugging and nood. Umpiie C'antilloii, At Delioit ii, H. j:, lloston ,.,01000220)-!) Ii 2 Hcllc.R ,., I 0 II 2 0 0 0 0 2-3 o :i liattiiics Lewis amj Ciigrrj Mcver and Hue low. I'ltiplic .s-hci i.f.in. , At riiic.150 It. l. Ik l'lilladclplil.1 II 2 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 1 -0 12 2 ( hicagu Oil Oil t 1 HO 0 0-3 (I lUtteiles 1'i.itt and I'ovvcn.; Skopec and Sul IU.111. U'lnpirei Jl.tnaiHtti and Connolly, N At Milwaukee llaltituoic-Miltiaiikce, no game, rain. Eastern League, Montic.it, I; s,viactLe, 0, Other games poclpiuitil on at count fo 1.1I11. College Oomes, At New Haven -Yale, 12; I nitetsily of Miclib yan, a. At I'tintelon-I'iinielon, 12; Holy Cio.vs, t. AMATEUR BASE BALL. 'lite Sunsets ihallenge the Old I'tigc team fcr 4 gaine of ball on Old 1'oisr Btomtds, Satnnlay, May 25. n.,vvef llnongli The Tiihuiu, I Cialj, captain; W, NuU, uuujgcr. THE MARKETS. Willi Street Review. New York, Mav Si. -'I lie tiro k tnalkel fell Mill liirllier hilt) ntathy tml.ty mid was only lellcvetl from senil-siamialloii by lite movement In the llrle stotks. t'onslileilng Ihe pieent litdltleieiite of Hie speciitallve public lit Hie market, the i'l iituo of Hie ttansatiloiu In llile intist he ticieplnl ns (tlgnlflcttil, Tlie prolesslonul traders, til . los.s lo set me even 11 Intetl011.1l profit on n tilt tt hi tlio inatkel, llockctl Hie llrlu ctovvtl as tic' movement pingrestil ami adtltil their olden lo Ihe other bu.vllig of tho stock, The opinion, how. ever, gained forte tin tin' cv.cli.Uige tint the movement marked 11 resumption nf operation lor tin- extension of Intliiciite and control of eibtlng lallroail svsteltis. A liilinbrr of minor indu.'trhit otoikt wt'ie sltoiig on veiy paltahle lu.iulpillf tlon, lies Moines ami I'oit l).kt' was lifted 2i mid the Witnitln I'mlral slntks 2 mid 2U rn Kpectlvcly, for the common ami preferred. In the general list t lunges tire small mid somewhat inlxctl. Total salts today, f&l.iMO sliatcs. 'Ihe bond m.iiktt was not veiy at the, but showed some slicngllt, Total sulc. par value, ij.,I.MMi. I'. S, new i tlcillnctl ' Iter cent, on the last tall. The following quotatloni Tribtiito by M, S. .lonlin ti Mears building, tscranltui, I'.i Open- nig. Ametlcan Sugar 1 1 7 V i Aipcr. Tobatco i"i". 'n Atchison " Atchison. I'r OS's Ilieok, Trsttlon 'i'i'j Halt. Ohio .10l!s font. Tobacco fa) C'his. & Oho IS', Chic. A- (It. West 21'A ( lili'., II. k Q Itnl M. I'aul IHUj thick Manil l'l Del. ,V Iltitlson l.i are furnished The Co., rooms 70r..J0J Ti'lephone oiVUt Illgli- bow (Jim- est. er. tug. IM'i 1I7U ll'.li 12111j tin laiVi 7S -l-Va 7S nsi. its irt est. et. lint 7il','i 76 7i! ItH 101V, lOH'i Ml', M'i iVti.i novi isij .in. KV 22',l 1!1 lli-lCs 131 . Jli'l 57-1i 10.i.j , Hl;i 107 111". I7-1 32 171 US ISMi Xli 143i 42T. 7t'. !!0',l &: "u"'s llli S!l 21',', Vl 11.1', IS'Ji.j I'll 37 Hl'i'-'i 1 hl'.a HIM mi 1711 3D 171 iiS 131 :U',', 113 41 T.1'1 20' i M',8 3D 11! 77'", 20' i 1"l Ti Ss'f. IH'l 02r;i !UU 111 1111-1 IIS ii"H ac.'i 41 's tt!','. 2214 1:111 1li'i 131 1(1.! i5714 101 111 iu) 101 1714 S! 171 IS ISb-i :i)i-. ll.-"i 42 Vi 7ilVi s.t .'s I'!-', 7 I i 21 102 s.-; lit:. '12-s !l.,'. IhVj llMi 1 1 a, 131', 47 !!(.' 4 1 1,1. Ol'.i ban. & Tev I'r ..7- l.tiuls. K- Nash Irtl Man. Dlcvated Ill . .Met. Tiactlon Ill" Ml-so. I'ccillc 101 Southern I'.tehlc li''N Notfolk ,t West .Vl", Noithern Padlio 171 Ninth. I'jclllt', I'r 03 V. V. Central 1CI (int. & Western .1.! I'enna. )!. Ii II". Heading Ity. II Heading Ity,, Pr. 7."1! Sotithcin II. It 110 South. I!. It,, I'r. S2H T. nn. Coal it lion Mi'l I'. S. Leather i:i',i 1". S. laallier, I'r. ..... 