T ,jr v 1 f ' , i J "i "rfT THE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE- Til CHSDAY, MAY 23, 1901. . ' rcxxxxxxxxxxx; mi. moiiiiiiv tiMiDWAttt: sionn. Shephard's Lightning Freezers Will ficozo cienm quick er, better and with less woik than any other fieezor. The constiuc tlon of tho Lightning is simple, stiong and clur ablc. Cans aio heavy tin plate, with diawn rlt hlttllt I RU'tilll lned ml ' leak u We cm fuinlsh you with any size, fiom 1 to ',10 qunits. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave V :xxxxxxx: THE ORIENTAL. Thursday Bargains File inmincnccs M ly -I, .it S SO t, in. Glass Berry Sets uith (he nlienf of Item sri.np iPfrji t ii Irs In ilnli hi per n"nlic fum i lliui'lj It pit I "llmHIM riiir prill, of piovilinc 1111 n-uil mini - inli 'JIiiiimIii, e nllcr tllU lllnill giwi . Berry Sets t f tino pir-.rd J tN, i nti-itru' i i Itnwl u I . MtH( li III pi up 1 nuninns pif -s-rq tlmr itrtl xaUw vm picics tm 25 Cents. The Baby's Trousseau U mic cf tl r iik I iiiIohMIhz mijo M In jnn(ltci: Om wliclo hii" i undo with pnihithi trtcirpit tn the whims of the Hytrin us (iirn( !l illrin in Hl (Iiliitkt 1111 m t iitli.H tio lu ti. hail Oiu ilcUnns up 1lir rultMn nf llioir piofo-ion Ihi ichlmtdl ltOl knit poods nc iniMiii1nd )oi Htlj's Lunifoil in I jih tiin-i um an me Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. mcmmmammmmmKmm Repairing Done Gratis. ACKAWANNA 'THE' ooooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 nfgl$ 0 0 0 Gossip 0 0 -,- 0 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo A veiv pleasant uipii'-o paitv vvns ti lirrio) I'clci Klllinoi, of J'lttslnu .1V01IIK, ll il llUHlllPl' "f Ills friends last nlprbt In honor til his foi ty-oijrbtli biitlul.i.v TIh cvoiiIiii; w.is enjoyably spent In tlio pla.v iiu? of sanies,, hiriK Iiik ,ui'l pi.uio spi lions, hi tor vvlilch ii bmmtllul liuiili was hoixpil. Anuniir tllllsc plpspnt VVt'10' (Ii. ill's dial, John c, .Mm, m. John NpuIs, Join .I.i.. Iliiuv 1 tit tl. Patrick Coleman, .lolin 'A 'snipr, Albeit Zles inn, I'hoin.is Whi'laii, Panic K Dolphin, IMwittcIs Niuls, ("liailos Tioko, At tlllli i:ans, "fil .Win, i , I'liilip Henle, Hhi i, v KpIIv, HiikIi Dm kin, MlKiisl Halm, Mil-had .Ma anl V. I!. -..lloil At St Ti'U'i's 'iitliPili.il, .Miiiiilay, Mith Minnlp W'pIpIipI, iluuslitci ot Mi.s. I'hiulps WpIiIipI, ol ,"17 Fi uild'n ni niR was iiiiiiiIpiI lo httplipn M ICpun i liy I!p. .1, A 0'i;i'III. AltoiwaiilH a li'ipptlon was Unili'ipil to i, ami Mih MiKpiiiiii at llidr honp at the Vvuhi I iisIiIpiup, The house mis iIpi onttPil In a hp.tiitllul niaiinii. Law temp tiiinlsheil Hip niu.slf tor tho io lp tlou, wlili h 1 isioil until iiililni.tht. Tlii 'niili'V woilnlnp kowii uih of I ii lo IiIup imiU'il hilK, tilniniPd with iiumt il'iihpssp lam, blu i.iiilnl a laiso lioiuiupt of Initial iospi, Miihnpl "MuiK ami .Miss Miuy S.un lilo, ut Diuiinoie, wpio unliPii in ui.n jlaKP at HI. Jliu's ihuitli, Diiiinitiip, ypsttPiilay atu-i ikhih, .Miss Miuno ()ir. of ijtiantoii, with liiltlp.siniiltl, while lumps (iiaiu, ot Dunmoip, in pti uh hpst man, A ice pinion wan lipid at the tniclo's lioino Inst nlKht. Imitations mo out lor Hip manhiKo nf Ml.ss lEPKliut HscImi .Millet ami Manilcp Loy, ot Wllkcs-HniiP, whlili Mill talo plat i) WptlllP.sclay pvoiiIiii,-, Juno IL', at tho AVoht Hntl tluh Until MIsh MIIIpi ami .Mi, Levy mo wiy will Known lit this pit,. Tlio mpiihtis of tho 'Wednesday ovpiiliisy ilnniliiFr i Int-s at Pinfpssor HIokcI's il.uulnfT hthool, tosptltPf with their filPiidH, ponrtuuteil a diiiit'o lus.t right In tho ncailemy, ut tho poiiipi of Aduiiis aoiuo mid I.IihIpii pIippI. Theio weio nor ono hiindiPd In at tencIaiiLC and a iPiiKthy pioKi.iiiinii) of dunces Mas eujo oil to inuslo fiu lslietl liy tho I.awience oiphestia. PERSONAL. Ilun '1. Jfflciion ItojnoKU and nld nic ir' itcifil at I lie Hold LUicmlon, Atljnlic ( a) MciUincd loui;liiity ami 'Ihoni.u, the Wjoin In; uvcnuc inllllnoo, riluinccl jcjUp1j ficm a tojuuiu in jNcw V'iL lit). Supicme bcirttjry fc. II. Tjttir.jll, of the Hf pljoph", uho lu bun 'in lliii ill) fur toini iij)f, let t for lils home In JUIlluioic, Sid , o. ttidj uftciuuuu. Mm. II. t:. 