The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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PriMat te the Srnntriti Trlhun.
Kiifiiylllf. liny 21. Mr. nnil Mi.
II. ('apwi'll. ill' nsillHH, wort; visit
liic ii'liiilvi'.t lii town nvi'i Stiti'luy.
I'liittuwnii 'nclm liutislitT is r IJi'
bi'lii)i, ini'l In roKiilui :i.slnii Tui'situy
cvnihiB imkI plw'ti'il olllcoif fiif Hie
"ii.tiliiK- t'-iiii. T1u fiiiifci'fP'l
tin' iIphi-i'" on oiio I'litttlliinti'.
Tlio Inillos of tin' ItutitWl Hii.itIi will
Blvc mi I'ltl'Mti'ltmieMil nnil ''iilcnilftt'
fOClltl lit till' I'lltlH'll next Kil'Rv PVPII-
Iiib. Sliiy lit. KollmvliiB in tlit iH'n-Kiiiniinr-
fur llie cntiM'tiilnintMit, iidor
W'llll'll li'flOHlllllPlllH will Iip SPI'Vl'll:
I'Ihiio nolo, "A S-itliv C'tiri' fr Snillt-s"
tnlili'iiit; iwltittlon: "SMlitPi'fMni'rtii
Diniiiimtl." t'llilrnti; i-i'ln; "t.liiillny'a
Ciiiiiiiifiiiwt'altli." t.ihiciiu; iiiiiirtcttp;
".-'oil Sonp." tiililciui; 1 "citation:
"Kirivvr-r of thp K'linlly." tiililenli; In
stitliiifiitnl nuit-lo: "One of 100." tuli
leatii "i'oiiiihoii .Viilsiinei;." IiiIiIpiiii:
l'pi'ltHlton; IkiiiJo polo; "l.ntcst Knil,"
Mr. and Mrs. C'IiiU'Ips Klflnfcltor, of
Klmliu, N". V., spout fUinilny with
fiioiiilK In (own.
Mr. .1. V. T.iihIi In .i' 111 nt IiIm
Iioiiip on 'Mnln "slipfl. HlS Inotlicr, of
I'dilmmlalP. 1ms Ik'pii with lilm lire
rant fpw tlitys.
A iiiilnlior of iipoplp from lii'i'p will
Ko to WHUcs-'IIiiitp on Wednesday iih
wltncspPM In Hip iliiniiiRP suit of Mr.
N. ('. Newman vs. tlio P., I.. & W.
TIip iiipiiiIipi'm of tlio
ihurili anil riniKrepiilluii will kIvp ii
rpcppllon next Friday i-vonliiK, May
"i. at t lie I'liiiii'li. In honor of Ilev.
I. N. I.pp anil wife.
"fecial to the Seranton Tril)iin(.
NIoliolMin. May :0. Archie V. lU'ti
Jamlii. of Kciantim, -spent Sunday us
Hit- Kiipt of Ills mother. Mrs. AtiKiistii
Hpiijaniin, of Hip-h .it reel.
Messrs. Claude .1. Huberts anil llupl
TIhrIp.v, of Foster, were visiting
friends In town, Sunday.
.Mrs. iititli Shook, who has been sorl-
mmlv lit ill line linmn no Pino sll'pet.
for a niiiiilier of weeks, was taken to
Dr. Thompson's private hospital, at
f-eranlon. Monday iinnmlng.
Miss Mertha Pis. who has been
spending the winter with her ulster,
-Mrs. I. K. Sanford, ami attending
Pelmol nt this place, rcturnnd to her
home at l'lestun I'lirk, Tuesday niorn
InB. Mrs. II. S. Htephens entertained at
her home on State street -Monday
evening' In honor of her friend, Mrs.
Charles Crahaui, of Tiinkhannoek. The
Kiiests were: Mrs. A. K. IIorpi's. Mrs.
II. T. Wilkins and .Miss Susan Mlaek.
of Si-ralitmi: .Mrs. Ii. II. MeConnell,
Mrs. S. Hoeker. Mr. and -Mrs. V.
A. I'.aker and Upv. I.. I-. Lewis.
Mrs. W. V. .lohuson, who has been
spending" the past month with rela
tives in Seranton, returned home Sun
day She was aieompanied by her son,
.1. V. Johnson.
Miss Itosle Stephens was visiting
friends at New Mill'ord Wednesday
and Tliursday nf lust week.
K.ilph Shields, of Iseystone aeadeiny,
v .is a ealler in town Sunday.
Miss Kloi-enre Wilkins Is the uest
of Krlonils in Seranton.
Mrs. Charles Qraliani. of Tunklian
iiinli. has been vislllmr Mrs. II. S.
Stephens for the past few days.
On Monday evening a farewell sur
prise party was tendered Miss Hertha
nix at the home of her sister, Mrs. T..
!:. Sanford. The evening was en.loy
ably spent in playing games, and at an
early hour refreshments were served.
Tho-o present were: Misses Tva Ste
phens, I.eona Hillings, Kdith Cisney,
Katharine Aee, Florenee Wilkins, Vera
Taylor, Ituth Johns Dessle Ste
phens, ICunlee Day. Hessle Taylor,
Cora Kilns:, (iertrude Shaw, Graee
Snyder, neulaliniae Warner, Florence
rtlakeslee, Felieia Steele: Messrs. Fred
Croek. i-llenn, i!uy Coof, Wlnlleld
Hinklle. Kil Alden, A. J. Kling, Olln
Shaw, Joe Hlakeslee, James Koeher,
Stanley Aee. Frank Cornell, M, A.
AVerkhelser, Clarenee Knapp.
Bptcial to the "Vr.inion Tillmnr.
Towanda. May -M.l'. II. Harris, of
Atlantic City, who recently purchased
T.aUe Wesauklng, a iopular siiiiiiner
resort, lias just completed a veiy
model hotel. The hostelry is titled up
to aceoiiiniodale two hundred guests
and no pains will he spared In making
it tin up-to-date place for hoarders
from fur and near. The lake covers an
area, of lil'ty-four acres, and Is .sur
rounded by trees and fed by pure
spring water. It affnnls good fishing
a. id Is aim an excellent place for
liuthing. The glen Is one mile long,
li Is near the railroad, being about
ioui miles from Towanda.
The snllders' and sallois' enicamp
nieiil will bo held mi the fair grounds
August LM and '-'-.
The county police olllelals are taking
advantage of the tramp law and milk
ing arrests of hoboes whenever ono
Is misiwi led, Already several have
been delivered to the cotilltv baRtlle.
Mr itml Mrs. K. ('. Ityaii. of l.os
Aliseles, and O. D. Kinney, nf Puliitll,
nre potable visitors In Towanda,
The American rtridgo company, of
Athens, has Just dellvored at Mauch
Chunk six mammoth glrdeis to bo
UFod by the Lehigh Valley. The con
slgnment required twenty-four cars,
taking four eaiM for one piece.
M. ft. Chubliuck Is a delegate to lltu
Odd Fellows' convention now In es.
sion at llarriiliiii'g.
