S't-. f : '&:&$&&$' "iHW r?nr 1 v " "8r-jv i w4ifr j J" K It- ,ST -IV I " aft - , ' . '$ j- r 4u ' ,j (V ' TJ t f ''V l if' 11 7 rimine. THE ONLY SCRANTON PAIMiR RECEIVING THE COMRETH NEWS SERVICE OF TtlR ASSOCIATIiD PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CHNTS. SCRANTON, I'A., THURSDAY IMOHNINdJ, MAY 2.",, JiM)1. TWO CENTS. T? 'rtfJSSTfTO VSi4 THE WRECK OP SHAMROCK II King Edward VII and a Partu on Board the yacht Have a Narrow Escape. THE BOAT DISMANTLED Evciy Spni Can led Away In a Sqnnll Off the Isle of Wight The King on Deck no the Masts, Sails nnd Gear Woio Ripped Out nnd Fell. Hcndmcn Swept Oveiboaid Yachts Stiuck Biondside on Manocitvi Ing foi a Stmt When the Dlsister Happened The Sh.uniock I. Wns Also Ciipplcd. T I vrlielu Wire 'inn Iln i-oihlri Pie" "-nutltiiiuplim Mat .'J Tin i up i li.illi'iisi'i, with King- Hd.vaiil .mil a pillV MM llDIIll ,s (INlll.llltlll to-dav lv I -iIl.lll (ill' ('owes, l-lo (if WIrIu Tim Ulii-, wlwi was mi ill c k, 1 1, 1 1 ,i nniiDu i sialic The topm is nml Imw - -tlt (If till' .lllt Will lllllklll nlf .--li ii I lit" mi lest v. uliu m? nrrninpaiili il oiilv bv lil- pii-niia' ntlenilaiits was nut al Hie plu this imti iTliif? bv rtli Tlniiii is Upton ami v i; lnnicsuu 'I In intciiil a liuiuli and piiiLCiilnl I i tin I tin 'I lie ls!t w.i'i Millie iu fiiiniil a few aililillou l poliiemen on Hu plci belli,; the onl (lilinie of .n.llilim unusual I.atei tin- khiR went alto, ml the ihnlleiiRci The dl-a-lti mi in i eil while the v, n Ills wcie manoeiiM Iiir lot the s.ait ntl liiamblcs l!uo. 'I he .Mini hlniiess nf Uundiin.lt 1 1 mil Mi- (! .Iiimeson wiie in tlm inv il pai t aim ml Kile s0 n wmiit. Max .'.'As the two sihiiiniiii Us, in eomponv with the ivlniltii wen niaiini in tiiiR tu-il iv ' I a s ii t in a thil I ti I il iih e nei a . oui-e slniiiiii tn the one nt the -oilis Inl the Aineiiia cup, lllc weie Ml ink Inn nlsiile Ic a sipiall The Sli.mii in 1. II mi lin ml hi wliu h was Kiiir !'il vv ml VII, was illsinasti il The kIiir nml liK p.i'tv li.ul .i n mow osi ipi 'I he -ill urn in K 1 was al-n i i ippli il - Mm wet' to ic'iilei ilil tn liei -ls-t' i u 'it Delay at the Stmt. 'I In ic was Mime ilil.u in t st.thlishim" i -tailing Hue The wiuil In slit nod im-iiletnhlv anil lile twihe to tlui t ii knots with tin. pinspeit ol nm. nlliii nt iiii Iim Tlic pieliinin u sunt A signal "us Riven fnuii the I, iln hlli tin , n Ills wiie JotkeviiiR lor position a siiin i.mic i it ImtiL the slightest ,ii nin anil the bow spilt nl l he i Ii i Hi iiri i was tan ltd away slim t 'I he cMia stialn tlius tluiiwn on the lupin, il pinMil too much tot the mi.u. It wlilppul, bioke ami iliiulilttl ntl to luw ml i ail Iiir the whole wilRht or the Iatkv.ml anil rc.u omm (he sidi In i timlili tangle. As the loHimsL fill, ill' .mat st i niainni i-t, oinhhitf nioie than two tops ami caiivinR Minis nml rcii welRdiiiR an additional time or lour tons, swiiauI loi a monient, anil then plunged over tin side anil Into tlic wntci, with a lipping, teniing sound as the wiie rcii was tin ii (iwn. Most ol tlm In ,i il in. ii vvtnl oeil)ii,ud when the dnvvspill snapped ntl, but tluv weie all picked up iulekl Tim uicmbcis ot the ioal pinly weie sealed on deck, i lnc to the i onipiinlon wav. The king -was showing kci n pleasine watching Captain Svcmuoie living loi an ndvatitiiRc In the stmt. The aoht was whIhr along at a loi niidnhle unglo ami the .sloping deik, with a nicie fiiiiRe of mil, seemed a miller pei lions- pirn c loi I lie niinni inodatloii of the Minis Then, wltli otit a seioml's notlip, a siiinl stunk, lmr Innadsiile on Mm m. led oci siiu fuitliei until the topmast was cauiid away. That took with It the tmestav anil the Imwspiii Then tin hollow .Mccl nialiiinast won! with sail and all Edwaul Reninins Calm, Tor a moment nr two the sliiiiitnui nppcaiid to ne -v t,mf. hut I'm kliiK nialntnincd his i unipoii.ic As 111" wicck ipe v ept the dci k It .seemi d llliposslblc lnr even one on bond to have oeaped iiiilnjuied, inn no lis. llill liappciKil, Within lic H'iniiiH ol (lie disaster the .shaiiiinrk I lme aioiimi m len der asjlstauie ami wns eaiuht liv the sMUall. ll"i miir and tup-all siais ml lapsed, IcnliiK liei helplesslj i tippled, liunmdialclj am t the mi -Unt ihe piess till,' followlim the i.iici, innaiil alongside the hi Ipli ss acln A ini pido boat, which was in tip. I. inti , and the Sjb.ii I tu xent hoii- to the rcsiue. in nnswei to a hall (apialn Pycaiuoie sept the leiih-llllii!,' niessnKi. that no one on boa id had been hint s Miikklj ns poMslhle the Mn and tlm ioal pail) weic tiansfci icd to the ilrln. and lalci the IOiik. aicom panicil by sii Thomas l.lptnu. IiiiiiIim) tit f-'outhauiplon, ft Din hlrli plmo tils Jiujpsty pun ceiled to l.iiinliiu in the inc.inwhllo the mws of the meets mm about ilcailiiR nwav thn wtecktiBP Owlncr tn the unwieldy na ture or tlm .spins and seal, it was found impossible to et them on Imaid, and they weie i ut awa and ailownl to Blnk, alter huojs had been phueil to mark the pUies when- tliej went down The juthts weic then towed hack to II j the, there to await a de cision as to what slimihl 1m done, to nnrd ropaliliiK them A Nnnow Escape. The escape of King IMwiml duiliiff the ilism istlnp of the Shaimink II was nil rower than .it Hi si Miippii-.