5-niiili, ct Ouliuy acnuc. wji ulkd tu Coluiiibla, I'j , jcstcidj) u dtcgjat ol I Gruerver & Co. I 1 205 Wyoming Avenue. 1 I H tlio ilmlh nf her totlior, ttuilotpli tMlllanM. Mr, Wlllliimi tn OS j cars nl urc, unci u the olclpl rflclcnt of Columbia, THE STIBK FAMILY. Pioutl Arlstocrnts in the Rcnlm of tho Aicnn, Tlip fainoilH Stlik fmnlly, one of the Brent features of Iho Wnllnco Shout, iIopi wotk that hoidotH on the niai elotis. In until, some of their at tainment!) atp of .siieh cotnplcv tllltluttl tlrs that It froqticntly pnssps with hut little iiioip nolloe fiom the ptthllu than their Hlmpler displays, solely because the nlidleiipp ran follow Its llttilcittc and p("'pleliifr paiatlox. It not Infrequently happens that when n pnilletilinly haaidoliH feat Is iHtoinpllMhed the stroiiKost ntul most pionouutcd iipphiusc will come fiom the enliv whoioln the other actois of the .show inuv lnvntlnhly bo found laiiRed ns Hpectntois when "the Stlrlis me on." This ttlbulp to their senilis fiom their fellow ppifoimei.s Ih as unusual us It Is .spontaneous, ami tpstllles tn their sitpeilorlty moip oloqupntly than am otilofry posolbly could. When an acl can hold the attention of ni'tois as that of the Stltks tloes, It may lutlcoil be mitt to be truly KIPUt. At Htranton on Tiidny, May 21th. CALLED TO HARRISBURG. E. A. Jones, of Aichbald, Summoned Theio About the Contiolleiship. His Appointment Ceitaln. It amis announced pstoiday that IMwiinl .Ioiips, ot Aiohb.ilcl, is tho t holt p of (iiupinor SIoiip for the newly tip.itncl ollltp of touuty pontiollct. .Mi Jones was siinimonpd tn Ilarrls buiR, piisinniibly, to bp pei.sonully notlllptl. AIiIioiirIi omp of t lie last to conic Into tho lipid, .Mi. Jones fiom the Hist .innoiincpuipiit of his candidacy -was looked upon bv the other candidatps as a ,i fruinliluble .int.iKonlht, Iip taiisf of Hip lint Unit Hip appolntpe Mill be Hip loKit.il t hnkp til the polinty t tun tuition and the titket .should hac an up-HiP-.illPi- ippipspiitalhp. Tin- ollltPs to bo filled next fall will lihrh be iuclfip of tlio ponimon pleas touil, iutlKP ot tlio nt pilaus' touit, toiinlv tnimiei, i ouiity Mlic?or and toiiiiti tontiollpi. It is alino-t .l suipIv that the nominations for the two liidRPslilps and Hip ofllep of cot -nnpr av ill so to Sri anion men and ( list t the pandldate for county jamejor will lip fiom the enmity. Hail the .ippoinlmet smic to Hon. W. K. lieck. nf Moscow, tlip titket would hap two ippiespntativps fiom Hie ftniiitiy tllstiiets, as A. K. StP -piison, thp tountv sitivpyoi is spekliiff Hip usiiallv aptnidpd second tpini. This would pap tlip illstiKt i utii monlv iPfniiPcl to .is "up-tin -viiIIpi" without a lepipsent.itivp, and tins pinbahlv an omits lor 31i. Hoik bplupr tailed upon to sIp way to Alt. Jones. battalionchieFsnamed Daector Hitchcock Makes Five New Appointments in File Depnitment. Old Dibtiict Chiefs Named. DhPttor ot " t'libllc Haloty T T Hitchcock esteiday issued an order (tc.itinpr tio battalions in tin- lite do pa! tment and appointing lle b.ittalion chiefs. The ha Italians tipatptl will t.iko In tlip follow hip: companies: Kiist battalion X.iy Aucr, ("ly.stal, T'liopniv, Hook and Iidder, Fianklins and Colun. bia. Second battalion l.lbei ty, Xlntr.ua, IXcclslor, tlPiieial Phiniipy and C'um boiland. Thiid battalion Itellef. Fouith liatltillon Cciitmy, William C'onucll and Neptune. Fifth battalion K.ikIp. Tho battalion chiefs appointed aio: Fiist. D. J;S1owp; Second, Kinest