A 'f'.irrle Nation" smashing was e$
jieilenceil by a saloon keeper at Wnv.
erly a fow nights ago, ntul as u result
a man named John nrown and claim
lug riltstou as his lining, is under at
test as one of tho raiders. On the,
nlKht of the Incident two unknown
men entered Thomas Tlrowu's saloon
jwtir thu lOrio depot and advised tho
proprietor to let the said nrown "off
easy," who had been previously ar
rested for firing several shots through
windows and doors, if not, they
stated that his saloon would he de
molished, but proprietor Brown replied
to the contrary. The place was closed
at midnight mid annul o'clock tho
A powder to lie IiuUmi inlo the thiiM. Vuiir
tut (cd buollcn. iKimiia ami hot, ami ert tiiril
I'aill.v. Il'juu line iiuilinir fret or tight hn,
tty Allru'ii l'ooti:uo. It tool tin- l.'ct jiul
iiut.ii, ujlMng i'ii.j. Ciiio MvolUii. awfjtlns
Int. mxiuuliu- n.iib, hi I ji iis uml ijIIoil. i,ni.
Iti'liovfii i-nrii jnj iuuiin ol all p.dn uiul cltri
nit ami iniufutt. Tiy it tuiljy. Sold hv nil
iiscftt Jiul rhoo .tmes (or S.V-. 'dial 'luil,.
uvt I Ht:i:. Aildiiw, AlUn s. OJU'stcil, l.c llvf
lihtqp was rntpicd hy two men, who
neatly wrecked the whole roncern.
They turned nil the "wot" roihJs onto
the Hour, broke glasses, bottles, cut
bicycle tires, torn a clock to pieces,
demolished a wisti register, brokn
pictures, destroyed nearly three litm
ilicd cigars, besltlrs rttlulng other
viilitiihles. One man, In the meantime,
was refused a drink by the visitors,
and nrterwards followed, when ho wiih
knocked down and rohlved, No clue
has been reported, although a diligent
search Is In progress,
Threo men were arrested at Troy on
l'YIday night, who are supposed to
have been Implicated In the postotllce
robbery t New Albany. They gave
their names as Thomas CnFpy, William
Haines and John Itlalr, of 'Wllkes-l-inrrc.
A fourth man. Joseph Swan,
made his escape. They were brought
to Jail hy Towanila officers and will
have a hearing on Wednesday.
THOMPSON. ' to thp ?crnton Trltmne.
Thompson, May 'Jt. North Jackson Is
having some btoken bones these days.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Page fell out of the wagon the other
day and broke his collarbone, and on
Sunday William Hlrdsali received a
kick from a horse, which broke his
Henry Wrlghler, of Hlnghuniton
"mind Henry" In visiting his many
relatives in this vicinity.
-Mis. L. M. Glllett, the Jackson street
milliner, who was prostrated last week
by heart trouble, Is able to sit up and
give direction to her business.
A. K. Jones, of Hath, X. A., was a
visitor at the homo of Ilev. W. II.
French last week.
K. S. Whitney and family, of Scran
ton, have been spending several days
with his father. II. V.AVhltney, and
other relatives In this place. They re
turned to their homo on the afternoon
train yesterday.
Ilev. fJeorge Comfort Is reported seri
ously ill at his home In Lancsboro.
Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Brewster, of
Starrtieca, were purchasing spring hats
at Mrs. A. C. Foster's yesterday.
The Italians who are housed In a car
near the milk station, and work on the
track, went toward Starrucca. yester
day morning, and after their return
engaged In a free fight. The whiskey
tlm'. tired them must have been ob
tained at some speakeasy or gcteasy.
Surveyor I.. D. Ttenson," of North
Jackson, Is engaged In town by Lewis
10. K. ("lelatt will buy wool this sea
son for Rirdsall Hros., Seeleyville, as
in other yeaivs.
Miss Maud Carglll, who graduated at
the recent commencement, has opened
a select school in the primary room,
for a short term.
Mrs. Juno AVoodward, of Tlorneils
vllle, N. Y is spending a few davs
with her brother, Iturgess K. C. 1-ay-ton.
Street Commissioner S. I.. French
has a force of men at work on our
streets this week.
Superintendent C. 10. Moxley is hold
ing his spring examination of teachers
In the graded school building today.
Sheriff AV. J. Maxey. nf Montrose,
came into town this morning and went
out to Cost Stone's, in the townshlD,
and the attachment he had for tho
fellow was so strong that he put on
his best clothes and went to Montrose
withuut offering resistance to the otli
cer of the law.
Daniel AVrlghter is much worse at
this writing, and the wonder is that
he lives so long. He has been helpless
for four years.
William Crosier, of Susquehanna, is
in town today.
Spci'ijl to the Srranton Tribune.
Springville, May 20. Last week
there were two heavy frosts, yet there
seems to have been no damage done.
Kbenezer Stevens and Avlfe, over on
the farm, have been entertaining
friends from Nicholson the past week.
Last week we had a mad dog scare.
An animal went through town and
wounded several dogs in his flight.
Two of those bitten here have heon
killed; one muzzled and tied up to
await the decision of the State veter
inary to whom the bend of thu mad
dog has been sent,
Airs, Anna T. Crattau returned from
the hospital at Sayre. Pa,, where she
has been lYy treatment, and It seems
to luiv been beneliclal to her health.
She Is now tendy to attend to her pat
rons who are In need of millinery.
Instead of selling the separator milk
produced at the milk station to tho
natrons. It !s now tnnde Into curd and
shipped to Philadelphia,
Vesta Lodge, No. 1ST, D, of R
elected their officers Saturday evening
l.-ibt as follows: N. Cl .Mrs, Alice
Ttavls; Ar t! Airs. Jennie Stnng; sec
retary, Mir. ft, N, Pritchard, Instal
lation will take place tho first meet
ing In June.
In compliance with the law requiring
the supervisors to have the roads kept
free fioni stone?, a. meeting was called
to lot the work, hut as fow or no bid
ders were In attendance It Is to he
presumed that tho law will not bo
fully complied with.
Cyrus Alarcy is carrying hid right
arm In a sling. Ills shoulder was
broken In a fracas with a yearling
bull, This animal had shown an ugly
disposition for some time, and dually
jumped on Miticy and put him through
a hoard fence. If It hud liwn a stone
wall he would have boon killed.
ftllas Tltmnn has so far recovered
from his sickness as to bo able to walk
nut a little. .
AI, ft. Compton and wife are expect
ing to tako a trip to Illinois to visit
t datives and will start about Juno
A. c. Thomas was hauling sawdust
from State's mill ono day last week
mid ope of his horses was taken sck
on the road. J. 11. Mitchell's barn was
only a few rods nwny, and tliotc It
was taken, but died In a few minutes
after reaching the barn.
The matter of a celebration for July
fourth has been settled by tho hand,
and everything Is now in working or
der, and weather permitting, Spring
ville will see as much of a crowd as
that which cnnio two yeurs ago. The
committee lias secured a balloon, and
it will bo ndvertlsed to go up early In
th? afternoon, and it will go unless
Miinc'thlns' occurs to prevent, ftvery
effort will be made to make this part
a success, "j'here will bo races and
other uniusements lor all. A large
display o fireworks In the evening.