-eil. Tlie lica itcl hiiom ot the ilml- lohRcr hiii 1til Hwiing1 ii boa id wlmn the rntiiHtropho occitricd. Had tliu birak loine ti few kccoihIh later tlm boom would hun been ilisht ocr the dci l and It Is Impossible in climate what mlKht have been done As It was all the Re if fell t'lmr of the mk lit t1 end of the boom belnir Just ilenr ol her pot I quiu tei. When the main must .ml ovei tt wa.s still held bv lnids of melal, but II hum,' plumb down ami Kiouudcil in the mud. The hunnoek 1 s uari bioke in I wo Pluns, IcmliiK the middle b until swltnr loi se nml mippoitnl b Hie pink lllll.Mllll. A" the Shinnioil. II was lining (owed back to liv this she pit Iced lip two doctois of Xetlev hospllal, wliose boat had been swamped, Klimr l'dw ml dlurd aboanl the Ihltl In Southaniptmi wants and atiKed at Southampton plei In tlm 111 Ill's launi li shoitlv after in o'cloi k this cvcnlnir, II" was at i ninpanled to the lialn bv "-! Thomas I.lptnit He le itled ,i (oidliil teieptlon f i oni Ihe aul -i inbli d eiowd Tlic niaxii of South iniplon and hi- wife win- Intioduied In Ills inal s whin he landed. Tlm ItlnK was :n adinlialile spiills and none Hie woi-e for bis n1 cntum. Aim om piniii d liv the Jlatf liloni ss of T.oiitlnn neiiv and Sh stimlm i' nl e. Kins lal wmd left Siiuthainplon al 10 1" p in. and aiihrd ill London at midnight. 'Ihe klnw Oiove lo the Miulbotoush Ionise, whcie he was clmend b a mii ill i inwd awaltiiiff ids an l,il Xu niiious leli'mams weie awaitluir him tinni Hinpeior M'llllani, tlm irowned heads of lairope and otlmis innRratii lailiiR him upon his escape Rnce May Be Postponed, outli miplnii. May J J '-Ir Thomas J.lptnn ferns il will be Impossible to ionh tlm Shamioik II In lime foi the i up laces, and It looks as If the contest was riff foi this jeu, 'Sir Thorn is Upton will table to the New Yolk Yacht flub a Ions' account of the accident with an epiesson of doubt If In will be able to fulfill Ills eiiKajreiimiH Nothing inn be llnallv set lied until tin? confeience which Is to be held between the bulldeis and Ml Watson, the deslKiiei of the Sham ioik 11 ' RUNAWAY TRAIN NEAR ALT00NA Conductoi Daily Killed nnd Fiiemnn LingenfeKer Severely Womided. Ill ImIuih Wire from llu V-itnlril I'rp-. Almoin, I'a , Ma "J C'oudlli tm John I2.li iv ol Piti.iiin wa- killed and riiemin Ii 12 Liiirfcnti.lti i Injiucd as the it-suit ol a tinlii iiinnliit; away mi Ihe mniintaiii wt-t ot lieie tills 'miiniii!? The 1 1 .tin new losl contiol ol the engine and foi t -tlnee tais of oil lust atlei caiiirf the Cillltin liiuuel nnd stinting down Hie eastei n slupe Ihe t ais spun down Ihe mountain at a mile a minute speed The empty hihIiks hi tliatKe of Murine Dilxers lolin ltllei and I I' MiXuitx, ol this iit, weic standing at lu(iaie, neai the end of the si.ulc These men lie ml the dlstnss signals and quit kly aniustd to issi-l in stopping the tialu Tin I in ahead hut wue smui m ei taken bv the iiiuiwav The onibineii etloits ot the tlnee engiui's linall biousht Urn tiain to ,i standstill C'oiidiutoi i:.'jilv w.is jolted fioin the ti.iill at AlleKiippus, wlille assisiiiiK li- men lo put on the bialics. He fell In fi out ol llic Pa illle epns-, ,i pissuiKei tiain, and was tut in two lie was ,1S tnis old and le.ncs a wifi and ihlld Tiie m. in l.ingcnfi Iter was on one of the eniptv eiiKlnt- Wlien he lienid llie tialu lomlui?, lie iiinip.il to iui' liim self, landlin, on his brail and tuttiiik his si ilp anil otherwise induing him self The I'no eiiu'lnts weie bndlv iKuiiaK' d SENTENCES AT MANILA. The Pnitiei Clint ged with Embez zlement Will Do Time in the Xenvemvoi th Penitentinry. Hi ImIiisup liu- 1 1 mil tli oiili'i I'M'1- Manila M,' .'.' The loiicspondent ol tlm A.-s-oc, itul 1'iess js infni iiieil that tin lollnwii1 aponncd scnteiuts will sniii be piomiilK.lteil I'npt.ilu Fiedciiik .1. liniow- Tldt ti.th Milunlcer iiilanll. lain depuiv i Hit l teiiu.istn nt the depai tllli'llt of Siiulliiiu l.uoii, who was ilims'tii wlih rmlie.vleniei.l and siiiur kummii nii nt piopiii, to be dlsla uoiaiilv ills limited rid lo iiihIiMK" tl eai.s' llll- l i-0ll'lll 1 illltl'IMIII 1'lCllllllk Itoxci, TIllMV- li 1 li l Ii i ii 1 1. lit i , Iniuier depot iiiiiimls miiv at I'al imbiii, iiii li.iv T.ake, on slnillai iliaitjc to le dlshoiioiably dls ihtlt,td and lo uudei'o a ye.n's lin lillMMinieul Until Mallows and Hoei will een lual be lemoM'd lo l.ruenwoilli pils nil, Kin i-a-, CENSUS Or SCOTLAND. Ui Hiln-he wirf from Ihe ooctatnl l're Kdinluiiuli, Mny 