Alil l"i ; Thiid, Chailes Ilobinson: Fouith, Chailes Sinnell, rifth, AIit.li.ml Cei -ilty. All those nipii, Mith the ecpi lion ot Siimell, weif fonueily dlstilct thiol's iinikr the old ipkIiup. At the s-ollUtatlou of Diiector Hitehcnek they wpio swoin In as tall nipii icstoiday and iiLPeptPd tho positions offeiod tliom, thoiiKli no PNtia Cfimpensation lb to lie allow PtI them. Kath bittallnn chief I, lo bo loquiied to iPHiioud to oeiy alaim fiom tho tlisliit't or tllstiiets Inelutlpd In his bat talion ituil Is to hao entile chuiso ot the diipptlon of all v. oik until the ,u iial of the chief eiiBlneor, fiom whom alono he Is to take tndei.s. Ho Is to be held dheetlv lesponsiblp toi iiiovpiiipiU of all tomp.iulos and appaiaius In his t-liaiRp. The Ian set Hon of tin oitler Ksiipd cstoi day leppals the Mpptlnn of (!pii Pial OitlPr, A'o, i issued homo weeks iiko, piovidlnir that the laukiiiK' i.ip taiu nf the ininpuulcH present at a flip .sliotild take thai ho until the aiilval of the t'hiPl. Dlieptor Hltthcotk, in stppakins: to a Tiihuiip lepniter psteitlay iiitPinnnu, said that ho appointed the battalion ulilofK lippiiiiho ho had dpUtlid that the taplalns of iliefsoot,il t ompanle.s would )i,ip punush to tin lookluK attor their own men at a Hip, vithnut dliPPtlmr the mtneniPUts of soeial pompauli's. Up said that he thought toilliills .should iiiako Minn piovlHinn Itu Hie payment of the battalion chiefs. Lake Henty Paik, Miiplowtioil, AV.iynp pounty, Pa, on tho Kill' .V Wyoming A'alley rnllmad, Is the most uttintUlvo iimi ileslr.ihle fumiuer pnpui.sIou n'soit In Noilhern l'ennslvanla. do anil look oxer the mound anil mako your mrangemeuts for u.iiihpoitiiilim with the company nl Dunmoie, Pa. Send top a booklet. Pianos and Organs of the finest finality can always be purihahPtl at tho niy lowpst pike and on the easiest tonus at Oueinsov Han, 311 and 31U WaslihiBton Ap, .Sciaiiton, Pa, Tiy the New 5c. Cigar "Kleon." 0 inu an Iced long Havana filler, Smoko the new Kleon cigar, Cc. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. .o jl djta for May 21, fUN i llinlit.-l ninptiatuic ,., 72 ilogircs l.owc-l tenijitiatuiu ,., 10 drgiers ItcUth llunii.liiv. 8 u pi " per trot S p. in () prt tent I'lCiiplUtiun, !l houij ended 8 p in , UW hull BORN. nr.NOI,lls'-In Sirjiiton, In Mr. and Mr. U fl. lUjnuldj, ul Cl'J .N'utlli Mjin aicuue, u daughter. SIXTY MORE MEN IMPORTED ' MANY EMPLOYES ARRIVE AT LACKAWANNA YARDS. Four Men Who Repotted nt Stilkei3' Headquarters Yesterday Afternoon Stated They Weio Employed in Philadelphia nt Excellent Teims, Board Included, Nothing Being Said of a Strike Thtity-nlno Men Camo in During Moinlng nnd Twenty-ono at Night. Philadelphia Is the city from which the Dolnwme, I.iiekawiiliutt & Western mill oml company Is now shipping woikm"ii to this city to fill the plates of tlio stilkpts at the machine and par Hliops. Ha ily cstoidiiy moinlng thlity-tilnc men weie biouglit Into the yanl, but during tlio thiv a utimher of these, leputtcd at siilketo' heml qtlmteis mid nsked tti be sent batk to Philadelphia, ns they claimed lg- notance at the time tlipy loft oC a Mt Ike being In piogtoss hcie. A largo number of men oinploj ed bv the company as flio pulleis have now Joined the tanks of the nine hour day .strikers and their at Hon Impedes the company not a little, as neither Mi o tupn nor onglneeis, it is rlnlmed, -will eotiient to peifoini the clutioH nf tbp latest men to iult Moilf, A Tilbuiip man was at the car bulldpis' head quiulcis .vpsleitlav nflcinooii when they leeched their llnst intimation that mote men had been In ought Into tho city, it mils about l:"0 nilmk when four men at costed one of the bo.tid nicmbois nlnl iufntmeil him ip gaitllng Hip mutter. To a 'J'.lbuno man tho Philadclphian said: AiivnuTisn 'nu aii:x. "An iuHpi tlspinenl