r 4. i I.'' N l , ' V 1 - - .,ji yTYV "' 1 V i THT3 'SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THCHSDAV, MAY 1KJ, lUOl V ' ri- ttljc Scnnfon rt6ime .ut.-li(-.l Dillw' taufV. Jmiih1i. U llif Tfl ins ruMl!.hltK lnin,ih.., Hi l'lll t ciitn a Month. iivv s. ntciiAiin. iiiimr. O I'. HVMIhr', lliilin.s Manner. !cw York Ollkc! IM .Sh-jiiii M. s m. vitt:it.M, Sole Agent (or Kntclgn Aihcrtlalinr. bnlcrcd lit the t'o-loflkr nt -Vtntilun, l' i .u Soi oiul Clu-d Mall Mallet. tthrn p.ne will perinll, The Irll'iiiie li ilv tlad to print -.hurl IctIrM fiom lit Irlrii'M beat Irig on riirirnl lopln, hut IM lulc l that v iilKt ho hIriiuI, lor pt'lilli illoti. lo I"' writer a real names .mil t lie tnn1ltlnn irn"lcnt t ' plaiu e I tint all tontrlhiillorn thill he Mihlcit to editorial roUUin. 1MB ll,U' ll.UK 1011 ADVIlitllhlNO. The tolloMlric (ahlo lioi the prion per lmli radi Insertion. pue to ho imiI within one jean linn ol itilltijson foil IJIM'UY. I "H Hut, Vni Jn, lif, .VM Iiuhci Ijon -on i rop-i JMpir .". " jo H .r ii trailing I I h .17 .11.3 Position .I'l .IV. .IS I i'i rii'lt nf lliin'ns irfiilittlom of ("iidnleiiie nml linllar innlrllmtloiw In llie nituro of ml vcrlldnj- Hie l-llmne nukes a ilurce of 3 mils a line llalri fui rileil Admtlslna: Itiiiiiilieil on applli it ion , HCI.ANTliN, .MAY L'.i. llini. If the utter IiickiiIniIiv .Wilcli litis t'liiil.ii'tpiled the ii in rl nf Hie I'ltv ml. vi'lil-lin: i tin 1 1 ,t !. li tn lio luKon 111 it minpli' nl hnu thins-, iiic tn KO under Hip inv-oiu i'dmliil-ui.ition, Innk nut for llnilble. Discourage It. y HAP OAt'SUS nnkty uhen their Is war in- i-tc.nJ nf peine In iu- illlslli.d elides Is nut ll.o f,u i iluil l.ilioi iii.i set what Is lihlv ("liilni; tn It. i:ii) luuipst limn iein;nl.p til" IllstUi. nl n divi sion of li'flii-.nj's imiilts Hud s gl.id when lalmi In pMldoiu ,iinl lau-alild-Inc moans i.ndeilalie. to liottei Itself. It ha. Wit .if Ui.it "i.iplt.il Is iii loSHiit." hut without iti,ilit1i.itioii tllHI is Hut 11 UP. Mtllllnll ll.ltlllO has snort and had la it ulieievoi joii llntl tt. an I hihnr. as well as (apital, i.iii lip aiiosiint and piupI wIipii Hip had pets nlip.ul n the snort The nilstakp is In leltiiirt the hart h,io si, mm Ii mUiir- Int mi-ililef What (.auses anipu when lahoi and i ipltal ko In "" Is that thp hart nlll cot Hip uppei hand WIipii a hail man nt the Iip.iiI of a his roipui.itinii with moat powois tan nl will smash a thai in ciit t siudsf. o (all it t lit' ai insa'K e n t , ipita! ami pioppily dc nouiuo it Mill the anosfincp is pip (IspIv Hip siiiiip hi piinelplp when it Is inaiiip.tc(l b men at- the head ot la lun iiioenipnls, In Hip foun of ho -inlts .ml Ducats ti mill the busi ness ol Dinsp whn do not .submit to theli IK l.t t ion. Men nt this tpe me fni tun.itPly be(onilus laiei: .ilonfj such line:, thpj ciinnnt suctpcd, and ihPiefnrp .soon sive wav to hioadei SPlieialsliip Pan Dieie nip alua.s ciinush of IliPin tn iustlf anip and tn make the thraishl nf a btiikp whleli tliious tlifin Into passlns liioiiiineiuc objeetioiiiihlo to liners ol peine and K"orl fiu'pr. It is loituniilp at tills time that the lp.idpisliip of lahoi in this nllej is In lioi ui oideilv niPlhods, What mlslit rtPeloi it this weie otheiwlsp is linplp.tsaut to lonioituip. nut nt host, war, as lipneial Hheinian teiso iltl, is bell, anil a lnhni war Is so iinweldiliii In its least ofiensiw Imiu that eei oiloit posslb'e to (onsei wi the iitiiuship should he put foith to disinuiase hnstlle teelinss and ,u DliidPs ainmis the sieat industiles upon whi li mil inline as a (niumuii lt ilppi'inls l,( t puhlli spniiiuent .so shape iisi H Dial the pieseut htiike llia.v he Dip last m jpaii to i ome. It will hairth he doubted heieattPr Dial Die Sllineme ennil ot IVnnsjl .'lila is a (If lihoiatiw hod; . The JutKcrnaut Hoves On. AN K.N'CI.IKII niaslhtiale, .lurt'P lanilPii, wiltlmj In the Nlnu ttt nth I'i'iiiiii v. on the sub h ( I, "Js Law lor tin I'eoie oi Im Di' l..iw.wi-"" iiuotes appiov lni.l Dp woi K oi I. oifl I'hlef .lu.stlue Willi's 'Whitfiei j on do, inner so l i 1 1 . submit lathei to almost any liiipn.rttlnu, hear any nppu.sslnu lather lhaii i'liaiiU Mii.r Hrtjlt and oitr pni ki I In what If, .illr-tl a enin t of jus Die," and as :i leinedy lur the use U'sm ainl (itl ldiuiiilltle.s whlih now einnther Jiihth ( --tlie it if inoie iiuuuu--ou.i in this munti.N than In Knslanil hr sof.s In lllf eMioiiiP IpiirDi of pio )"it Ins: but tine heat Ins 111 iin.N ease unrt no appeal.s. 