22 Tim census nf Siotlaiid, lust (iimpleled, shows a to tal popiilallou oi 4-171 0"7. or an la in ase slnic Ihe 'nst census, taken lr tais .m f thi tit) Tor llm Hist time S'Otlaii'l's impiilullnii cm eeds lteliitid'c The I'lipiilallnu ot filastjow H Tt'l i'l", oi an ineu.ise of 11,(71, anil that of 1 nlnbiiiKh, Itlfl.l1)?, 0 an inciease of M Cb I Bodies Recoveied, in Fxihtltc Win from llio Awoclalnl I'n-ii ll.ulekn Mj 12 llu mil lin- nl leriniiii sjiiniil klliikirnniii Jiul Pihn I nil O'llouiiill jnil Kjiii1ii dillj.lnr. llio (Inn- men Uio win un.ilil in a rn-li of n-i'ir in II"' sillu Until, mini' ml Mundjl mio iriuiunl Iwljv, Pialli uj ull-ul b) iliuwniiij; Meigentlialer Machinists Win, lb l.uiu.he Wirr from The Anochteil l'if.3 lUltlinorc, Mj 22 liout oljlilv inatlilnUU In tlic iniploj nl Ilif Oil Jliriiontliilei iuiiiunv irtiiriifii lo moiL IoiIjv as j roiiill of a uoliio Hut out Ii) llu iiiiun .IsnUjin? Ilitir ll Hi Li"- lu ainiU lo I In' iIciiijihU foi a uliu lioill tij), 0LE0 BILL IS PASSED Oleomargarine Trouble Is Settled In the Senate bu Vote ot 40 to I. MINE INSPECTORS BILL Is Amended by Mr. Vnughan nnd Laid Over for Pi luting Mcnsnie Regnlnting Affniis nt Factories Is Passed Tinnlly To Regulnte De tectives Anthoi iping- Cominission eis to Administer nn Onth. Di I, villi. hi- Wirp from 'I In- Vui I itul l'ic HiuilsbiiiK, I'a,, Jluv ".', iiovmimr Stone today -eat in the si nate the iiomlnation ol .lo-eph X. Shoiuo, of llambiiiK, Hi t ks i ountj , to lie coniinl lei ol Heiks loiinli. to scte until ihe Hist .Monda In .liuuiai . I'.K).' Mi. Shnnio s nomination was 1.011- lilllRlI. The Mi di 1 -II.11 1 is oleum 1iK.11 llie bill, whli h lias passed the liouse.was pat-si.il bv a Mite of lolly lo 01m, Mi. Mnee. of Allctchein olinjf iihalnst it. Mi Muelilhioniu r, of AlleKllenv, who is a maiiulacliiiei ol olcoinaiRaiiue, did not Mile, It bcitiK a Jiil.Ltion ol the 1011 stittttlon foi a member of the jieimial assembly to Mite on a bill In which he lv peionallv Inteicsled. The bill pio hrblts the manulnituie and sale of oleoniai Kin lne, built tine and ntlur similni pttuliicts when itiloied In imi tation of buttei, and piovidct, foi the paMimat ol a Hi ease fee bv ni.miifae Uuei and wholesale and letail deilcis in oleoiiiniK'iilim, buttei lac m other similar pioduits not colon il in imita tion ot yellow but I ei. The bill Incieasinpr the niimbei of antliiailte mine Inspettois mini elnht lo sixteen and pioldliiK foi theli cltt t ion bv the people of atilhiacite 101111 tits, was amended bv Mi. YaiiRliini of Lackawanna, and laid oer loi piiut iiiK The amendments 1 educe the turns ol Ihe inspettois fioin lle to time ens and lu stneial othei n-sptcts plate the bill in Its m Initial state. Bills Passed Finnlly. II,iiikr 1 ill n-' 1. till, r iln. . 1, in), 1 in, nt .ti,) plOllllll. fl I lilt III lllll Mill lltill l)f Wollltll a ml ihil iitu in in mill ittiuiiu 1 -n bli-lniw n n ml nllior I iiMiHi-.- pi it t s mil 111 Ii .11- -1 hi,.t- ol lit1-, pi 11 os of ntiiu-i 1111 nl- ml immilin.; lit Hit Jinuiliiii 11L if 1 Mitionil ii r ! 111 tin. fn ton iii-ii 1 Ii i'. otitic fllill I lllll J lOMlllIU f 1 tin' ll'Ollllllsr 111 ici tun in-liiim nf till,-. In ii'il i-liti ininiiil In IMllltnlll till-.' JllllIM piifv-l u 11 lirniil itintr tin fn" to li iliii(.nl l slu rills mil In jiiriili tin Hi'' tiMlinn uul lulltLliim of llm inii, llilll-c lull ol'ilnu- In Hi 1 oil. 1 linn of .omm, mm, h lin. 1 pom mil 1 llm MM- 111 Until il -, .in, - in I prMiiliii: il il llu tii 11. 4 mil of sin It iatn- -liill (oltr.t tin - tin. Ilfii-,- lull iitiliii lo Hi- null, 11 o' 1 miim il 1 ni in il lit b itlnni il iiilliiniii nil mini ' lion lull inn 1 1I111; Il 1' ill miKiiir tin 111 tn of t li. l.ii-iii, --. ii intiittit-t Mitlini t lit 11-.' .1 ini-ili 1111 11101. -o 1- lo upii tin pin l-o lint llu nrf .-lull mil l pi lo 1.1 nl- 11 ClltpltM I S (f lill-lllt ill III till- il ll. I.ttlll Jllllll'- llousi I ill -iiiplrniiiitin' in tit pinil'liii.' f 1 tin (lullilin,- mil iikiililmn ot imp 11 11111111 m 1-. to iuIIioiii lltn foiiiiitiiii of nop inllom for prnili In olimtir) .IvOtl itii 11 nf thin nr molt iii-oti-, out- of wlioni it U i-t 11111-1 In 1 lltlfll of llu' -I ill lluu-e lull pioliiliinni; 1 1 .- pulilii' pii-.nl aion foi piotlt tf iiiiMiliU-lul ilr iiuln pln-i mil iiiu-li il loiiipoiilloiH iMtlio'it 1111-tiit if llie ai t Inn - alituof IIoii'm bill nillioiliiii. I niliil Si,.t kiiiiiiiI--lonti-i to iiliiiiin-ti r 01II1- mil iltlini itioii-, hi I ii aflidav i- anil 1I1 p i-illon lo In 11-ul in nn tonrt of tin1 roiunioiiiit-1III1 mil il-iwliro nnl to t ike 11111I ipriiio, iiKtiowli il t ini-nU mil pioof of ill ill oils, cunt' 1111 is, lmill.'i.i Ii-i-i- 11 1 tlm ln-liiiiiiuiN of uiltiiv, 1 inn li 1 11 1 iinl, li in incut'', lifiiilllaiiiiiiii 01 01 li. 1 1 1 ..j . 1 1 ma lu SESSIONS. OF THE HOUSE. Bill Abolishing- the Office of Asso ciate Judge Is Repoited. IH I i 1 11-I v .