has nppcaipcl in the lMilhidolphia papeis lor scveial da.s, telling all applicants for posi tions lo ippoit at tbp oflicp of tlio agent, at Hip hoi Hip ist mi nor of Fifth anil Walnut Impels. Thiit nliie of us ipip hltptl Tupsdav and IpII the city at 10 o'clock in Hip even ing. "Xot a woul was said about Hipip be ing .i stiike tin, bill oi v good wages oie nllPiPd us all. 17'j tents an hour was lipid out foi machinists' hplpcis, V tpnts for bl.ipksniitbs' hclpeis antl 21 cpnts for machinists. The gieiit niajoiity nf the men cmplojed weie legukir iiipchanips T no self hasp dnno wmk in dllfcicnt positions at tlio R.ildwln woiks. "Wo -weio treated fiist iate. gpttlng slipper hefoic p Mailed. When wp np.upcl St'i.inlon in our tar, bowopr, all the lights -went out suddcnlv and a lot of deputies climbed on bn.uil, and then mo began to smell a lat. Wo did not get nff nt the station hoie, bill mpip bickotl into tlio aiil, ami Hipip taken off, and maithed into th" .shops at tlio low pi end, iheie wp wimp guaidPtl bv tlio deputies. Tluep moil nimiagptl to bip.ik away fiom tlip tiowd :ul gel nut nf the j.uds, tlur Ing the e.iily innrnlng and seoial of lis lefusctl tn tlo any inik, and de mnndetl to lie allowed to leao tlio placp and go back homo. WOULD XOT ST A A'. "Tbis was reiused us and wp wpio kppt pptined in until this nfteinoon, when Air. Adamson took scxeial of us over to the .station. Thpio estia InilutpniPiits and olfprs -wpip made us, and three of the nipn ngiectl to stnw Wp would not aptppt, houevoi, and woto tlnallv IpI go " And It Is not llkelv that the men at tlio shops will ipiuain In Ignoiantp long. Thp stijkeis hae had pilntpcl a number of cuds beating the follow ing legend: sin iii:.i:i) A". ill i,e piitl rnj in m noiKiiu n. tlio 11 I W. It It. fhoH ho is lualtrcntcil cr hinducd in on n in tiling to git thrcivh tho lino nf ilipulin and iHii- fiom Iho compuiN piuui ,n, it ho will r port at llulloit's II ill, 117 Wniniii' i iniip, and mic (idintf. Scoips of llieso hao been smuggled Into the shops nnd dlstilbuled among the men. The tlio pullei.s who hap quit woik number about (lftppn and woip accompaiilpd by about foity pitmen and ash p.uiIpis. This mgp mpiit Is hugely lu tho natuip of a sympathetic Milko, but the dpiuaiid for moio wagps is nlso an Impoitant laetor lu It. To-moiunv nioinlng tho flio pullds will meet and discuss tho question oC palling out tho men along the line. TIip icpoit of four flicmcii being dis chniged tor letuslng to pull Hips, which was made at sttlkeis' lip.idquiu- toi.s .le.stPfday moinlng, was declined to bp utteily gi mindless by Alaslpp .lpclianlc 1 : 1 In, who dPdaiPd that not a fit email was dismissed, and out sidp IipIp was alicady seemed to at tend tn the duties ol' the .sliihlng Hie ptlllPl.s. riAA'i: Di:i.i:fiATi:s powim:. Meetings bai now bopji In Id of nil tlip lodges ailillated with tlio eouinlU, r.ud Hip delegates lo that body have bepii given full pnppuIim' power. The machinists pniifened this power some das ago, thp blacksmiths and pit tPin makers met ypstPiday, and tho Fodeial Labor Union took action on the mailer Tuesday night Fillppu of tho men hi ought In bv tho Lackawanna eslPi(lay monilnf weie sent fiom the city last evening bv tho stilkeis. Auothei batch of about twenty iiipii m lived on tlio s n o'dcick tialn and woip psi oiled to tho shops without any ilemonstiatloii ot any sort by tho stilkeis The )utor luip now piactkally nbamlnuod tin ligid watili at tlist enndupted of lu (nmipg Ualns, and declmo that as the men appear to bo leaving tho ( om p.im'.s employ ns fast as they nrilyp, it is a matter of no woiilnipnt to them us to liov. gloat is tho uuniber ot lin poits They cbilir that all along tho Hue, at Pn or in paitbulir, Hip Lackawau iui Is meeting villh grpat dllllculty In bccuilug men lo