The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Piof. Fiotheioe's Composition Will
Be Given Its Inltlnl Piodlictlon In
Amoiica In the Ehst Welsh Con
Ricgntlonnl Clnuch Will Be
Smi In Welsh mul English.
Piojoctetl Pnve foi Scianton
Stieet New Fuinitme for Station
House Notes nnd Peisonnls.
Tin' sukiI uiiUhIu, "The Chllilirn
nl llciiVfii. ' Million 1i Pinf Piuilcl
1'nillli'iop, M. I! will In- pel Col ined In
IIimlHIl ill the I'll Ml WVMi I'oiiRii'Bii
tliimil (, rioiitli Main n t'tiito. mid
III Welsh loiimiinw i-mmiIiik'. The 1 1111
tntn N new mul uilglniil. Cm u liuenlle
choll, ami In ''alii ti hi! line "I the lieil
i uniposltliilti nl its Mini eei pllli
INIml. ()Mt n.Dnil i nple eie sold ill Willis
when II was liititiiliin'il llieie Tlir
.nit ii tit will be kUimi Its Initial pio
illli'lliui In .iiieilui this ew'iilnt;, .mil
II K 111 the h. mils nf i Dilipelelit peiiple.
vvliu hae ileninli'-ll.iti il ill the past
llli'll .ibllllN .llllllk Ihls llll"
The winds ueie Wiilten In lUleil,
one nf U'.ili ' imli'd pnels, and the
tiansl.itliin was uujde b l!e. Hod
wiiii Anl i Mhhi.itid Welsh si hol-
III The sold pills u 1 (. Mlllf; h'
sijine uf the hesi taleli! ilMiilnhle
nnd .ill who .lttend .ue assiueil uf a
llnlsln d piodiietliiii.
Anntliei i.intala whlih Is IicIuk me
p.llf'd lin pipsi nliUliin nil TiU'mIiiV,
M.i ' Is 'li.inlil, in (lie C'aptllt
and l!i stoiatiim " This piodm t Ion will
he shell In the T.iIk llliu. le uiiltld
rhiiii lindei the leadeihlp of I'ioI,
JIliKli .Iiiiiis
Novel Enteitainment.
The niliist I oN wlikli will he Kien
li the Hoheiuiin Ladles' i lull nil
Tliuisdav evenlliK. Alu 'it. nt Mens'
hall, piomlses to he one of the llnest elltei InlliineiHs rom 111 .1 lntifr
Mhlle Time will he tui'iitj -tho
rmns ladles Mho will tuK pall, and
thpv Mill he assisted hv the IoIIiimIiir
well Know n nieinhpis nt ihp i;petiic
Pin "WlKpInien's .Minsuol company:
tilllv AVllllains Tom Ktcupiis, l.uth'ei
Thomas, Ben Allen. Tied Welnss (Jus
Knon, Xel-on Toots, 1'hiiei C'l.iue,
Hei t Jnnips, .John Thoiun". ilondlo Da-
Is and II. ii iv JhCiuckon
TiiKpls tan lie had fiom am nieiu
hei of the (ompanv and also at the
This Is to Be
A White Season
And White Goods are more in demand for skirts,
waists, and cool summer frocks, than we have ever
known before. Then there is another reason why
White Goods are active.
The Graduating Girl
Is just making up her mind for the fiftieth and last
time, what she is going to wear, on the most event
ful day in her life's history.
Drap De Soie, Persian Lawns
And French Batistes
Have proved first favorites so far for the dainty robes
of the winsome maidens who intend bidding adieu to
to their school days.
Lace Striped Novelties
India Linons and Victoria Lawns
Are also sought for, while the simple Dotted Swisses
and other old-time favorites are also in demaud. Most
of the above are used for street dresses or waists also
For Separate Skirts
Nothiug has yet come along that is as popular as the
ever new French Piques. We have them in all sized
welts, and prices are a little better than just right
) ' . for the buyer.
A Wonderful Bargain Lot
In Pique Remnants in
JNot a yard ot them could be duplicated tor less than
40 cents a yard, and some are worth a z- h
..1 P.9fl deal more. Your choice as loujr X.i
I "' j ,as they last the yard
Globe Warehouse
jiiiVT x
following places of biHtipnH In the
I'piitiat city: li. tl. Powell & Coin
puny, lMielpV di'iiR- sltnc, L.01 on, te
Koonipel, MrUnrruh & Thoinns, .tnhn
.I. I.oftun' duiK stm es, Lit ml Is' 1 1ii r
stoic! tin the West Hide, lit CleorRe W.
.tonkins', A. AW Muski'UVp'h, .tohii .f.
Davis' mid .SIii.vpi'm driiR Htmcs, O. I
Ilvnon - Contpmiy's and Mm mm
Thomas' Rtoopiy Htore, VfelfTpr'.s elsur
mid hm boi' .shop, and also nt the West
Hide hospital. Prices of admission:
(tents, "id renin; Indies, !," eenlH A
.social will be shon aftoi the tiotfotm
anto. .