77'1! I' S. Itubbir i. 20"; 1 nion I'atillo IDJI I nion Pacific, I'r SS'1 W.tbasb, I'r IflU Western Union P2"'A ( ol, l'uel i: Iron Pi's Amal. (,'npper tll'.i People's Gas ll'Vi Kite ksU coi. so um Tevis I'.ielfie! 17'i in. Car Konntlry 2." t". S. Steel Co IH', f. S. Steel Co., IV .... !Ui iur's Suit : !'2rs 01 11. Wi 11.M , 41U 13' i 47'J 21.''!, tli ni:w voiik nit.MN mahki;t. Open- High- l.nw- Clos ing, est. est. in.'. 70' i TDli 7.sii T't'.l wiii:at. J'.llV co UN. .inly 40 l"i 45-s Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. First National Bank 1200 Scranton Savings Hank .150 Third National Hank 4 Dime Deposit and Discount flank.. 273 Kconomy Light, II. & P. Co 43 Lacka. Trust Sate Deposit Co 150 Clark & Snover Co., Pr 125 Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co 100 Scranton Axle Works 03 Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr "0 Conntv Savings Hank & Trust Co.. 300 First Natioml Bank (Caibondale) .;:, Standard Drilling Co 31) Traders' N.Uinual liir.k 173 Scranton Holt and Nut Co 100 People's Hank MO New Mexico liy. it C. Co 73 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first Stortgagc, due 1020 113 ... People's Street Hallway, first mort- ' gage, due 1013 113 People's Street Hallway, Ceneral .nnrtrrfl'TA. (l,f. 1021 113 Dickson Manufacturing Co. ..: Lacka. Township School 3 per cent. ... City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 100 102 102 Scrnnton Wholesale Mrtrket. (("orcii'letl bv II. (I. Dale, 27 l.at kawanna A'.'".) IJuttoi r're.li. 22a221,-ac. J dairy, fu-.li, 1'i'ji 2r.',.jC. C'ltoo-r Full cieam, old, ll'.il2c. ; full cteain, new, llall'.jc I'.gg. Vt ostein fie-h, lll;.il..c, ; ne.,tby state, 15'i.ilOc. Dean. Fir bu-litl, thoite inariow, s2.,3. 1'e.t lleans Per bu-hel, choiie maiiow, s-.'.33i 2.I0. .Medium Beans Per bushel., $2.10.1?! 13. (ileill l'oas-Per bil-helcs, ?l.40ast. 13. l'lotit Best patent, per banel, !jl. I"t. lied Kidney Heani Per bu-hel, !r2.4."..is2..V). Potatoes Per bu-hel. fi'MMle. Betiniida Onions Per bu.hel, Ijl.SOail.ro. New York Grnln and Produce. New Yoik, May 22. Flour Slow and easy, Wheal s-pot ca.y; No. 2 led, S2 v. i. o. b. ittlo.it, and Hl'iC elevator; No, 1 noithein Dili tilli, bae, f, o. b. allo.it. Options opened j-teady, but reai ted and weak the iti of day; finally rallied and dosed linn at 'ia'ic net diiline. May closed bolic.; tine, ts)',ic; .Inly, 70V,c. ; Stpr., 7ti?sO. Com Spot ea-.v ; No, 2, 10'c, ele vatoi', and oO?ic. f, o. b. afloat. Options opened steady and then sold oh", ( losed about steady at ''t.t'iC. net loss. May dosed 40',jc. : July, Istic. j St pi., I;i'. Oats-Spot ea.y; No. 2, IK'ic; No. ;t, tide.; No. 2 white, tile: No. 3 while, JUlsci track mixed western, I'.'J'i.t'il'.je. ; track white, 3:!a37!ie. Options slow ami about, steady. Hutttr Steady; cieamety, l.'ialOi-. ; laetoiy, 11 iiFIc; imitation cicameiy, l!lal7c.; slate dair.v, loalse. cheese (Jiiitt: fancy huge roh.ied, be.; fancy laigo white, s'-ji'. ; tamy sui.tll coloted, fi'e'.; fancy small white, S'.'io, i:gg.,-te.iily; Hale and Penna., !.'i',e. ; westetn, ungraded, 3ll4.il2'si',: western, selected, I'tabl'e. Chicago Groin nnu Produce. Chicago, May 22. Wheat liiled easy today, tie spito higher cables. .Inly ikwd Hc, lilglier; duly eiuii, ',al,c, lowei, and ptovi.sh.iis 3 lu 22'-i- ctnts lovvci. I a.-b iitiulatlons vveie as fol low : Flour Quiet; No. .'