substitute for thoso who huso demanded tho niua-htiur Cooking; with Gas FRKn DKAONSTRATION, Wo lino secured the stril rs ul Miss Emily Harion, Colling To leiture on and ilnnon-tute hs ART OF CQOKINC WITH CAS Or, Hoi lo Male 1'ooUlns lasi. lee lint and tlemoiu.tr ition duibu tlio utrk uniincuiiui: Mjy a), eierj afurr.oon at J o'lloid, at 007 Mndcn tiled, ll...nd ot '!rad buliu'iug;. The Scranton Gas & Water Go. day, A mass meeting of the Dover slillipis will ho held toinouow night. TIipip was no change ysloiday hi the sltiiatlon at the nt lotis mnntifuc tilling cMiibllshmciits whose men me out on Mi Ike. It was unnoted dining tho day thiil Mr. AIIK of Milwaukee, of the AIIIh'UIiiiIiiiois company was In the city, but Inqtiliy ut Iho conect it's Dickson shops ptovoil that Iho tepoit wus an eiioncous one. AIAY Hi: ItCIti: TODAY. It Is believed, however, Hint he will be lu this oily today or within a stunt lime to tn lie some action logardlng Jrlie Mrlkt at the local plant, Tho Infill niatlon was given out at local stiike hcatlqum tois that the Lapkliwamia had glvpn a lingo order to thp Scheiipctadv Locomotive woiks, opeiatlons at which were In no way effected by the nine-hour day move ment, it Is also stated that much dif ficulty la being locally evpeilonced lu keeping tho engines In lcpulr nnd en glnemen mo dally gi catty delayed In walling for their engines. A meeting ol the iouikII was held last night In tlio olllcp of Chalimun Ilumphicv Campbell. All the delegates tepoited that their lodges hud adopted leionimpiidation to delegate executive power to the council mid their notion theicfoio makes tho body an exociltlvp himiil of tho metal woikois of this city, The car blllldois will teeehe the sup poit of the council In their nlne-boiir day movement, but me expected to heipnftcr co-opeiale with tlip ( ar bitltdei.s over the Pelawaie, Lacka wnumi and AVpsIpiu syslpin. A gen eial chalimau was abo (linden at Hip meeting to take dim go of the woik of flliectlng the vat loan details of the stiike, appointing pickets and scouts, and all ( ninmlttees. The ( ouncll will bo ppimaiiput nnd will make Its lipadqu.tt Ipis nt llul bert's hull, 117 AV.iomlng avenue, A tonieipiiip was on at New A'oil: jestcr dav bplwepii lppipspntatlves nf tlio AlPtal Tiadps association and tho niii plilnlsts nf Dlstiict 1". but cpn If a spltlement I cffccletl it will have no local licit lug. DR. LANSING NOT PRESENT Didn't Attend the Meeting of the Committee on Rules Resolution Will Be Again Offeied. ltev. Dr. Isaac J. Lansing was not pi Ps cut .it last night's meeting of the bo.ud of ponliol tommiitec on lilies lipid for the pin poso of ronsldeilng tlio cbiiigcs which be made against tho bo.ud In an ,'itldiess tlelivpiP'l at Ito-chcstci-, X. A'. lie had been invited to attend bv letter, but sent woul Miotigh AHi .ln up that lip had a meeting to at tend and t ould not b piospnt. Air. .T.i ne said tli.it he bad asked the doe tor if bo would attPlitl a meeting of Hip (ommiltee held cm any other night and said that the doctor had leplied that lie would not, as theio was no leasou for his so doing. Dr. Lansing wlirn asked esteiday afternoon bv a Tilbune man if be Intended attend ing tlio meeting leplied, "Coitninly tint " The majoiilv nf the membeis nf tlio toninilttcp, Alessia. Jennings, Haiker and Langaii, f.iv nred i ectimmendlng at net JInnday night's meeting nf tho bnaid the adoption of the oiiglnal ioso lutlon intiodupetl on Alonday night by Air. Lang.in. This Atessis. Jayne and Uvans, constituting the mlnoilty, ob jectetl to Mi anions! v. AH. J.iv:io offered the following ipso, lutiou, which ho wanted the commit tee to icpoit favoiably upon: itenlvcd, 'lint wo recommend to tho tmiid of rontrel thai III. Lmsincf bo roqui sted to ippi it In fun- tho linn nnd mine the hiiHmi1u.iI mill. Iiera c f