St. David's Chinch Notes.
The .s'lstois of Bethany completed
ntimiBctnontH Inst nlfjht for the leo
li emu nnd sttaw berry festival to be
held tomunow PVonltlET. Tkkets me
in the hands of all the memhois at Ii"
i enl.
The Ladles' Aid soclctv Mill hino
llli'll lemilnf business mooUiit?- tonioi
inw evenlnj.'.
The lector loll .ostPrilny for the
i oilM'lltlon lik'h is belns held at
Pottsvllle. Ue expci Is In ictllili tu
iiuiriow moinliiK
The ipRiilar Pi Ida v mmnlni5 seniles
will he hold as usual.
The iiiiunliiK attendant p nn Sunday
Mas uiiiistmlly laiKi'. The Simdii
si hool ntteiiilaiHe was Rood. The
i limine Hum aftei noon to uiiiiiiIiir:
.seems to hnve been Melt reeehed. Sev
eial new sihnlais wete um oiled.
The Sunilav srlinol pluile Mill be
held nt Lake I.odoie, .lul.x Tickets
Mill he on vale In a slioi I time. Uveiv
luemhei of the pulsh Is iiiKed to ro
mid assist In the expeiivis by jiui
( linsliiR- ,i tiiket.
Tile letuiiis Hum the iiimimiKe sale
weie iholil l() The St. Agues ehaplpp
wlslus to thank .1. D Williams & Com
pam lor use of tliet' mum and the
Clnhe W.iiehnuso fm imti llititlon of
.11 tli lev
Want Scianton Stieet Paved.
The ipvldenls nf Sei.uitnn vlieet he
low the i.ilhoad no&sliiK .no anxious
Unit voiup linpioMini'iit be made In
tli. 'I thoinilRhfaie, now that the sewer
has been p'll m. 11 Is uudpi stood tli it
M'entli stieet Mill be veweied and
paed, InHMeen AVest Lackawanna
iixenue and Scianton stieet, and that
an Plfoit Mill be made to bae a pave
laid at least fiom the intoiseitlon of
Seventh and Scianton stieets down to
the house biklR-p. It Is contended most ol the foot tioultiKf at that
point is owned hv the Ontial It.Uliond
of Xcm JeiM-v, and evei since the ob
l.ilned n llRht of May at that point
the stieet has1 been neglected, until
iiom' It is almosl Inipassalile.
The street Is iPitainH in a Inrt (im
ditloii and needs attention, and
eei efforts alp put foith bj the oun
cllmfii or the Fifth and UtRlitienlh
Maids Mill lecehe hemtv Mippoit limn
the piopeilv owneis on Seiaiiton
vlieet. At piesenl the eonti.ulois on
the sewer aie eiiffaRed in m 01 king hi
that "Weinitv, and in 1 oii'-eiiucnce l he
stieets aie tmn up ionsU:oiabl
After Many Yeais.
Thomas i:non, the cnoiable 11 si
dent of South Alain aenue. lelt es
teiday for a iMt to Lansloid, I'a., and
from i to 10 yard lengths.
Camden, Del, whole his slstels icslde.
It Is many yeaia since Mr. llynon visi
ted JJiefio. places, and ho looks forwmd
to the trip with much nntlclpallon.
At 0110 tlino he una lutcinstetl In
mlnltiR In Lit ns ford, which miis tin
Fteno ot his emly ttlinnphp. Mr. 12y
non Is now over 70 jenis of iikc. ami
has been a. resident of "West Snoiiton
for mmiv wir. Ills nimiv fi lends
w If li him a pleasant lottitiey and a
safe tetniM.
New ruintture In Stntlon House.
Dhector of 1'tiblle .Safety ItllchcorU
has oat tied the platitude, ahendv of at
least Hpvett membeis of the police foice
by placing' In the Jackson Htteet stu
tlon houe secu new chalis for tlm
use of the patiolmon dm Inn their
IoIiiiiiu bouts and at liinih time. Thev
aie also In need of a new table, which
Is wanted for luui'hltnr put poses, and
while the needs it n buhisr consldeied
ll would not be out of phue to pio
ldc a now desk for Lieutenant AVll
llains, The dlieilor inn tlttther en in the
Kliitlttlde of the olllevis mid Hie
pilsoneis If the hulldltiK Is pttL In n
belter sanitary (ondltlon and 11 belter
nvtem of heatlntr the station house
should he piovlded. It would not b"
out of plai " If the walls weie re
papeied mid a little flesh paint lidded
to the kIooiiiv Intel lot.
Funeial of Mis. Coopei.
A laijfe rilimbei of fi lends mid ivn
tl'es ol the late Mis. Ilobett Cooper
attended the luneial set Ices which
weie held at the lamlly home In Tilpp
I'aik jpviPidav a f let noon.