! spiing wheal, Trt'jc; No, 2 led, 7l!:;4ii7l'ic. ; No. 2 coin, 17'Aal7',jc. ; No. 2 yellow. I711al78c. ; No, 2 oais, ;:o.i:,o',o. ; No. 2 while, yo'salillici No. '' while, 2?,a, 2',';5sc.; No. 2 l.vi', 3'lf.j good feeillng li.uk-,', I'siSle. ; lair lo ehoitn itialtiiig, u2a35c. ; No. 1 Has seed, 1:1.71; No. I noithwe.stetn, SI. 71; ptiine timothy seed, ipii.i-1.4J: mess pork, Ml.TOi II.7JJ laid, Hl7!;aS,20; tliort ril, $3.03aS.23; tliy t..illcd thotlldeis, ii'Ji.i7c. ; ehott clear slilc, Js.l2!-iai.'-'3, Chlcngo Live Stock Market. ( hkago. May 22. Cattle licccipts, Kkjon, iu. eluding U Tcau.s; steers, tiling to 10.. lnuh, ii; tuiUlierV otock, steady; Tix.uis, In in; good In piimo ulcers, S3.20a5.t.t ; l"'or lo iticdiutii, $1,10.1 j, 10; stockers and feetlei.s, steady, St3; cevvs, .',00.tl,70; heileis, 2,'K)ai,li0; c.iunns, i2. 0.i2.l"i; bulls, stiotig, ial.10; calve?, steatl.t, s,23a3.WI; Tevas fed stccis, tlrm, l.2'iaj,IO; Ttas hulls, Unit. ,7ja.t. Hugs-lleceipts today, yO.titW; iomoiiovv, :10,0ml; kit uver, l,Wi0; weak; top, is't.t'O; mivcd and Liilthers, $3,ui.i3.Sj; hulk of sales, V-72'.ia.i.82li-. .siecK-lbHcipts, IS.lKiO; shetp, steady; Uippul lumbs, steatly to slwngi sales up to l?j.20; lol, I'ludos, inustly $3.SJ; spungs, up to 1(0.73; gooil In ihoice wclheis, Sl.t0al.li3j fill- to chol a Mixed, l, 13.il. Ill; western sheep, $.4ait,o3; .Mailing.', fl.30al.73i native lanb, fl.f.OjJ.b-i; vufctclli lainhs, J3m5.S3, Situations Wanted. WA.STIII) -Position by a young ipan, ago 21, ai bookkeeper or asiUlant and lipewritet, vvheio good hard work calls for udv.iuieincot. Nit cvpcilenie etept a lltoiuugh business colU-gu ti.tluing: tan give) lefeieiicn as to chatacter; am willing to go un.vwheie Iu thU state vvhetu tttiit ailenlioii tu business will be appieciated; gooij peiuuaii; i oi rcspoudence solicittd. Address Wes ley II. Weaver, Lopez, Sullivan totint), l',t. ril'.TIO VSTI.D-Hv a woman to go out by day vva.hiug, lionlng or cleaning. Please tall or jihhcss Mrs, Itiiovill, 1210 Cedar avenue, iil. ACTIVi: WOMAN desires a position aa maid to lad.i, or could rate for invalid gentlcniau. Addie-s M., this olfke, fclTl'ATIltV WANTFH-Hy a matt giading" gap tlcics tn' spading or i titling Uvviv, or lixlug sidewalks, or any kind of vvoik, Addict, 1000 Piovldenie Itnad. felTFAIION VVANTi:i)-lly a outig nun, vvlllns tt vvoik at anything. Can liniii.-h jjood iclii inccs. Atldic li. it,. fcl'J J('flcisou avenue, illy. i THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for l-ncli Rxtrn Line. For Bent. For Reel, Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Heat and Electric Light. Also 1200 feet of floor space on 4th iloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding hteat, light and power. Enquire at office of Tub Tribune. l'OIl HUNT In Dalton, cottage, of nine looitnt, furnished or imfurnl?licd, lor the teaon or tor year! live minute t" ht.itliiii ; one of tho lnvt location.! iu Haltoti: house nearly new, Apply tt (!. W. Carlton, Dalton, P.i. R!D OWX.Y IHIMii: srtlCKT, ten rooms, modern improvenicuts; steam heat furnished; dcslr dcslralilc. For Sale. l'Olt SAM' A handsome male St. ltcrnard tlog, lli months old; Mud and tned to chlldieu; can give pedigice; will hell cluap. II. 1). .May, (.'itihondalc, Pa. l'INi: IIOIIM: l'OIl S.U.i:-Al every way; just (he horse for a lady to drive, regular pet. Also a tine bay nuil.-tet, sound ill every way; good pole hoti' or single driver. Until first class I'.e.t.ses. Apply Ml) Monroe avenue. l'OIl SAM:. (.'linl.er-built, round boltont and tilt bottom ll-hlng boats. V. A. Parkered iind .1. Cm-ll-i, corner Cherry and Tomtit streets, Dunmore, l'a. KOIt SAM: Pacing hor.se. h.uncM and eariiage. A bargain for c.Kli. A. II. Haker, 123 ((uiricy avenue, Hunuioic. Furnished Booms. Pl.KASANT IT;itNI&IIKI) HOOM in ptivato fam ily; witlt or without hoaul; all improve ments; centrally located; tttnu teammable. O'ii Ailaiiw avenue. l'Olt ItHNT One large furnished fiont room; al-o one hide room. 5.17 Adams avenue. Wanted. WAS"l'i:i) A copy of The Tribune of Maithl. 