Epecltt to the Scrinton Tribune.
llophottom, Alny 2). Mr. hnd Mrs.
M. Ji Hartley have hecn spending a
few days at tlm home nf Mis. Davis,
nt Knst Lenox. They returned homo
on Monday.
Miss Dora Cruise, of New York, lias
letttrncd home, much Improved In
health, after spending about two
months with her slstpr, Mrs. AVIll
Prown, Airs, Urown Accompanied her
heme, on Monday.
Airs. ft. M. Tiffany. Miss Lillian
Hryum and ltcv. h. U. Louis will sing
at a musical entertainment given hy
the ladles of All Souls church, Scran
ton, this (Tuesday) evening.
Airs. It. Horthoff and sons are visit
ing Airs. Peck nt Harford.
AIlss A Hit Finn has returned from a
visit with friends at Ashley, Pa.
Airs. Mnrthn, Hell entertained tho
following party Saturday evening:
.Mr. and Mrs. ft. jr. Tiffany, Air. and
Alir. O. D. Huberts, Mr. mid Airs. AV.
ft. Urown and AIlss Dora Cruise, Air.
and Airs. D. Wright, Air. and Airs.
Another lively runaway occurred In
town Sunday morning. Claude Hub
erts and ftati Tiffany were driving
down Greenwood street when the axlo
broke, lotting a back wheel of the
wagon oiT and throwing both young
men to the ground. Tho horse, which
was of a. spirited nature, was badly
frightened and rushed madly down
the street ut full speed. Tho street
hnppened to be clear of obstacles and
after running about a quarter of a
mile the horse was stopped by AVar
lfii Gardner without Injury to any
thing except the buggy, which wns
badly demolished.
.Air. William lthnades. who has been
111 with consumption for some time, Is
In a critical condition. His daughter,
of Newark, arrived yesterday.
Little CHon Penny, who has been III
for several weeks from the effects of
an Injury to the spine, Is still lying at
the verge of death. Drs. Alney. of
Hioolkyn, Decker, of Nicholson, and
Taylor, of this place, have all been
In attendance and pronounce the easi
The Lackawanna Telephone com
pany was granted a franchise at Alon
day night's meeting of council. There
wore several ordinances presented,
but the last ono read seemed to bo
tho most favorable and was adopted
by the following vote: For 1 ten p.
A'an Sickle. Jones, Lnvvier, AIcAleans,
O'llalloran, Pettigrew 0. Against
Nealon, Aloseley 'J. The principal
features of the measure are these:
The company proposes to furnish to
the borough live free telephones; pay
a tax of JO cents a year for pach pole,
and $1.23 for each mile or wire in the
borough; the maximum rates shall be
$:u per annum for a business phono
and $LM for a residence phone, or the
two combined, $;n. The company
agrees to have Its system in opera
tion within four months.
The following bills were ordered
paid: Street department, SI.'H.T."; po
lice, $100: general account, $ll.."'.l;
electric light department. $.17o.0S.
The street committee reported that
a written agreement had been made
with the Delaware and Hudson, with
leference to the culvert, constructed
on upper Dunmore street. Jtegnrd
ing the fountain on tho square,
which was recently broken, the com
mittee stated that it could be re
paired for about $12. The finance
committee 'presented a list of exon
erations, which was accepted. The
committee was empowered to act as
they stiw fit with ex-Collector 'no
ban's exoneration list, which is being
revised. Air. AIcAleans stated that he
was unable to secure better water
rates for the electric plant. A com
munication from the borough audi
tors was read, in which they asked
council for Information regarding the
right of the burgess paying bills from
tines he had collected, and If ho had
received councils' consent to do so.
No action was taken on the matter.
A lengthy communication was then
lead from Uorough Solicitor Lynch,
In which he urged council to pass the
ordinance Introduced some time ago,
i entitling all parties desiring to ex
cavate on Lackawanna strept and
other paved streets, to get a permit
from tho proper authorities. Regard
ing the unsettled accounts of the ex
treasurer and ex-tax collector, he re
commended that the council endea
vor to make an amicable settlement
with these parties as soon as possible.
AVIth reference to a claim from D. F.
AlcCormlck, who has rendered a bill
of $40 for the privilege of running
surface water on Dunmore street, he
staled that It was perfectly legal to
pay It, as an agrement had been
made some years ago by the borough
authorities, Acting on the attorney's
advice regarding the ordinance regu
lating excavations, council passed It.
The street committee was directed
to employ a civil engineer to give
grade to all property owners along
Dunmore street. Hill street, and all
streets In the Second ward not here
tofore given a grade, for tho purpose
of laying sidewalks. A request from
Huso company No. 2 for permission to
extend tho electric wires to Allies'
grove, was granted. At this point In
the meeting, Air. Nealon mid other
.members left the room. After they
had retired, Air. Lawler noticed that
the ineotlng was without a quorum,
and adjournment was In order.
Tho funeral of the Into Airs. AVI1
llaiu S, Davis was held from the fam
ily home, on Susquehanna street, yes
terday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, ,Tho
remains reposed in a hmidsnino black
casket, and were viewed by a very
largo gathering of friends and rela
tives. Later, the funeral cortege
moved to tho C'ahiiilstlo Alethndlst
church, vviioi'P I ho services were con
ducted by Uev. Air- Avilllmns. of
Rome, N. A',, former pastor of tho
church, assisted by Rev. ftllls Rob
erts, All earnest and Impress! vo fu
neral sermon wns delivered by Air.
AVIlllaniH. In conclusion, tho re
mains vvero borne to Prospect ceme
tery and laid to rest. Thorn was a
largo number In attendance from out
ot town. '
Airs. Mary Alason passed nwny at
her home on Lackawanna street yes
terday morning at T.M o'clock, after
several months' suffering. Deceased
was born In ftngland, but came to
America with her husband in 1S7U
and Inn resided in Olyphnnt oyer
since. Sho was 5.1 years old, De
ceased was a woman of many admir
able qualities, and greatly esteemed
by a host of friends. Sho Is survived
by four daughters and threo sons,
namely; Airs. M. K. Hnrndcn, Airs,
ftli' Louacrc, of Hydo Park; Carrie,
Mabel, Thomas, Clifton and ftdlcy
Mason. The funeral will bo hold to
morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, In
terment will bo made In Union cemetery.
Wall Strut BtIw.
.Vow Vtnk, Mil)' SI. 1 hero wni a Mill further
ihctlnc In iiitltily In tho Mink m.ukrl. ImUy,
the niruwite mIm I.iIIIiiij to a llmim lm
tint hern lunched before In nmny Month. Hvimi
the tllinln!liei! Volume of lnllne tt.n hixiiy
renleiiil In n (tV tfiek, not.ibly Union IMctne,
Tint Mock Keenuil to lme a tloinliunl Inllnenoe
on the whole market, mid the elilenie tli.1t It
vm Mtpiioilcil tinned the tn.iikel fioiil the e.uly
'Ae.ihlie.w, In tontliMiiiiic el )iteul.i)'i down.
mm! movement and lltlnl ptliM to a lilgher
pLine nil nronm! euept for a iloik line ai.d
tbeic wide Ii did not move In the late traillnir.