'I he public, ho thinks, would pii'tei the epertltnn, hlinpllc Hy .inrt eiiialii ot iiiblttaiy Jurts iiipiii,' though It slioulrt iH'i'iihloiuilly make jrtlhttikes, In the Intel uilnuble ex pise ilirt timeitiiliity of the labytintli. Ian applate .systPiu, Wllliout belli? iP.t(1 tn so iif fur as Dial tluie Is a giowlus mmuIiihmiI In ftuor of letlueliiK appelldte opput tuii lilo. Al pipsent ll n man bo wenlthy oiKuisli to hiio export lawois he may loiuiiilt iilniost ,inv fi lino In dm ial purtur In the perlnltitv that, uliether lipid tu ai count or not dually, ho can hlavp off tho day nf leckouliis until tins matter aneloiit hlbtni) and the pen alty hhHrtert .U'i'nrillngly, Or if lie wi&li to InJuro another In ,t huslno.ss tiiint.. Hvllnn.'jio may ilo ta tn Impunity If tlio victim's piu.se l.s too hhott to stand the coCta of a pioliautctl battle In the LOUllb'.t For llliistiallon; Tliu foup iiii.ii In ilictod Utlt I'Hptalu Oheilln M. fatter for foiiHpltaey to deftaud tho go vein inent of W.UOO.OUO or tliereabotitb in the Savannah hntbnr tiauda have for seventeen months (.ueeebsfully evaded n auniminiH to ti ial, nlthough ('inter, under the swifter methods of points rnattlal. is now dolnt? time In the Leavenw ot th at my ptison. it has taken this length of time to secuto fioin tlio Bavannah tilsttift louit a lUllug that Ureene and the tlnee Gay nois must appear befoto that tiuw for ttlal or give hall. They v( '(JiNibe, the latter altetnutlve tind appial"to'tbc Ciicult court on technical polutb which will uctmpy another year. Then thny will appeal to the United States Su- pi c mr null t. n lelsillntv ltoilv, unit by tile tlllltt tllcV till 0 t'XllllllHtl'll tllP tip pellilto rai'llltU's on the pietlmliuiiy points they will so up the tons liulrtur nun 1 ti on Hie main Isnne. iinlll It Is it mile guess that whether plllil.ltlii'lU ulnill (iM'itukc them hefoie doiilh or not, none of the missing ihIIIIoiim will Kel hack lulo the tTnltirt StatPii tiotiH ur unless sent In by the Itiw.veiri an coutilbutions tn Die fotificlenL'c fund, The.se ate Icatilres of our Jilils plltilelRf out or keeplns with the ei 0 iionilt' sphlt of the use, whkh In all other iliipfilons Is lutiortiicliig iltuo Mitvliis nuthort.s. Niiw anil then .some Jttrtse or law.xer, nioie caiullil than t lie bench mid bur, points out how Die pin tensps of Jimtlcp lotllrt be hIiiiiIIIIim1; hut Ills .silRgosthe voire sonoinlly npllls Its w Indian on Inillrfoient pais, while the Juggernaut moves on. , one woirt of (tuition about oil stocks Put no tnoiiev In them Dial jnu can not, If npcc..siiry, annul to lose. This, by Die way, Is a good leclpe lor all other fm ins of .speculation, Some Words from James J. Hill. Till: ClIICAtitt I'.eeonl-IIPI-ulrt has Just pilnlert an In tel view with .lumps .1. Hill, of Die Not thern I'licllle milium!, In whkh that llnancler not onlv denies, oer and over, In Die most positive iiianiur, that lie hart anj thing whn tcvei to do with the ip ipih stock lluuy In Wall .stieet, or hi anytlilng whatever to do with "Die stic el end of the slot ks he owns," but Is ciedltpd wIDi an Intetcsting e piessloii ot opinion as to what Is In leallty Die most potent ludusti ial ln teiest In Die t'nltod Slates. In nn hwei In the (iiiestloii: "What Intciesls have Dip most iuoik.v and tho giealpst ItillucnicV" his leply Is given veiba t tin ' "The tigi i( til tin .i 1 Inteicsts aie the most Inipoitant They ippiesent one hall the popiiliitlnu of the I'nltPil Stales, nne-lialf the capital, nut! about all the patiiotlsm theie is." This new the piesidont nt the NnitliPin Paeitle einphaslert in ic sponse tn line other qiipslion a ipies tlon linplving dissent fiom his state- ineiit. The Intel lew tr .said: "But! the niouev intluemo Is iuostl In Dip I.ugp ( itlps"" Mr. Hill's answir w.is- "The i oun ti.v al I. use iuIps the iltles. 