Ue . I). I. .lours, of the Tabeinai le
Conmesatlonul i httreh, and Rv. Ly
man, weie the ofllelalliiB ilorKVinen.
Inleiment war made In the I'oivst Hill
teinelei .
At tlnii' Davis, of Not tli Suninei inc
line, son of I'ollie Captain .lolm Duls,
has 1 etui mil home J nun an enJoable
islt to New Y01 U and I'osion.
Uiiij.imln Itenshaw, ol Philadelphia,
Is lsltlntf at the home of Ml. and Mis.
Allan tie Iteuvlmi, on Ninth Main ae
mie. 'I he Home Mlwnum oiiely of the
Simpson 'Methodist .Hplst opal 1 lunch
will hold t holt meeting tomonnw een
ItiK .it the home of Mi-. V. Davis,
on South llde Tail: juenue. The suh
ieet foi dls lisvion l be "Oiientals
and Oui New Powesslonv "
MKs nniiiia Hills, of Spi hifr Miook.
N the Kiitsi or the Misses Johnson, of
South Main aenue
The Vi.s side Cluiit (lull enter
tained last evcnliiR'.it the homo of Mi.
Albeit JieiKer, on Thirteenth stieet,
and a eiy enjo.iable renln? was
spcui hv all pi event
Mis. John Jl. CielKer. of Heading, Is
the Biiest or Di. and Mis C.eoiRP I!.
ItcMioldv, ol Ninth Main ienup.
.Mr. and M:is AVIIliani N. ('have, of
Nmth Biomlev aenuo. entei tallied the
Thimble club at theli home lavt een
Ins 'I lie nunibeiv ol the Leek Soeial i lub
held .111 eiijovablp session last eAonlns
at Lnoih Hi ails' hotel, on .T.u Uvon
stieet. The usual dheivions Incidental
to the meetings mcic indulged in
The ladles of St Patihk's 11.11 Ish ate
inaMng .itiangenients foi a 11I11111 tue
voi lal to he held in Young Men's Insti
tute hall on Julv I. when V0 will bo
disposed of In i ham e Main aluahlp
.11 tit lev will he deposed of.
All membeis ol the Young Men's In
stitute Minstiel eonipam aie" ieiiiesed
to meet in the 1 minis this evening foi
A huge II ig pole is being eieikd in
the Cumin Ja remoleij, on AViivhlimn
sunt, and on Memoiial da, Tliuis
dav, M.iv .'0, ,m AuiPiIc.iii Hag, IS.'4
feet. Hill he iinfuileil to the bKeyps,
Willi appiopiiale exeidsis
Ch.iiks T Biachmaii and Miss
Bcitlia I'hestnut, lpvideutv of hlmnln
lldghts. vveie united in niaui.igo at
Hlnghaniton icienilv bv Uev ,1. M
Phillips, D 11 The.v have 1 etui lied and
Mill IPsjilp IlPIP.
A nieetiiig or loikmcn Inteie.sed In
the fm liutUnn of a union will he held
at 7 Ml o'lloik this morning at the
(oiuei of Main aVinuc and Hampton
Miss Catheilue Ualdwin lias 1 plumed
home Hum a Kit with fi lends in New
'I lie legular inaver vnvlip of the
Shnp-011 Methodist 1 lunch
will ho held this evening.
A legular meeting of the Sloi um
lodge of Odd Fellows will be held this
The itgul.i" weekly meeting of the
Ladles' Aid voiiety will he held In the
PI) mouth Congiegiillonal cluiidi to
day. 'I lie Ladles' Aid society of the (simp
son MethodLst Lplsuipal chinch will he
held tomoiiow.
The postponed games of the "West
Side Tennis dub will be pla.ved this af
tei noon. The schedule auangi'd foi lust
Satin dav will be plajed.
A huge number of people me look
Ingfoiwmd loan "livening with Abia
hum Lincoln" with pjeusumhle antici
pation. It will 01 c ur on "Wednesday
cnenlng, Mnv L"i. at the South Main
Avenue Welsh Cahlnlsile. Methodist
c hutch.
The closing dance of the season under
the uusplies of the Lleetiie CltyAVhepl
nien will he hi Id In Minis' hall tumor
low evening.
Tea Coal $1.50 a Ton Dellveied.
to South Hide, cential cliv and ccutinl
lldi) I'.uli, Addiess onleis to J, T.
Shaikty, Hill Ceihu avenue. 'Phone
AVillla;u Ouivey, of living avenue,
wivi aiiestecl jesteiday a I lei noon hv
l'aiicilmau lloluud lui being drunk
and cllsoideilv. il.uvev was coming
along 'Doiineli.v iiiuil. ne.11 Uid coiner
of Aider htteet, wluro ,1 wall iiboilt
twelve leet high btniuls, Ho foil oil tup
of a pile of stones and was badly cut
about the (aie Ho wis taken to tho
Million house and theie his lujiules
wvio dtesbed. He Mill bo given a
heming this moiuiiig.