The i!e.i!lii)H were ulinnut purily professional ntul
euti that iIiim of tiieriilorx slumeil lew Interest
than )e.tculii). The lullire ol the limlticu i.
InilliMteil hv the, example of toi'k-i to
liy, t'nloii t'.H'Iflp wa iwM )mteul.iy mi re
poll of an additional Uue of ronwrllhle Mud
to rltianci! the .Votlhiili Pailllo Mock niiiilule.
Today the fact wn confirmed tlul the company
liail applied In tlio moik excnaimo u ur me hoiid, .vet t'nlon I'.ii'llle roe nt one
time 41,6 mcr nlnht. Mlmourl I'.ltiilo wa
weak )i'lenl.i) on the statement, the o.
petted ilhiilrii'd would lint he declaieil nt WHO.
Tocl.iv tho illrcitnrn met without action on the
dividend, )et the tock roe t point over lin
early low point, hi other vvouN, the lieam of
)e,tenl.i,v were ooverniK their tonlraeli today.
The liujlnir hy rallioaiN and r.iplliilit to ellcel
iliaiumi In innliol of varinni railroad leni,
which v,n xnppn-od to make up the hulk of the
hmlnir In the hooin maikrl whin deal lues
hehvien J,imn,ilil and :i,(X,oiX) pharos a day, la
.'i No fiiion-pli iniiH. allhomih riituoii of Midi
iIimIIiiim lontlnuo to play fonie palt, especially
In I'nlon Pacllle, vhlrh U ctedlted hy the now;,
e-t minors with n'l.uiliu; tin Interest in fit. Paul.
Tho KlroiiRtli nl the Toledo, St. l.oui and West,
oin slocks i in i ompanlod hy Intimations ahout
the ouhnnire thai .he hiiylns U for VnndeihilL
in count with a view lo elimination nt competi
tion. The old sloiy ol a consolidation of south.
w-rvli'iii mads was leiheil loil.if In conncitlon
Willi the l.illv in Missouri r.iellle. The contlnu
nllnti of tile iniunetlnn wralnit Ain.dcanialed
t'opper's tni'iucr projects Account for the early
weakness of that slock. American l.ln-ccrl and
National Lead were codr.ctdently tinng, rather
Ir.insely, slni'e the aluorptlon ot tho Linseed
tnnip.iny hy the I'nlon Lead and Oil company,
is supposed to iiidlialc luciriiseil competition
fin the .Nalional Load company, Tho (neater
o.i-o of money today had some inllnenec in tho
leioieiy in "prices'. Total sales today, ti1r'tw)
'I'lic hond liui kd :n dull and inclined lo
weakness caily. hut showed some recoveries Litis
ill sinipalhy Willi stnikjt. Total sales, par value,
M,T!i.iK. I". S. new Is declined U per tent.
I'll the last call.
The follow Iiir tpiolnlinns are furnished The
Trihnne hy M, S, .Ionian k Co., looms 703-700
Meais Ini'ildine, Seranton, I'a, Telephone oOn.i:
Open- lllnh Low- Cloi-
In,-. et. est. her.
American Si war 14ii 1 1ti'.J til IIT'.i
Amor. io 121 lil'.i 121 lid
.VUhi-nn T7 Ti TH'.i "k
Atchison. IT u; !Sli !i7 ilsij
Hi f ok. Traction " Til' J 7.i 7'i
lialt. Ohio lit! ItlV'i KM Will
font. Tohaico fsi'i Wi "."U 5'l
dies, k Ohio 4... IM4 IS'; IS',4 4n
Chie. ,V (il. West 211'i 21 20'i 'l
Chic., II. ,V- IJ .V.l'ir'i T7vm mil.. 1lil
St. Paul 11.011. li.2i HiO-H li'd'j
Itotk I SI hit's 1"'078 1'il's
Del. & llu.l-.on hH'i. lilt lis- IH2
Ivan. ,V: Tc., I'r .Ml .'.7'i ."".'i S'li
Louis, k N.i-li I01!!i 101 lllia lul
Man. i:iev.lle.l ll.t'L- lll-Ji It.: 111
Met. Traclioii IlliVi 11)711 311114 Jl7
Mlsst). I'.uinc mi nil's. hmv5 UVS1I
Southern 1'acillc Ut'i 4s'i KIU l-U
Xoifnlk k We.t I'17s "Us l"r's fll
Northmi Pacific l.V.'.J l.lil'.i ljit'i l.V.'i
Noilh. I'.uini. Pr ' 1,1. Iis'i !isi,i !isi.
N. V. ( I.Vl'.i Vi" l.VI'i 5IIV
Dul. ,V: We-li'in -' I .- IW Itl'ii "J-i,
IVmia. It. IS 1 I1"i lllci 1111
I'acilie Mail "IU 1'. ."Hi ::l'
lte.l.liliK- It) It's: 12 41 I!
Iteadinp; III., I'r 7.'i 7ii'S- 7.1 7'i
Soul hem 1!. it 2!M.f, ilil'.i 2'.i'k t's
South, if. It., Pr. .... S2 SI S2 -t
Tenii. Coal ft llol ,V,li .11.''. .V,i:. fi'H'
I'. s. leather 12vi Tl's 12-H 1"
C. S. Lealhcr. Pr 77"'s 77:' 77'i 77U
I'. S. ItuMier 2J 2J 21 Sl-v,
rnlon l'..ei(ie mo';, lill'i li'iij ntiU
I'liiou I'adllc, I'r .s'i'4 Nl.. SS7; h'l'i
VVbIi.i-Ii, Pr .'Is'i in'', ;;s MH
Western t'ninii !'2 Hi-"; Ui'i Ittil
Col. fuel k Iron in !iv".; !.1 ",7 oCpper 112'.; ll.V.i ! - llli
I'iKiple'-' 11.'!!.'. ll.lij ll.lij. HPi
Kile Illi'Ji lls.ii Jlii-i, KS-ii
Col. So II 1IU II ll'i I'aiilie Iii'j 4ri"; Ji,i'4 .p.";
Am. Car rnuiidii JPi 2l"i Hl t 'M
C. S, Steel 4.-J1A ll'i I:'1 li-'s
L'. S. Steel, Pr !I2!4 IC'i III"; !'.'.';
xi:v voitic m.miktt.
Open- llich- Low- Clos-
VVIILAT. ins. et. e-l. in.'.
duly 7s-;a T-U "!' 7H'i
.Inly I'l 1'i'i IU I'.i'l
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bhl. Asked.
First National Bank 12WJ
Seranton Savings Hunk 350
Third National Iiank 4Su
Dime Deposit and Discount Hunk,. 27j
Economy Light, U. & I. Co 43
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co ia)
Clark k Snover Co., Pr. 123
Seranton Iron Vcnce & Mfg. Co loo
Seranton Axle Works nj
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. 2a
County Savincrs Hank It Trust Co.. 300
Hist Nation it Hank (Cjibontlale) -i-r.
Standard Drilllnir Co 30
Tiadirs' Nalional Link 17V
Seranton Holt and Nut Co 100
Pionle's Hank l.:n
New McnUo It', k C. Co 7,",
Seranton Pass.-ngcr Railway, flrst
Mortgage, due 1920 llj ...