- Wiie from llio N-i-.orhtPil Pom Hniiishuiu, P.i, May L'.'. In tlm house to lav the Hauls hill nlmtlshiiiK llie olllre nt assiuTtite JuiIkc and ic pealliiK Hit act nf 1S,1, iicatlnf,- Ihe 0III10, was 1 c pot led tinni 1 onimittee, and will be lead tlm Hist time on Kil da . The tollowlnt, bill- pa"-nl ilnalh biipiuhiK .1 t.i of J j r nut upon tlm in-s ii.iipt-i of -toil. In ni,. 1- lull luolvir- iMliumo tiiokiin .mil pii in IiiiiIm i iiIioiIIiii, IioioiiIis tu lull, ii-.' ami ippm piutt pilMK inpeit fir In 1 1 ill pnhli. Iniilil. in- ami noiKs iii'liin lliur loipoiito limit-. Hiiiililni; pulillii-. ami hml.u to u.i 111 111 mill llu 11-1 ol i0, Mlirn ihii irml on fool, uul piy . u In 11 lint us 1 liniM- iml 1 inii),i, llio hill il ies iml nppb In p. ihil. ii' llnn-fj I. &11. .1 lo nolili. Tim Stiiili bill IKIiiK the ,-alailcs of pom illteetois was ainendid III 10111 niltlee ot the whule 7i. icdililllK tlm s.ilaiy lu couiiiles IiiuIiik h ss than ..ut),UU0 population tiinu $1,1)1) to $1111), The bill then passtil t 111 1 tl leadiiifr and was laid aside tin pilutlu The bill piohlbltlllK the sale of Illinois 011 sleeping or pailm 1.11 1 iissIiih; Into in tin on - li tlm state was deleated The senate bill eMHpillui, the pnis InnH of the nit ol Apt II in, isuj. icla lie to llie dlhtliblllloil 01 tlic pin ceeds of slieilft'n sales of 1e.1l e.snilt' 111 Alh'Kliwiy 1 utility, whli li was beaten, was icMiimlilcii'd and passed lluall.v The bill eeiuptlliK Ulle inllliU Itoin the net ol l&db )ii)hll)ltliiKr pilc tirflit. I ni,' in I'ikc, Si liu. 11,111, l.iuoiue and MoiitKomei toiiniics was Itulellnitelj postponed. The 1)111 piolilblllnK the iiianiitactiue and sule ol Hie ciaikcis iniitaliiliii; il n.imlti- was dclealed. Tlic bill nuthoiUiui,' county coiuiiiissioners to assume control of township and hoi ough bildges over fotty feet in length was also defeated. The Unit "anti-siowler' bill was ie tonsldeied and postpuimd for the pics (lit, The bill pinhllilts the selling nf Ihliior by piiloon kecpcis m w onion to he cnnled fioin the ptentles. The follow lliff stnute bills passed llnallv: lttlintl;liiK the tilt ot Plilli't. Iphl 1 lo Irgn. Iain liv onlltiiliti' thi' iniiiliftctltic Unlini', Jlo, li m-poiliilinn nml lei' nf Mull piIikii, i liom. I111N, l nmlill-l Hiles, 1 111? I ni-, iml ntln i- prtlett 11111 or lout I ir I'loiliK.U ami ill iihjuti of 11 nliii llu 1I111 Hlir I'lotlillta,' Mill in ml-liiili.H, nl.liiiiirii, rl. , iniv ptnii.li In tin 10 niontlii' iiiiprliiiiiiiiint 1 1 1 0 f 1 . .Iclil llih tr, lunula 11I11I pli kpoi krli In ,pn lit III'.' pulilii' l ii s for mil. lulnl pinpo-.i, Ploilillii),' lor tin' Mibinlloii to Ihe olr ot Iln piopli' al llio tiit grncral clittlon I lie pin i)miI inn liilnn lit to Hit' iiili.ttliilioti lo permit tli. II-.0 of tollnir iiikIiIiim nl tleilloii. iillnil?lii.' uliool illiiilom of toiwiiJilp'. to uiplo 0111 pit-on liolillnit 11 p'liii incut, (it. tlllrili' 01 11 illplonil luiii'il be 11 itdtn. tiorinil uliiol of I'niimhmli ns fiipinPoiv priinlnl ol the lotin-lilp m hoot tt 1 Hilitt to It tlviil In tlm In. ml lmin-ll' I pell ill I nt A p. 1 lint foi II II' I' 1 viii. nl of toun-lilp I.1M1 llltllill a i.il.il .1! ,-l moiitlis fioin the ilile nf piililliailnii if lis not tie Tlic sonatc bill dlicctliiK' town 1 oun ells of boioiii'lis to lt bv oiillnalice the number, tank, compi usatlon nnd lobulation of polite, was difealed. Al tniilKbl s session a bill was In ti o iliniil b Mr. Mils- nf Delawaie, ip 11 tipi lift line JliOllf) to the lice llbi.nv tommlssloii of Pentisvh.inla The sen ale bill icKiilntlinr assessnif tits In sec ond 1 lass titles was pus-mi llnallv. DR. STANLEY ARRAIGNED. His Bnil Is Fixed nt S5,000 In De fault of Same He Is Committed to the Tombs. Hi I itlinnr Who fioin Ihe 1 ii i il.-il Pie New otk, Muv 22 "Dm tin" Klilce Stinlev, the niasseiii. aiiesled in 1011 liiclion wltli the dcalli or rather Phil lips, was aitaisned befme Coioiier Diusih indnv and his examination was si t foi ir.iv nt. The ball was lediiceil to T'OoO Stanlt". was taken b.11 k lo Hie Tonibt in tlefault of bail. l the lieaiiliMT bet 01 e Ihe toiotmi. rollicnnn lledniontl lold of llntllng the pi last's ba liv detomposed body and nf tlm siibsuiimnt at 1 est of Stanlev Af tlu polli email had testilltd Assistant Ulstiltl Atttnne ttai Mill asked foi ,i adioiiinnmnt of the i.ise until a ie poit on llie iheiniial aiiahsis of the stoinath and Intestines of the tit .nl man t mild lit 1 etched Alnahuii Ia, 1 onnsel loi M.inlev, piotisted .iKiiin't an adjoin niiient. de claim j? 1'ieie as absolutelv nothing against Stanlc. "Thete Is no cilmlii alltv ihaiKcd a'iinsl him," said the law mm. "and It Is a hardship to hold a man on meie suspicion. I iln not tine for ativ liiillj-eietlon 4'P. ma 1i.im been Rti'Itv of In not repoiliiiR the death of the man to tlic