1 should be soi i v to see the Dine ( oiup when the ilty Inteicsl.s lontiollcil the ( oun ti.v. At pipspnt IIipv do not. When evr.r a situation (onies up wheie tho inlegiltj of the (otiutiv is at stake Dip .isiniiltiii.il Inteiests i Isp up in a bnrtv and .sweep the obstacles aside. It is the man who owns the land, the aiea fiom which wo live, who Is the htiougost f.utnt In allaiis. Tlieie may lie rtiHeieiKes nf opinion In lesairt to this. In the minds of peo ple who lemeuibcr wheie the slions holrts ot the wild ciap for Hoe ((lin age ot silver weie .situated: who lot in ert the populations that lent them selves to the subtle movement of the silver mine kings and would have foiced a debased and dishonest (iii lencv upon the nation. In that ( ase it was the lnurtlv abused hanking, niaiuitaetui lug and ommpt, Ial Inter ests that upheld "tho insogjity nf the ( nunti.v " Pel haps it mlslit be as well nut to .shaiplv londurte that "all tho patiiot lsm and feeling theie Is" leslrtes, oi ls embodied In any one class of ( ID yens oi this big uiunti.v with Its mani fold intoilockug inteiests. What Mr. Hill hart to say about Wall stioet gambling ei.ues contains a suggestion that may cie.ite discus sion as to possibilities rtf pieventlng or continuing panlis in the stodv iii.it -ket He s,is ot Dip let out Wall stieet stock battle. "I tiust it may lead to a law passed by mngiess lestih ting the lii cusp ot Wall .stieet npeiatinns." And. again, "The eftoet upon thepeople ol the leienl uppiatinns In Wall stieet is a notnilous scandal thiniigliout the nation. The onlv way to leialu the power of piopilel.uv Inteiests, to in suie logltlinate ciertll m (ontiol money Itself Is b some rtetlnlte law icstilct Ing such wholesale b.u gaining as wo have lust em ounloifil in the slieot." What the national legist, nine i oi ill I do in such u illiectiou If Die siiblei i weie once seil ouslv hinusht hefnie cmigiess may (onio Pi be a mutter amusing us much Intel esi in Cupel Couit ami other bunking (Clilies us III Wall stieet itscll. Now that Adinhal Hdilov has ipiil sta seivko foi good and Is about to lethe, wo ask unanimous (onsont Dial the Santiago ennnnvoisy lie dinppftl. London nnd Palestine. THK IN'nifATIONS fioin l.oiirtnn that (oinmeiilal In luiests thoio am .ictlvoly stippnilliig the oudf.noi.s nf Dip Jewish Palestine association In sodlio pei mission to eoloulo tho Holy I.afiil and to have pintcetlon theie, am of doclded Inioiost. The dispatches Hiuaik that Inltons am Inleiested In the ifsloiatlon of Palestine to tho clinson jionplo pilmaiily beciuiso they bollfivn their louutiy would sot tho lion's sliaio of tho ttudo. With an eye single to tho main chance, the nvorngo Londoner views wlt)i satisfac tion Dm wnik of tho P.ilestino assocl. Hon and wishes good luck tn its pt foits,. It Is added that Pr. lleui Is now winking in Constantinople with the backing of the Itothsi lillds and the nieiehioeders tn Inducn tho sultan to allow tho usfcoilailon to colouUo Pal estine by holding befoio li tin tho gllt tftlng line of a gieat loan. Also, that the Palestine association has the polit ical suppoit of the (Senium einpemr, and there l.s a gi owing boliel in IJu tope that tho sultan's "conscientious scruples" will anlsh with the piospect of a "(list-class foielgn loan," that every one lnteiested knows full well would be leally put chase money of the Holy hand, leaving Tin key the glittering name only of contml over it. The Palestine association, If It shall gain possession, pi opuses to make of the laud once mote a vine growing country as In the days when Caleb iitul JiHtiui aiitl their emiipnii lotis eairled specimen elttsteis nf the snipes nf KhcIioiiI to Moses In token of the feillllty of tlio pinuilsed land also to mid the ciiltuie of st'inl-tiopl-fitl fruits that may lloutlsli theie as they sliniilrt do In such a cllnitile. It will he Inteiestlng to watch what limy come of the new and strong In lluencoH that nie npimientlv about to give strong suppoit to the Xlonlst movement. The ten 11)1.' (listless still exigent In Jai kMinvlllo and the Impossibility of the stilcken town lecovcrlllg itself without M'ty ttiucli linger conti'lbti tlniis 1 1 out noitheiii people, has been afics-li and tniploilngly set fm 111 liom Klniltla. A smut ninny noithein peo ple have e.pei lenced hospitality and kindness fioin the people of tho desol n led city. It would seem that larger anil svvllt iopnnc should be made. A bit of "Infoi million" with lefei ome to ehango ol Liintiol of gieat blisl. iicss Inteiests Infoi million of the kind soinetlmes dcllnert as "Important If 1 1 no -was sent out fiom New Yotk .vestotdny. The dispatch contained thieo statements. The Hist was pte rin ort "It Is said": Die second, "ll Is staled" the Dibit, "ll Is rteclatcrt." Mi authoilty