People's Street Railway, flrst mort
gage, due 1018 113
People's Stieet Hallway, General
mortcaze. due 1021 110 ...
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. ...
City of Seranton St. Imp. 0 per
Serunton Traction 0 per cent 115
Seranton Wholesale Market.
(Coreuled by II. It. I'l''. '-" L,ukjvviiiina A".)
Iliilli'iI"isli. 2-M2i';c.; ikiii),, li
Ihei'-e 1'ull ili'.un, old, Il','..al2c. ; full tie.uii,
nive, llall'.ic.
llaus VV etcin In-h, 1 lU-Jil."e. ; neaihy stale,
LVialiN", , ,
ll.uis Per Inishel, (hoiee marinw, H.lijas2.fiV.
Pea lleaiis Per bushel, choke mallow, S'J.riJi
Mcillmii lleaus Per hu-htls. .sj. IUa?2. 13.
liieeu Peas Per lnuholos,
l-'lom Host patent, per h.inel, I.J3.
Ited Kidney IIimik Per bio-hol, S2.l5a2.W.
Potatoes Pee Inishel, .llaule,
Ili'inmd.i Onion. Per Inishel, I.S0aLtK).
PhllodelplUa Qtain and Produc.
1-lilliililplil.i, Miy SL H'lieat ITiin, 'ie. Iiluh
n; eouti.iit grade, iljy, Ts.iTCc-. Coin 'j.
highei; No, a inivcd. May, Is'ialSUe, Oat- -Ouiet
hut stead , No. 2 while clipped, 'il'j.i
;..5o. llutler -Ijiilfl, lint stead.) ; Ijncy vve.leiii
iieaineiy, lli'ie. ; do, do, piinls, 20e, ; du.
neaihy do., 22c. IX'Ki riichangcili liosh near.
hy, lil'ijc. ! do. woaU'in, i:i!sc. j do. boutlmiM.
nil, 12.it2'at'.i do. soiithein, I"c. lhe.
I'iliu: N. V. lull nojins, iliuice, H".i'.i do. do,
do,, lair to ihoioe, f'iatVic. Itilintd siigais -riichangctl.
Co.!nn-l-Hc. hlghei", miilillin;
uplands', Sae, Tallow Dull and mnhangodj
city piliiio in lihds., I'lialTse.; roiinlry tin. do.,
Mils., 4!iil7r i I'.ikei, 34j3tii. Live poultrj
-"-tcailvj lowli, 10"j.illc,i old tooatcis, 7e. i
spilng iliicken,, 2'Ji2Se.; tlinks, (V, l)io-ci
poulliy -""tciily, fair tloiniiul; towls, cholte,
lli'.-.c. ; tin, fait to good, UVial'V. j old roosleH
7c: loastinsj i hlikem, Ilium, lOallc. ; iiukcjr,
Itiielpts-rioiir, l.notl hiiiels, mid 2,M),ili;.)
1'i'iiinU ju saik-ii vvliiai. :,'i,lM) luuhels; nun,
Ul.ono Iiu-IkIj; nals, 4,'M) hiuhoN, sldpmcuts
VMical, S,iXI liiishcl.; torn, 'J'.,WI hiuhel; oat-,
New York Oraln nnd Producs.
New Vmk, Vlay 21! Kloin More oitife an!
Hi mi-r wiih wheal; Minn, patent, $lal.2.i- win
In stiaUhts, T-l.t'.i;i.iJI; winter evlras, $-. IJ
a2.S.'i. Wlicat Spot tiiuifi'i .No, 8 led, MJlc
f, o, Ii, alloat, ami MI'le. elciatoij No. 1
iioilliein Diiluth, Sl'.bc f. o. Ii. Option
adviiittd and closed Hun at !'i.i l'.ii.'. mt advance
May vluseil sOTlc.j July, iU'.ie.j Sep't., 7ii',,e.
Coin- Spot Heady; No. 2, OOe. ilevator, am!
5le. f. o. b, alloat. Options lather thin all day
.Hid clo.-nl rum and lie. hi'iher. .May close I
fs'c. ; July, ')ii'.; Sept., lSTJe. OaU Spot
ilull: u. , ,'Wvji.! No. -I, Kit-.. Xo, a wlille,
flic.; No, II wlille, iKCjie.s Hack inlwd west
cm, 33a:,,V ; li jt k wlille. .'l:;a:)7V;c. 0itioi.,3
liii'ier with col u. lliitler Steady! ueainci),
UllHc. ! lav lory, llalSe.! Imitation cieameii,
MalTc. i slate dally, Malsc riieoo ijuiet;
fjuey Inigp, loloud, Sci Isiny large, while,
S',C'i. i fancy small, coloird, b',n;; (aney tuiall,
white, Mic. Ciivn-hirKiiljri itato diid'Penna,,
lliie.t v.-cstein, unsiaded, lUiaVji-.i western,
stora-re, paikcd, l'llsal.'l'.ie,
Chicago Groin and Product.
Chicago, May 21. Wlicat ruled utiong and
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Pour Lines, i Cents for nch Extra Line
For Rent.
For Reoto
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat nnd
iilectric Light.
Also 1200 feet of'lloor space on
4th floor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
WD (IHKI'.V ItlllCli: STRUCT, ton roomi, modem
Improvemcnti!' steam heat tumblicd; Ocslr
desirable. For. Sale.
l'l.N'i: llOltsi: I'Olt SU.i: AI every way; ju.n
tiie Iiiiim lor a lady to drive, ictular pel.
Also a lino b.ry roadoter, .sound ill every way;
pood pole lioi.-e or sinule tlilver. Ilolli
diivH lieges. Apply S,.'!9 Jlonroe avenue.
KOIt SAI.K. Clinker-liiillt, roiinil bottom anil bottom H.hlmr boats. V. A. Paekered
mill ,1. Curl if, comer Cherry and I'ouith streets,
Diinniore, Pa.
I OH SAM: Pacini: horse, harnesi and carriage.
A barj;aiii for cash. A. II. Baker, 1'i'i (Juiney
avenue, Dunnioie.
Furnished Booms.
roil IIKNT In brM locality, a fiMt-uUss fur
niilied pleasant mom in private family; bath,
heat and teas; convenient to Mroct eais; break
fait if dcdied; rcfeicncc-t reiiuircd. Inquire
4-01 (Jiilney avenue.
l'MIASANT nilt.MSMKD ROOM in private fam
ily; with or without, ho.ud; all improve
meiiN; centrally located; term rca-or-able. 013
AdatiH avenue.
KOIt ItKNT One l.nKo
al.ti one pidc room.
fiunihed fiont room;
Ml Ail.iuw avenue.
WA.VITD-A copy of The Tribune of ilaich IS,
11101; prlie of in cents will be Kiven for
the paper. Tribune ulBie.
Botirders Wanted.
at -M.MKi: llOAltDKItS WANTKII Xieu loeallou;
beautiful crow iilous the water. AddiiM
Mis. W. i: bo- Sl.'i, .Mo-cow, Pa.
WAXTKO-Table bomdew. Jliy. TompkiiH, 5.11
Wanhlnstou avenue.