police This is .1 nnt tei with w lili li the mint has nolhinis" to do AVe all know tliat Or Wltt h ill's tile 1 demist, i- int ai Ihe in ftn iil-hiii',- in anab si- in siuh-iases I a-k til it in pioiiid with the ex amination 01 dlsihaif,!' ol tlic defend ant " f'oioner Haiisch M.inlrd the ad joiiinineiil, and, In dohifr -o said. "I Mill in ike an 'arici menl thai llie pioiis-01 wlio makes Hie analsis -hall luini-h me wild a icpoit in seven ilns A lotif, little will not be initiated int. 1 ste notlilnt: nf 1 ilamaKiiiB idnaitei amiipst llie di -lendaul 1 tliei lluni 111- lolh in failing 10 lepoil the case 1 dn bi llcte thai Maulev was eoKiiinut of the diath nf the pi If si " When Cm oner T! nisi h lenlnd his othrc tndav he found It had in . 11 dioken into. Hie lollei di'k In avIiIiIi the (Oion.'i kept hi- pipeis dad bi en piled open, and llieie was evidence Halt tlic pipeis bad bi en i.insacked. Tile 1 01 oner believes Hint tills was dine bv pet sons w Isdlni, lo know llie leal name of tlic woman known as Mis. stunlc, who testlllnl before tlm itnoiifi ve-teidav, CADETS LEAVE WEST POINT. The Dismissed nnd Suspended Men Have All Deuaited. it rviln-li Win fioin I In otiitn! Pi.'-. West I'ollit. X. Y.. ilav 'J2 The five t idets wdo weie today dismissed fioin the mllltaiy ai.idcin.v and those who weie siis)indid have all depnited tor 1 lie 1 1 icspoetht' honies Tlieic was no lUuiimstiatlon on Ihe p.nt of the other c.idets mil all Is ipilet hcio tonlKhl. Thete Is not lilulv to be an iipilsittF iimonrr the conn tides of tho-e tele Wileil to civil llie, as was anticipated f 101.1 some souici-. Theie s ,1 distinc tion between tlisnil-s,ii ami a dls 1 liaise ri inn the mllltaiy aiademv. When a ci.de! Is dismissed It is llniil, nml he 1 an be reinstated onlv bv a special acl of coiikicss, He also foi Jelts his tiavel pav In the case of a dsi liaise a (inlet 111a le-enter tlm iii.idcniv bv a ic-.ippolntimnt and the appioval of the aiadeniy bonnl TIipipi me 110 wolds of leiisinc lieie for the ioiuc I'oloncl Mills das taken lu Ills 1 Unit to mil i 11 ( 11 1 11 discipline KING'S NARROW ESCAPE. Hi I vtlu-lv Mii' Hum llm A.-niiilnl I'n .. Home May --' KIhk Vhtoi lhuaii uel liad a nauow esiapn vestuda. Itctiiiulmr ftopi a walk he enteied llie tlevntor to until his apat tiiifiit.- on the set ond stoiy of the pillaie and all liiexpeilcineil servant set tlm Indicator lnr tip thlid stoi, AiilvliiK at the us nnd .stoi y, tip' klllK was Oil lllf point of sleiHiInK- out as the elevator roiiiluucil to asienil, but his inajesty .liimpi'il link lu the 11I1 k of time and thus esiapod belin 1 uishiil Six Hiuidied on StiiUe. Ill I tllll.lll' Wu III III Hi VV-oilllul Pu,. sliiiiiukin Mm '- s) hiiiiilml inn) ami l""- inplouil in ll" I sul-ior lollln ktiinl. luiliy, P. uii-i' llm . 1 11111 llu uiil 111011II1I1 pji lnr va not oh-iiviil li V Itulmituii .V (o, ulio 1 liilnn tolliii) Js iiiidui.l lilli m -I. nl 1 1 In 'Jul iiiiploim (liiknu I'd iii-i llu loiiipJni iluiiiil llm K.nlir pi) .lav ilili't llu nun al t at li ip-iatt.n e.o llm villi not 11-111110 iiuill llu lonipanv .iMiaiilim th.l" "III hi' no m.i ioirinint of Hit pav Uji in llu fining Pennsylvania Pensions. By t-iclii.ltc Mhf fiom llie twocl.tfd I'rfM Wa-lilnetnu. Miv ii I'.n-lont luvc hein U 111 'I as follovit' Pilrr llioun, 1 lar.lct on, V, l.nrm I'd-IiIIii, lalllimi Villus, !'), M J i I' D'M.lll.i, squint, s ARRANGING CHINESE TAX President McKinleu and Secretaru Hau In Communication with Washington. MODERATE IN DEMANDS The United States Government Hns Endenvoied to Hake the Demands Within the Bench of Chinese. Ameiicn's Influence nt Fekin. Hi I M hullo Wire fioin PI..' Asi.it I ilo.l I'iiM Sun Kiaiit Isi u, ilav -J, I'lesldcnt ill Klnlev and Stuetaiy of" Stale Ilav liave been in iiinmiltnltim wltli Wasli IllKtiiu dllllin tllelr Jolliliey west. DIs pilchis I10111 loielttn embassies liave been i oiitlnuallv aiilvlni? and the Chi nese Hitllti t foil hart icielveil special at lintlon. The piesldint lias been anx ious lest the dllllciiltles tin ivv 11 ill Ihe vvnv of .111 aiiaiifeni("it bv llie tie niaiiils of some of the po.vcis nili;ht lead to liidelinite delav and a tonse (lllent llli lease of the indemnity lo be ex.11 lid. The points to be settled tile, Ilml, the total amount ol tlm Indemnity and the shine ol each povvei; si contl, the method nf pa.Miienl. In liquid to the Hist point the pit i deiil Ins tonstantlv eudeiMiitil to nioileiate Hie demands of the powets to an amount which t'hlna mlKht pav w Ithoiit lliinni lal 1 nin or tet rltoi lal dls nreiiibeiment. lie lias thought that two bundled million dollnis was the maxi mum amount Indicated bv the best an thoiities consulted and he has pi overt the w IlliiiKiiess ot tills rovci ninent to make evei -aiilllie in tlm Intciest of llie InteKiilv or Chin 1 and the lcstoi 1111011 of not mill iclatlons, bv cuttliiK' down tun abcadv