1IW; prim of IU cents will be given for the paper. Tribune office. WANTIIU A copy of 'the Tiibuno of March 13. Unit; pi in- of 10 cenU will be given tor the paper. Tiihune otllce. Vanted To Buy. WANTllD A small seeoml hand titepioot safe. Address 32U Cunuell hulldiiig. Wanted To Exchange. I WISH Tt) KXCHAXlit: a good building lot at Po.vntelle, Pa., on tlie 0. & W. It. It., for a gentle lioi.se, harness and catiiage. Address Ilo :i07, l'orest City, Pa. Boarders Wanted. SL'.MMI-.i: nOAHDKIlS WANTI-.D Nice location; biautiful glove along the water. Addiivs Mr. W. II., bo.v, 613, .Moscow, Pa. VANTi:i)-Table boaiders. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkins, &.')! Rooms and Board. LAlKii: fiont room with board for two gentle men, -t IU Adams avenue. Business Opportunity. AN HONI'.ftT OrFP.ll Wo will sl.nt voo lu bo,i lu-si and give ,voii a 10 pair of fine pcdigiccd Helgian llaiet fiee, il Jem will act as our agent. We niahe this ofl?r to inttodiico our stoi I. : n I lo .secuio. fluents m cvety loialitv: 10 cuits tor briiding In elc and iiatticulat.s. HoMelnM, .- Habhltiy, (ileu I'.nk, Yonkers, X. J,000 INVi:STi:i) In a corpotalicn will seeuio salatied position at if IOiJ per mouth and com mission, I'or paiticulars adilu-ns 1". 0. llo.v. 6'il, Scranton, l'a. Money to Loan. MONKY to loan on improved city real estate. HliNltY Itlll.lN. -II!. ciias. ii. ivi:i.m:s. THOMAS Sl'RACiUi:. 53.W,'X)il TO LOAN Lowest r..tea; tttalght or monthly pajnieiits. Slarl; k l.'o.,Tradets' bldg. ANY AMOUNT 01' MOSKY TO 1.0 X -Quick, stulght leatw or Ilulhiing and Loan. At from t to per cent. Call on N, V. Walker, SH-.1I5 t.'oniull building. Employment Ap;ency. KAMI'S II.MI'I.OY.MIINT llfltKAl'. 417 T.aeTa. wanna avenue, liuils situatloics for all cl,i.e.H and nationality; towns, city anil countiy, Man uaiitcd. Kniployers invited, 'I'lione 1IJ, Pen tion claims and copjiug attendetl to. PlltST IXUIbl.ATIYi; JIlSTItlOT-Notleo I lieu by given lo tlie Republican votcn of Hid I'iut Icglslatlvu tlUtiict ot Lackawanna tounty tltat a primaiy election will be held on satur. day, June' S, 1!H, at tho icgular jHilling plates, between the Itotlli of I and 7 o'tlock p. nt,, lor tho piupo-o of electing l.vo elelcgalcs lo lepio. bent the taU legislative tllsliicl in the; totiiiu ltcpuhlleaii statu convention to be held lu Hot. limbing. Tho convention tn compute tlie vole will lie held on Tuesday, .tune II, Pol, at 10 o'clock a. in. in Co-opciativu hall, Xonit .Mam avenue, in sctantuii. In itccoidanco with the rules gmnning Hid dUlli'l, Ihe umli'lllei will he voted fur elliettly .v the volets at tlm polls and liui.,l icgUter vvillt Ihe district ihairiuaii his full iiaiui, ,m, postoflico aeldresj, and pay Ills as-cvmeiit iifiit-u i lav a befoie the election, or his name will not bo placed on tlm olllcial ballot, neither will aiy voles cant tor bun bo touiiled. The dMlitt vigilante committee in vailom pre. ciucts will conduit Iho clccllon, ami the remit will bo rcpotlcil by Ihe lcluiii jude lo Ihe dl Itlct convention, wliicli will be tau.pitHd u( iiidgea of thu vaviotn tli.trlcts. A vviitten notice containing Intlhcr iiwtitn tioti-t will be mailed to rath nicinher ot Iho .aid dis. diet visilauo iiiinntltiee. (I. W. .leiihlin, Clialimaii