The tuiieinl of the late Mi.s J. O,
Holalld will take place to-mmiow
moiuiiig at ! o'doiU, vvlih a leijuiem
limbs in St Jo.sephV ilmuli, Mluooka.
Inleimeni Mill be inaclo In the Cathe
dial (1'iiieii'i.v.
The lllesvul VIibIu Sodalltj ol St,
John's t liimh will hold an ho ueam
and Miuwbeiiy ttblUul at the cliuich
hasomeiil 011 AVeduesday, May 9. An
1 nteituiiimeiit and hoclnl will ho given
aflei Hie icMlval h the Columbus
Kiunill Y. M, 1, at Pliaiinaey hall.
M. Simon Pilcil, of Siockvllle, Mlbs,
Would iinp lump's IIjUjhi ur t lie Duo it an)
llM.S It U CIUill" 1II0II! 1 ou.'lw, LuUli,
Aktlinu, HinmliltU, Cioup Jul jll Ihroal aid
luii,; 'lioulilcx, lluii j n ether mi ilk inc. 'I Mc
iivulctur lus uiitliuilmil jii ihu;i,Ut tu (.hv
juii a vjjiuplc llutllv luo Id lumluu ,uii o( the
mint uf IliU ,'iiat uinuK. 1'iiic ii.. aul W.
A ravorlto of tho Dramatic Stage In'
Lending Boles.
MIm MuIp vliurti wlin h o hvotnbl known
tor her ilrtni4llc uoirri hi IpiiIIhk io!i, wrote
from I'lillmli-lplilii on Jin, -. 1WHI "I lnc tii'ver
iwil mil olhrr tiifilkhic liuo I ilNcnvrrfil tlir
Vipii' of tluir.Cs Pure .Malt Wlihlcii. It rrvln m
tiled liirvci and Wi nn In poifnt Ik alt Ii. tl'
fpllc tn v imitlnujl tli) ll nnd luiiilll ulriln "
Miss sit i
Ml suiirl's biilv mediilnc i llullc's I'nrp
Milt Wlii-kev.
Mini, prim 1 iloniiis pnlilii s-nikii, iluisi
nu'ii, Inu.wra ami nil 1 1 1 1 i mm and wnmm 11 Ki
Mii sin irt no Miihjict lo t t w plasitil mul
I'linlil stiiln Hie fitt that tin .v iinlf.irnih n'o
Pnlfj'H Pine VI1I1 WliMvi.i lo foil tfv lliuii-jluh
I't-'i i nvt and In 1 id tin lit to Ko IIiiiiiikIi pnlixls
of lurd VMirk nnd csritcniinl, I he sliniiiriil
iwllik proof that Dnlh'c Ihnu Mult WhMnj U
I he host tnnle and itliiiiilint
llnlTi's 1'uie Milt Uhiikic nun niivnn-m t
and IndiKiilli 11; nhn pnwu Id tin- In lin,
slrniBlli and ilnliciH In Ihc nnnili"i mil llrh
m to tho lili ml ll )ir-it lcl nun lorisuiop
tiim mid ill Ihnnt nnd 1 111 ilc liuulilih 11 14 1
pininolir of (,iioil In 1MI1 uid luiiKt lt3 . Mil.e
tin- old lonnc. Iiripi tin .1011111; -Iron II I-. il
1 ilnlclv pi re aid 1 nljiii-; no fnv 1 oil (".on m
limit nndicine it imp inn'ei I In 1:111111111 Ml
(InmcKtJ -mil (-riiiois hind, si no mi Imlllp.
"'lodlcal lionl, nut free lo mv one who wnln lii
Dull! Milt Wlmkiv fo, Itoihi-lu, N .
Is the Ktiest of Mis. AVIIliam Stein mid
daushtei, on Cedar avenue.
Danhl OiMiv. of this side, has left
for "Duslioie, Sullivan county, to at
tend the Mineral of his unile.
The Scianton K.tciiKCt 1 unde will
meet foi reheat sal this evening: in Ath
letic hall
The membeis of the llo.val Aicanum
will meet this evening- in tegulnr busi
ness session at Phai inncy hall
11. 'in Call lodge, Xo JS(', will tut c-t
nt ltui man's hall this evening- at &
Mi. Kmil Heibstet. or this side, has
1 etui ned fiom the L'nlvoiviu hospital
at Phil idelphla.
Inteiesting Lectin e by Kev. S. T.
Willis, at Chiistian Chuich.
New Police Lieutenant
Ui. S T. Willis, the will known
New Voik 1 lei ra man and lectin ei,
K.iM! an inteievtim; Icetuie last even
ing- at the rluistlan chinch, on Xoith
Jlalu .iMiiuu. Ills sublet t was 'The
Lights and Shadows of New Y01 k
Ule" .Mi. Willis is a h ei v pleasing:
vpe.iker and made a deep inipievsion
upon all pieseut.