Booms and Board.
LAItCli: front room with board for two gentle
men. 4tl Adams avenue.
Business Opportunity.
IjiitWl l.WTSTKD in .1 corpoiiiti-u will senile
-..ilaiied position at loil per inonfli anil com.
mlsi-iim. I'm paitieulars atldies P. O. llox .Vil,
tsiraiitou, Vjt
Money to Loan.
SIOXKV to loan on improved city real cslale.
iinNitY nni.tx. .nt.
niAs. 11. wni.i.r.s.
!.:.K,Kil '10 LOAN" I.oweit rales; ttialsht or
monthly paymeuts. Stark (.'o..'1'ratlers' bldif.
btrainl.t leans or lluildin? and Loan. At
fioni 4 to fi per cent. Call on X. V. Walker,
ftll-IIJ l.'onnell huildin-j.
M:AM:1) Plt-iPOSVI.S will be leceived up lo an I
intludiiur Juno 1st for the publication ul a
Rntiveuir pto-rrauinie tor the national lonvetiiien
ot tlie Aineiitau redeiation of Labor lo be held
in this tily dining Detemlier, 1101. All bids are
to be made lo (leoiai! t'olhler, Hetietaty and
TteaMirer, P. O. Ho- ,Vo. 417, Siaulon, P.i.
laiily oellve today on weather condition, .lul?
1 lo-ed 'ic, blght'i; duly coin cloed He. Inch
er, and May coin, l'.Oc. improved, duly oati
made a .-alii uf 'it; and novi.ioin clo-ed 1111
ili:niu l lo 7',ie. better. ' ' tpiotattoiu vvtr
m follow-:
I'liim I'uiel; n. II spiiii? wlicat, Ti1j7l'ii'.i
o. : red, Tt::'ia7tr. ; .No. i toiu, 4aVI-ii,;
.o. 2 jellow. 4r.i5ll-4i. ; Xo. 2 tiaN, IIO'.jc.,
o. .' while, i!0a4e. ; No. :t white, -.I'u'Uk-. ; Xo,
2 rve, Wic; itooil Iredim; baile.v, U'a.'ili.;
fair lo choite iiulthiir, 5;.i.1'ie. ; No. 1 (lav seed,
!-l.70al.71'.'j: Xo, 1 nouhwt-Dtciu, flUil.TI'-jj
inline timothy beetl, 'l,;'0r..l.j0; imsi pork, JUdn
all.1'3; IjiiI, f.'JJ'.Lus.'-'.l; .hint lib-., .IUa
R.'in; dry salted slioulderi, G:Ha7c. ; sliore tlcai
ldn, .l21ia.2ii whi-key, ifl.2S.
Chicago Xive Stock Harkat.
fhieaso, May 21, Cattle Receipts, !',,M);
fteoH, iully steady; luitihcii.' stock, aclive,
linn; 1,-ooit to piimc steels, sj. lOj.V.'.i ; p,.i.r
to medium, ijl.u'.O.'i; slockriK and feedois, steady,
S'i.i.'i; lows, lj2.Witl.7ll; heifeis ij.'iWlal.M; tan
lieis. (J2.2.ia2.IHI; hulls flipi, l-c'.IKliMO; calve-i,
weak, ..l..',0a,'; Texas fed slecw, fl.'J.laJ.IU;
Teas bull..!, .'2.7Ja'lA'i.
Hoks Reielpts toil i.v. 27,0011; loiuoiiow, S'),.
Ono; lift over, cthnaled, 2.imil; slow; top,
s.1.!'."i; mixed and butchi-n, sf.'i. (!.",, i,"i,iiji;; to.i.l
lo 1 hclee lieavv, S1,;..i.'i.!i.i; ninuh heavv, s.1.lli
a.1.7.'i; liclit, f."..iiU.i.1.P7,j; bulk of sa.w, .i,77ij
Mieep Itetelpls l't,(Kl; sheep, vteady to
..low; lambs, turn; unoil In tlmUe welliets',
l.::0at.r,u; t.iir t' 1I1. ike iulM',1, !., VI;
western sheep, StliOal.Ml; yeailinss 'rl.-'0.i .y.;
native lambs, ifl..ii)a.i.7.'i; wetein lamln,, i-.-.a .", 73,
New Yorlc Live Stock,
New Yoik, M.iv 21.- Ileeves-X'o li iiIIhk; feel
iii'r slead.e; i.ilvos, steady, but dfinaml liRlit;
veils, .).. ',o,ij,(,i; liutletmllkv, nomiutl.
Mieop nnd I.110I14 Market quiet but steadv;
ellppcd sbrtp, s.'l.7)al.7.'i; clipped laiulu, Vi fiiij
5.73; ipilnu limbs, lu7.30; by Hie lie.ul, s2.7.'i,
!lt.;s None for sale; nominally tiim,
East Liberty Cattle.
i:.rt I.iluil.v, May 21. Cuttle .Steadv; cuia,
f.1.7ll.ij.l; prime, W.MiS.W! (,'ood, 'ii1.,';il,i3. IU
llos-Sleady; heavy boss. $(lat).03; incilliim-
M; bet .voike-s, ?3.lU.iii; llahl yoikri, ),S.1.i
fi.t-O; iiigs p to quality, JjwJal.Si; skips pl.-'O
a3.2i; lonjln, .tIj'i.W.
Sheep V'Iiiii; bett wethers, Sl,.fn, in rhoieo
lainlis, J'i,.'i3a'i.50i tonunoii o (jiinil, .a3.23:
veal ialvcf, "j..'.0a(i.
Oil Market.
Oil City, May 21. Cieillt halatite-, till; (er
lilii'.iti, mi bid, Shipinenls, 12.',3IK; avciaue,
1)1,333. Runs, lo.'l,73S; average, tJ.SIO.
Special lo the Siranton Tilbune.
Oibsoii, .May L'l. M(ks Ui-tfpy Uap.
row, of Ilnt'fonl, vlsiti-il at t!, ,
Btiles 111 o juust week.
Sirs, W'lllluiu Tlfl'any. of Harfonl,
vlrtlti'il Jier piiroiils hero Wi'tlui!'
tlay. I'. ('. l.uiiloii uiul wife vlsltPd
frlcuils in Susiiolmiui.i Monday.
Sadlo Cliaiiihoi'ilii, iiealfli'i! anil Her
nice Swei'l, vIhIUmI tit i p, lrnpt'tt
in Now Jlllforil, AVi'iliiPsilay.
Clur.t lirooii, of lliiplmltoni, is visit
Incr hop Hlslcr, .Mrs. .lainusi llt-i-tlc-1:,
thu luist week.
Walter I.cvvls PNpects to move to
Oolatt this wpcli. Ho will take
churgo of the Conrad shoti.
Help Wanted. i
lli:l.l WAXI'llD-Men ami women everywhei '
do special work; l.itjre relnrm nnd u
imevfnl initio. Adchess' P. O. llov No. .1-1 ,
I'ltWoii, IM.
Help Wanted Male.
WAX'llll) A kooiI, lollable boy nl l'icliti.iii'a
Dry ( itiiir, ).U IVnn avenue.