I'iut Legialallvo DUliict. Attest: Halter sliiipon, eiretarj. iTiiTiiri.i:(iisi..vnvii dmukt- Noibe i liiiiby giveu that Hie Jlcpttblieuu klauding tcinmitteo of the 'lltlnl Leglslatlro dUulcl of l.ackawjuiH lounty, has IKcd satuiday, ihe -Jini! Jay o( June, lull, luuvetn tho hour.c of i and 7 p. in. a the Unio for holding (lie piiuuimi (,r iho election of delegate lei the dale convenlion, snel Tuewlay, Ihe iilli, at p. m,, q Uio tliti oi Ihe convention of ulurn judgis. "Kaih candidate must icgUter hl full nunc anil po.tolluc address .villi the ihaiiinan ot seerctary anil fchall ptj his ament at lei.t twviuy ilati befoio the piiuiaiy clmitn, or liu name will not !" primed on Hie ballot." Hiouhl no mora than Hie lcipilicd number of candidates legit-ter, Ihe) e lull man and Mtietary tlull devlaio the ptroni kn jegisteied fo bo Iho duly elected delegates in puiuaio of the pro visions of Utile "3. H.v order of OSC'All YANIIl'SKIKK, Cluliuun. Atlfst:-J. t:. WAIKINS, Sectetary. timctva, U May IS., 1WI. Proposals, SHAI.KH Plt'tPOsAI.S will he leu-ivid up teTanl including Juno 1st for the publication ol u eouvenir prograuuiK' lor tlie national com cm ion of iho Auiciitai: federal lou of Labor to 1 In Id iu llibi city tlm lug December, IHOI. All bids .tip lo he made In (leoige (iotliler, Seuet.ny and Ticasiner, P. O. Hat No. 17, Stranioii, Pa, Political. 3 More Help Wanted. Ill;l.l" WANTKI) -Men ami women everjwhere to mi special vvoih; laige retiirtet aim salary 10 nctes'ful pirtle.4. AtliLrM P. 0. Ilox Xo. Set, I'ittsloti, P.t, Help Wanted Mnlo. ANTIiU-S.ilesinan ncipialnlcd In Scranton and neaihy town.. OH from S a, lit, to Li lu,, nml I) to t) p. iu,, at Tlio Cojne, ,1e.ssp lllnglialii, W..Vri:il-,M Tho Holland, lust-class chef oi cook til once. ACTIVI! .MAN by laige manufacturing House fo wotk tit Inline, isiil.di) in cash paid for twelve days' trial; promotion and permanent posi tion If Mtliifat.'tnry, Addict, Daniel II. Slic'pp, t'-'J Clieatniil street, Philadelphia, P.t. UANTLI) Salesmen, traveling or local; weekly .ilaiy paid. Merrick Seed Co., llochestcr, X". Y. Help Wanted Eemalc. Clllli WANTIM) l'or general liouscwoik in small family. !117 Webster avenue. WAN'l 111) l'ive experienced F.ilidillf. with lcfercnce; gooil salary; nt I'rreiluuii'i Dr Goods store, 1.13 Penn avenue. WANTKII-An ofllte maid. Address with full paitlculars. X, Y. '., Tribune olllce. WANTLD Three demonstrators: theise under standing drcinnaking piefcrred; good salary gnarniitc'd lo right parties. Call at I'umut house, 315 Washington avenue, after 7 p. in. Agents Wanted. WANTliD Agents to sell our vermin powder for Lice on Poultry, Horses, (,'atllc, Pleas) on Dogs. Large can, L'3 cents at our olllce. Ill) Paul! Untitling, Scranton, P.t. Sent by mall, 40 eciiK See our ad., Two Little Dears, in this paper. Heals Vermin Powder Co., Dalton, l'-l. BKANCII WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALIIKIiT SCULPT, corner Mulbetry ftreef and Webtcr avenue. OUSI'AV PKJI1LL, 030 Adams avenue. West Side (Ji:Olt(!i: W. .IKNKINS, lOl South Main avenue. South Scranton I'ltLI) L. TI'.ltPPK, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton Oi:o. W. DAVIS, comer Noith Main avenue and Matket btiect. Green Hidge CIIAltl,i:S P. JONLS, 13-.7 Dickson avenue. V. J. .IOIINS, PiO Crrcn liidgc street, C. l.OItLNZ, coiner Washington ave nue and Mai ion street. Petersburg W. II. KNI'.l'l'P.L, 1017 living avenue. Dunmore J. ti. liONi: k SON. Real Estate. l'Olt SAI.i; Summer collage, vvillt one aoie gtoiind. Pine ftuit; geiod water; live minutes front (ilenhiuu station I)., U & W. it. It. .Mis. I'. V. Hall, Hlenbutn, Pa. 1,tli) Ihiys pW-iooiii, single house, good well. Lot IuoVjiK). Seianlou stictd. Halt Pa. Wells A- Keat or. $l,&'iO-Huys building hat. 40vl3O. Wheeler ave nue. Wells & Iveater, llurr lliiildiug. IfJ.n'K)- lluys double hou-e, 7 rooms on a side, all impiovcmcnls, eveept gas. Dean street, Piovi eletiie. Wells It Kcitor. LEGAL. SLALPl) I'ltOPO-'ALS will be rtieivi'd at Ihe nftite of tlie secielaiy of tlio Si union boaid of tontiot until 7.:!l) n'cluek, 1'iielay evenme, .May :il, lliOl, tor the eiettiuu and completion of tlie following pitblii: Mhoul buildings: A new eight tb) loom publlo si-hmd building, to bo elected on lloulevaid load, neat- Uaiuo htieet, in Iho l-'liht waul, Suanton, Pa., to in' known as No. ,'W, ill aieoidanee with plans and spii iliealiolis In Hie luuils of I), II. Davis, alt hi tcet, (.'oiiuell building, Seiaiiton, l'a, A new eight (s) loom public school building, to bo eteete'd on 1'ouilli attnue, in tin- Sixth waul, Si ranton, Pa., to lake the plai e of old No. '-"', iu aiioiilauee Willi plans and specilh atlom ill the hands of James II. reeuey, aiihilccl, til Lackawanna avenue, St rattlon, l'a. A new leur (I) loom pubiio sthool bitlidiug, to be eiei ted at the comer of Nottli Sumner avenue' and Pair bouletaid, lu Ihe 'I wenlvhist waul, Suanton, Pa., to tak" the plactt of old Xo. ','tl, ul-u In acionlance with plain and spi'i iicatioiis iu tlio hands of Anliitect. rei-n.-y. Hid for caclt building In bo submitted in a stparalu cucIumiic, and plainly uiiiknl on 111" oiiIsIiIl' of the envelope to indicate lor wlikli lulldiiig the bid is intended. I'or each clglit () room building the stun of file bundled dollars ''!)) in cash or teiliil. el thtik shall be enelosed with bid. Pen- tin- four (I) loom building, the sum e,f two bundled and fifty ihill.irs, tW.'ai) iu taslt or i milled link sli'ill ai lo.npany the bid. No bids will be lead or consldcrnl ulibli fail to i uiitply witlt this iciiiiirenieur. In ca-c of lefn-al or oml-slon on the patt of Iho Miices-lul bidder to cvctule 111.' couti.iit uilhlii tell el iv s atiei' Hi'' same shall have h"i'u nvvaiih'.l lo him, I In- said Mini shall bo foifoiteil to the silioul di-liii I. Tin' bcaid icsi'ivi'a Hiu light to lejtct any or all bid.. Ity cider of Ihe Si ranton lloaul of Conlml. I:I'IJ:m: II. ri;i,I.OW, Seeretarv. MVnci". sealed bik will bo iictiveil by ihe Ciiimiy I 'iiiiimissloncrs of Lackawanna lounty at thtlr offieo jit the Court Hmw until VI iu.. .lulu' 11, JtiOl, for the cotiatiuitiun of Ihiiteen II'.) stone aithes, four (I) steel gilder and ior. nigaletl iron stone mm id lnidgcj., and two iJ) triM cott.i pipe htidgiN, in rmluiw pain of Let kawanna county. Plans: and speclticattoiis for tho i oust i in l Ion of said bridges cm be seen at Ihe nltice of tlie county stitvc.vnr In lliu coin t house. Coininisiloni t.s icsii'vc tlie iglit to I" jet I any or all 1.11'. Ilids will be also ifcelved for furnWiliig and la.liug itbotit hi'V'ntceii liuitdiicl (1,700) sipiaie feet of tUn walk (pl.inul suitace) aro'iud Hie "Soldiers' Monuiiient, i.t aicuttlante wild plans and spoiiikvlions of uiunty siirve.vnr ' I '.il ili. 'd thee is to aeioinpaiiv all hide al stal ed III .eetic.l!oiu, .lt.V p;V , .1. ('. MDIIItl.s. JOHN 1)1 IIKIV. Atlei.1: Coimty Coiiiiuisiotiritl, W. (.'