He heg-au his let tine with a desciip
tiiui ol tho people of New
Yotk and the pool people in the slums
ot the icat iltv He spoke about
chin It v and the ehieifui g-iveis of the
city whence he came Mom and also
desci I bed the wavs pel sons aie led
into (iimev in the daik sections of
Xew Voik Ills hetuie was inteiesting
1 1 0111 suit to finish and was enjojetl
to the utmost hj .ill pi event.
New Lieutenant in Chaige.
The Xcnth Jhul Clee votielv will give
a tonceil in 1 Idil Fellows' hall Tliuis
dav evening-, M,n .'! 'L'he lollowing
pnigianime will be given:
flioiii-, "Viliinl v 1 1 1 1 1 - ., , . (,ke .ikf
-in,', "In old Mich id' ;. Jiui
I 1 liumuil il sin lion
llu1 nil-, vllkin.n in I I'.un
viii.'. Mini lh-" ) i,,,,,
Pin., ' Muliil
Vlts-'i, llui in-. 111 1 Im k
v.n.', MJiiuii ot llu I'nlh' I link
( 1,01 IH, ' fill tlll'lllci-," I, In siiu.U
Mm', vilet ttcl . llt.
Unci, "lphilitli il" -
'hi- 1) l. I 1 Hi, .1 id I.hMuii Vtnlil,
llnllilloii, O111 1 In-" . .. 11 i.uiillh,
voii', "The llollmn of tin v, ,"..., vh, lluli'H
ln,tiiiim.lit d m In 1 mil
Ititliiidi. silkmui mil II. m
''.'. MllClld 1, i 11 (v,is
( iinciillii 1 m In (hi, 1 1 , I11 .ill
Hint, "lltmill ami lllodiwn"
Mr, I) p lii mil Mi. Iiiii,
I In 1 us "oliliu' ( hm 11,", . , . din i-nihu
Conceit Thuisdny Night.
I.leiilenani of Police Lomi Ua.v, w I10
.viiccecds MUhael Spellnuin as tho olll
cer in dim go ol this picoim t, enti'icd
upon his duties lasi night, mul Pattol
inau Thomas Thoimix, who huh In en
.ictliWf Ilt'iiteniiut, agulu icsumed duty
on his but.
Lieutenant la s adiuliablv atlaiUid
lor the position he uuw holds, ami
.Voi th Si 1 anion lesldeuts unlvei sully
signify tlnir uppitnal ol the 1I10I10
which .sent him to this .station. While
hettei known In the cential clt.v than
Xcnth Sciianton, l.leuteimnl Uu ks
uevi'l theltss vei) popiilm in tills sti
llini NUJ1S OF NEWS.
The I'leikf, liieiuaioual Pioteetlve
usMiilatlon, No. l'l'i, will give mi eutei
tailliueiil at the Audiloilum uci Tut.s
da cnenlng, when a piogtaiumu will
be lentleiccl b;. some of tlio Inst loiul
talent. A Sen lal will ulp bw held,
Alileiiiiuu lltlo U MMI.s sled
fl lends In .leuuMi .vesloidio
The .Modem Woiidllli'll, No 'lIVi, will
Shu a bamiuet in iheii 1001111, tomoi
iow evening'.
Pall hk .Mullen, ol lllouin liveilile, left
lor New Yoik clt, Tili'!iiila, wheie lin
has aici'pUd a puMlloll III a litie dc
p ilimeilt stoie
The .Maniueitn (ouiiill held a mint-lug-
last ovi'iiliig in tlii'ii munis on
West Maiket slieel
1 The l'Ce stone Club will (olidiKt a
daiue tomoiiow evening in the Audi
toilum llobi'll .li'likllls, of W.I.WIO avenue,
hud tluee Hugeis on his left liaml so
bidlv miingleil on Monday by being
iiushed between (.us in the Vein
Stoich mine that amputation was nee
c.ssuiy "The Phuich's Hlesseil lnhei liaiue"
will be the theme of the veivho this
evening: In tlm Piovideiue piesbyteil
1111 chuii li.
Michael Timlin, of liihk avenue,
was aiialgriicd bcloie Aldeimmi .Mei.t
lust evening on the cliuigo uf assault
and battel y, piefened by Junies C!uv-
In. It was diilmed that Timlin and
Clavln nuarrelod In a hotel on Hilck
nventie and Timlin .struck diivln sev
eral times. Oavln then went befoie
Atdernian JUers mid swore out uwiir
Mini on the chin ko Htntcd nhove. Af
tor a hcailtig the costs of Hie tno
weie plnotl oil the defendant, who
paid them and on tried ball for up
pcmmice at coiut. Attmtie.V 0. P.