mnikiate claim one lialf 'I otlmi povvPis would make 1110 poi tlomite leductiou Thtse pniposi llons have not been acted on bv the olhei Biiveiniiients, nltlioiigli Oieat lliitalu has shown a disposition lo a 1 imsldeiate tientment of the mattei. Method of Payment. As to tlic method of p.i.vnieiit, It Is linilei stood that theie me various piopbsitions befme the 1 ontei em e of ministcus ill l'ekln One is a loan lo be iiiiitiacted bv Chin 1. miaianteed bv llie poweis whli h it is tlioiiRlit mlKht lie Hotted at font pei 1 cut. with a uiin nilssloii of five nr six pei tent : another is n loan, not Ktiatantied, which would piobiblv liiiuiie an c 1101 moils commis sion and a heav v late of intciest, some sevtn pii'iciit. Neitbt 1 ol tin se piopo sllions vvcte acteiitable to the incsi dent Two weeks ano lie pioposid tliat tacit of (he povvcii- should at 1 opt loi Its shine ol llu imlemnitv the bonds of China at pai ami wltli Intiiest at tlnee pei cm., piovlsion 101 meetiiif- the in tciest ami 101 eventuil pa menl liiinK' taken nnn the llkin, ihe silt duties and lin teased Impoit taxes ill. Hork lilll has now hi en in-ti ui toil 10 iiikc the-e views anew upon tlm intuition ol ills 1 olleaKlli s The attitude ol the lliitlsh f,oviin 1111111 as set foi til in the iiient speuhcs ol its lepiesi ntutiv 1 s in pai liament, imliiate that tiieat lliitalu, thoiiKli not willing to ro so 1,11 as tliis 1 limit 1 x in inodeiatili' the demands of tile poweis, is ini lined to .11 cept nmas 111 es which, il adopted, innv IiiIiik: the ncKOtiatioiis in a com luslnn, NO VOTE ON THE PLATT AMENDMENT Senor Juan Gomez Speaks foi Tlnee Houis Against the Measuie. 11 Ixiluviie Wiie fioin llio Vmoilalul I'lefl Havana, Mav '.'.'. -No vote was taken at this ateinoon'.s session of the Cuban loiistittitional louviitlon 011 the I 'la t L nmeiidmeiit, Seuor Juan iliiulbeitii liinne spoke lor ncaily tlnee bonis anulnst the ainendinent. He aih'iieil lll.it It would be useless to 111 1 ept It, as the Cub in people would alvvavs bo divided on this Istnie, and he thotiKlit the ma Jul i 1 v ol thniii would alva.vs be opposed in It "What assiiiatiie liave we" asked Sepor (joint, "ilml tills will be tlm tlliul iimeiidnmut the I'nliid States will Impose" i'ilsl 1 .line tip' joint icsolll l ion, then the ticul of I'm is, ami now this Piatt aiilfinlnmiit. Whin will the next toiiKiess have' l,et tlm I'liltnl Slates Rovfiuineiii lake what It wants HMllll-l Olll Will, bill let lltt lievei ion Hi lit to this Imposition." AMERICANS LEAVE PEKIN. Enige Ciowds Gatlier to Wish Gen- eial Chnifee Fniewell, 11 I viliulu' Wiie fi oni Iln x --' j it. 1 pinu I'cklll, ilav JJ-The Inst of the Allieihail Hoops hcie With the exiei tloii of the leRiilioil Rlllllil, It'll I'ckiu at 7 o'cloi k this 11101 iilu. Tlm head (liiaileis stulf depaiti'il at pi n'i (o. k. Ill -pile ot the eaih I111111 and the loiiK illstatiies the dad 10 111,11. h all the bauds ol tlm llllli-ll tinilps es coitcd the Ninth I'liUel htales In I'auli.v fioin the Ti'inple of AriIuiI line to the ilepot, wheie a Jajiaiii'-o band awaited the Hoops All ihe lliitlsli R.'iiiial- and tint) stalfs nnd nil the olliicis nfi ilutv weie tut scut The scene was o.ne ol Ricat euihuslasni A.s the lattei tialu It'll a Bleat iiowd was pic.-cin tn v l--li (facial chullce fniewell Judge Advocate Geneial, Hi I m lii-lii' Win- fioin Hit Viceljtul Puss U j-lilnktun, Mav '.'; i.rntial Ihunii lliif ttlio .11 -mil 11 ai appolntiil iml, 1 nboiaie of Iho jriii , viii' (i'iiicijI I Mior, 1 ct nt .1. IoiIji ji iilliiil am Coloiul lolin V ( Ion. ai'polniiil lo llio x Jt Jin v IU iil-ii wilt 1 el h t Iiiiinrilljpl) ami l.imial (,iun,t 11 Daui vvijl ln.01111 Jiul-o u'hiKjii '.iiiiul, TIIK NI5WS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Toiln) 1 FAIKi SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS, I fnimiil Minino.k II lli.iiiuilli.l In 1 s,iu, I'll -Intnl. in Vvsinlih lll.ens.ei It. v 1-.I..H l'lflilenl MiKfnln Ii.vIiir lo iolu t'lilnejc I'iiwIp ()liiiniiii;iilno lull I'i.-ps llio Siiiitr, i Citinal I illmtiilili' llipiilim nl I I HI ll- I'llIM .OIIIllll till I lllll)' ot I Y, M (' ( mm i slum ( ItjN slik. of Ihe Duflln I iu. I P.liloliil. Xoti nml ( . mini nt "1 loud I iikiiiMiimi linn! InipiiiU s-1 v t x Mom Mm I lulu 1 lii Piixllloii of I. hlii" III tin' 1 illume limlirl II loud Wisl -11111I111 iml -iiliiiihin 7 ISoiktiI NoiIIh i.tiin l'i nn. ib nila. I in tin hi nml I niiimi 11 1 il 8 I 01 al 1 ii) 1 t-t 1 i 1 1 ami I ilmr. FRED C. FOSTER COMMITS SUICIDE Under An est for n Ciime, He Shoots Himself in the Piesence of nn Ofilcei. Hi l-xtln-I.e Who flint lit V-.niii.il Pin Cunibllile. Mnss , Mav J J -1'ied ('. rostei, ol C nnbi lilRepoi I, who was under suspicion of the polite in 11111 necllim with the explosion wlilih vvitt Iced the Cambi IdRcpoit Nation il bank hoie, t oiumltled suicide bv shool ItiR tod. iv at his home