Iho In nd pf oonliol In whnni lie referred in hij lloihiiler aildiist and pui( clitrrcs i"iiii-l (ith nidmdiial vi ii itucil 'Jills 1,-i-nliitIon was Mited down nf ler a long discussion and a f.ivoiablo Kpoit on the oiiglnal clodded upon. Air. .lav m said that lip would hi ing In his lPsoUition on Alonday night as a n liKiiitv lepoit. All. J.iMie took p.iilleulai' objection to the oiiglnal ipsolution because he claimed it "llaiPd Tr. Lansing too bald and showed too much spleen " This l Pinal k didn't iiUmso All. U.ukir, who s,,iil; "We've got a poilopt light to fl.iv him. Up Hi st flajpcl us anil was the (list to show spleen " Air. Langaii favoied a favoiable re poit on bis niigmal lesolutlon, bet ause lie said lip didn't deslip to be made a tnigpt of for Di. Lansing. Hp didn't tlpslie to have lellcetlons fast upon his lpputitlon. Picsldpiit .Tolin dlliboiis, who vas pit sent as an pv-o'UpIo membei' of thp committee, iiiadp a lengthy addles In Mhlih lip said that he didn't "see any leasnn lor handling this man Lansing with kid gloves after Hip way he had handled the scho'jl licmid," Up ipfeiiPd to Hip ipvpipihI gpntlp nian "is a "taipet-b.iggci" and sild tlio ilocloi's chlldlcii wpio tin lied out of si liool lor mlsbohnvloi. "Lot hltii look alter Ills own III si," said he, "InstPid of spioaillim siandpr about olhpr people," He said tb.it If II was his own clergyman who said v. hat Dr Lansing had s'lld about the m hool bo.titl he would fppl hist as he did, Up lifllnmtPtl thai Hipip was a possibility that he might biing I .gal pintcpillngs for dander. FIRE COMMITTEE MEETING. Tho Contmct Question to Be Taken Up Tonight. The Hip dep.u tint'lit ' cniniulltpp of common council will moot tonight in dt hall, lust hotoio tho loguhir meet ing of Unit In audi. The coiumlttco will decide upon iho foi 111 of tho t ('so lution to ho luttneluced tonight cover ing tho adVPitlsing lor pioposais im tlip new Hip (lepuituiPiit upp.iiatus, "Tlio count llmeu me dvlng liard," said a city otlldal e.stPid.iy, "They mo Just beginning to lenlUo that theio Is a shatp lino di.uui between tlio os ecutivo ami legislative launches nf tlio dty government by the. Aluehlbinuiier hill. Tlio nld-lImoiH can not biing themselves to bollovo tltat a new flio Highlit and u new hook unci ladder tl in k can bo liouglH by tho city with out tho joint llm depaitmont commit teo having nil) thing t" say about It," CONFIRMATION SERVICES. They Will Be Held Tomouow in the Synagogue. Conlli iimtiou set vices will be held to-moiiow moinlng lu Jewish houses of wuisliip thioughout tho countiy lu this city a class -will be combined at the Linden sticct syu igoguo, tho services beginning at 10 o'clock. Itov. A h. Anspacher, who has care fully Instructed the membeis of the class dining tho lust bevei.il weeks, will bo in charge of tho coremviiy, unci will also addicss the conflimunls, at tho conclusion of the continuation DlODCr. LEWIS IS IN FIRST PLACE HE MAKES A OREAT GAIN IN THE EDUCATIONAL CONTEST. A Number of Changes Mndo as tho Result of Good Work Yestotdny. Miss Moicdlth, the Fiist Young Lady to Make Returns, Stints Well This Is a Favorable Time to Begin Tho ' Lenders Can Bo Easily Cnught Now. -'f-f-f-f-f-f-f'f-f-ff-f-f I Standing of the J t Leading Contestants X r Points, -f 4- 1. Meyer Lewis, Scian- -f 4- ton 60 -f 4 9., Heniy Schwenkei, " South Scranton ... 68 3. August Brunner, jr., Carbondnlo 30 t 'I. W. H. Harris, Hytle J t Pnrk 23 1 5. William Miles, Hyde 1 Pntk 21 J a- G. Frank Kcmmeicr, 4. 4- Factoiyvlllo .... 18 4 f 7. Miss Norma Mcie- -f - dith, Hyde Paik .. 