. DANIIXs, Chief Cierk. IN Till: (Ol'UT Or' COMMON l'l.K.s"ifTu-U-w.tnu.i nullity. No. 7"li May Turn, HM X in lie is heieby given that an nppllc.ition has bctn made by Ilia Dickson Manui.it lining torn ji.iny to the above-naineil coiiit, under Iho pin villous ot an act of tho gcntial assembly of this touiiuoiiwcalth entitled. "All act to enabltt (.'mills of Ci.niinon Pleas of this lonunoimraltli lo tliange the nunc, sivlo and title uf iiiriwra tion.," apptovcil Apiil ?0, lfcliu, ,)r ji,,, aow. ante and uppruval of the change of (lie name, stele and till" of said company to Diek-on I., t-omolive Woiks, 'Ihe petition is now on hlo iu the oltiie of the- piothouolaiy of said rouri Al.l'lILD HAM) k WM. J. IUND. Solicitor. l.s'l'STi: OP Din J. Phillips, late ' A the horoitKli ot iiiininoie, county ot linn, and ttule of IViuisjlvania, deceascuv l.elleis liv-taimniaiy upon tho above rsttte having beet) granted to the tiudeislgned, all per sons having ililms, or tlciiiiuds JL.iln.t the s-iid i state wilt piesent them for p.'.vin."nt and tho-o Indebted llicietn will make Immediate pi.viitent. CUMtLIS II. HIINTLIt. HMctilor, Cunuell llldg., Seianlou, Pa. WJXI.LS eV TOItllKY, Altoincis for lUtsle. TO WHOM lrTTmTKItN-fwarn "aifpar ties not to give credit to my wife on mv account, as 1 will not be responsible, for any clcbu icntuclcd by her, Hudulnh Warncka. SITUATIONS WANTRD HUUG. DIRECTOR. Insertions 25 Cents Than Hour Llnet, ft Cent lor Each Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. H. 0.' SPAULDINO, 220 IlllOADWAV, KEW York. Architects KDWAltD 11. DAVIS, AUClllTEUT, CONNi:i.ti btilldlng. l'ltllDLIlICK L. 11HOW.V, AI10II. 'Il,, lttT7 LsLttfl llxcluiige ltidg,, 191 Washington ave, Dentists. DIt. C. 1!. IIIf.LNnimOKIirPAULrilliTlLlltXU Spruee; stieet, Siranton. I). 0. C. LA0I1ACTI, 115 WYOMINO AVL'NUlL Iiawyers. I'ltANK il llOYLt:, ATTOIINP.Y-AT-I.AW. Itooins U', H, It) and IS llurr building;. !'. K. TIIACY.ATT'Y.CO.MMOXWnAf.TM HLDfl. D. n. HLPLOdLi:, AITOHNIIY-LOAXS NliOO tlated on real estate security. Mears building, comer Washington avenue and Spruce atrcet, WILLAIID, WAIIIIHN k KNAPP, ATTOIt.VKVB and counsellurs-al'law. Itepublican building, Washington avenue. JLSSUP k JiaSltP. ATTOItNP.YS AND COIJN- ttellors-at-law. t'oinmonvvealth building, Room.-) IP, 20 and 21. KDWAltD W. TIIAYIlIt. ATTOIINKY. IIOOM3 D03-!i04, Dth floor, Jleara building. I.. A. WATULS, ATTOItNP.Y-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, P PATTliliSO.V k WILCOX, TRADKHS' NATIONAL Hank bulltling. C. ro.MIXIYS, n-1,1 IlKPItllLIOAN I1U1LDINO. A. V. IlKHTHOI.r. OlTICi: MOVlil) TO XO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. DR. W. P.. ALLKX, 513 XOItTII WASHINOTON avenue. DIt. S. W. L'AMOItL.UJX. OITTOK 339 WASH ingtnn uremic. lteslelence, 131S Mulberry. Chronic. dleae, lungs, heart, kidneys and Kenllourinary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Hotels and Besturants. Tin: pi.k ri'p 123 and 127 kranklin avenue. Rates reasonalde. P. ZUIOl.P.R, Proprietor. SCRANTON MOUSi:. NEAR D., L. k W. PAS. senger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. II. Illtlfir.S CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. II. Hrlggs, proprietor. Leave orders IPX) Not Hi Main avenue, or Elcke's elrug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE k CO., SEEDSMEN AND NliP.S erjmen, store 201 Washington avenue; green bouses, 1030 North Main avenue; ttoro tela phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTP.L, REAR 611 LACKA. AVE.. Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING I'OR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEGAROKE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, loO Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. Till'. W1LKKSI1AI1RE RECORD CAX BE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Rci3man Bros., 400 Spruce and 50.1 Linden: M. Norton, !"'