O'Miilley the ilefelldntit,
Job Jenkins, of Wayne avenue, a
lliehoPH In the Von Slmch mine, had
tin 00 uf the llngeis of his light hand
badlv smashed .Monday hv having
them squecod belweeli mis while he
was nt woik.
Enteitainment to De Given by the
Boys' Biigade, of Qieen Ridge.
Poisoning of Dogs.
The Uovs' Itilgmle. 01 Cuen P.ldge,
will give 1111 entei liiluineni and lee
eieam social 11 1 .Mold's hall, Pilday
evening. Ma.v I'l. The following- pio
giammc will be icndcied.
I'limi m'Io MIm . tin tint no (lildln
lleiilliiir, vlrilcd Mls I Ijre slmiim
llt ll Mlo Vl,1 llllMlldt
Pibirle ni-i, Ml-t I nlu ( 011-tllillnc
IlKitiitlnii, "Monv Mii,k"... Miml Wliillipilin
oill ,olo . . . lnlo lomim Munis
l'.itilomlnii , Miiiiiii' 'lliin' Ihc llji"
Ml(, lllit liiiino l.lilliii. Iiom I'iiii
I 1111. I.1III111 Mori Is (I tic slmnni, VI 1
inle I iin, I nlu Sinn
lit 1 llnui
l 1) llrail,ei,i
00 How We 1 1 unit. I 1 Moiim.
Mis-, ( oiiMimllm
riuii snliiKintr vii- sin, mil
otiI inlo . .... It mint Mollis
I'antoininit, "ViijpIsoI I! Mi"
WUi riiiitinii
Poisoned Dogs.
nvldenllv the pattv m ho has bet 11
engaged ior some lime' lu the whole
sale poisoning- of .Iocs blong-lug- to
lesldeuts o TillKet ami P.ieakcr
stieets hive elmusti(l th supply ol
these and img-.m-od in new Ileitis, as
veveial of the incut Militable dogs on
Sanih 1 ton and ilonvev avenues wete
poisoned vesteiday.
Whether the partv Is Inkieslrd in
the letilgeiatoia and g-.u.l"ns of this
neighhoihood mid vv nils tho dogs out
ol the wav, that thev may train ac
t ess to th objects ol their deshe, 01
whether the aie inspiied by motives
ol pine cU'vydnevs is not known.
Tlit following: pioRinm will be 11 n
deietl at the enteitainment given by
(Jliiss Xo 10, of Asbuiy JI. 1. chuich,
to-moirow evening. Solo, "il'appail
tltt Anian." Flotovv, K AVllson John
son, 1 ('citation, selected, Miss
Hopewell: piano solo, "Impiomptii
Mauikn," Miss Heitlni Congei Waid;
violin volo, "Fantasle I'astmale," Mas
tei Ccoige Hi leg;al, lecltatlon, se
lected, Miss Illdtod Oiccn, solo, "The
Lost Choid," Miss i:tlul Shoemackr.
rcItnllon, "The Wiwv.ud Mfe," Jtlvs
hlcla, Osenbach: piano solo, 'The
Coin lei." Mr. Stanlev Svvmtz; lead
ins, sele(t'd. Miss Helen Hill: duet,
' Tho ll.n p Once Thin't
Mails." the Jllvves Ciace and Iless
Stackhouse. Admission 10 tents. I( e
cieam and cake will be on sale lm
lei tiiiiitnciu Mill begin at S o'clock
hai p.
The (iieen Uitle Women's Chiistian
Tciupt'iance union will meet this af
ternoon at .1 o'tloik in the ilvang-eli-(.il
(huich, on C'apause uvenue. A full
attendanee I, cUshril Snbjet I. "ho
tial J'uiitv" in ihaigi- ol Mis Camp
bell, supetlnlonilenl ol the dp itlincnt.
All aie vveliome
The national leetuiei, 3Iis. I C.
Kiilev, of Piohlbitiou Paik, St.itun
Island. X. V, will speak at the Dun
11101 o Piesb.tciiau ihuiili on Tliuis
dav evening:. May J!, and in the Dun
moie Methodist chinch, Fiiday even
ing. Mav .'I Mis. Ilailey is a speaker
of most winning- piesente, has a cleii,
sttong- voice and is .1 louetul and elo
(liient speaker. J:veiMheio she goes
she attiattv l.ue audience. Tl Is
hoped vhe will be welcomed by huge
audleniesat Dunmoie.
.Mlihael Mack and Miss Calheilne
Sample and .lames nnug-heitv and .Miss
Mmv Mi Keniia will be mauled lu
St. Mai.v's ohm (h this altetnoon.