Is given or hinted, ll does sccir as though Die woilrt might go on without that kind of "news." It must le astonishing to the aver age i cartel tn obstive how i)ttlcklv the war cntiespniirtents vanished Ironi Manila and Snath An leu . it hull t tho tormallty of leave-luklng. lUpons of i,tlil business tl.llis.ir Dons at llaiiisbiltg inilleat" that Die p'esput scsloii nt the legislatum may r it be an nil eir affair alter all. Is It ten late to seeiiie Die notind Woods on the Wesl Side as a p.uk foi that section nf Sei.mtnn'.' It ought lint to be so. Mis. Hotline, the sla.vei ol A.vies. will doubtless soon be toady to tetolve hou 'incts, ' InforcRafion and Enferfainmenf, Too Tin; mn,'s nt (.mi lis nf riuiidpipii'i line l.iun i m rlniltihle wuil .iloni; line-, liilhtitii nmlettpil Iheic will hooii he iiIpim?iI f nui I'lnl nlelpliii''. pnsoin .1 n ii.iIk i of nntoitiiiiile nuimii, lm Inn nun phlnl r-oiiteiK t s fo- wiuiii; ilniij, Jt il' I the kind's Piu.liUi, in) i nninliii if oilier phlhnllin pic v.nnien who hue UiriiiP eileie-tnl liivo pinvul. cl foi tin ( ihvihnueil pii-onen i (otiifoitahl", ipnil hii'lie, whno tln will he ll n fiom .(11 rst i lim .nui ROin nn oppiilnnilv to nuke new nl ill-. In lift 'Hie hoiiio is i illoil llio Poor ot llh"iiu I lii-s iiKlilution is l in 1 1 fill 1 v -1(111(1(1 a No in.'T hoiiti ifiiti(. ll his hem (oni fiilihU fiiin'-linl, - lint (he women will he nnile In teel tint thiv .no c ula. ltiir into .( (ni toilihle lionic. 'lime wil he i kind, Minpi tlii lii hiiiise moihii, mil urn om of Hie in in ,i'iis will like i p i-onil MUeie-l in the wolf no of llio woniin idniitliil 'Die prime IhonsM of Hip inmiuds Ins lu'ii In iiic I" leleiMil wuniin prisimis Hie same ilnme to hid heliei lives tint nun line 'the Horn of lllesiin; is fiee In llu wiiiii in whn nrriK hilld iikI hei 'In ilc ptmk entneli upon Im own will V.nious kinds (I iiiilii-ttirs will he liken up. mil onion tor pi mi siuin nie in hiinc t-oln in I V home Initnllj is In he sintid. In H fimih- w islilm; will he dune h hind .it leisonahh prues Onlv Hone who lint Kien n il (ideino if i (lesi'o In nfoiin will he .iiliiiilud to the Pool of llll-llli.-. In s.mi Vu-t i i li i .in iiaoiiuihle diniiknid i-s ilifmid l 1 (U .Is in p 1011 will Ills him lonwitei! of iliiinkiniiiss llnee inms wilhiii .1 penod of si nionllis Hi In lis for tin lit' 1 1 nil nt. of -mil inioniKil'hs mn ho lliui-nl lij the f,noinor, mips .mil H,. id ah lis fd the inndiKl of llio et ihlishmeiir, lids nf pnnidil, ik , lunirf mule h the toiii. nihil o In th ii.o of il, Milijnt In tho (.oviinni'n nppin il Vn. jtistiie if the pi kg or .inv one niitlioiinl h i jn-tiif mi vp.it the nticil .mil iiimil ll Jltion of the 111111111". Iinlll vnliini ii; mil tin ..hint 1 1 pitlent) aie .nliiiillid In the i im. nf the lillri, jn.i pel -on (linnl Willi Iimii.- in IiiioiiikIIiIo iliiiukiiil li(fnio ,i j'id.o .spuiil nii.l-liiH .or two jii-tlee of t lie c ui, inv, upon the wiillen lorlilkile of tivn medaal pi.HlllioliiH, ho imiiinitttil to .i ic In a loi i piiind of n t fvixdmi; ttlve inoiilli". sm, (omimlnii nt tin he nude eien 1 1n u. h the itiihtiite fills In ippeir whdl Mini li, ii i il hdi le the nii.tiili. An iiiHil u tlinl nui ho iiiikiit h ,na piinn .iiitliniled in wiltitur hi tin .siipeilnlriidint of the ntiett Hie juilue nil ilinit pi.inidil, h the inehiiali' fm his hmiil .nid iln tin' thniiie of t nuvt . nut e In tli lelietl Is i jiidgim lit tlihl, Vflei fif iineillis' iiMi'ime .) pilkiit nuy he disili mit.il h llio inmmllld' of in iiucnni'iit Willi Iho.iip pmi.il if llio mo. in -it nlltiii, ii nlillic nt .ie pnllie niriiei, hi dirrilloit of n jiisiho of llic p( hi, i in nhl.ijit i jiisiuo', hiniitimn-, tallhu np i ti an ilh.'nl ill mil ad In liou' nhj ,i leilllh lie slmulit nni he is,siiei Hut he is not in Inliltinl iliiiiik.iid iniild the Itu 'I Ms ii'itilu ile, If Is hind, l flu J I its m fouc lor twelio inoiillis, 'Hide nui ho in appi.il frnn anv onlor nf jn-tlies of llio peui In Uio Im (I toinl. Iinnitos of lelrr.ili Mhn no iitul le lo n foi llirir niiinleiiniie jig (inploud il 1 tiir I lie of wases, llio value qo. hu Ion ad the pmiiioi nt these epcne. pinilV all lehes lo aiding in Hie ri.ip. of in iimiile, mil a piiiiidimenl of fmui Iwn In lliuv inniiths' iii'pUM nun nt foi lniihoiilinilioii, do Klniitioii o piopdl, m wilful diohnliimc of inks I' in nun. ile