14 -f 8. R, Leo Huber, Scian- ton 3 4- -f f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-t-f'f The paiticipants In the Tiibune's Uduc.illonal politest mo ceitalnly Mailing nut In earnest, Tho lcsults of csloi day's voilc weio vciy good, and made considerable change among tho leadcis. .Meyer Lewis wio.stctl Iho lit st plate away fiom , Hcmy Schwcnker, who has led for nenily a week, and now has a point lo spmc. August lit miner, of C.u hondalc, came up linni loiiith lo tlilul place, while X II. Hauls diops back. William Allies, of Hdo Paik, also came up pup, jumping fiom .sith to llfth place, displacing Fiank Kenimoiei, ot Fac toij vllle. Allss Xouna Meicillth, of Hvdo Paik, made hpr Hist ictuins jesteukiy, and is the Hi st ouug lady to bo In the list nf Ip.itlpis. She occupies seventh place this morning, but she espects in gain .1 much Letter .standing belnic the contest Is much older. Jt. Leo Huber continues to slide down, as ho has not made 11 letuin in a week. Two new cutties jesteidny woip Allss Sai ah Knapp, of Haw ley, and Fiank Williams, of Petkvllle. This is .1 fnvoinble lime lnr any ono to entei. The piescnt Ieadeis have onlv been at woik for .1 few days mid in. iv bp easily caught and pissed. For example, a contestant who bpgins tn-dny, by set ut ing K subset ibeis, at one par each, would be nt the veiv bead of the list. Hotter begin now. For a full ilesciiplion .of tho contest lead the ndvoi tisomont appealing tlailv on fouith pagp. For fuither in forni.ition, or if desiinus of obtaining ,i book of fubsaiptlon blanks, addicss "Udlfor Uducatlon.il Contest, Sctan ttin Tilbune, Scinntoii, Pa." OLD CANNON PRESENTED. Fianklin Engine Compnny Makes a Gift to Sons of Veteiaus. Cii.ules Gilffin and Thomas Allen, if pipsenllng the Fianklin Engine 'com pany, Tuesday night piosentod the tiU cannon owned by tint company to the membeis ot Company S, Sons of A'et eians. The picscntatlou took place in Hip upw d. A. It. ATemoual hall, at a geneial meeting of Iho camp. Pilar to the piesontatlon foi ty-one n- w mombeis weie mustcied In and a camp liie was conducted. DRUMMER EVANGELIST. Rev. W. H. Williams Holding Meet ings at Moscow. Tlio duimmer evangelist, ltv. AV U, Williams, has been lor the past eight dais conducting mooring special pvnn gellstpj meetings in the Alethodist chinch nl Moscow. The meetings weie oiy kugoly attended each even ing and the town was gioatly stlired, the chinch levlvod and several woie tonveited. In company with the pas loi they made at Ip.ist sovputy-llvp vigils lo the homes ot the peoplo of Moscow, whom they hold pi.iv.cr. Ilcv, AVIllianis Is to letuin to Aros cow, m.iv !H. and deliver an address to the AfasonJo lodgo on Hie icllgious teachings of liisoniy, Sunday, Alay 2tJ, Mr. AVIllianis will f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ft-f-f-f-t-t-f-ff-- Men's : Plaited Shirts Tliis is a choice gioup of new bhitts, aeady for the mo ment a man wants to leave off his vest. Tho patterns me fiesh and handsome, in smtut stiipes, of blue nnd white, fancy colois Including ox blood. The plaiting is neatly done, so that tho stiipes come out the same on every fold. Tho bosoms aio unusually long. $1.50. t--r l -t--ff -r sjj W4hifiii A.jXjy' -f $ 0S4 I Oils, Paints :MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, A 141-149 Meridian Street, T TELEPHONE 62-2, T ( ,tt'vWrt', CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. deliver tluco Antl-Snloon league mi dlines In this city: 10 HO a. in., Hampton Street Alethodist church! 3. IB p. in., City Young Alen's Christian as sociation! 