and in tin- pns ence nl a pollit ollliei. I'ostei was I! cais ot ,w lie had a wile ami tlnee 1 hililien lie hail been undei sin v cillinn e llie polite, av slnie vesteidiv altcinooti, vvhtli It btcame known that lie dad piescnted a check at the bmk i.illiiiR loi 'tl.lnti, foi whli li he had 110 funds in the bank. Fostet was a 1 ai pentt 1 ami also tieas uier of H.nv.iid IoiIrc m lent Older of fulled W'oikmcli Tlm runils nf the lodRe. It Is allcRtd tile Invohi it ill Hos tel's tllllls.ll tions The polite leanitit Intel i1tteiilnv that Hostel ll id lit en -een In tlic euliy to tile bank whcie the explosion oc tal led xestetdav. but as he was known as a lespei table 1111111 nolhinR was tlioiiRlit nl this until stiliseiiui nl iuves tlRation biiiURhl to liRbt some ptuillar lacts. I'ailv todav Kostei was asked to ro to polite heaililiuiteis He was iliiesiloncd about vesteitlav's allaii and made 1 ei tain admissions, vx lilt li the olllcinls tlioiiRlit woilliv of fuitliei in -MstlRiitlon Tin v taihhi stcd that Mis. Hostel be suit loi Fnstei said she was ill, and th 11 if pttiiiitted he would ro wltli tlm nlllieis lo Ids house. This Id. in was adopted, ami it was while Inspertoi Mtniiv was talkiiiR wild Mis rostei thai the man xt u-cd him self, HiiviiiR lie wanted a di ink He 1I or ill f tl ids icvnlvei and slint liimsi If define bis at lion ( ollld be juex cnlcd The polke sav that Hosier ailinilted llial tlmtlieik roi $1,100 pi. senti d vis ttnlav was to p) lot 1,100 shales of stoi k wlih li Voslei dad pint Inised r,le ioiislv a t tic t K lot $ l"0 iliivvn hi the IoiIrc bv Kostei, It Is s 1I1I. liad bet 11 iclli-sed pivment bv the bmk as time wiie "no f nulls " He denied to the polite that lie liad nay 1 ollliei tion with Hie explosion MRS. McKINLEY STILL GAINING. Will Piobnbly Stait on the Return Tiin on Monday, tl. I i lii-iio Wue from I li V (mated Pu-t. San Ki.iicisin, Mav '.-Mis. mc Klnlev pns-td annther 1 omliii ladle tl IV Si 1 letai V C01 telvou - lltl IoiiIrIiI thai siie itnt'iiims to impiove mil is l.ow tloiiiR nii"lv AVIieii asl.id II Im iniilil state ilellnllelv w hi 11 tile pie-i-dent vv imld leave for W.isliliiRtiui, Set 1 elm V Cot lelvnii lepli.tl "I can only -a that the piesl.ienilnl pnllv pi opuses to ilcpm t nn --aluidai. II .Mis. McKinle.v's toiidlllon will poi llill 'llieie Is a possibility, liowevei, ilia! a stait will not be mule unlit ilomlav. All dept nils upon tlm slate of Mis. McKiulev's lit .1 1 til " The ilei hanii s' pavilion, wlilih 1,111 111 1 ominoililte 111)00 pi ople, was lilled to ovciilowliiR tn-nlRhl when 1'iesi ilent .McKlnley tu 1 Ix 1 il lo icvlevv llie Ulllloi llieil leRions n the I.e.iRiie of the Cioss, an oir iiilalloa nf bovs and .voiiiir men who .tie pledRcd to tempeiaii e ami moinlitv 'Pile 01 ra sloii was a 1 ouipetltloii ill ill between si'Vei.ul 1 mil lilies nl llie Icimic foi a Valuable tiopliv mil Hie IipIrcs of tin' piollclelll V ill tile l.lllets weie nllheis Ol the ieniar illlliv I'lesideut .Mi- Kbllo was icielveil wild wild en thusiasm W lieu lie eilleied llie ll.lll ami Ills appeuiaiP e on tilt levlewillR stand win' tlm sIriiiiI tin -ponlatii oils upplau-f wdlt li 1 ntliiiii'il ni many minutes. Ill- iiiiiimeiidailons ot Hie Wink ol lip Ic.iRlie, thnllRll lilii'l, weie eailiestlv exiuessi.t ami eiisasti i.lllv iciihid l''ioin tlm pavilion tip piesldeni leliiuitd tu ie Siotr lesl dillie wliele Mis .Mi Killley has testitl lillll'llv all t'VcllllU' The pioRiain loi tlm iciiialiilnri dnvs of llie picslilenl's st.l III tills illv, sildjet I dowevei lo chailRc, Hie as follow x (ill Tliui-tlav Ma,v -'!. aflu dnak last Willi liv lllk MOtl. llie aesdelt will lev lew Urn tumps al llie 1'icsldlo In Hie nlli'i noon Im will aileinl .1 lllietlllR ol llie Ohio sin let V lllnl IIP et a iiuinliei ol lialciliul oiRanUaiioiis al I'lllnu Mil.ne d ill , 111 tlm evenillR lie will lie Ida Rllcst ol TIliilllilK post II A. I! and llio I.o al 1.1,4 loi 1 On Hilda tin liicsidtiit will lake dicaklast with Mis Moi-e and in th" Iltteillnoil he Will levlcW the si pool ihlldicii ol Oakland. The depai tuie 1 1 0111 San I-'iaiulsio I- llxid for 10 a. 111 Satuiilii, sliould iiolhliiR in tin 10 1 hum' dekiv Socialists Put Out. Hi Ivilu.iii' Win- liom llu iutlitcil PrfM VViHi II 1111. XI 11 ! Hie I ill.iiainjii Xatioiul Mllaiut it Vim tli J, 111 mt-Ioii 111 Ihii (ill. to ilji on-li.l llu I mi ti. Koclall-lii im nil en finni Iho ionviiiiii.il llu' .III. Hi ua a uoloii,i. 111.I Nllu 0111 REVISION IS THE ISSUE StronuJu Evidenced During Session Yestcrdnu at PliilndclDlild. the DISCUSSION OF QUESTION A Motion Is Made to Hold the De bates in the Academy of Music. Pactional Distui dances in the Chinch of Covenant at Willinms lioit Stlninfe Addicss by Robett E. Speer Misslonniies Ate De fended Against Ciitlcism. lb I xrlii.lve ttlie fr mi llio V. mileii Pie.i I'lill.nli Ipliln, Ma LV -That eiecd ic