loilj wan a.o lime wtie II ileiki In tie! lilin,lou nl poslnflue, null llieie aie i'l. VI that lime I Ik pople pild kvs In tuehe inoiillis lo (he Emolument foi lri,iniillu' tin. ir mill thin (In i pild in one inoiilli l'ii, In I") tli lol il Udipu who onl S-.inn.niKi, mid the wiilto nsl us iio.Kki.ihii, I ist ,u,ir llie people pild .irj nil mi' itilu Hie lu.mii imunh tlio fiippoit if the Mntnn, and lite huipi intu lit had I Id .',.i'i,( to make Imlli ends meet 'Hit ii-inds ol piople lit itu loili n'tall the 'im iiimil niilii ino iuh In-cn, In i-.il.,. In tli.il iai llieie weie 1 mi 71 M. mdris isaited, tn the aiimiiiit ol -j-l ,"5ij,0i1i 'In il ,-. llio 1.01 1 1 linn nt Usurs our .'J,M,il iiioik.i nulei4 in. intilli, In llio .tuiount of $JVi,Oi)(l,(iilO, and will in all piuluhllll thonl iln llio einiiiiioiis hu-l-tif-j. of s,(c,uiii ,i ,jy j,, uioiK niddj. In sii t llu fno ilehuri i-sleiii all mer lite toiinli.v did litnliiirt in llie fen titie-j while rMihlMietl Willi onl t. kltn lauierf, ami il tost only t.niixi) in nt I ho pupil's null drliuied di inlly in tlteli luud. We will pa In tH o.ir Ii',ii,iii or lids Millie ind will inpilie ap. piovliiialil li'.CJJi i u i i i s, in peifoiiu li, or a I '".! nf nun nui me half the kli ol llu I lilted Malik aiiui hefnre the -iuiisli war t the iliu-i nf the i it il wai llu iu wire onl ahutit 'js.nnii postntliu-i In tlio I nil.it suns, r to h H'uul Uioii-iihI Hi in Hide aie inoite,i order (.thus Hull. Within the patt hduialiuu 1S,5'i) mn tlliies hoi h in iitulilMinl, or i!vmi mori; than wile iiratid fimu ll.e hitlli of the re iuhlio up In Imi7. hi l-si. tho entile fuue o the ralliui links niiiouttted to onl u.S ileikt, The tiriid. lion msn aimiu'll g,s..i),(iii)l and an ami toip-i of b,iiM luiii luie Biiiiiulul the uri.-nijl loipuiJl'- iniil I he tpuial ihlhi'i strike wai oublbliul in Imi, )it O.Odo.OtX) ot llieie Kttus aie ililiuiul In a iar lion, null ui bhoulni; a luai.i inuea-e. uem ration a.'.) the uouitiinuit rvpiiidid onl -J,Sini,U()e (or the ealailvS oi piiv-iiluitul .i.-tiiu,tcni. oi of tlies iiliiili pj.i srl.tukl a ear and over, ami theie wne hut UI of iuilt fuliral aptoliituicuU in the I nltid. Statu. 1'ietldeitt MiKlnley Iu3 ap pulitlid t.i-J) of ihce.c poslnuslir. and ioni;ii,is has appiopiUted oier i?J.i.hii,ihi) for their wl urli u (ail. the ilu.de Mate if .Siw Voi has iluutt as man ut theie ottliei as the entire luuuti a bUKiJllcn j;e, Juiini; at piuent JM, m iir.ilnt (12 iliirliu; the dill "Jr. IVnntilmnlii Im .'in. in iimlinl :.j, One nt the iriilrr-, nt InlrirM nt tlio ''He Anifilcaii rvpoillloii will nnqiitillniulily he Hie .Inillnni, nr nrent for Apoiln. iniiefponildit linn lifi rttijt ll! ll It a Inme phut'- Hie lirt.pt of lit klntl nei hullt In Annrlia. UrRrr tlnn Iho t'oll-rinn In thliaito or the .MmIuwii Npiiir Binleii In Sen- York. It tovrts tiieke mn I hem Is nu mal iitrin, Iiirc rnmiBli In (111 Hie. Inside nf 1 ijiurlni tulle track. 'Hie dMiirue Itom one hlo tn the other N fa pre it Hint ImlU vldiiils aiiowt (he wj launot he ill-.lliiRiiisli.il. In tlnrp yhkn, ririrnl like n lioiehoe, tkc lit li nf tlllduuls feats tint utrelili nimy hi lnfis roim of .vellow wlillriiiss like the hleathein of mini v nt mnml lnnd TI e Inmth chic Is n Mmk, lilslt i humid wall nf inis-lto lolunnui md greit sipiue panels rlt theie, I roin eitk of the fntir (nlinnns in Indian'! Iiciul, In lull -ir (lies', stain! mil fu hasirllef. Here, as ilcnheiL tlitniiRltoul the exposition, Ameik.i l lemem herrd ami Itrr hiIIiIIo f.imhols nllllrcil. The bull in Im li pitted llie il'l-un thrower nnd the urtsller niul Hie nntiiic Hkiiios of Apollo. Itc ht hern iliiv-cn as tho tpc of piii'Alucrkau drawn and iliiU.il niiniiiiir. I'.iilng Hie In illnns is a rinopkd soition foi JiuIrm and fa lorul nuiliitnid, and nl ngiibr leii'anl Inler ills mer Hie i nlhe iliiiunferenee of the outer mill ll.i homers of dl Ami Hum cnunl rle, mil tnnsi (nnil(iiniis tho ofliilal (.'lien ntul ulilt) ltiir ef tho evposltlon llio populillon ot l.iiRlind and alf, whkli Is .'.'.Wi.Tlil alloRetlier, Is m tolloiia h fidinin ktialiie inuiitics: K.Mll.AM). 111. 11i)l. Iteilfimkhiie IOI.:i7i 171. -Via llnkslilre ITU,!!1) 1-0,'tfs) IliKklii.'lnindilro I'lJ.dsO 1,M I f linhihlRislilio 12,lilj UO.lt Me nf lily h- IW (U,l')l ( liChtci A!J,lltt nill,OI2 ( ortiwall I-2,'i7I ,122,!'i7 ttinihtrliuil SKI.OIli "i.il.VII llrilnshlio MW'ii WII.,-,77 Peiniishiip 4I2.IS7 4 lil.'UI Dorset 1)1,112 202,001 liuiliim 7.n,7nt f.ii,.!in l"H .".;. 