7 TO, Jackson Sheet Uaptlst church. Allss licsslo Craig and Allss Anna Sands will sang at these soi- Ices. On Sunday, June 2. at 7.10 p. m., Ulist llaptlst diuicli, Hyde Paik; Sun day, June i, 7.3) p. m., Piesbyleiliin chinch, Kingston. Tonight be ad diestod a union tempo! mice meeting In Ashley. i m i The Spilng Fever. is a malady which no one can cscnpe at this season of the year. The vital ity Is usually ovetta.xed dining tho winter months, mid spring llntls tho svstcni all run down. Tho blood Is thinned antl linpine. The kidneys and liver aio Inactive lesultlng in to loss of cneigy mid appatlle, and a tle lnngoment of the nerves. Llchty's Celery Neivo Compound will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, nnd leave you feeing tiosh and cncigetlc. Hold by Aliittlicws lltos. A New Cigar. David Spitlks Is placing a now live cent cigar of unusual cxtcllcncc on the mmket. The cigar will be known as "Rig thict." The Inside cover nf tlio box Is ninaincnlcd with a hand some litiiogiaph of e-Chlef of the Flip Dcpuitnicnt P. J. llickey, In uni foim. Piano for Sale. A flop upiiglit giantl piano, hasn't been used but four months and as good ns when puichiiscd, bus just been loft to be sold. Call at once if vou want a b irg.iin. Cueinsov Hall, "11 and 310 Washington Ave", Scianlon, Pa, Steam Heatlne and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. Smoke tho new Kleon cigar. 6c, A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEPHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager's o31ce, 117 Adams avenue. That we have the laige&t antl best stock of Summer Underwear in town. All sizes. Eveiy garment guaianteed in quality nnd woikinnrr ship. Conrad, "A Gentlenrnn's ruinishing Stoie." 305 Lackawanna Avenue. To the riusical Public We beg to state th.it the most lecetit Hianolortes by the AUson & Hamlin Co. contain points of constructional superiority (from a scientific ami acoustic point of view) which rentier them second to none. These instalments aie on exanv ination nnil sale at the wareiooms of LB, S 131133 WASHINGTON AVENUE and Varnish .a. H Jrue, bomi " ' . .. - 1. -. An Irrvitation la extcuded to Cuba to add niiother star to our flag. Likewise we invite you to visit us. While unfurling our flag of values, a look through our stock will conviuce the most skeptical that we keep prices to the ground. Our Bottled Beer should be tried to be appreciated. LouU Arthur Wtrei President Orlando S. Johnson, Vic Pre. Arthur lit Christy, Cishler Capital, Surplus, $100,000 $100,000 So6 SPRUCE STRtET. Court House Squaie, SCRANTON, PA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Am IIOIIIi:il J.v 1(5 llmrtcr in accept all manner nf Jiut.; tn Act at Ketcher, 'Jntstce, (iuaidian, Admlnlstra. tnr or llvetufor. "PHI: V.l lIS of litis llmk are pinterl. 1 ed Ii the Holmes I.leitiiu Alarm S.istcin. DIRECTORS I.. A. Wntres. O. s Johnson Wm. P. Ilallstcnd K. P. Kingsbury liverctt Warren Aug. Roblrusan Joseph O'flrlen -f-f-f4--f-f 4--f4--f4--f4-f4-f EEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-32T Penn Avenue, FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS Gas Ranges On Sale at Our Office at Cost. We put them in your kitchen ready for use. All connections FREE, on fiist floor. Double Oven Ranges, $9.75 and up Scranton Gas & Water Co US Wyoming Avenue. MAY I. WOt. Ladies' Jackets and Skirts We Make Pit tho Ld is tho fiilhcm fii the turd lhi nuke, stle, fit, finish jinl prices are all peileei. Our t-piintr Mcul. i, mm an tiling our inspec tion. Uo glad In teo joti an time. Kin? Miller, Merchant TaHor, 435 SPRUCE STREET. I Keep Your rorcn i Cool and Shady I by the use of our Bamboo Porch Screens, a perfect pro tection against the suns hot rays. You are always on the shady side of the street when your porch is protected by a bamboo screen. Every size every width equipped with pulley and rope no tiouble to hang them. Outside Bark. Clover ft I Bf Widtli Length Price 5 feet 8 feet 99c 6 feet 8 feet $,9 8 feet lo feet 1,99 lo feet 8 feet 1,99 13 feet 13 feet 3,59 Bamboo Meat Width Length Price 5 feet 8 feet 59c 6 feet 8 feet 05c 8 feet 8 feet $1,25 8 feet lo feet 1,55 lo feet 8 feet 1,55 Porch Slats, 7c, CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! S21-S23-225-227 WYOMING; A V E N JT S. A --. -. iitf