WAXTCIl-At The Holland, a hidt-ila.-i iliet 01
look nt once.
Ol'TICi: ASSISTAXT-Miiin- knovvtodi-e of book
kecplnir, iletioxraph.v mill l.vpcvvilllnir. Pel
inanenl piwllinti for light parly. II. II. V..
ACTIVi: MAX liy large manufacluiiiut House
lo work at homo. M'S.OO in iiisli paid for
twelvt- da.vs' trial; piomotlon and peiin.inent poi
lion If satUfaitory. Aildrtw, Daniel II, Slirpp,
72.1 Clientnut ftieet, Philadelphia, Pa.
WAXTIIU SaloMiien, traveling or local: weekly
salary paid. Ileiiick Sect! Co., Rochester,
Help Wanted Female.
WANTKD-An oftlce mild. Ailtlrei with full
i.irtirul.u. X, V. '.., Tribune olllic,
WAXTMD Three; those under.
staudlni; i!rewniaklng preferred; good salary
Kiiaratito"d lo illit partlr. Call at l'uuiut
houe, ai, Waaliliigtoii avenue, alter 7 p. 111.
Agents Wanted.
WAXTCD Agents to sell our vermin powder tor
I. Ice 011 Poultry. Ilou-os, faille, Pleas on
Dori. barge can, 2.1 cent", at our olllee, 110
Paul! Ilullding, Seranton, Pa. Sent by mall, to
cents. Sec our ad.. Two l.lltle Hean, In Ibis
paper. Rear! Veimln Powder Co., llalton, Pa.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beceived at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central City
AI.BKRT hCIIM'T.. eorner Mulhciry
rtreet nnd Webster avenue.
fiL'Sr.W PIClllil,, 010 Adams avenue.
West Side
OCORfil-: W. .IP.XlvlXP, lOl South Main
South Seranton
nti:i I,. Ti'.ltPPi:, 729 Cctlar avenue.
North Seranton
OKO. W. DAVIS, corner Xoilli Main
avenue and Maiket street.
Green Eidge
c!iarm:s p. .ioxi:r, i:,i- niikon
!'. .1. JOHNS. 020 Oreen Itidgc stieet.
C. I.OItl.'XZ, lorner Wa-hinslon ave
nue and Mai inn stieet.
W. II. KXIIPITJ,. 1017 Irving avenue.
.1. (i. 110x1: k f-ox.
Beal Estate.
1,000 lluys si-i-mom, single hou-e, good will.
Lot 1(I0.2IX), ScuMou street, D.illon, I'a.
Wells k Keator.
if l,S'M Itnvi building lot. 4IK130. Wheeler ave
nue. Wills k Kealer, llurr Ilullding.
W.'hVO lliiyi tlcuble Imu-e, 7 moms on a side, all
impiovements, except gas. Deau stieet, Piovi
tleiii e. Wells k Kcalor.
Employment Agency.
KANT'S HfltnAC, 4.'7 l.aika
wauna avenue, IliuU situations lor all
and towns, city and t iliy. Man
wanted. Kmplojers iuviled. 'Phone 112. Pul
sion claims and lop.ving attended to.
Situations Wanted.
WAXTRD Posititiu by a .vounff man, age 21,
as bookkeeper tie iia-islant and l.vpewiilci,
tvhric good haul woik calls foe jilvaiiciiueul.
Xo espoiieuie except a ihoioiigh bu-ii.cs coll.'ge
tl.iiniug; can give leleienie as lo tharacter; am
willing to go ati.vwlieie in this state wliete stiiit
atteiitluii to business will be applet lalul; good
penman; coiiespondente solicitetl, Addie-s Wes
ley II. Weaver, I.opiv, Miilivau toiinlv. Pa.
SIU'ATIOX WAS'TIID lly a wimiau lo go nut
by il.iy vva-hiuu-, Inuilng in cleaning. I'lea-e
call or .Mis. Rii.s-elj, I2PI t.'ular avenue,
iil j.
ACTIVI! WOMAN' ilesiie-i a pnsilinii as maid lo, ut mill. I cam lor invalid gentleman,
Aildrcis M., lliis ofll.e.
MTI'ATIOX WA.NTIID Ity .) loan' guiding gar
dens or spading or tiitliug lawns, ,.r living
sitlewalks, or any kind nl wink. Addie.-s, ::oo
Pmvidi'tue l'oud.
MTI.'ATIOX H AXTi:il Hy a joimg man, wilhn,:
lo null, at an.vlhing. tan luilii-li gootl nlii-
cui'i-3, (i. It., tin .li'lli'isiiu,
A I'lII-iTCI.As.S tOAl'IIMVX drsiies a situation
with a pilvatc famllv; lunleistauds the e,m
uf In .i s.-h tlioiriiiglilv; .-till Hy li'in..'i.iit and !'
lialde; good telcieiuvs. .'..ulli ,1. K., .1.11 P. mi
avenue, oily. ,
V- AX'II'U "situation, by a ladi nf espeiien , as
liool.l.cept'r and sieiiogupher, t.i.-hif in ..111. ,
assistant, ichicuu's, Addless llnokkeeper, Ttih
line i. Hue.
t'lit-T l.i:ni.-i.Tm; invniicT-votiu- is w,Z.
by given to the Itcpuliiliaii votcis ol lln
I'ilsl leglslaiivu disliiir ot baikawaniii toiiiily
that a piimaiy eleitioii will be held on iti.i
ila.v, .lune , IIHll, at Hie ii'gular polling plate.,
btiwceii lln) bonis nt I and 7 o'tlotk p. m., bli
the piupose ol ilecljng ten delegates to e.i
sent Hie suid legislative iliitlit'l in I he tuiiiur,
Repuhllvau stale lonvciitioii lo lie held in ll.l
I''.ug. The lonvenlloii to coinpitte the Vol.
will be held on Tuc-day, .lune II, nail, at pi
nMoik a, in. in Cu-opeiulive hall, Xotlh Maui
avenue, in Sirauton.
Ill auotdaine with Hie Miles goterniug the
disltli't, the caudiditei will be votttl for illicitly
by the voteis at the poll, and uiU)t legl-ieV
with tho dl-likt his full name and
postotlite addict, and pa.v Ids avessiiient liflceii
days befnie I lie elitlitiu, or his n.iini. will not Im
placed on tho olllela! ballot, neither will al y
votes last for him be intuited.
The ilMiitl vlqilaiue ii.iiiinlttoe in vailnus pu
tlnet.s wil! toinliiet thu elect ion, and the result
will lu ii'potlcd by Hit' lelinti judge to Hie ili.
tilt I it'll. ciillun, whli li will he louipu-eil of
jutlges of the vailoui tlbtikls.
A vviilleu not lie innlaiuliig fi.llluT IiisIiikIIoili
will be nulled lo oath member of the .aid tiis
lliit vlgilat.le lijilinillli'c.
fi. W. .ItiikliK,
Chaliiiuu 1'il-t Legislative llislitci.
Atttst: Wallei Simpson, Seiictdiy.