171 RU1.12I (loiiirsleishiie 2.,Hl 311. 113 llerefnitl-hiio 111.71.2 111 Tit) Ileillonkhlio tJ.'n.W '.'Is.nil lluulliiR'loiisliiie ll.ntl .11,127 Ki tit M7.".21 1 '''.'Ol I. an islet I.lilt.nm V27.ro I ehesleishlro iftl.Wl 221,-')"i I.lliinlitsliite Hull mil 7iV2l 77,1J! Ki hit i en lnV.1,1 ini,'H7 l.lnilsey P'MHI 200.PJ7 lnidon I,22sl7 4,W,,(M MlildlOfev .1I2.1-11 712.'221 Moiiiunuth-liiie .ill.KH 2 0,712 Noifolk II- " 01 .111,1:9 Notlhaniplon-hiio y Isi.'.'IS y)7,4fn srko of I'eleihoiouih :",211 41, IP.) Soilliimiherlauil ."pi.T .0 ."57,729 NnlliuRliiui'.liito 211.711 27(,(TI OvfonMilte 1l!,711 117,HS Rutlanilshiif 20.171 11.705 slnnpshire 2:n,K'7 2.'I.2I7 snuieiset ')7',ll'fl ."81,0 ,n soiiHiniiplou J.II.IH :!77.l.t Me of WirIiI 7M.72 S2.1S7 si iirorrl-line 771,21s f-Tl.M.", MtlTolk 1 isIfii ls,,4U-, lei.r.l Vrlen 121 lit) 117.3.11 Sutiev lI'MI-i .'.H.122 Stiis-ev i: i-lritt 2i7.i.i'i Ciil.fil VWhlein iW.V-7 111.110 Waiwick-hire nil.113 317,tVM Weslmorrlintl w,211 fit, 111 Willshiie 2.2,111 271.172 Wiureslershtrn 207.S1 .'ils.il? "toikslinc l.ast ItidtiiR .... 141,110 Itl.s77 Xoillt lbdms.. . 21,011 2slf.sj West Itiiauj- ....1,211,121 1.4'iO,.17 WAl.hS. n;lesev .-,0 0)? .10 171 Hietknoik .ll.Vi" ,11.211 CtidiRiti ft' lt.7 hl.Oi? laimullien 1 il.Urt lll.'i.'tl liil.nion 117, S'i 121.1. il tl.nl.tRli 118171 111, ',5s Hal 77,011 H,iT i.lamoiR.in 47.0-il 60l,0ii Menouelli P-.nT) 4e,7fl VotilRoniiiy 1-..00.I .1 1 , s I j Prlilhioko Ss.211! S7,s"l, nuliur 21,701 2V'i THE Pacific Coast AND Texas Oil Co has been oiK.ini.ed for the pin pose of devclopltiK Its oil lands in tho Midway Dlstik't In Koin eounty, Cat., and its extensive tiaet of oil land In the Car liso dlstik't in San Diepro county, and to.aeriuiio and develop oil propel tle In Texas and olieivhcio and also to trade in oil lands. As to the value of the Company's Oil lands nnd the character and. qualifications of its California di-iectoi-s and managers the company refeis by pei mission to WARREN GILLELEN, Esq. President or the Broadway Bank and Trust Co., Los Angeles, Cal. For a Short Time Only You ran secure this stoik it 15c Per Share $15 Buys 100 Shares, $150 Boys 1,000 Shares, $1,500 Buys 19,000 Shares, and will make you a fortune. Mr. S. H. Uicas. Mr. Z. B. SUiarf, Mr. S. N. Bannister, Tho California riliec trust and inanasoiH of tills company, aie mlnoraloKlsts and mining eiiKlneeis nf high standing and widely known on tho Paolllo coast. Thoy aie experienced, piaetkal oil men, They hao pinbatlsed with their piop eitles In this company tor the jtuiposo of (-rcttliiE: In tho cast money for de velopment, the espendituie of which will, In their judgment, inauu cuot mous i etui us to all who aie Intel ested, making tho stock of tho company e ticmely piolltablo to hold for dividends and causing It to command high pikes. It is their confident belief that the stock will within a ear sell for ilfty times what It can now be bought for. For details see the company's piost pectus. Hiihsciiptlons for the stock aie iccelved by thb INYESTMENTand FINANCE CO Boom 1, Dime Bank Building, Scranton, Fa. THE TRIBUNE'S EDUCA TIONAL CONTEST $3,000 fn Special Rewards. THE SCRANTON TKIBUNK lias inaugurated its second Edu cational Contest which, like the first, Is open to every ambi tious person, not only in Scranton, but throiiRbout Lacka wanna and other counties in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This contest will be eVen greater in magnitude than Its predeces sor, embracing special rewards of the very highest character, and will be carried out in strict accordance With the rules of fairness and justice. The first contest, which occupied the attention of our read ers from July to October of last year, met with such encourage ment and was so successful in every way that it has been de cided to repeat it. This year the special rewards are limited to those of an edu cational character, eight scholarships being oifered to the very best educational institutions in the state. The Special Rewards. Scholarship in Lafayotto College $1,000 Scholarship in Swarthmore College 1,000 Scholarship in Stroudsburg Normal School 075 Throo Scholarships in Scranton Business College, $60 Each 180 Two Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, $75 Each 1 50 $3,005 Each contestant falling to secure one of these special rewards will be given ten (io) percent, of all the money he or she turns in, X. n. riie lint two iliolanlili-: ilo net inDnd" niril-i, Imt Hip mu(.'linli urln-j IbrH! w ill In giidi Im (Ill) per ictit. il ml tin muno Im oi tlio turns in to llio Jrll'iinc, to aUt ill ih'Iiir till- expense. Rules of the Contest. . The epp, IhI rcnmU "III he chen to tlic ptrMin tnurins llie lai-rl iiimibu "I tmlnti Point"? will ho irrdllnl lo idiilrfl nils !cnii Inu now mb.'uibm to 'Hip t-innlon liilniir ni follous: I'llllllH. Ono Monliri itihirrlptlnn $..'" 