.'2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spiuce btreet. JJiGAJU ESTATE 01' flEOUtJE WAIlS'ER, late of the flly of Siranton, County uf Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, elci-.iscel. l.ettti.s of administration, r. t. a. upon the above eslate having been guided to the tin dii.signed, all piisoits having claims, or ih liiindi against said i state will present them for payment and those Indebted tboioto will make, immediate. pa.vmcut tu PHILIP DEIII.i:, Adminisliator, C. A, HATTHXIIKltli. Aiclibald, Pa. Atlciney for I'-statc, Tltr.sTEE'S SALE. Th'' unilei-igned Tiuslee, un der deed of mist made by William Me.vcr and l-'li'tleiici Me.Ml', Ids wife, ilalcil Oct. 21. ta?. and teeoidctl iu tlie nlhe e for the it-coitling of ihitls in and lor Lackawanna County, lu Deed Hook I, page 12il, etc., will sell at public sale, vcnilu.' t.t outcry on Wednt-ilay, May 211, lPtll, al HI o'clock a.m., at th.- All. illation Itontii iu th Couit Iloti-e lu the lily of Seianlou, all tlie f.illi.vviig i lest ibed lot or pitve of land situate in the City of Seiaututi, Comity ot l.ackawann t and Mate ot Pctiiisjlvaula, bounded and de.siiibci as follows, to wit: tiling Lot No. 2, in Sipiaio or llloi k No. 4i, upon -.tri't-t tailed and known as .lelleison avenue and Linden stieet, upon Hie ph.t t.t the City of Siiaiilou, Intruded to bo duly rteeirded. Slid lot being foity (10) feel in flout on .IrtTriMiii avenue and one hundred and titty (I'll) feet in depth, lucistiicmi'iit of depth t.i Voinuitiitc Ii n (ll feet inside of the sidewalk on both avtntii' and sttiet, with tlie rigid ,, intlo-e, use ami ntinpy ulil leu (10) fert In front of said lot on avenue anil stieet for cellatwav, poult, .ia.a, liay-wluilow ami rliiubbeiy, hut ivt llu- light li 'il any building tlieieou. Eveipt- Ing and ii'seivliig Ihe coal and miiieials a. the sain.' vveie evceiitcil and le-etvcd iu the tlet.l flout Hie 'iisiiiclianna anil W.voinlng Valley Rail load and Coal i'oiiipau,v for said lot elated Oil, 2s, l.sf.s', leioiiled in l.uettie County in Detd Hook No. Us, page 27-'. said lot Is Impioved witlt u twii-loiy l.iiik dwelling hou-e vvbh Pit tie It o"f on .lellei-oii avenue, and a double tweislniy Irani.' tlwelling home on Linden sheet. TElIMs 0' SALE -23 per tent, ta.li at .n time uf sale, and the balance lo bo paid witliui iiiitt .vear; defeired pa.vmenl, with interest, 1 1 be secured bv bond and mortgage en the pietti .es. ' CIIAIILES I). NEL'l'ri'.II, Wr.l.I.i: k TilllllEV, Trulce. Atlorin'js for Tiusiee. FINANCIAL. OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Money Will Ram Bis Alonthly Kc-iurns, The Investor's I'iiiuI PayiSemlinonthly, The oldest eslablished in America. No rrrllficaU holilei has ever lot a lent l'a.vmenU mad l'i all substilbcis rveiy l"i tlajs, Xo liouble, Nn delay. Money icfinidcd on tlemand. Write to day for pailltulais, fiee In any addresa, I'. E. .Mat key A- Co., Hudson PM'g., New Yoilf, Bond Offerings. Fla. Cen. & Pen. Con. 5s. rayinpr 3 3-4 to 5 3-4 per cent. Fort Worth & Rio Grande, 1st 3-4s, Gal. Har, & San Ant. 1st Ss, Iowa Cent. Ry Co. 1st 5s, Long Island City & Flush. 1st Ss, Louis, New Albany & Chic, 1st 5s, Mexican Cent. By Co. 4s, Missouri Pacific Trust, 5s, Minn. Gen'l Btec. 1st Con. 5s, Eio Grande West. 1st 4s, St. L., Iron Mt. So. Refd. 4s. CornplcloCiitaiLJr List on Application. "STATISTIC TABLES." t'JOl (Pocket Edition) now teadr, Spencer irask & Co, 27-20 Pine Street, 65 Slite Street, Albany, K. Y. NEW YORK ( . M$LX..&lg'? -