A thawing- foi a set ot mining- tools
for the benellt of Mis. William Powell
will be hold .a 7(17 Quincy avenue,
Satuitla.v, June JJ
M. J. MOOXHY. Attniney l: J.
Mooney died ill tile Mouv hospital,
Wilkes-Elm 1 e, at -'10 vestetday moiuiiig-
of tuboi miosis, afler an Illness of
sevcial weeks. Dei eased Mas Hi jeais
of ag-e, and Is sun hod hv his wife and
one iluuKhlei, He was bom lu Fieo
laml and was engaged in newspaper
woik In Huleiuu and Seimituii, going
to Wllkes-li.uie about twelve .veins
ago For sevcial veins ho was an odl
toilal w liter on the Times lu ihls city.
He nun 1 led a chuightoi of John White,
of South Wllkes-Huuo, After his niai
llage he studied law mul upon btliis"
it tl ml t ltil to the bar, uboul live teais
iihii. bieaiue a paitiur In the law Hi in
ol Coei kcl Ar Jloouo), llcsldes his wile
anil child, dot eased Is suivlved b his
inolherand a slstoi, living: In rieolaud
MltS. UOsi: MAItlON.-.Mi.s Hose
Million illi'il at the leslilouin of her
daughier, Mis lleni.v I'mmvan, .10.1
Pleusaui siieet, je'iteida aftoiuoon
ultei a shun Illness, She is suivlved
h hei thiughtois, Alt s,. Heiuj Cana
an and Mis Patihk Spoilmuu The
fuueial will take plate tomoiiow 11101 11
Imr fiom tlm lesltleiKc, noi Pleasant
stieet, S01 v lies will ho held In SI Pat
lick's 1 hint h at D.IO o't-lot k, and u
loimeui will he made lu the Cathedial
fc'ineoi .
HlimOT.T coi.i.I.Vs. Ihlilgi t Col
lins, aged about .IS .veins, dletl jesiei
(ho at tho homo ot lift sisiei, .Alls
Mai j I, avail, ol Pine sued, wlieie she
had nuido hoi homo lot sonic time, him
hail been a sulleior tin bovoinl eas
Mom 1 lii'iiiiiatisiu .she Is siuviviil hi
her biotlioi, Paiilik Collins and Mis
l.iivali mid Mis p, ll. o'llma 111
Hloom slioet Fuueial liollic lalei
MltS ANNIJ FAITt.K.Vni! - Mm
Anno Fuulkuti died estoi(la at hei
home, G.'Q Penu avenue. She Is sin
vived by two luotheis, William mid
Uiiuy. ami two small chililien The
fuueial will bo held oil Tliuistla altci
1101111. with Intel iiienl in Finest Hill
1 1 nil-let ,.
Seivites ovt'i the lemalus of the late
Mis. Ilvan It. Jones will be tuiiiliu ted
at the houso 011 Ninth Hioniley ave
nue tomoiiow aftetuoou at J o'elock.
Intel ineiit will bo mude lu Ihc Wash
bum stieet lemetoty.
Special Diseases of Men
Faculties Tp
If yon ire iilTfrln(t from 1111) tlPntc or ronclitlon peculiar fo men. or II ynti hint bn
ditappolnted In not celtliiK pirinineiit (itri. I want yon lo lonn? nnd have nodal chit
tllli inc I will rrpbln to yon MV sSTrvt OK rilllATJIBST, nliltli t liate oilglnntfd
ml developed after my ttliole life' experience In treitlni; spet lal dltetses of men I lilt
no hells speilfles hie dimples trial trrnlmint or electro niedltal tomhlnallnns or ulniilar
(letftei ulilcli do not nnd cannot tine tlUrars pntullar to men. My etlutitlon, my eiperl
'nr'. t conscience, tin- reputation condemn nil audi nmrkrrv. If you will pay m a
tt'lr I ttlll ulie ynn m J OF CIKIKIti tlmroiteli inrsonnl 1 iiimliiallon and an honrtt
opinion of .tour 01H If Jon are liniilnlile f will tell tell tn, and adtl,e yon so that .ton
till not be liiimliUKReil liv uiicrtiiulont prattltlnnern who thlm to euro all. If ntlrr exam
ijhr yon, I And you curable, 1 will Int'ire yon of a iiermanent line. Inumurli aa I will
Klti ton a written Kiiarantce to refund on rvirv tent ton lmtc piid mo in use I fill to
effect a Hire I mala no charge for medltlnen. an I key are ilttit Included In the nominal
fee, asked, and .von taion to the tent, litforo J oil Klart what jour whole frenlmenl i Iptlnit
to cmt, and I will nnkp no filie promUti a to the time foi the tike ol sitting you a
a patient, at I piomine onlv whit I tan do, and do as I prumiv..
I'NVUI II Mi IHHIIMMJI'S mopped in C to 10 Uaja f,
1 MISSIONS and Dnliifl stopped In 3 to 15 data
I'tri IIS I nre not ot how lone atnndlnir, I will dry them up at once.