'llirci' Jloiilhs' "-nli-i ilplinn I .'"i - M Month-.' -.iili.iriition -.'i Hup heir's Suh.rriilion fi'. 1- 1 lio cnntr-ljiit ullli tho M-'lict iniiiilur of poinU will ho clmi i cliinrr from Iho It-! of i.pp(.ll rp'i.nki Iho conllllllt nitlt tlio Fcionil hiRhpt iiiiiiiIjci of points will ho Rhrn a iholic nf Iho lcnialninff roil nil,, anil t.o on thioneh Iho IW. I'uli ionlc(int filliiii; to prnilo .1 pc i it rruiiril. jikI iNo 1huo who solort Ihc llrl In m bnl ii.liip, will tip jiPll Ion id iclll, of alt nioiioj ho or tlio tuinu In. Full paiticulars will be furnished all interested, including a list of the winners last year with the number of uoints they secured. Address EDITOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST, Tribune, Scranton, Pa ALWAYS BUSY. Our Oxfords. Low in cut. Xow in pi ice. High in quality. Ladies' fiom 75c up. Gen tlemen's from $1.25 up. Lewis & Reilly, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton's ''Business Houses DA?. E. V. BEARDSLEY DENTIST. Founcil Willi Dr. Hill. 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MAN CURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT t03 jnt Moars nulldlne. rarloi-s oprn Moncjiy, Ihuraday uml Satnnlay eienlne-. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTAOHCO, SSO, SCRANTON. PA, THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH, OP, WINPSOR HOTEL, Sells tho hrst SleaVs, Chop? ami Lunches in the ell, 'try uj and lio coniincul. PETER STIPP. Oneral rontiactor, hnlldfr and Poalrr In nulldlng Mone, Cdiientln? ol iclljit. a p(. clalty, Tclephono 25M Office, f-.'7 Waliinston airniic. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRIOK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. t, JUSt'rH KUu I i ef., rear 511 I ail.au -111114 uscnue, nunufjiiurcr nl Wire tircciu ot all kinds, full nii'iuicil for tlio tpiln- M.U011 Ue mate all Llud i'l poi.li ttrceivs, itt OUH l-OOUs I 111 all lMll.V GOLDEN GATE CASH STORE. J V, Hoer, Proprietoi, dealer in lino (iiocer les and I'rovWoiu. lino fliHi told l the box li WashiiiKton aunio. THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Has no old soodj to woik olf llicry ktjlc U niv and u;i lo due. Our prlici are lower than any othcrti. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE, All HiliMilptiiiirt miil ho pilil In nih.iniP. )n) :ipw mh-uilirn will ho loiinlpil. Jtcnoiidli y piiritni m!ho 1111110-1 mip on nui hiIim ilpllon ilt piior (o M II will not l'- crnlilul 'Iho lilhuno will ImiMl-iilc mil mb-c rlplion nti'l if inuinl f 1 11 -n! 11 11 iny u.iy inpnes the lUlit to iojk t it. Nn tt.in.fcr (in lo 111 nlo iflir unlit lia? onio I cm Liion. All Mili'wiipt'oii', 1 in I Iho i ih tn pii for xinio, inu-t ho hinilcil In it 'llio 'Inlnm oltlic iilhln Ihc wnk in wlmli tin v no lined, so tint pipers 111 1 '" i-ent to the .iih-.ruheis at ome. -tilisi nplioiH intit ho iviltlon on hi ink-i. ..hiili chii ho soiuipd nl 'Iho 'lilhuno ollkc, or III ho (.nit hi niul. Iho (onlost Mill 1 lov ptninpllv nt 5 o'lloik bjtiiul.iy eicnii.p, Ausu-l .il, lirni " THE People's Bank, Mears Building, Court House Square. Capital Stock, $100,000 Surplus, - - - 25,000 Savings and Business Accounts Solicited. Fiesident Vice Pies. Cashier - C. D. Jones r. Reynolds H. M. Ives DIRECTORS: (' 11 tones, (! P. I!.' Hold. Iliomia --plll-l-o. Aillmi Dunn, ( S Wonluilltll, W. (i. lnllon, liiihuil OTucn, l I' L'.ulci, iiiniel Mmtor, '1 (' nii torih, A. It W nni in, M. J Hi .10.1. Allis-Chalmers Co Kiicie.s-.oii to Miuliiiie Ullbincis of DlekHOii ManiltiictiiilliK L'd., Sct.iiitnn and Wilkeb-lJ.uie, I'.i. Stntlonmy KiiRinei-, Itullcii, Mlnlns M.k lilnui'-,, rumps. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. sEoumrr builoinq t savings union, Home office, 20-, 509 Mc-irs Hiilldlni-, inii-acU i Renml hnlldln? and loan bu-intvi tliruu,'linu tho Matu ut lmnahjnli. FARRELL'S TRANSFER Slovra frclfclit, riiinlliire nml IlimjJo'i', sjIm, I'i.i inj-j nml Mailiinci'. 217 LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER & CO. 1mm tmi.cil I lit-1 r Jlilllnorv l.fl il)lllinieiit tu 20(1 Aihlni e , cpp.iolU' tuutt liniini, .! I -, '! 1 Willi II HI-,I,JIW , I JAMES I. QUICK. IHIlim VIII I'llMIIIMI VMI 'IINMSr, DM J'limr, II".', S- I'd i l, tit) I aiUaiMiiiim rlMlllll. FRED H, WINTER. aS 4 CAPOUSE AVENUE, i-IJpli- (iimulis jinl I'ioiIjIijih A full line if NitiUlilm, cli, iiiuhi! 'lul' an in i imhii mi nun REGULAR $3 PHOTOS FOR S3.00. CRAMER'S 311 LACKA.AVE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find 'leu nits foi l'liipty Ilono3, 1 niity How for Tenants, ( ollru Uctii-), tool, Aficr an I Imure Tropcrly and Ilnlldlns WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, lloumj I jud S llurr Iliul'lins MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S, RADIN'S I23PENN AVENUE WILLIAM JANKO, MERCHANT TAILOR, 320 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE, Itepainni; and pios.1 In done ji hoit liutl.i ALEX. HAY, HOUSE, SIQNANO DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 32t MULBERRY ST, COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. tlcjiillniii-, l'uie ir'uod, I'ulltc Atlnillon, Ilea toiublc PriiK. Open djy Jill night. LOI and o(W fcprura street, ixrjnlon. t'j. FINLEY'S Extraordinary Offerings of Foulard Silks Liberty Satins and Wash Silks All Silk Foulards, 49c and Upwards. Wash Silks, 25c The Rieiit pucccms of mir Taffeta Hlllt H.ilo actuate) us In hi uuif-lliK' nnotlier slllt talc on a In under nnd tnuie nto KrcMsho .scale, IC iiossllile, by offorlnK the must dcaii.ililc eIIUk of todny nt IIriiks much iiiidoi' their icbuIui' nluo. 25c for Wash Silks Tho icsldiie ut diir lift j -tout line in COHlc, HllipCS Hllll pllllllM. At 49c, Foulard Silks l-iiidi till-illk l-'iPinh twill Foul nid't; sikicI welftlit m ,i mipty (if hand Minio yt.vlns-, old nisp, Bi cpii, national, tuiiiunl.se and laveudui. At 68c, Better -Quality Foulards -.l-hah, heavier wpight nml flnrt ilii.ility, I'oul.iid.s. in laiRp collection of choke .ind ptctty ilchisns; a full lino of ( olms. At 88c,Extra Fine Foulards -l-incli hisll pifidp t-.ilin ami Hup fillk l''oillai(ls; e.( ( IIpiU vP!iiinK qiiHlity: line selection of pall etna In now choice COloiillR". At 75c, Liberty Satin Foulards t.'7-Iiiih lino impoitcd Llheitv Sit tins; IniKhl linisli. fahiics In ikh. lic.itlliful (ic-lRns, hrotishl out in now cliulie Mimics, 510-512 Lackawanna Ave A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Cu! Glass, irling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding- Gifts. Mercereali S Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. !f ! ) FRANK M. MOVER, Contractor and Builder. SSO PENN AVCNUE. JnlihliiK nf all Kindi promptly nl tended to. i.-iniiih ( iii.i m 1 1 i.i Miniiiinn THE HOME SUPPLY CO. MouilU fniniliiic l'dlilin .ind lliior covcrin;i Im i.i-li .u iliokili liilni at 7Sa VI. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, JII.I'VIIIIM. A S-l'I.UU.IV. F. GROSS, 42Z SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, surce oi In tl'c Hunt K l'nrnr-11 Co, In Iln Mid shut iiul.il v.ulk iiinl M-iilil illmi, ( irton lllllMto, ll , Ilia .111.1 1.1 III 1. 1 1 til, WOI I. d (puialt No. HJ I uk.iH.inn.1 ncnui J'All. VVUMir, B.7 W VslllM.IOS VV1..NL1.. STEAM DYE WORKS. and I'n nili Hit Cldiiiii,- and ItelinUhln; lioodd l ilt-'il Im .ind (Kilicrcil, lilcphuiii (.onncilmn wolf & MLANE, ass ADAMS AVE, Easter Millinery WENZEL PmcIiuI I'lumhen, 'I nun 11 ami da-fit, Im. 1 111 1141 ft a r-ne 1 I lit) llrpjlrln? pininptl done 'JIO iliin- die, bcian I ui. 1'J WILSON t COMPANY, I j.hl.'inble 'I .uluia (llodl luniMi llmldln?), .ii r-pnui unit Stjiuoii, l'.i binta pieid . 1 uiiu. unu iiia.-(d, ID uiiu cloililiirf re imriil. lallnl fur an I il.liu'reil Niw Phone, 2n02 H, A. HIEFENBERG. Plutnbin-r, '1 11111I114 und lleatln,', tolo aent tot llowahl I uuiace, leliphono 111-' 17 linden street M F. WYMBS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, ill' IjUmjii Mint SJu oming Vie. Calls b) lilephonc lluine I'rompt Attention THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS RCMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 315 TO 3SS N. SEVENTH ST.