vlsion U tlm liiulliiR- Issue of llie Hies b lei Ian Rcneial asseinbh was stiiuiR Iv ev Idem et! iIiiiIiir tntlav's sessions, win-11 almost evttv speakc" look inci sion tu nn 11 1 inn Hie subject ditiltiR tlm ionise ol Ids itblicss. Slmttlv define allium lllll. Ill Itev. Hi llltliuid S. Holmes oi I'ltlsdniR. .st.n tied Hie coin missioiii is bv I iuik liiii? Into a discus sion of Hie ttiiestlon. lint wlmn lie slopped liniR etimiRli lo aniionnie til it lie was sltuplv It uliiiR up to a point in (munition with lilsappinl Tor assist ant e lu ltmoviiiR the nioitR.iRc fioin the New Vnik l'i. sliv tei Inn buildiiiR, an nbi (Hon was offeieil A motion was mink to liold tlm niiiiliiRs or the a-semblv dtiiliiR Hie debate 011 icvlslon at llie Aiademv of .Music, dut wns not ailed upon, as the oiilu of Hie dny took pi 1 1 dene e 'I'lie iiimiiiitlce on chinch pnlilv pie senleil a icpiiit ( nntaluiiiR numerous dei Islops tut out tines siilniiitltd dy vailuus piesbv tei les A 1. 11 liotial distill li nice ill 11. e Chine ll of Hie Covenant at Wlllinmspoi I. Pa, willed hail bun nfeiied to Hie iudhlHl i omnilttc.', was onlcied tiled acioid Iiir lo Hie ptovlslons ol the book of discipline lu a ctiiiniR addles Mod el 1 i: Spi 1 1 of New Ynik, secicln of tlic lio.ml of foielRti missions, tlercmleil the missliinaiies .iR.iiiist tlic ' niallRii ant and venomous 1 1 Itlcisin." width lie said t lit x dad siiffeied since the Boxer liliiisln, lu Cliina Seveial fmelRii niis siomiiies nuiile bi lef aildiiis vvhlln llie 1 1 pint ol llie 1 oninilttee on IoicIrii missions was urnli 1 dlsi usslou Mi. Speei's Remaiks. Ml Speei in t til-, lontmelinii said'. ".Sim e llie tumbles in Cliina llm cliiiuli dn- In en the siiblitt of maliR uanl mil veiioiiii.iis iiltlilsm II is tllle tll.lt some of tills iiilicisin Is (lie lesiilt of in'iiiuant e ami wi could af foid to ).iss It dv iiailollieil If II weie not toi tll.lt ovt ti deie lu Hie highest louit ol the iliuicli it lias dad its elitil fun missiou.it h s dive been chjiai Ici ( d as jiei nh Iniislv pitcnt, bonilsh mill iRiioi.illt Of esistliiR 1 ini ilil ions in China to the extent of do lllr lespoiisilile lot llie-e Iloxei llp-lisiiiR- 'I line tile wiiltin sliiteincnt liom llie In oHiei -In-law nl Minister Wu Hint had tlm iul--iun 11 les dot n let alone no tiollhlis would have biokin nut 111 Ihe Chilli se implie. He al-11 tit lends ihe inlssinnailcs as China's niih 11 lends "I ihalleiiRe Mm to find lu anv nl' Iho nowspnpiis iliiiRi's, tine or lalnt. against the inlsslouai les nl our chili ( li. Thev have lioi ui llmnisilves thioiiRli all tin so timihlis vv II limit lepioacd" It. v. .T Allien Mlllei, or Pun Tins i'ii. Mev. .1 S WhitiiiR. ol i'ckiu and Unwind Campbell, nl l.ao-. al-o spoke in b. ball of foieiRii nilssliiiis Met ess. DIVISION Or DIOCESE. Discussed nt Meeting of Cleigymert at Pottsville. IP I vi hell Wtr. fnin Hi.' so Ijlnl l'ir-c Pollsvllle, Muv -'-' -The couleiciii e of Hie Ceiitial I'etinsv Ivaalii Hiusiopil dun 1 se loila tliscussi d Hid pioposcil tllvl.-lop nl llie tlloiese, wlilih was cnli lliiReut iltion the i.iisiiiR nl funds spe nt It nt in litllik llli tile Upisiopal ep iluwmeiii tu tUiO.ono 'I Ills liavliiR failed, tin mattei was diopptti for the uns eat. It was id 1 itl tl to have the bishop ap point a 1 ominittee in sttiite additions to the endow menl tllllil of the dim est Tile 1 inivi iilioii let oininended In the iRsatit, ill iclelellic to llinui.lRo llu'iises, that llm iiimstliiim nsl.eit nn plliaulH do pi. ned nil llm lettilliale Kiviu llie applicant. Tin InllowliiR lleleitlltirl Weie l ll I tt l to lip' RellPl.ll iissopiblv ulili h uiii'ls hi san I'ran-il-in in the tall ('lei I1.1I, .lames H Poweis, I). I). Pottsville. (ii'iilRe C. Hole, H l Villi lluspiitt, II, I , .Itnies I) 1 Wilici's-llane, ami (! II. Steiliim, I) D, III liilclicpi, alietiiatrs, Itcvs, Itorfctn Isniel J) I), Siinntop, A S Wnodle Alluona, H II Hi ki I, W'llll'inispoi t and .limits P. llm inn, Hi it tun: la.v deicRatis. c m. clement, Siiulilliv 11 M Nnilli. Columbia. It liutlei, .Maind ciiuiik and W 1'iel Itev nobis, llclli innte, i: W Stunl. unit, Wllkes-llaiiu Cliallcs M. Ho sou, liotlilolmiii, ami I'lnnlc.s P llup. ctn K. Uaiivllle Next .veai's nmilliiR will lie held in Voik Puddlois. WageB Advanced, III Ivili.lli llm fl.lil III V-o.l.lh'l I 'if i-l II illi.lillll., Mtv " Nuliii li i hull ' ' I'.l ,1 Hi. null-. 01 llio IIjiii-Iiiii lollm. null ioni in. tl l.i'ihl.1 Uul iho a',i- of ih puililltr-. will In .nivalin. I to .1 l p.i 1. 11 011 .nil liter bin I fclmilui imti. t ias po-itil loilav ll I.o pu. II. liiilW of thi (li.-ip. ili mil uolli in Sunt li II nn-Inn. i -fl - -f WEATHER P0RECAST. f -- Wj.IiIukIoii, Mav ii loti'iait for - - I Iniivl 11 ami III lai I atlrin PiiiimiI -f 4 vinla I-jIi llini-ilai an I piohahb rn lliV, I'll-ll Vlllllllltclllll Willi. -n b J . in- tajJi'X Jiejt.ik .w.s i