STflirri UK cured without tuttlnR or dilating
IMDItOt'l Id! or am attillliiRH or ciihrKemeiits rislured at once
IMPOTI NCV It my jitem ol tnatinjnt la curable hresptttlte of the lime ttindlnt; or
yonr ace
IthMini'Tl l) MI1M V dcranrtnients ly my ajttem ot tteitment show (ilRai of Im
provement hum the tin beginning
Hlirt'SHTIsM, helm; imieil hi Impure condition of blood, It tureil permanently by
SI'ICIHO niOOI) rOIOMNO, prrmincntlj curttl without the ute ot lodttlo of Potash
or Men ury.
Will 1 1. If ton lannot rail Ml toireapontlenee strlellt confidential and all replies sent
lu plain emelopii lntlo-.e Jttnt al imp to imurc replj.
OH Hi: I10L1IS, y i m to fi p in ind 8 to 8 p 111 ; SuiuIjjs, 10 a m to 4 p m.
ll ID
Permanently Located at
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building,
426-428 Spruce St., SCRANTON, PA.
TROUBLES than any other remedy. A HOME TREATMENT
METHOD. Endorsed by many Physicians.
If interested, write for further information to C. J. Church, 1423
N, Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
The Cambria Cemetery-
The Cambria Cemetery Company beg to announce
The Opening of
Their New Cemetery
On Washburn Street
The Cemetery Grounds are high and dry, immediately
adjoining the old Washburn Street Cemetery, and com
manding a magnificent view of the Keyser Valley.
Inspection of these grounds may be had at any time by
applying at the ollice, located 111 the cemetery.
Until June 15th, burial lots will be sold at a greatly
reduced rate. Foi full information apply to the sexton on
the grounds,
No. 2024 Washburn Street, City.
Michaelian Bros. & Co.
In a few dnys we have to ship the gieatcr pmt of our stock
To our Saratoua Spring Ntore But Jicfore shipping we may toll ou tlwt we hau about
Wty Tub?" raM7c". inch o don't care toe 11 ry 111 our btocU a,,y lo"Kcr' ',nJ we W,U
sell tliem .it sacriliced prices.
Best Wilton, Arlington and Smyrna Rugs
Also China and Japan Mattings
At Reduced Prices,
While none to ojr .mintr homes (or the summer months we w ill meuJ anJ More your Rugs. ... ,. . .,,, . ,.,. tn ti.m
uurw.t in memiini; your runs m uum, "
Michaelian Bros.
Manascn an 1 l.Mfe Local Manasf r.
M I lllls l I K,
Vera de Noie Stock Company
IS III I'll.ltlllll
Mihi ! v M hup iml' I-1 iml
W.illu ill) .iinii, V I irv ljii,lui.i '
MjlUl.P ihl I'iiio, H jiki A ' l in
lulling hiil-, III, 'ij jul Hi mil.
Oiojii ioiii Mliiitii ( H. Niw liri'a tjuiuiii
lil.illli jimI iliaiiic nu'ii I.ji:;i4 ill lln ( i'J.-l
Mi'-L iiiiomiI Hut Jhil liM Nun Mil I'llln in
lllll-l, lilt lu KUiW vlll.ijl SH(; UU
(lulii-lu jiuI iliucin.'. ,
( II s It l Its. OiMifr jiul 1'ii'iu
Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex.
MielnU u and Hi uli. Atljullo ( ll, S I
Mtli jui'l '' handful loouii iii.iiilt,!
and Willi lulli, liul ami ultl toj ujlu lullu
in liolil jiul Jiino, IuuIUjii ilcd jn.l irnlul,
ultliiu f(U )UliU of llic Mill I'm. (liiliolu,
(llli l.l tpiLljl fillii' IJlu, i lu l'i I'.l uuK,
.'00 lii lo 1) I'ul-ll uln lu faiiillUk. ( OJilnj
mid all luluj, UllU foi liooklit
Cente r
My '
124 Washington Ave.
& Co.,
- hlis iintars'nnit, ucc.
A J UUl V, ilaiia,.r
(ll Mf.llt OMV
Hiss Rose Helville
IN llll 111 VI COUI ll DIMMV,
Sis Hopkins
run is ' , in . ii ami ;. ,
si il, in .il . .llu mI i.i .ll l J li
Sllllll 1IMIMI MI Ml III' M Jj
lluilia tioliiiuu I'u ml
John Drew
III llu. Hum ill' Hi Mi if Wiiu-Kii f'hui Mil's
UIIKUi i,ul, H
Richard Carvel
I'ltll t s UlllltctlJ, S nil,,,!!. llltlC. '
iIhm illik, lu, li jiul uc ti I-,. r'H
IjIioii,, llui Ittu luw. i jn, ncM Ihlii.-HOHH,
$1; U-l lliuo luuj, TJi., but a 'it-, . iost, T- M. i
ijme 1 1 ins sill ('ii' vail at mitincc ni (ji uiince,