'Illllill I.MilSI VI'lVi: DISTRICT-Nuttte i.
hut by given that Hit. Republiiju standing
itiiii.iitlei' of thu 'I hint l.rgi-lative ili-tii. I of
1..U kjujnn.i counl.v, lias lived Satutila.v, the '.'.'ne
day of June, imil, httvvctu Hie bonis of I and 7
p. in. as Hie lime for holding (lie priuianc lor
I he tin lion of delegates to the stale lonveiilinn,
ami Tuesday, Hie 21th, al 2 p. in., a the ilJb)
ot iho convention of iftinii in. lees.
"KjiIi laudldale must icBl.ter Ills full tunie
ami podolhcc a.l.lie.s vvitli Hie iliaiiuiaii oi
seiic'ui.v anil slull pi his u.-siwineni at least
twi'iily da.vs befoio the primal) eleitioii, or bis
name wi! not be punted on the ballot "
Should li. iiioic than the icquilcd liuinber o
candidates nvl-tcr, the ilijlinuii and senetai,'
hall ileilaio Iho persons so legisleictl to be the
duly I'lotled drlesatet in purtiiimc of Hie pro
visions ol llule S3. Hy order of
OsCAll AX1H'.SI.IRK, Cliaiimaii.
Attest: J. i:. WAIlvlXS, Senetaiy.
Scnr.ton, I'a., Miy II, IWL
Insertions 25 Cents
Than Pour Line, 6 Cent (ar Bach Extra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
ii. 0. 8t-AUI.Ut.NU, 220 DIIOADWAY, NKW
I'lHlDI'.IHCK I,. IHIOWXV Al'lt-'ll. II.. rth'Ati
I Male llvili.inge llldg,, 120 Washington ve.
dr. c. i:. iiii.KxniJiiuKKTT'AlErTuTilDistr
Spruce etreet, Seranton.
Rooms 12, 14, 10 and 18 flurr hulldliif.
d. n. iirploom:, attorm:y-!.oans nijoo-
thiled on real estate security. Mcars building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
ami counscllons-at-lavv. ltcpubllean liulidlng,
Washington avenue.
sellorsat-lavv. CollilllonvvcJlth building, Rootru
111, 20 and 21.
00.1-tiOt, dtli lloor. Meats building.
ot Trade bulhling, Seranton, P.
Rank building.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians nnd Sugeons.
ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulhciry.
Chronic disease, lungs, heart, kidneys and
f-rnito-urltiary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
lo 4 p. tn.
Hotels and Besturants.
Till'. i:i.K t.'AI'i:, 12J AND 127 FRANKLIN
avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZlClflLUR. Tioprlctor.
SCRAXTOX iiousi:. NHAR D., I,. & W. PAS
senger depot. Conducted on the Europe.'
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no otlor; only improved pumps used.
A. H. Hiiggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
Noith Main avenue, or Eiekc's diug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry, Holh telephones.
orymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
hou-is, lUJO Noith Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7S2,
nisr.ssMAKixo von children to order-.
ii l-o ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 212
Adams avenue.
v elopes, paper liags, twine, Warehouse, 130
Washington avenue, Seranton. Pa.
tics not to give ueilil to my wife on niv
mi mint, as 1 will not be tesponsible for any
ih i initial ted by her. Rudolph Waincka.
I HARTEIt NOTICE-Nolitc is heiehy given II. at
an application will be made to the governor
of tin- stale of Pcuitsvlvania, on Monday, tlu
17th day of .lune.'A. D. l'.KH, by V. M. Young,
Conge W. Ileeim-i, Chailcs II. Seals, N. '.
Mickey, P, .1. I , II. 11. Deishiiiier, Oeorge YV .
Hit seeker, II. M. EiuiTson ami S, .1 Van Vice',
tiider llie nit of assembly of the tominonvveallh
ot IViiiisylvania, eulitleil "An ait to pioviOi
I. .1' Hi- intoiioi.'illoii and leguhiliou of ceitalu
toipiiiatioii.," uppmvtd Apiil 21), IS1, and the
siipplnueiils tlii'ietn, for a iharlir of an in
tiiitled iinpiii.ilioii in be called -"Miniiiilt Daliv
1'," llie ili.nailer and ubiett whereof is
ftn the puipnsc ol n'.uiiilactiuing and selling
toiidiu-eil milk and all other dally ptoduil-,
mid tin this lo have and cnioy all He
lights, li. ti (it s uiul piivileges of the said ait
of assemble uiul its supplements.
liEOIHiP. II. TAYLOR, Snllcitoi.
I'llAltTEIS MITICE Vnlite is lieieb.v given thai,
an application will he made to the goveinoi
of the Male of 1',-nn.vlvaiil.i, on the Gib day t
.lime, A. I), 1111. by I'liailes A. .latkson. I ,i i -
II. Miiiges, Uilliam li, Paike. .lanio-i II.
Wale, and olheis. iindei the act ol assembly ol
the Coniiiionwealtli id Prini-ylvanti entitled ''Ar
"act lo piovlde for the inioiiioialiou and legula
lion ot ceitain oipoiallnns," appiovcil April 2'',
s7l, and the supplements then to, fin- a chain r
of .in iiileiiihil toipoialion lo be called Interna I'neiiiiiallc Paiklng lumpan.v, the iliar.ic
lee and nbjetl wheicof is the dealing, pun base,
holding and selling of patent lights, and lh
iii.inuf.ii line and sale of pneumatic am.
oiher palenleil ailiiles. nnd foi these purposes tc
liavc, pn-si'ss ami cnjti.v all the lights, tienefll
anil piivileges of the said sot of assembly an'.
its .slipph'llll'llls.
TIIOVIV.S, . WELLS Soliciloi.
I.eltiis te-tanieulaiy on the estate of Aimlndi
.Vol Id, lale nl tin Cilv nt S. union, deceived,
have been gianled lo the Hiideisigntl, to whoie
all pi'isoiis iiidthteil lo said estate ate Icquester
In make pa.iuieiii, and those lining claims m
demands, to make known same without delay,
II. C. Rl. Will. H-, Execulots.
Allotliiy for laitalo.
To Whom It May Concern:
'llie Oipliaus' Couit of l.ackawamu County Im
granted a nibi to tliovv cause why Maty Sulli
van, executrix: of the last will and lestani'iit
of Haldol W, Sullivan, ilmiild' not tie divilurged.
Hi unliable to next Alguinent Couit.
II. C. IIIIVXOI.I'S. Execulii.,
Mtoiucy tor L'.I.Hi'.
n.xyv'v ' v'vW'S
SAFEST! Money Will l.'arn Big; Monthly
QPeipi Returns.
Htol, 'I'lieliivestoi'sruudPsydSenibmonthlr,
Tlie oldest eslabllsbed in mciiij. No cerlifloal
hohler has ever jiv-t a cent. Payments mtda tn
nil subsi libels evi'l.v 13 days, Xo Double. No
delay. Money lelunded on demand. Write to
dav lor paiiieulais,- fieo lo any address.
C."i:. Mai Ley Co., Ilud.on Hld'e-,, New York,
4 and 5
lull paituuljr on appIiiMttt-L
. :. .. '! '
Rudolph Kleybpjte f Co.
1 NaBsau St., New York.